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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 17, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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larry: time in america's great but vladimir ewing to hack, we will show you hacking. i am "kudlow" we will be back tomorrow night. ♪ ♪. kennedy: welcome to it. the surge at our southern border greg is third-year by the day. president biden advised president kamala harris works we found states are stepping into clamp the crisis themselves but florida governor desantis leading the charge setting state law enforcement officials in texas and arizona. this after those governors greg abbott and deutsche esther 48 governors for help defending the border. desantis says he sending officers to both states because he border crisis affects every state and every american, watch.
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>> this is a disaster, it is an emergency for people like texas and arizona. they asked all governors to be able to send support. florida is the first went to answer the call. we are going to have personal from her state law enforcement agencies and then we'll have a number of our sheriff's department to raise their hand, they want to be part of it as well. kennedy: meanwhile the governor of texas that he's now forced to take matters into his own hands. formally announcing textile build its own border wall plates but to under $50 million, that they're down payment on the project, take a look. >> holmes are being invaded. neighborhoods are dangerous. people are being threatened on a daily basis with guns. people either coming across the border are those working with those were coming across the border. in the federal government absence texas is stepping up to get the job done. kennedy: and vice president kamala harris still too busy to visit the southern border
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you guys. she did find time to host a bipartisan dinner while she invited every female senator and reportedly made her own cheap pups. if biden's border crisis on its way to being solved by everyone except for the president and vice president? let's get into it there tonight party panel got conservative strategist, human events contributed right turn strategy president as well, chris barron is here. look at sassy. we have got gutfeld cohost kat timpf inglorious aqua. and look who is back, democrat strategist, firehouse strategy senior vice president very impressive michael starr hopkins. welcome what all good to have you. expected to be here. before let's start cursing to start with the a. this is the way i see it in terms of these governors trying to solve their own problems. number one is the ultimate troll. number two it's the way it always should have been because the federal government was screwed up immigration so badly or it is the first sign
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of the apocalypse, take your pick, chris. i think it's all the above. look i want to put lipstick on the pig here in saint gate federalism. look states are doing something the federal government can't or won't. but unfortunately one of the few things in that the federal government has a special responsibility to do is actually protect our international borders. this is frankly something that should not be getting farmed out to the states. but unfortunately the biden administration had a great time talking about immigration when they were eight candidates. appears to be completely and totally lost. quite frankly they are running out of time for excuses. at this point something needs to be done by the need to have a plan, they need to show the american people they can be trusted. they have a plan they know what they're doing they need havoc confidence and leadership. outside of tackling their not drink any of that. kennedy: she does a lot of cackling. i'm glad you brought that up. cap has been very good on this
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issue. now do you think it's a good idea for the vice president's to host these wonderful apolitical parties with other female senators and abstain from going on the border taking questions from the presses at the best way to solve it immigration and border crisis? react personally saw those photos and i've got to say party is a strong word. that is not a party. i will show you a party. >> yes i will. the fact she is able to laugh off any suggestion that she should go there when she is supposed to be the chief person, the contact person, the point of contact on this issue. i think if you are going to be able to solve a problem, the first thing you should do is see it. i cannot think of any other job where you are the chief person agent to sit look at our chief white house correspondent. i noticed he's up the white house a lot. i think that is an important
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part of the job. [laughter] kennedy: yes it is you should be going to the thing you are trying to fix. i don't think that is a grand gesture. i do not think >> using at the booker own fight i'm sure, she's got air force two i would love air force too. i wear my air force as an air force to oppose ever invite onboarding something that's going to happen anytime soon. but michael starr hopkins i will grieve with you on this, every menstruation amount of the party has dropped about immigration. both parties have had majorities in congress and the presidency and they have done essentially nothing on this just allowing us to raise executive orders to go back and forth. creating some really horrible situations for tickly for these children. but what i want to know here is, i think this is now the jumping off point for the 2024 presidential nomination and election. i think ron desantis is using this troll as a springboard to increase his national profile even further.
