tv The Evening Edit FOX Business December 7, 2021 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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secure a 14-10 victory over the buffalo bills last night. the jones were the fewest pass attempts by a winning team in the last 30 years. bills fans, that has to be tough at least your team didn't lose to the lions. that does it for us and "fox business tonight." "the evening edit" starts right now. ♪. >> trying to calm global tensions or plain appeasement. president biden meeting with russian president vladmir putin but will the remote meeting be enough to stop russian aggression towards ukraine. as china and iran are also flexing their muscles. after afghanistan has the white house left credibility. we have homeland security chair ron johnson, congressman andy harris, darrell issa, jeff van
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drew. dr. marty makary and sheriff mark lamb. new york mayor bill de blasio puts the first in place first-in-the-nation vaccine mandate for all private companies with know exemptions. the move already facing backlash in the big apple as many businesses are struggling to find workers and to survive s this really following the sighens. the white house announce as diplomatic boycott of the beijing olympics but what about the big corp. sponsors? will the chinese communists get a message about human rights abuses if money keeps following them? supply chain crisis, a huge bottleneck still oaf the coats of l.a. 100 ships waiting to unload despite officials claiming major progress is being made. what is the truth? in the last few hours, president biden's controversial pick for
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controller of the currency, saule omarova withdrawing application for the post after critics put her comments on views on oil companies and banks. just two months until the federal student loan deferment period ending. a new survey nearly seven in 10 loan holders will need to take additional action to make their monthly payments. to the border crisis, trump's remain in mexico policy is back but migrants continue to flow across the border. we'll take you there for a first-hand look. i'm david asman in for elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit" starts right now. david: president joe biden speaking with russian president vladmir putin for two hours to address a wide range of issues including russia's recent
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military build up along the border of ukraine. hillary vaughn is here with more. reporter: david after two hour video chat between president biden and russian president vladmir putin, national security advisor jake sullivan was asked if the world was any safer after that call. he would not predict but would only say time will tell. >> discussion between president biden and president putin was direct and straightforward. there was a lot of give-and-take. there was no finger wagging. all i will say is that the ultimate metric for whether the world is safer or not is facts on the ground and actions taken. let's see. reporter: biden did threaten economic action if putin ramped up his military action against ukraine and called for putin to de-escalate but some senate democrats tell me they don't think that should be the only thing on the table. >> do you think military action should be on the table of options to convince putin to back off? >> i don't think any option should be off the table. reporter: this is something new
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on the table though, a 180 on russia's nord stream pipeline to europe after months of president biden defending his decision to lift sanctions that green lit the project, biden is now backtracking. jake sullivan saying today since gas isn't flowing through the pipeline yet, he thinks it is leverage for the u.s. not russia. biden is expected to ask germany to cooperate, to utilize the nord stream 2 pipeline as economic leverage if russia invades ukraine. republicans on capitol hill say that biden rolled over on the pipeline and is now looking for germany to bail him out. reporter: why you do think the white house is backtracking on policies they defended for months? >> well, because president biden is obviously wrong. if you look at right now we've got over 100,000 russian troops that are amassed on the ukrainian border. that is joe biden es fault. the reason this has happened is because joe biden surrendered to
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vladmir putin on nord stream 2. reporter: president biden did brief his european allies on the call with putin today and is expected to brief congressional leaders later on this evening. david? david: hillary vaughn, thank you very much. for more on that call between president biden and russian president vladmir putin, we welcome ron johnson to the senate foreign relations committee. thanks for being here. do you think today's meeting did anything to stop putin from invading ukraine? >> well, david, i don't know, i wasn't on the call. i didn't hear what was really discussed. i know the president has deep concerns. that sounds like president obama's serious consequences he always threatened. what we do know you achieve peace through strength. we also know that under president biden's administration and democrat governance, just about all of their policies are weakening america. open borders, you know, massive partisan deficit spending,
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embarrassing and dangerous surrender in afghanistan that sends a strong signal to our adversaries this might be the time to act when president biden is in control of things. so i'm highly concerned. one thing our senate foreign relations hearing today we did show unanimity, from the standpoint we'll support whatever serious consequences president biden would enact but it may be, it may be too little too late. i'm highly concerned. david: of course he was in the administration, the obama administration when the russians just waltzed in 2014, in february of 2014 when the ground was hard enough to send the tanks in. maybe that is what putin is waiting for but jake sullivan was there as well in 2014. here is what he had to say. he is now the national security advisor. here is what he had to say after the meeting today. of course he came out instead of the president. here is jake sullivan. >> that things we did not do in 2014 we are prepared to do now. david: but shouldn't we have done them now?
