tv Kennedy FOX Business July 17, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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but this is the time for professional management to that i like her fidelity in matthews china. >> much better than individual stocks thank you beverly and carlton and jack, check out this week's editions of don't forget to follo ♪ ♪ ♪. larry: hello everyone welcome back to "kudlow" i am larry kudlow it turns out by the way donald trump was right if big tech concerns sensor him i said to you to the biden administration is colluding with facebook to do just that. fox news correspondent peter doocy question madame psaki today earlier, what you got. >> we have a lot of questions about the briefing from yesterday where the surgeon general came out to say new
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surgeon general warning something things that you eat, drink or smoke there is a new what about social media post, the white house thinks misinformation about covid-19 vaccines, post about the vaccine going to make you in hurdle that is obviously not true are the number one reason people are not getting vaccinated anymore. the press secretary made a point to say because of that their flogging post to facebook to cut down on it, i followed up today will. >> how long has he administration been spying on people's facebook profiles looking for disinformation. >> that's an inaccurate question which i would refute. >> peter, first of all, as you know were in regular touch with the range of media outlets, let me finish, as we are in regular
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touch with social media platforms, it's a publicly open information, people sharing information online just as you are all reporting information on your new station. >> now the white house is insisting you're not going through post by post profile by profile but rather looking a publicly available data about the things that are driving turns on facebook then calling silicon valley that they don't think misinformation is being taken down fast enough and that was that. larry: just that phrase calling silicon valley, why is that not big brother watching you, why is that not crossing the lines into the states. >> i asked jen later on in our exchange and i think a lot of people concerned that that this is big brother and she backed off and we are not monitoring people and she said i think people care more of people dying of covid of the nonvaccinated
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than the federal government monitoring post, they would not call themselves big brother but they admit this is happening because they decided it's more important getting people vaccinated then it is with the expectation of privacy if there is any on social media. larry: one more i know you're covering this hard, the idea that they, the white house, frankly any white house has a monopoly on something called information and in particular regarding covid in the pandemic and the science quote on quote which has changed a thousand times, why did she think she's a repository of the right information. >> that's a great question but they think this is so serious, a few minutes ago president biden was walking out to marine one listen to how gravely he is describing the situation about the misinformation on facebook. >> what's the message of platforms like facebook.
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>> they are killing people, the only pandemic that we have is unvaccinated and they are killing people. >> with that it's going to be fascinating to watch in the next couple of months as a midterm election, will democrats still continue to give facebook, tens of millions billions of dollars in advertising host to micro- target people and swing districts as they are in fact, killing people. larry: peter doocy, you're having way too much fun down there, we appreciate you coming on, see you soon. let's say with this issue i'm going to try to put a couple thoughts on the table first of all for a president donald trump was and is right. i know he is my boss, i don't
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always agree with everything and agree with him when i served under him we still had terrific things he loves to based on a series of issues and would come together afterwards but on this one his argument has put forward in his wall street journal op-ed piece was completely on target donald j trump why i'm suing big tech, let me quote his first draft one of the greatest threat star democracy today is a powerful group of big tech corporations that are teamed up with government to censor the free speech of the american people, this is not only wrong it is unconstitutional, now at a press briefing where flogging problematic post then spread misinformation, she had done so
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well earlier bashing student confidence human communism,, the whole idea behind trump's lawsuit is our constitutional free-speech is negated if and when the government colludes with media companies especially media tech companies, yes of course facebook and the others are acting as editors and publishers not just platform information, we know that and that's a big problem and that's why section 230 liability shield should be removed but my bigger view is that president trump was getting to the issue that you cannot have the government in bed with the purveyors of information, that's what they do in china that's as they did in the soviet union, big brother is watching you, there is no free
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speech and the communist countries and the government tells everyone what to do and what not to do and what to say what not to say. again, to quote president trump's op-ed piece he says big tech and government agencies are actively coordinating to remove content from the platforms according to the guidance and the centers for disease control and prevention. the tech companies he is colluding to censor to unapproved ideas this is unconstitutional and the screen court has held that congress can't use private actors to achieve what the constitution prohibits from doing himself. in effect, i love this one, please here and think about it, in effect, big tech has been illegally deputized as a censorship on the u.s.
