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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  September 15, 2021 12:00pm-1:58pm EDT

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an official national historic landmark. eads bridge, first all steel. i want to check big tech because we've got some standouts there. we have apple with new products. eninvestors don't seem too keen on these new products. apple is down. microsoft is way up. they have a 60 billion-dollar stock buyback program. facebook is running into trouble with instagram and toxicity for teen girls. time is up for me. neil, it is yours. neil: microsoft is amazing. raising dividends 10%. holy toledo. they're standings out. we're following other developments. the president as you know meeting with top ceos at the white house. not as many as you would think. some ceos are divided forcing their employees to be vaccinated. this is companies more than 100
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workers. they're concerned about the 3 1/2 trillion dollar package coming down the pike right now that will dramatically lift their taxes. having said that, when you have the top executives at disney, microsoft, walgreen boots, kaiser permanente, saying at least on this, mr. president, you're right to try to force the issue to try to get more people vaccinated. how you go about that. the devil is in the details and some companies don't like the details. these ones do. edward lawrence at white house with more on that. hey, edward? reporter: ceos will probably twist an ear. they have an audience. a little bit about the corporate tax rate, get in what they need to say there. this is all ceo's in meeting in about 90 minutes, the ceos support the president's decision on this. in the room here you mentioned some of them. ceo's from disney, microsoft, kaiser permanente, they will all be here according to a white house official. they support the vaccine mandate. have already implemented it. the white house official also
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using tyson's food as an example how this work. tyson's food made announcement of vaccine requirement only 45% of the workforce was vaccinated. a month later it went up to 72%. some businesses say the mandate through osha could cost more money they can't afford to spend tore testing. extra money managing which i employees that need the test. pushback as a loudoun county school board meeting after the board mandated student athletes get vaccines. >> medical experimentation and weekly testing mandates which violate basic human rights and amount to melodies crime nation and child abuse. you aren't doctors. your orders are not based on science. you're obviously operating on a limited understanding of epidemiology and you have no theory to force any medical procedures on to anyone else.
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reporter: anger taking away the personal choice could be seen and heard. white house officials say the meeting at the white house will serve as a rallying cry for other companies to institute their own mandates on vaccines. back to you, neil. neil: edward, thank you very much, my friend. edward lawrence at the white house. for this guy it's a headache. for his various restaurants under his huge corporate umbrella don't get zane tankel started what is going on in new york right now where they actually have inspectors going restaurant to restaurant to make sure that they're policing this vaccination thing. it is a huge, huge has cell for them. zane tankel behind apple metro with all the delicious applebee's restaurants and much more. zane, explain what you noticed. what is going on? >> i can tell you this, neil, it started off on monday and our sales are 30% oaf right now.
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i don't know if it is 100% attributable but certainly a factor. what the government is asking us to do is to be an extension of law enforcement and enforce the law there is a solution i think. not to take a fragile industry as the restaurant industry already starved for employees, servers, cooks, hostesses. we have to add somebody at the front door to check not only vaccination card but the i.d. that goes along with vaccination card. so sometimes if we're busy, you might need two people, one person on the driver's license i.d. or passport, and the other person as the vaccination certificate. let me give you those economics just to your previous guests, when they say there will be a cost. that is what we call a non-tapped, non-tipped job. it is $15 an hour. you need them eight hours a day,
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$120 a day, seven days a week, $840 or over $40,000. for many little guys, many small, struggling operators, that could be their whole profit for the year. neil: absolutely. so zane could you explain to me though, i'm sorry to interrupt. i want to be clear. these inspectors checking all this is being done, do they come in unannounced? what is the first thing they do? >> that is a really good question, neil. virtually 12 different agencies that are inspectors now. the new york city parks department, of course the board of health, department of buildings, every agency other than ironically than nypd. every single government, city agency is inspector. here is the drill, they wait on line like a guest coming in the restaurant at the front desk for the hostess to seat them.
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when the hose ses comes two, one, four, whatever it is, they then will ask, wait for the hostess to ask for their credentials, not their credentials, sorry for their i.d. and their vax card. when the hostess asks for that, instead of giving that they flash their credentials, new york city parks employee, health employee, we're here to check you're asking properly. see our logs that all our employees are properly vaccinated. that all the employees are vaccinated. they don't check every guest that is in the restaurant. they check that we are properly asking for it. but it is all an undercover operation. never do they come in and identify themselves. they first -- neil: do they ever say something if it isn't right, zane, i will fine you or at variance with the
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law? >> yes. if, if we don't ask for the vax card it is $1000 fine first time. second time, it goes to $2000 on a second offense. we're running 26 restaurants, neil. i can tell you it is possible so far so good. they have been, every single one of our restaurants is visited on more than one occasion on one day. two or three times. where they get you will at personnel from i have no clue. we've had restaurants visited two, three times in a single day and the same manner. they wait. they get asked to get seated. when hostess asks for those things -- neil: i'm sorry, zane, do these inspectors who have come back, obviously different inspectors, but are they from the other agencies that don't appear to be coordinating with each other? >> no. neil: so you could have three -- >> different agencies that. >> is nonsense.
