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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  September 22, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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created this crisis. elizabeth: lora ries, it's great to have you on. come back soon. we appreciate your insights. i'm elizabeth macdonald. you've been watching "the evening edit" on fox business. that does it for us. we so appreciate you watching. we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪ ♪ kennedy: hump night. welcome to it. the president said is he's, quote, getting it under control. but how can he possibly understand the border situation if he's never even been there? neither has his vice president. isn't that weird? by now, we've all seen the shocking imma'ams of thousands of haitians -- images of thousands of haitians in del rio, texas. hundreds more reportedly cross into the u.s. every single day. democrats have begun to turn on the administration as the humanitarian crisis continues to worsen, but today at the white house our own peter doocy
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peppered jen psaki with questions about the president's knowledge of the situation. watch. >> reporter: has president biden ever been to the southern border? >> in his life? >> reporter: yes. >> i will have to look back in my history books and check the time -- i can check and see the last time or when he may have been; but tell me why you're asking. >> the president made the point when there are disasters in this country like a wildfire if or hurricane, to go and see for himself firsthand what the needs are of the local communities so that he can have an informed pob the make policies. why doesn't he do that, why doesn't he go gown to del rio, texas, and see what's going on? kennedy: oh, snap, girl. you got no answer. the problem is the president isn't the only one who seems to be clueless about what's going on. his border czar, vice president kamala harris, has been characteristically m.i.a. and
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homeland security chief alejandro mayorkas lost in space. get a load of this. >> how many people very returned, how many people very dispersed to all points around america? >> senator, i would be pleased to provide you with that -- >> i want them now. why don't you have that information now? >> senator, i do not have that data -- >> why not? why don't you have that basic information? kennedy: i worked 18 hours. cop on, man. you're at a senate hearing. have the numbers. mayorkas also a had the nerve to whine about working 18 hours on the border situation. 20 more minutes and you'd have solved the problem. making matters worse, the associated press reporting the biden administration's letting those migrants free to spread out in the united states -- who wouldn't want to be here? naturally, the white house they're denying that, but if it's true, have they all been tested for covid? i think we all want the know the answer to that. and if the biden administration has no idea what's going on along our border, how can we expect them to fix it?
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joining me now, federalist cofounder and fox news contributor ben domenech. so, ben, the president says he's "the whole thing under control, but as you watch this and you watch various crises just on the southern border -- never mind the economy, covid or afghanistan -- do they have a plan here? >> well, kennedy, i think that one of the things that's going to be amazing, because this is now bound to happen, is that we're going to have one of those joe biden reminiscing moments where he remembers all the times he's been to the border and all the stories and experiences that he's had there. probably going to happen in public at some point before they, you know, cut that mic. it really is amazing to me how much this administration is willing to pretend like everything's okay in every respect. but no where is that more true than when it comes to this rolling border crisis, and it is a crisis that has been unceasing this entire year. and look at the situation that you have right now.
