tv Kennedy FOX Business August 28, 2021 12:00am-1:00am EDT
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done anything for a year but earnings coming out in september and that can be the catalyst the stock needs to move higher. jack: i'm sure there's a connection between lululemon and peloton et cetera that we've got to go so will leave it there great ideas thank you for joining us to read more check out this edition of barron' don't forget to follow us on twitter at barron's business, is again monday night. ♪ ♪ ♪. >> hello and welcome to "kudlow" i'm david asman and for larry kudlow the nation is in morning 13 american troops killed in afghanistan yesterday and officials are warning president biden another attack in kabul is likely before the 31st. despite the risk the u.s. military continues evacuation efforts as august 31 deadline looms. that's good hillary vona capitol hill for the very latest.
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>> the threat in afghanistan is not over the president was briefed by national security team today and they told him there is an active ongoing threat right now to u.s. military on the ground in kabul and the u.s. military now at the airport is engaging in maximum force protection the white house press secretary jen psaki was asked if working with the taliban the u.s. military's best option or only option and she replied maybe both. >> clearly something went wrong on the process that we sell the isis-k attack occurred yesterday we don't have additional information to suggest that it was intentional or anything along those lines which is a question asked yesterday but clearly there was a break in the security process and there's no question about that. >> even though they say the threat is still there and u.s. troops are in danger, the white house is a going to continue evacuation missions and try to get out every american that they
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can't before they meet the august 31 deadline, press secretary jen psaki was asked about what the u.s. military is going to do to hold the terrorist accountable that were behind that attack yesterday at the airport. >> the president says we will hunt you down and make you pay, what does that look like, is he going to order a mission to kill the people responsible were captured and for us to try. >> he made clear yesterday, he does not want them to live on the earth anymore. >> the white house also is making it increasingly clear that while they do everything that they can to get every american in afghanistan evacuated who wants to be evacuated. the situation on the ground is looking more dire for afghan allies, green card holders those
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who have special immigrant visas those who served alongside the u.s. military and cooperation in behalf of the u.s. military and is becoming increasingly dire situation that those individuals may not be able to get out in time by the august 31 deadline. david: it is hard to imagine that the thousand or more americans who were there would want to stay knowing what the taliban have done in the past two americans and our allies is just an extra ordinary situation, thank you very much for that. let's bring in form acting secretary of defense and counterterrorism center director chris miller. great to see you. let's first talk about a relationship with the taliban is very complex and difficult for a lot of people understand the president admitted we may have handed the taliban names of afghans an hour getting more information about exactly how the taliban is getting their hands on very sensitive data on
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who worked with the united states biometric data that's being reported by the new york post in the taliban have their hands on that. the question is what they're going to do with the list of afghan allies to the united states and one defense official told politico basically they put all the afghans on a kill list, is just appalling and shocking and makes you feel unclean. your thoughts on this? >> thank you for having me. one of the saddest days, i think it's top five sad days in my professional life yesterday and i'm a veteran that served in afghanistan in 2001 and numerous tours after that. yesterday i felt like a pretty well-equipped and adjusted veteran and yesterday really kicked me in the stomach i want to give a shout out to the veterans that are not only
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expecting the same thing and it's really tough. if that's true about the list being provided, i don't know what to say that would appear to me too be negligent and i think we have to look at that. obviously if that is true in those list past the taliban those people on the list are at great risk. we need to step up our evacuation and get everybody out as soon as we can. david: there's two parts to the story are culpability if in fact we gave out information to hunt down and kill people and the other think their access to u.s. data, how sophisticated are the taliban and being able to break into the data loads that still remain in afghanistan much of which does contain these identification of afghans who work with us in very specific stuff, biometric data scans, fingerprints, stuff like that. >> the taliban has shown fist
