tv Kennedy FOX Business June 24, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT
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that effortlessly adjusts to both of you. proven quality sleep is life-changing sleep. discomfort back there? instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h. because your derriere deserves expert care. preparation h. get comfortable with it. kennedy: oh happy day. my friend kamala harris finally heading to the border. for democrats as too little too late not only an immigration but the sputtering biden agenda. it's now been 90 today since the vice president was named border -- and since then you're more likely to seek kamala harris said a bake sale or a dinner party pinosa 90 today is the migrant crisis has exploded to more than 6000 people a day in illegally crossing into these knighted states many of them on
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a company children but when asked what she plans to do she just laughs it off. so funny. >> you plan to visit the border? >> not today. [laughter] and i haven't been to europe. i don't understand the point that you are making. kennedy: here's the other problem. harris is going to el paso texas which is loved levin well that's indeed a border city it has a real crisis 700 miles away in the rio grande valley so it's like calling a firefighter in chicago to put out a fire in philadelphia and all this nonsense has democrats and progressives having a little buyer's remorse. political analysts say they are getting tired of biden administration's inability to pass anything on their wish list gun control election reform and on and on even the liberal "l.a. times" have had enough with the
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vice president. five months after starting the much ballyhooed covering kamala harris project they are now admitting she has not lived up to the hype and a staff written article entitled quote limits of kamala harris influence so is tomorrow's borders are just another reminder that the vice president is -- and the biden white house is significant. let's meet tonight's party panel. we have comedian and host of fox across america on "fox news" radio the one and only jimmy phelan. is that a tuxedo? >> it looks like strebor -- who gained weight during the lockdown that i just can't pick up the work. this is my tragic mike not so much magic to tragic. kennedy: we have democrat pollster and "fox news" contributor and 2020 libertarian
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vice presidential candidate spike cohen colin his back. welcome back one and all. >> thank you. the "l.a. times" was so in love with kamala harris that they created that entire order so they went from fawning to ghosting in 4.2 seconds. >> kamala is like the political fire festival. everybody was so excited when i got there and can we at least get some bottled water out of the deal? this is awful the worst day of my life. the border thing is so embarrassing to go to el paso instead of to del real. this is a classic episode of the object being more important in the outcome for they want to go there to create a perception and yaf where did this but there's nothing being done to change the outcome. they don't move independently of politics and something told them internally did it looks bad but
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the border as you know is now a problem. it's going on now and everything has to do with the root causes or photo ops, it's disgusting but if you call the fire department your house is on fire you don't say hey can you look into the root causes of house fires? in this instance there's no truck coming and the american people are getting screwed. kennedy: he has thrown down the gauntlet there. those are fighting words the likes of which we have never seen and those attacks personally. >> i did not expect to get name checked so early in the a block but i'm a little sad that these setups allow me to see jimmy and his fulsome flavor or whatever his outfit is about. showing how ridiculous he looks but even congressman cuellar
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called this out as a photo op opportunity and it's not really the border. we do know what the political missile was that went out that every bulletin that's come out over the last couple of weeks join the biden administration is underwater related to national security immigration crime etc. which is why we have the crime speech yesterday from president biden talking about what we are going to do for and reform in the kamala harris supporter. this is an issue that every single administration struggled with if we are being honest about it and spike i don't know you was well but as a libertarian ie would think you'd have a similar perspective as kennedy. both parties rely on the lobbies to keep cheap labor in the country illegally. this is one of those problems that maybe we'll get a gang of six. kennedy: the stupid 15-dollar
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minimum wage, cheap labor and i can't blame them. that's why we have our stuff made in china because people like cheap stuff and they want their dollar to stretch further. spike? >> i'm mad that no one name eckechherehe thehe thing t saii wt knowt ach er eher thatthatell w. stenlilihelili thing tjoeiden b doi doi aeryyrtyy movrit w.w. s i sdingendiffom w rely haslyolyower olyr yity ma thama hmaiefriess in c c hesav c heateea wititit ad badad piciever ohehe past pap ra decadeca whieads to t thnds s ve childrenld uin u u debis kibimpmpth rd . he re's what ispeni nni that's not at the border. all she can do is boardwalk.
