tv Kennedy FOX Business November 22, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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americans deserve or want. >> good to see you, thank you for joining us. i am elizabeth mcdonnell, you've been watching the evening edit on foxbusiness. thank you for joining us, thank you for watching. have a good evening at join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: california crime spree, the bay area, including over the weekend and blame falling squarely on the heads of the lawmakers turned the golden state into fools gold. will residents wake up and vote some of these clans out before things get worse? it started friday night with more than a dozen ransacked a louis vuitton store and the union square. never in the right place for looting. people must right got away with extensive goods.
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saturday not far away in the upscale area, 80 people rushed on nordstrom at a mall and cleaned the place out. the suspects merchandise to a fleet of waiting cars in the parking lot at a jewelry store nearby on sunday, a pack of crooks ran in, smashed glass counters with hammers, stole almost everything and hightailed it out of the mall. criminals looted a macy's in the same all also. lululemon stand again, where was i? the san francisco police chief said enough is enough. >> we take it personally. this is our city. we are not going to allow people to come and continue to do this in our city. we are not going to allow it. kennedy: for mayor of san francisco and district attorney, they want fewer cops. lack of criminal penalties only making the brazen thievery worse
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so what is it going to take to bring law & order back to the bay area? tonight party panel, washington examiner senior political columnist and american enterprise institute resident fellow, tim carty. foundation for economic education content manager, hannah is back and democrat holster and author of america unite or die. that is quite a threat. walk on, everybody. tim, i will start with you. people know they are not going to be prosecuted, there's a sense there's no such thing as private property so that philosophy is lawlessness are ushering in what in the bay area? >> i think a lot of the chaos comes from the fact that we walked down the country for so much of the last two years. people, there is no outlet, no school, no activity, no jobs for a lot of people and that eroded
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the social cohesion. why does this not happen every day? you can't put armed guards at every louis vuitton and lululemon if you do, they will go to the next one, the shoe store, i don't know their names, sorry but. kennedy: jimmy tooth -- >> you can't create order through government force. order happens to building up of social connection, social networks, an idea you won't get away with it, you'd be ashamed to quit crimes it all fades away when civil society fades away so collapsing for a long time, covid and the lockdown made it worse, we can't fix this with law like so many things. we need to rebuild the culture somehow. kennedy: and hannah, you can't have cops everywhere so what do you do to rebuild civil society
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so tarnished and damaged over the course of the lockdown? >> you can't have cops everywhere but also, even before the pandemic we saw that problems in the country. we have a lot of law enforcement and loss, we spent a ton of money on our criminal justice system but we don't reap the rewards for that. most crimes hover below 50%. we know what does prevent crime and that is one thing we can't promise america, your sureness you will be caught for your crime. we have law enforcement taking on, spending more time on the war on drugs and violent crime, this is what happens. when you have the pandemic come and amplifies the problems already there. societal problems but we also know crime is around poverty and educational issues san francisco has had more than their fair share. you come along and adding lockdowns and all of it is made worse.
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a perfect storm for more crimes. kennedy: you also have a very wealthy tax base in san francisco and they have an incredibly prohibitively high sales tax so they don't have a revenue problem, they have plenty of money and also cops who are hesitant to arrest people because it's not the number of cops, it's the fact that they won't be charged for just about anything by the crappy d.a. they have their. >> they won't be charged because they also won't be caught. it comes down to that. kennedy: cap's and catch people in it not worth it they said because the d.a. is not going to charge people and he's been very open about that, is a very open progressive socialist, private property doesn't exist kind of thinker and he's helped run a great city into the ground. your thoughts?