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occasion that some people disregarded in the past we've seen them with their ability to communicate and use technology to use their messaging in a sophisticated way and technologically it's easy to exploit that stuff. very concerning we have to recognize there still people there that are trying to get out, we want to continue with that. you heard about the digital dunkirk and what civilians are doing we just evil government support is starting to come together little bit better but we need a little bit more cooperation from the government and these great americans many that are watching the show keep giving money in your time and your prayers, we've got to push this thing all the way to the end and then we have to think about after the 31st. david: project dunkirk for those who don't know is essentially providing all kinds of ways to
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get people out, everything from getting the barriers into kabul and going so far as to work in the northern border of afghanistan actually on routes that the taliban have not secured and giving them out that way and i want to go back to the question how this administration is working with the taliban, they seem to be accepting the taliban's notion that there is no connection between them and the terrorist attack or between them and the isis, particular isis-k but if they are bitter and it means then why were the isis terrorist release by the taliban as soon as they took over town after town? >> i have no idea, i'm not trying to dodge your question, there's people in harm's way we have about 5000 troops from the 82nd airborne in the air force is doing great work. when i was in the trump
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administration i used to get second-guessed on everything and i think there is going to be time for that and i'll tell you this, the kids out there you're not supposed to call them kids but they are, the americans treasure the doing the best that they can in combat in the nature of combat is unpredictable and chaotic. they're doing the best they can. we will have a postmortem on this think and i know people have been on several times in the last couple of days but there's goldstar families and families that have lost loved ones during the war, 2448 now we have 13 more and now if yosemite in your community reach out to them give them a hug and tell them that you love them and appreciate it there getting re-traumatized all over again and the families that experience lost yesterday had to do family notifications. it just changes you forever. elizabeth: i know a staff sergeant that had to do that
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duty marine staff sgt he said i would rather go into combat without a weapon then visit one of those families, is the most difficult thing that a marine has to do to a marines family or any serviceman. i know that you do not want to do any backpedaling in terms of trying to figure out what went wrong at this point but i just have to play this tape we found from 2017 a president trump talking about what might happen if you leave too soon. roll tape. >> the consequences of a rapid exit are both predictable and unacceptable. a hasty withdrawal would create a vacuum of terrorist including isis and al-qaeda wind would instantly fill, just as happened before september 11. david: the reason i bring up that particular statement by donald trump not just to say i
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told you so to the biden administration but there are questions about how soon al-qaeda will begin to show itself again and a lot of people said they never went away and they have been working with the taliban for years but there was a very revealing interview with one of the taliban leaders that was done on nbc about ubl, osama bin laden and whether he was responsible for 9/11. let me play that tape and get your reaction. >> you still don't think osama bin laden carried out 9/11. >> there is no evidence even after 20 years of war we have no proof that he was involved. >> even now after all of this you are accepting no responsibility. >> there was no justification for this war. >> with the attitude i how can we help the taliban would induce the same thing all over again? >> great question and i don't have applicable answer for you, i think it's really great you
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highlighted what president trump said i felt we had a solid plan and we all recognize it was time to bring the work to it in there's a way to do it responsibly and i thought we had a good plan for that i'm very disappointed with what happened we really have to look deeply at what happened and improve our performance but right now, can you imagine if you're on the ground in afghanistan and trying to get out i can imagine what those people are going through. david: i can't either, i have to say something about marine families i'm a marine family right now and the fact is despite all the danger marines still want to go there that's the kind of people they are, they want to go there and help their brothers and sisters in arms wide, they're not backing out they are ready to go invite and it leads me too ask a question how we get the people, the president was wrong in suggesting knocking on what is what he said, he was wrong on
