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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  May 14, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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♪ you never call, baby ♪ ♪ when you... ♪ ♪ say you will... ♪ carl. what have you done? think anyone will notice? yes. yeah. if you ride, you get it. yeah, they will. geico motorcycle. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. the white house announcing new mass guidelines but what in the wide, wide world of sports what took so long? we have more that is coming up. versus joe biden biden really in charge? come on man, might sound like a silly question after all he was elected president. after every lenders and gaps claims there is a shadow president britt i want to know is someone else pulling the strings? let's examine this old chestnut of a mystery shall be customer just yesterday after press conference at the white house, resident biden said
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this. >> you guys are bad i am not supposed be answering all these questions i'm so silly but i cannot resist your questions. kennedy: what you mean you're not with answer the questions? you are the president of the united states but you should be answering all the questions. of course that is weird at late last month's libido drop this nugget. mick what you make it? >> i'm sorry the last question and take. i'm really going to be in trouble. kennedy: i'm going to be in trouble. with him he'll be in trouble? again you are the leader of the free world but last week white house press secretary socket to me said she's not a big fan of letting a biden speak his mind. listen to this. becky takes questions nearly every day. that is not something we recommend print effect 11 times we say don't take questions. he's going to do what he wants to do because he's the president of the united states. >> always not be declared the white house once buying to keep his mouth shut.
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if he speaks, he gets in trouble. who is giving him this time out question at former acting director of national intelligence the trump administration with burnout, he thanks he knows. interview grenell said quote biden's two week from stopping the progressive left from taking over bridge vice president kamala harris does not understand what's going on. we have a shadow president and no one is paying attention. susan rice, remember her? she is the domestic policy council and president obama's national security advisor. so is susan rice pulling all of the levers? if not her, and it's not biden, then who is it? less estimates party panels a man found because it is thursday we got washington examiner senior political calmness at americans enterprise institute resident fellow tim carney is back in front of a handsome mantle. along with the coast of the gary and shannon show on am
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640 in los angeles, gary hoffmann is backward we've got the host of the richard fowler radio show also fox news contributor richard fowler. let's get right into this. tim carney, if joe biden is not the president, then who is the president? 'joe biden is the president. the fact is the democrats decided to nominate, help a guy who be the best present united states but the person is most likely to beat donald trump redoubts are single minded focus that was congresses focus reforms that was the media focus. the pic to guide they knew and liked way too old for the job. got to feel bad for the man taken job at this age. it's an elder abuse to put them in this position he's going to be more managed. he's going to have less freedom to say what the president thanks than the average president i'm surprised his advanced age its main what the democrats said.
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kennedy: its elder per the only reason people voted for joe biden he was not donald trump, is that reason enough? have we been sold a bill of presidential goods? i see you're drinking, tim carney it's a little early for that. [laughter] 's >> id believe clearly this reaction the way there handling the news conferences with joe biden is clearly reaction to the way donald trump was the way he was doing his press conferences off the cuff produced very combative they like a joe to be a known quantity. as the time-uncle fred's life you're not quite sure it's going to say rock mixed companies they only let him out at certain times. and then you search to say things not quite comfortable with the sign for uncle fred to go to bed. think that that's what we are watching. before the new pope and that's the sign in some of this out well ever and seca nights uncle fred this has been fun,
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good night uncle fred. i'm going to bite my own hand. richard you are quite confident joe biden is in fact 46 president of the united states. [laughter] yes unlike uncle don we had last year we were comfortable what he said in the press it so he tried to get him off of twitter they tried to control tweets we didn't like it when he woke up in the mornings are tweeting crazy things. joe biden understands everything he says and does has implications on the market. has implement kit on the world. the job he has around him understand the weight of the job i digress.
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before i voted for joe jorgensen about it for a woman has a phd in really smart on to shrink the size the federal government. i will not take that finger waving in my face, richard. i will say this, if joe biden says something has major implications, if joe biden does not say something, tim carney could we also argue that also has implications? by his in action and his lack of exchanges with the press we are seeing that middle east fall apart. we are seeing a bad job support. we are seeing gas prices spike. we are seeing a rise in inflation. could that be contributed to joe biden's in action? >> we also saw a really bad cdc health guidance dragged on for weeks and weeks. we sought were shown were linsky's cdc director swinging in the wind.