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yes, there's this shiny object of, oh, we're going to take some of these haitian migrants and figure out a way to deport them on planes and that type of thing. that's not the majority of what's going on. instead, they are being released op their own recognizance, in ways that almost certainly do not end up with them showing up at an office within the next 60 days. and what you saw happen over this past week, this is something that is intentional. you do not have 10,000 people show up from a certain part of mexico without something being planned and being permitted. mexico is on the cusp of being a failed narco-state, the cartels essentially decide what happens on the border: someone flipped a switch and gave them permission to come. what were they doing on a all the other parts of the border that border patrol wasn't able to pay attention to? what are they getting across? and how much are we going to see
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that have an impact in terms of fentanyl deaths and outcomes of that nature? the cartels run the border, we don't. kennedy: the cartels run the border because drugs are illegal, yet still great demand for them in this country. you've got 30,000 haitians in colombia eager to make their way here up through central america, into mexico and, finally, into the united states. as you pointed out, del rio has become the magnet. but, you know, again, there is not a system in place to process people, and, you know, i don't disagree sending them back to haiti is cruel, you know? if you're dealing with an assassinated president and earthquakes and all sorts of other natural and manmade crises, serving them back there -- sending them back this is really the worst case scenario. don't we have to prioritize asigh lees and refugees in this country? >> well, of course we should, but i also think that one of the things that we saw coming down the pike as soon as joe biden
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got elected was that they were going to roll back everything that president trump did regardless of whether it was a smart move or not. simply because the left has adopted this attitude that if it's associated with trump, it's bad, it's stupid, it's wrong think, etc. and, in fact, what we've seen is that a number of those policies actually did lead to a situation that was sustainable on border and that was leading to people not having that magnet effect that comes when you have these types of permissive policies. look, we have a situation there that has to be brought under control, it has to be brought under control before we can have any conversations about a bureaucratic system, a government-run system that is absolutely broken when it comes to our immigration problems, but that's always been the case. it's why you needed to have that binary of a secure border before you could have any conversation about what's going to happen and how we should allow people to come here. kennedy: yes. because this is not how you allow people to come here. this is not the situation that
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you create. and as you pointed out, this administration if is just trying to get them out of there as quickly as possible because this is such bad optics for them. and, you know, it just mires them in this immigration debate that really no side wants right now, but this is something that is truly splitting the democrat party. ben domenech, thank you so much. >> great to be with you, kennedy, as always. kennedy: always good to talk to you. thank you. democrats are throwing a hissy fit over images of border agents rounding up illegal migrants on horseback. some are still insisting that whips were involved. here is mad maxine waters today. >> what the hell are we doing here? what we witnessed talks us back hundreds of -- takes us back hundreds of years. what we witnessed was worse than what we witnessed in slavery. cowboys with their reins, again, whipping black people.
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kennedy: all right. so if they're mad now, wait until they hear about president biden's newest plan. he reportedly wants to build a facility to house the migrant haitians at, wait for it, guantanamo bay! gitmo! problem solved. well, let's talk about that with tonight's man panel. we've got washington times' opinion editor and fox news contributor charlie hurt is here. we've got the aggressive progressive podcast host, he's a former aide to senator chuck schumer, christopher hahn is back, and foundation for economic education policy correspondent brad plum bow. welcome, gents. charlie, i will start -- >> hey, kennedy. kennedy: hi, how are you? [inaudible conversations] gitmo's going to be super fun because, you know, the administration's going to say you guys don't have to worry about a thing, three hots and a cot, you'll have all the water -- boarding -- you could ever want. what could go wrong in gitmo? >> yeah.
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no, this is definitely not where the biden administration wants to go, i don't think, with this, because this is not going to solve any problem. this is only going to create lots and lots of more problems. and that's why they really don't have a whole lot of great options right now, because they have single-handedly created this entire crisis out of nothing. [laughter] and, you know, the problem when people tried to come to, you know, when they seek asylum, when they -- the problem with that is you're supposed to go to the nearest safe country. and all of these haitians, these 10,000 haitians that are gathering in del rio, they were in a safe third country before they arrived here. so the idea that they're coming here, they want, you know, they want political asylum doesn't cut it because they had already achieved what the definition of political asylum was in brazil or wherever they were before they came here. kennedy: yeah. colombia, panama is expecting 80,000 haitian my grants, chris.
