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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 17, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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erty. ♪ larry: before we chose out tonight, i'm just larry: before close out tonight to get the sense switzerland voted against climate taxes but how good is that? 51% said taxes. that is whether national anthem said god's wealth in their plan. ♪ ♪. kennedy: there was no kumbaya moment. remember camp? that's what president biden had the scepters much summit with vladimir putin. they played hard both the russian president. but did he listen and who came out on top? i told you is rocky 4.1 for it today the two leaders squared off for that fever in geneva. each came across to the long list of grievances. it was like festive us in
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june. after more than three are tense talks they emerge for solo press conferences. first came putin did his usual deflection and focus more on comparisons saying things like you cannot blame me for the bad things i did on january 6, watch. >> american cities every day includes leaders of various organizations. he could not say a word about you do not have the time to say a word and someone is killed the entire movement develops known as black lives matter. i'm not going to comment on that but here's what i do want to say. what we saw was a disorder, destruction, violations of the law et cetera. kennedy: then sleepy joe try to clear the air and make the case he played in his place but especially what comes to things like cyber attacks, watch.
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rebecca talked about the proposition of certain critical infrastructure should be off-limits to attack. brent any other means i gave them a list rep not mistaken i don't have it in front of me, 16 specific entities i pointed out to him we have significant cyber capability. and he knows it. he doesn't know exactly what it is but it significant. if in fact they violate his basic norms, we will respond. there were no threats just simple assertions made. and know if you do that will do this. kennedy: shouldn't you have more of if you do that i will do this? sixteen things are off-limits. what is it okay to attack because answers like that have biden's critics are not buying this that he got the upper hand with the russian strongman. >> in addition to the weak policies biden has had over the last five months he is also elevating vladimir putin bar above where he deserves to
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be. look china what is the number one threat we face. russia is a declining power. russia's economy is smaller than candidates. why is joe biden going to meet with vladimir putin on neutral ground and elevate his stature once again? it was uncalled for a thing the summit is in bad for america. kennedy: but was it fruitful or just big waste of time customer let's get into its heights man panel got washington times a penny at our fox news contributor charlie hurt brady's got a serious face seal her to. we have young americans for liberty chief of staff sean themea. welcome back. and former biden campaign surrogate, my darling kevin walling, welcome all pete's backache entity. kennedy: that is so sweet. he looked like a marshmallow. let's talk about the global elites here, charlie. what's going on and why can't anyone figure out putin? >> yes it is truly amazing if this is joe biden being tough
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on putin, i would hate to see them being nice to putin. you kind of half expected him walking about meeting holding an ice cream cone explain he got me ice cream cone for the island of manhattan. [laughter] was kind of astonishing about this is joe biden has been in washington for 50 years. he is by far the greatest reigning expert when it comes to foreign policy that washington is ever produced with the exception of john kerry. what is it say about washington? it is pretty astonishing. kennedy: is astonishing but is also astonishing everyone comes out putin in the exact same way. they try flattery, they try to be semi- tough. what they really need to do, sean, street him like they are couple of teenage girls. be nice for a second and then completely ignore what he is saying. so joe biden is out of the whole time looking at his
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phone, think what would've had greater effect than past administrations, sean. >> oh, absolutely bread let me be frank. it's too early in the game to figure out what some of these key takeaways in the summit were. let's keep an eye on the media over the next few days. with the biden menstruation says or does it say, links to reporters or puts in press releases will be telling for it at they do not mention putin that much ago talking to back about ice cream then maybe we can conclude some progress is made of the do not want to derail it. but if biden gets out there and starts calling boudin a kgb thug, soulless, like you did in public that's a pretty clear indicator the summit did not go well so we will see. kennedy: when he called him a killer not too long ago, just a couple months ago with george stephanopoulos, we had to reel in our ambassador after they took theirs out of the united states. because vladimir putin was upset he called them a killer.
