tv Kennedy FOX Business November 2, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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ten seconds -- >> if they dump the policies in place, we won't be able to go after the cartel or the drugs and it's going to be united states citizens who suffer because of it. liz: thank you. i am elizabeth mcdonnell, join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ ♪♪ kennedy: it's a big night and we have you covid from every angle. an election clerk, polls have just closed in virginia. all-important governor's election i'm sure you've been hearing about and following. a referendum president biden's big government agenda as well as progressive politics that have divided a party information who's going to win it all?
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still too early to tell but we will give you results as they come in from a fast and furious the race is between longtime democrat insider and establishment terry mcauliffe and republican political, when duncan. here is a live look at a polling place in virginia beach. hello, he reports. a few months ago, this wasn't supposed to be much of a race at all but then mcauliffe, arctic governor of virginia, president biden won the state by ten points in 2020 soap dems thought they had the whole thing the bag but when duncan gained a lot of ground in the last few weeks, mostly because of mcauliffe's costly mistakes. turns out he's not good at this. he insulted so many parents when he said they shouldn't have any say in the kids school rooms and he also tried to tie jumping to former president trump. a tactic many political analysts say has not entirely work. same analysts say it would be
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devastating for democrats and the white house. re-examine their agenda. president biden's spiraling whole numbers and suddenly baby, we have a race on our hands. it's gotten so close the last couple of days, they are going to have to tell our kids and so what's going on in virginia right now? joining me tonight from regina, foxbusiness chief national correspondent, the one and only, connell mcshane, my go to man on election night. what are you hearing? tell me everything. >> as you are saying, too close to call, that's what we thought would have, close up this polling place behind me and they are doing around the state right now. this state, talk about the state has been trending blue for a number of years but we've seen it, we been on the ground past few days, tina pulled back to purple or red side of this strong campaign by glenn youngkin, he's been drawing big
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crowds. a big rally and enthusiasm in looking at fox news voter analysis numbers coming in, we know now the economy and education were two big issues for voters here and we talked to voters, they were telling the issues and we now know youngkin has the advantage with voters on the issue. look at the other side mcauliffe, experience aims to have worked well for him, people who value that, they went for mcauliffe but more than anything, the trend for recent years, if he wins, too close to call right now, the story probably will be that he won because the state has been turning more blue recently and he took advantage of that but either way, the big story emerging here tonight, clear evidence from youngkin there's no blueprint if you are republican running up purple or blue state, posterior trump and the numbers on the fox news voter analysis are clear, nine
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out of ten photos, nine out of ten had a very or somewhat favorable view of president jump went for youngkin but he want in ten who had a somewhat unfavorable view of president trump so he got both sides, duncan expects trump voters to stay home if you want to look at it that way and two thirds of us who went third-party last year or didn't vote at all last year but people probably would have called never trump. he never fully embraced president trump and didn't appear alongside him but accepted his endorsement and has kept his supporters and bring back your publicans as well who don't like mr. thompson abba all up, we have a republican running neck and neck with the democrat which a lot of people would not have predicted. kennedy: even a couple of weeks ago if this was hysterical so very much mcauliffe's race. the numbers have tightened and flipped. we know they are going to count mail-in ballots in early ballot
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first and then they will get to those cast today, when you think we will hear something? >> we are not sure how they are going to do that because it's going to go precinct by precinct or county by county somewhat of a fiasco last year, running for reelection at the time and expected to win, he did i believe by 12 points but when the results started coming, he looked like he was behind but then all the mail-in ballots set up to be counted and he moved ahead so they tried to reverse that but we are not sure if they are going to do it statewide or just in some areas so early results might be confusing because of that. we are not sure how to read the trends yet. kennedy: there's so little election chaos, i think it's smart to leave as much of that is possible. well, stay safe out there. it's a crazy night to take care of yourself. thank you. >> thank you. kennedy: i told you, he knows everything. we are a bunch of no one else
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around here because we are well educated. education has emerged as the biggest issue in this election cycle, ground zero has been virginia particularly the battle over critical race theory and the power of teachers union. parents across virginia and other states have been loudly demanding more of a voice in their kids school. terry mcauliffe really stepped on a landline when he said parents shouldn't have any say in the matter. if he loses, will that be a testament to what's been dooming his campaign? mostly foot and mouth syndrome. we brought former trump advisory board member, jason meister is here he is back. loving you, dave smith. and democrat strategist, radio host and fox news controller she's keeping an eye on all of us from the left, leslie marshall. okay so let's get into it. jason, what have we learned about coming up playbook for
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other republicans in terms of education and issues democrats thought they had in the bag? >> if there's a silver lining from the pandemic, it opened up the eyes of millions of parents across this country to see what's being taught and pushed in public school. it clear terry mcauliffe doesn't want parents to have a say in their children's education in the future. i think millions of parents whether independent or democrats or replicants want to make the decision, they will choose a site and they will choose the side tonight, i believe with the politician who doesn't tell parents they have no say, that he wants to push critical race theory, racist oracle race theory from a push things like 1619 project and other revisions in history self telling parents when you're running for governor they have no say in their children's future, i think you are going to run a huge problem in a place like virginia.
