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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  September 30, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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and the poor border patrol is being vilified over this. elizabeth: mayor, you been terrific. mayor john mclaughlin, we appreciate you. i'm elizabeth macdonald. you've been watching "the evening edit" on fox business. that does it for us. we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪ kennedy: hello, we're in a different studio because ours broke. don't worry, everything's till going to be the same. we're going to play games, read hate mail and make fun of your mom. plied. en's domestic spending -- president biden's domestic spending agenda is the subject of a tug-of-war between progressives and their less insane counterpart, the moderates. at one point, nominally conjoined. the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that republicans and democrats both swiped right on
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and the $3 trillion monstrosity that joe manchin would rather french kiss nancy pelosi over than vote for. house progressives are the worst. they are childish and willing to hold their party and country hostage until they get their way. and and their way happens to be passing a minimum $3.5 trillion bucket of budget boll luxe before they'll consider an aye for infrastructure. it's like having a sewer pipe explode onto your house and telling the bank unless they give you a million dollars for a full remodel, you'd rather live in your school lid dung pool. nancy pelosi can't wrangle her own crumbling caucus. and as long as these dingbats are too busy fighting, they can't commit generational theft and bankrupt the company with their communist wish lists. you try saying that. and that's the memo. well, we've been watching
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this democratic infrastructure fiasco unfold all a day. will there be a vote tonight? we shall see. should there be? oh, hell, no, because as long as they're bickering, they're not spending our money. let's get into it, we've got new york post columnist carol markowitz here along with democrat strategist and attorney ethan bearman, and -- [laughter] and we've got tortured yankees fan anthony fisher. welcome, everyone. >> thanks. kennedy: thoughts and prayers. >> hi, kennedy. kennedy: hi. good to have you. carol, i will start with you. is there room in the democrat party for progressives and moderates fighting the way they are over simple things like a very popular infrastructure bill? >> well, it's funny because there's only the two moderates, and i think democrats thought for a long time that they do have a big enough tent to compete9 in red areas or in purple areas and win.
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ask so when they won these two senate seats, i'm sure they were very excited about that. with that comes compromise, and they're not so big on that. it's funny to me that also senator map chin has drawn the line -- manchin has drawn the line at $1.5 trillion. but, yeah, the moderates really should be asking themselves whether they belong in that party, because i'm not so sure. kennedy: that's interesting. the moderates are the ones saying the progressives are out of their minds, they are holding this whole thing hostage, unless both bills pass, they won't even consider the infrastructure bill. the infrastructure bill has already a passed the senate. why are they linking these two together? >> well, because they've learned from history if you remember the affordable care act, the prosecutionives gave extensively -- progressives gave actually too much which cost dearly and turned into something that they regretted, ultimately.
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and that's why they're taking such a hard that stance this time. i think can karlo misrepresented the democratic party. we represent many different ethnicities, many different demographics -- kennedy: only one thought. >> -- and in particular what you're going to find is a -- can i finish in nancy pelosi will whip the votes that you'll see will happen. it's just going to be a matter of which two or three progressives will she peel off to get it done. really the bigger question to your point though, kennedy, is manchin and sinema. zip ma's in big -- sinema's in trouble. the arizona democrats passed a vote saying if she does not support this, she'll get the no vote from the democratic party. she's the one in -- kennedy: i don't know, man, you have to remember there are still a lot of moderate republicans in arizona, and they like the fact that she's standing up to the party.
