tv Kennedy FOX Business November 3, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm EDT
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and again, there's 557 dead people found down there this past year the drugs coming across are unbelievable. liz: come back soon, good to see her. i am elizabeth mcdonald from a human watching the evening edit. that is it for us, thank you for watching. we hope you have a good evening. ♪♪ kennedy: the democrats got shellacked. a lot of it had to do with republicans finally racing some libertarian idea so how big of a victory was it for liberty lovers across the land? glenn duncan defeated establishment democrat terry mcauliffe for virginia governor. manno mercy did that lead to a wonderful and delicious meltdown. >> some of it was racism 1000%,
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white identity politics for republicans. >> education code for white parents like the idea of teaching about race. >> the real ominous thing is that critical race theory, which isn't real, turned the suburbs 15 points to the trump direction endorsed republican. >> youngkin, same disease spreads a lot faster, it can get a lot more. kennedy: stop trying to make critical race theory a thing, it's not a thing. more on that later in the shop but i got a newsflash for you, yunker ran on issues like the economy and education, mcauliffe ran against trump. trump is not president but the economy, inflation is on the rise and politicians at an
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all-time high. close liberty continue to shape the landscape in 2022 and beyond? i certainly hope so were we'll do it with this guy at the helm. in studio in new york studio, vice presidential candidate, mike cohen's. >> hi, i'm happy to be here. kennedy: i'm so happy you are in studio, so we are to see humans. this is real. there are a lot of things i think that are very good for the liberty minded, was your typical i? >> dog whistle racism. no, i think this was a few things, first of all they were rejecting biden in the last few months, i think this was another example of voters rejecting lockdown, mandates and all about and i think specific in virginia this was rejection of the idea that government controls your children and not the parent. it was a rejection of the idea that education should be
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something government is mandating a set of what the parent wants. kennedy: are you surprised looking back on that montage of people who have predictable reactions like i always inc. you should be honest about it and just say we are doing something wrong, were we doing wrong? at least have a conversation with voters about it instead of just claiming all of them are racist who don't know what they are talking about because critical race theory is not just something taught in universities, advanced degree level, it's something that's infiltrated schools, public school parent, i will tell you affirmative. >> if we just let parents decide what and how their children are being taught in all of these debates we have on crt, trans kids and sports, it goes away because now it's a matter of what the parents are deciding they want their children to be subjected to in schools. that's the problem here, everyone is fighting over what everyone is going to impose on
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them and imposed on their children. this was parents saying we don't want that. kennedy: maybe there are parents who want back. they could teach critical race theory, don't have a problem with it all. i'm going to talk about this a little later, we are going to get to education deeply another big issue on the ballot at least in minneapolis was the ballot measure dealing with defining police and replacing it with the department of public safety. but i have been saying all along is libertarians have always had the best strategy for criminal justice reform from the left and right had a big opportunity and completely have blown it. >> what this was was nothing of what we proposed. this was a rebranding. it did not end the war on drugs or change the hiring practices for educational practices or training practices for police, all he did was change from minneapolis police to minneapolis public safety
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department instead of reporting to mayor, they report to city council. this is the equivalent of dying chip derek calvin's hair pink and giving him a nose ring. that's rejected. kennedy: it wasn't a structural change, measurable positive results which is ultimately what people want, they want to thrive and feel safe and want government to leave them alone, one of the things you saw in many of the races across the country last night. how did libertarian candidates do? >> they did great, just in pennsylvania alone, we want over 100 braces nationwide we one, between 150 to 200 cost of getting the final count. kennedy: libertarians running under the libertarian party. >> running as libertarians from it that doesn't include liberty republicans and so forth, as a libertarian party endorsed and candidates that have races across the country.
