tv Varney Company FOX Business August 16, 2021 9:00am-12:00pm EDT
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dagen: here is your morning mover, t-mobile the stock down nearly 3% after the company disclosed its investigating a report about customer data breach saying the claim was made in an online forum. that does it for us. at the stock is down about 2.3%. handed over to lauren simonetti and "varney & co.". thank you, ryan and shane appeared. lauren: good morning. i met lauren simonetti in for stuart varney. we start off with a foxbusiness alert, chaos in afghanistan after the taliban takes over control of kabul with dramatic images of thousands trying to flee as the taliban declares victory. this just in, officials confirming that all u.s. evacuation flights have been suspended. there is this, thousands of prisoners kept at sovereign airbase freed by the taliban some
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high-level al qaeda operatives and i will talk to general jack keane. meanwhile, president joe biden remains at camp david and his press secretary jen psaki is out of the office. i guess on vacation taking priority. we will talk about it with former white house communications team manner-- member. we will look at how it's affecting all markets after four straight record closes for the dow jones and s&p 500 the dow jones is down 124 points, s&p down 15 in the free market as the nasdaq up at 55. it's a big week for earning support retail earnings in the consumer statistics. we will hear from walmart, home depot and target. new york's governor cuomo says he saved it in new york by resigning and also claims he would have won against the impeachment process. we will ask new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis about that and more. it is monday, the 16th of august with "varney &
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co." about to begin. ♪♪ lauren: let's get to its breaking in afghanistan. all u.s. evacuation flights are suspended as kabul international airport with officials telling fox news the runway is not secure as hundreds reach the airport and fled the tarmac hanging onto the wheels just to get-- not only as is president biden mia but jen psaki the voice of the white house is out of the office. her e-mail address sunday morning receiving an auto supply stating she would not return until august 22 and with that we've bring in christian whiteman. christian, thank you for joining us. what kind of message does this silence ascend to our adversaries? >> well, first of all the message to the american people is almost a message of fear
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, i mean, this is a major historical turning point. it's worse than the fall of saigon because there is a two year gap between when american forces left south vietnam and the fall of saigon and this has happened more rapidly, much more at stake in the world i would say with serious problems with iran, china and those adversaries that will get now more dangerous i think. the fact the president will return to the white house where he could have face-to-face meetings with his national security council and addressed the nation about what is next and what's going on here, instead he's hiding on vacation sending the signal of weakness. to give you contrast, boris johnson the british prime minister not only is in london but he called parliament back to have a debate. really almost a sign of arrogance attached here. lauren: so, when president biden does address the nation, christian, what does he say, what is the solution to this? >> there isn't one that springs to mind. i guess you could try to make lemons from
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lemonade and sort of acknowledge that the u.s. army, not the troops, the troops did what was called of them, but the generals, admirals have been profoundly wrong in that we have an army that is profoundly missed guided and poorly mentioned with the threats we face today. apparently, they work great with nation building with cowboys and indians in central asia when in fact we needed bigger army and excuse me, navy and air force to deter china, to deter iran in the persian gulf and arabian sea and the capabilities we have aren't great, but it doesn't seemed like it's in joe biden's constitution to use this to pivot towards a new national security strategy. lauren: it gets worse because china said they will support the taliban's leadership and look what has just is left of afghanistan. now china has a land bridge from afghanistan to iran. implications of that?
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>> yeah, i'm a little less worried about that just because the taliban really has no love for the chinese and it doesn't mean they wouldn't take chinese money for infrastructure although it's unclear if china would get a lot from that. there is a lot of interaction between afghanistan and iran. there was question yesterday when afghanistan president ran away whether he actually went to around and turns out he might be in pakistan, but yes, iran does sort of have a broader issue land in which to operate. lauren: christian, thank you for coming on. >> thank you. lauren: it's look at stocks because united airlines began rerouting its india flight to avoid afghanistan airspace as taliban fighters took control of kabul with united down 1.7%. let's look at the futures. we bring in jason katz.
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jason, good morning. you are looking at what goes on overseas and you see futures after four days of record highs for the broader market they are lower. are you concerned from the market's perspective about what's going on? >> certainly disconcerting to see what's going on. the so-called silver lining in this gray cloud is that i think from a tax perspective with the president's ratings now at 50%, i think a higher tax regime is likely. yes, we will get higher taxes but not to the extent we saw before so if you want to figure out a way to tether this together i think there is one way to do it. lauren: yes, that would be good news from a market perspective and maybe that tax hikes don't follow, but the other thing and this could be a positive enough perverse world that we live in jason, do you think that his domestic spending agenda gets mocked up because it's overwhelmed by this foreign-policy mishap? >> certainly the
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additional three some audit trillion is in question. at the 1 trillion, i think, is bipartisan and a foregone conclusion we will move forward there from the market perspective, we have had for record state closes, 48 record highs and i think you said earlier we have had 10 months without a 5% decline and in fact i think we doubled off the lows from covid, so i think the market is-- including this weekend's news, we only see around 5% upside from here over the next 12 months. with that said, i don't think the preconditions of a bear market are present. i would remain along obviously proceed with caution it. lauren: when you remain along though, jason, i guess the big question is now when did they announce the taper, when does it start and how long does that taper last and it seems like
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this paper might happen faster than wall street imagined. with that change your perspective, your bullish perspective? >> counterintuitively it would make me more constructive. everyone is so fearful of the taper trick in fact, if we taper it will be for the right reasons. yes, delta gave the feds cover with respect to say raising rates, but at some point they have to start to wean away the punch bowl at least reduce the alcohol because the market at this point is flooded with liquidity and its distorting asset prices, so you look at last week's job numbers and it was a seminal moment for the market. i think it's given license to investors to actually want to see the fed to start the taper. lauren: jason, thank you for your perspective. good to see you. let's look at walmart and target. both of those stocks marginally to the downside, but they do open their books on the latest quarter this week
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and we will bring in mark tepper. he will join us for the rest of the hour. a good morning. >> good morning. lauren: how do you feel about this news this morning to the consumer is strong but when you look at retail sales, i mean, they are slowly but surely decelerating. they are still strong, they'll. you would expect that. there's less milk skinny money coming in and you about the delta for her spear when i look at target and walmart, i expect strong orders from both of them. walmart is your more defensive elaine. target is the more discretionary lane when everyone has more money in their pocket target should benefit but the issue with target is the comps are difficult to set an all-time high. expectations are superhigh for target, but both companies are in the right spot because they continue to grow with their customers and throw in the child care tax credit i think is hitting 60 million households with back-to-school shopping going on.
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lauren: in the cdc is saying put the mask back on and they both have huge online presence. i wanted to ask about the crypto market because let's look at where bitcoin is trading. it's at 47,244. it did hit 48,000 earlier. the crypto market, all the crypto currencies are up to trillion dollars for the first time since may. do you think the rally continues for crypto? >> that is tough to say i mean bitcoin has been on fire over the last month and i think it's gone from maybe 299,500 july 20, to 48,000, that's in less than a month and it's done so off no news. i think the crypto raleigh continues, but i have a few buddies who are like crypto gurus. it seems like those who are in the know when it comes to crypto actually seem to prefer it ethereum over bitcoin and actually even prefer smaller coins like
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polkadot, polygon so i think the rally will continue. it's surprising bitcoin is kind of leading the way right now because we were seen for quite some time money drift out of bitcoin into other coins. lauren: ethereum is down a bit after this massive run-up in the past couple of weeks but a lot of people are saying the retail enthusiasm behind crypto is because the retail enthusiasm behind the meme stocks has come down a little bit, so it's a trade-off, if you will. thank you, mark. see you in a bit. let's check the futures on this monday morning as we kick off the new week, the dog days of summer pure in a lot of overseas news is impacting how traders feel with the dow jones down 101-point spirit went to know how new york city mayor mare de blasio plans to stop crime? he will pay violent criminals in $1000 a month stipend. we are not kidding. we will tell you about it in a bit and we will
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cover this morning, the taliban takeover of afghanistan. last month president biden insisted this would never happen. here's the tape. >> the afghan troops have 300,000 well-equipped as well-equipped as any army in the world, likelihood they will be the taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely. lauren: happened in a 72 hours and new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis says this is absolute failure on behalf of the biden administration and she joins me next. at usaa, we've been called too exclusive. because we only serve those who honorably served. all ranks, all branches, and their families. are we still exclusive? absolutely. and that's exactly why you should join.
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so that everyone can enjoy the freedom of swimming. like the athletes competing in tokyo, these entrepreneurs have a fierce work ethic and drive to achieve - to change the game and inspire the team of tomorrow. (announcer) back pain hurts. you can spend thousands and still not get relief. now there's aerotrainer by golo. you can stretch and strengthen your core, relieve back pain, and tone your entire body. (man) and you're stretching your lower back on there. there is no better feeling. (announcer) do planks for maximum core and total body conditioning. (woman) aerotrainer makes me want to work out. look at me. it works, 100%. (announcer) find out more at that's lauren: let's check futures. this is the week of the consumer with retail sales and earnings from the likes of walmart and target. dow jones down 106.
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nasdaq down 45. the taliban has taken control of, despite the vast resources the u.s. dedicated to afghanistan connell mcshane is with us. the president is ascending roughly 5000 additional troops. what is this going to cost to a world that's already cost tens of billions of dollars? >> a trillion dollar war by some and it's looking like a fair estimate of this when you added up over the years. tough to put a financial price tag on war. looking at some of the numbers as they come in and we will show some now. we are approaching a trillion dollars in the u.s. defect-- defense department says over 800 billion has been spent fighting in afghanistan since october, 2001. putting gas in the humvees, aircraft carriers, feeding the troops and that kind of
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thing, 143 billion reconstruction of the country and as you have seen over the weekend much of that appears to be falling apart in afghanistan. just those numbers is approaching a trillion, but there is more to it, i mean, these estimates don't take into account what's been spent in pakistan and even though the u.s. is by far pay the most, other countries have also spent billions in afghanistan. one study for the uk put in 30 billion, journey 19, so the financial cost adds up and so does the human cost, 2448 u.s. service members losing their lives since 2001. perhaps the most darling figure looking into the cost of these wars came from a brown university study that looked at both afghanistan and iraq because they looked at the interest, remember we borrowed the money and they said by 2050 those to you-- two wars will cost six and a half trillion dollars. lauren: and who knows the path from here.
