tv Kennedy FOX Business August 19, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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♪ larry: a larry: , not loved president biden for a change, for c a change. plate from strength not weakness. save america. kennedy: the situation in afghanistan clearly a disaster right now thousands of americans and our allies trapped inside with no way out by taliban fighters officially and informally are setting up checkpoints and randomly beating and killing innocents as i tried to slip out of hell. the administration has been immorally tested and the responses of range from laughable to cruel. so who is to blame for the rapid that is apparently not a part of the white house's contingency plan. the afghan security forces and military police whose casualties are 30 times
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greater than the u.s., our casualties, 2500 military deaths. they've had 69000. now money is not always buy you victory oddly enough this is why the comparison to vietnam are fitting. protector worth the misunderstood colonial remnants and even when it dawned on those in charge it was always going to end badly, the impulse was threefold. one, throw a bunch of money at it. too, hope for the best. three, when you fail, lie. none of this should have come as a surprise. and there are been plans to leave afghanistan since 2003 when then defense secretary donald rumsfeld the card and to major combat. then in 2008 president bush stated we would build a flourishing democracy as an alternative to a hateful ideology, isn't that swell, friends? the problem is this was a called together by the remnants of soviet wording it was more interested in
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tribalism and islamic law then walmarts and avocado toast bread there be no music, no freedom, no tv, they are like footloose with purpose and no candy log in. about interventionist joe biden ran for president 2008 with dreams of forcefully reshaping the region. when he read about the rampant corruption and military capabilities of the forces we were propping up to the tune of $83 billion. if only sleepy joe it stayed awake to reach the point of criticism of failing u.s. involved by three start general who rightly noted we were devoid of a fundamental understanding of afghanistan. we did not know what we were doing. well now, we know what we are seeing. the tragic collapse of a place that shaping up to be possibly worse than vietnam. people trapped wish blackhawks were coming to whisk them out of the bleak ashes of this hellhole. now the taliban is silly with
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aircraft all the guns and ammo they could ever wish for. delusional biden like dhec jake sullivan sheepishly admits the towel that was taking hold of a fair amount of u.s. weapons. no one ever got to the root cause of this crisis. not one lesson will be internalized and the potential hostages will remain in fear. they may be forgotten by the administration eager to latch onto the next more favorable news cycle. we will not forget, what a disgrace. and that is the memo. and as i mentioned the white house claims it had planned for all contingency. but about two hours ago exasperated president admitted he knew the whole thing was going, watch very quickly seen the pictures we see in the hundreds of people packed into a c-17. we have seen afghans falling. >> that was four days ago, five days ago. >> what did you think when he first saw those pictures? >> i thought we had to gain control we have to move this
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more quickly. we have to move it in a way in which we can take control that airport. and we did. >> you don't think this could have been handled better and anyway? no mistakes? >> no i don't think it could have been handled in a way, we are going to go back in hindsight and look at the idea that somehow there is a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing, i don't how that happens. kennedy: i love george stephanopoulos don't you think this could have been handled a little bit different? no chocolate chip work? they knew this was going to turn into an absolute chaotic disaster and they still went ahead with their plans, so should we be surprised at all they have no clear plan to mop up this mess? with a man pales in its meet them with conservative strategist human events contributor and right turn strategy present the one and only chris barrett. for the first time on this
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luscious showroom director of the libertarian showroom author of fool's errands, time to it and the war in afghanistan. what better person have on then scott horton. he's his host of richard fowler show are going have a few technical difficulties with ricardo he is so handsome and alluring we cannot get to them just quite yet. going to patch those things up and have a minuteman panel for now. let's talk a little bit about this. there are democrats all over congress were very upset about this, chris barron. this seems to be one of the few things we can agree on parade there was withdrawal from afghanistan was botched. who should be held accountable? >> a lot of people should be held accountable. and look, by the way the buck stops with joe biden. as much as seat said the buck stops with them he's never admitted anything was done wrong. that is what is so incredulous about this.