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now that is to say, with regard to the nord stream 2 pipeline, shouldn't we make action against it now, reverse the orders that biden put in, the waiver of what the trump administration did? shouldn't we actually take action now rather than waiting until something happens. >> you know, obviously allowing vladmir putin to complete the construction of the nord stream 2 pipeline was a blunder. what we should be doing, this is what i asked undersecretary knew land today, are you ready to work with the european partners to dismantle, tell vladmir putin we are going to dismantle the nord stream 2 pipeline if you invade ukraine? but again we've exhibited such weakness, what is the credibility of those types of threats? they need to act. they need to act now. they need to get our european partners on board. we need to be unified in what we are going to do. we need to spell out very
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clearly, no strategic ambiguity. we need to let vladmir putin, if you do this, this is what will happen. we have the unanimous support of nato and our european partners including germany. david: you know jake sullivan also said that president biden does what he says he will do. we all remember in afghanistan he said he wasn't going to pull the troops out until every american was out. he didn't do that. hasn't, hasn't vladmir putin already been taken a full measure of the man and what he says he is going to do and what he actually does? >> that is our concern. when you demonstrate weakness, when you prove you are weak, that this is what china does, this is what russia does. when you go crawling back, begging for a deal with iran, even though the last deal was horrible for this country, and for world peace and security, people take a measure of what your actions are. actions speak much louder than words. the actions of this president, of democrat governance is to
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weaken america and encourage your adversaries. david: the words are pretty parse, by the way. this is the document, the little brief. i'm holding it up here if you can take a picture of it. it is just about three sentences long that the white house put out of their two hour meeting. it is real boilerplate stuff. they need to de-escalate, return to diplomacy. the two men agreed their teams will stay in close touch. then russia came out with their own readout of the meeting which they demanded that we rule out any expansion of nato on the borders with russia. that would include ukraine, of course. rule out deployment of offensive strike weapons systems in states adjacent to russia. should which go in your face to putin, start supplying ukraine with the weapons they need to defend themselves? >> we should have been doing that all this time. it was president trump that actually provided lethal defensive weaponry.
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congress authorized president obama $300 million worth. he always refused to offer and supply lethal defensive weaponry. president trump did that you didn't see this kind of threat coming out of vladmir putin when president trump was in office. you only see this once joe biden becomes president and demonstrates weakness across the board. no, america, the world should be highly concerned. brian: you know, "the wall street journal" had a peace yesterday. it says rogues on the march, is the title of the peace. talking about iran as well as china and russia. they say the world is entering a dangerous period, the hard men in moscow, tehran and beijing will test president biden his powers and spheres of influence and it isn't at all clear how mr. biden will respond. well mr. biden already responded to the situation in afghanistan in a way everybody admits was a disaster. what happens if russia just waltzes in and we don't do much
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to stop them from doing that? >> it will encourage further aggression. i'm concerned about our military readiness. with the current secretary of defense, more concerned about wokeness than military readiness. so again, these are, i wish i didn't have to talk about these things. i wish i didn't have to really utter these truths this is what we're dealing with right now under the biden administration and democrat governance. america has to aweaken to the urgency of this moment. david: senator johnson, good to see you, thank you very much for being here. up next house gop doctors co-chair andy harris and dr. marty makary on new york mayor bill de blasio putting in place a first-in-the-nation vaccine mandate for all private companies with no exemptions. the move already facing backlash in the big apple as many businesses are struggling to survive. is this really following the science? you are watching "the evening edit" on fox business.