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she's an independent thinker, and there are a lot of republicans who feel like she represents their state well, and and, you know, it's like she's not the only one holding things up here. but at least those two are being somewhat rational. manchin is the only one who's pointed out that medicare's going to be insolvent this five years, and, you know, looking at this -- we're going to talk about this in just a few minutes with brian brenberg because we've got him on the way -- but if you can't fund medicare, you can't lump a lot of new medicare spending on top of this. ultimately, anthony, i think this is good for the cup when you've got a bunch of big spenders in either party fighting with each oh creating stall legislation. >> yeah. mean, what would be great with all this fighting and all these giant numbers being thrown around is if we actually knew how much money was going to be spent on each of the transformative, society-transforming additions that the progressives want in
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the reconciliation bill. they want spending on the green new deal, they want spending on housing, they want, quote-unquote, free college without defining what that is. is it free community college? free state college? trade school? but as nancy pelosi -- kennedy: it's not free, i'll tell you that right to now. >> nancy pelosi said she's not going to wring a bill to the floor that won't win. but we're supposed to be talking out. we're supposed to be hashing out what is necessary, how much it's going to cost, each thing. and unfortunately, as you've noted, it's just become kind of a democratic civil war thing, and we don't really know who's going to -- we're told it's going to be paid for and not cost anything at the same time. kennedy: yeah, right. [laughter] like everything ever that think politician has promised in washington. that is a total falsehood, and we need to get back to learning some basic economics. panel's going to stick around,
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much more with them including game night a little bit later. so we know these bills are already super expensive, but nancy pelosi say, don't worry, guys, it's all about values! >> it's not about a dollar amount. the dollar amount, as the president said is, is zero. this bill will be paid for. it's about what are the values that we share and how we prioritize them. kennedy: it's going to be paid for. it's going to cost this many doughnuts. i try. republicans, they aren't buying it. >> they have these radical, left-wing nutcases who wants it to be $7 trillion, and they think $3.5 trillion is a compromise. joe biden was elect as a vessel. he's there because he became sort of an instrument for the far left that now dominates the democratic party to pursue their agenda. kennedy: so are pelosi's values worth more than potentially
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blowing up the economy long term? professor of business and finance at the kings college here in manhattan, brian brenberg. so walk us through some of this spending. not just the infrastructure bill, because progressives are saying essentially everything is infrastructure. you know, caring about climate is infrastructure. breast fedding, sorry -- breast-feeding, sorry, chest feeding from birthing persons, that's infrastructure. your thoughts. >> well, kennedy, look, let's start with the number, okay? 3.5 trillion isn't the number. when marco rubio said 7 trillion, he's much closer to the truth. when you add up all the numbers here and you're honest about it, you get rid of the accounting gimmicks, this is a $5.5 trillion spending bill, okay? about 2 trillion of that is the pay-for, okay? so you do the math on the difference there. that's the a addition to our national debt. so nancy pelosi's 0 is about as
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fictional as a number can be in washington d.c. it's going to cost a ton in terms of debt. it's going to cost a ton this terms of the economy. this is an inflation acceleration bill, let's just be very clear. inflation is the biggest economic problem we have in this country -- ken yes. >> -- right now, and this bill will accelerate it. which is why manchin and sinema are saying i don't want to sign on. not good for the economy, not good for me. kennedy: and, you know, he's from a red state, she's from a purple state that she wants to turn to her particular shade of blue, and they both have to be smart about this. it is so much easier to be a commie progressive and just throw out wish lists to everybody and promise a lifetime of dependency for anyone who will get onboard. the problem is when you create an inhospitable environment, the billionaires start dying off, and you don't have people who
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can support this kind of spending. so what happens to the economy when we enter into a hyperinflationary state? you've already got inflation that the federal reserve chair says it's not transitory, it's here to stay at least in the short term. so if you add government spending, exacerbating all of that, what happens? >> everybody can see, everybody who's not an economist in this country can see exactly what's happening. they understand the inflation problem. they are wizs, they're families -- businesses, they're families. here's the problem, kennedy, i want to make this point because manchin threw out that $1.5 trillion number. he said that's my top line number. here's how this could get bad even though the number's lower. he says that number, democrats say is, okay. they start to fiddle with when they phase in these programs or they start to fiddle with saying they're going to phase out things like the child tax credit or they're going to push more
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money spending onto states. they can get to that $1.5 trillion number just by changing the accounting gimmickry. the economic result is the same though. we end up with an entitlement state that we can't afford. so watch numbers here, watch what he says and then watch democrats get down to that number because they know they can still stick all of the entitlement state into that program, and we end up with the economy killer, the creativity killer, the entrepreneurship killer that you just talked about. kennedy: yeah. and people in five or ten years are going to be look around going why aren't we innovating? why aren't we coming up with cancer treatments? why aren't our kids the ones who are getting these great s.t.e.m. jobs? it's like, well, because you killed innovation, you killed the incentive to create new things, and you've also got teachers ons who are running the
