tv Kennedy FOX Business January 24, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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purchased the other networks on talking about this. where's aoc and children who died in the trump administration? that's up 119% increase from i don't see anyone talking about that. liz: thank you for joining us, come back soon. i'm elizabeth mcdonald, you have been watching the evening edit on foxbusiness, thank you for watching we hope you have a good evening. ♪♪ kennedy: i don't know what happens to every president but they just can't help themselves from getting into a new war. of course now things are heating up between russia and ukraine as the region is about to boil over part of overcooked borscht. everyone hates overcooked wash. a bunch of skittish ukraine pavers are. geriatric rattling sending troops to the region to suit the piece. thank you. start all, probably a handful of
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troops, 5000 but what happens when russia's tanks rolling in the ship the fan? conflict with russia giving gen x and young americans are as antiwar as any generation ever, even the older hawks are having a hard time wrapping their silver heads around what a hot war with the russians would look like no one can remember the feeling of winning which pretty much means everyone has or will sour on the idea. so who is silly with gas right now so he's gas lighting saying we are being hysterical for our ukrainian and ukraine is dramatic counter mapping their own troops. big picture? we need to get off yet as soon as possible and stop supporting global regimes like russia and saudi arabia do it in a way of tyrants are not replaced with green energy economies who is
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restrictive and dangerous. everyone has a bad plan, publicans and democrats no matter how the administrations sizing it, we are going to lose. do nothing? they will find a way to screw that up looking like a mummy. he starts world war iii with no endgame and perfect entrée for china to annex taiwan. drone strikes and sanctions and kill thousands more civilians in the process while achieving nothing? no thanks. nato needs to stop treating us like they are sugar daddies, the only actor capable of pins popping putin. sullenberger needs to get off his norwegian keister demand more from his outdated alliance in the spanish, it's their backyard. president biden secretary bullington in austin, and ice sculpture chance of delivering even a mild version of success.
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while the question is, is it 2024 yet? that's the memo. earlier today pentagon spokesperson jon kirby says the ball is in putin score if you want to avoid a war. >> as i've said before, one significant keyway for his for the russians to pull some of the forces back out away from the border with ukraine and they've shown no inclination to do that, quite the contrary and they continue to add to the present there be to russia, they don't care what we think as long as i got asked many. last week president biden basically gave putin permission, okay, if it's a small person, if we get just a little bit pregnant, that's fine. is that showed aren't going to get feisty? will cooler heads prevail? here to discuss, retired navy seal, wisconsin's third district, a bigger chance of winning their derek is back.
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welcome back. >> i wish i could be here under better circumstances. kennedy: it's like inflation, this problem isn't going to go away, there are no good solutions but something has to be done, what is that something? >> let's be very clear, we didn't have to be this to figure out if the president of the united states and national security team intentionally abandoned americans and allies to invade terrorists and afghanistan then you should be embolden. what we are seeing right now is a direct result of president biden leaving americans in afghanistan and showing weakness across the entire spectrum. we've lost the respect of our nato allies and clearly russians are now threatening ukrainians. kennedy: are the russians working with china here? is this a concerted ordinate of effort to weaken the u.s. in your estimation? >> you know, i don't think in
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those terms. what i think in terms of is that the biden administration is capable of dealing with foreign policy decisions. russia is challenging biden so is china china is now watching putin because putin was watching in afghanistan so the cascading effect and what happens when you show weakness to people only stand strength is this. what needs to happen in my estimation, we need to make sure it's crystal clear to the russians you can't willy-nilly go around invading your neighbors, you just can't. international norms have to be adhered to and as a person who has five combat tours and doesn't look forward to sending any americans sons and daughters in harm's way because of biden's incompetence. kennedy: but his incompetence was on display in 2014 also during the crimea annexation and you were in europe at the time. >> that is correct. i'm not sure what vladimir
