tv The Evening Edit FOX Business June 14, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT
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♪. gerr gerry: bringing a little spice to the westminsterer dog show a pekingese named was sabe the confused pooch. it won best in show at the westminster kennel club and it was given to bourbon the runner-up in the dog show is oldest sporting event in the united states after the kentucky derby, that does it for us, "the evening edit" start right now. elizabeth: we be going with nato declaring china a systemic threat in the president biden in the g7 agreed on a new investigation into whether covid-19 escape from the wuhan lab, despite dr. fauci in the earlier denial calling it a french conspiracy theory, president biden saying it's
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important to know the answer, former secretary of state mike pompeo said there is a pile of evidence 100 feet high showing that it did leak, tennessee senator marsha blackburn, new york congressman lee zeldin, andy pozder, culloden antennae, texas is troy nail, chris bedford and former asked director ron botelho. we have a washington post reporter saying dr. fauci in the nih have been stonewalling into a potential wuhan lab leak. dr. fauci now says he has been the object of a phenomenal amount of hostility, also the gop during up the spotlight illegal leak of billionaire tax returns from the irs to propublica this will happen at hearing this week we have what is going to go down there calling for the prosecution of the irs workers behind the leaks of taxes from amazon jeff bezos, warren buffett, bill gates and more the gop warning about the timing of this happening right when democrats want to raise taxes and this week it will ruin what the democrats wanted to and giving irs more money and more power. also tonight will break down
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president biden high-stakes meeting with vladimir putin this week, what can the president get accomplished. plus small businesses rising up against the defendant police push administering crimes, gun violence hitting historic highs. what business owners are threatening to do in order to get in in to the lawlessness and chaos. new e-mails showing tough michigan democrat official reportedly plotting and planning to get the police to go after a local restaurant owner who defy their lockton orders. then we have the story angel families say they deserve a seat at the table but the homeland security secretary as a biden administration rewrites the rule basically letting dangerous criminal illegals back on the
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street, the administration is moving to build more border facilities in texas , texas is moving to st, don't mess with texas, i'm elizabeth macdonald, "the evening edit" start right now. ♪ welcome to the show you're watching the fox business network, the s&p and the nasdaq hitting a highs even as investors digest new inflation data coming in and the federal reserve this week may signal rate hikes look at what's going on j.p. morgan chase, jamie diane entered i meditated stockpiling cash because it thinks inflation can be long-term making interest-rate hikes over there but start with tennessee senator marsha blackburn, it's great to have you back on. elizabeth: thank you for joining us. what is your reaction to president biden in the g7 leaders that there should be a new investigation into whether the wuhan lab leaked covid-19. >> i think it's a g7 were to take us up it would be a replica of the w.h.o. investigation. what we need is for congress to
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do its job in the senate the very sandy is to standing committees to take this up why was secretary pompeo blocked, why did secretary, when dr. fauci worked with facebook and why did he decide he was going to keep the lab leak theory squashed when some of us were calling for this, why did he hide information and why were those of us and said we need to look into the origins of this in the lab leak theory and they kinda pooh-poohed that we were called anti-asian, and racist and he was out there agreeing with the chinese communist party that nothing could've gone wrong and the wuhan lab, we made an investigation to get to the bottom of every debt of this. elizabeth: you to get independent commission to do it,
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how -- go ahead. >> judiciary committee needs to look at what happened to the state department, make sure they look at the communicating from the typical attic scientist and the commerce committee needs to take up what happened with big tech and dr. fauci really works with mark zuckerberg in the tech company to create a narrative, basically a pr campaign that he was running instead of getting information to the market public, we have had hundreds of thousands of american families adversely impacted, loss of life, sickness, illness, loss of livelihood, children have lost a full year of education and socialization, teen suicides are at an all-time high, there needs to be answers, there needs to be accountability, dr. fauci was not giving us this information
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so was he given into the president and vice president, he did not share with the american people, did he share with the covid response committee? elizabeth: let's watch president biden on this is. >> one of the things that i reason others raise i wasn't the only one in the g7, we haven't had access in the laboratories to determine whether or not and i'm not reached a conclusion because our intelligence committee is not certain yet. whether or not this was a consequence of the marketplace interfacing with the way of animals and the environment that causes covid-19 or whether it was an experiment in the laboratory. it's important to know the answer of that, we have to have access, the world has to have