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>> i am an old-fashioned guy, i believe in law enforcement, i believe in tough laws and i believe yes, as all sorts of social and societal reasons things happen but there has to be a sureness of arrests, punishment and we've got to get rid of these no bail stuff and no penalties. you can be a democrat as i am but tough on law enforcement, tough on crime, it's worked before and will work again. hire more cops and let them do their jobs, enforce the law, put people in jail, what's wrong with that? kennedy: yes, enforce the law universally. you can't just distract decide when and where were will apply the law. that's not how it works. liberty doesn't hurt people, don't take their stuff when you
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have violent felons and thieves who aren't charged and prosecuted. they are going to keep violating. kyle rittenhouse speaking for the first time since his dramatic friday acquittal in an interview tonight with tucker karlsson that will air 8:00 p.m. eastern on the fox news channel. he said the media got the trial all wrong. watch. >> the case has nothing to do with race, it never had anything to do with race, it had to do with the right to self-defense. i am not a racist person, i support the blm movement and peaceful demonstrating, i believe there needs to be change, i believe there's a lot of prosecute euro on this, not just my case but other cases and it's amazing to see how much a prosecutor can take advantage of somebody. kennedy: even after the jury found him not guilty on all counts, media outlets are still
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claiming is a white supremacist. watch. >> rittenhouse drove in from illinois armed for battle. what we know now is the jury brought the narrative of kyle rittenhouse being a victim. >> the fact that white the privacy rooms freely and celebrate this murderous white supremacist and the fact that he gets to walk the streets really, these people have access to instituting loss. >> welcome to the republican party, this is what these people want and what a majority of white people vote for. kennedy: that's fun, very colorblind. does this make for an even more clear-cut case of defamation? >> the problem is white supremacist, it's been stretched to total meaningless and that will be there defense in court. we went ahead and called scott walker a white supremacist so that is our opinion so we are not defaming anybody, it's a useless terms they throw around so it can be there defense in court but really when we saw how bad the prosecutor was you
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thought okay, the consequence of his being that is he going to lose the case and probably every case he prosecutes. when the media is this that and when they lie so much to mislead everybody so they think rittenhouse's victims were black and he carried a gun across state lines, rittenhouse was a white supremacist in all of this is either disproven or no basis, there's no consequence, no accountability, all those people spreading lies keep on doing it and nobody will hold them accountable. i get pretty angry about that. kennedy: how do you prove you are not racist? it seems like that is getting harder and harder to do. >> i think it's nearly impossible because people are paying attention to the facts. i was somebody who sat back and waited for the child to happen and see what came out and i was shocked on the details of the case were nothing presented in the media but people are only looking at the media that serve
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their biases so if the left even after the case, they were convinced the original facts were true. he didn't cross state lines with a gun or break gun laws, he's not a white supremacist, there's nothing to back up any of us and it's a clear cut case of self-defense get you saw america with the kkk trending on twitter. that's outrageous, nothing is grounded in fact anymore and it's a big problem because we sat down and discussed things, we recognize quickly the government is our common enemy we need to band together to wrap up rise up again. people never get to have those conversations. kennedy: for people who tarnished his reputation, should he sue or try and move on with his life as a new college student? >> let's move on. for goodness sakes. we can't literally and metaphorically relitigate and
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relitigate this case in the courts. my view is government has an affirmative role but government's role is to make life better for all of us on an inclusive basis, not race, racial basis or gender basis, it should be based on equality of opportunity for all. we don't need defamation lawsuits, we need progress, we need better outcomes. kennedy: what is the line between protected speech and defamation? it is important to protect speech even that which we disagree with when somebody undergoes actual replication harm, where is the line? >> just name-calling his opinion white supremacist. now they've reduced white supremacist to mean nothing to anybody who listens to them's
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means guy is called a white supremacist, it doesn't mean anything so now we don't have anything to call white supremacist that is moral harm. as far as lawsuit, there's gross negligence or intentional lying, some of these places that claim he broke the law and said he transported a gun across state lines, called him a murderer while the trial was going on, that's where they were stating a fact that was false and even new it was false or should have known it was false. that's where they conceivably could be lot liable. kennedy: does this change how people protest and riots in this country knowing somebody could be protected by self-defense laws? >> i think it very well could, a day when you know people are sitting, they can exercise their second amendment, we've always seen a decrease in bronze and better protected and have bodily autonomy upheld so the right thing when people start exercising their rights.
