tv The Evening Edit FOX Business January 17, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EST
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brian: wait until next year is more common than you think. 2/3 of americans have never successfully complete ad new year's resolution according to a new survey. however people are peel feeling more optimistic this year. 3/4 set he resolutions for 2022. go get 'em. evening edit starts right now. elizabeth: tonight "gallup polling" says president biden's first year the u.s. shifted more towards the gop than democrats. we have not seen a shift like this in 25 years. a shift of 14 points as president biden is set to tout his jobs records this week but the economists out there warning any jobs pop that the president will tout is artificial, saying it comes from people returning to work after lockdowns. we're still four million jobs short since pre-pandemic. we have democrat advisor james carville telling
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democrats, quote, stop whining. but reports are this, inside of the white house a fight over messaging. too much topspin. a new "cbs poll" says half the country is frustrated with the white house deflecting. americans are saying get real with us that story tonight. much more, joining us congressman jay, morgan grift fifth and pat fallon, economic expert mitch roschelle. rick meta and oscar odom, federalist senior editor chris bedford. the stop stories this hour. virginia, is it a turning point for america? governor glenn youngkin and lieutenant governor winsome sears take office planning to stop soft on crime and problematic school policies as they battle back. more on this story, the supreme court fight is not over. biden's vaccine mandate, that fight is far from done. two dozen states fighting against biden vaccine mandates for millions of health care workers. we'll look into it tonight.
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this story tore you, shocking reports of major crime in new york and our nation's capital. supposedly tough on crime mayor slammed for downplaying crime and his own d.a. downgraded felonies. four out of 10 murders in washington led to arrests in 2021. time for democrats to stop with the revolving door for criminals? when will president biden's doj step it up what americans are scared about for months. they are outraged and frustrating rising crime. that is what polls support. nancy pelosi's son allegedly worked note not one, not two, five companies probed for fraud. was never charged. house speaker after her own comments supporting stocks trades by lawmakers still in office. this horrifying story. the family of the texas synagogue terrorist asking why the u.s. let him in with a visa since he has a criminal record over in england?
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how was he able to get a gun? what is it going on, what he was hearing in england to target a synagogue in texas? i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit," it starts right now. ♪ elizabeth: thanks for joining us. you're watching the fox business network. we'll begin with the president. he will hold a formal press conference this wednesday. it is his first in about a year. he has held less than half as many pressers as his five predecessors. he is taughting his job record but critics say he may be overstating it. this as trump held a rally in arizona. he will hold another rally in texas. we have conservative pundit ann coulter igniting a firestorm saying trump is done. hillary vaughn has more. hillary. reporter: liz, when it comes to jobs the president is giving himself an a-plus for what he calls record-breaking, most-ever jobs added in one year under any president in history.
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with 6.4 million jobbed added in 2021. >> now i hear republicans say today that my talking about this strong record shows that i don't understand. i don't understand. a lot of people are still suffering they say. well, they are. or that i'm not focused on inflation. malarkey. reporter: some voters though say he is not focused enough on the economy. a new "cbs poll" out yesterday says 58% of voters think that biden is not focusing enough on the economy. 65% say he is not focusing enough on inflation either. when it comes to jobs some economists say biden doesn't deserve high marks either as biden takes credit for most jobs ever in year one, some say there is a big caveat. economists are pointing out these are not new jobs but instead old jobs coming back post-pandemic. we're still 3.6 million jobs short of where we were precoindividual.
