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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 12, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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larry: thanks for watching folks. please have a great week. kennedy: he will not back down or stop exposing a bunch of stinking miserable cowards and one of few reporters brave enough to cover the left-wing organization hell-bent on destroying america as we know it. they have destroyed buildings businesses and cities from seattle to new york and threatened to intimidate or assaulted anyone especially journalists who stand up to them. which is what happened to andy
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over a week ago. he is a vietnamese in immigrant documenting antifa when he was attacked again and he managed to get away and hide out in the portland hotel but not without injury. he was bloodied and bruised and he can't walk because of excruciating pain and canceled because his work is banned outright in some places and twitter took the title of journalist off of his profile. here with me journalists and other unmasked the radical plan to destroy democracy. welcome back andy. >> thank you. >> how was this attack a little over a week ago how was it different than the other ways of antifa? >> it comes after two years of threats to kill me and murder me and we have that opportunity a week and a half ago. i get a lot of criticism for
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doing what i'd do given for how i was beaten and got a brain hemorrhage. i do risk assessment management but it's hard for me to find private security that's willing to take me on as a client because of the threats that are made against me. i made a decision that in america from my own parents experience of escaping communist terrorism i'm not going to allow extremists to tell me what i can and cannot do in public and tell me i'm not able to exercise my first amendment rights and it comes at severe risk. journalists and bureaus in d.c. and new york are not on the ground which is why the american public is so -- about antifa and that's how you get things like antifa doesn't exist in things like the rise.
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>> they aren't peaceful. they really are gunning for you and it's upsetting when the big tech company like twitter does acquiesce to that and take journalist off of your bio. how did that feel? >> you know what that shows me again my detractors and peers in media want to take the one thing that makes people on the left right and sympathetic to me. and somebody who is a journalist in america should not be beaten at assaulted and they want to take it away so they don't want to give me recognition as a journalist and cast me as some type of provacateur agitator. kennedy: why not have a proxy to europe courting for you and why not have someone go into the mob
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who can blend in because they are obviously looking for you and once they find you they lose their minds. have you talked to someone else about continuing to do your reporting that you write on so you are not there on the ground in portland losing your life? >> all of my options are out on the table for now and i want to remind everyone the beating that happened two years ago when they nearly killed me i went for two more years of being able gather material for my book. they are going to stop me and i'm going to wise up and at the same time they are becoming more sophisticated. a week and a half since the beating that happened to me in portland nobody's been arrested by the does demonstrate in some american cities it is extremely dangerous to cover the far left.
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kennedy: that is their point. they are going to terrorize journalists into submission so they don't ask questions. they don't unmask what they are doing or telegraphing and it's serious and it seems like finally at least a little bit it's starting to charge people. i read your article in "new york post" that things are finally shifted. would you chalk that up to? >> yeah so there have been 16 other local and federal arrests and charges in portland and this change is significant and potentially means our district attorney is facing enough of it backlash from a populace that realized this whole catch and release program that was implemented last year which allowed 90% of the people who
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were arrested be let go and that's not sustainable. 16 people and these charges are serious by the way. it's not just breaking windows. these are things from felonious assaults to people carrying -- kennedy: it doesn't matter if you were just breaking windows but if you are destroying property and harming police officers and passersby this is what the d.a. in portland said. if you look historically at this nation we have gotten some of the chases and we are proud that our nation's history and sometimes it's property damage. it takes more than people protesting to get the government's attention. i'm mindful of no accountability in the city that is in ruins and it's disgusting. is unacceptable and i'm glad someone is documenting it that i wanted to stay safe. >> my pleasure. kennedy: the vice president after more than two months when
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president biden put her in charge of stemming the american border crisis vice president harris visited ramallah and immigrations fact-finding mission and changing the administration's migrant welcoming tune. watch this. >> i want to be clear the folks in this region are thinking about making that dangerous track to the united states mexico border, do not come. do not come. the united states will continuously enforce the law and secure our border. there are legal methods by which migration can and should occur but one of our priorities will discourage illegal migration. and i believe if you come to our worters you will be turned back.
