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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  October 14, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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right? as long as it doesn't impact me. dr. odom, really appreciate your -- >> thank you very much. have a great night. jackie: all right, folks. i'm jackie deangelis in for elizabeth macdonald. you are watching "the evening edit" on fox business. that does it for us tonight. thanks so much for watching. have a wonderful evening. ♪ ♪ kennedy: hey there, welcome to the best hour of your day, and hey all you poor people, sorry about the high prices for food and gas, but it's really just a rich people's problem. you guys are fine. stop complaining. sincerely, the biden administration. the end. white house chief of staff ron klained today accused of sending out one of those news crazingly heatist tweets of the year, maybe even ever, and it shows just how out of touch he is with the struggles of the average working american. it also shows how little he actually cares about voters.
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with inflation at a 13-year high and only growing, prices for everything from bread to cars to televisions to meat, through the roof. and thanks to a devastating supply chain crisis, store shelves are bare, and christmas might be ruined. with that as the backdrop, ron klain promoted a tweet that reads, quote: most of the economic problems we're facing -- inflation, supply chains, etc. -- are high class problems. we wouldn't have them if the unemployment rate still wasn't 10%, we would instead have a much worse problem. hey, ron, tell that to a struggling single mom who's working two jobs and has to decide whether to buy gas or diapers, you clown. you know, you really can't sell moron without ron! and as you might imagine, the administration's critics and anyone with a beating heart and functioning brain are having a field day with this one.
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michelin -- [laughter] culinary world. michigan congressman bill huizenga tweeted, please, oh, please, keep talking like this, because you continueally emphasize how wildly out of touch you are with real america. only in your world does inflation hit just the high class and trillions in spending cost zero. smh. you don't want to know what that means, it doesn't mean shaking my head, it's much worse than that. thom tillis tweet, quote: white house chief of staff is wrong! havinglyed in a trail ther park -- having lived in a trailer park in the '70s with high inflation, i can assure you that rising prices are are not a high class problem. it hurts low income families the most, end quote. the white house today said, hey, well, inflation is better than dying of covid, right? so should everyone just shut up and eat their newly-overpriced gruel? joining he now to discuss, he is the cofounder of the federalist
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and a fox news contributor, ben domenech is back. ben, on a scale of barack obama talking about the price of arugula to evita, how out of touch is ron klain? >> oh, he's completely out of touch. i mean, he reminds me of the judge from "futurama", you know, my butler's chauffer informs me that banks are places where poor people keep money that isn't properly invested. it's completely hogwash to say that this is a high class problem. it's the opposite. you know, it's working class americans who are most sensitive to these price fluctuations, who are most aware of their ability to buy heat, to actually, you know -- meat, to actually go to the pump and not be shock by the number that comes up when you're done filling up your car, and this is exactly the kind of indication that we've gotten over and over from this administration, a white house that seems thoroughly out of
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touch. and my question, kennedy, coming away from this is i wonder, does the staff actually let joe biden watch tv? i realize we just went through an administration where the president was, you know, glued to the tv the, maybe paid too much attention to it, but do they even allow him to see what's going on in this country? is ron klain reading off to him the morning briefing and just telling him, you know, mr. president, you don't have to worry about these things, it's just these rich republicans who are complaining about the fact that it's more expensive for them to buy fish and shrimp and chicken and beef and the like. i mean, is that how out of touch they really are? because i don't get any indication that they are in any way ready to have think kind of solution for this. they are doubling down on their continued policies which are bankrupting our country and are going to continue to be paid for by our kids and grandkids. and they've given no indication that they have any kind of solution for this that is
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actually durable. the idea, for instance, the other day that they're going to keep the port of los angeles open 24 hours, well, that's all well and good, except you need people to -- kennedy: you need truckers to show up and deliver things -- >> exactly. kennedy: and they're not doing it. they're like, yeah, 24 hours? no one was working out at two in the morning except for really creepy people who like to hang around the showers. me being one of them. [laughter] so 24-hour fitness in name only. it's one of those things where they try and look busy. they try and look like they're doing something. oh, we screwed up everything in afghanistan, we got a bunch of people killed and put thousands her at risk. let's put all these people on planes, and we'll call it good without vetting them. that's a bad fix to anything as well. but it's really incredible to me for someone like that who's got his government pension, who will never have to worry about paying his mortgage for the rest of his
