tv Kennedy FOX Business July 13, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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you get both. introducing the wildly civilized all-new 3-row jeep grand cherokee l larry: sculpture is absolute right you and help standards, free enterprise not woke welfare. kennedy: welcome to the week of a budding revolution own backyard mass protests across cuba. as brave cubans demand freedom from tyranny predefined ministration accused of giving cover for communists. and this was the scene on the streets on the island which is just 90 miles from the florida keys protesters they are risking their lives chanting freedom and down with communism. i joined them. the sound up white house first blamed it on covid desperate
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last night marco rubio said that response is not good enough. he said the u.s. needs to do everything we possibly can to support these protesters, watch. >> was is not just about covid of course covid is the icing on the cake here. you got a socialist regime that says to people you have no freedom, you have no independence you have no ability to speak freely but you have a really good healthcare system. they don't. people are dying in their homes or frustrated they want to live in a normal country don't have the kids getting on rafts and having to leave the country in order to lead normal lives. some of our former u.s. ambassador to the un, nikki haley but one step further saying the left is touring the u.s. into cuba. >> cubans never take responsibility for what is happened for any american is to learn this lesson. when you start getting money that government doling out they eventually own you. when they own you people suffer pride that is what we don't want to print what socialism from burning and the
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squads and let's give money out by stimulus and every thing else. we will pay a huge price and our freedom we allow this to continue. support nash like people like aoc and bernie been pretty quiet about it. probably because in the past bernie has dropped little gems like this. >> we are very opposed to the authoritarian native nature of cuba. as unfair to simba say everything is bad. you know, when fidel castro came into office, jena what he did? he had a massive literacy program present a bad even though it all castro did it? so forth ring journalist in prison and also gay people in prison that is bad. i do not by the great literacy program there are so many socials the democrat party, can we count on them to actually fight for freedom from communism was given to a party panel we have newark post economists, karol markowicz along with 640 los angeles radio host and host of the gary and shannon show it
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is gary hoffmann oh yes forgot democrat strategist author of the end of democracy doug schoen is back welcome everyone. carol we will get right into this with you because obviously you have lived in the in another country fighting for freedom. what do you see in these protesters at all because of covid? >> people want to be free and these protests are not about covid, they are not about prescription drug plans they are not overdue library fines, they are about freedom for their about the cuban people think we are here, don't forget about us we want to be free and during the western world to keep ignoring them. i am from the soviet union i feel very strongly about this. people want to be for repeat people do not want to live in the social paradise bernie imagined even with literacy. kennedy: i agree with you that freedom is a default setting
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for human beings. we sort of lost sight of what that means in this country. i think nikki haley had a good term and she said mission. it is slow it is insidious and all of a sudden you are completely surrounded by the state. so where does president biden stand on all of this, gary, the response from the white house has been kind of tepid. not as silent as aoc and bernie. is there still a rift they are and is there enough to fight for freedom? >> i don't know. tepid is a great tepid word to describe the tepid response of the white house. it's been almost nonexistence of the devon haley need to put out a press release we should get jen psaki to put some words together in a sentence that make people think we put out a statement. but it does not mean anything there are no teeth to it. there are no actual policy behind what the white house is saying. it is frosting for a listen
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i've never been to cuba i'm not wednesday i have her try to put on expressly don't have. it is frustrating geographically to see a country's closest cuba is to the united states, suffer the way it has for decades. and we cannot figure the right policy for we cannot figure what if our skinny jeans little brother to the south of us. kennedy: i have to do talk to some cuban-americans in south florida, doug, you can ask them what conditions were like where they were willing to risk their lives to sail to the united states. what kind of teeth you think the u.s. government needs to bear right now in order to aid in our freedom loving friend? >> does just looking down at my smart phone to read the language john f. kennedy used in 1961 in his inaugural he said we need to bear any
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burden pay any price to support the cause of freedom and liberty around the world. obviously we had a disastrous bay of pigs but it did not work out but that in no way means we should not stand up for freedom in cuba, i have been there it is a totalitarian state. no matter what anyone says, bernie sanders included red by the way the cubans have occupied venezuela another subject we have talked about. this is a time to stand up for freedom and liberty to cast-off dictatorship and in our policy have real, real words mean something for the first time in a long time. kennedy: it's interesting though because the democrat socialist of america, they are ready to lock arms, who essentially you are right he
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is in lockstep with the president of cuba. you have got people have a stranglehold on one of the two major political parties in this country. they are the ones crafting the political philosophy in the policy for democrats. it is kind of scary that not only are they not denouncing active close socialism, they are codifying at places like venezuela. the panel will be back at the busy show a lot of big happenings around the world what a touch on as many as possible including a potential civil war that no one is talking about. south africa tonight in total chaos following the rest of the countries former president for withholding evidence of its own possible corruption. what started as political protest on his behalf is now devolved into widespread looting, shooting and violence were some of the images out of south africa are ever shocking from johannesburg, to durban.
