tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business May 6, 2021 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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13,500. how about that? not much change for the s&p but it is at the 4180 level. remember this program in the past, a lot of people are saying it will go to 43, 4400. we'll see about that. "friday feedback" is tomorrow. email us in your thoughts, questions, videos. send your thoughts to time's up for me. neal, it is yours. neil: i thought italy would be in that mix but i guess it's not. all right. maybe a lot of fellow italian-americans don't admit it, i don't know. but thank you, stuart, very, very much we're following all of the developments. i don't buy that survey one april oat at that. corner of wall and broad the dow is in record territory after doing pretty nicely as stu pointed out. nasdaq pretty flat here. the good news on the jobless claims front, first time we're below half a million filings
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since the whole pandemic began. a reminder how much the economy stormed back from those pandemic lows. now of course, everyone girding for the big employment report, the national employment report due out early tomorrow morning. you know the drill. we're expecting a big gain in jobs. close to a million of them. unemployment rate themselves sliding to 5.8%. transportation, could see surprises on the upside and could see sector growth, average hourly earnings, all that other stuff into the mix, it has a lot of folks talking inflationary pressures which we are going to get into as well because don't look now gold is looking pretty pristine. bitcoin, bitcoin related investments looking pretty pristine. tech stocks not so much. gold a little north of $1814 an ounce. this is the first time we've seen these kind of figures since early february. we're on top of all of that as
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we are what the president will be up to. he will be in louisiana, talking up infrastructure spending maybe wooing, wooing, the state's two republican senators in the process. that is the hope. casey stegall in louisiana. hey, casey. reporter: neil, the president will be wheels down here in a minute. louisiana is the perfect backdrop for today's visit from president biden where he will be touting his aren't families and american jobs plan. and also of course that $2.3 trillion infrastructure package over a decade that we've been hearing so much about with 621 million to improve and rebuild america's roads, bridges, railways, airports and water treatment plants. a message that really resonates here in lake charles. as you know devastated by hurricanes laura and delta last year. in fact louisiana itself has been hit by 30 extreme weather events in just the last decade.
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the white house gives this state a d-plus grade for its antiquated infrastructure. >> our goal for these additional funds would include addressing long-standing projects that have been on the books for years. meaning our priority programs. creating a sustaining jobs across the state. chipping away at our 14 billion-dollar infrastructure backlog that is continued to grow while funding has lagged. reporter: now after lake charles the president will travel on to new orleans to tour a facility that houses water pureification equipment before heading back to washington. there is the debate between democrats and republicans over the definition of infrastructure, how much is going to be spent. a meeting is planned at the white house next week on that. neil, meantime senator mitch mcconnell says he doesn't think that he will be able to get any gop support with this. to be continued. neil: yeah.
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i think he has gone on record saying 100% focus will be blocking the biden agenda. i think that means no. casey stegall in lake charles. thank you, my friend. jackie deangelis following all the developments of the economic environment, the backdrop for what joe biden wants to do. he can talk about, he has heard a great deal of grief if you think about it, jackie, from employers and the like you know, higher taxes associated with this, some of the other things we're worried about it but right now they have got labor problems. they have a hard time just finding people to take those jobs. so it is a mixed blessing i guess. what do you have? >> they do. we're watching those jobs numbers closely because we're closer to having recovery and things better but we're not quite there yet. part of president biden's $1.9 trillion american rescue plan was the extension of the unemployment benefits. the bill provided for 53 weeks of additional unemployment
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benefits, that weekly bonus of $300 through september 6th. by march 11th we already knew vaccine distribution was on track, fairly soon things would be better. we are at beginning of may. things are better. so why are businesses complaining they can't get people back to work? why are some people not really trying to find those jobs? because it pays more to stay home. also another caveat, some have child care issues. their kids are not back in school. some states are trying to change everything happening but reinstituting search requirements planning to do it soon, to collect unemployment benefits you need to prove you are looking for a job and you can't find one. some blue states are doing this because labor shortages are causing a lot of problems. what happens anytime there is a shortage, generally prices go up. that is what is happening here because wages are going up because of this phenomenon as well. ironically the white house is saying you know what? this is a good thing. the deputy director of the
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national economic council in an interview yesterday said, quote, when we're hearing stories of businesses have to raise wages to attract workers back. that is a good thing. this is a positive development especially for lower income folks in this country, end quote. the other side firing back at this, asking if this is the way we want to go about boosting those wages, paying people to stay home, forcing businesses to pay more to operate, neil? neil: you know i'm just wondering the ones talk about paying more to operate, you know, some of them have a pay a lot more, huh? >> a lot more. an example of a mcdonald's in florida. they couldn't get people in the door to interview, they were paying them $50 to come in to have a conversation about a job. neil: incredible. different times we live in, great reporting as always, jackie deangelis on that. impact on all of this for the markets if they're worried about some other labor shortage as good worry to have i guess.
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in the midst of all of this, everyone is worried about whether we would see labor at all come back. with the claims under half a million filed in the latest week, lowest certainly of the pandemic period, tough go back before that to see anything like this. high expectations ahead of the employment report. where are we right now? go to shana sissell, elite spotlight asset group strategist. we have jared levy with us. shana, begin with you, the fallout from this. i always argue you can look at an improving economy and pressures to just finding workers. that is a problem in some respects. higher prices and pressures that come with that in some respects but i would rather have that than the alternative. maybe that is what the markets are seizing on. what about you? >> i agree. i think that some of the things that were discussed in the previous segment like search requirements as part of receiving unemployment will
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help. rising wages is not a bad thing. we've seen wage stagnation for quite a while. that is sort of what drove this $15 minimum wage campaign. soth kind of addresses that, but the other point being that you know, this should be part of the free market system to kind of work itself out. and the fact that child care remains an issue is a bigger one that i think people really appreciate, especially for women. so it's a good thing. it is not a bad problem to have for sure but it is one that we need to address right now so that we don't see a massive rise in inflation as a result of this worker shortage. neil: you know no matter how you look at it though, jared, we're seeing more signs of inflation. i'm not talking that old '70s type inflation but across the board commodity prices from metals and industrial concerns to agricultural items, it has popped up then. moved on to the wholesale arena. but what producers pay, what
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businesses pay, now to us what we pay, proctor & gamble, kimberly clark, a host of others already announced price hikes that will go into effect as soon as next week. so that's real. wondering whether it's a real worry or how bad this gets? >> yeah, i'm surprised that you know, the fed continues to call this kind of transitory. i know their job is to sort of be steady state, not freak people out but everything you're talking about, again, we're seeing it everywhere. real estate especially is the biggest thing nobody is talking about, right? folks, less and less able to afford housing. then on top of it, you have a rise in lumber prices sort of doubling effect. those will moderate a little bit. across the board generally inflation is an issue. janet yellen tipped her hat tuesday. she is like, yeah, i will raise rates a little quicker than expected. she backed those words up. reality is, that is what
