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tv   Cavuto Coast to Coast  FOX Business  December 21, 2021 12:00pm-2:00pm EST

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stuart: turkey. we have a winner. today's winner is john vereb, from indian, he will be receiving a signed company of the "all-american christmas." if you didn't want today, you have chances all week long. we have 200 emails coming at us in the first few seconds of the contest, amazing. time's up for me. neil. it's yours. neil: thank you, very, very much, stuart. we're following what is going on with the markets today, obviously rebounding, coming back off the worst levels here. the notion the administration will lay out guidelines to get through this, maybe get more people, you know, at least home tests, maybe half a billion of them out to the public in martie of weeks. that is easing some concerns that we were falling behind the curve on this, we might still be but the fact of the matter across the board, major markets and so-called recovery stocks are back in recovery mode. nike and boeing, taking it on
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the chin. on reopening plays, airlines, united, delta, each up about 3%. some of the casinos, caesars entertainment leading that group with 4%. carnival was shellacked 5% yesterday, up a like amount today. a lot of this goes back to the notion as widespread and contagious omicron seems to be it is not for time being thought to be extremely dangerous. that is efforts many are taking across the globe, including the changes the president will outline in about 2 1/2 hours might go a long way easing some of those anxieties. jacqui heinrich at the white house on what the president is planning to do, jackie port hey, neil. we'll have another covid speech from the president. sounds a lot like we heard before. a stark warning to unvaccinated americans they are driving
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hospitalizations and deaths are very high-risk for this infection, also a message to vaccinated people, look, omicron is very contagious, you may get a break-through case. if you do, more likelik tikbe mi o o osytoc.mpto e thidilt ttlel peoeeo ilewhe wulhoec age s s cumrsumrs what e b be hools tooo immuni fm f vnes, vs, aperti,roto,cols,lsls su bchut,tetehosehosehose coury isrys gngng baracar no fward in terms oms isooks lett christmas testingst leseses snakingkiro ad orts eoranled, b shows ow cce c c andnd shocance. some sights of last winter are about to return. the president will announce 1000 u.s. servicemembers deployed to overburdened hospitals in january and february. new vaccination clinics and testing sites run by the federal
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government popping up and we'll have more access to free testing. the white house is buying half a billion home rapid tests sending them to peoples homes for free. the only problem they will not get there until january, not in time for holiday gatherings. begs the question if the administration had done this two weeks ago, when jen psaki sounded like absurd idea. >> why not make them free, give them out to have them available everywhere? >> should we send one to every american? >> maybe. >> what happens if every american has one test. how much does that cost, then what happens after that? >> all i know other countries are making them available in greater countries for less money. reporter: if you try to get your hands on a test lately at a pharmacy, might have seen bear shelves or limit how much you can purchase. time span between december 6th, when jen psaki said that when dad h today they need to start sending them to
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people's homes. they want to shut down the economy at all costs, that will be the objective to push through, neil. neil: looking forward to hear what the president has to say, jacqui. jacqui heinrich at the white house. let's getted read from doctor martin marietta who has been critical of the approach dr. marty makary. getting test kits out to upwards of 500 million people in this country, what do you think of that? >> well look, i think it is needed. it will help, testing does help. testing is the not the solution. what we see a quick retraction to the old same talking points that we heard from this white house on blaming the unvaccinated, ignoring natural immunity and talking about testing. we got a giant reservoir of powerful therapeutics that are either already available or are sitting on the desk of the fda and need to be available
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immediately. these are self-inflicted wounds that need to be addressed with early treatment. we cannot contain a high respiratory pathogen at this point. we need to shift attention to early treatment. we have not heard the language from the white house. neil: we might be, i don't want to jump the gun, doctor, lucky, with omicron. while contagious it doesn't seem to be very dangerous. that might be a lucky break. there could be another variant arises much more serious. how do you see this play out. >> influenza may infect 20% of u.s. population in martie of five or six months f we were to go bananas on testing everybody for influenza, we could create mass hysteria but instead we try to take a reasonable approach. with omicron it is basically a common cold illness for the vast majority of people who get it. now we have laboratory evidence
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of that. that is not infecting lung tissue deep in the respiratory system very efficiently. we have bedside observations from south africa and we have epidemiological data on that. we have all the pieces fitting together this is a mild respiratory path owe again. we're seeing complete sort of overreaction to it. it is not blowing it off. if a kid has five respiratory infections, common colds in their childhood, would we say they need to be masked k-12? we would say we need to take some medium of an approach. neil: so let me ask you about some of the responses to this on the part of cities, states, governments around the world including washington, d.c., reimposing these mask mandates, doctor, the same city that now is requiring all city employees to get vaccinated by a deadline or they can't report to work, it might not be paid?
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in los angeles they're skipping in-person new year's eve celebration in favor of something streamlined. what do you make of all that? >> so, neil, there are four coronaviruses that have circulated every viral season for decades, probably centuries if we had dna pressing testing prior to the 1960s f you have a respiratory pathogen every year you can do measures you hear about, cans he is events, go into closures, put restrictions on them or find a way to live with it. there is the inability to accept that we need to find a happy medium. neil: so if we fail to find that happy medium, people as you know, doctor, freak out, just the contagious nature of all of this, to your point balancing out very few serious cases at least to date, but they do freak out. they kind of self-restrict in the process no matter what
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governments do, how do you advise we deal with this? >> so what we're doing, neil, the mistake we're making as a country, is that we're conflating two different virus strains. we're conflating omicron which is basically another version of the common cold more ubiquitous and delta in non-immune adults. delta in non-immune adults is a serious public health threat. it is accounting for 7,000 people a day showing up in u.s. hospitals. most of them regret they are not got vaccinated. they are not immune have no natural vaccination immunity. that is where our attention should be put. we have powerful therapeutics we're not using. tell me if you ever hear the administration talk about fluvoxamine, a drug out for years, 10 bucks, reduced covid deaths by 90% in clinical trials. that is the not controversy of. eye very mechanic tin
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ivermectin. i don't know how the human being can sit on the application when 1000 americans die every day. they are have not scheduled a meeting with their advisors. what are they doing? it's a safe drug with no controversy. neil: i didn't know that, dr. marty makary taking a step back trying to make a sense of all of this. the markets are stepping back from worst levels, three down days in a row, 5% off major averages. many coming back particularly on the nasdaq on the notion, maybe, maybe, the idea that the economy would stop in the post-pandemic coming out party was going to be curtailed. there is no way of knowing because we do have these extremes. for example, the russell 2000 which has been getting clobbered. small stocks tend to be sensitive to any disruption. up 3%. the s&p 500, dow up a little more than a point each,
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percentage point i should say. you're seeing extend as really badly beaten down stocks being beaten down, not all of them. kenny polcari, slatestone strategist. kenny what is real today or what we experienced yesterday and two days prior? >> i got to tell i think kind of a downdraft we experienced the last couple days is more real going into the new year, right? the market is forecasting what it thinks will be a turbulent four to six months in front of us. that is all around policy, fed policy, macroeconomic data, interest rate policy. i think yesterday's kind of sell-off was exacerbated by you know, the headlines that said it is raging around the world and spreading like wildfire, creating all this angst in the marketplace amongst investors, certainly amongst the algos? read the headline. they don't understand the interpretation. neil: talking about algorithms.
