tv Varney Company FOX Business June 16, 2021 9:00am-12:00pm EDT
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maria: taken mcdowell and steve forbes great to be with you this morning. see you tomorrow, same time, same place. "varney and company" starts right now. stuart: the summit has begun. president biden and vladimir putin meeting face-to-face in us with bella in geneva. the big issue is russia's hacking attacks on america's vital industries. what is biden going to do about it? both hold press conferences in a couple hours.
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there is another big meeting in progress at the federal reserve. this is the most consequential fed meeting in a very long time. the big issue, when will jay powell rain in his money printing operation. if he delays too long he risks massive inflation. if he touches the brakes he risks market selloff and maybe a recession. in advance of all of that the markets are i don't want to call it steady as she goes, not much movement from the dow, down 20, s&p up maybe one, nasdaq up 20, very little price movements. the yield on the 10 year treasury not indicating and inflation scare, still below one.50%. gold not reflecting and inflation scare, still well below $1,900 per ounce. there is movement in cryptos this big meeting day, not necessarily correcting inflation, bitcoin dropping two right now, 31,$100 a coin.
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the 40,$000 price did not hold long. there's a lot more going on besides these couple meetings, donald trump will go to the border two weeks from today. of vice president harris won't go he certainly will. we will bring you a restaurant owner forced to offer vacations in costa rica to get people to go back to work. apparently it is working. wednesday june 16th, 2021, "varney and company" is about to begin. ♪♪ stuart: who are you? happening right now president biden holds an expanded bilateral meeting with russia's to.
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connell mcshane in geneva, any idea how this hours long meeting is actually going? >> reporter: after the wraps up there will be solo news conferences and there will be a news conference a few feet to my left, we will be in attendance for that. until then all we have is the video we've been shown from the 18th-century villa where the summit is being held a few hundred yards to my right. earlier today we were shown video of president biden and president putin each joined by their respective foreign minister's, and here is a look at the four inside that room. this was in the moments preceding this, the first sign of contention or tension between these two countries and didn't have to do with the two leaders, it involved the delegation and the media from both sides. listen to what happened and i will explain. >> come with me, stop.
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i told you, go away please. go away. go away. stand up. stand up. >> reporter: one of the russian wranglers making contact with us media, go away please, that was part of a longer exchange, a heated back and forth. the way these things work, a small pool of reporters is allowed into the room where the two men were meeting and they transmit the information back to us. that happened when the pool was allowed in. there is back and forth whether president biden acknowledged one of the reporters and said he trusts resident putin. that was the original to report we got, the reporter asked president biden do you trust president putin and he was said to have nodded in the affirmative. moments later the white house medications offices he wasn't
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addressing any reporter directly and said the other day he must verify what president putin says. up play on the phrase president reagan said. not sure it is off to a good start or not but that is all the information we will have until they wrap up a news conference. stuart: i say you guys in the media are off to a testy start and i believe it at that. let's look at the markets as the second meeting of the day gets underway at the federal reserve. not much price change for stocks thus far, let's bring in mark tepper, let's get this clear. the fed decision is at 2:00, press conference at 2:30. i to know what you think will happen at this fed meeting. don't hold back. i want you to be bold.
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>> i'm going to give it to you. i don't think the fed will show their hand yet. i expect a whole lot of nothing. they are not going to take your foot off the gas. it is still a false story, just look at a chart of ppi, look like a meme stock going to the moon. at some point we have to head off inflation but the fed has that dual mandate with tilt towards full employment. personally i think we are at full employment since there's 9 million jobs available, 7 million fewer people on payroll than there were free pandemic but the powers that be will focus on that 5.8%, they want to get it to four. the key is wait and see what happens when the extra unemployment benefits run out, so all eyes will be on september and november, those meetings. stuart: you are killing me.
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not good enough, not direct enough. you are like a that watcher reading the tea leaves, maybe it is this, maybe it is that, wait until november. >> what is your next question, throw me a softball. stuart: i am not going to do it. i will break away to look at these new meme stocks. i serious speculation. let's look at the new meme stocks, petco, canoe, etc.. susan knows about this. looks like a retail credit shifts from one place to another all the time. what is going on? >> reporter: there are new names but looking at the top 10 stocks there are still the old favorites, cleanfield energy, draft king in the third-place talking stocks on the redit for him after they were accused of money laundering and other
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illegal activity. kathy would bought $40 in draft kings but then you wmc, a new favorite, mortgage broker like rocket companies, short squeeze play and the spy in the top 10, the index fund making an appearance. the fed decision later on today but amc, some fundamentals at play. you have new -- two high profile locations in los angeles including in the grove shopping mall. after raising a quarter million dollars amc does have an uneventful story to tell investors. stuart: i will bring back mark tepper. have you bought a meme stock,
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what do we have on screen, what is your outlook for meme stocks, don't hold back. >> way too risky, no reasonable valuation for any of these stocks, for me and my clients, we want good solid risk-adjusted returns, i feel like a bobble head doll, keeping up with the flavor of the day, pet food, and electric minivans, you never know what will pop up next, these redit investors are smarter and more powerful than people are willing to give them credit for the companies are doing the best thing possible for them issuing shares at these inflated valuations but the thing is the stocks go up until there is no money going into the many more to artificially prop them up. to consolidate a little bit, diamond hands are not, the money will come out and you don't see what is holding them back. stuart: that was a direct answer, 10 out of 10 for that one.
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did you call me dude by the way? back to the fed. if it hints at some point in the future, does the market go down, the market is expecting the first meeting of 2023 for rates to go up. personally our firm this is we will see a rate hike in mid 2022 but it will happen sooner the markets are expecting. in a normal bull year the market corrects 15% or so, the deepest correction we have seen is 4.5%, we've never seen a 10% correction this year, not saying the fed hinting at raising rates would cause 10% correction.
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we will see you again very soon. we've got the stock market, the crypto market, the bond market now the housing market, we have new data coming at it. mortgage applications down 17% from one year ago, refis down, and and building permits down 3% from the month of may, that is considered disappointing, that is the housing market. we are going to show you, there is, the swiss villa in geneva where president biden that russia's putin are now meeting. high-stakes are on it. and the delta strain, a variant
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incomparable design makes it beautiful. state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2021 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. [laugh] $359 a month for 36 months. dad i got a job! i'm moving out. [laugh] dream sequence ending no! in three, no! two, keep packing! one. uno, dos, tres, cuatro! [sfx]: typing [music starts]
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you are looking at jacksonville, florida, where it is 76 degrees. we are showing you that because the big banks are being flooded with requests for transfers. i bet they all want to go to florida. >> the weather is pretty good. there is a waiting list of execs looking to move to the sunshine state over taxes, cost-of-living and lower crime rates. apparently there aren't enough internal jobs to satisfy the high demand moved to florida. goldman is moving 100 traders and salespeople to palm beach, jpmorgan redeploying people to florida and delaware, ohio, as well as hedge funds also moving headquarters to florida but you have to remember goldman moving their workers into city
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headquarters, morgan stanley, if you want to be paid in new york salary you better work in new york and interesting work model, hybrid model from the world's biggest startup which offered remote works, you can live anywhere in a low tax state but have to get 10%. a lot of people took up strife on that. stuart: that is fascinating. you take a 10% pay cut but you are living in florida where there is no state income tax as opposed to new york where you are paying an astronomical amount of money. it works out financially. the savings are in taxes. >> is it more than 10%? stuart: i don't know. it depends what your income level is but obviously people are doing the financial calculation which that i will take a pay cut and still turn out better if i live in florida. what a calculation that is. what does that say about new york. how about american express?