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kennedy back kennedy: no you won't. will she be building a wall by the end of the trip and she's incredibly naïve. the root cause is -- we have got american majority founder and ceo of ned ryun is here along with newlyweds democrat pollster and "fox news" contributor but that fresh bridal glow and libertarian vice president of 2020 candidate site colin. let's discuss this a little bit ned to climate change i can think of a few other root causes. it's not fun but i don't know if that would be at the top of the list for people who are seeking solace in the united states and leaving drug war torn countries. >> it's an insult to the american people's intelligence for kamala harris to even mention that but it's also an admission of demonstrations complete failing but also in the first two months of this year
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they basically get away with all of the trump era border restrictions. they did away with all the internal enforcement policies and essentially flashed in knee on border scientist central and south american shocker people come flooding to the border. we had 10 times the number of illegal crossings in april 2021 than in april of 2020 and they are thinking somehow the media and they are what carry water for them and not highlighted to the american people. corporate propaganda are doing all they can to carry water for kamala harris and joe biden but it's a humanitarian crisis on the border and she was lying through her teeth kennedy when she said they are doing everything to enforce the borders and you shouldn't, and we will do away with illegal immigration. that's a complete lie. everything they have done in the action so far this year has been nothing but encouragement for people to cross the borders illegally. kennedy: jessica the thing that i see here which was on the
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presidential debate stage when she was after city would provide health care to illegal immigrants for free she raised her hand. that's a huge incentive. it's not just kids who have health issues. are you going to to cross any river pay any person? that the huge incentive. >> it may have had such mixed messaging in terms of who they are turning away and everyone knows that kids show up in themselves they aren't getting sent back to their home country. that is putting the kids in the double for the choice not only are they separated from their parents if you are an 11-month-old by yourself days they go to that house over there. >> that's absolute write about the conditions and the danger they are and what happens when children show up on the company. they are going to turn them away
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and i don't think anyone here would be pushing a five or 6-year-old back across the rio grande. kamala harris did raise your hand for free health care for people who come here and documented but joe biden didn't. she served as the vice president at his pleasure and it's his policies is stand there. she is lying to the american people. the state department has published reports under democratic and republican president-elect donald trump that have said the climate change crisis is forcing people to become refugees and predominantly it's happening in the middle east but it's also happening in central and south america preaching noted that people were coming and of course they are. we are outlined on this front that people come to get jobs to work hard for a better life but i'm hoping this talk about do not come here which was reminiscent of what we heard under past administrations will
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ring true. i know the president of guatemala was pretty angry with the u.s. and the administration about this point. he said you have to discourage them. kennedy: he also said you are full of hot wind in the disagreed. >> he was disappointed. >> he was basically saying no, this is a lie. 10 other things in the united states. >> i prefer when she wasn't talking about it. here's the thing we know it it's true to his joe biden's policies that are the reason we are here. it's job tight-end war on drugs and war on migration that are creating conditions for narco-terrorists taking over entire countries rounding up people and slaughtering them wholesale. why do you think people are sending their children with coyotes to go to a foreign country where they are almost certain to be put in one of joe biden's camps for kids?
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it's to escape being murdered and until we address that the idea that this has anything to do is climate change or economic reasons they don't want their kids to be murdered. they'd rather they be putting camps and murdered. these are the choices that we are forcing parents and other countries to make the cousin of the failed war on drugs and until we end that this is never going to end and the idea of come legally, there is no legal process. kennedy: that's another huge failure of vice president harris. she can sit down with their former senate colleagues and called together for plan with republicans and democrats and tackle that very issue. the most important things ending the drug war. you have to name it before you do it. she has not and she will not. also you need to have a massive congressional fix. she sent an serious yet
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ambitious person and her presidential aspirations are more important. coming up cryptocurrency by bitcoin. a financial traction doesn't -- transaction on the wire. every bite and lackey calling for regulations. bitcoin billionaire brock pearce, next. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ incomparable design makes it beautiful. state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2021 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. discomfort back there? instead of using aloe, $359 a month for 36 months. or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h. because your derriere deserves expert care.
