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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 26, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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larry: thanks for watching veaux. that's "kudlow" and please have a great weekend. kennedy: frozen yogurt line because vice president harris is going down to the border on friday. it's only taking your three months but why not exited because former president trump shamed her into going? how are you? as you know president biden name the vp as they immigration czar back in march but every time a reporter asked her when she was going to go look at the situation for herself something like this happen.
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>> are you planning to go to the border? >> not today. [laughter] i have before and i'm sure he will again. canby so funny. children being abandoned on the border in the desert is a real laughing riot. former president trump announced he would go to the border june 30 with texas governor greg abbott heard earlier today he said quote after months of ignoring the crisis of the border we have kamala harris going through tremendous destruction and death that they have created as a direct result of my -- the worst in american history. governor abbott and i were going there next week she would have never gone. texas republican senator ted cruz concurred. >> 91 days ago she was named as orders are in charge of the border crisis and she demonstrated strong leadership
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by doing not a thing. going nowhere near the border and doing everything she could to hide from the crisis. frankly that's the same thing joe biden is doing. she's emulating the president hiding from a crisis so suddenly president trump's going to the border and they realize we have to do something. kennedy: it's obvious to everyone the biden demonstrations have a heavy stand on this issue but it's not going to make it go away and if you need any more proof that the border is catastrophic just listen to this. children in the detention center in texas are so depressed the workers have begin to take sharp things like pencils and toothbrushes so they don't harm themselves. will the vps visit change things? >> the congressman house appropriations committee member henry cuellar. welcome to the show. >> thank you so much. getting into.
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kennedy: i've said this about law enforcement in new york city policing new york city is different than any city in the country and obviously the border needs particularly our district very different than any other part of the border in the country. what are you not getting from the federal government? >> first let's start out by saying i'm glad the vice president is showing up the border. she's finally showing up and second of all it's a beautiful area to go and visit but if you want to see the surge, the surge is where the unaccompanied kids are coming and the families are coming in. i think you will see a 140% higher number down there but again i'm glad she is taking a first step. canby el paso is nice but i agree a few she should go to
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where the crisis really is. i've made an analogy about a trauma surgeon and if you are seeing the person with a sinus infection as opposed to someone with a gunshot when he's being helpful but let's go where the problem is manifesting. what are you hearing from your constituents about some of the numbers at the border and the problems that people are seeing where you live? >> with that a dad we are seeing the highest numbers we have seen in more than 20 years, 180,000 just last month. we still have the month of june. june is another high month in what we are seeing is not only accompanied kids and family units but some are worrying what's going to happen when title 42 is taken away. they can still use title viii which is a way they can do poor people but again it does worry us. i talked to border patrol and the men and women in blue and they are worried about a couple
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of. writeups of them they don't want just a pat on the back. they want to see equipment at the border. i hope when the vice president goes to the border he not only talk to the families that the landowners and the border patrol. she's got to have a good community so she can get home. it's a snapshot of what's happening at the border. kennedy: that's something i have noticed looking at the situation. she needs to have more of a comprehensive visit. she needs to talk to some of the kids in detention centers and some of the parents on the phone in places like water mullah honduras and el salvador and ask them, what are they hearing that is urging them to give their children to coyotes to make that
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thousand mile journey because as you know it's incredibly hot and it's incredibly dangerous. she had to talk to a number of people. what is the one thing that congress can do to make immigration or the border better right now? >> we have been dealing with this under president obama in 2019 under president trump and now 2021. look we could visit central america but we know what the rare problems are through the roof problems over there or the crime and the poverty that droughts and the hurricanes depending on what part you might be visiting. we know what the real problems are and we also know we have to address the poll factors in the policies we have the poll people here. i'm a democrat and i will be honest when republicans go over there they only talk about pullback amid the democrats go
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there they look at the push back. kennedy: you have to craft an immigration policy. you have to stand up to members of your own party because -- congressman i appreciate your time. now the president finds other big crisis crime. president biden addressed the nation on crime in cities where some are pushing to defund the police and let -- but the president present is the democratic crime wave to advances gun control agenda. >> that round checks when purchasing a firearm is important and it came on an assault weapon and high-capacity magazine no one needs to have a weapon that can fire, 30, 40, 50 up to 100 rounds. kennedy: gunowners and dealers
