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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  January 20, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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being trafficked, unbelievable things happening. this is a strategy the democrat want obviously and i think we will probably continue to see it. liz: congressman, thanks for joining us. come back soon, thanks for watching. you have been watching the evening edit, join us again tomorrow night. ♪♪ kennedy: happy thursday, we've made it. president biden really stepped in it this time. the entire west wing tonight is cleanup on aisle 46 after yesterday's long rambling and somewhat connected q&a with reporters. the presidential performance some republicans call the most embarrassing of all times, at least with gotten over the hyperboles. probably not quite that bad but he did screw a few things up for the administration. i most accounts, longest white
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house press conference in history. impressive considering there were no naps or ice cream breaks to break it all up. instead, half of what came out of his mouth was flat out malarkey. some of it completely made up like the claim the upcoming midterm elections won't be legitimate because his voting rights bill failed. watch. >> if this isn't passed, do you still believe the upcoming election will be fairly conducted and results will be legitimate? >> it all depends on whether or not we are able to make the case to the american people that some of this is set up to alter the outcome of the election. the prosperous of illegitimate, is the process of not being able to get reforms passed. kennedy: so if we don't get the reform passed now, any election
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that takes place in the future will be a battered election. does that mean 2020 was illegitimate because the voting right bills weren't passed back then either? kamala harris was pushed to explain what the president met this morning. >> i will repeat myself. i am vice president of the united states -- . [inaudible] if i may finish -- >> but the specific question if you don't mind, does he think now that the bills haven't been passed, the 22 midterms won't be legitimate or fair or free? >> let's not conflate issues. kennedy: it's a pretty straightforward question, that's what the president said. is that what he meant? who's doing the conflating? that didn't help at all and no one should have expected kamala harris coming out of the gate will do anything to make things clear.
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white house press secretary jen psaki had a great choice of going on fox news and again tried to clarify things. >> curious if we will continue to cite the 2022 elections will be illegitimate. >> first, i talked about this a lot and he's not predicting that the 2022 elections would be illegitimate. what you are saying is both back in 2020 even amongst challenging circumstances, efforts to suppress the vote and in the midst of a pandemic, there's record turnout. he's not making a production, he has confidence in the american people and we are going to do everything we can to protect people's rights. kennedy: if more people voted for him in 2020 than ever voted before, why do we need bills to get more people to vote? none of it makes sense and i'm beginning to think that they don't know what sleepy joe meant either. stop trying to clean everything
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up, he's a messy president but it's not just voting rights, white house damaged, on foreign policy issues like russia china and the senate republican leaders demanding the administration get its act together. come on, man. >> we have a president whose week, overwhelmed, ineffective and i look at this to me, it ends up as biden's year of failure. >> it has been a very tough year for this administration and they are going to pivot very quickly if they want to see any improvement not only in poll numbers but in the progress and work we ought to be getting done. >> my folks back home are upset and i really hope present biden does the right thing and it starts focusing on the issues that matter to all americans not just the radical agenda of the left. kennedy: president biden's supporters say he did a bang up
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job yesterday. if that's true, why are they all in it today? let's get into it tonight with tonight man panel. host of the gary and janet show in los angeles, gary hoffmann is here and the host of the brand-new weekend primetime show, laurent jones, it's laurent jones. happy to see both fox news analyst. juan is on one time, he's running a little late. he's the loneliest occasionally so i've got to tonight, me and you and you. gary, jen psaki, the vice president both trying desperately to clean up what the president said, doing a long press conference unless if you got so many factual errors over the almost two hours? >> wasn't enough?