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they say they will allow their staff to work from home two days a week on a permanent basis. they will invite employees back in september, the hybrid schedule starts in october. next case the cdc morning the delta strain is a, quote, variant of concern. doctor macharry, i thought our vaccines were effective against the delta variant? what is the story? >> that is exactly right. we have to be careful about fear mongering. the delta variant from india is more contagious, that appears to be true and that has been true of other strains but the vaccines are entirely effective. none of the variance, we have had hundreds of them, none of the variance have evaded the life protecting affect of vaccinated immunity or natural immunity. we can feel confident the high
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vaccination rates and natural immunity rates will be protective. we are not going to see surges or superspreading. we may see more cases in younger folks but that is the message, not a message of fear. stuart: glad to hear it. next, these early cases detected in america in december of 2019 before covid was generally acknowledged, what is the significance of these early cases? >> it tells us as many of us suspected this was the battle, the controversy we were having a year and a half ago with public health officials. doctor fauci didn't think there was a broad community transmission and many of us were arguing there was. one of the original sins of the covid pandemic was the government insisted on approving any covid testing was a university cannot do their own covid tests even though they were capable of doing it because regulators insist they had to approve covid tests. as a result we got behind the 8 ball and missed cases early. stuart: this is interesting to
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me. a new study finds regeneron's antibody cocktail can save lives in hospitalized covid patients. do we know anything more about this and also i am told regeneron may advertise on tv its product. is that accurate? >> it is true the region are on results demonstrate a 20% reduction in the death rate of covid 19 in people in the hospital who qualified, who didn't show antibody response but were sick in the hospital and some people are late to develop the antibody response. we know when donald trump was in the hospital his records were released. he didn't have an immediate antibody response, some people developed that down the road. those are great candidates for antibody therapy. there was a reduction of hosteling from 17 days to 13 days and people need to be
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aware if they go to the hospital or not in the hospital, that is something you want to sweet seek out, you want to ask about it. stuart: maybe -- don't know about the advertising. you brought us a lot of good news and we are grateful. we appreciate it. still on the vaccine, new york celebrating of vaccine milestone. tuesday night new york city lighting up with fireworks, 70% of adults in the state received one dose of the jab, and all restrictions have ended in new york. coming up on the show today john stuart is going all in on the wuhan lab leak. watch this. >> the disease is the same name
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as the lab, the wuhan respiratory coronavirus lab. how did this happen? kissed the turtle. stuart: did you notice his friend stephen colbert looked a tad uncomfortable there? i were why. john stuart thinks it is a conspiracy. admin futures what the prompter says, the dow down 15, nasdaq up 20, not much price move ahead of the federal the always we will be back. ♪♪
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nobody builds 5g like verizon builds 5g. thousands of engineers taking peak performance to a new level. that's why in parts of many major cities where people can use massive capacity we added verizon 5g ultra wideband, the fastest 5g in the world. it isn't just a step forward, it's a leap forward. because the more you do with 5g, the more your network matters. it's us pushing us. it's verizon vs verizon. and who wins? you.
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geico lets you file a claim online, over the phone or with their app. ♪ that makes me wanna say... ♪ ♪ stay... ♪ (sniffles) are...are you crying? uhh, there's pollen... geico. great service without all the drama. stuart: advance of the big said meeting not much price movement for stocks. edward denny is with us. you expect a powell to say the fed has started tapering are talking about tapering. you think he is going to mention it. if you are right, what is the market's reaction? >> he has to mention it because
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the fact of the matter is, talking about it on april 2, '08, he got there after the meeting and gave a press conference and didn't mention at all talking about talking about tapering, the minutes showed more terse up and spent -- participants. we are looking at the before the press conference, still in an old era, the dots where the fed officials are showing where interest rates will go and you will see more drifting towards 2022 away from 2023. the markets talk has been around a while. don't know the markets will figure that badly. we are overdue to raise interest rates. it would be a sign of a healthy economy. what is going on is insane. 9 million job openings, 9 million unemployed. it is all frictional and the
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economy is where it was before the pandemic if you look at real gdp. stuart: i don't think we have ever done this before. we have a growing economy, initial signs of inflation. the government is spending trillions in the federal reserve's trip printing trillions. we've never been here before. we are in a grand experiment, aren't we? >> don't know if it is grand. it is insanely stimulative fiscal monetary policies. the economy is fully recovered and normally you get an economic boom near the end of expansion, not economic recoveries in the early phase of an expansion and both feet, they are on the accelerator, we are zooming along. stuart: if they make a mistake
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we are all in trouble. >> it is serious the longer they put on the accelerator. stuart: a generation of virtually no inflation and we may be introducing a generation to more inflation. thanks for being with us and see what happens at 2:30 this afternoon. "the opening bell" just rang, an hour and two seconds trading will begin. that is not what we've got, not much price movement, up 15 points on the dow industrial average. a fractional gain, same with the s&p 500 at 9:30 eastern. it is up a tiny fraction, 0.8%. the nasdaq a bit more movement,
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up 0.12%, above 14,000 on the nasdaq. i've got a mover for you. major league, huge company way down, solid earnings and report faster revenue growth. >> revenue is a problem because they forecast business this springtime has been disappointing because oracle will spend more on its cloud computing operations catching up with amazon, microsoft and google, crowd sales less than anticipated, the spend will take away from the bottom line obviously. stuart: let's move to a lesser company if i can say that. the blue apron meal kit company down big, 4 million shares at a discount. that shows how much they need to get the money together and they are taking it on the chin, down 21% because they are diluting existing channels.
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roblocks way down, it is down 9%. tell me what they do and why are they down so much? >> video games are down, they lost from may to april which is never a good sign, we are dealing with, 43 million, not spending as much as they did last year but it is up 40% from direct listening, it is great connected activity for the kids. stuart: roblos. dish network, an outfit, they are a by because of potential for 5g wireless network, stock is up 2%. look at the dow winners.
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>> you could get 50% upside on dish. stuart: did you say $60? that would be a significant gain. that is one that i would take any day of the week. we've been open three minutes. look at the dow winners headed by merck, apple, microsoft, the winners of the dow 30, the s&p a couple winners headed by look at number 2, general motors, the story coming up 2.7%, strong gain for gm. nasdaq winners headed by john -- regeneron with a promising treatment for hospitalized covid patients, stock is up $6, one.3%. looking for movers we see
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cruise lines, not again. cruise lines are always moving. >> not necessarily up since they are trying to launch their itineraries in the us but carnival, norwegian, they will outperform and in their view according to wolf research carnival, $32, royal caribbean worth $94. stuart: not very big increases from where they are now. what have you got on amazon adding jeffrey's franchise list? i don't know what i'm talking about. >> amazon has been added to jeffrey's franchise, the group that they think will outperform and amazon is at a 10% historical discount, amazon will make a ton of money, cloud
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in particular and jpmorgan reiterates, another check, we are on this travel theme. finally offering less membership, $90 a year, hotels, tours, rental cars, reoccurring revenue balance to get people paying each and every year. stuart: reoccurring revenue, a dream of mine coming at you. that works. have we got a quote on lord's town motors a tiny fraction, electric vehicle volatile stocks when the ceo and cfo redesign popped 11% after the new chair, the endurance electric pickup remain on
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track, dow is down one.6%. here's the story i, general motors, big gain, huge company, this is all about planning for electric vehicles. >> planning to increase spending on electric vehicles by 30%, $35 billion on electric self driving until 2025 and that includes two new us battery plants, ford said they have an electric vehicle spend, $30 billion by 2030 so gm says we can do better and morgan stanley, it is interesting in this electric car race we are heading into, look where stocks are trading. stuart: absolutely. look at ford stock right now,
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luxury brand, they expect half their sales of vehicles to be electric vehicles, half of the lincoln vehicles would be electric by 2026. very interesting, electric everywhere just about, check the big board, not much price movement ahead of the big fed reveal. the 10 year treasury below one.50%, one dollar and $0.49 to be precise, gold nowhere near $1,900 an ounce even though there's an inflation scare, only $2, bit coin when we came on the air half an hour ago we were at 38, now we are 39-3, essentially the story on bitcoin is the 40,$000 mark was breached on the downside, it didn't go back up there. oil, up to $72 a barrel. the average price for a gallon of gas is holding steady at $3.07. i would expect it to start
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going up as crude oil rises. coming up on the rest of the show, president biden, vladimir putin, our meeting but the media are still focusing on donald trump's meeting with putin in 2018. remember this? >> the summit with putin will be nothing like the last one. >> biden has no illusions about putin. >> donald trump was not prepared for the meeting. >> we had a bizarre relationship that we don't have that kind of weird cognitive dissonance. stuart: it is clear they really hated donald trump but trump did hold a joint press or with putin and that is something president biden will not do. there you have it. we have eyes on the summit and we will take you there. we will be right back. ♪♪
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stuart: can't always get what you want, ponder that when looking at ocean city check the markets, don't expect much price movement when the fed reveals what it will do with interest rates. the nasdaq is up a 12:45% and most big stocks on the upside, not by much, microsoft leads one dollar and 30%, half a percentage point earlier. the senate has confirmed lena con to be the federal trade commission, she's a critic of big tech. this is a win for progressives i suspect.
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>> big tech is scared, you saw the price drop when the announcement was made, the youngest ever to lead the ftc, she wrote an antitrust amazon report for yale in 2017. she argued that antitrust violations can't be determined on the harm it causes consumers meaning price gouging and whether they undercut the competition with price, and argued for expanded enforcement of antitrust laws participating in antitrust investigations into the amazon, facebook, google and apple, put together the congressional report which ultimately found big tech companies have too much monopoly power. there are concerns silicon valley in terms of the actions she might take but if they are going to find them $5 billion that is pocket change as you saw with facebook. no impact on the stock. stuart: if they try to break them up that would be a different story.
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although i suspect some big tech is worth more in parts than it is in whole. you can make that argument for amazon. >> look at how stocks are trading, no expectation of that break up. stuart: if it did it would be 20 years from now. look who is here now. david joins us at a perfect time because david specializes in stocks that pay a solid dividend and growing dividend. a lot of people would like that kind of stock and you are here with some suggestions. first, gilead sciences. how good is it? >> gilead got well known in the american public last year because they make one of the big therapeutics used in treating covid 19, donald trump took it. gaetz 3. here it is, they have
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$4 billion of cash on hand that can be used for acquisition. biotech companies are subject to a big pop up when they get the drug approval. we saw what happened last year, it is a great pipeline, they make $6 billion a year, in the high-growth sector, unlike big tech, biotech is not at risk of getting broken up and have a bipartisan hearing against it. we think it is a better sector and a better name. stuart: what about walgreens? >> it has gone through a lot of trouble, acquisitions, rite aid and different things as a brick and mortar business but they settled. the stock was at 80 a few years ago.
