tv Varney Company FOX Business September 16, 2021 9:00am-12:00pm EDT
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>> great retail numbers, we shape up for a strong holiday season as long as shoulder stocks with items, that is the key. maria: christian. >> a lot of clouds on the horizon, larry kudlow talk about the shock from the democratic tax hike, values very high, time to place in defense. maria: have a great day, thanks for being here. "varney and company" begins right now. stuart: that look like a seersucker suit that tepper is wearing. what do i know about fashion? the great anxiety continues, the long expected correction, a lot of nailbiting, the longer this huge rally continues but in the early going flat to slightly lower prices across
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the board. the dow industrials up 30, the s&p down two, nasdaq down 35. the cryptos were fairly flat, bit coin around 40, up to 48,$000 this morning. another gain for ethereum at 36. interest rates moving a fraction, the yield is one.33%. that is fairly quiet financial markets. new revelations about the undermining of donald trump, soon to be published book says speaker pelosi called general milley and demanded the football containing the nuclear launch codes be taken away from donald trump. general milley is accused of undermining the president by assuring china we would want them if we launched an attack. trump calls that treason. dramatic pictures from the
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border, 7000 migrants lining up to walk across and be apprehended and if this doesn't break your heart, a toddler and a baby abandoned on the border, 200,000 a month are coming across and in august alone 18,000 unaccompanied children. it is an embarrassment for the democrats but the border crisis is not going away. looks like it is getting worse. there is good news. a successful liftoff for the space x rocket, the civilian crew is in orbit. "varney and company" is about to begin. ♪♪ ♪♪ come up to the side and get exercised ♪♪ stuart: kanye west, role tape.
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>> ignition. stuart: space x blasting off, it is called inspiration 4. they made history with the first all civilian crew. they are up safely, they are up there. do you know what they are doing right now? >> reporter: they will be there for three days, no professional astronauts in that space capsule the size of a minivan. jared isaac man jared isaac thankful for that journey. they will land off the coast of florida this weekend. they are raising $200 million for st. jude's children's hospital. stuart: a great move forward for private enterprise in space. i want to give the latest read on retail sales. they came in with a real
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surprise. lauren: it was higher, 0.7% in august. where did we spend more money, that category rose and support the narrative, people stayed home last month because of the delta variant, 5.3%. retail sales surprising to the upside but not for the right reason. stuart: check the cryptos, the world's largest hedge funds, has a warning about bit coin. what is he saying? lauren: he is an investor, and it will likely go mainstream but he worries the regulators will come in and prevent that from happening. >> at the end of the day if it is really successful they will kill it and they will try to kill it and i think they will kill it because they have ways of killing it.
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lauren: those ways are being discussed by the fcc and gary gensler, how do you regulate this market? i don't want to say popular but they are using it as legal tender in el salvador but china and india are banning it and the us a big question mark. stuart: it is having 30 a grand for bitcoin, 36 for ethereum. a flat to slightly lower open on that. and i'm expecting a correction like everybody else. >> good morning, we are not. once everybody else is looking for one correction will go with another. everybody looking for this correction. it is like chicken little. gravity will give in.
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september is the weakest month of the year and a couple weeks we get earnings but the majority of my clients are negative, they are nervous, from a high net worth perspective they are bullish, want to put money to work here. too many people tried to be the smartest person in the room. the smartest person is the stock market followed by the fed. they will follow through with that. we are bullish longer-term it doesn't mean we won't get jumpy in here or volatile but prices are higher, significantly higher. stuart: dividing the market into different sectors and are
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bullish, what sector are you most bullish on? >> i tried to look for opportunities. this is an ab and flow market, performance trends and rolling corrections and a couple of them are materials, we are being very bullish on those areas in the next 6 to 12 months. those stocks pulled off arbitrarily too much, and technology, communications services and discretionary, if we make this blizzard correction everybody is looking for, load up, in those sectors. stuart: thanks, appreciate it. another county following new york city's lead, lauren, this is got to be los angeles. lauren: absolutely if you want to go to a bar or nightclub or winery you must show your drivers license but your other proof of vaccination, your vaccine card. if you're going to an outdoor
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event like a chargers game you have to show proof of vaccination. this is expected to start october 7th. many forms of id. stuart: look at moderna. they released new data on breakthrough cases among those who have been vaccinated. they say this shows the need for booster shots. our next guest is the author of a new upcoming book, a plague upon our house. doctor scott atlas joins us, the fda meets tomorrow, don't agree on boosters. >> i stand with the data whether it is israel or the uk or other countries.
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vaccines work where they were intended which is to stop people from dying, does not really fade when you look at the data from israel. you see very high perfection. 90% against that which is the most important reason to take the vaccine and then there is no safety data, will we stop injecting the safety? when we have naturaly imm mm be itt ici neifeiofenctn ne in.out hen be wowhe beuiring a noonen t men tdehe isob wlogice i i enhasenenencoy tr if iu havehave ris risk for aw risk forsk certa cinple.eopleoeo
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thlle trll prevail ail e willtop havivi is denia tenhe da in orde ortoorlacate irrational fear. stuart: a similar question, where do you stand on masks in schools? >> this has become a religion for many people. at some point you have to admit the earth is round. it is not flat no matter how many people want to insist it is flat. when you look at the data on masks there is no data that shows children particularly should be wearing masks. look at 1.8 million children in sweden, no masks, no social distancing in schools, no significant problem. look at recent data from florida, children who had schools with masks, children who had schools without masks no significant difference in the cases, look at all the data on masks from denmark, masks do
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not protect people from getting infection, widespread population, that is proven by the studies in denmark. at some point children, do we are doing not understand the children have extraordinary low risk from this disease even when they get it. they don't seem to matter to many people in charge of education. stuart: we will leave it at that. much appreciated. now this. the president met with top business leaders including the ceos of microsoft, disney and walgreens. >> don't they have the meetings first before the rules, the administration trying to rally more businesses to require vaccination and here's a roadmap, that is why the president sat down and executives from disney,
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microsoft, they represent 200 businesses. the meeting was one week after we got calls from the white house, new policies requiring large companies require the jab or weekly testing. they should have done all this first. where do we stand in the us? 63% of all americans received one dose of the vaccine. stuart: thanks. this brand-new drone footage shows 7000 migrants under a bridge in texas waiting to walk into america. that is a crisis and we are covering it. a new book about to be published says speaker pelosi called general milley and demand he take the nuclear football away from donald trump. in the report claims mark zuckerberg not only knew about facebook's own research showing
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it only takes about a minute. wait, a minute? but what have you been doing for the last two hours? ...delegating? oh, good one. move your xfinity services without breaking a sweat. xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. stuart: check futures before the market opens, no significant price moves in the early going, nasdaq is down 48 points. the nasdaq down 48, apple, amazon, facebook, google, microsoft down in early going. we told you about the wall street journal report that facebook's own research shows instagram is toxic to teen girls.