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government, that is it. president trump totally nailed it. the biden administration only eight days after the former president launched his lawsuit and wrote the op-ed, the biden administration came out, i'm sure it was unwitting but some of the best mess ups are frequently unwitting adam saki leaked the truth to the public and for that most conservatives are actually grateful it'll make her job easier. today jen psaki and company started backpedaling as peter doocy said, talking about trends and narratives and not just individual post but so what, trends and narratives are exactly the problem, i don't care about the individual post, the white house has no constitutional business trending and nara rating into facebook's year at all. and in their defense they want to make sure the american people get accurate information,
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accurate information, really? this is like remember just the science, if i start processing that the ludicrous nature of the white house position has a guardian of true information and true science and i probably would start laughing hysterically and that i would start crying and wreck the whole program, i don't want to do that because i love the show there have been so many flip-flops and false statements and contradictions coming from the president, my pal tony fauci and politically active doctors, healthcare workers, governors, mayors to where the public doesn't believe anybody on this anymore. there's no such thing as accurate information, there is no such thing as the white house telling us what is accurate information and by the way in all honesty i would say this is for any white house, not just
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this one these white houses don't have the monopoly on information, they have info but this is a country, people should have free speech and free opportunities to believe whomever they want to believe. that is the way it works. remember the phrase we report, you decide. in this business the big tech being deputized a censorship of the u.s. government violates all the freedoms, that is the problem i had to get my former boss a hat tip he is straight up and correct on this, let's turn to people that know a whole lot more about this than i do our distinguished panel and he is the author of corporate america social justice can and a great kim strassel for the washington journal, let me begin with you i know there is a lot of angles here, i do think madame psaki let the cat out of the bag and
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the idea that president trump wrote about in the journal op-ed that essentially the government has deputized facebook or other social media platforms i think that is a good tough point. what say you? >> you have to wonder where the white house lawyers were there i will let him get into the legal here, he's a lawyer but he wrote a piece for us and what i took away at the heart of donald trump's lawsuit is the argument if you are acting as an arm of the government then you are treated as a government. any incident in which jen psaki or other government officials are essentially coming out and proving that this is the case for getting dictation with private companies and their operating in arms of the government and the legal theory
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in court i was really strong when she did this and then she double done today. larry: she let the cat out of the bag some of the best leaks are done by that, they come from government people, they stay stuff that they wish they hadn't said in this manner sometimes to my regret i just want to get one more report. the collusion issue to me, the collusion issue is the issue is a political issue and is going to be a legal and constitutional issue in the lawsuit but she basically said we are talking to them i don't care individual tree by tree, i don't care about that my point why is anybody in the white house whispering narratives into facebook's year, that is a step too far.
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>> she is established, it doesn't matter what the cannot, they're picking up the phone and offering directives, one more thing on this you use the word colluding and i think that's an important part and it's been established and the other word is coercion, when democrats are pulling the heads of the big tech companies and essentially saying if you don't do what we want you to do there will be consequences for your company, that is also a form of making outside actors do your bidding and essentially making them a mistake, that's a huge aspect of this as well and it should also be documented and put out there on the record be one that has got to be a key point what kim just said particularly with this a administration launching the massive punitive antitrust regulatory sweep of virtually of the entire economy and
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everything inside of it. >> i think the real brett is not the monopoly on product at the monopoly on ideas and that's the most dangerous of all work companies are able to use their power in the marketplace but i think it should be front and center, there is one fixed star in the relationship between government and private enterprise when it comes to the supreme court doctrine and the government cannot use companies to go through the back door with the government cannot do under the constitution the principal in my op-ed earlier this week was really simple if it's state action in disguise of this constitution still applies while normal companies can decide what does and doesn't show up on the platforms if they are acting on behalf of the government then the first amendment absolutely applies in google, facebook and twitter are 100% violated the first amendment of agents of the