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you cannot be nice you cannot be mean you cannot play wargames you cannot do anything what he supposed to do with this guy? kevin. >> a candidate. gerry: sorry i should've said kevin s looking at you. [laughter] >> it's a good question. you saw george w. bush say he looked into president putin's eyes saw someone he could work with pretty sub- present obama tried to restart the relationship with russia and through putin. it's anyone's guess what kind of negotiation skill actually bring putin along. you stop president biden summit planning to present but potent ego saying we want you back as a world player even though our economy is 15 size the size of russia. we want you to abide by the norms of international allegiances and acts like an
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actual first rate country in the world. we will see i think sean mixon excellent point in terms of what happened three or four months down the road. getting your point our investors are going back to moscow and to washington. we will see again visiting tangible takeaways two, three, four months from the summit meeting. kennedy: why do we get so excited about this, charlie? whenever there's a new administration we hit reset. we look at this with baited breath like what's going to happen. like the supreme court decision being run down the steps. >> that is a great point. kind of amounts to nothing it's theater that's all it is. but joe biden did far more damage on his first day in office with decisions he made to either strike the keystone pipeline for undo all of the things that were working at the southern border. biden did far more damage with a flick of the pen a couple of times then he did this entire visit.
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but, it's the nature of politics. so much of it is theater. so much of it is meaningless. but it did give biden an opportunity to give putin a very large stage where he totally trashed america in a way that's not helpful. although alarmingly he sounded like he was probably running for the democratic nomination when he went through all of his condemnations of america. really none of it was any different. >> you want black lives many people killing each other in the streets. it's like you are killing people and cafés and on airplanes you weirdo. the man panel returns a little later but first up if our relationship with food and does not can we accidentally slide into a hot war just before president biden's meeting with vladimir the russian navy was conducting some provocative wargames just off the coast of hawaii sent u.s. fighter planes scrambling
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to monitor them for this of course on top of the countless other pies they had to pause and around the world miracle deals with strategic alliances with the commies, cuba, venezuela, china and the development of new battlefront in cyberspace in of course the arctic circle which used to be a delicious fast food restaurant back in the old days. do not forget russia also has thousands of nukes. so can biden do anything to contain putin militarily? los angeles radio homes rock compact my long-term friend and partner bryan suits. welcome back. hey there long-term partner friends. >> we are in love, suits, look at up lover. [laughter] i do not think there's a lot to love about russia's aggression right now. what are they doing what should we do? >> here is the deal. as vladimir putin and most
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media types we got plays along game like a master's plank short games while he plays the long game with us, big hitter, big hitter is putin. and he knows something we are not cognizant of. he knows what the world is going to look like in 40 years. i am not being an apologist to the guy he is a murdering an aristocrat and all of that. he knows in 40 years europe will speak english as a de facto language. india will be whatever nato becomes as will australia, new zealand and probably vietnam because he does not like his neighbor. the russians occasion of your these exercises with the chinese. putin dislikes the chinese more than anybody in europe. kennedy: is not good for us? >> it's really good for us but we have to know this. he knows since he reversed remarkably reverse the
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demographic tailspin the russian people were in when he took over, when he shockingly resigns and we could spend time painting with this alcoholism. he knows he has to resolve this thing called the future of the russian people. and so the russians don't like the chinese. in the chinese on the russians. they play footsie to make us think they are live in the pacific or indian ocean. they are not read they know their next-door to a sleeping dragon this girl right now. putin is terrified of them, so are the russian people. at the end of the day he just wants to be a european. he's your older brother, he need some respect. he needs to be a european that he does not want to play by those rules. he's not going to invade romania there's no russians there. once you know what his game is he is as predictable as al capone. kennedy: q think they really
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got that giant torpedo that will destroy coastal areas for decades? >> yes. kennedy: they would use it what's going on with the arctic circle? >> the point of it is to not use it. the point is to get us to react to it and done, done deal. here's the other thing he also does in 40 years, screw that in 20 years is going to be significant commerce going through what would be russian waters on the west coast of the united states to europe it's a shorter route. he wants to control that. this is not rocket science building military bases up in the north the whole thing. he's going to protect his lanes and shipping is any good risk player would. no matter what. >> i said that like two hours ago brian i did not know what i sing but i think you are right. >> he is a long game player. he knows that in 40 years there's going to be an encirclement of china or russia's not going to exist. better include india and
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europe as well sooner jockey his way in there you saw today he wants to bap or he doesn't deserve it, forthright economy third rate military first-rate nuclear armory, but he does not do it, he but he wants to. what he going to do about a thing like putin? 's >> treated like a teenage girl, brain suits thank you so much i love the enlightenment. okay bye. coming up soldiers, music pans students many forces take the covid-19 vaccine but is a mandatory constitutional? i will ask congressman thomas massie. plus it's wednesday party people we had brand-new kennedogs part of you haven't seen yet here is of one dog will be very excited to see more. this is an aussie rescue name jackson posing with his comfort toy set in by paula.