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everybody is thinking. in the back of our minds, where we know that there is a lot of money flowing into the marketplace right now. as we're talking about, people may be sitting at home correcting it but they're still collecting it. they're still spending it. unfortunately the industry that is hurt is the small business, not publicly-traded companies. for stocks, the average, average, most of bigger companies out there they're doing great. it is mom, pop shops, your local businesses are having to pay higher costs of goods that are not reflected in the stock market. that is why we're seeing stocks rise. you look around there are businesses struggling and closing. neil: you know it is interesting too, shana, when you look at history of this, markets don't tend to fret about inflation unless it skips out of control as much as we think, continued rise in the dow and s&p and nasdaq until very recently. having said that i am wondering if they factored in down the
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road, if it gets to be competition for stocks? by that i mean people could look to commodities as investments over stocks. they could look to the relative safety of the 10-year note if it gets to be trading consistently over the yield on the s&p 500. we're not convinced we're at that level but we could be. where do you see this going? >> well i would argue you're already seeing that. there is a reason you're seeing the big rush to crypto, right? crypto is, in theory deflationary. so if there is an increase in inflation, that would be good for things like crypto and we're seeing a huge rush, you have market caps on cryptocurrencies that really don't have a lot of proof of concept or strong technology in there their blockchain that are doing really well. dogecoin is a perfect example of that. you are already seeing that, that will continue to happen, people are looking for places to put their money. they're not getting the returns from you know, traditional money
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market accounts, even stocks, to some extent, see what is going on in crypto, they see that as better alternative. you're already starting to see that. markets generally don't worry about inflation unless two things happen. one as you pointed out, it gets to a point where it is very high and wages and incomes can't keep up, so things become unaffordable. also the velocity of that change. and the ability for our central banks to sort of address those concerns, which is why janet yellen's comments about rates increasing more, more quickly, just validates what the market has been suggesting for quite some time. we've had several instances where we've seen sell i don't haves in the market and -- selloffs in the market, sudden rise in yields and that is a reflection of the market believing that interest rates will increase sooner than is being said by the federal reserve. neil: all right, guys, i do want to pick up a little bit later with you in the show all of
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these companies that are announcing they're getting their workers back plans. google the latest. we'll talk a little bit about its plans to maybe have up to one in five workers continuing to work remotely. maybe indefinitely. so that is a little later in the show. meantime we have a lot coming up, considering all of this spending that is going on, congress might have unleashed a plan for at lo more of it because they're getting rid of earmarks, or are they? after this. ♪.
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♪. neil: all right. i might have misstated something before that congress was lifting earmarks. the earmarks were something a part of washington, endemic in dna. they're lifting the ban on earmarks which means they're back with a vengance. now a lot of people say that is a means by which you buy votes for bigger spending. so it's a way to get what you want in the end for a lot of others it is just a way to get more spending at a time we already have a lot of spending. anyway hillary vaughn looking at
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all of that on capitol hill. hey, hillary. reporter: neil, that means pork is on the menu at least in the house as they prepare to package president biden's over 2 trillion-dollar infrastructure package. somehow lawmakers are trying to cash in to snag funding for their own pet projects back home in their districts. our brain room did a deep dive, compiling a laundry list of projects already been requested and how much money they want for them. the list runs pretty long. here is an idea just how much extra cash is being asked for. many of these have multimillion-dollar price tags that will cost taxpayers a lot of money if approved but here are some of the more unique projects that are being requested. one request from congressman jefferies, 742,000 for a program in new york that features inclusion and healthy discussions around racism, gender discrimination and cultural bias.
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436,000 for meditation and rest torah tiff yoga program in new jersey. quarter of a million a expand the michelle obama obama library. three million for a smartphone app to track a bus location. 1.8 million for lgbtq affirming medical care in virginia. $400,000 for toilets along hiking, biking trails in texas. another request, over $6 million for a gandhi museum also in texas. this is also at least two million dollars to renovate two planned parenthood facilities. there are a lot of house democrats and republicans cashing in on pork in the package not all of them are board. california congresswoman katy porter wrote an op-ed strongly against it, individual lawmakers facing re-election pressure
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sures divert millions of dollars for specific projects often based in their own district. disappointed the house unlocked the door to a system with a history of corruption and back-room deals that waste taxpayer dollars. one condition on these project as lawmaker cannot financially benefit from them, to any of these projects but it does not mean that they cannot benefit politically from them. what we're seeing is a lot of republicans and democrats in competitive districts headed into the midterms are requesting money for projects back home, perhaps because they think if they get that funding that will benefit them at the ballot box during the midterms. neil? neil: i guess but, congressman says i got you 6.4 million for the gandhi museum, i don't know the immediate benefit. again i could be naive. hillary vaughn, thank you very, much. congressman nancy mace with us right now, south carolina
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republican. congresswoman, what do you make of this? >> well that certainly hearing what some of these earmarks may go towards make then senator hillary clinton's million dollars she lobbied for a museum to help us remember woodstock, makes her fiscally conservative i might add. welcome to washington, neil, where bad ideas never die. this is simply you know, this is, they have a face-lift now in these pork projects. it is ridiculous. not shocking that nancy pelosi is trying to pedal corruption and currency here with earmarks. it is a way to control and influence not only those in vulnerable districts but voters there as well. neil: you know, congresswoman, i was thinking of this, you're new to congress. you were not there at the time these were all the rage and everything else but they were the means by which still more spending was done. in other words, you would try to, putting it in crass terms, you buy off a congressman or woman to get them to support, you know, your legislation by,
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you know, providing money for a bridge or a school or in one case this gandhi museum. i really want to look into that but that was the problem, that the numbers are still small when it comes to earmarks in total but it is what they open up to more spending that is the worry? >> it is wasteful. you're talking about an administration and nancy pelosi where it is a trillion here, a trillion there, on top of all the excess spending we've had this year, talking about seven to $10 trillion in the first six to nine months of this fiscal year. you have 28 trillion-dollar debt. 3 trillion-dollar deficit and counting. to pay for all this we'll have to have the highest tax hike in american history. this is not what the taxpayers asked for. this is untenable, middle of a pandemic. when i look at what happened in november, this was not referendum on excess spending or socialism or socialist projects. you have a house that nancy pelosi has narrowest margin she had in a generation.
