tv Kennedy FOX Business May 29, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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going from trading shells to now i guess we are using paper and maybe even bitcoin, to some extent and how social relationships played into how we came to understand money. jack: carlton, beverly, great book ideas. thank you so much for dream or check out this week's edition@barron's .com. to forget to follow us on twitter at barron's online and that is all for us memorial day. thank you for joining us again. we hope you have a good night. ♪. larry: hello everyone and welcome to kudlow. i'm david as been in for larry kudlow today. a budget blow out, president biden unveiling his a ministration's budget proposal today and it comes in at roughly $6 trillion. the budget will bring the debt to historic levels that we have not seen since the end of the second world war. blake burman is live at the white house with all of the details. blake. >> hello there david, at the white house they will argue that the president's economic plan
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and economic vision is working which is why they say more spending on his top priorities is needed and in this first budget there is clearly a lot of spending that the white house has put forth. let me go through some of the top line figures for you. $6 trillion just a tick above that is the first projected budget that the president is calling for for fiscal year 2022 to start in october. with it there are also projecting deficit of $1.8 trillion and that is 7.8% of gdp. now, the budget includes part of the american jobs plan, the mark and families plan and what the president and white house are calling for as well and they say that will be paid for overtime and they say the budget upholds campaign promises. >> the budget does exactly what it has been told and it will grow the economy, create jobs, advance the jobs plan and the families plan and do so responsibly by the big corporations to pay their fair share. >> but the plan also projects
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huge deficits, david. for example, over the next five years the production roughly seven and a half trillion dollars and when you go —- for the next decade about 14 and a half trillion dollars which is why republicans say here in washington that the president's budget is a no go. for example, here was a senate minority leader mitch mcconnell same statement today quote, now we know why the a ministration tried to bury their budget announcement on a friday before a holiday weekend. president biden's proposal would drown american families in debt. deficit and inflation. david: funny how it came out just before the holiday. blake, thank you very much good good to see you. joining us for more on the president's budget former white house chief of staff, mark meadows, also cofounder of america first legal and senior partner at conservative partnerships institute. mark, good to see you. thank you for being here. the last budget we saw from the trump administration, february 2020, just before the pandemic came at a 4.8 trillion
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and that was a lot of money. this is 25% more than that huge budget. 25% increase, don't you need some kind of mandate that goes beyond a 50/50 split in the senate? >> you do need a mandate beyond that. this budget is going nowhere, david. primarily, it's been drafted by number of people in the government that have never made their own living and have never signed the front of a paycheck and they've only signed the back of a government paycheck. what they are doing is we know that the taxes are going to ultimately end up on the back of small businesses. in fact, if you look at the budget this budget actually will increase taxes on those making between 50 and $100,000 by eight out of ten people will see an increase in taxes over the next five years. david: you are saying that because even though the president says he will not increase taxes to those paying
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under 400,000 a year it is or does look from this budget like he wants to phase out the trump tax cuts and that gave a tax cut to 65% of all americans, according to tax policy center's. if those tax cuts, the trump tax cuts, are phased out that means immediate increase for middle-class, right? >> well david, your analysis is spot on. that is exactly what it is saying. if you look at that small segment of people making between 50 and $100,000, eight out of ten people got more money in their pocket under the trump tax cut and this would not allow those to be permanent. i would suggest right away that they ought to put that, if they are talking about getting this economy going let's make those tax cuts permanent where they don't expire in 2025. david: now, already though, mark, because of the money being spent on these emergency programs, we have seen this
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uptick in inflation. it is worrying a lot of people, not only republicans but mcgrath like larry summers are concerned about it et cetera. but jen psaki one of the most obvious examples of it is the increase in gas prices which were going up right after the election because people knew about the war on carbon energy from biden and knew it would increase the price of gas and jen psaki said don't worry about it and she came out with a statement today saying is americans are hitting the road they are paying less in real terms for gas and they have on average over the last 15 years and they are paying about the same as they did in may 2018 and may 2019. the fact is is more than three dollars a gallon average now. at the time of the election less than one year ago it was about two dollars a gallon so i mean, we seen this enormous increase and isn't that because of what the biden administration has been doing canceling the xl pipeline and continuing on their
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war against carbon energy et cetera? >> it is not just the war on energy which joe biden and his administration has made very clear that he wants to not only give a good benefit to the russian pipeline but get rid of american pipeline but it's more important than that. it is more clear than that. jen, honestly, has a disconnect between the hard-working american taxpayer and what happens at the white house. gas prices are up, food is up, housing is up and all of the costs and all the inflationary indicators are having a red light, not just a caution light but a alarm bell going off with red sirens when we look at this it is very troubling. larry summers, you are right, he is not considered a far right conservative economist is sounding the alarm and everybody should and the more you look at 86 trillion-dollar investment it is going to be a real problem because it is just more fodder