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to build a future of unlimited possibilities. ♪. david: new york city mayor bill de blasio announcing yesterday that he would be introducing a first-in-the-nation vaccine mandate for all private companies with no weekly testing option. employees must have at least one dose of the covid-19 vaccine by december 27th or the
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business will face serious penalties. madison alworth has more on this. madison. reporter: david, bill blass blast's new vaccine mandates are the strictest in the country and the businesses i have spoken to say they were blindsided by mandates. right now they have more questions than answers. as it comes to implementation and enforcement the mayor doesn't plan to release information until december 15th. he has sweeping mandates that will outlaw people over five years old without vaccinations. all employees in private companies must be vaccinated by december 27th. if you are not vaccinated you are barred from working in new york city. owners of businesses tell us this is another blow coming out of recovery. >> so difficult to come out of the hole we're in. now i think this will set us back indefinitely and potentially affect our business for the next several years to come. >> we don't know. it is all up in the air and
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scary as a business owner because we could lose several employees and not replace them. reporter: when it goes into effect five days later mayor bill de blasio steps down and new mayor eric adams cops into office. he has yet to say whether he will enforce this mandate. david? david: madison, thank you very much. joining me now to take a deeper look into the legal and scientific angle into this story we have house gop doctors caucus co-chair, congressman andy harris and fox news contributor and johns hopkins school of medicine professor dr. marty makary. thank you both for joining us. this is the johns hopkins school of medicine mafia here, both gentlemen, the congressman is graduate from the medical school there, and of course the doctor is a row professor there. let me talk about the real little and political angle here. does it make any sense from political or legal point of view. >> it makes perfect sense for a
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lame duck mayor who wants to run for governor who comes out with a bold new initiative problem. a legal sense, makes no sense at all because the mandates are getting overturned left and right but from a scientific sense it makes no sense at all. politics is clear, mayor de blasio wants to be governor de blasio. he wants to put a notch in his belt this is very, very unusual and very, very dangerous. david: stick with you for a second. how could it put anotia in his belt? there are 180,000 businesses in norco be affected by this mandate? as you heard several businesses think they may not be in business much longer if it really goes into effect much longer than a couple of days. you really think that would help him get into the governor's mansion? >> i think it would different him from other people in the race. he is not known to be a business-friendly mayor. he doesn't care what happens to business. clear from the mandate he doesn't care. david: extraordinary. dr. makary, what happens to the people who have to deal with
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this? we mentioned there is no exemption for testing. of course there is no exemption for natural immunity, for people who have had it. so i mean, could it, could it end up doing more harm to the people of new york than good? >> it will certainly harden people towards the idea of vaccination, especially when we may need seniors to get a booster. this is probably the most radical and extreme disregard of natural immunity we've seen in any covid policy worldwide to date. it is also maybe the most extreme overreaction to omicron because that was used to justify this. this, omicron appears to be a virus that is less severe, more mild and yet we're seeing this invoked to justify an extreme policy remember only 1/3 of young african-americans are fully vaccinated. what is this going to do to them? it will harden their position rather than encourage them to
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get vaccinated. david: dr. makary, if you're a new york resident you're forced to watch the commercials all the time your government here in new york is always following the science. isn't this leapfrogging the science and goes against what you're talking about with omicron? >> it is science but political science. i saw one of those ads, natural immunity is effective, the answer was false. so that was the wrong answer to the question. the rest of the country is moving the other way. tsa agents and air traffic controls were going to be laid off for being unvaccinated and the government backed off because they realized it would be catastrophic. so the rest of the country is starting to be more flexible around these requirements. david: congressman, the courts are backing off of these mandates as well. today we just had another decision that was against the administration's vaccine mandates. that is the federal vaccine mandates. this is a georgia federal judge