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kennedy: vaccine mandates are popping up across america exits on teenagers.
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over three to 60 colleges require students to take the coronavirus vaccine which they are still not fully approved by the fda. the federal judge ruled a texas hospital system can force its employees to get vaccinated. dismissing a lawsuit that claimed such a mandate would make them human guinea pigs for this week congressman thomas massie of kentucky, the great, wealth introduced a bill that would prohibit vaccine mandates or mems of the armed forces. hearing me tonight kentucky house judiciary committee member thomas massie is back. >> what's get sassy. kennedy: you say it is unconstitutional for members of the military to be forced how this vaccine. is there a big issue with our soldiers and airmen not taking it on their own? >> what let's set aside the constitutionality, the legality or the ethics of it. it is not scientific to force them to take the vaccine. i will tell you why. number one, they should not be vaccine passports. even if you don't care what
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the constitution they should be immunity passports. half the people probably already have immunity conferred to them as a result of recovering from a natural infection. they don't give you credit for that. number two, the category of healthy adults, most of them are mail age 18 -- 24 are the ones who are at least susceptible to covid and most likely to have an adverse reaction called myocarditis. before that is the heart inflammation with the pfizer vaccine. >> that is right, swelling of the heart. it's a mild case of the swelling of the heart you'll probably live but why take the risk number one to these people of already got immunity because they have been infected and have recovered why take the risk of it such a low risk if they get covid anyway? so my bill does not just keep the military from forcing them to get the vaccine, keeps the military from giving them different treatment putting them substandard housing or
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making them wear a mask. the reason to introduce this bill, candy, i did not hear the swamp and dream it up. i have constituents who are in the military called me up and say i'm going to take a general discharge. probably not be dishonorable will not be an honorable one. but if you refuse the vaccine you may get a general discharge. these are people we need in the military. why would we want this is a force shaping tool to encourage people to leave the military because they believe in science? 's before we know the military has a dubious past in enforcing these vaccine mandates including 2004 they for service member to take the anthrax vaccine. 85% of them had adverse reactions and finally because of the fda approval process that was slowed down, there is a supreme court case that was heard and they were no longer able to force people to take that vaccine in the military, you think something like this will happen will go wildly to
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the supreme court? >> it should not have to go to the court. if legislatures care about her ability they will cosponsor my bill. one of the cosponsors is greg scooby who told me that story the anthrax vaccine. they are forcing him to take the vaccine until the lawsuit came out he just continued taking it because of 12 shots or something. he was telling me that story as well so he was happy to cosponsor this bill. let's just ask the members of the military. can they legally do this can they constitutionally do this? they probably can. there's a long history of forcing members of the military to take the vaccine. kennedy: absolutely. >> it's always been a good history. but in this case it does not make a force more ready it does not make them healthier. just follow these science spirits certainly consider those of already got immunity, testing for antibiotics. there's no need to give them a chance at an adverse reaction if they've already got immunity. kennedy: what if they don't
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have immunity though? >> if they don't have immunity look at their risk group. other 18 to 24 girl? are they mail are they likely when i say like living more likely. in the israeli side a found one in 5000 in this age group of 18 -- 24 girl males could have this reaction. are they in that group? or are they an older person and maybe not in shape. did they have some comorbidity? just follow these science spirits of our group you on that. you're not a nettie anti- vax or are you? >> no i recently got a tetanus shot and a hepatitis shopper got all of my shots i do not have an experimental shots i'm not going to take this vaccine far recovered from covid. the study from israel shows if your natural immunity is just as good as the vaccine. the study from cleveland clinic shows those have gotten natural immunity do not benefit from the vaccine.