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doing whatever the teachers unions told her. because biden was not stepping out and correcting. he knew vaccinated people vex and ridiculous. he was absent on that priest absent on the middle east stuff. and on the whole rush of the gas pumps happen because the white house was quite on that. we're going to control the coined to have the lid every day at 11 amber : good to put out what we have to talk about. that doesn't happen when the world is happening around you. spread the world is certainly happening but if you're having trouble finding gas your car that's happening as well. president biden says come on, man. don't panic buried there still gas shortages across the south. the colonial pipeline up and running again after last week's cyber attack. experts say fuel availability and parts of the east coast is not going to back to normal for days, just a home get who burrito at the bike to you. meantime people lining up the
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pump creating a squeeze on gas read some idiot execs accidentally setting their cars on fire in the process. good job dumb dumb. mediocrity here we are despite the crisis the white house still on their green high horse telling reporters anyone who drives an electric vehicle will not be affected by who's to blame her the for you driving that filthy affordable gas card cars here he hoffman? >> listen here in california we all ride bicycles. we do not have to worry about gasoline. [laughter] is horrible as this is, as bad as they say especially people in north carolina something like 70% of gas asians were without gasoline, this could've been worse. this was the information technology sector they got from the clinical pipeline for they did not get into granular electronic valves and pressure control devices on the pipeline itself. had they done that, this would
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have taken weeks if not months to correct. we got lucky with this one. it should be an incredibly large red flag to anybody got to harden your cybersecurity and you got to do it right now but >> i look at this, richard, i love the idea of green energy i really do. i want to live in a place where solar panels and a tesla and pegasus, the flying horse which of the really fun. but i look at all of this and i think infrastructures infrastructure. critical infrastructure is really infrastructure. and is not getting a few extra shekels for mema and papa. it's the actual infrastructure. so i we should have an infrastructure bill was cybersecurity. how right my? >> without the present rate of carveout he had bipartisan can
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we secure highways, can we fix our airports for it's worth pointing out the pipeline were talking about the private pipeline and everything in their power to stop from going any further. kennedy: i want to stop you want to push back on that. i will say this. if you are supplying 45% of the liquid energy to the eastern seaboard, i am guessing at some points there is a government investment certainly a government interface with that which does not make it entirely private. so either you're being incredibly naïve about that, or you are saying that the memes of production for everything especially pipeline should be public, which is socialism and that's wrong. >> this out and sang it all paid the ransom ware were talking about in this case is ransom ware that's owned is done to a private country in the u.s. government stepped in under the biden administration
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did every thing the power to ensure they got gas with the american people. kennedy: did the government tell them to pay the ransom? >> this the strongest of seen amongst any president. will fortify the american government any type of technological infrastructure that we buy. the federal government impervious to choose cyber attacks, tim carney. kennedy: they're not richard that's the point, it is not just a leftist party game. it's not impervious glad tim carney. the hoarding is people putting 14 gas cans we don't know what will happen.
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was a panic and different administration is in the trump administration could have stopped this panic but guess what, now we have government officials saying no gasoline will be back on thursday. you think people trust them? no. what happened over the last 14 months? our government official expert lied to us about when we're going to be safe. kennedy: no interest in human no one trust the government they think they're lying there fudging the numbers. they think they're exaggerating and withholding all the same time. i understand the impulse to hoard. we've only got like ten seconds, gary hoffmann. how vulnerable are we to future ransom or tax? >> incredibly vulnerable. it might get to the point where people run the united states have to pay california prices for gasoline. that would doom the economy.