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putin's cognitive decline looks like but i'm pretty sure he can remember that joe biden was the vice president of the united states when they annexed crimea make sure they have ports to get so biden has shown consistently weakness when it comes to challenging people who are robes, international robes. the last time biden got into it with the guy named corn pop, vladimir putin understands, this guy is a counterintelligence officer . kennedy: that's what i meant to say. >> they watched and . kennedy: you are freezing up a little bit there, i was worried you were an automaton and someone sprayed you with water and you froze up. are you back? >> i am and unfortunately you can't really count on president biden to show anything other than weakness and the flipside
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you mentioned in your monologue if he gets backed into a corner because he's showing weakness across the board, he may overreact and then we will have real problems. kennedy: how do you get out of that war? >> unfortunately, it would be at the scalp we don't want to see. if we are going to get involved for pete's psaki, let's learn from the 20 some years and sustained combat, let's set real attainable goals, if we decide . kennedy: you trust the administration to set up attainable goals? i don't trust it with anything, i know there are no good options, i totally get that but starting a war for the sake of starting a war is the worst option. we will continue to have this discussion because you may be on your way to washington at the end of the year end it doesn't look like russia is going to be out of ukraine anytime soon so i
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will check back in very soon derek. thank you. and thank me. speaking of dumb wars, arroyo went today wikileaks founder is waiting expeditions to the u.s. to stand trial for espionage after he published documents of the classified variety. london's high court ruled he can appeal his case to the british supreme court will he ever walk free? we need someone like him if we enter another pointless plenty war? don't you want to know what's going on before hand before thousands more innocent millions die? let's meet tonight's party panel and discuss, political editor and host of the award-winning guy fence and show it is guy benson. attorney democrat strategist, national security analyst, a rush is here. it is the a. cofounder of base politics, she
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has back, and also she works for the foundation for economic education, it is hannah cox, great to have you one and all. guys, i will start with you. i hope julian is his appeal and the uk and he's not extradited to the u.s. because i don't think they are going to treat him well here. your thoughts? >> i am not a fan so i'm not terribly worried about his fate. i don't think we necessarily need leaked or hacked e-mails identify who's at fault for this crisis. we are worried about a war in ukraine, it doesn't look like the united states will be involved at least in terms of troops on the ground. i think most americans would probably oppose that idea seems like the administration set at the redline are not going to cross but the person starting the war here is vladimir putin, it's russians fault, we should do what we can to help ukrainians defend their own territory in their own country and i don't think there's any real secret here about who is to blame.
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this is putin show, a power play by him and the world should unite against him, it just seems that the fate of a struggle right now. kennedy: and it's also not going to happen, various senators are like sanctions on putin. no, sanctions on russian companies that are employing slave maker to make things, none of that is going to work. sanctions rarely work but let's get back. there's a free press element here and this is not a right -- left conservative liberal democrat republican issue, this is people who want to defend free speech and post just fine having a tyrannical government mow down someone's civil liberty which is like it or not, and i don't care if you like. >> first of all, i first time on
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your show and first time in a long time to with a republican i agree with guy so the russian motives for starting a war, let's start about what julian said, it's not about freedom of speech or free press, there's a big difference on foxbusiness or fox news or new york times "wall street journal" for that matter, to expose or publish sensitive material. they go through painstaking efforts to react and so forth but what he did for the sake of hurting american interest or hurting american troops in iraq and afghanistan and also those who helped us, he went ahead and jumped, just don't millions of documents without reacting names, there are many tens if not hundreds of individuals in iraq, afghanistan and other countries were missing. those people helped us gather intelligence from u.s. embassies
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and so on and so forth with the intent of helping u.s. efforts in iraq and afghanistan and elsewhere including russia for that matter and that's exactly why in the efforts made in terms of freedom speech was the opposite it wasn't freedom of expression or the press, it's undermining american efforts in the american war effort and iraq and afghanistan and we may enter another conflict in europe, not directly but indirectly. was prevent a war in iraq before 2003, or until thousand one, was try to hurt the war effort when he dumped his first batch in 2010. i remind you, tens if not hundreds of innocent iraqis, afghanistan so on and so forth were hurt, they were tortured because it was dumped.
