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tv   The Evening Edit  FOX Business  June 29, 2021 10:00pm-11:00pm EDT

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hard to figure outso the reasoning, some pipelines are okay, some are not but maybe someday we will figure it out, good to see you, thank you very much, that doesn't for us on "fox business tonight" thank you so much for watching we'll see you tomorrow night "the evening edit" start right now. elizabeth: tonight damage control the scramble to rewrite the narrative on rising crime and even the police knew polls in u.s. cities like san francisco show democrats face losing control of congress next year we have the sound on the new and erroneous topspin from the media on this and how the white house gets back check trying to claim it was all about defunding cops when they never campaign or sold pandemic bailouts and moreoverha the wors police and law enforcement are
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not in the american rescue bill, tonight kentucky congressman andy barr, lara trump, mark green, mariannette miller-meeks, lee zeldin, the daily caller vince coglianese and dhs official laura reads out of the house republican first hearing today on the origin of the pandemic which fills more than 600,000 americans, the democrats still stonewalling, china threatened scientist to keep silent about what they knew about the dangerous virus research in china desperate push to get a hold of u.s. virus technology, we also have president biden hitting the road to sell a costly infrastructure deal the hard left trying tode sabotage it say no climate plan, no deal, climate activists claimed dozens of demonstrators were arrested protesting and blocking entrances at the white house, we are watching your
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wallet will show you a stunning estimate of the amount of fraud at taxpayers expense riddle through government pandemic loan programs and a new house push to clawback tens of billions of dollars in jobless benefit claims thehe late-night host having a field day slamming the media and big tech and social media for censoring andg misleading voters, will break it down and hours to go before former president trump visit the border the fight between the biden administration in texas now escalating texas arresting criminal illegals governor abbott says he's doing with abiding the administration refuses to do, secureis the borr a major supreme court ruling but undercuts the administration catching relief of illegals at the border. i am elizabeth macdonald "the evening edit" start rightd. now.
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♪. elizabeth: welcome to the show you're watching the fox business network we begin with kentucky congressman andy barr, we have the sound from the white house to the media, we have sound the trying to topspin downplays and rewrite history on a year of defend the police and epidemic rising crime will americans go for this worsening polls in san francisco and they say no to this, are you there? >> yes i totally agree the trying to rewrite history it is not working because the american people are suffering under a surge of violent crime 18% in crime up in 2021. look at places like portland cities that have embraced the reckless thief from the police
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movement, homicide rate up 533%, shootings up 126%, the american people aren't fooled by this they know that reckless policies like defunding the police, the reckless and unbelievable anti-cop rhetoric that we hear from democrat politicians in these policies like cash bail reform are contributing to the rise in violent crime around the country. elizabeth: i did not mean to leave you speechless with that, i'm sorry about that. let's get to that, great point it is from the f media and democrats, let's watch the police chief and open california, he's going to talk about how an 18 million-dollar budget cut to the police department has made the city of
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oakland less safe. >> 65 live so far this year, victims have suffered at the hands of violence whether it shootings, robberies, carjackings, sexual assault, all of these crimes are not speed bumps, these are people. elizabeth: he is saying there's people behind the data, he's putting faces to the data, go ahead. >> no doubt about it, it's the american people who are victims of this and by the way minority communities are disproportionately negatively impacted by the defend the police that under resourcing of rlaw enforcement and after the george floyd tragedy a gallup poll was released saying over 80% of minorities did not want a decrease in police presence in their community because they know police presence is there to deter violent criminals, the irresponsible left-wing mayors
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and city council started the process of defunding the police we saw a spike in violent crime in the new york city numbers speak for themselves 97% of the shootings in new york city impacted minority communities. the american people are not fooled by this, they know thats, the democrats reckless policy are responsible for the surging crime and it's not only hurting the americans who are affected in harm's way but the law enforcement officers themselves morale is down in my home city we have 100 fewer law enforcement officers and what we need for full strength the metro police department is down 250 and nationwide 86% law enforcement agencies are reportingrt staffing shortages d this makes her country less safe. elizabeth: let's wash alexandria ocasio-cortez, eric swalwell and msnbc commentators without any
