tv Kennedy FOX Business June 4, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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american history and part of that history is cary grant climbing mount rushmore. that there is a little bit of american history to britt how about that folks? cary grant, love him. love governor gnome also print and love mount rushmore i am cuddled we will see you two more ♪. kennedy: remember when dr. anthony fauci she was in and followed but left wing media darling whatever thing it said was gospel, hallelujah. and there is no way covid escape from a chinese lab? [laughter] well those days are over. vouchers credibility's basically shot thanks are trolled e-mails from the early density trend i make in one from april 2025 she was warned coronavirus might have been engineered. meeting it was made or enhanced by scientists. but in public he kept saying that likely came from a food
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market that sold exotic animal may printed on cnn about to try to defend himself still claiming the lab theory is bs on kneeling china over it will only make it harder to solve. right. >> the idea i think is quite far-fetched that the chinese deliberately engineered something they could kill themselves as well as other people? i mean obviously want openness and cooperation. one of the ways you can get it is to not be accusatory. rebecca still could have escaped the lab accidentally. he so jealous the humerus is astonishing here. my to america about whether the wuhan lab was doing research that could make viruses more deadly, watch.
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>> doctor fauci still denies it to this day that has private e-mails he puts in the >> line urgently must discuss this gain of function research but he knows it is gain of function part needs to be pinned down on this. i do not thinking having trust of chinese scientists with gain of function research was very wise pretty in fact it was so naïve we should not have dr. fauci in a position of advising the u.s., the world or anyone else because he has shown such poor decision-making. >> amen to that sister britney could all be found she's a fault isn't that nuts? it's kind of like a doctor not giving all the potential causes of your lung cancer because he does not want to upset the owners of asbestos factory next-door pipit as a doctor did need taken out the first do no harm especially to americans question joined me to it discuss fox medical news correspondent nyu lingo doctor marc siegel is back. welcome dr. siegel. >> kennedy great to be with you on this very important topic. thank you. kennedy: when you read these
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e-mails and you start to realize what fauci knew, what strikes you most? speckle i went up arch this out and give some definitions here. a lot of it is a blur to be will do not know viruses. first of all interview doctor fauci recently put i think he believes what he is saying pretty thinking believes it did not come from a lab. the problem is he sticking rigidly to one scientist, edward holmes in sydney, australia was working in china with the china cdc at the time and put the structure of the virus online for the world to see in january. but notice this, candy, where was the cdc's boots on the ground? on january 2020 bird why? it seems to me they are hiding something. your point about the e-mail sender policy and is plenty of incoming but dr. fauci said wait a minute, wuhan lab? wuhan virus?
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20 miles apart. as a matter fact there are six labs not just one that her work and back coronavirus is sprayed there was a lot of reason to think lab could've been the issue. i was saying this a year ago not only me pretty when you say something else here, let's get the word bioengineering street. because bioengineering might mean you took a virus inserted another segment, you flipped around. that is not necessarily what happened there. gain of function may simply mean they tested a virus. they grew at a certain way. we know they tried it out in my spirit if you let a virus reproduce enough you may see the mutations that allow it to go human to human. i think that is the leading theory right now. i think that should have been entertained a year ago. like the look of a paying a pretty ugly they were never able to prove that a year ago. so what happened? i don't happen very rapidly.