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a u.s. senate evenly divided, 50-50. we should be reining in spending and working together. instead this is what we've got. neil: you know this back and forth on spending, we understand mitch mcconnell said that republicans are always ready with a infrastructure package of around 600 billion versus the, well it's a moving target. 2 1/2 trillion now that the president's proposing. where are you on infrastructure? >> i think they had to rename the package from a infrastructure deal to a jobs plan potentially because of all the pork. half of the bill is on green new deal wasteful spending. i'm for a much smaller package. the senate republicans worked on one about a quarter of what the original proposal is from the biden administration. imagine the bulk of that package would be spent on traditional infrastructure. what democrats proposed 1%
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towards airports. 1% towards waterways and ports. 6 1/2% towards road and surface transportation. the bulk of it, over 93% had nothing to do with roads or bridges. we have to look at a much smaller package has to do with real infrastructure needs. i just sat in traffic after i dropped my kids off from school a couple days ago, for hour 1/2. my district isn't the only one. not just south carolina. every state in the nation has enormous infrastructure issues. we've got to focus on the needs at hand. neil: you know, you're in that uncomfortable being a new congressman. tough wade into the leadership battles next week. i didn't want to belabor this, congressman, when it comes to a vote liz cheney remaining in leadership in the house? are you a yea or a nay? >> well, yeah, i'm learning about, i'm reading about it in the news, reading about it on twitter and we as a conference
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keep having these fights publicly. we did that a couple weeks ago. i, am ready to move forward. i want to win back the house in a year-and-a-half now. we can get the majority back. we have to stop fighting with each other in public. the fight is not here amongst ourselves. it is with the other side of the aisle, that is pushing socialism. that pushing radical left. pushing excessive spending. pushing taxes on hard-working americans. the last thing we continue to make our party and our country about one person and not about hard-warning americans in this country. we'll continue to lose elections. and i want to win. i'm all about winning. working together and putting forth a solution to this country to get the american people, hard-working americans out of the pandemic. that is what we need to be focused on. neil: is the focus when you say one person are you talking about liz cheney or talking about former president trump? >> i'm talking about about all of the above. we should as a conference we have to start working together. we have to be united on all fronts. we disagree on a number of issues. we have allowance to do that but
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i want to work for the american people. that is what my work has been all about. my first 100 days i returned almost $2 million to tax payers in my district. i closed out almost 1000 cases. if you call my office, we call you back within 24 hours. the reason that president trump galvanized millions of americans in this country he worked hard, put forth policies that worked. "operation warp speed," lower taxes. we had a great economy, the lowest unemployment rate our nation has seen in generations. these are the things which have to be working toward. we have to stop fighting each other especially in public. all of the above. neil: all right. so it sounds to me, i don't want to put words in your mouth congresswoman, when you talk about the party being united at the leadership level, liz cheney sounds like an odd fit in that mix, in that she should go, is that your sense? >> it sounds like we're going to decide this probably on wednesday when we have our conference and i'm reading everything on twitter as it happens in real time just like
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everybody else right now. neil: all right. i have just thought you would tip your hand in a tired moment here but you did not. congresswoman, thank you. >> no, i did not. neil: no, you did not. you do get back quickly. we were requesting quickly. right away her office got back. touche to that. a lot more, dow jones industrials, comfortable levels. at least it isn't careening. sort of not moving. stay with us. ♪. ♪ why do you build me up ♪ ♪ (build me up) ♪ ♪ buttercup, baby ♪ ♪ just to let me down ♪ ♪ (let me down) ♪ ♪ and mess me around ♪ ♪ and then worst of all ♪ ♪ (worst of all) ♪ ♪ you never call, baby ♪ ♪ when you... ♪ ♪ say you will... ♪ carl. what have you done?
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to allow intellectual property for covid-19 vaccines to open up for many countries, or most countries around the world. the president is aboard air force one traveling to louisiana. here is the principal deputy press secretary, core reason st. clair explaining the president's thinking behind the decision. >> we discussed a with many experts before making options for the president. that is how government should work. when we go back to the campaign the president sported this. this is a decision as you know that the united states has taken. this is a wto process. there will be conversation. this will take time. it is not going to happen tomorrow or the next day. it will take a few months before this happens and we will continue to have the conversation and, and, putting into the negotiation. reporter: speaking.
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pfizer is not a the change will not save lives. it flies in the face of president biden's stated policy building up american infrastructure creating jocks by handing over american inovations to countries looking to undermine our leadership in biomedical discovery. moderna is shrugging it off as no big deal. here is what that company's ceo said. if someone wants to start from scratch they would have to figure out how to make mrna which is not in our patents. the led of the eu, neil, are ready to discuss the u.s.'s new stance, but they're calling for vaccine producing countries to step up the export of covid-19 vaccines at this point in time. we should note, neil, at this point nothing actionable has taken place. rather the u.s. has just sort of shifted its stance here. this is likely to go before the world trade organization when it meets next month. neil? neil: very interesting.
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blake burman thank you very, very much. so as blake said, you know, the real argument for this is that we're in the middle of this massive virus issue that is getting under control. do we want to really be dealing with patent issues that might stunt all of that. be careful what you wish for because companies spend a lot of money and a lot of proprietary information to get to this point t could be problematic if all of that goes away. shana sissell back with us, spotlight asset group chief investment strategist, jared levy, strategies president. jared that could be a case maybe the good of the world this is a good thing to do but a lot of companies might be hearing this in all sorts of industries, wait a minute, what are the implication of this? >> this is hard, right? you got this sort of moral issue. kind of an unfair thing to do. you know, the expediency of this creation of a vaccine, think about how long, it has taken to
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create past vaccines, how we all came together and amount of money, time, manpower, each of these companies put into this. i do think it would set a dangerous precedent. i think that it should have been done a different way. i don't think it is really a good idea. i think there are some other ways to do it. maybe have a consultation, but sort of open up your intellectual property you know, just, essentially throw it out, it's a little scary. so again i think there are other avenues. neil: right. shana, you think about it, probably pa good time now to say something like this, in if that had been said in the prior administration with with the race to find a vaccine, i don't know they would have moved as speedily. i'm being a bit jaded. what do you think impact, a one and done special event? it is very, very hard to come up with vaccines in this environment, whether you're
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copying someone or not what do you think? >> i agree with jared, it's a difficult decision and there is a more aspect to this. i think a better way to have addressed this is to, you know, for the longest time the biden administration has basically prevented the united states from exporting our inventory and our vaccines. now we have a surplus of vaccines and we should be able to start to export the vaccines. i don't think it's a issue of is there anything, is there enough for the united states. it is can we get it to the rest of the world? i think the pharma companies would argue that they can and that they worked really hard and they worked in good faith to be able to provide this and do it so quickly. so it really is a difficult decision and the problem here is, now going forward it may cause hesitancy with these companies from moving as swiftly and in a similar situation in the future.
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neil: all right. guys if we can rocket through this one final development. i wanted to talk about google is now adopting a hybrid work strategy up to one out of five workers can continue doing so from home. we're getting more indications, jared, out of your field, financial arena, that they want their workers back in total in cities this summer. where is all this going? >> yeah. so i think again that the hybrid model will probably be something we're going to see at least initially. neil, it is funny. zoom ceo said he was sick of zoom meetings. he has zoom fatigue. neil: yeah. >> which is kind of funny, right. do think, listen, we want to get back to the work. promises are made that certain people will stay remote. becomes a question, who gets preferential treatment. what is the preferential treatment? workers will decide this. it's a complicated line to walk, a hybrid model, a lot more
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people will be in the offices that we initially thought. i think it will happen sooner than later. neil: i think you're right about that. shana, i don't think workers will be deciding it. a good many want virtual type of working but, i think a lot of their bosses are going to push them back into the office. what do you think? >> no. i agree. a lot of people want to go back to the office. they want to get back to being around their colleagues, having personal interactions. i think that is somewhat missed. what i do think will happen, even prior to the pandemic there was this shift to more flexible work arrangements where people were allowed to work remotely. they weren't doing it, because they felt it would impact their reputation and the standing at that are companies. i think the pandemic has normalized the idea of remote work. people will be more likely to take advantage of those programs going forward? i also think that you can now argue that this whole face time
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thing, being in the office, being seen, somehow makes you more efficient and more productive is obviously not true because we've been very productive in the last year not being in the office. neil: absolutely. >> i do think there is value being around colleagues, having social interaction you can't do when you work remotely. flexible work schedules will be the norm but i think companies will want their employees to come into the office. neil: i want to thank you both on that. interesting surveys on people who work virtually, what is the one thing you will miss if you do have to return to the office? this one didn't surprise me. what do you think it was? the commute. a little more after this.