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oftentimes main republican. does the president want to see crime reduction or does he see crime victims is a tool to grab more power? to break it down criminal justice analyst jacob is back. you have written a lot about this and the president would say he's going to close the gun show loophole and go after federally licensed gun dealers and somehow that's going to limit the number of illegal firearms on the streets in places like chicago, washington d.c. new york and elsewhere in the country where violence has gone up very much. is that a good idea to go after the federally licensed gun dealers? >> the basic trouble with that approach is that only a small
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share of crime guns or purchased over-the-counter from licensed dealers. about 7% according to research from the department of justice 93% of these guns are coming from other sources mainly the black market and also some friends and acquaintances and a certain share are stolen. to only be looking at 7% of the supply are criminals and would biden is saying is they are going to crack down on dealers that willfully violate the law so for example if the dealer doesn't perform an background check which they are literally required to do they will lose their license no second chances and if he sells a gun to someone he knows is not legally authorized to own one perhaps with a felony record he loses his license. that may seem like it makes sense but you have to prove that
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the dealer willfully violated it and he knew the person was disqualified meaning he deliberately didn't run a background check and even if you succeed in getting certain dealers to be more compliant someone who is determined to buy a gun from a dealer can always get somebody else to do it for and somebody with a clean record. you're only talking about 7% of guns used in crime to begin with and it will have a marginal impact even on that small subset. kennedy: what is the president going to do to address black market guns the 300 million guns in the streets already? >> he talks about going after the black market which has expect will be about as effective as going the after the black market in drugs. certainly can make a rest and make things less convenient for
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black market dealers but as you mentioned there hundreds of millions of guns in circulation so even evolved then sell stop tomorrow you'd still have plenty of guns to arm criminals for the foreseeable future and it will only have a limited effect on the margins in a black market like this so i don't expect to see much of an effect in that effort although it's certainly valid to say they will stop people from illegally selling weapons on them black market to people with felony records for example. the other proposal that he mentioned was expanding background checks and that would require an active congress but this is the same basic rovlin. you are only attacking federally licensed dealers and then you are extending this requirement emotionally to the private transactions meaning they have to go through licensed dealers but who is going to follow that requirement? probably not the people who are
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knowingly selling guns to colonel to not allow people who are just trying to get rid of the guns so they don't want anymore and they don't want to have to go through the hassle and expense of doing that. i don't think you'll see much compliance especially from black market gun dealers. >> people who are going to commit crimes probably aren't going to follow gun laws. subone thank you -- jacob sullum thank you. supreme court case that could change college sports as we know it will athletes finally get compassion from their schools? i have a sports attorney. he is going to break that down next. stay restless, with the icon that does the same. the rx crafted by lexus.
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lease the 2021 rx 350 for $449 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. shingles? camera man: yeah, 1 out of 3 people get shingles in their lifetime. well that leaves 2 out of 3 people who don't. i don't know anybody who's had it. your uncle had shingles. you mean that nasty red rash? and donna next door had it for weeks. yeah, but there's nothing you can do about it. camera man: actually, shingles can be prevented. shingles can be whaaaat? camera man: prevented. you can get vaccinated. baby, call the doctor. camera man: hey! you can also get it from your pharmacist! 50 years or older? get vaccinated for shingles now.
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females measuring more than 35 inches and males measuring more than 40 inches may have insulin resistance. to learn how to reverse insulin resistance and lose weight effectively, go online to once again, that's kennedy: college sports athletes could be one step closer to finally getting paid after the supreme court ruled unanimously against the ncaa in a high-stakes case. all nine justices decided the ncaa cannot put limits on educational benefits that colleges give leads. while it doesn't decide things like cash payments and sports video games it does allow athletes to get more for their work. meanwhile justice kevin kevin made a few the reform should not stop here writing quote into the blades business model would be
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flatly illegal and now most any other industry. movie studios cannot -- cash benefits to camera crews and to kanto spirit of amateurism in hollywood. how long until the floodgates fully open? joining me to discuss attorney and founder of ramon the law group dominic romano. welcome to the show. >> thank you kennedy. kennedy: you start talking because i'm curious what you have to say. >> a knock occurring opinion was scathing. nowhere else in america can businesses get away with the ring not to pave workers at fair market rate if their product is defined by not paying their market a fair rate. so i think even though it's a narrow opinion it's a huge win
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for college athletes. the landmark bipartisan victory. 9-0 but a very narrow decision so it not that athletes can get unlimited compensation but you can get compensated so long as the compensation is some way related to their education. for example right now the competition is that their tuition and after this decision they can be given things like computers, electronics internships tutoring study abroad programs so there won't be a nexus between the compensation they are getting and their education. canby that's great for sports that don't necessarily have her phasma leads attached to them. that can be very good news but also in terms of justice kavanagh's languages sounds like it does the majority somebody's other ncaa lawsuits as we have seen throughout the country.