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therefore the lab is the more likely situation. kennedy: it is paid but i do not think you need this nefarious intent to have the escape from the lab. you know let's like people are always up in arms about gmo's. we have to not have gmo's feedback to your point about bioengineering they did the same thing with plans all the time. when you talk about drought resistant crops which is what vice president harris especially in central america those are gmo's we manipulate viruses all the time to understand them. was also a military component working with that lab. so if you leave too much of the imagination and you operate with such opacity the people going to start connecting those dots. that is where conspiracy theory comes from. the fact it escapes a lab, that is a plausible argument. that is not a conspiracy theory. and now the press and the
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government are going to have to walk that back. >> this is a great point you just made. the sars-cov-1 virus escape from six labs in asia including for firm one in beijing. they literally affected people it was after not before. smallpox escape for lab and the united kingdom after we eradicated smallpox in the world in 1979. these lab accidents occur all of the tapered hundreds and hundreds per year around the world let alone in china where they do not have the kind of biosafety precautions they could. again the chinese military involved. i do want to know what was going on in that lab if it is a lab you're right escaping from the lab is the least of it. that should have been examined right away. no boots on the grant? wonder why perspective not accept time you're opening a can of worms and people asked
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very important very necessary questions at the very beginning of the pandemic. but that line of questioning was shut down. that mediate was complicit making sure they were performing china's propaganda for them. they were shutting down any line of inquiry or investigation that had to do with lab escape. i'm amazed people do not realize we have to keep this from happening again. thank god we all just live through because 3 million people did not. we need to make sure it does not happen again, doctor word dr. siegel? >> room of the word cover-up. first of all to prepare for the next pandemic we need to know, kennedy, how easy it coronavirus mutates. we've got millions of this coronavirus around the world are only seeing variants not major mutations but how did that major mutation happened that led to easley human human? was it induced it happen on its own? that helps us plan for the pandemic. lastly if china's participating in a cover-up of
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this proportion not to mention the medical side of this absolutely has to get the world investigating immediately. kennedy: there shutting down doctors and millions died because of it. it is not acceptable so the interest of the international community does going forward when all the facts are known. dr. siegel thank you so much grace prevent thank you kennedy always a pleasure, thanks. kennedy: americans are emerging from the lockdown ready to travel. celebrate, live out loud a gone live, love, laugh. have we forgotten how to act? as you know this been a rash of violent outbursts in airports and sporting events, on city streets and some of us could probably use a shower and some new clothes. with all of that in mind a new article in the week magazine asks whether the pandemic has turned us into barbarians. let's get into it tonight with party penalty of reason senior editor and author of panic attack young radicals in the
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age of truck perfect for father's day rob a sauve is here. got democrat strategist former biden campaign kevin walling is back also fox nation hodes kat timpf is here. c-uppercase-letter later on the great gutfeld chauffeured i protect is going to be very funny lively. >> i'm so jealous you two are getting together. >> you should be. [laughter] robby have we just evolved into a bunch of stinking animals? [laughter] >> pretty much. it's worth remembering this was horrible. this is not the pandemic. the restrictions we went there people are not meant to live cooped up. we are social animals we want to socialize pretty want to see people. it was horrible we had to not do that for a year. this is the most terrible thing, the way to support social experiment with its ever taken place and like the last 50 years. i'm not surprised all matters
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of misbehavior are out. crime is up. violence is that for this kinds of incidents we are seeing are inappropriate and people need to check themselves. but i don't know i became more confrontational in the last year i kind of get it. [laughter] 's before i know it is true. and kevin, i do not know if the riots were a symptom or if they were because of polite society coming apart. that's enough people go, i don't like this i can just hit someone or spit on them or call them names or throw bottles at them. spigot has been insane to cso some clips you played the one clip of the woman on the southwest flight that punch the flight attendant in the basin knocked out two of her teeth. to robbie's point violent crime is up 20% across the country. that just in a big cities but suburban crimes in a higher rate now than urban
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counterparts. it's affecting all americans across the board. ebenezer take a chill pill. rarity no crime goes up the summer anyway in terms of schools being out not that they were in for the last year to begin with. certainly a problem or one face the somersault increasing rates. kennedy: this no summer school. kids are left to their own devices mostly, a lot of them. they have been practicing. so the summer they're going to really good at crime rates connect everybody it's really good at crime in the summer. i have a bit of a barbarian just as a person. >> i do think having that be locked inside for so long made things i remember it last summer that eating food are the only ways legal way to get
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dopamine and new york city last summer. i said to my husband she would just start doing intravenous drugs? these are the only people who appear to be having a fun summer. they are having a great summer. now i did not do it, not to brag. but i certainly understand how you could start to feel, look a man i cannot get dopamine in the hope healthy social way. going on and on a supposed to be two weeks and then it's a month and it's a year than its over a year. people can get frustrated and get desperate. they want to do anything just to feel live. kennedy: they are hopeless but it's interesting, robby, you can feel that everything is changed. the vibe has completely changed and people are hopeful. i flew this past weekend and the airports were packed. people were ready to go.