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kennedy: you sound like cheney which is insane. it's establishment terrien with all the respect, guy is right about 85% of stuff, you're both wrong here and i'll tell you why you guys don't get to decide the new york times is the only press outlet. you don't get to decide who goes to jail for revealing sources. you don't get to decide the american government get to go full authoritarian trampled the civil liberties of someone they've decided they dislike and want to bully. i will give hannah cox the last word. >> you hit it right in the head, i'm not surprised libertarian on the panel, i'm the only one with julian fan here so i will roll up my sleeves, republicans and democrats don't like him because he exposed corruption in both democrats and republican administrations and parties. he also exposed human rights violations. number one, there's no proof the
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things he leaked led to death but what we do know without a doubt is that showed we were killing people, filing human rights ethics codes and killing civilians in this was very important turn in the decade-long war we were fighting because finally walk the american people up to what was being done with our tax dollars an hour names. we need this journalism and whistleblowers, we have mainstream media that doesn't push back on the government propaganda they are fed, they just regurgitate without questions and they are not doing investigative journalism and we know thomas jefferson even said our system cannot last with on educated citizenry and a free press helping them understand what the government is doing and hold them to accountability so i think we should all donate every spare a dime we have two julian's defense, he's a patriot and i don't want to see that because our joke of a justice system -- >> i will keep my money, it's not american.
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>> arash, department of defense lied to us for over 20 years about what was happening in afghanistan. they like to us about pretext for war going into iraq, we been like to over and over and over again and why the department of defense shows to abdicate, our country is strong enough to withstand back. at those people are scared, good. maybe they will operate with a little more decency and transparency. party panel will stick around much more on the way. i'm one 100% right, thank you for that. i am the back -- here along with hannah cox. coming up, a student is desperate for a change, will crooked teachers unions and school boards force parents cut ties with public education? later, president biden caught cursing out a beloved fox news reporter. should he resign for his fellow
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generation of students for years to come. the bad news, it's already piling up. graduation rates high school portably dropping and at least 20 states last year, college enrollment dwindled by 1 million students since the beginning of the pandemic, not good. kind of but if you think college students propaganda fauci, maybe it's great but school boards in virginia are continuing to put teachers before students, challenging the new republican governor ban on school mask mandate is fine for the governor of connecticut because he's a democrat. commonwealth new ag, she's fighting back. >> parent matter if you are a parent you want your child to have amassed for eight hours a day, that is your right but executive order recognize there will be other parents who come to a different conclusion, this is about each individual parent reaching their own conclusion of what's best for their child it's in the code of virginia and parents have the fundamental
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right of the education and upbringing of their child. kennedy: you use who are not so pretty. it's up to the parents, it should be up to the parents. so in the unrelenting parents in battle schools here to discuss, president of national school choice week, welcome to the show, andrew. parents have been talking about this for a long time. essential school choice is for parents and especially for learners. should be able to go to a school that serves their needs helps them out, not one that grinds them out and burns them out so what has the pandemic done for school choice? >> well, the pandemic has aspired families all across the country to look into their option, education options 52% of moms and dads last year said
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they look for new or different school for at least one of the kids in their household these families are looking at all options, traditional public schools, public charter schools, public minute schools from private base faith-based was in homeschooling and they are looking at the options because they want to find learning environments their daughters and sons can learn, thrive, succeed and be happy because that should be the goal of education in this country. kennedy: are you surprised by the teachers unions and some politicians that they are still going with this? they haven't abandoned whole notion of keeping parents out of school, they are doubling down on it, are you surprised by this? it seems if virginia's weather is a losing strategy for establishment democrats and teachers unions who fund them. >> i think one of the biggest myths about school twice is that it's in any way controversial. 70% of families support it and 74% of public school teachers in
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a new poll according to the organization at twice the poor education savings account, one type of school choice program so i think there is universal agreement regardless of people's political parties regardless of where they live, regardless of how much money they make, they want options for children. teachers know better than almost anyone else that while one school might be a good fit for one student, it's not necessarily a good fit for another. what national organizations say, it's up to them. kennedy: i would like to see government out of school entirely. i know a lot of people are excited about these governors and executive orders banning race theory, i don't think that is either, if some one sin their kids to school where they learn critical race theory, i don't care. there's a lot i don't want my kids subjected to, i would like them to read and no math and science and maybe learn a language or two, that would be
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great but that is lower on the priority list. >> this is what i'll say about that when it comes to national school twice week and school twice, the big misconception is school twice a somehow public versus private, an old argument. school choice includes all of the options and four of those options, charter schools, magnet schools and online public schools are part of the public education system, they are all good and worthwhile choices and all tuition free. of course you also have private education and scholarship programs to make private schools more affordable in homeschooling. it's important to look at this broad portfolio of options not demonized any of them and not elevate any of them either. but parents do that for their kids. kennedy: oversimplifying it calling school twice a scam and then trying to keep parents out of the process, it's a losing equation. andrew, thank you for bringing it down, thank you so much.