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so the administration is where they don't want to be. no administration wants to be here. as politico pointed out today, they are mired knee deep in immigration politics, and this situation isn't going to solve itself anytime soon, and it's not going away anytime soon. so what should the administration do about it? >> well, first of all, this is the result of decades of a broken immigration system. we have people here who are leaving brazil because they left haiti after earthquakes, went to brazil to work for the olympics building those facilities, and now they're coming here. we have a lot of jobs open in this country. i bet a lot of those immigrants would do well to serve those jobs, and we should have a process to match them with those jobs and bring them into this country -- >> there really is modern slavery. >> -- immigration reform bill that passed the senate and was not brought up in the house would have put together a process that would have done that and would have also given extra money to secure the southern border -- kennedy: if only democrats had the --
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[inaudible conversations] the president --, the house and the senate, oh, wait, they do -- >> oh, you need 60 votes in the senate. look, i'm all for getting rid of the filibuster -- kennedy: no, you're not, because when republicans gain control of the senate again, you're going to be the first person on here whining and crying every day because republicans undid joe biden's legacy with 51 votes. brad, you can go ahead and -- >> nah, i won't. kennedy: yes, you will. you're confused. >> i can just say that republicans and democrats -- kennedy: they do -- hold on one second. elections do have consequences, chris. that's the point. so the next election cycle -- >> yeah. kennedy: -- when your party is not in power and the filibuster's gone, you are going to be a big baby about it. >> we need to get rid of the filibuster right now -- kennedy: yeah, because your party is in power, and even then kyrsten sinema and joe manchin aren't going to play ball on everything because they're in
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red or purple states. brad, go ahead, dear -- >> yeah. >> yeah, without getting dragged into the filibuster, unless you want to start having policies swing back and forth every election. on immigration though, republicans and democrats have both failed. that is the message from our southern border: yes, it is a crisis, it is a humanitarian crisis -- >> it is. >> -- it is a security crisis. but in the u.s. right now, it is unfortunately all but impossible to navigate the lab bill clinton that is our -- labyrinth that is our immigration system. kennedy: amen. >> and as long as that is the case, we will keep have crises at the border no heart who comes next -- kennedy: president desantis. >>th president camilla. ken what has she done to make the situation better? has she crafted think legislation? has she come up with a system or a plan? no. she's m.i.a., nowhere to be found.
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oh, wait, she's in el paso. coming up, it's been eight days and still no sign of brian land arely, so what is gabby's former fiance, and what is the fbi doing to find him? my memo and the one and only shannon bream -- whoo! -- both next. ♪♪ ♪ it beautiful. state of the art technology makes it brilliant. the lexus nx. experience the crossover in its most visionary form. experience amazing at your lexus dealer. ok, let's talk about those changes to your financial plan. bill, mary? hey... it's our former broker carl. carl, say hi to nina, our schwab financial consultant. hm... i know how difficult these calls can be. not with schwab. nina made it easier to set up our financial plan. we can check in on it anytime. it changes when our goals change. planning can't be that easy. actually, it can be, carl. look forward to planning with schwab.
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♪ kennedy: the tragic death of gabby petito littered with law enforcement failures and the fbi has been a disgray in terms of urgency -- disgrace. if it weren't for amateur sleuths, investigators would have never really cracked this case. it's not just the member from quantico who deserve blame but also the bumbling north port, florida, police department who would still be tripping about a missing persons case. it should come as no surprise that north port lost brian laundrie to a gator pit. but now the fbi is asking true crime aficionados to help piece together details. where was law enforcement when gabby's mind was making a tearful plea to find and return her daughter? oh, that's right, if fbi was
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busy shielding larry nassar so he could victimize more nasts, or they were -- gymnasts, or they were goading michigan militiamen if into kidnapping the governor or ignoring leads about soon to be terrorists solidly on their radar before they committed an act of murder. they can't be bothered the arrest anti-muslims, they'd rather leave out critical information that would keep the agency from violating innocent american civil liberties. gabby petito was killed in a national park, so she will be investigated and charged by the feds if they're not too busy delegating evidence collection. gabby deserves better than all of this, and so do the thousands of missing women whose cases grow cold and ignored. maybe the fbi could make better use of their time and turn a series of serial failures into action and urgency for these lesser known victims who don't take up time on cable news broadcasts. and that's the memo.