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talking about algorithms that just capture a word or phrase and seize on it. but funny you mention that because the knee-jerk reaction when we get news like this for the market to sell off you might think this buy the dip mentality would hold then if people realize this is a classic knee-jerk market response. that won't naturally hold but how do you play developments when word comes crackdowns in asia and europe on a spreading pandemic? >> depends who you are. if you are a long term investor built a real portfolio that you built to generate wealth and generational wealth for a long time you don't necessarily react. like yesterday, during all that stuff i actually was a buyer of stocks, i was not a seller of stocks at all because there were things that became available. as a long term investor look at the portfolio, the names you like, understand is this selling off because the fundamentally the story has changed or these
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hysterical headlines caused that. today's bounce i think you know as kind of a dead-cat bounce because i think the story is not about omicron, not about the delta virus or covid. i think it is much more about policy going forward. that is what will cause turbulent. even with that you prepare yourself for being defensive. you put money into defensive names. you kind of look at your portfolio. get rid of some of the outlyers and concentrate on the foundation. neil: so let me ask you about how the rest of this year goes. we have heady advances, double-digit advances, strong double-digit advances, 20 plus percent, dow, s&p, nasdaq, third year in a row we've had that normally, normally the following year after such a hat trick is decidedly more subdued. >> right. neil: "wall street journal" talked about last week 2% return. i don't know if you're in that camp. >> no. neil: what are you looking for
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next year? >> i am in the camp it is return to normal. in last couple years, nasdaq was up 40% last year, don't forget. it is up another 17% as of now. i think we borrowed a little bit. i think a more return to normal. to me the normal is eight and 10, 10 and 12 when you add it all in. i don't think we'll see another year of 22 or 20% gains pen in the market. that is rightly so. it should pull back. we can't continue this rapid growth the way we have and especially in 2022 when you're talking about a changing fed, changing ecb, changing bank of england and interest rates and what the outlook is going to look like in terms of the economic environment. so i'm more in the camp that it is all good but if anyone is expect another 25% up market in the s&p next year i think you will be a little bit disappointed. be happy with the 10 or 12 you will get because that is really a return to normal.
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neil: that is still a pretty good return after everything we've had. >> it's a great return. neil: not barely any advancing at all, barely 2%, "wall street journal" and others, you still think it would be okay? 10 is certainly not shabby. >> i think it will be okay. now, listen if the fed suddenly becomes so hawkish they start raising rate in larger increments, go from 25 basis points which the market expects to 50 basis point moves, all bets are off. there will be a much more tush lint market. maybe "the wall street journal" is right. i don't expect the fed will do unless they have not been telling us the truth all along. they go suddenly we're behind the eight ball. we need to play catchup. that would be only reason my kind of analysis and thought process would change. neil: got it. kenny, great catching up with you on this. kenly polcari wrapping up. backing up 10-year to 1.48%.
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with all the angst out there we're kind of returning to a little bit after norm right now. remember yields had plummeted yesterday on the notion it would be a go slow recovery here around the omicron spread had maybe curtailed this whole post-pandemic coming out party. less so the sentiment today. then there is washington. when we come back why they're trying to build back build back better even though joe manchin wants no part of it. maybe we're misreading the tea leaves. after this. ♪.
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♪. neil: well they're trying to build back build back better. chuck schumer not giving up on the notion it will be put up to a vote next year with or without joe manchin but that might prove to be a tall task. aishah hasnie has the manueverrers on capitol hill. reporter: a lot of manueverrers for sure, that is a great word, neil. good afternoon to you. there will be a big democratic,
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democrats will have a big call to talk about how the heck they move forward with build back better. not clear yet if senator joe manchin will be on the call. if he chooses not to join that call, then, neil, democrats have a big problem. perhaps they need to build back better their relationships first. so right now both house and senate leadership are moving forward. they do not feel deterred at least publicly by senator joe manchin's no vote. leader schumer says we will vote on bbb very early in the new year and keep voting until it gets done. but progressives, boy, oh, boy, they are raging against manchin right now. on a call yesterday, house proggas sieve chair, pramila jayapal said quote, abundantly clear we cannot trust what senator manchin said. progressives are drumming up their own plan. ayanna pressley pressing the senate now for a vote to put
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lawmakers on the record. she wants people to demonstrate on the record the contempt they have for their constituents, their words. aoc says biden needs to lean on his executive authority now, delaying and underutilizing it so far, things like climate, student debt a lot of back and forth between manchin and the white house now. manchin said he spoke to the president before going on "fox news sunday" and announcing his no decision but a white house statement then suggested that he actually reversed his position. while manchin is blaming white house staffers for allegedly leaking stories about him. >> they figure, surely to god we can move one person. surely we can badger and beat one person up. surely we can get enough protesters to make that person uncomfortable enough. they will say okay, i will vote for anything. i quit. guess what? i'm from west virginia, i'm not from where they're from, and think they can beat the living crap out of people to be
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submissive. reporter: this is happening with another backdrop of a situation in the democratic party. three more democrats announced they will not seek re-election that brings the total now close now to two dozen, 23, just about half of that on the republican side. so a lot of things to build back at this moment. neil? neil: yeah. including goodwill. ashiah, thank you very much. aishah hasnie following developments on capitol hill. senator bill hagerty, tennessee republican kind enough to join us. senator, if joe manchin wanted to become a republican would you welcome him? >> well, certainly we would, neil. we welcome taking back control of the senate. i'm sure leader mcconnell would like to become majority leader again. remember it is a 50-50 senate right now. this is not any type of mandate chuck schumer is seemingly acting as though he has. we're in a dead set 50-50 senate. the only reason they have control because they control the
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white house. of course we would be happy to have joe manchin -- neil: he could also become an independent, caucus with the democrats. >> yep. neil: there is that, how would you feel about that? >> well that is a possibility as well, neil, getting to the bottom of it, what we saw joe manchin listening to his constituents in west virginia the same way that i do, listen to my constituents in tennessee. they don't want this. the american public does not want this quote, build back better plan at a time we've got massive inflation. they want to pour more fuel on the fire. they want to destroy the oil and gas industry. they want to attack job creators. this is not the time or place he to be doing this. joe manchin is listening to his constituents the same way 50 other republicans listening to theirs. there are 51 senators against this now, not just one. neil: when chuck schumer, senator, talks about revisiting this next year, getting it up for a vote, i guess he wants to see if senators certainly on his side are for or against this,
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including manchin. it would seem to be a preordained vote but what do you make of that strategy? >> i think this is just reflection of anger. it is a reflection of fear. you think about people like chuck schumer who are concerned about getting primaried from the far left of this party. that is what is driving this sort of behavior. it underscores the fact the far left have taken over the democrat party. they're driving it harder and harder. you heard earlier democrats in the house calling for the senate to take action. that is not their position or place. they're driving activity in the senate because the far left has that much control over the democrat party. neil: senator, switching gears, we're told that the president is going to outline a plan to get ahead of what is going on with omicron. that would include sending out 500 million test kits to americans to see for themselves, you know, where they stand with the virus. he is also avoiding any mandates or anything like that, widespread lockdowns for the time-being but he hasn't ruled that out.