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life saying these are high class problems. high class people never worry about inflation. it doesn't permeate their gilded bubble. it's people who, whose wages are not hatching inflation. they're -- matching inflation. they're not making more money, yet the price of everything has gone up 5.4% one year, and it's keeping, it's going skyward. they're such jerks. i mean that as a compliment. >> i mean -- [laughter] well, but it really is indicative of how out of touch that they are because, you know, the normal person goes to the grocery store, tends to buy the same things over and over again for their family, and they evaluate at the end of, you know, the checking-out process, you know, this is how much this bag costs where last time i came in it cost this amount. those are the people who actually feel this. so this whole lie that this is something that this is a high class problem is just one more aspect of the way this white house is trying unsuccessfully
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to gaslight the country into believing things that just aren't true whether about the border, whether about afghanistan, whether about their covid policies or anything else, it really is a consistent approach of this white house to pretend that things are going a certain way, and the only people complaining about them are somehow out of touch, wealthy republicans or the like when in the reality we see example after example of their failures and their failures of imagination when it comes to any kind of policy direction that would reverse these types of devastating effects. kennedy: yeah. and they're not on budgets. nancy pelosi has a $15-20,000 fridge with ice cream that costs $10 a quart. all right, ben, thank you so much. [laughter] winner -- >> thank you, kennedy. kennedy: meanwhile, democrats talk on the middle class, it does not end there. oh, they're just getting warmed up because they also want the irs to snoop on your bank account, and they want details on every transaction you make
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over $600. earlier this week treasury secretary benny hill -- pardon me, janet yellen, said the problem isn't the plan, it's just that we're too stupid to understand. janet? >> i think this proposal has been seriously mischaracterized. the proposal involves no reporting of individual transactions of any individual. kennedy: no, it's much worse than that. we're actually going to take all your money and flog you. indiana republican congressman jim banks said the irs plan shows just how phony democrats really are. watch this. >> nancy pelosi spends $600 every time she buys ice cream, but that's a regular bank trans-alaska for any small business -- transaction for any small business in america. this means the irs is going to go through your bank records with their 87,000 new irs agents. heir going after you.
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kennedy: damn skippy, they are. hey, man, they want that money. they want more of it, as much as they can possibly take. independent bankers say the plan also assumes that everyone is a tax cheat and will create distrust in financial institutions. so for an agency that's famous for its guilty until proven if innocent mentality, can we really believe the irs is going to play fair here? no. here to discuss, the host of the next revolution, sunday nights, 9 p.m. on the fox news channel, it is steve hilton. steve, welcome back. >> so i'm just thinking about benny hill. i can't get that out of my held. by the way, that's an amazing reference. i did not expect that. kennedy: not everyone, but it used to be on pbs saturday nights -- >> it's so perfect. kennedy: after monty python. yeah. we're not going to take -- i think this is mischaracterized --
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[laughter] it hasn't, no. the government taking has just begun. the government is going to spend $3.5 trillion in one fell swoop? then they're going to swoop into your account and get it back any way they can. >> i mean, there's so much that is wrong with this. exactly as you say, the idea they want more money, they've just published the government receipts, record amounts of money coming in to the treasury, and yet still they want more. the first thing they should do is going up to people and getting more money that they claim -- actually cut the spending, cut government and stop interfering in our lives with these ridiculous schemes that don't do any good anyway. and then when you come to the snooping, we've within talking for a while, for years now about the chinese social credit scheme, the dictators in beijing use to snoop on all their people and interfere if their lives -- in their lives and give them a credit score. this is like the biden regime is taking that literally, like a social credit, looking at your credit and saying, well, does that fit with our kind of
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socialist mentality. the idea that they're going to do this for every single person and claim that it's only really targeted at the tax cheats and the rich, it's ridiculous are. this is what happens every time you give them think kind of leeway, any kind of power, they're going to abuse it. so when they say like janet yellen would say else. >> many that interview, oh, people have nothing to worry about, this is not for anyone except for those few cheats, well, let's see her lead by example. kennedy: exactly. >> let's look at her bank account. let's see yours, janet yellen. you publish all your transactions over $600 so we can snoop around where you spend your money and your receipts, and then we'll learn she's got all these corrupt payments from wall street and big tech -- kennedy: of course she does. >> the whole thing -- kennedy: yeah. how does she go from running the fed to being treasury secretary? yes, go ahead. >> what i want to say is that you -- this is what happens when you give them too much power. so we've seen this with the
