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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  August 30, 2021 9:00am-12:00pm EDT

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>> thank you so much, great to see you both this morning, that doesn't press, "varney & company" is up right now, stewart taken away it's all yours. stuart: thank you very much indeed, good morning, everyone, your heart really goes out to the people of louisiana, ida hit on the anniversary of katrina, this time the levy is protecting the wall has held all the parts of the city are flooded and more water to come and there is no power. ida made landfall early sunday afternoon with winds of 153 miles per hour it's now moved inland to mississippi and will progress more than east from there, next up tennessee which last week suffered through historic floods as our program unfolds will show you the extent
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of the damage and live to new orleans. two crises for president biden ida and afghanistan that it will only deal with one at a time, watch this. >> in my supposed to take any questions but go ahead. >> on afghanistan. >> i'm not going to answer afghanistan. >> is there any risk? stuart: it looked like he took an instruction, don't answer. it's 530 monday evening and afghanistan, hours to the final exit, earlier today five rockets launched at cobbles airport and they were intercepted and over the weekend the u.s. blew up a vehicle holding suicide bombers in the u.s. drone to get to taliban leaders, as we speak america's exit is almost complete some americans and thousands of our friends and allies are left behind. now this the market despite it all, i seem to say this every day, despite it all stocks are
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holding at record levels, they're down new high friday afternoon up about 20 at the opening bell today, the s&p new high friday afternoon come up about five points is morning and the nasdaq way above the 15000 level also up slightly in the early going this monday after bitcoin, down a little $47600 per coin. monday august 30, 2021, "varney & company" is about to begin. ♪. stuart: let me get straight to afghanistan u.s. officials confirm five rockets fired at kabul airport with intercepted by the u.s. missile defense system, lauren simonetti, good morning to you. lauren: the final hours and afghanistan might be the most dangerous yet for the united states, five rockets fired at cobbles airport and intercepted
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by missile defense system, no casualties tomorrow is the deadline of americans and allies the evacuation flights to continue but officials say they are slowing and coming to an end, court diplomatic staff utterly depleted, the administration says around 300 americans remain hundreds of students and their families from the american university of afghanistan tried to flee they boarded buses and waited for seven hours at kabul airport for clearance and they were sent back because the gates were security threats and they were told the civilian evacuation in today. yet secretary of state tony blinken and leverage to continue the evacuation after tomorrow, what leverage do we really have if our forces are not there. stuart: that's a very good question, what leverage do we have or what trust we have in the television, morgan ortagus story does not the former spokesperson at the state department. morgan our way now and a prolonged hostage situation, it
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looks like we have a few hundred americans left at a minimum i've been working in my spare time over the past few weeks many of us former trump administration officials have banded together to do so. i know and they go to lee, i was flagged for two or three different people who are tried to get american citizens out. we need a lot of answers from our government. the evacuations basically stopped over the weekend. you just talked about the american university of afghanistan i was on their fundraising board for many years, these situations are still tragic. i rejoice in a lot of the families that were able to get out, it's sort of unbelievable the number of e-mails and texts i am still getting about americans and green card holders the web and left behind. stuart: one more for you, the president once again turned his back on reporter questions, watches please.
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i'm not supposed to take any questions, go ahead. >> mr. president on afghanistan. >> i'm not going to answer afghanistan. >> is there still a risk? stuart: morgan, i don't get it. i am not supposed to take questions on afghanistan, what is your judgment right now with the presidents leadership. >> it's infuriating, one of the key competencies that we require of a president that they can handle multiple crisis at a time and we certainly have a crisis right now in new orleans and louisiana and we are praying for all of our fellow americans we still have 14 dead americans and others injured that it just returned from afghanistan and were still getting the remaining people out and we still have americans trapped behind enemy lines, you could not to say i don't feel like answering that today i want to focus on the hurricane, that is not how things work. what about the families and
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families of embassy employees that are still there and the remaining military elements that are still there in the families of the american citizens who are still there, if you're going to be the president i don't know who the magical person is in your ear telling you not to take questions but it's embarrassing. he repeats us on a daily basis. stuart: it looks like we have a hostage situation and it looks like we might have to buy them out. you see it working like that. >> if that happens and we do that with a tele-banner promised them the $9.5 billion that the government of afghanistan has in reserves in the united states among the other things there will be a bound on every had of the american other world that would never go shaded with terrorists and if we start paying people off to get americans out, if we do that with the taliban every time an american travels overseas there will be about the honor had going forward it's one of the most irresponsible things that any president could do and i think there will be a bipartisan outrage if president biden tries to do that and i will be chief
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among them calling them out. stuart: thank you for joining us on an important day, we appreciated. yesterday the president witnessed a transfer of the 13 fallen service members at denver under dover air force base and included 11 marines, navy medic and army soldier, marine kareem nikoui was among them tucker carlson spoke to his father. >> my view what i sell from the airport they were in look like a turkey shoot. it is funneled into a single file entry point, it was basically so chaotic and not really planned out, i'm a carpenter and even i could spot that with my untrained military i. stuart: that is afghanistan, more on that throughout today's program. it's time we turn to the market, jason capps, i am seeing green again this monday morning, up maybe 30 for the dow, more
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records keep coming. what stops this market, you have all this negative news in the background but the market keeps on going out. what stops the rise. >> you're not the only one that sound like a broken record every week. i continued to come on telling you why we are at highs and likely the head higher, not since the 1930s have we seen a year end a half. of this type of market return, last week we had the first close above 4500 in the 52nd record. the markets are having their cake and eating it too. jay powell's commentary and tone were exactly what the markets were looking for, tapering at this juncture does not mean equal tightening. there's a lot of ground as you said before rates go up. it's natural to ask a question, are stocks vulnerable? that's a natural question, let
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alone is there more upside, we believe there is and that's why we introduce the 5000 s&p target by the end of next year, the end of 2022. stuart: i'm looking at the s&p 4500 roughly speaking, give or take a hundred points do you think it goes to 5000 by the end of next year, in fact is that another unbroken strata probably? >> markets are not one directional, i don't think it's a straight line there but i think it's important that we assess the market not looking at life through the rearview mirror but a clean sheet of paper there is very little correlation that supports looking at historic returns were predicting future returns. what it blows down to and it's really simple is interest-rate which will remain low for the foreseeable future and it's about earnings we raised our estimates to $207 for the s&p which is 45% and next year 227 which is another 10%, this
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includes a 4 - 5% corporate tax hike which by the way, i am not show sure higher taxes or the real onerous ones are a conclusion in light of the presidents rating now below 50%. stuart: i keep hoping i sound like a broken record with gains across the board on most every day. i would like to be like that, let's hope we can keep it going. i want to get back to ida it's been downgraded to a tropical storm. the damage has been done in louisiana and mississippi. how many people are without power as we speak. >> in louisiana more than 1 million without power no lights and no air-conditioning for what could be weeks, more than 100,000 people without power in mississippi ida made landfall as a cap for hurricane in the same day katrina hit six 16years ago.
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new orleans spent $15 billion on the levee system, 350 miles is around the city did not hold up, official site and mostly did but there was a failure 20 miles southeast of normans so the water came rushing in and urged residents to seek higher ground, wasn't 100% success we will find out more today, it is still early but it overtopped as some of the levees. stuart: we will keep a check on that, rechecking features we see green monday morning the dow was up 30 nasdaq up about 20. no resignations or firings under the bosch withdrawal of afghanistan but one brave marine officer was relieved of his duty after saying this. rotate. >> i have been fighting for 17 years and i'm willing to throw it all away to say to my senior leaders i demand a cut ability. stuart: that marine has officially resigned navy seal is here to respond to that.
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tomorrow marks president biden's deadline to withdraw from afghanistan we will be leaving people behind enemy lines, yes we will all ask kt mcfarland how she thinks this is going to play out next. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ monitor, check and lock down you money with security from chase. control feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. advil dual action fights pain 2 ways. it's the first and only fda approved combination of advil plus acetaminophen. advil targets pain. acetaminophen blocks it.
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stuart: since august the 14th 116,000 people have been evacuated from couple summer going to the airbase in germany. ashley webster is there, how many have arrived? >> good morning to you approximately 7000 afghan refugees are here at ram stein airbase in southwest germany but
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it's affluent number and total 15000 evacuees have come through here but already 8000 have left on 38 flights to the united states, they are given medical aid, food and shelter and documented and moved on the goal is to have each refugee moved on within three days and were expecting another 2000 refugees to arrive at the space in the next 24 hours, big problem is getting embedded. in the meantime as for the refugees they say they are absolutely delighted to escape afghanistan because they say they did not want to live under taliban rules, take a listen. >> never ever, i don't want to live there no one wants to live there this is the wish of everybody to leave afghanistan. as i mentioned, big issue is the verifying and vetting as many as
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20% of those that got out of kabul have no documentation at all. that is a very difficult situation the u.s. has face before passing the refugees onto the united states. and anthony blinken, the secretary of state spoke about it on the sunday show. >> part of the challenge with the program participants is in the 14 days, many of them have not had complete or full documentation all of that has to be verified but the have the full accounting in the days ahead. we will continue to follow the progress let's not forget the deadline is tomorrow were expected to see 2000 refugees by how many after that, we will have to wait and see. stuart: thank you very much indeed, the final date to evacuate from kabul is tomorrow, core diplomatic staff advert he
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departed we are told, secretary of state blinken says the taliban are expected to keep allowing evacuations, watch this. >> a very senior taliban leader spoke on television and then the radio throughout afghanistan and repeatedly assured the afghan people they would be free to travel after august 31. >> i know you say you don't trust the taliban but now you're telling me we should trust what the taliban said. >> i'm not saying i'm not saying we should trust the taliban on anything i'm simply reporting what their senior leader said to the afghan people. >> you trying to reassure our afghan allies, they are not reassured, those interpreters not getting out are not reassured by a statement like that. stuart: abc taken a hard line with anthony blinken, kt mcfarland joins us now take me to the big picture, how is this going to play out. >> i think the biden administration is assuming that
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now that the reporters are out of their there isn't going to be a story and they have gotten away with criminal incompetence and the conduct of the evacuation. there will be hostage takings we know there's hundreds if not a couple thousand americans in there and there will be hostage takings, the videos will be taken by the taliban even if the reporters are not there to see it and then in the longer term afghanistan will be in multiparty civil war. and then as far as what happens in the greater longer term our adversaries have looked at our criminal incompetence in this, they now have the idea that they're going to take advantage of it. you're gonna see the chinese make a move in the south china sea to perhaps not a military move against taiwan but a political and economic move against taiwan and the russians will do the same and so will others. foreign policy, once they smell blood in the water there like sharks though take another bite out of the body. stuart: look at this op-ed the
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afghanistan airport explosion happened under biden but traces back to trump that is nbc blaming trump. what is your response. this is getting to the point of really incredulity of nbc and all that mainstream media the blame trump for anything. even the stuff that biden reversed, the trump's policy was to get everybody out by may the trump of ministry did as started taking americans out, megan civilians, american diplomats and the taliban deal, if you touch or hurt one american you stand in the way or threatened one american we're coming to get you, your family, we know where you live and that's a consequence. the trump administration policy was working until president biden came in and he said that was trump's policy, i don't want that policy so they stopped evacuating, they added more
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people and then they did the most extraordinary mistaken diplomatic and military history probably in my lifetime, they gave away the one base that we could house evacuees, we could've taken planes in and out that was holding the prisoners, the isis prisoners, thousands of them according to the state and defense department and they turned it right over to the taliban leaving us to see the pictures that we have just shown of kabul airport, third world airport a couple of rockets could take the runway out and that's our security. stuart: thank you very much for being here today we will see you again real soon. i want to tell her viewers a programming note president trump will be joining tomorrow show he's going to be on at the top of the 9:00 o'clock hour a big day is president biden's deadline to pull out troops out and allies out as well it looks like we will be leaving some behind enemy lines trump will comment on that tomorrow 9:00 o'clock eastern. now the secretary of state blinking was vacationing hours
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before kabul fell, where did he go. lauren: he was in the hamptons president biden was in camp david, jen psaki, i don't know where she was but she had the weeklong out of office on her automatic e-mail response, they all came back, they return back but a young biden the administration they just got this wrong they did not think the taliban was it through serious threat so they went on vacation, it took a while to come back. stuart: let's get to the futures because we could open up the market over six minutes time were gonna be up across the board but not by much. were gonna take it to the opening bell this monday morning, right after this.