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democrat party who don't care about math and science in addition to all of that the irresponsible spending. >> the cost of this thing, just to your point, it comes 10, 20 years down the road when we wake up and say what happened to the dine mitt romney in this economy -- dynamism in this country. we have destroyed the incentives for entrepreneurships. that's this bill. dependency is the antithesis to creativity, and that's exactly what progressives, the progressive left wants to build into the very foundation of what they're doing right now. kennedy: yeah. they pretend like they're cool and hip. they like licking toes and pay owety buttons and they want to see all the colors, but they don't. they're static. we need dynamism. we need brian brenberg, by gum! [laughter] thank you so much for being here. did anyone check you in, brian? >> i just got checked in right now. kennedy: all right. we're cooking with some gas. thank you, my friend. another brian, brian laundrie,
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the search continues. now it's a circus. dog the bounty hunter could be using the case. will that help find brian? i think it might. i'm actually pro-dog here. plus, pushing back against up vaccinated players in the nwa. wait until you hear -- nba. the panel is back next. ♪♪ got a couple of bogeys on your six, limu. they need customized car insurance from liberty mutual so they only pay for what they need. what do you say we see what this bird can do? woooooooooooooo... we are not getting you a helicopter. looks like we're walking, kid. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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limited edition smart bed. plus, 0% interest for 36 months. ends monday. ♪ kennedy: new details in the manhunt for brian laundrie, the fbi returned to his home today to inspect his family's camper. it's about time. but on thed is sidelines this case is spawning such aer cuts. yesterday neighbors got into a fistfight with a stranger who showed up with a bull horn. that would be me if i lived there. watch. >> you're going to prison. >> good! [bleep] [inaudible conversations] >> the whole world -- you assaulted -- you're going to jail! [inaudible conversations] kennedy: you're going to jail! i can't decide who's the bigger karen there. the man in red was a arrested for pushing the other weirdo
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who, of course, has no connection to the case. meanwhile, dog the bounty hunterred today searching the area where brian may have gone camping with his family just before his disappearance. dog reportedly shopping a new reality tv series. so will this all keep getting crazier until they find brian? and will any of it help solve the case? the party panel is back. carol mark wis, ian bierman, anthony fisher. karol, i actually don't have is a problem with dog the bounty hunter out this because local and federal law enforcement have failed this case so embarrassingly that if dog is incentivized with a tv show and if he sells that show based on finding brian, have at it, buddy. >> yeah. i mean, when this story first broke and you hear the story of a girl who's gone missing if her boyfriend has returned from a trip with her where he just
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comes home and doesn't mention where she is -- kennedy: in her van. >> -- he killed her, right? the first thing that you think is he probably did it. now, why weren't -- how did they let him get away? how did this happen in i absolutely am rooting for dog the bounty hunter. he would have been watching that house. he would have not let him escape in the first place. so what if he gets a tv show out of it senate it's the american way. kennedy: i mean, it's a nice distraction for some people who are really bummed out about the details of the case, ethan, and it does keep it top of mind, and if it's top of mind, maybe more women will be safe from abusive relationships like this. >> i'm all for saving women from abusive relationships. we have recovered this case on my show, the law junkie show, as well. and it's a really tragic case. but here i'm going to jump ahead for you, kennedy.
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first off, dog, i wish him the best. he's familiar with scandal himself. however, i'm suspicious at this point when we ever find brian laundrie. my instinct is saying that he went off in the wilderness, and when an alligator got him or he offed himself, sadly, we may not get justice for gabby petito in this case. he's been gone for too long in the wilderness. he is not a wilderness survivalist. and i just can't picture how he's coming back there this. i do hope we find out what happened. there's a lot of mysterious things going on, and don't forget, there were two other murders in the area around the time that gabby disappeared. kennedy: yeah. and they said those are not linked to this case. it wouldn't surprise me. one of the women who was murdered was working at grocery store where gabby petito was assaulted. but you think this is all a little ghoulish, anthony, right?
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>> i do. i mean, i'm all for entrepreneurialship. if dog is successful in his mission and finds the fugitive, then, yeah, he earns his show. but for the moment, he's just a has-been reality tv star who's kind of exploiting a tragedy to whip up attention, making it very plain that he's doing it for attention to sell a show. and i think that it'd be less distasteful if he were successful, but to do it while the search is happening and to really, you know, not demonstrate any progress of his own, i do think is ghoulish. kennedy: he was, in his defense, he did not pay for that airplane with the banner that said aloha, brian. that was not dog, but he did think television a great idea, and he said he wanted to shake the hand of the person who either photoshopped it it or hired plane. i don't think that he killed himself. i really don't. i think people who are that
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narcissistic really feel like they're going to live forever. and i talk to the outdoorsman in florida who was helping police try and look for him, the guy who said no buzzards, no body, and he says that he also thinks he was never there in that reserve and that he's too much of a cream puff and he did not kill himself. meanwhile, there is a civil war emerging in in the nba just wees before the start of the season. players who choose not to take covid jabs could lose millions of dollars. the, this ba say said in -- nba said any player who chooses not to comply will not be paid for games that he misses. so kyrie irving, who's set to make almost $35 million this year, could lose a lot of dough for missing games. who is in the wrong here, the league or the players?