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>> it could very well. the court did not decide if students could be paid salaries than it did not direct we address issues like -- kennedy: that's my question i feel like that's where a lot of these players especially high-profile men's basketball on football players really get host. >> that is absolutely true. people are making literally billions of dollars off the college sports industry and the athletes are receiving basically their tuition. this decision comes as congress and lawmakers are weighing new laws to allow athletes to prop it from personal third-party endorsements and sponsorships. eventually these student athletes will want compensation untethered to education so we aren't there yet but this is an important first step. kennedy: it could keep good players in college a little bit longer. what do you think of your
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critics who worry that this is going to do destroy some of the purity of college athletics? >> that the arguments the ncaa made her they said amateurism is based on keeping college athletes as distinct from professional athletes to distinguish college sports from professional leagues but there is such a thing as the trust law and the justices as i have said along political lines weren't having that argument. kennedy: and i was name for rick sherman a big fan of college sports. the supreme court is not weighed in since 1985 when the oklahoma board of regents sued for broadcast rights? >> the language in the ruling, this ruling will have huge implications for the future of the entire ncaa business model if you think about it.
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it's just a question of time before things start to change rather drastically from what we have experienced so far. kennedy: is any of this were attractive? >> that's a good question in terms of the application. basically rules that these types of payments i think the important distinction here is the future payments, payments have to be linked to go to education so furthering the student's educational experience and not deciding college athletes can be paid salaries or other compensation tethered to that compensation. canby that won't be were extracted with somebody like reggie bush. dominic thank you so much for being here. coming up the pandemic causing a crisis in burnout forcing many to revisit their career and life
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paths. should you leave your job to follow your dream? keep packing! one. this isn't just freight. these aren't just shipments. they're promises. promises of all shapes and sizes. each with a time and a place they've been promised to be. a promise is everything to old dominion, because it means everything to you. (naj) at fisher investments, our clients know we have their backs. (other money manager) how do your clients know that? (naj) because as a fiduciary, it's our responsibility to always put clients first. (other money manager) so you do it because you have to? (naj) no, we do it because it's the right thing to do. we help clients enjoy a comfortable retirement. (other money manager) sounds like a big responsibility. (naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better.
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fisher investments is clearly different. hi, i'm debra. i'm from colorado. i've been married to my high school sweetheart for 35 years. i'm a mother of four-- always busy. i was starting to feel a little foggy. just didn't feel like things were as sharp as i knew they once were. i heard about prevagen and then i started taking it about two years now. started noticing things a little sharper, a little clearer. i feel like it's kept me on my game. i'm able to remember things. i'd say give it a try. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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as they finally emerge from the virus it's obvious we are a little changed. some people take extra time away from the virus to see their families. people have started new businesses as a result of the lockdown. whether it's reconnecting with family or taking a leisurely pace half of all respondents say they are fine with the idea of telling their bosses take this job and shove it. we have heard story after story from restaurant bar owners they are finding it impossible to fill critical roles as servers and busters are feeling the need to speed into a new job that might pay them more. the current rage people feel more comfortable not only in the
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blossoming job market and the competition that follows reopening but also a new attitude that hasn't gone through something so collectively to medicate gives the boeheim and strength in a previously unknown -- to drive through and it conquering new lane. necessity is the mother of invention and you need a job that requires more meaningful employment has led to mass bike and started. this is great news. 4.3 million applications from new businesses in 2020 and that's 1 million more than pre-pandemic 20 night. a whole lot of people saying screw it i'll do it myself. even better news for new entrepreneurs are more likely to be women and people of color, 11% of the 2020 newbies are black business owners compared to 3% in past years in orting 9% are women, 22% jump. hospitality and leisure may have a hard time finding labor.