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pandemic, and they start interfering with our, you know, they want your health records, they want a vaccine passport. you cannot give them this kind of freedom to just trample over our freedoms and our privacy because they're just going to run away with it. that's why we've got to stand up to them every time these bureaucrats come at us with this kind of assault on our liberty and privacy. kennedy: absolutely right. and you pointed out, you know, they use the mentality if you haven't done anything wrong, you have nothing to fear. if you've got clean underwear, it doesn't matter. yes, it does! those are my if undies. [laughter] >> exactly right. i think we're definitely going to need to see all of moses' spending. i mean, the ice cream is just the beginning with her. kennedy: yeah. >> it is just so offensive. and, of course, at the end of all of this we should all be saying don't spend, don't take the money from us in the first place. that's what we really want to
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see this our bank account, is more money, because we earn it, and you should take less of it. that's what we actually -- kennedy: exactly. let us invest in the economy. let us spend our hundred at the businesses and charities of our choosing. you don't do a good job of it. i'm so glad that you put the image of nancy pelosi's underwear in my head, steve hilton. you are the greatest. thank you, dear. >> you too. kennedy: coming up, it is game night here on the kennedy program. press your luck. first up, however, one elementary school ruining halloween for kids after all they did for the last two years. i'll tell you where and why. plus the fight between parents and school boards threatening to blow up the virginia governor's race. wait until you see what terry mcauliffe just said. party panel breaks it down next. ♪ ♪
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get started today. ♪ kennedy: welcome back. no one has had a harder two years in this country than our kids, forced to stay away from the their friends and schoolmates at the most formative time this their lives and cover their faces to please busybody adults, and now an elementary school in seattle wants to take away their halloween. what a bunch of dingbats.
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administrators at one school say their annual halloween parade marginalized students of color -- no, it doesn't -- so now it's canceled for everybody. the one day kids look forward to, they can dress up and screw around, is halloween really so racially divisive? is there no limit to the amount of liberal adults who will punish children for their politics? to seem like they're doing the right thing? let's meet tonight's party panel. the host of the gary and shannon show, it's gary! hoffman. there he is. and democrat strategist, radio host and fox news contributor, also an angeleno, leslie marshall. and for the first time in the kennedy octagon, liberty activist and foundation for economic education writer olivia rondo. welcome, everyone. welcome, olivia. >> thank you so much for having me. kennedy: yes!
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gary, this is really stupid. there are all sorts of people who can miss things for all sorts of reasons, that doesn't mean we weashed cancel everythi. what is that called? [applause] [laughter] >> that's a good question. is there a name for that? i don't know what it's called -- kennedy: divisiveness, gary. >> oh, divisiveness, yes. not inclusiveness, is what you're getting at. kennedy: exactly. >> this is one of those weird situations where if a kid has hurt feelings, rather than sit the kid down, explain to them how to express their feelings or give them some tools mentally, physically to help deal with their feel, we just take away the roadblock. we just take away a roadblock that we think they might see -- the kids are not the ones complaining here, and we don't even know if any parents have complained about this pumpkin parade at the school because the administrators did this by themselves without input from their community. and for some reason, they've been talking about this subject
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in school for five years. and finally they decided to pull the plug on the pumpkin parade. kennedy: yeah. they tried the same thing this burlington, vermont. you know what they're doing? they're having the parade back because they tried take it away, and you know what kids like, leslie? they like parades, candy, halloween, they like dressing up. they look forward to it all more. there's nothing they like more. this is the one thing that you've taken away from them already last year? >> well, at first i thought like you did until we called the school board to get 'em on our radio show, and actually they said, gary is right, that they have talked about this for years. he's not right about parent input, and that's where the problem comes from. there are parents in three categories; parents who say we can't afford these kind of costumes that the other kids have, kids with autism, adhd and other types of disabilities have an issue with the sound from the
