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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 18, 2021 9:00am-12:00pm EDT

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pay no interest for 72 months plus current eligible buick owners get $500 purchase allowance on most 2021 buick suv models. stuart: good morning. late breaking news from afghanistan. thousands of americans and after any friends are trapped in kabul. they've become hostages.
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some who tried to escape the airport have been beaten. a woman caught in western clothing has been murdered. president biden is returned to the white house, this morning was confronted by the intelligence people who claim the botched withdrawal was entirely the president's decision. is on him. now he has to negotiate with the enemy for safe passage 1513,000 americans and tens of thousands of others. we are relying on their goodwill. this is shaping up like president carter's hostage crisis which ran on for 444 days and only ended on the day when ronald reagan took the oath of office. president biden is the event on covid this afternoon. we do not know if he will take questions on afghanistan. straight to the market losses across the board tuesday, a little more selling today. there is concern about the economy slowing as the delta
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variant washes through the country. the dow will be down eight at "the opening bell," small loss for the s&p and the nasdaq. check bitcoin and the cryptos, bitcoin is at 40,000, ethereum $3,000, a light coin. the yield on the 10 year treasury at one.28%. as you can see the fairly muted action on the financial market so far today. it is politics that is hot. vaccine passports are in effect, no eating or drinking or exercising inside in new york city unless you show proof of vaccination. minorities have low vaccination rates. are the to be excluded from city life. 8000 kids quarantine in florida because of exposure to covid. mask mandate are appearing, back to school is going to be complicated. wait until you hear what donald
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trump had to say to maria earlier this morning. varney and company is about to begin. >> got to get your people out and got to get them out first, then take your equal and out and after you take your equip and tell you bomb the hell out of the port so no one else can use them because i was going to do that. i said i want every one of these ports, it will take a plane two hours and you bomb the hell out of them, now they are being used by the taliban. not even believable. stuart: that was donald trump moments ago. president biden has cut his vacation short and is back in the white house. he will deliver remarks on the latest covid response, not afghanistan to see if he takes
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any questions, yet to answer any reported questions on afghanistan. there are thousands of americans trapped in our leaders are telling us about the taliban. >> the taliban informed us they are prepared to provide safe passage of civilians to the airport and we will hold them to that. it is up to the taliban and to show the rest of the world who they are. stuart: up to the taliban with their reputation? president biden has only spoken to one world leader and that is uk prime minister boris johnson. retired general jack keane will respond to all of this. sharp edged analysis from the general. the administration plan to extend mask requirements for travelers.
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extend mask requirements to win? >> january 18th for all passengers on commercial flights, buses and trains and the mask mandate was supposed to end in september and already extended from the springtime. masks will be required for thanks giving and christmas travel and their is a rise in revolt among passengers, three quarters of 4000 cases literally passengers back to the mask mandate that because of the delta variant, cancellations and bookings are down. stuart: it is having an impact and we got to wear masks with any transportation to the middle of january next year. >> light beer longer than that. i will not make any comment because it is a contentious subject, wearing a mask on a bus or plane. check the markets, on the
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downside when "the opening bell" rings, we are going to be down. fed chair powell says it is not clear how the delta surge will affect the economy. looks to me like a modest slowdown because of the delta variant. when does it affect the market? >> i don't think it will affect the market anytime soon barring the delta variant getting further out of control and conflating with unexpected high. season. that would be problematic, they would have a difficult time digesting that and we might see a selloff on that. we are far away from that happening. that may not happen. to understand how to play the market we have the playbook, we know what happened since march of 2020, how the economy is rebounding. it will not be swayed in terms of the market so it looks like it if you look at the indices
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so investors are comfortable with minor bouts of profit-taking, they result in investors buying dips. steady as she goes. stuart: hold on a second, back to you in a moment, back to speed on vaccines. there are more maxine -- vaccine mandates, morgan stanley going a step further, more than mandating the jab. >> demanding proof of vaccination. wall street asked for declaration, not necessarily documentation. 50% are back in the offices, james gorman of morgan stanley says i expect most workers to be back by labor day if you expect me to be paid in new york salary, jpmorgan back in the office and reports goldman sachs might be requiring masks
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indoors if you're going back to the office. stuart: clamping down across the board and making sure you are vaccinated. >> the biggest consumer electronics show on the planet going ahead with the january event, you will be required proof of vaccination for in tree scheduled for four days on january 5th. >> in january of next year. >> you are vaccinated. stuart: we have some reports earlier this morning before the market opens. start with the big one. >> shoppers coming back, same-store sales went up 9% better than anticipated and announced $50 billion stock buyback. the bar is set so high in the blowout earnings by a lot,
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target did not do that. >> they got a buyback. did i see lows on the list? >> home improvement retailer reported better earnings as well. sales dropped less than anticipated down one.5% but a comparison to the covid boom last year, $9 billion in a stock buyback which is a good thing. >> tjx making money in europe and australia costing $3 million in sales under performing compared to 15% for the s&p. stuart: they lost $300 million worth of revenue. back to shah gilani. you said something about the 1987 crash. are you worried about another crash like that? >> i'm not but there's an
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undercurrent of conversation in some corners that point to the fact the october of 87 crash was preceded by a year the s&p was up 31%. the previous year 18%. we had the exact same scenario talking about the previous year being up 31% in the year before that the s&p being up 18%. uncanny, the levels are so precise. the only difference is the market was up twice as much year-to-date in october '87 as it is you to date this year. scuttlebutt going on i am listening to, you can make those comparisons because the numbers are there but i don't see that happening. october of 87 was a concern,
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that, the futures market imploding. stuart: it was a different time plus i get these all the time. >> product driven selloff, and we don't see that again. no insurance we are set up like that anymore. stuart: we will drop it right there but glad to hear your opinion. to the real estate market, the housing market to be precise. mortgage applications 19% down from a year ago. housing starts down. is this your story? >> this is your story but what it means for the economy, hot expensive housing market, priced out that way. stuart: high prices, slightly rising interest rates will have an effect on housing.
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>> represents 24% gdp. stuart: futures point to lower opening on wall street, not sharply but some reading can nevertheless and this. the headline in the new york times, even, telling the public couple was unlikely to follow intelligence assessments painted a grammar picture. we are now seeing unfold. white house press secretary jen psaki cannot guarantee safe evacuation of americans after august 30 first. watch this. >> it is day by day, getting american citizens, members of vulnerable population eligible to be evacuated to the airport and down on planes. stuart: on august 30 first general jack keane responds to it all. the general is next. ♪ ♪ and one we explore
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with his hostages he lost because of it, is a peanut compared to what is happening here. they have 40,000 people not to mention all the other afghans that were supposed to help and our country can't take hundreds of thousands. when you go to afghanistan you hire people, you pay them and if it doesn't work out you take everybody who wants to come to america it doesn't work that way. stuart: the president speaking his mind with maria on the ongoing chaos in afghanistan. general jack keane, is this biden's teran? >> similar but a lot of differences.
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we didn't have military forces in iran, the shaw was the posed by radical islamists, hostages were taken. hopefully that is not the case here. stuart: looked like hostages. they want to get to the airport, they can't get to the airport, the taliban are holding them up. we the depend on the goodwill of the taliban to let them through. >> i would have a different approach than the current administration has in dealing with the taliban and. we gave them a date of 31 august, one of the many mistakes in his ill-conceived tasty withdrawal but i would tell them because the taliban want us out of there and we are leaving. what i would say to their leadership is we are not going to leave until all the americans are out and all the afghans are out. two ways to do this. so we can leave as soon as
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possible and force this to happen and that will delay us by weeks or months. stuart: that would mean our troops at the airport break out the ring the taliban has at the airport and forcibly create a highway so those people can get out. that means americans firing guns. >> we have to be prepared to do that. there is risk associated with everything. lots of lives at stake. we have american lives at stake. will be say we are not willing to use our guns? i say we are, we create core doors for them to get to that airport. hopefully the taliban will do that it is not, we should be prepared to do it. i'm convinced the taliban and want this nightmare scenario being played out on the world stage off of television screens
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and want us out of here as soon as possible. it is in their interest also. they want to do what they want to do which is take control of the country. stuart: stay there if you would. we have these satellite images the show thousands at the kabul airport desperate to flee. some images that look below people on the ground. what is the latest? >> 700 people have been moved out of afghanistan according to the white house, the pentagon does say they have capacity to move 5000 to 9000 each and every day. those who aided and resettled in america with special immigrant visas but you heard last night, the taliban spokesperson this morning said they are providing amnesty,
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promise rights for women and no executions for dissenters. stuart: do you believe them? >> i don't believe that. that is their rebranding on the world stage, international journalists watching them and they qualified by saying it is in accordance with islamic law and that is the qualifier. women, the way they will handle women it is already happening in the provincial cities and rural districts, you can't leave your home without chaperone by a man, you will not be able to work. if you've got a job, you are not going to school. those things are already in place. this is poppycock they are putting out here. a rebranding thing to convince people they are really civilized and will go about this in a sobering manner. that's not the way the taliban does business. stuart: what is the
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administration saying about american still trapped? >> the perimeter close to capital airport, the us government can't guarantee the safety of those trying to get out. to get on those flights, the taliban has a perimeter and there's no word yet whether the us military will secure a way through. stuart: we don't know what the american military will do or what they want to do to get those people to the airport. >> ill-conceived tasty plan. everybody scrapping to put something together that makes sense. i didn't hear the determination from jake sullivan or the president but i'm determined to get all the american citizens out and the afghans who need to get out, to protect their lives and not going to leave afghanistan until that is finished. that is the statement that should have been made. stuart: general jack keane,
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always a pleasure. good stuff. check the futures please. we are down 100 for the dow, down 20 for the nasdaq. "the opening bell" is next. (struggling vehicle sounds) think premium can't be capable? think again. ♪ (energetic music) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the first ever at4 lineup. premium and capable. that's professional grade from gmc.