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mikhail grew thew on that pretty think desantis really gets the media this is kind of his claim for 2024. i will say i don't think either party really knows how to solve immigration because it's such a complicated issue. you have to reach across the aisle to get anything done. we have not seen real comprehensive reform since reagan. we had a bill, the gang of six bill marco rubio walked away from it. it's easier to fund raise off of immigration and fear mongering and it is to solve the problem. until they didn't have the probably never be solved. kennedy: think you're right about that think immigration is incredibly complex is not just root causes. it is more than what has happened in guatemala and el salvador. we certainly have some things going on at the border that have to be fixed. so what you can do and there have been any senators and many people in congress and got together in the study groups these bipartisan study groups and you're not going to
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have comprehensive immigration reform print that is what you have to let go of. you can have a series of bills that have to be taken seriously, and you really have to take politics out of it. you have to realize that sometimes in order to have less chaos you need a little more immigration. in a diminished welfare state to hey guess what you guys are having fun already? it is game night. >> a glutton. so for the panels going to return the little bits were going to play a fun game is going be fantastic if you will love it. right else go to court rulings today. one upholding obamacare for the third time and the other unanimous decision about a catholic group's refusal to facilitate same adoption. and adoptions for unmarried couples where the court ruled nine -- zero eight foster agency could not before some of the of philadelphia to certified same-sex unmarried couples as foster parents against its religious principle. as a blow to yea rights or win
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for liberty customer care discuss boxes box at night host shannon bream. great to see you. kennedy: you're always so good at breaking things down. what i want to know from you, was the ruling surprising here? and what does the 90 tally tell you? >> yes i've got to say i thought we were more divided than this. the catholic social services in city of philadelphia was surprised it was nine -- zero. they've had the case since november. what are they doing why is it taking less and less? the chief because he wrote this opinion was working on building a consensus for they got to it now. at that narrow ruling very specific to this case but it got to to that nine -- zero decision at a time or time the court is fractured its political waiting to packet. he got know if this is a signal to the other branches with it doing her thing were
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good leave us alone. kennedy: also back updated court packing pre-we can make rational decisions we can come together but go back and forth he can vote at different times. we may have different reasonings for coming to this decision as we saw in some of the concurrences and both of these rulings there are some interesting thought going into this process? now the other ruling today was essentially upholding obamacare, texas and 17 states had one lower court ruling trying to got obamacare because they said without mandate the law could not survive for that is what one federal district judge said britt how did the supreme court deal with that? >> well, i cannot believe this is almost a decade of fights over this law. the big ruling back in 2012 the initial one that upheld the big case and upheld the law. i cannot please been nine years since i did that. but they are still fighting
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about it. here's what happens, they did not get to the merits of this case but what they said these plaintiffs the states came forward could not show specific harm. the whole technical idea these plaintiffs do not have a right or way to bring this to court. oh so to me is you know endlessly last fall we are told over and over you by democrats and the democrat senators were questioning then nominee she's going to kill millions of people. she's going to be responsible for healthcare imploding. that's the only reason president trump had nominated her. she was in the seven to leave the lot alone today. is this a good reminder you can't always believe the hype? and unfortunately's confirmations warmly or the the other both sides become very political. it just -- to reality we tell people that was not likely the case with her and this law basically be upheld. seven -- two at west today. kennedy: was buried tell me little bit about the defense.
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justice had some very strong language in his dissent. >> it was these starts up the dissent sank once again when it looks like the law will crash and burn, they come back and improbably rescue it to lives another day. he's clearly not a fan of these rulings he's had. he does not think it is legit. billing get to the underlying problem. he does not think they can make the argument the law stands without that mandate part or the mandate being your doubt. the plaintiffs don't have standing he argues they do the states take on a great financial burden because. they do have an interest in showing up as plaintiffs but he just wasn't buying it. kennedy: who won today? who comes out of this feeling they were victorious in both of these rulings? >> i would say for the president you notice he tweeted out this win on daca
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was a big win for america burden he also noticed it was a big bfg. you can google that when he was vice president, went got past and whispers are caught on the open mic to then president obama at the big blanking deal. clearly the white house is happy at present obama's tweeted his ax he's excited too. liberty does when the more these clashes in the pipeline. they say today's a huge win. we cannot ignore a nine -- zero decision they feel vindicated. >> is very interesting we'll be looking forward to more of your take on future rulings that are going to come down in the next few weeks, shannon good to see a. >> will sue tonight at midnight. coming up it has been 50 years
