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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 22, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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larry: first, we must preserve the filibuster, and second, art larry: first we must preserve the filibuster and second art must be beautiful i am "kudlow" will sue tomorrow night. ♪ ♪. kennedy: numbers do not lie buried violent crime the u.s. is skyrocketing. people are terrified to leave their homes as criminals take over cities. but tomorrow afternoon present biden says is going to lay out a plan to stop it but with the left of blaming police for the bloodshed, can we really expect any realistic solution? and just the last few days and 11 year old boy, his father another passenger shot in detroit will sitting in the car. chicago man and woman execute after a minor traffic accident. in miami a vehicle riddled
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with bullets after a gunfight arrested during a road rage incident. in new york city this horrific viral video you might've seen she was a gunman shooting his victim just 2 inches from two children. and if that were not crazy enough i campaign staffer for new york mayoral candidate almost stabbed to death with an ice pick in broad daylight. so who or what is to blame here? his white house press secretary jen psaki. oh there's no sound good, its guns in the trump administration, we do not have jen psaki because she used her witchcraft to make that tape disappear. of course. [laughter] that answer is not predictable enough, wait until you hear what and msnbc contributor had to say, washes for real. >> there are a lot of police unions and gop operatives that would like for us to believe this recent crime wave has everything to do with this idea of defending the police it.
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this rise in crime is not the fault of the movement is actually the fault of the police this is better point all along. why should we keep funding institution they keep surrendering themselves ineffective? kennedy: you know what's not effective? no police. the police staying's, i'm telling you it's obviously ridiculous law enforcement is not the cause of an increase in crime. that is simplistic and she had figures to back that up. criminals and bad leaders they seem to be working hand in hand here in the many big cities. aside from calling robocop what should the president say? more importantly what can he do tomorrow? let's get into it tonight's party power of attorney at republican strategist alexander wilkes is here pretty long the democrat strategists and also an attorney got silvery attorneys in atlanta sue you. ethan bearman is back with cato institute director of constitutional studies, i'm assuming you are also a
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lawyer? >> i just play one on tv like dam right now. [laughter] kennedy: ilya shapiro is back. welcome everyone. let's talk about this because the crime wave in big cities and even smaller towns, alexander, it is been bad news for democrats. especially this is something democrat leadership had really warned against was defunded the police slogan era. the impact it has had on cities has been very deleterious last year going this year, your thoughts? >> absolutely perfect with the president's trying do tomorrow is head off criticism going into the 2022 midterms grade republicans who run campaigns will run off the success they had in effectively using an weapon icing the democrats defend the police rhetoric and 2020s a lot of those key congressional seats failed to capture. i think that is with the
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president is trying to do. again he's going back to what he says are root causes. we have seen addressing root causes has gotten them with respect to control the u.s. southern border, it hasn't. there are root causes are going to be restricting law-abiding gun owners for that that's not going to stop the bloodshed. if it's going to be his appointment of a director of the atf reaches out of the requisite firearm knowledge for the job that sign when cut it either. i think of the president ought to be doing it should be acknowledging parts of president trump signatures that did work in terms of controlling crime. support let's talk about what is not being addressed by the administration, ethan. it is not just shooting spray if you read the "new york post" was going on this city is people being shoved in front of subway cars for its older asian american women who are being punched in the face. it is that may oral worker who
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like i said was almost stabbed to death with an ice pick. there are stabbings, there are assaults there assaults all over the city. it is not just guns. another problem demonizing guns are made of hundreds of millions of guns already on the street. no wait realistically to buy those backward xmas when the crime, protection anti-gun units in portland new york city have been disbanded, your thoughts? >> i disagree the number of those foundational arguments you just made about the ability to get firearms back. really national harmonization is a critical issue. did have an assault weapon back in the 1990s pre-statistics show that was effective or that is an overriding issue. does that to attorneys on with me tonight whom i both respect greatly, we can disagree on section iii and justice thomas in our ability to regular this