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adp economist nela richardson saying this, quote, the economy hasn't added one single job from the 2019 high-water mark, not one. all the jobs that we have seen gained are recovered jobs that were lost. we are not yet producing new jobs. liz, in that "cbs poll" respondents were asked how they're feeling under president biden's presidency and the two top words they used to describe it were frustrating and disappointing. liz? elizabeth: hillary vaughn, thanks to your journalism there. good to see you. back with us congressman jay obernolte from house budget, economic expert mitch roschelle, mack troh macro trend advisors. congressman sit tight a second. i need to talk to rich. is the president taking credit for states like texas florida, where they didn't shut down and
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states like california and new york where they did shut down. >> in florida where i'm at they're creating hundreds of thousands of new net jobs. the rest of the country isn't. i don't know who he gets a a-plus for job creation when 10.6 unfilled jobs and quit rate is incredibly high, over four million jobs. would i never use the word malarkey but i will in a sentence right now saying the president gets an a-plus for job creation is in fact malarkey. elizabeth: you know we have 11 million job openings, congressman, more openings than workers. when you look at the data out of the department of labor there are millions, there is double the number of jobs missing in states that did massive lockdowns versus the ones that did not. there is, you know, i think 27 states that did not do severe lock townes. what do you say to this data? >> well, i think the president is focusing on the wrong things. this is not what americans care about. americans care about their wages
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and have their wages kept up with inflation. as you say anyone that wants a job can probably get a job right now but what's happening is, our middle class is falling behind. the department of labor just released statistics last week that show real wage growth last year was negative by almost 2 1/2%. that means that middle-class americans are struggling more and more to pay their bills. that is what is concerning americans. elizabeth: we hear you, congressman. we have this as well, mitch. senator tim scott, he is going to roll out his mlk day videos through black history month. he will rebut the president's speech. he saying too much focus in country on race, the narrative on race, that the country is racist. for the president to call people who oppose his position being racist and domestic enemies is insulting and infuriating and dead wrong. winsome sears and the senator both say we should not be using race as a political weapon. do you feel like that is where too much of the debate is about? racism is a serious issue.
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we need to stop it but we need to take care of that and the problem with inflation and jobs? >> 100%, liz. and you know what? the president campaigned on the notion of rebuilding america, bringing america back, ending the divisiveness and all he has done is add more to it. his speech in georgia last week basically said if you're not with him on this policy you're a racist. that does not bode well and it is just one more thing that is causing his approval rating to be one of the lowest we've seen in the first year of any president. so it is time to bring america together and talk about the issues that america really cares about. elizabeth: you know, when you read through his speech, congressman, to mitch's point, and i've read through it, the team read through it, many on my team have read through it, we understand what the president is saying about vote reform. the question is, what voters
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have been suppressed in this country for, to not vote? we have not seen the president step forward with that. you know, so when they're talking about racism in this country, it is about vote reform. what do you say about this, congressman? >> i think the language the president used was very regrettable because as you say, it is time to stop using race as a political weapon. we have to stop seeing people who look differently, or who disagree with our political positions as our enemies because, i mean, at the end of the day we all play for the same team here, regardless of the positions that we take on individual matters of policy. i think this is an particularly appropriate day today to talk about that. martin luther king, jr. day. he said that hate can't drive out hate. only love can do that. i think we need to remember that. elizabeth: you know, to the congressman's point, there is focus on that, today is mlk day, right, mitch? there is also the president
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closing out his first year. he scored a win with infrastructure. the congressman just talked about inflation as well. brian deece said inflation is manageable effectively. larry summers obama's treasury secretary, no, it is getting entrenched it is escalating. we have a 40-year high in inflation. problem with botched afghanistan exit, botched border crisis and vaccine mandate. they're talking more covid relief spending after spending nearly 6 trillion, the most of any president in u.s. history. what is that going to do, mitch? >> create more inflation. if you keep stimulating the demand side of the economy and do nothing to fix the supply side of economy, for viewers out there, the supply chain is one piece of the supply side economy is broken. the labor market is another. the fact we're discouraging workers from returning to work with more mandates, if we don't fix the supply side of the economy and we create more demand we will create more
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inflation. that is botched policy from the jump. elizabeth: we hear you, mitch. let's listen to msnbc's chuck todd. he got in trouble for this comment. watch. >> a year into mr. biden's presidency unemployment is down, wages are up but inflation is also up to a 40-year high. infrastructure and covid relief bills were passed but "build back better" is stuck in neutral. and on thursday the supreme court blocked mr. biden's vaccine or test mandate for large businesses perhaps taking away the last effective tool in his covid tool box. that same day mr. biden's last minute push for voting rights bills was dealt a likely fatal blow. so now what? all of this came just as the president was heading by the way to capitol hill to lobby fellow democrats to change the senate rules. so it was quite the exclamation point on a terrible week. elizabeth: we hear you. by the way, it should be pointed out, congressman that democrats used the filibuster to get rid