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well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. over the next 10 years, comcast is committing $1 billion to reach 50 million low-income americans with the tools and resources they need to be ready for anything. i hope you're ready. 'cause we are. (announcer) the core is key to losing weight, getting back in shape, and feeling good. introducing the aero trainer, designed to strengthen your core, flatten your stomach, and relieve stress and back pain. it conforms to your body and increases muscle activity. abs, back, obliques, hips, and glutes. get incredible results in just five to ten minutes a day. the aero trainer supports over 500 pounds, and inflates and deflates in seconds. check it out at that's a-e-r-o
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's old people don't like things which is predictable but it's problematic when everyone was running a country is nine years old but they don't understand exactly cheering a cryptocurrency said they want you to destroy it or control it. they are at geriatric version of a boyfriend. number 45 says this. >> the currency of this world should be the dollar and i don't think we should have all of the bitcoins of the world out there. i think they should regulate them very high. bitcoin just seems like a scam. i don't like it because it's another currency competing against the dollar essentially currency competing if the dollar but i want the dollar to be the currency of the world. kennedy: with all due respect of dollars a scam is over regulated
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pumped up a central bank that has nothing but ious to back it up. a coin creation required 21 million coins and as if every this year 80,000,638 of those sneaky digitals -- have been minesweeping 2.3 million out there waiting for my hotdog fingers to theoretically grasp to them them. bitcoin another cryptocurrency's can be tracked. they are encrypted in this drives them out of their silver mines. president trump wanted to yield to the dollar but present biden likes -- and janet yellen once to regulate it so i or his agents can sift through your coin base to counter your wallet and steal and manipulate your hard-earned money for sanders nocturnal commission. that's why people are drawn to crypto. they've been pilfered into exasperation but there's mild
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speculation away to catch on historically gone to the country club elite they might have a way of to create wealth that has nothing to do with who you known it can be done in private. crypto is not aimed bullied into submission anytime soon. morgan stanley offered access to bitcoin because why should investment have all the fun and russell macomb. it's also overstocked paypal whole foods and home depot. crick does not a scam. it does not require attention and is here to stay productive pair lifespan army of rand parents. that's the memo. the fed searching to regulate cryptocurrency but as more banks and companies and american
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embrace of the lott is take the hint or get out of the way click here to discuss venture capitalists in the bitcoin foundation chairman brock pearce. welcome back. >> thank you so much for having me and what an incredible primer, opener. you are so on point. so well set what a pleasure. kennedy: thank you so much much. am i's disheartened to hear former and current politicians who don't really understand cryptocurrency to begin with or may appeal to does this do for first-time investors dismissing it as something that needs to be pushed out of the way entirely or something that needs to be regulated so they can make another tax grab. what are we supposed to do? >> it's dangerous and arguably reckless when people start to opine on the future when they don't understand. it's understandable and it's human nature to fear that which we don't understand in the way we conquer fears with knowledge. our elected officials are civil
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servants those that are in a position to govern need to do their work. they have to be in reality. people like mayor suarez from miami that mayor gets it and we need more of our elected officials doing the work to understand it and we probably need people that are more in touch with reality that come from a generation where they actually understand technology protect knowledge is changing the world faster and faster and you have to have the foresight to know how to navigate it. the future belongs to the -- kennedy: i agree completely so why are some countries talking about having their own digital currency and insurance for them and their central bank to try to stave off any other investors? >> that is better than just
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dismissing it. at least they are acknowledging that technology is working a potentially has a role to assist and enhance the quality of their services and as you pointed out el salvador's again to make it their legal currency or at least legalize it as currency among other things but if we go back in time japan has already said that bitcoin is legal currency. this is not a new trend. it's jpmorgan visa mastercard. these major financial institutions do not associate their brand. these major financial institutions to associate their brand with bitcoin clearly sends -- says that this is real and not going away and it's not a matter of if what or how. we can't stop change. the question is how do we adapt to it? how do we ride the wave of change that we the people are the beneficiary of it? kennedy: absolutely and that's one of the most exciting things
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about this and now with some of the criticism anonymous that level that elon musk your analogy of a rich guy who wants attention stop manipulating the price of bitcoin with uris possible tweet. this elon musk have that much sway over cryptocurrency? >> elon musk has created an incredible following because of the work done with electric cars and spacex and going to mars and boeing companies and satellite telecoms. there are a lot of people that look up to him and with that kind of power comes great responsibility. his tweets in this case were reckless and i hope he's learned a lesson from all of this. he's in a position to facilitate major positive change in the world. just like our elected officials do not talk about things that you do not understand. you may cause incredible harm to
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people and the world at large and certainly if you are in a position of government or one that has problem like he has a praise learned something from this. we all make mistakes and that's part of life but we also have an opportunity to learn because all can be forgiven. i hope he's learned something. kennedy: is probably watching right now. thank you so much. always good to talk to you. coming up billionaires battling to see who launches into space first but how much will they benefit from this new space race? race? i have a few ideas. now with a new look. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be.