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all the irs being directed to her. and saying little pithy things while she's catching the ire. it's really an genius mood and i feel bad for kamala harris but she was exonerating evidence in a capital murder case when people are being executed for crimes that she didn't commit so there's nothing being done. >> i'm glad you brought that up because she's essentially been wrong on just about every issue and that's tough to do. normally if it swings one side writer left you are going to be right about something. it's no surprise vice president harris is failing on the border. the epicenter of political failure and astrid governor
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gavin newsom facing a recall for his gross mismanagement especially during the pandemic. the recall is moving forward and as of yesterday a lookout for new and has submitted their recount in only 43 people out of 1.7 million signatories chose to remove their name from the petition. a recall vote would take place in mid-september and hollywood celebrities are rushing to newsom's defense with multi-million dollar donations despite the recall. why do they still love a governor who has destroyed their state? jim you've been to california many times. what is happening to the golden state? >> talk about a lot. that was the p lock but anyway. politics happen in california and what's happened around the country as our politics have become national instead of local and we are so hyperpartisan now that no one wants to hold their own accountable because it's
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perceived as a win for the other sides of people vote for their politics instead of their prosperity. look at the gavin newsom in his ration a different way. california pretty much leads america and people fleeing the state. if you are running a strip club that let american people run out mid-shout you'd probably want some new dances. i know that references a little highbrow for this program but the point is we need some new dances in california. kennedy: and some tiny dancers at that. i think there are a lot of voters who are intrigued by caitlyn jenner but i don't know the kevin faulconer or john cox i don't know that they have enough traction right now to be a candidate because love them or hate them arnold schwarzenegger was involved in politics for a long time. he was a very known quantity and people felt more comfortable with him than they did gray
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davis and i don't see that happen now but what happens to the long-term political future? >> that's been up in the air for a while now. obviously he would like to have been on the joe biden ticket and kamala harris has been neck-and-neck, he got senate and he got governor and she's sitting in washington and he's in california. it would look a little ridiculous. there hadn't been a latino from a state that has such a large populations of gavin newsom is between a rock and a hard place and agree with you he's going to survive the recall because his favorables are pretty decent considering how harsh the pandemic was. and how many ended up leaving the state with big corporations and individuals because of the handling of the covid-19
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pandemic. i would love it if this was all about hustlers which are some of my favorite forms of entertainment that this is a vanity campaign for a lot of people in and it's national news now where people are throwing out headline words like let's talk about critical race theory and these things that don't apply to californians, california people directly. he will survive. kennedy: he will survive but he will be wounded politically in do you have a better chance at becoming president in 2024 then gavin newsom. >> i will take it. i've been to california twice this year so far and what i saw and what i've heard from california and across the country in the fresno area and sacramento for an anti-lockdown rally at there what i heard over and over again where people whose lives are ruined because
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gavin newsom puts politics above their lives. even the data shows these lockdowns did nothing to slow the spread of covid and cause massive amounts of socioeconomic devastation and heat press forward. whether this is an expression of frustration the reality is millions of californians are saying we need better and the libertarian party is providing hewitt running for governor. gavin newsom's response to this which will immediately -- millions of people 1.000000 verified sick nurtures -- signatures he told millions of californians that they were white supremacists and anti-semitism. that's how politics gets played. >> you had me at signature verification. that was hot. kennedy: do you guys want a
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room? i apologize for printing -- pretending everything was okay but a a "for me end of quote from britney spears. since yesterday's explosive and emotional testimony to enter conservatorship the pop star said she feels displaced by her father who controls every aspect of her life for the singer claims she's isolated medicated with lithium and prevented from removing her birth control to have a baby. there has been an outpouring of support on line for britney fans and celebrities including her famous ex justin timberlake who said we should all support her. media spotlight is on the case in britney's fight for freedom. i cannot believe what i heard from her yesterday jimmy. i believe her and obviously thought hill the proceedings leaked and you can read the transcripts of what she said and what struck you the most? >> i mean i'm really torn here