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kennedy: aptly right now is going to go anywhere. about to embark on memorial day weekend which if i'm not mistaken kicks off hot girls summit without a lock it up around here but going to the manpower they were turning a little is game night were paying present your lack of bread before that one state giving out $5 million in party cash to get the vaccine president biden says we do not have a hesitancy problem, we've got big news on masks protect that conman off your face will separate facts from x with dr. siegel next. plus senator rand paul doctor fancy the clash of the tetons will get to the bottom of it will get to the bottom of it with brian killian [ crowd cheering ] [ engine revving ] [ race light countdown ] ♪♪ ♪♪
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not great at saving. you deserve better... xfinity mobile. now they have unlimited for just $30 a month... $30. and they're number one in customer satisfaction. his number... delete it. i'm deleting it. so, break free from the big three. xfinity internet customers, take the savings challenge at or visit and xfinity store to learn how our switch squad makes it easy to switch and save hundreds. kennedy: at the mast bernie began. after months and months of hemming and on the cdc announcing anyone who is fully vaccinated, who for eyes and speaks friends can go without a mask indoors and out for even our mask upsets present this afternoon gave his blessing. spin it let me repeat, if you are fully vaccinated, you no longer need to wear a mask. but if you have not been vaccinated, or if you're
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getting a two shot vaccine and you only had your first shot but not your second, or you have not waited the full two weeks after your second shot, you still need to wear a mask. if you have a shot and a second okay have got to go. finally the administration is following the science and is incentivizing unaffected people to get the shot. so could this be the end of vaccine hesitancy and the return to normal life? here are three to correspondent author of covid the fear of science doctor marc siegel is backward hallelujah how big of a day is this dr. siegel? >> one of your producers is calling it d.a. debris vaccination american day. the big data finally sees in that nice? it's a great data to the cdc catching up somewhat to the science. a lot of damage has been done with the hesitation here. literally the hesitation on the part of getting vaccinated the part of public health officials to own up to the
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fact the science has been there for a while. that if you get vaccinated you're not transmitting this virus. if you get our getting back syndrome is definitely not catching this virus. kennedy: thought six weeks ago this is the end result thinking, i'm sorry go ahead. >> exactly. but never was that we got to through a process of unwrapping our psyche. we are going to feel naked without that mass critter going to feel naked of their indoors without that mask. it is traumatic prep and going through that for weeks paid i confess that i was vaccinated fully vaccinated by early january. i confess i did not follow these guidelines, katy patent meet wreaks even recent before really sunk in after a year of this that i was safe. before we had a wonderful conversation on my podcast, candy saves the world. we could also to had wonderful conversation lessig about whether or not should vaccinate your children print i've a lot of anti- vax i come in contact with the
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tell me not to vaccinate my children. i said i am vaccinate my children because of you so thank you for that. they are 12 to 15 year old actually doing better on the pfizer vaccine then there 16 plus counterparts. they're finding a vaccine 12 -- 15 what are% affected that's great news. submit completely. but you know the president thanks there's not still vaccine hesitancy out there is got another think coming for a new poll from associated press to showed 11% planning and the shot 35% of those you're unvaccinated are not planning on getting the shot. we've got a lot more work to depart with got to get the shot into doctor's offices per david cussler is in charge of this program, doctor kesler former commissioner said the files are still too big to fit into doctors offices he told me. got it to where i can have that one on one conversation with the team. kennedy: you find a way around
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these things we can find systems. americans are full of ingenuity and great ideas. and i trust them print think it is awed though that in ohio they are offering millions of dollars on lottery payments have been vaccinated. is this what we do is that we have to bribe people question it because as a mother i am not above bribery. back i am all for free market solutions here. and i'm all for lotteries. and let's hand out vaccines at the yankee game along with the ticket to the game predestinate so bad. but let's at least open up without masks. >> i heard your line fear for i heard. kennedy: only because it's happy hour in the giving out fireball that is the only reason because i love america, had dr. siegel. >> how about an ice cream truck there they are you line up you get your mr. softy but you get a vaccine to part i am all for that. but seriously, the way to get