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since president nixon's war on drugs. what good hasn't done and how can president biden undo the damage that he has caused. reason editor at large nick gillespie joins me to it discuss all that in moments. made to order or ready to go? with a hybrid, you don't have to choose. that's why insurers are going hybrid with ibm. with watson on a hybrid cloud they can use ai to help predict client needs and get the data they need to quickly design coverage for each one. businesses that want personalization and speed are going with a smarter hybrid cloud using the technology and expertise of ibm. nice bumping into you. among my patients i often see them have teeth sensitivity as well as gum issues. does it worry me? absolutely. sensodyne sensitivity and gum gives us a dual action effect that really takes care of both our teeth sensitivity as well as our gum issues. there's no question it's something that i would recommend. ♪all by yourself.♪
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kennedy: holy moly we've come a long way since nixon declared war on drugs in 1971. watch this retro. >> america's public enemy number one and the united states is drug abuse. in order to fight and defeat this enemy it's necessary to wage a new all-out offensive. i have asked the congress to provide the legislative authority and the funds to fuel this kind of an offensive. kennedy: password 50 years the u.s. is spent over a trillion dollars to fight the war and where did it get us? it's up ended can committees, ruined lives and created drug cartel. they're hoping to reverse some of the damage proposing a bill to end the war on drugs for the drug policy reform act will decriminalize all drugs, expend existing records to the
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deck into the drug work reason editor at large reason editor podcast host nick gillespie. welcome back nick. >> thanks were having become a kennedy. kennedy: weather lasted two years of the war taught us? let's take a back further. you have tricky dick started 50 years ago today. the narcotics act which with into force in 1950 was the kick off a federal attempts to attack drug. we had probation at 30s as well. were looking was bad at 50 years years were looking at 130 years of probation that his failed time and time again to address any of the ills it says is going to do and introduces a ton more. what's in the past 50 years is a perversion of foreign policy in the united states of education markets are wasting
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time learning >> unproven antidrug propaganda in schools. we've seen the corruption of police forces but we have seen a sure sing in the opening, the introduction of drug cartels. what ever else you can say about budweiser, and hazard bush discriminators they are not criminal in the way drugs are. whenever you have a black-market you have crime, gun violence. you have things like that. we have addicts who cannot get the help they want they have to admit to being criminals as well as having substance-abuse problems. just to put a point on this in 2019 the most recent data there are 5:30 thousand arrests for simple possession of marijuana in the country. inc. about it, a half a million people have in their entire lives disruptive massively for a substance is already legal in a place where majority of americans live at
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the state level. kennedy: there's a statistic i rented is really shocking to me, half of all federal inmates are imprisoned for drug charges. i didn't realize was that high. essentially all the crimes that have been committed you to be charged for politically, drugs make up half of those incarcerated in federal prison. the negative say mania and hysteria that it's a slow moving hysteria. it's almost in the background. if you are younger than 60 basically grew up with this as a given. in the 60s even you could the lsd was made illegal unworn on other types of drugs. you take for granted the idea there's only basically one kind of intoxicant that is aloud that is alcohol. everything else is not simply
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legal. but government technically calls illicit. simple to use these types of drugs. part of the problem with drugs because people cannot use them openly or cultural settings, you do not get the moderating impulses. some of the problems are more intense. you're buying the stuff on the black-market you don't know what's in it. there's not a way to learn how to use drugs as responsibly as we might if they were actually legal in america delivered on the promise and allows to be responsible for what was into our bodies and our actions under certain types of substances. the war on drugs is a calamity. a particular hit the young people because it is young people go to jail. young people are caught in the violence that's perpetrated by black markets and drugs. it is young people comments people of color, it's poor people. those like you and me can use
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kind of get away with that. the good news that you're talking about the d pra the drug war is ending. we saw that last november when every drug related initiative was put up to a vote it passed. all drugs are decriminalize in the state of oregon. the city of washington d.c. made going after things like plant -based psychedelics the lowest priority of police. we are ending the drug war. but we need a speed that up. because every month that we don't and the drug war are throwing tens of thousands of people in jail for things that should not be crimes. and policies that exacerbate every ill that the possibly be related to drug use. before enriching part cartels that are preying upon the demand here. and the united states nothing
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is tackling their supply. nick gillespie thank you so much for shedding some light on this. it is a strange historical day but it's nice to know were headed in the right direction. >> it is richard nixon's worst legacy but it's worse than all of the others. it is ongoing, it's strong, at saint major part of local government, of state federal, and it needs to stop. before it nick cole espey reason editor at large, thank you so much. chicago mayor laurie lightfoot crying to deal out-of-control crime in her city. if she can't handle her city should she be in charge customer plus the world health organization telling a group of ladies lay off the booze sisters. by this is the most sexist and unscientific claim ever. stay here.