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absolute nonsense. >> there is no coordination between which agency. so the parks department doesn't know the board of health was in an hour earlier. so the parks department sends in their inspector. the board of health maybe had their inspectors there two hours ago. neil, it is beyond that. they don't even know what the regs are. we had them tell us in one restaurant keep logs on all our guests as they come in. we have to keep a record of everybody that give us their i.d. other inspectors say no, no. you only need to make sure you have logs on employees and that you're requesting vaccination data from guests. these various agencies are totally uncoordinated with each other and even on the regs themselves. neil: incredible, zane, i'm glad you brought this to light. i was wondering how it works out
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with the inspector thing. i had no idea you could have duplicate inspector. none seem to know what the other is doing. >> different agencies. neil: you're the point person in the front who has to do all of essentially their work. it is outlandish. zane, thanks for reminding us of this how much of a nuisance this has become. my next question, whether any of this is legal. seth berswieg. leading aside the business factor that they have to prove customers in the store are vaccinated they are going to be fine if it is shown they're not or not asking the right questions. they have to show a log to say they have been consistently doing this. is that legal? >> well, it is. i think that the federal courts have been very consistent including the supreme court that this is legal and you know what is really so interesting about this spot that you just had
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chatting with this gentleman, it not only highlights of difficulty and burdens on american business as to dealing with things related to interactions with customers but as we know, within the last couple of days the white house has issued landmark new direction for osha to issue new regulations as it relates to hr and workforce management. now the white house has put american business further on the hot seat by putting them on the front lines to make sure that for companies with over 100 employees that they are required under monetary penalty if they don't comply, to have employees vaccinated. even though the regulations will be out in about 45 days, it is critical that employers recognize they have to get started on this right away. they need to start canvasing their employees. they need to get attests that they are vaccinated or religious and disability exemptions. the problem with this,
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consistent with your discussion a moment ago, this is happening in a situation where the regulations themselves are not even published yet. there is a lot of burden on american business in all respects. they don't have legal recourse. something they have to follow. it is absolutely something that is mandatory, neil. neil: i'm not a lawyer like you, seth, but i think i qualify because i watch a lot of legal shows so i'm not an expert like you, the one thing that strikes me i wonder if the administration knows if this went up to higher courts even all the way to the supreme court it wouldn't cut it, this would be a stretch, and a venture too far but the thinking at the white house is that in the process more people are getting vaccinated and the problem is solved. what do you think of that? >> well i think you're right that it definitely is going to strike legal issues and there will be a tsunami of litigation around the corner over the coming weeks, attacking these regulations. but i believe at the end of the
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day the courts are probably going to conclude this is lawful and enforceable. so, for example, although osha is going to be enforcing these regulations, this is really a new frontier, at the end of the day i believe that agencies are given substantial deference and they're probably going to be upheld. so these regulations will ultimately be deemed enforceable. it is going to be strictly enforced but the good news, neil, that american business has the feds at their back. so in other words the supreme court, eeoc, justice department have said that they're going to protect employers. there is going to be very little probably, zero liability exposure provided that these are launched in a correct and appropriate manner. neil: doesn't look like they are, right? multiple inspectors coming the same day to a restaurant. 1000-dollar fines each time amiss. >> true. neil: a big chain like applebee's might be able to deal with that, a mom-and-pop diner,
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local concern, i don't know. we'll see, seth, where it goes. seth barrens zweig, business law attorney. can you imagine a waitress, a waiter at a restaurant, someone walks in, they're so hairyied and busy getting tables addressed, forget to ask the question, $1000, you will be fired for not asking the question. enough. where is this country going? i'm stewing. we'll have more. ♪ it's another day. and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. get ready for it all with an advanced network and managed services from comcast business.
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♪. neil: all right. want to take you to capitol hill right now. you know chad pergram very well, he is a very good reporter but also a crackerjack writer. i love his pieces that sort of play out the behind the scenes drama in this 3 1/2 trillion dollar package. talking about some moderate democrats, one in particular who is wrestling with not only the size of this but tax hikes that go with it and beautifully illustrates the problem that democrats are going to have, forget about getting any republicans on board but fellow democrats on board. there is very little wiggle room there, right, chad?
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reporter: it's a real struggle between the moderate democrats and liberal democrats. house democrats hope to finalize major portions of their massive $3.5 trillion session spending bill later today. house speaker nancy pelosi says they're on schedule. state and local taxes deductions that is big deal in high-taxed state for new york and new jersey. >> double taxation for middle class, it is double taxation for those who make a million or more dollars. reporter: lawmakers from high-taxed states believe they were treated unfairly by the 2017 tax cut law. it capped the deduction. >> these are great states, new york, new jersey, california, illinois. these are terrific states but you're bleeding people. those are the four states millenials are fleeing the fastest. reporter: assault is still not resolved, restoring the deduction likely adds
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300 billion to the deficit. the bill is not really paid for. that is because some of the taxes are sunset down the road. >> a lot of these numbers don't really add up when you take time to look closely at them. the hard money right now is 800 billion-dollar tax increase net of the expanded tax credits which isn't a lot of run way for all the spending that they want to do. reporter: the tax foundation says the bill would likely be a net negative on the economy. that is because of the jump in the corporate tax rate. neil? neil: chad, this is gut read on your part but the feeling seems to be that democrats will rally around that, there will be a push from the chief, talking the president of the united states, you have to do this, rally around the gipper, get this done. you have qualms but if we don't get it done we're all toast anyway, that they will have to just you know, get a stiff upper lip about this and sign on to it. do you think that is likely?
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>> they need a big win, the democrats do after the afghanistan debacle, especially president biden. this is why he met this morning with kyrsten sinema, the moderate democratic senator from arizona at the white house. joe manchin is going down later this afternoon as well. i talked to one democrat this morning. i said can they get this don't by the end of the month. they said yes, it will be stressful. this is where you look at the size of the bill. it is probably going to come down in cost, maybe 1.5 to $2 trillion. that is why there is this big debate trying to stuff immigration reform into this bill, if they can get a successful ruling from the parliamentarian, from the democratic perspective. that would bring the progressives across the finish line if they have to diminish the price tag. neil: all right. we'll see what happens next. thank you very much, chad. sarah westwood, "washington examiner" white house correspondent, sarah, push comes to shove, does this get done, they hang on,
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democrats hang on with enough votes, even though they can't lose more than three, as things stand now? >> as things stand now no, it doesn't look like democrats are going to be able to get this over the finish line unless one of the sides concedes. as chad mentions you have the moderates on one side of the aisle. forget the fact that there are senate democratic centrists who are not comfortable with the price tag of the final piece of legislation but just in the house you have enough democrats from blue states, new jersey and new york, that don't want to move forward with any bill that doesn't lift that s.a.l.t. deduction because they think it unfairly penalizes their constituents. some progressive democrats are uncomfortable with doing that because it would benefit primarily wealthy people. so just with that s.a.l.t. deduction you see the tensions playing out. then over on the progressive side, you have members of "the squad" who are saying that $3.5 trillion should be the floor in terms of what they
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spend, not the ceiling. it is already higher ceiling than what senate democrats are willing to pass. so all over the place there are points of disagreement with no clear resolution unless we see some concessions. >> you know on the s.a.l.t. thing, sarah, one idea being bounced around, i don't know how true it is, they would tier it out for higher income. in other words that above a certain level you're not going to see that cap removed but under certain level it will be to cut the cost of it. have you heard anything like that? >> that is the kind of deal making that is going to go have to get done if this is going to get over the finish line. obviously moderate democrats have other points of disagreement with the piece of legislation. some same members such as josh bite heimer of new jersey, demanding that pelosi everyone seem to forgot about the
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infrastructure bill, to the for before the reconciliation package. he is not happy with the way the s.a.l.t. deduction negotiations are being handled. not clear if when we hit the september 27th deadline if the reconciliation bill isn't ready to come to the floor, really nowhere close right now, that that bipartisan infrastructure bill is going to move forward, that is another piece of the mess that has yet to be resolved and house speaker nancy pelosi really has her work cut out for her here. there is not a lot of clear, easy solutions exempt she is strong arms some of these groups into giving up which she did with the moderates when it came to the bipartisan infrastructure bill. neil: yeah. both very different constituencies to put it mildly. sarah westwood, thanks for updating that. what a mess, right? what a mess with this woodward book chronicling the last weeks of the trump administration and first weeks and months of the biden administration, particularly this allegation that general mark milley was
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secretly talking to the chinese to calm them down offer the erratic behavior of donald trump and that no war was going to happen. it is not quite as it appears after this. ♪. centrum multigummies aren't just great tasting... they're power-packed vitamins... that help unleash your energy. loaded with b vitamins... ...and other key essential nutrients...'s a tasty way to conquer your day. try centrum multi gummies. now with a new look.
