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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  June 29, 2021 8:00pm-9:00pm EDT

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la larry: join us to mop orr "kudlow" the america the great prude i'm going to read the declaration of independence to celebratepepe america. ♪ ♪. kennedy: blood thirsty egg tried to kill in this book has been a band and now his podcast, has canceled with no explanation. journalist andy ngo said he will not be intended by it left us a mob mafia trying to take them out of existence but how can we help them fight back? as you may recall andy ngo has been covering antifa four years grades by the journalist brave enough to document the group from the inside out. and they burned it down buildings, her cops and coast-to-coast brick earlier
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this month is on the show explaining how those miserable cowards attacked him again so badly, he had vision trouble in troubles walking part and he fears for his life they keep trying to kill and pretty has to keep his location secret. but antique is not the only group trying to silence him. in fact twitter recently removed the title of journalist from andy's profile. how did they decide gets to be a journalist? he now claims sound cloud is taken down his podcasts. which is called things you should know. reach out to soundcloud for a statement. the site has yet to respond. and he says he is not given any reason why it was removed. but it should be obvious he will not be silenced without a fight. one thing is certain, his brave voices always welcome here on the kennedalia program. editor-in-chief of the post- millennial author on mass and host of things you should know, recently silenced podcasts, anti- welcome back. >> thank you.
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kennedy: soundcloud has a long list of reasons why you could be taken off their platform. including if your content isn't abusive, libelous, pornographic, obscene, prince violence, terrorism illegal act, on the grounds of racist, culture identity, religious police, gender identity or otherwise objectionable in soundcloud's reasonable discretion. so what did you violate with your naughty podcast, andy? >> i paid fees to have soundcloud host my podcasts. i have not uploaded an episode for a year because as working on the book last year. pascal's have concluded people at ben shapiro, peter said and some other professors. over the weekend i received notice from soundcloud by e-mail i was permanently banned for violating quote unquote community guidelines. as you just listed out those comedic guidelines, everything from incitement to violence to
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terrorism to hate speech to just being plain objectionable. what is so disturbing is that i have no recourse to find out why i was banned. what is the so-called alleged offending contents. i just have to accept the decision. kennedy: this is not of the debt is broadcast but we all have podcast works for you have to seek them out. i'm sure there's still plenty of people who be considered objectionable, at least by that group of perl collectors. they still have podcast. and they will not give you any explanation at all? >> no they haven't. sas aonsiousegnde sin sgay siray dem forminioninnn ingsthgst t pentilyudencde cr cr heify tify ain min mf o hing t ionow k re ouikeo get cou insnvouved id icrtariclyrt iff arere accusi o m ri sme plam tplhaeha h notot mm mn mvery w w g
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vegege tsetwoet nparar iot surisingising.u knu u ,,s l hang thang tli who use these platforms, which are monopolies, could be permanently banned and left a financially destitute without even knowing why. my question is, when a lawmaker who talked about these issues are going to actually do something? >> they talked about it's when the rare bipartisan issues per their only a couple of things that people agree on. a lot of people what infrastructure spending. a lot of people want break up big tech. and everyone wants to free britney. but they cannot agree how to do the middle one. if for no other reason, for the sake of good business this should give you an explanation. i understand you are not
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entitled to be hosted, to have your podcast broadcast on soundcloud. but still it just looks like they have bent this angry, violence, leftist mob. >> that is right. you mention off the top i been assaulted. it is been a month now i wish i could give you an update. there has been nobody arrested and twitter and how it's news has curated me as rip descriptions as a journalist. kennedy: i want to know who it twitter decides who isn't journalist gliding give me a definition who is a journalist and how do you feel justified taking that designation from someone who performs journalism? >> i'm thankful places like you and your show can continue to advocate for people like me because otherwise we don't have too many people on our
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side. before hoodie think is in more danger you are britney spears? >> probably meet. kennedy: you think she would just disagree? back yes i'm a break britney fan when it comes to antifa their people doing covers on it. >> i know, native got us in the good fights, so keep us posted and stay safe wherever you are. >> thank you. 's before thanks andy. nt fight dug very deep and portland-based at the on blue city drowning in lawlessness. new poll shows 40% of san francisco residents planted without of the city because of rampant crime and homelessness. murders and assaults are up and just about every major democrat controlled city paid now the biden administration is claiming it's the republicans fault. this week multiple white house officials spun the tale said he was actually gop was calling to defend the police all along. early steve scalise shot back,
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watch. >> they're trying to blame republicans now for the dumpster fire they created. were going to continue to call them out either extremist radical agenda including defining the police. kennedy: he is right they called for defining the police all summer last year. remember that? here they are, their own words, watch. >> i am for defining the police. >> yes i support the defined movement traits make defend the police does not mean abolish the police. it means a dramatic reduction in the number of police and our poor communities. >> the reality is we cannot rely upon the police to provide public safety. that is a 1990s version of public policy. kennedy: thank you mrs. mayor prete how may people died in your city last weekend? oh a bunch, 71 were shot? good stuff.