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when you are pent up your friend have the opportunity to do something fun again, i do have not been minding your manners what would you give a fight broke out to you on a plane, robby? >> outside what i would not do. it will not do it everyone seems to do is whip out my camera phone and start recording it. this is the other reason these incidents look like they're more of them. we are surveilling each other on an unprecedented label day after day more so. i do know what? sometimes i have a bad day at bad moment we should not start a fight on a plane. just yelling at someone in the store, we should be up to let that go a little more it should help with it does not immediately appear on twitter or facebook brace spoke i would be mad if i say filled cousin i'm on a plane i look
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kennedy: congresswoman aoc likes to blather on and on like redistricting wealth. when it comes to helping her own grandmother she is tight as a drum by the regressive nerve congresswoman's getting a well-deserved ear full after posting photos of her grandmas lap at house in puerto rico saying it has been disrepair since hurricane maria in 2017. and the government, would blame you guys but as he makes watered 74000 bigwigs a year. she rents to appointments announce a new tesla. and apparently is not set grandma any cash to fix up the house. so why won't aoc pony up question because she is the least favorite granddaughter? establish this last night here
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for redistribution your stuff gets redistributed first. >> yes i think that makes sense. i kinda feel like aoc she made it personal lee family aspect first. and then people criticize her lack of generosity she got kind of don't involve my grandmother in this. but you did this. i generally believe in having people's families be off-limits. but you should not interject them into the conversation to make a cheap shot in the first place which seems inadequate she did. my poor grandmother lady, she had the peloton cycling studio and her luxury apartment building in d.c., kevin. she has men and women's psalm is preaching what i would pay to have a sauna new york city? that sounds fantastic. i know she makes a poultry wondered $74000 a year.
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but her fundraising committee they brought in $21 million and she only spent 17 million she's up $4 million left over she could donate that to granny. >> yes can be anything the does is going to enrage the right. unfortunately it's a distraction from this recent ig report. so far robbie's not the right. to back know the right wing it 2ingage with her on this. i think it's wrong she involved her grandmother. the fact these conditions are bad shape for his after the hurricane made landfall is a really sad thing. kennedy: at the top story though. as $90 billion president trump
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spent 63 billion had some pretty strict standards robby money was supposed to be spent by think that's fair. i think what they should do it more every dog is out of this country with its to rebuild or high-five it should be attached strings, your thoughts? >> the standard should i was beset by the people not whatever the politicians decide they can keep the power they have i have a rule that i do not listen to or validate anybody complaining about not having enough of taxpayer, that is our money if they have a tesla. i just invented this rule because this is the first time i've ever seen this situation occur. i would like to congratulate her on the -- city. i am also not the right. but i do not think i get enraged by think she does but i get enraged by and anyone know matter who they are
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starts trying to make it as though gaslight me into saying i'm some sort of jerk or i am a cold evil person. i do not want to give away my own money into some random bloated government pop that goes to the war machine and lobbyist special interests. >> even in puerto rico the local government there has been stealing from her residence forever. it's a same problem having giving a bunch of money to central american dictators. they're not going to help people out. not going to craft the jobs program is going to keep people there and keep monsters sing their kids with coyotes. none of it is going to work. robby you get the last word. >> rights not on the right we are libertarians here on the panel generally. it is probably both through that aoc just generates two pitch headlines and her blood pressure be a little higher or
