tv The Evening Edit FOX Business October 13, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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long, that waitless part. but to be able to be weightless, look out the circumference of the earth is extraordinary enough if you're a normal mortal like most of us but to be the former captain kirk, get a view of that, god bless him. that was a beautiful day. that does it for us. for fox business tonight. we'll see you tomorrow. "the evening edit" starts right now. liz: okay, feels like the economy fell out of bed and down the front stoop. the white house warns you may not get your christmas rents in time for christmas because of the supply chain mess. the warnings came into the white house late spring about all of this. we'll bring you the backstory no one else is talking about. it is to blame for much of the chaos and it is directly linked to the covid-19 shutdowns from coast to coast that cities put on you. joining us tonight nicole malliotakis, greg stuebe, mark
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green and mike johnson, also dr. marc siegel, former utah congressman jason chaffetz and former top i.c.e. official tom homan. we have the update on the white house' new pivot away from the economic mess in order to stay in power. change the narrative. claim covid-19 successes. this is full throttle political atmospherics. when the white house created potentially unconstitutional vaccine mandate fight that could end up in the supreme court. growing calls to clean out the government health bureaucracy because of mass covid confusion over things like booster shots, stalled vaccines and delayed covid-19 treatments. and we've got the new democrat playbook. shoot the moon on big government spending, go big on the price tag, then look reasonable when they cut it back but their green new deal makes fda's new deal spending look like loose change under the sofa cushions and they still have not released full
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text of bills. more on the local father in virginia accused of obstructing a the school board meeting. now it is coming out the school board covered up sexual assault of his daughter by another student. 19 republicans now demand a new ethics globe into attorney general merrick garland. it involves a big bucks family conflict of interest at school boards as he aims federal massive firepower on parents fighting school boards. we have fox news reporting that government documents indicate that the white house released 160,000 migrants into the u.s. since march, despite saying they were deported. they were just given notices to appear. that stuff is usually ignored. when the democrats want more irs power to go after you for their big spending. thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now.
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♪. liz: welcome to the show. you're watching the fox business network. we begin with the president meeting today with big box retailers. they say they will work around the clock 24/7 to unclog the worsening supply chain bottlenecks. they will deploy their ownerships and trucks. the white house is saying it is taking action. it says, you the private sector, you have to step up. you port operators, you labor unions you have to work around the clock. here is the question, will christmas get hit and hit hard? edward lawrence at the white house with more. good to see you. reporter: liz, the white house touting all of the work it has done behind the scenes on the supply chain issue for the past couple months. today the president announcing they brokered an agreement between unions and port of los angeles to ramp up to 24/7 operations. the president also securing agreements for shipping companies, large shipping companies to get on the same schedule, 24/7. we're talking about fedex, ups,
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target, others on your screen. i asked white house press secretary jen psaki this. why did it get so long for the president to get together the heads ever you will shipping companies and two port heads on supply chain issues? >> i would say the president, the supply chain task force has been working around the clock for months and months now to address a range of issues we see in the supply change. reporter: dock workers warn when ports move to 24/7 operations there will not be enough truck drivers to carry the goods away. i asked transportation secretary pete buttigieg about relaxing trucking regulation. he told me is looking at that but they're not acting because they're weighing the safety issue. the president says the moves he are making is a game-changer. >> this is movement to go 24/7, this is first big step to speed up movement and materials for our supply chain.
