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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  December 21, 2021 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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i'm elizabeth mcdonnell, you've been watching the evening at it, that does it for us, we hope you have a good evening. thank you for watching and join us again tomorrow night and merry christmas. ♪♪ kennedy: welcome to it, i'm down by the river because we are getting red, president biden famously said he's the one who will defeat covid with his bare hands but every time he opened a newspaper to turn on the tv, things are getting worse. masks are back, hospital spelling up and cases are doubling every day because people are getting tested in droves so when does the winning begin? are not sick of winning, i'm running for it.
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much-anticipated update on his administration to respond to the omicron explosion gripping the nation. he made bold statements we are not going back to the early days of the pandemic. but the question we all want answered, can we celebrate christmas with our families? you heartless faster. >> i know some americans are wondering if you can safely celebrate the holidays with your family and friends. the answer is yes you can. if you and those you celebrate with our vaccinated, particularly if you've got your booster shot. if you are vaccinated and follow precautions we all know well, you should feel comfortable celebrating christmas and the holidays as you plan. you've done the right thing. kennedy: what about those with natural immunity? don't they count for anything? thanks to the vaccine. yeah, we can celebrate. what about testing? they seem hard to come by. >> what's your message to americans trying to get tested
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now and not able to get tested and wonder what took so long to ramp up testing? >> come on, what took so long? >> i'm hearing that from people wanting to get tested for the holidays. >> it didn't take long at all. what happened was the omicron virus spread more rapidly than anybody thought. kennedy: joe, you've lost me now. test shortage happened on your watch so who's to blame for all of this? >> look, the unvaccinated are responsible for their own choices but those choices have been fueled by misinformation on cable tv and social media. these companies are making money by peddling flies and allowing misinformation can kill their own customers and supporters. it's wrong. it's a moral.
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i call purveyors of these lies and misinformation to stop it stop it now. kennedy: arm on a rotary phone. cable news is to blame? come on, man. were talking about this every night, where talking to doctors and frontline workers, tons of people who've been infected, they are all frustrated. i was expecting him to say former president trump is the one to blame. what are your thoughts on him, joe? >> thanks to the administration and scientific community, america is one of the first countries to get the vaccine thanks to my administration and the hard work of americans without a rollout and made america one of the world leaders getting shot in arms. kennedy: wait a second, so now the former president did a good job uncovered when he was in office? is a bit of a roller coaster ride but back to your old promise, remember when you said
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this next deal honestly with the american people and never ever ever quit. that's how we shut down the virus. >> i'm going to shut down the virus, i will shut down the economy, i'm going to shut down the virus. kennedy: arm shutting down the virus except for the shutting down the virus part. with tonight's party panel, who got attorney republican strategist alexander wilkes, former aide to senator chuck schumer and host of the aggressive progressive podcast was wearing dog is on his tie, christopher hahn is back in foundation for economic policy, brad palombo. great to see you all. brad, since you've had covid most recently, how hard has it been to get a test? >> i may literally still have covid right now, i tested
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positive friday, thankfully i am fully vaccinated, it was mild, i'm young and healthy and feeling much better but i've been trying to get my hands on a test four days and cbs and grocery store pharmacies are all out of tests and why is that? one reason is because the omicron parent came unexpectedly and more people have cases, sudden increase in demand but the other reason, it's probably the biden administration's fault. fda approved one third as many covid tests as the european union uk you can order seven tests and a day for a few pounds. other countries have more widespread availability of tests because i don't have the regulatory labyrinths and inefficiency and redtape the fda and biden administration put in place. kennedy: also a reason why so many drugs are so expensive in this country, chris. we have more involvement in
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actual competition and if you have businesses competing for the testing market, he would seek proliferation, you're not seeing that and my worry has been if the vaccines were left up to this administration, there would not have been operation warp speed. there were a lot of fault to find but that was one good thing and that has not continued into this administration. >> i think president biden gave former president trump credit for operation warp speed today and during the transition, let's be clear. he did. as for the testing, i agree, fda needs to cut through the red tape and get the tests to the market so people can use them, it's unacceptable at this time in the pandemic we still have a testing shortage but the president was also right when he called out people peddling false information, that needs to be combated by everyone in the media. kennedy: including the people who won't talk about natural immunity and people who might