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this to happen is the message that started to come out today which is you are safe. you are free this virus is what you need to be worrying about. you'd be free of the virus take the vaccine for that is word-of-mouth. in them have to continue to puncture the myths about the vaccine being unsafe. was being safe is the older vaccine the older technology the china vaccine they're giving out in the world refining out is not working. this vaccine works. we have to get the message out parades or throw away your masks, it is a mask liberation debris but we need to go even further. another important thing, candy, the people out there who got over covid, who made antibiotics, got the antibodies they should be free to. why should they have to wear a mask when they have the antibiotics to prove that they are immune? kennedy: dr. siegel thanks a much always originate talking to you. >> great talk and you thank you kennedy. kennedy: kentucky senator rand paul and doctor fauci at it again for you know. today they took their senate
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hearing feud over the origins of the coronavirus two separate morning shows. first doctor fauci said this to gayle king. >> you know gayle, i just don't want to get into that. i just don't understand what the problem is with him. i'm just going to do my job and he can do what he wants to do will see what happens. >> i don't know what his problem is all these questions. the kentucky center is not letting doctor fauci off the hook accusing him of being evasive about possibly finding the virus creation. mcafee is being interviewed by a journalist they would have asked, did the nih commager specific division of the nih give money to the wuhan lab? that is incontrovertible true. what he's arguing in these parsing his words he knows his group gave money. but he is saying it wasn't producing up the super viruses. we gave it for other research. kennedy: that is such hot malarkey there is no weight doctor fauci can prove that
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money from the nih did not know to juicing up the viruses. can they keep pressure on the spin doctor here to discuss fox and friends cohost sees hosting prime time on the fox news channel. bronchial need is back is a very good interview but i'm concerned about myself it's mickey didn't because we are going to structuring to kick a couple people off the show. when mica 17 minutes or love any freestyle. >> really fits kennedy. fox's the title you are the logo you are more important. have you seen the studio question works big huge good lambda chopper here. kennedy: don junior's coming by later. [laughter] choppers and whoppers breed less discusses the thing that struck me crazy about this is i do not believe that back to other species and human story but it's the bat lady in the wuhan biology institute was
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doing all sorts of experiments with u.s. money and to iran paul's point, she credited doctor fauci in her research when the notes were actually open and available. >> you are a natural skeptic. you do not by the typical rate of a bat biting a penguin who found his way to wuhan thousands of miles away that's because a worldwide global pandemic. so you are a skeptic. i have no idea why it's you are antiscience. couple things number one comic gayle king did not ask anthony fauci is not personal anthony fauci needs to answer where the origins of this viruses from part how you can have that showed not asked that question are not followed but rand paul is talking about, it is not personal. tell me how this started. and white doctor felty are you more curious question for quite a people asked for the started? we can relate to that question more than any other specially now that were down to the cases have gotten so low and 49 of 50 states what we can say weightless to get deeper at the doctor's healthy
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science reveals to us that if we do not find out how this started we cannot stop the next impaired who are the people that know? the chinese did such a great job on their vaccine is the label placebo. i'm not sure why we expected not to work. that doesn't work, brazilians know this there being ravaged by the chinese vaccine. that's the big question. the other thing is ron paul's right again pretty goddess and i don't need a mask he said no i don't need a mask. i have antivirus when he managed out need a mess? where are you wearing masks? they pretend as if the crowds came up, the sun came out and now can't wear masks. if you listen to everyone if the vaccine's effect is better than polio better than whooping cough it's better than measles that 70% for i don't get up everyday's weight but if i get whooping cough customer i don't graphite my way through it like a navy seal. 96% effective i will take those odds any day. kennedy: this is what's driving me crazy, it was all virtue signaling.