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what do you make of the stance he is taking? >> i think he is back at another crisis again. you remember he ran on a platform being able to deal with this crisis, deal within the pandemic. within 100 days we'll be in much better place. we don't have test kits in place. we're not prepared for this the new surge. back with another joe biden crisis. what we see is more react mode, more spin. will he go back to mandates? it will depend what the polls tell him, neil. what we need is actually leadership at this point. we need real preparation, we need to see the public health position in a place to take care of the american public. that is what we need right now. neil: we'll watch it closely, senator, very good seeing you. hope you have a very merry christmas. senator bill hagerty. >> thank you. neil: beautiful, popular state, tennessee. a place people are moving to. favorable tax environment, all of that. meantime here you know what is going on at the grocery store and soaring prices. yet another prominent democrat, this time elizabeth warren, saying the fault may not rest
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with democrats. the fault at least at the grocery store may lie at the grocery store. ♪ the living room slash yoga shanti slash regional office slash... and this is the basement slash panic room. maybe what your family needs is a vacation home slash vacation home. (vo) t-mobile for business helps small business owners app.
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neil: food for thought. run-up in too food prices, or democrats in charge, but maybe the grocery store you're shopping at, at least the grocery store chains responsible for that grocery store, it does seem like a bit of a stretch right now, might be a simple case of supply and demand but this would follow a familiar pattern we're seeing cabals are in place keeping energy prices rocketing and a hot of retail
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goods rocketing, having nothing to do with those in washington, everything to do with juggernaut of evil mining cheaters. edward lawrence following all of that in washington, edward? reporter: neil, senator elizabeth warren testing positive for covid but putting pressure on those corporations. she believes inflation is caused by corporate greed. she sent a letter to the grocery store publix, referencing in that letter the profits that albertsons, crossing hears made as inflation is rising. in that letter she says i'm writing to request information on what steps our companies that what steps your company is taking to protect consumers and not making sure your profits are over the needs of consumers amidst the an unprecedented global crisis. last month she went after big oil and gas companies with the same kind of accusation. she reiterated those in a hearing this month. white house press secretary says
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corporate greed is lifting inflation. president is trying to lift sagging poll numbers. only 31% say it has been a good year, that is a very personal poll, which could reflect a vote against incumbents in some areas. now if you go out on the street you ask 10 people, seven of them will say that 2021 is a bad year for the country. that number is eight points lower than what people thought of 2020. it gets at the heart of what we're hearing from small business owners. listen. >> i really don't think he understands that people better than 65% of america is made of nothing but small business. we're also the number one employer for all of the united states. it is not big business, it is not microsoft. it is not amazon. it is the small businesses per capita for how many people we actually employ. reporter: she is talking about president joe biden. it is not just small business owners. some workers are feeling the
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same. they're feeling down this holiday as well as some independent voters according to the polls from fox business. back to you, neil. neil: edward lawrence thank you very much, my friend. i want to go to the legendary restaurant brands ceo of bennigan's chairman around see know. only thing bugs me about paul, i mention it again and again, runs a restaurant empire, not a pound overweight. i still like him. he is an expert and rely on the expertise. thank you. you're worried about your industry right now. could you end up seeing a situation worse than what you were dealing with and your industry was dealing with last year, right? >> neil, great to see you. gasparino and i have a workout challenge going back and forth. we'll see what happens next year. but you're absolutely right, it is deja vu all over again. you know how much i love my brands, they're iconic, they have been around 50 years,
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fighting the good fight as all other business owners especially small business, very correctly pointed out, that we are the fabric, the engine that drives the economy and yet we get absolutely no help from joe biden peace administration. the only help we got was from the trump administration. let me give you an example. you know, biden keeps talking about paying your fair share from a tax standpoint. i think we in our small business and especially in the the restaurant industry would like them pay fair share back to the industry through the programs that were funded by the sba. there were a couple like the employee retention credit as an example. we just had that not only canceled, come out through the balance of the year but pulled back until september of this year. meaning we are now writing
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checks to the government. crazy. the small business was being funded through the restaurant revitalization program, canceled. they ran out of money. how could that happen? there was a economic injury disaster loan that was available. it disappeared. you can't get ahold of anybody. you can't get any staff. where is the ppp? we're no better off than we were at the beginning of the pandemic now. you can see the writing on the wall. look, there is always going to be optimism, we always see the glass is half full but can we get a little bit of help from biden and his administration? neil: i'm wondering whether the help would be what you want? because right now you're dealing with local and state governments across the country that ares are clamping down in new york metropolitan area requiring vaccination proof to go into restaurants but up to the restaurants to do it, not the government, they will be
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penalized if they don't do it. i'm wondering whether this goes right into the new year and that restaurants which have taken a disproportionate hit on this virus will continue that? because nothing, certainly out of washington is going to change? >> we're always the first to get hit when something like this occurs and it has been almost two years now. and so, yeah, we adjusted our schedules, we look for labor, where we can get it, why is the government paying people to stay home. they should provide -- and states for that matter as you correctly pointed out, should provide incentive for people to go back to work. inflationary, interest rates, all the aspects are having a deleterious effect on our business. we need help not only from the state but the federal government. biden has been in politics for over 40 years and he always followed the democratic policy. it is now time for him to leave. we need some leadership more --
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[inaudible] neil: let me get your sense what you see in your restaurants. when i go into many, i notice that you might wait a little longer for your food. there is a shortage of workers. i think most americans are quite understanding about that, but i do wonder about americans, hearing about the omicron spread here, think twice about going to any public setting including restaurants. do you worry about that? >> no, absolutely. as this panic is being generated throughout the country now, even though we have already read the science, that it is not as acute as the delta or the original coronavirus, people have changed their eating habits, their buying habits, they're staying home. neil: yeah. >> we deployed the curbside pickup avenues. we signed a deal with three kitchens and doing delivery. that is just to stay afloat.