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karol, i'm vaccinated, i lo to vaccinate -- i love to advantage city tate, i do not love the mandate. for players who have already had covid and don't feel they need the shot on so much that, i'm on their side. >> i'm completely on their side as well. i, too, am vaccinated. i, too, oppose the mandates. i i think it's despicable. i think we should be following the lead of other saner countries that count previous infections as being the same as a vaccination because they are and sometimes even better. with the basketball situation, i happen to live with a basketball addict, so i know that these nba players were playing at the height of the pandemic last winter when the rest of us were sitting at home. if they were able to play then with no vaccine available then, i don't see why they shouldn't be able to play in 2021 vaccinated or not. kennedy: yeah.
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if you get the vaccine, you get the test. they have the facilities, they can do that. they don't even have to have a bubble. 90% of nba players are, in fact, vaccinated. ethan, your thoughts. >> well, two things. one, if there was a message for us to get a standardizedded test to show that they have antibodies, that's a legitimate source, and i think there would be an argument for being unvaccinated. but back to the founding of the country, i still find it interesting that you find our founding fathers despicable because they enforced mandatory vaccines and quarantine, that the not-liberal supreme court in 1905 found the same thing, that mandatory vaccines were absolutely within the rights -- kennedy: they actually were talking about mandatory vaccines that were fines. >> no, it's not. it's about mandatory vaccines. kennedy: it was about whether or not a fine was point. >> i can tell you that it is much more than just about fines,
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kennedy. kennedy: i'm an attorney! i'm going use one case to make the point that there should be a -- [inaudible conversations] >> no, kennedy, don't misrepresent the law. and the sixth circuit -- kennedy: you know what? -- [inaudible] how about that? yeah, you know what? you're not -- [inaudible] yeah. i don't have to misrepresent the law -- >> you just did, because you said jacobson v. massachusetts was about something -- kennedy: that's what it's about. okay, anthony -- stop it. anthony, kyrie irving is, flat earther, are you surprised he doesn't want to get vaccinated? >> no. and there are more eloquent nba players who have made persuasive arguments about why they have made their own -- kennedy: like jonathan isaac, very smart. >> and again, i don't agree with that choice, i am also pro-vaccine, anti-government mandate, but i don't have a problem with private companies
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mandating the vaccine. this is the tricky thing, the nba is not mandating, because the union refused it outright. kennedy: [inaudible] >> local municipalities have certain vaccine requirements including brooklyn -- kennedy: golden state. >> yeah. and so it's actually a government mandate that kyrie irving would be in violation of, so i'm in a tricky spot here because i'm not sympathetic to kyri's -- kyrie's plight. kennedy: there's a very, very high vaccination rate, you could argue they have achieved herd immunity in the nba and, you know, much to my chagrin, the players aren't jumping into the stands making out with fans. i'd like to go on that kind of mandate. karol, am i wrong sneer.
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[laughter] >> you're absolutely right. kennedy: thank you. >> you're always right. kennedy: thank you so much. would you like to say anything about jacobson, since ethan was so wrong? >> not wrong. kennedy: yeah, you are. >> you know, i am not a lawyer, and i don't find the founding fathers despicable, but there's a range of vaccines, and the covid vaccine is different from others. i am very pro-vaccine, and in previous situations i probably would have thought everybody had to be vaccinated in different situations, but to me, it's like the flu vaccine where we don't mandate in most cases, even in schools, for example, but a you need to get -- because you need to get one every year, itself. kennedy: ethan, what if there was a vaccine against commune nhl would you require everyone get vaccinated? >> yes, because i'm anti-communist. kennedy: even though i hate commies more than anything in the world, i wouldn't make a vaccine.