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on the fire for inflationary concerns. david: you know, there are a lot of assumptions in this budget and of course everybody does that in all administrations assume things about the future that they don't know what will happen and the biden team assumes that interest rates over the next ten years will not go over 2%. now, if you have an uptick in inflation you are going to have to have an uptick in interest rates, aren't you? >> well, you will have to have that. that is a kind of games and that is the washington dc mass, try to pretend like inflation will not happen in interest rates will continue at historic lows and yet they will continue to spend more and more deficit, spending dollars and the dollars that they don't have an, you know, margaret badger said it well but it is true today eventually run out of other peoples money and we are at that point. it is time to be fiscally responsible and they have had this in a release on a friday
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afternoon before a memorial day weekend but i can tell you that the vast majority of americans are saying enough is enough and let the economy get back and prosper like it did under president trump. david: the fastest thing that is growing in the fastest growth in the budget is the interest that we pay on the debt. i think it was about during your tenure as about little under $400 billion a year which is not chump change but that could go sky high if you have just 1% increase in the interest rates and particularly, the fact that over the past year we have not been collecting a lot of tax revenue because of the fact that businesses have been closed down so for all these reasons, are you worried about payment on the debt? if we default —- the united states has never defaulted but we've always been able to pay out on the debt that we owe but if that continues to go up, as it has been and as it clearly will be if any of this budget is
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approved, we face the real possibility of a default, don't wait? >> well, we face a default. i don't see us defaulting on a debt because i think that there will be prudent minds even if there are none in 1600 pennsylvania avenue and there certainly will be some that look at this on capitol hill and say enough is enough but when you look at the kind of numbers you are talking about, 1.8 chilean dollars deficit and the percentage of gdp growth, it is troubling because those are numbers that not even greece would be able to embrace and certainly not the united states of america. david: you know, president biden and his associates feel they can squeeze enough taxes out of the amerian public in order to pay for this and in fact, they see over the course of ten years a deficit actually going down in the debt going down as a result of all this new revenue that will come in and tax revenue that he will try to get it from the 1%, the top 1%
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and corporations but people don't realize that the top 1% are paying 40% of all income tax right now and they actually are paying a greater% now after the trump tax cuts then they were before the trump tax cuts. that is, the tax rate cuts encouraged all that investment money to go into the economy and as a result we ended up with more jobs, more people paying taxes and greater tax revenue. >> well, we did peered we saw greater tax revenue. in fact, we looked at lowering the tax rate we actually had more money coming into the treasury then we did before we implemented those under the trump administration but here is the interesting point and you make it very valid there. when we start to see the types of forecast that are being put forth even president obama said that it is not going to be the corporations that end up paying this back but it will have the
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heaviest burdens on those making under $100,000 a year and so it sounds real nice to say that 1% will pay for it but ultimately it is all 300 plus million americans that pay taxes that will bear this burden. david: yeah, i want to switch, if i can, to the wu hand lab story because that's getting a lot of deserve it press over the past week. you have a piece out today called biden uses intelligence committee to shield china from accountability. what do you mean by that? >> well, just like they are putting out the budget today on a friday afternoon, to suggest that we will wait for 90 days and hear from the intel community on what they have already been studying and looking at for over a year is just pushing the verdict down a 90 day rabbit hole of which it won't provide any additional information. they have the information now,
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they should go ahead and give a briefing to congress and the american people, be transparent with it and they also need to hold china accountable. one of the things that they have done is the every joint the who, the world health organization and they continue to pay those dues and as we look at that ahead of the world health organization is really someone that is more china's bidding and less on the transparency side of it. we need to call it for what it is and have that transparency and that hearing immediately when the senate and house return. david: it did appear that david asher, the state apartment official leading the investigation and was started under your tenure, was hitting some pay dirt in trying to figure out what happened with the wuhan lab and again it appeared this week that the biden administration pulled the plug on that investigation and they said it was over and that they have done as much as they
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could and david asher though said not so. there was a lot more string to pull on the story in terms of getting to the bottom of it. to the biden administration just the plug on the one investigation that was getting to the bottom of it, as opposed with the who was doing? >> listen, the biden administration gave a pass to china by not only shutting down that investigation but also trying to hide it and suggest that oh, i'm shocked that there may actually be some merit to what president trump said back in may of 2020 that he believed that there was a real nexus or possibility of a nexus with this wuhan lab. let me also, one other thing, there was a real curious interchange between senator kennedy and doctor anthony fauci yesterday where he said well, we cannot be sure that they actually did use the money for gain of function. when they went back and forth doctor anthony fauci said we told them they cannot use it for gain of function and they