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at the end of the day, it's a great case for first amendment and also will open many people on the right eyes to injustices in the justice system. i am hopeful if the case can have a positive in impact at the end of the day. kennedy: what would you rather have, a new mattress or louis vuitton bag? we can think about it during the break. party panel was stick around plus the chinese government still not talking after the disappearance of the tennis star punctuate. the united states, but i stand up to the commies? will joe biden authorize the dramatic boycott or if all boycott of the beijing winter analytics games? what should we do? that's in moment. ♪♪
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human rights must china 58 before biden cap finally takes a stand? is the diplomatic boycott strong enough message to sent to the chinese government? running may now, editor and host of the guy benson show on fox news show, he is guy benson. you are here. welcome back. >> happy thanksgiving. kennedy: thank you so much and you as well and your family. let's discuss because the diplomatic boycott basically means joe and doctor jill are not going to go to china, i don't think anybody is crying about that when i disagree we should have a full boycott of the games, what we do? >> i think the democratic boycott is the bare minimum and i go back and forth on this because senator ted cruz said we don't want to punish the athletes and many have set this right, people train their entire lives, peak performance or small window and robbing them of opportunity to compete on behalf
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of the country and the flag because we have a significant peace in the country, it seems unfair to the athletes. i also love the winter olympics and i am a hockey fan like you are. people want to see the games go on. however, this is where i have horrible stomach inc. this. it's not like it's one thing the chinese communist government has done. it one violation after another across an array of fronts so this tenor player they disappeared for a few weeks, through out there with hostage style videos proof of life, everything is fine don't worry about her well-being, she just vanished a couple weeks after she accused talk party leader of sexual assault, that's getting into the realm of sport, highly disturbing in isolation. then you add it on top of everything else, lying about covid, interrupting, obstructing
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the international community to get to the bottom of where covid started, the bullying of other countries who asked questions about it and extortion they've attempted against those countries, what they have done in hong kong in violation of international law against democracy. the genocide they conduct against leaders with concentration camps slave labor systemic rape forced abortions, all about and then you add this plus taiwan rattling and billing islands in the south china sea, what can china do that would make the international community say you know what? we are not actually going to bestow the most prestigious event on the global stage unto you? they've been as bad as you can get, shortness soviet union level stuff or third level stuff without the international community without doing much, even batting an eye for the most
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part so to wrap around, i feel the diplomatic boycott feels like a slap on the wrist, i don't think it really affects the chinese government, not even the loss of face or revenue, not a loss of prestige so what you do beyond back? kennedy: you put pressure on the ioc to move the games. they should have done that. none of these issues are a surprise. none of them are recent except for covid and the ioc has known for a long time that china huge human rights violator and make jail more paternalist than any other country in the planet. that's an admission to all of the things you mentioned so how could the ioc in good conscience were the games to china again after 2008, they just had the games in 2008 so how do they do that again rex shame on them and you are right, i know calling for a full boycott, he's
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probably not an athletic person ted cruz is right, we can't perish the athletes because they are murderous horrible people. >> you know what could probably have an impact and create loss of revenue and loss of face and actually brother the ccp? if there's an economic boycott sponsors that sort of thing, american companies and western companies taking a stand think we don't want our brand associating with the games taking place in a human rights violating country but that would require corporate america to actually stand up to the chinese communist party which they do not do almost ever. they often run interference for the chinese communist party and keep their influence there in that market open to them so that is one mother that could at least have some effect but doesn't seem readily available. kennedy: it's only more athletes were as brave and took a stand
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and put their livelihoods and reputations on the line, maybe would see change, they cannot block everyone from the chinese, they may try but you need more people to stand up. thank you so much. >> you but. kennedy: coming up from america's sweetheart, doctor anthony fauci. health officials could change the definition of fully vaccinated but does anybody still listen to his constant flip-flopping and gun flapping? the party panel is here to discuss the latest, next. ♪♪
