tv Kennedy FOX Business September 27, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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immigration from what we are talking about is crime. thank you for your service to our country. i am elizabeth mcdonald, cuban watching the evening at it. that is it for us, thank you for watching and hope you have a good evening. ♪♪ >> brian's laundrie parents are horrible people who made tragic situation absolutely unbearable. i get it. up until their sociopathic job on the sun was charged, they were free to load up their stupor camper with for noah bars and send them into wild to escape ramifications of slaughtering his former fiancé but they are heartless nonvolatile of gabby's parents, it makes them jerks. we won't talk seems like we don't care and don't get me
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wrong, their predicament is awful and i'm sure they are in their own right of health most likely losing their son forever either to suicide or prison but their loss pales in comparison to gabby's parents who have to live with the pain and helplessness knowing their daughter was abused and murdered and then discarded to rot like a sit out peachpit by somebody they desperately wish they could have saved her from. people who are capable of murdering family love are terrible monsters who don't deserve protection from parents more interested in being liked by the kids than doing what's right bryant laundrie has probably have us for a long time and i'm sure his family have known that but it's too easy to turn a blind eye to the hundred biden of the family to stand up and admit when things are right. heirs are codependent tubing complicit, fast when things go terribly wrong. people complain it's not too much undeserving national attention but my hope is gabby's legacy will bring more awareness
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of domestic violence to help victims escape controlling clutches of abusers before turns deadly. i also hope people someone close to them capable of this indiscriminate evil will not reflectively protect them while real victims and their families suffer and that is the memo. i'll have more his parents a little later, we'll talk to the panel because there's must teach you want but first the search continues for brian mondrian officials are still calming the carlton reserve at the fourth swamp or brian's parents said he went hiking before he vanished, they are lying. one writer who spent years navigating the area set chances of survival are slim. >> but he can make it out here for ten days, five days, no water supply no fresh range from no stores available unless you go 12 miles in either direction,
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there's no possible way. no possible way. mosquitoes would carry you often the first night. liz: he also said no buzzer, nobody and there ain't no buzzer. it's unlikely he died there because no buzzer, nobody is the swamp search a lost cause? should they be following up on other leads? where should investigators focus efforts? joining me to discuss, fbi director former, welcome back to the shop. >> evening. liz: obviously this is frustrating and heartbreaking, a homicide case at of guy who lawyered up talk, totally heartless and unhelpful, what if law enforcement do now? >> it's a traditional fugitive hunt now. i think we all realized camping trip was either misdirection, a ruse of some kind, a three or
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four day head start. i doubt he's sophisticated enough elude a nationwide or national strike down but . kennedy: international because apparently he was possibly spotted canadian. >> i had a similar hunt was seen everywhere and you have to through those types of leads because people just want to get involved, open up the to find the two-edged sword, balance all the stuff that comes in extraneous versus one gem or one nugget and it takes a lot of manpower to do not. the usual social media tracking cell phones camping out on his social network, people closest to him, he's going to get in touch with somebody. he's got to have financial new means in financial transactions take place, somewhere along the line he's going to trip up and i don't think -- i don't think he
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can hang in the woods or that terrain more than a couple of days i've trained in that type of terrain mosquitoes will you up in one day. kennedy: barf. as if the gators were bad enough. a lot of snakes in florida, people just let them gulp i don't have a problem with stinks but keep it, get a new terrarium or class. let's discuss what we do from here in terms of brian laundrie's parents because if they have known his whereabouts and they like to the fbi, is not more serious than misdirecting local law enforcement? >> it can all add up harboring a fugitive now that he's a federal fugitive able aiding and abetting, providing false information to the fbi in law enforcement in general, all of his open and on the table now.