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stuart: the market opens at three minutes and will be opening ever so higher but we hit all-time record highs for the dow vanessa be in nasdaq last week so were adding on to record highs if we go up by the opening bell, i think we will. keith fitz with us this monday morning, i was accused of sounding like a broken record because i keep on asking it is monday morning i see some green and were going up again and that is being true for weeks and weeks and weeks.
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will the markets keep on going higher? >> jerome powell admittedly i didn't think you would be able to do it, he threaded the needle and kept the fed on the sidelines despite agitation from the fed presence around the country we have peak earnings, peak momentum and peak stimulus and underneath that the economic outlook is pretty darn good. assuming that is the case, i assume we go 5 - 8% higher through the end of the year i think it'll be rocky but that's where we go. stuart: five to 8% higher through the end of the year, are you going to have dips? do you see another dip coming down, you would buy it. >> i see september will be the real fireworks because that's when all the presidents around the fed will really agitate for this, there will be a lot of positioning in career making and a lot of headlines if they took the microphone the way the market would do a whole lot better. stuart: it might be less money
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printing rather than actual tightening to raise interest rates, you could have that, couldn't you? >> that is a very good observation, i agree with you. stuart: you're killing me, the rules and television are you asking that you question, you ask a guest a question any response or 20 or 30 seconds and let you regroup to figure out the next question, you just give me a response of three seconds you're killing me. >> you're very bright at this and you put me on my toes so it's nice to reverse that, and all serious if if i stay on the sidelines and traders don't have to worry about what the fed does next that reassures how the money flows that's why i think we have upside momentum and why the dips will be good, the underlying economic framework is there, the world still wants to reopen and hope still wants to come back to the market millions of americans want to do their thing. stuart: real fast what will you buy if anything today.
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>> chevron, i think the stock is a great dividend and i'm liking the stability even in the face of ida. stuart: chevron it is we just spotted out perfectly because the market is about to open i'm going to say goodbye, thinking we will see you again soon. ten seconds ago we started trading the cheering, the bell will start to ring, it is ringing already three, two, one, we are off. it is monday late august now we have to open on the upside, you're not going to see that much price movement on the opening today, that's what we got were up about 40 points for the dow, two thirds of the dow 30 are in the green. the s&p 500 closed of a record high friday, that is a new high 4517 up just a fraction this morning and the nasdaq is up a quarter percent. that is an all-time high, 15166. now take a look at big tech because that is fueling the
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nasdaq rally. headed by microsoft, apple, alphabet, amazon, facebook, all the big tech are up in the early going this monday morning. here's a stock that is skyrocketing. a firm holdings that the digital payment people, i know why, there's skyrocketing. they have to do with amazon. lauren: absolutely, buy now pay later people, a lot of companies are starting to do this you pay overtime for your purchase and some amazon customers are going to be able to use that service so if you buy something for over $50 you can split it up into installments, sometimes i have to pay interest and sometimes you won't. stuart: that the 44% gain, here's another huge again from the globalstar the satellite people there up on our reports that the new iphone will use satellite conductivity, 62% up.
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lauren: it's a $2 stock but this is huge news apple analyst reports that the iphone 13 will use a satellite fund years ago you go on vacation to another country and you would take a satellite phone so you could reach someone if something happened and that connects to a low earth orbit satellite rather than a cell tower you don't need 5g or 4g you can make a call anywhere, this report said that apple would do that through a chip and a partnership with globalstar, here is my question globalstar depending on your plan charges between $9.200 a month it's expensive to do this apple comes in what price do you have to pay if you want to connect to a satellite, it is not going to be free, i would imagine, one never knows. stuart: that's a very good question. what about elon musk and is satellite star link he has a thousand satellite something,
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maybe in the future, it's a revolution if you can hook up to a satellite as opposed to a cell phone tower, that is a plus. lauren: you can never say i can't hear you, what was that, gotta go. stuart: serious stuff moderna, japan had to suspend 2.6 million doses of vaccines, foreign substances were found but it's getting worse than that because two dead. lauren: to died and it was traced to a law that was suspended. investigations are underway, if the deaths were caused by contaminated batch, isn't it likely that more people would've had an adverse reaction or a death. so they're investigating. this is what officials think right now black and pink substance was detected in some of the vials it can be as simple as a needle was incorrectly inserted into the bile and when it went to the black rubber that's why they found the substance for instance. that is scary. stuart: taken murder down 3.5%,
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it's 370 but it was 400 last week. let's look at oil on the downside through to $60 when you get hit by a storm oil goes up but now it is down i guess because the storm has passed through. lauren: the storm passed and the gold escape significant damage and on wednesday you have the opec meeting and they are expected to increase output, gas prices are higher and will continue to be higher because were heading into labor day the national average is $3.15, the largest pipeline in the u.s. very popular on the east coast is a colonial pipeline they've halted those from texas to north carolina. the question for analyst, if you look at oil down and gasoline up which makes it quicker return the offshore oil production or refining in the country. stuart: i just see crude oil down 16 or 20 cents, $60 a
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barrel. this is the storm stock, when the weather disrupts gender rack benefits because they make great generators they have an increase in demand, whenever you get these passing through and that is true today, $457 and it's up over 4%. have a look at the dow winners of the 30 stocks of the dow the biggest stock is intel up 1.7% and home depot and microsoft dow, inc., ibm on that list s&p 500, check your stocks generac on the type of the list 4.6% higher in the nasdaq composite, any big tech on their, let me have a look advance market devices, intel, qualcomm, tesla and video and the big five are all up this morning. hedge fund billionaire john paulson betting against the crypto's, what did he say. lauren: the cryptic currency bubble will burst. >> i would describe crypto currencies is a limited supply
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of nothing. to the extent there is more demand than the limited supply then price would go up. but to the extent of the demand falls a price will go down there is no intrinsic value. lauren: no intrinsic value, he said the housing bubble would collapse and he was right on that one that was back in 0 six. stuart: 06 - 07 housing bubble not right now. lauren: the one leading up to the financial crisis. stuart: next what is this is not a stock that i know they offer technical support, it's been on a win streak recently i've been inclined to ask is it a mean stock? lauren: the 45% gain is nothing it's been up over 200% in the past seven days and make this day number eight this is a mean stock you have the reddit traders like they do with
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gamestop and agency their speculating is short squeeze with when a stock jumps they are forced to buy back their shares to limit losses so the stock goes up more and going up more it is. they're also been mentioned on the forum wall street bets on reddit it mentions is up 66% in one week, you have the retail traders coming in and they may support the mean stock, look at the chart. stuart: if they are up you have a mean stock. lauren: video have any fundamentals to prevent. stuart: going away from the financial world the dow down ever so slightly. joe biden commander-in-chief, why is this his response whenever the press wants to ask questions. roll tape. >> this is the last question and i'm really going to be in trouble. >> i'm not supposed to answer these questions i'm supposed to leave. i'm not supposed to take questions but go ahead. stuart: not supposed to answer questions, who is in charge, kayleigh mcenany is a former white house press secretary and
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i'll ask her about biden's leadership in this crisis. she's at the top of the 11:00 o'clock hour. tropical storm ida making his way out of louisiana were starting to understand the extent of the damage. a report from louisiana after this. ♪ at usaa, we've been called too exclusive. because we were created for officers. but as we've evolved with the military, we've grown to serve all who've honorably served. no matter their rank, or when they were in. a marine just out of basic, or a petty officer from '73. and even his kids. and their kids. usaa is made for all who've honorably served and their families. are we still exclusive? absolutely. and that's exactly why you should join. michael: this is the story of two brothers.
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david: my grandfather, pinchas. michael: my great-great- grandfather, rachmaiel. gigi: pinky and rocky. simi: there was an uprising in poland. david: and then the family broke apart. michael: they scattered around in different places. gigi: they worked hard. simi: and built new lives. michael: but rocky and pinky's families didn't see each other again... all: ...until now. david: more than 100 years later, ancestry helped connect us to our ancestors and each other.
