tv The Evening Edit FOX Business June 19, 2021 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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see how you can help animals and people thrive together at >> larry: african american free market thomas sowell, read jason ri president joe biden offered reese in $100 million in military aid to ukraine before his meeting with vladimir putin. president biden had greenlighted russians north stream pipeline is a debate. what ossie did russia get? joining us tonight, jason smith and devin nunes charlie from washington times. from acting director. follow-up from five ukraine
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decision. we got back tonight plus national security experts warning present biden, for he put a bull's-eye on infrastructure targets inviting cyber attacks off-limits for russia? with cap that and 14 gop lawmakers led by former white house physician and congressman bonnie jackson sticking to their assertion that president biden must immediately undergo to assess his mental fitness citing medical history of aneurysm and growing forgetfulness and democrat fiercely battling back against that. this debate, insiders say you can expect a lot of spending democrat racing to try to rebrand everything they do now until midterms helping the middle class are they? historically the party in power faces the term office from the debate over the push by democrats raising to ran through
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in order to win no matter if it good or bad for the country. inflation hitting the highest since 1979 democrat in d.c. facing pushback from democrats and late-night comics and host to ordar americans over what they say is the democrat over the top radical over the wall politically correct agenda bullying, at its core is intolerant. also breaking down a new report that is doctor project describing a secret meaning in 2020-foot scientists talk about where to put public virus come from? did this secret phone calls set a pulse narrative to shut down the possibility that it may have leaked from the wuhan five in china? plus even more controversy involving hundred biden, charlie hurt is asking what does hunter biden how to do with the scandal
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d.c. media and growing evidence criminal mexican cartel are the ones really in control of the border. thanks for joining us, i'm lizabeth mcdonald. the evening and it starts right now. ♪♪ welcome to the show. your logic the foxbusiness business network. s&p, nasdaq finishing down sharply today, inflation rado market. the president james warning rate hikes could come sooner in 2022. let's begin with former deputy fashioning security advisor with us. author of the book revolution trump washington we the people. breaking news the biden administration rose the military aid package for ukraine valued as much as $100 million before the meeting with vladimir putin, what is your read on this?
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>> i find troubling, very troubling. it wasn't just the amount of 80, it was what was in the package, equipment the ukrainians could use to defend themselves. lethal force to defend themselves. we've been delivering the last four or five years because if i leak this altogether, it president biden allowed the pipeline to go from russia to germany, profit russia, political leverage over the german economy number one. number two, russian forces at the ukraine border, 100,000 of them. ukraine is in a dangerous position, especially because president biden took american worship and skedaddle out the minute president putin threatened him and add to that the hack attack and rent somewhere and you find out the biden administration was pulling back aid to the country we are
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supporting, ukraine and while they sat down in geneva, while putin and biden sat down at the meeting, had the largest military exercise they've had since the cold war. russia sent bombers right up to the territorial waters and what was a very provocative move to all back together, i can't figure it out. i guess it was complete conciliation to whatever the russians want to do and maybe help the russians are going to give a fair deal. liz: so what is the strategy? >> i think you saw it on display where president biden said we've given him this list, he can't possibly do the critical infrastructure in 16 areas of critical infrastructure because we are going to respond in the
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response was left blank and when he was asked follow-up, he said if russia does, russia is going to have diminished respect. russia does he care about that and at the same time president biden left open russian hacking attacks on industries 17 to 20 on up so i think the endgame, i don't know. in hopes that maybe somehow they get a deal with russia. it's absolutely the wrong approach as we have learned decade after decade. liz: cyber security experts say president biden put a bull's-eye on 60 infrastructure entities. he said there off-limits to russia cyber attacks, does it give the russians the green light to target that? we got sanders jim langford, ted cruz and lisa everything is off limits in america, were not supposed to cyber attack
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anything, should that be the message? >> absolutely and one of the things i found upsetting at the beginning of the trump administration, i said what our cyber humility? is a lot of talk about defense capability, not depending the private sector or civilian economy, it was if i think you got industry from the opposite capability, how do we deter adversaries from russian cyber attacks against us? the attitude left over from the obama administration which i think is back in the biden administration, we really -- we want them to sort of back off and we are the slightest bit provocative, then they will take advantage of us but the opposite is true. putin has shown time and time again if you don't stop him, he keeps going.