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lower whatever blood pressure supposed to be if we tuned her out slightly more. she likes to push the democrats further to the left so >> she's good at it. >> she sees that as a win. >> republicans wish they had an aoc that could do so good. they don't the. [background noises] dates a good job or get your red hat ready former president trump is restarting his famous rally. he's got won this weekend. the saturday plans to speak with the state republican convention and north carolina. he continues to tease a run in 2024. has not held a live event since january 6 which preceded a deadly right at the u.s. capitol. so do we think he's kicking off a new way for the white house? let's get back to the panel kevin walling, is he going to run for president? if not what is happening here? >> yes kennedy thinking with
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the fuel that speculation is so much intensifying. i think the great thing for democrats on this is going to unite my party. seeing the former president on the campaign stump in the hour-long rallies talk about stopping the steel and recounts the ids going to come back to power. >> it's all new material. >> got this new material in terms he's the president exiled trees going back in august for some strange reason pretty think is going to be the thing for moderates, independents showed him the door the first term one term president from the hopeful unite democrats once again to kind of put their party squabbling aside and unite against the return to donald trump. before they really do need him. essentially deep platforms. immigrants did say trumped everything bad like immigration and my grandma everything is bad because of trauma. so is he going to comment to kevin's point is it going to stop the field suffer will the be new material about creepy joe swirling the country down
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the toilet? >> me? i think it will be some new material. but a lot of the new material is often often the same material. it follows the same sort of thread, right? another recent good for the left it is a little easier to do your job if you are in media one trump is the present because you just roll tape and you go wow. [applause] like wow. that is it. i want to see a joe biden rally. i really do. no prompter, just joe. put a hat on him and let him loose. i am being sincere and would thoroughly enjoy that. >> spent so much of his time when he does talk attacking not just joe biden but also other people in the republican party. please not really a team player he was never a team player was certainly not a team player at this point. off the base but he fires of everyone else against him.
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think they're better options at this point. >> for 2024 there have to be. we just can't. [laughter] kennedy: now, i don't think matt gates oddly enough toby top of the ticket out think is going to be anywhere near the ticket. but i do think he loves the limelight. he loves controlling the party. he loves that people who really believe in him devour the message. and i think with everything from some economic indicators and unemployment numbers and the jobs report is going to come out on friday in addition to the lab leak, robby. i think he looks at that and says i was right, i am cassandra. >> he certainly has got plenty to talk about. and certainly some people will miss the pre-covid economy he presided over. but he went head-to-head with biden once he lost he did lose
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regardless of what he might think about it. hope you like ron desantis, other people comes to mind who could maybe make the case more eloquently than trump in biden's policy are not going to be successful. >> ron desantis stands as good a chance as anyone because he is in the circle but not completely destroyed by the same paint someone like mike pompeo would be for being so deeply entrenched. to kevin's point you have to get moderates. you have to get independence. you have to create an entirely new coalition of matter who it is. whoever is going to be the next president braithwaite, was going she's not going to do anything anytime soon. enough of the serious sad stuff. it is game nights on. we are getting silly with fake news in florida. one of your favorite games is a story of sham or did it really happen in matt
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kennedy: welcome back but i am sorry that was aggressive. welcome back. we all know florida stranger and fiction. can you tell the two apart? we took the sentient dates curious burial headlights and mixing up with bogus new stories that we made up. overt drinks. can our panel of contestants about the difference question because time today america's crystal game faqs are florida, robby, kevin, kat are you already? >> i don't know. you're going down again. >> sometimes you have to do things if i ready to do that because you have to be a man. that is what i'm going to do. kennedy: just like eyes the men's or make cats away to because identify as a. here we go.