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firearms. i think that's a big one. but you bring up something really big that the republicans ever went to find which is mental health care in the united states. love talking about here nobody was defunded from the right sprit requires a huge investment in training people and psychology and psychiatry and providing the funds so people have ready access to mental health care. that is a huge issue as well. i actually agree but we have to find that not just pointer finger at it. >> what about the one point to billion dollars that went to thrive was a mental health initiative here. when cal people who are committing a felony they are not charged the released and that's a death ticket those are people back out on the street assaulting people over, and over, and over again. somehow that billion dollars in the mayor's wife in york city does not reach those people. but i guess my biggest issue here is a swing between lawlessness with progressives and hard-core from
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conservative republicans, neither of those things work. it seems like libertarians have actual answers on criminal justice reform what are your thoughts? >> this state of violence is not about what works gun regulations. gun regulations in the last year have become a free-for-all. that's not really an argument. was changed last year end have his messaging from defend the police to a general societal disorder and refusal to push back on the opportunistic crimes have grown with the frustrations with the covid lockdown spray look, at the end of the day the difference between serious criminal justice or formic the first step act was passed in the last with quality and as you said just the attack police for everything from the left or attack guns for everything
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and indiscriminate law and order messaging. people generally do not pay attention to politics on crime goes up in the late 60s and 70s they start paying attention and they start demanding more from that kind of law and order response. out of is a thing joe biden can do right now other than close the barn door after the horse escapes for is going to take well to reign in this kind of social unrest and disorder that's been released. >> also to your point, if you get rid of all the guns you still have this anger. have a lack of basic respect for human life. >> is the ice pick like leon's great grandfather something customer i know some of the maryland tenets were to the left of kind of ridiculous. >> the biden they tried to go to the controversy voting rights bills but cannot get
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them to debate it paid for the white house like joe manchin and kyrsten sinema agreed to scrap the filibuster allowing democrats to advance their wildest fantasies with a simple 51 -- 50 senate majority. it's unlikely they'll likely pass very much but once again manchin and cinema hold most of the power in the senate but can they be persuaded to kill the filibustering of the biden administration free reign? or has a new power gone to their heads? it is interesting because sinema is a little bit more quiet, alexander and less corded by a lot of mainstream democrats and democrats in leadership as opposed to joe manchin. but her rationale is sure we do this now and then when republicans gain the majority again they undo all of this stuff dish of a point and does will she fold?
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she has visions of become the next john from arizona but do have to say i found her op ads was quite principled and well done. the institution can depend on not to move too quickly the filibuster is a key part of preserving that consistency for the american people. it really reminded me of what democrats used to attack during the trump administration what they would go to this talk of norms and president trump was attacking democrat norm sprayed the filibuster has been a part of our democratic norms for some time. and yet it's the democrats are eager to undo it in order to pass through a very partisan pieces of legislation very controversial pieces of legislation.
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a lot of the american people don't know disagree with if they found out about. smith are one of them is joe manchin, ethan, he will not vote for s1 because he thanks it's too partisan. haven said this is something only democrats can get behind, photographed her so critical and important to our democracy it cannot be one-sided pre-section called for a federal election holiday. and also, national voter id requirements. >> manchin is wrong on one point and right on those remaining compromise points. as of many democrats would support his compromise. republicans are thrilled the supreme court in 2013 gutted the voting rights act. which i fundamentally disagreed with. it has led us to this day where we have states across the united states in those areas within voting rights act was implemented and passed to protect black voters relook at
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states like texas are doing everything they can to make voting as hard as possible heard while do they want to make this difficult and gerrymandered as possible? sweetheart you and attack what gerrymandering have you been to california have seen the congressional mapping california question ocular talk about gerrymandering? >> i've done entire shows on how california draws its lines and explaining it the democratic lawyer today. before boldly we had a constitutional scholar who could address some of your spoil points, all we do, ilya shapiro go-ahead. >> is the phony war it's never been easier to vote in the state and the attacks on georgia texas and other things of more early voting hours than this is just not true. in terms of voter id something like 60% of democrats approve a voter id, racial minorities approve racial id.