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party, so there are physical, mental and emotional issue issues if for those children, and three -- i can't even remember thurm three. oh, yeah, three is religion. some people, and this can be different religions, christian, do not celebrate halloween -- kennedy: that's not true. i'm a christian -- >> no, no, i didn't say -- kennedy, i never said all christians. when i was a christian, i celebrated halloween, but there are other religions who do not consider it -- kennedy: yeah. there are kids who have nut allergies. they're not going to cancel lunch because someone might have a nut in their lunchbox. olivia, please bring some sense to leslie and her sagging side of this conversation -- >> oh, come on. kennedy: which is so irrational. you can think of a reason to cancel everything. like, oh, some people dislike the noise. the world is noisy. you're not going to take those kids out of society. go ahead, olivia. >> you know, as a resident token
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person of color, i am just sitting here in disbelief -- >> forgot about gary. >> i don't know what's going on, honestly. when i was in elementary school, the kids i remember that weren't allowed to participate in halloween, were the white jehovah witness kids. i'm confused why it's an african-american thing or a minority thing to not celebrate halloween. white liberals make up an issue so they can say, yea, diversity -- kennedy: we did it. [laughter] >> we did it. kennedy: it's so true. like, well, michael jackson was a jehovah's witness, so i think all black people are, so in order to -- >> you're right, i forgot. kennedy: -- we should probably just not have halloween or thanksgiving or thinking ever. it's so ridiculous. give the kids what they want. you know what they want? they want halloween. they want candy, they want ad parade, they want the costumes in the middle of the day at
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school, because they can never run and have a stick, and if you carve a gun out of a piece of wonder bread, they're going to call the fbi. it's true. speaking of jeepers creepers, virginia democrat gubernatorial candidate, once and maybe future governor terry mcauliffe, now on clean-up duty after saying parents shouldn't be involved in schools. it all started two weeks ago when genius had this to say. >> i'm not going to let parents come into schools and actually make their own decisions. yeah, i -- i don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. kennedy: i bet he told his school what to teach when his kids were $50,000 a year private school. when confronted about it this week, he tiptoed around the issue and said this. >> don't you think being in control of -- >> yeah, that's the question i want to know -- >> do you think you should be in control of education as a parent? knox --
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[inaudible conversations] >> i'll build education. that's -- [inaudible] fox news has me leading. kennedy: fox news has me leading. so it's reporter's fault for asking questions. got it. the election is less than three weeks away. will angry parents have the last word here in virginia? gary? >> listen, i'm vaccinated, so i guess i can speak on the issue. it feels like terry mcauliffe is trying to drive a wedge between parents and the school kids, and that is the weirdest plot line to a bad dystopian movie where the government comes in and says, hey, kids, your parents don't know what they're talking about the, listen to us. and, listen, i come from a family of teachers. my mother was a teacher for decades, my sister the, my brother-in-law are teachers. they will tell you that the number one indicator of whether or not a student succeeds is whether or not their parents are involved in their education. if it's a horrible mistake to
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hand it over to the government and allow them, whoever it hay be, the local, county school board, the governor of the state, whatever it is the, to have them come up with the plans for building education in this their state. kennedy: yeah. they don't even let the kids have a say. i sit my girls down all the time, and i say, you know, your good teachers, should they make more than hundred than your bad teachers, and overwhelmingly they say yes. and i ask them should your bad teachers still be teaching, and of course, they say no. and they're right. leslie? >> i'll tell you, my kids -- any teacher is a bad teacher who gives them homework on a friday night or a on a break. i don't know that i could use that with my 13 and 14-year-old. what is going on there? gubernatorial election. the democrats say we're not going to do what the guys on the right do. the guy on the right says we're not going to do what the guy on
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the left does, and we though it's a tight race, so i guess the only answer will be after the election. if terry mcauliffe loses, then maybe parents who don't like what he said about education had the last laugh. but if he wins, then maybe there's some people to that like what he has to say, not that parents shouldn't be involved, but what he says on his web site and is all the things he wants to do and improve upon in the virginia education system. kennedy: but he doesn't know anything about it because his kids went to private school although he's flapping his claptrap about private school and how to keep parents out of it. olivia? >> i 100% agree with gary. this is dystopian to try to get parents out of the education of their children. the government loves to act like they're creating an equitable education for everybody by trying to stifle parents and charter schools. they're scared of parents the most because parents have the ability to hold public schools accountable.