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notice revealed that zuckerberg resisted fixing the problem if it meant harming his business. >> reporter: user engagement, facebook tried to make its platform or healthy, instead made it more angry. the new algorithm started to promote divisive content in news feeds. when employees started to make changes to that the wall street journal reports mark zuckerberg resisted those reforms because it would reduce user engagement. this is what zuckerberg told congress last march about when facebook was pushing divisive content and if it does or not. >> i heard a lot of people say keeping people on the service, we are trying to help people have meaningful social interactions, people come to connect with people. if we deliver that value it will be natural that people use
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our services more. >> reporter: the white house not really weighing in but press secretary jen psaki said the president is concerned how much power social media companies have that has no next steps related to that. the head of public policy said social media is not inherently good or bad, many find it helpful one day and problematic the next but stand by the company's policies. richard blumenthal teaming up with marsha blackburn to open a probe over all of this. stuart: i want to bring in someone who has written about this, has zuckerberg been truthful? >> they have been dishonest. they spent $130 million to make accountability oversight standards board and they lied to that board. why bother to create and accountability standards board
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if you are going to lie to them? they want to create smokescreens for accountable it. one of the things that was remarkable in the wall street journal reported was mark zuckerberg and sheryl sandberg are personally making decisions about content moderation, which posts get taken down. that strengthens the case that these are actors in bed with the government because we know mark zuckerberg regularly talks to anthony fauci, people said in response these are just algorithms, systems and procedures. what we know from the wall street journal is these decisions being made personally by mark zuckerberg and sheryl sandberg, they are aware of the toxicity of their platform and hiding it by creating this accounting standards board but ultimately acted toothless in the end. the dishonesty bothers me the most. stuart: if we were aware of
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this dishonesty and lied to this board they created, what are the implications? >> the rampant institutional lighting that characterizes the moment. facebook if they are lying to the public about their procedures am a good case for consumer fraud and a lot of people exploring that, in yesterday's journal and today's about facebook being an angrier place, no doubt social media is tearing apart the country's fabric, bad for the culture that magnifies cultural failures in the united states already but i'm less on facebook's case about that because you can't beat their company's mission or responsibility to save us from deeper cultural woes. that is for church and religion to do in schools to do, not something i hope facebook accounts for but what i hope they account for is lying about it. consciously knowing about their affect, creating this do good
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smokescreen as if taking steps to make the world and america a better place when knowingly doing the opposite and creating a smokescreen that ultimately prevents the public from seeing it is a real case of fraud on the public and that is what we should hold them to account for. stuart: thank you for being here. this is an ongoing question. a member of the federal election committee made a big admission about twitter's decision to censor the new york post story on hunter biden's laptop. lauren: he is a republican who said twitter did not violate campaign finance laws by censoring the post story on biden's laptop but may have been biased in favor of his father, then presidential candidate joe biden. this is just a political motive behind twitter censorship of the story. twitter is a publisher, has the right to control the content on its site but that raises
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warning signs about section 230 once again which protect social media, gives them legal immunity for content published on their platforms. stuart: check futures, we are 6 and a half, 7 minutes from "the opening bell". we will show you a mixed market 20 points up for the dow, 50, 47 down for the nasdaq. can we see casino stocks? they are down again following more action from the chinese communist party about mc cow. we take you to "the opening bell" next. ♪♪ let's be a lady tonight ♪♪
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centrum multigummies aren't just great tasting... they're power-packed vitamins... that help unleash your energy. loaded with b vitamins... ...and other key essential nutrients...'s a tasty way to conquer your day. try centrum multi gummies. now with a new look. ♪ ♪ i can turn anyone into a beach bum. i bring families together for a living. i make memories for people i don't know yet. i know this view is too good not to be shared. i am a vrbo host. ♪ ♪ (vo) singing, or speaking. reason, or fun. daring, or thoughtful.
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stuart: when is this time of high anxiety and i were getting a correction or not you need a super bowl and we've got one. his name is michael lee, be as bullish as they come for a long time on this program and is with us again this morning. mister lee, everyone is looking for a pull back, everybody is but not you. explain your self.
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>> when everyone is looking for a pullback you guarantee there isn't going to be one. it doesn't work that way. when i am the lonely bull. stuart: i'm interrupting to tell you you are a brave guy. >> it is not the way it works. when i'm in lonely bull i have more confidence. when i'm bullish and everyone else is bullish that is when i tend to start to get nervous. just by default of cash on the sidelines you have $4 trillion in money markets, you have over $700 billion of announced buybacks, microsoft came out with the other day, you have an improving economy and increasing liquidity. we are not getting a paper anytime soon. i don't think a taper is going to materially impact liquidity. the headlines will come across but $10 billion a month over the course of the year will be
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with with a balance sheet of $9 trillion the 3% to 4% of interest and principal reinvested which is $200 billion to $300 billion of bond buying which will continue until the balance she runs off and they raise rates, tightening liquidity is a long way away. the economy is improving. we are not headed for a recession. the speed of the recovery will likely continue to slow but we saw this slow growth that activity in the markets. last time president obama and president obama were the white house the stock market was really low. that is what we will see. a lot of cash, savings rates close to 10%. i don't see this slowing anytime soon. stuart: michael lee, superbull, and all dips.
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>> fixed income and cash on equities and buying the market. i think earnings are too low. i don't think the market will run away 20% or 30%, we will continue to see this go higher. we are net net much higher. stuart: we hear you. we've been listening to you. thanks for joining us, see you soon, market has opened. we expect a mixed picture. trading has begun. that are going up 40 points. looking at dow 30, left-hand side of the screen, a third to half of all the dow 30 stocks in the green, 35 points up, the s&p is down a tiny fraction and the nasdaq, see where that is, that is going to be lower.
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down a third of one%, the big tech is lower it, it was before the market opened and very modest losses. the casino operators down again after huge losses recently, the casinos will be a 45 day review of all their gambling operations by the chinese authorities from beijing. i believe jpmorgan says bail on the entire sector. >> they are downgrading all three have dropped by 10% the past two days, went off of its worst two days since march of last year so jpmorgan saying wind is worth $89 reduced from $122 they thought the stock would get to, as you mentioned, a 45 day review. at the end of the china's
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government threatening some of these gaming companies might lose their licenses or have a timeframe that is a big deal, billions of dollars over the years into the gaming enclave which is four times the vegas strip. stuart: that is quite a threat. take your license away, that is a catastrophe. >> if you're going to buy casino by the us centric ones. stuart: understand. electronic arts is up one.2%. of videogamemaker bouncing back, the launch of battlefield 2042. is the game delayed or not? it is delayed until november. electronic arts confirming it is delayed so instead of the
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october relief, covid delayed return to office for the fact that you are clearing up a lot of rumors out there. stuart: this was beyond meet, 3.6%. the lowest level of the stock, it is skyrocketing. why doesn't beyond meet, plant-based passing on that. >> how great it replaces real meat. >> don't go back for more. beef goes up 10%, 15%. >> beyond meet is the early leader, piper sandler says it was the back half of this year.
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it is underweight. stuart: it was 106. it was a 4%. bank of america made a bullish call. >> the operated door theyash, and a 5 year growth opportunity when it comes to food delivery, whether it was proposition 42 or here where they are tapping these food delivery fees, they can charge. stuart: i'm not big on food delivery or electronic games or casino stocks and you got to talk about the china.
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>> who will touch chinese stocks in an environment where beijing signaled they are going after big business of technologies and tutoring, it continues today, as a result of the massive selloff with beijing policy in the world. stuart: an enormous amount of capital wiped out. look at the dow winners, the dow up close to 100 points. cisco systems at the top and american express right behind. there are some, big tech is down, cisco at the top and electronic arts.
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why is it moving? >> top choice according to several analysts, jpmorgan adding the stock and credit suisse upgrading the network supplier to outperform, sales doing very well, $74. stuart: lillian. >> a big mover. this is an electric airplay, they make these aircraft that run on electric, this could be worth 80% more. and those types of stocks and what it is worth to them, $17 in the future. stuart: electric planes, that is what lillian does. lucid motors. >> the epa announced and officially consolidated that
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lucid have longer charge than his luck, 520 miles per charge and you have analysts upgrading lucas take it could threaten tesla and ferrari with slick consumer sedans, longer charge in the batteries, that is impressive. stuart: 500 miles on a charge is pretty good. that is an industry leader and loose it is up 7%. check the big board. the big board, the dow industrials show a gain of 62 points. what is the yield on the 10 year treasury? it is one.34%. what is the price of gold this morning? $1,755 an ounce down to present today. what is the price of bitcoin? 38,$000. the price of oil, 71, 72, now 7226.
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average price per gallon of gas is $3.19, that is one dollar higher than it was one year ago. look at natural gas, down this morning but awfully close to the 7 year high. watch out for your heating bill this winter. aoc, alexandria ocasio cortez made headlines when she wore this tax the rich address in new york city but she's letting people know she didn't mean people like her, sounds like taxes for thee and not for me. she makes 170,$000 a year. oregon teacher removed the american flag from her classroom. she said it stands for violence, menace and intolerance. we've got the story. we are talking to the man who wrote the book on the story that stopped wall street, game stop and the trading frenzy, author of the antisocial network. ♪♪
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the one 12 minutes and intermixed picture, the dow is up 30, the nasdaq down 50. financial markets doing relatively well, up across the board. those are the big banks, investment companies all up. fedex says they are planning for 90,000 ahead of the holidays. national hiring day event, good luck when you have a labor shortage, 90,000 more workers. robin hood is giving away 20,$000 to 5 lucky college students. how would it work? is a competition of some sort? >> all college students if you sign up with a robin hood
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account try to get $15 to trade. automatically if you sign up and enter into this contest where you get a total of 100,$000 split among 5 students, 20,000 each. a good way to boost robin hood's business, 4 million users who are students, first-time investors and if you're going to college campuses those are first-timers. stuart: it has been like gambling where casino will give you money to start playing with. that is what robin hood is doing. >> the apps drops confetti and all these bells and whistles that make you feel you won something. don't know if they make you sad if you lost money. stuart: let's look at game stop. where is it today? let's bring in been, with the anti-social network. the retail investor versus wall
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street about game stop. who won? >> for a short moment in time, their stimulus checks on game stock, almost $500, wall street, we don't know who really won, still doing well, considering the value of game stock, so incredible he high continuing what they do. stuart: that fight, wall street versus the retail guys, that reshaped the investment world. >> this is a revolutionary moment when a big group of people gathering together on redit, an enormous amount of power that regular people have,
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2008, they realize they push the stock of everything to the moon as will as they stop together. stuart: i understand your book is headed for the big screen. the guy who runs game stop, are we going to see him play by some famous actor, how is this going to work? >> hopefully. and mgm movie which makes it an amazon movie, it will be a big movie and characters are played by the actors, such a dramatic story, you don't often see regular people winning against people who wear suits and ties to work was one of those stories that will catch a lot of attention.
