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tv   Varney Company  FOX Business  February 11, 2022 9:00am-12:00pm EST

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recycling and it's all about values and if landfill space is that scarce wouldn't these people sift through my trash and make money off this but you know , i guess if those are the rules it's nice to have a block party since the country is still kind of shutdown there. dagen: every new yorker when they go to another city the first thing they say is, it's so clean here. >> [laughter] dagen: they say it literally about mexico city. stuart take it away. stuart: okay, i will you should come to naples. spotty less, good morning, dagen good morning, everyone on this friday morning. it wall street's biggest problem , it's biden's big it's domestic problem it's not going away and the administration doesn't know what to do about it we are talking inflation. consumer prices rising at a 7.5% rate. now, president biden, as i said, doesn't know what to do about it he's now claiming that build back better will cut drug praises and child care costs, that's his answer to inflation. the federal reserve knows what it has to do, raise rates.
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some fed governors are talking about a big rate hike, next month. all of this is very upsetting to investors and no doubt, to voter s as well. look at this , the yield on the 10 year treasury it hit 2% yesterday, that's just about where it is right now. not 1.999, as my mother would say, nearest damages to swearing that's 2% by any other name, the dow industrial down 500 points thursday no recovery this morning and not much, you're up what, 36 points. s&p down big yesterday, up 6 this morning, nasdaq down huge yesterday, 1.4%, pre-market it's up 21 points that's it. bitcoin, 43, 800 per coin, that's the financial markets. new developments of the truckers protest, in canada, three cross border bridges now blocked, trade seriously interrupted. in ottawa the truckers have settled in, despite threats of arrest. a canadian judge has frozen the money gofundme collected for the truckers.
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that is outrageous. in america, the department of homeland security is monitoring truckers organizing a u.s. convoy, they are worried about a protest that goes from la to d.c. to arrive march 1, just as the president delivered the state of the union message. mask mandates coming off, now the vax mandate is threatened. the covid times are a-changing it's friday, february 11, 2022 "varney" & company is about to begin. >> hi, "varney", we are mark and connie, we live in kansas. we're watching "varney" & company on fox news network, sat , february 12 is our 50th anniversary. ♪ this will be everlasting love, this will be the one i've waited
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for , this will be ♪ stuart: well, mark and connie, congratulations on your 50th anniversary, glad you're watching in wichita, kansas, that's the empire state building , i should say right there, new york city. all right, this is pre-market. a modest gain, pretty much across-the-board but it follows huge losses less, kenny polcari is joining. my obvious question is this. why invest in stocks when inflation is raging, and interest rates are rising? >> well, listen. because you should invest in stocks, stocks can rise in an rising interest rate environment. they just are going to have a little bit more trouble when it becomes chaotic and illogical which is what it feels like it's becoming or at least that's what it felt like yesterday. if interest rates are rising for the right reason, then stock s will be fine, but if they're rising because now we're trying to fight this run-away inflation, that's going to be a little bit more difficult, but it doesn't mean you should abandon stocks by any stretch of the imagination. stuart: but i can't imagine the
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market doing very well, if you're looking at three, four, five, six rate hikes still to come, and an inflation rate that still has not been contained. >> and while i agree with you and you a and i have been talking about that for months i do agree but over the long term, you're better off in stocks that will do well. now, in this environment, like i said, i've been in the value names, i've been in high dividend payers, big u.s. american multi-nation nationals. i haven't added any money, in fact i took my money off the table in disruptive tech but i still own apple and microsoft and ibm because those stories are great. those stocks, those companies will be fine in a rising rate environment, so you just, it's a matter of being much more of an active stock figure versus being passive, or the etf and be done with it. stuart: all right, kenny. before you go, i know you're a chef. what are you cooking up for the super bowl? >> [laughter] well i've got a couple things going, i'm making baby back ribs which are delicious, i'm going