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we need the rest of the private sector chain to step up as well. reporter: there is no time frame given by the white house when the supply chain issues will be smoothed out. back to you. liz: edward lawrence thank you. joining us new york congresswoman nicole malliotakis and florida congressman greg stuebe. congresswoman, we have shortages of groceries stores, computer chips, port congestion. how much is the white house to blame here? >> look they passed a 1.9 trillion american rescue plan that was supposed to put people back to work and it actually did the opposite t actually disincentivized work and production. that is part of the problem we're seeing here. there are a number of causes but a big part is labor shortage. that was the result of the president and the democrats wanting to pay people more to stay home than to come to work and produce and so you have lack of warehouse workers, lack truck drivers an you're seeing a major issue here. the other thing is the supply
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chain that we rely on so many other countries, that we're not manufacturing here in the united states, he said he wants to build in america but we're not seeing any steps to go in that direction. i think that the is the other thing we're seeing here. that is shedding a light the way we're relying on china and other countries particularly when it comes to toys. most of these toys are manufactured in china. it sheds light on the need to bring our supply chain back home here in america. liz: the issue, moody's is warning about this, this is the weakest link, congressman. it is about common sense. the covid-19 shutdowns across the country laid off, let go 91,000 truck drivers. it shut down truck driving training schools. this is the whackest link. truck drivers deliver most of the goods. ports around the world shut down by local bureaucrats because of
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covid-19 that is the common theme. what do you say? >> that is exactly right. nicole is right that is part of it. paying those people in the supply chain not working. that coupled with the fact you're locking down all of these big cities. these big backups of all the shipping containers are in cities and ports like l.a. locked down for months. now because for so long people could make more money not working than working they have a hard time funding labor for different individuals to work in the different supply chains. now you want to put a vaccine mandate on private companies on top of that. people will not work because the companies, through the biden administration forcing them to have vaccine mandates on their employees, it will completely exacerbate the problem. this is 100% of the results of bad policies democrats put in place since joe biden took in office. we're seeing repercussions of that today. liz: congresswoman, we have inflation coming in again hotter than expected at 5.4% annualized. it is a 13-year high.
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the supply chain mess is ramping up prices, gas prices are going up and worker wages, annualized basis, hourly, they're seeing inflation cutting into their wages one to 2%. what do you say? >> this is why we must stop that 3.5 trillion socialist where list. it will only put further pressure on inflation, further debt, increasing the cost of goods on every single american. they're already seeing it at the pump, the seeing it at the supermarket, seeing it trying to go on vacation or buying supplies for kids to go back to school. the the reality of policies of taxing and spending are leading to inflation. president talking about the private sector bringing them to the table, they are the answer so why are they trying to put forth policies that will destroy the free market, that will destroy the private sector and hurt our economy and eliminate jobs? they need to look at 3.5, can
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sell it all, it will be a complete disaster. you if i it is bad knew, if they pass that it will be a complete atrocity. liz: the worker shortage, the congressman made a good point the worker shottage is common theme. truck being industry has been talking about worker shortage since the '80s. we have 1.25 million truck drivers, they see we need to double it. fedex, ups, walmart, target, home depot, sending their own drivers to ports during night shifts, working longer hours. people are asking where is transportation secretary pete buttigieg throughout all of this? the media is focusing about other things on pete buttigieg but not about his job. what do you say to that? >> he is not doing his job. nobody has seen him, he is not doing his job. a man who was mayor of small town in our country and in
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charge of the entire infrastructure in our country. what is adding to the challenge of truck drivers is the price of gasoline, again 100% caused by the decisions the biden administration made. i recently met with a neighbor out walking dogs, out independent truck driver. he is not driving an independent truck anymore the cost of fuel is so much it doesn't make sense to drive his semi-truck. all these decisions the biden administration made weighing down the economy, shooting up inflation and causing this complete stalling of jobs in our country today. liz: to the congressman's point, where is pete buttigieg, you know congresswoman bloomberg asked pete buttigieg this last week. he weirdly warned that quote, challenges will possibly continue for years. why is every a answer out you have washington will last for years and years but pitched the stalled infrastructure plan as a
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cure-all? what is your reaction to that? >> exactly. they only -- i feel like they create some of these problems. they try to support their agenda. and create more government intervention. the reality is, is that 75% of the truck, of goods across america are being transported by trucks. we do need more truck drivers but you have aoc and the green new deal wanting to ban trucks. they don't want natural gas trucks. the cost of fuel is increasing rapidly. all because of their doing. so instead of having a vision of how we're going to come out of this pandemic and, by the way then was really just for government to get out of the way instead of more mandates, more restrictions, more government intrusions, more taxes, more government control instead of getting out of the way and helping where they needed, as you say, getting more truck drivers to drive trucks. liz: congresswoman nicole
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malliotakis and congressman greg stuebe, thanks for joining us, good to see you. we have a new take on this democrat playbook on staying in power, shoot the moon on big government spending. go big and look like reasonable negotiators as they cut it back. here is the thing, their green new deal spending looks like fdr new deal spending like change under the couch contributions. the white house and democrats are changing the narrative to claim covid-19 successes in order to stay in power. this as the white house potentially created an unconstitutional vaccine mandate. that fight could go all the way to the supreme court. you're watching "the evening edit." stay right there. >> and so we're on track to be in a very good place. people need hope right now. my concern we have no exit criteria for any restrictions in place right now.