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like they actually think we did not see what happened on tv. that we never saw any of the reporting. they are old literally trying to gaslight us in real time. it is a video of a biden saying in july the taliban was not going to take over. he was completely outraged and annoyed that somebody would even asking that question. and today he's telling george stephanopoulos we always thought this was going to happen. there is nothing we could do better. here is the think that is most discouraging for me. we had true census in this country that it was time to leave afghanistan. now, thanks to joe biden single-handed debacle and exiting this country, we now have a majority of people who are not sure whether or not we should leave afghanistan. congratulations, joe you have crushed one of the only reasonable consensus assessment built in this country in a very long time. we ought to bring our troops home thanks year end
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handedness you have people questioning that, good job joe. >> so scott, as i look at this obviously a lot of libertarians are going this is why you don't get into these in the first place, this is what happens. when getting out is as bad as getting in or staying there, it should be a lesson to future presidents not to get into these things. you think those lessons will be internalized? >> well certainly the american people are going to internalize them after this. i agree with what he said the bumbling here making withdrawal look bad. we should not lose sight of the fact this entire war has been bad. what biden really did wrong here as he should have stuck with the may 1 deadline like in the deal. and then we would have had the so-called decent interval to get out before the whole country fell to their power. instead they kick the can down the road just long enough to make it look this bad.
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however, i think people are also projecting the worst fears of what would happen on to what has happened. so for example there is not been some kind of black hawk down slaughter and disaster where our embassy officials are murdered they are all safely out the flights are continuing and the taliban have respected the cease-fire with our side at least during this period people act like this is the worst case scenario. the worst-case scenario would be three more bitter years of fighting in the taliban win anyway. >> i do not disagree with you about that at all. i agree with you completely that's event for it successive administrations to try to figure out how to get out of there. including going as far back as 2003. but i do think it could get much worse. 15000 americans still inside. you've got jake sullivan going if you are not in call but we cannot get to you. we are seeing images from all
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over afghanistan of the best case scenario of graffiti of women's faces on murals being painted over. then you have guys getting kicked in the head and women and children being shot and god knows what else is happening where there is not internet and there is not cell phone reporting. i do think unfortunately it could get very, very bad. if you lease the door open to go back inside and say maybe we need 20000 troops. maybe we need a nether surge, will be going going to say, chris? >> this is actually the worst case scenario. but i didn't want you to believe this other thing that no one was talking about is the worst case scenario. this is the worst case scenario exit they could possibly be imagined. you are absolutely right they're down side of this like i mentioned before, we have eroding public support of withdrawing troops which is the right thing to do.
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it is going to empower a handful of hawks that want to continue to have this endless war. they are going to use this botched withdrawal as an excuse to put more american lives at stake. so yes this is the worst case scenario. they could not have been executed more poorly. the president lied in july, he is lying today in this time for somebody to take responsibility. subvert go-ahead last word in about ten seconds. >> just remember all of the generals were the ones that told everyone including the president they'd built up 300,000 man army that was sure to stand for months or years, it was a complete fantasy. it just was not true. kennedy: no it was not true. he goes the ultimate point which was it was not an understanding of how the country function. and how people interfaced with what we call a country. they do not have the same view of it. we control all the money in the world it is not going to
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change their culture or how they defend it. we do not have an understanding of that. nobody bothered to try to figure that out now we are here in a very messy breakup. the man had a sticky route richard will be with us don't worry about that. meanwhile than your time president biden had intelligence back in july that said kabul could fall as quickly as it has. this after the chairman joint chiefs of staff refuted that story. >> the time frame of a rapid collapse was widely estimated and range from weeks, two months and even years. following our departure. there was nothing that i or anyone else saw that indicated a collapse of this army and this government and 11 days. space gents before the u.s. intelligence warned of an imminent attack why did we still get stuck with her panties around her ankles? try to meet former cia officer
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ceo mike baker is back, your thoughts mike? >> yes, look this was not an intelligence failure. general millie was doing the traditional washington threading of a needle. he had to be very careful how he parks his words. so we didn't have anything that said the government and military could collapse in 11 days but i'm sure there's on an intel report specifically said 11 days. this was not intelligent and intelligence failure it was a failure of president biden's closest advisers and individuals, antony blinken, jake sullivan and others who believe the smartest people in the world, this was a failure on their part to properly assess, listen and take action on some pragmatic intel assessments. the intel community has been talking about for years and years the possibility of this whole thing falling into chaos.