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of senator tim scott's police reform bill. your final word on this, congressman? >> it is very clear the administration and the congress as a whole need to abandon recent attempts to use the crisis as excuse to reshape our economy and focus on the things americans have told us they are concerned about, getting our national debt and spending under control, getting inflation under control and getting real wages growing instead of shrinking. elizabeth: hear you congressman jay ober nolte and mitch roschelle thanks for joining us. really appreciate it. up next virginia congressman morgan griffith on a potential turning point for america. virginia's new governor and attorney general and lieutenant governor, they're taking steps to make a change on weak crime and school policies where the left is battling back against them. you're watching "the evening edit" on fox business. ♪. so you only pay for
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♪. elizabeth: joining us from house energy and commerce and the republican policy committee, he is congressman morgan griffith, great to have you on, sir. a new day in virginia. we have the governor glenn youngkin sworn in, so is winsome sears, the first black republican elected to high office. but, congressman, the real thing catching fire is how the
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governor is moving to get rid of weak on crime prosecutors and also the entire state parole board for letting out rapists, murder ires and cop killers without informing the prosecutors about that or the victims families, breaking virginia law. your reaction to this story? >> i think it is great though. the parole board was clearly doing things that was not legal, were not intended by the laws passed by the virginia general assembly. how they were able to get away with it is something that will have to be investigated. the governor already replaced the parole board. he is looking into what happened in the loudoun county schools in relationship to an individual who sexually assaulted not one but two students there. he is going after crt. doing a lot of things in his first very day. i expect to see more tomorrow. elizabeth: yeah, the new ag, jason mares, is moving fast as well. the governor is saying i will stop with the politics in our schools.
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congressman, we know you're aware of this too, we've been investigating this, we've had people on our show talking about how porn has been allowed into school libraries and all sorts of problematic school policies that the virginia parents have been dealing with. let's listen to the new governor of virginia on this. watch this. >> we will remove politics from the classroom. and we will focus on essential math and science and reading and we will teach all of our history, the good and the bad. >> here, here. elizabeth: did you hear that last part, keep all the good and the bad history, right? go ahead, congressman. >> yes, ma'am. i was there to hear that i was very proud of that line. we need to teach all of the history and governor youngkin was absolutely right. we need to focus on very many good things the state has done and we need to teach the very bad things the state has done in its history as well. elizabeth: there is an issue, he
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is saying mask, the governor is saying with an executive order, mask mandates in schools should be optional. it should be up to the parents, not the schools to decide. there is push back inside of public schools saying we'll continue ahead with mask mandates. your reaction to that? >> this will have to be settled by the courts. there was a bill passed by the general assembly when the democrats were in control that says that they are supposed to follow cdc guidelines until august of this year. the governor says that they didn't do it properly. we'll see what the courts say. i'm going to side with the governor on this and hope the mask mandates go away. that ought to be a parental choice, not something decided by richmond or in fact the school boards without parents being heavily involved. elizabeth: you know, congressman, we're going to dig into this later in the show. it is the crime issue that is really capturing a lot of people's attention. here in new york city a homeless man in the times square subway system tried to push one woman
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in front of a subway. pushed an asian-american woman in front of a subway to her death. we have that, the new york mayor, tough on crime, saying well you know, less than 2% of crimes happen on subways there is perception, a quote perception of fear. after his d.a. downgraded crime here, felonies like armed robbery here in new york city. so do you think this movement inside of virginia about crime will take hold nationwide? >> i do. i think people are worried. we've got a lot of prosecutors who have been elected and supported across the country by a very liberal groups, george soros and others. and they're decriminalizing lots of things that the legislatures across the country, not just in virginia, never intended to have decriminalized. they choose not to prosecute. that is wrong. violent felons in particular ought to be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. elizabeth: congressman, this is a danger zone for the country when you have the public starting to talk about what
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politicians, what elected officials, d.a.s are doing to us. that is when you really start to divide the country. that is a danger zone. that is the kind of sensibility behind the capitol riots, right? >> well, certainly, certainly were a lot of danger zones out there and lack of enforcement of the laws leads to more people feeling like they can break the law. elizabeth: yeah. we hear you loud and clear. of course the capitol riots roundly condemned. we'll stay on all these stories for our viewers. congressman morgan griffith thanks for joining us. we'll have you on again soon. former george down law professor , rik mehta. nearly two dozen states are fighting back against biden's vaccine mandate for millions of health care workers. we'll investigate it next on "the evening edit." >> this is nonsensical policy coming out of washington.