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that he admitted, yesterday and he said were good to go get these guys, how do you get them you had the military force ready to get these people responsible, how do you do it. >> i'm going off script but i want to highlight something you said every single person that wanted to be there those marines and everybody on the ground nobody volunteered expecting that they were going to get college credit and get skilled everybody knew they were going to go into war those marines and that soldier were doing exactly what they love, thank you for bringing that up and recognizing it extraordinary gifts that our young people give america. when you talk about going forward on the sink we have the skills and the talent and created the greatest counterterrorism the world is ever seen. we are like elephants, we do not forget and i'll tell you what i counterterrorism will bring vengeance and justice for the
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people killed yesterday, guaranteed. david: very quickly, america's commitment to americans who are held abroad by your enemies in particular by terrorist, we hold no barrier that will prevent us from getting individuals that are in harm's way, over 1000 americans in that position, we cannot give up the commitment but we heard some very wishy-washy language from the president yesterday, let me play that tape and get your reaction. roll tape. >> we will continue to try to get you out, it matters. i know of no conflict as a student of history. no conflict where when a war was ending one side was able to guarantee that everyone that wanted to be extracted from that country would get out. david: that wasn't the language i wanted to hear, i don't know
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about you. >> i'm a little bit bothered by that, you brought up the people that will end up hostages there and we also have mark ferris is being held by the taliban and navy veteran, contractor taken in january 2020 i want to see him get out, we can do that, we are in a bind right now we have capability to get more people out and the capability to deal with this, i'm not dodging is troubling and really troubling how this is playing out in the next couple of days and will have americans behind enemy lines and will have to figure this one out i just really hope we got our best and brightest thinking about it the initial indication of power drawdown believe me too be a bit concerned. david: will leave it at that we saw the best fighting force in the world and it will continue to be so as long as this is a working republic. we thank you for coming in. >> thank you and give a hug to a veteran if they're out there.
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david: i appreciate that. the president said yesterday he will make those responsible for yesterday's attack pay but how is the question will ask general jack keane he joins us next when "kudlow" continues. "kudlow" continues. ♪ that spin class was brutal. well, you can try using the buick's massaging seat. oh. yeah, that's nice. can i use apple carplay to put some music on? sure, it's wireless. what's your buick's wi-fi password? it's buick envision. that's a really tight spot. i used to hate parallel parking. me too! the all-new buick envision. built around you. all of you. pay no interest for 72 months plus current eligible buick owners get $500 purchase allowance on most 2021 buick suv models.
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david: president biden' response to the terror in afghanistan evolving since last david: president biden response to the terror in afghanistan as thousands of american citizens are desperate to escape taliban control. joining us to discuss general jack keane strategic analyst, wonderful to see you thank you for being here. i want to go through a couple of soundbites from the president before and after yesterday's attack and what he might do or should do about the attack let me play the tape and get your reaction. >> nobody is being killed god forgive me if i'm wrong but nobody is being killed right now, we make clear to the taliban that any attack on our forces or disruption of operations when we met with swift and forceful response we will not forgive, we will not m
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forget, we will hunt you down and make you pay. david: how should the president follow through on the last promise he's making a statement any president would make on a horrific attack on our troops and our witness testimony and how tragic that is in our hearts go out to the fallen families of our troops it is a sad situation for sure. this is much more challenging situation there is no doubt the intelligence services of the united states on the counterterrorism forces will focus on going after these guys just as we did for the leaders of 9/11 and those leaders who ordered the attack and took jenna to embassies in africa in the late '90s all of those
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people are dead and will pursue this without vigor. it is a big but but these folks are in afghanistan and the reality we have nobody onro the ground we just pulled out the cia bases in seven military bases we don't have any connected tissue to the afghan people themselves who were our eyes and ears along with the security forces, all of that is gone this is much more difficult the un has come out and said in afghanistan today there's 8 - 10000 foreign terrorists who are not part of the taliban in afghanistan today, this is going to grow we said this was the reason for keeping a modest force to keep focus on international terrorist in particular he al-qaeda who now have a bona fide safe haven that is theirs.