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i don't know if it was enough, i'd love to see a camera shop like they do during monday night football inside the trailer with directors and producers and these guys. i want to see a camera inside the white house communications office during that two hour press conference because jen psaki has to be shouting out orders about we got to clean that up, there's another one we have to clear up, clean that up, who will be get to clean this up? less likable than the president himself in the vice president? i saw some of those interviews kamala harris did and they were cringe worthy, not because she was bad at them, i take that back -- it's because she was bad at them. she's an unlikable character trying to clean up the mess of the president. i felt like the better option as we saw on fox, jen psaki i think did an admiral job where she was laying out the positions when it
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answers the way they should have been delivered by the president. jen psaki also has the foreign affairs experience i guess you could call it with her couple of years she spent at the state department, she would have been the one better prepared to qualify to answer the questions about how the president messed up when it comes to minor incursion line he delivered in context of russia and ukraine. when you put kamala harris in a position like that where she's got to be defending something, she already comes across as defensive and that's a bad position for them to put her in. kennedy: i go back to she doesn't read briefing material, she doesn't have a grasp of the basics let alone nuances required to write a wrong position so when the president said something wrong, the vice president is really the worst person out there because she -- two defensive, she comes off as angry and it would be fine if
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you are angry and competent because everyone loves a bad, everyone thousand. everyone wants to see someone in the moment and say the right thing and put us all in our place. she has a hard time doing that when she's press on anything, she falls apart. default used to be to cackle but now it's really empty and angry. >> kamala is a tv anchor who wants to be an add liver but as a copywriter. she goes in and wants to wing it but she can't wing it. she's a prompt reader, she has to have a script to be able to deliver, she wants to be the that -- as you say but it's not in her. the president of the united states has made several mistakes yesterday. i don't want to minimize what the american people are going through but it's like a game and the president role seems like based on what he did yesterday
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was too just make it through the entire day. he had cheat sheet with the place but he didn't score, he didn't have any assists, he failed on foreign policy, failed on crime and immigration, he failed when the referees tried to ask questions, he yelled at the referees from they should have went after him and it's a guy who's had he's going to respect the press and have the temperament to lead the country but when he was finally challenged, he wasn't challenged but the polls are so bad right now, losing it with the american people, they have a job, they got to pay their bills as well he lost them and went he finally decides to press them, i think it's bad for the country because we need a commander-in-chief no matter what side you are on who's competent, he's just not competent for the path set before him. kennedy: it doesn't matter what party you belong to or what you
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believe, when the country is hurting, everyone was the president to say let's be better and we want to believe that, we want to be moved and invested. you don't get that from this president even in the moments where he has to deliver so what was more painful from a q&a with the press yesterday or watching the cowboys lose to my 49ers? >> oh, you have to do that. that hurt, that hurt. you know what's? even with this affecting our everyday lives, it was still more painful with the cowboys losing to the 49er sprig they just did not bring their a game and they embarrass the country. kennedy: that's okay, you can watch the 49ers hopefully destroy the packers this weekend, we need that to happen. the white house also has to clean up president biden's blame game yesterday, sleepy joe and
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his legislative woes, not on himself, not on his party but on republicans. >> i did not anticipate there would be such an effort to make sure that the most important thing was that president biden didn't get anything done think about this, what are republicans for? one of the four? name me one thing they are for. kennedy: cutting taxes. democrat senator joe manchin and kyrsten sinema may have to take the blame for that, they voted with republicans to kill two major election bills, progressive's are furious. bernie sanders says he believes there's a good chance manchin in sinema will face challenges probably from social -- we are going to reanimate vladimir and from them in west virginia and went but once this about controlling his own party?
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juan williams has now joined, i will start with you. the president is blaming republicans as though he has a mandate 60 -- 40 advantage in the senate blaming republicans when it was to members of his own party who didn't go along with it. your thoughts? >> to me he's got to take control of his party but 48 versus two, you got to in biden's language acting as if they are copresident and make the decisions. that doesn't excuse republican behavior, you have a unified republican front opposing biden, he said he talked to five republicans who set i'd be glad to go along with you but we can't because then we get primary by the trump base. i think he's in a difficult spot. your mentioning the fact that he does not have 60 votes is the
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key in my mind. he got to understand he's got a narrow majority, he can't get any narrower than 50/50. harris has to deciding vote, 51 in some cases so you've got to scale back and i think that's what he plans to do the second year. kennedy: that's what he was talking about, breaking the back better into smaller pieces, it just looks like a lot. you won't go forward with that massive spending bill i'm obviously fine with but it was interesting because the president contradicted himself because he said the five republic and senators who confided in him they didn't want to be primary and it's a horrible thing because the threat of being primary is awful and who would do that to people of their own party? got bernie sanders and aoc primary out of sinema and manchin, you can't have it both
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ways, can you? >> well, that was ironic. it's what you alluded to, the president acknowledged the fact you can't pass massive pieces of legislation like this, it's uncommon. he knows from his time in the senate so why is he surprised by this? of course it will be a sticking points, he should not be surprised by the fact that there are 50 republican senators who said we are not going to vote for this and there's no way you change the rules on the filibuster. it should not surprise him he's got to moderate senators and kyrsten sinema joe manchin say we love the idea of a federal voting legislation plan to change the laws but we don't want to sacrifice the filibuster, we don't want to sacrifice the sanctity of the senate in order to get what otherwise a good legislation passed. he cannot be surprised. kennedy: he was the senator for 900 years.