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stuart: do you identify a villain or a hero? >> i don't think anyone ever sees themselves as a villain. you have a hedge fund nolting capital which was doing the most obvious thing in the world by shorting a company like game stop which is an absurd company even though they are pivoting now, it is worth as much as it was worth and then robin hood at the center which handed the tools of the wall street trader to everyone and kind of gameifi did the did the, everyone had in their own hands, shoots confetti when you buy a stock and gives lots of great pictures so college kids turned it into a giant casino for a short time and that is going forward. don't know if you would call them villains but robin hood hedge funds at the center of the story, the big market maker
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who sits at the center of the american economy. stuart: that is one movie i will go to see. good luck with the book. show me tesla, not much change, $749 a share. we talked about kathy would's art funds selling some to the stock. are they selling some more? lauren: i will pick this one up. they sold 81,000 shares valued at $62 million yesterday and the same number tuesday, $128 million worth in two days but kathy would still likes tesla. she is buying the dip, taking profits and has what is the largest holding in those funds. they are at 750 now going to $3,000.
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stuart: i heard that before but i heard that before. time will tell. then there is this. china warned that their warships could soon the near hawaii. have our rivals sensed weakness after our botched afghan withdrawal? more lawmakers calling on the joint chiefs, general milley, reside. role tape. >> it is vital general milley reside. >> of it happened he should be relieved of his duties. it is only honorable if he believes in the constitution and the structure of america that he turn his letter of resignation in. stuart: we will talk to k t mcfarland and the new book claiming speaker pelosi called the general and asked him to take the nuclear football away from trump. more varney after this.
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>> i'm not proposing it but if the president decided, all other things considered in that decision i would certainly support that. stuart: jeff kaufman is our travel guy and joins me now. vaccine passports for trains, planes and buses. do you think it could happen? >> it is so hard to manage that is what entity is going to manage creation, distribution, verification of passports? the idea makes sense but the implementation is usually difficult. i'm skeptical they could make that work anytime soon. stuart: do you think we need it? >> i don't think we need it. i am not a big proponent of that there has been fraud about people with vaccine cards but the real answer is the more entities that are going to
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require you to be vaccinated the higher demand for a solution, some kind of vaccine passport will be but we don't know the answer yet. doctor fauci saying airlines should mandate vaccines for the travel industry saying tons of science and data that previously agreed on that says masks are enough. you are safe to travel if you have a mask. their argument is we don't need to mandate the vaccine for travel anyway. stuart: give me 30 seconds on business travel. i don't see it coming back at this moment at all. >> absolutely correct. many of the airline ceos saying 2022, 2023 saying look for some recovery in 2024 but the business world has found a way to listen business travel using technology. it is never coming back to where it was. stuart: that is dramatic.
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you saved the best for last, see you again soon. check the markets, the dow has turned negative, now we are down 89 in the blink of an i. the nasdaq is down 84 as well. k t mcfarland coming up with jim jordan and nigel farage. this is a toddler and a baby left abandoned at the border. why does the white house refuse to confront this crisis and do something about it? that is my take next. ♪♪
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♪. stuart: good morning, everyone. it is 10:00 eastern. we're going to go straight to go your money. we have losses across the board. the dow close to down 100. nasdaq is down 76 points. big tech again almost entirely lower. yes, they are. apple, microsoft amazon, google, facebook. where is the 10-year treasury yield? maybe that is why big tech has such a problem. 1.34%.
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the latest on mortgage rates. what is the number lauren. lauren: 2.86%, stuart. virtually flat for the last two months. it is like ground dog day for the housing market. big demand, rates are low, but little supply hurting the market. stuart: "groundhog day" for mortgage rates. thank you very much, lauren. now this. the border crisis will not go away. it may be relegated to the backburner with afghanistan, vaccine mandates, big spending plans making all the headlines but america face as continuing surge in illegal migration. it should not be ignored. look at this, new video shows thousands, actually 7,000 migrant sheltering under a bridge in texas, just waiting to walk across the border. look at this, a toddler, baby, abandoned, with a note saying they are siblings from honduras.
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extraordinary. the ongoing surge brings 200,000 migrants a month to the border. 18,000 unaccompanied children in august alone. the fentanyl keeps flowing. so does the covid. this is historic. witnessing a mass migration of central america to north america. like the mass migration in 2016. that upended european politics. same here, our politics has been and will continue to be roiled by this who pays? the democrats want $105 billion for a migrant amnesty program. who pays to settle the thousands of children? you do. why is nothing being done? the answer the left believes the migrants will eventually vote democrat. they will do nothing. they hope the border crisis will be forgotten by the election time next november. dream on. this crisis is not going away. it is getting worse.
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second hour of "varney & company" just getting started. ♪. stuart: we will have more on the border crisis later on the program but first i want to get to this. treasury secretary janet yellen and the irs want the banks to reveal all money flows of your personal bank account. break it down for us, lauren. lauren: well the good news this government overreach, stuart, it is not right now in the democrats tax bill but it could be because they're still working on it. to pay for their policies the treasury secretary around the irs want lawmakers to mandates banks report account inflows and outflows, any taxpayer with an account with $600 in it. they say if you do this we can monitor tax compliance better. we can bring in $460 over 10 years time. here is the criticism, not only over reach, it hits lower income
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americans. a lot of people have $600. it puts all the personal financial data at risk. stuart: it does indeed. bring in brian brenberg on this. you heard it, the irs wants to look at your bank account for tax compliance purposes. to me that is really big brother stuff, how about you? >> yeah, it is big brother stuff and here is the craziest part, janet yellen gets up there, we want more of your financial data, basically your bank data, but don't worry we're not going to audit you anymore frequently. we're not going to come after you. what will you do with the information? what exactly is the purpose of all this, stuart. this is the seed corn of tyranny. this is the beginning of surveillance state activity, when the irs just doesn't want to collect your taxes, they want to hunt you and they want you to hand them the bow and arrow to do it. that is exactly what is
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happening right now. stuart: do you think they will get away with it though? would that actually happen? would america stand for that? >> this is the kind of stuff, stuart, that gets buried in a bill that lawmakers don't even read, let alone the rest of the america. we get lucky when we catch things like this, bring it to attention. will it happen? i don't know. why don't you ask our members of congress and our senators who are there to represent the people but who seem more interested in finding more ways to take more of our money, even if it means invading our privacy? stuart: congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez is responding to criticism of that dress, tax the rich. that is what it said on it. she was asked what she says to people who argue that she's also rich. watch this. >> this is the trick that people use all the time, right? they want you to think when we talk about rich we're talking about a doctor or a lawyer, instead of someone with hundreds
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or millions of dollars if not billions of dollars. that is what we mean by rich. stuart: seems likes taxes for thee, not for me? >> progressives always move the goalpost. bernie sanders was against millionaires until he became one and then it was billionaires. alexandria ocasio-cortez loves the lifestyle of the rich and famous. she loves dresses they wear. she loves going to the parties. she loves the cars they drive. she makes five times the average personal income in this country, stuart. she doesn't have a problem with the rich. she was a problem with the rich or anybody who wants to see freedom for everyone to have an opportunity to get rich and keep their wealth. that is her problem. she loves that lifestyle. stuart: professor brenberg, you got that dead right. well-done, young man. >> you bet. stuart: side note here, aoc is set to introduce a bill that will extend those emergency
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pandemic unemployment payments until when? when is the extension, lauren? lauren: february of 2022. talking more than two years of paying people to stay home. two years for businesses not able to find workers, then paying the ones they can find more money to work. and it gets even better. aoc is proposing you make this retroactive to labor day. that is when the extra benefits ended. so she is keep being you through the whole entire thing. she is not willing to say, we ripped off the bandaid for some people, let's see if it works. let's see if they get jobs again. no, she wants to make it retroactive. stuart: my head is exploding. we'll move on. thank you, lauren. spacex, yeah, making history, launched the first-ever all civilian crew into space to orbit the earth. watch this. >> three, two, one.
