tv Kennedy FOX Business January 27, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EST
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it's good to see you. stay safe. >> -- strong voice is. appreciate it. elizabeth: okay, sure. i'm i'm elizabeth macdonald. you've been watching "the evening you would admit" on fox business. we hope you have a good evening and join us again tomorrow night. ♪ ♪ ♪ kennedy: dr. doom is doubling down just two days after fox news dropped a bombshell suggesting dr. anthony fauci buried reports that covid was leaked from a lab, he's once again saying it probably came from nature. so is he delusional or, worse yet, compromised and engaging in yca for nearly -- cya? for nearly two years fauci has pushed the natural origin theory, you know, that the covid came from a bat or a pension penguin or a -- penguin or a mom
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and anybody who suggests otherwise is a conspiracy theorist. but the problem is there's this paper trail that follows him everywhere he goes. bret baier's excellent reporting in this week revealed fauci was told the lab leak theory was certainly possible if not probable. watch. >> new internal communications from the national institutes of health obtained by fox news show in the earliest days of the crisis dr. anthony i fauci, the head of the agency's infectious diseases institute, is warned covid may have leaked from a chinese government-run lab. the wuhan institute of i have rolling. i have rolling. kennedy: that's the one. dr. fauci was a best on siriusxm, and he said this today. >> we always have to keep an open mind on this, marc, as always. but it if you talk to the real card-carrying molecular virologists and molecular biogen
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cysts, they feel that the evidence and the circumstances weigh very, very strongly that this is a natural occurrence in the sense of jumping from an animal species of bat maybe to an intermediate with host to a human. kennedy: what cards are they carrying? membership to dr. fauci's secret volcano lair? and why does he stick so rigidly to the natural occurrence theory? here with me tonight, fox news medical correspondent and author of "covid: the politics of fear and the power of science, "dr. marc siegel is back. welcome back, dr. siegel. >> hi, kennedy. great to be with you. kennedy: did you buy it? >> well, listen, i know him for a long time, and i've always felt that he's saying what he thinks. and, but, you know, you never know what anybody is saying, do you? and he did the say at the end of that part which you -- right after the part you showed, he did say that it's always still possible that something went
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into a lab and then came out of a lab. but here's the thing, what i think -- and i've talked to a lot of i have lolings -- virologists myself if, a lot of the virologists that you talk to are looking still for that intermediary creature, but there's a whole other group who thinks it's much more likely given how rapidly in the occurred that it's much more likely that it came from a lab. my sense about dr. fauci is he's stuck to the natural origins theory, that's what he believes is true. i do not think he's lying, but i also still think that a lab is very likely, and i'll tell you why, this is important. because viruses don't species jump overnight. kennedy: no. >> we have natural barriers. nature helps us. back in the bird flu days i wrote books about influenza and how bird flu is not going to go from killing millions of birds to suddenly killing millions of humans, and it didn't. but then we started playing with it in the lab, didn't we?
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we started engineering and playing with viruses to see what their potential was, to get us therapeutics and vaccines, but it put us in a situation of definite danger. and i think that the nih believes in that kind of research to some extent, and they were funding it indirectly, and it may have ended up biting us in the butt. i'm concerned about what was going on in those labs in china, in the wuhan institute of i have rolling that we may never if know about a. i don't think that fauci's necessarily hiding something, but i do think he backs this kind of research that i find very concerning. kennedy: well, i think that's what he's doing, covering his own ass, because he was directly and indirectly funding this research, and i i want to know if those card-carrying molecular virologists are the ones being handed millions of dollars in grants in the f if ih and the national -- nih which is, you know, the entity that fauci is in charge of which hands out millions and millions of dollars
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including to two of the researchers who were the first to raise the flag that, you know, they were the ones looking at the sequencing. they were the ones looking at the genome of this virus saying there is no way, it is so improbable that it made the evolutionary leap. and also we are now so good and so fast at sequencing genomes that we can tell pretty quickly the type of animal that this thing leapt from. and then you can go out and you can find samples. they have swabbed so many tens of thousands of animals in wuhan, and they have found nothing. that was not the case with mers and sars-cov-1. they were able to pin it down in a matter of weeks. we're going on two years and conveniently everything's been scrubbed so we should say that, oh, yep, it's natural origin theory? i don't buy it for is finish for a second. >> i want to react to that a little bit. i still think it's possible, by the way, that it is.