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the joint address to congress everyone is 12 feet apart wearing masks the take the cameras often take their masks off get next to each other it's like you are all lying. you not you, they are the problem. >> all the leaders the big four and president were there for their asked over the weekend where you wearing a mask we are all vaccinated here. he said to protect you. he caught himself you not protecting me from anything here's the bigger story. if you aren't vaccinated at some is impossible to get this virus outside. and if you are a kid and you have the viruses almost no chance that you are going to die from it, be hospitalized from it or even felix. so we're screwing up the kids camps. we destroyed their sports. we heavily destroy their education paid we even knew in front of us by all the tests this was an overreaction. today it was an absolute charade. a charade. this just in the cdc just discovered that you can't
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spread the virus once you have the vaccine. you can't get the virus once you have the vaccine for take your mascot inside but not on planes and not on buses, why? before their budget of lying dumb face jerk heads. >> is hoping for something over scientific dumping were going to get into name-calling. [laughter] he told me this show had a higher level to bring maya game. and if you like them in a gang i can get out of the clubhouse. we were going to spit on her palms and shake hands will be related for life. >> that's more the show i thought i was getting. brian kilmeade the legend thank you so much. none. >> thanks for booking me. support weeds game out of a great presidential quiz, "prez your luck" and moments built test our man pam about past presidents and their past, can play two. play two. it is next did you know that geico's whole 15 minutes thing... that came from me.
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kennedy: welcome back is time to play "prez your luck" that test your command of america's commanders in chief. a manpower earn points by answering historical trivia and each contestant will have one chance to "prez your luck" and double the point total of the question of their choosing for it they get it wrong they lose everything. let's get to it, tim, gary, richard are you all ready to "prez your luck"? >> radial absolute. super list by america's favorite game to a question for one for you which of these presents graduated from the united states military academy at west point, dwight d eisenhower, jimmy carter, george h debbie bush or joe biden? submit dwight d eisenhower principal exley right here on the board. next rounding start take that option here because your first question gary hoffmann with two ends. for the first president to board the hospital?
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wasn't woodrow wilson, ulysses s grit, jimmy carter donald trump? >> jimmy carter. support. [laughter] i don't know why that made me laugh. jimmy carter is correct gary hoffmann you are the board. he sported planes georgia at the nursing center in 19204. write richard here we go it's your chance to tie these gentlemen and get on the board. aside from franklin roosevelt, who is the only other president to appear on five presidential tickets, john adams, richard nixon george h debbie booker old hickory andrew jackson? dagen: that would be richard nixon. kennedy: you are correct. oh my gosh 52 -- 56. sixty when he lost a candidate that was always suspicious, 68 and of course 72 well done you gentlemen are tied. someone is going to have to "prez your luck" you soon. tim i read keep rolling?
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>> ready to roll. kennedy: which of these countries capitals is named after u.s. president? is it ecuador, chile, liberia, or hades? >> liberia. kennedy: you've got it right with you did not "prez your luck" that's find on the next one. garrett you can "prez your luck" or you can wait, listen to the question first part which of these presidents first declared war on cancer customer john f. kennedy, ronald reagan, jimmy carter or richard nixon? >> i will "prez your luck" on this one candidate. before really the double your point total lose all your points. >> site might i say ragan. kennedy: gary you have nothing i'm erasing all of your points it was richard nixon he signed the national cancer act in 1971 before sent people into
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the watergate hotel to break in and steal stuff. okay this is question number six. [laughter] what was george washington's presidential salary? was it $100, 25000 big ones, 200,000 or $2 million? happy first answer. >> $200 i think. kennedy: know you are wrong gives $25000.1789 congress voted to pay the president's salary of 25 grand a year. vice president only got five large. so was able to percent of the total federal budget that seems like a lot. he'll imagine how much a president would bake now? [laughter] that will be great. right tim carney you can "prez your luck" and w . total. or you can just take this normal. abram liked was the first president to drive an assassination. who is the second? was it james a garfield, van buren, or jeremy?