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because her dad is a staged at an all stage parents are clinically insane. trying to vicariously live through them at some capacity so she said her dad is in slater would sound hyperbolic but in this instance it's true. where i am torn as she absolutely should be in charge of her own money but that being said i wish i had somebody else in charge of my money in my 20s when i invested in blackjack tables. i feel like i've be better off now. i think the intention will help for as long as it does -- sustainable. we will give three days other free britney and if we don't get a development we will just move on. kennedy: she's a billionaire pretty much. a big rant with shoes and bags and clothing. but justin timberlake chiming
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in, was that necessary? >> no. he really couldn't read the room on that one because after the britney spears documentary he reignited all the hatred that rigney fans have for justin timberlake that was so awful during her initial psychological decline and he should have stayed in his corner about this. i don't know if this was a female reaction to it but hearing her say that they won't allow her to remove her iuds so that she can have a baby with the man who she's been in a relationship for a long time who seems like a great and supportive and loving partner hit me the hardest. and being a billionaire in the to when they said britney spears estate was only worth $50 million you think about a billion dollars you know how poorly these people have managed her brand. britney's brand was exponentially bigger than
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jessica simpson's. kennedy: she is a global icon. and jessica simpson's defense or maybe britney's defense britney doesn't write emotional music and she doesn't have -- and jessica's simpson was able to capitalize on that. >> but she could and we don't know what it would look like if she had been under conservatorship for true or three years. kennedy: despite the conservatorship she doesn't have a problem with everyone. the fact that her entire family has been on the payroll and if you are doing separate shows a week in vegas you are functioning on some level. >> you can have financial advisers and you can have trusted people that will give you life advice and parents try to help you and you can have all of that without the courts involved where you are in this
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golden goose relationship. the conservatorship's attorney has said the quiet part outside out loud in the past. they talk about the fact that she has been very adapted generating income. you can't make millions of dollars a year while simultaneously being told in court oh yeah you can't take care of your own affairs but it's one or the other either you can do that or you cannot get to hear there is a possibility of allegations that she's not being allowed to get married or have children in force to keep in an iud prefall intent and purposes she's being in there others that are being abused under conservatorship so none of those freed against her and advocacy against her could be happening if it wasn't a corrupt in eight court system. free britney and free everyone else that's under this kind of conservatorship. kennedy: this is not what conservatorship sir mentor. these are not the kind of people that are supposed to be
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essentially pulled off society. super gross. the panels are returning for game night. we are playing pin the tail on the donkey but first paying ransom to hackers after companies show millions and how can we protect ourselves from these crazy cybercriminals? former cia officer in the studio with me next. welcome to allstate. ♪ ♪
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stop paying the hackers the latest from f. d i director christopher wray. in general we would discourage paying rent to because it encourages more of these attacks and frankly there is no guarantee that you're going to get your data back or he added you see the bottom of the money paid triple that there last year. this report comes or after attacks on oil pipelines meat processors and other especially our critical infrastructure food and transportation.
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will companies listen to his adviser to hackers hackers have is all but the hard drive. here its main studio former cia officer covid operations blah, blah and chairman and ceo mike victor. >> that was a great intro. now we don't have time for anything so thank you and goodnight. kennedy: christopher wray says to the companies don't pay the hackers. is it easy to say and hard to do? >> it's easy to say if you aren't running one of these companies and you are locked up and you can't move forward until you do something for the couple of things he said he encouraged people to turn to the fbi as quickly as they can if they have a problem. if they get hit and one of these extortion attempt to ransomware he's saying turn to us. that's absolutely true and that's absolutely correct and i will say the fbi if all the government agencies out there over the past few years has made
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work and effort than any other to create a public sector commercial dialogue to try to get some advantage in all of this. i think it's correct to say if you are hit by one of these attacks the first thing you should do is pick up the phone and call the bureau. a lot of times that people are doing is they are calling their i.t. guy and their i.t. guy goes out on a hunt to deal with this. there's a whole cottage industry industry -- it could be russian or it could be chinese. they will turn about and eventually maybe, maybe they were reported to the fbi. so i think he's spot on. i do think it's tough when the government is previously a little while ago told private businesses you've got to get on the stick and defend yourself and figure this problem and to turn onto them and say by the way don't pay the ransom.