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at the end of the day this was a logistical of the lab left afghanistan 2003 or 10,000 ten or this year, the process is still the same. first you always plan for the worst case scenario. that is what you do. the worst-case scenario would be the government and military collapse in a matter of days. you make that your first planning move. and then you do all the things you need to do. you can love, your profile you get the visas and the departures planned and scheduled and done for u.s. citizens, allies, the afghan citizens and the workforce. again weathers 2003 or today that process is the same. you do not close because oddly enough that is a pretty handy center to operate this sort of withdrawal. and then eventually the last thing you do is the screen door closes as the last soldiers leave. this whole thing is of a dead backwards.
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what's most startling to me that president biden will not accept responsibility but maybe i should not be surprised. this administration owns it. several administrations own it. i've argued for a long time we should not stayed we should've done her surgical strikes and left not doing this nation building and maybe build a road or improve a literacy rate. that is on several administrations. this logistical operation the withdrawal in the execution is on the current administration and for god sake i would've liked to have seen someone weather and the pentagon or in the white house, state department stand up and say yes we screwed the hell out of this. kennedy: say you got the twisties and botch the dismount. people will understand because there have been innumerable people saying for years this was going to end badly.
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of the contingencies of the plans and scenarios, none of them are going to end well. none were going to end and an outdoor mall with a pottery barn. it was always going to end like this. we don't understand tribalism and this country but may be in the westford got it flying off with $169 million in party cash par for the course. >> it would be surprising if you did not have some puppetmaster departing the country whether it is afghanistan or others and not leaving with a plane full of cash. they had the reserves in afghanistan depending on who you talk to the central bank there in afghanistan was holding internally in the country weakens her hands on at roughly three to 60, three and $70 million in assets. most of the other reserves the total sum of the nine -- 10 billion-dollar range are held outside the country for they cannot get their hands on it. the tale that will get their hands on it. kennedy: whatever he could get he took and put up some
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ridiculous explanation on social media, mike baker thank you so much free. >> sure of course thank you. kennedy: coming up the war afghanistan with a former navy seal plus present by in addressing the nation today i thought about the taliban take over, your covid-19 booster shot. is the covid-19 battle ever going to end? doctor amesh adalja joins me and moments to discuss. (struggling vehicle sounds) think premium can't be capable? think again. ♪ (energetic music) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the first ever at4 lineup. premium and capable.
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with over 2 million satisfied customers, golo is the new way to lose weight. go to and get your life back... -with golo. -golo! report variance, vaccine and masks oh my. you've heard this before, president biden's today not about afghanistan but the booster shot perfectly vaccinated americans, watch. >> the plan is for every adult to get a booster shot eight months after you got your second shot. the approval from the food and drug administration the cdc about site experts will be ready to start these booster program during the week of september 20. in which time anyone vaccinated on or before
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january 20 will be eligible to get a booster shot. kennedy: booster shot. yesterday cdc reported over 1000 daily covid just for the first time since april that is horrible news for the delta very responsible for more than 98% of all u.s. covid cases. that was covid here to stay? this expert are our lives ever going to get back to normal infectious disease specialist senior scholar john hopkins center for health security, doctor amesh adalja, welcome back. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: this whole thing sucks, what is going on? >> what is going on is we have a country were only about half of the population is vaccinated. the other half is not. we are seeing eight stages of accounting for 50% of the hospitalizations. we have is a pandemic of the unvaccinated. people infringing on hospital capacity again. this is to be expected as a respiratory virus that is here to stay. the goal is to tame it, to
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remove its ability to cause serious disease, hospitalization and death but this only happens by getting first and second doses into the vulnerable populations in the country for this clusters of the vulnerable not vaccinated certain states perched on the south. kennedy: i know, it sucks. but it is not just dumb why the trumpet voters. and that is what democrats are trying to push its a lot of people. a lot of people are skeptical because first they hear if you have the vaccine you do not to wear masks. not everybody has to work masks, kids have to work masks and schools here to stay. i have to get out the booster shot. did we have the wrong impression of vaccines going into this whole thing? did we have the wrong perception of what they would do to us as though they were some magic power? >> i do think that kind of trickled into people's thinking. they were extremely successful and they are extremely successful. some of the best we've ever developed, their goal is not to stop every infection from
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occurring that make any infection that occurs something that is mild something is clinically insignificant. breakthrough is a bad way to say it. please those infections are really mild in most people. the majority people being hospitalized are not those are vaccinated. they are doing a really great job. some of this message and confuses people legitimately because they think why do i need a booster eight months later? and if the vaccines are holding up against hospitalization what is the real trigger for needing this booster? for going to any of these vaccine hesitant people to actually get vaccinated. kennedy: that is the problem for you tell people are going to need a booster. those who are skeptical in the first place are not going to go to the flu shot. now they think they will have to get three of them. what are you talking about willis? >> exactly.