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the taliban are running the country and these are their brothers is going to be much more challenging to get out this. david: i was going to say because we pulled out our bases in a particularly bagram air base and are assets on the ground et cetera we have to rely on the taliban in the taliban i'm not convinced that they have no contact with isis, i don'tce know about you but they have no trouble letting them out of jail once he took over city after city. >> as much as the taliban and isis have had disagreements in the house a little bit to do their own bureaucracy, the reality is the taliban is not going to help usus find isis i n guarantee it's not going to happen. we have a growing menace on her hands and the world is a
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dangerous place as a result of these decisions we seen unfold and certainly hasty withdrawal in the debacle that is caused among concern of our allies and will feel the consequences for some time to come. david: the president came out yesterday and he's been getting a lot of criticism that he went against some advice that he not withdraw bagram air base so soon that we round up all of the americans and are assets that we possibly can without a military on the ground, he countered that with the following statement let me roll tape from yesterday and they get your reaction. >> they concluded, the military the bagram air base was not much value added and it was much wiser to focus on kabul so i followed that recommendation. david: if that is true that the
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military, he was nonspecific he said the military at large they recommended pulling out a bog bagram air base do you think that was good advice? >> i doubt that was actually the case frankly because the president is sadly has misrepresented the advice he's received once before you made the statement that nobody oppose his withdrawal decision that he made in april to take all the troops out of afghanistan when it is a fact that the entire military chain of command from secretary defense austin all the way down to a commuters in afghanistan were opposed so as intel services and many of our allies i cannot take the president at face value, he misrepresented the facts before, it is a fact that the military was attempting to get our afghan partners and american citizens out as early as may and believe
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me if they were going to do that and may they would use bagram air base not the kabul international airport no way would they have used the facility because it's much more difficult to secure in a sense because it's sitting inside of the city where bagram air base is 25 miles outside it's a sprawling place to go 30 miles across and take more forces to secure it, you're much better protected their and you can control the routes in and out of the place much better than you can in the middle of the city, they would use that they would use bagram air base but the state department told them no they did not want to start evacuation early. david: the state contradicting the military, specifically is it too late to retake bagram air base there have been a lot of
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suggestions that of all the bad decisions that have to be made over the next couple of days and that might not be the worst of them. >> it is too late is not going to happen now, the president made a decision to get out on tuesday that's going to happen and we will leave american citizens behind tragically and thousands possibly tens of thousands of our afghan partners that is where we are and likely beginning additional reduction of our troops and they probably won't tell us what those numbers are in nor should they went happening but is beginning to take place from the kabul national airport, that is a fact. we will try to get as many people out as they can but it is shameful in its betrayal to leave these folks behind and consign their welfare to the terre taliban, that is absolutely what were doing.
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david: i remember the hostages in iran that was a fraction of the number of people that were talking about now and all americans hung on every word of information that we had about those hostages, less than 1000 and in this case were talking about multiple thousands of individuals that could be held hostage. one final question whether and how the terrorist that are now in control and how that might spill over the president talked a lot about over the horizon capabilities for attracting terrorists in afghanistan after we leave do we really have the option particularly since we mentioned before since we've lost all of our grounds waters? >> this is another misrepresentation we have four other places were tracking and focusing on radical islamic organizations either al-qaeda or
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isis, thatt is iraq, syria, on the ground, east africa on the ground. the other places yemen we did have a soft base there especially the air force base there in the who these ran us out of there when they took over the country and ran us out from the government. but we are close by him were in the vicinity of and is classified where we are but we go in there and we kill the all tqaeda terrorist have aspiratis to kill americans, that is what we do those other places where it's takent. place that the fifth-place that we wanted to be in the growing menace there at the talibanwe took over, we will have to do that from over the horizon and were talking about coming out it from an aircraft carrier at sea in afghanistan is a landlocked country and also coming from the middle east. that is the airpower, the actual