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that is not a major source of income for us. it is really, everybody wants to socialize. you know the world famous monte chris toe is the famous sandwich. i would like to serve it to you in our restaurant but if you feel leery about coming in, don't want to socialize, especially the travesty de blasio did with the overreach with the vaccination cards, he is killing the businesses and very people that not only put him in office but he is killing the engine that drives new york city. it is a shame and it is obviously being spread throughout the country and for that matter for the world right now. neil: it is wild. he has another week plus to go. we'll see what happens after this. paul, thank you very, very much. have a merry christmas, my friend. let me know the workout regimen between gaspo and you, i might at least drive next to you while you're doing it. >> you're always welcome. neil: i would be the weak link
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there. paul, have a great one. in the meantime you probably heard about the spreading nature of the omicron thing and that goes without saying but one royal caribbean ship just returning to port, nearly 50 cases of omicron, 50 cases. what's going on in? ♪
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♪♪ care. it has the power to change the way we see things.
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♪♪ it inspires us to go further. ♪♪ it has our back. and goes out of its way to help. ♪♪ when you start with care, you get a different kind of bank. truist. born to care. neil: all right, omicron rebound continues for all the major market averages after three days of a shell lacking wondering whether the world would shut down. that is a pattern when we get stressful news on a variant, omicron, wildly contagious, so far not deemed dangerous. they sell first, ask questions later, start reassessing things later. today could be that day. we're seeing across the board comeback on so-called reopening
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plays. they would be airlines and casinos. they would also be the cruise lines, not all right now are being buffetted by the same force of nature here but we should also emphasize here that not all cruise lines are getting through this without some scares including at royal caribbean, let's get the latest on that, from madison alworth in tampa. madison? reporter: neil, royal caribbean cruise you mentioned they did have an outbreak recently, 48 passengers testing positive, creating a new set of protocols for the company. if you're failing on royal caribbean at least through the new year, you need to bring your masks, masks are required everywhere inside unless you are actively eating or drinking or in your own room. you will also need it outside if you cannot maintain six feet of distance. they're really making that adjustment after those 48 cases that popped up on one of their cruise ships. if you're on board one of these cruises you do have to be
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vaccinated. everyone over 12 must be vaccinated, they are requiring negative tests. even still covid-19 cases are being reported not just on royal caribbean but across the cruise industry. of the 110 cruise ships operating or planning on operating soon in u.s. waters, 30% have been coded yellow. what that means is, they have enough covid cases on board for a cdc investigation. the investigation does not mean that the ship stops sailing, really important to note. simply means more information is gathered and the ship is monitored. if it escalates the ship could be assigned red status, then have more serious complications. right now no ships are red status. as a result travel agents are seeing some people postpone their trips but very few cancellations. >> really hoping this is a only a couple of weeks of disruption and that, people will maintain their confidence and will feel safe about traveling. reporter: cruises departing the u.s. they tend to pick up in
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popularity after the holiday season. so, time will tell if omicron has an impact on those itineraries. for now, no future trips have been canceled as a result of cases that popped up. neil, this industry is really just building back from the pandemic, very much still coming out of it. only about 50% of the ships available are sailing right now with passengers. the plan in 2022 is to add more and more to the high seas but with these cases and with mask requirements, we're going to have to see if that actually ends up happening. neil? neil: madison, thank you so much for that. madison alworth following the cruise industry, how it is dealing with the fits and starts. meantime how is major league sports dealing with this? the nhl is in a pause mode. not across the board, reassessing order of games, how they proceed. nba, nfl, three games were canceled with the deal of rising covid cases. how does this get? doug eldridge, sports agency
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founder. doug, where are we right now for professional sports and this whole covid scare? >> it is an evolving scene, sir and i think the question for many like myself whether or not the end of 2021 sport will serve as the proverbial canary in the coal mine for the rest of the country, much in the same way it did for march of 2020, when all of this really broke so to speak. you mentioned the nhl. six teams paused play. the league paused any type of travel between the u.s. and canada, at least the other side of christmas. the nba has seen unbelievable spikes across the board including the nets in your backyard at one point had 10 players on the covid list. even brought back kyrie irving to play away games because he refused to get vaccinated. nhl, three games are being rescheduled for the first time this season. omicron spreads
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very fast and is largely symptomatic. neil: is this rule of thumb or mathematical, doug? one player or two contracts positive for the virus, double digits, a third or more on the team, that is a different story. how do they play this? >> well, not to give you a wishy-washy answer but both objective and subjective. on the objective side leading to numbers you referenced, for example, week 14 of the nfl there were more positive tests of covid than in the first three months of this season. approximately 200 players tested positive. 150 of which were put on the covid list. but scary enough, nearly 2/3 of those were asymptomatic, which in large part is the tale of the tape when it comes to omicron. the subjective part that i referenced somewhat of inconsistency, that is how this enforced. commissioner goodell, staying with the nfl -- [inaudible]. neil: we have some audio issues
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there. i apologize for that. suffice it to say so far no one is out right canceled their seasons. nba, nhl, closest to that freezing in place is the nhl, we're watching this very, very closely as we are the dow jones industrials, s&p, 500, nasdaq, racing ahead today after three days of major league selling, but the same issues that were hit on the notion that the economy globally would slow as more entertained restrictions if not outright lockdowns. they seem to be getting over that fear. that this is contagious and it is widespread and we are seeing a lot of governments do things that worry markets but not as many and not as sweeping. stay with us. ♪. ♪ red roses too ♪ ♪ i see them bloom ♪ ♪ for me and you ♪
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neil: you know most of us when we think of tiktok, we think of some cool dancing videos and the rest but this next guest did something rather original on the site, some 18 months starting with a bobbi pin, eventually a series of trades hope would eventually get her a home. as impossible as it might sound she did it and she joineds right
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now. skipper began what i think in may 2020, was, almost 30 different trades where you started with a bobbi pin, worked yourself to other trades that eventually got you a house. how the heck did you do that? >> exactly. step by step. start with something very small. you find somebody interested in that something small, something else for the next thing and you then continue on. neil: when you started with the bobbi pin, how did it go from there. next trade and thing from that, you don't have to go through all 30 trades but how did it build up. >> i started with a bobby pin. trying to find people interested in the bobby pin. she gave me a earings. margarita glasses, snowboard, apple tv, it continued to go up. finding somebody interested in the item that you have.