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>> happy, school choice week to your speech you up colorful response after a question from our own young man, peter doocy. let's say the president was a very nice, he was supposed to be nice. and belmar, he's getting slammed for joking about the pandemic mask roles we live in but is there some truth to what he saying? panel will debate next. ♪♪
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that's why inside every miracle-ear store, you'll find a better life. it all starts with the most innovative technology. like the new miracle-earmini, available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small that no one will see it, but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a thirty-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. president biden might need to stop his potty mouth, commander-in-chief once again losing his cool and saying this after legitimate questions from our own adorable peter doocy. watch. >> you think it's a political liability? is a great asset but as get the son of a. kennedy: stupid -- member and
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the president said he would instantly fire anybody on his staff spoke disrespectfully to somebody else? where's the golden rule? party panel is back, guy benson and arash, is your name rush? >> it is, i go by ari. kennedy: i feel bad, we are just meeting. >> my diet soda, whatever you call me. whatever you call me. [laughter] kennedy: and hannah cox. hannah, this poor peter doocy, he can't catch up break, he's trying to ask a legitimate question and gets called a very filthy foul word questioning his legitimacy as a young man. i for one from of my heart is sad. >> i think it odd, it's not even like he was being antagonistic
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toward biden or asking a copter question, he was asking about inflation in the economy, things all americans deserve answers work and that was biden's response? this is absurd but i have to say, i am not surprised because i've been predicting biden what throw hands the primary. this man wants to chuckle. literally campaign rallies for himself what he get in the face of his followers and poked them in the chest and get confrontational, i think it's he is as a person and we happen to catch it on microphone this time so i feel bad for him but the end of the day he's doing his job correctly and i think it speaks volumes what the administration is about. kennedy: i think is very juicy and when he goes on the lucy against the president but guys, we were promised a return to normal the poem and it's like going to call the prayer line later and ask for forgiveness from the president do like? >> you use that exact word on the a block on our show today so not super offended by the word
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but i would like to correct the record, fact check real quick in the first segment you said i'm only right 85% of the time, i'm actually down to 83% based on the december data so get it right, kennedy. kennedy: i know. >> i don't care that he said stupid, it is what it is. this is a man you pointed out correctly said he'd fire on the spot anyone who lacked decency and dignity and talked down to anyone else, something sorely missing these last four years, he ran as the anti- trump, as mr. decency and president healing so he's failing on his own standards, that's worth bringing him on. kennedy: and it's sad. we are going back, how express back to trump town. [laughter] >> a zika dream come true, i've been waiting for years to be able to say son of a -- on tv
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and i can quote the president to say he said it so i am peter doocy, the big boy. he's got to get over it, that fine but after four years of trump in the white house, the reason we are so surprised joe biden said something off, come on, get over it. joe biden. kennedy: first of all, not surprised. he and kamala hopeless have been awful explaining inflation, they've not been able to answer any questions on inflation. i'm not surprised, i don't really care, i know he's an angry guy and probably hate his job. it's true. let's switch gears, is this a dream or liberals coming to their senses about covid mandates? bill maher open his show friday night saying he is over covid. yet in my. >> it's gone on too long. nobody cares anymore.