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tracking of it of what is happening with the terrorist, we have lost as i said before. that is the number one issue, if we know where they are and we have good action, we have the capability to go to that spot and kill them. but the problem is, where are they and what are they doing, that tracking and that intelligence function is what we have lost, it's what we still have in the four other places i'm talking about that the president at time references as examples but the most profound example is what we have lost in afghanistan. sadly, i think we will likely pay a price for down the road. david: were only four days from losing it all kabul and everything else. general jack keane, thank you so much thank you so much fory beig here. both sides of the aisle or criticizing the president over the crisis thing kabul, which it is next step be. mexico pushes back on
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immigration saying they cannot help the united states of migrants forever. we will take that up with jason chaffetz and liz peek when "kudlow" continues. "kudlow" continues. ♪ well, geico's 85 years isn't just about time, you know. it means experience. i mean, put it this way. if i told you i'd been jarring raspberry preserves for 85 years, what would you think? (humming) well, at first you'd be like, "that has gotta be some scrumptious jam!" (humming) and then you'd think, "he looks fantastic! i must know his skin care routine." geico. saving people money for 85 years. beg your pardon. over the years, mercedes-benz has patented
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david: president biden receiving fierce backlash from both parties after the deadly attack in kabul yesterday that left 13 u. david: president biden receiving backlash that led 13 u.s. service members dead and over 160 afghan stead as well. joining us not to discuss the criticism fox news contributor jason chaffetz and liz peek. jason, there is a growing list of congressmen and senators who are calling for president biden's resignation or impeachment, does this go anywhere? >> i think it has to, i think the country is irate, i think the president told us about less than 50 days ago that this would
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not happen. he city plan for every contingency that the chaos was built into this. and now you have 13 of americans best military that are dead. they are going to be an untold number of people left behind, the president doesn't have a plan, his plan this far has cost american lives. i think there are going to be people on both sides of the aisle that are going too call fr the president's resignation and i think there will be those that want to impeach him even though the democrats have both sides of the chamber, the senate and the house. david: the administration thinks they have time to wait it out before, i know they would never say that publicly but this is what were hearing that in fact they think by the time 2022 comes around instantly 2024 that this will be a distant memory in the minds of voters. i really don't think so if that's her calculation.
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i think they're making a huge mistake, what do you think. >> i agree with you 100% americans are not going to forget this. by the way the final chapter has not been written. this could go on for months with horrifying stories and videos of people being hunted down by the taliban or isis or whoever and killed. this is all in joe biden. frankly, i find that whole political calculus that americans are going to lose interest, unbelievably offensive after the terrible losses we have had. here's the real problem for democrats, joe biden resigns, who moved into the oval office, kamala harris and democrats are finding out she's a terrible candidate, she's not l l a leadr and people don't like her her approval ratings are terrible. there is no political exit strategy. at best, the administration will stabilize, at best covid get somewhat better but this is an
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unbelievable stain on this a administration. david: jason, i don't want toth scare folks unnecessarily, there is enough facts on the ground that already do that. but there's another side to this, were hearing from a pilot who flew one of the planes from kuwait to dulles with hundreds of refugees on board. he said as far as bedding we could not get off the plane for six hours, he said they were vetting and why they were on the plane. we started the flight thinking we were doing good. by the time that we deplaned we could've been bringing back some really bad guys. is it conceivable that in this veryry chaotic quick evacuationf so many thousands of people of course the white house was bragging about if they're not properly tran1 could without the bad guys in the country. >> this is a broader problem for
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the biden here's a avadministration. they haven't figured out how to secure portland or chicago let alone kabul. they haven't been able to figure out our southern border let alone the plane loads of people that are coming in. and these are people that need vetting there are people that don't know their birthday. there are people that literally don't know how to spell their name or fill out a basic form. i don't want to be derogatory but i have been there i've been to afghanistan a couple of times. this is one of the fundamental problems and challenges. again, it's across the board for biden and harris. the entire arena of safety, security, law and order, this is not the strong suit of the democrats and it's going to play itself out internationally, our southern border and our own backyard as the democratic run cities. david: let's talk about the t southern border i should mention there is an interpreter of fox