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kennedy: it's interesting because in 2020, there's a big exodus from the republic and party particularly with suburban women. one way to really upset suburban women as to try to separate them from their children and tell them the state knows best. has the strategy backfired? >> i think no question about it. i don't think there's much of a republican to learn from this race as much this was a democrat owned all the fact that he came out and just said the quiet part out loud. we don't care what you think your kids should be taught, where want to have a gander them into this ideology. i know a lot of people on the left push back if you call it critical race theory and they will say that technically isn't critical race there, honestly for 1619 project stuff -- it's not even the history of it but the bottom line, they are teaching kids racist
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essentialism. call it what you want to. he said in his closing remarks the other day there are too many white teachers in the state and we need less white teachers and more black teachers. the vast majority of americans are not race essentialist. we don't think this way. we don't think about whether there should be a certain amount of white or black teachers, we think that's unimportant and we just want good teachers. the idea you're going to take people's children and indoctrinate them with this ideology that most normal decent people despise, this will lead to serious backlash and already is it's going to get worse and worse if they continue in mike leslie's a commonsense democrat, you don't want kids to be taught race essentialism, they should be taught this is something they should be hyperfocus on. we need more sane people to wake up and push back against this. kennedy: leslie. >> i think people of color would disagree on the teachers and the reflection and expanses of those
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teachers in the classroom. i think there are better ways to say former governor mcauliffe met. one, not that we don't want your involvement but the decision among schools, not one 100% teachers, not one 100% parents and they should come together and decide what's best for the children because there are parents who want critical race theory to be talked, virginia or california or somewhere else. second, i cringed when he said what he said, i said oh, that's not would you help in addition, there's a different way of saying what he said in regards to the color of the teachers and he could say we just need more diversity in the classroom among our teachers as we do among our students. i think honestly that was helpful to youngkin, it got people out, even people who want republican. we see the numbers there saying hang on, i really think that certainly helped the republicans but i don't think democrats ever thought, i never thought the race was in the bag because you
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have a former governor running again, people like that sometimes for experience but overall, they want new blood if you will. i knew this would be a tight race because virginia is mirroring what we are seeing in our nation, very divided left and right, we've seen that the last few election cycles whether midterm or national elections so not entirely surprising. virginia is a state where the north is even though it's blue, the south is very right in virginia and very blue. kennedy: so i do want to bring something up here. most parents want to be partners with their kids teachers dave is right, parents and students want good teachers. good teachers change your life for the better part of the problem is, teachers union, that is the wedge between kids and the rest of the family and they are doing it intentionally so when terry mcauliffe, when he's up there, the head of the
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american federation teachers, one of the most powerful teachers union in the country, but also sending the wrong message especially if education is the most important issue these very enthusiastic voters are pulling the lever four. in many ways, virginia governor's race was also a proxy war as you heard between president biden and trump, terry mcauliffe had been running his campaign on the idea glenn youngkin is trump and khakis but he distanced himself from the former president and didn't even participate in a virtual routing last night. you can has had success comparing call if to the democrat machine which includes our current president so mcauliffe wins, for the gop distanced themselves from trump? if mcauliffe loses, doesn't mean democrat party is slowly dying on the biden find? what you think?