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neil: did they know your eventual goal, when you worked your way up to apple tv, that you were not stopping there. you trade that for something better. did they know that was for pursuit of a home? >> so the first 14 trades out of the 28 that i made had no idea it was part of a journey. they were just simply interested in whatever i had. figured they would make a trade. the first half had no idea. but as it obviously grew on social media i couldn't really avoid it. people say i recognize you. i know sort of what you're doing. so the second half definitely knew the journey. it was cool the first half had no idea. neil: what was special about the bobbi pin to begin with? >> absolutely nothing. the woman said she had a air of earings, she thought they were ugly so she gave them to me. neil: now you're a homeowner. >> now i'm a homeowner. 28 trades a year and seven months later, i have a "house"
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in clarksville, tennessee. neil: that is amazing. amazing. i can't tell you the number of people are getting ideas for what you just did. god bless you. see what happens. congratulations. demi skipper, started with almost like a something out of the lottery. it starts with a bobby pin and a dream. i will work on it. more after this. some days, you just don't have it. not my uncle, though. he's taking trulicity for his type 2 diabetes and now, he's really on his game. once-weekly trulicity lowers your a1c by helping your body release the insulin it's already making. most people reached an a1c under 7%. plus, trulicity can lower your risk of cardiovascular events. it can also help you lose up to ten pounds.
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>> first off on what the president outlined today including getting test kits to upwards of 500 million people in this country, what do you think of that? >> i think it is needed, testing does help but is not the solution we need to turn our attention to early treatment we cannot contain a highly transmissible respiratory pathogen at this point. we can try with testing until people to be careful but we need to shift the attention to early treatment would not hurt that language from the white house. >> we might hear that language from the president of the united states in 90 minutes when the president is going to renew his push to get people vaccinated in this country make testing more available particularly to the omicron virus. he is also proposing ways to make travel safer, more vaccines to the rest of the world he said it would be in our interest to see that happen. there is a lot planned, hillary vaughn with the very latest on
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what could be in the offering. >> the white house is taking action today in long lines and testing centers by bringing the testing to your living room. the white house will announce today the distributor 500 million free at-home covid test kits, you can request a kit for free. the website is not good to be set up until january after the new year. right now it won't fix the longline the people need to feel safe gathering with family this holiday. take a look at this line in arlington virginia it's been wrapped around the block, there is a high demand some testing locations here in arlington ran out of kits yesterday. this morning the public library is here and they ran out of kits and hour after opening they won't get a new shipment until after the new year.
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wait times in your choir yesterday some people reported waiting seven hours in the cold just to get a test. >> that's a little extreme, seven hours, that today's work. >> a few minutes early the line was around the block and we were getting get in line and they ran a test before we got in line. >> it's frustrating that there's not more accessibility. >> you can make an appointment but when they fill up you cannot do anything. with omicron they did not anticipate all the testing. we probably would have been tested had omicron not hit because rob vaccinated. >> the cdc on their website says the safest way together for the holidays is to get tested even if you're vaccinated. were looking at the lines everyone we talked to are here not because of showing symptoms or close contacts, they want the
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reassurance before gathering for the holidays. that's what the cdc recommended they did not prepare for people to show up and do that. >> certainly the numbers. thank you very much following all of that. in case you're keeping track wondering what's going to be closed or not some businesses are usual billy joel is still performing at madison square garden. the rockettes hung up for the remainder of the season, number christmas spectacular shows, susan li is keeping track of the things that are on and the things that are now off. >> no high kicks for the rockettes, some may have come down you still had crowds packed into madison square garden on monday to watch the legendary billy joel perform omicron did not stop billy joel, for
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performing for thousands of fans that crammed in speaking of music man that is the name of hugh jackman's broadway show which raised the curtain on the opening performance on monday night. there are shows that must go on. there are shows that are not now temporary closures for hamilton, harry potter and evan hansen among those just burn out temporarily. we did hear from mayor bill de blasio he believes the omicron will peak in a matter of weeks. the number of caseloads doubling over the past week in new york, now new york is paying hundred dollars to residents to get their booster shots across the pond speaking of cancellation the annual economic form, the enclave of the world's riches and influential that has been postponed until early summer. the second year in a row the event will not take place in the swiss alps, last year's was delayed until the summer time and ultimately canceled an event held since 1974.
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but still going ahead the consumer electronic the ces is taking place in las vegas, "the claman countdown" team confirming extra covid precautions in place and that does include vaccine requirements, extra testing but the 50-year-old tradition will be held next month in sin city. neil: thank you susan. speaking of the things that are changing in new york we are learning that mayor elect eric adams is postponing his inauguration. in new york that is done usually on the first of the year, generally first new year's day. we don't know how much he is postponing it or what would be done. and in that gap the inauguration simply means there is no formal recognition that is changed hands in the big apple. it is beautiful event ever seen that before. there is a report coming in with abc news. the corner of your screen it's a
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reminder that every time the market gets shellacked, even though this was significant you're rewarded if you stay patient your dip if you don't do that. eventually that will not always pay him now. today scott martin, what do you think of the strategy. it's richly rewarding investors if they hung tight it can't always be that way but it seems to be again not make it a big deal out of one day, what do you think? >> the riches do calm to those who are patient and those who stay on the path. as an investment advisor every day you looking at stocks to buy were psychologically counseling clients to hang in there and to your point don't be a dip in by the dip, find that cash or the wherewithal to rebalance some of the names that are doing better
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or worse depending on the day and allocating to games that look really bad a couple things in the last couple of days material space we talked about last week are names that are way down and completely indiscriminately sold they feel terrible when you put the buy order in but there once a balance on days like today because they get so hated on they're down days like we saw earlier this week and late last week. neil: how are you playing next year normally after three years of double digit advances of 20%, the very least on the fourth year things are dramatically summing down read in the wall street journal no more than two or 3% next year where are you on this? >> 2020 was supposed to be the great depression and 2021. the more i hear those predictions, the more i like here we go to all-time highs.