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centrum multigummies aren't just great tasting... they're power-packed vitamins... that help unleash your energy. loaded with b vitamins... ...and other key essential nutrients...'s a tasty way to conquer your day. try centrum multi gummies. now with a new look.
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we finally found the perfect house. yeah, we couldn't believe the deal we got. just lucky i guess. (sfx: airplane flying overhead) we're a little closer to the airport than we thought... (sfx: airplane grounded outside the house) at least geico makes bundling our home and car insurance easy. saving us so much money. -hi. -how was your flight? -good. -good. morning, ted. for bundling made easy, go to
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stuart: let's get your money, reading, left-hand side of your screen. eddie gabor joins us was you worried about the delta threat to the market? >> i'm not worried about the delta variant in regards to the market. when you look at other countries like the uk and india they've seen huge surges but at the drop off. no reason to believe with vaccination rates in the us we won't see the same modeling and from a market standpoint everyone seems so concerned they are positioned for defense. markets don't crash when people are positioned for a crash. we could see a huge snapback rally in september once we get through jackson hole and then we are hopeful that the delta variant will come down. the biggest fear i have in
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regard to the delta variant our governments overreaction with too many restrictions that would break the backs of these businesses that have struggled to get back on their feet. my hope is they don't overreact. if they do it is dismantled to the recovery we are trying to get to. stuart: to repeat what you said that when we get past the surge in delta and see the other side start to come down. you think we could be in for another big rally. repeat that because that is important. >> the sectors that were hit the hardest. we have playing defense because of the delta variant, we got to get the fed out of the way and then we see the huge rally in those asset classes the beat up the most. stuart: you investing or telling clients to invest in anything in anything that
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stocks? >> we did race some cash at the end of june. we do like real estate that is tied to rent because we think rents will soar over the next 12 months. that's a great asset class and from a stock standpoint this isn't a popular trade but we think energy trade, if the delta variant had a steep drop off we are expecting. stuart: at the moment most of your clients money and yours was in stocks. >> that is right. stuart: there is no alternative. eddie galore, good to see you. i am looking at the market opening in 40 seconds. we will see the red ink, it won't be a whole selloff. we are down 130 on the dow but
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that is 0.37% loss. >> people are waiting for what the reserve will do, what do we do with stimulus? $120 billion in bond purchases each month. stuart: jackson hole is a meeting of central bankers in wyoming. i have never been. stuart: in wyoming too. the market is open. we are off and running and i will see some red ink, we are down 100 points from the start. the vast majority of the dow 30 in the red as we speak. you are down one third of one% on the dow, where are we? we are down a fraction. one.3%. can i show you retailers? target down 6 points even
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though they have a buyback scheme going. lowe's on the upside, 4%, they did well. most of them are lower, now they've all been turned lower. amazon back to $3,200. not long ago it was 37. facebook, ever so slightly lower. the dow is down 135. the $600 million crypto heist. most of the funds have been returned. and and >> >> they are offering a job as chief security adviser. they offered half $1 million
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guarantee against all of the $600 million in crypto. mister whitehad did not accept the bug bounty but $200 million in crypto locked behind a passport wall and mister whitehead did not give that to polly networks but poly networks has those charges. stuart: that is the way to go and if you're hacked and have a bit coin outflow whatever it is. >> you are for them a job inside your company, sensitive information. pay them. stuart: doesn't get your money back. >> hiring inside my company. stuart: i have big news, software company made a big bet on gold. >> when the company that found usama bin laden a big data
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minor and analysis, black swan event, they bought $50 million in gold bars in august, they had to billion dollars of cash on the balance sheet in may. not only do they buy gold bars but went in to some states or start up companies and accepting bitcoin and gold for data software. stuart: they are worried about a black swan event. >> somebody who can tell you how many candy bars, that is part of it. stuart: that worries me too. an event that comes out of nowhere that you cannot predict and hits you. always negative. vaccinemakers, modernand biotech on the upside. they are expected this afternoon about booster shots, krispy kreme, donut people
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reporting for the first time since your ipo up 42% in revenue compared to the same period 2020, not much response for the stock, down one%. china stocks are moving, susan has the list. >> a tough competitor increasing production, 200,000 cars a your doubling from 100,000. exxon had 8000 july car deliveries which is a record for them, the same as tesla, you seat as the's lead evaporating. the google of china self driving as well kind of like they are doing, offering second-generation chips and robo car that could be self driving in the future. stuart: chips.
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ali baba. >> have you seen this price? i haven't seen it since 2019. stuart: what is the problem? >> regulatory from both sides. china claiming down on their tech giant but also concerned about anti-competitive behavior and it depends on how in favor you are of the chinese government, also getting it from the us side as well as the audit, these chinese companies meet the standards though. stuart: taking it on the chin, 25% this calendar year. >> that is the stock to exit. stuart: tesla is at 675 this morning but i hear there's a couple of senators who want an ftc. >> blumenthal and marky, the ftc to review the autopilot claims.
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there been so many incidents of autopilots because collisions and accidents and nits the -- they are looking at a dozen of these crashes. blumenthal, marky adding their names to this. stuart: marky detests tesla and stuart: busk paid $6 billion. >> which he earned. >> senator marky does not like billionaires. >> doesn't like capitalism. stuart: dow winners, there are some winners. disney is on it. home depot, intel, amgen going up a little. s&p 500 winners did very well today, earnings report out $10. nasdaq, the winners there none of the big techs or major techs that i would call them. tesla is up there at 675.
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we are looking at some other movers who may have gotten an upgrade. >> blackberry getting upgrade. they are calling it a hold worth $10 so rallying the stock today, this is a big upgrade, and overweight of $60, and tie up in the media space. tied up with comcast, so much appetite for getting bigger. stuart: wendy's. >> oppenheimer upgrades to outperform with $29 because of the reopening theme and consumer foot traffic. stuart: we keep hearing comparisons to the desperate flight from saigon and hostagetaking in terror on.
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now we are being humiliated by what is happening in afghanistan. president biden's own making at the 10:00 hour. the mayor, bill deblasio, said it is easy, show your proof of vaccination. >> could be a cdc paper card, excelsior pass, covid safe apps, whatever works, all you have to do is show the proof and have id as well. stuart: show your id, want to make sure you are the real person who has the vaccination. it may spread. ♪♪ ♪♪ under my son ♪♪
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stuart: we've been open for 12 minutes and on the downside. i was off close to hundred points. let me show you some video that shows an atlas robot making its way through obstacle courses. that looks flawless. >> looks impressive but some people find this terrifying and scary. we've seen terminator so many times, this could be the future. it is owned by hyundai and was told by softbank to hyundai recently. maybe there is a robot assistant in the future whether it is in your home etc.. stuart: that is hyundai, the korean carmaker. they own those robots. >> you watch 60 minutes's report, these robots, this is
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very choreographed. they go into any open space and do this. there's a lot of flaws still, some of these robots you have to plan each minute step and it takes a lot of time. seeing this on street in your home it will be many years, it will be decades still. stuart: i will take your word for it. after the closing bell, bath and body works, no movement at the moment. >> l branson no longer, bath and body works is a moneymaker, they are buying a lot of body wash and scented candles, 70% analysts covering stocks, they should do well because this was the growth part. stuart: on the other side was victoria's secret. >> at a standalone company, there's a rebrand happening with no more angels, you get the megan penos and activists.
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stuart: advertising for victoria's secret. >> inclusive. we want see how that works. nvidia 60% increase in sales. >> reporting after the bell. pretty high bar with nvidia which is the biggest chipmaker, cloud gaming the stock is up 54%, you have to meet expectations and go beyond it. stuart: the world's largest chipmaker. >> tsmc is the world's biggest chip maker. stuart: robin hood? >> the ipo filings, looking at huge growth when it comes, crypto making 30% of revenue and stock, it is high when we saw it bounce close to 80 bucks. let's see what they say.