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this type of investigation as must at the parents as they are at him. as you said in your monologue, they appear to be at least enablers, if not complicit. kennedy: i think there could be a level of complicit here and people say it's their son, can't you understand? sometime, i don't because the suffering of a woman they knew and loved, her family, i think that sort of outweighs running cover for a horrible person and that sucks but if you've ever read testimony from parents of people who have done bad things, they are always going to love their kids but on some level they always knew they were capable of awful things. >> in some ways, this looks like a classic case of domestic violence that went to the extreme. i would say they live together in a house under that roof those
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parents, i could not have escaped them was going on between those in the traffic stop in the lab into me it looks like a traditional domestic violence where stockholm's, she's taken the claim. kennedy: i'm sorry, of course. he's deploying every classic line. i was just trying to get away from her, just trying to -- she came after me. but enforcement to be better prepared to figure that out and it's tragic. i know they are having an investigation in moab because there's a lot of conflicting information from the witnesses who called 911 dispatcher remain to the responding officers what happened dropped or if the police reports reads like she was the aggressor and it was domestic violence victims
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nonprofit organization cap with him up for the night as if you are the victims. it's so tragic and awful. thank you so much. >> thank you. kennedy: parents were the one who reported their son missing, they waited days to do so. they could investigate the case during that time. yesterday my friend dog the bounty hunter showed up at their home and they called 911 because dog the bounty hunter was there. i would offer them eliminate in a comfortable lounger i guess that just makes me human. if the parents not want anyone to find their son? let tonight panel, comedian and host a box across america on fox news radio. jimmy is here along with director of constitutional studies at, emily shapiro is back welcome my friend deputy spokesperson fox news
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conservative singing from the window ohio losing to oregon. [laughter] >> thanks, kennedy, what a way to start you would see a lot so in that realm motorist -- >> went up one without playing so there you. kennedy: i don't have a problem i'm down red and blue. >> i don't care about any of these teams, i root for whoever covers the spread. the first my dad got me was a plush head. [laughter] kennedy: let's talk about stock the bounty hunter. he's trying to do the lord's work, trying to do what he does which is to bring people to justice and trying to find their stupid kid and his parents call the cops, what kind of a thank you is that for national treasure? >> got to left.dock the bounty hunter thinking they're going to answer the door and talk to
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them. they are harboring a fugitive son. it somebody you can see from space and a camera crew, i know, as of the door. the whole thing is absurd and i'm so mad the dirt bag kid got away and yes the parents obviously is a month but why do they need a heads up? it's every hallmark of a domestic abuse situation that escalated yet somehow in the aftermath of him waiting 11 days to report her missing and him going in, we didn't have a tail undisguised like he was doing everything except driving a white bronco out on the freeway with a gun to his head killings have been staying with the family so -- >> i wouldn't be surprised to we are getting closer to that territory than you think. they don't have a guesthouse. not yet, maybe after meghan and harry offer that of a netflix deal. you are leave the soul lawyer on the panel -- >> i just play on -- be to how deep is the yogurt his parents
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aren't if they have in fact been screwing around and they know where their dumb dumb son is? >> florida, like a lot of states has protection prepares, they don't have to sit on their kids which i think is commendable, it's like marriageable privilege, your husband and wife but if they do start misdirecting or lying to the authorities and they get into trouble so either way i recommend they lawyer up b2 it's more trouble if you like to the fbi, right? >> absolutely. kennedy: all right, am i the only person here resentful of the parents? i think they are bad people and made a horrible situation worse. >> i totally agree and i think purposefully misled the police, certainly the cause of action for the result of their action i should say so i get wanting to protect your son but they waited
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days, they let him get away and to what your previous guest said, they had to know what was going on. parents know their kids, they knew their son and if they didn't do anything before it's tragedy to intervene to try to get him out and her help promote these situations do not come out of nowhere, this is not a one-off situation. there's tragically often a lot of pattern of warning signs and like you said, if it's to wait raise awareness, so law enforcement and parents know what to look for, i think that would be a legacy for her. kennedy: friends as well and people in bad relationships. hopefully it will make someone oh my goodness, i'm in the same situation, i am lying to myself, flying on behalf of this person, i have to get out of here and it's a lot harder than people think. her parents couldn't step in and say we forbid you from dating
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this person, that's not how it works with people her age. party panel will stick around with much more to get into. clement security secretary alejandro mayorkas 12,000 haitian migrants into the u.s. tens of thousands more on the way through brazil and panama. will kane is here to break it down in a moment. ♪♪
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the sleep number 360 smart bed is on sale now. it helps keep you effortlessly comfortable by sensing your movements and automatically responding to both of you. and, it's temperature balancing to help you stay comfortable all night. it even tracks your circadian rhythm, so you know when you're at your best. in other words, it's the most energy-building, wellness-boosting, parent-powering, proven quality night's sleep we've ever made. don't miss our weekend special. save $1,000 on the sleep number
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360 special edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 24 months. ends monday. homeland security secretary alejandro mayorkas has no clue what's going on the border a week after the nation of him and johnson on the border, my office is admitting a staggering number of migrant released into the u.s. >> of the 17400 who weren't deported back or didn't return on their own to mexico, how many have been released into bus? >> they are released on conditions approximate i think about 10000 or so, 12,000. >> are we talking about a total of 12,000 put up even higher? >> it could be even higher, the number returned could be even higher. kennedy: oh out, was a pinky promise, a fairy finding condition.