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however, playing next year probably sucking my thumb and hiding under my desk. just because sometimes we talked about this in the last few weeks sometimes it's best to turn away a little bit and think about how stocks are positively sloped over time. think about their name reports that we see from the apples and the adobe in the visas and all the companies out there that are part of our daily lives and they are so great product developers and part of her future that we know were gonna have in you just have to be confident that these companies are going to figure out profit margins, the get a figure on hiring and r&d and those of the companies we want to own in our stock portfolio and those of the companies as referred the dire predictions those are the ones that beat out the prediction and return well to our investors. neil: do they include the well-known names, the amazon, apple, microsoft, the technology
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that i know, how do you pick your winners that have a winning record when it comes to earnings and company forecast. right now holding up pretty strongly. we call this the pregnant pause. i apologize for that. just to let you know where what are the things that they look for technology stocks. they were disproportionately returning about 40% last year, 35% the year before that, 36% the year before that they do for a slowdown of matter how spectacular their earnings and their guidance looks. there is no way of knowing that that is one of the things that is out there and what are the points i wanted to race with scott but i apologize for the technical difficulties but then omicron related. something that is omicron related the latest report from jonathan syrian atlanta there
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looking at moderna and a booster shot. moderna is saying right now could be the trick against omicron, can you explain that. >> to things going on, the existing booster appears to offer a lot of protection but also working on booster specifically targeting the variance. more on that in a moment. omicron variant has been confirmed in every u.s. state except for two oklahoma and south dakota in texas authorities have confirmed the first omicron related death, houston-area man in his 50s, he was unvaccinated and underlying health conditions. >> we will have hospitalizations, tragically deaths like we see now. the evidence shows for those vaccinated and with the boosters is much less likely. >> withered of release new data showing the current booster shot produces a 37 fold increase in
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omicron neutralizing antibodies. pfizer really similar data earlier this month, this is important, without boosters existing vaccines are less effective against the new variant. >> delta seems to go through like wildfire in certain states. a lot of it has to do with being unvaccinated. unfortunately with omicron being on boosted almost as equivalent to being vaccinated. >> it's a new normal concerns about omicron and the surgeon cases in general has affected holiday gatherings and created a huge demand for covid test take a look at the view in south florida showing long lines of cards in a testing site were hearing about long lines in other states. sources tell box five new york the covid surge will lead to reduced capacity and mandatory masking at new year's eve ball drop in times square in the mayor announcing $100 incentive
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to everyone who gets a booster shot before the new year. back to you. neil: thank you very much for that, jonathan serrie following these developments. a related issue thailand is extending its nationwide quarantine in effect particularly for vulnerable parts of the population. we don't know exactly how they implemented that. they are resuming it. this is something that they were doing six month ago. i don't know the details. we know and québec in canada they've expanded closures and limited capacity restrictions that will have pubs, restaurants and theaters working in some areas. i don't "back at half capacity. were keeping track of the daily case count that they get. omicron is spreading at a 20%. 20% more cases than the prior
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day. we should stipulate as scary as these cases are and their seriousness, we've only seen about an uptick of 2.5% in deaths worldwide. that does not just include omicron it includes deaths from covid, covey case is up 20%, deaths barely 3%. we thought we would give you that perspective. stay with us you're watching fox business. ♪
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(judith) yep, we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments we're clearly different.
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neil: the president's popularity has never been lower, 41% of america's approving and 55% disapproving. fox news contributor said a very good read very good writer and thinker american radio show host forbes can shooting writer as well. richard do you think this might be more than a general indictment and this is actually coming from usually reliable democratic base including the
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african-american vote? can you expect? >> thank you for having me you're absolutely right after interviewing working-class americans and pulling data from strategies they do a tracking pool that tracks the attitude of african-americans. what we see happening is a down tick from inauguration day to where we are today. literally sloping as far down as possible the approval rating of african-american voters. what are the main reasons in our interview and reporting black voters feel as the president is not having a direct conversation they feel like they have real issues and the president is not talking to them about their issues and as we all know what we saw in the last election joe biden got to the white house, democrats won control of the united states senate primarily because of overwhelming black turnout in places like georgia, michigan, pennsylvania,
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wisconsin they have been depended on these voters in the midterm. right now these voters are not too happy with the president. it's only going to get worse as we see the omicron variant heading our direction. neil: these are typically reliable democratic groups. it would take a leap for some of them to go republican, would it not, you always hear from democrats where else are they going to go but the actually could not go elsewhere, could they? >> i think about it democratic strategist they believe that african-american voters had a binary choice, get about democrat or republican. the truth of the matter is african-americans have a third choice they could choose the city election out. if they do sit the election out it'll fall on the virginia governor's race. what will happen democrats will lose terry mcauliffe is a victim of that. if you look at all the places were joe biden one and 2020 in virginia turnout is down 50 - 25% because african-american voters said
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president biden we got you to the white house waiver concerns there is real issues happening in our community many of us are late on one or two bills that we have to pay. talk to us about our concern in their issue and i feel as though for some weird reason the white house needs to find this elusive independent working-class white voter when the truth of the matter is a focus on who's in their backyard and who comes to the party which is black voters over and over again instead of a boater that no one can capture them i do them better than what we currently see happening. neil: due by, you're doing great reporting on party luminaries are thinking in terms out to 2024 and the growing call for the president not to run and if i did alternative to him. how real is that palpable is that. even as the president is losing his questioning.
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>> i think joe biden has a real shot at winning the 2024 election, low-key even though it's really likely the republicans will take control the house and the senate and the upcoming midterm election i do believe that joe biden make some changes and tries to read stair the shift in the right direction and talk to the voters that got into the white house. these are all the voters that got them out of the primary. think about the south carolina primary were african american voters had receded by joe biden. if you just as it engage with them and talk to them about their issues he would do better for himself. i think it's a big blow with the decision by joe manchin did not focus on bill back better. once again if you talk to voters they don't know what to build back better, many of the policy proposed the build back better. african-american voters support but they don't know what's in it and they don't feel like joe biden the white house of the democratic party having a conversation with them. until the party does the parties
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most loyal boater might sit on their hands in the upcoming election. neil: do you think deep down inside the president might like a break from progressives and the reason why things went off course even if he had a republican house and senate to contend with, he would have an enemy and a focus on opposition and not necessarily be seen as carrying progressives? >> i don't see this as a progressive versus a moderate in a binary debate. i see it this way my reporting speaks to that. where are the people that got to the game, who brought you to the party. go back and have a conversation. what you got a good donald trump. i was not a fan of donald trump but donald trump is very good at talking to his base, no matter what happened donald trump communicated to his base very clearly on the issues that they cared about.