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stuart: that is this afternoon. let's bring in john, an economist. we need an economist. is the delta variant beginning to slow the economy? >> to some degree it is but the economy for some time has been losing momentum to higher consumer prices. we know that in the case of housing sales and housing where they don't have that much inventory shortage they have been declining for some time. consumers at high prices. stuart: i want to play you a clip. a democrat brushing off inflation concerns stemming from false advertisements. tell us what you think. >> our economy has done a great job.
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here is the deal, we had a few things to increase. stuart: false advertising. >> i don't know what that means. whatever it is supposed to be. must have her head in the sand. they are concerned by rising prices, greatest inflation by the low base of the year earlier. back two years to summer of 2019 i find today's gasoline prices up 21%, up by 46% from a year ago. you can't say people talking
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about faster price inflation purposely misleading americans into real loss of purchasing power. stuart: are going to see inflation stay at the consumer level stay at the 5% level into the fall and winter. >> the consensus view is it stays above 3% in early 2022. i think it will stay at 5% into the winter, into the fourth quarter of this year. we will see a faster rate of growth of the housing component of the cpi. basically that is 33% to 40%. stuart: let's see how the fed would react if we do have 5% going into the winter. go ahead. 20 seconds.
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>> hard for the fed to tighten monetary policy when home sales are sliding. stuart: thanks, see you again soon. then candidate joe biden ran on transparency but yet to take reporter questions on afghanistan and only spoken to one world leader since the fall of kabul. bret baer stunned by this and joins me with his analysis. mask mandate the bat coming in chicago everyone is required to wear a mask indoors even if they've gotten the jab. that report is next. ♪♪ might as well be walking on the sun ♪♪ ♪♪ 25 years ago ♪♪
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movements and automatically responding to both of you. and, it's temperature balancing to help you stay comfortable all night. it even tracks your circadian rhythm, so you know when you're at your best. in other words, it's the most energy building, wellness boosting, parent-powering, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. and now, all smart beds are on sale. save 50% on the new sleep number 360 limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 24 months. only for a limited time. stuart: chicago is the largest the city to require everyone regardless of vaccination status to wear masks indoors. grady trimble is there. is there any pushback to this? >> reporter: the people are pushing back. i talked to several folks with differing opinions whether this is the right a wrong thing but everybody tells me it feels like a step in the wrong direction.
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the new mask mandate goes into effect friday and applies to all indoor public settings whether it is bars, restaurants, gyms, public areas of condo buildings and applies to everyone over two years and older and regardless whether you are vaccinated or not so now chicago joins major cities like washington dc, philadelphia, la county, to have an indoor mask mandate, some of those places have mask mandates for large outdoor gatherings as well. here's a sampling from the people we talked to this morning is this news was first getting around to them. >> it pushes us back and until everyone gets on board we will go a little bit forward and back. >> i'm okay with it. it is the right thing to do. i wish we didn't have to do this. i thought months ago with the vaccines rolling out that this would be in the past. >> i don't like it because i work in a hotel. we have to wear masks.
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i think we are going to go into another lockdown. >> reporter: outside chicago across the country you will need a mask on public transit whether on airplanes, trains or buses through january 18th because the biden administration is expanding the mask requirements through mid-january. he will have to wear a mask on all forms of transportation. stuart: let's get back to the markets, not much price movement. we are up for the nasdaq and down for the dow and s&p. back to the palantir story. >> you like the black swan. stuart: palantir warns there might be a black swan event, an outside event that is usually negative. because of that they have bought $50 million of gold bond. >> accepting golden bitcoin for
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payments for their data services and not just buying gold bars or steak in other companies. makes me wonder what the black swan event could be? could it be a re-spread of the delta variant? could it be a said this step too soon from what we remember? stuart: they are the guys who data mind big time to the most minute degree. >> they found usama bin laden. stuart: i've got to go but this black swan event intrigues me if and when it comes. homeland security committee ranking member johnto and a lot more, second hour of varney straight ahead. ♪♪
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♪. stuart: a little twist and shout first thing 10:00 eastern on a wednesday morning. that is the time. that is the date. let's get to the money. on the downside pretty much across the board. we've come back a bit. the dow was down 100 but now down 20. s&p and the nasdaq are eking out small gains. parade of retail earnings continue this morning. we got news from target, lowe's
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tj maxx. the cryptos, all of them, not all of them, majors would be bitcoin at 45,200. ethereum just over $3,000 a coin. also up a little. there you have it. now this. does this remind you of the desperate flight from saigon 1975? does it remind you of the hostage taking in tehran, 191979? i think it is both. america has been humiliated by scenes of escape from afghanistan just like vietnam. now we have what looks like a hostage situation just like iran. make no mistake the taliban are holding americans hostage. they side who gets out of kabul and what price.
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biden has to negotiate with the enemy. because of the botched withdrawal he is playing a weak hand. our troops controlled the airport. taliban controls who is allowed to get there. they can spin things out a long time. the mullahs humiliated president carter, keeping american hostages 444 days. the taliban can do exactly the same thing in kabul. they know biden is desperate to get out. they will put a price on the desperation. this is a mess of the president's own making. the intelligence agencies and military advised against a rapid withdrawal. they were overruled. the taliban are now the hostage takers and joe biden is the jimmy carter of the 2020s. it is humiliating. we now depend on them for the safety of our citizens and our allies. one last point, some of our viewers will remember the end of the tehran hostage crisis, january 20th, 1981. just as ronald reagan took the oath of office, the hostages flew home. the mullahs played with jimmy
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carter but they knew they couldn't get away with it when the gipper was the president. the second hour of "varney & company," just getting started. ♪. stuart: separate subject, congressman john katko joins us. he is the top republican in the house homeland security committee. congressman, thanks for being here. we know that you're calling on secretary mayorkas to release number of known or suspected terrorists coming across our southern border. does he know who they are and how many there are? >> he does. thanks for having me, stuart, and your statement about afghanistan and the current state there is spot on but the border is a very important component of that and prior to afghanistan falling i made requests of mayorkas to disclose at least if not the identity of the known and suspected terrorists apprehended at the
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southern border at least the number. we knew it was on an uptick. outgoing customs, border patrol chief just recently stated it is at unprecedented levels number of people they're seizing at the southern border that are known and suspected terrorists. this has pronounced implications not just for the southern border but what is going on in afghanistan. they released 5000 taliban sympathizing type prisoners very high quality, high caliber prisoners. so have them running loose in afghanistan with a poor southern border is a recipe for disaster for the united states. stuart: what do you think is the suspected or number of known terrorists crossing the border? >> there is a problem, stuart. they told us law enforcement said i can't disclose that. i've been given briefing on the numbers. i know the numbers have increased since the briefing. i'm not allowed because of
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internal rules of homeland security. it is not classified to. stuart: you know the number. to you it is deeply concerning. >> very. stuart: do you think the number could increase after the fall of kabul and the fall afghanistan? that is your point? >> that is my point. it is virtual certainty, stuart, that is going to happen. first of all you have the breeding ground of pre-9/11 breeding ground back in afghanistan. that is bad enough. back then we had a secure border. now we don't. what is going on in afghanistan will allah al qaeda on the border metastasized. encourage extremism all over the world. what prevents them from looking at southern border. jeez, why don't we just go. [inaudible] stuart: congressman, are you allowed to tell me if some of these known terrorists who come into america, are they being
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tracked? >> well the ones that, ones that they identify are being held or being sent back. the ones that come in we don't know about, i can guarranty you a lot we don't know about because people are coming into this country in record numbers, they're not being tracked. that is the whole point. the border is not secure. that makes what happened pre-9/11 afghanistan pale in comparison to the security situation we have right now. stuart: congressman, thanks for being with us on a very important subject. we'll check in with you again at some point in the future. >> sure thing. stuart: if you look at the market now we have a turnaround. we were down at the opening bell pretty much across the board. now we're up pretty much across the board but the gains fractional. we turned into the red all of a sudden. down 25 on the dow. down two on the nasdaq. down a fraction on the s&p. not much price movement this morning. bob doll is with us. you know, bob, it looks to me like the delta virus is
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beginning to slow the economy a little. do you think it eventually slows down the markets as well? >> probably so, stuart. i think the market has handled itself pretty well despite the delta variant. we obviously saw retail sales early this week down 1.1%. that was worse than expected. that impacted the market negatively yesterday but to the extent companies are concerned about this, americans concerned because they don't know and it is uncertain, and they're asked to asked to wear masks where they weren't asked before, all that reins in activity. you're seeing hotel and airline bookings come off a bit where they were. i think it is affecting the economy. if it does, it will affect the earnings and the market as well, stuart. stuart: earlier today, i expressed an opinion, it is an opinion what is going on in afghanistan looks like a hostage crisis a hostage crisis
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developing in kabul. a little like tehran in 1979. now that is my opinion. do you think what i'm calling a hostage crisis in kabul eventually hits the stock market? >> it is hard to think it wouldn't potentially have a negative effect. look in the short term, at a minimum it reduces president biden's political capital trying to get his program done. now if we don't get the $3.5 trillion package maybe that's good news in the short term for the market, who knows but longer term the impact as you have insinuated on the united states both in terms of the impact and our relationship with our allies and our enemies is not heading in a good direction. that can't be good for the stock market. markets hate uncertainty. the rapid fall of afghanistan has increased the global uncertainty. stuart: okay. we'll keep that in mind. we'll follow it day-to-day. bob doll, always good. thanks for joining us, sir.
