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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  July 15, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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extraordinary runs in the family. visit your local mercedes-benz dealer today for exceptional lease and financing offers. larry: some free advice for president biden. sir, it's okay to com larry: some free advice for president biden, sir it okay to come out against communism. it is all right. it's about time to do it. kennedy: [background noises] [background noises] kennedy: where is biden where is biden that is what these cuban-americans are acting as the administration continues to disappoint with the lack of response to anti-communist purchase in cuba and they heavy ended reaction from the regime. it should all be a political layup the president has to do is wonder% standing with the
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cuban people and the commies have got to go. instead we get wishy-washy nonsense like this. >> i think we have been pretty clear that we think people are leaving cable or not leaving cuba or protesting in the streets as well because they are opposed to the oppression, to the mismanagement of the government in the country. kennedy: and currently should not waste our time telling us how good the literacy rates are in cuba. florida republican senator marco rubio, whose parents were born on the island said the white house has to step up to the plate. >> this administration response has been lame pretty wish that half the passion they had against the republicans as they do against the tierney in cuba. kennedy: so, does the administration have a cojones to straighten out the tyrants custom request maintenance party panel it is a government we have townhall editor and katie pavlich author of a
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panic attack young radical, robby soave it is sexy bonnet was of democrat strategist former biting campaign surrogates kevin walling. yes,. >> hike kennedy. kennedy: from this administration there have a handle on anything special on cuba water using. >> there responses pretty pathetic. they're not calling this what it is sprayed the white house continues to say the cuban people are protesting because of covid it the economy has been mismanaged. they will not say the word communist for they will not call the regime communist. and they are doing nothing to try to reopen the internet open up back channels there so information about what is going on which includes journalist being taken off by
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the cuban government officials while they are doing interviews about what's going on people been shot and killed in the streets are being dairy to protest the regime. something live not seen at this level in decades. and yet the president of the united states is mia. people ask if this has any consequences outside of cuba? of course it does russia's watching, venezuela's watching, iran is watching the weakness is condemn this thoroughly and politically speaking, florida is a place democrats on the selected compete politically when it comes to political elections. joe biden seems to not be interested and really satisfying the calls for him to at least do more in terms of coming out and speaking against the commish regime just for the sake of political politics in florida. kennedy: robby, you have characterized it as gross incoherence. part of the problem here is the squad they have been
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completely silenced. they democrat socialist of america have been pro- communism, pro- cuba, and venezuela. was it driving the nonresponse of the administration? >> the democrat socialist put out a statement they supported the revolution. of course the cuban government describes itself that's tied they were backing. i disagree with the previous administration. police have known what it is. i don't know what they are, i don't know to what extent he's involved to the rest the world shouldst issue strong condemnations pmo area becoming involved in any military way that has failed in every other country. we tried it.
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i'm also not keen on sanction, the embargo did not work for decades. let's be little cautious about that as well. certainly harsher rhetoric, more diplomacy paid let's figure it out they are our neighbors they are 90 miles off the coast of florida this perpetual communist regime. and now baby the time for the people to rise up against it, not us the cuban people themselves. >> that is what they are trying to do, kevin. democrats in florida are saying for the president this is a golden opportunity but if you go to robbie's point and out limited foreign-policy is at happens to be very pro- cuban very pro- cuban america i'm sure right now jockeying for position on hampered marco rubio or coming out looking much more articulate and forceful than the president. >> i agree with robby i have no idea what their position is
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there not been clear at all. >> kennedy it is a good point. it's not just policy for people in the ground coming out this weekend it is also to your point good politics for florida. we want to be an establishment and when the state again obviously going to want to see some more action coming out of the democrats. he saw a release out of the florida democratic party pushing in that direction from the white house. you are interested in any military solution cuba has been the plaything of this country for the last 70 years. you are seeing a white house assess what's on the grounds. it is a wide support protest on the ground and to actually empower cubans to change this regime from the ground up. america cannot do it for them
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the leak can certainly encourage those cubans to take more to the street and to push for regime change. >> gonna say one thing about that? before go ahead. >> of course we want people in cuba to uprise against the government themselves and do that. but they're completely disarmed and the government is walking in and slaughtering them in their home. there is the question about how do you do that if you are completely disarmed and have nothing to fight against the regime with and the communists literally show up at your door and pull you out of the your bed and execute you in front of your family. it is a nice sentiment but there are realities about what that actually takes. >> again i don't know what the solution is. are we arming the cuban people again like we did in the 60s? are we trying too involve international partners that is a question two. again i don't think america can lead this on the ground up we can support those people it's horrible to being shot in their homes their streets and jailing journals but again what is the solution again.