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♪. elizabeth: welcome back. even more hospitals across the country are getting hit with staff shortages. a growing number of have paused non-emergency surgeries and more states are calling in the national guard for help. this is beyond what the president is doing by deploying military medical teams in half a dozen states. grady trimble has more. grady? reporter: liz, hospitals here in chicago, across the united states are suspending elective procedures to deal with this
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latest surge of covid. that is something many hospitals did at the start of the pandemic and they are once again doing it. across the country from maine to michigan, from wisconsin to washington governors are calling in national guard members to help overwhelmed hospitals that are dealing with staffing shortages. nationally nearly 80% of hospital beds are in use right now. about 20% with covid patients. more than 1000 hospitals are reporting critical staffing shortages with more expecting to in the not-too-distant future. that is because after combination of factors, from burnout among health care workers to those who are getting sick. in california, for example, health care workers who test positive for covid but are asymptomatic are allowed to keep working according to the state's health department. the american hospitalization also says that the vaccine mandate for those who work in health care could worsen staffing issues at hospitals. it says the aha will work with
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the hospital field to find ways to comply that balances the requirement with the need to retain a sufficient workforce to meet the needs of their patients. we should emphasize though, liz, that even though hospitalizations are quite a bit higher than they were last winter deaths are down compared to last winter's surge. back to you. elizabeth: grady trimble thank you so much for your journalism there. good to see you, grady. welcome to the show former fda official, georgetown university health law professor rik mehta. rik, talk about this 22 states are still going to fight biden's vaccine mandates for health workers. by the way, great to see you. the supreme court let that mandate proceed through the lower courts. rick it could still be overturned, blocked by by a lower court back in the supreme court. what do you say about this fight? >> listen i think the fight has just gotten started. the victory against osha, pushing back the osha
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regulations but what a big disappointment the supreme court left us with, issuing, forcing vaccinations for any federal funded hospital this, is slippery slope here. states, many of them collect federal funding in order to allow for treatment center for medicaid, medicare patients that come to the hospital. so now what you're doing is, you're forcing health care workers to be in a conundrum on whether to get vaccinated or leave their job. you see a lot more health care workers walking off the job because they're disappointed that their religious beliefs have to be trampled on in order for them to practice medicine or practice nursing this, will continue to be a fight. i don't think it ends here. i think this just begins. elizabeth: to your point, it is a fight over the 1905 supreme court decision which said the states, not the central government have power to do vaccinations. it is that fight. it is the fight wait, health care workers are exposed. they should be vaccinated.
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the health care workers are saying uh-uh we don't want the vaccine because we know the effect on the body. there is talk that booster shots will ruin your immunity system. that is what we're hearing out of israel, other studies worldwide. this fight over vaccine mandates is not over, far from over. there are some different issues hitting it. >> yeah. well the truth is, you know, individuals should be able to decide the benefit risk of whether they should take a vaccine, right? the fact that the federal government continues to encroach on the practice of medicine, this didn't just start with covid. this started with the affordable care act put into place. the overreach of centers for medicaid and medicare over the years, taking away from the physician patient relationship should be concerning for everyone. and so you know, health care workers do have a right to continue to push back. states have the right to say, listen, tenth amendment, we're allowed to regulate the public health powers, regulate police powers. the federal government, this is the biggest overreach of the
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federal government we've seen yet. especially within this pandemic. this is again, just the start of it. rather than looking at hospitalization rates, rather than looking at negative outcomes, you know, there are more focused on positivity rates. that is not the right measure for looking at this pandemic. elizabeth: now we have associated press dropping looking at just cases. now they will look at deaths in hospitalizations. the surgeon general is effectively saying to the country, ignore the scotus decision. businesses receive vaccine mandates. watch this. >> well, the news about the workplace requirement being blocked was very disappointing, martha. it was a setback for public health, because what these requirements ultimately are helpful for, is not just protecting the community at large but making our work places safer for workers as well as for customers. so the good news though is that there is nothing that stops work places from voluntarily putting