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year-to-date in the latest period. earnings and revenues blew away estimates and continued strong growth and asked about the company's growth. they're contributing pretty much all to business programing and all that, just said we're a big company. we're doing real well. you want to be working with a company that is doing well. better to make money, than lose money. we'll hear from disney, whole other juggernauts, they're sometimes a reflection how the economy is going. i'm sure charlie gasparino is a big reason for this company's success. >> i was going to say, am i in the press release? am i in the press release? neil: going on cavuto, gasparino, no, no. it happens. it could have been -- >> i got to call the pr department immediately. neil: there you go. see how that goes and let me know. charlie, what's going on, by the way, with amazon, and
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jeff bezos? he sold a lot of shares. he has a ton of them. that raised some eyebrows, what is going on? >> scott redler is a really good source on this. he is a trader, on our shows plenty. a real smart guy, he has been talking about need, what he believes will happen, to split the stock so it is not a 3,000, where is it trading now? 3300? it was high as almost 3500 couple weeks ago before bezos started selling. the need to split the stock so it gets in the dow jones industrial average which it is not. it is too expensive to do that. so retail an get in to buy the individual shares at least psychologically. you can buy fractional shares. different to buy, if you talk to traders there is a psychological thing if the price of amazon is $500, people don't mind buying it as opposed to being $3500, even if they can buy fractional shares, they like to have the whole share. scott believes there it with be a stock split, probably sometime
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this year. there was lots of talk about the stock split happening before the last earnings. it didn't obviously. there is a new ceo coming in andy jazzy, as you know. bezos is reluctant to split the stock. last time he did was 1999. he did one in '98, two in '99, none since then even as the stock has gone to astronomical levels. the new ceo, according to some traders might be wore willing. if he doesn't, he will sell into a market where it will difficult to get traction in the stock. he is selling two billion today. he has got the potential to sell a lot more. his wife is looking to sell stock. he is selling stock to finance husband version of spacex, whatever it's called. blue origin. they have these wonderful names, don't they? spacex, his fellow billionaire, rich guy, billionaire, elon
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musk, space exploration company. so, the theory is, with all of this selling, neil, the downward pressure remains on the stock. it doesn't grow that much, unless you do a split and then value of the company can go up with more retail will be in it. we should point out bezos is still the richest man in the world. only now worth $190 billion. right ahead of you a little bit, by this much? neil: a little bit. thank you, my friend. charlie gasparino. i want to go to lydia hu right now. development with states that come forward on voting bills and measures. heard what happened with georgia and texas, the same thing. the companies acting negatively to that, could encounter turbulence, what is the latest? reporter: neil, we're seeing
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movement. around the country. florida governor ron desantis signed changes. there is requirement voters must provide i.d. number or last four digits of their social security number to request a vote by mail ballot. >> signing this bill here says florida, your vote counts, your vote is going to be cast with integrity and transparency and this is a great place for democracy. reporter: up next possibly texas, because the house could vote on election reform legislation there as soon as today. but after organizing boycotts in georgia last month, activists and big businesses are pushing back in texas. more than two dozen companies take a look here, here are some of them, they include hewlett-packard, microsoft, etsy, levi strauss, signed a letter that doesn't specifically mention the texas legislation but says, quote, we stand together as a non-partisan coalition calling on elected leaders in texas to support reforms that make democracy more
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accessible and oppose any changes that would restrict eligible voters access to the ballot. back to you, neil. neil: lydia, thank you very much for that. we were telling you a little bit earlier in the show, restaurants and small businesses are coming back, but not all restaurants and not all of small businesses and they have got a big worry. not about labor. i'm talking about some federal funds that are about to expire after this. (vo) conventional thinking doesn't disrupt the status quo. which is why t-mobile for business uses unconventional thinking to help your business realize new possibilities. only one 5g partner offers unmatched network, support, and value-without any trade offs. that building you're trying to buy, - you should ten-x it. - ten-x it? ten-x is the world's largest online
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12:51 pm
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neil: all right if you think restaurants are having a tough enough time finding workers these days, consider the fact a good many are finding money these days. a number of federal grants are set to expire, run out, in just a matter of weeks. national restaurant association ceo, what is going on here, tom? >> neil, great to be with you all. couple things, first and fores be foremost. as you're aware starting earlier this week the small business administration started accepting requests for the grant money and that money is starting to flow. we're very, very appreciative of all the work that both president biden and congress did to get that money flowing. having said that we know that may not be enough.