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>> 's before the solution is to fan the flames of capitalism long-term. you may not have the regime toppled but you certainly can see young people what happens on the inside out. i was talking to a guy today who is the director of the cuban research institute at florida international university. he was saying you may not see this regime go but you could see them change. i want to hear from the president, what is the goal what is the vision of the u.s.? to katie's point you have to call out communist party have to call out communism it is bad. this is how it ends this is where it goes. it does not get any better. i would just going to help there is some change from the inside out with the younger pressuring this government and future administration i don't that's a good idea either.
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>> let's shift to the vice of the cordage vice president kamala harris texas democrats showed real courage and they boarded a bus with a case of miller light and hopped on a check to hide out. the group met about the lone star state voting bill harris compare them to frederick douglass. these lazy democrats got free hotel rooms despite skipping work prudent doing it drop. robby. >> at their flank on a flaming plane without mask some equate a minute where's that flight i want to be on that flight. >> they are boozing like that is the airline you want to be unpaid they've got booze, they have masks, i don't see them
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wearing seatbelts. >> it is pre-covered. >> but it is so funny. republicans fully avoid taking a vote they're obstructing democracy. everything is so nakedly partisan now. it is relentlessly partisan. so of course it democrats obey hailed by progressive mainstream liberal median vice president kamala harris they will be hailed for doing this move that stops the business of state legislature from proceeding if republicans that they'll be hailed as heroes by the rights and would be derided by the same people. but what can you say? there is no standard it is all the critical cheering for your own side when they do anything you like and it is exhausting. we do not need to celebrate them as heroes to democracy i don't know what that means anymore. i'm glad they're the only people in america they could take it enjoyable plane
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flights. >> robby is right. think your site doesn't it's fine if mom at the other side does it is offensive. that is clearly what we are seeing. there'd been inquisition and federal marshals. >> there's a good point to robby was saying how tribal we been come we saw organ senate republicans to the same thing just last year. >> is a great corm on environmental bill same calls from our sides to condemn that. i think of is of the partisan democrats will fled in order to stop the backwards assault on voting rights. a second about this last night. we saw 11 million ballots cast in 2020. just 16 counts of fraud in texas.
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fake problem in terms of what's been in austin for the really serious about voter integrity and protection they put more money into election security. they would work with democrats this is a blatant attack to make it more difficult for folks to vote in the lone star state. >> we have about a minute left, katy. voter integrity would not that mean purging the roles of dead people stuff like that? >> showing making sure the people voting or actually they say they are. i will say i think there is some courage with the texas democrats because they dared too eat and congressional cafeteria but i would say that is very, very the noble task of very risky endeavor there to get their food printer will several quickly swiped texas democrats were now in tc are arguing against voter id at the same times james clapboard of the house is arguing until
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he changing his opinion they want voter id. i sought pop of the just among americans but african-americans and black voters. and destroyed the argument. voting voting should be sicker but it's not as just another day. alright party petal returns are just a little bit. coming up a potentially major step in the battle to legalize weed. later on big news for britain outside what in court today, could be a big win for her that is coming up. when the only thought on your mind is “finally” this is financial security. and lincoln financial solutions will help you get there as you plan, protect and retire.
