tv The Evening Edit FOX Business August 14, 2021 1:00am-2:00am EDT
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sean: a fox news poll finds the majority of registered democrats now prefer socialism to capitalism. 59% of democrats find din sociam favorable, they should be distributor every american. it's not us as parents to teach our kids by elizabeth: we begin with president bid elizabeth: we begin with president biden drawing criticism to afghanistan falling to the taliban and calling on opec and adversaries russia and iran to drill more over there in order to lower gas prices but don't drill here. the administration geopolitical policies backfiring. joining optional security advisor kt mcfarland,nd energy analyst stephen short, doctor marty mccarron, nancy mace from
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house oversight, ford o'connell and house border security talk is co-chair representative brian babin and of texas. pressure mounting on democrats blocking probes into the origin of the pandemic in china and the bomb cell report from the w.h.o. china investigation that allowed leak is a probable cause. and we got congresswoman nancy mace that is leading the republican push who want vaccine passports. the republicans say they have demanding more fromo voter ids e have news coming in the white house considering mandating vaccine passports to travel in between states. also the white house and nancy pelosi stepping in at the 11th hour trying to bail out california democrat gavin newsom as his recall in a few weeks time. that's what the push is on for now but pelosi dismissing the recall as, a nuisance when polls
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show about half of californians, her constituents wanted. plus we have one nation under fire we have a spike in shootings across the country that is putting the d from the police movement back on his heels. chicago at the epicenter of this the media there takened a stand they are blasting top prosecutors for being weak on crime and endangering cops and civilians. and fox news has obtained leaked audio from dh secretary mayorkas, he says the border is a challenge but now he privately admits the administration is going to lose the border crisis and that the situation is unsustainable that certain border regions are at the breaking point his team gave him simple advice, make illegal entry illegal again. i am elizabeth macdonald, "the
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evening edit" start rightab now. ♪. elizabeth: let's get a check ofo your money, the dow, s&p ended in record territory for the fourth in a row the nasdaq finished up slightly let's begin with national security advisor kt mcfarland and top oil pro, stephen short of the short report. let's t talk about now kabul possibly falling in afghanistan this is the taliban in a humanitarian crisis, what do you say. >> afghanistan has been lost for years and the taliban was a waste going to prevail and win because they knew that they would wait us out, tribal leaders told me that 15 years ago. i think what we should see going forward as province after church province, tribal leader after tribal leader will have a snowball effect that nobody
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wants to be the last man standing supported a government that is collapsing all around them they will all throw down their arms and take their american weapons, trade them from amnesty from the taliban and i think you'll see the taliban in charge of kabul within days. in the chinese are stated by, the chinese said that they will recognize the taliban government of afghanistan the minute that they take over kabul in a major slap to the face of the united states and on top of all of that we have a chaotic frenzy to get americans out, i don't know why we have thousands of americans there to start with now were putting 3000 were combat troops and we will have toqu shoot ther way out, it is a disaster. elizabeth: you have a humanitarian crisis, a quarter million forced from their homes 80% women and children, were talking al-qaeda, the 20th anniversary of 9/11 is weeks away and it did not age well that president biden said last- month in unlikely the taliban would overrun afghanistan, your
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final word on that. >> 48 hours ago they were saying it's going to take months and two days ago and a day ago they were saying the coming in right now and now they're in a flat t out frenzy to get americans out of their i think they're worried about hostage taking, they're worried they will have to have fidelity's united states shoots its way out. elizabeth: obama's defense secretary robert gates was pretty tough on biden and said he's been wrong in every major foreign policy issue for the last four decades. your reaction to the white house asking russia and iran drill more for gas prices while discouraging drilling here? what do you say. >> you cannot shame the shameless to go back and negotiate into please oil prices because by the way we want to transition away from oil so keep oil prices low while we don't need you i generation from now. it's another example of
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the whitere house that is untethered from reality, again this is the white house and took credit for ensaving americans 16 cents on e fourth of july barbecue. now that were inn a position tht we've thrown away the greatest comparative advantage our economy has ever had that's access to the cheapest energy sources in the world we were the envy of agent and we were the envy of europe, that no longer exist at this point, just to show you how far today's democrats have turned, we go back to the 2012 dnc platform obama's second term, this president, that democrat embraced the industry and production exploration consumption of doctor gas, why, the energy sector was a leading job provider coming out of the great recession. the obama administration rightfully recognized that this