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they, honestly, they want your child to be trapped in their zip code and be forced to go to that public school no heart how bad it is. kennedy: amen. oh, keep going, i'm sorry -- >> oh, okay. [laughter] i thought i was done. my entire point is that the government is just scared of competition, and in the most dangerous way, and the way that we can fight against it is parents really have to stand up. so i commend whoever that man was who was questioning mcauliffe about education and who got, basically, shut down in a very, very interesting way, to say the least. kennedy: yeah. and you are absolutely right, it was total deflection. get him on the record, make him answer. he cannot have it both ways. either parents get to be an active part of the process because they have the greatest investment, or you want to keep them out of the classroom. you can't say it in two different ways and have it mean the same thing. panel, stick around because coming up, it is game night, and we are playing press your luck. we'll test just how much the panel knows about past presidents. and you, darling, can play along
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too. it's next. ♪ ♪ the best things america makes are the things america makes out here. the history she writes in her clear blue skies. the legends she births on home town fields. and the future she promises. when we made grand wagoneer, proudly assembled in america, we knew no object would ever rank with the best things in this country. but we believed we could make something worthy of their spirit.
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post on social media? hash-tag high thryv my friend! get a free demo at ♪ ifkennedy: there they are. welcome back, it's time to play press your luck, the game that tests your command of america's commanders in chief. our party panel will earn points by answering presidential trivia. each contestant will have one chance to press their luck and double their winnings on a question of their choosing. but if they get it wrong, they lose all their points. let's get to it. gary, leslie, olivia, are you ready to play? >> ready. >> i'm so ready. kennedy: yeah, you are. question number one for gary, which of these presidents served as a high school cheerleader? george w. bush, donald trump, jim carter or george washington? >> the only man who is also
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brave enough to use his middle initial, i say george w. bush. kennedy: that's right, gary -- no, that's right. he said george w. bush. he got it right. [background sounds] there you go. we have a troglodyte in there who's pushing the buttons. [laughter] >> big thumbs, that's what we call him. kennedy: leslie, which of these presidents worked as a fashion model prior to taking office? jim carter, calvin coolidge, gerald ford or joe biden? >> you gave me this question before, i knew it mentioner i know it now, i want gary's question because i knew that too, gerald ford. kennedy: didn't know we had recycled a question unless you've been looking at our database, which is very popular. [laughter] featured on the cover of cosmo in april 1942 in his navy uniform. i love a man in uniform.
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all right, gerald. olivia, which of these wild animals was once kept, an a alligator, a baboon or a koala bear? >> obviously, because i love koalas, i'm going to have to guess a koala bear. kennedy: maybe that happened this australia, in these united states it was an alligator kept by john quincy adams, gifts to him by the marquees delafayette. gary, question number two, which of these presidents once fought for the british army? abraham lincoln, george washington, thomas jefferson or mary poppins? [laughter] >> i don't know where to go with this. how about thomas jefferson? kennedy: nope! it was george washington. he played a key role in the french ask indian role -- whether oh, okay. kennedy: 175558, and then he
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thought the whigs were fighting. which of these presidents banned alcohol, card playing and dancing in the white house during his boring, dumb presidency? was it james k. polk, ronald reagan, william henry harrison or mahatma gandhi? [laughter] >> gary, i would have liked you better if you said mary poppins, but let me say, i'm going to go with polk. kennedy: and you did right! and, by the way, my dad is a presbyterian, and he played a lot of cards. he danced a lot and drank a lot, so, yeah, i call -- all right, olivia, this is for you. which of these presidents famously could write in greek with one hand and latin in the other at the same time? chester arthur, james garfield, benjamin harrison or spider-man? >> let me go with garfield and,
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again, i have no idea. kennedy: yes, you're on the board! >> oh, my gosh! [laughter] kennedy: at any point, party people, at any point if you feel comfortable with this question, i'm going to give you the question first, you can decide to press your luck. you will double the points. if you get it right, you'll lose all of them. if you get it wrong, you -- which one had a morning ritual of having somebody rub vaseline on his head while he ate breakfast? coolidge, hayes or barack obama? >> wow. i would have to go with rutherford b. hayes. >> no, unfortunately, that is incorrect. you should have hone the this one, gary, for it was calvin coolidge. [laughter] yeah, calvin. >> i named my son after the rapper, not the president. kennedy: i don't believe you, not for a second.
