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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  August 18, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT

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for 20 years we've had nothing about 911 part of those 20 years under our watch under your heroes watch we stayed stake. every time you get frustrated about some silly headline, note that it's because we were so safe we are fooled enough to argue about petty things. we did not have to argue about and for that i am grateful. and to every family out there. kennedy: you got to ask how could one person screw this up so badly? that is what the entire plan is asked after president biden botched the afghanistan withdrawal so horrifically even some of the closest allies are questioning his leadership. now, we all agree we needed to get out of there, oh mercy do i understand that. but did we really need to burn the whole place on the process? as you know the situation on the ground is pretty grim. tell then net cases are once again running the country. you know how well that went last time.
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they claim they are now going to be peaceful, that is a tub of hot malarkey per the only people who seem to believe that worked in the white house. everyone else, and i mean everyone else sees this for the disaster really is, watch. >> this is a situation that deteriorated rapidly beyond anyone's imagination. in many ways i think of john kennedy and the bay of pigs. >> what is transferring right now never should have happened. there is an ill on americans for decades to come. >> all of the scenes of total chaos was all play out on the tv yesterday could have been avoided if the administration a plan this in advance. >> what we have seen as an unmitigated disaster. a stain on the reputation of the united states of america. >> calls for the president to resign or growing louder but not all of your president biden people like secretary of defense. a lot has to do with the fact the administration is still
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claiming they did not see this coming, watch. >> when you conclude 20 years of military action in a civil war in another country with the impacts of 20 years of decisions that piled up you have to make a lot of hard calls. none with clean outcomes. what you can do is plan for all contingencies. >> this is planning for all contingencies? i would hate to see you guys a free styling. why was the kabul airport such a hot mess yesterday? the runway swamp to people trying to escape. a couple guys fell to their death will trying to cling to the wheels of that air force airplane when it took off and thousands of americans are still said to be trapped in kabul. what happened if the taliban start shooting them in the street? that is going to happen next. is that the only thing that would wake up the president? let's get into it with the nice part about "new york post" columnist she is also
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contributed to the spectator usa karol markowitz is here. and she is the cohost of got failed and fox nation super start kat timpf. former aide to senator chuck schumer, host of the aggressive progressive podcast, christopher hahn it will be interesting to see if his take is. were going to start with karol markowitz. so karol, this has been such an abdication of leadership. pretty much on every level. the president says the buck stops with him. god worded it start? >> it is interesting and tries to blame this on the previous administration as there's anybody in kabul now is going to say it's donald trump's fault we won't cling to the airplane as it tries to leave. it is really sad the biden administration has made such a mess of this. we talk about him resigning to see want to be made is presently barely see the president we barely see from him.
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had a foursome from vacation to come back to the white house and tells what's happening in afghanistan. it's a real weird situation we're in right now. >> there are people murmuring right now we need to get to the bottom of it. the reason we get to the bottom of it is it doesn't happen again print military history keeps repeating itself always with dire consequences, cap so how do you get to the bottom of it when so many people who have been fed at the trough are the ones overlooking the whole thing? >> that is the problem and that is one of things that is upsetting me. it is certainly what is upsetting my husband who served in afghanistan. if you look at what these generals and people in charge were saying for 20 years it was always words like we are making progress or now we've got this right. if you look at the afghan papers are what you saw happen over the past few days you realize they are all full of
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it. all of these people are they facing consequences for that are they facing accountability for that? a lot were decorated generals. a lot sit on boards of companies. it is so pervasive and wide spread. my husband said i signed on the dotted line i would give my wife for this country. there is more disgusting and the realization the people in charge are more concerned about making money and their own power in pleasing people who would promote them then they were his or the lives of the classmates that were lost in afghanistan. his classmates but. >> i talked to joey jones last night. it's heartbreaking to talk to these veterans. tomorrow on candidate saves the world which is a podcast i do talk to a guy named matthew griffin like her husband was an army ranger who served to tours in afghanistan which is our vietnam.