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is ae resource we should exploit and takee advantage of, we've come a long way in eight years today's democrats are no longer willing to exploit the resources of america's's energy industry we'd rather negotiate with to brand, moscow and our friends in the eri. elizabeth:t what stephen is saying, oil and gas sales fund about half of russian government, that helps russians aggression in ukraine cyber attacks and critical infrastructure here, iran's government is funded by huge reserves of oil and gas. in terrorist groups and threaten u.s. allies they spend warships to communist, what do you say about this. >> with the top administration left office we had four big wins on energy we were energy independent we didn't need the middle east oil, we were bankrupting our adversaries as you point out russia, iran the countries and even high oil prices in order to stay in business, number three we were giving a great boost to american
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manufacturing as those direct jobs and american industry iny the fracking industry. finally we were reducing greenhouse gas admissions because countries and companies and individuals were realizing it was cheaper to switch from dirty coal to clean oil into clean natural gas. it was a win on all accounts in the biden administration still hate donald trump anything he ever did and they said we will undo all of that. energy independent, not anymore were in the middle east. american manufacturing, no longer competitive, jobs in the industry, no don't have those either, greenhouse gas emission they will be a lot dirtier if the energies coming out of the middle east that they came out of thee keystone pipeline. elizabeth: let's talk about that white house press secretary jen psaki said climate change is an urgent threat but the u.s. can produce oil and less polluting
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waste here versus opec overseas where there's less regulation, we can build back better with the oil industry the cleanest and most efficient in the world. what do you say to that. >> absolutely the resources that we have here in the o united states in turn neighbors in the north in canada were the most efficient cleanest of hydrocarbons in the worldld and therefore it's our responsibility on both countries canada and the united states to exploit these resources and take it out of the hands of the venezuelans, iranians and some of the lesser producers in western east africa. t to this point the white house dances hypocrisy unbuilt were talking about an administration and one of the first acts was connect the keystone xl pipeline but now they've signed off on vladimir putin nord stream 2 gas pipeline which is now going to hold europe into hostage because the russians are playing games cutting back going to the
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ukraine into europe, once again we have this incredible conveying advantage and give it away and were all going to pay a higher cost financially in the environmentt. elizabeth: texas governor's and get out of the way we can do it better here and we have the university of michigan consumer sentiment plummeting to the lowest in a decade with fears of inflation. we know the rate count is up there out more than double versus last year versus the bottom of the pandemic. people are really worried about this and gas prices going up, nine out of ten are worried about inflation according to the fox news poll in the president's approval rating isno underwater, your final word?it >> it's only going to get worse were getting pushed around by foreign adversaries the economy is good to be terrible and t
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unemployment very high and weree gonna give away all the advantages that we have even just two years ago i don't think this guy gets reelected to a anything. elizabeth: on that happy note, kt mcfarland in stephen it's good to have you on we hope you have a good week and come back soon. elizabeth: up next doctor marty makary the pressure is now on why are democrats locking probes into the origins of the pandemic in china after the bombshell report we break the news last night from the head of w.h.o. china investigation he says a lot of leak is a probable cause don't we want to stop another pandemic from happening again, shouldn't we understand and all the information on how this started. you watching "the evening edit" on fox business. >> we know that china has not been transparent or forthcoming about what happened they have been very pursue brace and denying that there was any laboratory leak ♪
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bombshell news that the h elizabeth: there is growing outrage around the world we brought the story last night the bombshell news that the head of the w.h.o. investigation in china into the pandemic origin, he is now warning an infected will haunt lab worker is a probable scenario for the pandemic origin he's saying aloud worker, the administration comes out soon how does this are they going toer cover? >> is deeply disturbing but is a thought uprising, if you look at the history of china not only were there many examples of them ssuppressing the doctors in the initial doctors involved in the pandemic and driving the other narrative that was facilitated by google and others in the united states but if you look back a years after stars run away lab workers in china were infected with sars the virus was gone, what were they doing they were messing within the lab in the 1977 they were injecting a strain and that got on killed 700,000 people there is a track record here.