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with law enforcement dropping the ball left and right, who deserves the blame, and will the petito family finally see justice? here with me tonight to discuss, fox at night an to have -- fox news at night anchor, shannon bream. i know you have been covering this. obviously, her homicide is incredibly tragic, but what else strikes you that has gone wrong in this case? >> you know it's difficult, my dad was a law enforcement officer when i was young, and he talked about how the domestic stuff when you would show up were the very worst situations. he tonight kno how bad it was going to be the -- he didn't know how bad it was going to be, and you had to make a judgment call about what should happen, and every state has different laws about that. but everybody is now going back and looking at the body cam of this tearful girl knowing what happened, your heart just breaks for her. one of the park rangers who talked to her said i got probably more personal than i should, i said, listen, do you know what you're doing? this is something you can walk
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away from, is this the best plan for your life. she's got to now be asking questions about could i have done more, but this guy being a jerk doesn't rise to the level of a crime. so we're asking a hot for law enforcement to get it together here. interestingly, the fbi is under a lot of heat for many things, all those different cases that you mentioned, and haas week we saw bipartisan support -- this wasn't a political issue -- when they went after fbi director christopher wray on the nasser cases, and he just said i have to say i'm profoundly and deeply sorry. these young women saying, listen, if you had stopped him when i reported him, these other women wouldn't be standing here. so the fbi has a lot to clean up, and wray is promising they're working on it. kennedy: then why don't they work on some of those other cases of, you know, the 700 women in wisconsin who have gone missing from reservations? you know, this -- >> right. kennedy: it's such a tragedy in
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this country, and, you know, i'm glad people are talking about, i'm glad people are paying attention because there are women like this who, unfortunately, are in abusive relationships and for a very small fraction of them it ends incredibly tragically like it did for gabby petito. what really upset me was if you go back and read that moab police report, the 911 caller was very clear. i've seen a man slapping a woman, and that's why, you know, it was very specific about who was the aggressor and who was assaulting who. and the way that police report's written, it's written -- it looks like it's written by a domestic abuser. it was basically, you know, the subtext is she was asking for it, you know? she was the aggressor, he was trying to protect himself, he was trying to get away from her, and it's like, no, i think the 931 call actually totally -- 911 call totally contradicts that. that in and of itself, the fact they didn't take him into
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custody then and there is shocking. >> yeah. and there were multiple agencies that had some kind of interactions with these two. so there was clearly a pattern of trouble that was going on. i -- [audio difficulty] his parents because, obviously, they've gone cold, they're not talking, they're not helping. i would like to know if this couple was living in their home, i've got to see if they had a better understanding of this relationship, into what he may or may not having capable of. but i'm so glad you mentioned the missing women from indigenous reservations. i've had an insider come to me to say there are horrific open cases that we are not even investigating. it's almost like these people are not human, they're not priority, and certainly every one of us who cares about human dignity has got to care about that. kennedy: yeah. and it should absolutely start with the fbi. shannon bream, thank you so much. we'll be watching you tonight on fox news channel. >> see you then. kennedy: love it. coming up, the press now furious as president biden continues to dodge their questions. could he potentially lose one of
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his last remaining allies? new york magazine. get this, claiming 3.5 trillion not a lot of money for a spending bill. are they adding up all the other tax -- cash the president has spent? the party panel returns to debate, next. ♪ ♪ let's go walter! after you. walter, twelve o' clock. get em boy! [cows mooing] that is incredible. it's the multi-flex tailgate. it can be a step, it can even become a workspace. i meant the cat. what's so great about him? he doesn't have a workspace. the chevy silverado with the available multi-flex tailgate. find new adventures. find new roads. chevrolet. i'm so glad you're ok, sgt. houston. this is sam with usaa. do you see the tow truck? yes, thank you, that was fast.