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stuart: we've been in business for 11 minutes and the nasdaq is up a solid 53 points that's one third of 1%, technology is doing well again today. the price of oil $60 a barrel in the storm has moved on so the price of oil comes down a fraction and look at southwest surface has been suspended in new orleans, jackson, pensacola until midday tomorrow that airline service service those airport big time in the stock is down 1.4% ida is a tropical storm and it made landfall as a category four for hurricane and left a million people out of
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power in louisiana as of right now grady trimble is right there in the middle of it, what is the latest. >> that is about half of the power customers here in the state of louisiana, you can see the damages we were talking about flights we drove by the airport a few miles from where we are right now and what we saw was an empty airfield not a single plane insight and look at the damage from the wind this is cvs where we are these of the letters on the side the wind is one part of the story and that's causing extremely dangerous conditions all last night and all afternoon yesterday and the flooding is a separate story you can see where i am it's knee-deep and there's a neighborhood back there so we haven't been able to venture back quite yet but i'm not sure how far this water carries knee-deep we have seen some cars driving to the areas and it
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doesn't seem as deep but certainly something that law enforcement officials and rescue crews will have to contend with today that is the big story today law enforcement officials and several towns in the louisiana are telling people if you rode out the storm, stay put we have difficulties getting 911 calls through we were able to go out in the storm because it was too dangerous for us so that's good to be the story this morning so rescue crews have been able to assess the damage just as we are and see what possibilities they have in terms of rescues but with 911 down at&t cell service is down and so many people without power that it's going to be a challenge. you also mentioned the cost of gas and even though this is limited to the state of louisiana, alabama mississippi to get the effects of ida as well gas prices across the country could increase according to gas buddy between three and 8 cents that's because 95% of oil
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and gas production was halted in advance of the storm were not too far from refineries along this way as well and because of that there assessing damage of refineries to. obviously problems with businesses, businesses with homes and refineries as we deal with this extreme flooding in extreme conditions, by the way this is not the worst hit area there are parts of louisiana that are worse and people are stranded they need help right now. stuart: grady trimble, thank you very much. i want to look at the mistake of the economy the markets are going up except for the dow stephen moore is with us he's an economist and i want to look at the state of the economy, you coined the expression rocketship economy, can you describe the economy of being a rocketship what's it going to look like in the fall.
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>> i was right it has been a rocketship for the first half of this year end obviously that is due to the progress we've made in terms of: now obviously given the delta variant all bets are off in terms of how serious this will be in the months ahead. i'll say this is stock market is a rocketship and were reporting that on every day it almost seems to divide gravity, here are some of the things that i worry about in the months ahead obviously inflation the fed is making a mistake and not getting ahead of the curve on inflation it was a dovish statement by the fed in the medium and long-term economy and the higher inflation we have seen this in 5.5% inflation at understand why the fed isn't more concerned about that, look at consumer confidence numbers as well those have fallen pretty sharply in small business confidence numbers, i think were gonna see
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a slowdown in the economy and the second half of this year but still pretty solid growth numbers. stuart: what do you expect on the stock market, put your wall street had on, with the rally continue? >> i've been skeptical about this rally you have been buying low and sell high, this is a high market right now and i think i would be careful about it i'm not a stock market expert in a financial analyst but if you look at some of these ratios are so high right now and you look at the biggest days for the economy is a three and half trillion dollars spending bill with massive debt and the tax increases on dividends the tax increase on corporate profits and the tax increases on small businesses that you can't have a 2 trillion-dollar tax increase raising america's tax rate to higher than they are in china
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and russia you think that that story will have a happy ending. one of the reasons the stock market remained so high is the people i'm talking to on wall street believe that republicans will be able to stop this bill i hope they are right because of the multitrillion dollar bet that they are making. stuart: multitrillion, stephen moore we will see you again real soon. even the folks at abc can't hold back how they feel about the presence botched withdrawal from afghanistan. watch this. >> listening to president biden and his national security advisers before the horrible bombing they were making this as success. >> describing something that is in reality, that's pretty hard in my next guest is a former mayor and afghanistan and says the taliban are killing people who look like her, she recently
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escaped and joins me with her story. as someone who resembles someone else... i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. [ nautical horn blows ] i mean just because you look like someone else doesn't mean you eat off the floor, or yell at the vacuum, or need flea medication. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. and along the ride, you'll find many challenges. your dell technologies advisor is here to help. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. your shipping manager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire.
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i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit that building you're trying to sell, matc- you should ten-x it.ion. - ten-x it? ten-x is the world's largest online commercial real estate exchange. you can close with more certainty. and twice as fast. if i could, i'd ten-x everything. like a coffee run... or fedora shopping. talk to your broker. ten-x does the same thing, - but with buildings. - so no more waiting. sfx: ding! see how easy...? don't just sell it. ten-x it. so...i know you and george were struggling with the possibility of having to move. how's that going? well we found a way to make bathing safer with a kohler walk-in bath. it has the lowest step-in of any bath.
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it has handrails, a wide door, and textured surfaces. so it gives you peace of mind. and you would love the heated backrest -and the whirlpool jets -and the bubblemassage. and it was installed quickly and conveniently by a kohler-certified installer. a kohler-authorized dealer walked us through every step in the process and made us feel completely comfortable in our home. and, yes, it's affordable. looking good, george! we just want to spend as much time as possible in our home, and with our grandkids. they're going to be here any minute for their weekly spa day. ooh, that bubblemassage! have fun! stay in the home and life you've built for years to come. call... to receive one-thousand dollars off your kohler walk-in bath. and take advantage of our special offer of no payments for eighteen months.
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stuart: business alert this is coming to us 329 eastern
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tomorrow that is absolute deadline for all of our troops to be out of afghanistan. 3:29 p.m. eastern, after remind everybody we have donald trump on the show at 9:00 o'clock eastern tomorrow morning, he starts the show 9:00 o'clock that is "varney & company" tomorrow morning our next guest was a 29-year-old mayor in afghanistan before making a dramatic estate from the taliban she hid in a car she joins me now. great to have you with us in america, take me through the story, how did you get out? >> thank you so much getting out was more difficult than anything that anyone can imagine for me i was in kabul and changing place to place, location to location and hiding from the taliban and
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then communicating with the airport and then hiding in a car and then a big crowd of the taliban it was so hard and then it was hard when she got on the plane and you know nothing and when you'll be able to come back to your country, it was more hard and it was harder than losing your dad and the feeling of pain that you're having it was hard then anyone can imagine. stuart: what would've happened to you if you would've stayed behind? >> i was really expecting to start search for me and find me and search for me they were
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always searching for me and there to find me they have came into my house to my friends house searching to find me i was on top of the blacklist so i was never expecting them to keep me alive. stuart: how many have been left behind? >> too many, too many people they are among them. [inaudible] and they are working for them and for me there always connecting me and getting me out of a very bad situation and for
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a woman and especially after 329 eastern tomorrow and thank you very much for being here, we appreciate what you've done. a reminder former president donald trump will be on the show tomorrow morning, 9:00 a.m. sharp he will start the show and cover what is going on tomorrow through our former president. the markets right now 26 minutes and very sell again for the nasdaq big-ticket doing very well this monday morning and retired navy seal, the second hour of "varney" is next. ♪ . here's andy listening to my goals and making plans. this is us talking tax-smart investing, managing risk, and all the ways schwab can help me invest.
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monitor, check and lock down you money with security from chase. control feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. stuart: good morning, everyone, it is 10:00 eastern. we're following latest out of afghanistan where american troops have to be out by 3:29 p.m. eastern tomorrow. it will be first time in nearly 20 years no u.s. troops will be on the ground in afghanistan. a check of your money right now after the trading session. what is the standout, nasdaq composite, half a percentage point, technology moving up across the board this morning. 10-year treasury yield right
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now, 1.30%. that is down. when the yield goes down it, tends to help big tech. that is happening to some degree this morning. as for bitcoin we're shy of the 50,000-dollar mark. we're at 47,800. latest read on pending home sales. what have we got? a surprise decline. spending home sales, down 1.8% from june. june a surprise also. existing home in july cost median of $359,900. comparing to july of 2020, pending home sales falling 8 1/2%. stuart: okay. they're down. lauren: prices up. inventory is down. so are pending home sales contracts. stuart: realtors don't want to hear it but they have to hear it. lauren: reality. we're watching this booming market over a year now. stuart: lauren, thanks very much indeed. now this, everyone.
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seven weeks ago britain's prime minister introduced freedom day. on july 19th boris johnson removed almost all covid restrictions that was a gutsy move. delta cases were rising along with hospitalizations but the brits were sick and tired of on again, off again restrictions. they had enough of disruption to the economy and to life in general as well. with a very high vaccination rate over there they thought it was worth the risk. today britain looks a lot like normal. that is, massive crowds at sporting events, very few people wearing masks, even on buses, trains, the london underground the pubs are busy. new cases are trending lower. still 30,000 a day but that is nowhere near the level expected. freedom has not produced a new covid catastrophe. obvious question, what about here? what about america? can't we have a freedom day? well biden is not boris and in america it is the state has run
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covid policy. so we have a patchwork system. republican states are far more open than democrat states. we are in fact split. but where is america heading down the road? where are we going with this? surely towards more freedom, towards personal choice. more vaccinations will help but the real motivator here, i think is logic. you can't have zero covid. and constantly reimposing restrictions every time the caseload goes up that is not a workable situation. we are collectively fed up with it. watch the infection rate. it is slowing quite sharply. when the delta surge runs its course as it will we should be looking for a freedom day of our own. the second hour of "varney & company" is just getting started. ♪.