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he start company called combat flip-flops before he was trying to bring business to afghanistan on use the profits to send girls in afghanistan to school but he said it is all gone now. his biggest worry is the people who served over there who are already in a bad way, they think their lives are no longer worth it. it is pretty awful, chris. >> horrible. i do not give a pass to the biden administration for the calamity. the podcast that came out today is entitled calamity. heads need to roll for this. look, that said the afghanistan government did not become corrupt in the last six months it's been corrupt for the last 20 years. jackie: you can push that one back a few millennium. >> it is horrible to see. i agree with everything kat said about the veterans bird is at an event building homes for heroes last night i was emceeing talking to men and women who served and lost
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limbs in that war. it breaks my heart to see how quickly that government collapse, we say $80 billion arming and training afghan military. most of that money never made it to the men in the field. did not make it to the men in the field they were starving they turned over their assault rifles for food it is a spot on the bided and mr. ashley trump administration the obama and the bush for there's a lot of blame to go around. >> absolutely i agree with you there. we did not give $80 billion worth of gear to the afghan security forces. we gave it to the taliban. they are the ones in charge of it now. joe biden yesterday it was saying the taliban does not have an air force, they do now. they have got everything they've got tanks, guns, stuffer at launching all sorts
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of horrific nonsense. and we paid for. >> scary to think comic candidate they are the most well-equipped army in the region right now. that is scary to think. kennedy: mean what works, what? the vice president's gone dark just as everyone is looking for answers of any kind of leadership. it is no surprise she would not want to be associated with such failure. that was not her game plan in april when she positioned herself as an architect of the withdrawal, remember this? >> just made a really big decision, afghanistan read the last verse in the room? >> yes. and you feel comfortable? >> i do. he is someone who i have seen over and over again make decisions based on what he truly believes and based on his years of doing this work and studying these issues. he truly believes it is the right thing to do by. >> when she says these issues she clearly does not mean the
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afghanistan withdrawal. that would've been a good issue to be studying. she too busy creating a border crisis to get involved here? karol. >> i keep hearing people asking where is the vice president? where is, what? why do we want her involved in this? she is a disaster top to bottom. the border crisis is a heard type of work for them not sure why were looking for to weigh into this. she's not doing that great of a job. when joe invited biden wanted and nominees to be on the ticket with him, he wanted a woman, any woman whichever woman he chose, that's what we got, some woman. >> that the same qualifications that's all you're looking for. >> there are a lot of qualified women out there there a lot of qualified women who have served like elsie gabbard maybe she would been a better vice president. >> she is good at one thing
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with this disappearing thing. it was not until he read the rundown on the show that the wares? oh yeah, look. i forgot. she tends to do this. she's shifted or evolved on most issues on quite a few issues which leads me too be suspicious that she tends to gravitate towards the opportunities for her politically. this is the opposite of that seeing as it is such a heartbreaking disaster. opportunities more attractive to her than accountability when things go wrong. >> you know it is interesting. she says people only level criticism at her because they are racist and misogynistic. if you are playing in this arena you are playing with the big dogs. i am not going to let up on you. you happen to share my gender i am sorry.
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>> pegram not sexist against myself. >> you are one of my favorites, cap he. >> back at you. >> look, look, the vice president has no role in the foreign policy arena. it is not as easily give her a role in the decision it gives her communication with the president. she was actually last seen on thursday which was five days ago presiding of the united states senate went past the infrastructure bill. we have all since forgotten is been a million stories since that. i understand it's very hard for the right to attack joe biden he's an old white guy just like most so they want to find reason to attack kamala harris. not having a role in a foreign policy calamity is not reason to attack carla harris. super go-ahead karol. >> he is awful he's done a terrible job hovel oh my gosh
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awful. >> old white guys can be completely useful as well, i don't care how old you are. i don't care which are characteristic sorry don't care if you have a boobies or a wiener if you are doing a bad job you're putting the country at risk going to call you out. she is wrong on every issue now she is mia this country needs leadership in the president flew in, flapped his gums gave a tepid speech went right back to camp david. grow a pair. >> it does not give the vice president a role in foreign policy because we need her right now. he gives her two rules untrimmed. >> before i want to stop you there for a second hot shot. stop talking. joe biden was chosen to beat vice president because this foreign policy credentials. so yes you can be vice president and actually know something about foreign policy. she was a united states senator. she comes from a state whose economy eclipses most in