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state, this is not made up of legal theory the supreme court case brentwood which has three different criteria for finding state action and the private company it can be either when there's threats and they're clearly doing that with respect to the senate and house hearings over the last year or if they are willfully coordinating and enjoying activity, we heard from jen psaki, that is happening all the time third, if the government induces the company to do something to providing immunity from liability that's exactly what section 230 does, not only one of the three problems, your faulty problems this is the strongest case for state action in a private company that we have seen in our history to evade the constitution to do indirectly what government cannot do. larry: i want to go from the theoretical to the real word practical, as a lawyer if trump's lawyers go to court, i guess that going to court at some point, why would they not
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use what madame psaki said yesterday and today and what president biden said also that facebook is killing people. larry: in some sense of the starkest evidence of the collusion issue and the big brother issue that we've overheard. larry: jen psaki is doing them a favor every single day, so are the most between mark zuckerberg and anthony fauci at that is not willful participation in an activity, i don't know what is, this is a case of the media they laughed when he came out, the supreme court president is on a side but the real question can president trump lawyers make that case successfully and i think they framed an argument in the right way. larry: you went to yale law school and you can help them put that degree to work, kim straw so i want you to point this out i want to go back to your coercion.which is the heaviest point. in effect there holding hearings
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but you have abided a administration with the ftc and the justice department they are going obsessive the antitrust and their determining who is good and who's bad and are throwing that consumer welfare, we a work junior on the show, that means that facebook and them must do the bidding of a congressional committee or of the white house, you can start dictating facebook has to take the pencil and paper and take down what they're told because they put themselves in their position, this is the coercion argument. larry: you just talked about how trump can use the saki moment in court, the real problem for democrats the court said they have chosen in dealing with big tech will only add to the evidentiary record on a daily basis. you will have over the ftc dragging people in allowing her to sign off on their business
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plan you have members of the house judiciary that have introduced legislation a whole range that would essentially put the federal government in control of all the businesses of big tech or at least require them to get approval to move forward by the way republicans are beginning to core rest around judicial strategy saying we will tighten up to protect the first amendment and we will fast-track the litigation to the higher courts if you violated, that the contrast that courts are also going to take notice of. larry: you know who dictates what can and cannot be said and absorbs all information to see whether it is used for good or not is people's republic of china, that's of the communist do that's what they do that's just a question and by the way it's every single business i'm not accusing abided to be in the
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same of the prc communist, not at all but they're moving a little bit in that direction, that is all, big brother is watching you and facebook have only themselves to lend, that's only way i see it we have to give trump some credit, he got one right with the op-ed piece is pretty good, who knew that madame psaki would be his first witness. [laughter] >> i think she's helping every day. >> putting this legal theory out, absolutely. larry: she is a great lady, i have to cut it off tongue-in-cheek, sometimes she's a gift that keeps on giving that's the way it works nowadays, the best of the best, thank you, put that law degree to work, next up on "kudlow" janet yellen global tax crusade it's going to hurt america's best companies and put america
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last and will talk about it with steve moore, the hero of the story is ireland and maybe hungry, i am "kudlow", stay with us, thank you madame psaki you helped the conservative cause helped the conservative cause enormous helped the conservative cause enormous helped the conservative cause enormous helped the conservative cause enormous ♪ ♪ ♪ easy tools on the chase mobile app. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. only 6% of us retail businesses have a black owner. that needs to change. so, i did something. i created a black business accelerator at amazon. and now we have a program that's dedicated to making tomorrow a better day for black businesses. ♪ ♪ i am tiffany. and this is just the beginning. ♪ ♪
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♪ la larry: congress a wl on the global taxation is completely unconstitutional, treasury secretary janet yellen and her boss joe biden really want to triple tax american champion companies, on the other hand i have a feeling my pal steve moore is going to say ireland is a solution of the problem steve moore freedom works committee to unleash prosperity hotline, before we get to ireland it's important to let folks know what is in this two pillars in this inner companies are going to get whacked twice and let's not forget the getting get whacked at home because they don't want to raise a protect the minimum tax in the u.s., there's a heckuva way to promote investment in productivity and
