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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  November 1, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT

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opposite, if they did illegally, that would have been a better way, that's the wrong message we are sending. liz: you're right, it's a green light, they are controlling big sections of before. beth van duyne, good to see you. i'm elizabeth donald, you been watching the evening at it. that is it for us, hope you have a good evening join us again tomorrow night of microsoft. kennedy: welcome to the best hour of your day, best day of the week. call it the first major referendum on the biden presidency, tomorrow's high profile virginia gubernatorial election but one time democrat insider terry mcauliffe plaza, what does it mean for the biden agenda? and 20222024? not looking good right now. mcauliffe is running against political newcomer glenn youngman, he's got money. a few weeks ago it looks like mcauliffe has this in the bag
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polls had him up double digit but then insulted just about every parent in the commonwealth he said they shouldn't have any say in what schools talk. essentially, his worst moment he's not been able to reverse and polls set swinging almost immediately not in his favor. young can is on offense arguing he understands what virginians want and a leader. >> tomorrow virginians will go to the polls and we will make a decision about our future and let me tell you it's going to happen, we are going to sweep our statewide offices. [cheering] kennedy: mcauliffe is getting desperate and doing the obvious, trying to tag duncan to donald trump. >> we want a trump want to be, someone endorsed like donald trump ten times. tonight posing his campaign is donald trump. we don't need hatred, division.
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kennedy: donald, donald, donald. the problem is, mcauliffe argues duncan hasn't needed trump's help, he can do this on his own. he could do this tomorrow and if he does, how devastating will it be for democrats? me tonight, your editor fox news interpreter, molly hemingway. back. >> right to be here with you. you are of a junior. kennedy: please tell me, is terry mcauliffe the hillary clinton of virginia? [laughter] >> it's important to remember virginia is a pretty solidly democrat state joe biden won the state by ten points. terry mcauliffe, by the way things go from a fairly quick candidate, former governor of virginia running for another term, we don't do current terms but only for another term, powerful, well-regarded the democrat party so it is amazing
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this is a nailbiter of a race given all the advantages democrat have going into this but you accurately assessed, mcauliffe had this serious message saying parent have a say in the children's education this is been the same time virginia experienced so many problems without control scoreboard. our elections four years ago brought in a wave of left wing elected officials and the scoreboards prosecuting attorneys and virginians are fairly moderate and they are not meeting this direction. i think that's why the race is as close as let us. kennedy: a lot of times when you do statewide races and scoreboards, considerate more of a mandate that is and it's easy for elected officials to lose touch with the people they are supposed to be representing. tariff mcauliffe, has he been after so long that he really has
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forgotten the working people in his state, his commonwealth? >> i think each -- yes, we are commonwealth, i think he really is a pretty typical democrat and that's not a great thing right now is a country is experiencing one party rule, democrats and the white house, the senate and the house. at the same time there policies are really not popular for the economic policy for policy or foreign policy for any public policy stuffed tariff terry mcauliffe democrat and that's a great thing right now when people are clearly showing they are dissatisfied with the direction the democrat party is taking in the country. kennedy: infant is taking a different strategy than larry elder in california, playing low and smiling not really saying much. is that the best strategy for him? he's not been out with high profile surrogates.
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>> i'm not sure, this guy has been hustling. i covid some of his rallies, it's shocking the enthusiasm disparity happening in virginia, particularly when you remember it's a pretty democrat state terry mcauliffe has not been out hustling, he's not been showing up many of his rallies, they are sparsely attended, sad deflated balloon type feeling and youngkin is having exuberant rallies. he went to old town alexandria, democrat stronghold if there ever for one it was early morning, hundreds of people that shutdown the intersection from a it was interesting because you don't normally see this type of thing in virginia. kennedy: it's interesting, you think fox news pool that had been up by eight points late last week, do you think that was an outlier or do you think terry mcauliffe is in real trouble quests.