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so you're wrong on everything in the world. the panel's going to stay right here. in just a couple minutes, it's game night. we're playing whose headline is it anyway where i'll give you a wacky headline, and you have to guess which mainstream media clown actually wrote it. stay with me. 34ubg. ♪ ♪ new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get your shortlist of quality candidates, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. visit and get started today. that building you're trying to buy, whose resumes on indeed match your job criteria. you should ten-x it. ten-x is the world's largest online commercial real estate exchange. and it's fast. if i could, i'd ten-x everything. like our lunch. (laughs) amazing! see it. want it. ten-x it. that's the thing about claims, you see. they don't happen on your schedule. i mean, take a chestnut, it doesn't just say “oh, beg pardon, sir,
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♪ ♪ kennedy: hi, that's me, i'm talking! this is so exciting. we're not in the studio because all of our monitors broke, but we're playing a game. we've got cards with little stickers on 'em. it's time to play america's favorite new game. we say that every week, because it's true. whose headline is it? we found some of the weirdest and wokest news articles on the net and mixed in a few we made up ourselves, so can our panel match the loony headlines with
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the lunatics who wrote them? karol, ethan, anthony, are you ready? >> yes. kennedy: all right, let's do it. here's headline number one for karol. reckoning with colorism in their communities, is it teen vogue, the failing new york times or a fake headline? >> ooh. "the new york times." kennedy: that would be incorrect, it was teen vogue from may of this year. >> tough, real tough. kennedy: it's really tough. ethan, sinces you're wrong about everything, let's see if you can get this right. yes, your grandmother is transphobic. no, you cannot forgive her. daily beast, "vanity fair" or a fake headline? >> that's a tough one. i'm tboipg to go with fake headline. kennedy: and you're absolutely right, although your grandmother
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is transphobic, one of ours are. [laughter] i just got that in the trash can. anthony, you can either tie with ethan or be in last place with can karol. 020 is the -- 20 is the summer of the road trip unless you're black. is it npr, new york times or a fake head lien? >> a i'm going to say npr. kennedy: it was the new york slime from june 26th. okay, here we go. that's sad. sad for both of you. really great for ethan though. karlo, this is for you, women have always been a part of white supremacy. fun for them. is that better homes and gardens -- [laughter] that would be great, teen vogue or a fake headline? >> i have to go with teen vogue on this one. kennedy: yes, you would be right, teen vogue. but they've always been a part of the white supremacy and the patriarchy.
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even the ones without vaginas. ethan, this is for you -- [laughter] how strong lgbtq storytelling could help prevent heart disease. [laughter] there's nothing that clears my pipes than hearing a little erotica in the shower. [laughter] ethan, is it cnn, time or a fake headline? >> ooh. i'm torn -- kennedy: that's what they said, that's what they said! >> let's go with time. kennedy: no, fake headline. we just made that up. anthony, this is for you, karol and ethan each have one, let's see if you can get on the board. a climate scientist the explains why it's still okay to have kids. is that fox, npr or a fake headline? >> i'm going to go fox. kennedy: and you would be correct! april of this year.
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still okay to have kids, you guys. i mean, super gross and they're really, really needy and just poo. okay. karol, here's your next headline. i stopped going to the gym because of trump, now i can't open jars. [laughter] is this the guardian, mother jones or a fake headline? >> sadly, i think i know it's not a fake headline. i remember this one, but i just don't -- guardian. kennedy: yes, the guardian is right! that was from 2018, just the shriveled, gnarled little nancy pelosi hands that can't get their mitts on pickles. >> run it under hot water. kennedy: the hand? and blister skin? >> no, no, the jar. kennedy: ethan, friends is quite problematic and the reunion is just a platform to admit those problems. is that the indian express, us
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weekly or a fake headline? >> let's go with us weekly. kennedy: that is the indian express, may 27th of this year. oh, darn it. all right, anthony, here you go. does solving the climate crisis require anti-racist/feminist leadership? is that from "forbes," the failing new york times or a fake headline? >> i'd say new york times. kennedy: it's from "forbes." dang it! last round, this one is worth two apiece. karol, the great outdoors was made for white people. is that new york magazine, the nation or a fake headline? [laughter] >> oh, so -- ah. i'm going to go with new york magazine. kennedy: oh, no, that was from the nation. >> i knew it was real. kennedy: that's okay. you're still in the lead but, hey, ethan, you or anthony, you get two points for this right
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answer. ethan, brave woman says she doesn't like underwear. is that new york magazine, slate or a fake headline? >> fake headline. kennedy: no, that's from new york magazine! anthony, you could win it all with your final headline. [laughter] the rug rats were always queer icons., variety or a fake headline? >> it's mike. kennedy: and at the last minute if it's a walkoff homer! anthony fisher wins the whole thing. and congratulations. >> congratulations, anthony. kennedy: that one went in the trash can. party panel, you guys were great. that was so much fun. competitive until the edge, thank you all. thank you. whoo! the biden administration wants to leapt the irs into your bank account, your bedroom and your underwear, track every transaction over $60. one state is -- $600. one state is saying, no go, joe.