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see you again soon. >> thank you. stuart: now we've got movers today. i'm going to start with, we got pfizer and biontech. lauren, good morning. lauren: pfizer and biontech make a vaccine. israeli officials say a third dose given, 86% effective rate of people over 60. pull up moderna. the white house is expected to call for third shots for fully vaccinated americans as 155 have got us either pfizer or moderna. stuart: do we have moderna? i think moderna is up today. lauren: last i checked it was up as we wait. stuart: tilray, canadian pot producer. lauren: up just 1%. it was up substantially more earlier. here is the story. what they did a u.s. company called med. they bought convertible debt in the company. that gives tilray a pathway to operate in the united states if the u.s. federal law changes that allows foreign-owned
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companies to own weed businesses in the u.s. stuart: if the federal law changes. lauren: it is expected to. stuart: they're up 1%. tell me about krispy kreme. lauren: doughnuts come after the pot story. it makes sense. they raise the their outlook although the stock is down 2%. krispy kremes have drive-throughs now. they have new doughnuts like ones covered in hershey. they have a terrific quarter. interesting the stock is down 2%. stuart: down two%. we had retail earnings came out before the bell. you go through them for us please, starting with lowe's. it is up 10%. lauren: they raised the full-year outlook to $92 billion. customers cut back on guarding, do it yourself home projects like painting but the contractors going to lowe's, they're buying big expensive items like power tools. stuart: that helps. target? lauren: victim of their own success, just like walmart and home depot. it was a great report card but the 2020 growth was so
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phenomenal hard to keep up. the stock is down not even 1% because investors focus on one little thing, their digital sales were up 10% but you know last year they were up 195%. when you look at it like that i suppose the disappointment. the stock is up 86% in the past 52 weeks. stuart: that ain't much of a pullback. lauren: it will go positive. stuart: tj maxx. tjx. lauren: owner of tj maxx. i call this the treasure hunt company. you go in to try to find all the good stuff. this is an interesting story they can't give guidance because they can't predict the coronavirus path in the u.s. here in the u.s. all the stores were open in the quarter. not the case in europe, not the case in other countries and because of that they took a 300 to 350 million-dollar hit because of some store closures in other countries. stuart: 300, a hit just like that? lauren: one quarter. stuart: that is a big deal.
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tencent no longer asia's most valuable company. who is? lauren: chipmaker taiwan semiconductor. they have a market cap of $538 billion. they make chips for apple and other companies and for carmakers. that is a big deal when a chipmaker is bigger than tencent who held it for a while as well as alibaba. this regulatory crackdown they talk about. they keep extending tentacles into different parts ever the tech sector. there was an article earlier this month state media called tencent games they make for children spiritual opium that have negative effects on kids. when you look at the psychology, perception of these companies, regulatory crackdown investors are selling. stuart: today taiwan semiconductor is the most valuable company in asia? lauren: yep. stuart: how about that? thank you, lauren. what we have coming up, no vaccine, no internet? we tell you which university is
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cutting wi-fi for students who don't get the jab. white house vowed transparency on day one of biden's presidency. we'll remind you, roll it again. >> if the president were standing with me here today he would say he works for the american people. his objective and his commitment to bring transparency and truth back to government. to share the truth even when it is hard to hear. stuart: where is the transparency now during this afghan disaster? i will ask bret baier. he is on the show. the taliban claims they want peace but does this look like peace to you? they're beating people on the way to the airport who are trying to escape. what does the american must minimum population think of all of this? zuhdi jasser is back with us. i will ask him that question. ♪.
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stuart: this is coming to us. the president, the former president of afghanistan, ashraf ghani, who fled the country reportedly with a helicopter load of cash just as the taliban were closing in, he is now in the united arab emirates. the u.a.e. foreign ministry released a statement saying in part, u.a.e. has welcomed president ghani and his family in the country on humanitarian grounds. no word on the money. take a look at this. this is a video of the taliban beating someone as this person tried to escape to the airport in kabul. this as they claim they want peace and won't take revenge. zuhdi jasser joins us now.
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he is from the american islamic forum. zuhdi, the taliban held the press conference, they will not hurt anybody and respect the rights of woman. do you believe that? >> that is sad that the islamic media from al jazeera covers it. they will put on video whatever gives them screen time beheadings whatever it might be. make no mistake, i'm surprised the word coup is not being used. this was a coup against the people of afghanistan. this is run by theocrats and mullahs on steroids. this is opportunity to humiliate the west, humiliate the good we did for a lot of muslim reformers on the ground, saw us abandon them and leave us with no strategy. stuart: what does the american muslim community make of all this? >> that is a great question. we're a diverse community but
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basically two groups. one is islamist groups that are apologists for islamists muslim brotherhoods are internally rejoicing. she called us terrorists. her silence on twitter speaks to the group of islamists in america don't want us to influence the world toward liberty and treed on. the muslims part of reform movement, the to defeat political islam, defeat theocracy, we're embarrassed. this is a massive tipping point the next generation will look back, you know what -- stuart, we agree the military should leave. you can't win the war against jihad militarily. how we have to have a stomach, a political will to help those who are allies on the ground, transition them. ownership is perception and the way we left, the way we turned on a dime and abandoned our
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allies basically ended up we owned it rather than the afghanistan people owning it with a transition over a month of public display, public display of transfer of power. that did not happen. we turned on a dime. created a vacuum. the taliban got in, got a coup, proved the west is a paper tiger. now by the way muslims in america are seeing not only islamists in afghanistan ascend, global jihadists will ascend, russia will fill in, china will fill in. the red-green alliance with far west islamists is achieving huge gains, many of our families came to the west for freedom are basically continuing to be defeated. stuart: at the moment it looks to me like 15,000 americans and 10 of thousands of our afghani friends are hostages in kabul, held hostage by the taliban. we control the airport. our troops control the airport. what do you think president biden should do now?
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>> i don't think president biden or the people that you know, the nitwits that are working with him at the state department or dod have the political will to do this but recall what reagan did to end the hostage crisis. basically threatened them. carter sent four helicopters that didn't do anything and they failed. president biden will probably do something similar half you know what and not able to push them with strength and power that they should be pushed with but rather do it through appeasement, and crawl out of afghanistan. unfortunately that doesn't work. it empowers them. right now the women of afghanistan will be more threatened than ever because they don't see the taliban isn't threatened by the west anymore. they will sort of a no-holds-barred approach to what is happening there. unfortunately strength needs to be mustered, a shorter deployment of few hundred, 1000 troops to get our folks out there have is necessary, attack them offensively, not
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defensively as we crawl out of there, leave with our pride and our flag. unfortunately this administration revealed in the last 10 days they don't have the political will to do that. stuart: got it. zuhdi jasser, twelve years in america's navy as i recall. thank you very much. >> yes, sir. thanks. stuart: check those markets again. we don't have much price movement today. down six for the dow, up four for the s&p, up 16 for the nasdaq. that is pretty flat. i would like to see palantir again. the story there is they bought $50 million worth of gold in gold bars. this is some kind of a hedge against what they see as a black swan event coming at some point in the future. a lot of people interested in the black swan event and why they're buying 50 million bucks of gold bars. the stock is up 1 1/2%. the minneapolis fed president, neel kashkari strongly criticizing the crypto market. what is he saying? lauren: he is saying all noise
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and confusion. he almost mocked it. he said he can create a coin easily, call it the neel coin since there are no barriers to create a coin. that is true. there is no regulation for that part of the market. you can create a coin anonymously. he hasn't seen a use case for crypto other than funding illicit activities. that is not true. look at donation of crypto to india to help them with covid-19. walmart and amazon announced they're hiring cryptocurrency experts would disagree with the statement that it is only used for nefarious purposes. the neel coin. stuart: another one for you, crypto exchange binance, hiring a former u.s. criminal investigator. do you know why they're hiring this person? lauren: to have a cop on the beat, cop on the street. regulatory compliance. the name of this gentleman is greg monihan. a former irs criminal investigator.
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he will investigate potential criminal monday any laundering that happens on the exchange. it underscores the safety and trust. it banned in countries where is not registered. there are complaints about customers that they can't get their money out. they're putting a cop on the beat to show they're paying attention. stuart: might bring some respectability. lauren: institutional investors. it is looking good for crypto. stuart: one florida school district put 8,000 students in quarantine. doesn't look good for back to school this fall, does it? martha maccallum has the story. democrat turned republican vernon jones hopes to ride the trump wave to governor's position in georgia. he is taking on brian kemp. i will ask him why after this. ♪.