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western europe. she should know enough about how the world works that if she is the last person in the room she should be the second person to stand up and say something or at least be talking to other leaders of foreign countries, our allies who are shaking their heads in disgust. party penalty to stick around. coming up what we detail the afghan refugees and can we really ensure terrorists are not going to infiltrate the system? plus how do we prevent afghanistan from becoming a safe haven for groups like al qaeda? maybe that's not our job. maybe that's not our job. suits knows, bryan suits is ♪♪ ♪♪
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mental efficiency get a foothold? tony to discuss combat veteran and founder of the dark secret, go there now and subscribe over and over again it is bryan suits welcome back. >> loved to be here. not under the circumstances. well, first of all it is a fairly badly kept secret we are paying the taliban to provide security international airport. it is not a well-kept secret anymore. we do have combat troops there and yes their weapons are loaded and the whole thing. this a terrorist cabal is about to retake the country. twenty years ago tonight as you recall 20 years ago tonight who was the ministry of defense of afghanistan? osama bin laden. the son of a construction magnet from saudi arabia. yes of course they're going to
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welcome in any terrorist organization besides isis that wants to come back to afghanistan. the taliban are inextricably linked to al qaeda. they have history. that is what's bad. kennedy: explained that. this is one things i'm so curious about, how these groups operate? are there rivalries? did they all work together to bring about the implosion of the west? how do al qaeda, isis and say has a block work together if at all? >> has blood is an extension of iran. in afghanistan and iran, they hate the taliban. they round up the leaders and behead them. they are inheriting an ongoing civil war with isis and afghanistan.
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plus for from the northern alliance he's going to carve out like he did 20 years ago. they are more concerned with blowing each other up and killing each other in between blowing up girls schools and beating equipment for showing their faces and things like that. however that vacuum of authority was exactly what al qaeda needed 20 years ago, 25 years ago. kennedy: this is -- that is my question. this is a a bubbling nest of terror. what does the united states do? >> it is a crab magnet. what we have to do is we should have done 2001 and that is a limit al qaeda, kill bin laden, send three ranger battalions to the providence and then leave. tell the taliban please enjoy your betty will state but if
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that ever happens again you're going to get some 21st century technology right up your poop factory. that is we should do now. now were acting like the taliban are some sort of rational government. they have learned our language and you hear them. we are going to honor women's rights within islam. >> than jake sullivan is like we are really hopeful we can trust the taliban this time. are you new? what is wrong with you? so is biden incompetent and does he have to be removed from office, quickly? >> former secretary of defense pointed out joe biden has not made a good foreign policy call than 40 years. you can have 42 years now.
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this is a seismic event in american fork foreign policy can give a shout out? hey, sgt boyle from charlie company% 16 what infantry we need you to get well put your heart and soul, you get better bro. if you are not welcome in bohol yet you don't go there we need you to get better you are the king that's all i got the same. kennedy: good to talk to you. will be relying on him in the coming days. a fully vaccinated? not for long present binds when given a shot in the keister dr. marc siegel has keister dr. marc siegel has all of the answers next [engine revs] ricky bobby, today the road is your classroom. [engine revs] now let's go borrow a boat and make some bad decisions. [engine revs] time to go incognito. [zippers fasten]
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kennedy: ♪ ♪ just to soak my teeth before you leave me. i swear that's what it said. malcolm trump at monday angel of the morning this week's winners eric he's too good he wins almost every week try to beat him next week i dare you. so what are hot girl summer or head into shot girl fall and not talk about tequila. i'm always talk about tequila. tomorrow morning present biden expected to announce most americans seem to get a third covered vaccine jab boost immunity heading into flu season. they could begin rolling about the nursing homes as early as mid- september but mcdermott ceo said their data indicates a coming need for the third jab, watch. >> but we are seeing is a breakthrough case is starting to emerge across the vaccines really starting to emerge as delta variant about six -- nine months. i think that the guests were going to and forget that would direct.
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>> struggled to convince americans to get the first one at all fox's medical correspondent author of & company with the politics of fear and the power of science, dr. marc siegel is back. welcome back doctor siegel. >> first epic comment on your singing voice, candidate. terrific actually terrific. kennedy: thank you so much. a lot of people never said that. let's discuss this. does the idea of a third shot doesn't help push the unvaccinated to get the vaccine? >> well know. i depends on how you tell the story. the whole purpose of the vaccine there are many played the first is to defang the virus. to keep the virus from putting in the hospital and killing them. guess what, this vaccine does it incredibly well. it also decreases to your neighbor and is not surprising that after several months source to decrease its impact.