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the member is up against today. >> the number is a bit about the ten or 12,000 in the clear, i think it's about 12 or 13 thousand like i said, 15, 25, maybe 45, he's like an auctioneer. what else is he lying about? how does he have a job? we can cohost and host wheel came podcast, welcome back. >> good to be here. kennedy: he's one of these people whose empty headed, an empty suit from a bureaucrat uses for the administration. he doesn't tell you straight, he goes back off the, let's remove the optics change the situation, is that two additional magenta
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country? >> absolutely but by design criminal issues auctioneer, i choose back salesman. if you walk into a star it's a how much is this item? is like to buy that tv, how much is it? tv is 400, or it could be 600 from i don't or could be 700, i'm not sure. he walked out, it's a bad salesman but the difference between that imbecilic salesman and secretary of the dhs is the secretary of dhs probably does know the accurate number and doesn't want to share with us what it might cost, what the numbers might be. it's been released into the u.s., i think we've given this administration not enough credit not being guided by incompetence, described by design you can't look at this any longer and simply say i don't understand incentives, they don't understand by creating a system that doesn't work by opening the doors, people more people will come. they do understand from this is by design. kennedy: you have 80000 people in panama, have you heard of the
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darien gap? i was not familiar with it, 56-mile stretch swamp and jungle that has black scorpions, pit viper is, don't drinkable water, this place is less survivable than the carlton reserve that's 80000 people about to make their way through the u.s. government puts a lot of pressure on mexico to continue detaining them. i don't think anyone has a plan, i'll be honest with you. >> know it more haitian migrants who seem their brethren being released into the united states. they seem the deal pay off. kennedy, unfairly at first and anything that even sounds conspiratorial but conspiracy theorists have been on a hot run the last two years. we should start listening over more and think a little deeper, maybe all of this isn't by
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accident, it's maybe off by confidence. if they make their way into the u.s., who benefits? illegal immigration laws aren't enforced, who benefits? the democrats seem to believe they will benefit from a fresh voting base we have to look at what's happening understand they have a long game in mind. i think the plan is playing out, i don't think anybody has a plan, i think they do and i think it's playing out because they have the laws, they don't need mexico to reinforce the loss, they have title 42 could have reported on the migrants back to mexico but remaining mexico policy but they didn't, they scattered them across the u.s. kennedy: there's a lot of ill will between our government and the mexican government and there are a lot of people trying to immigrate legally and it's tough to do the system has to be completely reformed because there's not a uniform application of the laws we have.