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said that that these were unconstitutional these mandates. so how much longer can the administration go in this direction and defy the courts? >> well i think the administration is figuring out that these mandates are in fact unconstitutional. they're losing in court battle after court battle. for federal employees it's a different story but when they extended beyond federal employees, whether hospital employees, whether federal contractors they run into trouble each and every time. i actually think mayor de blasio will run into trouble here. i hope the new mayor, eric adams, i hope on first day in office he rescinds the order and does the right thing. david: he may indeed do that. dr. makary, the omicron at least in the first few cases in the united states occurred within people fully vaccinated is kind of interesting. again, doesn't that auger against the concept of vaccine mandates? the fact that you can get the disease if you're fully
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vaccinated? >> you can and you can transmit it. vaccines do appear to downgrade any covid mild illness and prevent hottizations. this is more mild. two hospitals today confirmed the same observation as the other hospital reported on saturday, what they're seeing as mild cases in hospital. let's hope that ends up being true on a broader level. david: finally, congressman, we have great therapeutics. we have antibody treatments but new pills from pfizer and others that deal very effectively, extremely effectively with people who have the disease itself. it is clear we'll have to live through various mutations of this disease, perhaps for generations to come. shouldn't that be our focus right now as a nation? >> i think that is true. we have to get off of vaccines. obviously those who are high-risk should get boosted. we knead to turn attention to
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therapeutics, being vaccinated is no protection against getting the disease, maybe severe disease. new therapeutics will change the course of this pandemic. david: two men who represent the johns hopkins school of medicine very well in a very distinguished way. dr. andy harris, dr. marty makary, thank you gentlemen for both being here. appreciate it. coming up next house foreign affairs member darrell issa on the white house announcing a diplomatic boycott of the beijing olympics but what about the big corporate sponsors? are they turning a blind eye towards human rights abuses in other countries towards china? keep it right here on fox business. with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size.
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so, call today, before the moment slips away. take advantage now. ♪. david: the white house on monday announcing it will not send any u.s. government officials to the february beijing winter olympic games, condemning the country's mistreatment of tibetans and muslim uyghur population as well as national security crackdowns in hong kong but what about the corporations? some top tier of u.s. olympic partners, coca-cola, visa, airbnb, can these multinationals stick with the event? joining me house foreign affairs and judiciary committee member, congressman darrell issa. congressman issa, great to see you again. a diplomatic boycott, frankly i didn't know what that was when i heard about it a few months ago. i wonder if that is enough in
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your mind? >> it is half of what jimmy carter did if that stands in the way of diplomatic i'm concerned this will make a difference. not since the 1970s have we looked so weak to the russians and the chinese. we're in a situation in which the russians are on the ukraine border clearly in an antagonistic way. the chinese do what they want to do, any way they want to do it, and people who will be the adults in foreign policy are now doing one of the most childish things you can do, a quarter measure. jimmy carter did a half measure by having the olympians not go even after the international money, including u.s. money was in the olympics. in this case we're doing half of that half. david: even though it appears we're getting a handle on the pandemic we still haven't gotten a clear, positive, open, response to our requests from the chinese about what happened in the wuhan lab, about how the
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pandemic got out, about their own really inexcusable behavior at the beginning of this whole thing by closing down cities in china but allow individuals infected go throughout the world. they have done so much, they bear so much responsibility for the millions of people killed around the world by this virus, isn't that alone enough to boycott the olympics full throttle? >> there is many reasons one might boycott the olympics. i think the important thing though is, that if you're going to do it, this is not timely fashion and it will not make a difference. the fact is, you said it exactly right. tomorrow, a new virus could come out of china and the exact same thing could happen and we would have no warning. and by the way as of tomorrow 30 to 50,000 marines, airmen, army personnel, are being involuntarily and less than honorably discharged if they were not willing to get their first and second vaccines.