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his voters cared about judges and donald trump delivered on judges. we talked african-american working-class voters as you did in that piece there and you talk to joe biden reliable voter they have a problem because it'll feel like the president talking to them or the president on the commitment that he made one of the biggest issues among them another prescription drug, another child care, all things that are in blowback better. because of the haze that exists in washington, d.c. the white house has lost focus of who the voters are and how to communicate with them in a railway and as a result you see in the poll numbers. neil: you raise a good point progressives did not make him the party nominee the party basted. that's an interesting argument. thank you very much i hope you have a merry christmas. >> you too, stay safe. richard on all of that. by the way we're learning right now on bill back better, chuck
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schumer wants to give it another stab in the senate and another vote next year in the senate but there are rules for that sort of thing and it might come back to haunt democrats. what the rules are something about a birdbath alex point after this. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪
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neil: who says bill back better is a bust. chuck schumer is going to give it another go in the new year end get a vote going. that could be a lot easier said than done. certain parliamentary procedures that have to be weighted into chad pergram with more on that. >> everyone on capitol hill is
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tripping about the byrd rule. >> the byrd rule contest. >> we want to make sure what we send is not the byrd role. >> it is named after brett entered legendary west virginia senator robert byrd. >> he is not just some guy he is not just some senator he was mr. >> if one knows the rules there are times when the senate, he has a son in his hand. >> in the 1980s lawmakers use budget reconciliation for partisan policies the process only needs 51 votes. it was the easiest way to muscle through controversial items. byrd wanted to stop that so he put a guardrail in place. when using reconciliation senators must prove things are tied directly to the budget. that is the byrd rule. >> the senate has a special way to cleanse the bill to determine
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what matches the budget framework. it is called the birdbath, senate parliamentarian elizabeth scrubs the bill to determine what is in or out and clips the wings and provisions that don't match. >> the birdbath is not necessarily a singular event there are phone calls, e-mails, paperwork exchanges, sometimes the provisions are so controversial that the parliamentarian convenes to present their arguments as though in a court of law. >> one of the more contentious byrd rule discussions that i participated in circle around the affordable care act where we actually have written legal style briefs. >> provisions that don't survive the birdbath are called bird droppings. if the parliamentarian rules against you that ruffles senate feathers. >> it is remarkable how the beneficiary that the
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parliamentarian advice have short memories and those who feel slated never forget. >> the debate over what survives the birdbath is so intense immigration demonstrators shut down the golden gate bridge in september. they unfurled a banner reading override the parliamentarian. >> the senate is not bound by the behind-the-scenes birdbath but if the senate get 60 votes they can say bye-bye birdie, however, if certain provisions fall aside the entire piece of legislation may never take flight. on capitol hill chad pergram fox news. neil: did he leave out any puns in that? maybe they got there feathers and a storm or this is for the birds i'll pursue that right now with former minnesota governor tim is kind enough to join us, i think what he is saying is a lot easier said than done getting a major through even with joe
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manchin backing off because it might not past much and all the things you have to clear to get it to reconciliation. is it dead in your eyes? >> i don't think in washington, d.c. and congress anything is ever dead. i don't think we could go that far. i was thinking by the way in terms of puns what you could do with the word flock in washington, d.c. but any event i don't want to go there you have other things. neil: i also say the wrong word and it could be an investigation. we don't want to go there. one thing if feathers are ruffled again i did it on capitol hill practically among democrats at joe manchin do you think they risk chasing out of the party? >> i know senator manchin he and i were both governors at the same time, he is a thoughtful
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person in a major person. i think there is some risk of that but i do think he enjoys his status as a bit of an independent or rogue operator and the democrat party. i'd be surprised if he makes the switch but he can certainly make a huge difference as we all see. neil: we were talking at republicans are handling this with the bad fortune of democrats. either moment of triumph ten or 11 months from now the midterms approach that it will be a slamdunk for republicans. do you think that some might be getting ahead of themselves assuming the way to victory is to let the democrats unravel and that this will last month after month. >> i think the democrats are committing political suicide or
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self-destruction whatever term you want to use the having the other side be bad is not the strategy unto itself. with a year to go a lot can happen as you and i both know and something unexpected that nobody sees coming will develop between now and then. hopefully it is not another pandemic event. unexpected events will change the course and trajectory of the election. republicans are in a favorable spot at the moment but you cannot take that, the hay is not in the barn yet. neil: do you have any thoughts on the 2024 race? what donald trump does or other party luminaries do maybe even yourself? >> i do think president biden, me my opinion it seems like physically it would be a stretch for him to sign up for another four years after this term. on the republican side there is some great generational talent coming up and what are the things to look for a president
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trump decides to run again it's pretty clear he's going to get the nomination you can see it that way now. the only question is he going to step aside or step out in the another generation rise up and grab the mantle. to me and indirectly more than 50% inclined to run again. neil: anything can happen in the next year or so, very good to see you again i hope you have a very good christmas, very good have anyone. >> thank you, appreciate it. in the meantime letting you know about changes in the big apple who's going to leave the big apple eric adams amira backed on january 1 to become the mayor of all of new york city indications are that will still happen there will be inauguration ceremony in new york that day that is the day they have all this fanfare
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and it won't change the fact that is going to gracie manchin to take over running new york city. it will change the way he is recognized by a shindig that wont take place now. more after this. ♪ re. it has the power to change the way we see things. ♪♪ it inspires us to go further. ♪♪ it has our back. and goes out of its way to help. ♪♪ when you start with care, you get a different kind of bank. truist. born to care. to run a growing business, is to be on a journey. and along the ride, you'll have many questions. challenges. and a few surprises. ♪
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but wherever you are on your journey. your dell technologies advisor is here for you - with the right tech solutions. so you can stop at nothing for your customers. (vo) singing, or speaking. with the rireason,h solutions. or fun. daring, or thoughtful. sensitive, or strong. progress isn't either or progress is everything.
1:38 pm
1:39 pm
i've spent centuries evolving with the world. that's the nature of being the economy. observing investors choose assets to balance risk and reward. with one element securing portfolios, time after time. gold.