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♪ ♪ kennedy: 311's from nebraska, and nebraska's message to the white house, get your with claus off my cash! and here's why. to help pay for president biden's $3.5 trillion spending jag that will hopefully fail, the white house wants to force banks to report every single transaction of $600 or more to the irs. you guy a couch? irs wants to know. pay for a swanky dinner? irs wants to know. my next guest is pushing back on the blatant invasion of privacy saying he's going to fight to protect nebraska cannes wallets.
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will other states follow suit? joining me to discuss, the nebraska state treasurer: well well -- can welcome tonight show. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: why is nebraska pushing back here? >> this is one of the most unprecedented examples of an invasion of privacy in the history of our country. honestly, three weeks ago i never would have thought i'd have to be fighting back against an idea as bad as this, but when we're talking about -- i was entrusted by the people of nebraska to protect privacy of the accounts that i oversee, and i'm hiving up to that a end of the bargain. kennedy: taxation is death, man, and this is -- [laughter] that's, this is grand larceny. i mean, they are literally just reaching in and, first of all, they're doing this invasive investigation, so who do they expect is going to be looking at every transaction over $600? because that has to be billions of transactions a month. >> we're talking about a massive expansion of government even in
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the $3.5 trillion spending plan they're estimating they're going to increase spending for the irs by $80 billion. so they're trying to generate money on this, but they're actually going to be spending a lot of money on it. it's incredibly fiscally irresponsible and something that common sense people just don't understand. kennedy: yeah. people don't want audits. people are, by and large, very honest about what they make, and they're already overtaxed as it is. government doesn't have a revenue problem, they never have. they always bring in plenty of money, and i know they like to slogan about fair share and equity and the 1%, but the top 10% pay 40% of federal income taxes. that's the bottom line. but the fact that you're teaching everyone -- or you're treating everyone as though they are stealing money from the government, it is so incredibly anti-american. but there are a lot of other states who are onboard with you,
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states like south carolina and indiana and ohio. >> yeah. it's really sweeping the country. i'm a member of a great organization called the state financial officers foundation which is a group of treasurers and and auditors from around the country who are free market, liberty-minded individuals, and when we saw this idea, we thought it was absolutely insane. a government overreach like this has never happened before. we have a general understanding of due process in this country that if we're going to turn over bank accounts to the federal government, we at least need to be accused of something. the but that's not what's going on here. they want millions of transactions that happen on a regular basis to be turned over to the i are rs. there's nothing about that that is vaguely appropriate. kennedy: no, absolutely not. and it's scary to think what the irs will do, because with that kind of money they're going to invent all new ways to go in and snoop on people's accounts, and guess what? you know, especially younger people, they're going to find ways around it, and her going to
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start -- they are going to start investing in decentralized currency, all sorts of different, less stable cryptocurrency because they don't trust the federal government. there's so many people who have already been pushed out of banking to begin with, and, you know, there are so many people who have never been able to invest, and now with something like this you are, you're pushing them on to the dark web with their fentanyl and their chicanery, john. haas word. last word. >> i think you're absolutely right. people are already distrustful of the federal government and federal agencies. the irs -- your network has correctly covered that the irs has already been weaponized and used as a political weapon against their political opponents. and congressman nuñes was on your network just on sunday articulating all the ways in which democrats in washington feel that they can weaponize federal agencies against the american people and people they don't like.
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it's totally inappropriate every step of the way. kennedy: yeah, you know -- >> that's why they're looking. kennedy: it happens in north korea9 and the former sow eau yet union and venezuela, and they can all shove it. john, thank you so much. >> we really felt when we first heard that it was an idea out of the chinese communist party. kennedy: yeah, exactly. no. this is on, like, page 4 of the communist manifesto. and, you know, joe biden, mao biden. thanks, john, for real. [laughter] topical storm is next, stay put. ♪
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if you used shipgo this whole thing wouldn't be a thing. yeah, dad! i don't want to deal with this. oh, you brought your luggage to the airport. that's adorable. with shipgo shipping your luggage before you fly you'll never have to wait around here again. like ever. that can't be comfortable though.