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thank you very much and we bring in congresswoman nicole malliotakis republican from new york. congresswoman, well come here we are just weeks away from the 20th anniversary of the september 11 attack and there are now more troops, more u.s. troops in afghanistan and there were when biden announced his plan to withdraw. how do we explain this to people? there was clearly no plan in place from the biden administration. how did we get here? >> that's correct and we had a briefing yesterday with the secretary from the department of state, defense, joint chiefs of steff and we were left with wanting more answers than what they provided to us because we don't understand what that-- was it intelligence failure, did the president not listen to security advisors, what exactly occurred that this was done so hastily and in such an unorganized manner, heartbreaking to
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see images yesterday of the afghan people chasing after the american plane seeking refuge to see the taliban has taken over the country with our equipment and to see the images of prisoners including al qaeda fighters and isis fighters walking right out of the jail because they were let go by the taliban. to see how our afghan partners have been left behind that the visa process has been so poorly managed that we are leaving those individuals and americans, civilians in harm's way and you are right the fact that there are more troops there today than there were when the president announced the withdrawal shows what an under failure this is in the president needs to address the american people. he needs to address congress. we need answers to what exactly occurred here and what is his plan to mitigate the damage. lauren: devastating. i went to switch gears
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and while i have you get to some other hot topics in right here in new york city-- new york city mayor de blasio plans eva thousand dollars-- i'm laughing because it's such a crazy story, he was to give a thousand dollar a month stipend to violent criminals as part of a new program that appears on offender with an ex-con who will serve as a mentor. is this going to work? >> you know, it's an absolute joke, but it's not funny to the taxpayers that i represent who work hard every day, struggling to get by, tax dollars to this mayor that's completely managed everything in our city. you know the oldest saying that crime doesn't pay, well in new york city it apparently does pay for these criminals, these murderers they are actually murderers will be making more than some amera senior citizens on social security. it's an absolute disgrace. i can't get rid of this mayor soon enough. the reality is taking the money that was
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supposed to go to the nypd to fight crime and are now using it to give it to those who are actually murdering other new yorkers that's the reality of what we deal with everyday under mayor de blasio. lauren: and i have one more because it gets even better. andrew cuomo bragging the governor would have defeated impeachment. this was a phone interview and i will quoted from new york magazine, he said i feel like i did the right thing for the state. i'm not going to drag the state through the mud, through a three or four month impeachment and then win and have made the state legislature and the state government look like a ship of fools. when everything i have done all my life was for the exact opposite. i'm not doing that. i feel good. i'm not a martyr. okay, so he's bragging. he's not taking any responsibility for his actions and the fact that the new york state assembly suspended the impeachment investigation, does he
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make a comeback and run again on all of this in your opinion? >> i don't think so. the majority of new yorkers did not with the governor to run for reelection and in addition to that he is still under investigation for his book dealing which he used state resources to obtain a 5 million-dollar contract and of course the u.s. attorneys are looking at the nursing home cover-up which his own chief of staff admitted to so i don't think-- the good news for new yorkers is that andrew cuomo will be gone and we will move on with the state to ensure we-- look, at the end of the year the governor and the mayor will be gone and hopefully we will have new leadership that will take the state in the right. lauren: congresswoman nicole malliotakis, thank you. let's check futures. opening bell sound in a six minutes and 40 seconds per dow jones down as they come off or record highs in a row with the nasdaq down 43 appeared opening bell is coming right up.
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(naj) at fisher investments, our clients know we ♪♪ have their backs. (other money manager) how do your clients know that? (naj) because as a fiduciary, it's our responsibility to always put clients first. (other money manager) so you do it because you have to? (naj) no, we do it because it's the right thing to do. we help clients enjoy a comfortable retirement. (other money manager) sounds like a big responsibility. (naj) one that we don't take lightly. it's why our fees are structured so we do better when our clients do better. fisher investments is clearly different. lauren: as we await the opening bell at dow jones futures are down 94 points and we bring in
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keith fitz-gerald. i'm going to call this contained reaction that the afghanistan story is having on the market in the u.s. would you agree with that description, contained? >> not only would i agree, but i think it's a well worded because i have been struggling to sort of vocalize how i feel about this. that's appropriate. lauren: so, do you-- you know, you look at the white house and the biden administration and what their plans are for domestic spending. do you think this overwhelms their plans now that they have to focus more on foreign policy and how do investors fit into this? >> that's an interesting question. i'm not a politician and i would tell you i prioritize the american people getting everyone healthy and back to work as fast as possible. this complicates the matter and i worry about china and russia because they are opportunistic in the rolling out the red carpet and as investors i think you work to where stocks power up, defense is a
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priority. look at home depot, tesla and they are all stellar stocks doing stellar things. waded through the noise a. lauren: looking at defense stocks with about a minute before the opening bell and for the most part they are higher. wouldn't be much because you would expect names like this to do really well when we are looking at images from afghanistan and people desperate, you can see the desperation with people trying to get out we are looking at robinhood, the stock. since their ipo, it's down to a half percent this morning. you like robinhood, why is that? >> i like it for different reasons. i think congress is moved to deliberately avoid looking at or re- regulating payment for order flow will benefit stock and as much as robinhood stock as i hate that to happen. i the concept. but, i can't stand the fact that the stock is what it is, so i'm split
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on this. i don't own it at the moment. i wish it well. i think stocks should be far lower if congress were serious about re- regulating payment for order flow. they have to get transparency into the marketplace and until that happens i think the stock is an outlier to me. lauren: and the opening bell is about to ring on wall street as we kick off the new week. it will be a busy week for earnings as we wrap up earnings season. the dow jones opening down 88 points. the names in green are 3 m, procter & gamble, walmart, mcdonald's. consumer stocks looking a bit strong this morning. on the flipside, chevron, boeing, j.p. morgan, and caterpillar are lagging. s&p 500, this is the broader market and it's been writing for consecutive record highs as of now, we might not
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get a record closed today but that day as long. nasdaq at 14,773, down 49 points. let's look at t-mobile as they are investigating claims of a data breach that affects nearly 100 million users. mark tapper back with us. the hacker is reportedly asking for bitcoin because that's how we do things these days. >> that's how they get their ransom money. this is modern warfare. you will have less boots on the ground, more cyber attacks and i think as a country we need more cyber security and that's why a lot of cybersecurity stocks have done so well. the government needs more protection. enterprises need more protection against another ransom demand. individuals need more protection, i mean, if you think about it, people used it to get robbed at gunpoint and now the thieves just steal your social security number and they buy a car with your credit. it's becoming more and more important that we
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focus on cybersecurity and as you mentioned, bitcoin once again is the preferred method of payment in these situations is. lauren: let's look at hyatt, the hotel people as they plan to buy apple leisure group from their private equity owners, a $2.7 billion price tag. price down a bit this morning. deal like this move, mark? >> i don't. i think it's kind of disappointing for hyatt. this is apple vacation and a lot of people are familiar with it, the vacation packages that put together the fight in the hotel, but i think it's disappointing they are sticking with hotels, i mean, the people i'm talking to seem to be more comfortable right now vacationing out of country in a private residence, not a hotel. we have a trip around thanksgiving planned for turk. we are supposed to stay at a hotel and we are trying to get out of it to stay at a house so i think companies like airbnb are more-- i think that's more where you want to be. lauren: but airbnb sees it dense in the future with the spike of
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covid infection spear you are a parent and probably taking the kids to turk and you are most certainly familiar with roadblocks to get a report "after the bell" with stocks not doing anything right now, but is that essentially what hurts roadblocks-- roadblocks. >> without a doubt especially with more kids going to school this year end doing a lot less learning virtually. my kids love this game. they are addicted. my daughter got in trouble last year recklessly buying without getting permission from mommy and daddy. lauren: was she punished? >> years the thing-- lauren: was she punished? >> yeah, without a doubt. lauren: and how so? please tell. >> she had to do some chores and stuff like that, but overall gaming has been a tough industry this year. i think it was last year's trade when everyone was stuck at home. comps are tough for all videogame companies and
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this is a 50 billion-dollar company and to put that in perspective activision has a 65 billion-dollar market cap and they have a bunch of different blockbuster franchises, call of duty, world of warcraft so i would not be buying this. lauren: comps are high in general for most companies. i was just looking, 87% of companies that reported so far have beaten on the bottom and top line and that could be the best ever since they began tracking this, so when you put it in perspective we are doing well. let's look at coinbase, up this morning as crypto's did rise. bitcoin hit 48 earlier. coinbase has been rallying lately and it's given up a bit today. >> i am not a fan. obviously, coinbase gets paid on volume with the more transactions the better and when people are excited about crypto you would expect more transaction so it's good to see it back about 250, but coinbase operates in a
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commodified business just like stock brokerage firms, i mean, you look at schwab, fidelity, they all race to zero over the course-- they've actually been moving in that direction for years and i think if you want to play crypto you either go direct or i prefer a company silver gate or others, basically the intermediary between these different crypto is. lauren: thank you, mark. one more. hey. wall street always wants to see a beat and arrays and you got one today was stock of 6.5%. nearly $18, but this was the first report since they went public in may. are you a fan of this? >> i am not. oatmeal, i mean,-- lauren: not even for your kids? my nanny drinks it so i keep in the fridge. i tried it a couple times. i like whole milk. >> i'm down with almond
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milk, but i don't know about oatmeal. seems like more and more people are avoiding oats and grain, i mean, you have seemed like the quito diet, paly out diet skyrocketed in popularity over the course of the last decade or so. this is supposed to be one of the esg plays that appeals to the climate change crew, vegans, vegetarians and in my opinion it's a fad diet and all you have to do is look at what happened at beyond meat when the hype wore off, $230 at the peak to below $100 over the course of a few months. it's come back and it's now about 120. i think it's a fad stock. lauren: a fad stock rallying today. let's look at vaccine makers. boosters could be ready as soon as the fall. do you think that is the beginning of regular annual covid boosters? >> it kind of sounds that way, i mean, we have to take care of those most at risk and if a booster helps let's roll them out. i forget the exact
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number. i want to say you know the vaccine is effective against the delta variant like 90 plus% initially and the six months in a drops to about 80% effectiveness and i think a booster shot is probably something we will have for quite some time. i think the entire country is beginning to realize covid is not going away anytime soon and it will be with us and we need to learn to manage the risk. we need to learn to live with it unfortunately. lauren: they have learned that people that are fully vaccinated are still getting covid, so that might make some people roll up their sleeves and say give me another one to protect against the new variants and it may make other people say no way at least not now. mark, thank you. we will see you in a bit. down winners dow jones winners, merck, mcdonald's and microsoft the dow jones is now down over 200 points at