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lawrence, we have about 15 seconds, were you surprised when the president didn't answer the question about hunter? >> no, i wasn't surprised at all, he doesn't want to speak on that but the last thing i will say, the president also said talk to republicans like mitt romney because he has to work on his own party as well so what is it, is it the republicans blocking it or you don't have control of your own party? he forgot about the next answer. kennedy: exactly. you never have control of the other party and when things are this politicized and divided, why would you be surprised that they are blocking you? is the exact same thing his party does when republicans are in charge. so boring but i'm delighted. man pinnacle stick around because it's game night, lawrence, we will see you, congrats on your new show. you are awesome. coming up, allies and enemies
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alike, biden's messy comments whether russia invades ukraine. will poon see biden's weakness is a green light? who is going to start shooting, mike baker is going to stop. he's here to save my world next. ♪♪
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yesterday during the president rare press conference he seemed to get russia his blessing, and invasion into ukraine. watch. >> russia will be held accountable if it invades and depends on what it does, if it's a miser incursion and have to fight about what to do and not to etc. kennedy: that, confused and upset people across the globe including our own left-wing media. >> officials in this country and very likely in russia tonight are wondering, did president biden just give vladimir putin the green light to launch an investigation into or around his? displeased when i heard the comments an understatement, one spokesman said he was shocked when he heard president biden
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the distinction between incursion and invasion. >> going to pounce on that phrase during the black talks to begin friday because this could be interpreted minimizing the type of attack or putting limits on the u.s. may do. we are already seeing the cleanup, i'm already seen people around the president clean up on the state department going on right now. >> biden seems week from russia, china and our allies in afghanistan. if he's seen as being weak on ukraine, we will be back here six months from now talking about the minor encouraging into time bond. kennedy: and impeachment. sounding like republican again. boring. will russia president vladimir putin tried to cap it eyes on this and is present biden's perceived weakness dangerous, will our allies destroy us? here with me now, former cia
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officer and group chairman and ceo, mike baker is back. hello. >> that was quite the press conference and i'm glad we are talking about this minor incursion, i would sit under the radar for a lot of people and i'm glad to see it didn't because when you're talking about a global crisis that could potentially involve large-scale military conflict could drag the world into it, he would like to see your leaders, in this case the u.s. president would be clear and concise, very careful on what they say present biden's problem was he started restyling. kennedy: that's what gets him in trouble. >> so he said this and what he was referencing isn't incorrect which is everything has to be appropriate response so if what they do is on cyber attack, we have to have an appropriate response. kennedy: we are not dropping daisy cutters at the red square. >> he says minor incursion, everything is important in the global context, the, like
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somebody like xi jinping is watching, that's very legitimate so that's why you have everybody from the democratic playbook including j trying to office up but the bigger problem is we haven't dealt with this over the past few months, we haven't dealt with this appropriately. if we want to stop putin, the one way you stop him engaging in this adventurism is to be smart about our own energy policy, right now oil is at $85 a barrel, he can afford to save and do this activity. kennedy: fast the only revenue. oil and now that it's expensive, they are getting more money, we got three senators with three different plans. ted cruz wants to punish the company most active in building the north stream to pipeline. then you have bob who wants to