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this is the biggest cover-up in this whole pandemic is from the cdc breeds before i don't know man i think there is a lot more big coverups that we are not going to get to the bottom of. including where the hell this thing came from in the first place. thanks for getting sassy congressman massie is good talking to you. >> a talkative candidate. kennedy: 's mother biggest mistress of the coronavirus origin. why would the u.s. sending monies the chinese leather doing dangerous gain of function virus research question or a new investigation aims to find out. blessed upcoming border visit is on the calendar oh wait it's not vice president harris. he was headed down there? you will not believe it when i you will not believe it when i tell you coming
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the one that went out to the wuhan virology institute for hhs will scrutinize how these grants are managed and monitor which according to dr. anthony fauci senate testimony, they aren't. remember this? >> you gave them money and said don't do gain a function research. >> correct. >> they said you we won't. >> correct. >> and you have no way of knowing whether they did or not except you trust them? is that right? >> would generally always trust the grantee to do with they say. kennedy: that is a bad idea. how long before our health officials have been asleep at the switch and what else could they be finding that might blow up interfaces customer demand panels back, charlie hurt, sean themea, and kevin walling. going to be honest i love freedom i hit communism i do not trust the chinese government. what is going on here? >> you especially don't trust
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the chinese government when you are not allowed to ask questions the american media a lot of people in the american government are doing everything they can to keep anybody from asking questions. and so in the absence of getting any questions answered , that is a really good petri disc for a lot of conspiracy theories to germinates. and then of course would later find out a year later, we find out one of the most band most hideous conspiracy theories turns out to be actually a really intelligent most likely case scenario. that is the virus was something being tested or fiddled with and a lab and it might have escaped from that lab. and we are left to ask questions like was this intentional? was china up to something? i think it's really interesting that dr. fauci, personally said there's no money went to this labyrinth any changes that i will but it was only $600,000. which is a lot of money.
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especially if you are the taxpayer paying for. and then, but he's missing the entire point there. if china is up to something as evil as we think they might possibly, certainly the range of possibilities be, the fact u.s. money helping fund this will give them cover if they ever are exposed for its. it actually is doctor fauci really big deal $600,000. kennedy: is an incredibly big deal. i am still amazed that so many people including scientists were stonewalling for doctor fauci's institute as well as the cdc when as scientists testing some hypotheses here. so sean it's really interesting. we talked about this last night even jon stewart who went on steven colbert that talks but the probability. it went from not possible to
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possible. two plausible but now it's moving into the realm of improbable. >> i agree, kennedy, after year end a half of the left labeling the conspiracy or misinformation, like is that even left-wing celebrities like jon stewart are saying this is probably what happened. sent to a lab in china the lab leak the virus everyone tries to cover it up. and now found she is on the hook to explain to the public what they were never supposed to hear. here is my prediction, found she's going to keep saying the e-mails are represented. then he will admit to half the accusations. then when enough time passes he will admit to everything but the democrats and the beat are going to let them off the hook. the real question we got to ask is why are we sending money to a lab in china in the first place? kennedy: why do we send money to most places question certainly not constitutional. it's the nih, the cdc or
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congress, i don't care for senatorial or mite neighbor pam and want someone to look at it. i want someone to look at everything. i hope we have a much bigger conversation about who we are giving money to ny, kevin. >> yes kennedy i'm with you. i am about ig's and watchdogs this might be one positive thing hopefully to come out of this horrendous crisis. we just crossed the 600,000 marker in terms of americans at loss of this deadly virus. and we need transparency and accountability with the chinese, and his government paradise action courage coming out of the nato summit to see president biden and the 30 world leaders push to include china for the first time in their communicate coming out china as a competitive threat to a lot of our economies. and they need to be held accountable. that's the first time china has ever been mentioned on the nato stage. that is a good thing. kennedy: and lebron james condemned all them or pray