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35,300. here are the winners on s&p 500, ebay, netflix on the nasdaq, ebay, netflix, and applied materials. it's a question many one the answer to, what was president biden told by the intelligence agencies regarding afghanistan. just last month you rebuild this. >> intelligence community that the afghan government will likely collapse. >> that is not true. not true. they didn't reach that conclusion. lauren: i went to as retired general jack keane who joins me in the 11:00 o'clock hour with lots of news two cover but did you also hear about this, the biden administration just approved the largest permanent increase in food stamps. can we afford this? we had the answer. ♪♪ ♪♪
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lauren: elon musk says his starship lunar lander project will have a humans on the moon sooner than 2024. mark may be one of them. >> no, no not at all. i guess it's kind of cool if you are into that staff. not sure that's where i would want to spend my money. i think it's like 250 to 300,000 just to get into outer space. how much will it cost to get to the moon like a half a million or a million, probably quite a bit more and what percentage of the population will waste money like that so a lot of the analysts say the market for like the virgin galactic kind of companies is everyone with a network of 5 million and about and i think that's really low. i bet it's about 10 million and i bet it
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changes the evaluation of these companies when you move the needle on the size of someone's net worth the. lauren: mark tepper staying here on earth. let's turn to the retailers because we have over a dozen reporting this week and they include walmart, target, home depot, lowes. let's bring in gerald storch. thank you for joining us and the big wildcard and problem for the retailers is inflation and how it affects their bottom line. what do you say? >> all these retailers will have great numbers because it's retrospective. its last quarter and we will see great numbers for july when the census department reports retail sales tomorrow. the real question is the future. i have an acronym to help you think about this. delta variant, how bad will it be, inflation, like you say inflation is through the roof. how will it impact retailer earnings and i think not too bad kirk supply chain, we know there is a major
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disruption and shortages what's going to happen in the future? that's what it's all about. numbers will be great retrospectively, but what will it be for the future. "my take" is it will be great. goes from amazing to great. individual stocks will respond depending on how much amazing is built-in lauren: so, the supply chain and shortage and you had the third-biggest port in the world partially shut down because of one case of covid in china, part of their zero-tolerance policy. do you really think that will mock up our christmas and the way retailers can stock up? >> i think it will cause a shortages, but what is so interesting is retailers will still do great because it will play into inflation. prices will go up for the goods that exist and we may not get exactly
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what you want but you will still get a christmas present. it won't be on sale as much as it may have had to have been for the retailer because of shortages. retailers will do great. christmas will still be great. it's not going to be a fully functioning economy so prices will be high and there will be shortages, but christmas will come, it always comes and never bet against the american consumer. lauren: and there has to be a point when the consumer pushes back and says enough with these high prices. i am starting to do it now whether i'm in the food store or clothing store, i'm not paying that, i'm just not. am i alone can make no, you are not alone. i think it will hurt some manufacturers and brands worse than retailers, but retailers will take what they can get and raise their prices and as the way it's going to be and then they will make good money because as long as inflation is at this level they will get great leverage on rent. with brands, they may
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have to eat some of it to get sales so that's where you will see the pressure. you will see increasingly some apparel companies, some of the especially some of the necessity manufacturers like food saying they weren't able to pass it along and you will see a decrease in their profit so there will be push back, but the question is will inflation be low single digits or high single digits. as long as it's low everyone makes out like bandits, but when we see double digits, big problems. lauren: thank you so much and the next one right now is china's online shopping. it's plunging, retail sales and industrial production disappointing. mark tepper back with us. why the sleight-of-hand-- slowdown? >> retail sales are slowing in china and i think we would expect that off a big quarter but obviously i think delta is playing a pretty big part and we have to remember china is a authoritarian government and they will just come in and shut you down.
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they are already shutting down forks and my biggest concern is what does it mean for us and our supply chain and retail sales in the u.s. and when it comes to these chinese companies like alibaba, which i love and i think the valuation is very attractive, all of this headline risk it makes them completely un- investable right now from my perspective. lauren: and they are trading at 185 right now. you have some stock picks. let's start with universal display corporation. >> they had a solid quarter to kind of gave us conservative guidance in the stock sold off and it's probably down 15% from where it was pretty earnings, but they are in a lot of pre-growth area where they have absolutely the best product and we are talking about the little display screens on your smart phones, tv, apple watch with better technology, and better quality picture, less of a drain on the battery, which is the most important thing for me. i mean, it seems like i'm always looking to
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upgrade my iphone for the battery. i would say right now right here i think it's a pretty good by. lauren: tjx, the parent of home good tj asked, marshall, treadle-- treasure hunt kind of shopping experience. what do you like about them because they really don't have a big online presence? >> you really can't talk retail this week without talking about one of my favorites which is t.j. maxx and like you mention, i mean, who doesn't love a treasure hunts. it's one of my wife's favorite stores to visit. everyone wants that diamond in the rough and when you find a $100 shirt on iraq for $25 you get the dopamine rush. lauren: i find it annoying lately. i just went in-and-out with what i need. maybe i'm aware. mark tepper, thank you. we are following two major stories appear more than 1200 people are dead, nearly 6000 injured after a powerful earthquake rocks haiti appeared who are looking at images and we have a live report. thousands of prisoners
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including many senior al qaeda operatives are freed by the taliban and is now raising major national security concerns in the u.s. as we look at the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks we will have more coming up. which saved investors over $1.5 billion last year. that's decision tech. only from fidelity. ♪ ♪ experience, hyper performance that takes you further. at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. get 0.9% apr financing on all 2021 lexus hybrid models. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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lauren: they have been on the show for their at-home covid test and they are now developing a new way to receive the results of your test. ceo dwight egan with us didn't now. good morning. >> good to me with you. lauren: your new test lets you get the results on your smart phone. how does that work? >> we are enthused about our new er test platform. this is a test done on a little box like this. it's been in development for about a year end a half and you simply spit into a cup like this. put it in the box and start the test with a cell phone app and 30 minutes later you get your results on the cell phone. lauren: how much does it cost? >> the boxes a few hundred dollars. the individual test in quantities about 15 to $20 so it's a paradigm shift in terms of how it can be done and in order to get kids back into school and our people back to work we have to
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operationalize testing and it has to be done in a more simple way. we have to continue to do a lot of testing, but we can't do parking lot tests that take days or weeks to get results. we have to do it very quickly. that's what this accomplishment is. lauren: was the accuracy rate as far as what you can tell? >> great question. these are pcr tests. they aren't antigen tests or other. they are gold standard according to the cdc pcr tests. i need to add to that this is subject to fda approval. we expect to file for emergency use authorization in the fourth quarter for this device. lauren: so, by the end of the year we might be able to buy your test and test ourselves and our kids at home. dwight egan, thank you and good luck to you. >> thank you. lauren: let's check the markets took dow jones is down 275 points this morning.
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we have to look at microsoft. they did hit-- even though the market is down sharply, a new all-time high, number 35 if you are keeping check this year, but even microsoft is down this morning. i am sure stuart varney is happy about that summer and i actually have the number 35. still ahead stephen moore, retired general jack keane and doctor mark siegel. the second hour of "varney & co." is coming right up. ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪. lauren: good morning, everyone, i'm lauren simonetti in for stuart varney. it is the new hour. 10:00 eastern time. let's get straight to your money because we have a celloff on our hands. nasdaq is worst of the butch down 124 points at 14,702. look at 10-year treasury yield, marching in place here.
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1.24%. bitcoin did head higher touching 48,000, but retreating at 46,350. we bring in stephen moore. good morning, stephen. >> good morning, lauren. lauren: this what i want to talk to you about. president biden's economic agenda boosted wages. sure your wages up 4%, but inflation went up 5.4% the last year. that does not sound like i got a pay increase at all,s it it? >> that is exactly right, lauren. you have got an inflation rate rising much faster than the rate of wages. raises wedge 4%. inflation was 5 1/2%. that means are losing 1 1/2% of their paycheck that is the reason you saw huge reduction in the consumer confidence numbers
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this month, the lowest they have been since many -- neil: 2011. >> big problem. lauren: the cost of everything is going up. our taxes are likely going up. the biden administration reportedly set to increase food stamp payouts by 25%. who is going to pay for that? >> you just look across the across the board. look what is happening with energy prices. look what is happening with food prices. it is interesting to me, lauren, i never understood the logic to this. economists look what they call core inflation where they take out energy and food prices. lauren, for the vast majority of americans food and energy are the main thing they spend money on. those are the things that are really surging. there has been a big backlash what biden did last week, went hat in hand to the saudis
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produce more oil to keep the price of oil and gasoline at the pump down in the united states when we should be producing a lot more of that oil here in states like texas, north dakota, oklahoma. i happen to think, lauren, last week was one of the worst weeks for president biden since he has been in office. look what is happening with afghanistan. look at plunging consumer confidence. you see covid out of control. you see prices rising. it is a real crisis right now in the white house. lauren: you know what is interesting, stephen, the biden administration is saying well the trump administration set us up for what happened in afghanistan but i look back and we were talking about oil prices and energy independence and on day one the biden administration canceled the keystone pipeline. so it is interesting how he changes some of the policies and doesn't to other. >> i agree with that. afghanistan has been a problem clearly for many years. so you can't blame this all on
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biden but biden did say just a few weeks ago, he didn't think there would be chaos in the streets in kabul. that is exactly what we have right now. that wasn't exactly the best call, mr. president. i hold much more responsible for what is happening with the energy situation. our production is not as high as it was when trump left office. for the first time in american history in january of 2021 we imported no oil from saudi arabia, for the first time in your and mine lifetime, lauren. that is because we were producing so much oil and gas in the united states. we've seen by some estimates about a 20% decline in the united states production of oil over the last couple years. some of that obviously is due to could have individual and reduced demand but we should be the world's leading oil producer. we need pipelines, drilling on federal lands, easing up on regulations obama, biden really
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has done exactly the opposite. that is now being seen in the higher prices. the price of gasoline today, lauren, is one dollar a gallon than it was a year ago. lauren: they're paying $4.40 lars to fill up in california. >> that is where i am. i see the signs. i saw one yesterday, five dollars a gallon. lauren: did you? take a picture. send it to us. that is crazy. you have to fill up. can't take public transportation. there is not much of i will. wow. check the markets on the monday morning in afghanistan. see if there is an effect on your wallet. the dow is down 217 points. off the lows of the session. as we await retail sales and key retail sales earnings, walmart, target and the like. we bring in dennis gartman. dennis, it is interesting we keep looking for something that can stop this booming bull market. is it what is going on in the middle east?