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will voters forget who made their cities unlivable question request made tonight's party pal discusses the host of the guy benson show on fox news radio and political editor it is guy benson. we've got his former partner former state department deputy spokesperson, executive director, and fox news contributor, marie harf all good in red preaches the coast and got filled also if oxidation host, she is my pride partner, kat timpf, welcome everyone no offense guys, she was with me at a pride party. >> you are still my favorite. >> what's the hell? kennedy: you're my sexy yea boyfriend on thank you for that thank you for your service. [laughter] let's talk about the idea that defend the police is such a horrible, yet effective slogan, democrats are so eager to get rid of it they are now going to give it to republicans. it's almost like a stroke of genius to try and flip it that way.
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>> will genius if it worked. but it's not going to work is so preposterous. it's almost like the whole white house calms team got together and got way too drunk. somebody's like you know what? why don't we say republicans defend the police. and they're like well let's do it and be legends. so they're going to try. it is so obviously insulting that no one believes it. they're going to talk about technicalities in this billboard be on the wear that the bays was last or into this year. it was a tug-of-war within that democratic coalition between full-blown abolish to define people and redirection of resources people. that is of the more mainstream ground in the democrat party. these are both very unpopular policies. now they going to be like oh crime is a problem, this is a political issue for us pray let's try to blame the gop. the oakland city council in california just took $18 million away for the police departments.
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as the chief of police said murders are up 90% this year. there's not a republican shouting distance of oakland, california for it is preposterous. i would be embarrassed to be a flack or a pungent actually going with this line. it's just not going to work. >> luanne armstrong was a chief of police in oakland he made a cheerful plea to please backup his officers so they can serve vulnerable communities. those are people are picking up the phone trying to call 911 and they're worried their lives are at risk, they see bill being the crab out of each other and hear gunshots but there are not enough officers to respond. my worry here is that this was such a knee-jerk reaction. guy is right, if you get money from the fed that does not mean it's going to the police. you have activists city council all across the hundred including places like portland, seattle, minneapolis that are all voting to divert
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millions and millions of dollars away from police departments as officers retire. >> first of all our own chris wallace who is not a political hack, ask for republican congressman banks to speak it every single republican member of congress voted no that would have given three to $50 billion for policing. kennedy: gave a chilly and also much of other stuff that's why. it is not specific. if this were a policing bill. >> let me finish police. they voted against it included that provision. intra- democratic party fight over policing that we went through, joe biden and the moderates one, joe biden and the moderates one part he became a democratic nominee. he repeatedly advocate for more funding for police.