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[cheering] >> ignition. inspiration 4. stuart: you like the big countdown from the crowd. different from a nasa launch, isn't it? this mission will last three days. aims to reach roughly a 360-mile altitude. billionaire jeremy isaac man spent $2 billion to buy the four seats own the plane, or the rocket. there is money raised for st. jude hospital. there is question we want to know. where do they go to the bathroom and how? todd piro will have an answer to that next hour. i can't believe i put that into the script on the program but we'll do it. get back to the markets. we have a loss for the dow. we're up 123 points. down 77 for the nasdaq. 21 for the s&p. d.r. barton is with us. why are you dismissing any caution here?
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you say now is not the time for caution so are you just plunging into this? >> well i think, my notes said there will be a time for caution, stuart, but that is down the road far enough that i think this september action is just and encouraging time. there is some bad news. september is the weakest month and the second half of september is the weakest part of september historically but that is just going to be a time to be able to add to portfolios, stuart. i think there is a very, very high probability that we're going to get a melt-up toward year-end as opposed to another big pullback. stuart: a melt-up after all these gains? after all these new highs, one after another, you're still saying melt-up? say it again. when is the melt-upcoming because we want to know. >> stuart here is what is happening this year.
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you may remember at 2017 when the biggest pull back we had all year was 2.8%. in 2019, it was 6%. 4.2% is the biggest pullback we've had this year. that kind of steady momentum leads to big moves. all the money is still coming in. every time we hear tapering getting pushed down the road we're going to see the markets pop up again. i believe between now and end of the year, stuart, i can't put much finer point on that but we'll see a melt-up. stuart: earlier, dr, we spent looking at beyond meat. it is down today. i was making the point it should be rallying here. beef, real meat prices are way up. i would thought there would be spillover into beyond meat's product. you like the stock at this level, don't you? >> i do, especially at this level, with today's pullback we've come right down to a good
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support level, a good place for a bounce and i think you hit the nail on the head there, stuart, right on the nose, that with burger prices, with meat prices going up as much as they have, and they have gone up hugely, in my beef buying has been from 75 to 100% versus precovid numbers. remember, with that kind of an increase, 40 to 45% of all beef consumed is hamburger. beyond makes a great direct replacement for that. i think you're right. i think we're going to see people migrating more to those meatless, those plant based products and beyond will be a good long-term hold. stuart: got it. dr, thanks for being with us today. we'll talk to you soon. let's get to this, if you want to go to a bar, restaurant, baseball game in los angeles, you want to do that? get ready to prove that you've
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been vaccinated. rapper nicki minaj get the white house's attention of a questioning the efficacy and side-effects of the jab. did she accept their invite? that story in a moment. chinese warships could quote, soon, show up near hawaii. kt mcfarland is on the show. i will ask her if this is a serious threat. that's next. ♪. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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together, they take about 40 points off the dow jones industrial average. microsoft down 3 and goldman down 4. the rapper, nicki minaj says she will never use twitter again. lauren, what happened? lauren: on instagram she wrote i'm in twitter jail, y'all, they didn't like what i was saying over there on that block. my poll will be asking questions. she continues. she was unvaccinated. she didn't to to the met gala. set off a firestorm of tweets about the vaccine that could be misinformation although twitter says, look, she didn't violate any of our rules. we did not block her. she is not using their platform. this whole story has a lot of misinformation in it. because nicki minaj went on to say, the white house invited me to go there in person to ask questions, get answers about the vaccine, to help me make my decision, to help you make your
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decision, there are reports saying the white house didn't invite you. you can have a call. we don't know what it is. a lot of misinformation here. she has a huge platform, 20 million followers. people listen to what she has to say a celebrity, rapper, superstar,. stuart: she is not vaccinated. lauren: she is not vaccinated. considering it. stuart: what is she allowed to say? what a mess it is really. let's move on. secretary of state antony blinken and his australian counterpart are meeting. they have announced a new security deal with british. rich edson at a state department. rich, is this direct challenge, this get-together a direct challenge to china? reporter: well, stuart, in this announcement there is not one specific mention of china, from the united states, united kingdom or australia but you look at this here, the u.s. making this announcement to bolster an american ally right in china's backyard as the china
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moves to expand its navy. we have reaction from china. we'll get to that in a second. this meeting is going on in the state department twine the ministers of defense, foreign ministers between the united states and australia. this deal specifically provides u.s. nuclear submarine technology to australia. only the second country after the united kingdom to get access to this technology t allows submarines to operate quietly over longer distances. in response a chinese spokeswoman, export of highly sensitive nuclear submarine technology by the u.s. and the uk proves once again that they are using nuclear exports as a tool for geopolitical gain and adopting double standards. this is extremely irresponsible. though president biden has downplayed this capability. >> i i want to be exceedingly clear about. this we're not talking about nuclear armed submarines. these are conventionally armed submarines powered by nuclear
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reactors. reporter: this deal also infuriated an american ally, the french. australia, 2016 signed a 40 billion-dollar contract to buy french submarines. australia is canceling the contract because they like this technology better. as a result of that, the french for maintainer american choice to exclude american ally and partner from a structural partnership with australia at a time we're facing unprecedented challenges in the indopacific region shows a lack of coherence france can only note and egret. he told a french publication the announcement amounts to a stab in the back. stuart. stuart: that is pretty strong stuff, isn't it? rich edson, thank you very much indeed. there is this, north korea has conducted 2:00 ballistic -- two ballistic missiles tests probably with the okay from china as china is boasting
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warships nearing hawaii soon. kt mcfarland joins us. kt, maybe china senses our weakness after the botched afghan exit. what say you? >> absolutely. now we will have the great testing. president biden's afghanistan fiasco is not just about afghanistan. it has a lot of repercussions and ramifications around the world. our adversaries look at this the fiasco itself, the perceived dysfunction of the biden administration around the biden administration's preoccupation into turning america into a socialist country they're making their moves. this is not an accident that china is sailing warships up to hawaii. having warships and military exercises right around taiwan. they want to claim the south china sea as an internal chinese lake. they think they will get away with it under a very weak president biden. stuart: there is an upcoming book. it says that speaker pelosi
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called general mark milley demanding that he took the football, that satchel which contains the nuclear launch codes, take it away from former president trump. what do you make of that, kt? >> look, i know from personal experience that woodward plays fast and loose with the truth but if there is anything to this story, whether it is pelosi millie connection, whether general milley and the chinese connection it all needs to be investigate the. we have civilian control of the military f general millie was trying to take that civilian control away from the president of the united states and somehow he himself is going to be in charge, maybe he and nancy pelosi and collusion are going to take away the responsibilities and privileges of the president of the united states, that is a really serious thing. this is not just like a bad news day story in washington, d.c. this goes to the heart of the fundamental aspect of the constitution which is civilian control of the military. general milley, if he was
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worried about president trump's sanity and nancy pelosi, if she was worried, they had a lot of ways they could deal with it other than a call to the chinese military. stuart: yeah, i mean, a lot of people just shaking their heads here. this is the very top levels of america's government and we have chairman of the joint chiefs talking to his chinese military counterpart saying, maybe saying, not been proven yet, hey, we'll give you a warning if we're going to attack you. stories about pelosi demanding that the president not have the football with him, who would have thought we would be talking like this about the top most levels of america's government? >> yeah. there is a reason that general milley's nickname at the pentagon is general wind sock. he sort of blows with the wind. i think a lot of this, look at the timeline, stuart, when did general milley talk to woodward? it was after the election. what was his worry after the election? he was worried that he was going
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to be fired by the incoming biden administration. we saw the biden administration fired everybody connected to trump. milley was appointed by trump. part was to ingratiate himself with the new biden administration. i'm not a trump guy. i'm not a trump guy. keep me on as chairman of the joint chiefs. stuart: amazing, just amazing. kt mcfarland, thanks for being here. i know we will see you again soon. quick programing note for you, my new show, "american built." premiers monday, september 20th. all about the extraordinary projects that opened up this great continent. captured the american spirit. here is a quick preview. many of the greatest leaps in architecture have been made by builders of churches. ♪. a far out inspiration to build an impossible church of glass. dr. schiller was an innovator.