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evidence trying to distract, downplay and depoliticize. >> we are seeing headlines about percentage increases, i want to say any amount of harm is an acceptable and too much. but i want to make sure that the hysteria this doesn't driver hysteria and we look at these numbersou in context. >> he said the republican party rolling with the cop killers and not standing with the cops. >> do you really think there is an uptick in crime the way that republicans are finding it? >> i don't think there is an uptick in crime and i can tell you i know firsthand statistics can be manipulated. >> there's a lot of police union and gop operative that would make us believe that the recent crime wave has everything to do with the idea of defunding the police but that means the police have not been defunding, the rising crime is not the fault of
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the movement is the fault of the police. >> your reaction? >> with respect to alexandria ocasio-cortez, it's not hysteria it's hypocrisy the members of the squad are taken advantage of the capitol hill police and the protection that they provide but they want to deny police protection to the constituents they have spent tens of thousands of dollars of their own campaign funds on personal security but when it comes to the american people they refuse to protect them by funding the police the fact of the matter is if you under resourced law enforcement, not only do you put the american people in harm's way of violent criminals, you also will ironically produce the very problems that we saw in the george floyd tragedy we need more training and equipment and body cameras we need to attract the best and brightest law
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enforcement and when he defend the police and under resourced, you don't have adequate training, that is a problem, all the way around liberal democrats are responsible for the crime spree in america and they're not solving any problem. elizabeth: andy barr, good to have you, , on. let's bring in fox news contributor larry trump. we have democrats at the white house press secretary jen psaki getting blowback and criticize for now flipping the script they are trying to claim republicans defend the cops and democrats and their bailout are funding cops, what do you b say. >> great to be back i cannot think of anything moree ridiculous. we know it was not republican voters who are in the street chanting defend the police we know it's not been republican mayors who have actually done that, they have defunded and taking funding away from the police department and we've all been talking about you talked about it with the last guest the
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crime is going through i the ro, it took joe biden quite some time to come out and give a clear stance on where he stood with defunded the police, don't forget he had an interview last july where he said, yes, absolutely when he was asked do you agree we should redirect funding away from police department's, it is very clear where this is happening from whom it is coming it is coming from the liberal democrats it's ja ridiculous notion but this goes back to playbook 101 in the democrat handbook this is what they always do they accuse the other side, thehe republicans of the things that they are doing, it is ridiculous. >> white house press secretary jen psaki and senior advisor cedric richmond are accused of making false claims that democrats and biden never sold
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their massive pandemic bailout package giving money to police, the president did not campaign on reinstating funding for police, here'ss the thing polic, law enforcement, cops, nowhere to be found in the american rescue plan in the bill. what do you say. >> that is right 242 pages and not once we see any of that mentioned so the notion that their plan from the beginning is preposterous in ridiculous, i think they become very accustomed on the last in the biden white house to having the mainstream media cleanup and do their bidding and not really come out with the truth and he received the result i ridiculous idea, it was never in the bill and for them to claim otherwise is a slap in the face to every single american. elizabeth: let's listen to the silent majority, these are the families and the folks out there let's listen to the victims families. watch this.
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>> you can go to hell and excuse my expression but you took something precious from me and precious from my son and something precious from his mother and we will never see him, he cannot come back he cannot wait that long. he was an innocent little baby and he's gone forever. >> them community is getting worse and worse and nobody's doing nothingng about it, nobody is trying to make a change. and it's sad to say that every day is worse you don't know if you're going to live to see the next day. >> come here, meet with us, phase us, stay here for a weekend for the love of god come here and say something to us, the people that are freaking voting for you and depend on you to take care of us, where are you, show your face, do something, don't just sit there
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and let your city go down to the ruins. elizabeth: what do you say? >> absolutely heartbreaking to hear from these people and the saddest part the black lives matter marches were there screaming defend the police that is part of their motto and hurting the communities that they claim they're trying to help the most minority communities in particular want the police there when you talk to them like you heard from those people they want them there and need them there and we all need the police and what a sad state of affairs in our country. thank you for joining us, good to see you. new revelations out of the house republicans first hearing on the origin of the pandemic and killed more than 600,000 americans democrats continue to stonewall, weto have china runng scientist we have china wanting u.s. fibrous technology, a lot
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came out of this hearing today direct from the hearing we have representative mark green and marionette miller green with us next. stay right there. ♪ the sleep number 360 smart be.