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higher wages. >> we showed during the years the donald trump is done in 2017 we cut out business tax rate for corporations and small businesses and we saw a huge amount of investment come into the united states one of the reasons we have not just job gains but wage gains andd. i knw donald trump is very proud of, it worked and i know we want to reverse top policy in this tax plan i called the tax scheme the janet yellen wax these businesses twice a raise the corporate rate which would make is a lot higher than china and that's not a good way to compete with china the other thing it puts in place for the first time an additional tax the europeans have been wanting to tax our tech companies for years and years and now joe biden is giving them the green light to do that. larry: effectively, you are right, as i understand this it is kind of like a trade instead
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of the digital tax per se it's a windfall profit tax, if you make a profit margin of 10% or better, not a decision but american legislatures or congress you're given the foreign country the ability to stop attacks on your profit margins above 10%, the tax could be 20% and they haven't worked out the details, may be higher than 20%, that is incredible to me, we are giving them the power and the authority and it would have to be a treaty of some kind and to be that is not. >> we are losing on both fronts we raise or tax rate and then we allow foreign countries to raise their taxes it's a very discriminatory tax i like the way that you put it i never
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thought of it that way but it's a tariff that the other companies are putting on a micro profit. by the way what is a win for profit what's wrong with making a profit that's what makes profits are terrible profits happened to be the mother milk of stock in the lifeblood of the whole economy was put the black backward supply-side and woke economics prophet is a dirty word and i guess profit has always been a dirty word. >> except i would make the case that we would all be excessive it weren't for profits, then we have amazing companies and incidentally is not just rich people tow, get rich when microsoft or google makes money you're talking about millions and millions you've talked about thiste so often you have shareholder capital where these companies are making ordinary americans the guy next were
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millionaires, what's wrong with that, these are pension plans thand retirement plans that are growing like crazy were at dow 35000, back when you got started in the reagan administration we1 were 1000 think about the massive amount of wealth is being created in the united states not just for the rich but every american in the middle class. larry: in the workforce they pay 70% of the corporate tax we will double tax of triple tax, the hero of the story if there is one is who? >> ireland ireland may save the world, i gotta confess, i have irish blood in me so i'm a little biased on this into an amazing story ireland in the 60s and 70s an early '80s was this girl out a socialist country of europe with all these people on welfare and high taxes and they complete the shifted
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and had one of the highest tax countries in the world to a 12.5% corporate tax rate and all of a sudden dublin became a haven for capital investment in new businesses and jobs in the economic administer of ireland announced yesterday that we are not going along with the global tax that janet yellen gets because were gonna stick with the 12.5% corporate and i love that why don't we adopted 12.5% corporate rate. larry:y: donna who i met the gu, he's terrific. so is a 9 prime minister, even hungry at 9%. also asked tony i don't know what the rate is but they have a flat tax, cyprus, this is a list of our heroes because this is a bad story we need heroes. >> of course janet yellen said the race ines, this is houston allowing these poor countries to develop in a major way so i say
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bravo to all the countries and i want the united states to compete, let's go below 12 and half, let's go to ten. that would bring so much money and remember what we did with trump's repatriation tax we brought in a 10% tax rate, wasn't it, all that money came back from the united states. larry: he came back fast in large quantities. one last point, really quick, i am concerned kicking in today as a child tax credit $3000 of your under six years old, $3600 if your 6 - 10, 12, 14, people are eligible up to $150,000, this is a cash allowance withk no workfare, no work requirements, no employment incentives that is middle-class entitlement
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dependency, they're gonna try to write in them permanently into the new budget reconciliation bill, what say you are we being not compassionate orr what? >> the only thing i'm going to slap you on the wrist stop calling this a tax credit, it's not a tax credit it's basically a welfare payment is a terrible idea, i want our policies to encourage americans to get back to work, let's reward work on people sitting on the sidelines. larry: very important this debate is going to come back a refundable tax credit, it's a cash payment, that is all it is, no workfare no requirements will come back to this but this is a big deal and one of the biggest problems in the democratic budget resolution, steve moore i'll talk to you tomorrow on the radio. democrats massive tax looks bad enough in our learning there may
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be an illegal immigration piece that makes it even worse we will have senator marsha blackburn how she's going to play this one and what her own views are stay right here with "kudlow", we'll be right this past year has felt like a long, long norwegian winter. but eventually, with spring comes rebirth. everything begins anew. and many of us realize a fundamental human need to connect with other like-minded people. welcome back to the world. viking. exploring the world in comfort... once again. hearing is important to living life to the fullest.