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meaning your chances of getting a mild infection increase a mild infection. that's what they're talking about. that already makes it better than the flu shot which worked 40% of the time instead of 95% of the time. that also wears off. a lot of our shots where offered decrease in potency. giving a booster is not shocking to me at all. >> they get to make a lot of money. this study similar that's the next group were going to look out. we have an antibiotic test we look at and those who got the shot more than eight months ago. people like me who are healthcare workers on the front line with a lot of exposure to covid that's what the priorities are going to be after week immunize the immuno concert provides like the cancer patients were looking at right now.
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this is a responsible medicine for it your point this is going to lead to more hesitancy really bothers me pretty think the vaccine works better than anything else we have. while of this handwaving about masks and i am for mask is nothing compared to the benefit of the vaccine. i think the government as usual not at the level of people. are people going to listen to that? people are going to sick of that. they got that with lockdowns over a year ago. there's been so much misinformation on the government side and people are allergic to it. >> you are absolutely right. that is the risk they run they've not been thinking in terms of marketing it's been incredibly condescending it has created a whole new generation of skeptics i don't know how you reverse that. thank you very much doctor sick of it. >> this is how you reverse it.
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let's talk to us directly i don't have it in my office i wanted and my office brick. kennedy: if you are a general practitioner person to sit you down and watch you through every health crisis sing it safe you are much more likely to listen to that it's a great point, thanks again. >> thank you candidate. >> speaking of covid, you naughty moms out there have been downing cocktails like the crews ship bar is closing. a new unsurprising study shows earlier in the pandemic are drinking more alcohol to deal distress. those early spikes they remain consistent in some cases the store even higher. moms with children under five increase their drinking 325% between the start of the pandemic and the end of last year. doesn't that number sounded a little low to you? yes i thought severed party panels back, karol markowitz,
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kat timpf and chris hahn. karol, i know you have an allergy to these things. you are just going to say a nice prayer for all the moms out there who have been boozing. >> i would say my youngest child is a five it. i do not qualify for that the reader to a 5% increase but it sure felt like it. i don't think this is limited to moms or dads or parents in general. i think single people, married people, people with older kids and others we all boost really hard during the pandemic. it is important for us to let ourselves realize that we might have overdone it, that we are coming out of it now. we can do better going forward. we can go back to moderation is a tough stressful time. give yourself some grace and move on. try to get it down to three 100%. it wasn't just the pandemic was stressful.
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you cannot take them outside they were closing parks for people who were shut inside there's nowhere to go. >> i can't go anywhere i'm going to go somewhere in my mind, okay? this article it did not last for one or two months it was going for more than a year. here in new york i was locked inside for over a year, barbara. but nothing else to do. what am i going to do nice mental vacation you cannot really exercise because the only thing people had to look forward too. >> or at the beginning of the day, chris. >> will look, kennedy, nobody was driving so i guess it was okay, right? people had to get through with what they got through with.
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if this help people get to the pandemic, help them cope, god bless them. i hope nobody's developed a problem if they did i hope they work their way through it right now and we move on because god bless america what we have got to move on from this. >> are still a few more weeks of bikini season. there is still time to lock it up and get sexy. while juergen you're pandemic drunk on our leaders were getting drunk on powerpoint new governor andrew cuomo is at the top of the list finally paying a price about her resigned over sexual harassment allegations. critics are setting their sights on his brother cnn anchor chris cuomo also knows freighters come under fire for advising the governor on political decisions behind the scenes. what pertained to be an injected tv news anchor. yesterday he finally tried to clarify his massive conflict of interest, watch. >> i tried to do the right thing and i just want you all to know that. i was not in control of anything, i was there to
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listen and offer my take. my advice to my brother was simple and consistent, own what you did, tell people what you will do to be better, be contrite i did urge my brother to resign when the time came. >> he is such a meathead. as an advisor or journalist? is it possible to be both, karol? >> x not possible to be both. it is a problem this goofy back-and-forth about who mom loves better who makes the best sauce on sunday. cnn is complicit in this it lead to problems for all of us. it led to the discussion for example the governor introducing covid positive patients, nursing homes swept
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aside his chris cuomo's brother you can't ask him questions but. >> i don't buy his excuses, catch. i was telling him to come forward and be honest right know he wasn't telling his brother to blame it all on cancel culture and essentially telling him to shame the victim. >> yep. there is a lot of potential issues that come up with that. his ability to cover similar things in the future because unfortunately and disgustingly enough this happens all the time. or it may be how his staff might feel. he does not deserve credit for saying hey, i totally resigned because you only did that after it was very clear who's going to be impeached anyway. the longer that it dragged on the more bad stuff kept coming out about you. >> that is true that's absolutely true. cuomo was named several times in the attorney generals independent investigation. that report, chris hahn another chris.