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introducing the all-new 3-row jeep grand cherokee l jeep. there's only one. ♪. neil: number of republicans are calling for general mark milley's head on these allegations in the bob woodward book that he was working behind the scenes in the waning weeks of the trump administration to assure the chinese that the president wouldn't do anything abrupt, that we wouldn't launch an attack on china and there were two phone calls before the january 6th insurrection on capitol hill and at that point.
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jennifer griffin says it is not all it appears to be. she is doing looking back at history here. connecting events maybe others have forgotten to connect. jennifer, what have you found out? reporter: thanks, neil, the two calls made to the chinese were not secret i'm told by u.s. officials who were involved in the phone calls. they were done in coordination with the defense secretaries at the time. general millly plans to address revelations under oath during testimony on september 28th. that testimony was supposed to focus on withdrawal from afghanistan. i spoke with a former senior trump defense official told me the phone call to the chinese was done after then defense secretary mark esper requested his policy people to do the same t was designed to lower the temperature and prevent the u.s. and china from stumbling into a conflict. u.s. intelligence at the time suggested that the chinese were jumpy about all the noise coming out of washington surrounding the election.
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the phone call was made at the request of the civilian leadership of the military. general millly was asked to follow up. at no time did general milley promise to give a head's up if the u.s. planned to strike i'm told. there were 15 people present in the room during the two video teleconference calls. one in october as you mentioned, one after the january 6th riot including note takers. the call in october had four to five topics i'm told. one of the topics included the election. the chinese were concerned what they saw as instability in the u.s. system. general milley reassured his counterpart this is a stable democracy. the call was in the context of assuring adversaries we would not carry out a surprise military strike at this time. i'm told by u.s. pacific come and sources then defense secretary mark esper was so concerned about not spooking the chinese he asked for a delay sending a significant number of warships and warplanes to the
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region around the time of the election for a planned december exercise. the pentagon did not want to demonstrate signals of aggressiveness or passivity. the senior leaders who i spoke to at the time wanted to maintain stability through the inauguration. according to another senior defense official the reporting about the nuclear weapons is quote even more ridiculous. speaker pelosi called general milley two days after the january 6th riot. i recorded at time she was worked up and screaming for general milley to take the nuclear football away from the president. general milley was trying to calm her and kept reassuring speaker pell likewise sy the nuclear weapons are fine. he told the speaker we have checks and balances, neil. neil: was there any concern at the time apart from these calls about the president's stability you know, focused in obsessing over the election results? did it reach a fever pitch at
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any point among just cabinet or particularly the military, you know, the whole military officials? >> i can confirm there was concern at highest levels, both at the pentagon as well as in the white house, those close to the oval office, those on the national security council there, was concern that the president was increasingly as sources put it to me unhinged after the election. that he was obsessed with january 6th. he was also obsessed with that, that, he would have been proven to have won the election. there were a lot of discussions and there were meetings, particularly when it comes to iran about possible military action against iran. at that time i can tell you that then secretary of state mike pompeo and general milley, the chairman of the joint chiefs, they were involved in meetings in which they again tried to lower the temperature about any
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possible military strikes against iran and at the same time here at the pentagon there was concern about reassuring china because there was a lot of talk, not necessarily from the president, the president had not given this indication but people around the president had been quoted as suggesting that the u.s. should perhaps act during this time perhaps between the election and inauguration with regards to taiwan and the pentagon did not want any misunderstanding with the chinese about u.s. military intervention but that was based on the intelligence they had that the chinese were jumpy at the time. neil: thank you very much, jennifer griffin. thank you very much. james trusty, can we unpack some issues, we don't know whether this was accurate other not, that this was a concern at the time that the president was losing it, he had to check, to
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reassure the chinese and others that things were under control. but if he did a runaround or workaround from the president, republicans are already saying that is, is a court-martial type offense. is it? >> it could be. i mean look, i do have to start with the caveat and jennifer really underscored that with her reporting, we don't have baseline facts. woodward and bernstein for 50 years have been citing anonymous sources, giving salacious quotes, saying this is worse than watergate. that happens it seems like every two years now. so look, there is a big difference between a general saying, i would tell you, chinese military leader if would do a surprise attack. if that is all true that is outrageous moment where little terry usurp shun of civil authority is at an all-time high. if it didn't happen we're talking about stuff that sells books. again, if there is that type of
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conspiratorial action on behalf of general milley or anyone in the military to undercut the civilian leadership because it is donald trump and they think they have a right to do that, it could trigger violations of federal law and overlapping code of military justice violations. everyone screams out for treason but i will tell you treason is actually a pretty archaic, a pretty difficult statute to work with when it comes to prosecution. in modern day, when it comes to world war ii, when you have moments of defense secrets being shared it tends to be the espionage act. that is what we saw for the rosenbergs back in the '50s or aldrich james, robert hanssen, turncoat from the fbi. there is another statute i think actually is on point, again if the salacious details have any have liddy, it is in the area of the treason of the section of u.s. code. 18 usc 2387. basically says if you have intent to undercut the military but way of its morale or
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insubordination to civil authorities, you essentially attempt to foster disloyalty or insubordination that is 10-year felony offense under the u.s. code. taking the gospel for the moment of the bernstein book or woodward book being accurate, that probably fits the facts more than anything else and that could be type of stuff in a court-martials. court-martials, lastly, neil, have broader categories such as officer, actions unbecoming an officer, more about general conduct than specific statutory code violations. neil: you know, james, there is a lot we don't know about the details of this if it is even true. it's a book. the authors are trying to sell books but these conversations, i think. think i jennifer griffin, milley was close with the chinese counterpart, worried