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reasonable requirements in place. in fact many have done so already. a third of the fortune 100 companies put these in place, many more outside have. certainly encouraging companies to put these requirements in place voluntarily. in the health care setting that ruling was upheld. elizabeth: so, you know, he said more about just move ahead. now listen we hear what he is saying, right? the companies can do that or they can choose not to. so that is an issue. but when you hear that, when you hear the "salt lake city tribune" editorial board calling for the national guard to keep unvaccinated people in their homes, you say, whoa. this is going next level. this sounds really weird, that you're going to have a editorial board after newspaper calling for that? >> well, look, this has been disappointing by the biden administration. they have everyone in a frenzy. our entire country into a single public health issue country. that is dispointing. it is pretty alarming to even
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suggest that the national guard should keep unvaccinated people at home. we know that social isolation is contributing to mental health and suicide rates at unprecedented level. why isn't the surgeon joan looking at totality of public health. if his concern is transmitting virus and disease, if you institute mandates, the first scientific step that he should take is inform the american public how they will achieve herd immunity. how they are doing this for community good before they trample on constitutional rights. i think the fact that they have such ignorance to the law an constitution what is mostly concerning here. elizabeth: thank you, rik mehta. good to see you, come back soon. we're coming out of the bottom of the hour. you're watching the for example business network. up next former nypd detective, dr. oscar odom, shocking reports of major crime breaking out in new york city and our nation's capital. cities are called out for putting in a revolving door for criminals. only four out of 10 murders in
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washington, d.c., led to arrests. so here's the debate. when will president biden's justice department step it up to stop what americans are scared about, outraged and frustrated over for several months? that is rising crime. keep it here on "the evening edit." >> law enforcement won't prosecute in new york city. the district attorney went on record for that. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. when you sponsor a job, you immediately get
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♪. elizabeth: let's welcome back to the show former nypd detective, he is dr. oscar odom. it is great to see you again, doctor. your reaction to this, a little over four out of 10 of washington, d.c.'s murders have led to arrests? you know, know criminologists say it could get worse. the murder rate is worse since 1993. this is coming out of fox digital. what do i say to this story? >> it is unbelievable, when you look at it, especially when you
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have detectives are able to work and solve crimes. we have a problem or issue with the public now, because of mistrust because of previous cases that have arisen. however the fact is we know that the majority of police officers are good officers. they do the right thing. that small percentage winds up tainting officers. therein lies the problem. we news extend the olive branch to build police community relations again. it is terrible. the public are the ones that are suffering now with the crime rate rising exponentially now. elizabeth: and, where is the white house on getting the doj to stop weak on crime prosecutors building a revolving door for criminals? let's listen to the sound bites of what people are saying about what is going on in our nation's capitol. watch this. >> the interesting thing that we've seen over this year as our homicide rates have gone where they have gone is the community is actually not in that same place. the community is actually asking where are our police officers? >> the homicide rise in so many
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places was so abrupt. it began a just about a day or two off george employed was killed. departments simply are not able to adapt as rapidly as the homicides are going up. if you add in the pandemic and the police ranks, that makes solution even more difficult. >> across the country generally, especially in communities hardest hit by high homicide rates, there is this hopelessness that there is really nothing that can be done and, that it is chronic problem that is beyond sort of solving. elizabeth: the george floyd murder was round did i condemned. what happened afterward, the criminologists are saying, as you pointed out too, that there is a combination of dramatic events taking place that subpoena causing a nationwide crime wave. we see it in urban city, urban
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areas around the country. what do you say to this? >> well, one of the things that i say is that public safety is a issue that cuts across all social, economic levels. everybody is concerned with public safety, whether you're rich or you're poor. everybody believes in public safety. public safety is key, vital to our economy and is vital to our humanity. when we look at these different things i hate to keep on going back to the fact of when we look at, as i stated earlier, see something, say something but if i see something and say something and you do nothing, there is a public safety issue, there is a public safety problem and recent cases and the public outcry has shown that the defund the police movement was not a great idea because of the fact everybody is concerned about public safety regardless of socioeconomic levels. elizabeth: and doctor, immigrant communities, minority communities are really hammered by rising crime. we have asian new yorkers are disgusted by the surge in