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come on that is nothing. the bigger point, i agree, joe manchin it's a partisan federal power grab it will not help things at all in terms of voting registration. the larger issue is the filibuster. harry reid started this fight when he got rid of the filibuster for judicial nominees in the democrats regretted it three years later in mitch mcconnell did the same about gore search on the supreme court. and that is why we have been talking about a decrease in confidence and government and all the rest of it. i agree with sinema and manchin, everyone cycles in and out in that sentence not just about have a parliamentary railroad through even with such a narrow 50/50 split like they have now. >> well said, ilya shapiro god i admire you. much more coming up late in the show include her public and lawmakers pushing for sanctions against chinese scientists warning they could be working on more deadly
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viruses and covid 90 very little security. white to be her white china thanks it should get an award. doctor marty makary joins me to it discuss in moments. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ♪ ♪ whoa. here you go. (in unison) thank you mckayla! dude, get it. i'm not getting it, you get it. you threw it. it's your frisbee. geico. switch today and see all the ways you could save. [laugh] dad i got a job! i'm moving out. [laugh] dream sequence ending no! in three, no! two, keep packing! one. nobody builds 5g like verizon builds 5g. thousands of engineers taking business to a whole new level.
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world punishing china for blocking any investigation into the origins of covid-19? a new bill called the covid act of 2020 will give the chinese government 90 days, 90 days to allow a new probe of the wuhan virus lab or face tough to economic sanctions. republican senator marco rubio introduce the bill and said it could help prevent the next pandemic, watch. spinning mostly countries around the world think the way i do pride they just will not say publicly because all these countries, china has an honest leverage on them. all were asking for is china open up and allow full investigation for this is not just about punishing china this is about preventing it from happening again. for all we know this very moment the next great pandemic has been developed inside a chinese laboratory. >> that is not good baby got this chinese state media claims the wuhan lab to get the nobel prize for their work with viruses. with this level of delusion will be ever loan the truth? here's mount john hopkins, fox
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news contributor, what broke american health pay doctor marty makary is back welcome back. >> good to be with you, kennedy. >> i am not a firm believer that sanctions are going to work. i note senator rubio has talked about united states citizens having the right to sue china. i know australia has been much more aggressive in terms of demanding more from answers. what can we really do as the united states government and from the medical community, you still trust chinese researchers? >> i do not trust the researchers, kennedy. i don't think were going to get a lot more information per think it's perfectly legitimate to put a lot of pressure on them, after all this is the biggest liability case in the history of the world. a lot of people who lost loved ones what some closure. the political grandstanding calling for a full investigation, you are not going to get any more information. the samples and not been turned over to stop for lack of trying.
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there is repeated request from the nih, for the would show, for many organizations they are just not that >> in china to turn over samples they have been denatured, burned and a bonfire, flushed down the toilet and into the septic tank into the ocean. stewart sound like my heart on prom night,. [laughter] you're not going to discover it in the back of the fridge think hey were sending our guys over. it makes the politicians feel good, i just look busy. i guess the question is should researchers be condemning dana function research? >> yes just like in the politics have republicans and democrats in the world of a public health there are two camps pro- and anti- gain of function research when they battle, work, aargh it's been
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a healthy debate. one of the pro- yea and a function researchers has been doctor fauci. he's given numerous lectures talking about the value of gain of function research. it is time for that group now to finally collapse, to admit their mistake the risk of messing with mother natures to great and we should have learned that lesson paid >> way of just look at khloe kardashian to know that. i think you are onto something there because i am sure this is the type of thing that is keeping doctor fatty up at night. it is not necessary the research in and of itself but it is the security and that wuhan lab parts back we are going to need cameras four, three, two labs in the future. i think they should be full transparency. -was going to mess with d8 and am viruses never there's a million viruses in the world, about 1% of crossover into humans naturally. we do not want to have anyone
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do this in isolation were there should be full transparency kind of an open code policy like we do with "technology. >> what's to keep us from having other global pandemic like this? >> hopefully the gain of function research for the sake of learning more knowledge that camp hopefully going to be on its way out, we will see certainly the risk is out there that may not be too far off. support alright doctor marty makary thanks for stopping by always get to talk to you. think you got quite a future ahead of you. coming up the pandemic causing a crisis of burnout pushing millions of people to reconsider their entire career, should you leave your current job to follow your dreams? my memo is next. some days, you just don't have it. not my uncle, though. he's taking trulicity for his type 2 diabetes and now, he's really on his game. once-weekly trulicity lowers your a1c by helping your body release the insulin it's already making.