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>> it's an interesting thing to think about. i do think democrat want this to be a proxy war between donald trump on one side and joe biden on the other. in many ways, i think it is but i think it's far more meaningful than that. i think trump supporters and newly renovated republican base trump renovated, i think they view the battle lines, political battle lines different today than in 2016. i think it's now about tyrannical fascist on one side versus freedom lovers on the other side and you will never want to see lovers centering speech, pushing vaccine mandates and passports, indoctrinated children from a critical race theory, mandating children as young as five and six years old wear masks across their nose and mouth where they brief for seven hours a day. i think the damage we've done,
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these parents have done, these electric tyrants have done to our children and blue states is incalculable edits on the ballot in virginia here in new jersey tonight and i think parents are going to make decisions in the best interest of their children and i think that's what you are seeing play out in virginia and will see it in new jersey for the tight race so it's about the children and protecting them. kennedy: is there a correlation between president biden poll numbers and the shift in this race with mcauliffe taken a turn southward over the last few days? >> there's probably somewhat of a correlation but as obsessed as basically all other cable news channels and democratic politicians are with donald trump, donald trump's gone and he's really not the issue here. donald trump always a symptom, not the cause of the problem if you want to look at it as a problem. with donald trump are presented was the rejection of the establishment. joe biden getting elected
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representative was like i guess we will go back to the establishment, this is such a circus but now that we've got the establishment back, people are realizing what they rejected about it in the first place. i agree that the idea of masking children, vaccine mandates, this whole country in the last 19 months has been completely flipped upside down. every cultural norm we have has been overturned. for all the people who shop they love democracy, there was never a vote on this, we never decided they wanted this. this was instituted by governors throughout the country so yeah, we are in charter territory. kennedy: we now realize how much power governors have so that gives an even more powerful layer, we have about 20 seconds left. >> of course. my kids are vaccinated and wear
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masks and they don't need a safe space from those two things, they are pretty resilient. when it comes to the governor's race, i do think there are voters looking at this as we don't like biden so we not what you vote for mcauliffe or we don't like trump so we are not going to vote for youngkin trump is not history, there's a poll today that shows he will be the 2024 nominee if in fact that pose accurate and that's not the first, it's the first of many. he's not gone and the fact that his name is constantly introductory in our conversation including right now, i think that proves me right but i do think there is some of that. kennedy: if mcauliffe loses -- >> the establishment to a trump pipe. kennedy: maybe but if mcauliffe loses, i think democrats have to stop roaming against trump. they have to give up and start running ideas. i would agree -- [inaudible] >> if he wins, it will be tight.
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kennedy: democrats have the slimmest margin the 1880s so they have to stop legislating like they've got a mandate. they don't. if terry mcauliffe wins, he does not have a mandate. they have to change things and by have to start with education. don't worry about the economy, that will bite everyone in the keister. we will be updating you on election night the robbie our. aggressive and moderate, very much already tojo's throat. it's been like that for months and little to show for it. result in virginia put a damper on the democrats agenda, that's all coming up. they with me. ♪♪
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welcome back, much more on tonight big election across the country and what it means for the rest of us. some moderate democrats admit they are getting worried by progressive antics that may cost them the virginia governor's seat, former virginia governor and current senator mark warner, fax both of them, getting anything done on things like infrastructure would have been nice. if the party is still fighting
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itself but if democrats lose in virginia, the progressive push in washington and if so, what did they run on next? he is the anchor of fox news sunday, chris wallace controversial. tim kaine and mark warner, both former governors and client senators from virginia, they find local about, what does not having infrastructure with deal for this race? >> it definitely hurts terry mcauliffe, i am not sure he's going to win or lose because of it but the whole issue of what in washington. one, joe biden, 42 or 43% approval on virginia as opposed to 52 or 53%, he's in a different position than mcauliffe what if he was basking in the glow of a popular president.