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you are brave basement thank you thank you for my service in my cervix. robby here is your first headline. many older men arrested for selling fake tickets to fake orgy that she said took place after hours at orlando seaworld. fake news or florida? [laughter] >> i'm so bad at this game compared with presidential trivia. i would say that was real, florida. kennedy: know robert is like the point that was fake news. but everyone on the team wanted that to be real so badly they might help take us to a fake orgy at seaworld. regular always trickle reader with that kind of headline. before you know dolphins. [inaudible] hornet men rest after crashing his vehicle to bar so he could steal a bottle of dr pepper. fake news or florida, kevin? >> that is totally for the lord that is. attempted to get into the redirect bar in panama city, one of my favorites were the bar was closely drove his truck to the front glass,
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grabbed a dr pepper, satin table and drink at my man well done. >> cheers. victory is so handsome. that looks like four guys that cat dated. cap this is for you. florida man arrested for eating pancakes in the middle of the road. fake news or florida, kat? statement florida. >> is aptly right kat timpf is on the board. thomas brought a table tear and a plate of pancakes and a bottle of syrup into the middle of a intersexual he could eat brick whistle priests charged with obstruction in the roadway and obstructing the free flow of traffic. well done. >> i dated that guy too. [laughter] >> looks comfy i want those. because that's the pandemic look that looks great bread robby this is for you but florida man arrested after trying to pop the goodyear blimp by shooting a bow and arrow into the sky, fake news or florida?
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back fake. kennedy: yes robby's the board at the three way tie. i love it when it's like this is so good. not can end and reckon. florida man arrested for fighting with mcdonald's workers after trying to use the restaurants grill to cook a steak he brought from home. fake news or florida kevin? >> that is totally florida as well. kennedy: know that is fake news. and by the way another and i said about three people understaffed when they go therefore summer break the going to try to cook a steak at mcdonald's i bet they let you. >> i'm so stressed out this must be how people feel before they go to war. kennedy: very brave pig. florida man stealing threaded dollars in the murch from kmart days after buying an 8 million-dollar private islands, fake news or florida? the mac fake news. before that is florida, andrew lippi there he is still three
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advising kmart junk coffee makers linens, lightbulbs return the boxes with other juncos swapped in its place. he bought a 165-dollar curing coffeemakers and returned the box of the baseball inside. all days after he bought a private island in the florida keys because you need a coffee maker and apparently better dye job, sorry kevin. >> data in him. [laughter] >> i love your standards kevin or lack there of. >> i have none i have none. before that's why we love you. and you make a wonderful wegman purple yard tied at one robby this is for you see you can lurch into the lead. florida woman spits to food in fruman/when she talks about covid-19 fake news or florida or robby? >> that will be florida. before that is florida destroyed nearly three and $50 worth of food in a walmart after she opened a sealed pack
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of fruit, chewed it up and spit it into multiple produce bins. what a champ. >> money she's wearing a masco. sue for and she asked why she said i don't know just because bridge she later asked him police after she is aware of the pandemic, what? >> and she's got a mask on to. kennedy: that's great that's an excess or print kevin this is for your robbie's in the lead you can tight with this question. florida man steals pieces of his neighbors deck overnights. caught using the wood to build an extension for his own deck. figures are florida? >> that is got to be florida kaman florida. kennedy: that is fake is estimated because our writer jason actually did that. [laughter] it's amazing. cap this is for you florida man arrested after breaking a counter at a denny's because they refused honors coupon which were for i have. figures are florida, kat? >> fake news respect aptly right can't robby tied pulling
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into the final round final-round questions worth two points apiece, anyone can win, robby this is for you. florida woman arrested for attempting to break in aquarium octopus tank with a hammer, thickness or florida, robby? >> let's say that is fake news pacemaker so good at this it hurts your four. right kevin you can't win but you can do better. florida men's strips performed erotic dance inside japanese steakhouse acnes or florida? >> i hope that's florida good for him. see fortis look at him 44-year-old started stripping and dancing erotically for the female of a married couple he did not know at the steakhouse in clearwater for the couple asked him to leave he became belligerent calling the woman fat and threatening to fight her spouse. that is a very florida knights. our rights you have three. can't you can type for the moment this. florida met arrested for standing at a walmart parking