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with the chinese, is something going on here, he could calm them down, leaving that aside there is quasi-precedent for this going back of the waning weeks of the of the nixon administration, defense secretary james schlessinger was trying to sort of hold down the fort to assure people that nixon was in a very deep funk, he wouldn't do anything untoward or violent, you can even go back to the woodrow wilson administration after his stroke. there was great secretiveness around that, when his wife was essentially kind of running the country. very different circumstances, i grant you james, but it is to me an indication of the slippery slope with describing a distraught president's final weeks, months in office and whether that anger, whatever, translates into them taking drastic action. neither appeared to be the case
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in the nixon administration or the trump administration as we pointed out. the president not happy with the results of the election and that they were rigged, did leave office on january 20th. and none of this transpired, so what are we to take from this? >> it is all about the substance of the conversation to me. that is what we struggle with right now. figuring out what really happened, who said what. the motivations may be somewhat honorable, right? the motivations may be we're in a tough stretch. i know the chinese. they're distrustful, they're concerned we need to mollify them a little bit. some good old-fashioned politicking reassuring across the channels of the military is not something that would normally alarm people. the question is the degree he went, assurances he did or didn't give the chinese. whether effectively undercutting civilian control of the government. neil: let me ask you about that, james. i want to be clear on this one because my skull is thick as you
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remember. the conversations are not necessarily what gets you in trouble but if you deliberately did an end-run behind the commander-in-chief's back, right? is that what brings it to a level of concern and maybe possible legal concern? >> well the end-run itself is kind of a breach of protocol but not necessarily a crime, right? but when, it is substance. it is combination, frankly, neil. so maybe my skull is even thicker than yours on this but it is really this combination what are the circumstances surrounding these communications? were they made with some blessing from civilian leadership? when they an end-run, if they were an end-run were they substantive enough to constitute undercutting of the military and that takes a lot. certainly conceivable here sometimes people think because it is donald trump's personality in play, there is a different set of rules. i certainly don't want the military responding too much to a distraught call from nancy pelosi about nuclear suitcases. that is somebody i don't really need to have weighing in on our
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nuclear vulnerabilities. neil: very well-put. james, thank you very much. i have a feeling we're not done with this story. we'll keep examining it and there are a lot of layers to it. james trusty, former doj prosecutor and again we're waiting to hear directly from general milley on this. that could happen. the president made it clear, that is the former president that milley's actions were horrific and should resign and worse. we'll have more after this. why bother mastering something? why hand-tune an audio system? why include the most advanced active safety system in its class...standard? because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery is all the difference in the world. the lexus es. every curve, every innovation, every feeling... a product of mastery. get 1.9% apr financing on the 2021 es 350.
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neil: we have gotten a statement from general mark milley through his spokesman colonel dave butler, on allegations of secret talks with the chinese and what have you, highlighted in this bob woodward book, saying effectively the chairman of the joint chiefs of staff regularly communicates with chiefs of defense across the world including with china and russia.
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these conversations remain vital to improving mutual understanding. goes on to say u.s. national interests reducing tensions, providing clarity and avoiding unintended consequences or flicks. his calls with china's and others in october and january were in keeping with these duties and responsibilities conveying reassurance in order to maintain strategic stability. all calls from the chairman to his counterparts including those reported were in fact in keeping to that. ending here to say the that general milley continues to act and advise within his authority in the lawful tradition of civilian control of the military and his oath to the constitution. want to go to shana sissell on this. shana we were going to talk about markets and everything else, and i'm wondering if this bubbling up to be milley development and everything else to be a market moving event?
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there are republicans calling for his head. he should be court-martial. very at the very least be gone. that his behavior is treasonous. is this dust-up could develop something for the financial markets? >> i don't think it will impact the financial markets to be frank. we've seen massive global pandemic and the markets go higher. throughout the trump administration we saw back and forth on trade negotiations with china at times got very volatile. that impacted the markets from time to time but mostly short term. this is a massive news headlines. it undermines people's confidence in the checks and balances of government but do i think it impacts the market? probably not. in fact i saw a very funny cartoon posted on twitter today that with "peter pan" and it sad, let me take you somewhere where current events don't matter. the child responded, you mean
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wall street? i think there is something to that. neil: i wondered whether it would be more of an issue if it involved the current president and military leaders are concerned about the current commander-in-chief and this type of stuff were going around, to the former, you know, president but maybe that wouldn't make a difference either? >> i think if it was the current administration it would matter actually. because it's a former president and a former administration, i think it matters a lot less. it is in the past and in the necessarily reflective of future actions by the current administration, good or bad. neil: all right. shana, i'm sorry to depart what we're planning to talk about. i wanted to pick your train on this. you're saying it is not. we're watching very, very closely here. meantime here, if you're tired of everything going on in washington and the pandemic and now allegations of maybe a coup being planned in the last
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administration, you always have the option to leave the planet and four civilians plan to do that tonight. they're all civilians. not a single astronaut. that is a first. ♪.