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parson businesses tightly set up plays, at least six people been killed tens of thousands of dollars in property damage of the military fighting for control the streets of the rioters parts or how fargo south africa devolved into chaos customer and try me now host of its on fox bharat logan is here. what you seeing here? this is really quite dramatic. it has been so long since we have seen anything like this but i was a journalist in south africa for many, many years. with the end of the passing the rise of nelson mandel of the first equal government and south africa are we really were behind us. i thought those days were behind us. there is something very significant here about how quickly this has devolved.
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it is a product of the history it began in durban and you sought up on your screen there, that is the scene of the worst violence because that is where jacob zuma the former president is actually from. it is a tribal thing to a degree. this is the home. but it has spread very, very quickly because they are the largest tribe and they are all over the country. for many of them this is not irrational even if he's guilty of corruption at the fight for him and defend him. that is part of what you are seeing. >> is there some worry this could spread to other countries throughout the continent? you're actually right happen so quickly. is it the trigger and explain a little bit how the tribal mentality plays into that and feeds off of that. >> i don't see in immediate danger of spreading in the
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sense this is a very south african issue. it is a south african problem brother external links? there usually are. one factor that's playing into the speed of this is definitely the state of the country because of the pandemic response. and i say that because south africans have very, very heavy lockdowns. my own uncle died in south africa from covered i've been talking to my family over the last few days. i was shocked to learn my stepmother and my little sister and my little nephews, who are in durban which is where the former president is from, they are not able to leave the house. it is way too dangerous for people with already seen bodies in the streets now in the army has been deployed. what this is really about, how the tribal mentality played into this is not just a tribal thing it is a history of africa thing. jacob zuma was a leader of the struggle against apartheid.
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the zuma family tradition has very strong roots in the tribridge south africa was by this incredibly noble struggle for equality, justice and debris and racism. kennedy: that is what americans know. >> what happened in the end with so many people were left behind. corruption grew the gap between rich and poor has grown. covid, the response of that came in and eviscerated peter really obliterated the people in the economy. until you have these factors coming together with a perfect storm for what has happened here is jacob is refusing to goad jeff court and testify most south africans black, white, indian are really united and believe he's universally guilty of the charges now. there's not been a trial yet he did serve safe there. he is refusing to go to court he's been in agreement with
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the current president, he agreed to turn himself in. now is being held is been jailed for contempt of court. and south africans are venting their rage and frustration. this is a real test for the government. although there have been some hiccups along the way there's never been widespread anger like this. shopping malls are being burned down and people are really, really afraid. so will it spread to other countries? it's a uniquely south african issue right now. the conditions of poverty than been created by the response to the pandemic, those have created conditions for this kind of violence and unrest to spread all across the world. kennedy: something we can keep an eye on because how could that happen in this country? i does take one thing pretty former president who is jailed, the murder of georgia floyd, it is hard to know where society's going to go
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and how they're going to react when there is inequality. the unemployment south africans 33%. thank you for taking the time appreciate it. >> kennedy what other thing you are so right on top of that the same elements that are pushing the whole divisive, divide the nation, divide the races and narrative has been present in south africa they are all over the world if you look back the open society foundation has one of its biggest, most important offices johannesburg south africa. i have seen it myself with my own eyes in that middle of nowhere them holding conferences about critical race theory that all of these other things. it is really insightful that you came up with that because there is a very real link there. that is something to watch this is a global message that is being sent and it is dividing people globally. support all right lara logan thanks again.
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right another violent summer weekend in several major cities president biden finally meeting with some big city mayors to crackdown on crime rates of what does the white house need to do to stop the surge question former d.c. police detective at my friend ted williams, he joins me in moments this past year has felt like a long, long norwegian winter. but eventually, with spring comes rebirth. everything begins anew. and many of us realize a fundamental human need to connect with other like-minded people. welcome back to the world. viking. exploring the world in comfort... once again.
