tv The Evening Edit FOX Business May 27, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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make sure you have enough heat in there because otherwise it ends up undercooked or overcooked if you have too much. he says the real secret is to make sure the heat it is right inside the grill. back to you. brian: great secret, edward. that does it for us, "the evening edit" starts now. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: okay, hold on to your wallets. the pricey details and the off the wall, cuckoo forecast of president biden's new $6 trillion government spending blowout. this is the highest since world war world war ii. president biden wants to make a big whopping tax retroact atoff. even obama officials have warned that all this spending is not a good thing. the debate. the president wants to grow government by about two-thirds
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all in, but what about just letting the economy heal itself now that america is on the move and reopening? tonight governor michael huckabee, congresswoman ashley hinson, saul wisen brg, james care fan know, a michigan restaurant owner who was jailed for breaking governor whitmer's masksk mandate and border officl art del cueto. more on the senate unanimously approving the declassification of all of the intelligence on the origins of covid-19. we've got more details including this story: the doctor battling back against stories about the wuhan lab leak theory. he's trying to support that story. he not only helped fund china's research, he also helped china create new manmade super viruses inside laboratories in china. andpe now he says we have to tae china's word for everything, that there was no leak. and this debate, the media's anti-evidence, anti-science,
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anti-intellect, get trump politics. the u.s. media falls for china's propaganda machine last year, even into this year. this as chinese doctors, journalists and whistle blowers are risking their lives, battling arrest and censorship inside china. plus, twop new hunter biden bombshells. reports coming b in vice presidt rebiden did meet hunter's forein business partners despite all those denials and that hunter biden's salary from that ukraine energy company was with cut in half right after joe biden left office. and we will talk to the owner of that michigan restaurant jailed for defying the michigan governor's lockdown restrictions including the mask mandate. remember, the governor herself violated her own rules. this restaurant other than now plans to sue the governor. she says she was shackled, strip searched and cavity surged. now border authorities pushing back on the homeland security secretary,er accusing him of
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undercutting, weakening i.c.e. just as texas border patrol now reports an absurd rise in arrests at the border of the worst kinds of criminals ever. they're now trying to get in. i'm elizabeth mac don, "the evening -- macdonald, "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: okay, welcome to the show. you're watching the fox business network. thees dow, the s&p 500 edging higher, the nasdaq slipping. ewe have first quarter gdp growh coming in at about 6.4, slightly below the expected 6.5% expectation but well ahead of fourth quarter gdp at 4.1% growth rates there. we begin with former arkansas governor mike huckabee. it's so great of to have you on, terrific that you're with us what do you think about president biden's spending blowout? it looks like the economy's already turning around. >> well, it won't if you keep doing stuff like that. this is the problem that you have when you elect a president
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who's never signed the front of a paycheck. joe biden has no idea what this will doo to small businesses. and this nonsense of almost doubling the capital gains tax from 23 to 43% and then trying to make it relate9 proactive? i mean -- retroactive? people universally are saying this is a terrible idea, and the few people who have ever worked in government who have been private sector business are also talking about how absolutely ludicrous it is and what a big impact negatively it's going to haveve on the economy. it's a very bad idea, liz. elizabeth: yeah, he's trying to make it retroactive to april, this past month. that's the capital gains tax. you're right, it's going to be 43% ott at the top -- at the top rate. here are the things he's saying, quote: you can't reboot a global economy like flipping on a light switch with. he's trying to spend his way out of disappointing growth. he's's saying, essentially, we need towt grow government by
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two-thirds, and his estimates are just 2.3% inflation when it's already hot, it's around 7.5% annualized as of the january figure. running around 4.5% last month. so m he's saying, really, just 2.3%? i mean, these are cuckoo forecasts. >> well, the worst part of this is is this assumption that if he does more and more government things, there'll beng more jobs. the opposite is already happening. there are people who are sitting at home right now who could be employed, but they're sitting enjoying biden's stimulus checks and unemployment. the reason i happen to know this, because i've been trying to hire some people. guess what? you can't do it. you can't get anyone to come to work because they're going to make as much, maybe sometimes more money by not coming to work. that's joe biden's philosophy of government, and it's absolutely boogerring up the economy as we know it. you've got to have an economy that i depends on private secto. and the fact is businesses need