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all a little change. some people took the extra time away from the fray the more people started new businesses as a result of the lockdown. but it's fear of the virus love to reconnecting with family are digging the pace half of all respondents in a financial pulse of their toying with the idea of telling their bosses to take this job and shove it. we've heard story after story from restaurant and bar owners defining impossible to fill critical roles as a bunch of former servers and busters feel the need to speed to a new job that might finally pay them more. 4.3% and that sectors people feel more confident not only in the blossoming job market also new attitude having gone through something to conquer an entirely new lane.
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protracted soul-searching has led to a massive spike in startups but this is great news. 4.3million applications for spanking new businesses in 2020 that is a million more than pre-pandemic 2019. that's a whole lot of people saying screw it i will do it myself. i've been bitterness and entrepreneurs are more likely to be women and people of color. 11% of the 2020 are black business owners compared to 3% in past years. in 49% are women prevents a 22% jump. leisure and hospitality may be having a hard time finding labor for they may have to dip into an eager pool of new entrants on the southern border. but people are having no difficulty reimagining their lines on their terms after the government screwed up the status quo so badly i cannot blame them and that is the
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memo. so how badly do workers want to start over? according to that prudential poll, 53% of them say they would retrain for a new role altogether paired 48% of workers say their way whether to stay in their current job for 24% plan on looking for new jobs at the end of the pandemic. so sadly time to file that big dream question were jointly studios fox and friends enterprise reporter and vaccination host, lawrence jones. welcome back my friend. you've had to reimagine a lot of what you do and how you do it. you have made a big move. you have had to take some big risks. that's her sing for a lot of people especially to business owners what he think of all this data? >> look, it is true this is happening because of the pandemic. it reshaped a lot of things. but when you dig deeper to the poll, 50% that is big codes of compensation about 28% talked
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about the fact their personal lives. and others talked about them wanting to pursue other opportunities. the reason why they were able to make this decision is they are still collecting the check from the government. [laughter] you may be trying to pursue these other aspirations you have this cushion to be able to do that. that's why i blame the money. you are almost setting yourself up for failure. eventually the market is going to crash. you got these jobs that are raising the minimum wage to almost 20 bucks an hour. it's not sustainable. the check they are getting from the government, the risk they are taking, you can only take out so many loans. going to hurt people in the long run. i always say it is best, i know it's hard for politicians to say no. i may be best for them to say let me take these benefits away right now pitcher there are states where they're doing just that. they rather take the federal
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money and incentivize people go back to work we talked about governors in south carolina and montana who are doing just that saying if you go to work for month we're going to give you $1200. but i think there is something to the idea there are more jobs out there than ever before. there are a lot of jobs they're not as many people looking for the because they know they can find better jobs. that is what's driving the quit rate is not people sitting at home watching netflix for this people also like maybe i do want to be an electrical engineer. >> the big thing is that is for now. the question is, are these people because there's a lot of jobs out there on the market where people do not have the adequate education for it. are they pursuing the education to get there or are they waiting for loan forgiveness to happen before the sign on the dotted line? i honestly don't think these people intend on going back to work i just don't. they'll be forced to go back to work. i do not by the polls saying my personal life. you know personal life is
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always been there. we've always needed more family time but i think some people got comfortable because they were at home for year end a half. and again we have nobody to blame but government for this. at the end of the day i still do not want to discourage people from discovering this a journey. i think it's fantastic. i like people rethinking what their lives could be. i hope they are self-motivated. that is why have so much faith in the entrepreneurs. people extrude them and start a business. that is the backbone of american success. and also there are a lot of corporations not only raising their own internal minimum wage they are also getting free college. my nephew is going to college where he is a barista at starbucks. vega think the smart individuals you are right, kennedy. there going to take advantage of it they're going to use is to catapult them to this vision they've always wanted. i just think the majority of people >> only you live your best life.