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responded back to say we are not going to use it for gain of function. that is not how the grant process works. it was real curious and we need to get to the bottom of that. i'm not so sure that the taxpayer dollars that went were as cordoned off as perhaps doctor anthony fauci indicated in the hearing yesterday. david: to that point, david asher said in fact, he is certain the chinese did believe the money was going to help them with gain of function and that is big in the virus dangerous in the laboratories so asher has things to say about that as well. mark meadows, good to see you and thank you very much. >> great to be with you, thank you. david: taking a closer look at the president's spending plan progressive ideals when kudlow progressive ideals when kudlow continues. it's not some magical number. and it's not something we just achieve at the end. it's a feeling... of freedom to live our lives the way we intended.
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david: president biden's mass ♪♪ david: president biden's massive tax and spend plan is feeling the progressive agenda and raising taxeshi for many americans. is this what voters really wanted when they voted for joe biden? joining is now american conservative union chairman matt. great to see you. this budget sure looks to me like a t cradle-to-grave welfare state. i just don't think that is what a lot of americans who voted for
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joe biden really wanted, do you? >> no, this is just the beginning. this only has a tiny sliver ofts the radical socialist policies that joe biden wants to push through and when people say well, thank god for joe manchin or thank god for 50/50 senate, remember the scary thing about this first biden budget is that he can get a lot of this through with just democratic votes under reconciliation so this is a very, very big threat. the thing that makes me the most or thatt is boils my blood is yu know, we spent a lot to get through the pandemic and joe biden just stayed there and raised it soac we are not going back to the normal before the pandemic but just spend, spend, spend. david: h very important point i should have emphasized before. this is the spending that we had in the previous covid plans was for an emergency situation and sort of a one-off deal where as this is putting in place these legacy programs that will
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continue on. in fact, his budget eventually goes up to $8 trillion. $8 trillion in the future doubling what we have now. doubling, fully doubling it and god knows, i don't think we will get the revenue to cover that which means we've got all kinds of debt issues. you know, the thing is he's got the media preparing the way for him and kind of blocking the serious questions. an example of that i think this is from yesterday he was getting an ice cream cone. i know it is silly but makes a point. letio me play the tape and get your reaction. roll tape. >> mr. president —. president biden: chocolate, chocolate chip. [inaudible question] president biden: you need some chocolate, chocolate chip. [cheering and applause] david: so there he gets a throwaway question, what ice cream and then he gets a
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relatively serious question and he throws away the answer and you hear everybody cheering on the fact that he is not taking a serious question seriously. he's got the press covering for him. do think that will be enough to barricade him from the people? >> there are a couple things going on here. let me roll through this. the firstop thing is i remember when donald trump had two scoops of ice cream and all hell broke loose. joe biden had two scoops and a waffle cone mocking big important issues and that was fine. you know, isn't it amazing how the press says republicans are blocking the january 6, commission instead of saying the democrats are using january 62 try to call every american 7 loving republican trump supporting 75 million of us strong, somehow we are insurrectionist and domestic terrorists and specifically on this question of joe biden's popularity, i just wrote a piece for the hill, i went through all the numbers in the fox poll is
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very useful and the previous foxhole is very useful. david: by the way, forgive me, we can put up some of those numbers while you are talking and the number of people that think he's too liberal has gone up p quite a bit in the number f people who think he is using his budget to push social liberal social policies rather than jumpstarting the, economy has increased as well, go ahead. >> that's right and onam the previous poll when it came to theer question of immigration at the border, his approval rating was something like 84 or 35%. when you look at the question about i giving insurance to peoe who come into this country illegally and that is one of the most unpopular things you could be for so even with the media and its pocket david, what you are seeing is half of the country is disaggregated itself from the way washington and new york city gets its news. they are going to other locations not the washington post, not "the new york times" to get their news and'r so whate are seeing is even with all that
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fluffy coverage joe biden gets right underneath the approval is the tidal wave of political discontent which means that asha we go into these elections next year history shows that the republicans should do very well because joe biden's policies are so unpopular. i think it could be a tidal wave. david: matt, there are certain things also that are happening in our society that you don't need the media to inform you about. i mean, like inflation, for example, every time you go to the grocery store you will realize it's a real thing. like the woke culture, you know you understand that from your workplace where it is being enforced or where your kids are going to school and you realize they are teaching critical theory. rei mean, or if you live on the border and you understand for cicely from personal experiencer what is happening there or if you go out into the street in the cities you realize how dangerous this is all becoming. the reality is catching up with these liberal policies. >> that's right.