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literally, we are at a time in which our military demoralized from ukraine is now being demoralized by seeing many of their leadership, even 19-year veterans who are combat veterans, who had covid, seeing them discharged while by the way the president has exempted the rest of the federal workforce for at least a year. brian: yeah. congressman, there is another thing, it is something you won't hear about in the mainstream media at all, the fact hunter biden is selling shares, selling some of his shares of assets in a company, a financial company that a lot of people think is controlled by the government, the communist government of china. jen psaki and others in the white house won't talk about to whom he selling it for how much. here is how she responds to questions like that in front of the media. roll tape. >> hoping you could get to basic transparency about that transaction including the nail of buyer, dollar amount, timing. the second question, my colleague miranda devine has a
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new book out called the last cop from hell. i was hoping you could confirm the laptop is indeed authentic and not russian disinformation? >> the president's son is not employee of the federal government so i appoint you to his representatives. as it relates to the book "fortnite" have the time or interest exploring reading the book. david: after all the unresolved questions, about hunter biden, whether joe biden got money from the chinese operations they were involved with, don't we deserve a better answer than that? >> the american people deserve transparency, in the case of anyone who can fly on air force one as family member of the president or vice president in the case of air force two, they should have their finances made as transparent as president, vice president, members of congress, the members cabinet. this loophole allowed hunter biden to make a lot of money, some of it eventually going to
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the president is a loophole that has to be closed. it is a loophole that should never have existed. no one should be able to trade on the president decades ago, once again, jimmy carter, billy's beer traded on the reputation but at least he was selling it to the public. it was laughable. this in fact represents a threat to national security and hunter biden should not be allowed on air force one or in the white house. david: particularly since we're trading, he has been trading with an enemy it can be argued of the united states at the moment. it is really extraordinary. congressman darrell issa, thanks for being here. appreciate it. >> thank you. david: still to come the border crisis. the trump remain in mexico policy is back but migrants continue to flow across the border. we'll take you there for a first-hand look. up next, house transportation and infrastructure committee member jeff van drew on the supply chain crisis. there is still a huge bottleneck of ships off the coast of l.a. nearly 100 ships waiting to
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unload. this despite officials claiming major progress is being made. keep it here on "the evening edit." we'll be right back. there's a different way to treat hiv. it's once-monthly injectable cabenuva. cabenuva is the only once-a-month, complete hiv treatment for adults who are undetectable. cabenuva helps keep me undetectable. it's two injections, given by a healthcare provider once a month. hiv pills aren't on my mind. i love being able to pick up and go.
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♪. david: well the biden administration continues to downplay our nation's economic woes, even as concerns over the omicron variant and government's overreaction to the variant is ripping yet another link out of our strained supply chain. joining us now to discuss is congressman jeff van drew from the house transportation and infrastructure committee. congressman, good to see you. mr. buttigieg, secretary of transportation, he, do you think that he has been doing a good job at straightening out our supply chain mess? because we still see all those 100 boats off the coast of l.a. >> he might be doing a good job as a stay-at-home dad but i don't know what he is really doing as far as taking care of that situation. we should be incentivizing the creation, the building of more
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containers in america. we can do things like that. we should be insuring that when we send back these ships to go to asia, that those crates and containers are filled. we're sending them back in the because it is more profitable for the companies to do it that way. that is unacceptable. we're buying chinese goods. the chinese should be buying our goods. all, this is a joe biden special. all the way from paying people to stay home to you know, enforcing vaccine mandates which are causing people to leave their jobs. we're short of people to work. we're short of materials. we're short of prescription drugs that people need, i'm sure everybody heard about, over 100 different drugs are back ordered, so in the greatest country in the world, literally people can't get the medications and the prescriptions that they need. that disgusts me. that is unacceptable. david: you know you look at the
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new mandates coming out of new york and you wonder whether other democrat mayors or governors will try that sort of thing for a variant by the way which is not as bad as we thought it was going to be. and you wonder whether they're just trying to make things worse. this is, this is an extraordinary backwards way of dealing with something like this supply chain because we all know it comes from the labor shortage. >> exactly. what they're doing in new york, i mean, is a playbook for disaster. it is interesting, the states that are doing well, texas, florida, had more of an open policy, encourage businesses, made sure small businesses can survive. what they're doing in new york city, i guess they didn't feel they created enough damage before, so they're even going to try to create more damage. it is shameful. if i didn't know better i would believe that some of these people who are in charge, including the president are actually purposely hurting our