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this, i am thinking i'm right, maybe it didn't work out this n way but it would've been nice mr. chairman if dr. fauci would come and answer our questions, he could come in defend himself but he does have occurred, you know wells who would not come, we invited doctor hassell to come to, he's individual who shares the oversight board we invited him to come and he would not come. unconvinced they knew from the get-go what the truth was in they misled. elizabeth: a big charge from ohio congressman from the gop hearing in the house on the origin of the pandemic, with us now straight from the hearing is mark green in iowa congressman mariannette miller-meeks on the subcommittee on the pandemic, first you congresswoman, correctness of were wrong that china threatens scientist and
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they said you have to h keep silent about what you know about or virus research or else if you don't you'll be labeled as enemies of china and cut off from collaboration and funding, what happened. >> they threatens scientist in china so we know that they threatens scientist in china and a suppression of information and we know that they took down reports from chinese scientist in all likelihood that the stars kobe to from the wuhan institute overall a g and that was suppressed that the article was taken off-line and they took the database off-line, the other testimony of how particular scientist or doctors felt about their interaction with china there would be repercussions if they did not in fact suppress or dampen any knowledge that the virus may have emanated from the wuhan institute overall a g and especially what weit heard today it indicates this virus emerge from the laboratory whether a
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virus captured and brought to the lab to work on and amplify your gang of function research, that we don't know. elizabeth: it was really interesting hearing congressman green and i'm going to ask congresswoman meeks the same thing, what was the most explosive thing, we saw china is making a desperate push to get a hold of u.s. fibrous technology, what was the most exposed of thing you heard today. >> there was two things and as always thank you for having us on the show two things stood out to me, the genetic manipulation that is evident in the genome of the virus, it's very clear from the scientist thatst they beliee there is genetic manipulation present, it could not of come one of the scientist said the probability that it came from a wet market is the same probability to flip the nickel 65 times in a row and come out
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ahead. we clearly did not come from the market came from the lab that's probably one of the biggest. the other is a failure of the democrats to show up in the notion that even in the scientific community there migho be biased just because it's donald trump, they cannot afford to allow other scientists to come to conclusions that would support the president. these scientists articulated their version of trump during syndrome impacted the result, that is shocking. elizabeth: we hear you, congresswomen miller meeks, what was the most concerning disturbing thing we heard u.s. is given dna u.s. citizens to china, what can china do with that, she's the most concerning thing that i'veto heard today da from americans going overseas to china and china is working on
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decoding this dna and doing research to the ethnocentric, that is extraordinarily problematic and they're not doing this with chinese individuals but the dude with american dna and they're doing things legislatively to hold the practice but we should not send american dna to china if in fact they're using this for potential bio weapon that could isolate segments of the population and one of the questions. elizabeth: this is terrifying. >> the virus affected elderly people, do you think there was manipulation in that regard, tickets very concerning, the other thing we had our colleaguesmo, democrat coley did not show up for this hearing is not a partisan issue, not an american issue but aow global issue how we respond to the pandemic it would've been similar but more timely and less complacency and more energy on how
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we respond to the next national emergency or the pandemic, how do we prepare for that and how do international bodies hold people accountable whether it's a lab safetyse protocol and the type of research done in the laboratories those are important questions at the entire world needs answers. elizabeth: we gotta get to this, the question for america to keep asking who is doing the oversight of sharing the gain-of-function technology with china when china has been accused of running unsafe lab since the 70s and dozens of lab leaks and lab workers getting sick the h1n1 virus doctor macario told us escape from a lab in china in 1977 lets us in the peter daszak an ally of dr. fauci boasting how they were successful in creating a super virus in a wuhan lab, watch this. rkin the proteins shifted to hun