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i wouldn't be surprised if we see cyber hacking attacks against industries 17 on up and with open invitation to vladimir putin and say don't you dare say don't touch one through 16 but if he called biden? what if he does? what we do and response? it's a bad position and all the people who have commented on this are right, the entire american economy and society should be off-limits to cyber attacks. liz: all right, good to see her. come back soon. thanks for your insight. but take on the next topic. there's a letter along with ronnie jackson, former white house physician to president biden thursday, called to improve his mental fitness with the cognitive test. doctor anthony fauci. what you make of this? is this the real thing?
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>> thanks for having me on. it's not just an isolated incident with joe biden, is a repeated pattern of behavior making major gaps on the world stage. he is the oldest president we've ever had into 22 years of having presidents but that's not the reason he wrote the letter. the letter was these gaps, confusing syria and libya three different times, boris johnson to introduce himself after president when he had just done that resulted in stickers and laughs in the room, this is the most important job in the world and we need somebody at the top of their mental acuity. liz: so he has had two aneurysms, vladimir putin said he remembers had details of what he needs to do at the summit, he never missed any details, vladimir putin thinks he was on his game, what you say to that? >> i had a hard time saying but
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did you say putin said he was on his game? liz: that's correct. >> he's shifting and cunning and everything he's done is perfect so he may be trying to work around and manipulating biden into thinking he's his friend and helping him out politically but the fact is all of us heard the things he was saying during the g7 summit in that meeting and i heard some of it, i couldn't believe what i was hearing, it was unintelligible much so you can only hide so long and all we are asking for, take the test and if you pass, will move on. i didn't agree with barack obama or bill clinton but i never questioned their mental ability. liz: trump took a test in 2018, the white house is think they are going to release medical checkup result at the end of the year for the president, they are reluctant to talk about the presence mental acuity, let's
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listen to ronnie jackson on this. let's listen to this. >> after the most recent embarrassing performance overseas, i thought it was time to come out, we can't sit on this any longer. i've been saying this a year end a half, i took care of three presidents over 15 years in the white house including opposition to the president barack obama and donald j trump and i know the rigors of the job are, both physically and cognitively demanding and after this performance we've been seeing this for a year end a half, i've been say joe biden is not physically or cognitively fit to be our president right now and i think, he's not inspiring confidence in the american people. liz: now we got the media going after ronnie jackson, what you say to that works shoot the messenger. >> ronnie jackson is not only an adult but he's a medical doctor and physician to three u.s. presidents, one of the most talented folks we have not only in congress but that's ever served and worn the uniform so what he's saying, i have to echo
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right now, the proof is in the pudding and we are just asking for joe biden to take this mental acuity test. i represent 755,000 americans in u.s. congress, joe biden represents 330 million and in a real way, an extra 200 billion on the planet and the leader of the free world. the most important job in the world and to important to just continue to go on with lingering questions. liz: so to the critics who say it's just a political attack, what is the issue that bothers you the most when it comes to what you think is problems with the presidents cognition and acuity, what one thing really stands out? >> it is the pattern of continual gaps. i will tell you candidly, there's a member of congress, i haven't asked his permission to
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use his name, republican member that privately told me he's known joe biden for decades and he's not the same person, he's seen him about a month ago and has known him for 20 years and said it's frightening, he's not the same person so that gave me a real pause then the whole world is seen guess and joe biden a test and then we can move on and it's not an issue but it's funny how they are reluctant to do it, i think that's very telling. liz: interesting. thank you for joining us, back soon. >> thanks, god bless. liz: still ahead, washington insiders say you can expect democrats from now until next year midterms to try to regret everything they do helping the middle class as they fear major losses historically been the case but the biden a ministration is huge, government spending blowout seen talked about is missed guided. inflation hitting the highest since 1979.