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♪. neil: all right. there is another space launch out of cape canaveral tonight but before you say, yeah, what else is new. this one is different. everyone on board is a citizen, a civilian, not an astronaut, not one astronaut on board. phil keating with more on that. reporter: hey, neil. the only thing out there on the horizon that could potentially scrub this historic mission tonight is the weather but so far it is looking pretty good out there on launchpad 39-a which the apollo spacecraft launched. no technical issues popped up. blastoff is scheduled for 8.02 p.m. eastern tonight. this three-day space mission will be biggest jump in space tourism ever. no astronauts. the crew jared ice sigman, a pilot to paid for the trip,
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haley as send know and general proctor, 2009 nasa astronaut finalist. chris sembroski works in the aerospace industry. the four citizen astronauts have been training with spacex for five long months. each is taking this very sorry seriously. >> from the time we announced in the hangar, we've been going super tone i -- supersonic. one training event. training experiences in their own right in quick succession. reporter: why this mission is named inspiration florida. their three-day journey orbiting the earth out dues what richard branson virgin galactic and jeff bezos did this summer. those were short. in low earth orbit, inspiration
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four will go into orbit. 350 miles above earth. 50 miles further out than the space station. this is fund-raiser for st. jude pediatric hospital. they aim to raise $300 million over this 3-day trip. neil: wild, phil. wonder what a actual astronaut thinks about this, dr. leroy chow former astronaut and international space station commander. what do you think? all civilians, not one senate? >> this is certainly something new. you can say jeff bezos's was civilian as well. they touched space, came down. the flight was only 11 minutes. these guys are going into orbit, up there for several days. it is a different thing. it is certainly, certainly a first. neil: do you ever worry about the safety issues here? i obviously you hope nothing
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untoward happens here. but this is becoming so increasingly routine people might take it for fronted? >> i don't think there is any complacency here. i helped spacex a little bit being on their safety advisory panel and we did look at this mission and asked some questions. we were all satisfied with the answers. anytime you have a fully automated vehicle you don't have the option of a professional taking over manuel control as we have had with other orbital spacecraft but you know, they thought through everything. i think it is going to be fine. neil: commander, there is no astronaut on board, they all have some sort of astronaut related backgrounds and skillsets, fighter pilots, training, all of that but i wonder if something goes wrong up there and they have to take control, can they? >> on this mission there is very little manuel control capability that exists up there. so the capsule will be fully automated and take ground
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control commands from the mission control center. there is really not much for flying per se that the crew on board can do. so most of their training really was about how to take care of themselves up in space, how to get the pressure suits on, get them off, how to go through all the routine procedures and normal procedures on board and react to some emergency, unforeseen emergencies as well. they have done a lot of training, five months worth of training but no actual flying of the spacecraft. neil: well, tonight will be that chance. dr. leroy chow, thank you very much. this is expected to take off 8:00 p.m. this evening. backup time, weather other issues delay it. about the same time tomorrow night. we'll be on top of it. more after this.
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find it on vrbo. neil: they are working behind the scenes i'm not talking about wahlstrom talk about washington and could affect wall street there talk about the three and half trillion dollar massive social spending bill to, what everyone call it some say it's a lot more than that throwing trash it's more than five and after you dollars, why are we counting we should be counting the tax hikes associated with this because at least one and a
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half - $2 trillion you can see not an close of pain to the full package as things stand now a lot could change there's a big difference when the house is debated on this and what the senate could pick up on this. there is no assurance that everyone in the house goes along with this i'm not talking about republicans to say they're not going to vote for is just out of control and wacky but even democrats can only afford to lose three in the house doesn't hillary vaughn no she's been keeping track of this every step of the way an update from capitol hill what are you hearing. >> right now a big focus and a lot of attention from the president on the two big holdouts in the senate senator kyrsten sinema and joe manchin there meeting the president today, senator mansions meeting will happen today, the president faces two traces try to win them over and stomach the $3.5 trillion price tag which they essentially said no deal to
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or cut a deal with them waiting to see what comes out of the two meetings today. it does put in a larger point on capitol hill were democrats in the senate are urging their colleagues to get away from talk about the total price tag the total cost of the reconciliation package. >> is less about the number and one hour what's in the plan. >> i stop this deception over what the number is and we talk about what american families need if we do that i think we can come to common ground pretty quickly. >> there's a lot of focus on the house side on the ways and means committee pouring over the tax repose trying to cobble together ways to pay for the $3.5 trillion tab, two taxes are being called out by republicans as benefiting the wealthy and singling out the lower income,
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the electric car tax credit would give people credits for purchasing electric vehicles in the point that republicans have made that the benefit goes to people who make $400,000 individually or $800,000 jointly which they're saying is the massive payout of taxpayer cash and subsidies to people who do not need it, on the flipside republicans have criticized additional taxes on cigarette and nicotine and the proposal on the table from the house ways and means would double the taxes and they say that breaks president biden's promise not to raise taxes on people who make less than $400,000 a year because a lot of smokers overwhelmingly make more than $200,000 a year in an analysis from the tax foundation this week, at a national level, a pack a day smoker making $15000 a year pays a most 10% of their
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income into tobacco taxes, it'll be interesting to see whether or not this provision ultimately makes its way as a paper into the package but republicans in the house or trying to call out the hypocrisy of tax credits that they benefit, wealthier households that one by electric cars they don't need the payout in raising taxes overwhelmingly on low to middle class individuals which goes against what president biden promised he would not do. neil: they gonna have to throw the needle on that one. i know these are income taxes were talking about but still that could be a slippery slope, thank you very much i want to go to susan li the backdrop for all of this is a weird thing going on in the economy where there are tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of jobs being offered by the likes of amazon and walmart and yet they go begging, we have 11 and a half
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million jobless claims out there 9 million unemployed americans, something is not connecting. >> that will translate to higher prices for the consumer and don't forget we heard over and over again from the federal reserve that the spiking consumer prices, inflation is transitory, temporary as they say, this morning they suggest that's the case and import prices in august falling for the first time in ten months, economists are looking for another increase in drop 3.% and a drop in oil prices and import prices that's why americans pay on the shipping and goods overseas then you have other pressures as well you have supply chains, that means your christmas tree is going to be a lot, very expensive, you better get early were looking at record prices up by 20, 25%, that's a great example of price pressure,
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if companies have to pay more you will likely be paying more amazon is lifting to 18 bucks an hour they're hiring 125,000 over at sam's club the raising to get workers in lifting hourly wages to $15 an hour that is up from $11 and the parent company walmart, what their pain, some complaints from other big american firms about the higher prices, that includes caterpillar, katz eoc they're having a tough time getting materials in the chip shortages hurting them but they want to add this the world's biggest comedy apple said all four of the new iphone 13th will shift at the same time next friday that's the first time in a few years that you don't have a shift meeting the iphone available ahead of others in the market that is a sign of the world's biggest company might be getting over the constraints from the global trip shortage, it depends on which company and i think that's a sign if you have enough money in the supply
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chain expert you can get over the hurdle. neil: i did not know that that's an interesting development, thank you very much, great reporting soothingly let's go to lydia hu first hand industry that are not benefiting as much as apple up from the chip shortage you looking around for car new or used you will pay premium lydia is in new jersey. >> hi, we are learning that car prices are just continuing to climb as receipt a continuation of the conductor chip shortage were joined by the owner of lexis route ten, you are senior inventory is not as plentiful as it was before the pandemic or in your inventory lot, tell us what were seeing now and what did look like before. >> you could not find a parking space this entire lot was packed, the aisles where they drive the cars through were full, now it is empty.