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a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. did you know prilosec otc can stop frequent heartburn before it begins? heartburn happens when stomach acid refluxes into the esophagus. prilosec otc uses a unique delayed-release formula that helps it pass through the tough stomach acid. it then works to turn down acid production, blocking heartburn at the source. with just one pill a day, you get 24-hour heartburn protection. prilosec otc. one pill a day, 24 hours, zero heartburn.
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kennedy: we have sausage doing and billionaire who were in neck-and-neck commerce -- competition for the world's richest former turned super villain jeff bezos has? to go rocket man with his
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brother. the mission branson closer to the throne than prince harry that's true. he's helping bezos on one of his virgin galactic rocket planes by the 4th of july. not to be gross but let's be honest have the people that will watch the spectacle will see if one of them becomes a human roman candle which likely won't happen but in rome. a lot is riding on the main voyage. more than leathery egos and boring bragging rights. space exploration could bring average consumers to exciting gear. space tech in the past has birthed a host of modern daily conveniences memory foam freeze-dried food folgers gps infrared ear thermometers l.e.d. lights 10. this generation of competitive cowboys already know how the free market works and they will manufacture and market the living spit out of flying cars
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and levitating robots to telepathic shopping. u.s. government is helping to harness this oils of the olympics to develop a rocket cargo that will utilize reusable rockets to send packages between 30 and 100 tons. you'll soon be able to send someone a train on a rocket or a sperm whale and don't count out to elon musk from this big spacex has a market cap of $70 billion in the contracts. musk scoffed at the simple dreams of two going suborbital poor. he's going to put a human colony on mars. try doing that with your grandma's membership a sosin that's the memo. it's the showdown that everyone is dying to watch in the front row seats cost a fortune for the current high bid to go to space with bezos $2.8 million. meanwhile celebrities katy perry
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tom hanks in justin bieber halved 250,000-dollar oaks -- tickets booked so will the sky-high prices be worth it and will -- the party panelist tak. marie i will start with you. i'm excited about this. i think it's wonderful the idea that you have all these people and not the government to get tons of money and they are just trying to out massive owner each other. >> in the last week i've watched the martian so i've been into space movies recently so i love this topic. kennedy: is that the end when matt damon dies? c candidate that's not how the movie ends. don't scare people. i am claustrophobic so
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spaceflight is not appealing to me but i think it's interesting and exciting to private companies are getting involved in working with the government and i think that's important is pursued the fact that they are american companies. it's great and i'm excited to see will happen. kennedy: i was in a class called science technology and society and we figured out who came up with verse and who modified it and sold it to consumers. what do we do with this freeze-dried orange juice? i don't know and with musk let's sell this thing. i party got it in the blue origin. people will love it. it's a flight so we will get cool stuff faster than in the moon landing nasa days. >> jeff bezos launching himself into space is the ultimate
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divorced dad move. i don't think anybody's going to top that. i don't have a problem with richard branson and jeff a sosin katy perry in justin bieber watching themselves -- launching themselves as far away as possible. that's what he have to pay for shipping. kennedy: he should eyes have to pay for shipping. the hope for some people and i know this is dark but we have to acknowledge some people will watch this to see if something goes wrong. that's the ultimate curiosity here. these are not government rockets. these are private craft. what are you looking or to jason? >> kennedy i actually think the billionaire space race is not only good i think it's necessary especially at a time when the biden administration is asking nasa to help with overcrowded detention facilities and illegal aliens overflowing those facilities helping illegal aliens.
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remember that belief in american exceptionalism is what pushed the apollo mission the staggering feat of putting a man on the moon with less computing power on ward than what we hold in our cell phones in the palm of our hands but the government showed us the government is deteriorating and the years accelerating. if the government can't lift america to new heights let's let the billionaires do it. kennedy: maybe the private sector is the greatest modern invention of the american economy. i think it's fantastic to cause they are not going to fund nasa to do what they have done in the past. dollar for dollar when you account for inflation there's no way that any president would fund the space program like that in the grand scheme of things. they wouldn't spend the money there. back here on earth there are a lot of open jobs and very few employees willing to work them and that companies are finding
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creative ways to lure the workforce off the couch. apple offering free appetizers to anyone who comes in for an interview. the hotel chain dangling free summer rooms for new hires and an agent largest meatpacker jbs will pay for college degrees for its entire workforce and even their children so what will it take to convince americans to get off of their biden unemployment gravy train? this is an incredible time to be out looking for a job. think of all the things you can negotiate. even if you never are a meatpacker the idea that you can send your kids to college for free if you work at jbs i can't think of a greater incentive. >> right after ransomware attack cut them all down so this is good press after a bad week. studies show over and over again one of the biggest reasons preventing people from going back to the workforce is a lack
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of childcare so as we get into the fall as people's childcare situation get better and kids go back to school we will see more workers returned to the workforce but workers have more power than they have had in along time. asking for higher wages, asking for other benefits and in the longrun that's a pretty good thing for workers to be able to negotiate for some of these things but i think as more people get vaccinated people are more comfortable returning to work these numbers will start incrementally ticking up. kennedy: you look at the ways the government is impeding what could be the natural progress of the economy and keeping schools closed in places like california where single moms have been the hardest hit in the labor force. i say go out and get your apps and get a free college degree. my nephew works at starbucks and a very good one i might add and he is going to arizona state on line for free. i think it's a solid move.