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people, but businesses take it in the teeth with stuff like the capital gains tax. capital gains tax, liz, ought to be zero. there shouldn't be a tax on capital gains because what you're doing, you're punishing productivity when you tax capital gains. why would you tax something that you want more of? ydon't you want productivity? it makes the economy stronger. when you punish it, you with actually are discouraging it, and it's the dumbest thing imaginable that joe biden could be pushing right now. ble elizabeth yeah. people lock up their assets as cap gains go higher. okay, you used the b-word. i was going to say rainbows and unicorns. [laughter] let's move on to this -- [laughter] we know that larry summers, former treasury secretary under obama, juneau mccarthy, even jason furman, biden, we don't like your policies. let's listen to senator ron johnson. listen to this.ja >> i mean, by the end of this
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fiscal year we'll be about $30 trillion in debt, and that's on top of t a roughly $21 is, 22 trillion economy. we're at dangerous levels. elizabeth: okay. so he's saying dangerous levels, but you know what we're hearing, sir? senate democrats, they're the really mad that senator mitch mcconnell wants to basically kill the capital riot commission via potentially a filibuster, and they're going to try to get rid of the filibuster to ram through all of this spending. what do you say to that? >>o well, they're going to do something that'll have you are reversibleno consequences. and it's not just about the commission they want to create, and it's not just about the budget they want to try to push through, slam through, punch through. it's really about the long-term future off the political environment in washington. i think it's a disaster. and i hope there's going to be olsome folks, including several democrats, who will recognize that they will rue the day when they do this. and maybe t they'll have some better judgment. goodness, i hope so. right now washington has become
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crazy town. it is absolutely out of control. and i hope we can hang on for dear life, scratching with our fingernails until the 2022 elections and get some of these folks sent home, get republicans in charge but not just any republicans, but some republicans with guts and some republicans with convictions about sound economic principles, because they're not being operated right now in d.c. elizabeth: yeah. but senator warren is now saying, quote: this is our chance to expand our idea. our idea of what infrastructure means, that it's about things like paid family leave. we don't see that in the definition for infrastructure in dictionary. >> no. they've redefined it. they now want to basically say macaroni and cheese is infrastructure if we say it is. this is alice in wonderland fantasy that these folks are living with. infrastructure has historically meant brick and mortar, it's meant things that are actually
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constructed and built, and we need infrastructure. that's something republicans can sign on to. but what the democrats are calling infrastructure is not infrastructure.. it's just pork spending. you know, this is the biggest pork fest that i've ever seen in my lifetime and, liz, i'm getting pretty stink thing old. so i've been around a while, and i've never seen the kind of proposals that they're putting forth and calling it infrastructure. call it whatever you want, it's just wild, reckless government spending, and it has a really harmful effect on the economy and on people's jobs. >> alleo right. governor mike huckabee, it's good to see you. thank you so much for joining us. >> a always a pleasure, liz. thanks. elizabeth: same here. joining me now, iowa congresswoman ashley hundredson. what do you think of this spending blowout? it's good to see you. >> the spending spigot has clearly been turned on, and at a time when we need that growth, opportunity and freedom for the american people, it's very clear
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the biden administration policies arere taking our county the wrong direction. i heard you discussing inflation, you know, and the price people are paying not only at the pump, but at the grocery store for new homes, we're seeing that materialize already. we have to right the ship. the clock is ticking to right that ship and take the economy back in theco right direction ad get people's lives back to normal. elizabeth: well, thanks for picking up on the theme there, cuckoo. appreciate that. [laughter] congresswoman, the other thing that's happening is a growing number of states are saying, you know what? we're going tot? pay you to wor. we're going to give you a bonus. you've seen that in arizona and montana. and 23 states are are going to cut off the federal jobless benefits, and that's the way to get things moving. that's a dramatic pushback by republican-run states, republican governors. >> absolutely. and you're seeing that happen here iner iowa. you're seeing that happen, as you mentioned, in republican states across the country. we need to incentivize people to