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access. elizabeth: the media, the new york times, msnbc, misled their viewers calling is a french conspiracy theory, as you pointed out dr. fauci downplayed it even though behind-the-scenes it was warning world leaders last spring that this may have leaked, let's watch the media on this. is. >> a question about the wuhan lab we know it's been debunked that this virus was man-made or modified, agencies now have been tapped with investigating their favorite conspiracy theory. >> under the trump administration as you describe we were dealing with the circus. >> permitting the scientific community there was an allergic reaction to a lab leak which sounded like what donald trump was trying to deploy as applicable deflection to take a tension off the owner administration. elizabeth: the christian science monitor reporting democrats don't want to look into the wuhan lab leak because allegedly
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wuhan lab leak because they don't want to distract from the narrative of trump's mishandling of the pandemic. your response to that. >> a couple of things, dr. fauci is not a victim, he is trying to play one in each trying to be adversely impacted and if you oppose him you oppose science. in the second thing how much the media hated president trump and how much they side with the chinese communist party. the third thing why was dr. fauci sending u.s. taxpayer dollars to a lab controlled by the communist chinese, then we have a pandemic and they refuse to let anybody from the united states into that lab, there are people that need to be held to account it sounds as if president biden is just
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beginning to realize that this is not something that donald trump's fault, this is something that came from wuhan, china otherwise why would the chinese communist party locked down wuhan and the province and you could go nowhere in the china if you're coming from wuhan or ebay but you can go to the airport and fly around. elizabeth: senator marsha blackburn, it's good to see you again, come back soon. elizabeth: let's get reaction your congressman lee zeldin is with us. your reaction, the president says yes investigating potential lab leak dr. fauci in the media downplayed, washington post reporter and columnist josh rogan saint dr. fauci and the nih are stonewalling probes into what the nih and niaid were doing, what is your take on this. >> for one the american people
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want answers, this is a theory that has been discussed since the beginning of the outbreak and always made sense to many whether they were in congress or amongst the american public, it was also clear there was a big motivation not to have eyes on the origins of the covid-19 because it would distract from the ability to place all of the blame on president trump and the reality one of the best ways to prevent a pandemic is early detection and that was sacrificed it was clear the world health organization was the cpp talking points and the american public to this day we want answers and one of learned lessons to make sure it's never going to happen again. elizabeth: vanity fair is reporting a big gain-of-function super virus bureaucracy in the government you have that going
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on and then you have livermore matt international bob saint investigate it's plausible, dozens of scientists from harvard, stanford university, from around the world say investigated, let's listen to the former secretary of state mike pompeo. >> we have a really good idea of what happened there is an in enormous amount of evidence that there was a leak from the wuhan institute of her obligee, there is a pile of evidence 100 feet high i have high confidence if that's the case we press the chinese communist party really hard not just a state to prohibit cdc and others to we withdrew from the w.h.o. that was politicized in this administration chose to get back in that i don't know what tools they think they will use. elizabeth: former fda director scott godley said dr. fauci in the spring of last year did say it mightily from the wuhan lab but the knees flip-flopping he say not a podcast with chelsea
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clinton he is a phenomenal amount of hostility nearly for promoting fundamental simple public health principles. people are getting really angry with dr. fauci and were showing a flip-flop in these confusing statements on camera, your reaction to what he saying. >> my background is the military in one of the characteristics of leadership that we look for is consistency in the fact that drn somebody different issues it is one that is been an erosion of trust and respect, this is not an attack on science when there is a call for accountability and transparency, it is a call for answers and accountability after everything we've been impacted, secretary pompeo is the cia director in the secretary of state this is not somebody outside of government with access to the evidence any
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speaking from experience of someone who is part of this living through it throughout 2020 as a member of the administration and members of congress we want dr. fauci to come clean and answer questions with regards to the e-mails which have now been released and show he was giving congress and the american public one narrative while going with a different narrative and lastly i would say all the faith that drs in china to be honest and transparent we cannot ignore the reality going back to the origins of outbreak that these chinese scientists have an incredible amount of fear with putting out anything that is contrary to the chinese communist party in their narrative and if they say something that the government doesn't like there is severe consequences. even if they are good people, scientists of the lab, there are