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kennedy: as at the bus the party has had? >> we now have somewhere around 500 elected officials so we group something like 40% yesterday so big showing. most are local and regional places but that's where we need to win, we need to show what libertarianism looks like in the backyard before they put us in the white house. kennedy: for people really pushing local races and people getting involved closest to them who matter most and that's where fake change so many minds. great to see of you. last night, will it be a wake-up call for democrats? where they back off their agenda growing more popular by the day? opening to president biden, no. here's what he said today when asked about the republican takeover. congratulations, jerry.
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hello? >> take some responsibility and do things they would want. >> i think they should have passed before election day but i'm not sure i'd be able to have changed the number of conservative folks turned out in red districts who work trump voters but maybe. >> do you still think voters talking about trump more than the issues affecting them every day? >> reason i mentioned trump is because the issues he supports are affecting everyday a negative impact in their lives. kennedy: what about the issues he reports everyday? did someone not give the polling data from virginia? it wasn't republicans and conservative districts, it was independence. what lessons should the
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democrats internalize from last night? they distanced themselves progressives will quiz him? turning their party and the country or they could just plow ahead with the same policies despite turning off from somebody voters. let's get into it with tonight party panel. ned ryan, political analyst and farmhouse democrat congressional press secretary michelle ritchie and young americans for liberty, we love liberty and the young. great to have you all, so let me ask you this, was last night, were some of the results rebuke of the president? 's agenda or what's happening in the direction the country is going in? ned. >> i think it was all of the above, biden unpopularity helped
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drag the democrats gone. people want to focus on duncan, we want lieutenant governor, attorneys general and we flipped the house of delegates taking seven seats 52 -- 48 majority and i think it was a rebuke of biden. i think it was also where a lot of parents regardless of party affiliation, republican, democrat independent say we should have a say in how parents are educated using our taxpayer dollars to educate, hopefully educate not indoctrinate our children to think what irritated a lot of parents, myself included is the arrogance dismissiveness from the school board members but also democrats did nothing to help with the independents and suburban moms who said we don't think so and they turned out and voted for youngkin. i would say i was delighted to see comments this morning from democrats including biden but also the left, all about white racism and supremacy biden think we have to polish infrastructure and build back better, that's exactly the message i was hoping because it's even more
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devastating. the midterms little ways off historical averages. kennedy: and also democrats have a slim majority they are working with an eye think what they didn't realize, not just virginia but across the country, you have sickle voting box they ran away from trump but now they're doing the same thing, disenchanted with the way things are. obviously if they passed infrastructure, it would not only help the president, it would have helped terry mcauliffe. mark warner said that, tim kaine said that and democrat from virginia and beyond so if you were in charge, what would you tell democrats today? >> i would tell democrats they have a messaging problem. you cannot continue to run the campaign or run campaigns on a we hate trump campaign, he's no longer president. youngkin was more palpable than
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trump was and i think the democrats, specifically when it comes to black voters who obviously are going to get blamed for mcauliffe's boss which is ridiculous, i think too often they are running this hot sauce in a bag campaign where they think pulling out these popular black politicians popular pop-culture celebrities and things will drive about but people are saying wait a minute, where's the reparation? where's the student loan forgiveness we asked about and police reform we asked about? where is all of us we asked about? i don't care about before me or stacey abrams speaking, that's great, she has nothing to do with virginia, what are you doing for the black people in virginia and addressing the issues they want addressed? they have a messaging problem, i think they have to understand a lot of black voters are sick and
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tired of being emotionally triggered and targeted with images of black people on the ground and police on their back and we want something done about that but it's insensitive and to play as if we are stupid enough to fall for it and i think a lot of people, they are saying you got to bring us something, you can't just say we are going to vote for you because we are black. kennedy: black parents care about their kids education, to. when you use race as it does price of 12, it's for all kids and all voters. sean, what was your take away in terms of liberty and the vote last night? >> let's not forget when a lot of these results come down to is