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go back to work, not to stay at home. that's what we're seeing right now, more incentives to stay home. you making more -- you're making more money to stay home. everywhere i go in my district, every business, i've gone into recently has a help wanted sign on the door. you can't incentivize people to come to work when they're a making more on unemployment. and they were never meant to be permanent, right? they were meant to help us get othrough this time, and then we needed to get back on track, and the best way to get the economy back on track is to get people back to work. elizabeth: you know, let's listen to senator roger marshall. he's trying to explain that there's a hidden tax on the working class, on middle class, that they need to pay attention. to he's saying what the government, what the biden administration is doing is creating social injustices. watch this. >> i just want everyone to realize and to emphasize that this, inflation is a social injustice. it certainly hurts those who are
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on the lower income portion more than other folks. it certainly hurts our senior citizens who are onn fixed incomes, folks who have young families, young, hard working americans are impacted more by inflation than anybody else. and again, i just think at the end of the dayk what we're seeig here is a very socialist agenda that's leading to social injustices. elizabeth: is that message getting through? and why not just let the economy come back on its own? >> well, liz, i think it is getting through. i did three town halls, public town halls where people could can ask me whatever they wanted on tuesday, and time and time again, why is inflation happening, what's the bottom line impact. when you actually discuss that bottom line, those kitchen table discussions, it is ad middle class and working class tax hike when they are paying more at the pump, at the grocery store and more for goods and services. cpi should be around 2%, and we're seeing that on the rise, increase. i heard you t mention the inflation year-over-year, so it
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is, in t essence, a tax. and the best way to right the shipo is to get people back to work and stop this spending spigot that's clearly been turned on by the biden administration. elizabeth: congresswoman ashley hinson, thank you so much for joining us. it's good to see you. >> thanks, liz. elizabeth: up next, congressman tom emmer, he's going to talk to us about the senate unanimously approving the declassification about all the intelligence on what happened with covid-19, the origins of it in china. we're going to talk to him about what ari fleischer called the media's anti-evidence, anti-science, antiafter intellect -- anti-intellect that's really damaging what america needs to know. the story next. >> is there any more important question facing the world right now than how this pandemic -- which has devastated the global economy,ll devastatedded all of our individuales lives -- how it started? if for no other reason than we
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♪ elizabeth: joining us now, the chairman of the national republican congressional committee, he is congressman tom emmer. it's so great to see you. so what happens next after the senate unanimously approved a bill to declassify intelligence on the origins of covid-19 in china? what happens next? >> well, first, liz, thanks for having me. what happens next, i'm so happy that finally we've got politicians in washington, d.c., republicans and in this case democrats as well, who are willing to put the american people before politics, who are willingg to actually take a leadership role in this country and start to look into what really happened with this virus. the former administration, former president talking about how china played a role in it, you had senators like tom cotton out there months ago talking about questions that were raised. the real questions we should be asking right now is what
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happened to change the biden administration. you know, these woke -- elizabeth: k yeah, we want to, e want to -- we want to move on from the politics of this. this shouldn't be politicized people keep saying because 6 million -- excuse me, 600,000 people guyed -- died in the u.s., right? are we going to find out what the people's liberation army was doing inside the wuhan lab in australia's been all over that. maybe more lab workers got sick, even hospitalized than we know about. right? >> that's exactly right. we know that the information that was being supplied was not accurate. we know there are questions. clearly, the biden administration and our friends over in the senate have seen something in the last week that has told them that it's time to take a a different approach. instead of denying that something happened, it's time to investigate it and make sure not only that we know what happened so welcome make sure that it doesn't -- we can make sure that it doesn't happen again, but