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>> look, nobody was on at 9:00 o'clock on a big station is a journalist but he is an entertainer. the reason cnn kept putting on the cuomo brother show is because people watched it. now is there a conflict of interest? absolutely. did everybody in america know about that conflict of interest? absolutely. so do i think this is bad for journalism? not really he is in entertainer is not a journalist by don't think it really matters all that much. before i bet if he was right of center entertainer and his brother was a republican governor you would be calling for his head. >> yes i'm also an info container and that's what i do. kennedy: you are inconsistent but it also think he doesn't consider himself a journalist. kennedy: he does absolutely. >> he students he is a 9:00 p.m. host. he is not.
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ask karol what we going to say honey? >> i don't happen at 9:00 p.m. that makes them no longer journalist. we are on at 8:30 7:00 p.m. i think candies and absolute journalist. kennedy: that is a stretch. the good news is my government my brother's not to be governor anytime soon. popping bottles that is right. all right, i don't know that he survives this. i think he has been given inappropriate cover and i think the whole thing stinks to high habit and i would not be sad to see them go. party panel thank you so much karol, kat, chris. coming up that refugees from afghanistan coming to the u.s. by the thousands. how do we allow them to come in safely considering our immigration system is screwed?
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kennedy: thousands of afghan is on the u.s. as we speak with the question as we prepared for them? is anyone down the sheets and gotten all the beds ready? in many cases the refugees are people who helped our troops in afghanistan but now are governors going to try to figure how to make them american for the pentagons that hopes to as many as 5000 a day out of kabul. after that will be the mercy of our slow visa application process. how is this all going to work? welcome back to the show. >> thank you for having me. kennedy: how do you make your people coming into the country good people to help the united states and deserve to be here and not terrorist. that's the 64000-dollar question we have some evidence of who worked the biometric
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information. while going to the visa process how many people is that? >> the estimates are somewhere between 90 and 200,000 people who helped out american forces a different times that's a little iffy could be more than that number as i said. how are they getting people out of kabul when the airport that u.s. government made a deal they're paying the telephone to stay a day there force of troops the people able to leave. only the situation is very
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stable, frankly. i think of the situation in the coming weeks and months does most of these folks are going to leave. the airport shut down a lot are going to go to pakistan or other neighboring countries. then they're basically going to try to get out. to the united states or go to u.s. embassies or try to come to the united states another means to seek asylum. kennedy: why not just fly to tijuana? why not just fly to the southern border that is like hi guys. [laughter] >> that might be -- to some people from these parts of the world are showing up at the southern border and asking for asylum. the big thing that president biden could do is issue what he called parole. he could allow into the united states and basically he once anytime he wants. so when he is complaining about the lack of a process or the visa system not working that is essentially joe biden saying i don't really want to solve this problem but i don't to resolve this but i don't want to make sure friends and allies can go out come over
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here. going to use a convenient excuse of an insane bureaucracy to hide behind to not help the people who put their lives on the line for decades to help out american forces. >> it's tragic. the reason so many people were helping us and helping combat forces over there was so they could have a new life. that is what they were promised. >> and they believed this, they believe desperate. kennedy: stick with us to guide you on the other side, man. i don't that's going to happen i don't trust in the administration but i don't think it's just joe biden or congress with her screwed up system. i think our past is riddled with promises that were neither meant to be fulfilled. why do you got beef with dave smith? i like you both but i don't like the name calling and stuff. >> dave smith is an alright guy i guess be disagrees with the on immigration. that is fine people can disagree but libertarians can disagree on stuff. that's part of what's being a
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fun about a libertarian. that is what makes it fun. >> i know it's find out college others names i do like you both think you're very smart, alex thank you very much for. >> thanks for having me. tropical storm is next it is tuesday ♪ ♪ ♪ common love isn't for us ♪ ♪ we created something phenomenal ♪ ♪ don't you agree? ♪ ♪ don't you agree? ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ow! ♪ growing up in a little red house, on the edge of a forest in norway, there were three things my family encouraged: kindness, honesty and hard work. over time, i've come to add a fourth: be curious. be curious about the world around us, and then go. go with an open heart and you will find inspiration anew. viking. exploring the world in comfort.