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that a grassroots campaign. there were young people on the ground knocking doors, turning out the vote for legislative candidates that paid off from of the house flipped. i am excited to see what it means for school twice in virginia. i can't wait to see what school twice delegates . kennedy: i'm so glad you brought that up. you put it up perfectly. party panel is sticking around, lots more and coming up, it wasn't just one youngkin who wanted virginia last night, parents came out on top, i'll break down why choice wind. in my memo, that's next. ♪♪
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last night's virginia governor's race was not a win for glenn youngkin, it was an overwhelming victory for parents and school twice. republicans in education was mostly because former governor terry mcauliffe stepped when he said during a debate, i don't think parents should be telling schools what they should teach. he said that out loud. parents can hear your. you know, the ones during the pandemic when teachers unions and cystic their membership
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couldn't step foot in the classroom for 18 months. parents caught wind of a few things the last couple of years including lackluster curriculum and propaganda their kids have been regularly subjected to and it left them wandering, when the hell did this happen? school board meetings and voicing concerns that led to the national scoreboard association working in concert with the white house and d.o.j. to label parents domestic terrorists. that wasn't an entirely popular tactic and it seems to have backfired with the touch paper of this race so guess what, unions, you invited parents into the classroom when their living room became school now that will not go gentle into that. mcauliffe found it impossible to walk back comments that betrayed deeply help leaves. not only stupidly over invoked
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trump's name, he had american federation of teachers president randi weingarten for him, final camping circuit. that was the ultimate invitation for suburban parents parents to head to the exit. public education in the country is a static withering mess of cartel and victims. those students and teachers are far too powerful union, the haves versus the have-nots. unions have had not you had your back. politicians have not acted independently of unions who campaign coffers and expect access and shared power. hysterics get engaged in does not dishonest analysis and semantics of critical race theory which many claim doesn't even exist. don't tell that to randy pedantic, she admitted need and use but they are mixing the critical points. parents have been left out of the education process and they are not forcing their way back in to make sure their children are served with proliferation of choices including freedom to choose a better individualized
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schooling path. it's not racist versus antiracist, it's good parents fighting a bad system melting down from the heat of its own unsustainable hypocrisy. let it burn and that's the moma. school twice is an teachers union, out in virginia, breathing a sigh of relief. >> referendum on parents and this entire ridiculous ideology into our school systems, we felt so ignored months and months ago when we were at first call before our school board. >> with youngkin for governor, we the parents will take back the education, one school district at a time. kennedy: damn straight girl when you come to new york. his school twice here today? will it spread to other states? here with me to discuss my director of research american federation of children, cory
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deangelis is back. what did you make of glenn youngkin victory in virginia last night? >> the biggest winners our parents and their children and families across the state and i think it's going to be a message going forward that parents will have more of a say in these elections and politicians from both parties will have to pay attention to their needs. a new special interest has emerged. parents. the teachers unions fighting to keep schools close for over a year and by showing their true colors awakened a sleeping giant which is parents fighting for their right to educate their children as they see fit. cannot what you. now, faith seen what's going on in the classroom and pay have seen some politicians don't want them to have a say in their kids education and parents aren't going to stop fighting for the right to educate their children in the best way possible so they
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will continue showing up at the school board meetings and continue pushing for policies in the legislature following students as opposed to systems and i am optimistic about this going forward because it doesn't seem like the movement for parents parental rights will slow down anytime soon and i will say terry mcauliffe leaned into and it didn't work out for him very well after the debate cap. randi weingarten was before him the day before election, why would you do that? i think the reason was because democrats and a lot of places historically relied on teachers unions before to get the power but the problem is in the current situation democrats are in a lose lose situation, a catch-22. if the, for parental rights, teachers unions, against them if they are against parental rights and parents will come after them now so they need to really decide how they are going to deal with this going forward and