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ten-x does the same thing, but with buildings. sweet. oh no, he wasn't... oh, actually... that looks pretty good. see it. want it. ten-x it. yum! ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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stuart: coming up on 10:30 eastern time, if you look at the markets you do not see that much price movement. look at the most active on each of these three exchanges if we can do that. the big winners i should say on these three exchanges.
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here we go. dow winners headed by sales force, home depot is up there, so is walgreen boots. look at the s&p big winners. they're not big winners actually although lowe's is a big winner. i take that back. lauren: it is very difficult now for the investor to look forward. have we spoken this week about infrastructure spending? not really. stuart: right. lauren: afghanistan is clouding that discussion. stuart: right. lauren: so that picture a question mark. fed and rates a question mark. stuart: hold on, 10:30. you know what that means. we can now report this. the administration is recommending booster shots for those who received the pfizer or moderna jab. they say the booster is needed, quote, to maximize protest, and prolonged durability of the vaccines. not much of a response thus far. even moderna is down at this point. pfizer is up a little bit. look at that, that intrigues me. pfizer has gone to $51 a share.
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for a long time it couldn't break past 40. now it is skyrocketing. >> as moderna was moving pfizer was stuck. we didn't understand why that was happening. stuart: the governor the texas, greg abbott, he tested positive for covid. wasn't he fully vaccinated? lauren: fully vaccinated. and he gets tested daily. >> as you may have heard now i tested positive for covid-19. the good news that my wife continues to test negative. i have no fever, aches or pains, other types of symptoms. lauren: no symptoms but he is receiving regeneron antibody treatment. nevertheless most likely high-risk category where they would give him that treatment. stuart: next one for you, a university says it will fine and cut internet access for students who don't get the jab. which school? lauren: excuse me for laughing, connecticut's quinnepiac university. fine them $100 a week. it goes up from there.
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by middle of september if the students don't show proof they have been fully vaccinated or an exemption they will not get the vaccine, quinnepiac will cut off campus internet. that is pretty bold email, this warning, threat to the 600 or so students who have not updated their status but this is the reality that we're in. look, i know, i know. look, you just teased the story that thousands and thousands of students in florida are isolating or quarantining because of potential exposure. stuart: yeah. lauren: i think what a lot of parents might start to say you know what? let's just give the kids the vaccine. if they're exposed and they're vaccinated they can go to school, maybe show a rapid negative test result but don't have to stay home for 10 days. stuart: we'll follow up on this i guess. i can see that. all right, the tsa, this is interesting, this affects all of us. the tsa extending the mask mandate. so you got to wear a mask on a plane a bus and a train until
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when? lauren: after the holidays, january 18th. it was supposed to be september 13th. they pushed that back. i would be a little bit nervous to fly on an airplane because you have those unruly passengers who have said enough is enough. i'm not wearing a face mask. then you see the fights with the flight attendants that have to police this. or you might see people saying this is new reality. whatever. i will just mask up. stuart: until mid-january. change of subject. our next guest is running against georgia's governor brian kemp. vernon jones was a democrat before switching to the republican party. now he is taking on the republican governor of georgia. vernon, why are you challenging governor kemp? >> well he has failed georgia. he has failed with his leadership. he has failed election integrity. he has failed with the mandates that we have upon us now. you see more recently he has failed as it relates to allowing potentially taliban terrorists to come into our country.
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stuart: wait a second. you object if georgia allows afghani refugees into the state? >> unvetted, clearly they need to be vetted. you cannot tell me that the taliban has not, they're not sending people to be a part of these refugees to come over to our country to try to attack us, to try to destroy us. they need to be vetted. what is wrong with that? this governor campaigned with a shotgun and truck, throw it throughout georgia, said he would round up all the illegals to protect georgians. why is protecting georgians with this particular situation where taliban and terrorists could be a part of those refugees? who can say they aren't? to come into our country without any background checks or any type of violation? no, that is matter of national security. our government is not showing a backbone. he is showing he is open to this. if i didn't know any better
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stacey abrams would be the governor, not governor kemp. stuart: georgia broke the million mark for covid infections. a new wave hit, broke the million mark. what would be your response if you were the governor of georgia? >> we want to continue to keep georgia open. people need to go to work. businesses need to operate. they need to be able to go through their day-to-day lives. you can still have best practices in place but i think we can do them without mandatory mandates. we can do them without mandatory vaccinations. i will as a matter of fact meet in group of nurses who are protesting well star is telling them by certain date if they don't get vaccination, they will lose their jobs. wait a minute. they were heroes just a few months ago, in the height of the pandemic. they didn't have the vaccination then. they stood in, stood tall and protected georgians. now you want to fire them including those who are pregnant? they don't feel like they should have to take the vaccination if they don't want to. we can continue to strike a balance and we can't operate
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based on fear, based on dr. falsify, i said false because we never know whether he telling the truth. stuart: vernon, i'm out of time. we appreciate you coming on the show. we'll give you more time on another day. >> jones for stuart: got it. thank you very much. now this, weekly oil inventories, okay? that is technical term saying how much oil we've got in storage and how much oil was actually used. a much steeper than expected drawdown, that would be over three million barrels, indicating demand for oil is strong. the price though, pretty weak, 66 bucks a barrel. crime, out of control in america's big cities. so bad a man inside of an atm vestibule in new york city attacked with a hatchet in broad daylight. heather mcdonald takes that on. president biden finally speaking to another world leader
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days after the fall of kabul. why the delay? i will ask bret baier after this ♪. discomfort back there? instead of using aloe, or baby wipes, or powders, try the cooling, soothing relief or preparation h.
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because your derriere deserves expert care. preparation h. get comfortable with it.
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stuart: the state department is telling americans in afghanistan to start heading to the kabul airport. we hear reports that talibans are trying to break up crowds, firing into the air to break them up. rich edson at the state department. look, we haven't heard from defense secretary lloyd austin yet. will we hear from him soon? reporter: stuart, we'll hear from the defense secretary and chairman of the joint chiefs of staff at the pentagon. that is expected 3:00. they will talk to reporters and take questions conceivably. we've not heard from secretary
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of state antony blinken. those three are at the white house right now according to officials meeting with president biden on all of this. back in kabul, the state department is notifying in americans in groups to go to the airport to catch flights on the country. americans are on their own like everybody else. contacts say it is hard to pass through taliban checkpoints. the taliban are beating people on the way to the airport throughout the country. we heard from an afghan that was recording video by the airport. the taliban took his phone and beat him. they are evacuating thousands of americans around afghans who worked with the american government over the last couple decades. it is unclear how many will get out of the country though the administration maintains it was ready for all of this. >> absolutely preparations were made. we did contingency planning. but none of us can appreciate
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what happens when the end of a civil war takes place and the victors enter the city. but we were prepared for this and we are working around the clock to insure that people are given support to get out of the country. reporter: plans to double the number of counselor offices in kabul by friday. white house official says yesterday the united states evacuated left hundred u.s. citizens, permanent residents and families on 13 flights. sources in the u.s. involved in these evacuations and contacts in kabul say the situation there is tenuous. thousands crowding trying to get to the airport. that is just kabul. there are those looking to leave who are scattered across the country who are nowhere near these evacuation flights. stuart? stuart: rich, thank you very much indeed. president biden will deliver remarks on covid and the vaccine later this afternoon. bret baier joins us now.
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bret, this afternoon, at the white house, doesn't president biden have to take questions on afghanistan? >> one would think, stuart. listen this communication effort by this white house, the pentagon, the state department has really gone south. the fact that we haven't heard from the key players, the secretary of state, secretary of defense, chairman of the joint chiefs, president of the united states specifically. we heard one speech but not q&a. not talking about all of the reporting that we've seen about the warnings that they have received. instead what we've had is a lot of secret officials telling off the record, or on the record but anonymous reports about how they were right and the other agency was wrong. how they told the president this and he ignored it. i think there is a lot to go through here but the biggest thing to get is the people out of afghanistan. stuart: yeah, yeah.
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>> it really seems like it is going to be a tough challenge. stuart: isn't it a hostage situation? we have 15,000 or so americans in kabul and tens of thousands of our friends who want to get out? they can't get to the airport. it is like, it reminds me of tehran, 1979 and jimmy carter's hostage crisis. we now depend on the taliban to allow americans to leave. that is a dreadful situation. >> horrific. horrible. the fact that the taliban are who they are, they're speaking out publicly, saying that they have changed but just anecdotally what we're hearing on the ground they haven't changed at all. when you hear what they say on al jazeera and out outlets, they're again saying every woman needs to adhere to strict sharia law. that is not exactly a history of women's rights there as they're talking about. so we have a lot that is yet to be figured out. and this could get ugly. stuart: yes. >> before it gets better.