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have natural protection from the virus they've already been fighting. we are doing a lot of things wrong here. what can we get right at this stage? >> we need clear consistent communication from this white house. dave bundled the messaging from the start because they've been focused on political science and not actual science. we saw this in the beginning when president biden refused to give president trump any public credit for the vaccine for operation warp speed. it immediately political two people and made people suspicious. fast forward a year later he's finally getting some credit but you have friction between the president's office and vice president's office about who knew what and when when it came to the omicron virus and how quickly it was going to spread. they need to come forward and
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say we have vaccinated an incredible amount of americans, and an incredible amount of time, we need to acknowledge natural immunity we need to do, we need to kick in the tires on masks and stop with ridiculousness and performative theater on it comes to a lot of these pandemic measures and get serious about this. too much is on the line for americans, mentally, economically, enough with it. kennedy: i have one question, there have been so many people i know who have been vaccinated from acoustic, they've had
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is, they are strong prospective and serious and hospitalization not try to good idea for people to take them if they haven't but we've had problems getting accurate testing results because of the redtape in the way it is a shame because people could go home for christmas comfortably if they could get affordable easy testing but they can't because his regulations and bureaucrats are still standing in the way. kennedy: and people are standing in line sometimes for hours trying to get tested so they can protect their loved ones because despite president's claims misinformation is out there, there's a lot of compassion especially people for their families and they are trying to do the right thing but they are given information by the cdc and administration all over the map. the panel returned later because we're going to talk about this. president biden does have points about the omicron parent sweeping across the country and
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is up 73% of publications nationwide. last week with 3%. fda is about to approve two pills to treat covid infections, a new study says you can get super immunity if you're infected with covid after getting vaccinated so how long can we expect omicron to stick around? is there reason to panic? is a lot of panic. here with me now, infectious disease specialist and senior scholar at the johns hopkins center for health security, doctor amos dodger. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: how has the virus, the variance of the fires have gone from 3% to 73% in a week? it seems like it's probably been here longer than we are hearing about. >> it likely was here for some time before it was detected
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because we don't do sequencing in the country and we expect it would be the dominant variant once it took a hold and it's an incredible rise but the doubling time in the uk argued this would happen here so it's not surprising and it something we were anticipating and i guess what we will see how the trajectory integrates with what's going on with delta because that's what hospitals are dealing with, the flood of delta patients in hospital beds. kennedy: there are more delta patients who are sicker but the omicron patients are more plentiful. talk about the proportion between transmissibility and death. >> i don't think we know enough about the omicron varied to say it going to be less severe, there's definitely a signal from south africa denmark at this seems to be less likely to cause
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hospitalization in icu beds the delta but we know it can kill, i killed several united kingdom and already one in the u.s. omicron or delta poses a significant threat and that's why vaccinations are important because they protect against what matters from a severe disease, hospitalization and death. if omicron is lighter, that's great but so much more transmissible it make it to those unvaccinated people faster because hospitalizations to rise faster than with delta. kennedy: that's what the buyers want to do, to get into more hosts and if the host dies, the virus doesn't do well so that's why it mutates so i can infect more people the more transmissible but we are seeing younger people are getting, people are testing positive who have been vaccinated so what happens from here? >> i think what we have to see how we can separate breakthrough
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infections and fully vaccinated individuals were mild into the common cold versus infections occurring in high-risk unvaccinated individuals, that's the problem, we have about 60 million people eligible to be vaccinated who are not an upper portion are high risk for hospitalizations. at delta running through and that's what omicron is going to run through. maybe it doesn't kill or hospitalize at the same rate but even if it doesn't, the fact that it's easily, easy to catch means they are going to be increase in cases in hospitals. there are going to be hospitals, the same hospitals under stress right now that will have omicron on top of delta patients and that's what we have to work on and that's the best part of president biden's speech, talking have a cute use assets with hospital capacity because there are concerns about possible capacities especially in the community hospitals in rural areas where vaccination rates are lower.