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lot with a blue vest on trying to charge shoppers $3 for parking. like news or florida? >> is either florida or fake news. kennedy: he got a pick one the choices. >> fake. kennedy: it is fake you in robby tied, congratulations. you get to go to amoeba park in orlando. as a lesser-known theme park. i'll go head over the full body will your there. thank you guys are playing robby and cat you tied calving are amazing. back i am the real winner. kennedy: you are rob even said so. because is on the rights. [laughter] [laughter] kennedy: the best show ever in the world thank you. coming up you iphone mania flipping the nation highly anticipated reports to congress about aliens due any day now heard one expert tried to bring the flying saucer dreams back down to earth. astro physicist adam franken
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before it's time for the new edition of conspiracy theories. present bob as proof of aliens would completely change life on earth, watch. >> i would hope that the knowledge that there were aliens out there would solidifies people sense that what we have in common is a little more important. no doubt there be immediate arguments about we need to spend a lot more money on weapons systems to defend ourselves. and those new religions would pop up and who knows what kind of arguments we would get into. for let me be clear. new religions and weapon systems oh my. my next guest takes a more grounded approach bret love a skeptic. he says he's dubious of all this to contact ufo videos
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mixes case the "new york times" column. ufos do not impress me. he is the shania twain of astrophysics. if there aren't little green men what are they question each on new professor of physics and astronomy at the university of rochester author of light of the stars, alien worlds of the fate of the earth. adam frank joins me. welcome doctor frank. >> is a pleasure to be here. if i really went the alien theory to be trooper accent a couple times on the show i'm not afraid of them because if you are so advanced that you are traversing wormholes and light years and plenty of galaxies to get here then everything you have gotten every way you think is so advanced. the fact you've not killed the set means are pretty peaceful. >> buffer just really tasty? >> and think there are some people among us are very succulent. i would not be surprising be
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the first ones to go on the barbie. >> the first ones to go the first ones taken. kennedy: you obviously have studied this. why is there -- if it's not true then why are government officials and senators and people involved in the project looking for unidentified aerial phenomenon? why are they all coming out now saying it's now plausible? >> there's a difference saying we see something that is unexplained and it's worth study, which i totally agree with. definitely some of those videos are interesting for they should be studied. it may be more of a national intelligence issue. what i would say that article was making the jump from i saw something i don't know what it is to oyez irving visited by an advance civilization that wants to be secret but cannot manage to pull the job off, that is not what's warranted. as a scientist you are nowhere near we need to be to make that kind of conclusion. kennedy: how do you make that conclusion and what do you
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make of the stuff that so far beyond the technology that we have now? just based on the way the signs are acting but. >> that thing is we look at those videos, people have gone through this. the videos are taken with cameras predict cameras are actually moving, the campus are not fixed there on gambles and move. some people of shoney's to the moving really fast as the camera itself which is moving. so it is not clear. that data from those cameras is not enough to actually say how fast it is moving. you cannot get velocity out of that. as a physicist look i actually study i am part of the search for extraterrestrial intelligence. we have standards of evidence but if i tell someone i found evidence of a sub going to get my butt kicked right? i'm going to have to prove six ways to friday why eight, it's not just a mistake.
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envy weathers not more plausible explanations than it is aliens. kennedy: maybe you're working for the deep state bird maybe you are part of the problem in one of these people that's giving us these explanations, nothing to see here nothing to worry about. be a fine girl that's at bitch where is my check from the deep state? i'm working for the deep state they could send the check that would be great. i'm a scientist what he really care about more than anything else is the integrity of american science here's the way it goes. fuzzy is the same kind of blog discs people used to connect your phone aliens to build a cell phone did what i would have? of record phases same logic something would melt your face off. kennedy: where like younger more supple?