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muck what do you want from me -- ♪ what do you want from me? ♪ what do you want from me? ♪♪ kennedy: all right. president biden has been so to pick that even the liberal media's start thing to bristle. a group of white house reporters today filed a formal complaint, i'll have you know, for not getting to ask the president questions after his meeting with british prime minister boris johnson. the prime minister was happy to answer questions from the british press, but reporters were shouted out of the room by white house staff while he was
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still speaking. watch. >> i think, would it be okay if we just had a couple of questions -- [inaudible conversations] >> ask him a question -- [inaudible conversations] >> i have no -- [laughter] >> hope the microphone got it. [laughter] [inaudible conversations] if. >> let's go! >> did anyone ask him -- kennedy: look at all those wranglers. i think i saw whips. so who's pulling the strings, and why can't our president talk to the press? the hand panel is back. charlie hurt, christopher hahn and brad polombo. charlie, last i checked, british prime minister boris johnson actually speaks english -- [laughter] so it wouldn't be a difficult
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series of edges changes, and i think -- exchanges, and i think both men might understand some of the questions. >> yeah, they could work it out. you know what's interesting, kennedy? we did a couple hundred years ago fight a war with these very same people over our defense of freedom of press, and we lectured the rest of the world all the time, and yet our current administration wants to throw it all in the trash. but it is kind of amazing, you know? when your entire candidacy is based on only one constituency, and that is press and the press spends the entire campaign defending you, never asking any tough questions and you -- they spent the previous five years making up the most outrageous claims against your opponent, it really does sort of become kind of an awkward situation when suddenly even the press isn't buying your b.s. anymore, and even the press has to start asking questions -- [laughter] it doesn't end well.
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and you have situations, scenes like in that that look even worse than if joe biden just answered the questions and maybe got some ugly questions -- kennedy: no, it looks like, it looks like he has something to hide. when you've got wranglers -- >> yeah. kennedy: -- physically forcing the press out of that room and shouting them down so the president can't hear them, i know he gets confused when everyone yells things at him all at the same time, but, chris hahn, if our president had to sit through question time with congress, i think that he would implode. [laughter] >> i think he'd be fine, and -- kennedy: then why can't he answer questions from the are press? >> it is such a right-wing talking point that the press is in the pocket of the democrats. i worked in political communications my entire life, they are not the president's friend. they are doing a job. and it was a photo spray --
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[inaudible conversations] >> they're in democrats' pocket. >> if this was trump, charlie would have put it on the cover of his magazine saying how great a guy he was for screwing the press, give me a break. kennedy: -- 75-minute press conferences. he loved the confrontation -- [inaudible conversations] he didn't have scripted exchanges. jim acosta tried the make his career just preening around, screaming at the president, kayleigh mcenany. >> yeah. she also tried to overthrow the republicans the last couple of days in the office -- kennedy: chris, president trump is no longer president. joe biden is. so why does he constantly say they don't want me to answer questions? >> i -- kennedy: why does he say things like that, and when his british counterpart says let's take some questions, the press gets wrangled out of the room. >> look, i agree with you, the president should spend more time
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answering questions, and maybe this wasn't the time to do it, but he should spend more time -- kennedy: i think it's a great time to do it. brad polombo. >> look, i just wonder what the president is worried about. he wants to sign executive orders that affect millions of people, vaccine mandates, he wants to spend trillions of our dollars, he wants to be closely involved in our life, but what is he, afraid of a little bit of press scrutiny? i find this seriously concerning i mean, we're electing people who are almost 80 years old to the presidency, and people have their concerns about his ability to do this job. and those concerns are only amplified when he won't take questions from the press. i mean, trump gave us too much access, right? his twitter feed was a constant stream of consciousness. it was like, chill, dude, put down the phone. stop tweeting from the toilet. but with biden, we're only getting the filtered version through his handlers, and that's worrisome given how much power he's trying to exercise.
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kennedy: that's a great point. i think both of them suffered from the same thing that manifest in different ways. for president trump, he forgot he was prime minister. so he would just be farting out anything on twitter -- president. and president biden, like, what am i doing? is it nap time? where's this guy with the blond hair? is it hunter biden? you have to answer questions. he doesn't realize he's president either for an even more disturbing reason. meanwhile, the $3.5 trillion spending plan -- i will met him spend that -- let him spend that money when he can count it out. >> if you need any more proof that liberals are fiscal idiots, the new york magazine titled $3.5 trillion is not a lot of money. joe biden's spending bill is an extreme. news flash, ding dongs, it is a lot of money. in fact, if you were to count it out one dollar at a time, it
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would take you 110,000 years. and guess what? that's just a tip of the spending iceberg, just the tip, charlie. give me the rest. >> yeah, it is. it's more than twice as big as the largest spending bill congress has ever passed, and that was passed, what, six months ago. so it's absolutely absurd. it's insane. and the real danger here, and this is what's really terrifying about all of it, is something like this can absolutely crater an economy. it begs inflation, it destroys families, it destroys to jobs, this -- if our economy needs anything in the world, it is not more of this spending from the government. kennedy: and you cannot borrow your way out of that kind of a debt crisis, chris. >> yeah. kennedy: and9 with the chinese reality market cratering -- real estate market cratering as well, they're not in a position to be loaning us trillions of dollars.