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great country. we can't survive this way. we have to be number one. we have to be the best. we have to produce. we have to create and we certainly need the strongest supply chain. we're doing just the opposite. david: by the way there is another aspect to all of this, it is not just ships. about half of the freight that comes into the u.s. comes over the canadian border. of course that is trucked in. 20% of canadian truckers have not been vaccinated and on january 22nd, all of the truckers coming to the u.s. will to show proof of vaccination. so there is north rip of the chain of our supply side chain. >> that will be devastating. not only truckers coming in from canada but want to mandate obviously that our own truckers right here in america will have to be vaccinated too. statistics and polling shows that over 30% of them said they will leave, either move to a different company or just won't do it anymore. you can, no one can imagine the
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effect that will have on the supply chain. we really depend upon our truckers to deliver the goods. if they cannot, we'll see really bad days ahead. i don't understand how the president and how the majority congress doesn't look at this and say, we can't keep doing this. we have to look at doing it a different way. we have to incentivise, you know, again the fact that it is so important to make sure that our products are going abroad to asia. that their products are getting in hire. we don't need ships to be 150 miles out at sea. if california can't do it, let's get somebody else to do it. david: congressman jeff van drew. thanks very much for coming in, congressman. appreciate it. >> good to see you too. david: still to come, the border crisis, trump's remain in mexico policy is back but migrants continue to flow across the border. we'll take you there for a first-hand look. up next less than two months until the federal student loan deferment period ends. a new survey revealing seven in
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10 loan holders will need to take additional action to afford the monthly payments.'s sarah foster joins us right here with details here on "the evening edit". -hey, -wooo. can someone else get a turn? yeah, hang on, i'm about to break my own record. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪
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♪. david: remember the deferments of federal student loans? they were put into effect in march of 2020. well the freeze for borrowers is set to end in january. many are unprepared for the added expense. let's welcome to the show analyst sarah foster to help break down what this means for borrowers. sarah, thank you for being here. how many borrowers are we talking about face, the end of the deferments? >> thanks so much for having me. we're talking millions of borrowers here, those with federal student loans. they have been pretty comfortable with the forbearance period, since march of 2020. that is going on for two years.
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we found in the survey once the payments pick up again they will put a lot of americans under financial stress. david: can he apply for an extended deferment? is there any way to make application for that? >> yeah, so the good news there are options out there for federal student loan borrowers but if you're applying for additional forbearance or deferment it is a good idea to use this wisely because you only get a specific amount for per student loan. you don't want to use it up in case it is not a emergency situation, like job loss or less income. the good news there are options. it is important to take action now. david: some people have multiple federal loans, right? some people might be better off kind of combining it into one big loan, no? >> yes. so when we think about this though, we like to say it is kind of consolidating your federal student loans. this is a good option like you say, if you have multiple student loans, helping to reduce the monthly payment but there is
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some fine print here especially with the fact that the federal government will average out each interest rate on each of those loans when it gets to the new borrowing rate you're paying. there are some tradeoffs but it is really worth taking the calculation. david: how about refinancing from federal into a private loan? what are the pros and cons of that? >> yeah. absolutely. so we found in our survey very small share of americans with federal student loans plan to take action by refinancing into a private loan. just about 5%. and so when we think about refinancing into a private loan, the biggest tradeoff here is the fact that if there were to be additional help for someone like a federal forbearance program, potentially you would be giving that up because private lenders weren't a part of the forbearance period. maybe if you're someone who hopefully will pay this balance off quickly, it could really work in your favor especially if you can reduce your monthly payment and reduce your interest
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rate. david: sarah, i know you don't do politics. you deal with the money issues people have to deal with but i just want to ask you, the bbb plan, the build back better plan of the biden administration originally progressives put into it student loan forgiveness. weren't they forced to take that out? i believe that is no longer in the bbb plan, correct? >> yeah. well i think as we approach this conversation of federal student loans forgiveness, even something really not on the table right now i think kind of looking at survey finding like this, really seeing that it could weigh on the economy, it could potentially harm americans as well as by forcing them really to have to pay this money back, this is a conversation that won't be going away, but again, if you're someone who is worried about paying back your federal student loan i think it is a good idea not to really wait around for something we don't know when it will happen. david: you're right, particularly with senator manchin saying he will cut everything out of it he can.
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good to see you. thank you, sarah. thank you for the information t was very valuable, appreciate it. >> thank you. david: coming up next, penal county sheriff mark lamb, the biden wait in mexico is back but migrants continue to flow across the border. we'll take a look. you're watching "the evening edit" on fox business. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ experience the power of sanctuary at the lincoln wish list event. new projects means new project managers.