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xfinity makes moving easy. go online to transfer your services in about a minute. get started today. liz: back with us now, representative mark green from house select subcommittee on the coronavirus. congressman, great to have you back on. the "politico" is reporting that the white house, democrats, including the dnc, the gameplan to stay in power change the
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narrative away from the economy to success on covid-19, politicizing the pandemic. what do you say? >> i say their success has been a complete failure. they're not addressing still shortages with testing materials. the issue of immunity, natural immunity versus vaccines, they want to continue to push vaccines now the data is pretty clear, science is very clear, natural immunity is just as good as vaccine immunity. the study out of israel says it is as much as 27 times more. these guys are going the wrong direction on the pandemic. they're wrong direction on afghanistan. they're wrong on the southern border, wrong on the economy. all they can do is spend, liz. liz: the vaccine mandate the president wants for businesses could end up in a supreme court fight. osha is submitting the initial text already. the white house press secretary jen psaki saying the president will override the republican governors of texas and florida who want to ban and stop vaccine mandates inside of their states. watch florida governor ron
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desantis here. >> i think the coercion is totally wrong. i think it is destroying trust in public health to the extent there was still trust left over after all the stuff has been done but i think it is really, really negative and i think you're going to end up driving people away. liz: the thing is, so, congressman, correct us if we're wrong, everybody talks about that 1905 supreme court decision. that decision says the power for this belongs to the states, not centralized government. the 2012 supreme court obama care ruling says the government cannot regulate vaccines effectively at like interstate commerce. so how is this going to be constitutional? >> well there is a couple of, you started this questioning with it is going to wind up in the supreme court and it absolutely is going to wind up in the supreme court. california judges already ruled that the vaccine mandate is appropriate. you have texas judges basically
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blocking united airlines from firing people over the vaccine mandates. so this will wind up being solved or decided by the supreme court. but the issue with the desantis, the point he is making, states are sovereign. a lot of people forget, the civics education, curriculum, are focused more on critical race theory than teaching sicks in our schools, our civics is very clear sovereignty belongs with the state. the state formers the federal government. the powers given to the federal government are articulated in the constitution. just the opposite is true inside of the states. the states form the municipalities. the powers rest with the governments and state legislatures. they make the decisions. that is why the supreme court in 1905 ruled the way they did. states have the power. liz: congressman, l.a. county sheriff alex villanueva will not
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enforce the mandate. >> i cannot afford to lose five or 10% of the employees overnight. i believe in the vaccine. who am i to impose my belief system. the board of supervisors embracing woke universe where they send off edicts like moses coming down from the mountains, everyone will snap to attention to make them happen. i have to deal with reality and a dangerous and nonsensical mandate. liz: how does the covid-19 vaccine mandate stacks up against the vaccines for small mumps, measles, mumps and the like? >> i think you're asking a question about different vaccines for different illnesses and each is unique to that particular illness but clearly we've got a lot more longitudinal data on those. most of the vaccines before they were put into place were tested for decades. in some vaccines it was 40 plus years before they actually got to fda approval. so that is probably the biggest
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difference here. but you know, this guy's right. 10% of the force gone in a day? there are hospitals that are shutting down their labor and delivery wards because they are having to enforce this, enforcing the mandate. it makes no sense. you think about, i do a white board wednesday on my web page, my facebook page. this week i'm talking about 600,000 military people that are not vaccinated that may be kicked out. that is insane. the idea of that. you really can't be that stupid but that is what biden is saying liz: the other thing, states enforce mandates for smallpox and measles, the like. >> exactly. liz: interesting, american, southwest airlines are not going to go with the texas ban on vaccine mandates. this does look look a big supreme court fight in the making. congressman mark green, great to have you back on. up next, dr. marc siegel, growing calls to clean out the
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government health bureaucracy. there is mass covid confusion from things like booster shots to stalled vaccines, to delayed treatments? we have this story coming up. the white house reports for fox news released 160,000 migrants into the u.s. since march despite saying they were removed. just got court notices to appear many of them. that stuff is usually ignored. the white house wants more power for the irs to go after you to pay for your big spending. we're digging into this later. you're watching "the evening edit" on fox business.