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we get highly vaccinated people getting a third dose is very marginal person not going to change the trajectory of the united states is definitely going to change the trajectory of the pandemic in the world are we are worried about. [inaudible] kennedy: that is my last question. that's really important for those parts of the world where the percentage of adults have been vaccinated still with the single digits. should we be giving our extra vaccines to them instead of telling americans to get a third? >> i definitely think there's more value in giving vaccines that people have not been vaccinated. whether that is in certain parts of the world or whether and mississippi, florida, or wherever it may be. what you get is a minimal benefit by putting a third dose into somebody. a first and second doses game changing especially your place you're really worried about hospital capacity because so many high-risk people not been vaccinated. that is why the debbie way joe's been against the used of boosters pretty think there is not strong dated the third dose is going to change much in this country. so far alright doctor amesh adalja always good to talk to but i'll have more medical
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questions next time about tendinitis and the like, does that sound good? >> i look forward too. text me too thank you. coming up facing a backlash for refusing the taliban. they continued to send conservatives like former president trump. the panel returns to debate, the panel returns to debate, that is next [engine revs] ricky bobby, today the road is your classroom. [engine revs] now let's go borrow a boat and make some bad decisions. [engine revs] time to go incognito. [zippers fasten] [engine revs] i love you, ricky! i love you, cal! what's the next stop? it's time for your extracurriculars. ¡vámanos, amigos! woo-hoo!
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kennedy: hello and welcome back to the classy lady show. president biden is not just sailing under and feeling the countries. not soiling failing. new polls show the present average approval rating dipping below 50% for the first time after's blunders in afghanistan and on covid, even at dems certain nodes and try
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noticing the poll shows nearly one in ten democrats regret their presidential vote. but that is true every election cycle it sounds pretty low. this is a wake-up call to biden administration early be doubling down on failed policies? the man panel >> right, richard fowler's here, hi friends. richard was great to have you on the show. i'll start with you you did not get to talk about that. is not censoring you. but tell me, why is he having a hard time? this by the way the 5:30 eight aggregate number was before afghanistan. >> yes don't get me wrong i think the president made a huge misstep and a huge a blunder and we saw this past weekend. folks of the harling images of people holding onto american airplanes as they were trying to leave afghanistan. at that particular point in time that's in the president's approval rating began to tank but he did not prepare the
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american people for what they were witnessing. understanding whether or not we left yesterday, today, tomorrow, ten years the scene might have looked potentially the same. the white has to really do now is they've got to begin to have real conversations with the american people about what the future of afghanistan looks like. will we be able to get our americans living there out. will we be able to get those who help our troops, who worked in journalistic organizations, women with women's rights in that country are trying to leave. no matter if they are in kabul or other parts of afghanistan this white house has to make this commitment and get it done to turn these numbers around. >> if you listen to some of his advisers, scott, they're like the president is doing great. he has trillions of dollars in stimulus spending, the unemployment numbers are going in the right direction. things are more expensive, isn't that great? >> right.