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i don't want to live in your paranoid world anymore, you go out, it is silly now. mask, you have to have a card and a booster, they scan your hand. [laughter] like you are a cashier and i'm a bunch of bananas. [laughter] i'm not bananas. if you are. [laughter] kennedy: i'm glad he's finally saying it and very white, seems to agree. >> we were told you get the vaccine, you get the vaccine and you get back to normal. we haven't gotten back to normal and it's ridiculous at this time. i know so many of my liberal friends are with me on this and they do not want to say it out loud because they are scared be called anti- vaccine or called science denial or smeared as a trump, you will realize my support like this will be remembered by the younger generation as a catastrophic
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moral crime. kennedy: backlash has been predictable. whoopi goldberg and cnn's jim acosta saying how dare you, grow up. come on, man. there entering our third year of the pandemic. bill maher and barry white are right here, can we please stop, start living our life? i hope so and i don't think the establishment is waking up, the regime that's greatly benefited them and they have high hopes will push through, a lot of policies with nothing to do with covid. they are not getting enough, they followed a on the and they might not going to product spaces so you still have people deranged about this but i do think it represents the middle of america waking up turning to pushback a breath of fresh air and a comedian can actually be funny and not just drunk, drunk narrative i appreciate him giving best but i think he speaks for a lot of people who are maybe not super political that up pushed on them and ready
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to rise up against it. >> blame the people fascinated and don't follow the rules, yes, it would happen overhead everybody got the vaccine. it would have been over. kennedy: you are over your skis. >> we are not asking people to storm the beaches of normandy, put on a mask and get vaccinated. kennedy: do you know what i want? >> it's a pandemic of the unvaccinated. kennedy: do not come on my show and regurgitate false talking points. absolutely not. >> people die are those who are not vaccinated. it cdc data, every. kennedy: don't come on my show and say that. i've been vaccinated twice. >> you haven't died of covid. i'm saying people who died of covid. kennedy: i am still having symptoms -- no no that's not
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what we were promised, you were not promised get the vaccine and you won't die. we were promised you get the vaccine and you get to go back to normal, get the vaccine -- >> you can yell louder but you won't overcome the scientific evidence. everybody gets vaccinated, you get out of the pandemic. kennedy: you don't, the vaccine last ten weeks. >> no they don't be too yes they do, read the science about the boosters and antibodies they provide. i want to bring in guy benson because i need somebody rational to cleanse my thoughts. >> this is not a discussion nor should it be about a vaccine, i am pro vaccine and got vaccinated. what they were discussing in the clip and freaking out about on cnn and the view is masks. there is not evidence asking especially masks people where stops omicron, it's ridiculous. if jimmy acosta and whoopi
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goldberg, if they want a mask, seven masks the rest of their lives, that is there call for their life, don't impose it on the rest of us. give us options, give us twice which is what governor duncan has done in virginia, he's doing the right thing and people are coming to his side. we are tired of it. kennedy: absolutely. we are tired of the imposition from other people when it's like the science is changing, the science shifts, the piracy is evolving. if that is the case and policies have to as well telling people to mask and stay inside and you have to get vaccinated or live in a segregated society, it's no longer acceptable you know who said that? gayle king. gayle king said what, what she attacked by your talking points? >> i lost you for a second and last ten seconds but going back, he mentioned gail who?
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king? kennedy: yes, that's the one. >> so gayle can, however, bottom line, facts are facts. to debate something scientific, asking somebody for a small sacrifice, put on a mask . kennedy: okay then let's talk about the science of masks. let's talk about landfills being clogged by masks, let's talk about sea creatures being choked -- >> you are an environmentalist? kennedy: apparently you've never watched welcome to the show. i've only been around for 30 years but yes, i've always talked about the environment and this is one of the main things that concerns me the most is your scientific argument all the masks clogging and polluting everything, they don't stop the virus. so stop with the claptrap, it's
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a simple thing. party panel, the nih? that's another argument for another day. thank you for letting me tune you out. what were they hiding? that's another one for another day. they are not conspiracy theories. re, your talking points are so exhausting, i'm going to let insomniacs lunch on this so they can finally sleep. thank you. coming up, holy hotdogs. nfl playoff games this weekend, will brady and roger all retire? with a ever catch a break? we've got more. ♪♪