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stuart: the president has spoken to one world leader. i think maybe you prompted that. i saw you on tv the other afternoon saying he hasn't spoken to a world leader. now he has. boris johnson of great britain. is there any significance to that? >> i think you needed to talk to a world leader quickly, that was really quite something to have the national security advisor say the president two days after kabul had fell had not reached out to one world leader. so another question, is, i commend to your audience the tape of the "fox & friends" interview with the termter who, haroon who is caught in afghanistan. it is on the website. you can watch it. it is just so compelling and gives you the human side of what we're talking about. stuart: you have a lot to report on "special report" tonight at 6:00. we'll be watching.
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plenty of developments you will cover then. bret, thank you very much for being with us. >> all right, stuart. stuart: thank you, sir. have you ever heard after ghost kitchen? how some restaurants are responding to inflation. we'll take you to one to explain it in a moment. new york city now requiring proof of vaccination to eat in restaurants. i'm talking to one restaurant manager who says she will not enforce the rule and she is next ♪. over the years, mercedes-benz has patented thousands of safety innovations. crash-tested so many cars we've stopped counting. and built our most punishing test facility yet, in our effort to build the world's safest cars. we've created crumple zones and autonomous braking. active lane keeping assist and blind spot assist. we've introduced airbags, side curtain airbags, and now the first-ever rear-mounted front-impact airbags. all in the hope that you never need any of it.
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ooh, that bubblemassage! have fun! stay in the home and life you've built for years to come. call... to receive 50% off installation of your kohler walk-in bath. financing is available for qualified purchasers. stuart: it is outside of a restaurant in new york city. i think we can get it up for you. the sign says they're not going to discriminate against vaccinated or unvaccinated customers. this is in new york city. we, you have to have a vaccine passport to get in and eat or drink inside. the manager of that rocco, sorry about the pronunciation there. mary joins me now. mary, why won't you obey the vaccine passport, rule?
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>> simply stuart, it is unconstitutional. taking away our civil liberties. the city of new york is now asking me to check the vaccine status of my patrons and i have to deny them indoor service if they are not vaccinated. what country do we live in? stuart: the mayor says, look, you got to get vaccinated. this will encourage you to get vaccinated. you want to take part in the life of the city, eat, drink, exercise indoors, get vaccinated. you don't think he has got a point? >> i mean there are some different point made throughout covid that we are addressing all the points. what about people with natural immunity? what about people who don't want to take it for religious reasons? what about people who perhaps are not quite on board with the vaccine yet? we are eliminating a segment of society. i mean i keep trying to hammer this point in. we are taking away the rights of our citizens to freely go into a
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restaurant, go into a gym. this is the united states of america, the last time i checked. i mean it is looking more and more like the soviet union. this is straight on communism and if people let this happen i think, they don't realize what's next. we witnessed what happened in argentina. we witnessed what happened in venezuela. people here need to wake up. i'm so afraid that we are not living in the country that i grew up in. people don't start standing up, we're going to lose our basic right. going into a restaurant is a basic right. the city of new york, the mayor, does not have the authority in my view to trample on the constitution. stuart: what about children? because children under the age of 12 cannot be vaccinated so they cannot have a vaccine passport. i don't know what the rule in new york city is but they would seem to be excluded as well. do you have any clarification on kids in restaurants?
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>> so based on what i read, just in the last few days in the media, in contacting me i haven't been able to go through it fully bah based on what i read on his executive order, basically if children are with their parents, if the five to 11-year-olds or younger with their parents, they are allowed to enter so long as the parents are vaccinated. still, i mean it is absurd. what if there is a "party of five" and one of the people joining the party isn't vaccinated, do i have to shun the entire party of five? it is cons fusing. completely unfair. i go back to the fact that it is unconstitutional. the mayor declared two classes of people, the vaccinated and the unvaccinated. we're shunning a segment of society based on a vaccine. do people not understand what is at stake here? it is ludicrous, it is crazy, it is insanity. i hope businesses like mine stand up against this tyranny. this cannot stand for in
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new york city, in the country, across the world. we've seen resistance now going on in france. i just read a report today that many of the french are just ignoring the orders. good for them. that is something that has to happen here. it has to is that right in new york. we have to push back against this. stuart: mary josephine looks like you're starting it here. >> pleasure. stuart: good to meet you. >> thank you. stuart: check those markets please. still not much price movement on any of the exchanges. have a look at twitter. they're on a big losing streak, lauren. lauren: nine days, about 10% in the past nine days including 21-cent decline today. haven't seen a sell-off this long since may of 2014. i know what you're going to ask me. stuart: i'm going to tell you. lauren: you tell me. stuart: how on earth can you ban the president of the united states of america -- lauren: donald trump. stuart: forever, donald trump but you can have the taliban on twitter and they use it?
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lauren: twitter would respond to that saying, well, some people in afghanistan are using twitter. they need to know this information so they can seek help. that is the answer for now. stuart: they're such humanitarians. lauren, thank you very much indeed. another big hour coming up. we have lara trump. martha maccallum, heather mcdonald, kt mcfarland. new york requires passport to eat indoors. i call that defacto seg a goings in "my take" next. (vo) singing, or speaking. reason, or fun.
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>> american lives at stake. i going to say we are not using guns to protect them? i say we are. i'm convinced the taliban want this minor scenario being played out on the world stage off the television screens. >> a porous southern border, market will hate uncertainty of the rapid fall of afghanistan his increased global uncertainty. >> the economy has been losing momentum to higher consumer prices.
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>> i'm not worried about the delta variant in regards to the market was the biggest fear i have in regard to the delta variant our governments overreacting with too many restrictions and mandates. stuart: 11:00 eastern and this is august 18th. moments ago the administration recommended booster shots for those who receive the pfizer or moderna jab. the covid response team is about to give an update on those shots. we will bring you the headlines. show me the markets. we don't have much price movement. the dow is down 40 and the nasdaq up eight. bitcoin has dropped to the 45,$000 level. now this. how would you feel if you
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couldn't go into your local diner or your local bar without preventing proof of vaccination, vaccine passport? i ask because that is the situation in new york city and it may spread you. the mayor of new york is bill deblasio who has introduced the vaccine passport to encourage more people to get the jab. his message is clear, get the vaccine, it is safer for those in and around you, so get the jab and you can get out and enjoy the city. the mayor is dealing with real people and a lot of people don't want their medical decisions made for them and if they objective vaccination don't see why they should be excluded from city life. according to the new york times twee 7 out of 10 black adults in the bronx are unvaccinated so they can't go out to eat or drink. the richer white folks have high vaccination rates and many
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others of high end restaurants like the passport. that is segregation. and then there's the question of fake id. senator schumer thinks you could face jail time if you get one. the restaurant have a problem with fake ids. if they don't spot them at the door they could be fined thousands of dollars. the maître d' becomes the vaccine copy. i don't think so. my prediction, the wealthy elites will love their vaccine cards, low income minorities will see things differently and the restaurants and bars will take just another hit inner-city the couldn't care less about business. the third hour of varney just getting started. look who is here. lara trump herself. thanks for coming on the show.
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great to have you with us. i don't like the vaccine mandates. how about you? >> i think there are very few people that like the mother than the people who bought into all of the fear mongering that has been put on us for the last year and a half. it is so insane to think we see this happening in america. this seems incredibly unconstitutional. i find your previous guest, the woman who owns the restaurant and bar, it is unconstitutional. this is a form of segregation and just think about the hypocrisy that the democrats are the ones pushing vaccine passports, you have to have proof of vaccination to go into a restaurant or bar were a gym but somehow it is racist for us to suggest that we want people to present valid id when they go to vote, one of the most important things you can do as an american citizen, the
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hypocrisy knows no limits when it comes to the democrat party but i think on a bigger scale the thing i am most upset about is further division. whenever you are trying to socialize society and was a closer to socialism you want to break the country apart, you want its citizens to go against one another so it crumbles. they started -- tried to infiltrate our youth with critical race theory teaching us to hate our country, teaching us that if you are white you are bad, if you are black when you've been oppressed your entire life, now they are going so far as to cause division whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated and this is going to get ugly. it is insane that you have to show proof of anything if you are an american citizen. stuart: your father-in-law was
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on with maria talking about the situation in afghanistan. listen to this. >> you got to get your people out and you got to get them out first, then you take equivalent out and if you take your clement out you bomb the hell out of the port so nobody else can use them because i was going to do that. withdrawing is the right thing to do but the way they withdrew will go down in infamy. you got together people out of there. can you imagine having the military go home, the lamb being led to slaughter. stuart: he expenses himself forcefully. one of them was killed for not wearing a burqa. the outlook is grim. why haven't we heard from the american women's movement here. >> a great question. most voted for president biden,
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wanted the 81 million who voted for president biden, but it is insane to think we are going to take the taliban at their word. if you believe this, i got a bunch of gold watches this is crazy. what has been done to women under taliban rule is abominable, women are unable to get educated, they cannot have a job, cannot go outside without cover. only their eyes can be shown. they have to have a male escort and if they don't they get publicly eaten or executed. you talked about a woman who was killed. the crazier parts of this, americans say if the taliban and tells us we might consider
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making them legitimate. what are we talking about? this is a terrorist organization, with any value whatsoever but i'm surprised we haven't had more outrage for the people who backed president biden who claim to care about women's rights, these women don't matter to them in afghanistan. stuart: the silence speaks volumes. we hope to see you again soon. back to the market, not much price movement on wall street. you say investors need to avoid the noise, stay invested. ignore afghanistan, the stuff that is going on with crime in the city, ignore the noise, stay in stocks. it that your case? >> control what you can control.