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the current way, it seems like a lot of democrats haven't learned from what happened last night. kennedy: what i don't understand is you have a group of disgruntled parents, they met at the establishment whether publican or democrat, i vote either way. that's a very pliable part but to paint them all as racist is incredibly shortsighted i saw this unfolding, and i've talked to you and you document this in slow motion. he documented the school board meetings and being called domestic terrorists and i've been asking democrat for weeks, if you think this is the best way to play it, i'm glad this happened in virginia because it not. if there were ever an invitation for parents to leave your party, you've sent it. great job so where do we go from here? republicans dropped the ball or where they pick up the mantle and move forward as a model for
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school twice in the country? >> i think parents, republicans in particular are seeing an issue that are advantageous for them, fair in that lose lose scenario if her publicans want to win, they will lean into educational freedom and parental rights in late life as much as i can about what happened in virginia and that's good news for parents because there's a new special interest group in town everybody is paying attention to and it's a movement, there's already been over 100 lawmakers that have signed a pledge to support parental rights and educational freedom going forward, freedom and with that, hundreds of photos have already signed and it's not going to stop anytime soon and i'm happy and optimistic, it's already a year of educational freedom or
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school twice with the victories with fencing but it's only going to get data from here and it makes me happy for parents going forward. kennedy: they brought in, they are angry and aren't going anywhere. thank you so much. coming up, a twist in the alec baldwin shooting death. a new claim it could have been intentional sabotaged but wouldn't that mean it was murder? one of the biggest stars in the nfl test positive for covid and wait until you hear all about the potential fallout. party panel returns next of micro. ♪♪
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the group number angry over working conditions, secretly loaded the gun with live rounds to stop production. could this be true or is hannah wiggling out the responsibility? michelle ritchie and shawn tuma. matt, her lawyer is saying she left, unattended for two hours and someone put a live round in the ammo box so someone would get killed on the set. how possible is that and but say that were true, doesn't that make the sabotage or a murder? >> that's exactly right. somebody with intent put live rounds into the ammo box in hopes that it would be loaded and alec baldwin pulled trigger and kill someone. on a whole variety of runs, being used for target practice, it wasn't a popgun, it was a real gun used for target
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practice in between roaming but the most important thing here, having been raised with guns and handle guns since i was a teen, once the gun is in your hand, alec baldwin's hands, you are responsible to what know whether it's loaded, what it's loaded with, everything. i keep looking at all of these things, can we have a conversation the fact that the gun was in alec baldwin's hands, ultimately he was responsible for it, clearly had no experience actually handling a lift on, let's go back to that because the theory i think is impossible because you are saying somebody intentionally wanted somebody merck and put live rounds into this ammo box, i don't believe that. kennedy: i don't believe that either, i think there were a couple of people who had grave responsibilities sure people don't get hurt or killed on the set. there was a camera man who wrote a strongly worded e-mail thing
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the set is unsafe, we've already had two misfires and i'm worried something is going to happen and it was halyna hutchins who tried to bring the camera operators who walked off the set, bring them back and calm them down and fortunately, unfortunately, she was shot in cold blood. >> i agree the theory is a little ridiculous and insulting. i don't think there's anyone on the set intentionally trying to murder anyone. for that to even be insinuated is insensitive. i think this is obviously a very tragic accident and knowing that there were concerns, you have to question, how are the concerns addressed? of people were concerned about safety and you have guns and
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weaponry and things, what would be done to ensure that they were addressed double checking to make sure each gun in the hands of alec baldwin or other actors in this movie was not loaded with anything and i heard the responsibility that comes when you are a gun owner but i do think it's a little different when you are on a set and people who are experts and you are relying on them because -- he could have looked at it in -- [inaudible] kennedy: but i know what ned is saying whenever you pick up a firearm, you have to assume loaded and yes, you have to rely on the people on the set and to make these excuses when clearly she was part of fostering unsafe environment, i think you're