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muck ♪ kennedy: ground breaking new technology has allow scientists to reconstruct the face of a 2,000-year-old mummy, or to put it simply, nancy pelosi got a facelift. that's the only kind of work congress ever gets done, and this is the topical storm. number one, deer rah says she was -- shakira says she was attacked in a park by a group of boars. the singer says it happened in barcelona, these attacks are so random, it could easily happen whenever! shakir a rah says two wild boars
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grabbed her purse and ran into the woods. of course, the only way to know if this really happened would be to ask her hips. yeah, they don't lie. wildlife experts say the attack was all a misunderstanding and that's because her breasts are so small and humble, the hungry boars likely confused them with molehills. made a mountain out of it. topic number two. it's time to wake up and smell the money. now you can own the rights to the classic folger's coffee jingle. you know the one. ♪ -- right in harmony. ♪ oh, one more cup and it's the -- ♪ the best part of waking up is folger's in your cup ♪♪ kennedy: wow. i can't believe they got boys 2 men to sing in that commercial. of course, we a all know the best part of waking up is taking
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your daily covid-19 vaccine. the jingle rights are up for auction, and whoever buys them will get royalties every time the song appears on tv. all this tie time i've just been taking the liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty -- bidding is currently up to $70,000, but luckily you only have to pay for it if you sing it on key which means i can use it as much as i want. ♪ the best part of waking up is folger's in your cup. ♪ the best part of waking up is folger's in your -- ♪♪ topic number three. time to say the moon is moving away from the earth. and to be honest i can't blame it. a new report says the moon is moving at a rate of 1.5 inches per year which is current setting on chris christie's
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peloton. the vibration is mainly because of the earth's tide. time to say it could effectively make our days longer, yeah, which could also be achieved by listening to npr. i'm terry gross. this is fresh air. luckily, this would all take billions of yores, and by -- years, and by that time i'll be on mars with my folger's jingle money. sometimes the best part of waking up is hearing from you. god,s this is viewer mail. ken kicks it off with @kennedynation, what happened? you used to be interesting. your butt used to be interesting. no, it wasn't. ava writes, the host with the most, you're looking swanky these days. what changed? i went to the swank store and i bought a little more. @kennedy nation, you must be, like, 12 years old.
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i moisturize. dylan says, kennedy, you're a kook and i love you. [laughter] if i love you too the, really hard. i'll be right back. ♪ ♪ centrum multigummies aren't just great tasting... they're power-packed vitamins... that help unleash your energy. loaded with b vitamins... ...and other key essential nutrients...'s a tasty way to conquer your day. try centrum multi gummies. now with a new look. it's another day. and anything could happen. it could be the day you welcome 1,200 guests and all their devices. or it could be the day there's a cyberthreat. get ready for it all with an advanced network and managed services from comcast business. and get cybersecurity solutions that let you see everything on your network. plus an expert team looking ahead 24/7 to help prevent threats. every day in business is a big day. we'll keep you ready for what's next. comcast business powering possibilities.
7:57 pm
liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need. how much money can liberty mutual save you? one! two! three! four! five! 72,807!
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72,808... dollars. yep... everything hurts. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
7:59 pm
kennedy: thank you so much for watching e best hour of your day. i wish you could see my dress and my shoes.
8:00 pm
next week's hate mail, subscribe to my podcast, kennedy saves the world, and i do, every week twice. apple news podcast, anywhere your mom likes to listen to slightly dirty stuff. set your dvr to 7 p.m. in the east. night. like it or not, this black stuff from under the earth fuels our everyday lives in ways we can scarcely imagine, and without it the world as we know it well, wouldn't be. - there's nothing anywhere that doesn't have a part of oil in it. - [narrator] but getting this precious commodity out of the ground and into our hands can be tricky to say the least. - [john] set it mark. - [narrator] it takes patience - [mark] she's stuck. - [narrator] long hours. - [kyle] can't be friday soon enough, i don't think. - [narrator] ingenuity. - [alex] good job boys. - [narrator] and a whole lot of hard work. - that's it, we got it.


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