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listen i think afghanistan is not really the issue when it comes to the public approval rating. it is the price inflation especially in housing. which is of course driven by monetary inflation. we have all of the chaos from the lockdown to last year. now we have in my hometown of austin, texas the price of a house has gone up by $100,000 or more across the board. and so there are homeless people everywhere but you cannot drive your truck without hitting somebody. it is completely out of control in all over the country for that is just one thing of course food and all other basic staples, gasoline everything people need to survive the prices are going crazy at the same time we are still in a recession from the lockdown. as far as afghanistan people should get the straits. leaving afghanistan is the greatest accomplishment of donald trump and joe biden's life. donald trump negotiated this exit deal and biden stuck with
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it despite all of the political pressure. of course it's ugly on the way out. they really ought to be celebrated for finally doing the right thing after 20 years per your previous guest of michael baker agreed. we should not have gone to kabul. we should have killed bin laden and not done a regime change in kabul. then we definitely should not of gone to iraq, tripoli, damascus, and now yemen, the entire terror war for 20 years it did not have to be this way at all. and biden is to a great degree responsible for it. especially iraq war. for them to finally bring this thing to an end should be celebrated even though i agree obviously it is pretty ugly the way they've done it. they had fair warning my book came out four years ago predicted exactly this would happen. >> yes. you are the part of a very large corps of people saying here are the facts, not going to end well. that's why there so much hesitancy from administration to do it for fear that it
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would end like this it would tara their legacy. i hate the idea of governing bite legacy. meanwhile former president trump feel free to tweet all they want. it's conservative voices even the former president who is even suing some of the big tech firms for censoring him, why the double standard? twitter said the terror group can keep using the platform to promote their propaganda as long as they follow the rules which outlaw the glorification of violence, platform manipulation, others said it media companies like facebook and youtube have bound the tell and for using their sites. what would it take for twitter to suspend its own hypocrisy? chris barron? [laughter] >> nothing. they are never going to stop being, hypocrisy is never going to stop. the taliban has got free
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reign, the tweets, the genocidal communist party in china, the gate killing regime in iran has prearranged tweets. but orange man bad cannot tweet no matter what. i guess maybe if a couple of tallow than people rush the parliament one day and caused a commotion we could call that an insurrection they could kick the taliban off of twitter page short of that i'm not exactly sure where they're not about hypocrisy they're not even trying. kennedy: he may hold the minority. opinion here but i think it's better to have more people on twitter because you can see what they are doing. >> absolutely right. free speech is not just the first amendment. it is a cherished american principle. i think as far as twitter, facebook, any of these organizations, anything but direct threats of violence between people should be protected. donald trump should be on there. it's not just donald trump there's a lot of really good
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people and some bad people who been kicked off of twitter and all of that. but thomas jefferson said the air of opinion is tolerable is long as reason is left free to combat it. what did the truth tellers have to be afraid of? >> nothing, jack dorsey it is salt covered beard, richard should we disband everybody he was mildly offensive and possibly murderous? >> hey look, what's good for the goose is good for the gander here. >> that is such communism flop. i don't care about the gander. >> with that being said, i do think we have to have a larger conversation. but we say free speech its private corporations by. >> he qualified and said free speech is not just about the first amendment. that is a very, very important point. >> i hear that and it is on washington and congress to figure out how to do it.
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to get to the earlier point we are having the conversation around applauding both trump and biden for getting us out it's also worth applauding barbara lee the congressman from oakland, california who was the only vote against same blank check to war in 2000 what which we know happen and afghanistan was a multiple. see 28 have forgotten doctor ron paul? >> alright i was just throwing it on there i really like it. i always want ron paul to him on the right side of everything but he loves gold. thank you man panel, scott is great to have you on the show did you have a good time? >> excellent time, thank you so much for having me. kennedy: please come back and hopefully some playing to my podcast as well, kennedy saves the world. you guys are great, thank you all. coming up, what happens if we cannot get americans out of afghanistan before the
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august 31 deadline? that is coming up pretty quick. how dangerous is the situation on the ground customer quilts speak with derrick van orden joins me next ♪ ♪ it's a wishlist on wheels. a choice that requires no explanation. it's where safe and daring seamlessly intersect. it's understated, yet over-delivers. it is truly the mercedes-benz of sports sedans. visit your local mercedes-benz dealer today for exceptional lease and financing offers. ♪ ♪ welcome to allstate.