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>> that's the problem nationwide car dealers are facing it's driving prices and we have data from the consumer price index just yesterday we know that car prices for a new car up 7.5% over a year ago used car prices came down slightly last month but still up nearly 32% over a year ago, in addition to the shortage on conductor chips in your inventory spiking prices on aluminum, there up to the highest prices and more than a decade do you think that will impact car prices moving forward. >> there are so many car parts made by aluminum and those parts are critical to production, production is what killing us. >> do you think prices are going to level off, get better or get worse before they get better let's talk about the end of the year. >> i think it's going to get worse toyota cut production they
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had a production cut again, other manufacturers are cutting production covid is starting to hit the factories overseas their shutting down for covid issues, it's going to get worse. >> thank you for the insight we know that sales up until this point during the first half of the year it's been strong despite the climate prices for car sales but now sales are starting to take a dive telling blue book publishing information shows that sales have been declining for the past four months in august there was not even 1.1 million car sales in the country it's a low was number that we've seen in almost a decade. neil: that is amazing and people want to buy it but they cannot get the vehicle. thank you very much lydia hu. all dressed up and no place to go hot and very exciting consumers that want to get their hands on a car but they cannot find it and they wait and wait and wait, what do you think of
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this. >> they do and they probably lose interest and don't mention the fact that there is repairs that need to be done on these cars that the folks have that they can get done either, if you talk to the automakers in the auto dealers, not only are they having trouble getting materials but actually having trouble getting workers, if you need to get the materials into the dealership having somebody to fix it coming into work is another story. >> this problem doesn't seem transitory we've gotten into the notion that inflation and all the other issues are short-lived but were passed the short life transitory stage this extends well into next year, maybe beyond. >> i think it does if you look at the effects that some of the issues have of the global supply chains on all industries and a
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major effect on the overall economy and other areas of the economy than just auto if you look at the spread that slightly ahead of this continues that has a detrimental effect on future growth. >> how do you like the market, what you see generally. >> a lot of bumps of head. i think there's were to be a lot of bumps ahead if you're a long-term investor you have to take those in stride and use the pullbacks microsoft, amazon, adobe, nike to body and more on your positioning if you see any pullback five or 10% in the market you're a long-term investor and you have to take opportunities to load up on the position that may weaken your portfolio because overall a lot of those companies and stocks are going up into the right into the future. >> when you mention technology, say microsoft today it is buying back $60 million worth of stock a raise the dividend 10% it was
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flirty with $300 a share before, i don't know where it is now but what do you think of that? >> i think the buybacks are key a lot of these companies that are preparing for higher taxes and the corporate tax rate coming forth you have a lot of cash flow companies that are doing very well with the cashel analysis therefore they're looking for something to do with all the cash buyback is one thing you dividends or another and it intrigued investors to buy shares of the companies that are doing that. >> i want to thank you very much, always good catching up with you, before we go to break i wanted take you on the booster shot controversy, next monday the available booster shot from pfizer will be ready and i think they're talking about with those with compromised immune systems and the elderly but there is a debate growing among the president tops medical advisor whether it's even necessary and to add some confusion we are
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told the cdc committee on covid-19 boosters is next week. wait a minute next week is when the booster is supposed to be out. more after this. let's go walter! after you. walter, twelve o' clock. get em boy! [cows mooing] that is incredible. it's the multi-flex tailgate. it can be a step, it can even become a workspace. i meant the cat. what's so great about him? he doesn't have a workspace. the chevy silverado with the available multi-flex tailgate. find new adventures. find new roads. chevrolet. i'm so glad we did this. i'm so glad we did this.
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neil: the president says were still gonna make progress getting whatever they want out of afghanistan out of afghanistan but they seem to be putting the focus on americans who might be left there not so much about afghan nationals. trey yingst is there in kabul afghanistan with the very latest. >> good afternoon we continue to hear these concerning reports about individuals that worked with foreigners in the past been targeted by the taliban today we went inside of a prison that used to hold thousands of taliban fighters and we spoke with the group about their view of security in afghanistan. we are entering the prison with the taliban when the group entered the afghan capital that came into this facility and 3000 fellow fighters, these fighters came from the province and they said it was a 15 year struggle to take over afghanistan and they're happy that they control the country and they say they're bringing security to the afghan
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people. >> as we walk through the prison we meet a man who served a four-year sentence of the facility he is a top taliban official and when asked by fox news of american stock in afghanistan he responded by saying everyone is safe and he denied new reports about senior taliban leadership. >> top-level officials everyone obeys the role of the taliban emirate, there is no inciting the order in kabul is in all provinces and propaganda of the enemy. >> is important to remember when the taliban says they're bringing security to the afghan people that security comes as an extremely high price the taliban has implemented sharia law across the country and stop many women from working together in carried out executions in more rural parts of afghanistan. neil: thank you, be safe trey yingst in the middle of that in kabul afghanistan let's go to the former deputy national security advisor to vice
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president cheney, always good to have you. the administration confidence about getting these americans out, they're not really talking as much about the other afghan nationals, what do you think? >> it is extremely disappointing and frustrating to have this conversation take place after our entire embassy in our military forces are withdrawn, it may be unknown known but this was on the hallmark plate during the transition coming in through the adjustments to the agreement. getting americans out has to be high priority, anyone who is not an american citizen i have to assume is going to have a tough form of betting, anything ranging from health considerations to any kind of context and national security background much harder to do without troops and diplomats and others on the ground there to help you.