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right, it's insensitive and does a great disservice to halyna hutchins. also, it doesn't do anything for making movie set paper. green bay packers tested positive for covid, watch? he will reportedly miss sunday's game against the kansas city chiefs. here's where it gets interesting, if there's an outbreak on the team and they have to forfeit the game, the players on both teams will not get paid. he was coy telling reporters it was a personal decision and he'd been immunized so whether you're a quarterback, grocery clerk or office worker declining to take the coveted job putting yourself about your team. what you think? >> we are all part of this but i don't like the idea rogers or
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anybody to be forced to take a vaccine to pursue their job. i don't support any measure that doesn't have a clear objective and clear and insight and we cannot grok that with covid from washington for now the nfl. this idea they are going to keep moving the goal post, no pun intended on the vaccine mandates to participate, you know if we will need two or three or four or 50 shots, no end in sight. just like the war in afghanistan, no one has ever defined success on the were uncovered and that's a problem. kennedy: i appreciate that analogy. is erin rogers a little weird? [laughter] >> no, the fact is, he made a personal choice, the thing that i want to figure out, i hope he has a swift recovery from covid and now he will have natural immunity which we have known
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large studies is 27 times more effective and the real debate is those who have recovered from coronavirus 27 times more successful than a vaccine, are we follow the signs and facts consider those people holy immunized moving forward? i think that is the real debate not only for the nfl and professional sports but also the general populace as well. let's follow the signs and facts and consider these people immunized against the virus. kennedy: i think he's immunized. i could kiss him. your thoughts? >> i don't know that i would kiss him, if he's -- i don't think i would kiss erin rogers at all with covid or not. i think -- look. it's their choice and you know it's personal for me with covid but i do think being vaccinated is the best way to protect ourselves and people have to understand just like the flu shot, it's something you're probably going to have to get distantly every year, a booster
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every year like we do the booster shot for the flu, you have to get a flu shot like every year -- >> i've never got a flu shot ever in my life be to i got the flu shot and then drop the flu, it's horrible. >> i sometimes they will have new vaccines, i know we are not there with nanotechnology but it's so far advanced. i have questions about mrna because i think they sold it, you've got to keep getting shots every few months or even one year, something is not right. >> it's not a vaccine. >> the flu shot is not a vaccine that. nanotechnology on the flu vaccine and they really honing in what's necessary, we are not there yet but i believe so. just get the government out of the way. you are all great and i appreciate you.
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more freedom or socialism. oh no. the republicans, it could offer a blueprint to win in a world without trump on the ticket. what lessons do we internalize yesterday heading into next year's midterm and beyond? joining me now, we have the best analysis last night everyone i saw and i saw a lot of people. the guy funston show is on every day, he's the host in the political editor, it is guy benson. >> are you a swift he? >> i do like her. >> there was taylor swift plot line in the virginia governor's line, it was stupid and went nowhere but i thought it was maybe a very insider reference happy coincidence. kennedy: it was an insider reference. terry mcauliffe and against donald trump. did you see him as he was invoking over and over again you
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see he's losing this and it's going to be problematic? >> i was surprised when he conceded today because he still hasn't conceded the presidential election so it must have been hard for him to do but i'm surprised he conceded when young think as opposed to his opponent donald trump who he ran against. week after week i lifted for dinner, i'm from new jersey. kennedy: that's why i was transfixed on your analysis last night. you live there and you are from there, he knows. >> we've seen all the ads bombarded with all the ads, it was trump all the way down. we've seen the montage they've put together of terry mcauliffe and his surrogates like president biden sang trump over and over and where i really started to believe mcauliffe was going to lose was on the saturday before the election when all of a sudden he decided to announce this actually isn't about trump and i'm like okay,