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let's go to the board our vice president kamala harris still has yet to visit. but guess who's going? former president donald trump and the ultimate troll he just announced going down there later this month present in the statement quote biden and harris have handed control the border over two cartels, criminals and coyotes. what biden and harris have done our content into daughter border is a grave and willful dereliction of duty paired my visit will hopefully shine a spotlight on these crimes against our nation show the incredible people of ice and border patrol that they have our unshakable support,". how funny will beef the former president beats the current vice president to the border? one of the odds of that happening charlie hurts? >> i think it is probably pretty likely. if you asked me six months ago president trump's going to run again in 2024 i would've said who needs that he doesn't need is got a great life, why do it. fast-forward to today and the crisis on the border that is
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one 100% the making of president biden and vice president kamala harris and their incompetence at managing everything surrounding the crisis they have created. i have a very different view now. this is a write up make every day biden and harris do this they're encouraging president trump to win again encouraging a situation where he can win. kennedy: this is the first time for i know we had a big rally not too long ago. but this is the first time who he might actually run again. this issue was playing so much in his favor, sean. >> i agree. biden and harris definitely not addressing the border. i live in texas, canada. but to talk about greg abbott who trump is going down to the border with her disguise not been a leader he's been a follower in a counterfeit conservative. he let the republican
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leadership kill a bill and the texas house this year that really could've sold some root problems at the board approves the same goes shut down the entire state of texas, tenth largest economy in the world he's playing himself off to be similar to hero. so president trump if you are watching this i strongly consider it you reconsider that endorsement of greg abbott. he is not a leader. kennedy: will tire this for this is officially the president of favorite 8:00 o'clock cable news show. [laughter] i know this for real. so kevin, went as this administration going to finally figure out you've just got to do a few things. a few little things forget a task force, get some legislation, go to the border, roll up your sleeves, do some big people work and get it done. >> yes kennedy that's a good question. i was encouraged to see it we talked before about the vice president guatemala saying don't come to the united states, do not come across that border. this is good politics for the former president no doubt i'm
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with charlie in that regard. this is an issue that animates republicans may encourage them to run again. so far it animates or republicans it's a gift every single day she does not go for it every day she does not hold a press conference. every day she's in a cackling pantsuit with people select o that i not on. kennedy: why would you asked me that? what's going on come on? survey the talking point she has not gone down there. i don't know if it's a glitch. i think she was tasked with dealing inherent issues of why these migrants are coming for that's why she went to the board. spigner she wasn't she was talk about the drug war if she were talking about >> which she didn't her speech in mexico for sure. that's a huge problem with pencil and other drugs coming across the board. this is certainly as done or odd person for that's reacting the drug war, you have to end the drug war if you're going to tackle the root problem. >> we are in agreement. before you telegraph are going to bomb these antidote
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factories that's not going to happen but all right what is going to happen is i'm smooching all of you goodbye and i heart all you so deeply, charlie, sean, and kevin. >> by candy good luck with the dogs. kennedy: the long-awaited ufo report now one congressman says the unidentified aircraft must be from another galaxy is the right? we got were the foremost authorities on extraterrestrial intelligence extraterrestrial intelligence and craft he joins me welcome to allstate. ♪ ♪ you already pay for car insurance, why not take your home along for the ride? allstate. here, better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands. click or call to bundle today.
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kennedy: hi, here is a flying saucer full of secrets the pentagon ufo reports later this month but looks like a few lawmakers already got their sticky little bits on it, lucky ducks beat the navy and the fbi reportedly briefed
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babs of the house intelligence committee on its. this morning someone knows something. and now congressman from tennessee he is speaking about what he's told pretty filled that ufos and from russia. probably came from quote another galaxy. so are we about to get the mother of all intelligence reports? with me no founder for the center for intelligence and the disclosure projects, doctors even greer is with me. welcome to the show doctor grier. >> ice is big with the again brace before nice to speak with you again on fox news podcasts that kenny save the world look up doctor greer. so are they just going to sanitize this report? what are they doing here? are they trying to make us scared and said is nothing to see here? >> i think there's been a long-term plan it's about 70 years in the running actually of keeping this information highly classified.