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>> it is an outlier if you take it out and average the rest of the polls, it shows are completely tied race there have been other polls showing youngkin is actually ahead in late pulling. virginia has always been a little difficult but we will find out. the other issue though, ballots should be accepted if they don't coming with the last four digits of their social security number so all the election integrity issues might come into play, they been working on that for years. kennedy: it's interesting you say that because mcauliffe hired mark elias whose partner was indicted in the durham probe so he's a well-known democrat operative lawyer so they may go on the offensive if things don't
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go their way and they may claim election fraud. we'll see if they think the election was rigged. it will be an interesting night tomorrow night, thank you so much. >> thank you. kennedy: group of people holding torches. pretending to be white supremacist just in time for halloween pose in front of glen duncan to her bus friday in charlottesville. mr. is a hoax orchestrated by the anti- trump group known as the lincoln project. the group said in a statement, today's demonstration was our remake way of reminding virginia what happened four years ago. glen duncan failure to condemn it. incident sparked backlash on social media but barely any coverage other lives. how can the lincoln project getaway doing something like this? is assert their own caused more than the youngkin campaign? a beautiful party panel tonight. podcast host and spectator usa could dramatic, contributed
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editor, whatever. just really fancy. even l miller and podcast -- whatever. aggressive progressive. there equally turning, i mean that i love. christopher hahn. liberty activist and foundation for economic education writer, olivia ron is back, welcome, everyone. hi, pleased to see me, thanks everyone. stephen, i will start with you because if this is what you're doing to try to swing the race at the end, it feels like your ideas have already failed. >> kind of knew the lincoln project when be able to resist jumping into a race with the candidate being duncan, you kind of knew it was a stump right off the back, you know their son even when their players have a
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diversity panel, we are going to put up person of color in a woman who's probably only paid 83 cents on the dollar of the cause. if you're putting african-americans on, i think you are back here in your internals probably don't look that great at the end of the day. if youngkin somehow does this out, the good news is the guise of the lincoln project will have done more successful work them they differ 20 years previous. kennedy: former president would be so, so proud. lincoln, not trump. i don't think this was stumped. i think they were really trying to make it look like was horrible group of white supremacists were falling glen duncan around because they believe so fervently in his white cause. >> i think it was a stunt, but the poorly executed it. they don't have any impact on the election i don't think.
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again, i kind of agree if anything, it helps youngkin because he was able to say i don't agree with any of that and i think it was poorly executed and people should probably stick to china on issues that actually matters to the voters of virginia and stay away from these kinds of stunts. i didn't like it, i don't agree with it and wrinkly, you do is not like that, you've got to make it very plain adjustment and folk chronicle over the top of it, that's not what was happening here. kennedy: which makes it seems like they were really, they were trying to pass it off as something real, that it wasn't a skit, it wasn't a funny gag, a laughable failure of the up. i don't disbelieve terry mcauliffe had no idea about this. a triple negative. >> he absolutely new and honestly, i was disappointed to find out it was -- as a woman of
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color on the right, i get constantly accused of being white supremacist or black white supremacist and i'm like, do these people even exist? when i saw that nice african-american young man standing up with deposit white supremacist i'm like oh my god, i have a brother. and it turned out to be fake saw mike zero my god, what do i do now? to stevens point, if you make a fake white supremacist radical don't bring a cross-dressed woman to the far right rally, i don't understand how that works. [laughter] >> a dave chapelle skit. >> for pronouns, but i do know this was pretty goofy. stephen, what happens in the race? >> i don't know. i set for the last three, it's probably mcauliffe still plus two, maybe, plus one nothing of
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young composer that. the fact that duncan is even in this discussion, plus one minus one, plus two, he's ahead should be a huge wake-up call for his party in the white house. kennedy: but go, brandon. come on. all right, party panel sticking around, a lot coming up -- i know, there we go. now i won't be able to wear for southwest airlines, yvonne summing up six doing dollars tesla stock to solve world hunger. that's very brave but it's a cash. the one and only in studio, to talk about the test patrol next. ♪♪
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♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪♪ kennedy: elon musk said he's going to donate $6 billion to help end world hunger. yay. but first, he wants prove how it's all going to work. here's the baxter, director of the world food program, david beasley called on billionaires to step up and ask musk to get $6 million to help 42 million
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people suffering from devastating hunger and a tweet, he responded saying wf pekin describe numbers twitter thread exactly how six billing hours will solve world hunger, i will so tesla stock right now and do it. calling for accountability and transparency, dream on, buddy. it must right bloated bureaucrats or trolling from the tesla ceo? here with me now in studio, fox news printer, cofounder -- i really like this story, i think it's great because there's obviously so much bureaucracy and so much emotionalism in this kind of plea, billionaires just donate your money and finally world hunger will be over forever. david beasley.