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stuart: nbc news blaming trump for the isis-k attack that killed 13 u.s. servicemembers in afghanistan. a military writer, sebastian rodman wrote this, quote, while biden does indeed hold his share of responsibility for that collapse he wasn't inaccurate when he pointed out in his news conference thursday that the architecture of the hasty withdrawal and the inevitable deadly chaos that has followed was constructed by the previous commander-in-chief. mercedes schlapp joins me now. mercedes, nbc blames trump. what say you to that? >> i'm not surprises, stuart. this ask what the liberal media is going to do. those who stand with biden, with his atrocious decision in the swift withdrawal that created a catastrophe in afghanistan, let's make this very clear. it is important for people to understand president trump's plan to withdraw from afghanistan including very strict conditions including that
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you wanted to have a result where you would have a coalition government. where it would be the afghan government in addition to including aspects of the taliban. it was not a taliban, take complete control of the country creating and leading to this brutalization that we're seeing of those who were pro-american afghan forces where people have been executed, women have been brutalized and back to being considered as second class citizens and created this horrific scenario where we've seen the lives of at least 13 marines that suffered and have died because of what biden has created which has led to this vacuum being filled by terrorists like isis-k. stuart: now, mercedes, i'm sure you have seen this but the president, once again brew off questions on afghanistan. this was over the weekend. roll that tape again please, so
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everyone can see it, roll it. >> i'm not supposed to take any questions, but go ahead. >> mr. president on afghanistan. >> i'm not answering afghanistan stuart: where is the leadership? you know, you're the commander-in-chief. you're in the middle of a crisis, where's the leadership when you won't answer questions? you tell people i'm instructed not to answer questions. what is going on here? >> right. president biden, first of all is not in control of his own presidency. the mere fact that he is afraid to answer questions on what is the most important topic right now, not only in america but across the globe which is afghanistan, for him to basically, he has a duty to respond to the american people. the american people deserve to know why he made these catastrophic decisions in afghanistan. who is responsible at the pentagon. who is responsible at national
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security council and the department of state. there is no, this is like a patchwork of foreign policy being put together where they are basically responding with a knee-jerk reaction. we saw what happened with the last rockets that were fired literally, a family, an after -- afghan family lost relatives, young children dead, an army officer, interpreter. this is plainly a disaster, stuart. i cannot believe president biden just brushed off the question and moved off the podium. stuart: maybe he will be almost forced to address the issue. we've got a new abc poll, that shows only 38% approval of president biden's handling of afghanistan. surely that will make him come out and face the issue, won't it? >> let's remember, the reason why president biden was even
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successful in winning this election is because they kept him in the basement. that was their strategy. that was their approach. and they thought that they could get him through these next few years. unfortunately his own staff, his own com staff, they're afraid of joe biden answering questions. that is why you're seeing the multiple briefings happen by the press secretary, by the pentagon, where they themselves give very strange answers on stranded americans. not knowing how many americans have been left in afghanistan. the mere fact that the taliban released thousands of terrorists from the prisons, putting us more at risk. this is very troubling. i got to tell you. america is not safer today under joe biden's presidency. stuart: mercedes schlapp, thanks for being here on again a very important day. much appreciated, mercedes. see you soon. >> thank you. stuart: let me repeat for our audience one more time,
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donald trump, 45th president of the united states, will be on the show tomorrow starting at 9:00 a.m. eastern. this is the last day when american troops will be in afghanistan. the president will open our show tomorrow. show me the markets, please. we got some gains especially for the nasdaq. weakness for the dow. its off 70 odd points. dennis gartman is with us this morning. you say you're dumfounded stocks keep on pushing higher? does that make the whole market riskier to you? >> the whole market is indeed risky, there is no question about it. dumfounded might be a little overexaggerated but i'm surprised by the continued strength. the monetary authorities however have been overtly expansionary. there is no reason for them to think there will be any change in the coming months. clearly we put off tapering until the end of the year. we put off raising the overnight fed funds rate early 22 or 23. tina, there is no alternative
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continues to be the operating circumstances. as long as monetary authority is expansionary as they have been, stocks continue to go from the lower left to the upper right. it stuns me, surprises me, the fact that the public aggressively is involved in it always an indication a market making a top. anytime you take the other side, any other time you fade the fed it proves to be mugs game. not a good thing do. the trend is still up. i'm dumfounded by it, shocked by it, and it is bull market you have to be long. stuart: dennis i will leave it at that. i am accused of sounding a broken record. despite it all the market goes up. mr. gartman, thank you for being here. you're not dumfounded but surprised. give you that. see you again soon. look some movements on the market. weber, was that the grill
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people? lauren: they ipo'd recently. jpmorgan, bank of america, starting with buys. we're cooking at home. barbecuing at home. that is a trend here to stay. stuart: casual restaurants chains. susan: brinker international, dave and buster's. still stifel cutting both. covid affecting number of people going, how often they go, affecting staffing issues. stuart: netease. susan: a gaming platform. inchina won't let kids play online nor than three hours a week. stuart: they're stepping in on kids and videogames? lauren: in many ways. so they are even reportedly sending authorities to inspect the game companies to make sure that they promote anti-addiction work as well. what is so fascinating here, tencent music is down too.
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last week we saw investors come back into the space. we thought the beijing crackdown on the technology sector eased somewhat. no, they're back at it. now looking how many hours kids should play, when they should play. they gave times for friday, saturday and sunday. stuart: i heard some american parents lay down -- lauren: i thought about. this maybe beijing is right here. nonetheless i don't want the government telling me how much i should allow my children to play video games. stuart: the iphone, we're hearing stories, the new one may have connectivity to satellites as opposed to satellites, as opposed to cell towers. susan: you don't have to depend on four and 5g. the new cell phone will have hardware that allow it to tap low earth orbit satellites.
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you can make calls, texts, no matter where you are. stuart: not confirmed. lauren: definitely gee whiz. better than. iphone 13 has a better camera. it might make people get excited about the phone and perhaps the higher price tag coming with it. stuart: we have a stock losing a lot of ground, astra space, down 1%. why the big loss? lauren: they are tumbling because they had a launch attempt that failed at liftoff. one of the five engines shut down. it was the first commercial mission and. stuart: that is going sideways. lauren: first time i'm seeing video. i call that. stuart: i call that a launch failure. tropical storm ida, now a tropical storm, left one dead, a million without power. that is louisiana. take you to baton rouge what is going on there right now. we'll take you there momentarily
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live. former navy seal jocko willink going viral. if he were the president, here is how he would have handled it. >> i underestimated the strength of the taliban and i overestimated the strength and capability of the friendly afghan forces. this was my fault. stuart: oh, that is what he would have said had he been the president. jocko is on the show later. took four days, four planes and help from a u.s. senator to get american out of kabul but not all of his family made it out as well. he is here with his story next.
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advil dual action fights pain 2 ways. it's the first and only fda approved combination of advil plus acetaminophen. advil targets pain. acetaminophen blocks it. advil dual action. fast pain relief that lasts 8 hours. (vo) at t-mobile for business, unconventional thinking means we see things differently, so you can focus on what matters most. whether it's ensuring food arrives as fresh as when it departs. being first on the scene, when every second counts. or teaching biology without a lab. we are the leader in 5g. #1 in customer satisfaction. and a partner who includes 5g in every plan, so you get it all. without trade-offs. unconventional thinking. it's better for business.
10:16 am
that building you're trying to sell, - you should ten-x it. - ten-x it? ten-x is the world's largest online commercial real estate exchange. you can close with more certainty. and twice as fast. if i could, i'd ten-x everything. like a coffee run... or fedora shopping. talk to your broker. ten-x does the same thing, - but with buildings. - so no more waiting. sfx: ding! see how easy...? don't just sell it. ten-x it.
10:17 am
so...i know you and george were struggling with the possibility of having to move. how's that going?
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well we found a way to make bathing safer with a kohler walk-in bath. it has the lowest step-in of any bath. it has handrails, a wide door, and textured surfaces. so it gives you peace of mind. and you would love the heated backrest -and the whirlpool jets -and the bubblemassage. and it was installed quickly and conveniently by a kohler-certified installer. a kohler-authorized dealer walked us through every step in the process and made us feel completely comfortable in our home. and, yes, it's affordable. looking good, george! we just want to spend as much time as possible in our home, and with our grandkids. they're going to be here any minute for their weekly spa day. ooh, that bubblemassage! have fun! stay in the home and life you've built for years to come. call... to receive one-thousand dollars off your kohler walk-in bath. and take advantage of our special offer of no payments for eighteen months.
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stuart: main point in today's market features the nasdaq composite which is now up nearly 100 points. technology is doing very well as the yield on the 10-year treasury comes down to 130. that helps big tech. the price of oil on the downside, down just 22 cents but the storm has moved out of the gulf. no problem with oil production there. oil at 68 bucks a barrel. the u.s. confirms five rockets fired at kabul airport were intercepted by the u.s. missile defense system. after our military carried out drone at packs against a vehicle filled with explosives. trey yingst in qatar with the very latest. trey, will the u.s. have all the americans out in time? reporter: stuart, good morning. the short answer is no, it does not look like it and that rocket attack overnight against the airport in kabul really highlighting the risks and dangers that american troops on the ground are facing during their final hours in
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afghanistan. new video shows black smoke rising up from an area very close to the hamid karzai international airport. video online shows a car on fire where the rockets were. it was intercepted by the american cram defense system. no injuries were reported. the evacuations are own going and were not interrupted by this incident. isis-k the organization responsible for the suicide bombing has taken responsibility. there is questions about the american response to the isis k bombing. the united states on friday evening launched a drone strike what we say was a suicide bomber in a car. we saw reports of civilians killed by a strike launched by americans inside kabul city limits. the pentagon spokesman said it would be sad for the united states if indeed civilians were killed as a result. the united states made it very
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clear they will continue to work up until the deadline tomorrow afternoon to get americans out of afghanistan but as it stands now, stuart to your initial question, it does not appear u.s. forces will be able to extract americans who are trapped not only in kabul but across the country. stuart? stuart: thank you, we appreciate you it. we'll see you soon. i quantity to bring in a former translator who successfully escaped afghanistan. can you give us an update, where are you now and have you got other family members out? >> thank you for having me, sir. i'm in my house at the moment. i got out last week. i made it to america last week but after going through all that mess and deadly moments eventually i made it. i'm here physically but emotionally, mentally i'm still in afghanistan. i'm worried about there and since my family is targeted.