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kennedy: we. kennedy: we have all the cybersecurity departments within homeland security and obviously the fbi and the department of defense. is it too much? is there a redundancy there and the right people aren't talking to each other? >> you're asking if there's a bureaucracy and the u.s. government. there is. there is both. there's redundancy and if i were smarter i could combine those into one word. let's just dart riffing on this word. i think the problem has been that we are slow at getting to desperate the chinese have been engaged in this in russia has been engaged. kennedy: why do we shut down their pipelines? we have all these good hackers. >> could we and the answer is yes? kennedy: you like that now could
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and? >> look i think we have to move in that direction. it could be caught in the basement. there is this belief i think that if you retaliate, nobody knows where it's going to go because we haven't really thought this through. the pentagon is still trying to write the book on what a cyberattack is going to look like and what is an appropriate response. people are very nervous about the escalation because it's not like the old days the cold war. this is a new era. kennedy: there is no detente with cyberattacks. >> we fully know that the russians of the chinese spend so much time mapping out her infrastructure that they have got a playbook already. it's not like we are the best in the game. but what happens if it starts escalating?
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your power goes out no grid no fuel transportation and no food no money no health care. health care system shuts down so this is what that new conflict would look like in the future and that's why it's got people so nervous. so anyway it's good that christopher wray is talking about this and is the right thing to do to be more public about these things but the government has to form a better relationship with the commercial sector. they have to be more aggressive in that work and the private sector has to be willing to bet that they have a problem. kennedy: it seems like would be less expensive to invest in your own cybersecurity banda paid $2.5 million in crypto. >> and can we say that? i feel so liberated. and to be honest a lot of these
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ransomware attacks are small money. it's not the millions of dollars we heard about from the colonial pipeline periods just enough that it's worthwhile for the criminals to do it and it's little enough that the companies want to pay it and get on with it. kennedy: i understand that impulse. you want to get back on line sea can make money but they idea that is not going to turn out good is terrifying. >> you should invite me back more often. kennedy: well done, get out of here. it's game night and we are playing pin the tail on the donkey. i'll give you store and you have to guess which democrats said it. see if you are smarter than our panel, next.
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kennedy: welcome back. it's time for americans favorite political game pin the tail on the donkey but democrats are socialist grabbing your guns and harder and current -- cash. how well do you know your democratic? i will read it can't scandal story in the panel has to decide which donkey to pin the which donkey dependent taillon and whoever wins the most tales wins a romantic dinner with none other than anthony fauci. i will have the pot roast. are you guys ready to go? >> i hope i win. it would mean so much to me to have an outdoor meal with two masks on. that would be great. kennedy: this is for jimmy failla which claims to memories the dialogue of every episode of "the brady bunch" former first lady michelle obama, former vice president al gore or senator
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chuck schumer? >> i will tell you who it is and i'll tell you why. it is absolutely in my opinion al gore because human waste greece the most electricity. >> you are wrong. it's michelle obama. you've got nothing so far. you have a commanding lead with this one. which of these donkeys have it after it named after them arizona center mark kelly congresswoman alexandria ocasio cortez or former president barack obama? >> this is a trick because it should be the astronaut but then that would be too easy so is that obama but i'm going with mark kelly with the asteroid. kennedy: and you would go in the wrong direction.