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look, we want to keep our schools open and the washington dc area and the teachers unions are still not saying they will open up those public schools in the fall. we think churches never should have been closed and if you look at what he's doing with iran and the foreign policy where china is literally licking its chops over dominance over taiwan and you look at what they've done in hong kong and then obviously what is going on in the mideast with the biden administration trying to renew this grow man's with a terrorist state of iran and it's a very, very dangerous time. david: but foreign policy is the harder to wrap your arms around without the media because most americans particularly during the pandemic aren't traveling overseas so it's a little more difficult although, with one exception. that is the pandemic and the a origin of the pandemic and what is happening with the wuhan lab or what happened with thehe wuhn lab that led to this pandemic. that does literally get under people's skin.
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everybody knows somebody has been deeply affected by the pandemic and the fact that all of the shade was being thrown and censored by social media about the wuhan lab and its responsible it here and is finally coming out in the open and most people realize that biden and allt of his supporters were on the wrong side of that issue and trump was on the right side. >> you are right, david. how interesting. i sent a tweet about this yesterday. how interesting after all this trump, doctor rand paul in the end it wasn't donald trump irresponsible policies decisions that might have brought so much of the tragedy about but actually doctor fauci and everything he has been saying seems to be conflicting with what he said the very next time. i think he has a huge credibility problem and i think the politics of the virus could boomerang on joe biden if we learn more about this scandal. david: well, we are or actually one thing that is in favor of
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learning more is there is one newspaper that is doing heroic work in investigating and that is "the wall street journal" which sorta broke the story early in the week and they are continuing to gather and string on the story. i understand they got some very good sources and they are not finished with it. >> and leaks. the leaks are starting to come out because good people want us to know the truth. david: that's right. and david asherah speaking out on it as well. matt, great to see you. thank you for being here. best to mercedes. joe biden's 6 trillion-dollar budget only increasing inflation concerns. concerns. we discussed next ♪ ♪i've got the brains you've got the looks♪ ♪let's make lots of money♪ ♪you've got the brawn♪ ♪i've got the brains♪ ♪let's make lots of♪ ♪uh uh uh♪ ♪oohhh there's a lot of opportunities♪
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club for growth cofounder. inflation is one of only the problems but as far as i am concerned there are only two choices here. either we keep having higher prices or the fed increased interest rates but that would stall the economy and, of course, they do not want to do that because they're worried under his own future under the biden administration. you can almost guarantee we will have higher prices going into the future here. >> yet, and reading the report that the white house came out today withth because those deficits persist, you know, at least another ten or 20 years according to the biden's own budget. they say that's okay i will pay this off over the next 30 or 40 years and that means your kids and my kids and our grandkids will pay for this enormous amount of debt. when i first came to washington our budget was —- i thank you were there david because you are about the same age. reagan had the first trillion dollar budget in 1985 and here we are 35 years later with that
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6 trillion-dollar budget. going to 8 trillion, i think. david: over a trillion. in fact, we should just point out that the last trump budget which was pre- pandemic was 4.8 chilean and that was pretty damn big because he wanted to build up the military et cetera but that was 25% greater than that and that's not including all of the covid spending and everything. >> the question then is, what will be the economic impact of this? you mentioned inflation. i think it has to play out in one of two ways. either high inflation and/or higher interest rates. both of those may run in tandem higher and those are negative for the economy. we are already seen inflation rates according to three or 4% and a lot of economists think it will go to five or 6%. that does not effect people who make over $1 million or people in the top 1% are not affected by that. [inaudible conversations]
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but the point is inflation is a regressive tax on the lowest income workers and so wages don't keep track with the increase in prices and so it drives down the living standards of the people at the bottom and when joe biden said i'm only raising taxes on the rich he was not being entirely truthful. david: forgetting about, inflation and that's a tax. i mentioned larry summers before because he is worried about inflation but he's worried about it because he says the economy is overheating and he adds government spending into that and that is what worries him but he worries about it over and i don't think it is the over heating, you can have great growth without great inflation. in fact, reagan had tremendous growth over 7% one year but the inflation came down because everybody was working in the problem with this economy is everyone is not working. they are not producing things. the more things that you have the less inflation you have because the more opportunity and competition there is among people to compete but the fact that so many people are being