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you all got to go to weddings and sea. back i do not want to kill anybody's vibe i want to be realistic as well respect. [laughter] that we just say are we on you? is there commercial break? suspect that a word i've been wanting to say it. [laughter] went added to the list. steve arce here's a question for you imagine you had a kid who was a great okay wait that's not for you sorry. [laughter] thought my question? >> i am thinking about eventually having. >> is going to surprise you going tinkle on a stick. [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] kennedy: hell the wedding, lawrence jones thank you. >> you producers or get a kill
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mate. [laughter] art here is a question for you imagine you had a child who was a math or science genius, what would you do if years kids school concert in honors courses that's exactly happen in canada were the liberal school board decided that instead of helping smart kids become even higher performers, they decided to drag the most curious and talented dents down to be equal with the low performers who were totally unmotivated. tonight d of that is been floating around new york and california were gifted students are discouraged from taking advanced classes. so why would anyone support this? and why would anybody want to the party panels back, alexander wilkes, ethan bearman and ilya shapiro for this of the duke of york city this is with the doing in california. if anyone ever complains about the u.s. being bindehndd ste s s
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th at elass g wit e lhi ale absolelel uneununitititheem heit ey proy ssvery eerrywhlselse innscho they fthdathaltheny dum hum re.tu is a i a i ineapabscleachat t t e aer youer y difrncmoreppar ane e a hignd hh sch 's kind ogrsgr dongr't ally the t are in doingdoinsinss wellel ifif these theidoheidntid a a aa clcl whun of oh achis and h aigndhig perfo p p thot going to get the attention they need. they're going to tune out. they are not going to be as engaged. i've been one who was that kid in math class, the kid in the ap classes for english and history. i just find this to be a terrible shame. kennedy: is awful and kids do not learn at the same level part even in the same class there at the same level,
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ethan, this is so counterintuitive to success. why this push to punish kids who happen to be proficient in certain areas? we should be encouraging them. >> yes. i'm going to totally agree with you guys generally on this point which is i cannot imagine you put everyone together in one class. it is illogical. it's actually ridiculous. i'm glad i grew up in minnesota on have the opportunity in eighth grade to be part of their first year guinea pig at the university of talented mathematics projects. i cannot imagine, i was so bored when i was in classes and they would put everybody together. that doesn't mean there should be equal opportunities provided to different students in different districts. but equal outcome, no that is a terrible, terrible idea this going to have very bad long-term consequences. super yes some people like math some people find as a form of torture. similar really good at language some people are great
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at painting. you should let kids specialize and thrive it really drives me crazy. this is one of the things that is the great undoing. >> this is the world where you hobble everyone is talented in any particular way. it's kind of like communism. you make everything equal, equally bad. i was in gifted programs as well press good at math actually i don't like it very much which is why my constitutional lawyer now. this is not helping anyone it's in the name of social justice or racial justice or something it's hurting the disadvantage even more. they cannot strive and climb out of that and go to the top colleges get the top jobs at all that sort of thing. that is why, kennedy, i'm actually running for school board right now in falls church, virginia. we have all sorts of misplaced priorities but we've not had the thing is ridiculous is that quite yet. i want to make sure that does not happen. you and give all kids an opportunity to excel and if you said pick out what they
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like, what they don't like, try out different things. and be taught at their own pace. this really would've hobble america in so many ways that this caught on. kennedy: amen and i hope it catches on his school choice. because that is what kids and families deserve. we are going to keep pushing fort print going to keep having rational conversations i want to thank all of you, alexander, ethan, and ilya shapiro thank you so much. >> coming up you missed out on a free ride, one state moving to pick up the tab or one who did not pay guesses paying the bill? brian brandenberg is live in studio for brianomics, next (naj) at fisher investments, our clients know we have their backs. (other money manager) how do your clients know that? (naj) because as a fiduciary, it's our responsibility to always put clients first. (other money manager) so you do it because you have to? (naj) no, we do it because it's the right thing to do.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. kennedy: oh my gosh just like