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rocky road. >> need to give up multiple times. stuart: creating the largest glass building in the world. >> okay. lord, let's do it. stuart: the crystal cathedral. stuart: you can watch american built, mondays, 9:00 p.m. eastern. it is part of the new fox business prime lineup. here is what is coming up. a teacher removes the american flag from the classroom. why? because she says it represents violence and intolerance. i wish we're joking but we're not. we have the story. food prices skyrocketed what, 33% in august compared to a year ago? i will ask the ceo of goya how long this food price inflation lasts. he is on the show next. ♪.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ deposit, plan and pay with easy tools from chase. simplicity feels good. chase. make more of what's yours. stuart: the markets are all in the red. dow is down 160. nasdaq is down 85. we have news this morning at about 8:30 eastern time that retail sales were up and strongly so, gain of 0.7% just in the month of august. that is a much stronger gain
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than had been expected. susan, we have a market selloff here. which stocks and companies are you looking at? susan: i will start with lordstown motors after bank america downgraded the electric truck maker to underperform. to them they say lordstown is only worth five bucks. they call it one of the less legitimate players in the electric car space. what does that say? spacex, launching the first all civilian space flight. calling virgin galactic a competitor, that is buy. they're not concerned about the delay of the italian crew spaceflight. retail sales numbers. that is also helping american and amex today. bank of america is lifting it to neutral. they say it is worth $169. amex has underperformed this year but there could be more upside especially as americans spending more and they're probably using their plastic,
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stu? stuart: probably out there spending wildly with all the money on the sidelines, with 4 trillion in money funds. that sounds like a good idea. what else you got? susan: i have a deal news. great western bancorp in south dakota. this is a tie-up between montana based first interstate bank system. first interstate bank system buying great western. i love the local financial tie-ups. not only the big players that dominate the banking space in america. stuart: got it. great western bancorp up 11%. not bad at all. thank you, susan. grocery store store prices keep surging. we have bob. un u.a.e., ceo of goya foods. welcome back to the show. why are food prices going up so fast? >> this is beyond the normal cycle.
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we did have a drought this year. lowest carry overs since 2013. other issues around corn, coffee, russia wheat, things like that. but what has exacerbated this, this is historic, the covid. people not working, the supply chain being taxed tremendously. most of our products come from the u.s. if you bring in 1300 cases of coconut water from asia, what used to cost $1800 is now over $20,000 for one container. the supply chain is taxed to the max. it is affecting us locally, and not just the price of food, like i said. that cycle repeats. but what is changed is fact our world, our nation, our world locked down. people aren't working. you can't get things. you want to order a chair. it can take you six, eight
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months to get a piece of furniture. the supply chain is taxed. the stores are emptying because we just are not replenishing. the price of steel, glass, paper, wood, gasoline, gone through the roof. stuart: well -- >> that affects -- stuart: is there any sign the surge in food price inflation is leveling off? >> it is not just the food. it is the covid and it is the supply chain and people not working. i'm hearing this will go through 22. stuart: whoa. all right, i'm going to move on to a different subject because you at goya have thousands of employees. so are you going to enforce the vaccine mandate laid down by president biden? >> i think i'm going to follow the nicki minaj mandate of praying, researching and don't
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be bullied. stuart: so the answer is no, you're not going to enforce it? >> no, sir. i had covid. i lost 50-pounds. i got healthy. and i got covid. and when i got covid because i was healthy i survived. i'm 67 years old but the science is not out, if you have had covid whether you need a vaccine and many americans have gotten cove spread. covid. i'm not sure if the vaccine is going to sicken, quite honestly, i know cases where people have gotten it and passed not, you know, the scientists, they follow science, the science changes every day, the science is not out. if you have been sickened by covid you need to take a booster or a vaccine. stuart: got it. bob unaneu at goya foods.
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thanks for being with us. >> thank you, stuart. stuart: see you again later. thousands of afghan refugees are being scattered throughout this country. where are they ending up? we'll tell you which states are taking the moats most evacuees. there are reports u.s. allies in afghanistan are being hunted and executed by the taliban. it is an absolute mess but can we fix it? congressman brian mast is very hostile with what we did in afghanistan with the exit. he is on the show. he will tell us what he thinks.
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♪ stuart: plenty of volatility own the markets today. we've been up and down all day long. up 120. i'm sorry, up, down 120 for the dow at this moment. down 71 on the nasdaq and down 21 on the s&p. one of the top taliban officials sat down with reporter trey yingst for a very rare interview. trey is joining us now. what did he tell you, trey?
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reporter: stuart, good morning. the taliban says that the united states is not living up to their end of the doha agreement. today we spoke with haqqani of the infamous haqqani network. this man has ordered hundreds of suicide bombings over the past several years. he was previously in prison in the u.s. bagram airbase. he is speaking out from the american withdrawal from afghanistan. >> translator: getting americans out of afghanistan was always the aim of the afghans. that is why they put suicide vests on their body. getting them out is a big victory achievement for afghans. you would be proud if your heroes kicked out invaders from your land. reporter: i asked haqqani about his views of the biden administration n an off-camara meeting he wants all country toes have consulates and representation in kabul although he claims the united states is not livings up to the end of their bargain.
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>> translator: the islamic emirate we stand by the agreement. blacklist of taliban is also included. unfortunately the united states is not doing what they're saying. what they're saying against the doha agreement. they're calling for a new war, causing more chaos. reporter: in addition speaking with haqqani we talked to a special immigrant visa applicant to called on the united states to honor their promises to the afghan people and those who helped american troops during the war. we'll have more on that story later today. stuart? stuart: trey yingst, thanks very much indeed. there are reports about those who helped our troops in afghanistan now being hunted down and killed by the taliban. congressman brian mast, republican from florida, an afghan war veteran joins me now. congressman, this is a dreadful mess for those left behind. how do we fix it? >> anybody that thinks that there is a silver bullet at this point to fix that mess for the
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united states of america, they're living in a pipe-dream right now. because what you have is at minimum, you have three very serious nation states players, china, iran, russia, that are doing everything to thwart anything the u.s. would do over there to make sure they have assets or rather access to every mineral and mineral right over there such as litium and other minerals out of the ground, other elements out of the ground there. make sure they have the choice pick where their embassies are going to be there, how they set up with the government and they're working against the united states at every turn to make sure we don't have intelligence there on the ground or in the sky. certainly to make sure nobody that is it going to work with us there in any kind of way. that means continuing to intimidate those that worked with us in the past right to the point of hunting them down in the streets. stuart: what do you say to this? the only way to get those people out is to buy them out? buy the taliban off, give them money to get those people out?
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that is what it is going to come to, right? >> they're going to try to extort the united states for every dollar sent, piece of munition, vote at the u.n., you name it, anything that they can to do, if they think they have the leverage because there is a u.s. citizen or an asset remaining in afghanistan. here is one of the bigger concerns on that as well. you and i are still talking about this right now but we know the media cycle in many cases has moved on from talking about a lot of what is happening in afghanistan, certainly the siv applicants and others. when this cycle totally moves on, people are not talking about afghanistan in the media, then the taliban at that point have total control when the rest of the world is not paying attention to what is going on there. stuart: you suggested that secretary of state antony blinken was a liar. you want to make you are your point? >> yeah. i wouldn't just suggest that. i would say that flat-out. i said it to his face. i would say it again.
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every time he stepped in front of the camera as well as other people in the administration they stepped up and they lied. you look at the time line what they said day one of the afghanistan hostage crisis, day two, day three, day four. when they're stepping in front after camera saying things well listen the taliban promised they weren't going to allow terrorists to enter the country, that is a direct lie to americans. that is terrorists saying they will not allow terrorists into the country. that is one simple example. you look at what is going on with their messaging and who is making these decisions to leave equipment, dollars, other things on the ground, people behind, assets behind. they're lying to the face of congress, the american people and everybody else that wants to hear about the truth of what is going on there. they're telling the opposite. that is just bad. stuart: very tough stuff. congressman brian mast, thanks for being here. >> thanks for having me. stuart: let's not forget this story, sir. now this, china reportedly
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asked the u.s. to provide guidance to the taliban following the u.s. withdrawal. lauren, what did china say exactly? lauren: they said afghanistan's new political system needed support politically and financially. china is completely self-motivated here because they are worried of anti-china movements in afghanistan because of the void left by the u.s. when we left. they're worried about a terrorist group called the east turkistan islamic movement. that group launched attacks in china before. they have ties to al qaeda. they're looking for recruits. china is worried about its own national security. and we can align this, we can align with china on this one issue. do you trust the taliban to get out these bad actors? stuart: how much do we have to spend to get them out? lauren: yeah. stuart: good story. all right, now this. california and texas are set to take in the largest number of afghan refugees.