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30 at the time of the election and back into the mid-50s. one of the best performers this year. it has grown its dividend for 50 straight years and yields 3.5% and growing that dividend all the time. they locked in a 5% dividend yield, the worst times are behind them. there is talk of a private equity take over. stuart: last one, american electric tower. what does it pay? >> i come on your show and talk about, $100, in the utility company, it is the only utility name we own.
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high market share in 10 states for electricity, 3.5% dividend yields and we think this is the right financial metrics, 3.5 yield that has grown rapidly over the last 10 years. stuart: i do want to thank david for the advice he gave me 18 months, two years ago, by blackstone because it paid at that time a 6% dividend. i bought it at 31, 32. it is now at 98, thank you, you are wonderful guy, great guest on the show. you can come back anytime you like. >> can i say one thing? the dividend yield is 3.5%. when you bought it, it was 6. the dividend is tripled, stock prices come back so much, those are the stories we love and glad you are in it with your family and name your clients have done well with.
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stuart: you are good man and that is a fact and we will see you again soon. appreciate it. next, talking about verizon and one of the largest water agencies targeted in a cyberattack. who is to blame for this one? >> to stay on the show, make the portfolio money, that's the standard. i will work on that. getting back to cybersecurity, this time the hack might becoming from china given what is taking place in geneva between biden and putin, where cybersecurity and the colonial pipeline hack will probably be brought up. meantime the metropolitan water district of southern california found a breach after a warning in april from the homeland department, the agency provides water to 19 million people in the largest plants in the world so they need to be secure.
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there is no known data according to the ap reporting. stuart: all right, thanks very much. donald trump heading to the southern border, getting a firsthand look at the crisis, probably before vice president kamala harris. today may be the most consequential fed meeting we have ever seen so pay attention please because what happens today will directly affect you at home. live report coming up next. ♪♪
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the lexus es. every curve, every innovation, every feeling. a product of mastery. get 0.9% apr financing on the 2021 es 350. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. that building you're trying to sell, get 0.9% apr financing on the 2021 es 350. - you should ten-x it. - ten-x it? ten-x is the world's largest online commercial real estate exchange. if i could, i'd ten-x everything. like a coffee run... don't just sell it. ten-x it. shingles? camera man: yeah, 1 out of 3 people get shingles in their lifetime. well that leaves 2 out of 3 people who don't. i don't know anybody who's had it. your uncle had shingles. you mean that nasty red rash? and donna next door had it for weeks. yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it.
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stuart: 2:00 eastern this afternoon we get the decision from the fed, 2:30 eastern, j powell hold a press conference. edward lawrence joined me now. don't beat about the bush, speculate wildly. what do you think we were here this afternoon and do you think we will understand a word of it? >> we will understand a word of it.
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you will start to hear that conversation with a number of fed presidents talk about the conversation to start talking about tapering off of that? . it permeated now, fed district president putting the federal reserve chairman into adding that starting today. you will hear about inflation. the federal reserve believes it is transitory and will come back down but inflation has been off the charts. treasury secretary janet yellen is defending the tax proposals and inflation from this administration, yellen is in front of the senate finance committee and will make the case the pandemic was not the only economic problem in 2020, structural changes held people back with wage inequality, she will likely push for more bold action as the president try to pass the american jobs plan, american families plan, she
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will get pushback from republicans who say before the pandemic the policies of donald trump led to 3.5% unemployment and no inflation pressures. you alluded to inflation, gas for the first time in years is $3 a gallon, producer prices jumped 6.6% from may of 2020 to may of 2021. an indicator the federal reserve watches closely but shows the fed believing inflation coming in at 2.4% must be on the low side so the hearing getting underway. the administration minimizing the inflation we are seeing while seeing a push for more government spending. we will hear a lot about that from the federal reserve chairman and janet yellen. stuart: okay. that wasn't exactly wild speculation but i will take it. you are all right. still ahead, bob dole, rhonda mcdaniel, sandra smith, harmeet dhillon, big our coming up, the second hour of varney after this.
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our retirement plan with voya, keeps us moving forward. whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. hey, kevin! hey, guys! they have customized solutions to help our family's special needs... giving us confidence in our future... ...and in kevin's. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. ♪. stuart: should i buy other should i sell? i don't know. good morning, everyone. it is 10:00 eastern here in new york city. 4:00 p.m. wednesday afternoon in geneva, switzerland where president biden meets putin. we have any headlines believe me we'll get them to you real fast.
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ahead of the big fed decision, that comes at 2:00, there is a big press conference at 2:30. the markets are treading water as we speak. there is not that much price movement. the 10-year treasury yield is down to 1.48%. that's significant. it is an inflation indicator and it is suggesting not that much inflation. bitcoin, the price movement there is interesting from a technical point of view. it tried to get to 40,000 and above and stay there. didn't make it. dropped to 39,000. then to 38,000. that is where it is hovering right now. the technicians are all over that movement. as for big tech, interesting price movement. look at amazon, it is back above 3400. look at apple back above 130. look at microsoft back above 260. there is movement in big tech. all right. now this.
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when we started this show over 10 years ago our policy was to avoid endlessly droning on about the fed, all that mind-numbing jargon, scrutinizing every word. it is an obvious viewer turn-off. i'm sorry, but to me it is profoundly boring. ah, but today, oh, today is different. because this is the most consequential fed meeting in a generation. what they decide to do will affect everyone of us for years to come. the federal reserve is flooding the economy with money. it is printing by the trillion when inflation is already coming on strong. when will they start to wind down the printing? that's the key question. if they get it wrong very serious consequences. print too much too long we will almost certainly get runaway inflation. slam on on the brakes we'll likely get recession and maybe a
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stock selloff. at 2:00 this afternoon, the fed release the their statement. at two 30 they will have a press conference. everyone will pin him down to see what exactly he will do. 1970s, i was around then, the federal reserve did what politicians wanted them to do, print ad lot of money to keep the economy going strong. that is what they wanted to do. the result was runaway inflation, eventually a very serious recession. that is where we are today, printing up a storm just as inflation is rising. that is why this meeting is so important, that is why this time we'll give it so much coverage. the second hour of "varney & company" starts right now. ♪. stuart: he is back, bob doll joins me now on this very important day. bob, i will ask you exactly what
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i asked our other guests earlier this morning. i want you to be bold, speculating wildly. you tell us what you think the fed is going to say at 2:00 this afternoon? >> we won't know, stuart, until we know where they put the commas, back to your monologue at the start. yes, this is going to be so widely watched. in fact, stuart, as you know the fed already started to move. the rate of increase of the money supply is falling and they have a lot to do with that. i think they will have to acknowledge the strength of the economy. they will have to acknowledge that there is some inflation in the system. they can argue it is transitory but all that says, they have to begin to think about thinking about reducing the amount of purchases and tapering process will begin. the pace of it and then eventual interest rates can be strong out, stuart, over months, as you know, and the details of the
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economy along the way will tell them how fast. i think moving now to say we're beginning the tapering process is smart while the bond market is behaving well. don't wait until the bond market riots to begin that process. stuart: is it possible that jay powell this afternoon, will say, yeah, we're beginning to think about reining in the printing presses? is that possible that the stock market will actually go up? >> i think it is possible he will say that whether direct or not, stuart, only time will tell but it will have to move in that direction arguably the most accommodative, dovish, monetary policy you and i have ever seen. he will move in the direction. the question will be pace and magnitude and the markets i think, as you pointed out are anticipating he will begin that tapering process and at least talking about it. stuart: do you understand
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everything that the fed chair says? i mean, we both have been in this business a very long time. i just, i freely admit it. i'm confused by the jargon. i'm confused by the commas here, semicolons there, i don't get it. i don't always understand it, do you? >> no, i don't and i think there is some deliberate tiff action on the part of the fed to make sure it is a little mysterious. remember the fed used to talk a whole lot less than they do now. used to be just the chair, everybody else, mum's the word. the chair would only talk on occasion. we have press conferences, governors are out there and we have more commas and capital letters to analyze. stuart: what was that greenspan said i did gnat the something about exuberance. what was the first word? >> irrational exuberance. stuart: that's it. >> it was a little early but he
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had some good thoughts behind his conclusion, it was premature, like a few years. stuart: at least i understood what he was saying at that point. bob, congratulations, good to see you again. i'm sure you will watching at 2:30 like the rest of us. >> see you. stuart: change the subject to a very important subject, biden, g7 flung china test. holding beijing accountable for covid, not a chance. liz peek wrote that, and she joins me now. liz, i'm very glad you're on this subject because i don't want to neglect it when we talk about putin, geneva and the fed meeting. this holding china accountable is extremely important, for the world. why will we not hold them accountable? >> very simple, stuart. there is too much money at stake not only for corporations but for countries. in the g7 discussions biden to
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his readied push to make china central issue in their gatherings. the person who didn't want to do that was angela merkel and also draghi, the head of italy. look, i think americans and people everywhere should be really angry. take a step back. here are the leaders of the free world meeting a year after china knowingly unleashed a virus, a deadly virus on the world which killed millions of people and they did it intentionally. i don't think they created it intentionally. i'm not saying it came from the lab. i don't care where it came from but they loosed it upon the world by letting people leave wuhan, travel the world, even though they knew months in advance that it existed, and that it was highly contagious. they lied about it. they lied about the evidence. they suppressed whistle-blowers. it is an astonishingly criminal act they perpetrated on the world. the g7 leaders met, they slapped
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each others backs and couldn't have a better time. they didn't even mention it. it is unbelievable. if we're not going to stand up to china today over what happened over the past year, when is the west ever going to confront china? stuart: two questions to the autocrats, to putin, what are you -- two questions are, look what will we do to putin if he keeps on hacking our vital industries? the other question is, what will we do to china if they don't come clean on the origins of covid? can you answer that question, what will we do to china if they don't come clean? >> let me address china first. we're going to do nothing. you know, again, the origin is important, my guess is people know where it came from. my guess it came from the lab and there will be sort of cosmetic changes made to how we
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deal with the lab. there will be rules in place how we create deadly viruses. that is a start. think what we did do at the g7? we talked endlessly about climate change, making promises particularly the united states about reining in our emissions that is the number one thing we can do to benefit china. it dumbs down a major competitive advantage the fossil rich united states has, the answer, stuart, nothing. on russia, sanction the oligarchs, hurt putin and his best friends. that is what we can do or engage in major cyber welfare with them. i don't think anybody wants to elevate, exchange of cyber hacking and so forth but we have the power to do that. at some point we have to engage in that. stuart: liz, great stuff, thanks for being with us today.