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>> murray obviously has better pay than the teachers union then i do about kids returned to school in the fall and mothers going back to work. you really do see this is all a big pushback that's happening in the real world to the biden administration essentially saying no it's not the long-term employment benefits keeping people from working its stagnant wages but we are seeing world world effects. businesses can drag people off the street to cause you can make our money with advanced unemployment than you can going to work and again that it's an big dent in what they were trying to sell in their disastrous jobs report a couple of months ago. kennedy: the administration says still there is no correlation between the number of jobs available and the number of people who are participating in the labor force. i think that's pretty cynical.
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all they have to do is go out and talk to some of these restaurants to hire people. >> sorry. kennedy: you can go ahead. did i say steven? i met jason. >> the bottom line is people are getting paid not to work and if you look at federal unemployment state unemployment combined they are getting $630 additional a week or that's double, $32,000 annually in double the national minimum wage today. there's no incentives that are going to work to bring people back. we have to end the federal unemployment benefits in order to get people back to work you can't compete with the federal government printing money as handouts. it never works and it won't work now. kennedy: gets maternal a stick and ultimately cool but still i'm hung up on the free appetizer. whatever you can do to get people in the door.
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thank you so much jason steven anne marie. former pentagon officials investigation unit were at the upcoming and will report will be watered down. he might run for congress so what the feds steal the beef? we will discuss it. pilot over radio: right there, right there. [sfx: revving trucks] pilot over radio: g complete. how do you introduce the larger-than-life gmc yukon? with the world's biggest tweet.
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kennedy: it's time for more conspiracy theories that don't count on the government to give you a stellar reporting ufos expected it to release to the public in a day after admitting that ufos are flooding u.s.
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airspace. we are not confident and actually knows about unidentified aerial phenomena and where they came from. we can't trust the government to do most things right so do be expected to be honest about flying saucers quester and a former tractor the pentagon advanced aerospace thread identification program start unidentified objects welcome back to the show. >> dank u. so much for having me back or dies a pleasure. kennedy: why do they think we can't handle the truth? >> i don't know if it's a matter of a don't think we can handle the truth about the topic or the dysfunction that's currently going on inside the pentagon that the pentagon does a lot of things right and are apprised of fantastic human things but unfortunately there seems to be a significant amount of consumption where internally the pentagon can't get their stories straight. kennedy: are the two camps? is there disagreement here and are there people who are like
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hey man let's follow the evidence and others are like no we can never admit that leave me alone. >> that's certainly possible. he does have a mission for the first time in the history of this country that what we are seeing is not secret u.s. technology so the last 30 years there've been conspiracies about this being some sort of secret u.s. -- and it looks like that argument was put to bed and there are two options left. one it's adversarial technology or had something significantly different and i think people are trying to rap their heads around that right now. kennedy: you think it's possible the chinese government has developed hypersonic craft? >> we know they are looking at hypersonic craft but that's not what we are seeing. we are seeing such as instantaneous acceleration and low observability in what appears to be antigravity. cockpits control obvious signs of propulsion and they are pulled to outperform anything we
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have in their victoria and we are pretty sure it's not for an inventory as well. kennedy: then again who really knows? i want them to stop saying it could be weather balloons. weather balloons. we have had weather balloons for 60 years. why are they going with the weather balloon? >> because it's easy and convenient. they are looking at a simple video and they don't have the radar data or the information leading up to the video or afterwards and frankly they are touring the observations by the pilot. and the pilots are saying it's going 120 knots against the wind balloons quite frankly flow with prevailing winds. i think there's a lot of cognitive dissonance going on and there's a lot of people frankly and comfortable with the conversation and i think that's what we are seeing right now with the whole spectrum of individuals in the government outside of the government. kennedy: only see conspiracy theories?