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people can be held accountable. in this case that would be a question as to what role did china and specifically the lab in wuhan, what role did it play in creating this worldwide disaster. elizabeth: yeah. you know, it was -- maybe it was just an accidental, unintentional leak. maybe it wasn't a leak of a manmade frankenstein virus. we don't know. the thing is the sars virus leaked twice out of labs in china in the early 2000s. so we have all this discord behind the scenes at the white house. the press secretary, jen psaki, earlier this week said the president wants the international community to investigate.l now biden orders the u.s. intelligence officials to look into it. it was, you know, it was always reasonable to look into it as a lab leak. why all the discord? >> liz, i mean, you said it earlier. you're right, we shouldn't politicize this. but let's face it, it got politicized right out of the gate r whether that was by the politiciansit themselves, whethr that was about folks that have reasons for not wanting to
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investigate china or maybe it was the media that wasn't interested in following the story. for whatever reason, it did get politicized. the good news is the u.s. senate has decided that we are going to do what america should do, which is look into this, get to the bottom of it, get the facts, make sure that we know what happened so it doesn't happen again and hold those responsible accountable. elizabeth: yes. because the media is falling for chinese propaganda. that's what create sicks are el --ha critics are telling us. we have the scientists close to it are trying to shut down coverage of it like one doctor who got money from dr. fauci's agency. he worked on bat virus research inside china. hehe told the world he believes there is no chance, no chance this virus escaped from the wuhan lab. the world health organization a appoints hum to investigate -- him to investigate covid-19. he later declares the wuhan lab blameless.
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let's listen tod head of the nonprofit ecohealth alliance. we have him on tape saying, yeah, we worked on creating frankenstein, manmade super viruses, and then he's saying you've got to take china's word for what happened. watch this. >> c we went out to southern cha and did surveillance of bats across southern china, and we've now foundou after, you know, six or seven years of doing this over a hundred new sars-related coronaviruses, very close to sars. you can manipulate them in the wild pretty easily. sars protein drives a lot of what happens with the antivirus. so you can get the sequence, you can build the protein. and in certain -- another virus and do some work in the labs. we met with them, we said --
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[inaudible] after the outbreak? was anything found? no. do you test your staff? yes. >> you're just taking their word for it. >> well, what else can we do? there's a limit to what you can do, and we went right up to that limit. elizabeth: there's a a lot of money to be madey on vaccine research, right? >> that's right. that's right. there's a lot of money to be madeio period. you need to follow the money. it's interesting that he would say we went right up to the limit and we stopped. look, dr. anthony fauci has talked about this regularly. he does multiple interviews every day. liz, why has he not even raised the question you've got actors out there who make a comment about taiwan as a country, and they have to apologize. you have the nba that actually takes a knee to whatever china tells them to do. we c need to do the investigati, you need to follow the money, you need to find out what happened and make sure it never happens again. and let's hold people accountable for what happened.
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elizabeth: yeah. so final word, these horseshoe bat viruses that they were researching, right, they exist -- >> that's right. elizabeth: -- 600 miles away. they don't exist in wuhan. we had researchers inside china posting stories -- studies about that. then they were forced to delete it, south china f university, oe of the researchers there, he was censored. so, you know, it seems plausible, so why not investigate it? congressman, it was terrific to have you on. thank you so t much for your grt insights. come back soon. up next, former deputy intent counsel sol wisenberg, he's going to break down two new hunter biden bombshell reports, that the vice president did meet hunter's foreign business partners at a dinner despite all those denials, and then hunter biden got s his salary cut at tt ukraine energy company. it was cut in half right after joe biden left office. apparently because hunter's dad was no longer vice president. those arere the stories, coming
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up. ♪ ♪ >> what is our appetite for manipulation and lies? because you have been manipulated and lied blatantly. notd even, not even surreptitiously, but blatantly for more than a year. and this story arc, the hunter bidenou laptop story around b follows very neatly, harris, with to covid came from a wuhan lab as a conspiracy theorist idea. it has caused that same playbook, that's crazy talk, that's spheres. it's dismissed. ♪ ♪ (other money manager) different how? don't you just ride the wave? (judith) no - we actively manage client portfolios based on our forward-looking views of the market. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions, right? (judith) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money? only when your clients make more money? (judith) yep, we do better when our clients do better.