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convictions, federally decriminalize it and unfortunately here's the bad news, tax the living crab out of it. the bill is called the cannabis administration opportunity act. it has lofty goals it makes the passage is introduced by chuck schumer, cory booker prioritize and above any banking legislation buried banking is a very necessary peace in the legal weed puzzle as dispensaries and businesses must remain cash only to not but up against federal banking statutes and regulations. marijuana should be d scheduled that should have been decades ago. however the failed war on drugs but a multi agency and thus real behemoth that is enriched bureaucrats and did the watergate house with 60% respondents including republicans all agree cannabis should be legal, it only makes sense people been locked up for nonviolent sexual construction should be freed from the prison of ill repute paid the big hurdle here is not the predictable ancients
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in congress who still feel reefer madness located chuck grassley. by the way your name has grass in it so lighten it up. the weirdo warmonger like jeanne shaheen who are all too willing too back social conservatives unblocking beetle for a form, thank you and shay minute genie. the achilles' heel of the bills 10% federal tax which will shoot up to 25% in year five, that is a handwritten invitation to expand the black market defeating the purpose of federally decriminalizing or legalizing weed at all. sure, legal marijuana brings in $6.9 billion in tax revenue but imagine how much more spending could be offset well intentioned politicians were not so damn greedy. even when it comes to the evolution policy taxation is best since flapping syntaxes on things are high in demand is unchecked and dangerous supply. their hearts on the right place but senators are still dealing with all of the feeble
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minds of both parties who are happy to send basic double liberties up in smoke, that is the memo. so for new jersey center cory booker today made the case to finally end the hydroponic hypocrisy, watch. >> the hypocrisy of this is that right here in the capitol, now people running for congress, people running for senate, people running for president of the united states readily admit that they have used marijuana. but we have children in this country, people all over this natured under a nation, veterans, black and brown people, low income people numbering the stain of having a criminal conviction for doing things that half of the last four presidents have admitted to doing. it is deep at the core of who we say we are pretty equal justice under law. kennedy: why don't you talk to your friend president biden about that. will this be enough to free up the devil joining to discuss
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the drug policy alliance director of national affairs maritza perez is here. welcome to the show. >> thank you quite a beer tonight. >> let's talk about this, what would it do to the case of greek decriminalizing an de- scheduling marijuana? what are the chances it actually passes? >> this is a significant peace of legislation. i mean, the fact the senate majority leader has put out a conference of bill and said it's about timing legalize marijuana this on the house packed and act schedules marijuana that is significance putting a message out there that it is long past time for the federal government to take this issue seriously. so, today was really an exciting day for marijuana justice and love the prince's of them pushing forward. special because the spill
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continues to provide for social justice components in the bill. the odds of this bill passing. kennedy: go-ahead go-ahead girl. >> the odds of this bill passing, we will have to see. i think you mentioned earlier in your monologue about president biden and where he is on the issue. we have some work to do there. but the good thing is now the discussion drop is out there, all of this is good things we can use our advocacy and our conversation with the administration and congress. >> i think the majority of people in the united states live in a state where there is at least medical if not recreational marijuana. obviously i pointed too that pole, the polling has shifted. and ten years it has been a phenomenal shift. the vice president hoping to run for president in her failed campaign she came out and admitted she smoked and inhaled marijuana. i do not know why the presidents having such a hard time getting on board. trying too straddle two worlds
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here. a lot of the fallout of his major pieces of legislation in the 80s and 90s, that is what we are still battling. so what is the next step in terms of decriminalizing all drugs and moving the u.s. into a sense of life is workable? >> that is a really great question. i do think when you start with marijuana legalization. he pointed up the majority of states have legalized marijuana to some extent at this point. we had the majority of american voters support marijuana legalization for despite our acceptance people arrested every year for marijuana possession. this could have a life altering consequences for people, effecting a person's ability to find a job, find housing, it's her life altering consequences people have to deal with. and of course i cannot neglect the fact this disproportionally impacts low
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income people and people of color who tend to be over policeman black people are simply right but black times are more likely to be arrested for marijuana possession. before an incarcerated brick. >> this carries a very deep criminal justice and racial justice consequences. we need to start by decriminalizing it, removing it from controlled substances. but then, the drug policy alliance members of congress reps that is a bush and coleman to under stand the first bill that would decriminalizing drug possession speed that includes drug convictions and also providing for public health approach. >> that is what has made the model so successful is the
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outreach and taking people out of the criminal justice system and moving them this is a public health question. the president can help by commuting and pardoning all of the people have been convicted for nonviolent drug crime but he can do that he can do that right now and not wait till the last week he is in office. i hope the drug policy alliance is pressuring the white house to do that because someone tried too some point, maritza perez thank you for your time please come back to. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up, which generation tips the worst quest mark light against boomers, millennial's, yuko had guess. thus the olympics are going to start next week. but will new covid rules transform the games into something you will not even recognize? the party panels back, they the party panels back, they are next there's an america we build and one we explore. one that's been paved
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and one that's forever wild. but freedom means you don't have to choose just one adventure. you get both. introducing the wildly civilized all-new 3-row jeep grand cherokee l
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(soft music) introducing the wildly civilized first night here. but amy seems cool. what do you think? hmmm.