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neil: i'm also wondering what's been transpiring since his debacle of a collapse, i don't necessarily attach these incidents and how north korea is getting increasingly aggressive for the second time in a little more than 72 hours watching cruise missiles, this says china gets threatening to send ships to our borders because they're not too keen when we send ships to the south china sea somehow arguing that those are their borders but they're not. i'm just wondering how this is a direct response to what has been happening in afghanistan. >> there is a saying weakness before the vacuum. when we have signals that show uncertainty, unreliability or weakness when you have the commander-in-chief say one thing and a camera to the entire world and it's complete the contradicted within weeks by the developments on the ground and
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then the visuals of the nature of our exit from afghanistan is extremely troubling. yes the weakness in one area can lead to complications and another and as you sort of suggest there's also a time and season with north korea they don't like being ignored they seem to find a way to shoot things off to draw the attention back in regardless of what's happening in the rest of the world. neil: general milian talking to the chinese, i guess the pentagon has tried to clarify this and putting on a statement to d site the calls and communications are routine and there's not a tour going on and nothing hinting of a who or anything like that during the weeks of the trump administration. what do you think? >> i find almost every element what happened between the day to
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be highly unusual extraordinary and at odds with what my experience was in government in the past. i would say the same about the phone calls. i have no way to look into what general millie's intentions were and whether he thought this was routine i find the entire exchange to be stored nearly unusual and inappropriate. to me there is no explanation or justification if what is been reported is true, that is the most import caveat if i had been accused of this i would not have waited 24 hours to give all of the receipts and all of the explanations for why it was untrue. he took a passive approach with reinforcing doubt in my mind. neil: is that a court-martial sense or worse? >> i don't pretend to be one on tv but i think this is something that is deeply troubling, if it is as reporting it seems very close to a definition of treason but again not my standard to
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draw and i don't conduct court-martial's. neil: thank you for that the former deputy national security advisor to cheney, we're looking at the market that is running up now, work and explore what's going on and don't get me started on bitcoin already if you had enough hassles with the fec chairman now senators are saying were looking into you as well. after this. tive safety system in its class...standard? because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery is all the difference in the world. the lexus es. every curve, every innovation, every feeling... a product of mastery. get 1.9% apr financing on the 2021 es 350. experience amazing at your lexus dealer.
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take a piecemeal at some point and you hope there's something called the president's working group and
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there's no firm rules of the road and the new guidance if you believe in the industry which a lot of people do the sec has to step up and get together with other regulators and figure outn market person but it maybe needs another agency the presidents working group in the separate agency that monitors crypto in the crypto mom and sec commissioner and made some good points and he has a piecemeal
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regulation and innovation is moving overseas in block chains and not only that why don't we call a timeout on the stuff and have a safe harbor with the crypto currencies that are not considered currencies there consider currencies or something else and this way we can sort through the problem which what we need to do is get the technology down and allowed these innovations to occur, this is a great area i can make a case of security because it was used to build out, either as a security or a cerium was created by security. neil: has trading already left the station. i have said that look at it this
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way you had bitcoin, number one which financed some block chains and you had a theory on which is financed or other crypto currencies and then you have ripple they stopped ripple the biggest with x rp as the currency and they basically stop that the sec's is suing over that. it is stifling some degree of regulation i think it is bad but they come out and say this is the wild west it is interesting the point i was trying to make about ethereum when they made the block chain the you securities and sold stuff to create it's a security it's a commodity, should not be held to the same standards as ripple, you would think but now they say ripple is a little different because their financing and believing that and whatever to finance it always still security this is a a weird area that were
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dealing with and it sounds like common angels can dance on the head of a pin but it stifling a multi-gazillion dollar industry. back to you. neil: no idea what you're talking about but you're so good at it i think i understood a fraction. >> charlie gasparino, thank you very much we are monitoring a couple of developments one of the standoffs it has to be microsoft, you probably heard already i talk about $60 billion of its own stock it's gonna raise its dividend 10% more than an exception of the role and a lot of the stocks we pay a dividend but let alone, a little over $304 a share, stay with us.
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neil: you remember the requirement new york state had all healthcare workers have to get vaccinated they sued in a judge has upheld in block the state from the time being from forcing the issue, it is not done david lee miller with all of that, what is going on now. >> two separate court rulings in new york have proven to be a setback at least temporarily for the covid mandates of federal judge has temporarily blocked the state from requiring that all medical workers be vaccinated by september 27, that was made after 17 healthcare workers filed suit that the constitutional rights were violated because there was no accommodation for religious exemption according to court papers the workers objected being inoculated for the vaccines that employed fetus sales and testing developer or production new york governor says the state will fight the
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judges decision in court. >> were gonna make sure that we defend the right of the state of new york to ensure anyone in the healthcare facility can meet a patient they don't have to worry when they go for healthcare that they could contract a virus from the people that are supposed to protect their health that does not make sense. >> in another case a state judge has put on hold the new york city mandate that requires all workers from the department of education to have one dose of the vaccine by september 27 the leader of one of the unions and file the suit issued a statement saying while we do believe our members should get the vaccine we do not believe it should be a condition of employment. one week today before the mandate takes effect the city and the minutes of union will make their arguments in court, another battle over vaccine mandate in arizona the state attorney general has filed the first lawsuit to block president
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biden's demand for all businesses with 100 employees to require vaccination the one to claim biden's mandate is unconstitutional in u.s. citizens are being truly untrue treated differently from migrant to enter the country illegally. arizona's ag says the biden administration allows migrants to decline the vaccine and therefore their freedoms are protected more than the freedoms of american citizens. that case also will be played on the court. thank you very much, david lee miller on that, doctor joined us former chief medical officer and scientist as well, how do you feel about this battle back and forth among health workers and officials in new york state, healthcare workers don't like to force this mandate on vaccination on them a judge upholding them for the time
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being. but i always thought that would be a given population that would be be vaccinated and have no problem be vaccinated per what do you think. >> thank you for having me on your show, my views are very, very similar in you been on the front line and see the devastating effects of covid approximate one and five have died of covid in this country and healthcare workers owe a responsibility to be able to take the shot and get better it's been a mandate in many countries in europe and i am really surprised that this is so controversial over here. neil: what do you think of the mandates the president will meet with top ceos today at the white house in the issue is trying to force workers there to get