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to make the grilled ribeye that i gave you guys my recipe with the cream sauce and make the roasted lemon chicken that i put in my note this morning with a big salad, roasted potatoes and plenty to drink. stuart: gorgonzola cream sauce. i might resist that. good luck on the super bowl, we will see you next week. thanks a lot. >> you as well. stuart: let's get serious again ladies and gentlemen. citigroup is making a prediction on how big a rate hike we're going to see. good morning to you, lauren. i've seen one fed governor, mr. bullard calling for a very sharp rise in interest rates. what's citigroup? lauren: 100 points by july, and 18 outliers is the question. this is what citi says we're going 150 basis points this year , so you get 50 points next month, four more quarter point hikes that takes you to 1.75% at the end of the year. i'm going to make the argument the half point moves in march is bake in because if you look at the equity markets response to
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it we've never seen ever a correction this big for stocks three months before an expected hike. i'm not sure all options are baked in, including that inter- meeting emergency rate hike, deutsche bank says that is a small possibility. goldman is going in the other direction, small and long, seven quarter point hikes this year. why is everybody talking about this? because inflation is running at 7.5%, and the fed's position and reality are too far apart. stuart: and, the next time we get the consumer price index is march 10, and that is right before the next federal reserve meeting. so that's got that one now. let's change the subject. canada's freedom convoy still going strong. how bad is it for the auto industry? lauren: oh, really bad an it adds to the supply chain problems, so plants are shutting down as far into the u.s. as kentucky, toyota is suspending production through sat at its canadian plant, and its kentucky plant, possibly ohio too if they can't get the engines they need from
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windsor, gm forced to halt production in michigan and ford might fly in parts to keep its u.s. factories running that's all in population airy. right now you have a million vehicles on dealer lots, normal is 3 million, that's why the price is so high. it could get even worse. stuart: okay, i want to bring in will kane, my colleague from fox news coming in because look, i feel really strongly about this trucker protest. i think it could be the start of something really big. what do you say? >> i do, as well. and honestly, the inconvenience the potential inflationary effects on our economy are part of the point. a protest is supposed to be inconvenient. it's supposed to get attention. stuart this morning, by the way we had an interview on "fox & friends" on the ground inside of the freedom convoy it was stunning to hear the voices of the people behind this protest, and they are resolute, they are passionate, stuart this is the working man, the average canadian and perhaps soon to be american who is saying my life
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has been disrupted in an unacceptable way and if just in trudeau cannot hear me he will soon hear our protest and perhaps, stuart, it's the voice of the common mana cross western civilization, not just canada. perhaps in the uk, perhaps in europe and perhaps right here in the united states of america. stuart: well they are talking about a convey to go across america, maybe starting los angeles going to d.c., maybe oregon to d.c., but they are talking about it, and the department of homeland security is monitoring the social network postings of the people organizing the trucking. the administration is really nervous about this , and so they should be. >> isn't it fascinating the way the authorities characterize those who dare question their authority. parents at school board meetings are classified as domestic terrorists, truckers convoy classified as nazis and racist and in the united states of america beginning to subject them to the surveillance of dhs. stuart: these are the people actually work for a living not in the ivory towers, one more
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subject for you, ladd, more democrat states lifting their mask mandates but the president, president biden says, it's premature. roll tape. >> are you afraid though that some states and cities are moving too quickly to loosen indoor mask mandates? >> well, you know, i committed that i would follow the science, the science has put forward by the cdc and the federal people, and i think it's probably premature but it's a tough call. stuart: the president seems to be trailing, will. i don't think he's leading, can he change course? >> so it's laughable he's following the science. he's following the politics, and let's emphasize the word following. here is what i surveillances to happen. i think these governors, these mayors across democratic blue- leaning states are getting a bit ahead of president biden not scientifically, politically. mayan tis operation is by his state of the union in march he will declare victory mission accomplished. say he is our delivery from
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covid and his policies saved us and he would like to wait until that moment that state of the union for the big national stage to do what many are starting to do in what all should have done long ago. stuart: if the truckers are all over d.c., it will be very interesting march 1. it will indeed. before you go, you're from texas who you got in the super bowl? >> you know i have the rams, minus four, yes, i like it and here is a couple long shot, you know, little friendly wagers if you want. go look at aaron donald defensive line for your super bowl mvp, he's plus 1,200 or cooper, the wide receiver go outside of the norm, matt staff ford, look for a couple guys who are stars but can make you a little money. stuart: i'm playing the under on the under over. i've never placed a bet on a sporting event in my life so i'm probably not going to start now but will, thank you very much for running over here from fox news. we appreciate it. >> happy to do it love the show stuart: now then, today is the deadline for new york city