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you love silent cow. [laughter] leslie, here we go. you might want to press your luck on this. which of these presidents has two grammys? bill clinton, jim carter, barack obama or mariah carey? do you want to press your luck, leslie? >> i know mariah has more than two. who has two grammies? kennedy: do you want to press your luck or not? do you want to press your luck? >> you know what? what the heck? i'll give up the car, kennedy, i'll press my luck. what the heck. i'm gonna say, i'll say bill clinton even though i may be wrong. kennedy: yes! leslie hard shall leaps into the -- hard shall leaps into the lead. olivia, even if you get this right, you're still halfway home. which of these presidents regularly consulted with an astrologer, harry s. truman, john quincy adams, ronald ray gab or miss cleo?
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>> hhm, i'm going to have to go with john quincy adams. kennedy: you'd be wrong! >> dang it. kennedy: reagan. his astronomer claimed i was responsible for attending all press conferences -- takeoff and landings and air force one. good job, everyone. congratulations to you, leslie marshall, for looking up all the questions in the rundown and getting them right -- [laughter] gary and olivia, great sports. olivia, welcome to the show. >> thank you so much. kennedy: thank you. cards don't lie. coming up, prince william taking a shot at the with billionaire space rah race, his hypocrisy is so big, jeff bezos could see it from mars. cat tim the of, she's in studio, going to take the air out of the air, next. ♪ ♪
7:40 pm
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7:44 pm
♪ muck i just want your extra time and your kiss ♪♪ kennedy: remember when julia roberts sang that in the bathtub? here we have another royal doing what royals do best, judging other people. prince william said he believes billionaires like jeff bezos and elon musk should spend their cash on fixing earth, not exploring space. watch. >> we need some of the world's greats brains and minds fix thed on how to repair this planet, not trying to find the next place go live. kennedy: you're such a dolt. this coming from a guy who has a fleet of suvs and a private jet all on the taxpayers' pound. why is it so hard to understand that people who actually earned their riches, space innovation could be a fantastic thing for everybody and could lead to cool
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inventions that save the planet? should william perhaps donate castle or two, you know, to save the environment ask house the homeless? here with me now, fox nation host kat timpf. whoo! what did you think when you heard some of his comments? >> first of all, i hate to ever hear any of his comments. there's no reason any of us should have to hear his comments. that being said, i did hear 'em -- [laughter] and he kept saying we shouldn't be looking for new places to live. after what's been happening this week, maybe he thinks this is worse -- again, i don't care -- but people think it looks cool. do you think 90-year-old william shatner is thinking of building a conoco on the moon? probably not. -- condo on the moon? i think when you get such a wrong idea about what's going on yet you go really hard after hard work people anyway, you get even less of a right to talk than i believe you already have in the first place.
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kennedy: and his grandmother's the wealthiest landowner in the world. this is exciting for her. but to your point, this is not government taking money from people and taking food away from the s.n.a.p. program can and giving it to jeff bezos or, richard branson and elon russif musk, heir going, hey, if we could find some really amazing things up there, we could invent some things along the way. william shatt9er in looked back at the earth, and he was changed forever and loved the earth even more. >> yes. and also, i mean, who am i -- i have done far less productive things with my money as a private citizen than space exploration. and you know what? he's done far less than people with money. he isn't even a private citizen that earns, so for him to judge, i mean, i'm not a betting person, but if i were, i would become one just to bet that, you know, my carbon footprint is a
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ba ideal times smaller -- kennedy: yeah x. that's a real number. >> it's a number. kennedy: for the billions of americans who are listening to our podcast -- [laughter] about how i -- >> all the worst mistakes i've a made in television. are. [laughter] i'm a mini katie couric. [laughter] kennedy: it's really the best. god, we're so amazing. should we talk about how amazing we are? >> we are really good. but i think that people know that. kennedy: maybe what william is trying to do is bring so much shame on his family that harry already started that he just wanted to hop on the shame train. >> absolutely. but he's doing it wrong. kennedy: i don't want to be king, i'm just going to say some stupid stuff because people get sod had, and -- so mad. no, let's destroy the monarchy. >> again, he's got no charisma either. and charisma, people tell you it doesn't heart, only people without charisma say that.