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me. that last icemelt jump up monday song, all of me. the winner was matt, well done, match. california governor gavin newsom just announced a plan to pay overdue rent for the states residents have been living rent free because of eviction or taurine. the greasy haired governor tweeted yesterday quoting a glowing "new york times" article saying quotes, california is planning rent and forgiveness on a scale never seen before in the united states. that's wright's going to paid for by everyone else in the united states. the rent forgiveness program is expected to cost five-point to million dollars rate all of which comes out of the fentanyl covid relief fund. meanwhile california enjoying a $75 billion budget surplus. so far is that fair to send our tax dollars a california question mercury may not turn the business and finance program at the king's college in manhattan this week's guest host of "foxbusiness tonight" 5:00 p.m. in the east, brian
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brandenberg is back, brianomics. hyper hvac high. before the such a horrible program. why don't they just take their surplus and give it to the landlords? >> it is so obvious they made so much money on all these capitol gains taxes. kennedy: why do they need any money at all? make a servant tried on the scouts a bad idea. everyone until now has realized don't pay everyone's rent because it's going to create all sorts of unintended consequences. this is statist economics pretty shut down the economy, you do not let kids go to school pretty get pay people to stay home. nobody pays the rent and what you do? you bail them out. that always ends of the bail out that means taxpayers, inflation, or that all of which is happening. >> all of which is happening. what is this due to inflation? what is this a borrowing, taxing, spending due to inflation? >> of already got the inflation rate spending is going to continue to keep that
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up. i cannot believe jay powell is sitting there testifying about what is going on in the economy and saying don't worry it's all transitory. you don't mess with inflation. you don't mess with inflation. kennedy: is he not around the late 70s? kennedy: the fed has been, has been. [laughter] he's younger than i am. kennedy: is he single? smith highway figure that out in the commercial break. he is so politicized and it is now dripping. it's one thing to be politicized it's another thing we start talking inflation. that is not hitting guys in the financial markets primarily. it's hitting everybody else at home and everybody can see it right now. they are afraid and jay powell saying don't worry about it, i do not hear a fed chair say don't worry about it. this is my job. >> aptly is his job. not his job to take money from people living in california have chosen to live in states that are more tax hospitable
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them set a place like california or all they do is take and spend spread they never have to solve their problems. california is home crazy. they screw up the homeless crisis and now they are screwing up the fallout from their >> lockdown. >> it is $5 billion. it is not a rounding error. it is for california surplus apparently this year. it's not a rounding error. it is happening part is going to happen more and more around the country because progressive economics always ends in a bailout. never forget it's not sustainable. when something is not sustainable, somebody ends up paying at the end of the day. so for their pink water and electricity bills to the cartel that can raise your rates willy-nilly because there's no for utilities in california. >> we have a vision with the biden administration is trying to do is call california. watch what is happening there it's come to a theater new you. kennedy: i love it california. >>'s should be a wonderful place. kennedy: should beat the crab sandwich because gavin dips
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dick newsom, i edited myself there. [laughter] >> i therapy had a fantastic father's day basic astutely did. that video about gag reflex was awesome for the kids on the sleds and everything. [laughter] brian brandenberg you're a great guy and a great dad thank you so much. spent thank you kind it's great to see you. kennedy:o topical storm is up next let's do this. your frisbee off the roof? i'll get it. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ♪ ♪ whoa. here you go. (in unison) thank you mckayla! dude, get it. i'm not getting it, you get it. you threw it. it's your frisbee. geico. switch today and see all the ways you could save.