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california takes 5255. texas, 4481. evacuees were able to request which states they wanted to resettle in. many chose to be near close friends or family. teacher in oregon removes an american flag from the classroom claiming in stands for violence. what exactly did this teacher say? lauren: so it's a portland area high school. it is an english teacher. she said this, quote, i took the american flag down in my classroom because that is the most political symbol there is. that symbol doesn't stand for freedom or justice or equality anymore. it stands for violence and menace and intolerance and i will not fly that in my room. she said that after her school districted voted, they voted to ban black lives matter, lgbtq and other political some bowls in the classroom. the teacher said the red, white blue is political symbol. i will ban it. so she took down the flag. i don't know where this ends in
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a very woke culture. you can't be proud to live in america anymore. stuart: does she still have a job? that is what i would like to know. i would hope the answer is she doesn't have a job. lauren: no response from the school district. stuart: next case, the next time you want to eat or drink inside of a los angeles county restaurant, you will have to show proof you got the jab. doesn't stop there though. we'll break down where vaccine passports will soon be enforced. more than 60% of californians voted to keep governor newsom in office. how did he escape the recall? leo terrell is our california guy today and i will ask him. ♪. dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. life is for living.
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wanna lose weight and be healthier? it's time for aerotrainer. a more effective total body fitness solution. (announcer) aerotrainer's ergodynamic design and four patented air chambers create maximum muscle activation for better results in less time. it allows for over 20 exercises. do the aerotrainer super crunch, push ups, aero squat. it inflates in 30 seconds. aerotrainer is tested to support over 500 pounds. lose weight, look great, and be healthy. go to that's a-e-r-o ♪. stuart: all right, we still have a market down. nasdaq is down 89, just over 15,000. the s&p dropping 30 points at this stage. that is pretty broad-based selloff on wall street. let me sell you big tech items if i may please.
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they're all down. this is where the money is on wall street. every single one of them is down. apple is down nearly 1%. i have got google down over 1%. we've got microsoft down 1% as well. have you got something to add on this, lauren? lauren: no, it is interesting, because this selloff is coming when we got a really bullish call today from wells fargo. they see the s&p 500 at 4825 at the end of the year. that is as bullish as they get. then you have a lot of people you know, because we've given you so many calls about the month of september, right, september, october, things typically go south. for the most part the big banks have been pretty negative. they're saying, oh, it feels like something is about to happen because things are looking to good or seasonally it has to happen. that is the equivalent of you going to the doctor, doctor saying everything looks good, blood work is great, but you're probably going to get sick later on. it is just kind of funny when you think about it.
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what is really behind this selloff that we're seeing? >> yeah. and how big is the selloff going to be that we're seeing? lauren: right. stuart: we'll only find out. let me move on to this more than 60% of california residents voted no in the california recall election. newsom, the governor, keeps his job. leo terrell joins us. leo, how did newsom survive with all the problems in his state? >> stuart, that is a very easy question. he used smoke and mirrors, smoke and mirrors to change the narrative. he turned issue into a national issue on abortion and trump. stuart today, we still have the homeless problem. we still got crime. we still got a situation where kids are being locked up, no personal school. we have the covid issue. so he was successful in changing the narrative and demonizing his opponent.
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stuart: leo, he got, newsom, got huge majorities in the california's two biggest cities, los angeles and san francisco. explain how a black candidate failed against a white candidate in america's, in california's two biggest cities? >> excellent question. you're right. in l.a. he got over 70% of the vote. in san francisco 80%. why? because he plays the race card to the fullest extent. he characterized larry elder as the black face of white supremacists. if the democrats don't play the race card, if they don't keep minorities locked up on their plantation what i call it, they will lose and they play the race card and they used it to the full extent. larry elder was considered a racist being a black man. it doesn't make sense but the democrats will do anything to keep control of power, in a deep, deep blue state. we had an opportunity to have a
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republican in the governorship. what happened was they played the race card successfully. stuart: real fast, leo, i noticed in l.a. county you have now got to show proof of vaccination to get into a bar, a nightclub, or brewery. i guess natural immunity doesn't count, does it? >> let me tell you the democrats ecstatic. be very clear the democrats are using pandemic. there is no more pandemic. we have a variant. delta variant. they're using it for control and power. look at this stuart, the moment the recall election came in, the moment it came in the county of l.a. imposed its mandate. it is kind of odd l.a. firefighters, police officers are suing because you're losing the right of religious freedom, you're losing natural immunity, not even being considered. it is total chaos in the state of california. stuart: i will leave it at that, total chaos in the state of
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california. leo terrell, thank you for being here, sir. appreciate it enormously. got it. still ahead, mercedes schlapp, ohio congressman jim jordan and nigel farage. there is this, a tale of two presidents trump undermined by his political opponents who hated him, and biden who i think is undermining himself. that is "my take," and that is next. ♪. ♪ music playing. ♪ there's an america we build ♪ ♪ ..
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>> alexandria ocasio cortez makes five times the average personal income in this country. she doesn't have a problem with the rich. she has a problem with the rich and anybody who wants to see freedom, to keep their wealth. >> that is down the road. a very high probability of a melt up as opposed to another big pull back. >> everybody - it is like chicken little. too many people do what i do, try to be the smartest person
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in the room. it is the stock market followed by the fed. >> when everyone is looking for a pull back that is almost a guarantee they aren't going to do it. i get more and more confident. ♪♪ >> it is september 16th and here is what is happening in the markets. downside move and then some for the dow taking another trip south, you are close to 100 points. now this. the democrats stooped as low as you can go to undermine donald trump. they put it out that he was dangerously unbalanced. the media haters questioned his sanity. a new book by bob woodward said speaker pelosi called generally demanding that the football
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which contains the nuclear launch code like a secular suitcase be taken away from donald trump. another allegation in woodward's books is generally undermined the president by assuring china we give them warning before we attacked. it is hard to believe this was going on in the top ranks of america's government but it was going on and now we have president biden who is undermining himself as we have more evidence that he ignored his top military advisers weeks before the disaster in afghanistan. they wanted to keep troops there to protect the withdrawal. biden didn't listen. his own handlers are undermining the president's credibly, they taken away from reporters and they write his scripts. if they are so confident of the
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president's ability to do the job stop protecting him. cover-ups do not inspire confidence. a detailed two presidents, trump undermined by political opponents who hated him and biden who is undermining himself. the third hour of "varney and company" just getting started. mercedes schlapp joins us this morning. i'm getting stronger saying that biden is undermining himself and his handlers are making it worse. is he undermining himself? >> you are giving him too much credit. i don't think biden knows where he is, what he is doing or what he is saying. he is being managed as a puppet by his handlers and i think what you have seen so far is his agenda is failing not only the american people but also our position in global affairs. this is reflective of president biden and his poll numbers,
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they continue to drop dramatically. when you look at approval numbers, 42%, losing independents, it is just a time i have to say within the white house the communications shop, political shop have to be worried right now if they can salvage this presidency. stuart: what do you make of this report in woodward's book which is not been proven but is in that book that speaker pelosi called up the chairman of the joint chiefs and said you have to take the nuclear football away from the president, he is nuts. what do you make of that? >> there are so many problems with what bob woodward is reporting, they have this transcript between the speaker of the house and general milley and i think general milley felt he had the right and authority to make these sorts of decisions. i know there's reporting he made the secret calls to china
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without any approval from his military hire ups and it is incredibly problematic. that is not what we want to see in america, we don't want to see one single a military official, not follow the orders of his affirmative defense and sounds like he was the deep background source for bob woodward. so many questions need to be answered. they need to do a congressional investigation. we will see general milley speak, that will be important to get to the bottom of this and he thinks he is a hero, he thinks he stopped a major crisis. they are hailing him as a patriot, and thank god he stopped donald trump from a possible strike with china, that was never in the cards and
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is just ridiculous, trump derangement syndrome could go that far. stuart: a new quinnipiac poll shows nearly half of us that the mandates on the vaccine go too far. is the president running into a covid crisis as well as all the other crises? >> president biden ran, to solve this pandemic problem. it hasn't been too many. he followed the trump handbook on operation warp speed. you hear individual saying i can't go to an icu because there are so many patients there. what about president biden calling on the military to get hospitals, where there are these hotspots, if i'm to get
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more vaccines not through emergency authorization in certain cases. and understanding natural immunity that not even anthony fauci could give a good answer whether natural immunity should be considered in the cards. he's not handling this in a crisis in a good way. he created division, not brought over and convince the unvaccinated people to get vaccinated. it has created a hostile environment and hasn't solved the problem. one in 500 americans who have died of covid and it is not going away anytime soon.