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huge consequences for them going against the chinese government, last week secretary blink and was in front of the foreign affairs committee which i'm a member of and i asked her what are the consequences if we don't have access to wuhan, what is the next step and i did not get a clear answer i don't know if they planned out that far what to do if china is going to give us a access. elizabeth: lee zeldin, thank you for joining a spring come back soon. next up organ to give you a preview of the fireworks coming this week republicans gearing up the spotlight at hearings this week the illegal leak of billion in tax returns their calling for the prosecution of the irs workers behind the leak from amazon jeff bezos, warren buffett, bill gates and more this is about american confidentiality and their tax return security. the gop is asking about the timing of this it is happening right when democrats are holding hearings about raising taxes,
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that story next. >> we have president biden talking about infrastructure package and that fair share in the irs tax leaks of the rich coming out and the timing is suspect. ♪ or that her grandpa's dog tags would be left behind. but that one call got her a tow and rental... ...paid her claim... ...and we even pulled a few strings. making it easy to make things right: that's what we're made for. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. get a quote today. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for. get a ♪ ♪ ♪ today. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪. elizabeth: joining us now former labor secretary nominee andy puzder is back with us. former labor secretary nominee tandy pozder, republicans plan later this week, they are going to put front and center hearings with the treasury secretary janet yellen, the illegal irs leak of tax returns to propublica, for billionaires warren buffett, jeff bezos and elon musk they are saying thisos is more democrat politicizing of the irs using the irshe as a weapon weapon 19 the irs to go after the upper bracket to get higher taxes past, what do you think. >> weapon i irs combined with the amount of information that big tech has on all americans in their willingness to support the democrats and provide them with whatever they want that combination poses a huge threat
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to our liberty and freedom maybe the biggest start we've ever faced does anybody ever remember lois lerner that's what they do in their power and are trained to do it now with jeff bezos and bill gates they're not rich because they stole from us, they are rich because they provided tremendous benefits to people in this country when you provide tremendous benefits you benefit tremendously. i would also point of the top 1% already pay over 40% of income taxes and they earn about 20% of income and pay about 40% of the taxes. that seems like their fair share and they pay more in taxes than the entire 90% of taxpayers the argument that they're not paying their fair share is based on fiction. elizabeth: the story was criticized as flawed because that's 10% of the taxes paid as a% of their entire wealth. but you pointed out that they
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own paper stock and paper gains in the company so they created who knows that could vanish overnight, i'm backward to say what happened to those companies but it's a fallacy that the arguing in europe got rid of the wealth tax because they didn't see the revenues that they're going to get i from it and it crushed developmental countries. we know that is worn once the wealth tax, mitch mcconnell and chuck grassley and mike crapo want them to throw the book at the irs sleeker who did this, they should be prosecuted and punished to the success of the law, that's what the senators righto think that the thing to do. >> that's absolutely the right thing to do we provide extensive information to the irs and the reason we provided because we know little be treated confidentially and held privately. if that stops, the information we provide the irs for political
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purposes, people are going to be reluctant to provide information to the irs it's going to make it harder to collect taxes and destroy the confidence that we have in the internal revenue service and in their ability to protect information we provideth them. this is a real problem for the internal revenue service. elizabeth: the gop is saying we are not going to give you democrats $80 billion more money for the irs, we are not going to have irs tracking america bank account information as abide in the administration was talking about the irs has been abuse politically going back to fdr through truman and eisenhower and jfk through nixon and clinton and obama, look at this your final word. elizabeth: the democrats are pushing for the irs to get nonprofits owners untrained donors names and addresses and also have the irs preview and
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scrutinize a policy position for nonprofit before they would give them tax exempt status. this is more politicizing of the irs, your final word on that. >> instantly politicizing and weaponize in irs, why did they want that information this is not for tax this is tove empower progressives in the democratic party we do this whenever they get empowered and it's a real threat to the american people enter liberties and freedoms and thank god the senators are standing up to the democrats push to take away what we have left of our freedoms after the irs comes after us. elizabeth: andy pozder is great to have you on, come back again. next up or get a breakdown president biden high-stakes meeting with russia vladimir putin later this week were gonna break down what's coming with representative claudia tenney. claudia tenney is next.