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score welcome back. the binder with city and law enforcement officials today to address but enjoyed third in violent crime. issues federal coronavirus aid money to refund their police he also promised to send in strikeforce teams to crackdown on illegal guns. with the focus on guns and on crime, can this all trend be reversed. defense attorney fox news contributor, it is ted williams, welcome back ted. >> hey kennedy i am always honored to be on with you. and you should know that. support thank you ted you are my smoking gun. too much focus on guns. it is not just guns that is misplaced energy does this administration have a plan to reverse the awful crime trend?
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>> you are right it's too much focus on guns. that is a question about the proliferation of guns into these communities. but it are these thugs that are using these guns to kill people these communities. and to intimidate them. i will tell you are is encouraged by biden and the representation of our police officers in these various communities. and giving more money to these communities. also about community-based policing. one of the static commentaries and law enforcement, is good men and women have left the law enforcement agencies and departments in droves. we have got to get them back. got to get them out in the community. we've got to get rid of these thugs in the neighborhoods. kennedy: when you tell police
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you hate them, they feel like the mayor who is the boss and the city council who decides the budget and they take a bunch of money away from cops, they're like why am i doing this job? if people hate me there's a mass resentment what you're left with, good people leave your lifted backups made by demonstration to figure out a way to get ready bad cops and make really bad officers fireball. it also to rediscover the love of good cops which is necessary for going to have commuted policing, which is it necessary if you want to see crime go down, it is, commuted policing is one of the things it actually works. next year aptly right about that. you know what candy? what they also need to do in these communities is to marry law-enforcement with prosecutors and judges. this law enforcement officers go out there and they locked these people up.
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support than they let them go. >> and then they are gone. that certainly something that's happening in the prosecutors and judges need to do their job in helping police officers. and rightfully so. they are are accused on everything unfortunately. if a cop is trying to make an arrest somebody is resistant read what the hell do you expect them to do? they're going to have to fight that resistance with resistance. it bothers me when somebody puts a camera on a cop and he is trying to get somebody under control. all the sudden he is a bad person, there is excessive force. it is a challenge out here being a police officer, kennedy. super absolutely you're in a see a drop and proactive policing that hearst people and vulnerable communities that need the protection. who am i just a friend ted always good to talk to.
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>> my pleasure. [laughter] 's before coming up kamala harris insulting happy company claiming rural americans are such thick hillbillies they could outing and photocopy their own ids. how could she possibly be that out of touch question of the party. party. in moments. there's an america we build and one we explore. one that's been paved and one that's forever wild.
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the covid-19 vaccines can be our chance to get back to our plans. introducing the wildly civilized who we are. what we miss. to get back to each other. to life. but... it's ok to have questions like... how were the vaccines tested? in rigorous clinical trials among adults of diverse backgrounds. can the vaccines give you covid-19? you cannot get covid-19 from a vaccine. why should i get vaccinated?
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protecting yourself also helps protect the people around you. find the latest information at ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ before my blues away ♪ ♪ i like the saying that song at karaoke. i must not be able to make than audrey vice president kamala harris trying to make the case against new voter id laws. instead she insulted half the country, watch. >> i do not think that we should underestimate what that could mean.
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because in some peoples minds, that means well you are going to have to xerox or photocopy your id to send it into proof of you are who you are. for there are a whole lot of people especially people who live in a row committed there is no kinko's there is no officemax near them. [laughter] save our people are going to go to officemax and by their own copy machine. kinko's was absorbed by fedex 17 years ago. and of course, by the way that woman does not have a cracker barrel order. i do not trust her talking about most of the country break those comments backfiring after rural americans, who believe it or not know how to make a photocopy. they are a little upset with the same interview the vice president said she specifically asked biden to expand access to the ballot box. she too out of touch to and many other issues? the party panel is back, karol
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markowicz, gary hoffmann, and doug schoen. i don't know if out of touch begins to describe it. [laughter] i am a city girl, but i imagine people who live in rural america are not action the 1950s you don't step through a time machine and go back to a simpler time. and if they have access to copy machines but i think he should expose democrats have no idea what's going on in a large part of the country. i think they are very city based. they do not know so much of america's rural and so much is able to get ids, produce ids whenever they need to. and it doesn't take much to photocopy them. before they also have smart phones they can take a little scanned, gary, they can take a scan of their license and print it out themselves. people who live in places like arkansas and kentucky they have access to amazon. and if they want to they can go on amazon and get a printer for their own home.