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but i think that you made some amazing points. first of all, there's a couple of things about this virus that are suspicious. one is that site that does allow it to attach to human cells. that's concerning. where'd that come from. and the other thing is that there's a couple of virologists, one who i revere for many, many years here in new york who's a world expert in zoo nottic transfer -- zoo nottic transfer. he was on the original lancet letter, and he's not on the second, and i interviewed him on the radio, and i believe his mind is open to the possibility of a lab leak. i think that there's definitely people out there that think that this may very well have come from a lab. i'm not saying he's one of them, but he said to me on the radio how'd this thing suddenly start spreading. that's key there, kennedy. there's a structural issue, but where'd it come from? viewers need to know things don't usually do that. they don't suddenly one day bite a chicken and the next day -- well, in this case, a bat --
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suddenly, bam, to millions of humans. that kind of quick changeover a makes you suspicious. kennedy: yeah. and it's just sod that they were doing all sorts of research on bat coronaviruses at wuhan after they had a sample from 2012 that sickened and killed people with very similar symptom, yet miraculously that original virus was renamed, and we don't have any samples of it. isn't that convenient? if anyone could get his hands on them, it would be anthony fauci, but he and francis collins have both gone on record and saying it's very inconvenient and disharmonious to blame china. you know what? it's the truth to blame china, and that's what this government and especially the high paid employee in the federal government, anthony fauci, they should be looking, they should be pressing, and they should be demanding. he's doing none of that. last word. >> last word is exactly this point: i felt, and i know you're
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using more than the word naive, but i would use the word naive. when identify interviewed dr.s fauci and collins, i feel they believe in an international community of scientists that include the chinese scientists. problem is that the chinese scientists are under the thumb of the communist party. kennedy: yeah. and they're thrown in jail. >> when you go home, you might not see your kids -- kennedy: that's right. and if you have your entire career that can be flushed and forgotten, if you can be thrown in jail, if all of your work can be shredded, how is that going to affect your research? we don't have that in this country. we can't exactly identify with that,, but that should be a major factor. dr. siegel, thank you so much. i appreciate you, the access that you have to these people and that you're asking the tough questions. thanks again. >> chiangs, kennedy -- thanks, kennedy. always a pleasure. kennedy: meanwhile, covid wreaking halve havoc on personal freedoms.
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staffing shortages are sod bad, a wisconsin health care system practically held employees leaving for new jobs against their will. their company, beta care, said the workers could leave once they found replacements, even suing the workers' new employer. this week a judge lifted that order setting those workers free. so is this what it's coming down to, hospitals turning their staff into indentured servants? here with me now, a potential 2024 libertarian party presidential candidate, it is spike holm. welcome back. >> thank you, kennedy, thank you for having me on. kennedy: these were actual workers. these were not contractual employees. they said, hey, we've got better hours, higher pay, can you match it, and beta care said, no. so how did a judge rule that they were forced to continue working for an employer who clearly didn't want them?
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>> well, the short answer is the government's out of control. kennedy: yeah. >> like you said, these workers were at will, they were not under contract. they even gave them the option to make a counter offer and try to retain them, and they declined and said, no, we don't think it's the worth the extra cost of paying you more. and i think the reason was because they decided they were going to go to court and attempt to force these employees to continue to work for them. let's be very clear about this, this is a blatant violation of the 13th amendment. if this sounds like slavery or involuntary servitude, it's because it is. kennedy: yes. >> this is blatantly an overreach by both beta care and by the judge that even temporarily ordered this. now, thankfully, it's been lifted, but the fact that we're even talking about that this was temporarily issued is chilling, and we need to talk about why it happened. kennedy: and, you know, you've got the federal government saying all workers must be vaccinated.