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you can't control what is going on in afghanistan with respect to the increase of crime. that is why quality matters. fundamentals always trump for your. the rhetoric and fear to us increasing again whether it is tapering. the market has done a wonderful job discounting what is coming. more economic profits and continued strong recovery of us companies in the economy in general. double digits on increasingly, interest rates remain in these levels and don't know when the fed will taper.
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control what you can control, and equal weight across all styles and sizes. stuart: we had a couple analysts on the show, i have been talking about it. when we get past the peak in the delta search and cases that come down, that i think could trigger a nice run up, another run-up in stocks. what do you think? >> you should be a market watcher. coincide timingwise with respect to seasonality. that is really good especially the work we've been putting through since we went home to work and healthy to have a balance. into the fall when we have better visibility in 2022-2023 the market has a strong year
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and this melees in the month of august, pretty typical. stuart: that is pretty good stuff. lauren is watching the companies and stocks that have earnings after the bill. >> likely going to benefit from corporate spending, videoconferencing and investors want to hear how you are managing supply chain issues. stuart: the big one for me is nvidia. >> videogame chips revenue drives 80%, graphic chips used in ai up 30%. we heard this from the roadblock ceo, via your avatar but listen to that and crypto currency.
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stuart: we have to get into this doing everything by your avatar. almost out of time. robin hood report this afternoon. >> a little bit of money and your core account set up your financial future. how many customers do they have and the size of their portfolios and big risk factors potential regulatory changes. stuart: investors expecting a nice report. coming up on your screen's i will show you the cover of the new york post, a man being attacked with a hatchet in new york city in broad daylight. crime out of control. heather mcdonald will take that on as she often does. one school district in 4 to put 8000 students in quarantine. is this a preview of what back to school will look like? martha maccallum will deal with that. we have a border crisis.
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border agents being shot at from the mexican side. when agent shot 20 times was a report on that from the border. we will be back. ♪♪ one that's been paved and one that's forever wild but freedom means you don't have to choose just one adventure ♪ ♪ you get both. introducing the all-new 3-row jeep grand cherokee l jeep. there's only one. [sfx: radio being tuned] welcome to allstate. ♪ [band plays] ♪ a place where everyone lives life well-protected. ♪♪ and even when things go a bit wrong, we've got your back.
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? >> bond. james bond. stuart: james bond. the current james bond, daniel craig, has announced what he is going to do with all the money he has made. >> $150 million. give it away. he's going to donate it because he thinks if you are a rich person you go to hell.
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the only silverlining is his daughters are going to fight about who gets what. stuart: if you die a rich person you failed, get out of here. moving on, 8400 students in florida are isolated or in quarantine because of the spike in covid in the hillsborough county school district. martha maccallum is with us. a preview the chaos coming in september. i thought back to school would proceed nicely and we would get back to normal. apparently not. >> that was the case until the delta virus reared its ugly head and it is more highly transmissible than previous viruses. there's a lot we don't know about it. 100% in favor of kids getting back to school. they have lost an enormous amount of learning and they need to be in big catch-up mode. reminds me of a conversation we had in the spring encouraging schools to do summer school.
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if they had, they would have used the window of catch-up time before the latest onslaught came. there are a lot of questions about delta. a lot more breakthrough than people realize among the vaccinated. that is going to be the story we will see going forward. if we learned anything it is you have to find ways to get on with life and certainly those who are vaccinated the better shape people are in to combat this. every family has to make their own decision what to do but that does appear to put people in better position in terms of severe sickness. stuart: i'm not the parent of school-age children. i would be in distress if i was. >> imagine another year sitting in front of the computer. they have to find a way to get these kids back in the classroom and vaccinating all the teachers is a step in that direction and hopefully we get through this in a short period
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of time. i keep watching the india trend. they were the first to have delta and their chart shows a steep up and rapid down. stuart: i'm awaiting for that rapid decline here, a lot of things change. besides covid and afghanistan we have big problems on the border. i tend to think of the problems being swept under the rug, we are spending so much time on afghanistan. the crazies keep coming and we have a report on them. >> it is a dangerous place. >> the cartels don't want anybody standing in their way and border agents represent that. you see plane loads of people coming from afghanistan incredibly haphazard reckless manner that this is being
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treated raises questions about who is getting by that route as well, this is something we could have been in front of was a classic example of negligent, filing these papers, waiting for months to leave. we owe gratitude and service, we should of gotten them out. stuart: when you are on the air on fox news you will be coming to afghanistan. higher things developing on the air. >> at 3:00 this afternoon we will hear from the joint chiefs of staff, with a haven't heard anything from terrific scenes we watch and there's a lot of discussion about dissension that was in the ranks the president biden wanted to move forward with the rapid pull out
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and once that was signaled the taliban said great commodores are open, the united states is leaving, they are not backing the afghan government anymore. all bets are off and there's a lot of reporting who talked about dissension that existed. we could be covering it live. stuart: you will be there. >> general david petraeus will join us so we will have a great response. stuart: appreciate it. back to the border. 212,000 migrants apprehended in july, highest number in 21 years. jonathan hunt is on the border. what is this about our agents being shot at from the mexican side of the border. >> reporter: one border patrol
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agent told me someone is going to get killed of these shootings continue. there have been two incidents in the past two weeks and if you take a live look at the border from the pictures being sent by our drone team one of those shootings was across the rio grande in texas was another across the land border divide in california. no agents were injured in either of those shootings but there's very real concern prompting the border patrol chief to send a stark message saying, quote, we take these threats and acts of violence seriously and we will do what we can to identify and bring them to justice who have sought to harm the men and women of border patrol and in another sign of the clear danger border patrol agents face here everyday but chief of the rio grande valley sector published pictures of what he said are
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two members of the violent ms 13 gaining arrested among the groups of migrants, those migrants still coming day and night. talking to the migrants who say they too, border patrol agents being targeted presumably by the cartels and others, the migrants suffer at the hands of those same smugglers and cartels. >> he heard of women being abused, nothing happened to her on this trip. >> reporter: one of the toughest part of traveling to mexico? the toughest part of traveling to mexico or the gangs, mostly from the cartels or the gangs. >> reporter: there are dangers everywhere in the border region. obviously for the migrants
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making that journey most of them some central america companies like honduras and guatemala but also the border patrol agents who are out here every single day and by putting their lives on the line. stuart: thank you. check those markets, same story, not much price movement. the dow is down 50 points. look at walmart. they want to make it easier to get your vaccine and flu shot. they are offering low-cost flu shots, walmart at $150 per share. a gunman opened fire under the iconic red steps in times square, new york, shootings like this are inspiring democrats to refund the police. the chinese communist party says afghanistan should be a lesson to taiwan on how the us abandons its allies was the white house is pushing back on
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11:30 am
stuart: a nice day in bakersfield, california, 76 degrees and sunny. as for the markets down 40 points on the dow, fraction on the nasdaq and four points on the s&p. not much price movement. you are following pelletier. i have an interest in it because they bought $50 million of gold. lauren: what are they worried about? they are stockpiling it for black swan event. i say they are plaintiff stevens. there was the story the company supporting cash to the tune of $6.8 trillion. pelletier has $2.8 billion in cash. they had the cash you are buying gold and the defense play with it. what do they know that we don't? >> they are data miners make predictions based on dd mining
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of the data and are worried about this black swan event but won't tell us what this one event is. >> we can usually not predict that. everybody worried. target reported the story. >> more people went into the store and bought normal things, we bought clothing, backpacks because kids are going to school. online sales disappointed. the other metric the size of the transaction cell. more people went into the store. stuart: they are down one%. a terrific run up in the last months or years. the biden administration stopped shipments of cash to afghanistan. connell mcshane at the white house, they are freezing billions of dollars worth of assets. >> if you're wondering if the us has any leverage left in afghanistan is might be it. we follow the money, the taliban wants to set the
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government in afghanistan able need money and it will be difficult to access for the time being. the central bank governor says as of last week they had $9 billion in reserves. most of it being held outside the country. the same central bank governor fled the country saying 7 of the 9 billion held by us federal reserve's. much of the balance is being held outside the country. we were told by administration official that assets being held in the united states will not, will not be made of it to the taliban and the ims approved allocation of $300 million. that was supposed to head to afghanistan next week but that is the question as well. the source said member countries currently being surveyed to see if they want to recognize the taliban is a legit government of afghanistan. put it all together and follow
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the money, the taliban and needs to govern and if they can't get it they might have a difficult time. as we follow that a quick update on the evacuation, the ministry wants to get people out of afghanistan. the challenge remains getting people from the airport or from their home to the airport which is the only thing under us control at this point. yesterday they were able to evacuate 1100 americans and the thinking is 15,000 americans have difficulty pinning down the number in the country right now, afghans looking to get out as well, the president is here today, no public remarks on afghanistan, the defense secretary and advises in the west wing. stuart: thanks very much. donald trump thinks the situation in afghanistan is worse than jimmy carter's iran hostage crisis. watch this.