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suddenly it seems to be quote leaking out pretty think it's a controlled-release and it has three central lies associated with it. of course you expect this when it something coming out of deep state operatives. number one they are saying the we do not know what these objects are paid we actually do i have a learned from ben rich who is head of the skunk works a famous guy he said look at both ours, man made and extraterrestrial. he says it flat out in 1986. we note some of these objects are interstellar origin. quite a few of them and most of things were seen on the news right now are actually from the lockheed skunk works. dirt two sources for the congressman has at half correct. i don't think this report is going to be anything than a snapshot from 40000 feet. i'm quoting from general herbert who put together the last study under majority leader read that went to airspace. he said what he got back which
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is basically a sanitized version. now my group has been setting this for about 30 years but we have over 900 whistleblowers, top-secret guys have given us documents and information. we will see if this report squares it all with what we know to be factual. i'm very skeptical it will be frankly. i think the next biggest secret they are keeping aside for me don't know what they are up we don't have a thing that flies this way, that's a big one, as they are a threat to the national security. let me quote from the first cia director in a letter he wrote to the "new york times" in 1961 it. and he stated and i am quoting, the secrecy associate the uso's is a threat to the national security. why? because they have been keeping this >> secret. i note president trump and vice president pence provided false information on this because a consultant on my
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team is friends with the vice president and said points in blank they have provided all kinds of information that we found to be completely and provably false. where the problem is the foxes guarding the hen house hill, have an agenda. i don't think these deep state operatives have a nice agenda with the doing. they're creating a global fear factor of all things alien. it's ridiculous. obviously there is no threat from the civilizations. if there were we certainly would know about it. sue biggest a much more to discuss abortion were running out of time forgot to come back will make your eyes on the report. there's a lot more went to hear from you about what you have discovered, what you know what you've been offered by the united states government to keep it zipped up. doctor steven gerth and give a much see very soon. >> my speaking with you again. >> coming up your fancy
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before a new server from green giant's claims brock was america's favorite fashion with the "washington post" does not want you to believe, it's joe biden but that's an
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artichoke and aviators and this is a topical storm. topic number one. the leaders of the g-7 nations were not the only outdated hunks of junk in cornwall this week. check out the new international landmark made by a british sculptor it's mount recycle more a sculpture of the g-7 leaders spaces created from broken electronics. instill a scout mart working working circuits than the real joe biden. the project is intended to bring awareness to electronic waste and encourage the production of a reasonable tax rates of arts used in the background to make kissing phrases the sculpture is receiving heaps of praise for its realistic depictions of the leaders. michael looks much more human here than she does in real life. johnson's hair makes a lot more sense when it's made out of telephones raise you not to give many ideas but this seems like the perfect place for hunter biden to start hiding
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his in plain sight for its across from the summit in cornwall. go now before hillary clinton smashes it with a hammer. so mad at these blackberries. topic number two. a championship run who is banned from competing in the olympics after a store was found in her system said it was all caused by a pork burrito part i know how she feels, i cannot run either after eating a burrito. all right? 28-year-old shelby is the american record holder for the 1,505,000 runs. in january she was found to have antibody steroids including nand alone in her system what she said was caused by pork burrito shape before the test. [laughter] writes. she might be trying to save her bacon. the world anti- doping agency does acknowledge the steroid is a prevalent mpeg organ meat. or as is more commonly known, taco bell beef. i bet you never thought a
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beret to us performance enhancing the whole four. she's banned from nutley next month tokyo games also 2024 paris olympics. she promises to appeal the ban on instagram she wrote she feels completely devastated, lost, broken, angry, confused and betrayed. all of which are side effects of eating pork burritos. topic number three. a study from switzerland claims playing hip-hop music makes it taste better. i suspect the swiss cheese study has a lot of hull in it. research at switzerland's university tested the effects of playing distinct styles of music for eight different wheels of cheese. which is still more practical than what they are teaching and gender studies classes. when we look cheese was exposed 24 hours a day of led zeppelin steroid to heaven. we'll call that one white american cheese another was played in mozart opera. that went became string cheese.