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violence. a homeless man pushed asian-american woman in front of a subway train in times square to her death. the new york city mayor is downplaying it, perception of subway crime is less than 2%. is that the message to put out, it is not about data points instead of human beings being thrown in front of and pushed in front of subway cars? >> the reason could be added to the message. the reason he say it he has been in office over two weeks. he is making up the previous administration which had a lot of issues. elizabeth: doctor, i need to interrupt. but doctor, his d.a., alvin bragg is downgrading felony charges to misdemeanors for burglaries, armed robbery, drug cases and robbery by force. you know what i mean, doctor? that is going on in new york city. your final word? >> that is an issue because even a new york city police commissioner raised the issue,
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sent out a memo and the new york city police department that raised concerns about the fact if i'm going to arrest you for armed robbery and then you're going to say i didn't shoot anyone you will downgrade the charges, that is an issue on public safety for everybody. the thing is, that is a concern. the mayor is a former new york city police captain. he knows what it is like to be out there on the streets about fighting crime. this d.a., that is where we have the mixed messaging because the d.a. is now trying to give a new message and trying to explain what his policies are. elizabeth: okay. dr. oscar odom, always great to have you on. come back soon. we love your insights. >> thank you very much. have a great day. elizabeth: up next "the federalist" chris bedford. chris bedford with us next on this story. nancy pelosi's son, allegedly worked at not one, not two, but five companies probed for fraud. he was never charged but eyes are on his work and on the house speaker's own comments supporting stock trades by lawmakers while in office
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despite the obvious conflicts of interest. keep it here on fox business. ♪. about the market and want to make the right moves fast... get decision tech from fidelity. [ cellphone vibrates ] you'll get proactive alerts for market events before they happen... and insights on every buy and sell decision. with zero-commission online u.s. stock and etf trades. for smarter trading decisions, get decision tech from fidelity.
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♪. elizabeth: back with us now, "the federalist" senior editor chris bedford. hey, chris, good to see you. what do you make of this new report that nancy pelosi's son paul was involved in five companies probed by the federal government for various issues including fraud? he has got connections to a host of fraudsters, rule breakers and all sorts of people, convicted criminals probed by federal agencies, before, during, after his time there, according to this report. what do you think of this story? >> whenever you see politicians kids or politician family members involved with suspicious companies, profiting off of them, making a lot of money, first thing i look at companies, what do the company have to do, what does it have to do with politicians? is there a reason he was hired, the reason his mother is one of the most powerful democrats
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entire country. three of these companies are green energy companies, companies that directly benefit in legislation nancy pelosi puts forward. one is involved in the medical sphere, that nancy pelosi led federal takeover. they have become under investigation. it shows a complete lack of judgment by him. shows a wont or access to power by these companies. lastly, i'm glad all the news is coming out nowadays about nancy pelosi, how wealthy she has gotten while she is in congress. how wealthy her family members have gotten. there is shocking lack of interest for too much of the press for years in her wealth, those around her wealth, like we've seen with the biden family. i'm glad it is slowly coming to an end. elizabeth: paul pelosi, jr. has never been accused or charged with crimes relating to any of these cases. the question is, nancy pelosi said she wants to lead the most honest, ethical, transparent government on her watch but, he was on the board of biofuel
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company fog fuels. that was accused of defrauding investors. he was on environmental firm, natural blue, which was accused of being a front for two fraudsters, convicted fraudsters there. he was vice president of info usa, which has been accused of sending consumer identification information to marketing scam sisters who went on to defraud senior citizens. he was targeted medical pharma, which fda said tested drugs on people without fda authorization. and then he was at lithium mining company called ora resources that set aside tens of millions of shares for insiders that the board didn't know about. they made off with a lot of money in a fraud scam there. how does he get hooked up with all these unsavory characters, chris? you're final word? >> everybody knows here, you don't even put an investment without doing research who is behind it what the company does, what their history is. of course google search can find some dangers here.