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congressman jason smith is with us next. >> what really concerns me is all the policies modern joe biden is enacting radical joe biden weakening america. the spending spree from massive drilling dollars deficit is already pushed and proposed but what he's proposing in the future are five or six drilling dollars more weakened america. ♪♪
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joining us now, jason smith. great to have you back on. out of these summits and meetings overseas help the middle class? what policies are we seeing the first six months that help american workers? we really don't see anything in the trade front. nothing beyond more jobless benefits and fight for dollar minimum wage so what is here for the middle class? >> you know, i'll tell you right now that biden a ministration, beentheir focus has policies that harm the working and middle class. others having the border completely open, having multiple
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cross the border since january 20th, the entire population in missouri, by allowing illegals to cross theow border, they are lowering wages for all americans. that is unacceptable. mothers raising taxes on all americans, it's unacceptable and this wasteful spending they've done my seven and half drilling dollars biden has either proposed or enacted in his first 100 days in office, at cost inflation to go through the roof and making working-class americans have to pay more for food on the table, and food on the table and close on the back. liz: we had james fuller today shocking the market saint he sees inflation really ramping up. the index said they trending to be the worst since 1979 and we have this new report from harvard university and gates foundation think lockdowns
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destroyed the middle class, they have a far worse effect on working-class americans in high wage americans so are we going to have deem democrats rebranding everything they do helping the middle class, global minimum corporate tax public the middle class, vaccine check with other countries, you know what i mean? are you expecting that? >> i think the impact will do anything they can to try when the midterm election but thee middle working class sees through their lives. it's interesting they have to have a study to say the lockdowns hurt the middle class. we've been saying it all along, weai just follow the assignment. we just follow the leadership of governor desantis did, their states are great, they didn't do the lockdowns, they opened up o and allowed their economies to try, lowest unemployment in the nation and their states have
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been quite successful so their conservativeie policies worked d the democrats are pulling straws they can try to say the working class for the elite on the coastal elite, they clearly don't understand what it's like in middle-class america. liz: the lockdowns were disastrous economically, fact history is going to show what the policy was, ad hoc on-the-fly policies to let bureaucrats shut down, unelected bureaucrats shut down control local economies, we understand what the governors are doing, talking about people below them. the other thing is that's interesting, nancy pelosi wants the new wealth committee to study wealth inequality place and try to run it, a banker with nearly $2 million h house in
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connecticut, why do you need a panel to study wealth inequality, shouldn't they figure out how to create posterity? >> it's a democrat policy. they think government can fix everything. conservatives no government typically is a problem and it's so ridiculous have a multimillionaire speaker of the house in san francisco now she's appointed the chair of inequality committee is a former executive goldman sachs and the other members arebe progressives socialist, these folks need to understand the way that you increase wages, the way you increase employment is by getting government out of the way, lowering taxes, not raising taxes, what they are proposing right now, they are proposing to raise low income all income, all income. liz: stay on that for second. hang on. bernie sandersrs wants a six drilling dollar new spending dollar. six drilling dollars in spending
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she ran through the budget reconciliation with only democrats vote no republican votes in the senate. you think they will pull that off? >> i sure hope not. that six drilling dollar package, you talk about what woulddka happen more trillion dollars with inflation, we just saw this week record inflation since 1979. another six drilling dollars, that's going to affect every working american it's going to cost more to put food on the table, put on their backs food on the table, close on their backs. i hope not. liz: jason smith, thank you for joining us. appreciate it. still ahead, we got ahe hot stoy for you. devin nunes is here to break down a new report that says doctor kathy described a secret meeting teleconference phone call in early 2020 with scientists about the origins of the covert virus. did this secret phone call help set a false narrative to shut
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down the wuhan map week. next, stay with us. >> you don't have to have a fancy degree or be a scientist to simply look at t the facts here. it didn't ring emerge from a remote village, it emerge from a .city logic the new york down te street from the laboratory theyt researched novel corona prices, a lab that's literally run by a woman nicknamed the fat lady.