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you've got workers who have been on the front lines for going on three years now, their third year of the pandemic, and they know what they're up against. they know what the virus does. they have exercised their medical freedoms. they have been fired. so the government has created a worker shortage. you know, they've militarized hospitals in some cases sending in the national guard, but you can't do that everywhere with. so this is government created and government exacerbated with the judge -- i'm glad the order was lifted because this is insane. but this is also what happens in countries that libertarians have been railing against for years. >> well, exactly. and the thing is, you know, we can look at the certificate of need laws and other laws that have greatly restricted the capacity for health care, we can look at the vaccine mandate which led to this worker shortage or helped contribute to the worker shortage which, by the way, it's so bad that now employers, hospitals are now telling their vaccinated workers who have active covid infections that they can come back to work while they're infected as long
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as their symptom aren't too bad. you know, for the public health. and then we could even look at the fact that, for example, the reason that a judge that is this out of control can act this way, as lawlessly as they can, is because of the immunity that judges have. but really this all comes down to something much more basic. we have decided or our government has decided that individual rights and should be trumped anytime that the public good trumps that need. and more importantly, that that public good needs to be decided by politicians, judges and regulatory agencies who are completely immune from the consequences -- kennedy: and unelected. >> -- even when they break the law. and that's what led to this kind of nonsense. kennedy: we have to put a stop to it. your presidency will do that. it's going to be a hell of a fight. spike cohen, thank you so much. >> thank you, kennedy. i appreciate it. kennedy: coming up, supreme court justice stephen breyer officially, he's out. he announced his retirement. 40's going to replace -- who's
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♪ if muck. kennedy: welcome back. i've got a big surprise for you. but first, we're going to do serious news lady stuff. supreme court justice stephen breyer today officially announcing his retirement as he was outed as a future retiree by the impatient biden-ites who he can -- so he can skinny ski and go to poolside as sit -- this afternoon president biden said he would keep his campaign promise on who he would nominate if -- watch. >> i will select a nominee worthy of justice breyer's legacy of decency. the person i will nominate will be someone of extraordinary qualifications, character, experience and integrity, and that person will be the first black woman ever nominated to the united states supreme court. kennedy: and her name is oprah winfrey. of course, republicans are warning the president against nominating any commies. senate minority leader mitch
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mcconnell stayed in a statement, quote -- stated in a statement, quote: the american people elected a senate that is evenly split at 50-50 to the degree that president biden received a mandate, it was to govern from the middle to steward our institutions and unite america. the president must not outsource this important decision to the radical left. the american people deserve a nominee with demonstrated reverence for the written text of our laws and our constitution and our cocaine. biden said he will have a nominee picked by the end of february, but is there any shot they're going to be confirmed before the midterms? joining me now, resident fellow at the cato institute, thomas berry. welcome to the show, thomas. >> thanks for having me. kennedy: a lot of politics here, very, very interesting. there are people, democrats and republicans, saying, you know, the bench might be a nice place for the vice president. she could be very, very cozy there. what do you think is going to happen with this nomination? >> i don't think it's going to be the vice president.
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that's -- people always love to speculate on the out of the box pick, the picks that would make everybody's jaw drop. with an evenly divided senate, i think biden is going to play this safe. i think ketanji brown jackson is an enormous front-runner as much as amy coney barrett was a front-runner for the last vacancy,, and i think there would be real surprise if it was anything but her. some would obviously say that she would be a fitting replacement. kennedy: just like brett kavanaugh and anthony kennedy. brett kavanaugh was not my if intern or my clerk. that was not the case. but let's talk about ketanji brown jackson. she is paul ryan's sister-in-law's husband's twin brother's wife. >> i think you got it, yes. everybody is six degrees of kevin bacon and paul ryan, as you see.
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kennedy: yes. so will republicans warm to her? is she seen enough as a judicial moderate to bring over the mitt romney's and lisa murkowskis of the senate? >> well, interestingly, we have a vote on record of the senate just last year when she was promotedded from the d.c. district court to the d.c. circuit. she got three republican votes, lindsay graham, lisa murkowski and susan collins. obviously, the supreme court has a different job. you can't take those votes for granted, but i think it gives some sign that unless if something shocking comes out about her, it's unlikely that her nomination would fail. kennedy: are there any if issues that, you know, the two grinches of the democrat senate would have with her, joe manchin and kyrsten sinema? >> it's unclear at this point. it seems unlikely. in fact, there's something that moderates or even libertarians could find that they like in her history, especially her work on sentencing reduction for nonviolent drug offenses.