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their local officials. to foresee everything else people have a problem with. i know back it's the democrats and nationally. look for a loss of seats in the house is not a smashing victory. back okay all of our national leaders are democrats. nobody went to defend the police. stu varney nobody? >> i really what you want to use it politically this evidence it works. >> let's bringing kat she has been very patient. smith why do we do this? support let's bringing cat she's been patient she is attacking a go-ahead cat. >> i think were very divided a lot of stuff or think something most of us have in common is for example we do not want to get shot on the streets, stuff like that. pretty high on most peoples listed. i do not know why were spending all this time with the mental gymnastics of, there is money in the bill that maybe could have been
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used if the local leaders wanted to use them police was not mentioned in the bill whatsoever. the focus right now for the administration how to blame republicans rather than solving the problem. both political parties do this. it is always a blame game of let's make it the more their fault or their faults. so far we hate cops, hate them, hate them, hate them. we have much more to our panels are that good progress very interesting topics please stay with us. up next a bunch of medical experts testifying on capitol hill whether covid came from a chinese lab, guess who did not believe need to show up? hint's name rhymes with grouchy. wear a mask. have a plenty of the former president back in power before 2024. it is got nothing to do with the cueing on conspiracy. i will explain how that could actually happen coming up,
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e sleep number 360 smart bed. it's the most comfortable, body-sensing, automatically-responding, energy-building, dually-adjustable, dad-powering, wellness-boosting, foot-warming, temperature-balancing, recovery-assisting, effortlessly life-changing proven quality night sleep we've ever made. the new queen sleep number 360 c2 smart bed is only $899. plus, 0% interest for 36 months & free premium delivery when you add a base. ends monday. kennedy: fringe conspiracy to margaret hauser product until hearing on the origin of the coronavirus and the expert
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testimony left little room for doubt, watch. >> i believe it is just too much of a coincidence that a worldwide pandemic, caused by a novel that coronavirus started a few miles with ms. secretive laboratory giving dangerous research on back coronavirus. sometimes most obvious explanation is indeed the correct one >> branch in the era of illogical warfare for this is a threat level that will affect us the rest of our lives and generations to come. >> the evidence inclusively establishes a covered pandemic was not a natural process but instead came from a laboratory in wuhan, china. some people say have a whistleblower came here it came out of china with genetic information. kennedy: and people who were
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it not too lazy actually looked at the virus and went this is strange. this does not follow the evolutionary model coronavirus have in the past. democrats have yet to hold a single hearing on the origin of covid. dr. fauci refused even testified today pizza why has the lab leak theory become such a partisan issue when our government to prevent everything from a global pandemic. twenty-two discussed the founder of the federalist fox news contributor, ben domenech's back. welcome back ben. >> great to be with you, can be pretty don't why such a partisan and controversial thing to suggest we ought to find out where this virus came from. isn't this supposed to be something worth sunlight is the best disinfectant? were transparencies bus to give us more information or supposed bill to learn from the past mistakes involved here in order to adapt to the
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future? instead we had the entire same category of people who have been insisting follow the science, listen to the lockdown people. take attention to the bureaucrats et cetera of a total approach of this is may be too much knowledge for us to have it. maybe we should look away. don't pay attention to anything behind the curtain. that to me is pretty disturbing. kennedy: erased a good point assault republicans versus democrats but is the free world against the authoritarian communist. right now the communists are winning because nobody is holding them accountable. if we do not hold them accountable if this happened as easily as oops, couple people of the lab got infected because maybe art safety protocols were not that robust, that it can happen again. all the rational grown-ups in the world need to stand up to it. i do not understand why they're dragging their feet. that's actually dragon the country down when you get into the empty republican democrat paradigm.
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>> well, also i think what we have learned from the situation is a lot of these people are conflicted in terms of their approach to this. whether because they supported grants that might have been connected to this lab in the past. or whether they had sort of written about different gain of function research or the like. i think this is a situation where a lot of people are practicing cya as opposed to actually looking into the things they ought to be doing as responsible public officials. kennedy: cya salt for alien people d i.e. that is what happens with us of the chinese communist do. they put doctors in prison so this stuff does not get out into the media. and that is how people died. it absolutely doesn't matter. it is shocking to me that it has become so incredibly myopic. so what's going to happen on capitol hill? what democrat led committees are going to take up this investigation?