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>> and alarm staff, several weeks now of everybody trying to get his money, the government was like 12 tax and if we could just get elon musk. he's going to pay for the home, him and face-offs, they are selfish, they will pay for everything, you won't see your taxes go up moved to texas, not much else he can do and he's just like you know what? 42 million people literally are going to die. kennedy: literally. >> he was calling out a thing that works, they have always been told not just be like we need this money to be like this, you have to give specific numbers, 42 million people 75 cents, a cup of coffee, it works, it makes it seem tangible but the reality is there's not that many people dying from starvation sorta made a number explain will not directly stop that problem. either elon musk as being a little bit like that isn't
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exactly what the guy said and iran musk on twitter will say things that are not exactly what happened, i'm still waiting for my full-service truck, self driving. that said, he's had enough and we have to have something other than a handful of billionaires whilst. kennedy: they can't find everything from the keep saying we are going to take their money and have a new deal in medicare for all and free community college, you can't pay for all of those things with this honeypot, it doesn't stretch that much and i have to say elon musk is ed rooney. david beasley is george peterson and ed rooney set produce a corpse. grandma died? produce a corpse. >> should comport the plan, i think elon is good for the money if it made sense. bill gates has done things that made sense on world hunger. kennedy: it only helps iran musk, what does he care? he's got billions of dollars. >> you go to the twitter feed of
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this division, they are concerned about global warming and food issues as they should be but elon musk is in the business of making global warming better in theory, the money should come, he should suggest it comes from forced tax on gas, raising the same money you could squeeze out of elon musk and that would help global warming and theory but like the politicians . kennedy: look at the irony. >> elon musk has enough money solve world poverty, it's a fake way to deal with the problem because everyone would have to sacrifice and we need agencies to execute and get these things done and those are two things no one wants to address. kennedy: and we need billionaires. >> maybe the correlation is in sync with the drop in starvation, starvation happens in wars and noncapital society is where you have starvation and to be fair, we've spent, we caused more starvation by badly
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executing the afghanistan departure than they are going to say probably and maybe factoring dollars we spent there could have been used to help other than blaming billionaires. kennedy: and the wall be exacerbated in places like yemen libya like yes, starvation follows by capitalism has also been responsible for .3 million people out of extreme poverty and that's capitalism. correlation come off as a direct cause-and-effect so the more demeanors means more capitalism and work capitalism, you are starting people in extreme poverty but you are right, it's a political route. the root cause of hungry people, it's authoritarians from dictatorships in places like ethiopia that are letting food get inside. okay, i am proud you think that. would you like to add anything?