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♪ ♪. kennedy: my music is so hot it makes me say oh my lord ♪ ♪ no hugs, no hand ticked december olympics is been exempt universal customs of fear of covid next big games are said to begin in togo but ioc president and mailed these new rules like a dumb idiot. for instance leavitt wedding athlete at the pick up their own metals instead of having them placed on their next. but shaping up to be very strange in the officials expect 80% of the billy julie vaccinated. they will have herd immunity. there also be no spectators. are all of these rules are runic with the few unifying events the party panels back, katie pavlich, robby soave, and kevin walling. katy, i think you love the limits as much as i do. i'm from japan they're not
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fans of the handshake. that is barbaric i cannot believe we just still here in this country. i think thought slipped in. but are the olympics going to suck? >> well, first i was and grateful they did not just cancel the olympics outright. glad they are allowing to athletes to go and compete. did they cut a lot of this is completely overboard for their ignoring the science when it comes to herd immunity. the idea you cannot shake the hands of your fellow athletes are competing against all of the world is really sad. defective to put on your own metal there be no spectators to cheer you on again grateful they are competing but it's just not going to be the same experience. i think all these athletes really deserve the top of their athletic fields. >> let's talk about that, robby. you've got a group of people, they are young, they are attractive, they are in the best shape of their lives. many of them are famous they
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are on tender and bumble. will they keep the athletes from hooking up? that is what everyone wants to know. >> i cannot answer that. they are trying to keep the athletes from the help they feel it is ridiculous, it is over for a few or vaccinate it is over. they're going to test in any way find whatever. we're supposed too follow social media then it was until ever gets a vaccine or we had widespread vaccination. okay fine, we have that. it is safer. you can go back to normal. the idea you cannot shake hands you cannot touch as a base in the ridiculous attaching services theory of how coronavirus spreads with no for literally months is not true anyway. it is really infuriating to see cellmate people cling to the pandemic mindset this is
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another example of that and it infuriates me frankly. >> and do not know why japan got on the back strain sooner. this is one of the most advanced countries in the world. they gave us the walkman for crying out loud. but they did not invest the money in the backseat. >> they come a little ways since then i guess. i am in agreement with katy i'm happy it was not canceled. it's going to be a bizarre split screen in terms of seeing the incredible athletes competing with no spectators. i'm happier first lady's going to lead the delegation over there in terms of the welcoming ceremony. before melania? left the real first lady. >> doubt jill biden. that is symbolic shows americans once again the leading and being on hand. but to robbie's point to, it is all airborne. all of these athletes are texted, vaccinated that should be able to touch. i don't how they'll be doing some of the sports we were in close contact with one another.
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>> that's what i'm going to be watching. >> you and me both. so again we'll see how it all plays out. [laughter] kevin we have to go get a margarita or two sometime i think we would have fun. it would be a lovely adventure. if there's one thing i love other than talk about athletes hooking up is a generational warfare. there's an essay that cleans jen's disease and millennial's, like all of you are the worst tippers. although i could've said the worst. research from card so-called zoomer's and millennial's are least likely to get deliveries with rideshare it's hardest hit during the pandemic those workers rely on tips. so listen up buttercup. why are these entitled cheapskates cough up a little cash? emotionally i consider you to be part of gen x. i like to think i tipped like
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settlement -- may i tip like a ginger in casino. i'm always holding up 100-dollar bills per. generous very generous. what kennedy or spot on i call myself the grumpy millennial's sometimes i feel those born in the wrong decade. do not want to insult my peers. i will say i'm a good and generous tipper with the services good. that enables me too give money to people doing a good job not the same amount to everyone but their skill set or the way they handle the service. i say big tips for good service little tips for bad bird. >> always tell me if you cannot afford to tip 25 -- 30% you cannot afford to dine at that establishment. that is okay if got to go in your zone. a lot of people think the service fees go to the driver said that is not the case.
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not with doordash and whatnot. >> every fiber of my being wants to throw, i am a millennial and i hate jen's the. these kids have no idea how good they have had it. they have less financial resources thus far. they might become better tippers as they age. i hope that is the case. also service currently is terrible. i think you should tap to people and even if the service was bad that is what i am like. it has been a rough year obviously for the service industry for everybody and people should tip generously paid the kids should to think they will catch up when they start to make a better living. i hope bert's before this is interesting. i did not realize how much millennial's hate jen's the great do that? >> absolutely.