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>> no, it's not a spending bill, it's a budget framework. it's $3.5 trillion over ten years -- kennedy: that's all? >> -- to get rid of the trump tax cuts, it's basically paid for. kennedy: no, it's not. no, it's not, because that doesn't even count the spending that we've already jagged op over the last year and a half. >> yeah. you know, trump did $8 trillion in debt, but you won't leapt biden do 3.5 trillion. okay. but, look, i get it. conservatives want to pretend they're fiscally conservative now that they don't get to spend the money -- [inaudible conversations] >> democrats have to pass plan, and they have to stop talking about how much it costs and start talking about what's in it like ending -- [laughter] child poverty -- [inaudible conversations] kennedy: -- committing generational theft. that's what's in it. >> yeah. kennedy: your grandchildren, yeah, they're going to be taken care of -- >> no.
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that's another right-wing talking point, that has no basis in fact, and it's never -- kennedy: when you spend more money than you take in, you are on the road to economic hell, chris. it's very, very basic -- >> end the trump tax cuts and let's -- can. kennedy: cut your taxes and even more spending. >> -- and it'll pay for itself. kennedy: cut taxes, cut spending, let the economy grow. brad polombo. >> kenty, yeah -- kennedy, yeah, the claim that this is not a big spending bill, that is more than the inflation-adjusted cost of fdr's new deal. that is $24,000 per federal taxpayer. so even if you raise taxes massively to pay for it and it doesn't add that much to the debt, it still will add a fair bit, but that's not the point here. we're talking about trillions of dollars taken from the private productive sector and funneled into green new deal light, welfare and climate programs with government bureaucracy, waste and inefficiency.
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this is a recipe for disaster, it's a recipe for economic malaise, it's a recipe for inflation, and the only people that are going to win from this bill mostly are government bureaucrats who will get to waste a lot more of our money. kennedy: brad, please don't tell guy benson, but you are my new gay boyfriend. thank you for that. >> honored. kennedy: beautifully done, man panel. >> thank you. kennedy: the government's secret ufo program now promising new details so shocking, they will have profound implications for all of humanity. what does he know, what is he going to tell us? plus later, it's wednesday! this is kona enjoying the great outdoors. use the hashtag kenadog! ♪ ♪ makes are the things america makes out here. the history she writes in her clear blue skies. the legends she births on home town fields.
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and the future she promises. when we made grand wagoneer, proudly assembled in america, we knew no object would ever rank with the best things in this country. but we believed we could make something worthy of their spirit. as someone who resembles someone else... but we believed we could make i appreciate that liberty mutual knows everyone's unique. that's why they customize your car insurance, so you only pay for what you need. [ nautical horn blows ] i mean just because you look like someone else doesn't mean you eat off the floor, or yell at the vacuum, or need flea medication. oh, yeah. that's the spot. only pay for what you need.