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elizabeth: a track record of leaks, we get that, the viewer gets it people get it is just that the official d.c. establishment seems not to get it there isst growing questionss to why democrats are blocking investigation into this, why is there not more of a push to declassify all intelligence, where is dr. fauci on this. the w.h.o. doctort peter navarro says they should stop looking into the potentialas lovely. he was shut out of that that aloud worker was patient zero, everybody gets antidotal going we understand people are up to speed on about why not the d.c. establishment why is there here on fire about this. this is enormous told survivors we have to figure out how was started to does it happen again. where is the hair on fire from dr. fauci and the rest of washington about this in the democrats where is the i declassification push, enough is
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enough people have had it with this. >> some honest outrage by these people would go a long way for the 600,000 family members who have lost somebody or the 4 million people worldwide people have a right too be angry and when you downplay the origins, i get in the in ih was funding the law they shouldn't of done it how is the head of the nih infectious disease, what i would be telling you i would say i feel horrible this is a terrible mistake, i'm sorry that should never happen i never should've advocated for gain-of-function research of any kind. what we see is looking the other way as some people are saying were blowing the whistle, look at the interferes and so obvious you can put the-- pieces togeth. elizabeth: just us as citizens people are sick of being cynical about the country people want heroes and justice and to see the system fix. w.h.o. officials also worn there
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was a second chinese lab in wuhan run by the chinese version of the cdc and doctor and barker said when he was in wuhan he asked them what is with the second lab and he was told that dates back to december 2019 that the official state of the outbreak in china are they moving viruses between moms that is pretty disruptive you can see a leak happening there. people are done they want to know how to do start put this to rest and get it to bed dr. fauci in the nih the obama and biden administration, step up. >> it's as if the entirea investigation, all the data is basically complete and all we need is someone in some position of authority in the u.s. government of the w.h.o. to notarize the existing evidence, we can put alli together, we jt think people to acknowledge it, goes a long way i can tell you when somebody has a family member who loses their life in a hospital they want a sense of closure and i think people want
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a sense of closure and they're not getting it. elizabeth: yes 600,008 a rounding error. let's listen to robert redfield, he was saying he was threatened for taking seriously that the virus potentially leaked from a lab in china, watch this. >> i was right rapidly sidelined, threatened input and outed because, i believe is overall and just that this virus may have come from the laboratory, the scientific community and bulk said the only acceptable answer in february that it was a natural event from a natural revolution, i think that's outside cheyenne should've taken both hypothesis seriously the bulk of evidence will be such that i personally think the answer will be unfortunately this virus emerged as a consequence of experiments in the laboratory.