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so can't be happy but at least i took my children out of there but i left the rest of my family in afghanistan and i'm working on it. i'm trying to reach out to everyone to help me to get them out. stuart: now we have heard, it has been reported, that the taliban are hunting down people with ties to america. do you know for a fact that is happening? >> it is happening, sir. i mean, they have been already started going to peoples houses and searching. whatever you see on the media sometimes it is not true but in reality those people deserve -- they're suffering a lot. they cannot go out ever right now. everything is normal from what we see the last americans are withdrawing. so at the last moments they already start killing people and bombing, suicide bombers. another problem is going to start already. so the taliban also going,
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searching people. they're asking for their documents. they kill ad lot of people already. so i mean i'm scared. whoever has been working with america they're all scared and they're really going through a lot of stuff. i'm pretty sure after america evacuates, 100% there will be a big mess. they will go after everyone and kill them one by one. stuart: haroon, thousands of afghanistan refugees arrived in wisconsin, a army post. "the washington post" reports they are given a fairly warm reception. people are worried about the impact on the local culture so to speak. what do you think will be the reaction of americans to thousands of afghanis coming to the united states? will they be welcomed? >> i haven't seen anyone came here but they will be welcomed. the only problem, the only thing i'm worrying about will create
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problem for most of the afghans who are for real good people and good person and they need to be evacuated from afghanistan. they are still in afghanistan. green cardholders, passport holders, they're still in afghanistan. people working with americans so many years, my family, they had been working for years, like over nine or 10 years. and they are still in afghanistan. but most people we have in america unfortunately they're all just, from the street and they called and jumped on the plane and they have been brought to america. like those people probably among thousands could be more than 100 people are bad. they probably been trained or probably already been with the taliban, isis. how we know? that will create a big problem for afghans who are living in america and if anything, they will be, going to do in america bad or any actions it will
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cause, they will expect all afghans, people will think they're all the same. but it will be a problem if they don't go through, check them one by one. stuart: haroon, glad you made it out. hope to see you with your family at some point. >> thank you very much. stuart: you got it. see you later. thanks. coming up the mainstream media fact-checking the administration on its quote, afghanistan disaster. watch this. >> listening to president biden and his top national security advisors they were making this sound like a smashing success. >> they have been describing something that isn't reality. >> what a disaster. stuart: all right, we'll have more from that video just ahead. one of the most vaccinated countries in the world doubling down on the jab, israel, offering booster shots to anyone over the age of 12. we've got that story for you next.
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♪. stuart: coming up on 10:30 eastern. the pentagon is about to hold a briefing, as you can see the left-hand side of your screen. we'll monitor it.
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bring you headlines as they appear. markets are pretty solid certainly for the nasdaq composite which is powering ahead, look at that! up 115 points, up 3/4 of 1%. fractional loss for the dow industrials. modest gain for the s&p, up nearly half a percentage point. i will show you home depot and microsoft. they're both dow stocks. both sharply higher. together they're adding 54 points to the dow industrials. so the dow would be down a lot more were it not for home depot and microsoft. steve forbes is with us this monday morning. steve, the market keeps going higher. records across the board. shouldn't we feeling the wealth effect from this? >> normal we would, with stocks valued at over $54 trillion. studies show there is impact, rising wages, more spending, more spending on capital expenditures by businesses but there are real headwinds out
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there. one effect of the afghan retreat, disaster that will have consequences. you have uncertainty about the variants of covid, not to following the examples of britain and singapore. so that is a headwind. you have congress potentially passing disasterous tax increases and new programs. you don't know what the federal reserve is going to do. if you didn't have the headwinds that health effect would be absolutely enormous. 10 of trillions of dollars would be added in the past year. never seen anything like it before. stuart: president biden has a big loss a big problem with afghanistan, the border, crime, inflation. series of crises, a series of loses, political losses. i think he wants a political win and i think he sees the 3 1/2 trillion dollar specialist plan, whatever you want to call it, i think he sees that as a potential win. i think he is resting his case for re-election or, the
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elections of 22 and 24, recenting his case on socialism. what say you? >> this is an irony. if the republicans kill that disasterous set of proposalses and they're sweeping, fundamentally changing the economy which would give us more inflation and a stagnant economy like we had in the 1970s, that is a formula for defeat as jimmy carter back in the 1970s, one-term president can testify. biden may think this is salvation. nancy pelosi think this is her great legacy, she knows she is out after the 2022 elections. what happened overseas, by golly, disasterously, unfortunately the results of that afghan withdrawal will be long-lasting starting with hostage crises and other crises, i think the chance of these bills, worst of 3.5 trillion, is actually 6 trillion-dollars do an honest accounting, wrecking budgets for the future, i think there is a good chance those
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things can be sidetracked. democrats will start to say is this all good for the country. they have had so far the spine of jellyfish. they will look to reinforce better behavior on an upcoming election. stuart: the look on your face when you said an upcoming election, that is ominous, steve, very ominous, indeed. steve, it is an important day. we'll bring you back real soon. steve forbes. >> thank you. stuart: lauren is with me, what is this about size of the economic recovery is slowing? lauren: economic indicators if you will suggesting that our behavior has changed. the national restaurant association hayes 19% of adults stopped dining out, stopped going to restaurants because of the delta variant. we put vacations on hold. sdr says hotel occupancy declined for four weeks in a row. job posts on, close contact type of jobs, child care, dental work, they're
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lower. so this is a mix of worker hesitancy. i don't want to go into someone's mouth for instance. also maybe the dental office or child care agency, family thing, you know what? we don't want to bring more people on this type of environment either. this will be ironed out on friday when we get the jobs report for august. stuart: things are slowing a little? lauren: looks like it. stuart: the european union might bring back travel restrictions on american travelers. lauren: yep. stuart: we might want to go there, we might have a problem. lauren: could get recommendations by the eu and their 27 member-states today. stuart: what is their problem with us? lauren: because their -- our infection rate is higher than theirs. everyone went to greece, croatia, you name it. when they look at the infection rate here, maybe not so fast. if the restrictions are made it is not binding. countries can do what they like.
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it is also temporary. they would follow the pace of infections and renew their decision biweekly. stuart: i think this is important information when we deal with the virus. israel will give booster shots to anyone, anyone over 12. lauren: anyone 12 and older who had their second shot at least five months prior. so already two million people have received these third, these booster shots. that is 1/5 of their total population. now you recall when covid first hit, then the vaccination program first hit, israel was really fast. abe to get number of vaccinations down. they vaccinated so many people. infection rate is rising in israel. hospitalization and death rate, the death rate is not the way it was back in january. it is much lower. they have delta variant too. now they're trying to get a third jab as many arms as possible so they don't have to
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lock down again. they're more willing to do this. stuart: they want freedom. don't want more lockdowns. they will go with another booster. lauren: will there be another booster every six months? every six months you get another jab to give you more protection? stuart: i don't want to make a forecast on that but i can see it coming. lauren: scary. stuart: tropical storm ida, one dead, more than a million without power in louisiana. we'll take you to ascension parish for a live report. president biden has a habit of ducking press questions, here we go again, saying he will get in trouble with his staff. >> this last question i will take, i'm in trouble. >> i'm sorry i will get in trouble with staff if i don't do this the right way. stuart: what do you mean getting trouble? who is actually running the show? who is calling the shots? i will ask kayleigh mcenany coming up. ♪.
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stuart: the pentagon is holding a briefing. we have some headlines from that briefing. at 11:00 eastern, that is last night, 11:00 eastern last night, as many as five rockets were fired at kabul airport. the u.s. military was able to shoot down those rockets. that came in to us from the briefing. and there was this, 122,000 people evacuated so far. that includes 5400 americans. 3700 of those evacuated will be flown into dulles and philadelphia airports today. the briefing continues. more headlines as they come out. more than one million without power in louisiana and mississippi after hurricane ida. and now a levee failure has prompted evacuations. casey stiegel is in as essential shun parish. what is the damage, casey? reporter: stuart, the damage is very widespread. we're east of baton rouge,
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ascension parish, not far from prairieville the only confirmed fatality we know so far after a tree fell on a man's home. trees are a real problem, in addition to water and also power lines blocking many of the roads. we're standing right in the middle of louisiana 73 and you can see the bridge is out because this tree runs across both sights. so this is making things very difficult for rescue crews and others, first-responders to be able to get around. some of the heaviest rain fell east of baton rouge in communities like denham springs. look at this video. we met a man there this morning who was coming back after evacuating to check on his home. it is fine but his concern remains. listen. >> i feel okay. i'm just, worried about my
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family. don't know what to do from here. just trying to, trying to let it all sink in and try to figure things out. reporter: let's take you now south of new orleans to coastal louisiana. you're looking at surveillance camera video taken from a home or restaurant in port fourchon, which is south of the big easy. this is before ida hit, transitioning to the same shot and camera. see all the water inundated the place. powerful storm surge driven by winds of 100 miles an hour sustained. just think of that. more than a million people in louisiana are without power at this hour and the governor, stuart, is telling people to make sure they're prepared to be without for days if not weeks in some places because it is going to take so long to get some
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critical infrastructure repairs. back to you. stuart: casey, we'll take it. thank you very much indeed. in the commodity markets you can actually trade gasoline for delivery in the future. gasoline futures prices have gone up because of ida. because it disrupted processing facilities. lauren: absolutely. stuart: tell me more. lauren: that is not the price you pay at the pump but that is the futures market. oil infrastructure is made to withstand hurricanes but not always flooding, power disruptions and personnel evacuations. that is what we're dealing with now. so the largest pipeline in the country, the colonial pipeline they expect to resume service once they assess the impact from eyed today. it is partially down. other refineries along the gulf, including valero and phillips 66, that area responsible for nearly half of all the refining in the country.