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[laughter] this is also like the oldest young people panel ever i am 35 going on 80. i'm right there with katy and robby there with this. to robbie's point hopefully we see older generations tipping more because they more of the wealth in this country. our garage generation graduated college in the recession. shortly with debt and hopefully those trends will change once we start making money. kennedy: hope it rains on all of you you are all fantastic and wonderful, thank you katy, robby and kevin. well done. >> thanks kennedy. kennedy: hop bite and so many ways coming up britney spears today back in front of a judge but could be a major step forward to winning her freedom here at the judge is considering, where it's all heading. michael chase is here he joins me in moments ♪ ♪ with cutting-edge tech,
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kennedy: path. she told the judge she wants to press charges against her father for conservatorship abuse. and this conservatorship is along my dad to ruin my life. only county judge also proved the singer's new choice counsel hollywood heavyweight former federal prosecutor met their new attorney said he'd be moving promptly and aggressively to remove jamie spears from brittany's conservatorship. so could this new legal team be the key to free britney? joining may not author an attorney he wrote the book michael chase is back. so it might, you've been following this case. part of the big takeaways from today? >> this is a pretty momentous day in conservatorship hearing. because britney got a right we all think is pretty fundamental which is the right to have the lawyer of her choosing. that has been a big hurdle from the beginning of this case. i think what is important is this lawyer could have used
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this opportunity to accept the appointment, go back to the war room and start working on the case of her he didn't he exit started coming out swinging mates and systematic points pretty pointed out, if jamie spears wanted to do with the best interest of his daughter, it's curious he does not just take this opportunity to voluntarily step aside. so judge, what other things might he be doing that are not in his daughter's best interest question right at that is a good first appearance a strong wind and holy set the tone. >> is not screwing around for you can hear that massive gold from jamie spears and his attorneys. brittany's dad and his conservator of her person, jody montgomery who petitioned a $50000 a month in private security which apparently the judge agreed too which is ridiculous, she and jamie spears have been pointing fingers back and forth. so if the two conservators here cannot get along, something has to change.
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how do you amend that? >> look, the judge has to take control here. it conservatorship is not who gets to be the conservative right is not a privilege and an award they have not done anything to get a windfall in this case. if the conservatorship is not working the judge needs to address that. there is now a competent lawyer acting on britney's behalf. it is time to clean house and put in place a system that is going to work. i most important exactly what you touched on this huge bill, the judge should the put in place a system that's going to ensure britney spears estate is not being wasted by the people are specific protecting it. these are people should not be causing her to loom the fruits of her labor. >> while they are enriching them cells by making deals on her behalf. under this arrangement they can do that. so, were to be go from here? when will we see motions filed
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by her new attorney and how much is he getting paid? >> this is a liberty interest. for her new lawyer who is accomplished he is a formal better prosecutor when you have a liberty interest at state he's not going to let things linger around. for lawyers like myself who have had the privilege to obtain release for people who have been wrongfully detained, wrongfully imprisoned the big question is where do i go to get my years back? where do i go see the decades back i lost too this unjust process? her lawyer knows he cannot get this years back but he can prevent additional days, weeks, months and falling off the calendar. he's going to file for emergency relief. it's going to come back to the court with a defined plan for who should be put in place for the conservatorship going forward. and not expect we will see some changes. >> it will be interesting too
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see if they do sort of curtailment and dial it back. is there a chance it will dissolve completely we've only got ten seconds. >> it is possible. but let's her member just the judge allowed her to pick her own lawyer, there's been an licit competency determination paid not complete but gone back on the decision she's not competent to pick her lawyer. kennedy: she is competent, she is britney free britney. thank you mike. thank you mike. see you soon tropical storm is experience our advance standards safety technology on a full line of vehicles. at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. get 1.9% apr financing on the 2021 rx 350. experience amazing. what makes new salonpas arthritis gel so good for arthritis pain? on the 2021 rx 350.