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very important day. great subject, liz. >> my pleasure. thanks for having me. stuart: sure. look at the markets, please. the dow is down 40. nasdaq up 44, not much movement. yes, i will say it again, she is back. lauren simonetti is back on "varney & company" and that is all good stuff. you're looking at movers and starting with roblox. that is how it is supposed to be pronounced. lauren: correct, roblox. a gaming company very popular with kids. the shares are down 4 1/2%. they have 43 million users that play every single day. that rose 28% from a year ago but it slowed from may to april and investors don't like that. la-z-boy, look at the shares, furniture-maker. they expect supply disruptions, higher prices for materials hurting them in the short term. their stock is down 6.25%. we have to end on good news. it is in the housing market, it comes from zillow the house is
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popping, they say home supply is rising. saw a 3.9% inventory gain in may. that was the first up month since last july in basically a year. we'll take it. a lot of people desperately searching for homes they can afford. stuart: okay. i want you to outline jeff bezos' ex-wife, makenzie scott. because she is giving away billions more to charity again. how much is she giving away this time, lauren. lauren: another $2.7 billion to nearly 300 organizations. who are these organizations? american dance theater, american indian college fund, el paso community college. smaller organizations. this is her reasoning in her own words. this is what she writes. we're attempting to give away a fortune that was enabled by systems in need of change. stuart, it is almost as if she is slamming amazon, the source of her 60 billion-dollar
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fortune. but not doing anything with her money to counter its influence. look, i'm not, i'm not critiquing her. she is giving away money to people and places that need it. that is great but you know, they are spending her money as they see feet. she is almost apologizing for her fortune, if you will. stuart: are you happy to be back? are you enjoying yourself on this third day back? >> i'm still trying to get my routine back. yes, this is considered me time. i like it. stuart: the three kids are back home, and you love it. i got it. i understand these things. i got it. lauren, thank you very much. while president biden meet's russia's putin in geneva the media is praising biden and trashing former president trump. >> former president trump, in helsinki he clearly admired putin.
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>>? great president is preparing for that meeting. president trump was not prepared for that meeting. stuart: it is laughable. brent bozell is here on the media bias. he is coming up next. jon stewart voicing support for the covid lab leak theory. watch this. >> evidence i would love to hear. >> there is novel respiratory coronavirus overtaking wuhan, china. what do we do? oh you know who we could ask? the wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab. stuart: yeah. remember when president trump did the same thing and he was called a racist? my how times change in the media that is. we're on it. all the stories after this. ♪.
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and get unlimited with 5g included for $30 on the nations fastest, most reliable network. ♪. >> white house aides are confident that this summit with putin will be nothing like the last one the world watched with a u.s. president. >> former president trump as we remember in helsinki he clearly admired putin and biden doesn't have any illusions about putin, does he? >> i don't think he has any illusions about him. >> isn't great the president is preparing about this meeting? you remember the last time putin with a former president, president trump was not prepared for that meeting. >> under trump we had a bizarre relationship. we don't have that kind of weird cognitive dissonance dealing with russia. we have a more doubt relationship. stuart: i don't know whether to laugh or cry. it really is funny. it is tragic too.
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that is the media all over trump after the helsinki meeting but praising biden for the geneva meeting. pathetic, isn't it? brent bozell joins me. brent, this coverage is vastly different. it couldn't be more different, could it? >> no, no but they're all over trump during helsinki, all over trump about helsinki during geneva. there are three stages in a news story. there is the pre-news, there is the hard news, there is the analysis. the pre-news about biden going to putin is how awful trump was. everything they do has to be how awful donald trump is. stuart: it is fantastic, isn't it. it is laughable. you're laughing too. i don't blame you, brent. listen to this, hillary clinton was on the air this morning, not on our air, on tv talking about biden's meeting with putin. you have got to watch this. roll tape, please. >> we've lost four years and the
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fact that president biden will come very well-prepared. he has a very strong team. we expect an open, you know, straightforward conversation. that is joe biden writ large. let's talk about what we're going to do going forward, vladimir. stuart: oh, he is going to come well-prepared. >> two points, two points. come on. who do you think putin respects and fears more, donald trump or this president that we have? he is going there to chitchat. they're doing cyberattacks on us. there is all sorts of bad stuff going on. this is jimmy carter 2.0. and the media are loving the fact that he is going to chitchat. stuart: yeah. okay. i think we've done this enough. i'm going to move on to a different subject. i want you to take a look, i know you have seen this, brent, this is worth seeing this again.
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jon stewart pushing the wuhan lab leak theory. you got to watch this again. roll it. >> there is chance created in a lab. there is an investigation. >> a chance? oh, my god. >> if you have evidence i would love to hear. i don't know. >> novel respiratory coronavirus overtaking wuhan, china. what do we do? you know who we could ask? the wuhan novels are paer to virus lab. the disease is the same name as the lab. stuart: brent, take that one on too. >> pure dishonesty. donald trump and conservatives spent a year saying that this probably came from a lab and we were all attacked as racists for doing that, as being anti-chinese, racist for doing that. guess what? the evidence is now coming out that we were right. here comes jon stuart, everybody news this, you're an idiot if
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you didn't know this like the enlightened people. it sounds very funny but also very dishonest. stuart: another subject, you're covering a lot of ground this morning, we thank you, brent for that, but here is another one. we have a study that says 96% of mainstream media coverage on republican backed election laws was negative. this is just in the past three months. break this down for us, brent. >> it is 96. 75 negative stories and three positive stories. by the way with the democrats not a single negative story that we could find. the democratic talking points that republicans are racist restricting voting rights, jim crow, voter suppression laws, those are the talking points of the media but the media will not report, two pivotal things. one is, that state laws in 36 states are being overridden by the federal government if the democrat's law comes through. much more importantly the key
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element of this voting rights law is voter i.d. where the democrats say there will not be voter i.d. 85% of americans are furious when they're going to learn about this. because 85% of americans want voter i.d. that is the key issue. you are not hearing anyone in the media talk about the fact that the election laws in the united states will be turned upside down if what the democrats want goes through. stuart: deliberately misleading. brent bozell, you're all right. >> deliberately. stuart: totally deliberate. no question about it. brent, thank you very much indeed. that was great. >> thank you. stuart: appreciate it. we'll see you again soon. all right. we'll talk about the cruise lines. first of all check royal caribbean. there is a reason they're checking it. they will be mandating vaccines on all cruises, but there is one exception. lauren, what is the exception. lauren: cruises from florida, florida is the home of the nation's three biggest ports,
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miami, fort lauderdale and port canaveral. this sounds like a headache to me. florida is excluded because governor desantis sued the white house that mandated, required vaccines f you're looking to take a cruise, want all vaccinated ship, avoid sailing out of florida. the first u.s. cruise since covid, it will set sail soon, july 2nd. that is out of miami for royal caribbean, stuart. stuart: sounds like florida governor's desantis actually won this one. i think he did, ashley. good for him. lauren, thank you. how about this for an incentive going back to work. one restaurant offering new hires a week-long trip to costa rica. we're talking to the owner. i wonder how much people they sent to costa rica. are they staying with the company when they get back? we're waiting on the border visit for the vice president. president trump says he is going
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♪. stuart: here it goes again, new video of border agents searching for a group of migrants who tried to flee from the border patrol. bill melugin is at the border. he has been doing excellent work. you encounterd a group of 30 migrants. what happened to you. reporter: that group of 30 was yesterday. this morning we encounterd a group even bigger of about 50. very busy in lajoye i can't, texas, every i don't knowing like clockwork. this was within a minute getting on scene. a large group of family units just walking across into the united states and giving themselves up to border patrol here. most of the folks i talked to were from guatamala and el salvador. you see a lot of women and children. i cannot stress this enough. this happens every single
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morning, la jolla. this was middle of late afternoon yesterday. incredibly hot out when we were getting ready to go live. this group of 30 migrants comes out of the brush behind us. there was no border patrol anywhere. they just sat down and waited to be apprehended. that is part of the story. border patrol is stretched so thin there weren't any agents on hand to immediately apprehend them. i had a chance to talk to some of the migrants. all told me they were from ecuador. they had been traveling for 18 days. i asked them did any of them here vice president kamala harris message not come to the border now. they all shook their head, at least the adults. they did not hear the message. look at drone video from the fox flight team. border patrol had tried to track down a group of runners coming across the border. some folks want to get away.