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cells that this virus could really become painful. and you end up with a small number. >> you can manipulate in the lab pretty easy you can get the sequence, build the protein enter into the background of the virus and do some work in the lab. elizabeth: he is calling them killer viruses, who is overseeing this in the u.s. dr. fauci did not testify, congresswoman miller meeks talked about congressman green that they are using american dna to do ethnic targeting of viruses and possibly may be gender targeting, who knows
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senior citizen, who knows this is not tinfoil hat, this is serious stuff. >> one of the things that i entered into testimony today china's declaration to the biological warfare convention where they said in 2011 that they can manipulate the genome of a virus to attack a specific race of the people, if we provide our dna to the chinese they can target specific segments of our population. it is insane that we would continue to transfer our biotech to china. >> exactly ethic it's important that you are covering this and this will get out to the public and it shows us the arrogance of scientist who think that they can manipulate this and they will be able too contain it and were not able to contain this. elizabeth: congressman green and congresswoman miller meeks, thank you for joining us, great to have you on. next that president biden hitting the road to sell a
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costly infrastructure deal but the hard left advertising say no climate plan, no deal, we have the story next. ♪ before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn? ♪
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elizabeth: let's welcome to the show new york congressman lee zeldin, also the gop presume nominee for near governor candidate to take on andrew cuomo, let's start with this. did nancy pelosi and chuck
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s schumer hardball tactics did e backfire we have dozens of vulnerable democrats along with senate republicans say you can't ramp to the senate a separate human infrastructure deal with democrat votes, senator joe manchin is open to that, he doesn't like the dollar amount sof big spending, what do you say. >> the short answer is yes and i would add one of the dynamic, the president way of speaking that showed publicly what the behind-the-scenes play calls have been not to come out publicly that they won't sign a bipartisan bill without a far leftas appeasement at the same moment that in the making a bipartisan deal start to fall apart, you're right it's accommodation between congressional democratic leadership but also the mouth of the president.
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elizabeth: we have hundreds of climate change protesters, democrat alexandria ocasio-cortez, cori bush, they were protesting outside of the white house saying if you don't do agree new infrastructure deal we will not have any deal whatsoever they blocked t entrances to the white house, that was happening it looks like you're pushing a threat from the hard left to the democrats need the hard left to turn out the vote in the midterm. >> they would not have pelosi as speaker, they would not be in the majority, even that much more dysfunctional if they cannot figure out how to keep thehejo coalition together becae every geordie is slim in the house and a 5 50/50 senate so ty feel like in order to put together 218 votes for nancy pelosi to become speaker, they have to appease the far left and then trying to prop up behind-the-scenes negotiation
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using two left-hand, the democratic party and for what were witnessing outside the front of the white house and the ridiculous demands that are being made, not understated the difference between the million, trillion, billion it's all the same taxpayer money is monopoly, funny money and they have the keys to the treasury and they don't mind using it and it's overheating right now. that aspect of outsized power in some cases self-described socialist far left members of githeir party being able to have the level of influence behind-the-scenes and in front is resultinghouse in a whole another level of dysfunction in one that is going to end up hurting them in the midterm if the democratic party doesn't take any leadership takeover, there are centrist in the democratic party not just inside congress but all over the country and they feel like their
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party is leaving in many ways leaving them, they have to do something about it and right now we are notse seeing it. elizabeth: congressman lee zeldin, thank you for joining us, come back soon, next up we are watchingg your wallet will show you a stunning new estimate of the amount of fraud of tax of fraud with pandemic loans representative the end-user is next on "the evening edit". >> anyone that commits fraud and kills taxpayer dollars from hard-working americans should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.