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elizabeth: the big virus vaccine gain-of-function bureaucracy in the swamp in d.c. gets to dominate in the little guy gets shut out of the truth, really that's where were on this country is seems so unfair. >> let's be very honest the prior administration is the one that said this is a very likely scenario i was saying on april 2020, 1 month into the pandemic on this very network the infected lab workers that was patient zero many of us knew it was obvious, bob brumfield and others but what you saw was a systemic attempt to suppress that in every form of media, science, politics and every form and needless to say we got wrong. elizabeth: doctor brody were do. up next nancy mason on this fight, she is leaving the republican push that are enacting vaccine passports and
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she say listen, i have a bill was senator kevin cramer and you have to mandate voter id, this is coming in mid the white house is now considering vaccine passports if you travel between states. keep here on "the evening edit". >> my views were very simple, there should bean no mandate in0 concerning covid that means no mask mandate and regardless of your vaccination status that means no vaccine mandate that means no vaccineor passport. (struggling vehicle sounds) think premium can't be capable? think again. ♪ (energetic music) ♪
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lost my legs and my left hand in the explosion. - [announcer] as america's veterans face challenges, dav is there. with the right support, more veterans can reach victories, great and small. dav helps veterans and their families get the benefits they've earned. - [kim] look at that smile, you did it. - [announcer] support more victories for veterans, go to ♪ elizabeth: let's welcome back to the show south carolina congress when south carolina congresswoman representative aynancy mace. it is great to see you. good to have you back on getting sick with covid is a thousand times worse if you get vaccinated i am quoting brett giroir, tell us why you and senator cramer are saying that any state forcing a covid vaccine passport must also require voter id if they want to continue getting election funds
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from the government. why do you support that? >> voter id is a wildly popular idea whether you're republican or democrat, vaccine passport on the other hand are widely unpopular idea with american citizens i'm against mandates for masks and vaccinations so for any state, right now there are four we have hawaii, california, oregon and new york to implement some form of vaccine passport just for you to go on about your day to day activities in life, for those states that are going to do that odds require voter id to vote in a federal election i think of no more better or equivalent kind of legislation and municipalities and states and counties where they require a vaccine passport and voter id for those states. elizabeth: 20 states including north dakota or say no to vaccine passports in the white house is considering vaccine
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passports for interstate travel, there is setting aside with polarization and i think you are saying isar politicians for showing their private medical records to go to restaurants and they should be fine havingy people on who they are to vote. you basically need, unique some kind of id to go to the doctor to cash a paycheck, get a job, buy a car in more, what do you say. >> we had a hearing in oversight a few weeks ago and they ran away from taxes to talk about how voting restrictions and voter id would affect certain types of voters, that could be further from the truth, 72% of democrats support in the much higher than that. you're gonna have to show yours medical record and to go to the grocery store and a restaurant
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and you have to show that your of citizen of the united states and on the integrity of our election, i think of no better way than improving your citizen to vote and then election so states like california and new york they don't have voter id if you can institute vaccine passports, you sure as heck should have voter id and a federal election, it's pretty simple pretty common sense with the american people. elizabeth: polls show minorities say yes to voter id two. what are your thoughts about this the newly york times repord only 20% of black new yorkers 1u have a covid passport that means nearly three quarters of young black new yorkers would be denied the right to work in restaurants and in new york city. what do you say. >> 75% of black americans i agree support voter id and am really sick and tired of reading articles that are not backed up or data in the say that they're not vaccinated,
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there are other committees black, brown, white, purple, you name it educated and not educated that are not getting vaccinated that are hesitant it's in large part for disinformation, improper wrong or false or lying to the american people by cdc and officials like dr. fauci we distrust and vaccinations that hacan save lives and keep people out of the hospital and keep people from dying especially the delta variant ofol covid-19. you're absolutely right this is going to disenfranchise so many people not just white republicans but everybody acrosr the spectrum not your color, gender or political affiliation. it's a violation of the constitution to violate your rights i got. >> nancy mason so good to see you, come back soon. were just coming out of the bottom of the hours you're watching the fox business network the white house and need to pullcy the oc now stepping in at the 11th hour to help out
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gavin newsom, his recall it from pelosi dismissing this recall as a nuisance when half of californians according to polls in her constituents wanted gop strategist ford o'connell is fired up he has a lot to say about this, joy is next. you're watching "the evening edit" on fox business. >> he actually cut the fire management budget by 150 million, he cut for firefighting units. this is a real problem for california and gavin newsom's going to pay the price for this. ♪ [engine revs] ricky bobby, today the road is your classroom.