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that is what you're looking at. meantime we have a democratic representative here in texas certaining a letter to kamala harris. you need to come down to visit the border to see what is going on here. we'll send it back to you. stuart: that is from a democrat. very interesting. bill melugin great stuff. we'll see you again soon. former president trump will visit the border. that is the news, he will visit, two weeks from today. ronna mcdaniel rnc chair joins us now. he is going there before vice president harris. what is he doing that for? to show her up? >> i think it is wonderful. i think it is brilliant that president trump is going there to highlight the complete and utter failure of the biden administration to address the border crisis. we know crossings are up 200% compared to where they were under president trump. we know that fentanyl in texas alone is up 800%. it transporting across the border. fentanyl. which is a child killer. it's a teenage killer. it should not be coming across
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our border. we know what biden and harris is doing is not humane. kids are being hurt during the border crossings. so trump, by going, forces them to reconcile with their failing policies in the biden administration. stuart: do you think, i mean he is daring the vice president to go there before him. i don't think she will take him up on that. i don't think she will take the dare. i don't think. >> i don't think she will take the dare. stuart, i talked to governor abbott on my new podcast, he said to me, what the cartels are doing. they control the border completely. no one comes across without being trafficked by the cartels. they surge one part of the border so they can sneak the bad stuff in when the agents and others are consumed by the massive surge at one aspect of the border. it is truly frightening what is happening at our border. the president, president biden and harris never called governor abbott to say how can we help. let us learn about this crisis.
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that is such a failure of leadership and president trump is going to highlight that when he goes and visits at the request of governor abbott. stuart: mr. trump is really getting out and about. i believe he is giving, it is a rally, old style, almost like an election rally in ohio june 26th. then he goes to the border june 30th. then i think on july the third, he has a rally in tampa, florida. he is getting out and about, isn't he? >> he is. he said last week in north carolina, we have to win in 2022. it is not just that the democrats have the senate and the house and the white house. they're controlling corporate woke america, big tech, most of the media. we need to have some checks and balances in this country. we're five seats away from taking back the house and retiring nancy pelosi. 2022 is critical. and every republican is swimming in the same direction how do we win in the midterm elections. stuart: on that rally in tampa,
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on july the 3rd, i don't know what the venue is, if he wanted to get 200,000 people, he would get 200,000 people. i think that is a fact. ronna, i'm out of time. >> it is a fact. stuart: thanks very much for being with us today. we'll see you soon. >> thanks. stuart: still on the border, governor greg abbott announced plans to finish the border wall in his state. he has plans how he will do it. lauren, what is his plan for getting the money? lauren: going to crowd fund it. if president biden and vice president harris haven't called him, he will set up a website any one, anywhere give money, so texas can set up a border, 1250 miles along the texas border. it will be expensive. under the trump administration the estimated cost per mile was $20 million. as you heard from ronna, that is nothing compared to the scope of this problem. i have a couple statistics.
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5800 migrants crossing this border every day. 135,000 encounters, encounters. that is close to all of 2019 at the southwest border. that is just land encounters. that is not, capturing everybody obviously. stuart: yeah. that is actually, you add it up, that is two million a year. that is extraordinary rate. lauren, thank you. i'm going to show you the price of oil. i'm showing you this there was a much larger than expected draw, drawdown, use of oil in the latest week. the drawdown was 7.3 million barrels. that means, demand for oil, gas, is very strong. then there is this, wait for it, charles barkley takes on cancel culture. roll tape. >> you can't even have fun nowadays without these jack [bleep] trying to get you
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is already 90 degrees. the thermometer going up. see that shimmering heat? still in arizona, yeah, excessive heat, historic drought creating a real crisis for farmers. grady trimble is there. you will be talking to the farmers. how bad is it, grady? reporter: it is so bad, stuart, some farmers are doing what they call fallowing their land, essentially not plant in certain areas, large portions of their farms, because they don't have enough water. the water you see right here comes from lake meade which as you might know is at the lowest level ever. that illustrates the problem. even though way up in nevada, it comes down here to farmers in arizona. stephanie smallhouse is with the arizona farm bureau but also a rancher yourself and with this fallowing going on and it is going to get even worse, farms cannot operate at those limited levels. >> it definitely has impact on
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your sustainability. we're expecting a tier one shortage call from bureau of reclamation in this area. this county is significant for agricultural production on state of arizona. on our ranch we purchase hay from this farm. if they can't grow the hey, that is ripple effect to the ranches that are experiencing the drought. reporter: we need to remind people that impacts them directly even though they're not here in arizona and other parts of the west. they might see prices of their food go up. >> exactly. fewer farmers you have producing which is 2% in the entire country, it will impact the supply, it will impact the amount of food coming in that is produced domestically. that is an issue of national security. that is something we're definitely concerned about. especially with dairy products if we don't have hey products coming out of this county in arizona, that will affect farm products. reporter: golf courses are being told to conserve water. it could lead to cuts in municipalities as well. this area certainly bracing for
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the impacts of this megadrought they're are experiencing but the farmers are the first to get their water cut. that is why we're talking about the challenges that they're facing. stu? stuart: grady, thanks very much indeed. a crisis indeed, thank you. let's get back to the markets and money. the markets are not doing that much in advance of the fed announcement later on this afternoon. we should know something what they will do with interest rates at 2:00. then they have a press conference at 2:30. not much price movement. however some individual stocks are moving significantly. among them is oracle. big name, big company. lauren, come back in again. what's the problem with oracle? lauren: they're the worst on the s&p 500. so the cloud computing revenue there, struggling to keep up with amazon, google, microsoft. they also gave disappointing guidance if you will but you know, the shares are having a harsh reaction now but should we ignore that guidance? because if you look at the price
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targets, basically every bank has increased their price target on oracle today. i also want to talk about meme stocks. there is a new one. called arrival. they make commercial evs. up 9%. up 6% today. why? they are being mentioned on reddit. that's it. here are the traditional meme stocks, amc, gamestop, clover health. they're down between three and 8%, stuart. stuart: all you have to do is get mentioned -- lauren: reddit, on reddit. your stock goes up. what about mcafee warning peloton users? what is it a security threat? tell us the story. lauren: the peloton bike has a touch-screen in front of it. thieves can get into the screen and pie on you and steal personal information. this likely doesn't affect the
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peloton bike you have in your house but one they use in a hotel or gym. they install a screen, gives them access to the touch-screen. what do you do when you might want to work out. you might want to watch a netflix show. they can install a fake netflix app. they have your log-in and password. everything is hookerred up to the internet. what do you do about it? you accept it or keep yourself updated. we come to expect this does happen. you have to be very, very careful. stuart: baby monitors can be hacked. remember that story a few years ago? lauren: scary stuff. stuart: it is, really is. however, we've got real big movement in general motors. they're up nearly 2%. there is a big gain of a company of that size. what is this about boosting their spending on electric vehicles? how much are they spending? lauren: the ev revolution. they're increasing it by 30%. all in 35 billion by 2025. they're also going to pick two
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places in the u.s. to build two new, two billion dollar battery plants. ceo mary barra, is expected to meet with democratic leadership today, figure out, look how will we work together? we know the biden administration wants to spend $174 billion on electric vehicles. i'm calling it an arms race. everybody is pouring money in here. the established players and also the start-ups. lordstown motors, they're struggling to raise more money. everybody wants in on the space. also tesla and gm, they lost that 7500-dollar federal ev tax credit. we'll see if they can get that back because that too would incentivize people to buy an electric vehicle. stuart: everybody want as piece of the 174 billion-dollars from the administration. lauren: they do. stuart: give me my piece. got it. thank you, lauren. how about this one, facebook wanted to use pink floyd's song in an ad. this is how the group's cofounder responded to that
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request. watch this. >> this morning with an offer of a huge, huge amount of money and the answer is [bleep] you. i will not be a party to this [bleep] zuckerberg. stuart: you could say the guy is fired up, couldn't you? certainly a terrific band. pink floyd gets it right. crime surging in baltimore. businesses have had enough. we're talking to one restaurant owner who is calling for a tax strike. now there is a plan. he will join us after this. ♪.