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>> there are things capitalism fix and those things need to be done by government and securities but they don't execute well they don't feel like giving the money to these politicians and therefore there like as billionaires because you don't trust we are going to do a good job, don't worry about it be to party think bill gates rated his own charity? government is really bad at doing the work that needs to be done to truly help people, their horrible audit and prove it time and time again people keep voting to make government bigger. none of it makes sense and that's why i am here, sometimes that's why you're here, you are a good person i don't care what larry kudlow says about you. [laughter] >> jealous of my hair. [laughter] kennedy: president biden and john kerry sending a message to the world about climate change, hypocrisy unfolding. i'll tell you what happened in my mama, that's next. ♪♪
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, subjecting the private about verbal incontinence of a climate change which he says an excellent subject threat to human existence as we know it. so is listening to one of joe biden's do good features. 400 private jets find with shameless virtual signaling, no one bothered to tell him what a bad look the aircraft. from the army of dancing that, people, give up your car, sources and steel buildings while we wait in the lounge sipping as the g6 get gassed up. the most insufferable clients of the circus physics president poop has been going on strike
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long island rock tropics and possible oxygen to reach his brain. time magazine spent months following threshold around all over the globe to show his favorite chocolate from geneva and while they were searching for servicing rather, a much stronger work, his heart, but forgot to mention how his private jet alone created 138 metric tons of carbon in a month. thirty times more than the average american car spews in a year. it's no wonder china, russia the festivities while carrie puts the jerk and circle circle, title to busy polluting the planet to sacrifice their economy like we do here, a bunch of suckers. all this drink ripping and backslapping, i'm sure no one will remind these ponies how they failed to him that a
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glimmer of acclimate time when at the g20 conference in rome. the president massive spending bill flows more and attracted by the day. the earth saving magical he claims other countries would pony up hundreds of billions in cash but they are secretly shaking their heads at foolish moves overtaxed and overregulated an already fragile economy to bring down the global hindenburg with it. if the elitists were a smart as they are narcissistic, they would move all their countries out of the way so the private sector could compete for planet saving innovations deliver them faster and more efficiently than poop through a golden goose. private space race will be marked to save the planet hoity-toity hypocrite could ever achieve on the cocktail circuit, shut your pie hole, do you (unseen at least it seems like your climate serious and get out of the way so the visionaries can save the planet her dear
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leaders once and for all and that's the model. president biden says climate change will be the greatest threat to the u.s. security and years to come but apparently it also puts people to sleep. the president himself appeared to doze off the opening just the conference, for sleepy joe needed a little bit of a nap and ate eventually hurried and delivered him a message, mr. president, wake up. climate change policy put biden to sleep, hope to the rest of us have? steven l miller, chris han and olivia lanzo. stephen, i'll start with you. is it a good book for joe biden to fall asleep at a conference he's pretty much hosting? >> i think it the most relatable he's ever been if we are being honest, who's not going to fall asleep during something like that? motorcade, ran repeated suvs and
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buses and fans everything, probably more carbon in the air in a family of four with one you be an entire month. this is where they have acclimate to be backwards for market demand we change, eat less meat, use less fuel, you don't need that second car, you don't need this stuff but you have these guys like you mentioned, they can't stay home and do this via zoom like every working professional did for the last year which was a private innovation, by the way, maybe people may be more people will start believing we are in the end times of reverse climate like truant tells us we are, when people start behaving like we are in an emergency situation, none of these guys act like it. kennedy: roaming around the house turning off the lights. >> 20000. kennedy: where is it?
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all of them. i'll take them. all these governments are essentially going to fail because the ones who are the biggest polluters including china and india, they are not part of this discussion. >> that's a problem, it can't be in a lateral decision by the united states and their allies, it's got to get everybody involved. i agree, i think there will be private innovation as well. i am a big believer in public private partnerships we should put together guidelines and guardrails and let the public sector have added try to fix it together you have to bring everybody to the table to try to fix this because it is a problem we can joke about all we want but we all agree. kennedy: my problem though, olivia, it's a recipe cronyism because he got massive companies getting massive tax breaks and $103 were integral to finding
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the next solyndra and federal government will pick winners and losers and with that, he got big companies and government investigator, it's the taxpayers who lose. >> absolutely, totally cronyism. i don't think the government is superset just saying we are going to reward people who listen to us and gift tax breaks to people and penalize people who don't. i don't think we want to give tax tricks to anybody and if they do, but say we do have a public and private sector companionship partnership to tackle the global crisis, i think it's going to be cronyism, lessee the government handing out contracts, but is in front mother step thoughts and sisters were whatever and again we are not looking at india and china, it's a huge problem, america is not the top polluter of the world and we are not even undressing renewable energy, nuclear energy enough time think the private market, the private
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company and sector can actually solve given less regulation on them. kennedy: that's what i don't understand, if you want to find something clean and abundant and cheap when you get the most bang for your buck, we're not talking about news sources of nuclear energy and fat shocking if that's an incredible disservice to humanity and the earth let alone incredibly naïve thinking they're going to solve all of this through wind and solar. those are nice but considering what we need, not necessarily practical. speaking of space, and i'm glad we are, head of nasa confirmed ufos could be alien craft? speaking at the university of virginia, i know what you see, in a repose in 2004, 300 sidings since then. i talked to the pilots they know they saw something and we don't know what it is.