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kennedy: president biden doubling down saying he knew the withdrawal could be chaotic. but it could not have been done any better, great good stuff but he now veterans are and trying to help friends and allies get to safety in kabul and many who served in afghanistan are pissed. after 20 years was a really no better way to get out of there and could we really trust the child bond to be peaceful? here to discuss retired navy steel senior chief afghanistan war veteran and candidate for wisconsin third congressional district it is derrick van orden, welcome back to the show. >> thank you for having nice to see a break. >> you are one of the first people i thought of when the
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story started breaking was any of this a surprise to you. >> oh yes absolutely. the most pathetic panicked retreat in u.s. history. there's no reason other than the sheer incompetency that chairman of choice chief of staff snelling and jake sold and should all be fired right now for. >> i agree jake sullivan should be fired some of things he's saying are so incompetent and offensive. i don't know about lord austin i've not heard from him. is that unusual for secretary of defense to say mom on a crisis this big? >> they did a press conference today. it was unimpressive to say the least. the military has been focusing on the wrong objectives for years now. this is the icing on the cake. we are seeing the fruition of
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conduct in the military i don't mean unlawful conduct. the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff told congress he went to teach critical race theory to our military. seems like that would've been a better use of our time. we know for 18 years of god get out for this gotta be a way to get out and we gotta figure out a way out the door. i'm surprised the president sells the nernst essay this like andrew cuomo is as good as it gets totally nailed that textbook, our time at 15000 americans. they cannot get out of the country. what happens to them in a month as taliban aggression grows? they become hostages that's
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what happens the death of one of my brothers or sisters in arms as a tragedy. we've not seen that in afghanistan, women were not being raped and shot on the streets. people were not being honed and dismembered in the streets. that is happening right now. children were not being sold into select slavery on the streets of kabul, and other major towns. we had reached stasis with the taliban press pretty happy with that. joe biden forgot the raid that killed osama bin laden was launched from afghanistan. if something like this happens again that we need a rapid reaction to intervene in a crisis, we are not going to have a forward footprint. people say we have to get everything out of afghanistan the white was soft 30,000 troops in germany i don't know
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how many we have in japan and korea. tens of thousands. that begs the question, can you actually handle things in better when you have a forward presence to protect the homeland. we cannot lie on the beach with binoculars as congressman henshaw says. when each build take care of issues ahead of time this is going to have a disastrous effect on the national security. kennedy: it's going to horrible effect on just about everything. in the united states, it's awful. i'm glad you're here and think you're going to win your congressional seats, come back and talk to me again soon. >> yes-men godspeed. kennedy: derrick van orden, thank ♪ ♪ experience, hyper performance that takes you further. at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. get 0.9% apr financing on all 2021 lexus hybrid models.
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surprised they found a 10-foot python poking out of a spice shelf, sounds like my dates. look at that he does not belong there he is clearly a perishable. that is a speckled diamond python they suspect is in search of a mate. that's why he asked the female shoppers, do you come here often i may python. it's not poisonous which is more than i can say for the pringles in the next aisle. diamond python's are constrictors they squeezed their until they die. also known as joe biden slamming the middle class. this was not the only intruder in the store, hiding just behind him was the president of afghanistan, wrangled and granted freedom in the woods. luckily and australia snakes have more freedom than people do right now. there you go, that's an ugly accent. topic number two. boston dynamics released a video of robots, oh my
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goodness they really are coming for our jobs. watch this. [background noises] kennedy: it's not good but there they are the last pieces of american technology that have not fallen into the hands of the taliban. about president biden is probably working on that too. these are the atlas units which run on battery power to perform hard-core stunts unlike human athletes who run on mountain dew and she does. now they just have to teach these robots how to hakki sack and roll a dew beat. it is important of these robots are not making decisions in real time for this is a highly programmed and rehearsed routine. insiders say it's almost as preplanned and choreographed is when joe biden goes out for ice cream. i will have a vanilla chocolate mint son of a bitch. carnivals launch the first cruise ship roller coaster. just without the crews industry ran out of ways to make it up this is a view from