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arguably, those from a libertarian criminal justice point of view might see her as an improvement over justice breyer who would often side with police and prosecutors on those issues. kennedy: what about chevron deference? >> from my perspective, unfortunately, she seems to have a clear record of deference to administrative agencies. she spent about 8 or 9 years on the d.c. district court which gets a lot of regulatory challenges, and she fairly consistently upheld regulations without giving them as much scrutiny if about whether they're justified as my preferred judicial philosophy would. kennedy: yeah. i'm shaking my head no as you're saying that because, you know, we've been down this road. and i know you can't have everything in one of these potential nominees. what about free speech? you know, it's always surprising to see who the advocates are on the high court especially once they're confirmed. so far what are we seeing in that? >> hard to say. she had one interesting case about commercial speech which i
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think is very undervalue ised in current first amendment doctrine. there's a challenge to a rule that was pretty onerous, required meatpackers to, with extreme specificity, list where every single cut of meat they sold came from, and she upheld that without applying very much scrutiny or even questioning the current doctrine which alies -- applies such light scrutiny to commercial speech. so from a first amendment perspective, i wouldn't be thrilled with that decision. kennedy: would you be thrilled if megyn thee stallion was nominee? >> that would be an even more out of the box pick. janice if rogers brown would probably be my pick, a former d.c. circuit judge who did an excellent job on holding the government's feet to the fire. she seems to be enjoying her retirement in california though -- kennedy: don't worry. she's going to move to florida soon, they all leave. thomas, wonderful to talk to you. >> thank you for having me.
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kennedy: you're nimble and wise, very rare on this show. so thank you. >> wow. great compliment. kennedy: yeah, right? i'll see you soon. meanwhile, joe rogan's going to keep on talking in the free world despite an old man's attempt to take him down. former anti-war rocker, current government stooge neil young demanded spotify deplatform podcast loud mouth joe rogan from its streaming service for spreading what he called coronavirus misinformation. young wrote on his web site, quote, they can have rogan and young, not both. they gave up on the old. spotify took him up, sided with joe rogan and honored neil young's request to remove his stinky old music. some liberals are praising young for taking a stand, but what about free speech? and why has yesterday's hippie bomb today's tyrant? many -- become today's tyrant?
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we've got an in-studio panel tonight. fox nation host, she's a legend, abby horn sec is here, and foundation for economic education person and cofounder, brad to to lumbar bow. everyone on the panel is tall and handsome and beautiful. >> very hand handsome. kennedy: economics at the kings college, fox news contributor the brian brenberg. welcome, everyone. of isn't it weird? [laughter] >> amazing. it's amazing. >> it's weird. >> it's gonna be good. >> i feel like fauci's going to come in and arrest us. kennedy: this is a superspreader event, you should all be ashamed of yourself. you should be wearing an n95 mask. it look like you've been frenching penguins. brian, you're the oldest person on the panel -- [laughter] >> i am. kennedy: i don't even like his voice. >> you know what? brad is really broken up ant this because he was listening to
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neil young in the green room, it was quite amazing. [laughter] but he's cranky and he lost are. it's obvious that he host. joe rogan asks interesting questions. kennedy: yeah. >> that's why people listen to him. they don't follow him because they think everything that comes out of his is gospel, but he asks interesting questions. maybe neil young should start asking interesting questions. look, forget about misinformation, this is a conversation, and spotify's making it happen. kennedy: but joe rogan is able to maintain three hour conversations, like interesting dialogue with all sorts of different people because he is natural hi curious. and we're missing that in our conversation nowadays. i know you're a huge neil young fan -- >> that's right. i'm going to candidate myself iy gen-zer, i was, like, neil young who? why does he have any clout compared to joe rogan? if you're going to karen and demand to speak to the manager