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stuart: we will see you again soon, the dow is down 250 points. i want to talk about today's selloff, countless analysts who watch the market, there is a selloff coming. it is inevitable. is this the start of the correction? >> we recently had one, 2%, the s&p 500, the buy on the dip mentality. it is defined as 10% pull back in the indices and we haven't had that since covid began so every time the market falls 2%,
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3%, 4%, people are looking for value. they are not buying the s&p index or one of the indices out right underneath that but they are looking for areas like the banks for example or like the retail sector which we got positive retail data to choose the undervalued stocks that have not done as well. that is what investors are looking at. stuart: let's look at different scenarios about the $3 trillion spending plan. if investors think it will pass, which stocks should they buy? >> if you think it is doing to pass, it is unlikely to pass as is but say it does and we know the infrastructure side, industrials, one.2 initial trillion dollar infrastructure if they tied had to this $3 trillion infrastructure then you can look at sectors like education, the focus is on 3 k education.
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may be a bright house or education etf, the symbol as well as clean energy, if you are in favor of the more not in favor of them we know a lot of this will stay in the legislation so you look at first solar, brookefield, renewables, and other initiatives like hydroelectric power plants and you can look to invest if you think this is going to pass, this is i'm not so sure. stuart: i'm with you on that. thank you, see you later. let's see if this is the start of the correction. lauren, you are following the airlines.
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what is the news on united? >> there fully vaccinated, the deadline to do so is september 20 seventh. get vaccinated or go on unpaid leave, that is sick approach. this is the carrot approach, southwest giving their staff two days of extra pay if they do get vaccinated. the future of air travel. all electric plane, rolls-royce in-flight in the uk, the goal is to get 300 miles an hour of charge. the goal is to decolonize the aviation, and and >> they are a big jet engine, that is in the plane, the electric plane, thanks very much. the uk, the brits are saying no
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like you, my hands are everything to me. but i was diagnosed with dupuytren's contracture. and it got to the point where things i took for granted got tougher to do. thought surgery was my only option. turns out i was wrong. so when a hand specialist told me about nonsurgical treatments, it was a total game changer.
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wonder it is all a mess. the congressman jim jordan is with us now. the president lacks credibility in so many areas. i think he's being undermined by himself and his team. what say you? >> if this reporting is accurate that general milley went around the commander-in-chief when it was donald trump that if he told the chinese if we are going to do something we will give you a heads up that is so unconstitutional, so wrong and you couple that with fauci's handling of this it has been a miss. the thing about doctor fauci, never forget this. january 30 first at 10:3:02 pm 2020, a year and a half ago doctor fauci was on notice this thing came from a lab and he misled us the entire time. he got an email from christian anderson at 10:3:02 pm, the
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email said virus looks engineered, not consistent with evolutionary theory. a fancy way of saying this came from a lab and he downplayed that it misled the american people for the last year and a half and all the evidence suggest this thing did come from the lab so they mishandled all kinds of stuff and president biden continues to listen to their advice. stuart: this one too. a picture of a toddler and a baby abandoned at the border. they were left with a note saying they were siblings from honduras and a new drone video 7000 migrants waiting to get into texas, 7000 people all in one place and all of this as senate democrats push $100 billion amnesty proposal for illegal immigrants. this border problem keeps getting worse. they are doing absolutely nothing about it. >> marsh is the largest month
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for illegal encounters on the border, may was the largest month until june, june was the largest month until july when we had 212,000 illegal crossings at the border and august numbers were at july never 208,000. the only conclusion is this is deliberate. once democrats response in a $3 trillion spending bill, what is there response, 8 million illegal immigrants, and 20 different amendments, passing on a partyline vote, to give amnesty to 8 million people who broke the law. stuart: a steady drumbeat of crises, the business roundtable representing ceos calling on congress to raise the debt limit. are we about to see a that
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ceiling crisis and shutdown of government? is this likely? >> they might worry about the 40 year high in inflation, it is going to contain huge tax increases if they can't get it through the senate. instead of doing what cancel culture wants them to do all the time. think about the democrats economic plan, they lockdown the economy, spend like crazy, give amnesty to people who broke the law and everyone who didn't break the law who has been working, they will raise your taxes. such a deal for the american taxpayer, that is the democrats plan. ceos should worry more about that in the impact it is having on the economy instead of
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worrying the debt ceiling - that is the democrats problem. they shouldn't talk to republicans, talk to democrats. stuart: can you show me your point to any single success president biden in his first eight month? >> know, we went from secure border to chaos, energy independence to the president of the united states, lobbying opec to increase production, we went from safe cities to crime surge everywhere. stable pricing and increasing real wages to a 40 year inflation high not to mention the foreign-policy debacle, they've not done one thing right. stuart: see us soon, thanks so much.
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one house democrat breaking from the party over the big spending bill, who is it and what is the problem? >> advancing democrats multi-trillion dollar reconciliation package. this is the end tax reductions give her part like increasing taxes on wealthy individuals to fund investments in the bill, she did express optimism, the final version of the package, the appropriately targeted and fiscally responsible paid for by tax provision that promote fairness but do not heard working families as joe manchin and kirsten cinema raise concerns about the price tag on the senate side. a lot of hurdles before we get a package. stuart: there is new drama surrounding aoc's tax the rich dress. give me the latest. >> every 6 hours in a story about this dress.
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velvet bandit, the socialist democrat's tax the rich dress ripped off her design. look familiar, she as well showing aoc's dressing her design which was a facemask with tax the rich over abe lincoln's now, she points to the similarities in handwriting but as she's a fan of aoc and will to collaborate. i wonder what the next 6 hours will bring in the aoc dress saga. >> to tax the rich, political message that just about anything you have seen this past week or month. >> nothing if not a marketing genius. we can dismiss her ideas is ridiculous but from a marketing perspective almost nobody better in congress. >>, amazon planning a major
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event next month. they hope it will lose and consumers at of the shopping season. and walmart teaming up with ford and argo, working to bring driverless deliveries to major cities, and to washington dc. and we have the details on that one. can stephen breyer save the supreme court, that is the question dan heninger is asking, i will dig into that next. ♪♪
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zero-dollar monthly plan premium in many areas. and, your doctor and hospital may already be part of humana's large network. if you want the facts, call right now for the free decision guide from humana. there is no obligation, so call the number on your screen right now to see if your doctor is in our network, to find out if you can save on your prescriptions, and to get our free decision guide. humana a more human way to healthcare. >> 5, 4, three, two, one. >> go falcon, godspeed inspiration 4. stuart: space x blasting off its inspiration 4 rocket, they made history with the first all civilian crew.