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vaccinated to now include booster shots, millions of americans who thought they were doing the right thing getting double dropped are about to be reclassified as discussing anti- vax grandma killers. fauci says he's just following the science. >> people should not be put off by the fact as time goes by and we learned more and more about the protection we might modify the guidelines, that's what we have been saying all along, follow the science. things change and you have to follow the data. kennedy: you are changing definitions, that's not science. why does the data going the same direction? more mandates, restrictions, patrol and the covid assessed group control pulled and npr american cities might be dropping mask mandate to soon so should we all mask up with families on thanksgiving? throw a condom on the turkey. the party panel is back, doug
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schoen. tim, i will start with you. will it ever end? >> no and that is the problem. talk about fauci using the word guideline, shifting. in normal times, guidelines from the federal government include don't eat your leftover turkey without reheating it. all of these roles we ignore. if the guidelines set should get a booster six months after your last fully vaccinated, many would say i'm going to get a booster, it sounds like a good way to get covid but as you know, the guidelines become mandates so they will restrict our travel what the federal government push businesses to require the booster shots they will be used as an excuse. my insane county in maryland just reinstituted it mask mandate the same we can washington d.c., which is next
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door, repeal it mask mandate. it's all insanity. kennedy: it is and you look at california and l.a. times did an exhaustive search and a bunch of reporting on this and they realized there were so many different mask mandate in different counties in california and essentially had the exact same covid rates for positive tests and hospitalizations which should leave people saying maybe masks aren't the end all likely thought at the beginning of the pandemic so why is anybody still listening to anthony fauci? >> i cannot begin to understand why people are still listening to him. he's been wrong political leader predicting doomsday. he's trying to start a call at this time because as soon as this goes away, so to see he's loving his moment in the spotlight. we've known masks were not, especially the average person,
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if we want to prevent covid and should take precaution, two things like exercise and take vitamin d and things that happen proven to work. to push this asking is antiscience. everybody should be done. kennedy: maybe they are not that great, have our third shot six to eight months and ask. >> i tried to follow the signs on my own and having read years rayleigh studies on the mrna vaccine and what happened in israel, i think they are pretty effective, i think people should get vaccinated. it is clear for people my age, over the age of 65 and immunocompromised, it's a good idea to get a third shot. doctor fauci has been on a lot
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of sides with a lot of issues, i urge people to do what this show does all the time, get your own facts and make your own decision and use your best judgment. kennedy: absolutely and that is real science. speaking of grandma killers, this former new york governor andrew cuomo going deep yoga and getting deeper. remember how he was accused of sexually harassing women, lying about covid nursing home debts and using resources to write his book? a new report supports those accusations, assembly judiciary committee says they plan to share the report with law enforcement officials so doesn't mean they go to the gray bar hotel? >> is this segment of the show, we should do this every week. the state legislature found was
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damning and furthers what we knew, he was constantly abusing power, he was using state resources to write his book about how great his pandemic performance was when it was actually the worst performance of any governor because he covid up the deaths in the nursing homes and on top of that, it's almost like his own totally different scandal, the sexual harassment stuff alongside abuse of power but as a citizen looking at a politician, for me, the abuse of power is always what we need to focus on. sexual harassment was an abuse of power because he was using his position as a governor to do this, he would hire women he then would want -- he thought make moves on but really harassment and abuse them and in addition using the same resources for memoirs covering up abuses of government power, that's what we need to focus on. he was given the power of the
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state and used it for his own good arm other people. kennedy: and use state resources to write his book, $5 million for his book advanced. what we ever note the depth of his villainy? >> i truly don't know because everything i think i understand about of an individual he is, more things come out about him and some of these stories we know about the nursing home debts, we know his information from sexual harassment now, there's a lot things people don't pay attention to he's doing in the midst of the pandemic at the height of it, ours are new york city board, i remember those days, there were trucks outside my door and i knew i couldn't get up hospital but if i needed one and we were told hospitals were just overflowing. we now even new york times reported actually what happened,