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gas buddy, predicting that national prices don't go to 3.50 national or to four but five to 10 cents because of eyed day, because of eyed today. the markets turned around. a modest gain of up 21 points. nasdaq powering ahead up 123. very solid gain for the s&p. it is up half a percentage point. some stocks, individual stocks are moving. looking at ford, down nearly 1 1/2%. what is the story? lauren: they're no longer accepting reservations for the new bronco the "detroit free press" is reporting. production challenges. can't meet big demand. they had to halt online early reservations, $13 a share on ford. why am i not surprised? how about zoom, they report this afternoon, don't they? lauren: they property tonight. tough comparisons, right? shares up five-fold from last year. sales to increase of 50%. any comments on the 5 nine call
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center. if you have better connections for the consumer and customer, and every time you call customer service repeat what you say a million times, you wait on hold, a way to streamline that on the acquisitions that is huge for the stock. stuart: that is a good idea. docusign did well during the pandemic. how about now? lauren: wedbush likes it. they say they're raising the price target to 340 from 280. that stock is up 1.2%. stuart: i'm interested in tesla when i hear about a crash with a car on autopilot. what is the story? lauren: i'm surprised the price is up on this news. there is already a federal investigation why this autopilot feature can't detect parked emergency vehicles. once again over the weekend in orlando, a model 3 was driving on the highway, crashed into a parked police car. so that adds, this is number 12 in terms of accidents reporting using the semiautonomous
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feature. this is a black eye for tesla even though the stock is up. what comes out of the government investigation? stuart: the stock is up eight bucks. lauren: right. stuart: take a look at this. this is a cow spotted in the back seat after car. yes, that is exactly what it is. that is not the best part of the story. what could possibly be a better part of the story than that, lauren. lauren: where was that car? looks like it is at a drive-thru, mcdonald's drive-thru in wisconsin. stuart: is this -- lauren: another customer took that video of the cow in the back of the buick in line at the drive-through. the new owners bought the cow at action. stuart: everybody in the world has a camera, you can expect all kinds of odd shots appearing. i do it myself. one marine resigning after releasing a video demanding accountability in afghanistan. watch this. >> i have been fighting for 17 years. i'm willing to throw it all away
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to say to my senior leaders, i demand accountability. stuart: retired navy seal jocko willink sounds off on that. my next guest though was kidnapped and tortured by the taliban before escaping afghanistan where he was a senior health official. he is here with this message what western governments can do now. he is on the show afters. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ oh! are you using liberty mutual's coverage customizer tool? sorry? well, since you asked. it finds discounts and policy recommendations, so you only pay for what you need. limu, you're an animal! who's got the bird legs now? only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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stuart: my next guest was the public health chief in afghanistan. he was kidnapped and tortured by the taliban after he refused some of their requests. miraculously he was able to escape. he is living in the uk under refugee status. dr. mohammed hakbul is with me now. doctor, you want the west to help with the humanitarian crisis in afghanistan. i understand the need, but how will you get the help to the afghans when american troops are gone. >> like refugees in other countries what the international community has done in yemen, syria and other ones. we already have the united nations.
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we have several humanitarian organizations. so most of these public health related projects, that has been implemented by the humanitarian organizations, non-governmental international organizations, so our expectation is also to maintain all of this foreign aid specifically under the humanitarian support because we don't want afghanistan to be the main source of covid-19 and polio. unforfortunately only 1% of the afghans have got vaccine for covid-19. stuart: forgive me for interrupting but the taliban don't approve of ininoculations and vaccinations and western medicine, do they? >> we are hearing from people in the power. we're promising we don't have any problem with the health systems and education and others, specifically health. they let people to work in the health sector.
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now this is a sort of opportunity for us. we don't have contact in most of the other parts of the country. the authority and the government is also asking that they don't have problem with that. so now if the international community stand with the afghans and also keep functioning you know the current health system, so we would be able to control the expansion of the covid-19 cases and public cases which is could be a -- for the world. so the alternative option is the international community still has the international community, humanitarian organization are in charge. just for your information, 90% of the health projects, 90% of the family health care projects has been implemented by international organization or international organizations non-governmental organizations. the system already is in place. we have been grateful for the international community during the last two decades.
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in terms of health and education. they have great support. we have significant improvement in both sectors. so i our expectation from the international community they will not leave us alone from the humanitarian, under the humanitarian principle and at least our people will have access to those basic services because health and education is human right. stuart: let's just hope the taliban accept western medicine if we give it to them. doctor, i'm sorry i'm out of time. thanks for joining us. >> my pleasure. stuart: thank you. next case, abc's jonathan karl, he is blasting the white house's messaging on afghanistan. lauren, do you know what he is saying or a report? lauren: abc chief washington correspondent. he is blasting the white house for their messaging. >> listening to president biden and his top national security advisors before the horrible bombing, they were making this sound like a smashing success.
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>> they have been describing something that isn't reality. this has been an incredible airlift. more than one hundred thousand people evacuated but what a disaster. clearly thursday was the worst day of the biden presidency. we don't really know, martha, how bad it really is. lauren: the bigger problem now, to what extent does afghanistan become a safe haven for terrorist attacks. it was not just abc. it was much of the mainstream media calling afghanistan the worst part, the worst days of the attack on the biden presidency. stuart: that is a turnaround i got to say. lauren: that is a huge turnaround. there is bipartisan agreement on that front. stuart: another big hour, we have kayleigh mcenany, navy seal jocko willink. after afghanistan and president biden's sketchy leadership i put it that way, where dot democrats
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have been brutalized we've seen the lives of 13 marines that suffered and have died because of what biden has created. >> our adversaries have looked at our criminal incompetence in this and they now have an idea that they're going to take advantage of it. >> foreign policy once they smell blood in the water they are like sharks though take another bite out of the body. stuart: the 9:00 o'clock eastern time morgan update what they have been saying at the pentagon briefing, here we go john kirby was asked if the gates around the airport were open and he responded by saying he will not confirm whether the gates are opened or closed. not that. he says were operating under the assumption that we need to be prepared for more threats and attacks. he says 122,000 people evacuated so far and that includes 5400 americans, 3700 of those
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evacuated will be flown to dallas and philadelphia airports and the majority of people on those planes or afghans, they will continue to work on getting people out, this is important getting people out beyond tomorrow's deadline without getting any detail commanders remain in contact with the taliban to prevent any misunderstandings and kirby says that has been effective that is the briefing and it continues more headlines as they emerge to the markets, were showing green all across the board, look at the nasdaq composite itself .86% and does not sound like much but that's a huge gain 130 points. the price of oil on the downside ever so slightly down 1 cent the stormers moved out of the gulf. the stock market and the green no change for crude oil, now this. it is now 730 monday night in afghanistan and a matter of hours our troops will be gone
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leaving behind thousands of people from whom getting out as a matter of life and death. the story over there is not over and is not over here either. the postmortems are about to begin after a mess like this they will surely be resignations at the highest level. speaker pelosi will not bring back house members to investigate immediately but hearings will be held. and heads will roll. president biden, he will not resign and he will not be removed from office, there is great reluctance to in-store president harris but biden's leadership has been to say compromised. he has blamed trump in the afghans for the failure, that is plaintiffs almost in grasping at straws, he is consistently look tired, overwhelmed and confused that is the appearance of weakness. it's not right at a time like this. he does not answer questions but when he does they come from reporters he has instructed to call on. who instructs him, he writes his
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scripts, who is really in charge the democrats will try to recover and ignore the debacle in afghanistan is much as they can, they will move on just like they moved on from clinton and lewinsky, they will move on by offering free stuff, free college, free pre-k, free dentistry, free eyeglasses they will try to buy your vote, that is plain politics but nothing can erase the image of a president who is not leading. there's another three and half years of this still to come. the third hour of "varney & company" continues. ♪ just listen to what the president has a habit of saying before answering reporters questions. >> this last question i will take, i'm really going to be in trouble, i'm sorry i'm going to get in trouble with staff if i don't through under do it the right way.
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they gave me a list the first person i was instructed to call in was kelli o'donnell of nbc. i'm not supposed to take any questions but go ahead. stuart: who is calling the shots, kayleigh mcenany joins us. can you suggest who might be putting words in the president's mouth who is calling the shots, is a barack obama, ron playing? >> i don't think is the vice president, she is unable to answer questions on television i don't think she's able to combat a stubborn joe biden. jen psaki we know her opinion of taking free will question she says is not the best platform for him so i'm sure she's urging him not to take question but ron would be my best guest is reported that some folks called him president claimed because he had so much power in the administration but reporting suggest he was against what president biden did in afghanistan, if that's the case maybe it is biden running the show he and his stubborn self not listening.