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her project took second place in the science fair. >> it's important to point out there were only two entries in the science fair. kennedy: spike this is for you. listen up buttercup and which of these donkeys at the walk-up role in that romantic comedy starring susan sarandon vermont senator bernie sandy's gavin newsom or vermont senator patrick leahy? >> i'm going to go with the one that seems the least obvious and go with leahy. do i have to say final answer? kennedy: yeah you do but that was the wrong answer. you are tied it nothing. >> who was it? kennedy: it was bernie sanders. it was a sweetheart dance. >> susan i'm redistributing your --
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kennedy: here we go. this is for jam your second question which of these donkeys was famously photographed looking panicked as he was attacked by her rabbit causing speculation that he was too weak for the presidency jimmy carter, and james polk or andrew johnson? >> wow, this is crazy. i am going to go with johnson for no good reason. a rabid attack, really? jimmy carter was attacked by rabid a rabid? kennedy: he was in was very sad and what has given him extra special life force he has 74% more cognitive ability than joe biden. your second question which of these donkeys was caught cheating on behalf of the president a candidate by sending him questions ahead of time with the congresswoman debbie wasserman schultz former dnc
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chair at donna brazile or congresswoman --. >> i love donna so that makes it really difficult and she single-handedly -- jimmy's radio show and that is how he's increased his audience because everyone is such a fan of his democratic candidate so it's donna brazile. kennedy: jessica is in the lead on the board. >> i got a rabid attack and she got a 2-year-old debate question. c everyone knows that about jimmy carter. kennedy: one campaign staffer asked another to do fake dna test results was it antonio
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villaraigosa congressman john conyers or former north carolina senator john edwards? >> it's john edwards. i remember that. kennedy: adapts the least john edwards. what did and that stupid haircut. so easy that one. we have the blasted these guys. this one is worth two anyone who wins. which of these donkeys once their oath of office on a copy of a book of hindu scripture. was it maryanne williamson hawaii congressman tulsi gabbard or congressmen. >> i have to go with tulsi gabbard for the win. c congratulations. if you guys get this we are are -- as a society. which of these donkeys work at a capital police officer before getting to the elected office
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tammy baldwin senator jim webb or nevada senator harry reid? >> i think jim webb. harry reid. which of these donkeys spoke we shall overcome congressman john was vermont senator bernie sanders or senator -- that's right. spike gets to go to dinner with anthony fauci. >> libertarians one. a libertarian one, take that everyone. kennedy: put that in your pipe and smoke it. party panel thank you. have you gotten sticker shock at the supermarket? how expensive will inflation go or something how inflated will prices become and what can you do to protect your wallet? give it to me. that's next.
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(sfx: branches rustle) it is bear country though. hey boo-boo! we hit the jackpot! bear! bear! bear! look, corn on the cob! oohh chicken! don't mind if i do! they're hungry. t-bone! that's what i call a smorgasbord! at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. they do save us a ton of money. we'll take the cobbler to go! good idea, yogi. i'm smarter than the average bear! they're gone, dad! for bundling made easy, go to
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kennedy: we worry about everything getting more expensive. if "fox news poll" explains 80% of voters search string during their very concerned about inflation from everything from hughes cars to -- seeing price hikes. president biden and to quell some of these fears earlier. >> by the way inflation -- it will pop up a little bit and then go back down. no one is talking about great great deal. kennedy: that's our president needs a nap. >> the worst yet to come in why this happening? co-founder and "fox news" contributor max barry. jay powell vijay powell and the president say we don't have to worry about it but it's pretty
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worrisome for people who don't make a lot of money when beef is twice as much. >> they need to use a word more people understand. it's a very scary situation because of what the survey says because people are worried about it and didn't fear of inflation. inflation rate is high at 5% higher than it's been in over a decade and although that's what they want and i know that seems to the public it's superior to the alternative which is deflation. the problem is they can take hold in businesses and consumers and investors to behave like prices will go up like this all the time and it may make irrational decisions. for example something they think is going to protect them and then they aren't using their investments productively to help con trees with capital so they are irrational ace bending their money and consumers will buy a
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car that they don't need and create a demand and the prices go higher and it becomes self-fulfilling so you've got to get the public comfortable and stay on top of this and they can control it later and they can't control it if they so choose to and they remind that figure might be able to take it down a notch. kennedy: airline tickets or master of 24% and gas and national averages $3 a gallon. people see that and where are they trying. people are already there. i'm still hoarding toilet paper. energy prices that's up 30% so people are really feeling it, these people at pensions who never have to work a day in their lives and they worked in government and they don't care. >> enhanced unemployment doesn't help because with unemployment under 6% a lot of it is the normal unemployment rate but
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giving people money to not work they are not producing goods and services and consuming them which is inflationary in itself and again half of that money a lot of it went abroad and they have rampant inflation and other countries partially because of the unemployment money from us. it's a badly managed system that needs to be tightened up and wrapped up. kennedy: you know how you tidied up the limit the size of government and stop peoples -- spending peoples checks. >> we are exporting that in their movies. kennedy: jonas max ferris thank you so much. the topical storm is up next. riders, the lone wolves of the great highway. all they need is a bike and a full tank of gas.