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i don't know that it moderate or progressive, is just gridlock, you product governing democrat majority, slim majorities but they could pass legislation and they've had this bipartisan bill to pass with 19 republican senators back in august and they've been sitting, this was bipartisan, the infrastructure built is that they've got nothing, that's i don't know that's the key factor but it certainly isn't helping terry mcauliffe to part of it democrats go from here if mcauliffe does lose? how does it alter their playbook an extra? >> i've got to get something done. in the end, not just the headline and we are able to say
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he passed something, it's that people see things in their daily lives. if they pass infrastructure and people get hired for these jobs or past social spending, or childcare or free pre-k, i don't even know how fast these things can go into implementation but if you have, states like virginia where democrats are running, they've got this razor thin majority in both the house and the senate, they've got to have something they can say you bought us and gave us the majority and can we accomplish this in your life is better because of it, you can't say that very much right now and that is an absolute prescription for people saying this try the other side, get into the republicans. kennedy: has the education been a gift to republicans especially if young proposes off, if he does when and if so, how did
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they that traditionally has not been at the top of their list. >> on the top of any list but generally speaking, education, those kinds of issues favorite democrats, not republican's. you could conceivably, regardless of whether duncan wins or not, the fact that he's made a raise of this in the state, listen to this, a republican has not one statewide office in virginia, lieutenant governor or attorney general since 2009 for all this talk, in statewide races, this has become a democratic state. regardless of whether he wins or not, the fact that we are setting up late into the night, education has been a big issue in a big issue in precisely the area republicans need help the most, the suburbs. they are the leading support especially among suburban women and of people come to see the
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democrats and raise curriculum in schools, transgender rights in schools on things like that, if they begin self-inflicted wound of terry mcauliffe when parents should be telling schools but to teach, affect seen as the mantra of the democratic party, the suburbs the come back into play for americans. kennedy: that is poking mama bear, not the smartest thing to do, it is a biggest race we've got across the country, we will be following all of it. thank you, we will watch on sunday. coming up, navy seal running for congress next year, he's going to break down how this election will affect the 2022 midterm. first up, voters deciding the fate of the police department, is it time for copy and send in the social workers? party weizen in a moment. ♪♪
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oh yeah, it is election night in the usa, a lot is happening tonight in minneapolis phototherapy static future of policing. polls close in about 30 minutes, the biggest question on the ballot, determine products minneapolis abolishes police force and replaces it with the department of public safety. hello. crime is surging look at that, homicides up 113% from two years ago. that's 11% increase, that's not good. sending and social workers fix every problem? i don't think so, it's so misguided. the party panel is back from mesa meister, leslie marshall. lastly, i will start with you. there's been a vocal call from
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people in the squad to defund police across the country. omar, the representative from minnesota, she has talked a lot about taking the money and power away from the cops, is that the best idea? >> it isn't and if you look at the pole, it's not the best idea measures, to within one of this issue in minneapolis and when you look at the people commenting on this, have african-americans concerned how it will affect communities with people of color. you also see people say, i would agree, it's not well written and that is a killer of any ballot measure, i don't care who or what state it's in or what city part of it not written well, it's confusing to the voters, i will go to biggest say is not going to pass. it's good to have social workers there were things police aren't trained to equipped to handle but you don't wipe out the entire police force. right now they can have 880
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police, they have 588 currently. kennedy: gunshot victims up 138%. libertarians have been having this conversation for a long time and they have had a pretty consistent list of things to help police departments across the country but they are pretty much ignored by republicans and democrats even in times of crisis. when will they finally wake up and see what libertarians were calling for all along is really the best disruption? >> any day now they were all realize we were right all along. really it's obvious when you think about it, the only legitimate role for law enforcement is to protect people and property and when they do more than that, they become tyrannical as they have been for the last 40 years with things like the war on drugs, civil asset, stupid gun-control legislative, prosecuting people