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municipal workers to get the jab all right, lauren give me the number of those who didn't get the jab and might be fired. lauren: it's three to 4,000 workers, 1%, a small percentage of the 370,000 municipal workforce in new york city so today is the deadline you must have at least one shot, 95% have at least one shot. could that just be enough? you're looking at this , the truckers, you're looking at the fights over masking in schools, maybe it's just time to say you know what we're going to roll everything back because that seems to be what the people want and just move on at least for now. stuart: move on, come on, lauren good stuff thanks a lot. friday morning, where are we going to open this market ever so slightly higher, after yesterday's very big losses. here we go. first, the mainstream media called it a cult, now one cnn analyst wants to slash the tires and empty the gas tanks of freedom convoy truckers. why are they so desperate to stop this thing? we'll take you inside that freedom convoy, jeff flock is at the center of it all in ottawa.
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he's got our report after this. ♪ if you want to get out of here alive, freedom ♪ ♪ ♪ learning is hard work. hard work requires character. learning begins in faith. it must move upwards toward the highest thing, unseen at the beginning - god. and freedom is essential to learning. its principles must be studied and defended. learning, character, faith, and freedom: these are the inseparable purposes of hillsdale college.
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first psoriasis, then psoriatic arthritis. even walking was tough. i had to do something.
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i started cosentyx®. cosentyx can help you move, look, and feel better... by treating the multiple symptoms of psoriatic arthritis. don't use if you're allergic to cosentyx. before starting...get checked for tuberculosis. an increased risk of infections some serious... and the lowered ability to fight them may occur. tell your doctor about an infection or symptoms... or if you've had a vaccine or plan to. tell your doctor if your crohn's disease symptoms... develop or worsen. serious allergic reactions may occur. watch me. stuart: huge decline on wall street yesterday, very very small upside move at the opening bell this morning. and then there's this. gofundme pulled the plug on the freedom convoy donations. now, lauren, i understand that a court in ontario has just frozen the donations to another give platform. this is outrageous. lauren: it's a christian platform, $8.2 million in donations was frozen, the court cited the section of the criminal code that allows the attorney general to apply
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for a restraining order. this is what gives that platform says, know this , canada has absolutely zero jurisdiction over how we manage our funds here. stuart: right. lauren: i don't know how this plays out but i do know that u.s. truckers plan two convoys this weekend to block the border connecting buffalo, upstate new york to fort erie, canada and how and when does this end? the comments from the owner of that ambassador bridge, where basically one-third of trade between the two countries goes, he says you do this. you repeal the mandate, right? or you remove the trucks, so trade can resume. i don't see either one of those things happening because they are too extreme. both sides need to say it here. stuart: well take a look at this we're getting a report right now from jeff flock in the middle of it all in ottawa right in the middle of the trucker's protest and it really doesn't look like they are going to go anywhere or doesn't even look like you can move them, jeff give us your report. you're in the middle of it. reporter: how would you even move them? you know, you'd need major wreck
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ers to come in and those guys are on the sides of the truckers, and it's not just truckers. look at this in the window of this truck, you see little messages from kids. one kid, age six, god, keep our land glorious and free. thank you for fighting to get our freedoms back. it's support from all over canada and this goes on and on. i want to try to get up to one of the truckers but you're talking about, yeah, tow the guys out of there. we may have one of these tow trucks up here and they've got all kinds of support there's generators maybe you see , propane tanks, gas tanks, they've got all kinds of backup and i'll tell you just freezing that money, we want to go the other, we can walk around the front, yeah let's walk around the front. they've got all kinds of money coming in just directly to them, so that fundraising effort may not be the key thing. i want to talk to this guy because i talked to him earlier. see if he's still here.