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allstate click or call to switch today. with voltaren arthritis pain gel, allstate my husband's got his moves back. an alternative to pills, voltaren is the first full prescription strength gel, for powerful arthritis pain relief. voltaren. the joy of movement. elizabeth: we're at the bottom of the hour, you're watching the fox business network. look who's back, sowell
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waizen -- sol wisenberg. it's great to see you. even more stories about e-mails from hunter biden's laptop. this time vice president joe biden, despite all of his denials, he did meet with hunter's business partners from russia,, ukraine kazahkstan whie he was vice president at a dinner in washington organized by hunter biden. white housese is not commenting, the daily mail is reporting this. what do you say? >> well, my recollection is that during the campaign his campaign staff, president biden's campaign staff, denied that any such meeting occurred. i don't remember if biden himself i did. but it's i certainly an embarrassing, a very embarrassing fact. why do you have the vice president of the united states at this dinner? another question to ask along with why is hunter biden getting over $80,000 a month, why is his salary cut in half. but keep your eye on the ball. there's political scandal and there's criminal investigation.
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andna what's quite striking is that there is a criminal investigation going on that started in the previous administration. to his credit, attorney general barr did nothing to politicize that or to even let it be known, and that i investigation is continuing under the current administration. elizabeth: yeah, tax evasion and money laundering. yeah. >> well, it's -- elizabeth: tax evasion and money laundering, right? >> and potentially foreign ties. ththese investigations don't jut say we're going to look at this and nothingel else. they have a way of expanding. but it's very significant to me that there is an investigation that's beening acknowledged. and i must be the only one left in the country who still believes inn the special counsel statute. to me, it's just pretoes rouse -- elizabeth: okay. we don't know if that's going to happen. >> -- that you don't have a special counsel investigating. elizabeth: here's the other thing that's going on.
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all right, so one of the executives that were at that dinner in washington, the ukraine energy company paying hunter was reportedly at that dinner in washington, d.c. that hunter biden arranged. that happened in 2015, that dinner, t that joe biden reportedly wasep at. two years later -- and, by the way, that executive thanked hunter pronicely saying thank you so much -- profusely, thanking hunter, then two years later -- they cut his salary in half, that's according to e-mails that the new york post got. >> yeah. welsh, you know -- [laughter] what do you want me to say about that? connect the dots, you know? you don't have to to paint me a picture. there's a reason that he was paid 80, and there's a reason that it was cut in half. the question is, can somebody,
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can somebody make a crime out of that. i can a tell you one thing, that when the u.s -- when u.s. companies hire the sons and daughters of high ranking foreign government officials, we investigate them. our justice department investigates those companies for foreign corrupt practices act violations. so there's just no, there's no question -- this is not politics here -- there's no question, i think everybody understands this is sleazy s behavior. the question, is it going to result in criminal charges, and we'll just have to wait and see. elizabeth: yeah. the other thing that happened to another person reportedly at the dinner was the wife of the former mayor of moscow who wired hunter $3.5 million. so she's at that dinner too. the other thing that happened was one of the e-mails is suggests that hunter biden was using his role on the board of the world food program to use it as a cover to basically say, as a pretense this is why we're
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having the dinner. my father's going to be at this beginner. how -- dinner. remember how joe biden's team was saying look at the vice president's daily schedule, there's nothing there, there's nothing to see there, nothing to do with hunter. maybe they should be hooking up the world -- looking up the world food program. >> yeah, there was an official from that organization who was there, but hunter clearly says in c the e-mail this is the ostensible reason for the meeting. but atea aing minimum, they were there to meet with the vice president. and you recall, if you recall from the investigation of, the coverage of rudy giuliani and some of his friends in the ukraine, in some of these foreign countries it's a big deal to have a picture of yourself at an event with a high ranking american official. andri that whole thing plays ino it. so, again, it's, it doesn't indicate in any way that biden,