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>> i don't think you're going to see any of them take it out. that raises a lot of questions about how conflicted they are when it comes to the issue of china. we have seen over the past several years many incidents that really raise questions about the degree to which democratic politicians have been compromised by china. you are all familiar with the eric's wall will incidents. i think we are also familiar with the hunter biden incident. there's also a number of different characters over the years that have basically made the argument that china was our friend we needed to treat them as such. that we could trust their judgment. those that may not be elected politician number politicians are conflicted i when it comes to china rates backstop running interference for china. stop doing it. stop doing it's a conflict of interest and puts americans at risk. it's bad for addition or life and jerks, sardius such foul
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language, ben, thanks to being here. >> grates with you as always kennedy. we were coming up from a president trump heading to the border. to scope out the crisis for himself. but will has trolling force divided ministration to finally do something? katie h-uppercase-letter is in studio with answers and appetizers next. a bobble. lucia. who announces her intentions even if no one's there. and sgt moore. who leaves room for her room. with usaa safepilot, when you drive safe... can save up to 30% on your auto insurance. get a quote and start saving. usaa. what you're made of, we're made for.
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expedia. (music) always ready, always there. visit to find out more. kennedy: that's going to be a big hit that was less icemelt trump monday song, stairway to have impaired may be part of it. the winner was anna, nicely done anna. former president trump heading to the mexico border braces kamala harris only beat in there because he announced he was going first, watch. >> kamali harris, your vice president, only went to the
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border yesterday for the one simple reason because i announced i was going next week and i asked for it if i didn't do that i don't know she was ever going to go. >> reported biden working to bring back some of the 900 immigrants the trump administration deported. the 2.5 million by president obama how badly it might former president trump embarrassed present by a strip tomorrow. townhall fox contributor katie pavlich. with the goal for the former president? the first goal is to go and show there is a problem for there is a crisis. for president trump this was a good issue for him for something he ran on something he was very successful in implementing him going ahead of president biden going is pretty embarrassing when it
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comes to burying your head in the sand and this is not just an issue about immigration it's an issue of sovereignty local leadership, one on ones with land owners with border patrol agents who are completely overrun it really tell the stories of what's happening down there but something the vice president did not do when she was in el paso. essentially a layover to california. kennedy: she could have gone to dallas. she did not go to where the border crisis is. which means she's not serious about it. >> really didn't leave the airport. it's very disrespectful to the people doing everything they can to mitigate this disaster. local authorities are having major problems with this part is not just republicans are criticizing this there democratic congressman singh look this is it issue preferred a flyby shows he's more interested and politically convenient stops underway to california them to actually solve this problem.
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no interest in showing the situation stop because they change no policies and it made it worse. so far i've been saying this all along, sit down some your former senators. you can quickly to at least make life better for these kids. >> i think they boxed themselves into. tomorrow it will be interested to see how the media covers president trump's trip. if they talk about his pulses begin humane will propping up somehow present joe biden's policy allows the thousands people to come across the border, little kids being trafficked children screaming at the migrant camp across the board. they've decided set of solving the problem taken the previous president out of it and saying these policy positions actually made this possible and more humane. before this work this didn't this will be happy to going forward. there is no vision it is a
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great disservice to people in this country and people trying to come here. what is it do for greg abbott? when the third term next year may be for president 2024. >> 2024 certainly something coming up. for greg abbott he's so with this firsthand has a lot of resources is calling on other states are trying to send law enforcement downplayed the issue as he does on a federal authority to arrest those running from border patrol, not turning themselves in unless the border patrol has the resources to put them into custody. as long as they leave the safe local jurisdictions to matter how many hours of law enforcement taxes and other states come into help, really can't do much about that. they are the only one who had the arrest authority comes to keeping these people in jail. kennedy: it's interesting to see with those people say to some of the land owners. take your land and build the wall, the ranchers have been there for generations or like i don't think so. abbott is being a little more
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amenable to some of those landowners and say here's some kids build the neat wall. >> these are bogged down and credit politics things to break complicated different in texas they are in arizona or new mexico for example. there are lots of stakeholders here and force of this ministration is completely ignored in private landowners have been there for generations are seen people dying on their property. >> one thing is for searching, they've not solve this crisis that made it worse. they say there isn't a crisis but there is one. if arkady thank you for being here. kennedy: meanwhile could former president trump become, wait for, the next speaker of the house? what? the idea was discussed with 45 during a recent radio interview and he called it very interesting. it's actually constitutional.