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they may have to dip into a new pool on the border but they are relying on their terms predicted the government screwed up the tab was -- status quo so badly i can't land them and that's the memo. how badly do workers want to start over? according to that prudential poll 53% of them say they would retrain for a new role to get 48% of workers say they are weighing whether or not to stay in their current job and 24% plan on looking for a new job at the end of the pandemic so is now the time to follow your dream? journeymen the studio ox and friends enterprise reporter and "fox nation" host warren jones. welcome back my friend. you have had to reimagine a lot of what you do and how you do it. you've made a big move. you have to take some big risks and i think that's a lot of people out there especially
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business centers. what do think of the data like >> it is true that this is happening because the pandemic. they appreciate a lot of things but when you dig deeper to the polls 50% of them said it was because of compensation and 20% of them talked about the fact that it was personalized and the others talked about him wanting to pursue other opportunities for the reason they were able to make those decisions was because they were still collecting a check from the government. they may be trying to pursue these other aspirations that they have discretion and not not lame the money. you are almost setting yourself up for failure. eventually the market is going to crash. you have these jobs that are raising the minimum waste almost 20 bucks an hour. that's disdainful. the checks they are getting from the government and the risk that they are taking and you can only take out so many loans. i always say and i know it's
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hard for politicians to say no but it may be better to say let me take these benefits away right now. kennedy: bearers 30 states would have done just that. we talked about governors and south carolina montana who say if you go to work for months we will give you $1200 but there is something to the idea that there are more jobs out there than ever before. there are a lot of jobs and not as many people looking for them because they know they can find better jobs. it's not just people watching netflix but people are going maybe i do want to be an electrical engineer. >> the question is a lot of jobs that are out there on the market where people don't have adequate education are they pursuing the education or are they waiting for loan forgiveness before they
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signed the dotted line. i don't think these people intend to go back to work or they will be forced to go back to work but i'm i the whole thing oh my personal life read your personal life has always been there. i think some people got comfortable as they were at home and again we have no one to blame the government for this. at the end of the day i don't want to discourage people to discover this journey. kennedy: i like people rethinking what their lives could be and i hope they are self-motivated. that's why entrepreneurs say screw it i'm going to start a business. that's about one of american success in their corporations racing there on minimum wage but they are also getting free college.
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matthew is going to college while he's a bre says starbucks for free. >> they are going to take it and it even use it to catapult them. i just think the majority people people. >> only you live your best life if -- in kennedy's world with dancing. i don't want to kill anybody divide. i just want to be realistic as well. kennedy: are we on yet? >> that's a word i have been wanting to say. i'm going to edit the list. kennedy: here's a question for you imagine if you had a kid -- that's not for you, sorry. >> it's not my question? >> you can ask me that. >> i is going to surprise you.
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i guess i will wait. lawrence john thank you so much. here's a question for you. imagine you had a child who is a science genius and what would you do if your kid's school canceled on her -- that's what happened in canada where the liberal school board decided instead of helping smart kids become higher performers they decided to drag the most curious and talented students down to be equal with the low performers. it's an idea that it's been floating around new york and california where students are discouraged from taking advanced classes. why would anyone support this and why would anybody want to punish talent.