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for the crime of owning a gun, never even firing or threatening or hurting anyone. how many people do we have sitting in jail over that? as we see in san francisco and l.a. and other places, if law enforcement does less than protecting people and property, of course that leads to chaos and violence and awful outcomes so whether it's done publicly or privately, that's the only legitimate role for anyone who wants to uphold civilization so the devil will be in the details. i tend to agree, i don't think it will go through but there certainly are some situations where social workers are more appropriate than cops like going schools when there's unruly kids and things like that but the idea you sent them with someone like a machete charging somebody else is absurd. kennedy: also, we don't have a ton of time but i want to bring you in on this, jason. people like omar say social
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workers should go to domestic violence calls which can be some of the most dangerous police to respond to and where are you going to train them? are you going to train them at traditional police academies or scrap the whole thing and how long does that take? >> i have no idea, a great question you're asking. i never imagined a question like this would end up on a ballot in a city in america but here we are with politics and, their rhetoric for the last 18 months, they've ran on the funding, dissolving and dismantling police departments and now the city of minneapolis make a decision, they commit suicide voting to replace their police department with social workers or are they going to have the knowledge and understanding is suicide and they can't do this? kennedy: they had 850 cops and not about 590 cops because so many have retired and they can't
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hire enough police because the budgets have been crashed f's crime goes up they are never going to have meaningful reform. meanwhile, here in new york city, a former cop is poised to become our next mayor and couldn't come at a better time. eric adams has come up against defunding police amid recent crime search and problem, adams is expected of a republican candidate curtis and his little red beret. he is also pushing law and order from so police policies, the real path to victory for them. >> joe biden one on matt, joe biden didn't want to defund police, he wanted to reform police and that's what eric adams wants to do but that isn't the only issue. the settings are diverse from the only african-american mayor in new york city and
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additionally democrats overwhelmingly outnumber republicans but i do say that's the message and moderate democrats years and continue to be. kennedy: dave, is eric adams transformational candidate? is he the next giuliani? >> no, i don't think so but i did like he was taking shots at de blasio today. i've got to say, he's been the worst player in the history of this great city i'm from and by the way, i lived in new york city almost my entire life that i haven't liked any of the mayors and he is the was born on in terms of what he's done for the city. you have, he inherited the most vibrant most amazing sitting in the world both destroyed on every level whether businesses being destroyed, whether it's people, i see kids walking around outside in masks all day long, the city is dark and
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depressing, crime is up in his last year after all of that, he institute a passport system making a huge percentage of new yorkers second-class citizens in their own city so i'm glad to see him so no matter who wins. kennedy: yes. you've painted an accurate portrait of what new york has become. the schools are propaganda factories where they have the gifted and talented programs so if you are smart and need more of a challenge in the classroom, screw you, good luck especially if you are from a low from family, you won't be able to afford private school in the city if i have to send my kids out with pepper spray. i'm glad we get to go against de blasio and as you know, he gets up at alike 11 and works out and sits around all day long and
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then gives his wife a billion-dollar project she flushes down the toilet, nothing to show for it. mental health crisis also off the charts. how great is it in new york rex. >> it's a smelly dirty dangerous place now unfortunately. the pandemic accelerated a lot of that the leadership in the city has been devastating to the city and new yorkers haven't had a team leadership in so long, something they remember what it looks and feels like but i don't particularly think eric adams is that transformational candidate that's going to turn the city around in a different direction. he does get up early and he is at her, he will be better than de blasio but we need more, better than de blasio to someone with herpes. [laughter] >> exactly. the schools, streets, drug
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addiction, violent crime, city is out of control. we need to change agent said i don't think eric adams is a changed candidate. moc fic once but new york city sure doest. edkenn wy: cany: lanetanet e.wowo wothwok thwo fng b her b h bn bb elec onectiigecgrtgro te allellllllll mico unghap,l woday'soday ces mnea nr' msteid elec bowfigssue i oueff rereyy seo runningng f f re.. joi mh detls ois h raceraond. .ext ♪♪
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♪♪ a lot of people don't know this but i choreographed that video. you're welcome. last night song thriller, the winner, good job, match. regardless who wins tonight, republicans could be poised to make major gains in 2022. democrats appear to be frantic with voters on major issues, not only education, crime as we just discussed, foreign policy, off pooch spring and vaccine mandates. favoring republican control of congress next year or so but when a republican congress mean for the biden agenda? joining me to discuss, retired navy seal senior chief and republican candidate for wisconsin's third district, welcome back, sir. >> thanks for having me on, i'm sorry my red vest in solitary with when you can tonight. kennedy: that's so nice.