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kennedy: is it true bourbon and eggnog is a wonderful at home care for people not yet contracting the virus? >> there's no data to support bourbon and eggnog for an at-home care. hopefully the pfizer pill will be an at-home care for covid. kennedy: is a good at-home distraction? >> it could be a good distraction. it may help with the cough a little bit. kennedy: that's exactly why you are on this program. that's the information you are providing to the public that makes people feel better, you are a great american, thank you very much, sir. >> thank you. kennedy: i know, we have a delay. coming up, ghislaine maxwell trial has begun to deliberate. did the prosecutors prove enough to convict which orwell jeffrey epstein's alleged walk free?
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the verdict countdown has begun for ghislaine maxwell, a jury began their first full day of deliberation on the alleged accomplice jeffrey epstein who did not kill himself. reportedly just ended for the day. concluded after three weeks, initially projected to take up to six weeks prosecutors brought for women for to testify in the case and maxwell declined to speak. the prosecutor spring enough to the table to convict the alleged matter? here to discuss, professor at northwestern law, a great school, they've got purple colors. >> thank you. kennedy: has a prosecution done enough? >> no, i think a third-year law student could have won this case and for some reason, it seems like prosecutors are basically going half speed in this case. i don't know if it's because mr. epstein was affiliated with some of the richest luckiest man in
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society, this case was supposed to last six weeks, it lasted three weeks. the only statement was 35 minutes, they only called four of the victims when there were hundreds. i don't know what's going on but it's very suspicious and causing a lot of people to scratch their heads. kennedy: so obviously we thought this is curious, they are only focusing on four of the women and then the logic was maybe that's all they need, so damning in the witnesses are so solid so if she is in fact acquitted, can she be tried in other venues with other victims telling their stories? >> no, these prosecutors got one bite at the apple in those low hanging fruit and they go after this person, i think she did it, i think she's going to be found guilty but there are so many other people who haven't been charged yet and the question is why? these prosecutors asked her
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virtually no questions about the other enablers, who else were the passengers on the express it's inexcusable and i don't know what they are hiding or who they are covering for but it's really upsetting. we need to get to the bottom of this. kennedy: if you read some of the books and watch netflix documentary, there were a lot of other people involved who saw abuse taking place. the question is, based on the evidence we've seen and heard about, it's not a slamdunk, why haven't they talked to some of those people? is the only explanation they are safeguarding the reputation of rich and powerful men who were sexually abusing teen girls? >> it's so troublesome and if it wasn't for that wonderful reporter with the miami herald, none of this would have came to light so i hope she doesn't have to do more digging and publish more articles but that's the
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$64000 question, the southern district of new york has earned the best reputations in america in terms of prosecutors and why they've only charged her, i don't know. they always say we are still investigating, it's been years. where are the other charges, where the charges against the enablers? how come she's the only one prosecutor? there are no good answers. i am awaiting their response. kennedy: because she was with him every step of the way she was allegedly abusing these women partaking in the abuse and it's like shipping them not only across state lines but is disgusting pedophile island. she is guilty, she's culpable as the victims are to be believed and there are so many of them and their stories are consistent, i know that the fence really went after women, is that a good tactic for the
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jury? are you just throwing all caution to the wind because you just need one person to have reasonable doubt? >> these sexual assault cases are really hard for prosecutors to win for a multitude of reasons, he has a dream team of lawyers, these are events that happened 15 -- 20 years ago and their main defense is picking up part of the credibility of these four victims but that's why you call 15, 20, 30 victims and put them on the stand to establish pattern evidence, it's hard for a jury to discount the testimony of 25 or 30 victims when you only put four up there, it's easy to pick them up part and my question, how can prosecutors didn't call more victims to bolster the testimony of these four poor victims? kennedy: that how, there will be a lot of questions either way.