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alexander woke steven bearman and ilya shapiro. this is what they are doing in new york city and this is what they are are doing in california soap anyone ever complained about the u.s. being behind begin eat glasses with programs like this alexander. >> absolutely and the problem with all of these equity programs put into place in schools is that they fundamentally deny human nature and it's an inescapable fact that nowhere are your differences more apparent than in middle school and high school. these programs don't really help the kids that are hurting and are doing as well because if you stick these kids into class with a bunch of high achievers and high performers they are going to get the attention they need. they are going to not he is engaged in i just you know if
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someone who was that kid in math class to kid in ap classes in history i find it to be a terrible shame. kennedy: it is off-line kids don't learn at the same level. this is so counterintuitive to success and why it is pushed to punish kids who happen to be her fission in certain areas? we should be encouraging them. i'm going to totally agree with you generally on this one which is i can imagine if you put everybody together in one class it's actually ridiculous. i'm glad i grew up in minnesota and had the opportunity to be a part of their first-year guinea pig at the mathematics project. i was so bored when i was in classes when they would put everybody together. it's an equal outcome, no that's
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a terrible, terrible idea. kennedy: some people like that in some find it as a form of torture. you should let kids specialize and thrive. this is one of those things that is the great undoing. >> this is the bergeron rule in the kurt vonnegut story. it's kind of like communism. you make everybody equally bad. i was good at math and i didn't like it very much and that's why i am a lawyer now but this is not helping anyone in the name of social or racial justice or something hurting the disadvantage even more because they can't strive and get the top jobs in all that sort of thing. that's why kennedy i'm running
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for school board right now in falls church virginia. we have had all sorts of misplaced priorities. i wanted make sure that doesn't happen as we want to give all kids an opportunity to excel and to pick out what they like and what they don't like and be taught at their own pace. this really would hobble america in so many ways. kennedy: a man and i hope what catches on the school choice because that's what kids and families deserve. we will keep pushing for it and we'll keep having rational conversations. thank all of you alexander ethan and ilia. we'll are it may be free to take back control of her life and her millions? attorney mike chase breaks it down for us, next.
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canby i meant the nile, i'm traumatized. i'm angry at quote her britney spears predinner silence silence in the shot the emotional speech asking a judge to enter 14 year long conservatorship begging to get control of her life back in she believes her father should be in jail. i'm not able to get married or have a baby. i want to take the iud out so i can have another baby. will this hearing be the breaking point that sets britney free? joining me to discuss attorney and author of -- mike chases back welcome back mike. >> thank you for having me. kennedy: let's discuss. the iud part is absolutely insane and beyond illegal and unconstitutional and not the point of the conservatorship. >> it strike you that way.
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i've tried these kinds of cases before and i've tried these cases and they are equally scary because we all think about the criminal case where we know the government is trying to take away somebody's liberty for committing a crime but the thing that scary about these cases is britney has not committed a crime but the entire proceeding is designed to take away her liberty and you're exactly right when she's asking to get her life back it seems a simple as our on wobbly autonomy and of what she is saying is true that the people around her acting under the authority of this conservatorship are telling her she cannot have children and she cannot take out a medical device from her own body it's a scary thing and it should shock everybody. it's an affront to the basic liberties we all expect to have. kennedy: and the notion of agency. literally some of these decisions him some like they are coming from the middle ages. i can think of no case more
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paternalistic and this and maybe she does suffer from mental illness but so do a lot of people in this country. out means they can't care for themselves and they are not legally allowed to care for them selves or make any decisions at all? >> what with that important understand in order for someone to get a -- they have to go to court but there's a legal standard. a criminal case you have to prove he owned it reasonable doubt that someone has committed a crime. in the conservatorship i have to prove what is called clear and convincing evidence that this person is not able to care for themselves by what britney the important thing is not just a problem they are trying to address and maybe there is an underlying mental illness. the lower requires the court impose the least restrictive measure to assure that person is taking care of. it's hard to imagine a situation in which the least restrictive measure includes making somebody
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infertile which includes taking away essentially all of their agency $2000 a week while paying the conservators 60,000 a month to run the conservatorship that it's hard to imagine a proportional remedy to whatever problem is. kennedy: we have about 30 seconds left and i want to ask you what could possibly happen from today's proceedings? >> there's going to be another hearing so they welcome back and they are going to see if things are collected and there'll be a care plan put in place but hopefully the restrictions of the lifted for britney because it doesn't seem possible this could be an appropriate remedy. >> now i know why the free britney movement has gained so much momentum. i really feel for that person especially after some the things she said today per things are breaking it all down. coming up tonight topical storm. that's next.
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kennedy: in the report finds liz cheney has had her own personal security team and now the only security in the country that she hasn't voted to send to afghanistan. this is topical storm.