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>> lauren, it is possibly something going on in the middle east. clearly there is geopolitical risk for the first time in quite some period of time. the level of confidence in the united states clearly diminish and will be diminished in the next couple weeks. guy owe political risk is come to the foe. fed will eventually discontinue expansionary policies. when will they be in the process of tapering instead of buying $120 billion worth of government treasurys and ages? when will they drop that to 100 billion instead? there is a lot of things going on. decline in consumer confidence occurred over the course of the last month and something that bothered me, i watched the use of margin increasing in the last 15 consecutive months. normally decline in margin leads to decline in the stock market. first time in 15 months margin use declined in july, rather dramaticchy. that is one month. it can change very soon.
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i my doubts. i've been bullish for stocks. in my own account i reduced size of positions dramatically. that i only written calls. the end period of time in this great bull market. it will end when it ends. i think you have to be very cautious. less long, not a time to be bearish but a time to be demonastery less bullish. lauren: damaging by the exit basically. >> i like that. dancing by the exit. lauren: coming up later in the show. >> that's a great line. lauren: just to dig into what the federal reserve will do with all of this, everyone is saying you have to lessen your support for the economy at some support and they have communicated the way they're going to do that. do you think it has been well-communicated? you know a lot of people are saying if there is a faster, a faster taper than expected that can take the markets off guard and cause a selloff. do you agree with that?
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>> i think first of all mr. powell said it a couple months ago they haven't even begun to thinking about thinking about tightening monetary policy. now at least they're talking about thinking about tightening monetary policy. it will happen sooner or later. probably before the end of the year. they will drop it from 120 billion to 100 billion. they have done a reasonably decent job of communicating. they're starting to talk about thinking about tightening instead of thinking about thinking about tightening. lauren: it is all a dance. most people say the announcement is coming next month. the taper comes october and november. lasts between eight and 10 months. >> i would not disagree. lauren: we'll see. final question for you, dennis, the biden administration now has a credibility problem with respect to foreign policy in afghanistan and that can bleed through into his domestic policies? >> i don't think there is any question about that. the united states is a diminished country after what happened over the weekend. it is very sad. hopefully it will be responded to.
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hopefully a year from now we'll forget about what happened. we'll be back to where we were but itch my doubts. this is very serious. s. this diminishes the biden administration rather dramatically. tough time for them coming up to the november elections. this is very serious. geopolitical risk we haven't seen for quite some time. lauren: it is, especially images from the airport desperate. check movers. a judge rules that google infringed on their patents. that ruling could lead to an import ban for pixel smartphones and audio speakers. that stock is up 10%. oatly, the oat milk people had the interesting commercial with the singing ceo. they raised their guidance. demand for vegan milk is soaring. they expanded and expect a 200% growth rate by end of next year. the stock is up almost 4%.
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here is chipotle, ray monday james lowered the rating on the chain after 3% jump in the stock over the past six weeks. chipotle at 1862. here are the cryptos. what a rally earlier. the entire cryptocurrency market. $2.06 trillion. topping trillion dollars for first time in three months. bitcoin down a little bit today. we bring back in mark tepper. you think the rally for cryptocurrencies continues? you like ethereum more than others? >> i think it will continue. i think it will be very choppy. i think you will see some ups and downs and you expect that with a speculative asset like crypto. i want to talk about something you mentioned earlier. you made the observation that crypto rallied as meme stocks sold off. is that a coincidence or something more to it? last year all these stocks, crypto, high-risk investments
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rose in tan tandem because of so much liquidity with stimulus checks. there is not a whole bunch of new money entering into the market, you see outflows from certain investments to see inflows from others. quite possible what is happening with crypto. lauren: like there is three markets. tech market, fang market, meme, crypto kind of new market if you will. t-mobile inspecting a data breach that affected their customers. hacker claims to sell private data, social security numbers, driver's license information. the anonymous seller is seeking $270,000. so six bitcoin. mark, we were talking about this earlier. we're seeing more and more of this new warfare if you will, hackers wanting payment in bitcoin. what do you make of it? >> first of all i think the price tag sounds a little low.
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lauren: i thought so too. i hesitated when i read it off the prompter. >> seems low. i was talking with friends in bay harbor, michigan. i was there last week, beautiful place, and we were talking about all the cyberattacks, identity theft, all of this stuff. this is not run of the mill thieves. this is a business for these criminals. this is their own little criminal enterprise. they're sitting in warehouses in places like norway. they're rawls looking for the next big score. whether attacking a business, a person, maybe a government? then they demand a ransom which is always paid in bitcoin or of course some crypto and, lauren, there has been so many data breaches over the years i don't think anyone's data is safe anymore. you remember like 2017, i want to say it was equifax, the credit bureau which got hacked. it seems like everyone has to do what they have to do to make sure your information and your
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identity is protected. lauren: they're increasingly getting caught. that might not be a good news for the crypto market but good for everyone else. mark, thank you very much. president biden predicting a much different scenario for afghanistan just weeks ago. here is the tape to prove it. >> likelihood there is going to be taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely. lauren: retired army captain stan brown was wounded serving in afghanistan. he says we should have left years ago and he is coming up next. don't expect crisp response from the white house. press secretary jen psaki apparently on vacation. what a time, until next week. one nbc host comparing, this is good one, the religious right in america to the taliban. mercedes schlapp is here. she will real act to all of it. ♪.
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lauren: welcome back. let's take a look at look at markets. we rallied back from the lows. the dow is down 125 points probably as the last big week of earnings is upon us. nasdaq down 177, down 1.2%, so the worst of the three averages. tesla shares are down 4.6%. u.s. safety regulators officially opening a formal safety probe into tesla's autopilot system. this comes after a series of crashes. the probe after estimated 750,000 teslas here in the u.s.
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look at this video. you probably have seen it. afghans desperately clinging to an american aircraft as the taliban takes over the country. all evacuation flights have been suspended. connell mcshane is pack with us. connell, world leaders are chiming in, blaming president joe biden for the situation there. reporter: uk prime minister, boris johnson said the u.s. pulling out of afghanistan clearly accelerated things. so yes, that is probably the closest thing to a blame. he says the west has to work together to make sure afghanistan doesn't turn into breeding ground for terrorists. other world leaders weighing in including canadian prime minister justin trudeau said he is heartbroken about the events. australian prime minister, scott morrison. his country will redouble efforts to evacuate people from afghanistan. this brings us to the big development of the day today, those evacuations being halted. a new report from the "wall street journal," as you look at the video from the kabul airport that three people were
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run over and killed according to the journal report after clinging to the side of an air force jet that was evacuating personnel in kabul. u.s. officials saying, it is clear about it videos that the runway is not secure with all these people flooding in and they're just desperate to escape from their own country. here is florida congressman michael waltz, a former green beret. >> we're back to where we were before 9/11, 2001, exempt i would argue worse. because now the taliban have access to massive caches of heavy weaponry, artillery, armored vehicles. ammunition. we have no bases, no local allies, no host government, not even a northern alliance we were able to deal with then. this is far worse. reporter: i want to show this picture just came in to us obtained by fox news, the u.s. embassy flag being carried out, about to be flown out of kabul after 20 years. that is what we're looking into,
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the length and cost of the war in afghanistan is really adding up over the 20 years. 2248 servicemembers from the united states were killed there since october of 2001. in terms of the financial toll, difficult to measure. fair to say close to a trillion dollars. 9 defense department said the cost of just fighting the war comes in 815 billion. reconstruction adds in 143 billion. close to a trillion. you have billions more spent in neighboring pakistan. tens of billions spent by other countries, uk, germany, and other countries spent a lot. fair to say this is a trillion dollar war, lauren, over 20 years. far more than that, when you think of the interest payments because as you know this war has been funded by borrowed money for all these years. lauren: taxpayer money too. connell, i was thinking of those images that we're looking at from the airport, those were for the people that who could get there. so many afghan citizens live far
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away, they couldn't get to the airport. their best situation right now is getting captured by the taliban and at worse they die. it is a horrible situation on the ground and with that we bring in former white house official mercedes schlapp. she joins us now. mercedes, thank you for joining us, as we talk about all of this president biden is on vacation at camp david. white house press secretary jen psaki out of the office until next week. shouldn't they be cutting their trips short? i mean biden is obviously weighing, looking at, talking to his officials about what is going on but shouldn't he address the nation now, not in a few days? >> there is no, of course. and we saw that jake sullivan, the national security advisor for biden came out saying that maybe it will take a few days before he addresses this issue of afghanistan. obviously time is of the essence. we're seeing these images continuously coming out including executions of individuals that have been left
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behind in afghanistan and also, it is now a moment in time where president biden needs to come out and speak out immediately. i visited camp david with president -- i was with president trump at camp david. you can quickly put together a press conference. you can have the press pool there and speak quickly. basically, i think for president biden he is caught in a very difficult situation because of the pure abandonment of the afghan people. president biden has handed over the afghan women and girls to the taliban who will, they will be brutalized by these terrorists. and he needs to basically explain why he made this decision to withdraw the troops in such a swift manner. as we know this is probably one of the biggest failures in foreign policy by this administration despite the fact that president biden said he is so experienced in the
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international relations arena. so he will need to come up with a plan of how he is going to insert troops. whether they will bomb certain areas where we know there is a taliban stronghold, to see what actions he is going to take to basically bring calm to this process but i got to tell you, lauren, i think it's a little too late. lauren: many are saying this is his vietnam but i do want to digress slightly, critics are slamming msnbc host joe reid after she compared the religious right in the u.s. to the taliban. this is what she tweeted, i'm wetting. this is the real life hand made's tale, a cautionary tale in the u.s. which has our own far religious right dreaming a thee rockcracy would impose a particular brand of christianity, drive women from the workforce, solely into childbirth and control all politics. what do you say to joy reid about that, mercedes? >> joy reid is a radical leftist who basically is denier of the
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people who want to practice their faith a denier of god. that is a complete insult to the men and women who worship freely in america, to the men and women who believe that their religion and their christianity is so important to help insure that we have a peaceful nation, a peaceful society, raising their children. for me i think it is so insulting, so horrific, what she spews trying to attack the religious right comparing them to the taliban. the taliban, that forces marriages, get girls and makes them sex slaves. this is an outrage and she should come out and apologize. lauren: for afghan women to hear that now? i think they would love, absolutely love to be right here in the u.s. mercedes schlapp, thank you so much for taking on these topics for us today. >> thank you. lauren: coming up, several montana school districts
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ordering kids to mask up again in the classroom. what does the state's governor make of the move? we will ask governor greg giantforte. red hot housing market great for sellers, but it could soon slip to a buyer's market? grady trimble has that report after this. we'll be right back. ♪. yeah, i mean the thing is, people like geico because it's just easy. bundling for example. you've got car insurance here. and home insurance here. why not... schuuuuzp.. put them together. save even more. some things are just better together, aren't they? like tea and crumpets.