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that joe biden had any sub is substantive discussion with these people, but just the fact that he's there, i mean, is he so ignorant that he doesn't know what's going on there? just the fact that he a makes an appearance is troubling. he's the vice president of the unitedte states at the time. elizabeth: yeah. good to see you, sol wisenberg, come back soon. >> ie will, thank you. thank you for having me. wreath sure. next up, retired lieutenant colonel james cower fan know. carafano. the media didn't report the wuhan lab leak, they kept undercutting it as conspiracy theories. this is pretty galling as chinese doctors, journalists and whistleblowers risk their lives to get the story out inside china. they balloted arrest and censorship. we're going to take the it on next. >> you gave them money and you said don't do gain of function research. >> correct. >> and they said, we won't. >> the correct. ♪ ♪
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elizabeth: joining us now is heritage foundation's vice president for foreignn and security policies, james carafano. here's the question, we've been tracking what the u.s. media has been saying for a year now about arthe covid-19 virus potentially leaking from the wuhan lab. we've seen them undercut it as tinfoil conspiracy hat theories. did they call for u.s -- excuse me, did they fall for chinese propaganda? because that'sth exactly what china was saying and their army of propagandists were pushing that last year. >> i actually think that this fits into the broader pattern of the way the media reacted over the last few years which was simply if trump was for it,
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their narrative was against it. so it was the opposition to trump which i think is the larger issue. and the chinese literally just exploited that. tod me, what's really interestig is we are now on, like, our fourth major story where people are not whying -- not buying the grand narrative. voting laws are evil, most americans think voter id laws are good, and now china's not responsible for this? no, we think it is. i think that's really interesting. why are americans now in their personal views breaking through the kind of mass, the mass narrative? and the media is forced to change the story to actually recognize the reality, okay? elizabeth: we've got this too, facebook is endin ending its ban on posts that covid-19 virus was manmade. facebook wants too make money in china. we've got china rewriting the
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narrative the here. they're doing books on it. they'ree doing online media posts. they're doing tv shows. china has an army of propagandists trying to convince the world they're not to blame. they're using racial discrimination, xenophobia and more. this is the chinese communist party goingre on offense. let's listen to cable news go into overdrive. watchen this. >> this question about the wuhan lab,an we know that it's been debunked that this virus was manmade or modified or anything liked that. agencies now have been tasked with investigating one of trump world's most favorite conspiracy theories. donald trump is still pushing theng debunk 'em despite his own intelligence community's findings that that is not true. >> because trumpers who were complicit in playing down the pandemic reality in america are now seeing more interest in the china lab theory as some kind of
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vindication, enough to play i told you so with fauci. elizabeth: okay. trumpers? really? we're talking about the w.h.o. director saying investigate it. we're talking about democrat senators tim kaine, patty murray, investigate it. dn if i haines -- dni haines, investigate it. scientists from harvard, yale, cal tech, investigate it. these aren't trumpers. >> yeah, i get it, but think for a second, like, the soviet union used to do this stuff all the time. we knew they were lying. the chinese did this before, we knew they wereid lying. what's changed? when the leftist narrative feeds off these foreign narratives, that's what creates a real problem here. it's because what the chinese are doing is leveraging and in turn what the american left are doing is leveraging the chinese message or the russian message or the iranian message. that's what's killing us.