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the regulations mandated patients be taken to overflowing public hospitals instead of private hospitals or overflow hospitals belt. it was a mess so big and bad on the government could be responsible for and at the end of the day, somebody does need to be held accountable. we know he was taking resources to focus on writing his book. it's horrible. there should be accountability. he's never been normally to criminal justice reform, i really hope he gets, on this. kennedy: every once in a while there's a case where a slippery jack -- gets away with everything. there has to be accountability because doug, resigning his not accountability, that's not enough particularly for people who lost family members when he heartlessly and callously forced rehabilitations and nursing homes to take in covid positive patients. >> back to me as the most serious potential issue facing governor cuomo, from what i
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understand was the assembly report for law enforcement, they should do appropriate investigations, at least every issue involved and let the chips fall where they may, i don't think he or anybody else should be above the law but since there was a real loss of life during the beginning of covid that was arguably avoidable, all or in part, i think that's where the greatest degree of scrutiny and release on my end comes from. kennedy: what would it take to clean up new york state politics? [laughter] >> i was born in new york, you just have a history, it's like a third world country where the history of politics in albany is corrupt so the next guy who rises to power will say the last guy lined his part pocket
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whether andrew cuomo or spencer or all of these guys, they all went ahead and climbed their pocket and abused their power, it's hard to break. maybe kathy hopeful, maybe four years from now, a woman who cleaned up new york. kennedy: that's probably going to happen. we will definitely have you on, that may not be the banner at the bottom of the screen but always optimistic here. thank you so much, well done. >> thank you. kennedy: coming up, you check your phone during a funeral? jim saylor is here live and in person to weigh in. he is next. ♪♪
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♪♪ kennedy: you are in the right place. interim official, you guys. we are obsessed with our phones. americans check their phone 262 times a day, seems low. you wonder why your battery keeps dying. 50% of those surveyed say they check their phones at weddings. 90% use them on the toilet. 63% say they can't exercise without them so is it time to stage an intervention for our phone addictions? here with me now, comedian and host of box across america on fox news radio, jimmy. >> there is, good to see you.
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i was checking my phone. [laughter] i should have held up a little higher. first of all, the study is so obvious, this is not a real study, it to guys watching tik tok videos in a lab. we are doing research. who didn't know we weren't addicted to our phones? they have fascinating fun facts where people watch their phones. my wife is guilty, she's one of those people who checks her cell phone immediately after sex. she will call me up. kennedy: 41% of people check their phone after sex. [laughter] >> she does right away. [laughter] it's so obvious we are addicted to our phones and part of why, there is not enough shame in using the phone as much as we do. kennedy: there is relief because thank god, when you are at a dinner and one person checks their phone, it's interesting experiment, check your phone and see what everyone does.
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[laughter] >> i checked other people's phones, we've all been there. i think we need to . kennedy: i made a mockery of the situation. >> if you look at the stats, most of the people we on the toilet, that's what killed newspapers, people don't read newspapers anymore because they scroll their phones. mandatory geo- tag every tweet, there will be more shame and runaway phone interviews because you see where they are doing that weathers on the toilet or whatever. he's texting or tweeting on his daughter's back-to-school night but nobody owns the situation which is part of the problem. the problem has made us so miserable because we are not smarter, we are dumber because the phone thinks for you. kennedy: they say that is what's going to happen when we start swapping things into our brains, we need access to a search engine all the time. we need to be able to put something in because we no
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longer will be able to rely on our memory. >> there's nothing more infuriating than getting into an uber in new york city whether streets are numbered and the guy is gps to get we are on 49th, we are going to 65, you just have to count up, no math needed. i'm going to punch this guy in the neck, we are all miserable. you are always judging. we are all on 38, this guy is a hack, he's got nothing. the only people happy are the amish because they don't do that. kennedy: i think they do, even the amish. >> they are done churning butter they are like all right let's go. [laughter] kennedy: just pray for people, that's the only reason they are there. i think you're onto something. i voice wanted, are weakening smarter or dumber as a species? this has hyper escalated the