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elizabeth: joining us from the house small business in foreign affairs committee representative dan user, america's economy was moving into a brisk recovery, did you see the new analysis that said there's an estimated
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$260 billion in fraud and waste in government pandemic loans that the size of the economy of oregon, what is going on here. >> it's outrageous, we got hit by covid and many mistakes were made, there was lot of fear and random shutdowns particular my state of pennsylvania some handled it better than others then we went to recovery mode with the cares package in the ppp loan we have a lot of good things that have stimulus checks because people were forced to stay home and we had to fund the hospitals and get testing, then many get into the bailout there were bailouts that worked out well and back to the ppp, definitely hiccups the main sstreet lending plan for larger companies and c the airlines, we hade certain loans such as the
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emergency disaster loan program, it's estimated by the ig that could have as much as $70 billion alone of fraudulent loans made and then you throw in the unemployment insurance that when out, we had some sloppy work that was done. when you have trillionset of dollars being managed by the federal government and handed down to the state government, some of these terrible management is what occurs. we have too much money going through the idle loan from the fda the fda did one third, $60 billion of loans in 67 years in a two-year period they were asked to do $230 billion in
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loans and their staff barely increased the reason the ppp had so far less loans it was done through commercial banks it was a private project basically, that's how things gotta work that's my job with these huge expenditures moving forward, they want to double down. elizabeth: the thing is this small business lending program is on the watchdog radar screen for major fraud for years and years, now we have house majority leader kevin mccarthy in a bipartisan push to call back fraudulent claims potential 30 billion in fake jobless claims in california were seen in maryland and other states so were paying money for people to stay home and restaurants can't get workers and construction companies can't get workers now we have massive fraud, your final word. >> we need to understand and appreciate and we need to focus on private sector growth, not
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government growth and when we can bring the private sector in to help manage andan facilitatet usually works out, always works out better than the government handling large scales of ventures. elizabeth: congressman thank you so much for joining us, come back soon, it's good to see you. next up the story late-night host they're having a field day they're having a great time, what are they doing their slamming the media and slamming social media there slamming big tech for censoring stories and keeping people in the dark about major issues affecting the country, you're gonna want to hear this vince: ace takes it on next modern or reliable. we want both - we want a hybrid. so do banks. that's why they're going hybrid with ibm. a hybrid cloud approach helps them personalize experiences
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elizabeth: let's welcome back to the show we have with us vince coglianese and editorial director, good to see you,
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late-night host going after media and social media for misleading people on things like the government bailout from the pandemic, this is coming to light on how badly they have been misled over the past year, what do you say. >> i want to know what happened economy a used to be that they would be edgy, subversive, original now they're waiting until the topics are completely safe before they dip their toe in the water and this is b justa sign that they do remember what it used to mean to make comedy great with her too scared to break that ground, their living off in many cases their old reputation you look at jon stewart going almost stephen colbert with a lively theory and bill maher with the lively theory, it's amazing until they waited in june of 2021 data conversation that you and i were having last year and they waited
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far too long but i'm glad they are saying some true things to people to speak truth to have an informed society that can make good decisions about this democratic republic. elizabeth: things like science is about open debate, that's what science is built on, no one person is science as dr. fauci was criticizing, let's listen to jon stewart and bill maher. watch this. >> there is a novel respiratory coronavirus overtaking wuhan, china, what arere we due, you kw who we can ask the wuhan novel respiratory coronavirus lab, the disease is the same name as the lab, there's been an outbreak of chocolatey goodness near hershey, pennsylvania, what do you think happens. >> facebook band any post for
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four months of covid coming from a lab, now even the biden administration is looking into it, google, the wall street journal reporter asked google's health division and notice thate they don't do auto fill searches for coronavirus lab leak but they do every other question and the guy said we want to make sure the search isn't leading people down pathways that we would find to be not authoritative information. , you were wrong google and facebook, we do not know the reason why we want you is because were checking on the elizabeth: do you see how google is centering, go ahead. >> it is a huge deal and for these guys to express it this is a cry for help we knew this last year but wet didn't feel like it was safe to say it because of like google think about the immense power that that engine has it controls 90%
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of all search worldwide, our interpretation of reality is filtered through the one company i need don't have to look far for aic bunch of examples where they have been centering really important conversation and keeping it away from the public whether the lab leak or during the election if you go back to mayo blaster 2020 that's when conservative new sites lost their traffic entirely from google if you were to search for joe biden there was no chance you would see in the top results because google violently but quickly shut off all the traffic, that is real power and is limiting the ability of the public to think clearly about issues that they deserve to debate when it comes to ingesting facts in reasoning and out with one another this is a very scary world and we should push back forcefully. elizabeth: it's always terrific to have you on, thank you for your insight, come back soon.