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sufficient and that's one issue, why we need boosters for the pfizer biontech vaccine. that vaccine, data out of israel was really clear after six months, you need boosters. period. especially in elderly, people over 60. liz: so confusing, dr. marty makary written by this as you have, the idea you wait longer, months, not weeks. the fda is saying wait weeks between boosters, between the vaccine shots, but if you wait months, get quadruple the power of the shot. the government bureaucracy is really confusing people. merck had a game-changer new drug taken orally, right? to heal oral infections that was delayed for a year. trapped in bureaucratic infighting. trump white house wanted $100 million for it last year. it got caught in a net of bureaucratic infighting. where is the fda emergency use authorization for the astrazeneca vaccine? you know what i mean?
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what is with all the delays? >> well, i will go over all of this. first of all with the pfizer shot i think it should have been a longer interval you about i don't necessarily think it should be months. i give a lot of vaccines in the office, and they're at least a month apart, at least a month apart. some are month, two. hepatitis-b is one. hepatitis-a is longer so that is that point. the point about about. not enough focus on the science. what did the drug show? how well did it work, it looked like worked well decreasing hospitalizations by 50%. as far as your point about astrazeneca oxford vaccine, i've been pushing for the vaccine from the beginning. i've been talking to people all around the world on that vaccine, that works really well, the vaccine, doesn't have the problem of j&j shot, being only
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one shot, not having as much immunity. completely agree with you, it should have gotten approved here around gotten bound up in red tape. liz: i hear you. we've been here before in the aids crisis. there was a lot of confusion. dr. fauci was 1981 forward through the aids crisis. more confuse out of fawzi. nih indicate that 95% that recover from covid-19 have durable immunity eight months or longer after infection. doctor, we hear you loud and clear. there is no talk about that. not enough debate about people seriously worried about the side-effects of vaccines. yale study, yale university said 2001, 2010, 30, 33% were facing safety problems, a number of these drugs and vaccines during that time period. stop bullying people if they're scared, you know what i mean? >> i want to make a quick point about natural immunity because in other countries it is
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factored in, liz. in the european union or israel, six months of natural immunity after getting sick is all you need to get the green pass. mandates here, forcing people to get a vaccine without the option of testing, at a time when the vaccines are waning in terms of effectiveness. that is another problem. and i think the vaccines are quite safe about it way but i don't think they should being automatically pushed on to people who have gotten over covid and who have some protection from that. maybe one shot after covid later on. that is what i'm in favor of. liz: that is great point. >> ignore natural immunity. not ignoring natural immunity. liz: you will get fired if you don't get vaccinated but you have the antibodies and natural immunity. say you got vaccinated 2000, january of this year, you can get fired for that. makes no sense. >> ridiculous. liz: dr. marc siegel thanks for straightening that conversation out. good to have you on. we're coming out of the bottom of the hour right now.
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you're watching the fox business network. still to come this hour, virginia parent alleging a local school board covered up the assault of two children. they are speaking out. demanding rest is nations. up next, utah congressman jason chaffetzing talking about the democratic pray book. shooting the moon on government spending and looking reasonable when they cut it back. look, their green new deal spending makes fdr new deal like loose change under the sofa cushions. they haven't released text of these bills yet and want the irs to snoop on you to pay for everything. back in two.
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they need big spending to stay in power. we don't have any text for the bills, free family, child care, free electric cars for government workers, postal workers. what do you say to this? >> not only should be worried about this multitrillion dollar size of the price tag but be worried about the underlying policy because it's a radical transformation of our economy, raises taxes. essentially the green new deal disguised as something else. even the democrats are having a hard time swallowing the size of it and the scope of it and we should be really worried about it because they are on the verge of trying to pull it off. liz: jason, white house press secretary jen psaki, you know this saying that democrats never let a crisis go to waste? she said the president thinks the pandemic is exactly the time when you do a dramatic you can overhaul of the economy top to bottom. watch this. >> the president wants to make fundamental change in our