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>> jimmy carter with his hostages he lost because of it, jimmy carter with his hostages is a peanut compared to what is happening here. they have 40,000 people not to mention all the other afghans who are supposed to help. >> foreign policy expert k t mcfarland, is this worse than the to run crisis? >> it will be worse for a couple reasons. the scale of it will be much worse. we are not getting however many, 10, 20,000 american stranded in afghanistan. we are not going to get all those people out. what you will see his hostagetaking, kidnappings etc. as tribal leaders in afghanistan fight for their own space. we have a lot of americans around the country and afghanistan. right now the taliban looks like unified group totally in charge but the taliban is a lot
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of different tribes made up to fight the americans. now we are leaving you will see certain tribal leaders trying to get an advantage for themselves, you take americans hostage. it is worse in that regard but the thing i am concerned with it is much worse than the jimmy carter hostage situation because of our standing in the world and the chinese are using this as a pr effort. they broadcast that picture of an american aircraft leaving kabul airport with afghans, they told the taiwanese very clearly several times in the last 48 hours don't expect america to come for you. nobody will help you. the other thing is they are telling the rest of the world, i can't -- they can't govern themselves. one tweet from china saying the transition in afghanistan is smoother than the transition
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from one president to another in the united states. it is a long-term effect and reinforcing the image the united states is finished, it is inevitable it is going to decline and china is on the rise and china will make such pr in the coming weeks. stuart: as donald trump said this morning on this network, the terror on hostage crisis led to jimmy carter's failure the presidential election of 1980. the hostage crisis ended when ronald reagan was inaugurated in 1981. do you think the same kind of thing might happen here? that this disaster in couple has such a negative influence on president biden's political standing that he loses the next election? >> i think he loses the next election and he should lose the next election. i was in the reagan administration when ronald reagan after he took office we
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had the reagan defense buildup and military situation in grenada when the united states went in to restore democracy with a limited mission and ronald reagan stood in the oval office, the secretary of defense said you know what reagan said? he said we gave them the plan, this how many troops we had and reagan said double in the military guy the secretary of defense it really? he said if jimmy carter had doubled the number of people in the rescue mission to take american hostages back from tehran i wouldn't be sitting in the oval office. stuart: thanks for revealing that, we need you. you might think twice before you jump into the pool on vacation. some hotels are charging for amenities like pools engines. we will tell you where that is
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happening, the fastest-growing metro area in the country. ashley webster is there. he will tell us after this. ♪♪ rush hour will never feel the same. experience thrilling performance from our entire line of vehicles at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. lease the 2021 is 300 for $379 a month for 36 months. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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stuart: jacksonville international airport, florida, 87 degrees, looks a little stormy. 1.6 million people passed through tsa checkpoint, the lowest number we've seen in two months.
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the delta variances affecting travel. the maskmakers are down, the tsa is extending mask mandate through mid-january. you got to wear a mask on a bus or train through mid-january. the mandate was supposed to expire next month. look at hotels wants to charge guests for swimming. >> good trade for the airlines, in revenue for the airlines in 2019 we got used to it. this is an interesting bit by the hotels and might work out, adjusting to knowing you might get a little room rate but if you check in earlier check out late.
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they own the new yorker when it comes to uncleanliness. will there be a fee for extra -- >> it is not popular. we still pay it. stuart: read the prompter. >> waiting for this for two hours. stuart: america's largest retirement communities the villages, the fastest-growing community in the united states and ashley webster is there. we are pretty popular down there but how many are moving to the villages? >> 400 new residents. in the latest census 2010-2020 this population grew by almost 39%.
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tremendous growth standing at 130,000. some numbers of why this place attracts these people, 693 holes of golf. any day there 10,000 open seats on it. 214, more than 100 tennis courts, 39 bike trails, 2400 organized clubs. those are impressive numbers and everyone you speak to say it is the amenities. the ability to do what you want that is the big attraction. >> people think of this as old folks home. always activities going on. >> finally surrounded by people our age and all smiling, less stress in the world.
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ashley: what a statement that is but the average age of someone living in the villages is 67.4. that is the greatest average of any community in the united states. we should point out a strong cold, more democrats have moved in getting more diverse but either way this is a stop for politicians, ron desantis will be here, donald trump was hear a lot. what is not to like? warm sunshine, low taxes and all the golf you can handle. stuart: watch out on the all electric cart your driving. predominately the red the dow
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is down 14 points. 61% of adults artfully vaccinated. vaccines are highly effective. why do citizens states keep adding restrictions? heather mcdonald takes that on next. ♪♪ i'm not always on my game. but lately, my uncle is, especially with his type 2 diabetes. with once-weekly trulicity most people reached an a1c under 7%. plus it could help you lose up to ten pounds. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy.
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stuart: this is the cover of the new york post today. a man attacked with a hatchet at an atm in new york city and it happened in broad daylight. the victim is still in the hospital. earlier today someone opened fire in times square. you see the shattered glass and here's the headline from reuters. has murders surged, democrats find a new message. fund the police. heather mcdonald is with us. i big cities really waking up to law and order? >> i am the democrats off so quickly. the issue is with defund the police then demean the police. that is what democrats been doing including president
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biden. they can turn around and say we want to fund the police, they will not find many people to recruit because the demoralization of cops is so huge working under this phony democratic perpetuated narrative that the police are racist, that the police have backed off and don't want to join the profession. left democrats say we support the police, they are not racist, they are not going -- we are not going to turn this crime wave around. stuart: i read your new peace, the new covid hysteria contagious among conservatives, that is a contentious headline. the vaccines are work went low risk. tell us why are some conservatives skeptical? >> i can't explain it. we have biden in office rather than trump. it is depressing to see conservatives going the same
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irrational thinking the progressives used to create covid hysteria. remember the sleight-of-hand where progressives count death with covid as death from covid. conflating correlation with causation. now what you have with conservative anti-vaccine hysterics is conflating death with vaccines as death from vaccines. an acquaintance of mine says she had a friend who was vaccinated and died of a heart attack therefore the vaccine killed him. that is a plea not the case. the death rate among the vaccinated from covid is infinitesimal, it is 0.0007%. the death rate from covid is also very small but it is larger than that and the way we can stop progressives from shutting down civilized life,
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shutting down commerce, shutting down social interaction is to get off the case count treadmill and the way to do that is get more people vaccinated so we don't have the delta variance as an excuse for covid fear mongering. stuart: you have 30 seconds to tell me how you feel about vaccine mandates? >> i'm okay with them for private employers. that is within the right to say they want that as a condition of employment because these vaccines are safe. more important they are a way of getting this country back to normal. stuart: i want to talk about new york city the government imposing a vaccine mandate. that is an important point. no doubt we will see you again soon. thanks for being here. show me amazon back to 3227, i
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believe that is news. >> there are reports that amazon emailed their big third party sellers warning them what took place and is going to congress, they rain in amazon's power and that could affect third party sellers, their ability to sell on the amazon website. stuart: it is a warning. investors take it as a warning. it was 3700 a few weeks ago. noticed 3227. you know, here it is, trivia question. here is. it is a good one. a good one. how many us vice presidents of their actually been. the answer when we come back. at usaa, we've been called too exclusive.
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commercial real estate exchange. if i could, i'd ten-x everything. like a coffee run... don't just sell it. ten-x it.
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stuart: i was inclined to think this might be a trick question. it is not really a trick question. it's a history question and i did not know, i did not come up with the right answer. the question is, how many vice presidents have their been? the answer? 49. 15 of those vice presidents went on to serve as president. now i thought at first, look, joe biden is president number 46. i think he is, yeah. trump was 45. biden 46. so obviously there is not 46 vice presidents. i thought there would be fewer than 46. lauren: presidents that served two terms with to vice presidents. stuart: exactly.
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lauren: history class. stuart: one president, two vice presidents. that is why you have more vice presidents than number of presidents. 49 veeps and only 46 -- lauren: learn so much on this show and so do we. stuart: so do we. we got to put the guy or the lady, i don't know it is who creates these questions, have to put them on the air to answer for themselves. time's up. neil, it is yours. neil: what is weird, grover cleveland counts as president twice. when he talks about 46 men president of the united states, technically 45, right, counted twice, which is weird. i never understood that. stuart: whatever you say, neil. neil: as they were explaining, neil there is so dull that you're going right back. anyway, i'm always fascinated by that. i had a thing in my heart for cleveland. he was a big p


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