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news who was on the phone and he was kicked out of the kabul airport because of the mixup he deserved to be flying out of their but there's a lot of people who don't deserve to be there who talk their way onto the plane in the midst of all the i chaos. but the question as jason was saying we have a southern border that is open and we do have the courts forcing the biden administration to reinstate stay in mexico policy.. now mexico says it can't help the united states with migrants forever. particular if the migrants might actually be coming from the middle east and can't properly be vetted. >> we know people from all over the world have been coming into our country illegally this year across the southern border. it's certainly not just mexicans or people from the northern triangle. mexico is saying we have to go to thehe root causes and solve e root causes this isti a ludicros
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assumption. two of the three northern triangle countries are amongst the most corrupt in the entire world, what are we going to do take a lot of money down there and throw it around and assume that will check the migration north, it will not, this is about securing our border, we are not talking anymore about securing our border, president trump had this right. it is appalling that joe biden in this puffery of his imagination where he's going to best donald trump overturning everything that he did except the exit from afghanistan. he decided he would undo what we did at the border, it's offensive. i think the democrats, that's a bigger threatt politically then anything else right now. david: right now, who knows what's going to happen tomorrow. i appreciate it. the photo that a lot of people say says it all. biden's defeat in afghanistan. why is the media, some ofti the
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media still defending him. joe concha on to sound off about that. stay with "kudlow". ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ monitor, check and lock down you money with security from chase. control feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. ♪ music playing. ♪ there's an america we build ♪ ♪ and one we explore one that's been paved and one that's forever wild but freedom means you don't have to choose just one adventure ♪ ♪ you get both.
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david: there's a photo david: there is a photo out as you can see on the left side of the screen, showing a presidency in crisis as a defeated biden lowers his head much as his notebook hours after the deadly terrorist attack in kabul. let's bring in joe concha, great to seese you. i want to give the full context of that photo. what forced him to do that, to take that pose was a question posed by our own peter doocy, let me play that soundbite and get your reaction. >> i'm asking you a question, wait a minute i'm asking you a question. is that accurate?
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david: what was happening, was biden trying to deflect criticism to the trouble administration for what happened after saying the buck stops here, he was passing the buck again to the trump administration. peter doocy was having none of it and focusing on it. i think the realization, maybe he was thinking is peter doocy again but finally settling in that is not working, you look at the headlines from politico to new york times and the washington post. they are all saying it serious stuff, the hill, or in kabul as political disaster for biden. >> it is not peter doocy's job, it's a president trump to answer questions from peter doocy. for the president to blame the previous administration after saying the buck stops with me he kept saying he was beholden to the deal that president trump made with the taliban. but that is funny becausesi he s a beholden to any deal that
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president trump made with the keystone pipeline or remain a mexico policy. you can't pick and choose what you're beholden to and what you're not. earlier this month, president biden's words and reassurances have been completely contradicted in terms of what's happening on the ground and it's why were seen polls are showing one poll shows only 34% one in three people in this country trust what the president is saying about what is happening there, that is a horrible place to be because many of your guests have pointed out this will only get worse before it gets better if it gets better. david: as a mentor to the last segment, there's rumors what's going on in the white house, it's a terrible situation but people will get over it, people will forget about afghanistan, it's a long way away. the hill piece that b i mentiond said maybe that is true but they went on to say it's just as