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paid to stay home means you're not producing as much and that is really the source of inflation we see now. >> yeah, because that has caused supply chain disruption and so you can't get the oil and gas to the service stations or the food to the grocery stores. you can't get the supplies that you need for production to the —. david: and the farmers't can't pick what their fields or to slaughter the cattle or whatever because people are making so much at home. it's a problem t for many reasos and one is the spending but the other is the fact that there aren't as many people out working and building things, making things, growing things as there should be. >> well david, you know it was casey mulligan and i who came out with that study a couple of months ago and he reported on it where we estimated because of that covid bill that increased unappointed benefits to $300 a week we would have 5 million fewer americans working and it looks like we are right on the dot. we had 24 governors, as you
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know, that have canceled those benefits and every one of them is a republican governor. why are the democratic governors canceling those? to help the small businesses, small businesses are the ones getting hurt by not having the workers, the restaurants, the bars, the stores, the construction companies they can't find the workers and we should be suspending that 300-dollar week and we have 8 million unfilled jobs david, 8 million across this country including 750,000 unfilled jobs in construction and manufacturing and those are .igh-paying jobs david: absolutely. it seemsms like one of the thins that is overlooked in his budget is their growth forecast. it's minuscule. they suggest that biden's aides predicted even if he gets everything he wants in this budget the economy would grow under 2% for the next decade, under 2% and those are the sluggish growth rates that we saw during obama which is why we had one of the worst recoveries
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or recession ever during obama they seem to be comfortable with that and that is the sort of limits to growth kind of economy. >> yeah, look, i think. just the opposite. we are coming out of the pandemic and we got a great opportunity —- look, if trump was presidents' day we be drawing kind or tall percent but it's 6% because of the businesses reopening in the vaccine and i thank you could see easily with the right economic policies five years of 4% plus growth-p and i agree wih biden on this one. if you increase government spending and borrowing you will get less than 2% growth, david. david: yeah, and by the way, you will get less revenue for his forecast notwithstanding that impact the deficit will come down over ten years, but in poit of fact the top 1% right now, as i mentioned earlier? meadows is already contributing 40% of all income taxes so you can't squeeze the stone much
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more than you already are, right? >> i guarantee you if we raise those tax rates as biden wants to do to as high as including the payroll tax over 50%, you heard it first on your show david, i believe we will get less revenue from the rich. by the way, tax payments by the richest 1% went up after the trump tax. redavid: no, exactly. one final thing and they're giving me the rapid bill clinton should be remembered as the president who oversaw the last tebudget surplus that we had in the united states and part of that was because the peace dividend but he lowered tax rates and remember the capital gains tax rate and he signed on to the lowering of the capital and that is part of the reasons that we had a budget surplus. we are doing exactly the opposite with this democratic president. >> yeah, and it was bill clinton who said the era of big government is over but it is back big time. these guys really do believe that if we take $6 trillion and take it in the private sector and give it to government that that will make our economy grow
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faster. i don't buy that for one minute. david: the government works with money much more efficiently than the private sector does, right? >> they believe that. david: i think you're right. ,steve moore, good to see you. coming up u we will be discussig biden's military budget with biden's military budget with veteran johnny we are thrilled we finally found our dream home in the mountains. the views are great, the air is fresh. (sfx: branches rustle) it is bear country though. hey boo-boo! we hit the jackpot! bear! bear! bear! look, corn on the cob! oohh chicken! don't mind if i do! they're hungry. t-bone! that's what i call a smorgasbord! at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. they do save us a ton of money. we'll take the cobbler to go! good idea, yogi. i'm smarter than the average bear! they're gone, dad! for bundling made easy, go to ♪♪ ♪♪
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doing some reading. i should be working out more. i just feel like i'm drowning. narrator: navigating these times can be tough, but while you care for your loved one, you also need to care for yourself. go to for free mental health and self-help tips. david: well, while president bide ♪♪ david: while president biden's budget is 25% bigger than president trump's last budget defense spending would increase by lessh than 2%. that is not quite enough to keep up with inflation at current levels so is this enough to warm off our increasingly belligerent adversaries, most notablya. chi. joining us now is joey jones, fox news contributor host of usa inc. on foxor nation about which more in a moment and it says retired but we should note that his former marine bomb technician for good to see a