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he was completely ignoring it. this is dig difference with corruption between gop or left. the gop goes down for couple thousand dollars here, favors there, stupid childish bribes. democrats legally make money on millions and millions of dollars their legislation pushing lithium mining which is the golden ingredient for electric cars and other environmental companies. they seem to do corruption a lot better than the gop. typically they're not caught for it. elizabeth: we have new york's congressman chris collins, right, got caught went to prison. >> so always childish crime they bet in trouble for. elizabeth: okay. chris bedford, thanks for joining us. good to see you. come back soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: up next texas congressman pat fallon on this horrifying story. the family of the texas synagogue terrorist, they're saying in england why did the u.s. let him in with criminal
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record? how was he able to get a gun? why are these individuals england targeting synagogues here in the u.s.? we'll dig into it next. >> this is serious business. the entire jewish world was affected by this. every synagogue. and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! thirty-four miles per hour! new personal record, limu! [limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ on fanduel sportsbook, new customers
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joining us now texas congressman and how foreign servicemen. with abby on. as a family texas synagogue terrorists, good to see a -- in england, they are asking how did the u.s. let him in? he got a criminal record, he got a gun, his brother speaking saying he's known to cops. how does he get into the u.s. and get a gun? >> that's a great question and we need to find answers, open an investigation, congress should do so because this could happen -- this was a traumatic situation for the folks involved in i feel not only for the people held hostage 6 million jewish brothers and sisters across the country and we need to find out what happened, who dropped the ball to make sure it never happens again. liz: the congregation at israel
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in colleyville, texas north of fort worth, the fbi initially said it was something to do with the jewish community why is the fbi immediately putting out statements like that? >> there's incredible smoke and ignorant. of course the jewish community was specifically targeted. this man chose a synagogue, held jewish members hostage and why? gonna release of a convicted felon who is known anti-semite and a terrace, of course it has something to do with the jewish community and for them to say otherwise is a port. liz: he was talking about siddiqui, prison for 86 euros for her sentence for trying to shoot and take out u.s. troops and officials in afghanistan, why did he fly to texas? 5000 miles away from his home to carry out this attack? the concern is there could be more synagogues targeted by
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extremists and terrorists out of overseas into the u.s., the visa system, are we dropping the ball on this? >> when we say we need to secure the border, secure the border. not just the southern border but all ports of entry across the country. this penetration seems to focused on criminalizing parents chasing john trump supporters in securing our borders. this fellowship never happened in the country to begin with. liz: the severity of it, the woman he was trying to tout demanding her release, she tried to fun down u.s. fbi military officials, she demanded during a 2010 trial jurors undergo dna tests to ensure there's no jews on her jewelry, and when she was arrested she had a list of her targets, grand central station, statue of liberty and more that we have a lot on domestic
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terrorism in this country. we got nearly a dozen terrorists trying to cross the border in the last year. his congress on the secure? this is a serious issue. we just had pittsburgh synagogue in pittsburgh shot up in a domestic terror attack, 11th that there. now synagogues are being targeted. >> we need to act and not react. the folks who took down the towers 20 years ago at the pentagon were not domestic terrorists, islamic and mentalist terrorists and well-funded at that. this instant that happened in colleyville does smack conspiracy, not a loan actor but somebody who funded him and it was well planned out. we don't know yet but we have to be ever vigilant here, i do not want 6 million of our fellow american citizens to live in fear because democrats, it
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should be a bipartisan effort and i really hope this time . liz: enough already. we hear you loud and clear because i want to get to the investigation in england, police in manchester want to teens in custody in connection with this standoff with this hostage taker, rabbi got out of it by throwing a chair out a guy and he saved to other people. the greater manchester police tweeted counterterrorism officers made the arrest. it's a terrorism case. why are they reluctant to call a terrorism case? >> wokeness and political worldview. it's ridiculous, i want facts and data and that's how you address threats. if it's islamic extremists, call it what it is. the shooting wasn't workplace violence, islamic bundle extremism. i don't know why the left is hell-bent on calling this, it's
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a dangerous. in england, one of our closest allies i don't know how the ball was dropped and why they got into the country, we must find out. liz: great to have you on, be back again soon. i'm elizabeth mcdonald, you've been walking the evening at about that does it for us, thank you for watching and hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: commonwealth of virginia once again at the center of a political hurricane over school mathematics. the governor glenn youngkin says it's up to parents but leftists who claim to follow the science they parents should stay out of it. when the election on a promised return power to the parents and opponent terry mcauliffe gave a boost think parents should have no place in school. just after swearingen duncan ditched the mask mandate for schools give parents the right to exempt their kids from their
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