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economy and he feels coming out of the pandemic is exactly the time to do that and if we don't do it now, if we don't address the cost of child care to go back to josh's question earlier, if we don't address the climate crisis, if we don't insure that universal pre-k is a reality now, we're not going to have the same opportunity to do it for some time. liz: ram it through now. jason, democrats won the senate with just 13,500 votes. that is the amount gop senator david perdue lost. they lost seats in the house. they don't have a mandate. what do you say? >> they do act like they have a mandate but you're absolutely right, liz, they don't. they really don't have that mandate. so many of the problems that we're facing now as a nation are self-inflicted wounds. you look at the immigration problem, the crime problem, the inflationary side of things and look, joe biden kind of sold
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himself as hey look, we'll bring the nation together. jen psaki i think it was yesterday, finally said the part out loud she wasn't supposed to, joe biden was elected to unite democrats. and so they recognized they're not going to be in power very long because their policies, their spending are not popular. they are trying to slam through everything they can. i think they picked a 3, almost 4 trillion-dollar bill. when they come back say it is only 1 1/2 trillion, then they think they're reasonable but that is the most some of the most aggressive spending we ever had in our nation. we're approaching $40 trillion in debt if their plan is enacted over the course of next 10 years. 40 trillion. liz: we hear you. nancy pelosi is signaling democrats will keep inside of their gigantic spending bills more power for the irs to look
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into people's bank accounts at minimum of $600, gross inflows and outflows throughout the year as well, to catch tax cheats to pay for their spending. penciling in $450 billion, $700 billion, from that to get the irs to do that kind of a dragnet. what do you say? that is a lot of money. >> it's a about power, and part of control. it is like lois lerner, democrats using the irs. if you're suspicionless american, no reason the irs or law enforcement agency should be looking at transactions in your account when you go to buy a couch. it does not make sense. it is empowering them literally handing the irs tens of billions of dollars so the democrats can have more control and manipulate more of your life. that is not the type of government i think the united states should be operating. liz: jason chaffetz, good to have you back on.
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come back again soon. good to see you. still to come this hour. more on reports that the white house released 160,000 migrants into the u.s. since march, despite saying they were deported. many of them were given notices to appear. they usually ignore that. up next, we have this battle, it involves a school board in virginia. parents down there are really upset. they're alleging that they covered up the assault of children. they're now speaking out demanding resignations. we have congressman mike johns son with us. he is also requesting an ethics inquiry into attorney general merrick garland. merrick garland is involved in this fight. keep it here on "the evening edit". hi, i'm steve and i live in austin, texas.
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ethics inquiry to attorney general merrick garland. why? >> we are, liz. good to see you. all the republicans on the house judiciary committee have an obligation. we're supposed to provide oversight for the department of justice. merrick garland is the attorney general. he is the top law enforcement official in this country. he should be above reproach. when he sent out the controversial memo on july 4th it raised a lot of eyebrows. his memo to direct the fbi and u.s. attorney's offices to mobilize against parents who have audacity to exercise free speech and protest curriculum at the local school board. this despite the fact it looks partisan, ethics problem has arisen. reported everywhere that the attorney general's son-in-law is cofounder and owner of a company, that gets this, promotes the far left curricula that is subject of many of these parents protest. we need a public report on this.
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we need an ethics inquiry and we demanded that today. liz: at the same time he aiming federal firepower meant for terrorists against parents making alleged threats to school boards his son-in-law is making big bucks from school boards. one report says $12 million with 22 school board contracts. over five dozen concerned parents and students, residents spoke alloweddown count school board meeting asking for resignation for the superintendent alleging that they covered up two sexual assaults of two students by other students. scott myth was arrested at school board meeting. what people did not know now, he was saying his daughter was sexually assaulted by a male student wearing a skirt in a girl's bathroom. the loudoun county sheriff's office confirmed the case and the student was reportedly arrested.