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we hope it's not an adversary here on earth but that technology, it's something. it's not just your drunk uncle who took rainy frontage could be an alien siding, it's the head of nasa but if aliens are here, why haven't they told extracts are they just softening us up? is that's what's happening here? >> we are going on a year of pretty high up books front essentially yeah, aliens exist and it's just something buried on mike would be fun. >> i go with southwest. kennedy: so obviously -- we all do, 2000 american airlines flight canceled over the weekend.
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whoever this brandon is, he was sleeping away. race car driver. so chris, i believe the universe is vast and there are other civilizations also, maybe they have gone to us and if they have that means they have incredible energy storage and so i don't use that solve the climate crisis? >> it would be great, when? i'm worried we are going to find a civilization in the universe fear and learned nothing from billions or trillions of dollars trying to find himself alone aliens are here, i don't think they are, me on your show right now trying to talk to america, to the world but if they are here, that's great. if not, i don't but they have something to give up, we should take it. kennedy: olivia, i believe they are here, i don't mind them.
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i think demi lovato is right to say stop using the term alien because a majority of. >> demi lovato seems to be struggling with a lot of things lately so i'll just leave that be. however, i do think there are aliens on this earth, are you telling me you are going to look at hillary clinton and tell me they are from this planet? i don't think so. i want to be on the same planet as hillary clinton, i want to. kennedy: told you, chris. democrat -- >> right now, we know that. kennedy: that could be. well, who knows what's going to happen. they stonewalled for years and now all of a sudden, john radcliff and freddie from a former cia director, it's pretty real. a big announcement, they are just slowly, hopefully we will not be food or other
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civilizations, i don't think they could have where they would have eaten us already. party panel -- what it though? would you like to be an alien appetizer? i think there is something about that bettis attractive and alluring. on the insight all right, thank you party panel. stephen, chris and olivia. coming up president biden -- totally could bite. he claimed he doesn't pay attention, a new poll shows americans he's very slow in the country is on the wrong track. clear politics, executive editor breaking it down with me and moments. ♪♪
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kennedy: the virginia governor's race tomorrow, starting new poll says democrat should be worried not just about virginia but the
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national party according to nbc news, 71% of americans leave the country is heading in the wrong direction including 93% of republicans, 70% of independents and 48% democrat. all about numbers. sample shows report favorite by double digits when it comes to handling crime, border security and inflation so what does it mean for virginia and democrat progressive agenda? joining me to breakdown politics, cofounder and executive editor, tom evan. welcome back. >> great to be with you. kennedy: these numbers are not good news for joe biden but his administration wants to pretend things are fine and that ignore the problem and effect and blame everyone else without taking responsibility. this is no different but how does he reverse this? >> ultimate question, i think administration things but the
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exiting the basket if they can just pass these two spending bills, it's going to be the cure-all for the administration but other pulling shows 60% of folks think it's going to make things worse or not change anything at all i'm not sure that is with reality either so your ministration is in a tough spot because they're not addressing the issues at the top of the minds of most voters in virginia and around the country in terms of inflation. even worse not addressing it, they have taken this dismissive attitude about the tragedy that won't get here by christmas and tweeting out these are high-class problems. i think they have painted themselves into a corner and it's going to be tough to reverse. they have to hope the economy somehow turns around and covid stays under control but they are seen push back vaccine mandate
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that's created another headache for them. kennedy: and that's only going to exacerbate violent crime taking place in cities like new york and minneapolis seattle and portland and other places we talk about but the messaging is so off because if your mom and food chomping and in a food desert and shops are empty, you're not looking for progress, to mood make food for lunch us so you could have something to eat. this may be one of the optics the biden presidency, empty store shelves and guys hanging off dry enormous u.s. military aircraft in kabul. >> overall, qc approval ratings slifer biden, nbc news pulp was terrible in terms of rating for another problem is the public has lost confidence, no longer think he's up to the job, there are bigger questions about his mental capacity voters don't
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think he's a strong leader, they don't believe he's honest anymore and most surprisingly to me from a bit of leaf he cares about the average person. this was blue class, blue-collar joe biden we are talking about but again, because they are not addressing the issues of inflation, gas prices, food prices, things people are feeling in their day-to-day lives, they are being seen as being out of touch and returning them in particular across not only biden but democrats in general, who is he tomorrow in virginia and if the landscape doesn't turn around, i doesn't bode well for democrat figure for not. kennedy: do you think mcauliffe pulls off? >> it doesn't look like to me for a couple of reasons. number one, he's lost ground from a lot of ground in the northern suburbs, particular among women voters in the northern urban counties in bettis the collision terry mcauliffe needs. he's not doing well among black voters, democrats are scrambling to activate effort american voters to turn out but . kennedy: it's just not fair.