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come back in please. you know the questions almost everybody asks about these space trips, how do they go to the bathroom up there. do you have an answer? >> do i have to come back in here? can i sit this out? these guys hiding the ball on this. see what i did there? they are not telling people how the toilet works. very very quiet about it. i don't know if you can see but the bowl is in the top part of it so you have a great view of space but they are not going into the details. we know how to go to the bathroom. viewers don't need an explanation but they are not giving details on any of this and i don't know why. stuart: as i recall from way back when, sort of a whirling
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system goes around and around to create centripetal force which keeps whatever you put into the bowl in the bowl even though it is a weightless environment. is that a decent answer? >> for the previous one but for this latest permutation of space travel all they show our pr photos of people sitting, presumably not going to bed at the time he took these photos, in the absolute - at the top of the space capsule. borrowing the international space station technology, i still can't figure out, various aspects how the technology works for space x, marketing approach, how to make space travel cheaper, why they talk about the toilet is fascinating to me. i don't get it. stuart: there is such a thing
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as personal privacy. we need details. went into different details that we didn't need to know. stuart: we are dropping the subject and will never return to whatever. we will bring in susan who is looking at various stocks including general motors. general motors is down. >> they are extending their production halt at its michigan factory that builds the electric chevy volt and that will go to mid-october. they are at 6 other american israeli plants, the global chip shortage, they don't have chips to put into the cars. they signed an exclusive multi-year deal with toll brothers. this allows toll brothers to offer solar panels and other fund storage capabilities that
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goes nationally as well. to the biggest drag, coke might be facing more competition when it comes to hard seltzer. i want to show you square, they are launching payment system in third european country in spain after they did that in ireland and france. would you be paying - use your bitcoin cash to do that on top of bitcoin. they will allow more and different types of crypto currency allowing for tickets and popcorn, so they could sell bitcoin but only when they have a payment system and technology
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allow for it but i do what the transaction fees are, they are pretty high with currency which doesn't make it feasible as a currency yet. stuart: you and i talked about buying a pizza with a fraction of bitcoin, the transaction cost was 6 bucks to buy it. it has to come down if you use cryptos as any kind of currency. nobody is doing that. all right, thank you very much. look at this new headline. can stephen breyer and amy kony barrett save the supreme court? the two justices share one opinion, the court is in trouble. dan heninger wrote that article enjoins me now. why is the court in trouble? what is the basic problem? >> thought by too many american
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to be highly politicized. amy kony barrett gave a speech this past weekend in kentucky saying her goal was to convince the audience that we the justices are not a bunch of partisan hacks, her words and before that stephen breyer in another speech said he wanted to convince people we are not a bunch of junior league or junior politicians. they are both concerned the american people think they are highly politicized. one of the reasons for this is there is so much politicization around the supreme court targeted incidentally at justice stephen breyer. just this past weekend so-called moderate senator amy klobuchar said he is going to retire he should do it as soon as possible. in other words the democrats are trying to push this old guy
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stephen breyer, what they regard as this old fogey liberal off the court so they can replace them with somebody to the left of sonja sotomayor and move on to senator and marky's bill to expand the court with more seats, all of them would be progressives appointed by president biden to rubberstamp their politics. stephen breyer is trying to hold the line, letting the court be degraded in that way. stuart: do you think america would stand for that? the forced retirement of someone to get somebody more liberal or packing the court with more justices so you can get a liberal court, do you think america would stand for that? i don't. >> a lot of americans would oppose it, they are upset about the court being involved in things people think are more local responsibilities like school discipline or even the most sensitive issue out there for democrats is roe v wade and abortion.
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an issue of personal choice and responsibility that the democrats i think is at the center of their reason for wanting to pack the courts so they can cement roe v wade, prevent it from emendations or changes. justice breyer is saying i intend to stay here to provide balance to the court and looking like the little dutch boy with his thumb in a leaking dike to prevent the court from being overrun by the democratic left. i wish stephen breyer getting a lot more support than he is from his liberal democratic friends out there, maybe there are not many of them left. stuart: preserve the court please. dan heninger, good stuff. see you soon. prince harry and megan markel just named as most influential
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people but they are getting roasted because of this cover photo. we will tell you why. sacramento, california paying laid-off workers up to $2,500 to train for new jobs. one woman used to make minimum wage making 70,$000 a year. the report from california is next. ♪♪ working for a living ♪♪ working for a living ♪♪ ♪♪ working for a living ♪♪
11:38 am
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just getting - ashley in a diner, sometimes with live television you can have problems getting through to people. we have a problem with ashley's video but we will get it restored in a moment. sacramento, california, found an alternative to those extra unemployment checks to get back on their feet. is this a successful program? >> ashley is having his breakfast instead of coming online with you. we do these stories all the time about paying people not to work, this is paying people to work, local economic councils teamed up with the urban league, the mayor's office took cares act funding and provided skills training for people impacted by the pandemic. >> 93% graduated with google
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certification, we've had 90% job placement. the wages are 50% higher than traditional job placement. >> reporter: the mother two young children left the workforce for a time during covid, was struggling financially until she heard about this program. >> i went from minimum wage at the second into coroner's office to making 75,$000 annually. >> reporter: she's at this tech company, she is working on a project with goldman sachs. >> i still pinch myself. it is a completely different dynamic. my husband and i are big on not letting could feel the struggle we feel, the wait was on our shoulders until now. finally it feels like i can breathe a breath of fresh air and provide what i know they deserve.
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>> reporter: the message she wants out a simple, there are good jobs in this economy. plenty are available if you are willing to put in the work, learn some new skills. stuart: sounds successful to me. los angeles county, the biggest county in the nation is expanding vaccine requirements, got to show proof you got the job, the jab i should say, to get into indoor venues. when do these rules kick in? >> reporter: if you're going to a dodgers rams or chargers game you will need proof of vaccination or negative covid tests. la county expected to issue a new health order later this week the targets those outside venues, indoor bars, and customers employees to have one dose of the vaccine by october 7th and receive their second dose by november 1st. it will strongly recommend, not
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require vaccine verification for indoor parts of restaurants. the comparison between bars, nightclubs and restaurants. stuart: thanks very much. still to come on this program, nigel farage. i want to know what the brits think of their freedom from covid restrictions. florida will find businesses that require proof of vaccination. each violation could cost the business $5,000, he has the story and we fixed this video.
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now there's release from golo. it naturally helps reverse insulin resistance, stops sugar cravings, and releases stubborn fat, all while controlling stress and emotional eating. at last, a diet pill that actually works. go to to get yours. stuart: the governor florida, ron desantis threatening fines of $5,000 for businesses that impose a vaccine mandates. ashley webster at that diner in florida we restored the video. what do they think of the governor's move. ashley: and it is like a different planet.
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florida businesses ask for proof of vaccination they are the ones who can't get find, $5,000 fine for any government or business for opposing vaccine mandate for employees or customers. finds a $5,000 for businesses that don't enforce indoor vaccine mandates, complete 180. the owner of the diner, thanks for taking the time out. you agree with desantis but shouldn't be enforcing vaccination information at the front door. >> stand to the right. stuart: 5 what your customers say? >> they are on board, nobody
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wants to show a vaccine card. they are coming here. ashley: i want to mention this diner famous for a door sign, let me show you what it says, if you voted for and continue to stand behind the worthless, inept and corrupt administration currently inhabiting the white house that is compliant in the death of our service men and women in afghanistan please take your business elsewhere. what reaction did you get to that? >> mostly incredibly positive. a lot of veterans, turned it into a movement i never expected and i am grateful but that is okay. ashley: how long will you keep that sign up? >> forever. until the president owns up to what he did, he screwed up and fixes it. ashley: once you put the sign up you ran out of food.
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>> we did have anything to serve. ashley: state of florida, different animal no doubt. stuart: different planet, different country. let's go to britain, cover britain, they dropped mask requirements and plans for vaccine passports. nigel farage, you have gotten rid of the restrictions. what is it like? >> we have because 20 miles away where you show a vaccine passports of pick up a take-out meal i have been for lunch in london, no one wearing face masks, the restaurant full, the bars overflowing, a real sense of party time in london, 18 months, traffic terrible once
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again, people back in the offices apart from the public service. everyone else's back and there is a sense of joy in the air. it is fantastic. stuart: didn't you get a spike in cases when you took these restrictions off? >> we did get an increase in cases, mild increasing cases and some increase in hospitalization, a tiny increase in total number of deaths. what we are seeing clearly is the over 50s and vulnerable if they have the double jab, if they do read contract coronavirus their chances of getting seriously ill are massively reduced. i've got some different thoughts whether we should vaccinate 12-year-olds who are
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at no risk, for the vulnerable at the moment, the vaccine is moving - working very well. more people after the easing of restrictions tested positive but not that many of them became seriously ill. stuart: is the prime minister popular for having done this? >> yes, i think he is. we are a country in the european space, the uk always enjoyed limiting freedom far more than continental partners who haven't trained in the same way. people look at what is happening in france, what is happening in germany, what is happening down under in australia and new zealand. under boris johnson, much better, then it should be. the governments are saying it was a real problem, bring back
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some restrictions, but now we have a sense of life going back to normal. stuart: you should come over here to florida. you would feel right at home. see you soon. news on megan markel and prince harry, on the cover of time magazine. they are named icons in the magazine's most influential people list. the cover has been criticized. people say the photo looks photoshop and the couple appears plasticy. an op-ed in the new york post criticized time for calling the couple influential. they said the royals are insufferable. i didn't want to say anything to nigel farage, time for the
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40 time after cheat saw. fast, stuart. stuart: here is the answer, cheetah can run 70 miles an hour. i've actually seen them run in africa they are remarkable creatures. they are in fact the fastest land animal. you learn something every day on the program. >> that is how fast i will run next time you ask me to do a toilet story. stuart: you got it. send in "friday feedback." varney viewers neil, it is yours. neil: thank you, stuart. we're developing factors on virus front, vaccine front. confusion by the fda whether we need the booster shots that could become available as soon as next monday. we have you covered on all sides with this, with the president of louisiana state university, william tate, he was the only top education administrator to be meeting at the white house with all those corporate
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