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again after watching the press p conference today with president biden his inability to answer questions and put a coherent sentence together i wonder how it's going to happen and what will happen when the meeting occurs. i do see that putin is going to be saying this guys note up to thee job and is not able to answer the questions other than to use a tired old talking point that he might not of learned over the last several decades in political office first and someone who is a strongty innovative leader like president trump who become predictable. i'm concerned that president biden has not been consistent in handling the russian president i'm going to be tough on prudent and you wait andhe see what happens. i lifted the o sanctions on nord stream and instruct on the xl pipeline, people know that, i
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think it's a lot of talking points, not a lot of substance and not projecting strength. elizabeth: there's no evidence on u.s. ancient it is changed aggressive behavior, they continue to act aggressively on cyber attacks and going after ukraine the u.s. election interference and putin says relations with the u.s. are historic low. we have this report committed the lobbyist from nord stream to, basically a successful lobbying in the house from russia's nord stream to enter germany i thought that's what the foreign fair act was about to stop that. how are they allowed to get away without. >> if we don't have anyone leading the charge, the democrats -- it's interesting the media is helping them, the mainstream media is helping them look like they're standing up to putin, the opposite is true we've seen that in the past with president biden has compromised even with his son hunter's relationship with ukraineis and
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china and even the other day i just don't think they can enforce anything i know in the foreign affairs committee and the minority we can take a lot of gestures and make things happen but until we can take over majority position or persuade enough democrats until certain the situation is in right now were gonna be putting bills and until we get them to realize how the situation is with russia and russia will continue to take advantage of us, why wouldn't they. prudent hazard he described biden as a career politician in week. elizabeth: let's move on you remember the group of house republicans removed for a resolution to censor the progressive left, can you explain what'sr going on. >> progressive left from the squad which is anti-somatic is equating israel the united states on terrorist groups like hamas and the taliban and making
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sure that they do not continue to project this anti-semitism that is emerging around the country it is very different than centering speech because all fourr of them to defend the united states of america and representative omar who serves on the foreign relations committee who have access to classified briefings and sensitive information, she of all people on that committee. elizabeth: who is supporting the revolution to censor. >> we just introduced it today, it is me, representative walsh from florida, representative ji. biggs from indiana and went to the floor today, we don't know if it's going to receive bipartisan support but there's a couple of good signs we have told democrats that also stood recently on a resolution against anti-semitism and were hoping that those 12 democrats will come across andnd support us noe of them are particular
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immoderate, some of them are fairly left leading and if we can get r their support along wh republicans we make it the appropriate action at this time. elizabeth: thank you for joining us. >> thank you. elizabeth: coming out of the bottom of the hour you're watching the fox business network, small businesses riding up amid a surge in crime gun violence hitting new historic highs we will take it to baltimore and show you whatan business owners and baltimore are demanding more from and threatening toth do if local officials do not stop the violence. representative is with us next. >> physical drive lawlessness in the country criminals about people are being emboldened by the defend the police movement in all the lawlessness so people are going in the streets o thinking there and touchable and theying they can do what
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want and the authority of police officers does not matter. ♪ and did you know that geico's whole 15 minutes thing... that came from me. really. my first idea was “in one quarter of an hour, your savings will tower... over you. figuratively speaking." but that's not catchy, is it? that's not going to swim about in your brain. so i thought, what about... 15 minutes. 15 percent. serendipity. 15 minutes could save you 15% or more on car insurance. [laugh] dad i got a job! i'm moving out. [laugh] dream sequence ending no! in three, no! two, keep packing! one.
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elizabeth: joining us down former sheriff texas congressman troy nails, it's great to have you on. what was your reaction whenea yu heard more than three dozen businesses in baltimore business district called southpoint they had it with rising crime and chaos and shooting they are threatening to withhold back there local tax and permit payments if it doess not stop these guys are taking matters into their own hands and if you put back on your sheriff's hat what would be your reaction if you saw local business threatening to do that. >> thank you for having me it is a sad state of affairs and were seeing this across large cities across the country but when you look at baltimore and the business owners, we don't try to raise their families, support
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theirfa families they have family-owned businesses and now they have to approach the city council and use the threateningm terminology i may have to cut may not pay my taxes is a sadad state of affairs thee people are trying to support their families have these businesses but the problem when you want to defend the police the criminals are in charge of that city you see the crime open baltimore enough of the large cities across the country and it is a sad state of affairs that there are people, good people in these communities that are actually happy to threaten their city council and say were going to cut back and say were not going to pay taxes because rocketing the support that we deserve. elizabeth: you feel like they're out there with the end how else will they getet listen to theiro tidesperately trying to get the attention of what they're seeing and witnessing on the street, now we have 39 wounded, five dead en masse shootings over the
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weekend shootings are set to surpass already 2020 which was a historic spite and shootings. you saw in austin, texas, chicago, savannah georgia and were heading into a pretty violent summer this feels like a refund not defund the police push we see take hold in cities across the country, what do you say. >> you mentioned some cities like seattle and new york in chicago it is cities that are out there defending the police and there's a correlation with the rising crime and common sense and logic. what you're seeing when you want to defend the police in austin my great state of texas austin the only liberal city that we have that is a problem in the great state of texas they defend their police by 150 million that is a 33% reduction in what you see in austin a rising crime in
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the mass shooting last week and in austin then you have the governor seen the issue, austin police department with the department of public safety is crazy but what's interesting back in 1994 bill clinton, president bill clinton wanted to add 100,000 police, 100,000 police to the streets i wonder what the squad was say to bill clinton and what would bill clinton say to the squad, what the hell are you doing. elizabeth: its elected officials making these decisions and bureaucrats making these decisions that are so heartbreaking and devastating to minority and immigrantbr communities and they are the first victims of the crimes, we have a far left candidate in new york who says i don't want to defend the police, i want to disarm the police, watch this.