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their only friend? the open road. i have friends. [ chuckles ] well, he may have friends, but he rides alone. that's jeremy, right there! we're literally riding together. he gets touchy when you talk about his lack of friends. can you help me out here? no matter why you ride, progressive has you covered with protection starting at $79 a year. well, we're new friends. to be fair. eh, still. incomparable design makes it beautiful. state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the visionary lexus nx. lease the 2021 nx 300 for $359 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. shingles? camera man: yeah, 1 out of 3 people get shingles in their lifetime. well that leaves 2 out of 3 people who don't. i don't know anybody who's had it. your uncle had shingles. you mean that nasty red rash? and donna next door had it for weeks. yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it. camera man: actually, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaat? camera man: prevented. you can get vaccinated.
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baby, call the doctor. camera man: hey! you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles now. 50 years or older? in a recent clinical study, patients using salonpas patch reported reductions in pain severity, using less or a lot less oral pain medicines. and improved quality of life. that's why we recommend salonpas. it's good medicine. wanna help kids get their homework done? well, an internet connection's a good start. but kids also need computers. and sometimes the hardest thing about homework is finding a place to do it. so why not hook community centers up with wifi? for kids like us, and all the amazing things we're gonna learn. over the next 10 years, comcast is committing $1 billion to reach 50 million low-income americans with the tools and resources they need to be ready for anything. i hope you're ready.
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this is the topical storm topic number one we begin with the treat from the oregon zoo for your otter. check out this adorable otter eating clam. first he has to get the mollusk out of the shallow one way to do that is by telling a joke or asking about his family but the otter has another idea which is he violently slams the shell against iraq to it open. how cute is bad? impatient and angry. too bad he only has clams when what he needs her muscles. i did this with a snickers bar once to get it out of the rapper. but in the end he is there
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favorite otter and he's enjoying his succulent seafood. i can't blame him. i ate utt seafood off of my to and boy did the life guards get upset by that. he won two lottery at the clam casino today. now he gets to sit back and wait for the five. topic number two, new space company is selling hot air balloon rides to the edge of the atmosphere. the spaceman has run into this space needle. this is space perspective the company offering a luxury space experience lifting passengers 100000 feet using a hydrogen balloon. hydrogen sounds perfectly safe. what could possibly go wrong? oh nothing. it's run by husband-and-wife ceo.
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quite literally they said they needed space. it has a bar so you can get drunk while you are getting high. prices are competitive to see not just raise those rocket wits sold for $20 million in the seat in this cause 125 wows them. people would pay that just not to have to talk to jeff bezos for three hours. meghan markle and prince harry have a new movie on lifetime which coincidentally is how long harry will be -- his marriage. here's the brand-new trailer. >> i and the person who is strong and i do things right. i can't lose you. >> i can't lose you. kennedy: there it is the first trailer for the lifetime original meghan and harry.
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now it turns out this movie is the only thing more unstoppable than the actual couple. it follows that touches on a harrowing journey that saves meghan's life from too much of liberty. they hate being famous and they have said so many times on their podcasts. they did a great job casting meghan and this woman seems like she can't act but even if the movie stinks the critics will rave over it. british movies always do well. speaking of who were real pains real deal mj kicks it off with how you still have your own show amazes me. me to mj. every single day. do you ever think for yourself
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(judith) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? don't you just ride the wave? (judith) no - we actively manage client portfolios based on our forward-looking views of the market. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions, right? (judith) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money? only when your clients make more money? (judith) yep, we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different. kennedy: thank you so much for
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watching the best hour of your day. can a nation on facebook e-mailed and subscribe to my podcast. spotify apple podcasts and of course "fox news" podcasts. .com. make every day a kennedy day. goodnight. goodbye. we are the world. we are the children. tragedy in florida a desperate search for survivors in the waka of a beachfront building partial collapse. more on that plus more than 90 days after beingay tapped as pot person on the crisis vice president kamala harris will finally make her first visit tok the border tomorrow but is it really where the crisis is and calling for her freedom the emotional testimony from britney spears on her request to finally have control over her own life. how her mother is responding
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