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the family in thailand got a surprise when it pellets and came into the kitchen looking for a late-night. it's the kool-aid guy. here's sure knows how to crash a party. boy are they going to need a lot of? it for that wall. it's gordon ramsay's worst kitchen nightmare. i hate to point out the elephant in the room but this family keeps a lot of dishes in the sink. it looks like a house full of wild animals but he can tell he likes snacks because of all that junk in his trunk. the construction company ran out of steel and built the kitchen wall with legos. the worst part was after eating all the food the elephant -- his exact words an elephant never forgets. i don't know what expected from
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a place like this. after all it's just a hole in the wall. there he was a tight kitchen in new york could i wonder if they were owned by the same people. topic number two at his mugshot monday and we are reminded that not all heroes wear capes and not everyone in cape is a hero. meet eric wheeldon the cape invader of stock in california arrested for allegedly into a home while high on meth and dress like this. good job. if only you route he had remembered his invisibility cloak he would have gotten with a crime. he broke into the home of the sydney 2-year-old firefighter who said eric broke into his house and asked if he could sleep over claiming he is to claim -- kill people on behalf of the government. he acts -- the homeowner convinced eric tlaib by telling him there were noises outside.
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once he did the two of them would go get pizza. topic number three. a couple in ukraine save their relationship and it sounds crazy but that's how he kept her from leaving for 17 years but this is alexander. ukrainian couple became joined at the wrist to end a repeated cycle of breaking up and making up. sounds like they have a real cry me a type of relationship over there. for former former and so said that everything together including grocery shopping showering taking turns using the and sometimes they didn't feel like going everywhere with her but she twisted his arm in the closest made them grow part. alexander said it taught him
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they were not like-minded people. she often want to go to fancy restaurants and he wanted to stay at home and thought the ham. while they were handcuffed together alexander didn't give her enough attention saying things like i miss you. or as women call it a totally rational thought. they decided to break up and go their separate ways and horse that was after 20 minutes of saying you walk away, no you walk away. no, you walk away. topic number four, cicadas are getting high on drugs and making them crazed and insane. when you only go out every 17 years you might as well do it right. scientists say a fungus has been
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infecting the brood and giving them the effects of magic mushrooms. nice, fellas or in other words they are totally bugging out. with male cicadas and sometimes convinces them they are female. it doesn't just attack their brains it causes male cicadas to lose parts of their bodies. luckily if you've ever seen a cicada you know it's not a big loss. a bunch of drugged up males are forming mating rituals without any real ability to reproduce so basically a saturday night at the villages in florida. haven't we all been there ladies? .. . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? [struggling vehicle sounds]
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caregiver: sorry about that... premiuno, no.apable. i've been staying at my dad's place because of everything. grandpa: where are we going? caregiver: he's good. yeah, i know, we keep missing each other. i've been working out of my dad's house. doing some reading. i should be working out more.
8:58 pm
i just feel like i'm drowning. narrator: navigating these times can be tough, but while you care for your loved one, you also need to care for yourself. go to for free mental health and self-help tips. kennedy: who want to treat? are you and your dog ready for tonight new pack of dogs with a segment where we shared the desk k-9s of the week. send us your favorite picture and tell me about your dog and kaisha doggie makes the cut. first up look at this pretty baby. this is dana. kimberly sent in this picture. i like watching youtube. he sent in his dog rusty. his owner says he's the smartest dog in the world.
8:59 pm
who is a good boy? such a good boy. masons in this picture of her dog. she forgot to include his name but we love you. hi buddy. lady karen sent in her hearty cocker spaniel. he uses those amazing eyes to get all the treaty once in the whole world hated shout out. these two beautiful boxers named ican candy no relations as far as i know the dynamic duo brother and sister. look at this, abby is trying to figure out this picture. keep on lifting. a great picture of cooper at the beach on one of my favorite all-time incented has pop
9:00 pm
chumley the golden retriever. what a great group of dogs. thank you all so much. the highlight of my weekend thank you for watching the best hour of your day. follow me @ kennedy nation and kennedy harvey levin: the objects people choose to keep in their home define who they are. this is... i'm harvey levin. this is a story about the babe ruth of professional wrestling. the incredible hulk hogan! harvey: hulk hogan put an entire industry on the map, but not without paying a heavy price. hulk hogan: the knees are fake. the hips are fake. the back's full of metal. harvey: hulk hogan became one of the most recognizable and beloved figures in the world, but behind the scenes, terry bollea's life was crumbling.


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