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we asked initially for $120 billion. 28.6 is a big number, we're excited about it, that will not be enough to help all the restaurants who were impacted last year. neil: so how many of your lenders without it, as things stand now, this could be a life or death thing? either get that money or put up an out of business sign? >> we've seen choppiness that happened throughout the last year, certain sectors of the industry have done better than others, depending on your type of restaurant, predisposed through take-out and delivery and drive through, obviously performed much better throughout the pandemic. there are a lot of local independent restaurants, as well as franchisees of restaurant communities are struggling because they don't have the right format restaurant or didn't have the type of support they needed to keep their doors open to be efficient and effective. clearly closures, up and down closures in certain geographies
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as you know. the nicer that the weather better, but reality of the choppiness across the industry with closures has hurt a lot of restaurants. the current funding is focused on smaller independent restaurants and 20 or less units. the early days were focused on underrepresented groups, women and minority owned restaurants were impacted significantly. we feel good about the work going on there but if you think about the size of the industry, 110,000 closed already or permanently or for some time here that is about 17% of the industry. those are big numbers, without additional support we think many of those will not be able to reopen. neil: do keep us posted tom on all of this. a curious development just as they're doing things around the door could be slammed on them. tom benet snags restaurant association ceo. >> thank you. neil: we're following
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gary gensler, the securities & exchange commission head for the biden administration. speaking on crypto currencies tipping his hand, telegraphed that they might warrant more regulation. didn't got into specifics. that is another sign, the freed, unregulated ride might be over. little more after this. ♪. trelegy for copd. ♪ birds flyin' high you know how i feel ♪ ♪ breeze drifting on by you know how i feel ♪ [man: coughing]
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♪♪ neil: all right. well, a lot of companies might be talking about getting their workers back very, very soon, but it's a little bit different when you talk about what's happening in our nation's schools as we look at the markets racing ahead, generally celebrating the reopenings that are going on. a lot sooner than expected, for example, in new york. broadway back by the fall, a lot of financial institutions led by goldman and jpmorgan chase-their workers back in june, july. the cruise industry hopes to be back by july. school, that's another story for at least getting back in person. jonathan serrie now with more from atlanta. >> reporter: hi there, neil. you may recall president biden
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earlier this year set a goal of reopening the majority of k-8 schools before the end of his first 100 days. so how is he doing? well, let's look at new federal data released just today. this data is from march. it shows that 54% of schools in those categories, elementary and middle schools, offer a full-time classroom learning option. that's up from 46% in january. nevertheless, the education department survey found 2 in 10 students are splitting instruction between home and the classroom, and 4 in 10 students continue to take all of their classes remotely including most black, hispanic and asian-american students. >> fully reopened buildings, we till have plenty of work to do. generations of inequity have left far too many students withouting wit bl access to high quality, including learning
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opportunities. >> reporter: canada will begin providing pfizer's vaccine to children 12 and older beginning monday. the fda is expected to announce a similar decision for the u.s. within a matter of days. new research suggests covid vaccines offer protection against many of the variants of concern that are in circulation. even if you've recovered from covid-19 infection, federal health officials say you should still get vaccinated because the shots work even better than mother nature alone. >> two doses of an mrna give antibodies up to ten times more than when you recover from a natural infection. >> reporter: nearly 57% of american adults have received at least one dose of covid vaccine, but federal health officials say that number is very uneven when you go from community to community. some cities nearly everyone's
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vaccinated, others they're relatively unprotected, and for that reason the cdc's being very conservative in easing up on its guidelines. so a lot of people are still going to be maaing for the foreseeable future -- masking for the foreseeable future, neil. neil: all right, thank you very much, my friend. we told you earlier about how the cruise industry hopes to be back on waters maybe as soon as july. not a guarantee the, not a given, but in alaska it can't come a moment too soon. that's a big industry up there. and doesn't connell mcshane know it, right now joining us out of seward, alaska. how do things look, connell? >> reporter: not great, neil, to be honest are -- with you. the new guidelines should help the industry to get back on its feet in other parts of the country. it's more complicated here in alaska, and at this point the state looks like it's headed for yet another tough economic
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summer. port city of seeing ward is nestled between the mountains and the ocean, and us dock is the first stop for so many cruise ships coming into the 49th state. the pandemic stopped all of that. >> seward, we have the strongest, farthest drop in sales tax last summer. >> reporter: the mayor was hoping for a rebound this year for alaska tourism which accounted for $4.5 billion in economic activity in 2019. 60% of that came from the cruise industry which remains sidelined thanks to a 19th century law that bans foreign-flagged ships from moving directly between ports. normally they would make a pit stop in canada, but with ports still closed due to covid, those ships from seattle can't make it here to atlanta.
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senator lisa murkowski met us in anchorage to talk about her efforts not to scrap the old law, but to at least provide a short-term fix. >> right now we've got next to nothing. >> reporter: so you want to put a waiver in place -- >> it is a temporary waiver that gets us through this year. and when i say this year, up in alaska it's not a year, we're talking a six week season. that's all we're going to get out of this. >> reporter: murkowski's bill is still held up in washington, and she worries about the damage back home. >> some of the restaurants that we have seen close will not be coming back. the little shops that line the streets that sell everything from t-shirts might not be coming back. >> reporter: we drove more than 200 miles inland to visit k2 aviation owned for 25 years by suzanne rust.
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>> the whole situation's been challenging because most of us have a plan, you know? we have a business plan or a work plan or a family plan. and this is a situation where things rely on so many things outside of our control. and so we have to kind of accept and adapt. >> reporter: tourists come here for the breath talking aerial views of denali, the highest mountain peak in north america. so much so that officials estimate two-thirds of local revenue is tied to the cruise ships, and that has america's last frontier clinging to the hope those ships enter its harbor before it's too late. there are some signs of life here for tourists flying into alaska. anecdotally, our flight earlier in the week was packed, and maybe that softens the blow, but no one expects it to make up for the loss, neil, of those cruise customers for businesses all around the state. again, because of this issue with canada, it doesn't look like they're coming back anytime soon. neil: just amazing.
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as you anticipated, it's just a stun -- anticipated, it's just -- indicated, it's just a stunning state, and people are missing out on it. connell, thank you. that report was excellent. connell in seward, alaska. your entree to that whole region and right now frozen, stopped. in the meantime, we've got kennedy with us, she's looking at developments like this and a nation still shut down in some areas. i also think of you, some are changing quickly and reopening. others like the cruise industry not so fast, in alaska not at all. what a mess, you know? >> it is a mess. and i, you know, i'm sitting there watching that beautiful pictures from connell, by the way, great reporting, and i'm trying to figure out what is the cruise ship equivalent of what restaurants have been doing with their sort of outdoor lean-toes that they have built here in new york city?
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that's how the restaurant the industry has survived. and i don't know what the work-around is there. as senator murkowski said, you know, you've only got six weeks to make a year's worth of money. alaska's kind of famous for that. we watch "deadliest catch," and the fishermen go out for a couple of three week seasons and try and make a million bucks each. it's a heck of a way to do it. but i don't know, how do you do that? and people love cruise ships, they don't want to give them up. maybe they just have to have vaccinations onboard,ing vaccination stations next to the shuffle board. neil: yeah, what's weird about it is a lot of the cruise lines are doing just that. i know we had the norwegian cruise ship ceo on, he said no one gets on his ship without proof that they've been vaccinated, submitted that to the cdc, and let's hur reup and wait -- hurry up and wait. we're told that will change, but
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there's no guarantee even now. >> no, they've got to get things moving. like we saw with the vaccines, that's how every government process should be now. enough of this paper-pushing and hiding behind, you know, the next bureaucrat. just get out of the way, get the government out of the way. these businesses are smart enough to survive. they're smart enough to comply. people who come onboard, they want to do their part as well. they all want to be healthy, safe, but they want to have a good time, and they want to live life. everyone is ready to do that. so it's the government, if the cdc is the thing that's keeping them from making money and keeping families from vacationing, we've figured it out. we're 14 months in. neil: yeah. you know, kennedy, i'm very sad tonight you've got a special cancel this at 8 p.m. on fox business, you talk about time r r -- perfect timing, just yesterday you had facebook continuing to keep donald trump offlewin, but there's a lot of
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that still going on. what do you think of all this? >> you can't keep canceling everybody. that's just not going to happen. and if people who are clinging to this idea that everyone has to think exactly like they do and everyone has to value life and politics in the same way they do that, you have to let go of that. that's not going to happen. and that's really at the root of this cancel culture which starts in college. you know, the idea that we have to have safe zones and we have we have to feel protected and we can't be triggered and, you know, here's a list of microaggressions. that's where it starts. and now enough people have matriculated under that umbrella that now they are getting into society and they're running things, and they're trying to run other people and their careers into the groundment so we have -- into the ground. and also when someone screws up, there has to be a mechanism for forgiveness or redemption. and if we don't talk about