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on spotify, at least don't go up against somebody with a $100 million contract and think they're going to side with you. you're going to cancel ideas instead of debating them or just agreeing, i think joe rogan would have had him on -- kennedy: absolutely. >> yeah, there you go. >> don't try to shut down speech. kennedy: and there are people who are upset with, you know, people like meat loaf, god rest his soul, and howard stern said i wish his family would have put out a statement clarifying his condition so people know to go out and get vaccinated. but i think there is plenty of room for both conversation and curiosity. >> yeah. i mean, joe rogan has that. and to your point, you guys, i don't understand how anyone thought this was going to go differently. you mentioned the $100 million contract, he's got 11 million listeners and i'm sure even more people, that's just subscribers, and he has a normal conversation. he delivered the most popular podcast in 2021 for spotify, so
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spotify's going to make a business decision. and he also has people on who disagree with him. you're exactly right, he had sanjay gupta on, it was one of the best episodes because he challenged him, and they had a respectful conversation, and that's what we're missing in today's world. if you disagree now, no one respects each other: but joe rogan shakes people's hand. kennedy: that's a good point because he said, you know, you said this about the medicines that i took when i was sick, but i got better, why would your nerving put out that information? -- network put out that information? he was, like, i don't know. >> highway -- he had both of -- sides of the conversation. if you even associate with the bad people or the bad ideas, then you're guilty just for even having that conversation. and we we can't debate things and get to the truth in society with that kind of toxic mindset. >> i'm also wondering how many people disagree with joe rogan, how many of those people actually have listened to a full
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episode. if you listen, you would know that he encourages a thoughtful discussion, and if you disagree, he's like, all right, you have the freedom -- [inaudible conversations] >> 30 seconds. >> i don't think people like when others think independently. they get nervous if you go out there and do your homework. homework is good. joe prorogan does his own, that's why people listen. kennedy: and that's why he's a good interviewer, because he's got personal experience. oh, yeah, i read about this -- >> here's the study. kennedy: all right. more of that and more of this beautiful panel coming up. it's game night here on kennedy show. we'll play in person blowing up thursday with fake news in florida. it's the story of a sham or did it really happen in the sunshine state? play along with the panel. they're all set for the first game in person in god knows how long. it's next. ♪ ♪ ♪
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♪ kennedy: welcome back. we all know florida is crazier than a baboon on crystal meth. taking the sunshine state's weirdest headlines and mix them with a few stories we made up, our party panel have to tell the difference. it's time to play america's favorite drinking game, fake news or florida. the winner gets an all expense paid trip to a swingers party at the villages. bring your condoms, yeah. [laughter] those people aren't going to protect themselves. i love it, brad is recoiling in horror. [laughter] all right. this is going to be good. you guys ready? >> yeah, let's do it. kennedy: headline number one. i'm going to read it. if you think it's fake news, hold up fake news, and to you think it's florida, hold up florida, and i'll score you. headline number one, florida man
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breaks into restaurant naked, cooks for himself and plays the bongos. is that fake news or florida? >> oh, that's got to be -- >> is this a timed game? whoever goes first -- kennedy: no. >> just have to be accurate. kennedy: but i appreciate that you were first. >> thank you. kennedy: and brad and abby are on the board. not fake news. a florida man caught can on surveillance video strolling around a restaurant in st. pete making -- naked cooking instant ramen. he played the bongos and left. >> it sounds like something you'd make up. [laughter] >> wearing a mask. kennedy: no, he was -- no, he was wearing his jock strap on his face. so i don't know if that counts. instead of n95 -- [laughter] >> all right. kennedy: headline number two, florida man fills his neighbor's pool with $400 worth of instant
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coffee turning the water black as revenge for not inviting his family to a party. fake news or florida. >> i feel like that's too nice to be a prank. i would love a coffee-filled pool. kennedy: brenberg, you're the smartest person at the table, and you got it wrong. [laughter] >> aye seen people do that. >> was it iced coffee? >> apparently not. kennedy: neither ice, nor hot. it was not actual coffee. here we go, because you've got to run. >> how'd you get that right? >> i don't know. kennedy: he's brad to lomb bow. you don't need natural gifts, you just need beauty. just hand hang on to that. headline number three, florida man destroys liquor store with a forklift, tells police he was told to do it by a hookah -- >> brenberg finally on the board. abby is batting a thousand. you have three so far.