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punish some of putin lackeys and marco rubio want to go after putin himself. which of those three are the most successful options? >> first and foremost, we should have been already, we shouldn't talk about what we might do as far as the military, we should provide strategic weaponry they need and should have. kennedy: biden said we gave 600 million and that's enough. >> but we are talking about more specific weapons, singers as an example. we should have been ramping that up months ago. the economic sanctions present biden is talking about, we should have imposed a handful of more serious ones, not moving from the system, the financial system with access to dollars, that's the nuclear financial sanction but most important, this energy policy issue, yes,
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we heard strong arm germany and the you and say it's not going online. we have the ability if we want to use it, we don't have to be friends with everybody all the time, germany will understand. kennedy: why did they get pipelines and ours is shut down? i don't understand. >> the biden administration would get on board with the understanding that you can do green energy efforts and fossil fuel at the same time. we should never have taken ourselves off the playing field as far as energy independence because when oil is $30.40 a barrel, putin can't afford. he's got to direct limited resources to keeping his population happy and not thank you been here too long. kennedy: i know the former colonies -- i want to ask about the syndrome from obviously serious condition reportedly that's been causing headaches, memory problems, dizziness but for u.s. in 2016, 26 to from act
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and their families working in cuba, more than 200 cases have been reported, some experts say it's caused by a weapon from a foreign power but the cia says is unlikely, it's not a malicious act that occurred to harm diplomats, it can be committed to environment the factors. excuse me. many predict -- they disagree, is the cia covering something up? >> is a complex story and i'm glad you got this covid right now. it's also canadian formats are victims and there's an investigation but ongoing. the cia's initial response to this when it first came out in the first victim started talking about these injuries, their initial response wasn't good, it wasn't proactive or responsive.
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it's not much better along with other departments, state and feds and others involved. what i'm concerned is i don't understand exactly why the cia felt they needed to come up with unilateral report while they mastication is ongoing and i don't know what degree they coordinated with others. the injuries are very serious, i talked to you may have heard on discovery . kennedy: fantastic show. >> second season full launch in march but we talk about this and covid extensively, i've talked to some of the victims and families, it's a traumatic brain injury we are talking so it's a serious issue. you will not and i have not seen anything including this report from the cia shifting that we are talking about a foreign state actor here engaged in not an effort to injure people but i suspect develop a directed energy weapon and technology designed to collect data,
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information off electronic devices, your laptop or smart phone and they've gotten these injuries. i don't want to say it russia but russia has a long history of not worrying about collateral damage in there until collection efforts so i hope people pay attention to the story. kennedy: and i hope the story doesn't go away because the cia, you can't trust those people. [laughter] >> this is where we are going on now but anyway. kennedy: i do appreciate your honesty and your position. someone will get to the bottom of it, probably you. >> i wish i could stick around for drinks later on but i'm going to get you on tv saying rain check. kennedy: few have a rain check, gin martini rain check. don't get me an umbrella. coming up, whose headline is anyway? i'm going to give you a wacky headline, you guess which mainstream media clown wrote it.
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♪♪ mind blown. time to break the news with america's favorite breaking news game, whose headline and it anyway? the mainstream media everyday morons ramp up their ridiculousness, we found some of the weirdest locust headlines on the web. mixed in with a few we made up ourselves so can our panel match the headlines with the nut jobs who wrote them? gary and juan are back from lawrence had some early weekend plans but we were able to call him the ringer, queen of game night herself, kat timpf. >> you guys are going down. [laughter] kennedy: have you played game night yet here? mech no, no.