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i hope they do due diligence and find her guilty because someone has to pay for these horrific crimes. thank you so much. >> thank you, anytime. kennedy: coming up, she's embarrassed herself again trying to take down democrat senator joe manchin. she insulted the entire state of west virginia. the panel returns to discuss in a moment. ♪♪
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actress and singer midler apologizing to the people of west virginia, you're welcome. accidentally telling them what she really thinks of them and all comes down to the states democrat senator joe manchin in support for joe biden's latest multitrillion dollar spending drag than initially tweeted what joe manchin who represents the
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populations smaller than brooklyn has done to the rest of america who wants to move forward, not backward is horrible. he sold us out. he wants us all to be just like his state west virginia, poor, illiterate and strong out. what a jerk. an hour later she tried to take it all back and saying she's just angry. wise holy what full of distasteful people who hate america? hate flyover country and dirty peasants who populated, the party panel is back. alexandra wilkes, brad polumbo. she's had a history of tweeting horrible things people she doesn't like, she should stay off twitter when she's drunk and angry. >> i think so, too. i think it represents the arrogance of hollywood and the left and it shows what they think of the rest of the country
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and there's so much debate these days about the role of the senate and traditions of the senate and whether or not we need to do away with these things. you have the democrat socialists of america who proposed doing away with the senate altogether doesn't this perfectly encapsulate why we need these institutions, why the framers was brilliant coming up with them? shouldn't it be to our senator to tell a powerful woman who lives among powerful people in brooklyn, educated at his people will suffer inflationary spending is out of control even more than it is now in the can't afford to put food on the table or gas in the cars? isn't that exactly what the framers envisioned? for all the attacks and institutions, i think it's a great example as to why we have
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them. kennedy: what is interesting here in this is something you see over and over again, moderates are reacting as though they have a mandate, not just democrat party but moderate have a mandate and they could to push this agenda and everyone who has a d next to their name has to fall in line with that. there are still freethinkers in both parties believe it or not and they are not beholden to an ideology that's completely oppressive authoritarian and state if so isn't that what democracy is supposed to look like? >> let me address one thing, people in west virginia are suffering, their 49th and property near the bottom in literacy and either top and opioid addiction specifically but you make some good points, every senator get a vote, they need to come together on things, i think the bigger problem in the democratic party is relying on joe manchin who one by 3% in 2018 in a state or donald trump
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one by 40%, we should expect he's going to want to move to the center, even the center right and democrats should do all they can to convince the public and senators to come on board with these bills. people like lisa murkowski who already abandon people like susan collins, whose very moderate if not center left, people like senator toomey whose retiring, why hasn't joe biden made him ambassador? pennsylvania appoints a new senator, it's time for the democratic party not to rely solely on joe manchin who has to do what he has to do for his state. kennedy: exactly, you're making his case for him, he's not beholden to this legislation which is the only one out there? a calculator saying thanks for that, you've written a crappy bill, the part of the belt they've seen, they don't have full legislation, do you know what would help people?
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not hamstringing them put that for generations. brad, your thoughts? and what a jerk she is. >> she is certainly a jerk and representative of a segment of the population, liberal all the with a leap but probably not representative of most people in the democratic party, i do think a lot of them negatively react and it gives me hope but what is disturbing is overall backlash to joe manchin and if the president is entitled to his vote or he's obstructing one senator obstructing, this is the language i've seen for democratic elected officials, it's disturbing because they need a basic civics lessons from a in a 50/50 senate where one democrat is defecting, it's 51 senators who opposed the jenna agenda, you could call that a majority but these people claim to care about democracy all the time but they think really their agenda is entitled to be passed
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with 49 senators or 48 even, honestly back shows you how a lot of this democracy rhetoric is. kennedy: wait until hershey herschel walker gets in there. we're going to talk about so if you don't have a cocktail already, you might want to get one for that. the panel will return. democrats twisting the joe manchin rubiks cube, they need to put pressure on the west virginia senator to vote their way. what if they push him too hard? they could lose his boat forever. the president tried to drive a wedge between he and his voters implying he was keeping them in poverty. >> you strip away all of the dignity looking at their child. i am not joking, imagine being a parent looking at their child, you can't afford, you have no