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we have the story coming up next with hours to go before former president trump visit to border, the fight between the biden administration and texas now escalating, texas governor abbott says he will start arresting terminal illegals so they know they are no longer getting the bite in red carpet treatment we have more on the story top dhs official laura reid is next, keep it here on "the evening edit". >> texas is going to do with the biden administration is refusing to do texas will step up and secure u our border we will use every tool available under the law and we will build the wall, rest people and make texas safe and send a message to washington, d.c., stand up and do your job. ♪
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elizabeth: welcome back former president trump will travel to the texas border tomorrow, he is expected to spotlight the border wall and go after the biden administration for reigniting the border crisis, this is a potent t campaign issue that wil rev up the base and the gop wants to use it to win back the house and senate next year, back with us now former dhs acting
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deputy chief of staff, it is great to have you back on. there is systemic criminality at the border we have fox news capturing video of illegal immigrants ready to wait for border patrol at the texas border these are called got a ways these are single adult males from mexico, home invasion, robberies, carjacking that the border, this is systemic criminality why the democrats a wall on it. >> this is by design according to the policies. they have open their border and they want to process and as many illegal immigrants as they can and they view this iss political power in the future in the form of votes. elizabeth: there is a fight between texas and the biden administration, it is escalating in the texas governor will arrest criminal illegals so they no longer get the biden red carpet treatment, he is doing
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with the biden administration refuses to do is secure the border. this feels like a federal versus state right issue, is this going to head to the supreme court. >> it very well couldn't has in that passage did under obama administration is the federal government's job to enforce immigration laws and this administration as the obama administration refuses to do so, the states need to step in when they are impacted and no state is more impacted than texas thank goodness for governor abbott for protecting his constituents by arresting criminal aliens for trespassing and other state f crimes. americans want to be safe and texas wants their property respected and to keep the family safe. it is good to see a state governor fight for their constituents, the biden administration isenen not. elizabeth: the supreme court with a new major ruling today that undercuts the administration catch and release of illegals at the border and
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they effectively said if an illegal comes back, if they return and try to cross again and claim asylum they have to be detained they have to be held in government custody,us they cannt go through catch and release to wait out the court hearing, what do you think of the impact on this ruling. >> it is important in immigrants in this country have extensive due process in multiple judges, file appeal, et cetera, when they receive a final order of removal, it is after extensive due process, such an alien is deported and then returned back into the country they have far fewer rights in the supreme court upheld that as an important ruling. elizabeth: here's the other thing that is happening in texas the governor plans to i shut do, we saw more than four dozen
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facilities holding a legal immigrants, that is also an issue two, the governor sent a letter to hhs saying you cannot commandeer any state including texas to do with the federal government is supposed to do texas is not going to be dragged tuned into federal government service that the constitutional issue. how do you think that will shake out. >> it could end up in court as well is not just the department of homeland security to enforce immigration laws, health and human services or the key part of that and housing the s s migt children and there are so many unaccompanied alien minors that are seeking sponsors for someone to come pick them up to house and to brutally hhs is lowering its standards and its sponsors to pick these minors up which will not end well for these children we've seen this under the obama administration and horrible cases that came of it
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in any governor governor abbott and other governors they need to step up as well and protect not just american citizens but the unaccompanied children who are coming here because the biden administration is welcoming them and said we will not return them and encourages more parents to send more childre unaccompanied. elizabeth: final word homeland security secretary may work undermine orca's could not answer why, the hearers did not go to a border facility with children minutes away from el paso, looks like a train to scramble on this visit what wasv your take on the visit. >> it was a pr fiasco what is ironic she went there for a pr when she had her hand forced when former president trump announced he's going to thenc border tomorrow she had no indication and she showed no interest in going to the border and then decided sher would go and she did not get it right she
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did not go to the hotspot of the rio grande valley she went a thousand miles away to open also and there she did not truly go to the border she was at the airport. elizabeth: she was in el paso, we have a hard break, think you were so sorry we ran out of time, thank you for watching "the evening edit", join us again tomorrow night. n ♪ ♪ ♪. larry: hello everyone welcome to "kudlow" i am larry kudlow, it's bad enough that president biden in the democratic congressional leaders doublecrossed the gop bipartisan infrastructure package and that includes the democrats who participated, they had enough but it's really bad that pelosi and company are holding the infrastructure package hostage and hostage with


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