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nbc news is suggesting families come at inflation not buying a turkey this thanksgiving and they recommend save on your gas bill by warming the home with a burning american flag. that's thanksgiving with a turkey in the white house and this -- topic number one. tonight we meet a man arrested for watching porn in a walmart. you thought the most exciting thing at walmart was for savings. firstly, i'm shocked to learn jeffrey shopped at walmart. 28-year-old -- 28? really? [laughter] you need some better
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moisturizer. alexander pierce caught on surveillance video hunched over a laptop with his hands in his pants. in a way, it's a touching story. already ban from the walmart for shopping earlier this year so at least he learned to keep the pants to himself. he was booked into a local jail and charged with the local county. he seems comfortable with hard times. based on computer evidence, i'm betting he'll get off. rama apologized to customers exposed to indecency in the store, in the electronics department because clearly it belongs in this healthcare aisle. topic number two. stunning video from the united kingdom wear a full face of whiskers burst out of hiding. i'm not talking about queen elizabeth. once ordinary kitty turned enormous by too many servants
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servings of shepherds pie. this is what clogging up the supply chain. of course just kidding around. playing with train sets, a lifelong hobby. by now, he's jumped on more models. her own twitter account with $2000, she probably has even more if she didn't post racist rants at 3:00 a.m. the softest thing i've seen on my tv since the u.s. cd best of. [laughter] topic number three. california freeway covid in cash after an armored truck burst open and spilled dozens of bills onto the road. democrats collect their infrastructure plan. this is the scene on california's interstate five as drivers stop their cars and ran out to scoop up bundles of cash.
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some posted photos on themselves wanting the bills on social media. the next tik tok challenge could be counting solitary confinement. highway patrol working with fbi to identify interest those who don't return the loops within 48 hours, law enforcement says help to send a strong message in california, crime doesn't pay. there's no such thing as free money and you can't just write up somewhere and grab what you want without expenses. never mind. topic number four. natural stream in hawaii tested positive with alcohol content of 1.2%. hawaii really is a paradise on earth. where ricoh? the stream is located in the island of wahoo and can be accessed by an easy hike so you can go for a visit and literally drink like a fish. 1.2% means that the stream has about one fourth the alcohol
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content of budweiser but on the bright side, the stream test like less like wild animal pier. investigating the wild because but they think of drainpipe nearby leads to the largest distributive of alcoholic beverages and asking locals to stop sucking on the drainpipe like a beer final. what time is it? making good on her bets. go bruins. we'll be right back. ♪♪
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[mouth trumpet] kennedy: you might have heard ucla destroy usd saturday night 52 -- 33. the most points bruins however scored against the trojans. it also means i am the winner of my thursday night wager with vaccination host abby. [cheering] [laughter] i love it so much. it warms my heart. i'm going to frame back. i'm going to get a giant painting of that made so i can
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frame it and put it on the side of the building. >> of this? i asked to cover this part. they said no so i guess i'm just going to have to go to grad school at ucla to justify this monstrosity but the good news, i won't have to study very hard. [laughter] kennedy: the good news is, you won't get in. that's so overrated. did you watch the game? >> i was on my way to the rocket game and i tried to sneak out at halftime. we were losing 28 -- 17 and i was like we got a chance, first start and i was proud of him. then i looked on the game at the end because i had no service and we got our booty handed to us but you know what? i am happy because you were favored by three and one by 29. how did it feel to finally overachieve at something? [laughter] kennedy: i went to the number one public university in the
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country, it felt fantastic. how does it feel having roy loughlin as a quarterback? [laughter] kennedy: you are great, i can't wait to have you back and every time you're on -- [cheering] ucla, fight, fight, fight. thank you and thank you for watching the show. follow me on a twitter and facebook. this keystone commodity supports our nation from coast to coast. and the ground up. but keeping this material in steady supply takes a special breed of worker. the kind that can put in long hours, master heavy machinery and withstand the scorching heat needed to make our nation's preeminent metal. [music] [railway]
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