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house to borrow against, no savings, it's wrong. all the things in that bill are going to reduce prices. kennedy: i would rather live in west virginia than delaware so is joe manchin the reason prices are so high? here to discuss, real clear politics, tom evans. it's interesting it didn't work with manchin the first time so apparently currently now he's telling everyone to squeeze harder, is that when you have different results next time? >> i don't think so and biden took a couple questions and he was asked if manchin betrayed his word and he was unwilling to pick a fight. he said we are want to get something done, nancy pelosi signaled this may not be fully dead, there may be a zombie aspect so at least certain
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aspects of the democratic party, members are taking more tolerant tones. the left is going months at joe manchin, we saw alexandria ocasio-cortez and omar cursing on msnbc, bernie sanders and elizabeth warren so progressive's attitude toward joe manchin is yes, we didn't meet up last time and if we beat him up a little more, we can get him to yes somehow but i don't think it will work and there's an undercurrent some democrat may be taking a different tact moving forward. kennedy: yes and bullying him on his yacht is not a good idea, not a good tactic and it's not working and he is still popular with people in west virginia. what is your polling showing your? >> he's his own brand as one of your panelists manchin, donald
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trump won by 40 plus points and yet he manages to win even when democrats were losing because he's above politics in that state so he is not going to be swayed by the left wing in the party and it might backfire, we had a report senator john cornyn text manchin and said if you want to come to the gop, we'd love to have you and he said publicly is not interested in becoming republican but he could change his mind if the democrats continue to run him out of the party based on this vote, it could be, he could decide to change his mind. kennedy: it's the old ronald reagan line, i didn't leave my party, my party left me. i think part of this is not just about particulars in the bill, it reclaiming the democratic party as he sees it.
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the people of his state, that's what he wants back, he wants to get back to those ideals the democrat party abandoned in favor of socialism and i don't think he wants to be republican, i could see him being independent, who will see what happens. thank you so much. >> thanks, kennedy. kennedy: coming up, flying. it's as stressful as hell. it's like being in a shower full of bees covid in honey but goody two shoes want to fail. the panel returned to debate. prohibition, that's next. ♪♪
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♪♪ kennedy: i'm going to sing to this celine dion version all night. we are going to hold each other and squints be great. that was last night of trumpet monday. clay one, i love it. there is justice in the world. it's not been a holy night on passenger planes is here. there have been more than 5000 violent incidents and some do-gooders are calling for a ban on booze. by now we've all seen the crazy videos unruly passengers riding with flight attendants, police and fellow passengers, it's awful. many blamed mask roles. reporter: massachusetts democrat senator ed markey, it's cutting passengers off. pardon me but there's always been alcohol on planes and airports so is back to the real
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reason for the problems? let's go to the party panel, alexander and brad. i don't think this is a time or place for prohibition. >> totally agree. i think if you are an elected official, you might have missed stressful and airport experience can be for just your average traveler. i was on a flight recently where a guy had a complete meltdown with other passengers because he didn't get enough ice in his drink. people are under a lot of stress because when we you walk into an upper, there artificial restrictions on your freedom, some good, some bad that make you feel confined and it's a result of all the restrictions we are seeing, we are seeing people under a lot of stress and it's making them do weird things. i certainly don't condone violence or mistreatment of flight crew but it's not the way
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to do this. the way to do it is taste take the masks off the planes, it's a simple solution. i think it's all performance and theater, a way for pete buttigieg to keep sticking his hand in our business. kennedy: i don't want pete's hand in my business. that may be a joke. chris from the bars have always been there, booze has always been there. the thing that new is the anxiety from the masks and the pandemic, people are freaked out and people got how to be human beings after they were locked down 18 months and didn't have to associate with one another so you put them in a line castable capsule with masks on the face and it makes them nervous. i don't get the alcohol. >> i'll take the mask off when we mandate vaccines on the plane if you're willing to do that, you can take the mask off and