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i hadn't seen the animated version of you, kennedy. kennedy: he will have your animated version next, you have a series coming out the spring spring on fox nation, i personally can't wait. are you already? >> oh yes. >> sure, yet. kennedy: headline number one, gary, pioneers have gender quality, the aztecs sacrificed women as well as men. who wrote this? unit, the economist or is it a fake headline, gary? >> well, that's pretty good even if it is fake. we'll go with fake, i think it's fake. kennedy: you are not on the board, it's the economist. [laughter] >> i never get to play anymore. [laughter] kennedy: this is your first headline, the racist legacy many
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birds carry. the headline from the daily beast, the washington post or a fake headline? >> i'll say fake headline. kennedy: you haptic stop. that was washington post. i actually want to read that story. i'm trying to fight the good fight. i'm so excited for you, is let's go brandon anti- lgbtq ia plus phrase? experts say not yet but one day it could be is that cnn, the new york times or a fake headline? >> fake headline. kennedy: edits, you got it. >> i got ahead. [laughter] it feels good. [laughter] kennedy: just warming up. america's favorite newsman with us to try to conquer these headlines.
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i think my partners suddenly wanting kids might be racist. [laughter] is at slate, cosmo or fake headline? >> you told me to stop picking fake headlines so i'm going to say slate. kennedy: gary is on the board. it's okay. juan, build your dream house. we will tell you who your harry potter that is. that's from buzz feet, fox or fake headline? [laughter] amazing. >> i'll go with vox. kennedy: no. you can pull into lead. crucially important to have sex on a first date. i waited with one man and when we did, i wish i hadn't bothered. it is not the u.s. sun from a
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teen vogue or a fake headline? >> the son. kennedy: the son? you are correct. [cheering] kennedy: gary, how trolls convinced america that inflation was not real -- or was real, it's not. his at the new yorker, newsweek or a fake headline? >> again, i'm going to go for fake headline because i think -- the wrong direction. kennedy: gary, you are so good at this. juan, you can catch up with this. [laughter] here you go. why i decided to start chaining myself, is it harper's bazaar, life or fake headline?
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you probably wrote this. >> i'll say fake headline, i don't see not one. clever ruse, we knew it, it's actually wise. you are still not in the lead at all. [laughter] can posting the first trap on instrument help you process grief after unspeakable loss? is los angeles times, l magazine or fake headline? >> i think it's real. i'm holding myself, okay? los angeles times? kennedy: yes. kat timpf, that was the last question, you won the game. [cheering] >> i won the game, i won the game! kennedy: it's confetti --
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[cheering] we did not cheat, we don't have to, she's that good. party panel, thank you so much. last word? >> endorphins, dopamine flowing through my body. i feel so bad you are not feeling got because i feel good. [laughter] kennedy: thank you all for playing. >> you are a natural. >> no mistake. kennedy: coming up, liberals like aoc on climate change. solutions affecting their own backyard. is it right under their noses? i'll break it down with an environmentalist next. ♪♪
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kennedy: are progressive environmentalist, their own worst enemy when it comes to clean energy? nuclear power is arguably safer and more efficient than any traditional fossil fuel, everyone knows that and it produces a smaller carbon footprint, sounds like something progressive's should logically get behind and they are standing the way don't you dare build a windmill that ruins their view of the coast. so why do environmentalists get nimby with their own belief? with me today, there conservative environmentalist and founder and president of the american conservative coalition, benji although he's never been here before. >> i feel like i've been here before. kennedy: you've been on my podcast but you haven't been here. >> is just basis here? kennedy: i wish. in his walkie i.