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this note stipulation speaker be a member of congress only there elected by majority of members present for public and cyclical house in 2022, should president trump try to grab the gavel from not a nancy question work the party panel is back, guy benson, marie harf and kat timpf. got it when he think about this this is the ultimate troll. >> i mean technically it would be constitutional that's a little peace of d.c. trivia people like to talk about whenever there is a speaker race. i don't really think president trump was anything to do with this rule actually. he might like the idea briefly. he might flirt with it and say oh that's a title that is some power. but the amount of my nisha and process he would have to be involved in on a daily basis you cannot really delegate everything in that position. you need deep institutional knowledge to get flattened by the opposition part he might entertain it briefly but ultimately i don't think he
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would want it. even huge truck fans and want some and with that knowledge and understand how things work on capitol hill over the period of time for the once over there to know the trains are running on time and not someone who would be completely new to that branch of government. sue fourth interesting, marie, kevin mccarthy so excited about the idea. unlike why do you not want to be speaker? [laughter] >> i gripped i don't think some trumpets the job remains after 2006 scenes and some democrats fantasized we took the house back in 2018 hillary clinton can be speaker. this is just something political say because they think about it. there is no way donald trump once account houseboats on anything. believe me if kevin mccarthy get the chance to be speaker he'll try to be speaker. that job has left second new into making you want it. kennedy: look at paul ryan never to be heard from again.
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cat what weakness he? >> is not going to happen there's always going to happen. i think the reaction of people that hate him, he loves that. i think that is probably why he is kind of flirting with the idea. but i would never be speaker of the house. i would never be in politics. i have no idea people what to do it. so far luckily throwing your name around here, cat. >> i've seen the whispers. i'm going out to dinner after this i'm getting text what you want question rick i don't know i'm freaked out what i choose the wrong thing? i would not be involved in anyone else's decisions i worry about my own. so for all for the crab legs no matter where you are no matter what time of year. >> did you say or a gavel, guy? >> the lady will have a gavel for dinner. many people are saying. >> they said get a gavel changes things.
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[laughter] before i got a gavel around here. really trotted out for kennedy's kourt. if you become speaker i would love you have my plastic gavel. >> perfect i promise you, i promise you if i become speaker. [laughter] i promise you basically could do shot a clock on the floor you said we could. >> what time is it? it is shot o'clock. i don't control what time it is prosaic that is right she can control the weather though. the panels when stickup we are days away for the fourth of july more than half of americans still feel there is a risk of getting covid at a party. i will explain why opening to come to our senses and light stuff on fire, my memo is next
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kennedy: are you celebrate the fourth he pent up little firecracker? oddly enough your answer may be reflection of your political affiliation. which is so >> britt according to an axial's pole republicans
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are ready to rage, brokered 75% of them see no or very small risk and independence to gathering. only 47% of democrats feel the same. they could cower in fear in their ice filled bathtub selling patriotic songs while the rest of us blaze ribeyes on the grill screaming that is a fire. it's not really our nation's birthday until somebody loses their eyebrows and a five alarm meat blaze britt libertarians not answer the phone on this poll they sort of shrugged and said please leave you alone. they went back to sorting their ammo from the reefer. the differential in this poll shows how desperately to trash the two-party system. fearing something just because your political phone doesn't is a horrible way to live life. it's mathematically better to be fat, drunk and >>. not long ago president biden was warning he would have to cancel the fourth because we cannot have nice things.
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but he had come to his declining senses he and jill will be hosting 1000 essential workers and military families at the white house that is nice for ten bucks says jen stock is doing egg stands by 4:30 paid midterms are coming people want normalcy. you cannot mask up and distance if you and anyone in texas to vote for you. it is not all sloppy kisses and ppr, i wish it were pretty l.a. counties flirting with the idea of a stern indoor mask recommendation because of delta variant worry. if you have been faxed with pfizer or a moderna, you're good. if you had the virus recovered you're probably just as good. if you're still skeptical about getting the vaccine and play with your own corn hole. you cannot put the toothpaste back in the horse. no one is going to listen to fear mongering after everyone botched the messaging with
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dishonest media in toto gives the actual fast up the free boeing. let us determine our own path forward? many people are immune to the virus but we are also immune to the kind of oppressive soul killing manipulation government officials through spoon fed us out of an abundance of caution. this year, use caution when lighting your fireworks. and never toss and 80s at a moving vehicle and that is the memo. the delta variant disarms lease working covid concerns for the white house is going full steam ahead with their giant party on sunday for military and essential workers. so, you are back, waxed and shellac so you going to party? guy benson, marie harf, captive. u-uppercase-letter couldn't mask up and bathed in puerile again? sabbatical look, no. no. i am vaccinated, i am not shy am done with this stuff.