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kennedy: chicago looks like a war zone shootings and homicides way up. over 1600 people have been shot to her 50 people have been murdered so far this year but were not even halfway through the mayor's only solution deems to be nationwide gun control part here's chicago mayor laurie lightfoot with appeal for federal intervention today, watched respect week calling upon her partners in the federal government to step up and help us because we need to have a united front against this illegal scourge of gun violence. spermatic now she wants the feds. meanwhile mayor light but cannot form the united front in her own government. newly released e-mail shows her berating her staff in
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throwing unproductive temper tantrums have because made them to quit. can the federal government shakes save chicago by banning guns in arizona or it is crime infested chicago need a new mayor? party panel is back, chris barron, kat timpf and michael starr hopkins. this is how i feel about mayors who want to federalize an issue. talk about eric garcetti with homelessness and out lori lightfoot with gun violence in her city. if you need to the federal government, you should not be the mayor of a large city. >> and chicago, like d.c. comments on the strictest gun control laws in the entire country. and guess what, they have not helped. they don't work. here's an idea, maybe instead of electing democrats like chicago is done for decades and decades and decades, and they have failed time and time, and time again. maybe the answer is not asked me to it federalize these questions, maybe the answer is
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you should start electing different people with different ideas who will try something that might actually work. kennedy: but she checks in boxes, isn't that better than being confident? so kat let's discuss this a little bit. she is upset their 70 illegal guns in her city for this very prohibitive at gun laws in chicago. yet, she wants the federal government to make a more guns illegal. what is that say? >> yes, she got up there and said repeatedly the problem is illegal guns. annette she has said repeatedly throughout the years that gun control has is the answer. it doesn't make sense were how she makes sense to herself or those are obviously contradicted ideas. it's not just the talking point the people what gun are going to be able. if that works there would be no problem.
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she was the federal government now is it's okay to for help it's >> they wrote a very strongly worded statement together tightly trump administration do not send federal agents to our city. except for the ones that are going to take all these guns away. i think that is l mission of failure i really do. they're two of the worst mayors in the country. they make the podium with the bill de blasio, that god is on his way out. so, michael, what is it say about you if your staff is leaking angry e-mails from you and there is a generally horrible around within your administration? >> look you are never going to have knee defend their who treat their staff poorly but when you treat your staff poorly says more about you than the staffing the gun control issue is one we have to focus on. the problem and chicago is they have guns coming across state lines from other states.
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there are loose gun laws around, the loophole and people can go to these big events and buy guns in the parking lot. they never have to do background checks they bring them into the city. combining that with experience before by and large that's not how most of the guns that are discharging these crimes, how they accumulate. it's actually through girlfriends and people without criminal records. those are the straw women who are used to make most of these gun purchases if you look at the data. gerry: [inaudible] kennedy: that's complacent by a gun. i look at places there a lot of gun laws. where there's a lot of gun violence and the like gather coming in from other places, maybe we'd stick your gun laws there. well, maybe more people to own firearms legally and people would not use them as much a place like chicago.
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>> because people shooting across is going to make it better? >> i think knowing someone can defend themselves is a deterrent for a lot of people to go shooting at people in public places. tell children get killed. >> exactly more guns in chicago is not going to make the problem better. we've got a surplus of guns there. the way we make it better. back that is the problem we see in western europe as well and places like belgium and paris. >> the idea that a good guy will defeat the bad guy who has a gun, we tried that. you just end up with people shooting inside of buildings across them each other. >> is out the good taxes? i was just there i did not see any of that placement go ahead and react to that chris barron. >> they haven't tried that they tried gun control. chicago's monthly most strict gun-control laws in the
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country just like d.c. and that hasn't worked. that's is been tried and that is what failed. kennedy: >> i'm a gun owner. we need some sensible background checks. [inaudible] kennedy: he still owes me a lot of money. >> you need to get that, get that money. >> that is right speaking of where's my money, where's my drink and women who could use a stiff drink the world health organization now says women of childbearing age that is a pretty broad range should be banned from drinking alcohol. as the action plan calls on ladies age 18 to 50 to put in their vodka sodas just in case they might be pregnant. apparently the tablet showed is not real is without alcohol global pregnancy rates would drop dramatically, trust me on this on for the proposals been slammed by women's groups as
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sexist and paternalistic and critics are accusing the deputy joe of scaremongering not to mention credibility posted coveted shot. does anyone really think kathie worlds population quitting drinking they're going to do that because a bunch of quacks say so, cats? back no, i will not quit drinking. make you are childbearing age, cats. >> yes i am fertile thank you. [laughter] it's like all the studies came out like alcohols not good for us not get the of. you know what? a lot of things are good for you. but they are also fun. i would rather have a little bit of fun before i die anyway, no matter what i do. before chris barrett i don't think you're going to get women to abstain from alcohol for 30 years of their adult lives. back one it's ridiculous. two it's a reminder and so glad women bear the responsibility of bringing the next generation of people into