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that -- we don't talk about that enough. things that make you really mad. someone may really upset you, what they say, what they do, but the question is, you know, do we have to take their livelihood away from them? and, you know, what is this desire to end someone's well-being and to destroy their reputation? so i want to get to the heart of that and talk about free speech and, ultimately, coming back from the black hole of cancellation. neil: yeah. you know, you think about it, whatever you think of donald trump and you might not be a fan or you are a fan, you're free on any social media not to listen, not to watch, not to read. let the customer did -- decide that. the same with those on the extreme left who aren't canceled nearly as much. you like them, fine. you don't, you just move on. i just don't like this sort of corporate babysitting that's going on. >> no. and that's really the worst
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participant of it. that is the full manifestation of this outrage. i don't know why we're pretending that everything on social media has dire effects in our daily lives. if you don't like someone's account, if you don't like what they say, you don't have to follow them. you can block them. you can use -- mute them on twitter. there are a number of tools that these social media companies have developed, but they still feel they have to have this heavy-handed approach to make it seem like they're doing something even though when they're called before congress and there are members of both parties who call them out for the ways that they bully and that a rahs people in their own right and they go, or yes, we're going to do better. yeah, you know, we know, we're going to do better. that's what jack dorsey and mark zuckerberg do every single time. we've given way too much power to social media, so go out and jump on a trampoline. [laughter] neil: do something different. i look forward to tonight, 8
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p.m., cancel this, our own kennedy speaks her mind. always love the banter. should be fun watching. thanks, kennedy, very, very much. all right. in the meantime, the dow up about 175 points, the nasdaq clawing its way back as well. a rough week, four down days in a row here. but again, too soon to tell that we're through with this. but right now the dow good enough for a record, interest rates are holding their own, gold is soaring, bitcoin-related investments are doing quite well, so it's kind of a mixed read on an otherwise strong day. >> it's fun to stay at the ymca. ♪ it's fun to stay at the ymca. ♪ they have everything -- ♪♪
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some say this is my greatest challenge. $439 a month for 36 months. governments in record debt; inflation rising, currencies falling. but i've seen centuries of this. with one companion that hedges the risks you choose and those that choose you. the physical seam of a digital world, traded with a touch. my strongest and closest asset. the gold standard, so to speak ;) people call my future uncertain. but there's one thing i am sure of...
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♪ neil: all right, gary gensler might not be a name you know, but he could be just as important as the federal reserve chairman, jerome powell, in that he will have enormous influence as chairman of the securities and exchange commission over all of these new technologies, bitcoin and related, and even over the future of popular sites like robinhood, much, much more. edward lawrence has been
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following his remarks today on capitol hill. edward, what have you got? >> reporter: gary gensler told the house financial services committee that specifically the rise and fall of gamestop and other meme stocks caught his attention. he says apps that have been turned more into a gaming experience played a big role in the volatility. he has directed staff to see whether expanded enforcement mechanismings are necessary. mechanisms are necessary. >> the sec must remain attuned to rapidly changing technologies with an eye to freshening up our rule set where appropriate to continue to achieve our mission. if we don't address this now, the investing public -- those saving for future retirement and education -- may shoulder the burden later. >> reporter: now, gensler went on to say that apps with behavioral prompts like notification, they have social trading, that could affect decisions outside of the fundamentals. gensler says the sec will deepen
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its understanding, resources and capabilities around social media adding that there are dangers of wrongdoers hyping a stock that may not warrant investment. gensler also saying that our modern economy is leaning toward market concentration like google for search and amazon for shopping, and he wants to see what that means for clearinghouses like citadel which handles about 47% of all public trades. >> i've asked the staff just to dig through that and to have, provide us with guidance as commissioners how do we promote competition in the face of these network economic effects that are leading the concentration. >> reporter: now, gensler hinted that he may require short positions to be disclosed from hedge funds and other investors. he also thinks congress should set a regulator for cryptocurrencies as well as setting a regulatory framework for those crypto markets. some of them reacting today. back to you, neil.
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neil: all right. thank you very much, my friend, edward lawrence on all of that. what was very clear is that the government is watching all of this stuff, and it is, obviously, a different administration, a different government. the readen on all this and the potential impact for investors from mike murphy, the close cliff founder and managing partner, ray wong with us, constellation research founder. mike, what do you make of these moves and remarks by gary gensler, the first time we're getting pretty much sort of a game plan sense of where he's at? and right now he's at the sort of thinking regulation stage when it concerns the whole crypto arena. what do you think? >> hey, neil, great to be here. you know, regulation is needed in the market and all markets, but overregulation is never a good thing. i think if you go back in recent history, you'll see when the government gets too involved and overregulates things, it creates problems. so i'm not denying that we need
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regulation, but i don't think that we need more government in our markets. i think that we need to have rules set and that we need to let market participants decide real price action whether you're talking crypto or you're talking individual stockses. i don't want more government, i don't want more regulation. i want to keep it as is and let the free markets work themselves out. neil: you know, ray, what i think worries the regulators is when they see something like a dogecoin just rocketing and people profiting off of what was initially just a lark when they came up with it. and now reports that the tiger lady, that she's coming out with a coin, that it borders on stuff that gets silly. not that all these investments are, and that's getting the attention of people like gensler and others. what do you think? >> well, it is interesting, right? when dogecoin is worth more than
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ripple at 80 million in terms of market cap, it's kind of intriguing. to this is the challenge, right in so what we do we do with nfts, with cryptos and what's the market in i agree with mark, we don't want overregulation, but there's got to be some rules in place that allow for free market and tran parent city and definitely allows for -- transparency and definitely allows for price action. neil: you know, mike, looking at the market today i notice that a lot of those cryptocurrency plays are doing just fine. so if they're nervous about this, i don't want to glean too much into with, you know, a day's investment activity, but if they've got a bitcoin, it's held up just fine. the volatile swings that used to be more than 10 or 20% each day, that's not happening. so what do you read into that in in -- into that in. >> it's definitely become more main stream. but when you have things like doge cohn or even ripple --
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dogecoin or even ripple, when you have these secondary cryptocurrencies where the concern for everybody involved is this that retail people at home watching your show are putting their life savings into these things because they have a fear of missing out on becoming the next multimillionaire, the music stops and they lose their life savings. but anyone who's backing dogecoin now, and you see elon musk, mark cue. banger some big -- cuban, big, successful people, mull by billionaires, i think they should come with a disclaimer that it was set up as a joke initially, and you could lose all of your money that you to put into this. and if you want to take a gamble opposite, do it, but just be aware that the music will stop at some point, and when it does, some people are going to get left holding the bag. neil: meanwhile, if i can transition and, ray, you can help me with this with technology stocks in general, of course, they've had a very, very
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rough week. trying to stabilize today, but it looks like a bumpy ride, and i'm just wondering, i mean, if you think about it -- and amazon's a good example. since it reported its blowout earnings that just defied even the most bullish of estimates, whatever gains in the aftermarket have evaporated and then some. what are we to make of that, and are you worried about that in we've had these inflection points before, and they merrily develop on their winning ways as -- go on their winning ways as the leader of the club, so to speak. what do you think? >> i'm not worried about that. amazon, apple, tesla, even honeywell are solid in terms of fundamental, and those are -- they've been upside about performing for the -- underperforming for the year and definitely time to buy them. it's the crypto fomo and the reopen rotation that's impacting stocks as people are trying to figure out do i take my gains, and that's what's driving the big tech stocks down at the moment. definitely not interest rates and definitely not the economic
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outlook. those fundamentals in terms of how they win on data and how they're building 40-50% growth in quarter over quarter even with tough comps, these companies are here to stay. you might change your allocation, but these are going to be spots for the next decade. neil: you know, mic, could that already be -- mike, could they run too far ahead of themselves? how do you feel about them as a group? >> it could be, but i don't think so, or neil. i think when you look at the big tech names, the apples, the facebooks, the googles, the microsofts, that's where the growth is coming from still. that's where the innovation is coming from still. and one thing to think about, neil, the s&p 500 is sitting roughly 1% off an all-time high. the 207 five holdings -- top five holdings in the s&p 500 are the names we just mentioned.