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staff sergeant, semper fi to you, happy memorial day weekend as we begin this. to think president biden is shortchanging the military on his budget? >> you know, i'm not'd an economist but i would say that ifat you can't keep up with inflation that's not increasing and all and more than t the overall all mount is where are we going what are we focusing on and that is a question i have someone who served. after the past years, the past two years we learned intelligence gathering and cybersecurity are probably our weakest links and i would like to see a lot of effort going there but the problem with the military and what really bothers me is research and develop and in this budget. epart of the problem with the american system is when we change presidents every four years research and development can become this and the cycle. when i was in the marine corps i learned multiple radio platforms but we cannot update guns and missiles that we had from 40 years ago. s the problem with our defense spending and there is too much opportunity to have the fork or
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to alexandria area with four or five letter, you know, defense organizations without actually researching and developing new strategies and technologies. david: you know, i think down trump understood that and i mean, he did take a much closer look, i think, the most professional politicians like joe biden did in terms of understanding that bureaucracies like department of defense have a tendency to get stuck in these ruts and not think outside the fox or not but the money where to its most used but he did increase the budget dramatically and when people are glad that he did because they felt a little safer under his watch but he did seem to understand what you are talking about a little better than joe biden because joe biden, after all, is a creature of washington, right? >> i will listen to joe biden speech today i'm not confident he understands the details of a lot of things that he is briefed on and makes decisions on. that's not to take a cheap shot but i don't think he's a detail oriented politician.
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he pontificates and that's what he does. he bloviate's and says nice things but the thing about trump is that he enjoyed business deals and counted the ones he was able to save for our military and i appreciate that but here is the deal. nobody will argue that the taliban and al-qaeda were severely underfunded when it comes to our military but if our goal t was to squash them out ad their goal was to survive they won that war. i think more than anything is why are you fighting and what is the culture you are fighting because they were fighting tohe survive whether right or wrong and i'm against them and not giving them credit but the point is if we have a military that is so focused on things like identity and fairness and feeling good about yourself and being involved rather than the hard knocks culture that it takes in not saying anyone should be oppressed or disseminated against but i don't think that can be the only conversation you are having and still have a warrior culture so i think our biggest enemy more than our budget is investing in the people that will fight the
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right way. david: there are a couple big ticket items in the military that need updating one of them is our naval force. many people don't know the marines are part of the u.s. navy and, in fact, there is one big well, i know and i'm stepping on some tinder territory here with the marine. [laughter] bottom line is, we just had this carrier moved out on the pacific in order to coverr what we are doing in the middle east and now we don't have any carrier at all in the pacific and isn't it necessary for spending on big-ticket items that may not be possible with this budget? >> well, absolutely and i will even go back to my original point, the navy has severe leadership and they have a problem and you lookk at the headlines over the past ten years with the navy literally getting caught with its pants down and so many different areas where they do not have leadership and do not have a process in the navy has problems. it's a long story in the marine
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corps in the navy are two branches within the department of the navy and so yes, we are connected in some of those problems make their way into the marine corps and at the end of the day we need to invest in leadership and invest in culture that's oriented to getting a war one rather than a few people feel good about themselves. we fill good about ourselves when we win that war and that's what makes us feel good. david: by the way, i thank you because my son in the marines will call me after the show and say boy, joey got it right and you got it dead wrong in terms of the relationship with the navy. by the way, president biden was talking in front of the military earlier today we will show a little clip from that but as you mentioned before when president trump talk before the military you got a sense that hese said what he meant and he backed it up with his actions in terms of what he was doing around the world where as you don't sense the same confidence with biden but i just got to move on because i want to give your clip