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proving once again that nobody builds networks like verizon. that's why we're building 5g right, that's why there's only one best network. ♪. lauren: not home for us. look at austin, texas, where it is currently sunny and 77 degrees. and now this, pandemic mortgage relief about to run out for millions of americans. that could lead to a flood of available housing. about time, right? grady trimble in chicago. what is interesting here, we could actually see this very strong seller's market flip to a buyer's market? if that is the case when is it going to happen? reporter: lauren maybe not a complete from the seller's
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market to a buyer's market. you can expect more homes and inventory coming on the market in the coming months. that is because according to zillow, 850,000 homeowners will exit forbearance between now and october. with prices so high, a lot of those homeowners could decide to sell. zillow estimates could be 25% and 50% of those exiting forbearance. here are the markets you should pay most attention to. atlanta, houston, here in chicago and dallas, because those markets have the highest number of borrowers behind on fha loans. this could lead to a chance for buyers who have been sitting on the sidelines to then enter the market. >> i think we will see a spike there as more properties come to market, the inventory increases. there will be the same demand. it will just open up opportunities for the first-time homebuyers. reporter: the national association of realtors says that the average single-family
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house, or the median single-family house has gone up in value 23% year-over-year. lauren that is an increase of more than $66,000. lauren: it is great news, grady. if you sell your home you have to buy a new home. it's tough. grady trimble thank you very much. a lot of people just want to stay put. president biden wants opec to increase oil production to lower gas prices but he is the one that killed the keystone pipeline on day one in office. the governor of montana, greg giantforte joins me now. governor, this pipeline would run in mart through your state. what do the pipeline workers, those in the oil industry in montana make of the president saying, oh, yeah, opec plus, pump more oil because we're no longer energy independent here in the u.s.? >> lauren, thank you very much for having me on. this was a devastating move in
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montana. we pursue all of the above energy policy and we're a net exporter of energy. this unilateral decision costs us thousands of jobs, hundreds of millions of dollars of tax revenue that would pay for our schools, local infrastructure, law enforcement. now we see the president begging opec for more oil. it's really horrendous. and the reality is we could have produces these fuels here, creating american jobs and increasing national security. lauren: inflation at the gas pump that caused as well. that bleeds into other sectors of the economy who rely on products which use petroleum. i digress. i want to get this with you, governor. missoula county school board added mask mandates for kids in schools this fall. what is your opinion on mask
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mandates. are you okay with the individual schools setting a mask precedent? >> we heard from hundreds of parents in montana, they want kids back in the classroom under normal conditions. i believe, as many parents do, masks should be optional, voluntary, not mandated. mandates haven't worked and they impede learning. it is difficult for little kids to wear masks. and the cdc has been all over the map on this with different advice, with different times, with different suggestions. we need to look at the science, keep our kids healthy and get them back in a situation where they can start learning again. lauren: what will you do if a school district says they're mandating masks in their area? >> well i believe in local control for these school boards. they have the authority to make this decision. they need i sent a letter to all of them. they need to listen to the parents, look at the science, and not hide behind their masks.
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lauren: i'm talking to a lot of, i'm concerned about my own children, about masks and vaccines. most doctors right now are saying kids need to mask up in school and look, do i want my children wearing masks? no. because it is not normal or natural but they say we need to start the school year like that, take it from there. i guess that is the world we live in. one more as we wrap this up, governor, can you give us an update on the major wildfires? we know they're on the west coast but they're also threatening montana. >> we have unhealthy air conditions here in montana today. we've already burned 10 times more acres than we do in a normal year and over 760,000-acres have burned. we have, north of 80 fires currently burning. we had over 2000 fires start so far this year. first hats off to the firefighters, they're on the front lines. we have thousands of brave men and women fighting these fires right now but it points out the
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need to get back to active forest management. we've been poor stewards of the forests. we have a forest health crisis. this is why just last week i called on president biden to endorse the resilient federal forest act. we can be better stewards, get healthier forests, less wildfire, more wildlife, better recreation and jobs t can all be done but we got to get back to managing our forests then. lauren: last question, is gianforte italian? >> it is. lauren: simonetti. thanks for your time this morning. wasn't expecting italians in montana. i will get tweets about that. >> we'll show up anywhere. lauren: coming up a fully vaccinated flight attendant dies from covid. she is young. is the virus getting stronger? i will ask dr. marc siegel ahead. but first thousands attempt to flee afghanistan as taliban
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takes control of kabul. he was wounded in afghanistan. he said the we should have left the country years ago. captain brown is here after this ♪. that spin class was brutal. well, you can try using the buick's massaging seat. oh. yeah, that's nice. can i use apple carplay to put some music on? sure, it's wireless. what's your buick's wi-fi password? it's buick envision. that's a really tight spot. i used to hate parallel parking. me too! the all-new buick envision.
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>> we'll do it, we'll do it responsibly, deliberately, safely, but the likelihood there is going to be taliban overrunning everything and owning the whole country is highly unlikely. lauren: well it happened and happened in 72 hours. you just heard president biden said it was highly unlikely that the taliban would take over afghanistan. he said that recently as a handful of weeks ago. i warrant you to look at this
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map now. it shows how quickly the taliban actually took control. look at the red. the red are the parts that the taliban took over and it just keeps expanding and expanding. this is a developing story that we're watching in afghanistan, such a turn of events that not many people expected. some are calling it a intelligence failure. some are calling it a logistics failure. some saying how could this happen? some are saying this is president biden's vietnam moment, when you see disturbing images of afghans, americans, anyone in the region looking to get out before the taliban takes over and puts their, their justice system in mace. we'll be joined in a moment by captain sam brown. he served in afghanistan. he will be here in just a few minutes. first i want to bring in mike gunzelman. here in new york today it is day
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one where you need to show your vaccination card if you want to go. >> a have lunch or dinner. i haven't seen you in a long time, gunz, how are you doing. >> good to be back. we had a lot of fun at am for a while. lauren: you're in new jersey, i'm in new jersey. we don't have to show vaccination cards yet. what are people in new york saying? >> i was in new jersey. i'm the genius that moved to manhattan. lauren: oh. >> right before coronavirus started. so now i spend a lot more money and i couldn't leave my apartment for a year. that wasn't the best timing. already, even before it went into effect today a lot of bars, especially new york city were already demanding to see your vaccine card before you were able to go in to them. that has already been happening. overall though and it is kind of a new york thing, lauren, "the wall street journal" had an article about the anxiety that
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americans are feeling right now and you know, stuart always refers to me as the social media guy. i'm young, i'm gunz. i live on social media. it is interesting because we're seeing this mob and shame mentality going from just social media into real life effect. whether it is like, hey, you can't go to a bar or restaurant because you're not vaccinated to now even business opportunities are being affected by this. the chicago bears quarterback, former quarterback, jay cutler, he just lost a deal with uber eats because uber eats said he was antimask for children in school. because he was that way, he lost his job opportunity there. lauren: there is a two-class system forming in the country and the world right now. the vaccinated versus the unvaccinated and the numbers are like 50/50. i don't know how we get out of this but families are being disrupted because of it. >> yep. lauren: another one for you,
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former nfl, we just did this. something flashed on my prompter i had to ask but you are already answered it. social media reporter i always considered you to be the dating reporter. >> i do need all the help there. lauren, i want to say real quick it, has gone from family members going out to friends and now we're seeing this shame culture. like the 2021 version of the scarlet letter. if you're not with us, if you're not completely in lockstep we're going after you and it is really heightening tensions all across the board. children are not ral loud to hang out with other children because their parents don't want them to. lauren: i know. >> it will go to schools. we're already seeing this where parents are going to argue if i can't return to work then how can my kid go to school if they are not able to be vaccinated? that is what is going to happen. it already happened in south carolina. the biggest school district ended up going back to remote
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after nine days of in-person, they just went back to remote that is the next argument big thing we'll see on social media. that is crossing over to the real world right now. lauren: yeah. also this, you know, companies working hand-in-glove with governments to push vaccine mandates. maybe this is to keep the kids in school. gunz, so good to see you. lauren: you too. >> hopefully we can all hang again in person. lauren: i guess congratulations on the move to the big apple. >> good for me, right? i need some wins these days. good for that. de blasio is the worst. we need him out sooner than later. lauren: got it. i want to bring in retired army captain sam brown. thanks for joining us. >> thank you. lauren: you served in afghanistan in 2008. you were awarded a purple heart after suffering severe burns there when your vehicle was struck with an ied. as you are looking at the images play out on our television screens and on our social media
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accounts and, what do you make of the situation in afghanistan? you have first-hand experience. >> well, this is an enormous tragedy, not only for the afghan people but also for americans. this is now a multigenerational conflict, one that started with you know noble and righteous endeavors in terms of eradicating al qaeda's network within afghanistan. it has turned into a very long conflict with a severe cost to american lives as well as afghan lives. this is a most disgraceful way for it to end. lauren: but, campaign brown, you say the u.s. should have pulled out years ago and now, go ahead. >> no. i believe that's right and it is not something i necessarily understood at the time i was there in 2008. you know i came up at a time where we were being taught about
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counterinsurgency operations and nation-building, winning the peace was the name of a course i took at west point. it was all about you know serving a nation and helping them rebuild to become a democracy, however, what i witnessed there, what we've seen unfold over the last years is that the taliban is strong. what we've done by having a large presence there over two decades is we have given the taliban and others who do not respect our form of government in the united states a rallying cry. it is an incredible recruitment tool only made the taliban stronger. coupled with the fact we have left so many weapons and armored vehicles and stuff for the tug-of-war between the afghan government and taliban, it was inevitable conclusion that the taliban would become quite the force in the region and -- lauren: they will fly their flag over the u.s. embassy there on the 20th anniversary of 9/11. that puts it in perspective. >> yes, ma'am. lauren: captain, that for your
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perspective and service this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. lauren: your service as always, not this morning. next up the death toll is climbing in haiti after that 7.2-magnitude earthquake. we'll take you there for a live report on the ground right after this break. at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. lease the 2021 is 300 for $379 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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lauren: so the markets are selling off today although much worse moments ago. the dow is down 134 points. the nasdaq is down 186, one 1/4%, the worst performer of the major averages. you have two things going on. the situation unfolding in afghanistan as the taliban takes over. you have china slowing down in terms of their economic recovery as covid infections there do rise. sectors are split for the most point. now this, the texas state supreme court has sided with governor greg abbott. the court has temporarily blocked mask mandates in two counties in texas. they are dallas and bixar, that is where san antonio is located. mask makers having a good day today. coming up we have another big hour for you, jason chaffetz,
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general jack keane, dr. marc siegel. arizona sheriff mark lamb. president biden is blaming his predecessor, pointing the finger at president trump for the taliban takeover within hours in afghanistan. i will ask jason chaffetz about that fingerpointing in just a bit. ♪ i'm not always on my game. but lately, my uncle is, especially with his type 2 diabetes. with once-weekly trulicity most people reached an a1c under 7%. plus it could help you lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction,
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♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ >> this is a major historical turning point. it's worse than the fall of saigon. the fact that the president wouldn't return to the white house where he could have face to face meetings with his security council and address the nation about what's next and what's going on here. instead he's hiding on vacation, it really sends a signal of witness. >> the fact that there are now more troops today than there were when the announced withdrawal shows what a failure it is. >> last week was one of the worst weeks for president biden since he's been in office. covid out of control, prices rising, it is a real crisis, i think, right now in the white house. >> with the president's ratings now at 50%, i think a higher tax regime is unlikely. >> clearly, there's geopolitical risk for the first time in quite some period of time, and the level of confidence in the united states clearly has been
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diminished. i i think we're at the end period of the time of this great bull market. ♪ muck let's get it started in here. ♪ let's get it started in here ♪♪ lauren: let's get it started on this 11 a.m. hour of "varney & company." i'm lauren simonetti in for stuart varney today. the dow is down 153 points, some caution as we watch the events unfold in afghanistan, but the market is not falling over, and it comes after four straight days of record closes for the dow jones industrial average and the s&p 500. the nasdaq the worst of the bunch here, down 1.3%. the treasury yield, 1.25% this morning. well, following the taliban's total takeover of afghanistan, pentagon officials are blaming the afghan army for lack of willpower. president biden is blaming former president trump saying i inherited a deal cut by my
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predecessor. let's bring in jason chaffetz. jason, there is a blame game going on. it might not be time for that blame game as we have to focus on the situation on the ground there and getting the people out. what do you make of this? >> i like the idea of bringing home our troops, but the execution of that done by president biden and kamala harris is absolutely abysmal. i mean, it could not be a worse situation, more volatile, put our own people in danger. it was just so poorly executed. less than 40 days ago the president was assuring everybody that afghanistan had some of the strongest military presence on the planet and that there was absolutely no way, close to absolutely no way that the taliban would be taking over. and what about the idea of maybe we should have evacuated the u.s. personnel and then the united states military would be the last to leave? but look at these pictures.