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>> until all the skin that melted off you have 20 seconds he would be manually great. kennedy: i will take a break i don't need much. we will see what happens were in weather out it wants you to come back and maybe then we will make a wager. but for now i'm okay with that being aliens and not totally convinced that i'm getting closer every day. doctor vegas much i appreciate it. >> is a pleasure kennedy take care brace back to take care
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kennedy: a new report claims in april a group of chinese hackers attempted to cripple the new york city subway system. unfortunately they are beaten to the punch by mayor de blasio and governor cuomo. that's a train on the wrong track. and this is a topical storm. topic number one. a san francisco start up debuted the first ever manicure robots. so far it is totally nailing it. the companies offering ten minute robot manicures out of a pop up shop in san francisco break the machine works by taking a picture of your nails and then filling them in with polish for the low, low price of 799 because they make the real money's on the picture of your nail to creepy japanese
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businessmen. and your undies to in the vending machines for the store should be easy to find just go to chestnut street make a left at a pile of human feces turn right and a pile of heroine needles. then wilbert left of the pile of heroine needles covered in human feces that san francisco. the compasses they hope to see these machines in retail stores and offices around the country but per se i cannot wait for this. i've been to get her office coffee maker to do my nails and it comes out terrible look at this. [laughter] does not even stay inside the lines. it is so hard when you go tinkle. topic number two. a stunning story about a group of elephants who wandered off a reservation and i'm not talking about the freedom caucus. this elephant heard left a reserve in china and has since traveled over 3 miles across country. that is a long way to carry a trump parts of our they destroyed entire farm fields, stumbled through villages and
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caused over $1 million in property damage for the chinese it's like having hunter bite in there all over again. with her consist of 15 elven thinking three adult males also known as cows. it's two girls for every boy. ♪ ♪'s are city here we come for this is one journey the mail elephants will never forget. less ipl funds entered the suburb above the city and soon they could stop through downtown. it's a good thing too because the little one to have been stop at starbucks and are we there yet? are we there yet? topic number three, your hate males driving me to it drink. so do me a favor and keep it coming you hacks. this is viewer mailed her travis kicks us off with just another chunk of time you wasting your show you could be talking about actual news. what chunk of time are you talking about? it's like 59 chunks of time per our week don't talk about
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serious news. burton chimes in with kennedy nation you are silly. hope to eat you look like you jumped out of bed and tv 90s hot tub machine. as a guess but the hot tubs are not inventive as i was on. i try to turn the channel from kennedy nation in the commercial break in my cat attacked. your cat attacked when you're sleeping and comatose and once each are face. i will be right back did you know that geico's whole 15 minutes thing... that came from me. really. my first idea was “in one quarter of an hour, your savings will tower... over you. figuratively speaking." but that's not catchy, is it? that's not going to swim about in your brain. so i thought, what about... 15 minutes. 15 percent. serendipity. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. ♪ na na na na
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♪ na na na na... ♪ hey hey hey. ♪ goodbye. ♪ na na na na... ♪ hey hey hey. ♪ goodbye. ♪ na na na na ♪ na na na na... the world's first six-function multipro tailgate. available on the gmc sierra. the world's first six-function multipro tailgate. (vo) nobody builds 5g like verizon builds 5g. thousands of engineers taking peak performance to a new level. that's why in parts of many major cities where people can use massive capacity we added verizon 5g ultra wideband, the fastest 5g in the world. nice. it isn't just a step forward, it's a leap forward. because the more you do with 5g, the more your network matters. it's us pushing us. it's verizon vs. verizon. and who wins? you. ♪ ♪ ♪ common love isn't for us ♪
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♪ we created something phenomenal ♪ ♪ don't you agree? ♪ ♪ don't you agree? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ow! ♪ (vo) this is more than just a building. it's an ai-powered investment firm with billion-dollar views. a cutting-edge data-security enterprise. yes, with a slide. a perfect location for the world's first one-hour delivery. an inspiration for the next workout cult. and enough space for a pecan-based nutrition bar empire. it could happen. this is where dreams become brick and mortar. find yours, on loopnet. this past year has felt like
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kennedy: this puzzlers during times of putting us government finds no evidence aerial sightings were alien spacecraft. told you. thanks for watching the best out of your day. follow me on twitter and instagram @kennedynation, facebook @kennedyfbn, email (announcer) the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. ♪ chances are ♪ ♪ 'cause i wear a silly grin ♪ ♪ the moment you... ♪ (announcer) there are artists we'll always remember. ♪ mona lisa ♪ ♪ mona lisa, men have named you ♪ (announcer) beautiful songs. ♪ you're so like the lady... ♪ (announcer) ...with lyrics, melodies and memories that will always touch our hearts. ♪ it's impossible ♪
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