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kennedy: but how great that he's born into a job. >> exactly. kennedy: he doesn't have to reapply for it, audition for it -- >> there's no performance review. yeah, absolutely not. and, again, the private -- anyone like that, i don't want to hear their opinion -- >> kennedy: not unless you're going to fly me somewhere great,. >> i'll listen to whatever opinion you have. kennedy: thank you, kat. and thank you for being a viewer of the topical storm which is next. if you used shipgo this whole thing wouldn't be a thing. yeah, dad! i don't want to deal with this. oh, you brought your luggage to the airport. that's adorable. with shipgo shipping your luggage before you fly you'll never have to wait around here again. like ever. that can't be comfortable though. the smart, fast, easy way
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to travel. the smart, fast, easy way ♪ ♪ ♪ hey google. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ kennedy: kohlplay set their up-- cold play said their co-friendly concert, there will be no electricity. that's a band that makes you want to move to the exits, and this is the topical storm. topic number one, oh, yeah! a prehistoric looking alligator gar fish has been caught in kansas for the first time in state history. just when you thought everything in kansas state history had been done. this is a 4.5 pound -- 4.5 foot, oh, jesus, christmas, 40 pounds,
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yeah. it was pulled from kansas' neosho river. i think we finally found something even urban meyer wouldn't touch. gars like this are called living fossil fish because their lineage dates back 100 million jobs and because of their resemblance to joe biden. biologists are trying to figure out how it ended up in kansas, most likely being kept as a pet but was released into the wild when it got too big which, coincidentally, is what most of adele's songs are about. she's too skinny. topic number two. madame tussauds has unveiled a wax figure of queen elizabeth. oh, hello! a new figure, a arrived by horse and carriage to the wax museum where it will sit across from figures of prince william and disturb chet kate. prince harry -- duchess kate.
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prince harry was there working as an usher to pay for meghan's monthly shoe bill. and the waxed corgi was placed alongside in the showroom. the wax figure is replacing another one of her created in 2012 celebrating her diamond jubilee. the creator says it's remarkable how elizabeth looks exactly the same today as she did back then, like a sweet old lady. rich lady. a robotics company has created a robot dog with a sniper rifle attached to it face. the good news for dog lovers, now you can say with a straight face that pit bulls aren't the most dangerous breed. yeah. this is the vision 60 from ghost robotics equipped with a special purpose rifle. i know it looks dangerous, but you'd still rather have one of these around than major biden. oh, god. nice thing about this is that since dogs are man's best friend, when it shoots you, it is considered friendly fired.
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ah. it can shoot accurately from nearly 4,000 feet away, just like ron jeremy before he was thrown into prison for rape. the machine was being shown off at a military convention earlier this year, and that's when president biden said he loved it and couldn't wait to use one on our allies. robots like these are being used to patrol military perimeters, but the army says it offers new advantages like being able to wage hellish war while snuggling up with a bowl of mint chocolate chip ice cream. topic number four. oh, no, speaking of things that give me night the mares, this is viewer mail. -- nightmares. cal lumbar starts us off with, hey, kennedy, you're a danger to public health. so are your farts. your farts are so hot and toxic, somebody had a heart attack and just hopped this one in an elevator, jerk. david asks, why are you such a food snob? what do you eat three squares a
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day? no, i eat heat because i'm an american -- meat. and some broccoli. dave requests, i just went to kennedy nation -- [inaudible] what's with the feet people? if jesus christmas, get some boobs like everybody else. hey, kennedy, can i get her a weird fan holla? holla! i'll be right back. ♪ ♪ hase freedom unlimited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everything. which reminds me, thank you for driving me to the drugstore. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours. before discovering nexium 24hr to treat her frequent heartburn... claire could only imagine enjoying chocolate cake. now, she can have her cake and eat it too. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn?
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8:00 pm
kennedy: yes, thank you so much for watcg the best hour of your day. you can follow me on twitter and instagram @kennedynation, e-mail kennedy at please subscribe to kennedy save the world, spotify, apple podcast, can't watch this show? dvr it! good night. without these charged particles forcing through the country, well, let's just say you have more to worry about than your phone dying. but bringing this kind of power to the american public is a near constant struggle. - (grunts) come on. - [narrator] filled with complicated systems. - power up. - all right. powering it up. - [narrator] herculean machines. (machine thudding) unseen dangers. - testing. (object whirring) - [narrator] a small army of men and women whose sole purpose it is to keep our lives electrified. (electricity buzzing)


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