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stuart: the media is blaming trump for the president's failures in afghanistan, how do you respond to that. >> as you heard previously, president trump orchestrated the condition-based withdrawal i spoke to high-level ranking intelligence officials and people on the national security council who said emphatically president trump when asked how quickly do you think afghanistan would default if we didn't have an interim government negotiated in place and president trump kept saying if we do not get a working government and place perhaps the taliban a coalition with the afghan government it would fall into days. he knew the consequences of relinquishing afghanistan to leaving entirely and withdrawing the last 2500 troops without conditions in place, one of those mainly being a government in place he would've never withdrawn the 2500 troops absent that. stuart: is a pentagon briefing in progress right now, we have heard the spokespeople say, are commanders in afghanistan are
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still in touch with the taliban. we are still in their for what was normally considered a terrorist group cooperating with them, how does this look on the world stage. >> it looks pathetic, what do you think iran is thinking in china and russia see the united states weakness on the world stage is a very sub- state of affairs. i tell you president trump he did talk with the taliban and when he did do that he made it clear in no unturned terms and i was told graphic language what the consequence would be that the taliban hurt an american soldier why an american soldier did not perish in that country for 18 months, now you have a government, general mckenzie calling the taliban are afghan partners they clearly do not respect the united states of america and now they run a country that will be a terrorist
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safe haven were 8000 - 10000 terrorists from central asia and beyond have flooded into this country that once was secure under the united states control it is a tragedy. stuart: can you flush this out a little but, as i understand it president trump was on the phone with the taliban leader and lay down the law and said you touch and you mess with one american and we know where you live, we will come and get you. did he actually say that. >> that is correct, i spoke with general kellogg he said there was two conversations with the head of the taliban, the first one was strategically timed around the killing of soleimani, strategically timed, they wanted the taliban leader to know look what happened to soleimani that's why were calling you now to put you on notice. the second phone call is what you said, they said if you harm an american there will be consequences and this is while america forces were assisting afghan soldiers and killing taliban they were killing taliban at the time they were
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framed from hurting american troops because of the uncertainty president trump made clear on the phone call. stuart: thank you for flushing that out, that's a very important detail. kayleigh mcenany, always a pleasure. we are going to be watching you on outnumbered at the top of the hour on fox news. thank you for being with us. by the way that may reminder audience when my time president trump will be on our show at 9:00 a.m., that is 9:00 a.m. eastern tomorrow morning this is the day where we exit afghanistan and the former president will be on the show. back to money we have green across-the-board and all across the board, nasdaq is up 130 points i call that a rally. andrew left is with us this morning, the market keeps hitting new highs, is afghanistan having no impact at all on the market? >> there is something that is not spoken about, afghanistan
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does not have an impact because companies are not generating revenues afghanistan. there is a big but, the nasdaq's gives fears a government, the federal trade commission against amazon, facebook, microsoft. all of those companies are very important in fighting afghanistan and getting order and afghanistan, to different taliban now that it was 20 years ago. as much as there using bombs and guns they are using youtube, facebook, linkedin, facebook immediately took down to save people all the profiles that you couldn't see aws immediately cut down sites. they have been proactive in trying to restore order. the importance of big tech to the government cannot be understated and keeping stability while the government is using the ftc to fight big tech they should be embracing big tech and using it to get orders in afghanistan. stuart: what are you buying today if anything. >> look at big tech i know you like make unsure microsoft and
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he keeps moving along nicely. amazon broke out nicely after earnings, big tech is great, our technology is felt world-class and is not affected by geopolitical conditions. into the opposite, it is important that the government embraces big tech. and understand its role in the global political universe. stuart: i never think of viewers by google, microsoft, apple, never think of viewers as that kind of investment. >> you have to love them. you use google everyday, amazon everyday how do you not invest in it and how do i not invest in apple. as for amc theater that is not investing that is gambling. stuart: that's exactly what i've been saying. you hit that one out of the park, that was a very good response on what afghanistan means to the market. big tech, the government needs big tech, good stuff, we will
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see you again soon. thank you for being here. look at that, left-hand side of your screen microsoft up $4 this morning now you're looking at a firm holdings up 41%, lauren has a story. lauren: speaking a big tech affirm linking up with amazon to buy now pay later feature amazon will offer to some of their customers who made purchases greater than $50 affirm is the winner. stuart: vaccine makers. lauren: they are struggling, were waiting for the cdc to decide if and when american should get a third shot a booster shot there is a meeting of the advisory committee to the cdc as i speak biden on friday said regulators are looking at approving boosters not eight months after the second shot at shortening by that three months to five months like they're doing in israel with an exception of pfizer actually made during the turned around and so most positive now in bio
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when tech which has a vaccine with pfizer is down 1.5%. what is pinterest do and why has it been downgraded. lauren: it's the idea board if you want to redecorate you put all the pictures that you like on your board. stuart: next time i decorate i'll be sure to going to pinterest it was downgraded they see slower growth ahead in the decline the only other online sales the active users. >> i'm sorry if i offended pinterest users i'm very sorry. lauren: it's not your thing. let's get serious tropical storm ida is now a tropical storm and leave the entire city of new orleans without power it could be weeks to get it back we have a report on that, retired navy seal described what he would do about afghanistan if you were president, watch this. >> any resistance we meet from the taliban or otherwise when we see these airports they will be
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destroyed completely and without mercy. stuart: that man jocko willink will join in just a few minutes. thousands of afghans are taken refuge in germany, where do they go from there, we have a report on that next. ♪ go on... put yourselves through all that pain. don't be silly ... nothing's tougher on pain than advil.
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and watch all the rewards float in. our thanks. your rewards. stuart: the pentagon briefing has wrapped up and we have the headlines without getting into detail commanders remain and contact to prevent misunderstandings the commanders say it is been effective, kirby the spokesperson says they are not yet going to give out the
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names of isis-k members who were killed in the drone attack, no names yet the airport will remain operational throughout final flight, after 329 eastern time tomorrow that's when the last flight leaves there totally out kirby says it will not be america's responsibility, america's responsibility will no longer be the airport. the state department estimates 250 americans still waiting to be evacuated from kabul in afghanistan ashley webster is in ramstein germany how many americans have arrived there so far. >> were having some transmission problems i can't properly hear but i can tell you the latest numbers 14300 afghan evacuees here at ram stein base which is a remarkable number when you think about this as a base
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dedicated to the u.s. air force they have turned it into a refugee camp and it's all hands on deck we are told more than 100 flights out of kabul have landed here since august the 14th, six flights left in the united states yesterday on domestic carriers who have volunteered their planes to be used, seven more have been left today we see planes leaving the base and heading to the united states with the refugees and another five set to leave later today but of course we have the deadline tomorrow and after that will have to wait and see but the national security advisor jake sullivan said the number of americans left in kabul is down to the hundreds now, take a listen. we are down to a population of 300 or fewer americans who are still on the ground and we are working actively in these hours and these days to get those folks out.
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>> as we said earlier the refugees can only be here for ten days under an agreement with the german government the key is to get them in and get them out and vetting is a huge issue because the refugees do not have any documentation and how can even someone who has no documentation just the clothes on their back lots of logistical issues, there are thousands coming in and thousands heading out from here in germany, we will be on the base tomorrow to get you a closer look of what's going on on deadline day. back to you. ashley webster now the submarine who was fired for criticizing military leaders has now resigned. watch this. i am forfeiting my retirement, i don't want a single dollar all i asked for was accountability, for people to comment on what i
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said and to say yes, mistakes were made. stuart: come on in jocko willink retired navy seal, a frequent guest on this program in years past. that marine demanded accountability or what's happening in afghanistan, when you think about him speaking out. >> listen, he's a lieutenant colonel in the marine corps, 17 years and what we have to remember military people are still people and have emotions and you take a guy that's been fighting for 17 years, how many men do you think he's lost and how many friends you think he's lost sometimes people reach a point where they cannot hold back anymore and i think that's a point that he reached. stuart: do you think other members of the military have similar feelings and don't express them publicly but they feel that way do they have real competence in the commander-in-chief, that is really the question. >> i don't think there's a lot of confidence in the
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commander-in-chief there's a lot of military people that feel this guy and he's out of the military now, given up his retirement and everything else and not being able to lead men into combat that's what these men live for to sacrifice that that's a big deal and i'm sure there are other people to feel that way. stuart: i've seen several commentators in the administration and journalists say it is trump's fault for what happened, will you deal with that please. >> this is what happens with every administration they blame the previous administration, what happened in the last week this was handled so poorly the way this withdrawal was done trumped and have anything to do with this withdrawal he started making deals and they had conditions but what unfolded in front of my eyes in the front of the americans in the eyes of the world was a tragedy of
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organization, tragedy of planning and it's going to leave a stain on the administration for sure and unfortunately it hurts america as well. stuart: we are about to leave 329 eastern time tomorrow afternoon were out of coble come out of the airport, if you were the president of the united states right now, what would you do right now? >> right now i think the taliban is surprised at the fact that were giving them control of the country were given the billions of dollars worth of sensitive military equipment this is like a real estate agent if you go to look at a house and a real estate agent says just take it, keep the furniture keep the cars in the garage keep the money and guns in the state, it's all yours that's what we've done in the taliban is surprised and i think as soon as we leave work and have a horrible situation working out executions, rape, murder and most important for us there's going to be a sanctuary
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for this continued work against the west and it could be out of afghanistan. stuart: a disaster, don't be a stranger, come back soon, we would love to see you again. >> thank you for having me on. stuart: let's go to the markets green across the board especially the nasdaq composite up over 100 points show me baxter international medical technology company it is what i described they are going to pay $10 billion hill iran is also a medical equipment company and will allow baxter to expand in the field is up 2.7%, oil and gas companies shut down 90% of production in the gulf of mexico that was ahead of hurricane ida were on the ground in orleans to assess the damage and its impact on gas prices we will have that for you american drone strike destroys a car bomber in cobble will we be able to amount tax like that once we leave.
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we did it again. verizon has been named america's most reliable network by rootmetrics. and our customers rated us #1 for network quality in america according to j.d. power. number one in reliability, 16 times in a row. most awarded for network quality, 27 times in a row. proving once again that nobody builds networks like verizon. that's why we're building 5g right, that's why there's only one best network. zero-commission trades for online u.s. stocks and etfs. and a commitment to get you the best price on every trade, which saved investors over $1.5 billion last year. that's decision tech. only from fidelity. stuart: left-hand side of the screen you look at the market and green all across-the-board take a look at the crypto's, we
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have some movement bitcoin a theory on, on the downside but there slightly down we have block i'm not sure i understand this but they reached a milestone. lauren: its exchange in the milestone is $1 trillion in crypto currency transactions in the past decade the cfo of block chain says sending crypto, transferred crypto it's as easy as sending an e-mail, ten years and intriguing dollars worth of exchange. stuart: that is a trillion purchases or sale of crypto currency in ten years. lauren: yes. stuart: is a trillion dollars worth of trade. >> that's the story of trillion dollars worth of trade, i thought it was a trillion trades. lauren: $1 trillion worth of trade. stuart: sorry to question you. susan: know you just made me think. stuart: here's another one on the front how old is warren
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buffett, he's slowing down i want to say no he looks amazing he has so much energy buddy shifting how he banks or maybe in his old age more open to new ideas can we say it that way when i think of warren buffett and berkshire hathaway i think of the backbone of the american economy insurance, railroads, home furnishings but if you look at the portfolio thanks to his top lieutenants, 45% is the new tech companies the new economy companies whether sin tech he owns brazilian syntax, apple, ibm and snowflake, that is 45% of the portfolio for berkshire hathaway. stuart: that's interesting now he is tech america to some degree. lauren: at 91 years old a burger
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and a cherry coke is his diet much like yours or wendy's number whatever. stuart: let's get serious come over this weekend drone strikes hit enemies in afghanistan, after tomorrow will we have a reliable source of intelligence information on the enemy, after we left, can we do it again rebecca is a former defense intelligence officer and joins me now, after tomorrow will we still be able to mount a drone attack like the ones that we saw this weekend. >> hello, a pleasure to be here, president biden has promised the quote unquote over horizon capability that the pentagon has. truthfully to conduct successful offensive counterterrorism operations you need a forward presence, you need bagram air force base but really it is not about the tactical brilliance the mistakes that we have made
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our strategic confidence you cannot win the world were with tactical brilliance. stuart: you have an op-ed in the new york post, u.s. experts who created afghanistan mass should be fired for malpractice. you tell me who should be fired or resigned? >> i believe every single head of an intelligence agency all 18 of them who have been in charge for the past 20 years need to go, why, because we have been chasing bright and shiny objects, we are very good at tactical intelligence we can put on target with the precision of a surgeon conducting quadruple bypass surgery. but for the life of us we did not understand how or foreign
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adversaries think and we cannot anticipate how possibly they can defeat us with homemade weapons in high-tech weaponry and losing war not just in afghanistan but again and again, and again, we cannot amount any kind of counter offense against prudent cyber warfare and that's what i've written a book about. stuart: were not going to get the resignation of intelligence people just like that, we are going to continue as we are. you think there's other disasters down the road. >> of course the russian disaster is just waiting. president putin has developed a master plan to effectively these stabilize the american society and even take the conflict that we've been in with the russians into the round there is no
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wonder that we cannot respond is because we don't understand the adversary what we need to do we need to get back to the business of strategic intelligence and for that we need confidence who speaks the language and who understand what they are dealing with and only then we will stop chasing the goals that are unachievable in the first place and we need to learn from others who have made similar mistakes that's the soviets in afghanistan. stuart: thank you for joining us, we'll see what turns up. thank you very much. now this the pentagon just revealed they will continue to work on getting people out of afghanistan beyond tomorrow's deadline, that is news i retired marine corps general is here to react. tropical storm ida pushing and land causing major damage to parts of new orleans janice dean tracking the storm and the
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potential for tornadoes, she joins me next.