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it's just horrific, a total embarrassment to the united states with. lauren: what does it say about the american foreign policy, that we're back, jason? >> america's foreign policy is as weak as it's ever been. now we're begging opec to open up, our border, our southern border is wide open, we've got covid just -- we're importing covid at this point by opening up that southern border. iran is on the march because they're getting the funds that they need in order to pursue a nuclear weapon. china has not been dealt with. i mean, i can't think of a single thing that's actually moving in the right direction. lauren: and china's supporting the taliban right next to iran, the list dose on. and the department of homeland security is linking domestic terrorism to covid restrictions. this is a quote. they say pandemic-related stressors have contributed to increase societal strain and tensions driving several plots by domestic violent e
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extremists, and they may contribute to more violence this year. your reaction, jason. >> you know, it's hard to take them seriously when there are literally hundreds of thousands of people streaming north human trafficking, drug trafficking, all sorts of terrorist problems that are happening, covid coming in. how do you take them seriously when they have such an open border policy on our southern border? i don't get it. lauren: yet new yorkers today have to show a vaccination if card, proof, documentation to eat inside a restaurant, but 48,000 illegal immigrants with covid can be dropped off in cities across the u.s. it just boggles one's mind. >> yeah. you don't have to show a driver's license if you're an illegal alien coming across the southern border, you can be put on a flight by homeland security to go who knows where in the united states. it's an absolute clown show at
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the white house. literally, they hired this social influencer to dance and parade around and try to say, oh, you know, here maybe here's $100, new york city if, take a shot. let's give you a lottery ticket to take a shot to deal with covid. that's a clown show. you've got a court jester there in this social influencer at the white house to what effect? it's not actually moving the ball forward. lauren: the last time joe biden addressed afghanistan was six days ago. when do you expect him to address the nation, and what can he say, what should he say? >> the president of the united states, given what was going on, should have addressed the nation yesterday. that picture they put up of him sitting at an empty table talking to supposedly his national security team of which there's some question just shows he is in total absence. no statement, no personal statement, no answering of questions. that's leading from behind. that's somebody with their tail between their legs who doesn't know what to do, and it does not give the world, our country
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enough confidence. and to the men and women who actually served over there, what does that say to this? lauren: the white house just said president joe biden will address the nation today at 3:45 talking about afghanistan. jason chaffetz, thank you. i do want to make sure everyone at home can check out your latest op op-ed on dear republican trump haters, what did you get for your trade. let's take a look at the markets, we bring in jeff sica to do that. jeff, hi. you say this is the most important week of earnings season. it's been a very strong season, 87% growth on the top and the bottom lines for the companies that have reported. why is this week so important to you? >> well, lauren, what this week represents is this will give us a snapshot of the consumer. the consumer, 70% of the market is driven by the consumer.
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the consumer has come out, the consumers are up off their couches, spent money, spent a lot of that money they were safing, and -- saving, and really did what they needed to do to get the markets and the economy to where they are. but now you have the big retailers, walmart, home depot, target, macy's, you have all these big retailers coming out, and these big retailers are going to give us an indication, hopefully, as to where they see the consumer in the next quarter and the next year. lauren: right. >> because keep in mind, the consumer has been very confident up til last week with. so we have to see what happens and what the future looks like. lauren: so summing up what you said, it's about the outlook. because when we get retail saleses and these second quarter earnings reports from home depot, they're backwards-looking. we want to know who's hiking guidance, who's seeing what trends about the consumer now
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that we saw that 2011 low for consumer sentiment in the month of august. >> right. yeah, if you see the consumer pull back because they're afraid of covid or these rising prices, you can't ignore the fact that you go to the store today, you're spending a lot more money than you did before covid. lauren: i know. >> and if they decide to pull back, that's going to mean that we are in for a mess of trouble. so that's where my focus is this quarter. lauren: i want to pull up amazon's stock if we can on the screen now, because if you look at a 52-week chart, target, for instance, which has basically doubled in terms of the share price, and then you look at amazon which has bumped up, what, 4%, i mean, do you think amazon is undervalued here? >> i mean, here's the thing, who would have thought that a year ago the trade would have been to sell amazon and buy foreign target, but that was up around
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98%. i don't think amazon is undervalued right now. i think amazon is fairly valued, and i actually think target has a little ways to go because target created this model with 40 brands that are their own brands. of those brands, 10 of them make over $2 billion -- lauren: oh, wow. >> -- a year, which is pretty significant. so i think target could be, i mean, it's, listen, everybody's got a ways to go to catch up with amazon. but target has really pivoted in the right direction. so amazon, you know, they've got to keep their eye on 'em. lauren: we hear you, jeff sica. thank you very much for the perspective. >> thank you, lauren. lauren: and now let's say good meaning to susan li. >> yeah, that's really interesting because amazon, the high growth high-tech selloff we're seeing from with that journal report from the fed and the federal reserve, taking back monthly bond purchases in just about three months, promptly
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ending those monthly bond purchases by the middle of next year. china's economy -- [inaudible] crowd strikes and the squares all selling off today. and i want to show you moderna, because it is down despite the fact that the vaccine maker is going to announce they've signed a three-year deal with canada. you'd have thought that would be positive. chipotle downgraded by raymond james, still an outperform, downgraded from a strong buy. it's worth $2,025, and they're raising hourly-paid employees to $15. really interesting on the earnings call, starbucks bought 27% of oatly's supplies. i hear it's not as healthy as the other nondairy milk like coconut milk. that's my preference. lauren: i always go with the
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generic. the generic organic -- even though the doctors say you should give kids 1 or 2% -- >> for the kids too. lauren: such a great mother. another week of earnings, start with roblox. >> okay, it's very popular with the with under 13-year-olds, and they just announced a deal to buy gilded where you can have those big earnings tonight, daily active users will be key. they lost about 300,000 from april to may, so 43 million daily users and 50% of those are under 13. maybe your kids could be part of it. lauren: but kids are back in school now. >> they love roblox, it's kind of like a teaching method as well, video games and under 13s, it's very popular with them because they've learned already how to code so early. tomorrow will be the big one, walmart, right? getting a double upgrade this morning -- lauren: oh, wow.