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governor newsom. it's happening, the recall election is happening next month. she calls it, quote, my own operation, and now we've got the president and the vice president stepping up at the 11th hour to help bail out governor newsom. what do you say to this? >> well, i think that pelosi and biden have been so busy running roughshod over the constitution9 and the country for the past seven months that they're literally being caught off guard with what's going on in california with gavin newsom's recall. her plan is very simple, she wants to basically circle the wagons because in the state of california only 24 percent of registered voters are republicans. she thinks she can will the democrats into having interest for california and gavin newsom. unfortunately, what she doesn't understand is gavin newsom is the reason gavin newsom is going to be recalled. elizabeth: the approval ratings of congress have plummetedded even more. critics call her one of the mostty -- divisive speakers in
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u.s. history. she's dismissing the recall as a, quote, nuisance when polls show about half of californians, her constituents, voters in california want it. that's according to emerson college polls. what do you say to her calling it a nuisance? >> it tells you exactly what she thinks about average folks who don't agree with her agenda. she's basically saying folks who exercise their right under california law are a nuisance. this is exactly -- she doesn't like anyone who doesn't want to go along with her socialist agenda and essentially because of sagging, the sagging economy in california, out of control wildfires, rolling blackouts, destructive lockdowns and school closures, californians have said enough is enough, we're going to speak up, and we're going to be step forward. and, nancy pelosi, get out of the way. elizabeth: you know, remember nancy pelosi was caught getting a hair blowout without a mask in a san francisco salon at a time when everyone else in the city was barred from such visits.
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and salons weren't allowed to operate. they were told to wear a mask. she made things worse by claiming she was set up. that salon was forced to shut down. you know, do you see where we're headed here? so this attitude that you can come in with bare, raw-knuckle power -- raw, bare-knuckle power into california and shut down a recall out of d.c.? if i mean, how are voters in california going to take that? >> i think that voters in california are going to brush with whatever pelosi says aside, and that's why the democrats are so worried right now about the recall. because when you look at the polls in california, they've been trending in the direction of removing gavin newsom. and i think that nancy pelosi realizes she's too late. but she's going to try to throw everything and the kitchen sink at problem because she realizes that if california revolts against her agenda, the republicans and the independents of this country have the greatest talking point going into the 2022 midterms. look at what's happened in
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california, that cant happen in the rest of the country. elizabeth: ford, gavin newsom inside california, the papers call him one of the, quote, nanny-ish of politicians in terms of willing the toughest covid lockdown rules in the country. and then people got really mad. i think they were sick and tired of him when they saw him eating out at a luxury restaurant, breaking his own lockdown rules with state health lobbyists going to wineries, his kids being put in private schools and other schools were hut down. it's hypocrisy like that that is driving the recall, imposing the strictest rules in the country, and he went out and broke those rules. they're always sorry they get caught. >> that -- well, i think you're absolutely right. if gavin newsom isn't recalled like many of us think he will be, it will be because of his nanny-state, poor leadership. to your point, should he actually lose, he has no one but himself to blame because, to
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your point, that picture in french laundry when he was dining out as californians were suffering tells you everything you need to know. it's blatant hypocrisy. rules for you, gavin newsom, but not for those of us who are suffering in the state of california. elizabeth: ford o'connell, come back soon. >> thanks, e. mac. elizabeth: up next -- it's good to see you, ford. it is one nation under fire. a spike in shootings across the country hurting cities, hurting urban areas, hurting local economies. this is also putting the defund the police movement back on it heels. now chicago is at the epicenter of this, but look at this. the media a in chicago taking a stand, now blasting top prosecutors for being weaken on crime and for endangering both cops and civilians. joe grimaldi of the fraternal order of police, he joins us next on "the evening edit." >> you cannot just demoralize
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and demean an entire profession the way the defund the police movement attempts to do with law enforcement and expect crime to go down. ♪♪ ♪ lights out, follow the noise. ♪ ♪ baby, keep on dancing like you ain't got a choice. ♪ ♪ so come one (come on), come on (come on), come on. ♪ no one is just one flavor. ow! growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest no one in norway,e flavor. there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort.