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>> frankly our whole platform is a next set of policies on any issue, take for example that i'm going to shift $1 billion from new york city police department because it is poorly managed and not focusing on researchers smartly on keeping us from crime and police violence. elizabeth: we understand there are bad apples of police departments. the promise with msnbc and cnn they don't give the otherop side of the stories for the victims of these crimes and saying we want cops to protect us, we had minority guest on saying we are victims where grandmothers who had their toddler grandchildren shot to death. we are seeing baby shot to death the problem with the media coverages are not sure the other side of the story, your reaction. >> that is sad i don't know who that woman is but she sounds nuts and out of touch, she is runnings for mayor and she's
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going to be asking people to support her interposition and some of those same people are going to become victims of crimes because you have less police in new york it doesn't make sense to me she sounds like a 1% or she'd be a 1% are in texas and she came down to texas to run for anything and you will not win on that agenda, absolutely crazy but this is the movement taking place at the squad iss in charge and do the differenthi leadership in the democrat party and it's out of control. one last thing i want to add as it relates to law enforcement and what we see across the country it seems to get worse and worse with the shootings but to the american people and the thugs that are out there committing crime if you stopped on traffic were approached by police my message to you is this if you comply, you will not die, that is it just comply with law
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enforcement. elizabeth: got it, that's a tough message, thank you for joining us we have new e-mails showing top democrat officials planning to get police to go after a a restaurant owner to go after the restaurant owner to defy lockton orders. >> in my mind i feel this was unconstitutional but as you know you have to fight and you have to face whatever you have to face and i will do whatever it takes to fight for freedom ♪ ♪ 72,808... dollars. yep... everything hurts.
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about to go on tucker carlson tonight they want to get the police after her, this seems aggressive, what do you say. >> i think it's wild to see this entity and put in the e-mail and written down a lot of these orders that might've happened and by the way it's been spoken or set over the phone this shows a level of arrogance in this case to say why are we dealing with this, why is this woman story gettingin out and why wast she put in the police custody before she could possibly afford us, it's worth o mentioning this e-mail is not from april 2020 or june 2020 this is from march when they're trying to arrest entrepreneurs from speaking out against her tierney. elizabeth: she e-mailsf reportedly an assistant attorney as you point out in march do we know of her whereabouts, we should have had her picked up before she goes on tv this is
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outrageous how are we going to respond to this we hope she gets a full 93 days but to the state police know where she is and do they have plans to find her soon and they're saying we will alert the police to the new information. it seems like they're working with the police to go after businesses like this. >> exactly they are you would expect the attorneys to work with police on apprehending suspects but this is an exclusively a case of going to the top ofop police priority abe other priorities because of the political thing and causing a headache to powerful people in the state. this is happened in american history and we do not like it is fantastic for the back of a sugar in the daily caller to show how is corrupt they are to use public officers and public funds to enforce the political
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wealth. elizabeth: there say the spokesperson for the state ag office that it willfully violated the food laws, public health orders and orders of the court and that her decision tois go on national television and flaunt her noncompliance and compromises the ability, do you agree with that statement? >> i do not agree with that statement and i think it would be a judge to hold her as pushing back against his court and define his court her court not for these people to comeea out, the only reason that they reallynd and it's not the reason for this arrest she explicitly wrote it down and said because she was going on tucker carlson that is not endangering the people that's endangering her reputation. elizabeth: we should not he's gaped in poland. thank you, thank you for joining us good to see y next up angel families who lost loved ones to violent illegalal
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alien crimes say they deserve a seat at the table for the homeland security secretary as abide in administration rewrite the rules for ice to arrest illegals leaving more on the street and saying they're not hearing from the administration, ron vitello is next. [sfx: psst psst] allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily stops your body from overreacting to allergens all season long. psst! psst! all good that building you're trying to buy, you should ten-x it. ten-x is the world's largest online commercial real estate exchange. and it's fast. if i could, i'd ten-x everything. like our lunch. (laughs) amazing! see it. want it. ten-x it.