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will that every research the greed tasted and smelled the strongest was exposed to legendary hip-hop group a tribe called quest for its leading to whole new hip-hop exposed jesus like korean monster flash, carty bree and the blue tan clan sounds like cheesemakers will do anything to get that chatter. [laughter] topic number four. a new jersey waterpark slide called the high anxiety is living up to its name after it spontaneously combusted just days before the park was such open for the season. check it out. oh my god it's the hottest attraction in the park for the water site is or was at new jersey's mounted creek park. not as good as class action clarke. to cause high anxiety propels writers through a dark tunnel and drops them into a funnel. but to be honest it looks a lot scarier now. although i'm not sure if this would cool me off on a hot summer day i don't know.
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believe or not this is not even the most dangerous library they have nothing filled with, a lot of the might be thinking how could something filled with water burst into flames like that? what you are forgetting is this is new jersey water. 26% h2o, 74% radioactive waste. why do you think people in jersey look the way they do? despite the acts in the park said it will still open this weekend. park officials promise not only are the other slights completely safe but also anyone who catches fire will get a coupon freebie medium dipping dots dots. that is a big deal. i'll be nobody builds 5g like verizon builds 5g because we're the engineers who built the most reliable network in america. thousands of smarter towers, with the 5g coverage you need. broader spectrum for faster 5g speeds. next-generation servers with superior network reliability. because the more you do with 5g, the more your network matters. it's us...pushing us.
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lease the 2021 rx 350 for $449 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. ♪ why do you build me up ♪ $449 a month for 36 months. ♪ (build me up) ♪ ♪ buttercup, baby ♪ ♪ just to let me down ♪ ♪ (let me down) ♪ ♪ and mess me around ♪ ♪ and then worst of all ♪ ♪ (worst of all) ♪ ♪ you never call, baby ♪ ♪ when you... ♪ ♪ say you will... ♪ carl. what have you done? think anyone will notice? yes. yeah. if you ride, you get it. yeah, they will. geico motorcycle. fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. this past year has felt like a long, long norwegian winter. but eventually, with spring comes rebirth. everything begins anew. and many of us realize a fundamental human need to connect with other like-minded people. welcome back to the world.
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viking. exploring the world in comfort... once again.
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spin that carico welcome back at the part of the week its pinnacle we show pictures of your dog on the best show and cable news, keep on sending pictures and tweets of your beloved dogs # kennedogs to see her precious pup every wednesday night to look into this week's batch first that meet friday from london jennifer sent in this great pic your positive better than your face john sent us lucy, she's our beautiful golden retriever that loves a beach day. who's a good girl lucy? next frank set and justice now this is frank. who's the dog here my right and my right, frank loves his train tracks.
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the fourth amendment for you, sent in this picture of addy, such a good doggy. addy and love your college of my gingerbread and frosting. his owner wendy claims he's the most interesting dog in the world. look at him and that big chair hi betty are you going to catch a ball? that's they told me on prom night and who is this little guy? lincoln lady named the vet is so cute hi greg. our next dog this is him hates the mask but love to chew on it. you're such a good baby, here's goldie from his smiling at me. goldie loves to smile you got great teeth goldie sent a picture of tyson he is of course a boxer looking so
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happy. thanks for being a canada dog breed thank you for watching the best hour of your day, i know you come follow me on twitter and instagram @kennedynation, facebook @kennedyfbn, email tomorrow night crisp air and comic captives, steve hilton, game night and unending love tort director jason who is (announcer) the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. ♪ chances are ♪ ♪ 'cause i wear a silly grin ♪ ♪ the moment you... ♪ (announcer) there are artists we'll always remember. ♪ mona lisa ♪ ♪ mona lisa, men have named you ♪ (announcer) beautiful songs. ♪ you're so like the lady... ♪ (announcer) ...with lyrics, melodies and memories that will always touch our hearts. ♪ it's impossible ♪


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