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this world. because if it were up two men we are to be headed for extension i can say that right now. this would not in you thought process. i will not give up my bourbon even if i am sick. forget about this go she asian. they're willing to give birth if they want to have the occasional glass of wine with their pregnant, so be it. >> when you're sick you should just drink a bottle of costs. support robitussin bourbon mix, go ahead michael will be going to say dear? >> all of us are probably here because of alcohol. so know your audience. [laughter] [laughter] do not talk about my dead mother like that basically mom is right hammered ready to go. [laughter] love you so much. >> she's not. sorry she's not present this is really dumb though. i will say this, when i was getting ready to birth babies
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i did not drink a lot. when i was breast-feeding i did not drink my doctor said i can have five glasses of champagne throat my entire print pregnancy is like a thimble here and there. but i got to tell you, when you are barf worthy the lesson you one is alcohol the human body's pretty good at nine what's going to make it really, really sick. >> cat jim your pointers customer >> i have never been pregnant, not to brag. therefore going to continue the drink. if people actually listen the so big funny because once they hit 50 they always go on benders. hoop you like hot girl summer every single day for women over 50. which i think i'm going to do anyway. kennedy: help my girls are watching the show i've been told i can't use the girl hot girls. but you did and you got married. >> i'll do it again. i'm incredibly attractive periods before yes you are cat
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especially tonight, michael to give any last words? >> is giving congratulations to cat well done. >> i am a wi-fi menotti one periods. kennedy: great bring in the person mirroring them is a great efficient. take us home. mikel and mom went into labor with me she was standing on a letter decorated christmas tree drinking wine great look how great i turned out. [laughter] from conception to birth. it was a miracle of alcohol all around. i think we have solve the worlds problems printer going to even more so the panels sticking around. it is a game night here on kennedalia. replaying one of my favorites biding time. we all know joe biden is older than dirt is he older than twinkies and sliced bread? the answers will surprise you play along with the panel and the whole family.
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nope, just the coffee shop. announcer: no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. voiceover: 'cause she's a biker... please don't follow me in. [laugh] voiceover: dad i got a job! i'm moving out. [laugh] dream sequence ending no! in three, no! two, keep packing! one.
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kennedy: [laughter] president biden's critics say he is too old to be president, especially mixes up sierra with libya. what is this france question archer member what country he is and how old is slow joe? here on the ss kennedalia we decide to find out with one of our games and biden time. i meant ask the panel what is older joe biden a particular product, inventor, historical event. whoever wins gets a lifetime supply of werther's original parade that is a big deal. i'm got to say i dropped my phone in the break. i was able to pick it up with my feet. so i am already feeling like a winner. kennedy: cat you've had some up and downs on game night you have a lot of fans on twitter who hope you are victorious,
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chris, cat, michael are you ready to play? >> okay question number one is for chris, what came first joe biden or the barbie doll? >> i am going to go with biden. kennedy: biden came first the barbie dolls invented in 1959. my favorite cadillac body. 1959. chris is on the board, catlett said you can get on the board with this. kat, what came first joe biden or air conditioning? tobacco joe biden came first. so far no my dear air-conditioning the modern air-conditioner first invented in 1902 by willis haviland carrier. what you talk about carrier? how can we didn't have until after graduate high school? so far i'm still waiting for cable at my moms. all right michael here's your first question which games
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first michael starr hopkins, joe biden or m&ms? >> i'm too go with eminem. so far you are right michael the boys on the board, m&ms craven exported one of the u.s. army easily transport chocolate the soldiers without it melting. in their mouths not in their hands-free dream come true, christmas is for you. what came first, joe biden or paperback books? [laughter] [laughter] >> old man periods before it's cultivated think that's all i'm to say. >> i'm going with paperback books. before that is correct paperback books went into production in 1935. joe biden came along seven years later. kat this is for you, catch up if you get this. this what is so good. what came first joe biden or zip codes? [laughter] >> joe biden. kennedy: correct. zip codes were instituted by
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the post office in 1963. okay you are on the board. michael is this this then you're in good shape. okay michael, what came first, joe biden or the yo-yo? >> i'm but with joe biden. before you'll be wrong the yo-yo dates back to 440 bc. i'll michael that is good news for kat. [laughter] events are tied chris as i had by one point. let's if chris can widen his lead here. chris what came first, joe biden or mr. potato head? >> i am going to go with joe biden. kennedy: and you would be right, superior 343, mr. potato head was not invented until 1949. there we go and now mr. potato head is no longer has any funny business. all right cats here's your next question paid what came
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first, joe biden or sunglasses? >> sunglasses. super sunglasses isct kat yav yave tilouil fawm chr c c. or michaook in verse jo en are 911??? edical joeen or f big correct c there hene w one madas in le,le, alabama in 1968. so you and stiat s tied, ris still uptiy. this is thes last question i poi pois. pchris got whae firse biden or wind wip? >> 'm gngo with windshields. kennedy: you be cor cha mes youatchable, chris is one less in second place. [inaudible] smith i wish my mom ate what she is pregnant. what came first or biden or the seatbelt?