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♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪
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(vo) singing, or speaking. reason, or fun. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything. ♪ ♪
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kennedy: is the truth out there? june's lackluster ufo pentagon report left us with more questions than answers, no shock there, the main one being what the heck are these things? but an upcoming book may bring these answers back down to earth. he says the details will be shocking for humanity. so where did these unidentified objects really come from, and will the world finally take these issues seriously? here with me now, former pentagon official and ufo expert, luisal san degree. welcome back to the show. >> it is always a pleasure to be here. thank you so much for being here. kennedy: you made the big tease, now give me a shocking detail. >> well, what i plan on doing is providing a behind the scenes view of near the last decade that i was involved in the uap program, or i guess in the vernacular,ufo program. and i think, hopefully, when this book comes out, people are going to have a new appreciation for the seriousness of this topic. you just mentioned about a
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couple of seconds ago that people are starting to finally take this seriously. you know, there's a house bill that's coming up for a signature, number 4350, and it's -- your audience were to have a chance to read just 5 pages within this bill, i think that alone is very shocking -- kennedy: how so? what's in there that's shocking, lou? you're dancing around the subject. no more tap dancing, give us our medicine. >> let me give you some hard-hitting facts. we know that the senate armed services committee hasn't taken this topic very seriously, of course, leading the charge has been marco rubio on that. but now we have the house getting into the game, and in this particular bill, not only does it disestablish the uap task force and replace it with a more permanent body, but there's an annual requirement by the secretary of defense himself or herself directly to congress on the topic of uaps and what's happening. further more, it forces the u.s. government to work with international partners and
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allies, something that we've never seen before. and it also requires us to now leverage our geospatial intelligence, our human intelligence, our signals intelligence and our measurement intelligence organizations to finally bring to bear what's necessary to solve this great mystery. if that wasn't shocking enough -- kennedy: none of that's really shocking. you're basically telling me about the contents of a couple of bills. i want to know -- >> sure, okay. kennedy: -- what is shocking that will shake humanity to its core? >> absolutely. how about in one month alone that the united states navy encountered over 36 instances in one month alone and within one day over 7 incidents involving uaps with some of its ships, and this information never got reported up? kennedy: were there any physiological effects from these encounters? >> great question. congress is now answering that same question. in fact, now we have to report from the government's per spect
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e if we have any crashed uaps in our inventory and, furthermore, what biological effects have been encountered d. kennedy: and they are, what are those effects? >> well, you know, there's been some research in that. there were about 36-37 research documents put out by dia about ten years ago, and one of those topics were biological effects of individuals who may have encountered uaps or ufos. now, that's significant. and i think that data in itself when looked at by trained medical professionals in itself will be very revealing. yes, there are, indeed, individuals who have experienced negative biological con schedules as they are associated with uaps. kennedy: oh! see, now we're getting somewhere. lou, you should have led with that! brand new fox business lineup continues tonight with two great hits. first, 8 p.m. eastern, "american gold," follows the dale family
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as they attempt to mine for gold in the mountain wild valley, you've heard this, then at 9 p.m. eastern, country music star john rich sits down with celebrities, entrepreneurs and personal friends to talk about pursuing the beautiful american dream. here's a sneak peek. >> the look on ronald reagan's face, he could not believe what he was looking at. >> it just took his breath. >> do you think that race in 1984 and you get the 200th win, did that set nascar on the next kind of platform? >> its calculated our whole situation. its calculated -- escalated nascar, and the president put us on the front page, we put him on the sports page. [laughter] he got double coverage, and is we did too. it was a big deal. ♪ ♪ cs. and our customers rated us #1 for network quality in america according to j.d. power.