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isn't that exciting? >> hi kennedy my name is gary at my pronouns are key him his and my cracker barrel order is hash brown casserole. it is ridiculous to me too think in the political trope of like a ruling political class exists. i hate that term. but when you look at symbiotic kamala harris making a statement like that you have to ask where have you been for the 50 plus years of your life? at you not outside of san francisco, san francisco, washington or brentwood? it bothers me at bothers everyone who hears that it thanks wait a minute, i did just fine with the first 48 years of my life pretty think i can do okay trying to find a photocopy machine. are the harder part is going to be divided kinko's like you say when they got absorbed by fedex a decade and a half ago. [laughter] kennedy: exactly. doug, she is apparently the future of the democrat party
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bird how does that make you feel? >> it makes me feel pretty rotten, kennedy. if she is the nominee in 2024 which is at least possible, and gives me a sinking feeling in my >>. i do not think she is electable nationally the half trip to the border. as another expression in the south about politicians and when things don't work. this is used for people of all races, creeds, colors, this dog don't hunt. humble harris is a proud accomplish american woman. but as a political candidate, i say explicitly she is clearly not ready for prime time. i use that expression whites,
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blacks, whoever are going to say this woman does not understand the way we live. the way our institutions work. and what is expected of us. flexors nothing worse when someone tries to be folks it comes up pain and condescending. meanwhile dr. anthony fauci with an american found that heartless investor, this time it was the family of cbs news anchor gayle king cole told the celebrity dock she's taking his back seated by so seriously she plans to ostracize her family members who don't get the covid job, watch. >> , how do more times you can say to people listen it will save your life or to have this probably some members of my own family, which i'm not going to ban for thanks giving vacation that's how strongly i am taking what you are saying. [laughter] kennedy: too that of been vaccinated now that risk of spending turkey day with gayle
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king. is gayle playing political power games with her nieces and nephews or is the lack of a that a legit cause for family feud? >> it does not make sense if you are vaccinated what do you care for other people are vaccinated print i am vaccinated i don't care if i'm hanging out with you when you're not faxing because i trusted the vaccine. i think this kind of commentary throws shade on the vaccine does not being effective. forcing people, urging people to not get them. maybe they don't really work. i think it be much more effective to say i care about you not to ban them from your house would you be on smokers are people who drink too much, or any other family quirks? you shouldn't. [laughter] this should be another case of that. >> gary, are you going to kicked out of gayle king's
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that giving vacation that she started planning for july? >> here is my impression of gayle king's nephew, thank god i don't have to go to anti- gayle's house thanksgiving and risk food poisoning. for the turkey from the dryer for four days. [laughter] kennedy: it's true there are other things you really have to worry about, doug. including some of those uncomfortable family discussions. so i think karol is right if you have been vaccinated you do not have to worry so much. >> i tell you i do have to agree with karol. what i tried to do with friends and family who for whatever reason have not been vaccinated is to persuade them to do it. i cannot think of a better time to try if they go up to the thanksgiving holiday or not vaccine i would hope they would come and listen to me as i explained to them upside for the vast majority of americans
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and indeed people in the world far exceeds they're down side. there are a few people who showed up at the vast majority should be. i really think polarization and division of the sign over vaccinations for social distancing hurts us as americans. siu boards virtual signaling. gayle can gape until she is a rich one in her family. she has her queenly thanksgiving every year she decides with her scepter who gets to go on the yachts. if you have not been vaccinated, you may not board. i would not like to swab that poop deck i will tell you that. speaking of space cadet this is fun richard branson made history after the first person to fly his own aircraft into space. the virgin galactic ship unity live stream the launch, little pixelated times out with branson and his crews they rocketed 53 miles above the earth surface were take a look at this, i love it, they are
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floating. >> for the next generation of dreamers, if we can do this, just imagine what you can do. kennedy: an optimist i really did that guy went to party with him. branson edged out a win in the battle of the billionaires beating jeff bezos by nine days. wiener meaner. will the future of space to worms being vacations on the moon instead of maui? i am looking past this because i know they are privately developing technology that will personally benefit me at some point, karol. >> absolutely. the people who are mad at it i just don't get it. this is innovation at its best. the billing issues spent their money on something else but this billionaires hanging on yachts popping bottles with models breaking point about than this guy's in space we are all going and space i am sitting next to doug schoen.