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elizabeth: how about 600,000 people died in the u.s., more than that in how about 3.5 million people died worldwide from covid-19? don't we deserve to know what happened? lieutenant colonel, thank you to your invest -- for your service to our country. still ahead, the owner of a michigan restaurant jailed for defying governor whitmer's lockdown restrictions including the mask mandate. she says she was sack shackled, strip searched and cavity searches, going to sue in federal court. the story next. >> [inaudible] stop! >> do you promise to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth under. message -- [audio difficulty] and it's not something we just achieve at the end. it's a feeling... of freedom to live our lives the way we intended. though the ups... ...the downs
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♪ limu emu & doug ♪ hey limu! [ squawks ] how great is it that we get to tell everybody how liberty mutual customizes your car insurance so you only pay for what you need? i mean it... oh, sorry... [ laughter ] woops! [ laughter ] good evening! meow! nope. oh... what? i'm an emu! ah ha ha. no, buddy! buddy, it's a filter! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ elizabeth: let's welcome to the show marlena and her attorney,iz robert baker. marlena is the michigan restaurant owner jailed for
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violating governor whitmer's lockdown the restrictions and mask mandates. it's good to have you on. can you tell us what happened? >> you mean -- i don't know where you want me to start, from what point. elizabeth: so you said i'm not going to do masks in my restaurant, i'm going to not do social w distancing, and then yu get in to court, and what happens? >> well, when i went to court, i tried to defend myself which i had, as you know rick martin represent me as assistant counsel, not as my lawyer to represent me on my behalf which wast denied. finish they took him -- they took them to jail, and then i had robert baker who was my attorney because he's legal attorney,ga so he can represent me.
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so when they took rick martin to jail, i tried to let the judge know that i had robert baker, he's going to be my attorney. and i was polite. i tried t to say may i, but as u see, the judge denied. she don't allow me to speak. she don't follow the constitution. which i have the constitutional protected right which she should allowed me to at least speak to met them know that i -- let them know that i had robert which i -- [inaudible] i give the name, but each time she denied, she was outraged. i never see judge in my life to treat me the way she treat me -- elizabeth: yeah. >> -- with disrespect and so on. elizabeth: you know, robert, so violates the mask restrictions inin the restaurant, then3-4 cas of blacked out windows show up
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at marlena's home and arrest her, strip search her, cavity search her? is that what happened? >> in different stages. under the direction of the attorney general of michigan, the michigan state police sent a couple of unmarked police cars. they were surveilling her house previously. they came out and kind of chased her down, arrested her in the front, in front of her house, took her about an hour and a half away to the county jail and then put her in front of the judge, which you just played the part of the hearing. and she was denied at least 4-5 different constitutional rights that she had. and then she was fined $15,000 and requiredch to close the restaurant, and she got out after four days of incarceration. elizabeth: so you're going to sue over this, your final word. >> yeah. we are suing in federal court.