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after what the country and the world has been through especially this past year we really can handle some -- i don't think it means her country is going to be taken over and co-opted by angry -- last fought what you'd expect this year? >> kennedy it takes longer sometimes to remodel a household kitchen than the 680 day report and secondly most of the people at the time were under covid restrictions and couldn't go to work. at best what we are going to is a big shoulder shrug. we don't know what this is only know it's not ours and anything else is a best guess which hopefully will lead to a long-term effort to figure this out and hopefully with enduring capabilities at congress and the american people deserve. kennedy: luis elizondo thank you so much. >> incise my pleasure. kennedy: we will talk again soon.
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wet teddy bears! wet teddy bears here! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ obsession has many names. this is ours. the lexus is. all in on the sport sedan. lease the 2021 is 300 for $379 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ow!
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kennedy: mark zuckerberg has posted a video on spears and shooting arrows. fortunately he posted it on facebook so only your parents will ever get to see. that's a billionaire getting back to basics.
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this is topical storm topical number one. a new report says the name karen has seen a drastic drop in popularity for newborn babies because of its negative connotation on social media. although it's not nearly as bad as what happened to the name boomer. according to the social security administration there she is the name dropped 170 spots on the baby name list last year. i'd like to speak to the manager about that. covid and corona have dropped in popularity. also the name donald keeps getting switched to the name joe and lizabeth made an appearance on the list for the first time ever with a grand total of one baby in a galaxy but who would that be? >> and take care doesn't end with ab names. last year women named karen saw 20% drop in matches and then again they should publicly get
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the manager they liked him so much but from what i hear -- i'd like to speak to the manager. topic number two a shocking video faith more in the moment floored it beachgoers came face-to-face with the last thing you ever want to see at the beach and i'm not talking about a topless chris christie. it's a gang of hammerhead sharks. actually it was a nice change for group followed by security guards and bounty hunters but the sharks were not aggressive and it's why these women don't seem too bothered by them all to maybe because it's january of 2012. hammerheads have eyes on the sides of their heads giving them a huge blind spot so they can't see what's right in front of their noses which is why they are often called the democrats of the ocean. they can give birth to 15 pups at a time and sometimes up to
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the pups at once and after that the males say meeting with them is like throwing a meal down and look in which is a joke among -- how do you know you male. topic number three are brief moment of levity caught on tape in fort carson in colorado when a raccoon abated and armored vehicle and sent soldiers scrambling. don't he alarmed. i think the army will be just fine. tell part of the military's plan to be marquis of by including people to retreat like toddlers when they see a crater. this wasn't this scary's animal encounter provider that day the squad had to call in the rain parade to keep kila fire in the
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bathroom. when the and left he made them all lay down give them 20, 20 pattycake that is. that's a nice touch but after seeing this video the democrats began demanding yankees stopped using weapons of war. is that a semi automatic baseball bat? that nasty red ra? and donna next door had it for weeks. yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it. camera man: actually, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaat? camera man: prevented. you can get vaccinated. baby, call the doctor. camera man: hey! you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles now. we are thrilled we finally found our dream home in the mountains. the views are great, the air is fresh. (sfx: branches rustle) it is bear country though.
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hey boo-boo! we hit the jackpot! bear! bear! bear! look, corn on the cob! oohh chicken! don't mind if i do! they're hungry. t-bone! that's what i call a smorgasbord! at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. they do save us a ton of money. we'll take the cobbler to go! good idea, yogi. i'm smarter than the average bear! they're gone, dad! for bundling made easy, go to (vo) ideas exist inside you, electrify you. they're gone, dad! they grow from our imagination,
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kaine thank you for watching the best hour of your day. follow me on twitter and instagram@kennedy nation on facebook kennedy fbn. subscribe to my podcast kennedy saved the world spotify apple "fox news".com the most recent one is -- make everyday kennedy day. goodbye. define who they are. this is "objectified"... this is what kylie jenner wore home - from the hospital the day she was born. - oh! i'm harvey levin. this is the story of arguably one of the most famous moms on the planet, who became the architect of one of the most visible and lucrative empires in entertainment. ( people clamoring ) as a little girl, kris dreamed of being a housewife and mom, but that fairy-tale life with robert kardashian was short-lived.


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