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are you in virginia? >> yes, i came out specifically to make sure i have a family billing on the ground. kennedy: wonderful. let's talk about 2022. democrats have a narrow margin right now. the country is experiencing several crises at once. some of them have been because of democrats manufacture. others just really bad luck. let's say republicans when the house next year. let's say you were one of those republicans, what does it mean for president biden's agenda and would you be willing to work with him on certain things? >> first of all, i'll work with anybody who puts the interest of the american people first. barnard but here is what's going to happen, we will put breaks on this socialism. first, when i am hearing is inflation is killing everybody so people have difficulty
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filling up the gas tank and for buying groceries on the same day. i spent 120 bucks on my ford f1 50, it's unacceptable. we will make sure to close the border, 194,000 illegal immigrants entering the country last year, that's three times the size of the largest city in my district. we're going to make sure we clean up foreign policy. we cannot forget for a moment that the president of the united states intentionally left thousands of american citizens and allies in afghanistan with terrorists. it is unacceptable. kennedy: you were one of most veterans who went over and tried to process and help people out of afghanistan. it's taken private citizens like you to do the job the government failed us. take supply chains, the issues we've seen their, are republicans going to have a plan to make that better or are they
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just going to talk a big game and when they are in power, are they going to pull it? >> there are five navy seals and three green berets running for office right now for congress. we are not in the habit of getting pushed around so none of us want to enter into politics but we are doing it for our nation. we served our country, five combat tours. two in afghanistan. between the ten guys, probably 50 combat tours, we're not going to come to washington d.c. and do business as usual to go along to get along. that's what got us here right now. we are going to focus on the economy because we are average working american. that's what we did for our career in the military. we are going to make sure the border is secure, we have to make sure we have a border respected internationally. we are sure never going to allow anything like what took place in afghanistan to happen again. we're just not quick to get shoved around so what happens tonight in virginia is a referendum on the biden
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ministration even if youngkin losers, i think he's going to win but there's a blowout by mcauliffe because biden one virginia by 11 points and simply by the fact that state right now the contest is a big deal for the democrat party. kennedy: how it shifts braces including yours, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me speak youth speaking of regina, love is a politics and have a horse race tonight. more on that next. ♪♪
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mike. >> good evening, the voting precinct behind me, local voters told us today education issues fired them up. >> i don't like the way things have been going are schools. i am a new parent i like to see some changes made. >> not happy how they think this is there pain to mess with people's lives. kids still have to wear masks when fastened vaccinated. >> education has been a red-hot shoe here. one comment from democrat terry mcauliffe made it a central campaign issue. >> i don't think parents should be telling schools what they should be teaching them. >> there have been 60 school board meetings for months here and pans are angry how the school system handled the covid lockdown and reopening. others are upset about schools
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having principles of critical race theory to the curriculum. despite extensive reporting for fox news critical race theory, mcauliffe suggested it isn't an issue here in virginia. >> you see what's happening in georgia and florida because they are talking about this critical race theory. as i said before and i'll said again, it's never been taught in virginia, i really hated because it's a racist dog whistle. >> when you took the other side of the parents side providing quite a contrast for voters. >> let me be clear, we won't do is teach our children to do everything through a lens of race were we divide them into buckets and one groups an oppressor and another group is a victim and pit them against each other. >> republicans have not want to state wide election in virginia in 12 years shipping competitive here in northern virginia suburbs is critical if glenn youngkin is to break the losing
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streak. kennedy: this has been a fascinating race. what's most interesting is internal polling in both campaigns that each candidate is ahead, what are you hearing? >> absolutely. we are looking at early numbers coming out here suggesting nearly a 50/50 split, it's very early but if it holds, it will be huge for glenn youngkin because this should be an area, a blue part of the state where terry mcauliffe ought to be cleaning up. it was interesting the final hours, youngkin . kennedy: we are up against a break, i love everything about you but have to go, have a good night. i'll be right back, stay here.
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thank you for watching the best hour of your day. tomorrow, can't watch the show? dvr it. make every day a candidate. good night. just across the bay from tampa, clearwater, florida is a gorgeous gulf oasis where the locals love to live it up. there's moccasin lake nature park, right in town. and if you drive just a short ways northwest you can hike the beautiful osprey trail on honeymoon island. and when you're done with that rent a kayak and paddle south to take in the natural wonders of caladesi island state park. all of this coupled with the breathtaking white sugar
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