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agile and liquid. a proven protector. an ever-evolving enabler of bold decisions. an asset more relevant than ever before. gold. your strategic advantage. neil: natural gas is cheap, abundant in new york city soon may be against the law if you heat your house that way. the guild who has the latest from new york. what is going on. >> new york city become the largest city to move forward abandon all restriction on natural gas last week when the city council natural gas hookup the new construction. it bans natural gas in smaller buildings in 2024 that has been
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in larger buildings in 2027 just for some context. there is currently no apartment building in new york city that is completely electric just to give you an idea of what type of transition were talking about. i talked to a lobbying group yesterday that represents landlords and developers across new york city. they say they generally have been in support of the transition to greener energy, electric power, there's been a timeline in the cost. watch. >> natural gas and electricity electricity is more expensive than natural gas. ultimately new yorkers are going to do pain more behind the meter. every month our utility bill might be higher than they are currently. >> authority more expensive to heat a home with electricity household in the northeast for
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example will pay more than $1500 on average to heat their home with electricity this year, compare that to the cost of gas eating carpeted around $865. forcing more people onto the electric grid will raise cost. that is an issue creating division among democratics among city and republican leaning states, you can see here the big apple on the democratic leaning cities like new york 54 communities across california and seattle, washington and bans or restrictions on natural gas, a dozen towns in massachusetts are advocating for bands. by contrast nearly 20 states from alabama to utah had taken action to forbid bans on natural gas, these states say the protecting energy choice for consumers and bank accounts for household new york city mayor bill de blasio is expected to sign the new york city proposal into law in the coming days before he leaves office before the end of the year that the
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last that we will see in a city taking action on natural gas and green energy critically as president biden build back better agenda is now on pause. that plan included billions of dollars of investment in green energy. that on pause we can expect to see more cities taking up the issue pushing that in the local plans. neil: thank you very much. scott, keeping the politics out of it does anyone ask a typical consumer or resident how he or she feels about this, it's going to be higher energy cost. it is cheap, efficient and still clean use of energy and now they have to seek alternatives that are going to be pricier. >> correct, it's fun and games until your wallet gets hurt. i think that's an issue. what are the issues that we see around the country, what is funny about this if you go to texas or arizona and most likely
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florida as well as a cut into that category you get to choose they are blocking the effort by government locally to make consumers choose the electricity over natural gas. to your point natural gas is something depending on how you use it is cleaner and everywhere it's abundant the united states and cheaper, but get rid of it not use it and go to a power grid that does not have the capacity and everybody to latch onto it in the electricity generation is not clean. when you look at it overall i think you think about it how would it impact your bottom line and is a way to be that much more efficient for consumer to choose something over another because the government tells you to do that it doesn't leave the best taste in your mouth. neil: what do you think of energy stocks in general the energy contacts themselves,
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their getting whipped by omicron and maybe the efforts to target under target more traditional forms of energy in 2022 how does the stock market player. >> scott martin plays it with a lot of loving energy and what is funny joe biden has been in d.c., would you be surprised to know the chevron and x run are your best performing of the sectors in the s&p 500 since the war on oil has been going on. i believe there's going to be a lot of conjecture a lot of back and forth with respect to how the administration is going to tackle the energy crisis and lack thereof and going on in the country, there's going to be volatility money managers and advocate for clients were using the volatility did add to positions when they fall like they did yesterday. if you look at today down in the lower quarter energy is when your best performing sectors today you hear the trouble to
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border texas, arizona but florida? yeah florida. ♪
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neil: you thought texas and arizona have an illegal immigration problem but florida? yeah florida. phil keating and florida with moore. what's going on? >> it's happening once a week a vote full of illegal migrant approaches the shoreline happened on this beach on sunday one of two vote landings near fort lauderdale over the weekend all right in front of beachgoers enjoying the day of vote pulls up to the shore nine jump in with airbags, they do not require before taken into custody. most often their cubans, haitians and dominicans. these were jamaican and colombian. ten days ago in jupiter same
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thing 26 minute women startling beachgoers in custody likely to be sent back from where they came. >> that is the bottom line message from us while we support legal and safe migration the illegal and unsafe operation on the sea are dangerous i not worth the risk. >> paid off human smugglers many boats full of desperate people straight into the keys or the east coast responded by the coast guard which is seen a surge in the migration flow. haitians gain, lawlessness in a country in chaos. cubans have their own reasons to head north. >> the economy, the social unrest, the lack of food, people wanted a better future. >> coast guard numbers show
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interdiction up 1600% 400 cuban interdiction, last 838. the year before that, just 49. that was right after the dry foot, the last you before it was 1468. it is unknown have any migrants in that dying out in the ocean drowned at sea. it's very dangerous and far more risky than simply waiting across the rio grande with a wide-open water whether contained in the second and plenty of sharks. >> incredible thank you very much. phil keating on that don't say they did not warn you the former acting ice director with us right now you would say and tell me anywhere and everywhere there is an opportunity there is a chance for illegals to do what they want to do, get 0 the flag is saying, what you make of
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this. >> maritime smugglers have been doing this for decades. however, like i said a year ago when president biden became president that includes maritime. that the cartels pay attention to what were doing they know ice is been decapitated. the secretary sent a memo to ice two months ago and they're sending a memo being the country illegally on its own is not enough to make an arrest. he said if you're in a country ice is not going to arrest you just be there illegally that has been used from the cartel to get more people to come to the united states putting themselves in positions vulnerable position to the united states. the chances are you will be detained, this administration has released over 600,000 people into this country since january, 600,000 ice detention last year was at 55000 now there at 20. people know the cartels you can enter the united states you will not be detained and even if you
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lose your case ice is not looking for you this is a major that should be no surprise that results en masse migration both across the border in maritime. neil: it's a lot tougher to come through via water then through a porous border. i'm just wondering what we should worry more about our resources are stretched thin. >> think that the coast guard patrolled the maritime and it's also happening in san diego. the taken the pacific ocean tried to go north on the california border and a lot of them are dragging, thank god coast guard is out there but they cannot catch everybody, that is a lot of water in there a few coast guard cutters out there. the success across maritime is better than the southwest border. however, i did this administration the cars family groups and what we chose on
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record 40 - 50% aborted virtual agents are no longer on the line because the city's processing families, the cartels know that when half the border patrol is not online it's easier to cross the getaway. i'll give you two examples, you in the last week there is a surge of illegal immigrants coming across the border so many that every border patrol agent was called into process because your overflowing the facilities. so for days there was nobody patrolling the border, hundreds come across and walk through the city of yuma untouched by anybody, they seem to get del rio with the haitians coming across, the 15000 haitians under the bridge. administration called all border patrol agents to deal with the crisis. there is to enter 24 miles of border when there wasn't a single border patrol agent for days. the cartels know this, they play this and this is heather selby the services to the most vulnerable people in the world which scares me the most. the most notable people will put
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themselves in the hands of criminal cartels to get to the united states based on the promises. neil: but watch what happens, thank you for updating us and warning us on all of that. by the way were back to omicron for a second, new restrictions that have been put in place by the netherlands, germany and ireland. we'll get into the details of the second they're not overly sweeping but in britain and portugal and thailand they're talking about sweeping. we will have more after this. ♪ . . (vo) the more we do with our phones,
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neil: all right. omicron spreading but so are government actions to rein it in. in israel they're banning travel to the u.s. and a host of other countries. switzerland they're looking excluding unvaccinated going to public events n netherlands, germany, ireland, they're reimposing partial restrictions but no full lockdowns. finally thailand, the most sweeping of all, mandatory quarantine for all foreign visitors. on we go. to charles payne. charles: thailand off the christmas. okay. neil: here we go. charles: here we to. thanks a lot, neil. good afternoon, everyone, i'm charles payne. this is making money. breaking right now, i hope you bought the dip. markets getting back to business to the mother's milk of all rallies folks, strong earnings. but it is not too plate to make your move. i have amazing experts to tell all the angles you need to know about t


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