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that's right, nfl playoffs as wild as they've ever been. each game came down to the final minute, final seconds. the buffalo bills and kansas city chief traded touchdowns and changed their fortunes over and over again until the clock ran out in overtime. each score changed the fortunes of the gamblers everywhere, i'm down several hundred this monday. what about playoff losers? like tom brady and aaron rodgers, parks across america on fox radio, jimmy failla. where do you want to start? i have lots of questions and lots of opinions. >> start with the obvious, it's good to be here because normally after the playoff bronze on turning tricks behind port authority because i owe somebody a lot of money. i'm happy to say, simply for the love of the game, i'll just do
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it for working on the old techniques. it was amazing, my heart breaks for the buffalo bills. kennedy: but i will say this, bills fans need this, they can't exist without success. that's what kills them. >> charlie brown wouldn't be if she didn't let him kick the football. he would be breaking tables so my heart does kind of break for them but at the same time everybody talking about the playoff in the overtime, i say shut up. football is supposed to be a team sport first and foremost, yes, it would have been nice if josh allen got the ball but he didn't need the ball. thirteen seconds left -- or get in overtime and never mind if i kicked off in bonds, it would have taken time off the clock so that infuriated me as everybody said my feelings are hurt, my feelings are hurt. on that level, a little frustrated because it's taking
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the focus away from what bus in the same performance by the chiefs must they came back with 13 seconds. kennedy: everyone like tom brady. >> it was weird giselle was yelling in german when they went down. no one saw that coming. then everybody thinks he's going to retire, the big concern for tom brady, he wanted more championships than bill belichick, he does but if the concern is if he retires he should go back to new england. so any championship he wins from here . kennedy: giselle would move. >> don't ever underestimate the two biggest graduates in all of football, brady wanting more championships, aaron rodgers in green bay wants to be more revered, he wants to leave, he hates green bay but if he leaves, is linked with brett
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favre forever, they have the same amount of super bowl tires but he has his cell phone number. kennedy: the crocs had to go. [laughter] biohazard containment unit. i don't dislike aaron rodgers, i love rogers, i think it rate but you know what i love? san francisco 49ers, it's cold. [laughter] we are going to win because we are aaron rodgers. [laughter] >> it's 32 degrees in the summer. listen i love their pass rush but he was a hunk. i don't trust him with the game. kennedy: i'm on the phone. >> of course years. kennedy: topical storm is next. we'll be right back.
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unauthorized can, that's the wrong way to go undercover. this is topical storm, topic number one. mug shot monday. tonight we meet two beautiful goals, whose only crime was to spread their sparkle. also possibly assault. caitlin donovan 24-year-old sarah franks are facing felony charges for breaking into a man's apartment and attacking him with glitter. pay attention, as i take you through the entire sequence of events. [laughter] will be say they began arguing with the homeowner while on his balcony at 3:00 a.m., i'm guessing about whether or not ukraine should join nato. as an escalated, they threw glitter at the man and stormed his house, on direct fence bursting through his front door so they could pelt him with more quitter. the victim says it was painful and glittery as janet jackson concert. caitlin and sarah fled the scene but the police tracked down the
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car and found glitter inside it in other words, they got caught the same way every married man is ever gone to a strip club. topic number two. southeast was pummeled by snow last week in some places it got so deep, every single family member had to pitch in to clear it. like this little helper from north carolina. this is a 2-year-old yellow lab helping his owner shovel no, the least the bear could do the with my -- just remember, in canada, they make their wives do this. can see him walking circles with a shovel, about as helpful as your average teen. this could be the answer to joe biden's problem if only he could teach dogs to drive trucks and staff hospitals, we be out of the pandemic in the supply chain
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crisis all in one. topic number three. i'll take the dog over the president. researchers train a robot dog climbed the alps making it the world's highest dog since scooby-doo. this is an imo. roadblocks until now have relied on visual senses to understand climbing terrain but that been thwarted by obstacles but they couldn't see like those hidden under tall grass or deep snow which is why they had to call the organic dog tries to take them out of trouble. but now they can incorporate real-time perception to the preprogram snap allowing it to adapt when reality doesn't meet its expectations making it smarter than every liberal on the earth especially one named ari. researchers say allowing robot animals to be deployed for the planets places on earth too dangerous for humans to navigate like the insides of volcanoes
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monday. here we go. ♪ ♪ >> thank you so much for watching the best hour of your day. can't watch the show, dvr it. good night. >> salt, bedroom of modern civilization. a key resource that shaped our nation and remains vital as ever. getting the mineral out of the earth into our lives is no small feat. a man's long hours, constant supervision and tenacity needed to work in one of america's harshest environments
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