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people won't get covid and transmitter around the country but alcohol clearly. kennedy: you are not getting covid on planes. >> clearly lubricate people off and they start fighting and messing around and it's got to stop, too many big babies in this country, they can't wear the mask, they are worried about the mask so they drink more and start fights. screw them, kick them off the planes, ban them from ever flying again until they take our class to show they can live in society like a normal human being and then we move on. 99% of us get on a plane follow the rules and not take out our fear of flying on everybody else. i get it, it is stressful. kennedy: so you're not going to take booze away from 99% of people? but isn't it interesting -- brad, the language -- very good, thank you. brad isn't it interesting the language chris uses, he calls a big babies, babies who need to be parented disciplined and have
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their lives completely constructed around them because i can't think for themselves? that's really the mentality with all of us, everyone is a big dumb baby who has to have every aspect of our life micromanaged. >> some of the people in these incidents are being jerks and irresponsible but somebody else, forcibly masking a toddler and they are kicked off the plane so of course some of the people are not just big babies, they are legitimate issues forcing everyone into masks is not about alcohol, there's always been alcohol on planes or at least there has been for a long time and the mask mandate doesn't make any sense. progressives say they want to follow the science, the science is clear, the filter system 99.9%, we heard from a bunch of airline ceos about this, covid particles are taken out of the air, it's very fun to latest and most of these people are wearing
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cloth masks even a cnn doctor admitted cloth masks don't do anything n95% . kennedy: euyit sgon o as hhe theheheevf o otectiottis a mlothk mlo m al ahrrad,hes t fl, y, cer csheeroououoror epingephegooze b bhech. merry ♪♪
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new york state broken its covid records for the fourth day in a row, new yorkers say they haven't felt this since mayor de blasio got a second term. that's a plague on one screen city and this is topical storm. topic number one. we all love lighting christmas trees check out this family, taking holiday cheer to a new level by lighting up the dog. i love it. it's the brightest dog since professor peabody. when the dog comes your legs, it hums his hump his hump the
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squirrels can see him coming from a mile away. this is for-year-old joya, go, joya. a rescue dog. it looks like he needs rescued one more time. he lives with his adoptive family in colorado. that's where his owners were on mile high. it worked out better than last year when they try to light up the family goldfish. that was a shocking experiment. topic number two. here's a little video for quit your whistle from the florida keys national marine sanctuary, check out the legal technique taking an annual surgeon. even santa claus moved to florida. there he is on the way to meet his teacher, he will make his way north to miami to meet up with ho ho ho's. santa is an expert at sea scooter and because it's how he escaped from alcatraz in the 50s. this is the only way to get around the north pole now that
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global warming method everything, jerk. here's some fish to remind us the holidays still really about jesus. he doesn't quite have the right care but at least he's wearing a wetsuit. ♪♪ know? okay. topic number three. betty white. i love her so much, i'm glad she still alive about to celebrate her 100th birthday. thanks to inflation, she's worth about 120 now. the golden bro is going platinum asking fans cheer her milestone by watching a movie about her life and once you get past the part where she stormed the beaches of normandy, it's quite fun, betty's journey spank your hoot time on cleveland, her appearances on saturday night live, no word on arthur or if it concludes her romance with pete davidson, that's just this week. it includes.eastward, robert
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redford, carol burnett, morgan freeman, in other words, the movie has more flowcharts than joe biden cabinet meeting were joe biden walk-through buckingham palace. will be in theaters just one day to sign up and get your tickets now if you love betty white and you will also get a choice between free serving of omicron, delta or classic. so many choices, that's why we love america. here's tonight tickled me tuesday joke, you can get the punchline on twitter. here we go. why do fish live in saltwater? the answer will amaze you. tickle me tuesday get tickled next. ♪♪
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[laughter] kennedy: it is time, there we go. tickle me tuesday, here is that tickle you've been waiting for. why do fish live in saltwater? because pepper makes him sneeze. [laughter] kennedy: jim thaler, there he is. he got right on twitter, nobody
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else. i'm upset with the worthington. that's okay. thank you for watching the last hour of your day, follow me on twitter an instagram. there i am. tomorrow night, katie pavlich and anthony fischer. can't watch kenne-dvr it to make every day a kenne-day. ♪♪ it may be called the big island, but it's got a small town feel because the entire land mass is only 4,000 square miles. so everything that makes the island so magical is fairly close by. - [mary] i'm feeling like permanent vacation right now. (music) - [cheryl] head down south for a look at the stunning green sand beaches of papakolea, or take a night dive and swim with the manta rays off the kona coast. - [vanessa] can you see yourself living right here, mom? - [mary] duh, yes i could. (chuckles)


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