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[laughter] >> "prez your luck" james a garfield. kennedy: james a garfield is correct you now have four points. good job. that was the time to do in your confidence. and very impressive. gary have on the know points you have no points. you have no points. you can go do things to yourself, okay? which first lady had a warning shot fired at her by the secret service after she drunkenly stumbled to the bushes at a presidential beach house? why might not on this list customer is at hillary clinton, jackie kennedy, marcy washington or pat nixon? >> kennedy and i'm going to get this wrong but please, please, please tell me this was hillary clinton. [laughter] kennedy: it probably was but then secret service agent who found her whose break scott
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fiddled with it's actually pat nixon. god rest her soul. this is for richard, are you ready richard? let's do this. which president believed if he soaked his feet in a bucket of cold water every day he would never get a cold. was it john quincy adams? james polk, thomas jefferson or donald j trump? [laughter] >> i'm going to go with john quincy adams. before that was a bad idea. >> i'm going to play this straight that's probably true. kennedy: know you did not get it right. it was old cold pickles thomas jefferson. he maintained this habit for 60 years and he started his own fire and he put them out with this little foot soak. fun facts about presidential history.
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you and all expense paid ticket to guam in august during the season. >> great. thank you. >> i'm glad you won enjoy that trip. >> great time. man panel think al verplanck did a great job. tim, gary, richard that's how you do it. all right there a lot of swearwords in their. thank you. inflation across the nation is heating up. prices for everything from lumber, cars and copper. hosting the biggest and income on record but why is the president still itching suspended plans despite the surge? hottie scotty martin is here to celebrate salonpas day and our mission to improve people's lives through topical pain relief we invite you to try our powerful, long-lasting patch for muscle and joint pain, get your free sample at hisamitsu front desk. yes, hello... i'm so... please hold.
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kennedy: it is always a dance party here but that's big for
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america's most trusted journalist. laura ingraham. joe biden just cannot pump the brakes on spending at the partly making just about everybody more expensive these hookers i can afford the bird earlier today the president pitches info structure family plans to republican senators for both plans put together cost a whopping $4 trillion. that is not enough inflation fears are growing in everyday prices keep climbing. that is going to hose the middle class. department of agriculture said grocery prices up 3.5% per the average price of used car hit all-time high backing $25000. is inflation the economic indicator which became a closer eye on? freshman is when at the masters it's new wealth management chief investment officer fox news contributor hottie scotty martin. these but this super crazy body welcome back scott. >> with the body karate yes this is my masters when jacket from 1985 when i was i don't
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know about 20 months old i guess. great, looks good thank you for noticing. before great job scott. how does massive government spending affect inflation? >> it is the weirdest thing. we're trying to reopen the economy from the government's attempts federally and locally to destroy it. it's funny, kennedy hate prints epic in this case dallas or other things i think joe biden would like to print or maybe kamala harris to that talk about later maybe. look the dollars were sending out to everybody to not work by the way and spend on pork bills and this fraud and waste and abuse the government so well known for its amazing comic kennedy you print the seven trillions of amounts it devalues it because there's more of it out there and it dries up prices like you said for things at the grocery store, cars, copper, housing prices, lumber, hoses probably do for your garden.
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it is so evident now with got to stop this crazy spending forgot to let the economy breathe on its own proleptic but go back to work and get off their couches. stop paying them to stay home and go to the each. even from techno tonic knows that. kennedy: someone knows it but those someone still work in the white house. i do not understand. whenever jen psaki is pressed about inflation or economics or bad jobs numbers or whatever else she is like well, we are looking into it with got a lot of people who are just looking at this all the economists say this is great. the economist say inflation is a really, really super good thing. which i have been top that inflation is actually in >> expensive. >> it is it's very costly to future growth for an economy that struggling to recover. the last thing you want to do as you mentioned in the lead in as a raise price on just about every thing out there and folks are struggling to back to work because the cost
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of normal everyday materials and products are just through the roof. look, jen has all the things to defend the nation but her hair dye, which i think she uses i am just guessing that has to be up in price. kennedy: her hair is finally spun copper per the price of copper is skyrocketed. she should cut it off and sell it that's what i would go take a right of the gold and silver exchange just handed over for a handsome sum. lumber expensive hard to build new homes and hard to house the homeless with those new homes if lumber is expensive, leftward scott. >> particles anything would have lumber, copper prices going up. that's coming from someone has been known to bring the wood that hurts me to it because lumber is a key part of this economy. prices are through the roof it's unsustainable. >> always. scotty martin ocs soon good
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kennedy: hbo is releasing a reunion of the tv show
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friends. they're calling it the one nobody will watch. those are friends in low places. this is a topical storm. topic number one roll over beethoven there's a new virtuoso in town for checkup this viral video from illinois at a company by her dog. ♪ ♪ [laughter] that is most people in agony watching my show. that is megan and her dog practicing for an upcoming virtual string quartet. i hope they are as good in concert as they are in rehearsal but iris has been known to choke on a show night mostly on chicken bones. this must be helped paul simon felt work with art garfunkel. loved music in fact place fetch in d minor. this is iris' second favorite peace. her first is of bacon. she just wants to be in the band so bad. come on megan, throw a dog a bone. that would be a neat trick.