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they make up about 20% of the s&p 500. so there's going to be minor corrections in them, but i still believe big tech should be bought on any pullback, stay long the market because they're still going to grow, innovate, and there's a long way to go for them. neil: all right. thank you guys very, very much. i want to take a look at some other economic implications for all of this. in the meantime, want to bring your anticipation to florida right now. -- attention to florida. they're having a heck of a ballot over masks and, more importantly, over whether kids need to wear them. and not just in school. stay with us. ♪ i'll be running through the jungle, i'll be running with the wolves -- ♪ to get to you, to get to you ♪♪ (vo) while you may not be running an architectural firm, tending hives of honeybees,
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♪ neil: you know, florida is a beautiful state. it's a hot state around this time of year and certainly still will be in the fall, but they're kind of split on whether students will continue to have to wear masks in the classroom ares or not. phil keating in the middle of all that in miami where, no doubt, phil, it is hot right now. >> reporter: it's going to be a high of 90 today, and it's very, very hot. okay. last fall when all schools reopened for the fall semester, students had two options; they could stay at home and learn remotely or come learn inside the classroom. for those kids and the teachers, well, every school district in the whole state mandated everybody inside the building had to be wearing a mask at all times. well, then monday florida's governor signed an executive order denying cities and counties the ability to mandate masks for people out in public. well, that had a lot of people surprised. he was declaring the covid-19
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emergency in the sunshine state over. and the school districts were somewhat confused, saying the department of education clarified that cool districts could still do what they wanted. florida's largest school districts say they will continue their mask requirements at least until the end of this school year. basically, all of the state's big city counties like the largest, miami dade. >> the reason why the positive it rates inside schools are lower and the reason why they are safe spaces is because there are strict protocols in plus. >> reporter: but there have been protests, heated protests at school board meetings not just in the florida, but all around the country by parents demanding the mask mandate be erased for school kids. one national group, moms for liberty, has taken the fight to every state and district.
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>> believe it's harmful for children. we have many parents, there's psychological effects to mask wearing, there are mental aspects to mask wearing. the learning aspects to mask wearing that our young children are not being able to experience. >> reporter: new this week in several broward high schools, students 16 and older, if accompanied by their parents, can now go into the gym and get vaccinated on the spot. the parents that go with them, well, they have the option to get a shot as well, no appointment needed. and as soon as next week, the fda is expected to authorize kids 12, 13, 14 and 15 to be able to start getting the pfizer vaccine. and that, they said the adolescent trials by pfizer were very promising. neil? neil: okay. it even looks hot to me. we'll see how it goes.
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phil keating in miami. he can take it though. he just has this way about him in the sunshine state, beautiful state. we've got jim desmond with us, san diego county supervisor. their weather's beautiful, perfect all the time. right now some nasty stuff is happening here that's got his attention, and he's all hot and bothered by it including a plan that includes $5 million a year in a pilot program to provide immigrants with lawyers in san diego. jim desmond, san diego county supervisor, with us on that. jim, good to have you back. could you explain what this program's about? >> well, neil, what was proposed by one of the other county supervisors was that we provide legal services and pay for lawyers for illegal immigrant withs that are here -- immigrants that are here fighting deportation. so i voted against this
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primarily because this is a federal issue. we're a county. we're not a state, we're not the federal government. and this is a federal issue. deportees are handled by the federal government, and yet we're going to be using $5 million of our local economy's money that could be spent towards the homeless issues that gavin newsom has thrust upon us or streets, roads, infrastructure, those types of things, but now we're going to be doing it for providing legal services for immigrants that are here that are being deported. and these are civil cases. these aren't even criminal cases. so i voted against this and quite surprised how we're spending our money here. neil: you know, just to be clear, we say immigrants, we toss that around a lot, but these are actually those who are gotten into the country illegally and were going through the legal process on what to do with them. so it's one thing if you're helping out existing legal immigrants, quite another people
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who have been transferred here or even in your area. so there's a big difference. >> well, it is. and these are people that are being deported. it takes quite a lot, sometimes, to be deported, you know? a lot of them come here seeking asylum and things like that, and they're given dates, and then some are deported and, quite frankly, it seems like a lot of them are getting the asylum grant, at least potentially have a court date in the future and they're allowed in, and those that are getting deported didn't reach the threshold, and so to be providing legal services from a local community as opposed to, you know, from the federal government. and, you know, we all, if you ever watch the tv cop show, they always say you've got the right to remain silent, if you can't afford a lawyer, you know, one will be appoint for you and paid for by the taxpayers. that's in criminal cases. and that -- and we do provide to illegal immigrants when they're
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charged a crime, we pay for their attorneys and their legal representation. deportation is a civil case. and so, you know, we don't pay for american citizens for their civil court cases, yet this is opening up the door to, you know, a different group of people and paying for their civil attorneys. neil: and i'm sure just the start on that. i mean, that's a burgeoning, booming issue. >> yeah, it's -- neil: -- particularly in your neck of the woods. yeah. >> it's a pilot program. so with we don't know how much this is going to cost. people could come from all across the country because if they're not citizens, we don't really know where they're from, if they're from san diego county or not and pawing for those fees. -- paying for those fees. neil: all right, jim, thank you very much. keep us posted. san diego supervisor. i wanted to alert you to another development concerning
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baseball in the new york area. the mets and yankees apparently can increase capacity to 100% of their ballparks as soon as may 19th, but they want to separate those who have been vaccinated versus those who have not. from the governor, theoretically are, if you have 100% vaccinated, you could fill the entire stadium. 6 foot social distancing, capacity restrictions have been relaxed subject to federal cdc greens. having said all of that, they are going to increase capacity, they are going to fill these stadiums, but there'll be a separate section for the vaccinated and the up vaccinated. -- unvaccinated. okay. (other money manager) different how? don't you just ride the wave? (judith) no - we actively manage client portfolios based on our forward-looking views of the market. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions, right? (judith) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary,
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capacity. can't come a moment too soon for my next guest that owns a theater in east aurora new york. lynn, thank you for taking the time. >> thank you. neil: what kind of rules are you under now, lynn? >> well, currently we are at a maximum of 50 people, but that could be raised in the in connection week where we -- in the next week. we do need to remain 6 feet distanced between individual groups. so we will see an increase -- neil: that will still limit -- right. yeah, it wouldn't change the numbers all that much, right? so what do you do? >> well, actually, i'm very fortunate in the fact that i have a theater that's 96 years old and has over 600 seats, and we're very fortunate to be able to increase our capacity because even with the 6 feet distancing, we'd still be able to do well over 100 people. neil: okay. well, that is a jump. from 50 to 100, that's better.