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♪♪ elizabeth: a back with us elizabeth: back with us now former acting ice director ron vitello can you help us sort is that we have a group of families who lost relatives to crimes committed by illegal immigrants, they now want to meet with the homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas say they deserve a seat at the table to be part of his decision-making is administration rewrite the rules for ice and allies will arrest and deport criminal illegal aliens but there say they're not being listened to and yet to be invited. >> i agree they should have a seat at the table that is their first amendment right we all have a right to address the government with grievances that we have and who knows better the tragedy of illegal aliens that are also criminals in the country who t knows more about e risks we all see within uncontrolled border and immigration system that doesn'to
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have integrity and one of the people mentioned in the piece he's got a tragic story of how his son was murdered and made worse with x-ray policies in the state of california and jurisdictions actively work against isis mission in the backdrop you changed this administration changed ice priorities told the include threats to public safety and somebody just crossedbobo the br were convicted aggravated felon leaving every other criminal on the pipeline on the table. ice wants to contemplate encountering some of the outside of the categories and they have permission from washington, d.c., they're not listening to people who know what iso going on, certainly the employee base would not have asked for that set of employees under the trump administration he removed the
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priorities that exist, what the president said anybody is here illegally needs to be addressed they need to get their day in court and have due process that is in line with my entire experience as a border patrol agent in the brief time i was with ice people are in the country illegally need to be dealt with in taking all of the criminals out of the pipeline for removal is not a good idea it's putting us all at risk. elizabeth: folks don't get it you're not allowed to walk if you're from another country to walk into any airport and walk into the country out of the airport, canada has border laws and so does mexico and countries in africaic and asia, that is te debate but the homeland security secretary has a meeting with stakeholders including i.c.e. officials, ice workers, illegal immigrant advocates but why not be with the families who suffer the most is it too much for them to handle or do they undercut everything that the other side of the aisle has been saying. >> certainly it would be uncomfortable for them to meet
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with those families and hear the stories i met with many at the white house as the president hosted them those are real tragedies but it is clear that the current policy is informed by special interest groups who believe in open border and believe in knowing the enforcement of the interior and you can see that by the choices that they made in the budget that the president made in his report air to station for ice and its enforcement removal operations. again they're not listening to people who want to secure a border and immigration system has integrity and i think they should. elizabeth: washington post is reporting the ice is averaging one arrest per officer every two months, ice arrest have dropped dramatically, what does this mean for the future of the nation security. >> it's putting more pressure on the border because people criminal records and intend to
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do us harm and other migrants coming too the border no once they obey border patrol is highly unlikely that they under the policy will not be arrested by ice there outside of the priority regime that encourages more people to come and you know the cartels and smugglers are exploiting these policies in encouraging people to leave and leave now because of the change in enforcement priorities and a lack of enforcement outside of the border region. elizabeth: doesn't congress and the president and vice president to uphold the constitution and protect the country? >> it's a very good point no one took the law on the books this is if you're here illegally your subject to deportation, there has been no change in immigration and nationality act yet ice is prohibited without washington, d.c. to arrest somebody because if thereeg illegal. elizabeth: thank you for joining
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us is good to see you come back soon i am elizabeth macdonald you been watching "the evening edit" on fox business that does it for us, thank you for watching we hope you have a good evening. ♪ ♪ larry: hello, everyone. welcome back to "kudlow." i'm larry kudlow, great to be with you. let's talk a bit about this weekend's g7 meeting. how about this? there's one quote that really captures what went wrong. from the french president, emmanuel macron. why this g7 meeting was a complete disaster for the u.s. and why former president trump's america first is out the window. listen to this. >> i think it's great to have a
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