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also restoring budgets. we're seeing cities like baltimore, los angeles, oakland and minneapolis, moving to restore some of those budgets. baltimore proposing $27 million. minneapolis returning nearly 6 1/2 million needed to hire new officers. one year after the defund the police movement crime is surging. preliminary data shows homicides are up last year by nearly 25% nationwide, up by another 24% so far this year according to estimates. residents are unhappy about the spike in crime are taking action. there is a community in atlanta wants to separate from the city to form its own police department to respond. i know you have coming up here soon, a conversation with a business owner from baltimore. businesses there are planning to withhold their taxes until the city can better respond they say. stuart. stuart: exactly right, lydia. we do indeed have one of those people from baltimore who is threatening to withhold tax payments. come on in please, mark
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browning, who is indeed threatening to withhold tax payments. thanks very much for joining us today. you're calling for a tax strike. have you yet started to withhold tax payments? >> no, i don't know. i'm not prove very to the logistics what exactly, how that would play out but i think more so the idea behind this is to get some attention of the people who are causing our businesses to struggle severely. stuart: have you got three dozen businesses in baltimore? is that your number any i think you sent a letter to the mayor? is that how it its working. >> 37 businesses small shops and restaurants in small point, we came together. said enough is enough. we need some changes here. public safety, we're not asking for a whole lot. basic things like, you know, public services, trash pickup, you know, our police officers
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being empowered to enforce the laws that are currently on the books. it is -- stuart: how bad is it, your restaurant. how bad is it near your restaurant right now? >> it is bad. just bad. it has been increasing over the last, you know, few years but this is just out of control. you know we're unable to maintain staff, after 9:00 at night. you lock your doors because it is not safe to walk outside. stuart: you do realize that if you withhold taxes, that is against the law and they will come back and ruin you? you know what is at risk here? >> yeah. that is kind of, my thought as well going into that. there is repercussions for every action but like i said, not privy to the details but i don't believe that you know, not paying our taxes is an actual option or i think any plans for that are in place. stuart: it is just so bad that you've been driven to it.
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thank you very much for joining us this morning. >> thank you. stuart: we really appreciate you telling us your story. >> thank you. stuart: big hour coming up. sandra smith, the author of "woke, inc.," that is vivek ramaswamy. harmeet dhillon. a whole lot more. we're coming back for you. ♪. nobody builds 5g like verizon builds 5g because we're the engineers
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who built the most reliable network in america. thousands of engineers on one nationwide mission; to make the best, even better... for millions of people and businesses across america. no one else built this bold... because no one else thought this big. thousands of smarter towers, with the 5g coverage you need. next-generation servers with superior network reliability. broader spectrum for faster 5g speeds. because the more you do with 5g, the more reliability matters. the more your network matters. the more going the extra mile matters. this is us...pushing us. it's verizon...vs verizon. and who wins? you.
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>> i feel like a bobble head doll trying to keep up with the flavor of the day meme stock, want it is petfood in the next day elected minivan, you never know what will pop up next. >> it has already started to move. we are beginning to do this. don't wait for the bond market riots. and the accelerator of the economy's car and we are zooming along. >> we are not going to stand up to china today after what happened over the past year, when will the west confront
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china. ♪♪ stuart: we've got the fed announcement coming up and the vladimir putin summit, you ain't seen nothing yet, 11:00 eastern time and it is wednesday june 16th, look at the market, you're not going to get that much price movement in advance of the big fed announcement, dow is down 40, nasdaq up 29. show me the 10 year treasury, bitcoin price movement important, it failed to get to 40,000 and stay there. backing off the 38, that is bitcoin. look at the 10 year treasury
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yields, and inflation indicator down to one.49%. there is price movement and bonds and bitcoin but not much in stocks and now this. why should vladimir putin give anything to president biden? holding all the important cards, he comes from a position of power. he runs the hacking business, he helped out iran, to worry about the voters, he's better off with america as the enemy. vladimir putin -- president biden, the white house is playing down expectations. he has given putin his pipeline, and they are laughing at his statement that climate is our greatest security threat. and it is shut down by russians. it is in america's vital interest this be stopped and
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that is what this summit will be judged on. that is my take. let's go to geneva, mcshane, the meeting is underway, going out for 2 hours now. what do we know? >> vladimir putin will lead off the news conference following the summit meeting in geneva. putin will hold his news conference in a part of the resort that looks over lake geneva and president biden will follow behind the russian president, set up a few steps to my left, that is still to come here this afternoon. at this point, the expanded bilateral portion of the program. you can see president biden and 6 of his staffers, the same number of russian staffers and this is the second portion of the summit meeting or series of meetings.
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it started earlier in the day with the principles plus one, president biden, secretary of state anthony blinken, and is foreign minister who got heated, there was screaming and yelling and pushing and shoving, pushing american journalist, quite a scene, biden and putin watching this happening, not seeing much and got going with their day. will we learn anything of substance as the day goes on? we will find out at the news conference, cybersecurity, all the issues we heard so much, the nordstrom 2 pipeline, and both sides, they have been working hard the last week or so to lower expectations, don't expect much in the way of
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deliverables. we will see later on. stuart: i would like to see if president biden can make to knock off the hacking. thanks very much. come on in, sandra smith. who do you think is running the show, put more biden? >> everybody was a little surprised that on the world stage with the high anticipation to these world leaders that there was a handshake and a smile especially on the part of president biden. republicans are seizing on that but to your point how we address the hacking this is key. lindsey graham said you have to show we've got red lines. he went on to say he should be warning putin face to face if there is another attack we will go on the offense, we will go after your infrastructure but that is why former secretary of
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state mike pompeo has gone on the record saying it shows enormous weakness the president biden is not going to stand on the world stage next to vladimir putin and hold a joint news conference this afternoon. this is of key interest for the world, key interest for me on my show because this will fall in the hours between 1:00 and 3:00 eastern time this afternoon. the world will be watching and i will tell you the words of mike pompeo when he warned of the weakness it showed to not stand side-by-side with vladimir putin, the fact that you are not prepared to stand up 6 to 8 feet from your adversary and tell the world what you talked about, why you talked about it, how you talked about it shows enormous weakness. he went on to say they are watching this. when they smell weakness they will drive a truck through it. it would have been something to stand side-by-side but that will not happen. we have putin first and then potentially when he finishes
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biden will take the stage and have his news conference. very different than if they did this together. stuart: how many questions will biden answer and who will he take questions from? you have to wonder about that. hold on a second. you are a former trader, that is what you use to do. you are going to be watching the big fed reveal this afternoon. i want you to come clean and say what you think the federal reserve is going to do and say this afternoon? >> i will have one eye on what is happening in geneva and another i on the markets as you do right now. lower portion of the string, dow up 42 points. there is not expected to be any major policy changes this afternoon, the market is not anticipating that but any signs they may ease on the bond buying policy, any signaling of
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a rate hike in 2023, the markets will be watching this closely. you've got the dow, s&p, sitting at near record highs. this is a market that has been able to shrug off a lot but any hint that those rate hikes may be coming is going to be key, black rock believing the equities market will continue to go higher. stuart: you are determined not to offer an opinion and i will press one more time, do you think that jay powell has 2 hints today that we are thinking about backing off? >> even though there are signs of inflation all over the place and it is absolutely impacting the consumer we cannot deny that, it is popping up at grocery stores, gas stations, no doubt but what gets me is the producer prices, cannot
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deny that. you are asking me a question. does he have to? absolutely not, doesn't have to send any signal to the markets. he is certainly thinking about it. doesn't necessarily have to send a signal. we will see. stuart: you will do a great job covering geneva and the fed. america reports, that is your show. 1:00 to 3:00 pm eastern fox news. thanks very much. great to have you with us. travel numbers for you. the tsa screening roughly 1.7 million passengers tuesday, 418,000 on the same day last year. southwest airlines has canceled or delayed hundreds of flights today. they are trying to get back on track after technical problems grounded flights monday and tuesday. southwest says these issues have been resolved and they are under investigation. stocks down a fraction. trip advisor launched a
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subscription service called trip advisor plus. it costs $99 a year. users get access to tickets, hotel stays, tours, they can get personalized travel advice. trip advisor stock up 2% on that. the story that interested me, the great musician roger waters denies facebook's request to use a pink floyd song, the song was another brick in the wall. that guy says you can't have it. watch this. >> an offer of a huge amount of money and the answer is [bleep] you. i not be a party to this [bleep] stuart: we will explain why he was so fired up. california back for business, open again but governor newsom is warning more lockdowns could be in store.