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there's such a patchwork that is confusing and inhumane and we don't know who we are giving is having a consider a refugee or why. i do think there are a lot of good people who want to come and work and take care of the families and they spent held hostage by horrible governments whether they are terrorists or worse. >> they are a legal path to immigration -- there is a legal path and there's also a legal path for amnesty application as well if you ask for refugee status that doesn't involve, we have a long tradition office, we don't have a long tradition of your legal in the pursuit of amnesty, is accepting refugees like we just did from afghanistan through a legal process yes but i'll tell you what, they have to figure out what the processes and systems
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are because everything the government does wrong about the people you are screwing over are the very ones who need the most help so i understand the massive distrust of the federal government immigration to the economy and vaccines. will cain, thank you so much. coming up, democrat lawmakers trying to pass $2.5 trillion spending package but wait until you hear how much the president has and actually costs, he's out of his mind plus vaccine mandates causing a healthcare shortage. nurses and police? go get a bunker. returning to debate next. ♪♪
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a looming government shutdown. no worries because $3.5 trillion reconciliation package actually costs $0, it's a miracle. >> the general price take on the debt, we'll pay for everything we spent, it's going to be zero. >> it's a 0-dollar bill because it will be completely paid for the reconciliation package would cost $0. [laughter] kennedy: $3.5 trillion cost $0, how does the government make money? is still sick from your. there's no such thing as a free lunch, get ready to start. how will we pay for this irresponsible pile of garbage? party panel is back. jimmy, is there a chance christensen and joe manchin will
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make the ultimate buddy cop movie and stop the nonsense? the bus comes over 55 miles an hour? >> got i hope so because not only is it not free, people are already paying for in the form of higher goods and this is what does. i fired off a tweet today repeating what he said friday, the bill would cost $0 and just got hammered. in his defense, obviously cannot letting him tweet because he can't go near a reporter without a shock collar on the fact that they think this is somehow good for the little guy who bears the brunt of this, look at inflation, the cost and groceries and cost in lumbar gasoline and not just for drivers but think about people on my radio staff who like to sniff gas, they are being hit, to. kennedy: they are not dissimilar to the president likes to sniff hair. [laughter] how do you pay for a
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$3.5 trillion reconciliation package with $0? how does it work my step feelings gains of chicken get boring, apparently republicans are not going to go in for raising the debt ceiling until i don't know what happens. the only thing washington seems to agree want is every one agrees to spend what is not on average others priorities. kennedy: okay, go ahead. [laughter] jimmy was on screen while you were talking, it was fun. >> he's probably funnier than i am about maybe not in the institutional comedy, that's the niche that i built. kennedy: they have shredded -- eventually you run out of people's others money to spend
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but they shredded the constitution and now they are just making confetti. this is beyond irresponsible. what happens if we face another actual crisis whether it's a terror attack, recession, another pandemic and we have absolutely no economic flexibility because we have borrowed the stolen and spent our way into oblivion? >> a lot of the money we spent the last 20 years was on the war on terrorism and i don't hear any republicans complaining where that money came from. kennedy: that's why you are on a libertarian shall because i talked about that. >> i know that i give you credit for that but a lot of what's in this bill is incredibly popular with the american people and was also popular is how they will pay for it by taxing the people and corporations who cannot pay a lot of taxes the past few
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years and that's pretty popular as well so they are economists who site long-term if we pass the bill, it will help with long-term inflationary pressure so we need to raise the debt ceiling, we cannot play chicken with our credit rating, you cannot in this incredibly difficult time to begin with because of covid do that, republicans need to get on board like they did every time in the trump administration and passed this before friday but the american people want to be able to say they have better childcare and better early childhood education -- >> the problem with all of the -- >> 85% of the american people in the latest survey say 1 trillion alone 3.5 trillion is enough or too much so everybody wants something for nothing but at the end of the day if you put numbers on it and this funny economics, it doesn't pointed
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out. >> inflation too many people as bad as having their taxes go up and there's no way you can have spending like this, $7 trillion in spending without raising taxes on the middle class. very last word, ten seconds. >> off the pie in the sky stuff sounds nice but it's not sustainable. we like to go to disney world every weekend but by week three, when to be having mountains to pay for we are heading to the space margin. kennedy: i've been to space margin many times from a tell your dad thank you. [laughter] there's not enough in the world to clean that out but prayers. doctor the pandemic, hospitals across the country threatening to fire healthcare workers for refusing the covid vaccine. the problem is, there's already a major nursing shortage. rochelle lewinsky finally
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starting to realize this could be a problem. >> it creates a challenge from what i would say is to do some work and educate healthcare workers to meet them where they are to understand where their hesitancy is to get them vaccinated and get them back to work. kennedy: here in new york, our substitute governor sent she could use an national guard to fill in for nurses or covid mandates, massachusetts course state troopers back to resign so threatening somebody's life with the best tactic for pushing vaccines? i would argue between cops and nurses, face probably seen more death and carnage and i'll throw firefighters in their, to promote they have seen the devastation of covid firsthand and still making this decision, i don't think it's because they are dumb anti-vaxxer's. >> i don't know why it is