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>> all right. kennedy: matthew woods jones caused $100,000 damage. he told police his name was alice wonderland and a hoo ca-smoking caterpillar made him do it. >> where did the cat caterpillar get the hookah? >> caterpillars are persuasive. kennedy: number four, florida man uses a pothole to plant a fully-grown banana tree in the middle of a road. >> that's a good idea. kennedy: oh, brenberg and brad are now tied! >> no! kennedy: brian raymond got fed up with potholes in the road. so he made a statement. it got the city's attention, it forced drivers to swerve. he was hailed as a hero. >> a lot of bananas. kennedy: here is headline number five. you ready? >> i'm ready. >> let's see if you can pull
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into a tie with abby here. >> i've got two. don't cut me off a. kennedy: brenberg, that brain of yours. >> yes, come on. kennedy: florida woman arrested for assembling and leaving a giant wooden dollhouse on train tracks so she and her 7-year-old could watch a train run it over. >> okay, no. that can't be. >> fake. >> that sounds really real. kennedy: we have a three-way tie. >> oh, yeah. kennedy: brenberg and brad -- >> i threw it on purpose. [laughter] ken the only way game works. here's headline number six. marinara sauce connects florida man to car break-in crime spree after police find sauce trail leading from damaged vehicles ts eating from. fake news or florida? >> florida. >> fake news. >> we're going to take the lead right here. kennedy: you have taken the lead from abby.
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abby has three. we've got a barn burner. >> i quit. kennedy: it's our last question. it is not our last question. >> oh, thank goodness. kennedy: florida man arrested after flying over crowded lake with water-powered jet pack and dumping paint on boats below him. fake news or florida? >> sounds a little fake. >> i'm going to go with florida. kennedy: brad, you are now in the lead. that is a fake story we made up. all right. this is the one. it is worth two. it is anyone's game. brad, you're in the lead with 5. so, abby -- brian could win, you could win. headline number eight. listen closeliment judge orders florida man to stop using police station as a place to charge his phone after he done so 41 days. fake news or florida. >> 41, very specific. i've got to do opposite of him,
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i've got to do opposite of you because if you get it right, you automatically win, and if i get it right, i win. this is a strategy pick. kennedy: and the winner is brian brenberg. that was fake news! [inaudible conversations] >> that was the most epic comeback victory this game has ever seen. i am wearing tennis shoes. >> he could make a quick getaway at the villages. kennedy: this is how we do it. ♪ >> i just didn't want to go to the swingers -- i worked that hard for that? kennedy: brenberg, you crunched the numbers and, boy, did you -- >> i'm sweating right now. [laughter] kennedy: oh, just wait until you get there. those ladies -- [laughter] >> it's more like -- kennedy: you can't even see it. if. [laughter] i love brian brenberg.
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that was great rehearsal. thank you so much. you're all fantastic. brenberg, congratulations. abby, glorious and amazing work. thank you all. coming up, there's a new dating trend that's heating up the scene just in time for valentine's day. the answer may not surprise you at all. the one and only kat timpf, she has all the secrets to a great first date. she's next. ♪
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dating apps shows during the pandemic singles have been swiping, video calling, occasional arely waving across the room at each other with plastic bags across their heads, but now it's party time. will people remember how to grunt in person? if here with me now, master of heart matters, it is kat timpf. oh, my god, i'm so excited that you're here in person. >> look, i get it. i met my husband on an app, but the apps are exhausting. you have your pictures, and that's pretty much it. so people can comment on the pictures, but then they all comment the same thing. one of my pictures when i was on a dating app was me outside a taco place, and everybody was like -- kennedy: were you in a bikini with circus boots? >> no. but the thing is i had never actually eaten there. all these guys were with, like, tacos -- and my husband actually asked me out to bo out pretty
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much right away, and you can't judge, you can't judge anything from an app. kennedy: so how do you weed out psychos? >> you don't always. i mean, i never was murdered, but some of them were definitely psychos. kennedy: have you ever had a clinger? >> you know i had one. [laughter] kennedy: i wondered if you'd talk about it. >> he literally moved in without my concept -- kennedy: was that after a date? >> there was no date. i met him at the stumble ip, the bar. -- inn. you need to be actively dating so some guy cannot just take up residence. you think you can tell him to leave? first he'll break his foot, okay? and then he will give you bedbugs and say he can't go back to his own apartment because he'll give himself bedbugs -- kennedy: as if he didn't have them -- enter the entire time. terrible experience. would not recommend bedbugs.