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stuart: ida is a tropical storm vacated its way through mississippi janice dean is with me, where is it tracking. terribly sorry there is a problem with the audio janice can tell that she's not being heard she was not whispering she just wasn't being heard it implies that her microphone does not work or was not turned on. >> she needs a new battery. stuart: this is live television
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i've done a lot of live television and the secret is you smile when things go wrong, you don't say i can't stand this you don't make an excuse to say what happened we lost her audio connection with janice dean. lauren: and we wait for janice to get another battery or fix her mic and maybe she can come back and maybe she can't. that's exactly what were doing tap dancing on live television. i have long hair and it hits my mic and you'll see me go like this on air because i hear it on my microphone and i have to fix it. stuart: i wish we had that problem we have janice restored to audio virtue, we will get back to janice shortly because i want to know where this thing is tracking as a heads north from louisiana, we have this for you hospitals in louisiana, texas, south carolina their running low on oxygen, is that ida or covid. lauren: that is covid the
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vaccination rates are under 50% you have the hospitalization rates surging in patients needs beds and stuff but they need oxygen to in the hospitals in those areas are having to use emergency supply 12 hours left of oxygen and it's also happening 40, west virginia mississippi in the storm could make this worse if you can't get supplies and because of the weather where you really need them this is a covid story more than a storm. stuart: let's have a look of storm supply stocks, we will do that, janice is ready, show me janice dean janice dean will tell us where ida is tracking. >> of course i will, my batteries are all working, that is a good news, live television the weather person forgets to change the batteries and will talk about the tornado threat
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across the florida panhandle, mississippi, alabama, this is well east of the center of the circulation and we could see the tornadoes, tropical tornadoes throughout the day today because we already got the spit in the atmosphere the usually weak but can cause structural damage on top of the damage that we are going to see unfold today from the monster hurricane, raider estimated rainfall over 13, 14 inches of heavy rain and a matter of hours and then we have the storm surge so flooding will be a big concern the areas of red those of flash flood warnings and in green flash flood watches that extend toward the midsouth and mid-atlantic of the northeast we will get a taste later on this week the latest wing guest over 30 miles per hour but it is not the wind right now, the wind is going to die down it's a heavy rain on top of saturated ground because we had tropical storm henri and then parts of tennessee, that is
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very concerning as we get it to tuesday and wednesday. here's your additional rainfall as a go through the next couple of days across the mississippi, the tennessee river valley, the ohio valley and all the way to the mid-atlantic and the northeast the areas hit hard by tropical storm henri and flash flood risk over the next three days over the gold coast, the mississippi river valley, ohio valley into the mid-atlantic and the northeast even though this is not going to be named it's going to be a remnant low and it will cause a lot of problems for areas that have seen tremendous amount of rainfall over the last couple of days, the flood advisories are in place for 30 million people, that is going to be a big legacy of the storm the flood and rainfall of how widespread is going to be as we go through the next couple of days there is a latest track i don't want you to pay attention to the fact that it's weakening because it'll bring a tremendous amount of rain over ground that cannot take anymore rainfall
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it's going to act as a runoff and will have big flooding over heavily populated neighborhood, that is my concern. >> if we could only get the water to the west coast which is in drought land. >> that is so true. stuart: thank you very much. let me get back to the storm supply stocks, home depot, generac, lows, they usually go up when you hit by a storm and that's what's happening now, look at generac up 2.5%, $448 a share. at&t will not charge the customers who are affected by ida for going over the talk, text or data limits that will last through saturday. show me southwest airlines they are suspending service in new orleans, jackson florida, jackson mississippi and pensacola florida until midday tomorrow that stock is down 2.5%. show me the dow 30 and give me a sense of the market the dow is
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up 30 points two thirds of the 30 stocks and that industrial average are on the upside. next case a different story the remains of 13 service members killed in kabul airport bombings have arrived home in the u.s. congressman jack bergman lays blames up on absolute failure of leadership. he joins me after this. ♪ as i observe investors balance risk and reward, i see one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold. your strategic advantage. that building you're trying to buy, - you should ten-x it. - ten-x it? ten-x is the world's largest online commercial real estate exchange. you see it. you want it. you ten-x it. it's that fast. if i could, i'd ten-x everything. like... uh... these salads. or these sandwiches...
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stuart: let me remind everybody former president trump will join me tomorrow at 9:00 a.m. sharp were talking afghanistan, 9:00 o'clock tomorrow morning the president 13 u.s. troops killed in the kabul airport bombing return home and caskets draped in american flags congressman jack bergman republican from michigan joins me now, you say that troops deaths were a failure of leadership that is very strong stuff. >> i spent little time in the marine corps and any time a marine is put in harm's way it's a direct reflection of the leadership that something there for whatever reason let's get down with the bottom line, secretary blinken needs to go when you become a secretary of
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anything and let's say in this case the department of state your job is to lead not just their policy and sit in the bunker due policy but lead by example this has been abysmal failure because of a lack of the coordination between the state, the dod, whatever it happens to be just an abysmal failure of epic proportions and will be studied in universities in the future of how not to do something. stuart: what about the department of defense austin defense secretary what about national security with jake sullivan should he go to. >> all tell you what in the military we understand the support of command or supporting command, in this case state is a supporting command and defenses supporting so all reserve any comment on secretary austin until we find out what exactly happened with leaving the equipment there and the
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unaccountability i am a vietnam vet and when we got into harm's way and had to leave a helicopter somewhere we destroyed it in place so the enemy could not use it i will reserve judgment on how dod had its plans before i make any comment on that but this was avoidable because it was predictable and that's where the failure of leadership comes in. stuart: relieving as of 329 eastern time tomorrow afternoon we are gone out of kabul we are leaving behind tens of thousands of people who want out, are we now moving into a mass hostage situation. >> i would suggest to you we may be leaving technically but were not leaving the area and were not going to leave our afghan partners who worked for these decades to fight the radical extremist that were the reason that we went to afghanistan in the first place, it is going to
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look different but we need to show her nato partners and other allies around the world that the united states is not just cut and run. stuart: what you talk about special operation forces going into take people out. >> i would suggest to you it is going to be a hybrid operation and it's not going to be over the horizon, over the horizon is too far away, an example djibouti part of africa a base operation that we've had for decades and our marines built it in the early 2000 because the bad guys train in the mountains of ethiopia we need to have capabilities literally on the ground and in the air able to reach out and touch these people on a moments notice but that involves good actionable intel which you only get by having boots on the ground, again any
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good operation is successful because it's a surprise to those who would do us harm i will reserve my comments but even in an unclassified way. >> they stand for being with us at a very important time. >> thank you, my honor. stuart: checked the markets i see a lot of green, the dow was up 30 and the nasdaq up 136. show me the video game makers because china is limiting how much time children can spend playing online games, this is extraordinary stuff, tell me the limits what can they limit them to. >> three hours a week but not when you want if you're under 18 in china you can only play a videogame between eight and 9:0y and sunday so don't think you complete 8 - 10 on friday, no, eight to 91 hour on each of those days the reason they want
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to ensure children meet their responsibilities and other responsibilities and not distracted by video games, how do they police this, that's a very good question and it looks like they're going after the companies increasing the inspections for companies like 10-cent music for instance. stuart: paypal says they are exploring a stock trading platform. >> to report huge spike not only in the share price but the volume, reports that they're looking into a future for users to trade stocks they have a bitcoin future, crypto future and now getting into the retail trading boom with more people in more money these days using their phones for everything so paypal looking into stock trading. stuart: i find it hard to keep up because everything is changing. stuart: there leaving us behind. stuart: wait to you get to my age redoubling more "varney"
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after this. . .
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♪ cool ♪ ♪ breeze from the air ♪ ♪ wind ♪ ♪ blows through my hair ♪ ♪ don't care ♪ ♪ if people see my dancing in my car ♪ ♪ and if it shines or rains oh ♪ ♪ i can't complain ♪ ♪ it's still a beautiful day ♪ ♪ because i ♪ ♪ got love got love ♪ ♪ got love got love ♪ ♪ it's a beautiful day ♪
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neil: stuart: we spot green across the board. a good rally for the nasdaq. i want to show you big tech. all of them are going up sharply. on the show today we had andrew left, who explained big tech's rally in these terms. bearing in mind afghanistan, our government will really need big tech big time. that's why they're all going up.
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look at google. it is up 26 bucks. microsoft is up 1.2%. that is a rally. quick reminder before we go. president trump will join me tomorrow 9:00 a.m. eastern. we're talking afghanistan. the former president appears on the program sharp at 9:00 tomorrow morning. interesting insights where we go from here on a day when america finally leaves afghanistan. neil cavuto, sir. it is yours. neil: all right, stuart, thank you, very, very much looking forward to that. meantime we're all over the storms that are developing all and you the world. obviously in afghanistan, the fallout from hurricane now, tropical storm ida, how it will impact the oil markets, the energy market, the stock market. so far so good at least when it comes to market reaction to all the developments. we have you covered with grady trimble and casey stegall, jennifer griffin, edward lawrence. let's first go to casey stiegel in baton rouge on the fallout from now a tro


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