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shingles? oh... you mean bill. he's been a real pain. again with the bill... what? it looks like a face. ...hearing about it 24/7 is painful enough... i don't want to catch it. well, you can't catch shingles, but the virus that causes it may already be inside you. does that mean bill might have company? - stop. you know shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaaat? yeah prevented. you can get vaccinated. oh, so... i guess it's just you, me and bill then. i'm making my appointment. bill's all yours... 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles today. the lexus es. every curve, every innovation, every feeling. a product of mastery. get 0.9% apr financing on the 2021 es 350. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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kennedy: has sold his music catalog for $100 million. now is the only man live who gets paid more for bait than jeffrey cuban. i'm surprised they did not yank him off the air. that's a dj with a payday this is a topical storm. topic number one, and airport claims north korea has made an official request to chinese officials to stop calling kim jong un factory there also like them to stop saying when the dictator sits around the korean peninsula he sits around the korean peninsula. [laughter] kim jong-un is a part of the target of several unflattering nicknames in china including
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kim fatty the third period kim abundant the third room kim fat fatty. but was he miffed when he found out it was not spelled with a ph rate first kim jong-un thought about telling his older brother having him beat up the chinese bullies. but then here member he had his older brother killed with poison several years ago. north korea officials are now tweeting with the chinese to keep the insoles out-of-state media refer to the dictator instead as a normal sized person. unfortunately only the american media will be willing to so blatantly deny reality like that. topic number two. the u.s. navy has relief footage of an explosive test off the coast of florida, watch this. [background noises] did not know they serve chipotle in the navy. ♪ ♪ in the navy ♪
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♪ that is 40000 pounds of farc explosive to designated in "the atlantic" part of the fiesta china, they will tell you it was just kim jong-un doing a can. [inaudible] i've not seen obama this since meghan markle's children books. as a 3.9 earthquake in florida but luck with this was mid morning to everyone in florida was already too drunk to notice. still, i hear it really knocked their crocs offer this they shock trout used to test the durability of a nearby aircraft carrier and ensure the ship could withstand battle conditions. course ever and who has played battleship knows it takes five hits to sink an aircraft carrier. the ship survived the test is now in its way to becoming operational for the crew celebrate with an all-you-can-eat buffet are freshly bombed a seafood, delicious it. topic number three, last year we saw gas, hope and prices skyrocket in america not happening to something that
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matters. a chicken wing shortage is sweeping the nation forcing prices to all-time high. that is right we are totally clucked. when your chicken wings are selling wholesale for just 98 cents a pound. but today that same pound of chicken cells for $3.22. if only you had put your money into chicken wings instead of bitcoin you would be ruling the roost right now. i am shaking a cup for nichols outside of fox with a shortage is gotten so desperate that wing stock a chain famous for chicken wings and occasional gang fights and started rebranding itself is thigh stop. selling thighs instead of wings. ironically thigh stop the original name for spanks, the more you know. topic number four, there are some new kids on the block and the boy band game and they're not kids. technically they are also not new. the backstreet boys have teamed up with insync to make
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a point bed supergroup callback sink for a note might sound but it ain't no light. without a close-up of the first concert, take a look. ♪ ♪ [laughter] 's before there is a net carter, aged, lance, joe eight singing buy, buy, buy and concert together have to say it is unfortunate joey's last name also spells fat one. but the chinese are having a field day with that that can be so cruel per the backstreet boys are having some back problems in their advanced age. lance looking well after his failed attempt to take a russian rocket into space but i guess that settles it when you shoot for the moon and miss you do not always end up amongst the stars. we don't justin timberlake was holding a real concert across the street. that back sink concert sounds et cetera this on infomercial, he saw he put his unvaccinated fans with the fat one, sorry
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beat tuesday here's a tickle you have been waiting for, his and asked her not to favorite part of a computer? the spacebar. ♪ ♪ [laughter] [laughter] [laughter] even dr. siegel loves to be tickled. you guys got it right on twitter during the break rethinks watch the best of your day, michael chase, steve muller. ♪ ♪'s >> u.s. facing asi nether growing crisis. this time, shocking scenes, on camera and several democratic led cities. this is the nation grapples with the spike in violence. we'll talk to one small business owner hit by back-to-back burglaries, just moments away. plus a threat to america's water supply. the latest target by hackers and it was a simple as signing into your e-mail account. and a reopening a roadblock,


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