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charles barkley says cancel culture is ruining his tv show. we have a lot to go at. ♪♪ incomparable design makes it beautiful. state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2021 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. [sfx: psst psst]
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10,000 dollars to invest, call and talk with one of our bond specialists at 1-800-763-2763. we'll send you our exclusive bond guide, free. with details about how bonds can be an important part of your portfolio. hennion & walsh has specialized in fixed income and growth solutions for 30 years, and offers high-quality municipal bonds from across the country. they provide the potential for regular income...are federally tax-free... and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-763-2763. that's 1-800-763-2763 ♪ ♪i've got the brains you've got the looks♪ ♪let's make lots of money♪ ♪you've got the brawn♪ ♪i've got the brains♪ ♪let's make lots of♪ ♪uh uh uh♪ ♪oohhh there's a lot of opportunities♪
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>> you can't even have fun nowadays without these [bleep] getting your counsel and things like that, just having fun talking about sports. i'm trying to hang on for another couple years in july am 60 and then they can kiss my [bleep] >> i'm only working to 60. stuart: we get the point. slamming his bosses on tnt over cancel culture.
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vivek ramaswamy is the author of "woke, inc.," frequent commentator on cancel culture. i've got to say berkeley is right. you can't have fun, can't be humorous in the days of cancel culture. >> he's totally right. woke and humor just don't go together, you can't be woken can't be funny at the same time. it is a shame because humor is something that brings us together but our lady to laugh at ourselves collectively binds us together. ironically in the name of inclusion we created a culture of political correctness that divides us and separates us from one another and has become this moment of cultural totalitarianism in this country where the new red guard doesn't just operate through government, in the united states they operate through the private sector and instead of pushing marxism they push the
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philosophy of woke but as bad as a totalitarian culture in the united states. stuart: let's get serious. president biden named lena con to be the federal trade commission, very big critic of big tech. what do you think she's going to do with big tech? break them up or find them billions of dollars? how is she going to handle big tech? >> it is important to parse what i see is the real problem with big tech where certain other people see it differently. i think her perspective based on what i understand is going to focus more on the economic power of big tech in the marketplace for products. that is where classic antitrust law focused, the idea that companies might exercise economic power to get them better prices is my own view is if you look at big tech today the problem isn't power in the marketplace of products per say, it is power in the marketplace of ideas. that is the monopoly of ideas
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we need to take on and i don't think conventional antitrust laws are enough because now big tech companies make products available cheaply, there's a diverse array of products, many made available for free. the real problem is the ideological cartel where all these guys adhere to the same ideology and using their market power to enforce that ideology and i am concerned she's not going to take game at that problem, a problem we need to address separately. stuart: i hate to use the word collusion but it is a valid word. is there collusion between the democrats and big tech specifically twitter, facebook, google, is there an unholy alliance between the two to push this one ideological approach to everything? >> absolutely. this is the defining arranged marriage of our time. it is more like neutral pasta tuition but each side crosses the other's back where a merger of big government and big tech
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in particular is far more powerful than either one alone, each is able to do with the other could not. government on one hand sent implicit threats to say we want you to take down hate speech or misinformation that we the party in power don't want to see online. big tech does it but implicitly they get their friends in the democratic party to look the other way when it comes to leaving their monopoly power intact and that is how it works and we are seeing it at the state level where many state agencies are effectively saying here's the misinformation we want taken down, and social media companies go out and do it and the more we see the more we realize the rise of the woke industrial conflicts, the merger of big government and big business is a 21st-century leviathan that is more scary than anything we have seen in the course of american history and both conservatives and liberals are duped at the same time. stuart: i think you are right. vivek ramaswamy, we will see you again.
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we are just getting this, the bilateral meeting between president biden and vladimir putin has ended. next up, president putin holds a news conference. he will be the first to go, then president biden will hold his news conference after that. they are waiting for putin. let's get back to money and look at volvo. that is a swedish carmaker, they are moving production of their electric suv to south carolina. this will be the first vehicle produced in america, volvo coming to south carolina. ford motor company $15 a share, a luxury brand, lincoln expect half of its sales to be electric vehicles by 2026 and here is general motors really moving, boosting spending on electric cars by 30% by 2025
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and this includes building two new battery plants in the us. the key factor is the batteries they produce will be 60% cheaper than they are now. that is why general motors is up 2.3%. more on general motors, suffering a worker shortage, the united autoworkers have a theory as to why. ashley, good morning to you, what does the union say. ashley: the once potential candidates learned that gm has a cannabis ban, strict testing, they don't show up for the interview. the uaw say they have a starting wage that doesn't help but it is the employee drug screening leading to a worker shortage. to make matters more complicated employee drug screenings are performed on hair specimens meeting if you trace the use of substances including cannabis for weeks,
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by the way recreational marijuana use is legal in michigan but gm's rules should make it difficult for the automaker to fill hundreds of job openings, it is all about the pot. stuart: i should remember that. then we have goldman sachs moving 100 bankers from new york to florida. tell me about the exodus. ashley: you could think of doing such a thing. working from home is no longer an option at goldman sachs but working from florida might be. 100 key goldman sachs employees are set to move from the company's new york headquarters to palm beach, florida. among those who expressed interest in moving our actual partners in the firm, base salary begins close to $1 million.
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staffers moved to florida, taxes, staffers who moved to florida not expected to take a pay cut. david sullivan calls working home during the pandemic an aberration, large numbers of employees moving to florida permanently. either way it is a slap to new york city. stuart: the tax rate in new york city is 12.5%. the tax rate in florida is 0. i can understand. you will be watching turkey playing wales this afternoon. turkey versus wales. 12:00 noon it starts. all right. moving on. the meeting between biden and putin lasted 3 hours and 15 minutes. we are waiting a news conference, that is on your screen.
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our retirement plan with voya, keeps us moving forward. hey, kevin! hey, guys! they have customized solutions to help our family's special needs... giving us confidence in our future... ...and in kevin's. voya. well planned. well invested. well protected. centrum multigummies aren't just great tasting... they're power-packed vitamins... that help unleash your energy. loaded with b vitamins... ...and other key essential nutrients...'s a tasty way to conquer your day. try centrum multi gummies. now with a new look. ♪ ♪ with cutting-edge tech, world-class interiors,
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stuart: we were going to play the song by pink floyd called another brick in the water, a classic pink floyd song. mark zuckerberg at facebook wanted to use that song in an ad, in a commercial and zuckerberg offered a ton of money for it. one of the founding members of pink floyd, roger waters, says no way, you are not going to have it. this is a great story, take us through it please.
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ashley: maybe this story will lead you comfortably numb. mark zuckerberg offered a huge amount of money. another brick in the wall for instagram add. >> the answer, it is insidious, it is insidious movement to take over everything. i will not be party to this [bleep] they want to use it to make facebook and instagram even bigger and more powerful than it already is. ashley: i think he made his point. april julian assange vent, he concluded by saying in his word
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zuckerberg is one of the most powerful idiots in the world. stuart: can i hear the applause please. a new report shows, this is unbelievable, 17 walgreens stores closing in the san francisco bay area because of theft. harmeet dhillon is the cochair of the republican national lawyers association. what has happened to law enforcement in california. >> law enforcement in california has been in a downward spiral for many years, years ago citizens past a ballot measure that downgraded punishments for smaller property crimes and drug use, the effect of that is any crime of shoplifting or larceny under
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$950 you get a speeding ticket that can go on your merry way. what that causes criminal gangs to wholesale loot in those items, and the problem is acute here, don't prosecute serious crimes, has become almost unlivable. stuart: you walk into a store, one $900 worth of stuff, walk out without paying for it, not much happens. is that accurate? >> that is correct. what stores have done to respond to this is lockup everything. if you want to buy a stick of deodorant you have to call the clerk to unlock it for you, what happened, a video this week for criminal riding in on his bicycle and sweeping items
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into a bag and casually -- we've seen this in san francisco, besides this, this isn't just a problem affecting the avocado toast class, affecting people who need small convenience stores in their neighborhoods. the site of weather underground terrorists made it one of his planks, we have hot larcenies happening, while you are in your house people breaking into the house, this is happening throughout the state and causing people to flee california. that is what you get when you have this type of broken window problem. stuart: it is nancy pelosi's district. california just fully reopened
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but governor newsom is warning he could shut it down again. >> we are confident on the basis of vaccination rates that we've seen and continue to see them increase over the next few weeks that we can turn the page on this pandemic but again always be mindful and ready. stuart: what is the mindset behind that? >> the mindset is the fear porn pedaling has been used to political advantage, allow the governor to pass all kinds of extra restrictions on our state and is loving it and thriving on it. united states legislatures responded to gubernatorial overreach by changing the laws and making sure emergency powers are restricted, no such luck in california and if gavin newsom isn't recalling the upcoming recall election it will be even worse and more arbitrary. more work for lawyers like me but very unfortunate for the populists in california. stuart: there are planes
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leaving san francisco every day for orlando, miami, fort myers, jacksonville, why not get on a plane and leave? >> i have a business here, won the cases in the supreme court about california, 40 million americans live here, we have to fight for this great state so that is why i am here and i won't let this go unchallenged. stuart: i didn't mean to suggest you should move, stay where you are and do the great work you are doing, harmeet dhillon, thanks for being here. appreciate it. more from california. disneyland saw huge crowds, long lines after the state's reopening. does it seem like back to normal? ashley: did it ever. there are numerous pictures of massive lines as pandemic rules came to a end and out-of-state
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visitors jammed into the theme park, disneyland dropping covid rules yesterday, no physical distancing, the crowds meant long waits at the rides back to normal is it not? some up to 2 hours. some california residents lamenting out the state visitors with one saying farewell physically distanced disneyland, had fun while it lasted. they are piling in. just in time for the fourth of july disneyland guests will see the return of fireworks. it will take place nightly throughout the summer, returning to walt disney world in florida, nightly fireworks shows, will begin starting july 1st to get back to normal. stuart: wait a second.