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♪♪ larry: it may be larry: it may be getting worse and worked the democrat budget bill budget resolution may include a piece on illegal immigration which no one knew much about until the last day or two joining us to discuss tennessee senator marsha blackburn thank you very much i'm reading undocumented immigrants could receive legal status based on the processing claims and impact on gdp $120 billion democrats are determined to putut this in, wht is this all about this does not go into budget work, this is
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something. >> all of this to the democrats is infrastructure, that is what they keep saying and of course we know it is not, what they're trying to convince the iraqi people, they started out with a 6 trillion-dollar wishlist and they have hung that wishlist down to three and half trillion dollars of social programs and 1.2 trillion dollars in infrastructure people should be elated and so pleased, you and i know this is a budget buster and adds too our debt and were comig up on $30 trillion worth of debt we cannot afford what the democrats are putting forward and as you said amnesty for all benefits for all, the green new medicare, early childcare, eldercare these are all things that sound good on paper but the
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issue is how do you pay for this. larry: senator i just saw this today maybe it's my bad i should've picked it up the putting illegal undocumented immigrants giving them some kind of if it's notot citizenship thn illegal visa this is all new information i had not heard the stop before i know there is outrageousur stuff in the infrastructure bill, green new deal but this is a serious problem and want the gop and maybe some democrats oppose it? >> there has been some democrats that join us in opposing this but the democratic leadership, pelosi, the president, schumer, they figured out they're going to lose the house and the senate and 22, what they're trying to do is to make it to democratic utopia or socialistic utopia
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before they get to the midterm elections and larry one of the things they wanted to do is give citizenship to all of the hundreds of thousands of people coming across the southern border and put them into some form of legal status, get them on to voter rolls we know what they are trying to do and i'm talking to tennesseans every single day who are saying to me i did not vote for bernie sanders i doef not like the leftist tilt i'm very concerned that we are losing our freedom i am not for this amount of spending or for the iran nuclear deal or any of these other programs that they're doing federal lysing elections and what they are trying to do tell me what i do so i can help you stop some of this. larry: senator, you were the one who sat on the show and the
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issue of illegal immigration and borders is not an illegal issue to national issue. i don't see, coming back to the budget resolution time for legal immigration but what would illegal immigration do in a budget resolution or reconciliation bill which is supposed to be about fiscal policy like taxing and spending. >> i don't like to use the term reconciliation i call it the lie cheat and steal because the democratso try to tell you, they don't want to tell you what they're doing and where the money is going toom come from bt there stealing from future generations by running up the debt, what they are trying to do is put all of this into a budget deal because theydg knew that didn't have 60 votes or closer to move thee provisions forward,
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they're kind of telling the little fib to the american people and not telling them the whole truth are nothing but the truth and they're going to throw it in and see if they can get by with it or if republicans and the american people are going to stop them, slap their hands and say no you cannot do that. larry: last one listening to senator schumer's and others pushing the process along it does sound to me like the infrastructure bill is completely linked to the reconciliation bill or the rest of the budget b resolution it looks like they are in fact linked, what are you thinking. >> yes some of my colleagues and i put a letter out yesterday, there is money left over from the cares act funding and there is plenty of money that would pay for transportation bill
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which is what most people want and we were glad to see that money reprogrammed in surface transportation about $350 billion see that paid for out of the leftover funds. larry: we need more time but thank you very much be sure to keep us up on all of this stuff, coming up on "kudlow" you will not believe this, the white house colluding with facebook to center americans, why guy benson is here with me too talk about this, there he is in all of his living, color, i am "kudlow" we will have a a brief break and tk some more, stay right jason, did you know geico could save you hundreds on car insurance and a whole lot more? cool. so what are you waiting for? mckayla maroney to get your frisbee off the roof? i'll get it. ♪ (upbeat music) ♪ ♪ ♪ whoa.