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sadly this was their last performance and shortly after this video they were ripped to shreds by major biden. topic number two, there's a cat or dog there's the gas shortage and now short of the something americans really care about, check for late reportedly running out of their famous dipping sauces. which is in turn causing a different type of gas shortage that's right get ready for soft lines and joe biden's america played the chicken chain is rationing at stockton customers only one sauce per entrée, two sauces per meal. sounds like they're going to be another summer of violent riots but luckily should placement hit in the sides of home. i went to waffle fries? the shortages due to industrywide supply chain disruptions that have affected many restaurant chains including moe's southwest
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grill, g.i. hope i can still get there check for late since making adjustments to solve the shortage quickly as possible but thankfully americo never entirely ring of chick-fil-a sauce we have a two year reserve supply increase christie's and bloodstream. topic number three. chicago has released a thousand feral cats onto the streets to help and the city's rat problem. back in the old days al capone would have handled that himself at chicago's long been known for i hate cats him sorry. rat infestation. also it's a pizza, hotdogs and all of that jazz. other cities implementing a new kind of pest control releasing an army of shelter cats that would otherwise be euthanized right that's right they can either die or eat rats. or is joe biden calls it, the american families plan. just wait until inflation kicks in. listings of the
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b-uppercase-letter dispersed ram with the push to live together decimate outdoor cat colonies. although they admit that so far that is been like herding cats. the cats are all neutered so they will not be making any kitty litter. so what happens were all the rats are gone and the city is full of hungry cats? that's when they really eat the bigger animals like they did in houston. we just put a little sardine oil on their tiny pause. topic number four, the cdc said i can take my mask off. so now you can talk trash to my face. this is viewer mail. liz starts us off with at kennedy nation, lame. oh liz go crawl back in your forte cavern. and tweets i've never been kennedy nation was the : on mtv. i accidentally turned to foxbusiness and caught her show, how sad, how pathetic.
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is this ricky? i was a cool person on mtv. i drove like billy corgan anger animals. rates hard pasty tweets that every night with her fat little chardonnay fingers. is not a big fan of you all and show you in your show. ♪ ♪i've got the brains you've got the looks♪ ♪let's make lots of money♪ ♪you've got the brawn♪ ♪i've got the brains♪ ♪let's make lots of♪ ♪uh uh uh♪ ♪oohhh there's a lot of opportunities♪ with allstate, drivers who switched saved over $700. saving is easy when you're in good hands. allstate click or call to switch today. sure, about this? experience capability, crafted by lexus. we're good. the remarkable gx and lx. get 0.9% apr financing on the 2021 gx 460.
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kennedy: think it was the best
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everyday fellowman twitter an instagram at kennedy nation. on facebook had the epi income e-mail kennedy epi and please obstruct my podcasts kennedy saves the world, spotify, apple podcast or and don't forget make every day kenn-a-day. goodbye. (announcer) the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. ♪ chances are ♪ ♪ 'cause i wear a silly grin ♪ ♪ the moment you... ♪ (announcer) there are artists we'll always remember. ♪ mona lisa ♪ ♪ mona lisa, men have named you ♪ (announcer) beautiful songs. ♪ you're so like the lady... ♪ (announcer) ...with lyrics, melodies and memories that will always touch our hearts. ♪ it's impossible ♪


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