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running us now, fox news jupiter charlie hurt, a great writer, too. there's more allegations and reports that hunter biden allegedly was kicked out of a legendary celebrity hotspot because of drug use because he allegedly punched a hole in the walker. also allegedly and other tech news from racist anguish, racist slurs against asians. you wrote in the washington times, you asked what does hunter biden have to do to become a scandal around here, what is your take in all of this? >> sis truly incredible. any one of these things was committed by any regular child or relative of a politician, a politician would be through, they would be done but this side, the greatest hit keep coming and nothing happened to
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him and it's not like it's just that he's got a problem smoking crack or just has a problem sleeping with his dead brother's widow or d deny paternity of his son, all of which are pretty bad things but it's also official business a guy like hunter biden shakes down foreign government, when he makes millions of dollars influencing but only at the highest levels of the government when his father is vice president of the united states, those are serious crimes and get media covers for him all the time. it's absolutely astonishing. i wouldn't expect to see this level, the sort of treatment we saw of president trump and his familyw,, that level of scrutiny against the biden familyfa but this is beyond the pale. liz: you know, the trap door to get out of this conversation by the media reportedly has been
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laptop iss not verifiably hunter biden. daily mail got forensic experts to study the laptop, independent forensic experts in faith that yes, these arem real, these are the real thing. read the stream in the text thing, the fights with hisis father, the language, you can see hunter biden's personality is the same in all the messages. they sure sound and feel real and the thing is, the trump family was accused of using their positions in government to cash in but they had their own business prior and the president never took a paycheck in the white house. we heard about the trump hotel and his properties benefiting, we get back but where are the investigations, where's the outrage from the f democrats whn you have hunter biden using secret service on 400 trips on
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air force to going to adversaries in china and russia to do business? he's targeted them for spying. >> whatever you think of donald trump, the fact remains that the trump family made octave money then they gave up money to go into politics. the biden family is the opposite, they went into politics and spent their life and politics made a lot of money in politics or perhaps off politics in the case of hunter biden but going backk to the laptop and i think this is important, it's the biggest lie, the idea the media claims they can't verify the contents of the laptop, the dirty secret so many in the media don't want to tell you is this, hunter biden has been around a longon time, autos people in media have personal relationships with hunter biden, they know for a fact that allt f
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that is real r because their own e-mails and texts are on that laptop, that's how they all know firsthand that it's for real, it has nothing to do with it. the reason they flip it is because they don't want to cover it, they don't want to hurt hunter biden but the real thing we don't want to do is they don't want to d hurt joe biden, it's all a big lie. all the stuff on the laptop is real, they know it, they just don't want to cover. liz: let me recap what you said, d.c. insiders, people in washington, are you think people in the media know the laptop e-mails and texts are real because their own e-mails and texts are showing up on the laptop? >> absolutely, there's no doubty and listen to hunter biden himself, even he doesn't't deny the material on the laptop is
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real. what he says is i don't know how they got it or where it came from. he doesn't deny all that is true, even the latest thing that came up earlier this week about the racist language to his lawyer and was at his cousin? nobody trying to claim he never said that because he did say that. liz: charlie hurt, good to see you. great writer. love reading your stuff. devin nunes is with us next to break down the latest wuhan map lab leak bombshell. stay with us. ♪♪ >> the american dream, we want to help you get to the next level. we are invested in your success, not merely the financial success but your independence.
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a lab leak? where is t the outrage from democrats doctor fauci over a pandemic that killed 600,000 americans and second millions. isn't it weird there's not more outrage of this possibility of s lab leak? >> they had a lot of serious issues they would have to answer to the american people. a bipartisan committee was put together repugnance and democrats in the house were supposed to be working together. i heard next week i'm going to testify before the committee the democrats are refusing to testify so house republicans on the intelligence committee put out the most proper has a report three weeks ago where we went back and looked at the circumstantial p evidence that a leak from the lab and the only evidence we have that it actually comes from an animal that went through a human fist from the chinese communist party. doctor fauci and the democrats. don't forget, nancy pelosi is
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dancing around in chinatown telling everybody to come out and donald trump republicans are all racist against asians. he used to see that storyline today so it doesn't really fit with their narrative, they can't do anything about it and they don't care that 600,000 people died. they used to this to advance the most liberal agenda history and borrowing when we up to? i think jason set over $7 trillion in the last year end a half. liz: we hear your. rumors the u.s. has got now a top china official, state security, he's giving the u.s. information about the wuhan mob that may have been a leak, where trackback, or to get to this, usa today reported about a secret pivotal teleconference telephone call with doctor fauci and scientists from of the day before the phone call, scientist
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christian anderson e-mail to doctor fauci think it may look like it had engineered in a laboratory. they have a phone call from doctor projects that we discussed that possibly on a phone call, i still believe it came from an animal and it didn't come from a lab. three days later the same scientist christian anderson said this is conspiracy theory, tinfoil hat off that there was a lab leak so it looks like the phone call set the stage for the narrative that prevails the media msnbc and cnn still won't challenge that it could have been a lab leak. this is a gain of function exploded more than any other virus we've ever seen in the world. a rocket around the globe like we've never seen before. >> i would just add this, because they wanted to go with this racist narrative, the real conspiracy theorysp here's is tt