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>> joe biden. kennedy: that is correct you got for michael what came first joe biden or the bra? oh michael. >> i'm in goat the droplets for the prize correct 1914. that means chris it's a lifetime supply of werther spread kat and mike lee both get a tab of the vixen vaporub congratulations to everyone. >> here we go. >> what a horrible horrible game. [inaudible] i'm not going to sleep tonight i'm going to cry the whole night and a real sob it's not. kennedy: if at the vicks vapor right your eyes and your nose, it reduces lines you can breathe all night long you will be great. [inaudible] so we can melt it in the micro than drink anything. >> i will try that. >> can't give your vicks i'll take it. before then kat will have nothing. again this is been glorious, chris, kat, michael, michael great to have you back on the
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kennedy: alec baldwin is launching a podcast about mental health and this is perfect for them since they can both talk about what it's like to be married to a crazy person. that is staying in your lane and this is a topical storm. copy number one, we begin so the miracle of life. in oregon for the endangered california condor has just increase its numbers. this is one of ten baby condors recently hatched at the oregon zoo. i think it's a washington park zoo. baby condors can take several days to come out of their eggs. probably doing in there doing makeup. it's the most in oregon condors are consider with lesson five are left in the world most because they get eaten by the organ homeless. and here is the mother, obviously she is a huge fan
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the culprit condors can reach speeds of up to 55 miles are more than twice the speed of california traffic. condors are vultures feasting on dead animal carcasses. they're found on the ground which is weather so often called nature's west virginian. and that is one to grow on. topic number two, good news you got wasted and missed work today where are you guys? it is should get out of jail free card. it is the end of a three-day holiday in china. the chinese holiday that begins on the fifth day of the fifth month of the chinese calendar. that is right, it is the chinese is cinco de mayo. i cannot believe this whole time i've been appropriating the wrong culture on may 5. the holidays celebrated in the daytime with traditional dragon vote races like these paid less just hope their boats leak less than their covid labs. then at night the holiday is celebrated with an evening of consumption.
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the chinese eat absorbed meals, drink alcohol to excess and shop for luxuries at the mall. as we american called the weekend. celebrations also include traditional arts and craft making, live music and sliding down slopes of sand. all in honor of a man, a patriotic poet who lived in china from the year three to 40 bc to the year 278 bc if my math is correct, made him negative 62 years old. way to go buddy. wait to go jerks. this is thursday thursday. [inaudible] prayer time for viewer mail. rogers starts us off and just watch her show you separate did you mean to send this message to your mom that's what everyone else tells her. wayne says kennedy still thanks it's the 80s and
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she's relevant. wayne, you dip toward items on mtv and the '90s. i was not even relevant than, you horses arson. heather treated no offense kennedy nation i like you but your segment lacks real news. you're better than that. no i'm not. oh my god, when rew ever promised real news customer good lord what i look like laura ingraham? thought i give kate nation a trial tonight. i lasted four minutes print everyone your ex-girlfriend said that's the longest you've ever lasted, brian. ♪ ♪ i will be right back. $449 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. (naj) at fisher investments, our clients know we have their backs. $449 a month for 36 months. (other money manager) how do your clients know that? (naj) because as a fiduciary, it's our responsibility to
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9:00 pm
kennedy: think of what the best arbor day. please subscribe to my podcast kennedy saves the world spotify apple podcast boxes but does not comb make every day a kenn-a-day. goodbye. ♪ ♪. gerry: a likely theory dismissed. doctor anthony found cheese on defense claiming he was open all along to the possibility of the lab leak when the facts suggest otherwise. will talk to kayleigh mcenany and just moments. plus pro democracy meeting overseas a state department calling on hong kong authorities to stop targeting independent free media. and, what authorities are called consistent problem but san francisco is becoming a shoplifters paradise


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