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some airtime here from your show usa inc. let me play a little bit of that and get back to you, roll of tape. >> i looked at your instagram page and your art and the way you use geometric shapes and it's not like anything i have. >> i appreciate that it works really hard to be original and every thing i construct for you. yet, being a combat veteran our aviation. >> i know you've got to mock something up with the different things and i want a second amendment tattoo that talks about the liberty and history of the country and mankind m, not just the politics. david: did you get it? get that tat? >> i did, i did. i can't show it to but not just because i have a jacket on but you have to watch the series and in the last part of the latter episode we unveil that tattoo. about the history of tattoos in american highly intertwined with the american culture and military culture. david: by the way, i don't want to shade your show or the
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subject matter but it got to tell you my son has been in the marines for 20 years and never got a tattoo. his mother is very proud of that, by the way. >> not too late. [laughter] david: don't tell him that. right you not watching now. thank you, joey peered have a wonderful memorial day weekend for it i appreciate it. i just want to alert our viewers you can sign up now for fox nation to see this and you get exclusive access to other content, events and your favorite personalities on any device. my favorite personality is the staff sergeant that a you just w there. if you are a veteran or active-duty military, fox nation is offering you a free year on the platform and you can go to fox nation .com to sign up for free right now. joey jones, thank you, sir. good to see you. coming up, beach towns will be getting massive crowds this weekend but are they ready for the resurgence? we had that story next on we had that story next on "kudlow". ♪♪ [sfx: revving trucks]
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jersey where the states mask and social distancing mandates are being lifted today. today is the day, right lydia? >> yeah, today is the role back on that restriction. new jersey is one of the last states in the country to drop that mask mandate indoors for fully vaccinated folks. people here are delighted that it's happening ahead of the memorial day begin. aaa is protecting a lot of people to travel this weekend, 37 million americans across the country they say and many of them are headed to destinations like asbury park but people here, the businesses, are asking people to pack their patients when they travel here because nationwide worker shortage is affecting small businesses here, especially at the restaurants and they may say you have to ouwait longer for your table or take longer for your food to come out and so it's asking people to be kind and patient. watch this. >> we have one cook in our mexican restaurant when we normally have five. a lot of peoplexi left the
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industry and a lot of people are still on on employment and we have money to be made. >> servers have been great but they're run down her now and i would say we need eight or 12 more people and if they showed up we could hire them on the spot. >> but still, nonetheless, it's not to be confused that small businesses especially along the boardwalk here, they are thrilled to welcome the tourists back. the spending measure was decimated and of course making a lot of their money during the summer time season and that is when they are making the bulk of their income to last them all year. you can see behind me the weather, well it's not optimal memorial day weekend weather but we did touch people on the boardwalk this morning and they reaffirmed what we thought that they are filmed the mask mandate is gone and they go out to eat tonight and will be in the bars this begin to enjoy time with their family and friends and some people say they enjoy great workouts inside the gym without wearing masks for the first timo
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in over one year, david. david: small pleasures in life and we forget how important they are. new jersey is one of the states that still has that federal taking in that federal unappointed insurance that many people say are keeping so many employees and its ' to have the demand and not be able to fill that demand because in fact, you just don't have the workers for it and that's a big problem. lydia, thank you so much for that. go to the stone pony and see if go to the stone pony and see if bruce springsteen's it's not some magical number. and it's not something we just achieve at the end. it's a feeling... of freedom to live our lives the way we intended. though the ups... ...the downs ...all of it. this is financial security. and lincoln financial solutions will help you get there as you plan, protect and retire. this is lincoln financial. ♪ ♪
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david: president bideny earlier today as he tried to quote the declaration of independence. president biden: we hold these truths to be self-evident that all men and women are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, including life, liberty et cetera tonight." "the evening edit" starts right now. elizabeth: a bombshell coming in from the daily cal a bunch coming in reporting the wife of the wuhan lab worker in china died from covid in december 2019 that potentially assign this was an outbreak from the wuhan lab. the full quote press is owned by republicans to probe the democrats stalling even after reports the u.s. intelligence does have a large amount of information yet to be examined. as any politician really want to go into the
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