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david alderton, what's that? >> i said be careful it's kind of icy, we don't need you falling. reporter: that's okay i've got plenty of insurance. >> [laughter] plenty of insurance, i wish i had that. reporter: tell me why you feel it's important to come here with your truck and sit here for now two weeks going on three? >> how much time you have? [laughter] well for one -- reporter: mr. "varney" but go ahead. >> well for one i'm sick and tired of people trying to tell me they with vaccinate my children without my permission. for two i'm sick and tired of them canceling school when there's no reason for it. yeah some kids get the flu. myself i personally had covid-19 , i talked to my doctor about it and she said it's just a virus you got to let it take its course, and i kicked its behind, but also, the mandating that we need vax passes to go into restaurants and stuff, and also, a pretty much the mandating for the border where the americans now, i'm
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just a canadian driver or should i say was american drivers are now going to take all my work so now i'm going to be bankrupt and have no place to live. reporter: this started out to be about truckers but i hear what you're saying and stuart was asking when is this going to be over. it's about a bigger deal than truckers right? >> oh, yeah and we haven't even got started about the carbon tax that's killing the trucking industry, and everyone else in the trucking industry, like that's one of the reasons my company is allowing me to stay here. this isn't my truck. i work for the company on the side of the truck. reporter: you stay here with the truck out of service. >> yes, they are letting me sit here out of service for the fact that the carbon tax is killing them, the border crossing is killing them and half the other stuff that just in trudeau and his government is doing is killing them. reporter: we did run out of time , david alderton, don't censor me or edit me and i said we're live with stuart "varney." he doesn't censor anybody.
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stuart: good stuff. reporter: there you go. stuart: jeff that was a great portrait of what's going on in ottawa. they ain't going anywhere, jeff flock great stuff. i want to bring in dr. frank con tasessa into join me now the mask mandates are dropping left, right and center and i want to ask you doctor, as a doctor, do you think we should get rid of masks and masks in schools? >> well, good morning, stuart, and the simple answer is yes. masks in schools make no sense anymore. children are lowest risk population and it's truly affect ing their learning, there's speech delay, the speech pathologists are coming forward saying they've never seen the delays like are going on right now because the kids can't see their teacher's mouths and faces when they are trying to teach them how to read and speak , so the simple answer is yes, the masks need to come off. you know, the results of marty marty makary's johns hopkins study should be shouted from the
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roof top and all of the things that we've done and all the draconian rules we thought we were doing at the right thing to say listen we're all going to try to get this going, they have nothing. stuart: i have to get this in, doctor. what about the vaccine mandate? i want to kill that mandate, do you? >> yes, stuart. i absolutely do, i'm against mandates, especially in healthcare. i was taught that medical bio ethics that patients autonomy are the foundation of the relationship between the doctor and the patient that people have the right to choose what to do with their bodies, and i firmly believe that mandates violate all that, and i find that people who are making their own choices when it comes to vaccines and matters like this , they've done more research and they're more educated than most other people who just agreed to go along with the crowd, so yes, the answer is yes. i'm against mandates of any kind , especially when it comes to treating people's bodies. stuart: full agreement with you. let's open up, come on and get
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on with it, dr. frank contas essa, thank you very much for being here. >> thank you, stuart: gorgonzola art: i was going to say we'll have a modest bounce at the opening bell but that's turned around in the last few minutes not much movement dow is down about 20 now, and the s&p down just 1. we'll take you to wall street for the opening bell right after this. ♪ ♪ dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. yay! we got this.