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the carnival bolt the first roller coaster at sea. the track runs all the way around the ships or writers can explore the entire deck without catching the norovirus down below. the cars reach speeds up to 40 miles an hour make it the most thrilling right outside of the kabul airports. the rules for writing privately stripped writers must not were sandals or open toed shoes because they must weigh less than 300 pounds. in other words not a single carnival cruise customer has been able to ride yet. this is just one of many activities on one carnival monica ship that has live games and family feud. or you can always family feud the old-fashioned way by getting drunk and missing your snorkeling trip or pusher grandma, another story, topic number four. a new business is on for people who felt cooped up during the pandemic. poor people are renting chickens. i'm not talking about afghan military men part is a new
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service that provides homeowners with chicken coops filled with egg laying hens. all you have to do is bring home the bacon. the rental aspect is perfect first-time farmers who might the auction to chicken out. when you're done with the chickens are coming to pick them up and give them to another customer. just like at kfc. or if you fall in love with the bird you can pay to keep them braid then you can spend the rest of your life wondering what the clock have i done? rental start at $400 if you don't have room for a flock of birds in your backyard, in the still rent a chick in the old-fashioned way by donating to the republican party. we'll be right back [engine revving] [car horn and collisions] [tires squealing] just think, he'll be driving for real soon.
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every new chevy equinox comes standard with chevy safety assist including automatic emergency braking. we did it again. verizon has been named america's most reliable network by rootmetrics. and our customers rated us #1 for network quality in america according to j.d. power. number one in reliability, 16 times in a row. most awarded for network quality, 27 times in a row. proving once again that nobody builds networks like verizon. that's why we're building 5g right, that's why there's only one best network. ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ (can crack) ♪♪ ♪ nothing on this planet compares to it ♪ ♪ don't you agree? ♪ (dog barking) ♪ don't you agree? ♪ ♪ lights out, follow the noise ♪ ♪ baby, keep on dancing like you ain't got a choice ♪ ♪ so come on, come on, come on ♪ ♪ let's get physical ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ let's get physical ♪ no one is just one flavor ♪ ow! ♪
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choose from hundreds of styles and colors, for under $20. and now, enter this exclusive tv coupon code at checkout to save up to 40%. that's ♪ ♪ for their ego give me a property ready for tonight's brand-new pack of amazing trend 14. we take the best pups of the week. keep sending your favorite photos with # trend 14. look at this cutie named charlie, where's charlie? there is charlie. it is backyard ten years ago now it's home, jeff said in this great picture of gretchen and her pajamas. gretchen is such a good trend 14 for a loved gretchen she's so cute. here is a river sweet natured aussie who loves the car and
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the beach. i love you, river. dot said in her darling dog this is twhirl inch-wide leopard sheet twirls and dances every time her mom breaks into song. she was a rescue dog and bravely traveled all the way across new mexico to herd forever home. twyla you're such a good girl kiss your nose. this is sweet doxey. jedi that is her name, and her center and the force is with you dearest. and these three pups, lulu, sherman anna piper from new jersey. i am from jersey. enjoying summer by the pool, hi guys. i like you all. the next dog sent in by molly who is an eighth grader. she is a huge fan of the show, hi molly. she said and gracie the corgi pup, i love gracie and all corgis. she's loud, bossy and cute like her mama. this is stanley potato, oh my gosh i love the name is stanley potato. you are so cute.
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hi. lastly keeping those paw asked when you're such a good boy and fluff a monster. thanks was the best hour of your day trend 15. tomorrow night guy benson, and doctor jenness, will be (announcer) the following is a paid advertisement for time life's music collection. ♪ chances are ♪ ♪ 'cause i wear a silly grin ♪ ♪ the moment you... ♪ (announcer) there are artists we'll always remember. ♪ mona lisa ♪ ♪ mona lisa, men have named you ♪ (announcer) beautiful songs. ♪ you're so like the lady... ♪ (announcer) ...with lyrics, melodies and memories that will always touch our hearts. ♪ it's impossible ♪
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