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>> it's worth $169 according to them. same-store sales are going to be key, 4-6% right now. and i would say the biggest report card this week has got on the nvidia, the stock has gone vertical, up 54% this year, and sales should jump by 60%. but also remember the stock has a split 4 for 1 in the middle of july, but it's also priced to perfection. if you get 60%, you meet expectations, that's still not good enough in this type of high bar environment. lauren: so earnings season winding down but not going down quietly, if you will. susan, thank you. now this, a desperate search is underway for survivors after a 7.2-magnitude earthquake hits a hay i. bryan llenas is in port-au-prince. how are the rescue efforts going right now? >> reporter: right now it's really about a race against the storm. tropical storm, tropical depression grace. you can kind of see the storm
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moving over port-au-prince, making its way, and that's going to have a major effect on rescue efforts. they have been dependent on air support. essentially, the u.s. coast guard as well as airplanes from chile and others have brought in supplies to port-au-prince which has served as the center for operations for the country. and then from there they load them onto helicopters and bring them to the southwestern peninsula which is a lot more rural, and that's where that earthquake hit. 7.2 monster of an earthquake on saturday morning, and that's what we've been seeing all morning. they have brought in injured, critically injured people if those areas in the southwestern peninsula about 80 miles west of port-au-prince, they load them up into ambulances here at the airport and bring them to the hospital. we're talking about at least 1300 people that have been killed by this earthquake, 5700 people injured at least. 5,000 homes destroyed, 7,000 damaged. and, obviously, hospitals and
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schools and churches and other buildings as well flattened in that area. remember, this -- haiti is not only dealing with this earthquake and trying to deal with the humanitarian aid, but they're also dealing with a really bad, really awful gang situation which is making it very difficult and hampering rescue efforts in terms of bringing humanitarian aid by truck which is why bringing those resources via the air is so important and why this storm that's coming in with these 35 mile-an-hour winds and causing more landslides with some 15 inches of rain is the last thing that they need now for all of those reasons, because it could put those helicopters and those planes on the ground. lauren, haiti has dealt with just so much. we're dealing with -- they were still rebuilding from the 2010 earthquake that hit right here in port-au-prince. you can see it all throughout the city. on top of that, obviously, the assassination of the president, political turmoil. lots going on, lauren, back to you. lauren: bryan, thank you for that report. and right now a tropical storm
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warning is in effect for parts of the florida panhandle. adam klotz will be with us in just a bit. plus, retired general jack keane blames president biden as the taliban declares victory in afghanistan. roll the tape. >> president biden owns the taliban victory that was achieved here. that is at his doorstep. lauren: wow. general jack keane explains what the chaos there means for our security here right after this break. ♪♪
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closer. adam klotz is at the fox weather center. when will it make landfall? adam: barreling down on the coast as we speak, although probably not until later this afternoon, still seeing very heavy rain from port st. joe, apalachicola, panama city beach and fort walton beach, he's tin, some of those areas -- destin. you see it moving fairly slowly, still off the coast, but they're seeing some of the activity. we've got a tropical storm warning from the florida big bend stretching into portions of the western panhandle. that that's going to continue. as eventually landfall probably getting into the later afternoon hours, maybe early evening, and then this continues to track its way to the north through alabama, eventually into north georgia. that's taking you into tuesday. so is once you hit landfall, this thing starts to slow down a little bit more and starts to weaken as it interacts with the land also. this is one forecast model, and
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you see even once you've gotten on land, that is a whole lot of moisture it's still bringing up to the north georgia mountains, eastern tennessee, and that could cause some flooding running a little ways to the north. here are some possible rain totals, and you see a fairly narrow band with all where this storm actually moves, but areas as much as 10-12 inches of rain so flooding is going to be an issue. there's another tropical system, tropical grace, and we're paying attention to that one. it's going the start impacting haiti tonight into tomorrow and eventually track off towards the yucatan peninsula. lauren: oh, man. adam klotz, thank you. now this, president biden is returning to the white house today where he will deliver remarks on afghanistan at i 3:45 p.m. eastern time. let's bring in retired general jack keane. general, so good to have you on this topic today. okay, we haven't heard from president biden in six days on afghanistan. and now we will. a few hours from now at 3:45,
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what do you want him to say? what do you expect to hear? >> well, i don't think it's a question what i want him to say. i think he's going to try to justify what is taking place here, and he's going to put the blame largely on the afghan security forces for not defending their own country. that'll be point one. and point two, that he was passed this problem by his predecessor, president trump. lauren: is that fair? >> and both of those, both of those i totally disagree with. one, as to the afghan security forces, listen, we've achieved, lauren, in afghanistan -- it's an imperfect situation. we recognize that. and where we are is that the taliban cannot take over the government under the previous circumstances because we're steal mated -- stalemated, and the government can't defeat the taliban because they've got a safe haven in pakistan. and what we've been able to
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achieve has been a relatively stable status quo because of that. and that is in the u.s. national interest. why? because it's preventing afghanistan having a taliban takeover and a resurgence of al-qaeda which is something that we've been trying to prevent, and we have succeeded in preventing that for 20 years. many of us believed that a modest commitment would insure that continues into the future. president biden came in and took in that away with the withdrawal, and he's saying because the reason why we're seeing this collapse is because the afghans are not defending themselves. well, the afghans have defended themselves since 2014 when they were the ground force. we pulled out our fighting force, and they successfully defended themselves against seven taliban offensives that have ensued every single year since. why? because air support and robust intelligence that the united states on a coalition -- and our coalition partners provided. and we were continuing to do
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that. the second thing he's going to say is, look, i got a date certain from president trump. he negotiated with the taliban, and the deal was 1 is, may. but -- 1, may. but here's the difference, i don't agree with president trump and the agreement they made with the taliban. i think the taliban was using us to do what? to indicate that we would do -- they would conduct political sharing or government sharing with the afghan government, and they would reject the al-qaeda. they never did either one of those. their only intention was military victory. but the one thing the trump administration did say is they, if they were to going to withdraw their forces, they would do it based on conditions, and condition one was no taliban takeover which meant we wouldn't have seen this debacle that we're watching today on our television screens because they would have kept the air power flowing and the intelligence flowing to prevent that kind of takeover. so that is the difference. and i think the fact that president biden is just going to try to wipe this away and say
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this is really not his problem, we've been there long enough, 20 years, it's now the afghans to defend themselves is just not dealing with all the facts that the american people deserve to hear. lauren: and he also did it during taliban fighting season. general jack keane, appreciate perspective today. thank you. >> great talking to you, lauren. thank you. lauren: united airlines rerouteing flights to avoid afghan air space. the company says it will work with aviation officials to monitor and situation and evaluate certain flight routes. let's take a look at the markets overall. dow down 103 points at the moment. contained selloff, if you will. tepid reaction, perhaps, to what's going on in afghanistan. nasdaq down 1.1%, s&p down half of 1%. let's take a look at the cryptos. bitcoin close to 48,000, pulling back a bit now, but the crypto market, susan, back at $2 trillion. >> yeah, counter-trade, so when you have equity sell off,
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where's that money going? and we saw the highest for bitcoin in three months over the weekend. you also had ether, xrp, doge coin all rallying. dogecoin is up almost 20%, and doge, by the way, rallied by mark cuban and elon musk this weekend. mark cuban -- [audio difficulty] 2013 is -- in transactions since you either hold it or you spend it and it's cheap, according to cuban. elon musk says agrees. he says i've been saying doaj coin is the -- dogecoin is the strongest medium of exchange for some time. also walmart looking to hire a cryptocurrency person so, again, the crypto community bullish the that companies like walmart, apple and amazon possibly taking crypto payment in the future -- lauren: adoption. adoption. all right, thank you very much. now this, remember the delivery driver who went viral
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for blasting a customer who didn't tip him? there's a new twist in the tipping saga. we're going to tell you what the driver's saying now. and take a look at this. yes, that is nearly $13 million worth of drugs just seized on the southern border. drug busts like this and the surge of migrants stretching border agents to their limits. we've got the report from the border that you're going to want to hear after the break. ♪ ♪ -- e when your whole world is black ♪♪ we finally found the perfect house. yeah, we couldn't believe the deal we got. just lucky i guess. (sfx: airplane flying overhead) we're a little closer to the airport than we thought...
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♪♪ lauren: now this, the seizure of drug cans at our southern border has surged to new record highs. jonathan hunt is in the texas border town of la joya. how much worse is the drug problem here than the already-bad year that we had last year in -- year? >> reporter: yeah, lauren, it is much, much worse this year. and the new chief of the border patrol who officially took over just yesterday tells me that it is absolutely linked to the migrant surge.
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he says that's because the drug cartels in mexico are, in his words, taking advantage of the chaos at the border. now, customs and border protection published a couple of photos of some of their recent cocape seizures -- cocaine seizures overnight, and take a look at the numbers that they gave us along with those pictures. so far in the fiscal year 2021 that actually began in october 2020, so ten months, they seized 76,500 pounds of cocaine. that is a 70, 7-0% increase over the same period of 2020, and it represents manager like half a -- something like half a billion dollars in street value. meantime, the migrant surge itself is continuing unabated. our cameras out again last night as the migrants came through here, and we talked to them once again about their reasons for making this journey.
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listen here. she's fleeing honduras because her dad has several enenemies. the gangs have attacked them and gone after him and have threatened to go after her family. the reason they took them for two months is they ran out of money. the cartels start asking for more and more money and it gets a little more expensive for them. >> reporter: and there you have it as well, another link to the cartels. they are running the human smuggling, they're running the drug smuggling. the two are absolutely linked. lauren? lauren: jonathan hunt, thank you very much. ask with that report, we bring in sheriff mark lamb from arizona. you know, sheriff, you just saw the 70% increase year-over-year in cocaine that has been seized from crossing the border. are you seeing a similar surge in drug smuggling where you are in? >> oh, absolutely. he was spot on.
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as long as you allow people to come into this country illegally, the cartels can also use those people to traffic drugs into this country. they're making money off the bodies, they're making as much off the bodies as they are off of the drugs, and they're going to use those people to traffic of the drugs in this country. now, what we're seeing, what should be more alarming to the american people is we are seeing a huge increase in methamphetamines and even more dangerous, the fentanyl, especially the blue pills. we're going the probably double what we saw last year, especially here in arizona, and that should be alarming to the american people because that's what's killing people across this country. lauren lauren are especially with all these restrictions when they stay at home, depressed, you see opioid use on the rise. sheriff, i also wanted to talk with you about this, border patrol says they've seized thousands of fake covid-19 vaccine cards in the state of tennessee. is that happening in arizona as well? >> i'm sure it is. you're going to see it all across this country.
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when you start doing stuff like talking about making vaccines mandatory, you create a black market. it's no different than, like, some of the other things that we have seen. what i don't like about this is, look, obviously, you don't want to multiply stuff, but you're also creating criminals out of normal people. normal people who just want to go about their daily lives, they want to travel, they go out and get some fake card and now they've become a criminal. we're doing this because we're trying to force people to vaccinate. lauren: it's relatively easy to duplicate those vaccination cards. i think when they handed them out, they never expected we would be in this place. they might have tried to make it a little more difficult to copy. >> it's just a little, generic card, and, obviously, somebody could try to do it on a large scale, make money off of it creating a black market. this is what government does, they try to fix problemses but they actually create problems. they create more opportunities for black market, more criminal
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activity that people can make money. lauren lauren and now working hand in glove with corporations to put more restrictions on us. >> yeah. lauren: sheriff, thank you for the time, and thank you for everything you're doing in the border towns. thank you. all right, let's check the markets right now. as with we see, markets continue to sell off, not nearly as bad as it was, the dow down 79 points. i do want to show you the price of oil because oil was the worst performing sector today. oil still down 1.3% at 67.55 a barrel, but here's the news: opec says they see no need to release more oil into the market despite president joe biden calling for them to boost production. so we have less inflation at the gas pumps even though keystone pipeline killed on day one in office. and now this, remember when doordash driver went viral for claiming, complaining about a woman who didn't tip him? come in, susan. there's a big twist in this
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story. he got a handwritten let or. >> it never happened, right? so customer who never tipped, apparently, amy, that person is real, maybe amy's not her name, wrote with a passive aggressive mote is not real. -- note is not real. he said he had run written it because those who can't a afford tips, you should pick it up yourself. lauren: he's got a point. >> that tiktok video has been erased. he solicited money on venmo to redroibt people who didn't get tips. apparently they did, but that note did not happen. lauren: is he still employed with doordash? i'm not sure. there's so many of these gig economy workers. but the fact that the actual event didn't happen itself, i think that's a little disingenuous. lauren hawn yeah, i'd agree. not to to mention the fees and the surcharges the delivery companies charge. we have rapper jay-z, he just
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made a huge investment. >> he's teaming one michael reuben, part owner of the -- rubin, part owner of the 76ers. it looks like roc nation and he are teaming up for a mobile sports betting license right here in new york. jay-z is a mogul on his own, already worth $1.4 billion according to "forbes." he also owns roc nation, that entire empire, and he represents kyrie irving, some of the biggest sports celebrities and players around. but sports betting itself could be worth $59 billion in five years. lauren: it's a booming market. >> jay-z doesn't play around, right? man knows how to print money. lauren: yeah, and he's also married to -- >> a woman who's also very good with her money as well. lauren: beyonce. susan li, thank you. nfl star jay cutler, he loses a brand deal over his stance on masks at school. you're not going to believe the
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story. we'll have it for you next. and starting tomorrow, you're going to need proof of vaccination to get into bars and restaurant here in new york city, but some businesses say they're not going to enforce the rules. they're not the police. we're going to have more on that coming up. ♪ new york city, new york city. ♪ new york city ♪♪ welcome to allstate. (phone notification) where we've just lowered our auto rates. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ and savings like that will have you jumping for joy. now, get new lower auto rates with allstate.