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kennedy: i would totally do it. >> you and me together break. >> that's right that's like the turtle song. gary would you go? >> i don't know. i had the absolute joy of flying with the u.s. air force over the speed of sound one time, i am good i think i'm good with that. kennedy: did you barf? >> i did not barf but i really, really wanted to. kennedy: think this is more controlled you think that hot dogging but i do think this is a sausage swinging contest that we can all benefit from this butcher, doug. >> i'm not going to touch that one, candy but i will say this. when i heard from jeff bezos today that richard branson did not really go into space and he was, i said to myself, these are two billionaires
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fighting about something that strikes me, given the problems we have in the world i know they both have foundations, and i know basis just invested 10 billion in climate change. i really wish that was a focus there with endeavors in a time rather than flying to the outer limits of earth. kennedy: no, no, no. you don't get to decide how people spend their money but if you've got billions of money when a private race that means a flying car for me on squishy booms or something, than have the billionaires space race. curly are going to say having fantastic and wonderful, go ahead dear. >> i am sad doug and i are no longer going to space together. i think it's really exciting i do not understand the complaints against it.
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okay let's go doug. sue for the way branson 70 look at the earth from that perspective, you realize its fragility and you want to care for it. that is so beautiful. i high-fived him and is well manicured tiny beard. thank you such party panel it is been a luscious night. with karol, gary, doug, ocs will very soon very soon. >> i look forward to it. support know you do by gary patel been threatening to retake afghanistan as u.s. military completes its withdrawal. much of the white house be doing differently to prevent this catastrophe? calling veteran bryan suits in moments. ♪ ♪ experience, hyper performance that takes you further.
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♪(rock music)♪ ♪you can't do this, you can't deny♪ ♪they feed us lines, but i won't act♪ ♪and all good things will come to pass♪ ♪but the truth is all you have to have♪ ♪and would you lie for it?♪ ♪cry for it?♪ ♪die for it?♪ ♪would you?♪ ♪i believe♪ ♪believe we're still worth the fight♪ ♪you'll see there's hope for this world tonight♪ ♪i believe, i believe♪ ♪yeah♪
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already left and taliban insurgents are said to be taking over large swaths of the country present by defending his candidate withdrawal strategy denied any taliban takeover, watch. >> the taliban takeover of skin is a now inevitable? >> no it is not. we did not go to afghanistan. [inaudible] do you trust the taliban sir? >> is not a serious question? >> you trust the talbot is a serious question. >> i do not. you're just the telephone no but i trust the capacity of the afghan military. emergency flights to save afghan translators to help u.s. troops. has yet to determine where they will go if the taliban takeover inevitable? why has the withdrawal been such a mess question for joe to be break it all down it's kfi 640 radio host and ironic
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compact veteran bryan suits, there he is, fresh off. [inaudible] kennedy: let us discuss here, dear, is the tablet just going to take over what why do we do it 15 years ago? >> honestly i do not know but you can ask the current occupant of the white house that, i guess. because he was the solid number two, to president obama. he knows damn well that we spent 19 years in nation building and afghanistan are just like i spent a year end half nation building and iraq and year of nationbuilding in bosnia. you cannot nation build way during a counterinsurgency. here is the deal. he also spread -- mckee regurgitated the propaganda of the afghan national army
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thousand men that are superbly equipped he said they were superbly equipped as well-equipped as any army in the world. okay half of that stuff is in the taliban or the taliban's hands the other half going to be in their hands by the end of july. this is the largest technology transfer the taliban has ever had. kennedy: that is exciting for them. i am one of the people, we should not have been there for 20 years this is insane, this is absolute madness. every part of this a war has been bad but i do not know what objectives we have achieved by that rationale we would be there for at least another 20 years maybe another 40. it is a decadent poop show. what we do now? >> we eat the s sandwich away
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just made. we gave them 20 years of false hope. when you listen to public radio and all of that of their anecdotes are 19-year-old volleyball players who understand they have to hide their pants once the taliban shows up. this is on us this is on us for going there in the first place and staying for and i understand it's you that's when i was all about a punitive expedition with two ranger battalions and special forces the whole thing could but staying building a nation where alexander the great, the british, the risky's and now us it is a nation that does not want to be built. i am fine about washing our hands of it. except what is about to happen is on us. because we stopped it from happening for 20 years and now we're going to walk away. kennedy: what did they do about the translucent head of a bet the translators to make sure they mean us no harm? >> they don't. they have taken too long.