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listen i'm coming all the way to spend the fourth with you in l.a. i am not coming all the way to l.a. to sit there and have two bud lights through a straw with a mask on. it is not happening. everybody's over it. if you want to wear a mask knock yourself out. eliminate mask forever. put one on after you die, be buried with it just in case. do that. but quit trying to shame vaccinated people for wanting to not suffocate themselves. because of a teeny, teeny, tuning, minutes risk. we all accept risk. just by being live. kennedy: amen for going outside every day, getting in a car riding in a subway using fertilizer on the lawn, marie your thoughts dear? >> i think the point is more people still need to get vaccinated. you are right when you're vaccinated we are very well
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protected. but for example by dabblers in the state of missouri which is having really bad outbreaks right and because our vaccination rates are so low. and so look or seeing data come out of israel lesson really well on vaccinations across the delta variant that is concerning. think the scientists are watching that. the whole point here is not entirely do what you want you have a lot of that freedom. you get it. >> i'm going to do what i what i'm going to do it twice, guy. [laughter] >> i am still reeling hear from your monologue and the phrase fauci free boeing. now i desperately needed to be shot o'clock here in this chair pretty heard that phrase thank you so much for that candidate. look, i got the vaccine i was eager to do it. my family got it, my husband got it, my friends got it. bourgogne have a big fourth of july in cape cod and do all the things because we can do that. if you are vaccinated, even the delta variant which is scary and it's more contagious
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and it might be a bit more virulence, these vaccines protect extremely well against it. is there a vax by choice i plan to have an epic july 4 by choice because it is but a long time coming. and let the party begin. kennedy: it is and i'm sorry, cat, if they want to go for lockdowns again, people are not going to listen. that is what happens when you abuse your power. >> i am not going back into lockdown it is not happening. i am breathing air and exhaling freely. which, by the way not a big ask. so far no i agree i agree. >> not being a diva. two virgins locate masks on the planes lot doing the keep masks on the planes for a while, marie? >> look i'm going to her mask on a plane for the rest of my life even if i don't have to planes are gross just to begin with. i think they will you are in close quarters. i'm just going to do it i'm going to own it. i think i will.
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you don't know who is vaccinated and who isn't. so mask up on planes. super i'm going to work cap handsome planes. guy customer expect it doesn't matter if others are back to want masks off on planes i want to get an alcoholic beverage and slowly drink it for as long as possible. that is the exception for it i feel fine about it. with a shot in the air circulation it is fine. support way to take us to the end of the panel discussion but thank you so much guy, marie, cat, wonderful spending the evening with all of you. topical storm is next. then we talk like two old friends about sticky buns and all the savings you could get by bundling your home and car insurance. but here's the real secret. eye contact.