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this week the biden administration restart trump controversial remain in mexico immigration policy but is it doing anything to help mitigate the flow of migrants across our southern border? bill melugin isn't lawyer texas with the latest. >> we've heard from border patrol agent the last few days, the busiest upper entire career. as soon as the sun comes up here, the activity works with the family unit giving themselves up to border patrol the hs source telling us in the last 24 hours alone here in the rio grande valley, 1800 illegal immigrants apprehended. look at this video here, another large group of family units between 30 to 40 of them giving themselves up near the border
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wall. there was only one single border patrol agent at the time we had to process all of them, not just family units. runners constantly across as well. this is a group cap by border patrol paper handcuffs on and likely will be sent back to mexico. neon green cartel wristbands that say arrive on them. they've paid the cartel to get into the united states. that is not just happening here in texas this is out of yuma arizona sector, border patrol is completely overwhelmed. reports indicate 3000 illegal immigrants and for cultural custody with 800 more sitting camped out waiting by the border, waiting to be taken into custody. one of the migrants said basically they are trying to get across as fast as i can because of the reimplementation of the remain in mexico policy. >> we are planning to come here but because of the new law, it's almost impossible.
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>> when it comes to that policy, what we are hearing is at first being rolled out in el paso and then brownsville in the write up. so far, nothing has been restarted where we are in the rio grande valley or del rio. those are the biggest hotspots. we'll have to wait and see if they plan to bring it back down here and in del rio. >> great stuff, thank you very much. last month u.s. customs and border protection encountered 164,000 migrants attempting to cross us-mexico border. that's an increase of 128% over the october number from master assuming for a moment the biden team really want to slow down to illegal border crossings, what are they doing wrong? taken up with penile county sheriff, advisory committee member sheriff mark lam, good to see you. thanks for being here. first of all, remain in mexico policy, the reinstallation of
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that policy help things down at the border? >> it will help eventually but my first reaction is it's about time. the judge told them to do this august 24. it's been three months. can you imagine if you or i would have failed to comply or defy judges order for three months but i guarantee you with therapy a different set of punishment for us for not following that. at least they are now doing it, i know they are milking this out as long as they can and until they implement it, it will have a whipping tail effect. you have all these people in transit trying to get here before that happens so this won't happen immediately but it has to happen so long term we can fix this.
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>> the bottom line, their heart isn't in it. it does seem they are not that interested in stopping the flow, the biden administration, jen psaki about the remain in mexico policy set we did not eagerly reimplemented so the bottom line is i think the word has gotten out in the immigrant communities at the border at this administration wants open immigration, that's what i am sensing, do you as well? >> i think you hit it right in the head. the heart is not in it in their messaging says as much and they are saying week week, we are not really going to do this and that's the message they are getting trying to come here to this country. they are being told this administration will let you come here, just get there, he will get in and i think that message is still going out. until we change that, who will still have problems. >> states on their own to deal with the crisis, the state have to deal with citizens having immigrants trampled their land from a trespass and etc., having
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to deal with the covid outbreaks from the immigrants and etc. now texas is sending out both into areas of the rio grande to guard with their own navy. >> good, they should. federal government is not going to do the job and i'm glad they are stepping up to do it. they've abandoned us. they've turned their back on this issue whether it will fully or out of ignorance, they've failed to protect the american people and it's not just arizona or california, it's in america problem. i promise if you have it in your community and you have cartel and your community as well. their trafficking human beings every day in the left doesn't care about that. things like methamphetamine and fentanyl into your community and it's killing our youth in this presidency is turning their back. we need to stand together and protect america join us and
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protect america we are going to fight against this. >> their trafficking human beings, children and very often leaving them out in the wilderness, it's horrible what's going on. thank you for the work you do, appreciate it. >> thank you, i appreciate your. >> i am in for elizabeth mcdonald, this is the evening at it. that does it for us, thanks for watching. have a great evening. ♪♪ kennedy: one of the reasons i decided the government everything takes longer when a lumbering bureaucracy tries to get anything done. the surgeon general came out with a new/issuing a public health advisory about kids and their declining mental health post pandemic. thanks for the update but if you been paying attention to any of the studies and statistics from the last year end a half or even before, you would have seen the painful decline happening in real time. if you would have pulled your head out of
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