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again, part of this is on trunk for waiting too long. and then coming up with an artificial one year thing. it took me and my infantry company, all these guys writing letters it took us three years to get three translators out of our rock because as you say there is a lot of venting have you ever had with terrorists customer guess they could sit wherever, they're going to be in squalor. we should've thought of this years ago. it is a debacle and it is on us. >> everything is bad on every level except for you and your goodness shines through, bryan suits thank you so much. they're just tropical storm is they're just tropical storm is next. they're just tropical storm is next. they're just tropical storm is next. ♪ ♪ ♪ they're just tropical storm is next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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blooded premises 37-year-old danielle mendez he was arrested for attempting to sell a go on without the back of his suv. police eight mendez captured 22 wild iguanas in miami, florida he drove them to a park in loughton, georgia which attempted to sell them for ten bucks apiece. only in georgia can you still get a 10-dollar lot lizard. is it my dad always said paid police tipped off by a concerned citizen and found the iguanas duct taped in the trunk of his car. he also some chameleons in their police did not know it was illegal to sell iguanas without a license but was charged with animal cruelty anyway. they're taking a bite rescue and were adopted by families. once again, only in georgia can attend our lot lizard get adopted by a nice family. and that is one to grow on. topic number two, this weekend, tropical storm elsa
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♪ ♪ let it go ♪ ♪ under a city flooding the streets like cubans protesting against communism. or americans protesting in favor of communism. is the underground subway system the guy hit the hardest but here's what look like. welcome to new york for the only place work touching water makes you dirtier. if you can see the city semi- was absently soaked this weekend. and for once it was not with hobo p. i'll speak for yourself. here's a woman awaiting through a waist high puddle to catch her train, i have not been this underwater since i invested and does going for it on the bright side it's much harder for subway hooligans to stab you when they are swimming. some communis try to keep dry by wrapping themselves in trash bags. actually in new jersey this is considered formalwear but you know people used to laugh at me for bringing my snorkel on the subway. but as you can see there pretty incredible when you do
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it down there. where do wrapping without that? topic number three, is a heartwarming story about a dream come true for a real texas awaiting nets. this is a peggy garrett 75 year old woman who is obsessed with flamingos. peggy says she has over 150 flamingo things, trinkets and pictures in her home. so just like flamingos she's a bit of an audit bird with the san antonio zoo decided to make her day by bringing a live flamingo to her living room. she was so moved she had to stop balancing on one leg. just like they say a bird in the hand is worth 40 on your pillowcase. of course after seeing the stuff flamingo collection the zoo animal went to the flock out of there. peggy set a favorite thing about flamingos are their wings were as prefer flamingo drumsticks and tenders. adult flamingos typically grow four -- 5 feet to help us tilt away between four and 8 pounds
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which is why they're often called nature's olsen twins that is fun. topic number four, this the season once again for a time honored i am not talking about holding your cousin hostage is the florida python channel annual chance to see who can remove the most burning pythons in the florida everglades made the winner gets 10,000 dollars in cash. it should be more than enough to cover the anti- venom on a hospital bill paid not to mention all of the money they can make after by selling the snakes out of the car to georgia parking lot by the python challenge was non- hermes price pythons were now preying on native wildlife. but still the biggest snake in florida. participants of the contest can watch instructional videos how to capture the snake by grabbing their neck sprayed something the floridians have been practicing all lockdown on their bumble partners. after that there is just one more thing florida man or
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woman needs to go to the swamp and hut hunt pythons and that is tons of bath salts but i'll be right back because it is now for trump monday. ♪ jason, did you know geico could save you hundreds on car insurance and a whole lot more? cool. so what are you waiting for? mckayla maroney to get your frisbee off the roof? i'll get it. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ♪ ♪ whoa. here you go. (in unison) thank you mckayla! dude, get it. i'm not getting it, you get it. you threw it. it's your frisbee. geico. switch today and see all the ways you could save. this past year has felt like a long, long norwegian winter. but eventually, with spring comes rebirth. everything begins anew. and many of us realize a fundamental human need to connect with other like-minded people.
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welcome back to the world. viking. exploring the world in comfort... once again. only 6% of us retail businesses have a black owner. that needs to change. so, i did something. i created a black business accelerator at amazon. and now we have a program that's dedicated to making tomorrow a better day for black businesses. ♪ ♪ i am tiffany. and this is just the beginning. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ thank you for what the best out of your day. tomorrow night on the program, charlie hurt so good, anthony fisher i do not >> announcer: this is a paid advertisement for csn. >> you know, many times, i've been out here with a new coin release, and i have asked for a drum roll. and in all honesty, in the past, it's really just been nothing but hyperbole. but this time, i really would like a drum roll. i don't think i'm gonna get one, but i really think i should have one. this is, i think, the singular most important numismatic event certainly of the last quarter century, perhaps in my entire professional career, in terms of interest, in terms of collectibility, in terms of
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