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♪ lauren: let's take a look at the markets, the dow down 79 points on the first day of the trading week, nasdaq down 129, and the s&p down 16. retreating from from record highs, four of them in a row week. and then there's this, let's take a look at pfizer and biontech shares, their submission of initial data has been submitted to the fda for approval of a booster, a third dose, of the covid-19 vaccine. boone tech shares, despite that news, are down 9.25% at the
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moment. activities beginning tomorrow in knight, show us your vaccination card. lydia hu is in staten island, and you're talking to restaurant owners in particular who'll have to enforce these rules september 13th. how worried are they about doing that? >> reporter: lauren, they're very worried. restaurant owners say that their business operations are still tentative x this type of policy is just going to jeopardize their operations further when they're in a very fragile state. we're getting some insight from greg, the owner of daddy-o barbecue here on staten island. are you planning to enor force this policy and -- enforce this policy and require your patrons show proof of vaccination? >> not at all. >> reporter: are you worried about the fines or anything that would follow from that? >> we get fined like crazy in new york, so it doesn't matter.
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>> reporter: why do you take this stance? after everything you've been through the past year and a half, why are you saying requiring vaccinations, proof of your patrons is just too much? >> how am i supposed to let someone know, tell someone, stop them at the door who supported us for ten years, never mind through the pandemic, stop them and say, hey, wait, you can't come in because you're not vaccinated. it's your choice, your body. do what you want. >> reporter: you get a lot of loyal customers here. we're kind of far away from midtown manhattan, you're not getting a lot of tourists here, and you've had a hard time over the past year and a half. you closed down one location, you have another in brooklyn that you can't open because you don't have the staff. if you had to enforce this policy, what would that do to your bottom line the? would it cost you more money in. >> oh, tons of money. the community, staten island community's great. they back you up 100%, they come
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when you're down, they come. now if i told them not to come to my restaurant because you're not vaccinated, it would be devastation. >> reporter: you would be worried about the reaction from your customers. >> yes, absolutely. i wouldn't do that. >> reporter: lauren, we have getting insight from the new york restaurant association, we asked them for a statement, and they told us that the restaurant industry is, quote, once again being targeted. they say that this is going to be a drawback for the industry once again. and adding to some of the context here is the confusion about this policy and how it's going to be enforced. restaurant the owners just say they're frustrated and they've had enough. lauren? a. lauren: can you tell that owner, lydia, that i'm from staten island, i'm from the south shore, and i know his restaurant and i wish him luck. >> reporter: i will do that. lauren: lydia, thank you so much. now this, covid-positive migrants flooding the southern border, possibly fueling the recent surge in cases here in
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the u.s. however, the direct every of the national -- director of the national institutes of health tells fox he disagrees. roll the clip. >> they have very significant masking requirements there, but it is certainly possible. the rate of infection in mexico is actually lower than it is right now in places like texas and louisiana and and florida. i think that's a bit of a distraction. we've got enough of a problem with our own citizens who have refused to roll up their sleeves. it's an issue, but it's certainly not the cause of our current dilemma. >> reporter: come in, dr. marc siegel. you interviewed the director of mcallen are medical center, and what did they tell you about migrants bringing covid over the border? >> hi, lauren. this is a humanitarian crisis, no doubt. dr. yvonne lopez sees the problem through the lens of medicine rather than politics. facilities and staff are overwhelmed, and more and more -- and as more and more unvaccinated patients pour into
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our country, dr. lopez and others work longer and longer hours and put their lives on the line. >> and i went to -- [audio difficulty] >> most of the staff had been vaccinated, and they support each other when they are. as dr. lopez puts it, quote, breaking down. but the patients are pouring in. >> yeah. they're coming in because they want better opportunity, and they end up in the hospital. i talk to them about their personal experiences and try to hear them out, right? because they are coming in with an idea, a dream, and they end up sick or very sick. >> it isn't only injury. people including children are dying of dehydration, of malnutrition, of covid.
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and there the american dream ends up abruptly, alone, unidentified in a pauper's grave. the biden administration has sent 1.5 million doses to honduras and 1.5 million to el salvador, but critics say if they want to really do something compassionate to take the burden withs off hospitals like dr. lopez's, they need to send much more aid while closing the border at the same time. lauren? lauren: dr. siegel, thank you very much. >> thank you. lauren: all right. let's take a look at the markets really quickly because we -- we're down 73 points. nearly 13,000 people are dead after a major earthquake strikes haiti. now a tropical depression is threatening even more devastation. we've got that report next
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♪ lauren: at least 1200 people have died in haiti after that magnitude 7.2 earth weich over the weekend. phil -- earthquake over the weekend. phil keating is in the little haiti neighborhood of miami right now. what is the reaction there, phil? >> reporter: the reaction of sadness, yet another time of sadness.
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haiti's had problems and problems for decades and decades. but two days after the 7.2 devastating earthquake, relief, rescue teams and aid are really ramping up not only from the united states, but the united nations as well as the international community at large. and a small team of personnel as well as four planes, reconnaissance planes, are now on their way to haiti from deployed from u.s. southern command up in tampa to assess the destruction on the ground, the damage and determine what exactly is needed. that will help with coordination. the death toll now rising above 1300 as bulldozers get rubble out of the way for people to look. at least 6,000 are injured. water's been an enormous need for the survivors, at least 30,000 people are now homeless. 27,000 homes either destroyed or damaged, many now sleeping in soccer fields. it is a true state of emergency.
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fairfax county, virginia, urban search and rescue team bringing their dog and rescue equipment to, hopefully, find survivors. volunteer heavity in jacksonville -- hay in jacksonville is sending people to help. team rubicon brought numerous bags of first aid equipment to the fort lauderdale/hollywood airport on sundays, hundreds at least of haitians have broken bones and are there sitting desperately in pain. >> the first thing you look at is what are those immediate medical needs of people that are injured. >> reporter: international aid also ramping up here as food, clothes, water and medicine being loaded onto a plane in colombia, and my colleague, bryan llenas, this morning from the airport at port-au-prince was showing live all of those supplies coming off a plane that
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came from chile. haiti is still, of course, rebuilding if 2010's 7.0 earthquake which was closer to the heavily populated capital of port-au-prince. that killed about 300,000 people. and suggestion years ago a cat four hurricane, matthew, decimated the island with a lot rough mudslides as well, and now -- a lot of mudslides as well, and now tonight tropical storm grace dumping potentially a half a foot of rain obviously hampering efforts and potentially creating another disaster. back to you. lauren: adding insult to injury. phil, thank you. the pentagon says working to bring an additional 1,000 too muchs to kabul by -- troops to kabul by tomorrow, that will bring the number to 7,000. started with 2,500, going to 7,000, and we just learned that one american service member was wounded in the violence at the kabul airport. we don't know the extent of the injuries.
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president biden will deliver remarks on afghanistan at 3:45 eastern today, and and you can watch that right here on "the claman countdown." okay, now, here's your trivia question for a monday. what percentage of people are left-handed? 10, 25, 40 or 50%? we'll have the answer when we come back. i don't know the answer. ♪ ♪ his chip whoo! yeah! oh, hi i invested in invesco qqq a fund that invests in the innovators of the nasdaq 100 like you you don't have to be circuit design engineer to help push progress forward can i hold the chip? become an agent of innovation with invesco qqq can i hold the chip? ♪♪ (vo) the rule in business used to be, "location, location, location." now it's, "network, network, network." so you need a network that's built right. verizon business unlimited
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now is an excellent time to consider municipal bonds from hennion & walsh. if you have at least 10,000 dollars to invest, call and talk with one of our bond specialists at 1-800-763-2763. we'll send you our exclusive bond guide, free. with details about how bonds can be an important part of your portfolio. hennion & walsh has specialized in fixed income and growth solutions for 30 years, and offers high-quality municipal bonds from across the country. they provide the potential for regular income...are federally tax-free... and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-763-2763. that's 1-800-763-2763 lauren: we asked you before the break what percentage of people
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are left-handed? the answer is, i was wrong, usually wrong. it is 10%. that is as of 2019. in 1860 an estimated 2% were lefties and 4% in knight 20s. what would you, what would happen if you did not know that information? news you can use sort of right here on "varney" and co. this just in. new york governor andrew cuomo ordered all health care workers get vaccinated. so increasingly it is going to be a lot difficult for the unvaccinated to do their jobs with all the rules coming in place now. let's check the markets for you. at one point the dow was down 270 points, writing four record closes in a row. it is down a quarter of 1%. that is 78 points. nasdaq down 134 points. s&p also riding a record winning streak is down 1points, a third of 1%. a quick reminder, that president biden will speak, will deliver remarks on afghanistan at
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3:45 p.m. eastern time. so many americans, so many people around the world want to hear what he has to say. how he can explain the situation on the ground now and how the taliban will be flying their flag over the u.s. embassy on the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks. you can watch the president's remarks on "the claman countdown." that's it for me. thank you for letting me fill in for stuart varney. neil cavuto, yours. neil: thank you, lauren. the president has interrippedded his vacation to return to talk about afghanistan. the taliban put out a statement, embassies and foreign nationals are not in danger. they shouldn't be fearful. the insurgents told residents of
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