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a few moments ago, a shortage of fireworks on the fourth of july. ashley: supply chain issues causing problem again. and and supply chains, and fireworks sales surged to record levels, president biden targeted july 4th, and independence from coronavirus, opening more stores if it can find workers. >> president biden denying their plans.
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he announced plans for fireworks at the white house. the governor of south dakota, christie noem calling the president a hypocrite. >> no significant reasons why they denied it from us. last july 3rd when we had these fireworks, the country could unify by president biden, refusing to allow us to do that. stuart: governor noem plans on recent meeting the petition told fireworks at mount rushmore on july 4th. we are waiting for president putin, there is the hall read the press conference, take you there when it starts. then after putin is finished, president biden will do his news conference. interesting that putin goes first, president biden will be watching putin's performance. we will take that as soon as it begins.
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11:42 am
stuart: not quite a man on the moon but it is the international space station, a couple hundred miles up there. as of right now astronauts are holding a spacewalk to install new solar panels which include power to the space station. as the private sector racing for space nasa is racing for regulations, more regulations before space light becomes mainstream. hillary vaughan on capitol hill, you spoke to bill nelson, the nasa administrator, trying to regulate private space travel like jeff bezos. >> they are. he is telling me he wants to
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regulate what non-astronauts are allowed to make their way into space as commercial space light is becoming a reality. i also asked if the faa and nasa are working together to ramp up regulations on the private sector as more businesses are moving into that space. >> in order to achieve safety. >> having non-astronauts going into space. >> of course i'm keeping my eye on it but they have to meet the same rigorous physical and psychological examination for any other professional astronaut. >> reporter: congress is looking to work with nasa, the part of the fence and the space forth on crafting these rules that are still in written. top republican on the senate space committee, cynthia loomis, tells foxbusiness as with any emerging issue we must make sure spaceflight regulations foster innovation while protecting consumers and read balance commercial
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interests with national defense needs but nasa is looking at renting out the international space station kind of like an air b&b to cash in on the increase in space tourism as the industry continues to grow but it will be expensive. just one day of meals, freeze dries food in the international space station will cost $2,000 a day. stuart: now we know. thank you very much indeed. we are waiting for vladimir putin to begin his solo news conference, the place where the news conference will be held. i fax, russia's news energy is, putin's talks were quite successful, that is russia's news energy, quite successful. from his point of view? we will bring the news
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conference when it begins. can't believe this. christiana rinaldo just costco coca-cola $4 billion, the stunt send coke shares plunging, one restaurant offering free vacations in costa rica to get people to go back to work and it is a huge success. the owner of the restaurant joins me next. ♪♪ managers. (other money manager) different how? don't you just ride the wave? (judith) no - we actively manage client portfolios based on our forward-looking views of the market. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions, right? (judith) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money? only when your clients make more money? (judith) yep, we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. that building you're trying to sell, - you should ten-x it. - ten-x it?
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stuart: the press conference involving russia's putin has begun, reporters asking questions. we are waiting for the english translation. when we have that you will hear what is said. let me digress to this, businesses finding ways, to the fish market in new york city, they are offering new hires, weeklong trip in costa rica. the store's owner joins me now. she is in costa rica as we speak. how much does it cost for you to get one employee, new york to costa rica, for a week?
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>> reporter: thanks for having me. the value would be $2,500, that's how we calculate it. we don't have a lot of choices. stuart: how many people picked up on your offer? >> we had a lot of applicants. stuart: terribly sorry. i've got to interrupt because we have english translation of putin's press conference. role it. >> the basis for a settlement in ukraine, the basis needs to be the minx agreements. as for the interview by ukraine into nato this issue was approached the remains to be discussed.
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that is the digital line. >> translator: mister putin, you said one of the topics was strategic stability. could you give us more details about decisions on this matter that russia and the us will be resuming talks and disarmament specifically regarding the start 3 treaty? have you planned to start talks on its extension? there are some parameters or new agreements to be signed? the united states and the russian federation have a particular responsibility. this is because we are the two
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largest nuclear powers and have the largest powers of warheads and delivery systems based on the levels and quality of modern nuclear weapons. we acknowledge this responsibility. it is clear for everyone that president biden has taken responsibility and the decision which is quite finally to extend the start treaty for five years until 2024. of course no doubt the question remains what happens next? we reached an agreement that will be commenced at the interagency level under the aegis of the state department, the united states and ministry of foreign affairs with russia, colleagues at the working level will set up a composition of the delegations and a place where they will be working and how frequent the such meetings take place.
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let's give the floor to a foreign journalist, cnn. >> reporter: thank you for giving me this question. first of all could you characterize the dynamic between yourself and president biden? was it hostile or was it friendly? secondly, throughout these conversations did you commit to ceasing carrying out cyber attacks on the united states? do you commit to stopping threatening ukraine security and did you commit to stop cracking down on the opposition in russia? >> translator: as to the first i think there was no hostility, quite the contrary. our meeting took place principally speaking many of our positions, we don't share the same positions in many
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areas but both sides showed a willingness to understand one another and find ways to bring our positions closer together. the talks were quite constructive. as to security we reached an agreement chiefly that we will start negotiations on that. that is extremely important. as for who needs to take on any commitment i would like to inform you of something. talking about something to the broader public. not from american sources. i'm afraid i will confuse the names but as for american sources, they have said most of the cyberattacks in the world are carried out from the cyber realm of the united states. in the second place, canada.
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afterwards latin american companies, latin america -- russia on this list, was russia on this list? we are a country whose cyberterritory has the most -- not on the list. number one. second. secondly. we have received from the united states ten requests confirming cyber attacks on attacks in the united states. as our colleagues have told us they are from the cyber realm of russia, and there were two presidents here. last year and this year our colleagues received exhaustive responses. russia last year, in
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accordance, sent to the state structures of the us 40 over 40, 35 this year and haven't received a single response on that front. this says we have to work on it. the question of who, to what degree needs to take on a responsibility, that should be the result of the negotiation process. we will start consultations. what we think is when it comes to cyber security, cyber security is important in the world in general, typically for the united nations and also russia. i will give you an example. there were cyber attacks in the united states, compelled to pay $5 million to the blackmailers, some of the money has been returned according to my
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sources. what does russia have to do with that? we have the same threats. for example, when it comes to the healthcare system of one of the regions of the russian federation and we see this work being coordinated from the cyber realm of the united states i don't think the united states, the official authorities have but i think throwing out these insinuations at the expert level, that's inappropriate. we instead should start working, that is in the united states and the russian federation. in principle we reached agreement about that. russia is ready to do it. let's continue our, give the microphone to rt.
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please give the microphone to, some of the questions i answered. reporter: two other parts to the question. first one, did you commit to stop threatening ukraine? the reason the summit was called in the first place or the timing of it was when russia was building up lots of forces across the border, second part of the question, third part of the question, did you commit to stopping your crackdown against the opposition groups inside of russia like alexi navolov >> translator: , i didn't hear that part of question. maybe it wasn't interpreted. maybe you decided to ask a second question. let's turn now to commitments under ukraine. we have only one commitment, promoting implementation of the minsk agreements f the russian side is prepared to do it we will take that path without any
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doubt. incidentally i would like to point out one point, back in november of last year what happened ukrainian delegation submitted their considerations of how they are planning to implement the minsk accords. please take a look. it is not a secret document. here is what it says. primarily there is a need to have proposals for the political integration of -- into the ukrainian legal system and constitution. to do that there will be need ad constitutional amendment. that is what it says, number one. and number two the border between the russian federation and the ukraine along the land of donbas will be occupied by the border forces of ukraine on the day after the election. what did ukraine propose as a first step? returning the armed forces of ukraine to its, to its, their
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place of constant deployment. what does that mean? that means the ukrainian forces should go to donbas. that is what they proposed. second thing, closing the border between russia and ukraine in this area. and third, elections should be held in three months and three months after these two steps are taken. you don't need to be an attorney, you don't need any special education that has nothing to do with the minsk agreements. this runs fully counter to the minsk agreements. that is why, the additional commitments could russia shoulder in this context. everything is understandable. turning now to the exercises. we're conducting exercises on our own territory, just like a the united states carries out a lot of exercises on their territory but we didn't carry any exercises bringing our
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