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♪ kennedy: a woman with no memory has reportedly been found on a croatian island only inhabited by bears, making her as informed about current events as the average cnn viewer. that's a group of lost souls. and this is your topical storm. topic number one, here we go. here's a video that's lighting up the internet. former reality star nicole
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ritchie celebratedded her 40th birthday, and when she blew out the candles, her hair caught on fire. watch. >> yes! [background sounds] kennedy: oh, god. that's hot. she was famous for being a ditzy blond, but in this video, more redhead. she needs to stop shampooing with paper. on the bright side, after getting blasted by the fire extinguisher, she had some incredible frosted tips. nicole's famous friends are responding on social media, one writing, omg. vanessa is hudgens wrote lol, and waitety perry -- katy perry wrote, way, no way. be sure to tune in to the oscars this year. topic number two, a great escape caught on camera from a new
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jersey doggy daycare facility. watch how a group of playful pups work together to spring themselves free. [laughter] oh, yeah. there we go. there's the culprit. who let the dogs out? [laughter] jumping up like his hero air bud and pulling open the door for the other dogs to fly the coop. unfortunately, the only thing waiting for them outside was the open new jersey air, but that's still slightly better than being trapped in a darkroom full of dog farts. i just hope they can evade the paw patrol. the dogs didn't get far, most of them ended up in the yard for some outdoor play time, and the one that did get away was so is institutionalized, he period on a president obama just the to get sent back. topic number three. a company in the u.k. is selling a $125,000 toy car for kids, that's a mini version of the
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aston martin from the james bond movies. so they'd better hope willow smith is into the james bond, or this company's going to go out of business. yeah, here it is, the $125,000 mini dd5 with an engine producing 20 horsepower which, coincidentally, is also the strength of our border patrol. the toy car drives up to 45 miles per hour so kids can beat their grandparents in a drag race, and it features mock mini guns deployed from behind the headlights. the guns produce flashes and sound effects but don't actually shoot anything. if you want your kids to play with real guns, you'll have to raise them in chicago. it also deploys a smoke screen to help evade enemies during a car chase, and don't forget the cup holders for kids who like their apple juice shaken, not stirred. that's right, trebek, your mom's a prostitute in my employ. topic number four, customs and border patrol has
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intercemented championship rings --er intercepted chops rings. -- championship rings, these are the phony sports rings sent to chicago that could have been sold to collectors for almost $2.4 million. making them the most high profile chinese imposters since eric swalwell's honey girlfriend. federal agents say they spotted the collectibles due to their poor quality. for one thing, they didn't set off the airport metal detector. the rings eventually will be destroyed which means there's still only sure fire way to get a championship sports ring, and that is to get a job with whatever team is playing in the finals lebron james. against lebron james. eh, kobe's still better. we'll be right back! ♪ ♪ you want to leave that all behind? yeah.
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thanks for coming. now when it comes to a financial plan this broker is your man. let's open your binders to page 188...
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uh carl, are there different planning options in here? options? plans we can build on our own, or with help from a financial consultant? like schwab does. uhhh... could we adjust our plan... ...yeah, like if we buy a new house? mmmm... and our son just started working. oh! do you offer a complimentary retirement plan for him? as in free? just like schwab. schwab! look forward to planning with schwab. ♪ ♪ kennedy: welcome back. it is time for this week's ken-a-dog -- ♪ we love your dogs just as much as you do. tell me about it, let's get to it. first up, it's pickles! six and a half month old booted poodle pup, just a baby. eva sent in hers, snicker doodle. oh, my gosh, turns 15 next month. and still chases squirrels!
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i love you, snicker doodle. here's ace before and after his first puppy cut. who's the andsomest little ace! and look who we have here, it is dean, an australian shepard beagle mix, what beautiful blue eyes you have, dumpling. byron -- brian, sorry, sent in big foot getting to try his first pup cup from starbucks. ooh, he's such a good boy. and this is tucker on a walk looking as cute as he possibly can. oh, tucker, you're just such a handsome lump. patty sent in sweet cassie, relaxing outside. she loves playing with mom and eating human food. oh, cassie, girl. these golden retrievers are gunnar and bosco. they say their humans are always happy when the showroom is on the tv. lastly, oh, it's stanley!
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we love your face, want to kiss it so much. thank you so much for watching the best hour of your day. tomorrow night, chris barron, congressman thomas massie and back for kennedy's court. make every day a ken-a-day. don't worry, men, we're going to need our own wrangler. good night. ♪ me early on in my career, "you're gonna spend the rest of your life working your idea, or working somebody else's. you gotta decide what you wanna do." all of us work for mining companies all of our lives. now we're working our idea. - [narrator] in bear gulch, montana, on the 9,000 foot high slopes of the tobacco root mountains, there's a network of long, abandoned mines where no one's found gold in decades.


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