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kennedy: in a new interview james bought actor daniel said guys he won't be leaving his fortune to his children. leave it to my children by the revelation leftist kids shaken and stirred. that is pinching your many pennies this is your topical storm. topic number one let's start with a topic in the news and endangered giant panda and singapore's given birth to a new cub. and for once in the history of precious cubs is not immediately traded to the yankees, here is the miracle of life. did somebody order panda express? talk about chinese delivery for this is a 12 year old female gave birth through artificial insemination. i guess they cannot get a mail who wanted to poke the bear. the cowboy's 7 ounces of gender yet to be determined
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for that will be decided after its third year at brown university. all of us panda talk and given birth their minds to my favorite joke what is black-and-white and red all over? a newspaper. seriously get a newspaper. this panda is running the floor. now she and her couple of happily ever after under constant surveillance in captivity was on that hemisphere the australian way of life. topic number two, and london a cocktail bar is open that to canines and encourages humans to bring their dogs. finally a place in england where megan can bring harry. or the other way around. this is the london cocteau bart designed especially for booze hounds. this must be a pretty swanky place the patrons are wearing fur coats the bar offers bar cocktails like bloodhound at mary's and readers. i note my dog loves a good
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harvey wall pumper. it serves food for for dogs and humans just like applebee's. this is a perfect place if all you need is a hair of the dog but it's not cute in color there is one who drinks too much and throws up in the corner. non- dog owners welcome to an joe a full menu of but who knows maybe we'll get wasted and bring home some strange tale from the bar. never pumped a ten but i pumped five twos george carlisle. topic number three, to celebrate the end of the olympics on earth they organize their very own space olympics. thank goodness you cannot deal in zero gravity. the space olympics included the lack of floor gymnastics they perform flip, ben's area cartwheels. i was a lot easier when you did not stick the landing.
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they all wear bikinis. then there was a round of no handball, a soccer light game in which the astronauts blow ping-pong ball around the cabin to try to score goals on each other. just like american soccer. the players use their mouths more than their legs. finally there is a weightless sharpshooting they shot rubber bands at a target all in all was exciting display of athleticism no one on earth knows who or cares who one. topic number four, 100-year-old woman has officially been in the world's oldest competitive female power lifter is also the only person alive who can impress you by lifting her age. this is edith, she began power lifting at 91 years young. until then the heaviest thing she ever carried were her memories from most seniors were for bingo but mondays are
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for buys and tries you can hear edith granting her local gym three times a week and in her living room every time she stands up. unfortunately she had to stop doing squats because she kept making compound movements. oh edith where is that newspaper? edith says when several trophies for athleticism and is now a 100 year old great-grandmother. she's become a world record winning female power lifter. ironically this is happening is one of the world's famous power lifters is becoming a grandma. before we go here's tonight tickle me twos a joke. you have a few minutes to get the punchline. don't look it up do not be a cheater. here we go, why did the man get fired from the orange juice factory? the punchline when we return welcome to allstate. (phone notification)
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and now, enter this exclusive tv coupon code at checkout to save up to 40%. that's kennedy: it is time for tickle me tuesday profusely tickle you have been awaiting for whited the man get fired from the orange juice factory? he could not concentrate. [laughter] [laughter] [applause] kennedy: this is how we do it ♪ ♪ kimberly, stan, pettit, mark got it right during the break.
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well done mother truckers thank you for what the best hour of your day. you can train 15. tomorrow night i've got mike baker, the comic dave smith and carissa barron. a great and manly show. make every day a trend 12. until ... ♪♪♪ tony evans: hello, everyone. this is dr. tony evans with "the urban alternative," and i'm excited to welcome you to join us on a journey, a journey through hebrews 11. it's known as the hall of faith, where men and women discovered what god can do when god's people learn


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