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having an asthma attack, triggered by cockroaches. [daughter coughs] [narrator] allergens from cockroaches, mice and other household pests can trigger asthma attacks - a leading cause of hospitalization for children. i'm going to be bitten by a tick today and won't even know it, until lyme disease turns my life upside down. [narrator] incidence of lyme disease has doubled since the 1990's, with an estimated 300,000 cases diagnosed each year. household pests are a real health threat. tick borne illnesses like lyme disease are on the rise. and anyone can get west nile virus - anywhere. [narrator] take steps to protect your family. learn how at pest world dot org. ♪ larry: okay. on this white house-facebook st larry: breaking news facebook releasing a statement on collusion withh the white house, we partnered with government
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experts and researchers to take aggressive action against misinformation against covid-19 publiccines to protect health so far we removed 81800 pieces of covid misinformation and counsel break these rules and more than 2 billion people to reliablenf information about covid-19 and covid vaccines across our apps, reliable, let's talk about that we have guy benson fox news contributor and host of the guy benson radio heard it what did you make of it? >> that is pr know we are actually good and warmer doing good things and crackdown on bad things, i think we agree we are against misinformation including covid and vaccines in any of the important subjects related to pandemic that killed millions of
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people, whatri worries me that you're the federal government of the white house, biden today the president accused facebook of killing people, that is a direct quote a very clear message to facebook, do what we want y youo do we think this is misinformation we will flog it for youay and facebook saying we will get rid of it, that is a bit alarming to see that because not that i necessarily am against what they're doing at this exact moment but what's to stop them from saying let's start calling the shots another misinformation on guns and the environment and any other issue and when she opened the door then they kick it in, another point briefly, it was not that long ago, a few months ago if you and i were sitting talking about the loud leak theory and someone posted a group of us talking it would be banned fromo social media, misinformation, the powers deemed it of
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disinformation, that was a huge mistake, they did the same thing with hunter biden laptop theory they hit their own credibility as arbiters of countless misinformation or real and therefore they can't look around, people are skeptical and upset about it. larry: how many times has my friend tonyon faulty on his quoe of information, on hundreds of different things, i don't really know what information is, there is information and then there's information and to be honestey with you there's information in the eyes of the beholder, what about the whole debate about whether to reopen the economy in texas reopening and everyone screaming at them, neanderthals desantis reopening florida and everyone screaming at him, facebook would've banned allmi that and they began b hunter bin
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and they will probably ban supply-side tax cuts coming up, the other point why iser this nt big brother watching you, this is what trump argued in his lawsuit, this is collusion. >> it is more than just big tech it is big tech explosively be not, necessarily ordered bute awfully close by the white house, if you have the president saying this private company is killing people, i'm the president we controlt regulations, you better do what we want it's not the government doing it the supreme court has looked at this if the government forces private entity to do something that is censorship that is a first amendment abuse, i'mam not defending this information but i think the mind is enough to wonder to think of how this principle could be abused and already has been abused even when the context of covid the examples reverted given. larry: this is an administration
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waging antitrust war on corporation left and right, that adds to it to make it much harder to keep free speech, think about that, guy benson, terrific stuff. i want to come back on the guy benson radio show, next up were gonna look at potential for an international trade war over carbon emissions in thehe united states has already don this past year has felt like a long, long norwegian winter. but eventually, with spring comes rebirth. everything begins anew. and many of us realize a fundamental human need to connect with other like-minded people. welcome back to the world. viking. exploring the world in comfort... once again.
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muck. ♪ larry: check it out. the u.s. has the largest reduction of carbon emissions over the past 15 years. joinin larry: the u.s. has the largest reduction of carbon emission over the past 15 years joining us now former international deputy for the economic council, we have breaking news we went long, i apologize. since 2005 mark. university of michigan aei, since 2005 we cut carbon emission by 24.5%, we have already met the paris climate record limits ahead of time i'll give you a shot at it we don't need aar trade war. larry: that is right i love that shirt and show something we have been trying to say to the europeans for years they went to all these international summits.
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we have done her part over the last 15 years and reduce emissions by 15% and what it shows this is not about international agreement and not about government mandates it's about the ingenuity of our private sector and the fact that we had continued innovation and that's what we've been a world leader in what worries me about the international agreements you look at what the biden folks are negotiating now they're basically saying we've done 25% we will do another 25% by 2030 and by the way china you will not start reducing anything not start reducing anything until 2030 and that's ♪ ♪ experience, hyper performance
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1:00 am
♪i hope some day you'll join us♪ ♪and the world will live as one♪ larry: president trump is ♪ ♪ ♪. elizabeth: we've got more videos coming out of cuba again showing the communist regime brutal and shocking crackdown on fre it was a week that spotlighted the failures of communism in the far left vocal support for it in the shocking silence on cuba's brutality. join us tonight for the congresswoman maria salazar, deputy security advisor ty advist kt mcfarland
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