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but quality sleep is scientifically proven to help improve your overall health and wellness. and it couldn't be easier! the new sleep number 360 smart bed helps you fall asleep faster by gently warming your feet. and it helps keep you asleep by sensing your movement and automatically adjusts to keep you both effortlessly comfortable. the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now during our lowest prices of the season. kennedy: new report claims they hit broadway show hamilton got $30 million and financially from the federal government. gee, i wonder what the founding fathers would have to say about that? that is playing politics with taxpayer money, this is a topical storm. topic number one, the florida quorum showed a video of an octopus using his tentacles to take a picture. [laughter] that is nothing for it you should see what body part hunter biden uses, he uses his
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testicles there he is the incredible painting octopus like all great art is he's a bit reluctant at first but luckily as human helper knows just how to twist his tentacles. the favorite style as although technically it's also water coloring. my art teacher always told me to it make an outline first. then again my octopus teacher taught me to it keep an open mind. our critics are raving about this work. many said this artist belongs in a museum still, i think he's better off in an aquarium. enter to win these paintings by leaving a comment on the acquired facebook page of the favorite thing about octopi, mine would be how delicious they are in a little bit of tamari and ginger. topic number two. the red planet keeps getting redder. the chinese national space agency released a video summit rover they landed on marsha
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get ready for the new covid martian variant. this is the video that china claims was shot on the martian surface. although it they really want us to believe that maybe they should have not have used the same robot that played johnny five in the short circuit movie. johnny five was live for the rover were some of the wireless camera to take pictures of the marge reason known as utopia, but as usual at waisted bus at storage space taking pictures of its food. by the way, after seeing this video, john cena apologize referring to marge and jim morris own planet. he calls it sky china. rovers parachute system that facilitated its mars landing. it's pretty impressive. but still might favorite chinese state media is msnbc. topic number three, the owner of a so-called flintstone house in california has won the right to keep it looking at the stone age after suing
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her suburban town. check this out. this is the flintstone, meet the flintstone house ♪ ♪ of hillsboro, cal for the prehistoric building design and a sculpture garden filled with cartoon characters and dinosaurs, cannot blame her most people would probably rather live in the stone age than california, what is the difference? neither one has electricity but also as a giant sinuses gaba davitt dupree did never say it looks like gaba davitt two. [laughter] hillsboro has been fighting the owner calling his home a ice operate now she's having a yea old time ♪ ♪ after winning a settlement from these temper won her twin $5000 per that's enough clams to choke a brontosaurus. topic number four, researchers from the uk invented a new weight-loss device stopped users from eating by clamping their mouth shut with magnets. maybe if we all chip in, stop.
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[inaudible] this is the dental swimming diet control. it attaches to the upper and lower jaws and keeps them magnetically sealed. had the same idea but it was for a new form of birth control. they magnets allow the mouth to be open wide enough to fit a strawser liquid calories can be consumed but not solids. also doubles as a way to learn ventriloquism. the vice laws users to breathe normally it's not endorsed by doctor fauci. and in a trial, lost an average of 14 pounds for the most of that was from crying. the save the skiff uses an alternative to weight loss surgery read more details about the device are available as everyone who worked on the project is pretty tightlipped. before we go, tonight's tickle me tuesday joke. you have three minutes get the punchline do not cheat use the #ticklemetuesday. ready? why did the bike fall over?
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[young girl narrator] the future depends on teachers.
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every day, teachers are shaping our tomorrows, starting their students on journeys that will change the course of history. [young boy narrator] right now, in a classroom somewhere in the united states, there's a teacher inspiring a future scientist who'll make preventing pandemics their life's work, sharpening the mind of an aspiring environmentalist who'll help combat climate change, [male teenager narrator] and generating possibilities for a student who'll become the first in their family to graduate college. [female teenager narrator] it all starts with teachers who meet challenges with creativity, who reinvent education for the future, who work towards a school system that lifts up every child, regardless of race, income, or zip code, and who enable the full potential of our students our communities, and our country. [young girl narrator] explore a career that leaves a legacy you can be proud of. shape the future. teach.
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kennedy: thank you very much it is time for tickle me tuesday. here's the tickle you have been waiting for, why did the bike fall over? it was too tired. [laughter] [laughter] kennedy: sorry, mark, kimberly got it right on twitter during the break bread thank you so much for watching the best hour of your day.
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and for all of the tickle's we share all week long, follow me on twitter and instagram @kennedynation, facebook @kennedyfbn, email tomorrow night mollie hemingway and alex, oh it is going to be good show. help me lord i are to have the vapors. don't forget, make every day a kenn-a-day, good night. ♪ ♪ >> the white house entitlement nation for the planet put half of americans on welfare. our own larry kudlow responding to that in just moments. plus taking matters into their own hands. suspect this is killed over 6000 americans at millions worldwide why wouldn't speaker pelosi have a hearing? was that ifo they're not going to do will do it ourselves. so that republicans going out alone investing the origins and covid pretty hearing testimony from some of the countries and worlds of top


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