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shot in this country as of august 1st which is a record number since we started tracking that six years ago. we've seen ambush attacks against police officer are up 126%. we combine that with our skyrocketing murder rah rate in this country which is, coincidentally, the highest in just about 30 years, and we're outpacing that number in 2021, and you can see how bad it is. but yet we still have these charlatan politicians that are selling snake oil to the public that defunding the police is actually going to help. but guess what in no one's buying their b.s. anymore because -- elizabeth: and either -- >> 90% of people want more police officers, 81% of african-americans want more police officers on their streets, and a recent poll out of the washington pose said they saw the highest number in 20 years that i think violent crime is a real problem in this country. the public is waking up, and they know that the defund the police movement is a complete
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loser: and all these replacement things they try to put out, like in d.c. they rolled out violence interrupters, whatever the hell that is. and in the neighborhoods they put it in, violent crime went up. elizabeth: joe, what's really interesting too is chicago newspapers, chicago media is at the epicenter of this doing the reporting. they're a taking a stand. they're blasting and doing the research about top prosecutors going weak on crime and endangering cops and civilians. we've got the media there in chicago and the top cop slamming a judge for setting free on just a $4500 bond the suspect accused of selling the gun in a strawman purchase in the murder of slain officer ella french. you know, people are really mad. they're saying this is a disservice to her memory. what prosecutors are doing there. and the guy who shot her was put out on probation after a hit and run. thing chicago newspapers are up
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in arms about this. what do you say about that? >> well, you know, welcome to the party, local media, that you finally wanted to cover this, because we've been talking about this for years. activist judges and rogue prosecutors are driving the huge increase in violent crime. i mean, in chicago we've seen murders go up 59% since 2019, is and shootings are up 73%. kim fox, the d.a. there, just dismissed 25,000 cases that include murders, robberies. not the guy that's stealing the candy bar from the corner store. and what really makes it worse is the anti-police sentiment coming from the mayor's office. mayor lightfoot starts telling people, hey, we're not going to have large tributes because of covid restrictions, meanwhile, they just had lollapalooza with 400,000 people attending, meanwhile we can't have tributes to memorialize our fallen officers. guess what? people don't want to come
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forward when they know the person that just shot somebody in the face is going to be out in two hours. we have to stop this madness before we get our communities back. elizabeth: we hear you. stop going weak on crime, prosecutors in chicago. look what the chicago tribune is also reporting, joe, and now this is a murder investigation in chicago by wbec radio. less than half of murder cases, less than half are solved in chicago? when victim was white? for hissen panics the rate was only about 33%, but look at this, when the victim was black, it was less than 22%. that means the killer of a black victim has more of a chance of getting away with it in chicago. minorities have got to be up in arms about that. >> and they absolutely should be because statistically do you know who the victims are of these murders and violent crimes? it's normally our black and brown communities. this is what happens. when you demonize the men and women of law enforcement, when
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you call us murderers and defund us, you erode that trust with the public. they're not going to come forward and tell us about the crimes in their neighborhood. and as i said, when they witness a murder, that person wants to know that they're going to be safe if they come forward and speak to our detectives. but instead they know that person's going to be out if two hours. i mean, right now would you go to the police if you knew that the guy you just fingered was going to be back out to shoot you? of course not. that's why the anti-police rhetoric needs to stop, and everybody should agree that violent crime is terrible in our communities. it's not a partisan issue, and we've got to stop. elizabeth: hey, joe, you're terrific. thank you for your service to our country. you tell it straight, you put it out there, you're plain-spoken, you're passionate. we want to have you back on, joe. thanks again for joining us. okay, next up, security caucus co-chair, he is brian babbin. the congressman is going to talk to us about leaked audio that fox news got off, dhs secretary
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alejandro mayorkas admitting the administration is going to, quote, lose the border crisis, that the situation is, quote, unsustainable, that certain regions are at the breaking point as historic numbers continue to pour in. you're watching "the evening edit" on fox business. >> it was a 1% increase -- 13% increase just since last month, so now it's really time to hit so now it's really time to hit the panic that spin class was brutal. well, you can try using the buick's massaging seat. oh. yeah, that's nice. can i use apple carplay to put some music on? sure, it's wireless. what's your buick's wi-fi password? it's buick envision. that's a really tight spot. i used to hate parallel parking. me too! the all-new buick envision. built around you. all of you. pay no interest for 72 months plus current eligible buick owners get $500 purchase allowance on most 2021 buick suv models. ♪all by yourself.♪ you look a little lost. i can't find my hotel.