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it came from an animal of some kind and not, at the time if you were truly following the signs, they always want to follow the signs, if you follow the signs of the time, did you know to say that was a is busy theory? was the evidence and what evidence do you have other than the chinese communist party? i saw the chinese foreign ministry t was continuing to gop there and call it conspiracy theory. in the last 24 hours, you continue to have this played down. we heard another report that came out thiss week, a scientist who came out and said admitted she didn't want to be called a conspiracy theorist and that's why she was afraid to bring it up to the u.s. government and because he would the big newsby media in the country the democrats control 95% of. liz: the bottom line is, right at the chinese military suddenly seeses control of the wuhan mob after the outbreak? engineered or not, whatever it
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was, why not just say yes, it might have leaked. what is your problem with that theory? final word onng that. >> that's right, at the time going back to the very beginning, if people were actually falling for signs and doing their job, probably the most likely if you have some information other than the chinese telling you and you should reveal it, where is that? the thing is, they don't have it so it's like we've been saying from the beginning, i actually don't believe, senator colin and many others have said, i don't believe the chinese actually released it on purpose but i do believe the research was going on in the lab, i think the u.s. government was paying for part of the research and it's a massive cover-up because obviously chinese don't want
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people to know they were doing this work, algae and others don't want us to know we were doing this work with less dollars so these are the questions that remain to be answered for the american people. liz: thank ab you for joining us. next, democrats in washington say pushback from members upper partyy from late-night comics ad host to ordinary americans. bullyingyour democrats and intolerant trying to plan through their agenda because they fear midterm losses when maybe a record of it won't be agenda. middle-class is speaking out. john duffy joins us next. >> the way we are going with inflation, will see the worst inflation since world war ii. inflation is taxation, we seem to groceries go up over 21%, gas prices are up for me from a dollar a gallon since the first of the year. lumbar we know is up 381% makint the cost of all houses within the last year for up by 30%. hurting the american people, their quality, it's going to be troublesome from the
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much more controversial fox news interpreter sean fa. sean, democrats got to realize their agenda is hitting the skin when you have john stuart, bill mark, kevin hart comedian making fun of left-wing overreach and what they have been saying that counterculture a better. do they get it? are they listening to the wake-up call? >> there's a different plan in place and think back to 2008 when barack obama one democrat had a 60 -- 40nt vote majority n the senate and a massive majority in the house. think back passing obamacare during that time and must control the house in 2010 and realized republicans would never unwind obamacare, it was policy not forever suck today for look at they have a 50/50 majority in
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the senate a muslim majority in the house but they are going to take that and if they can give free college, free childcare, opened the borders, get more people they will never be deported from make the election system from athena if they do progressive things, repugnance they take the majority back be able to roll the policies off the legislative books so we have aoc running sanders, elizabeth warren, they are willing to sacrifice moderate members and drop them off the ship. they want to lose next election, they don't care. they are still pointed have power and wind and moderate members are going tose lose and yes, they will whose majority but they will haveey remade american landscape with this two years in majority, it's not a mandate. liz: they got to lose it five to six seats in the house it's over my terms. you see long-standing left-wing wish list not meet endemic measures that have nothing to do with the pandemic or infrastructure then you have parentsg say what are you doing
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to our children, public discourse with what you are teaching? but listen to the radio host in illinois, african-american slamming vertical race theory. >> no mom, no doubt in m the house, worked my wayol through e college. septer college, reduced say white folks kept me from doing that? liz: two medical degrees, he said growing up his family never talked about race or color. he said what are you doing turning around martin luther kueng said, is about your character it's about your soul, how the color of your skin but now we've gotol teachers shoving poisonous ideology at students where children to understand what they are talking about and i don't think children are racist, what are they talking about? >> i think it's one of the most unifying things between liberals, democrats, repugnance and conservatives, parents think you to teach my first grader because they are white, they are racist my
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african-american child is oppressed. all parents see this for what it is, a racist policy and schools in doing to push back but you have this leftist culture and by the way, you have all of these young teachers being woke and colleges across america pushing this agenda but the parent should rule, the scoreboard should rule and we should push back and have education for our children that's honest and true not racist. liz: it ideological insanity. love having you on. good to see you. we'll be right back. ♪♪
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to help you maintain comfortable, correct form. that means better results in less time. and there are over 20 exercises to choose from. get gym results at home. no expensive machines, no expensive memberships. go to to get yours now. never has there been seen in the death being caused, this isn't just border, this is jeff and chemicals criminals pouring into our country. liz: training us now, i was former president donald trump. tom, it great to have you back. the bodies of two dead migrants discovered within a 24 hour. brief texas border patrol finds almost 3000 illegal immigrant back to the u-haul.