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we will see what happens, who will be on the air tomorrow night as opposed close. thank you so much. topical storm is next. tickle pickle. [laughter] ♪♪
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lucky residence in upstate new york saw a shooting star this weekend. his name was alec baldwin. have an actor making a scene of this. topical storm, you've arrived. topic number one. buckshot monday, tonight a real pretty crime story. we 49-year-old therese johnson from she was arrested for assaulting her boyfriend with a pan of hot grits. talk about a sick burn. investigators say cooking grits for breakfast when the couple began arguing so in addition to the grits, they also had beef. i spent she struck him with the pan and poured the grits she was cooking all over him. it was all part of a very unbalanced breakfast. she was charged with aggravated battery order cap no further contact with her boyfriend. i hear he slipped the judge of 50 to make that happen. topic number two. an adorable video from an
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aquarium in australia. penguins and seals were that halloween treats this weekend. look at this. yum, yum, yum. i don't get it, the penguins seems to love the woman but when i give out fish for halloween, the neighborhood kids throw hot grits on my face. the offer fish here, they have hands on. celebrating halloween you can see, this one is diane feinstein. trick-or-treat, they start bouncing a ball on his nose. he'll do just about anything for the roar of the crowd. this one he's known around the aquarium as a seal of approval. what they don't show you is
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almost entire truck screening. a spectator event, lovely. and again, so is everyone in australia. hi, mike. they were brought together in 2000 to seal the deal. ever since. before that, the mail seal was dating heidi clune. topic number three. yesterday wasn't just halloween, they also celebrated the mexican holiday, with us, might i party like it was cinco de mayo. here's what it looks like in mexico where people began salivating by dressing up as their favorite characters. but also giant walking skeletons presumably to contribute, president biden and his generous immigration policies, the day of the dead honoring my friends of friends who have moved on to a
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better place. usually florida. family spent the day visiting cemetery and placing electrons favorite foods on their gravestones in the middle of the night, the owner of the local taco bell shop scoop it up and sell it over the course of the next year. that is recycling. topic number four. there's a new wedding dress for ladies looking to take the plunge specifically down a flight of stairs in a drunken stupor. busch beer selling a wedding dress camouflage. makes sense because we are getting married in this, you probably prefer it if no one could see your pretty beer brand partnered with david's bridal to produce the dress inspired by busch light cans. finally, a wedding dress screaming marry me. and again, at least by camo with hydro beer cup. the dress cost $749 but you should save that money for your divorce lawyer. if you can buy it right now but it must work for month in
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advance of your wedding day, that's just in time to stop laughing at you and actually sell it together. we'll be right back, the hits just keep on coming. ♪♪
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[mouth trumpet] time for math trumpet monday, let's go. [mouth trumpet]
8:00 pm
[mouth trumpet] kennedy: that's right. i did it. thank you for watching the rest are of your day, twitter and student, blah blah blah. tomorrow night. [inaudible] ant mainstays that keep america mobilized. from dusty airstrips to sprawling multiplexes these aviation centers keep our country connected in ways that beg belief. but pulling that off is no small feat. it takes mind-numbing logistics. > tampa ground airport two-seven is clear of the closure. > constant vigilance. [dog barking] > yeah, he's definitely got something. > go. [hawk screech] > and a whole lot of elbow grease. > oh wow. > to keep the airports of our nation up and running.


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