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that's some whiplash from reports happening in internal polls? was exuding panic and clearly they were seeing numbers the youngkin people were seen, they were tracking up three which is what interacting and i suspect mcauliffe people saw that going in the same direction and therefore it was flailing to the finish just as an about the virginia, i am so relieved he lost. he was rewarded for terrific campaign, he ran almost a flawless campaign in a state like virginia, he brought all the trump people in cap them, a bunch of people who were not barbara into the fall and kept them. that's a really tough thing to do for a total not of politician. as i've been saying for 24 hours, i hope republicans the purple areas of the country are taking notes on glenn youngkin. kennedy: like abigail, here is
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someone all he had to do was not say something dumb. terry mcauliffe kept saying and doing dumb things and we touched on it but education, parents, alienating them, what do you think you are doing? >> the plot was lost. monday night, the night before election, i went to the big rally youngkin add, i just wanted to see it, ground zero of education worse. maybe 2000 people there the reaction on education, i said last night you saw as you were driving into this parking, there were pickup trucks and trump flags and revolvers with middle school honor roll bumper stickers. the coalition he put together. kennedy: that's not about a guy, that's about ideas and freedom and that's what republicans need to run on if they want to be successful. guy benson, you are excessive, a
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the new york mets parted ways of acting general manager after being arrested for driving drunk earlier this year. he says it's nothing personal, they just got enough people on the team who can't get home. [laughter] can't make a line drive. topic number one. affect to visit this place. christmas island australia where the annual migration of red crab is shutting down roads. even the sea creatures here have, walkabout. hey guys, walking sideways. he's are crabs migrating, blocking traffic on the way. if you ask me, they are being a little shellfish. they are getting the crabs out of the road to make way for
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them. no he would do this, getting rid of crabs with a special kind of shampoo. crabs are on their way to the ocean where they will redirect one another have more little tiny crabs. as for they really come out of their shells. luckily these boys are always turned on it will return and leave females behind to raise their children on their own and they are noted in nature as under five. that's not a great guy. topic number two. the international space station, successfully throwing too many peppers and race. of course they're chilly, it's negative for 50 degrees outback. part of way to grow food in zero gravity but if you really want to grow food made with gravity, i recommend fudgy the whale
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cake. they used chili peppers to make tacos filled with beef, tomatoes and artichoke, the kind you should only eat when you've got 23 million-dollar titanium toilets. experiments could have major implications for space trips which could have limited opportunities for resupply missions. they have chili peppers in the movie, the martians. they might not have died at the end. so sad. topic number three. mcdonald's is releasing the mcrib has a virtual nft and contains just as much red meat as the actual sandwich. this is the mcrib nft which we sent to ten lucky customers. the rest of us work at the usual diabetes and gout. diabetes. nft is an honor of the mcrib 40th anniversary by which sandwiches, they will sell for literally 40 years old. mcrib had ties to the crypto
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community, people wonder if it's actually made of the meat. i think it tastes more like -- the new and fts will give mcrib lovers a chance to keep their favorite sandwich with them for the rest of their lives which is also what happens when you eat one, it just doesn't digest. topic number four. father and son caught posing as orthodox jewish rabbis for 12 years while actual being undercover christians. no wonder they used to tell people the favorite tradition. [laughter] michael and caleb accused of invest inventing fake jew heritage and working as rabbis across america. who among us has a light on our resumes? mine says i'm a maria bartiromo. rituals including weddings, conversions and most sacred of all, comparing everything to
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time for this week's amazing beautiful kenner dogs, the only show who loves your dog is much as you do. # canada, tell me about your pup. but the tv stars begin. first of from enjoying his favorite time of the year at a pumpkin patch. next up, bucky, a beautiful coat. you look gorgeous, bucky. dante, i love this shirt. look here, ashley sent in her dog, margo who enjoys treats, liberty and the best hour of her day. love you, girl. scarlet, maple and western new york with her own. you are so sweet, i love you so much. this is scotty, she was a rescue dog from texas. lucy pickles from our favorite beverage company, looks like a
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model. therapy dog, lastly, no i sent in his -- no, that is noah. he was sent in by a human. hi, noah. a good baby. thank you for watching the best hour of your day. ironic, brad polo, dvr the show every night and make every day a kenne-day. goodbye. michael. ♪♪ (bird softly cawing) - [narrator] in the mountains of bear gulch, montana. - [kitt] all right, a little heat anyway. - [narrator] winter has arrived. and the dale brothers are in a hurry. - i am excited to get in here
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