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we're also pursuing appeals. we can't even get an accurate transcript. there are 40 errors in the transcript thatty we received. we were refused getting the scvideo, and we're going to pure this all the way to the michigan supreme court if not the united states supreme court if necessary. elizabeth: marlena, final question to you, this is really disturbing for you. can you tell us how you're feeling right now? >> i feel like my constitutional protected t rights have been tan i feel like governor whitmer and general -- they discriminate me. they don't treat me right. i feel like not citizen. i feel like they treat me like like -- [inaudible] because, as you know, they should protect us and do all the stuff that they should do to every citizen. i don't think so i interfere
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with anyone rights -- elizabeth: okay, got it. okay, got it. marlena and robert baker, thank you so much for joining us. we really appreciate it. stay right u there, we have stay right u there, we have more show right after the (sfx: branches rustle) it is bear country though. hey boo-boo! we hit the jackpot! bear! bear! bear! look, corn on the cob! oohh chicken! don't mind if i do! they're hungry. t-bone! that's what i call a smorgasbord! at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. they do save us a ton of money. we'll take the cobbler to go! good idea, yogi. i'm smarter than the average bear! they're gone, dad! for bundling made easy, go to
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♪♪ ♪ elizabeth: joining us now, national border patrol council president art del cueto. we love having you on, it's good to see you. okay -- >> thank you. elizabeth: -- texas board patrol is reporting a spike in arrests, more arrests than ever before of convicted sex offenders. a slew of apprehensions announced this week. theyek nabbed nearly a hundred border crossers previously found guilty of sex crimes. that -- i can't even tell you how much that's a multiple of from the previous year. what do you say? >> well, i mean, obviously what's happening, and we can see it,, it's not just happening in texas, it's happening across the entire border, is the criminal element, the cartels, the is sex traffickers, thele drug smuggle, the human smugglers, they realize that by sending many unaccompanied juveniles, it takes the focus away from agents where they're having to take care of them in some of thesef detention facilities, and they
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believe that there's gaps in that border, and that's when they take advantage of trying to send individuals in, across that have serious criminal backgrounds. elizabeth: yeah. andea these guys who have serios criminal backgrounds are going to pay to get into the u.s. to get away from the law in their countries in centraly america ad mexico. you know, the congressional hispanic caucus, the chair says there's a, quote, humanitarian dilemma at the u.s./mexico border. he's calling it just a dilemma. what do you say? >> look, a lot of what's happening right now, it falls on the hands of the i current administration. with their own rhetoric, what they've done is they have given this false hope for a lot of individuals that have their children in mexico or individuals that just want to cross in general. so whatal they've done is with their rhetoric, and it all falls on this current administration, is they've allowed these individuals to fall to the hands of the drug smugglers, of the sex traffickers, and that's why we're getting what we're happening right now. they caused it themselves.
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if you just look at the numbers and, you know, numbers are what you have to look at. if you look at the numbers, last year and then you look at the numbers currently, on got-aways alone they've more than doubled, and we're not even halfway through the year. elizabeth: yeah. and, you know, i'm -- how is it a dilemma when we're at, when we have 62,000 since the beginning of the year got-aways? mark morgan says it's multiples higher than that. 21-year high in illegal border crossings, the equivalent of nebraska's population potentially crossing this year. and it's unsafe to do it. this is a humanitarian issue. you've got to do it legally. come here legally, it's -- thousands of people disappear on the way in on their 2300-mile trek up into, from central america, through mexico to the border x. now senator rick scott is saying he's going to block all top homeland security nominees until president biden goes to the border. what do you say to that move?
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>> you know what, liz? it's not just -- i mean, something needs to be done, someone needs to speak up and doing something. it's not just central america and south america. it's people from all over the world that are coming through. and when you are seeing numbers of people that are running, people thatle are trying to avod arrest, the got-aways and everything that we've spokedden about before, who are they? what countries are they coming from, and what kind of harm is it that they truly want to do to america and american lives? that's why something needs to be done, and it needs to be done quick. elizabeth: okay. "the new york times" says 160 countries is where they're coming from. fox news poll, 56% disapprove of how the president's handling the border, 57% say not good on immigration either. so, you know, that's where we're at in thisat country. art del cueto, we love having you on. we really appreciate you joining us. we're going to talk to you more about this very important issue that a looks like it's hitting president biden's approval ratings hardoo right now.
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come back soon. >> thank you, liz. elizabeth: sure. i'm elizabeth macdonald. you've been watching "the evening edit" on fox business. that does it for b us. thank you for watching, and we hope you have a good evening. join usd again tomorrow night. ♪ ♪ david: hello, everyone, and welcome to "kudlow." i'm david asman in for larry kudlow. senate republican froms unveiling their $928 billion infrastructure package this morning dedicating funding to roads, bridges, rail and transit systems, kind of infrastructure, over eight years. [laughter] hillary vaughn is live on capitol hill with details. of course, a lot of questions about what is infrastructure. what's the latest? >> reporter: hey, david, that's exactly the divide right now between senate republicans and
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