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that's elizabeth: foxnews has obtained exclusive leaked audio from dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas he was speaking with border officials at the border yesterday, he privately admitted that what's happening there is unsustainable. border crossings at the highest in a generation, five times the amount last year. listen to this. >> there is fear in this sector and is my responsibility to make sure and never happens again. this is unsustainable. these numbers cannot continue. we have to make sure that doesn't happen. elizabeth: joining us now house border security co-chair texas
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congressman brian babin and, what your reaction here, he publicly said this is just a challenge but he said the rio grande valley sector is not a breaking point. it's unsustainable. >> it is unsustainable and we've been seeing this month after month after month, i think secretary mayorkas is being disingenuous and probably down there trying to pump up his own border security authorities. everyone upon rv worked to death, they're overwhelmed, they're doing jobs that they're not really supposed to be doing and the man is saying it's unsustainable. get real. his predecessor chad wolf that works for mr. trump in a number of other border authorities that worked in the trump administration, told over and over again to secretary mayorkas and the dhs that they needed to keep those policies that president trump the
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administration came up with. they didn't listen. now he has an out-of-control border, people are very apprehensive. 213,000 illegals came across last month and now we know in just one city mcallen texas at the rio grande sector, 7000 covid positive illegals have been released from their, that's just in that area. it's incredible and we wonder why we have a flareup of covid right now and then divided the administration is asking us all to mask up and do the things that they tried to do all last year end he's letting people in a legally that are carrying covid. it's incredible, he ought to be ashamed of himself, the whole biden administration, it's immoral what they're doing to our country to the migrants themselves into the american people. elizabeth: at the private meeting and agent offered secretary mayorkas of vice, he said we've been here before, we
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know exactly how to shut it down, make illegal entry illegal again, why not just do that? >> you know what, you know that and i know that and i'll tell you what i think secretary mayorkas knows that as well he's doing the bidding of the radical democrats that run that party and run this administration, they absolutely are hell-bent on bringing in millions of illegal aliens, those are future registered voters for them and incredibly they're endangering not only the american people, our public health, our national security and they found, probably by now 400 dead people on the border. it's incredible that they don't seem to pay attention, obviously secretary mayorkas is concerned and i think he's being disingenuous. elizabeth: we have exporter mark morgan estimating homeland security drop 40000 positive covid-19 in the u.s. that's an
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issue. we also have this drug and human traffickers move into make billions of the border, dea officials reportedly have been instructed to using the term mexican cartel that's according to the daily collars, and got an internal dea e-mail and we have fentanyl seized at the border year today already exceeding 2019 and 2020 combine, why are they focused on terminology. >> this is the politically correct crowd. there absolutely the most woke, there woke this is ridiculous it is killing americans and migrants and is harming our country in more ways than one. where are these cartels from, who's been in power with the policies of the sub biden administration. it's a mexican drug cartel. they are one of the highest murder rates in the western hemisphere, probably the world by now. and there empowered to be the de
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facto control of the southern border. in the biden administration has done so. elizabeth: congressman babb and thank you for joining us come back soon. i am elizabeth macdonald, you been watching "the evening edit" on fox business, thank you so much we hope you have a good weekend and join us again monday nigh >> the fastest racer on earth... >> my dad was the first american to ever go over 400 miles an hour. >> ...won't let his son take the wheel. >> i wanted to beat him. >> you wanted beat your father. >> at everything. >> but when the legend meets a tragic end... >> everything changed for the thompson family. >> ...he leaves behind one heck of a challenge. >> danny, you didn't dress me up like this for nothing, did you? >> we want you to get the real feel for what it's like to sit in a 400-mile-an-hour car. put your hand here and on your other side so you can let yourself down slowly. [ door creaks ] [ wind howls ]
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