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what have you been doing in the interimsome. >> well, you know, it's been a very long year. we've been putting a lot of focus into other initiatives that with we began pre-covid. we opened a gourmet popcorn shop, and it really, truly has been the greatest revenue generator through this period of time. we've also been showing some classic movies, people have asked for the past, so we've been showing throwbacks and classic movies. we created a film series getting people back into the show. neil: how are your customers? when they come in, are they leery? how would you describe them this. >> we reopened in october through early january, and people were comfortable coming in. people said to us they trusted that we being a small theater would be able to maintain all the safety that they felt comfortable with. but our numbers really weren't what we expected, they were
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pretty low. so we actually took an intermission from january through march, and now that people are getting vaccinated, we are seeing people much more comfortable to come back to the movies. and of all age groups. that's one of the things i was concerned about, is what age group would be comfortable coming back, and we're see ad broad age group, so it's very encouraging right now. neil: so who were the bravest? young people? older people in between? [laughter] >> i think the bravest right now are older people who have had their sacking vaccination. they feel very powerful right now. we had a showing of a movie that they enjoyed very much last week, and it was the highest showing we've had, to it's great to see. neil: please tell me it wasn't titanic. >> no, it was actually the sting. [laughter] neil: oh, fine. that's okay. that's okay. >> it was good. neil: yeah, yeah, right. it was a very good movie. all right, thank you. those of a certain generation. robert redford, all of that. all right, lynn, thank you.
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♪ neil: well, you might have heard that it's very hard to find workers in this environment, sometimes because some of those workers are getting unemployment benefits that are more generous than the jobs at hand. sometimes it could be as simple as older workers moving out of those jobs. we've got jeff flock following all of that from philadelphia. jeff. >> reporter: and, neil, you are looking at a group of workers, they don't want unemployment, they want to work. and they are now in an apprentice program here at the philly shipyard on the grounds of the old philadelphia naval yard. they are learning a new trade, that is welding. they need shipbuilders. america does not have enough shipbuilders right now. but, gee, philly shipyard. >> what you're seeing here is
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our apprenticeship program. we're starting out with new people, they have never touched this before. they have only started on monday, and as you can see, they're starting to burn time. >> reporter: i was going to saw, neil, here's an interesting story. you know, we talked yesterday about people in the restaurant industry leaving that profession. hey, elena, can you come here? this lady i just met. she was working in the food service industry in a restaurant. she decided, hey, that's not the future. can you hear me? >> i can hear you. >> reporter: tell me what you were telling me before about changing careers. why are you doing what you're doing? oh, you're lovely. [laughter] >> a promising future, really. looking for something that's going to be take careful me and my family. >> reporter: you felt like restaurants weren't going to do that. >> it's a great industry to work at, very gratified work but, unfortunately, there's no retirement. >> you could be collecting unemployment right now, right? >> i could. >> reporter: why not? >> because i like to work and i
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think i was just happier all around working. >> reporter: neil, i want to leave you with one graphic, and that is u.s. shipbuilding used to be the big shipbuilders in the world, we're now 19th behind countries like south korea, china, japan because they subsidize their shipbuilding industry. you do it the old-fashioned way here. >> certainly. i'm super happy to be here. >> reporter: you look hot. >> just a little bit. >> reporter: i meant that in the actual -- >> of course. [laughter] >> reporter: all right, i think i'm in trouble. the future of more than shipbuilding right here. we -- of american shipbuilding. they need people. they need welders. if you've to got a skill, come on down. neil: okay, jeff. you might need a lawyer -- >> reporter: yeah, i know. it wouldn't be the first time. neil: please, stand in line. thank you, my friend. jeff flock in the middle of all of that. this is an interesting development expanding into other areas because there is a demand
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for that labor and expertise. mike murphy and ray wong back with us. what do you think, mike? we forget with the fits and starts of the reopening that the demand for workers is huge everywhere. >> yeah. it's a real sign, neil, of the underlying strength of in this economy. businesses need workers and people need jobs. but i think one thing that stands out to me me that a certn portion of the population, right or wrong, if they're being handed money and continually handed money, they see it as a better financial move to stay home and take a handout than to get up and go to work. and that can have long-lasting impacts on companies trying to fulfill a need the meet customers' needs. so i think the sooner we can get away from government happenedouts and really get -- handouts and really get people focused on helping them help themselves, i think that's going
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to help our economy become even stronger and help us in the long term. neil: you know, the economy's doing quite well, ray, the president likes to take credit for that with the $2 trillion in spending and the covid relief earlier in the year and the promise of more to come with the trillions more, but do we need the trillions more? does the economy need it? >> you know, right now we probably don't. we still have a trillion that hasn't been pent from the last bill -- spent from the last bill, adding $6 trillion is going to create long-term debt for future generations and, of course, the regulatory burden. what is nice is the reduction of regulations over the past four years is having an effect. we're going to be short on jobs, we're going to be short on skills and trades, you already see that and, of course, short on service workers. we had half a million people apply for unemployment. that was a reduction, and we're about to see a million in the next jobs report in terms of new
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jobs created, so we're in a good space. we just can't burn it with more taxes, more debt and more regulation. neil: you know, tomorrow we're expecting to hear from treasury secretary janet yellen. a busy week for influential money players to tawrks well, money and where we're going. she got in a bit of trouble, mike, sort of saying interest rates would have go up in an environment like this. she dialed that back, but she was right, wasn't she? >> you know, she had, is more, has more experience speaking to that, so i'll kind of defer to her. but i think the one thing, neil, you and i talk about it often about, you know, do interest rates need to go up or do interest rates need to come down, and i will always side on the fact that we need to let it be data-dependent. so, yes, we want to let the markets know what we're thinking from the fed governors, but really if the economy is strong enough, then we should raise rates. if it's not, we shouldn't. and let's just focus on the data, let the data come in.
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right now we're strengthening, but we're so close to this global pandemic that we're just trying to get out of now, so i think we've proven a couple of years ago that raising rates too quickly can have very negative impacts on the market. let's wait, let's let the data support it and then talk about rate hikes. neil: all right. and so we will. out of time here. miking thank you, ray, thank you as always. i think as both of these gentlemen were hinting at, the improvement on the vaccination front is what you want. putting that in perspective, right now we are at better than 75% of americans age 65 or older who have been vaccinated. fully vaccinated. that's good news. among the many factors. ♪ ♪ so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile- -so i can finish analyzing the risk on this position.
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