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kennedy: ahead of nugget pop i stopped buying chicken meat. the only fight to find a bigger collection of breasts is on jeffrey toobin's laptop. that's a nugget of truth and this is a topical storm. topic number one. there we go. soccer spit on everyone's mind this week after italy beat england in the european football team to chip. some say it's most devastating loss for england since megan took harry. all he can tell you is partying in the streets lighting fireworks and chanting for their team it's the most exciting time since the last aspect came out. but one man chose to celebrate in his own style, talent has
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create a tune of 50000 square-foot image of the cop on a crop field as a tribute to the victory pretty sound the stranger celebration europe. i will wait you down, use the tractor to create perfectly dimensioned giant images like this when he made of vladimir putin in 2017 the also crated similar land portraits of president obama and trump. and former secretary of state hillary clinton. unfortunately the portrait of hillary was not very realistic because the crop field was not nearly dirty enough. topic number two. some food for thought from arkansas were a semi truck full of a ramen noodles crashed into a lake. in other words, the ramen is ready for the driver was not hurt when she flipped over this 18 wheeler carrying 20000 pounds of ramen noodles
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which is the equivalent of almost $8 worth of products. this explains why i saw chris christie buying a snorkel this morning. he doesn't swim his going to turn it around and use it as a straw. cleanup crews on site with giant chopsticks and bowls and college students keep showing up and taking pictures with the ramen noodles before ordering sushi on their parents credit cards. the hazmat care on the scene said the lake was not contaminated and the good news for the driver the truck is now totally souped up. personally i love ramen it's all my family eats ever since i put all of our money into bitcoin. hey girls have some more. topic number three. no one likes a strip i like the shrimp or the city of dubai is home to the world deepest swimming pool. in fact it is so deep it actually understands the plot of donnie dark oh. this is a deep dive dubai an
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indoor pool port they can strap on scuba deer in the explore a sunken city. still more visible than san francisco. the attraction includes an underwater library in the game room with a foosball table. it is the lowest any soccer team has been since england for the pool holds 3.7 million gallons of water making it another perfect place to put 20000 pounds of ramen noodles, experienced divers can explore on their own while beginner divers can take lessons from certified pros. in fact the groups practicing the weitzen from his hand gestures to which saved their lives underwear thing attacked by pepe the frog. topic number four. here we go. an abomination for brooklyn is coming to your town, do not worry it is not barbra streisand. from brooklyn ice cream maker it is kraft macaroni cheese ice cream. one scoop of this your body will not know whether to get
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heart disease or diabetes. although i was always taught not to eat yellow snow. the new flavor will be just as good as their others with a few differences. the one thing is that cherries and whipped cream you can top this ice cream and bacon crumbles and french's fried onions. the ice cream is described as cool and creamy while evoking the feeling of eating a warm bowl of mac & cheese. other words as he perfect for a five year old who's going to bed bacon breakup. astute further confused most noted ice cream connoisseur. what is this yellow crab trap? we'll be right back with your fluffy, fancy and now famous kennedogs. that is
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this past year has felt like a long, long norwegian winter. but eventually, with spring comes rebirth. everything begins anew. and many of us realize a fundamental human need to connect with other like-minded people. welcome back to the world. viking. exploring the world in comfort... once again.
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kennedy: it is time for the segment of the week the ss kennedalia, kennedogs baruch of our favorite friends your dog keeps sending in the pics, tells by your pops will make them the start. let's get right into it meat cashew who says hey from scottsdale. wondered 17 degrees was not a billy goat. hi cashew i like you patricia and gerrit from orlando sent and their dog frenchy.
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becky loves watching kennedogs of this freedom loving parents. michael said his puppy chewbacca who is patiently been waiting for television debut produced 200 pounds of slobber, just like me. i love you julie. and meet cody a gluten-free libertarian according to his owner ben, just like me, cody. hi cody. sent in ruger from new hampshire. his favorite activity car rides. hi ruger you are such a good baby. this is kelly the rescue sent in by gary priddy to lee you are such a good candidate dog. sent her canada dog my garden i am dying for you. you are a wild thing.
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says get my catalogs right there lastly this is a noodle hi noodles sent in by shannon from new jersey. noodle you are fantastic. i told you i love ramen noodles for thank you so much for watching the best arbor day tomorrow on the show guy benson, chris bearing (announcer) the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. ♪ chances are ♪ ♪ 'cause i wear a silly grin ♪ ♪ the moment you... ♪ (announcer) there are artists we'll always remember. ♪ mona lisa ♪ ♪ mona lisa, men have named you ♪ (announcer) beautiful songs. ♪ you're so like the lady... ♪ (announcer) ...with lyrics, melodies and memories that will always touch our hearts. ♪ it's impossible ♪


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