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what do you say to this? >> what is happening in loudoun county, virginia, is incomprehensible and outrageous. parents have the right to exercise free speech to demand accountability from public officials. if what is alleged is true it should be a international story. so few in the mainstream media are covering this at all. meanwhile democrats are trying to silence the speech of parents. they are absolutely wrong to try to stop them. this should be the time for all parents to get engaged. do it lawfully, exercise the free speech, have accountability at local school boards. liz: loudoun county school board put a statement they were not aware of details of this. they are not given details of disciplinary matters. the question how can you not be aware of assaults involving things going on ininside schools you have oversight of? another issue, virginia mom
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endured mao's cultural revolution, fled china. what she is saying she saw in china, its happening with the school board association and what the doj is doing. listen to her. >> when i was in china i spent my entire school years in the chinese cultural revolution. so i am very, familiar with the communist tactics of how they divide people, how they can sell the chinese traditional culture and devoid our heritage and all of these things are happening here in america. they call them racist long time, but upgrade them to domestic terrorists. this children, your own children, for me this, i'm fighting it because it is about our future, the future of this country. we cannot be intimidated. liz: that is a virginia mother, xi van fleet. what do you say to that? >> every american ought to heed
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that counsel, listen to the testimonials. the national association of school boards sent a letter to the biden administration, to the president, demanding the federal government get involved in this. they equated concerned parents at school board meetings as domestic terrorists. said they might be engaging in hate crimes. it is outrageous. the attorney general of the united states respond as few days later and issues this direct tougher involving the fbi. it is over the top. liz: congressman mike johnson great to have you on. good to see you. up next, former i.c.e. official tom homan on "fox news reporting" white house allegely released 160,000 migrants in march, saying they were deported. tens of thousands of migrants still heading here reports indicate. stay with us, back in two. >> so what they're doing with an open border is they're taking the people who are coming across
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fox news reporting government documents show the administrations since march released 160,000 migrant into because and i talked to -- ffa said all my secretary said they were removed. >> i've been saying for eight months secretary is lying to the american people and people they how dare you call the secretary a liar? i say he's a liar because he's lying. i've been doing this 35 years, i have sources repeating this information every day. he's constantly saying the borders close and secure and a majority of the people are being returned. these documents show the opposite. most people are being released into the country. many for the ability to get a job. if they don't think enticement because they don't caller friends and family saying i, went to get a job legally. his actions are going to cost and worst search the rest of
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your. >> the "wall street journal" is reporting middle-class migrants are coming out of south america to illegally cross, literally flying planes into mexico and walking up to the border to cross. economic asylum is not in the law so that is an issue, to. that is a new development, more and more middle-class migrants flying in and walking across. >> it's always been that way and the middle class migrant are going to take middle-class jobs in the country so compete with a lot of americans for those jobs. the data is clear, i don't care where you are from. the data is clear. never get relief from u.s. government, i know it's the same official talking about this story saying over 80% show up in court, i don't know where he is getting that data from. the executive office immigration review clearly shows less than half show up. the half that shows up, 90% new staircase and it's not romantic
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comedy show up in court, the magic is about 90% new staircase, how many actually leave as ordered by the court? the answer? 3%. that's a metric that counts. >> the numbers inside 160 case figure released since march into the u.s. interior by the white house, 32000 illegal migrants relieved we are parole, effective some eligibility for work permits. former chief rodney scott is saying we never did that. we never did that on a mass scale. what is the change there? what happened? >> they are abusing parole. parole is a case-by-case for cash significant humanitarian reason or law enforcement reason. i was ice director, in the year end a half i was, i two pearls and they are tens of thousands, abusing the system. again, using the smoke and
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mirrors, the statute, title 42, using title 42. no, they are not. they are violating back in the parole authority which congress gave to officers what they are abusing the authority taking it and twisting it and using it for the benefit. bottom line, their endgame, it's open borders, they haven't done a single thing to this date, five months later they haven't done a single thing. >> show the heartbreaking video of the 7-year-old girl, basically rope to the back of a human smuggler and dropped from a they are getting dropped over the border wall. it's such a dangerous stuff and heartbreaking. unicef is saying tens of thousands of children are crossing through central america and setting up a real humanitarian crisis. children, half of them under the age of five and smugglers have little regard for exposing them to all sorts of crime children
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are dying along the journey. you and i have talked about this, a tough concept to grasp, children, people die. it's dangerous. what you say? >> absolutely, i've done this 35 years, many children die in our sexually assaulted. this year, over 100 children have died so that's what makes me emotional about this. i've seen many dying children, young ladies raped numerous times making the journey. these cartel are animals, they don't care about them. >> the biden white house think it's humanitarian, they think they are being humanitarian weakening the border. >> they don't know what they are talking about. why don't they talk to one expert? one who's been on the board for decades, talk to somebody like me who's done it for 35 years? they don't want to hear the truth. they never talked to border patrol if they don't want to talk to the experts because they don't follow their false
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narrative they are sending to the american people. >> we'll have you back on. it's a tough story but we are going to stay on with you. we've been covering this since 2016. good to see you. i'm elizabeth mcdonald, you've been watching the evening at it. that doesn't for us, have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: the present life, state department lied and started the pentagon. they all told us every american was going to be out of afghanistan safely. guess what -- americans are still there. we learned last week they are thereby the thousands and afraid for their very lives. in a few moments, i will speak with one of them his story is in safely we remember iconic images of the collapse of afghanistan, heartbreaking scenes of desperate afghans clinging to the side of an american cargo plane and 13 american
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