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people are dying. we hear, tell of if we are wrong, but officials say yes mexican cartels control the border. i have sealed the northern border of mexico non-trust group without their permission, is that true? >> yes, one 100% spot on. they decide whoro crosses, when they cross, when they cross and not only do they dictate human smugglers, human traffickers and female and child traffickers, narcotics. they manage the whole border where and when theyre go and how much to pay. thela cartels make billions of dollars controlling the border right now. liz: does the president know kamala harris, does home and security notice? >> of course they do because we had a surgeon 1415, alejandro mallorca was deputy secretary, joe biden was vice president.
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i was very much involved with addressing that surge and we stopped the search because deterrence, week detained people, made them see a judge, 90% loss, put them on an airplane numbers went down and they are doing the opposite now. they're not detaining people, they released them as quick as i can, released without courts ice can't remove nine criminal illegal aliens anymore, no longer a priority. there drink the complete opposite of what theyte know wil stop the surge. liz: so the mexican criminal cartels are the main beneficiaries making billions of dollars over president biden's open border policies. looking at the numbers, the tlevel of walmart what they are making off human and drug smuggling and we are hearing basically when a human smugglers deals with illegal immigrants, they look at them like a contraband unit like a commodity i coyote will just say to the
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immigrant say your debt in the desert so what? but they are not going to leave behind a bag of drugs, but more important to them. is that true? >> that's absolutely true and that's why i have passion on this. i put many in prison, my only right, i have seen what animals they are. i've seen that children on the border, women rates, ars 12-year-old little girl was raped several times by the cartels. i've seen devastation and death my entire career and that's why i take it so personal because people thought nancy pelosi, chuck schumer, president biden, if they saw what i saw in my career, they'd want to stop this because people are suffering ann dying and the only ones benefiting are the criminal cartels the same cartel murder ice agents, they are the only ones winning brief the united states is losing. liz: sort bureaucratic apathy,
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institutional inertia, people have been in there seat in power since the nixon and reagan administration g. >> you've got it. i couldn't have said it better myself. their politicians more concerned about surviving the next election and right now it's all about satisfying progressive left hand for open borders open borders is more important than saving lives. more important than functional and opioids crossing our border killing thousands. drugal crossings at an all-time high. death on the border all time high. criminal cartels making all-time high money. people are suffering and we noticed another story, i i was involved with 19th dead migrants in the back of the tractor-trailer. a terrible way to die. i said six months ago, when joe biden became president, we lose the board and more people will die. securing the border saves lives. liz:ig thanks for your service o
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our country, thanks for coming on the show. come back again soon. i'm elizabeth mcdonald, you been watching the evening edit on foxbusiness. thank you so much for watching, i hope you have a good weekend. join us again monday night. ♪♪ >> i can remember being a little kid and asking my father what it was. >> a century-old mystery. >> he said, "it's from the white house." and i go, "talking about d.c. white house?" i was just stunned. >> the white house neither confirms nor denies... >> what do you see? >> gold! [ laughs ] >> let's investigate! >> i scrape the paint layers down to the wood. >> and when you heard what it was worth? >> and sold! [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ] [ thunder rumbles ]
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