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because it is concerning i don't want to go into a hospital and be helped and cared for by a nurse not vaccinated so i think when you've seen companies like united put mandates in place, they've had huge response, huge vaccination numbers if people don't want to be vaccinated, which is their choice, they can choose to leave their job and i think there are , i don't think people want to the hospital and be concerned their doctor or the nurse or the police officer they call an emergency isn't vaccinated, that would terrify me. kennedy: , had. >> there are some people who have real scientific reasons not to be vaccinated, marie. if they have natural immunity to the virus, they are 207 times were safer than i am and i vaccinated. they are scientific reasons and when you tell people skeptical about the vaccine to get it or lose your job, there are natural
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immunity is a better insulation against the virus than anything we've taken and i am vaccinated. kennedy: i am vaccinated and i have the virus, i am super vaccinated. >> i'm about to be unpopular because i am pro- vaccinated anti- mandate. mandates are counterproductive and at the federal level unconstitutional you have to see the devil in the detail but is the constitutional triple threat and violates what osha can do not good at passing through the course on a emergency regulation anyway and when you shoot yourself in the foot and forcing out nurses and first responders, why? i don't care if a nurse treats me as not vaccinated. kennedy: if you say unvaccinated person poses a greater risk to people who are vaccinated, you are admitting the vaccine doesn't work i'm hesitant in the first place, why would i get the vaccine? kamala harris said this a few weeks ago, she was annihilated on twitter for.
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>> then you have to keep living with masks and restrictions and everything else, it's terrible marketing. kennedy: all right, go ahead. >> but that's not true, we know the more virus circulating, which it does mostly of all unvaccinated people, the more there is a chance for breakthrough infection. no vaccine is perfect and it's true, that's never been the promise but we know the more virus out there, the more harm there actually is to vaccinated people. you are so much more safer vaccinated that unvaccinated people cause a public health risk for other people and you can't get elected surgery, treated for many conditions in ers right now because they are overrun with unvaccinated covid patients, it affects all of our health apart from covid. >> i agree, i am pro- vaccine pressing everything you said, doesn't it make you wish joe and kamala were trashing the vaccine in the run-up to the election?
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>> up especially vice president harris. >> she got on camera today. >> but there was . kennedy: i don't know if it makes them look like a superhero -- >> all the politicians, whether it fauci or trump, why didn't say trump safe the big beautiful vaccine that i developed? he didn't do that. there's plenty of blame, it should be left to the people to decide for themselves. if they don't want to do it, it doesn't concern me at all. kennedy: i would still like to see joy reed and nikki ménage site. thank you all so much, you've lit up the early part of our week. coming up, we turned the page on afghanistan, war hawks beating the old drum again. very soon, is this a real threat or just a military-industrial complex libertarian wizard?
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kennedy: hi there, notorious not finished with his mission, spreader misery and bombs throughout the world and radio interview sec. sugar -- news the taliban confronting take over pakistan and snatch the countries 150 nuclear weapons. that would be scary but is that reality -based or is he just trying to set the table for re- invasion of afghanistan, pakistan, china and north korea? joining me tonight, author of fools erin much time to end the
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war in afghanistan, back. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: do you agree with john bolton? africa. >> i hate the un like john bolton, we don't see eye to eye on much, even reasons for hating the rent but here he's all in. got to admit the pakistani government is not the epidemic of stability but if they were to fall in any militants proper hands on pakistan's nukes, it would be afghan, it would be the pakistan taliban when america has troops in afghanistan or not wouldn't make a difference there. in fact, when barack obama launched a drone war against al qaeda pakistan in 2009, there were only about 20 -- 30 al qaeda guys (including but not according to the former cia officer, john kerry but in launching the drone work, they took al qaeda the local
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pakistani taliban according to rate pakistani journalist in the into radicalizing the pakistani taliban making them much worse and probably making them a greater danger to pakistan and they gave rise to isis k is a caller in afghanistan were refugees from the drone war in pakistan flecked to the afghan side and prayed at that problem the. kennedy: so obviously john bolton is burning up for more bigger military presence and domination obviously that's never going to happen in that region but he says china is making a play here and we have to be careful because you have to nuclear powers in the region, pakistan and india so what should the united states be doing positively in order to bring them back from the
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president's stupidity? >> it's funny, back in the 1990s, the grand chessboard -- he said that's right, because father, the guy who encouraged the fight against the soviets in the 1970s and 80s in afghanistan in the first place but he said in the 1990s, he said we must support the chinese pakistan taliban access in afghanistan to keep iranians, russians and indians out. that is the exact opposite of the policy we've been fighting for the last 20 years, back in iran, russia and india's friends to keep the taliban and pakistanis and chinese out so i think the correct answer now is we shouldn't have an afghanistan policy brief the american people would look away from we are find that it doesn't matter for america's national interest whatsoever who rules afghanistan. it didn't been and thousand now.