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let's talk about real solutions to save the planet. not all are government mandated and authoritarian, you have solar farms but every time they tried to put up a solar farm like they are in massachusetts, the sunrise movement gets mad everybody. why? >> this on my movement is behind the movement, there politically preposterous and, they actually don't care about the climate publicly care about winning political points and news stories and the fact that we are talking about right now is not about saving the environment actually conservatives, libertarians and people in the center actually care about the environment, they live in the environment. they want to protect the planet. there's only one party talking about it and they don't provide solutions. then you get to massachusetts, proposed solar farm and they don't even want that because they don't want to look at it. when it never good enough and
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you never want any solution than what are you actually doing other than . kennedy: fear mongering, they want to scare people into submission and take all the money for all the other things and say it's worth saving the planet, they don't really want to because that's a positive exercise. that's something meaningful and beautiful you want people together for in a positive sense but they are doing something incredibly negative and divisive i do want clean nuclear power. >> conservatives and americans should be demanding real environmental solutions because we have an environment to protect and we need been air and water and protect the wildlife we all want to look at or hunt or fish, this is about the planet. kennedy: we need to protect the animals we want to kill. >> that's absolute right and we should have the right to do that and conservationists are inherently hunters and fishermen and anglers so it's returning to that root of conservation again,
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in that is this idea of nuclear power. new york state, supposedly this probe climate safe, close down a nuclear plant a few months ago and emissions rose by 45% just after that. kennedy: remain? people aren't coming down energy usage so why do you think taking away an energy source will make things better? it doesn't make sense. >> it doesn't but the only answer is that by having these problems exist, there's a benefit because they can campaign off of it and raise money and continue to divide people and it's frustrating because i love the environment more than absolutely anything and i do think both sides can work together to come up with solutions but when it's about politics and not the environment, not only is our planet losing but the world loses. kennedy: a bunch of losing losers. i cannot wait for your stupid green bay packers to go down so aaron rodgers can shove his toe
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up his honey hole. have fun with it. please come back. >> i welcome back tomorrow, the next day? kennedy: no, no shoot. yeah. tropical storm is next. ♪♪ in
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♪♪ kennedy: linebacker on the kansas city chiefs arrested for allegedly flying into the race and destroying a woman in rage. [laughter] i was like what rain? between that and ratzenberger, the second time this week destroyed something that sucks about the spike in this is topical storm. topic number one. hoping to disappoint the one you love this valentine's day, you are about to be disappointed. white capitol announced it's canceling its annual valentine's day romantic dining experience don't worry, there's still time to get reservations to roy rogers. white castle offered a feature
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dinner, service, romantic decorations. by romantic decorations meaningful pages of old playboy magazines glued to the wall. the promotion for covid concerns just strange because white castle specifically sells a slider top with bacon and covid, that's real. the chain will offer romantic food so you can celebrate valentine's day with white castle take out. personally, that feels much more like a christmas to me. topic number two. a teenager has become the youngest woman ever to fly solo around the world, 19-year-old dara stopped in 41 countries on her flight around the globe in all her parents got 41 lousy t-shirts. she completed her trip and five months or if the aviation world, walking speed. the trip was meant to take three months but weather conditions kept her grounded for weeks at a
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time. every time she landed, she had to give a speech about earning miles with her credit card. she spent her favorite moments flying over new york city and an active volcano in iceland so she got to see a hellish pit of death. active volcano of ice. topic number three. most skincare products are bunch of baloney but not this one. this is baloney. inspired, the new hydrating facemask from oscar mayer so you can have a face full of wieners like prom night. it pays tribbett to the idea of getting pie holes in baloney and putting them over your face. i believe that won the nobel prize in 1964, i never thought of using lunchmeat as a facemask. i did during breakfast once and i had egg on my face. it promotes skin elasticity and moisture protection and 90% increase in base kissing dogs.
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you don't need a medicine cabinet, you can leave it on your truck could report and it leaves wonders for your skin's. celebrity circuiting their endorsement to the baloney facemask like golden globe winner, solo. action star danny trejo. looks great, he wears when every night. if you want to look like a celebrity, place your order. if they are currently sold out. times set it's making more in the meantime, you will just have to go on looking like a turkey. it's time to hear from you, america. walter starts up off with at kennedy nation, are you on drugs? get some help. there should be a, there. he should be telling me to get some and he's going to help me.
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walter, are you going to help me get drugs? it would help. your mouth is bigger than your brain. see how smart i am? at kennedy nation, i'd rather listen to nails on a chalkboard and listen to your voice. and on par? okay, thomas. carl leaves us with, kennedy is really good, she should get her own show. oh wait. okay, i'll be right back. ♪♪
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>> thank you so much for
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watching the best hour of your day. i'm so humble. you can follow me on twitter and instagram. e-mail for next week's hate mail. and please subscribe to my podcast. can't watch the show, dvr it. make every day a, ken-day. >> sewers the guts of our great nation, only thing separating life as we know it from a squaller that would harken back to medieval times. keeping today's sewer flowing is a constant struggle. hard working men and women who told out of sight on keep our sewage out of mind. >> there we have it


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