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vaccinated and other companies are not too keen on that, a lot of folks are not too keen saying is violating the personal privacy and the rest i don't know legally, maybe there administration is hoping that more people get vaccinated in the interim even if it loses in the high court but what do you think of this. i'm not a lawyer and i'm not a judge but i am a doctor we also have all response abilities is important to live up to our responsibilities because the responsible these keep us safe and they want to do anything about it and most people say we have a beauty to be able to call the police and say there is
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danger over that in the same way that individuals who do not want to get vaccinated and in the healthcare profession, i think they're not on a winning battle with this because evidence is not on their side. neil: doctor, thank you so much so confusing when you start out the big issues preventing kind of with you on this and the stress of getting vaccinated and trying to keep everyone safe and obviously personal exception, if we get a handle on this and a few more people where they are maybe all of the other stuff goes away. in the meantime shaquille o'neal in part abby seen this thing, beyond massive he's having a tough time i know ashley webster ends on this and i'm not sure
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it inflates in 30 seconds. aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. lose weight, look great, and be healthy. go to that's a-e-r-o neil: have you heard about shakeel oh neil he's having a devil of a time dealing, it's
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monstrously big we always wonder who do we send out a story to pedigree real estate close to $20 million naturally ashley webster and he is there in florida this looks like a monster, tell us about it. >> it is a monster i was going to bring my swimsuit and do a cannibal into the pool and to generate ratings and that would not be a good ratings ploy, let me just tell you about this how humongous this places the pool is 95 feet long 31000 square feet and a 17 car garage and indoor basketball court, what else did you expect from shack, what is interesting let me show you the numbers shack bought this place in 1993 the year after he was drafted by orlando magic, he had this cash and bought a 3.9 million he listed
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it in 2018 only three years ago 28 million, here we are today the price has come down to $16.5 million and the question is has that lost interest in the property lots ask benjamin hill the agent, do we have potential buyers. >> we have buyers in the pipeline at the price point it's an amazing deal for this lakefront property you will not find anywhere else in central florida in the chain of links on 4 acres it is priced to sell and it's a matter of time. >> is it true whoever buys it will be having dinner with shaq. >> that is correct, who picks up the tab. >> it'll be shaq at a local orlando restaurant in town, begins with an m would be mcdonald's. >> you might do fleming steakhouse.
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>> you're confident this is going to sell in the near future. >> i will tell you i'm pretty close to getting an offer in so it's a matter of time before happens is time of the essence. >> i know that person you can't reveal but is it neil cavuto having heard that name. >> no. >> we will leave it there your secret is safe with me talking about real estate i want to point out business prime plenty of real estate and i have two things of the american dream home hosted by cheryl casone he and mention global hosted by katie, when you have a property it's fun to go inside and have a look around, anyway there you have it, back to you. neil: absolutely wild i wonder who those bidders will be, thank you very much, ashley webster all of that it's beautiful place
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by the way in the meantime young people who want to get in on what's going on with the market they don't know how or if it's too late and saying i been through this and it's not worth it and into this with the price is more like an influence, i think that understates the degree of influence she does have particular on young people. >> all of you younger people younger than me take control of your personal finances today i know a lot of you are think about high school and where you're going to college and it's so important to think about this right now, you might ask me why this is what attraction are people. neil: i saw that and i gotta get this woman to talk to my kids, it's good advice and they join us now the social media influencer extraordinaire, very
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good to have you on. your approach to this is very common since the videos are very, very clear, is done to a one-to-one way people have tiktok and that's very much a cruciate in and the response has been an warmest. >> it has it's been an absolute dream to fight for what i personally struggled with back in school only six out of 50 states in the united states require a personal finance course for testing, my platform trifecta is being built to enable the younger generation to learn about financial literacy to get into financial planning services and wealth management. neil: it is wild because the story i know you started out as a premed student and maybe weren't too keen on that and you veered into this and intrigued by. >> when it comes to financial
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literacy, i came to the realization that is something that can change your life and when i was at the struggle i didn't know what credit cards were i did not want to be working like my parents or even my grandparents until this day i wanted to learn how to retire and have that financial security. neil: what's interesting, people forget especially if you are young and you have time on your side investment second start small can grow compounded in timing over the years but it is something that you explain very simply and clearly to your audience, what do they tell you after this. >> first of all they are absolutely amazed by what compound interest can do i would like to say albert einstein once said compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world and when you think about it that way
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you're like i really want to get into this and learn more and achieve that financial freedom that we see on social media. neil: you know what's interesting you not appearing as a fuddy-duddy, but you, you're not, you don't want to go there but with roth iras and might say that so boring but this is money that accumulates and grows over many years, right? >> yup it's pretty much almost guaranteed, looking back from past history but were talking about the s&p 500 it is pretty much on average returned 8 - 12% a year and when you're talking about investing versus saving especially when you're young and talking about inflation rates now days and figuring out investing we get to realize, while were making money technically when we sleep.
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neil: on older viewers maybe they're not on tiktok and guys like me, i'm just watching myself. how do you get young people to get into this is not a cool subject but the way that you're presenting it is very practical what's the approach that you take, number one i don't look like this i'm usually my sweatpants i don't have makeup on, i come at a very approachable relatable way, i'm usually eating, drinking water, doing the normal 21-year-old thing or even back when i started at 18 years old, i think when approaching such sensitive topic for somebody young individuals when you calm off as another relatable individual talking about this, it really makes sense and grabs to the heart. neil: do think people are afraid of the next crash, you obviously
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have a long-term thing. >> yes, definitely focusing on a long-term, short-term is fun and all but you always have to remember and i always remember to budget if i'm going to go the mean stock plays. neil: i think that your best advice you have to get a budget in and budget out, i wish you luck i wish more people were getting into this, you're quite right were not really stressing this enough in schools and is for the long-term and if you're my age maybe lunch tomorrow but for you whippersnappers time is on your side, after this. . .
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neil: charles payne was on the idea of hopefully long term, look at bright side. an investor thinks beyond just tomorrow. worked out press nicely for him hey, charles. charles: hey, neil. >> thank you very much, my friend. that is the most important thing. history is our guide, if we stay the course history says we'll be a-okay. neil: absolutely. charles: good afternoon, everyone, i'm charles payne. this is "making money" for the first part of the session the market was bouncing around in a tight range and held ski support and now taking off. maybe this is consolidation and maybe time to consider buy the dip again but the


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