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joe biden, real quick, joe biden's non- crackhead sign died not in iraq or to but of iraq war because of the burn pits there. he says when biden decided whether to leave afghanistan or not, he said would he give his son's life to keep the tolerant out of power in kabul? he would not. that is the kind of judgment we are lucky to have at this time finally now. kennedy: thank you so much, come back and let's talk more real soon. kennedy: tropical storm is next. ♪♪
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kennedy: india reportedly created a new vaccine that changes the constitution of your dna opposed to pfizer and matera which change the composition of your, country. that's an unexpected side effect. next is a tropical storm. topic number one of the cohost of abc's the view say the covid tests think the show live on air or false positive which according to abc news are the only two false positive, tests of all time again with this awkward moment.
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>> it seems to be something happening here that i'm not one 100% aware of, can someone surprise me of the situation? >> i need the two of you to step up for a second and we'll do this later. >> will tell you why -- we must more information later. kennedy: coming out with paternity result. >> caps on the audience got 50% better. it turned out they had tested positive for covid moments before kamala harris was scheduled to join them in studio. luckily, laughed in the face of danger, disease, mass murder and all human suffering, or in person appearance and instead droid the other embassy remotely. first gentlemen, doug imhoff rushed out of the building, he wasn't even with, that day, he just never misses a tasting of the view but today we've been
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told it was a mistake, they both tested negative for monthly tested negative with ages 18 to 49. oh boy, just nasty. topic number two. buckshot monday night we explored the relationship, it's not very touching. the 45-year-old casey anthony, he was arrested -- assaulting her boyfriend because he wanted to cuddle with her. the person wanted to come up with a person, it's not often you see human embodiment of our republican voters. the couple sheriff about together but became enraged when her boyfriend asked if they could, and she reportedly screamed at him and hit him in the leg and ironically now she's the one being held. she has previous convictions for welfare product from a disorderly conduct from criminal measures, she's been busy while
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her boyfriends left like orange is physical touch. she's about to do some quality time. topic number three. new line of pokémon themed cookies selling for thousands of dollars on ebay just make sure you don't cheap out on tipping and lose your entire investment because that's where the cookie crumbles. popular pokémon characters posted on the basis of oreo cookies and you can see the images are crisp, they could only have been made by a great artist, hunter biden. pokémon oreos are selling for hundreds of dollars on ebay but simplistic for 15000 so whatever you do for a klondike bar, be prepared to triple it. some of the listings, cookies are in mint condition which means never dumped in milk while others are advertised at brand-new and seems hard to believe since i've never hadn't
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oreo that tasted less than eight years old. it's true. topic number four. remember the martian when matt damon died? chris pratt is mario in a new super mario's movie has enraged fans and metallica phobia. unfamiliar with this, i get every time i'm invited to the olive garden. celiac's busy disease. chris pratt last week praising his ability to capture unique spirit of the character which is also private cap kanye west but fans say the whitewashing of mario is meant to be intercourse there are plenty of an italian actress to choose from and who could forget al frappuccino? perfect for the part due to italian heritage and because he looks like he can swear but nintendo says it will stand fans
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