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although that one i wish i never met, but also i'm glad i did because of all the laughs we've gotten since then. kennedy: it really has been a joy. and social media is the gift that keeps on giving because people document their lives in strange ways. people go back and revisit that. if you're on a bad date, because that's bound to happen, you can't just text your friend and be, like, call me right now. what? you need my apartment's on fire and you need me to come extinguish it was you -- because you can't call the fire department? >> okay, i'll be right there. i gotta go. someone you just met, you don't owe any elaborate lie. i'm not saying honest, to be clear. [laughter] i'm not saying, oh, you're disgusting. you say, oh, man, you look at your phone,ho gottaoork chun runomorro ad e tatat wtat 1 baue wasasas .g. edke w w a whughu a run? r
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>>e dididididid wasitasn thouou pcent ,ait, w wy gmand dndnd i ve o t tesrororo y: merterer the a a a...s >> q evenven j j oh, , i i iave tavoeaveo. we to d t t podca pst pst p it.t.t. eest at a aururur ves?ves? ..... kennedy: can you give me advice? >> do you think hyde make this up? kennedy: are there plenty of sea in the sea? >> yes, always. always, always. kennedy: seeing kat makes everything better. thank you, my dear. >> of course. kennedy: topical storm is next. then what? i don't know. ♪ finish muck
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who? who, who, who, who. [laughter] buddy. he's a pit bull terrier mix. his owner says he's extremely friendly, playful and you unique, but all in all he's just another brick in the wall. buddy was poke around a construction site when he got stuck for several hours. poor baby! forcing him to miss his spin class and book club. let's just say he needed his head in a hole like he needed a hole in his head. eventually buddy was freed. oh, baby, just pull it out. that's what she said. topic number two, a man in colombia has built an upside down house. the house sits about one hour outside the capital city of bogota. tourists now come from all over to take photos of themselves sitting and chilling on the ceiling and hanging off the staircase. but if you really want to climb the walls in bogota, try the --
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this is also a great place to check your cryptocurrency accounts. they'll appear to have gone up by 40%. the house was created by an us a austrian man who lives in colombia with his family. he wanted to give people a friendly and fun place to celebrate the end of the pandemic which is why dr. a few think is lobby -- dr. fauci is lobbying the president to drone strike the house. that's irresponsible. what did you expect? topic number three, mcdonald's is aling -- selling a new sandwich, but ironically, the heart attack it will give you will be a whopper. beginning january 31st mcdonald's will offer three new sandwiches which it calls menu hacks. first, there's a surf and turf that combines two beef patties with the filet o' fish. they copied this from arby's, then there's a crunchy double
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with chicken mcnuggets double burger, extra crunchy. that's when the kid who makes it accidentally drops his toenail clippings in there, and then there's the combo, air, land and sea. even though it's actually from a test tube, test tube and test tube. and for 99 cents more, you could make it a kid meal. that's when you top it off with a slice of baby goat. topic number four. we know the show is intoxicating because everyone who writes us is intoxicated. this is viewer mail. donny kicks it off with i'd rather listen to a drunk cannen sailor than listen -- drunken sailor than listening to you. gurgle, gurgle, gurgle. me and a drunkenning sailor, not mutually exclusive. ken kennedy nation is a mess and she knows it. [laughter] where are we?
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wade, where are we, wade? jacqueline chimes in with i like kennedy less and less every day. i don't know why because i'm a classy lady. kennedy nation, you're pretty funny for a girl. if thanks, jay. go eat a bag of glass. i'll be right back. ♪ ♪ in austin, texas. i work as a personal assistant to the owner of a large manufacturing firm. i've got anywhere from 10 to 50 projects going at any given time. i absolutely have to be sharp. let me tell ya, i was struggling with my memory. it was going downhill. my friend recommended that i try prevagen
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>> thank you for watching the best hour of your day, you can follow me on twitter and instagram. subscribe to my podcast. can't watch the show? kenna dvr it. bam. salt, bedrock of modern civilization, the key resource that not only shaped our nation but remains vital. getting this all important mineral out of the earth into our lives is no small feat. it is a man's long -- it demands long hours, constants supervision and tenacity neededer to work in one of america's harshest
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