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plausible that the chaos of kabul has left weakness and incompetence on the biden white house that will not be erased soon if at all. what a you think? >> incompetence is a keyword suddenly this administration looks very incompetent. you can connect the dot from afghanistan and the decision .sthat led to 13 u.s. service member deaths in the chaos that we have seen a connect that back to inflation. does this administration have a real grasp on inflation because 86% of americans are deeply concerned about that. how about crime, the president is pulling the 30s when it comes to handling a violent crime across the cities in this country. how about the border, like liz peek mentioned, that is completely out of control and we now have 1.4 million people cross into this country since the beginning of the year that is the equivalent or more than the population of 11 u.s. states. when it comes to every a big frt as far as this administration and what it ise responsible for and moving forward and key
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decisions, you have to wonder will this affect the domestic policy and get the democrats kicked out of the house in terms of power in nancy pelosi retired in the senate which is 50/50 right now. this is not going in any good direction you can point to one good thing this administration is doing well. david: we cannot let the folks out there think that all of the media is buying into what is going on, there is a media organization called device which came out with one of the most disgusting tweets i have ever seen from a u.s. source, this is left-wing but calleder legitima. they were taunting or touting their exposure of marines that they say were connected to neo-nazis. this amounts to a story on seven marines in an organization in which there are tens of thousands who may have had connections with neo-nazis. it came out hours after the marines were butchered in
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afghanistan, they're gonna pay a price for that, don't you think? >> i would hope so i would hope the person that wrote that tweed doesn't have a job anymore or suspended without pay for a while. as we see time and again, accountability is a foreign concept in these business theseo days. david: thank you very much. we appreciated pre-stocks way up after jay powell said he's not worried about inflation, he thinks it is temporary. our more americans more worried than he is? we'll discuss that next. stay with "kudlow". ♪ (struggling vehicle sounds) think premium can't be capable? think again. ♪ (energetic music) ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ introducing the first ever at4 lineup. premium and capable.
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or you feel like diets don't work, you're right. don't give up. get golo. go to and get your life back, with golo. (chorus) golo! david: wages jumped in july that is good news but inflation is eating up those gains, joining us not to discuss is jim luorio, good to see a thank you for coming in. what is going on here, is inflation transitory as the fed chief powell just said it is?s? >> of course not i don't even know what he bases that on. inflation is one of the most difficult things to predict once you let it out of the bag it's difficult to get back in, when he says inflation is transitory
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what he saying he hopes inflation is transitory and his speech was interesting there were three different fed presence who talked about tapering out, he definitely was a little more dovish than that, the market, more importantly regardless of what the absolute policy stance and slightly more dovish than what is necessary, 100 billion a month and four of thoses is, clearly not, i think they are shooting about where they should be. david: will investors ever care more about inflation than they care about the fed's response to inflation? >> i don't think so, part of the rally this whole time was part of getting out the dollar into other stuff people will look at the dollar index and say the dollar is strong that the dollar against the dollar index which is an imperfect measure against two currencies who are both engaged in the shenanigans, that's an old-school word. if you measure the dollar with a
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host of different other things including property, bitcoin, crypto currency it's easy to make the argument that the dollar has weakened into be out of holding dollars. david: the bottom line even if you believe inflation is more real than what jim powell says it is still the best place to be is in stocks, very quickly. >> that is what i believe, here's what i believe years ago we had the nasty recovery we rejected some lows. david: well done, thank you, my friend, appreciate it. welcome to allstate. where our new auto rates are so low, ♪ you'll jump for joy. ♪ here, better protection costs a whole lot less. you're in good hands with allstate. click or call for a lower auto rate today. rush hour will never feel the same. experience thrilling performance with allstate. from our entire line of vehicles at the lexus golden opportunity sales event. lease the 2021 is 300
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♪ david: thank you for watching david: thank you for watching "kudlow" larry is back on ndnd now. ♪ ♪ elizabeth: breaking news, the white house warns another terror attack is likely. the next two days will be the most dangerous to date. our troops, americans, allies still in danger. this after yesterday's two suicide terror bombings now killed over 170 including 13 u.s. troops. now, the pentagon today warning it cannot rule out taliban involvement in the attacks. the state department spokesman, ned price, is saying the evacuation is a, quote, highly effective operation. let's get right to hillary
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