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stuart: on your screens, the so-called ridesharing companies, uber, at $38 a share right now, lyft at $42. mark mahaney is with us who has rather different price targets in mind. mark, justify this , uber is at 38 and you think it's going to 82? >> yeah, i think we actually updated our price target to 60 but i think the key point is if we really are in the reopening phase, stuart, i hope we are, and we all hope we are. i've got two companies that i think can show you really dramatic improvement in their fundamentals. ridesharing is still 30% below pre-covid levels and because business commute and business travel just hasn't recovered yet , but if we're taking those masks off, we're going back into work on a regular basis and traveling again these two companies have a real chance
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to gap up their fundamentals, they just talked about in earnings calls these last couple days, omicron definitely had an impact on their business end of december early january but since the last two weeks, the first week of february and the last week of january, they've seen dramatic recovery in business, something like 25% month over month, so that continues, i really like these names for the balance of the year. stuart: hold on a second. uber is at 38, you think it's going to 60? >> that's right, yeah. uber to 70, lyft to 60. stuart: okay sorry let me get that right uber to 70 lyft to 60 and that's this year i take it? >> yeah, 12 months these stocks have been very depressed at trough multiples because of covid because of omicron. if we're moving beyond that, these stocks can gap up. stuart: so if we are moving beyond it, if we are indeed really opening up at long last, then that's where these stocks go. straight up. right? >> yes, i think that's right. they are some of the best recovery plays you can find. there are very few assets that
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are still 30-40% below pre-covid levels these are two of them. stuart: let me go back to amazon you've been on this program many times talking about amazon going up by the end of the year, above $4,000 a share. are you sticking with that? >> oh, absolutely, stu. now, we've got these headwinds no question about it. i want to see whether google and alphabet and amazon can hold those levels that they were trading at when they recently printed numberses. we may still if we have this kind of uncertainty over interest rates, even the highest -quality tech names and those are the two, amazon and google, even the highest quality tech names will have a hard time outperforming, but the question is, are we dealing with a month or two of dead money until we outperform? that's to me is a matter of when not if. i think if you can buy the highest-quality assets when they are on sale you do that. stuart: all right, mark mahaney, you make a good case. thanks very much for being with us. >> happy friday, stu. stuart: yes, sir check the futures now point slightly lower for the dow, fractionally
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higher for the s&p, nasdaq down just 1 point. i don't see that much price change, at least not at the opening bell, but remember, these are extremely volatile times. i would not be surprised to see sharp multi, what's the word , triple digit ups and downs for all the indicators throughout the day. i would not be surprised. >> [opening bell ringing] stuart: just keep watching the yield on the 10 year treasury that's going to be very important. we're off, we're running, february 11, and we've started out. we're ever so slightly lower, dow is so slightly higher i'd call that dead flat, right from the start. the s&p 500, i think that's the same story, absolutely dead flat, up .08%, and the nasdaq, we've seen the real big movement recently. well you've got movement there, you're up 27 points about .2%. how about a look at big tech again, please? they are all open, they are all trading, the only loser is amazon, which is simply down 5 points. show me zillow, please the real estate people. now they lost nearly
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$900 million on their home flipping business, they lost that money last year. look the stock is up 14%, so i guess the big loss of house flipping is behind them. >> it's behind them, actually it came out to be an average 25,000 loss on every home that they sold, but they were able to wind-down that business faster. investors like that. that risk has been removed, if you will and if you look at their core business, which is actually listing homes on the website, that revenue rose 30% on the year, so it's a winner today. stuart: 30% is good, okay. show me a firm that are layaway people, you know buy now, pay later. i know this stock initially plunged i see it down 9% now. what's this about a crazy tweet? lauren: yeah, so their tweet was about their financials and it was human error released before their report was actually released. at first, revenue rose 77%, that's what the tweet had mentioned and it did, so the stock was up at one point but then you've got the full
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report and look, this is an un profitable company, intense competition and loss of market share. peloton is a big partner, those expensive bikes. stuart: oh, yeah. lauren: buy now pay later, their sales are down so that affects the firm, and then there's a research firm called new construct and they say shares, which are at 53 are worth $10. stuart: ouch, that'll take you down. maybe they were short sellers i don't know about that, but that's what they say. expedia, up 4%, they must have had a terrific holiday selling season. lauren: well you're right again, stuart. you want to do the whole segment because their bookings nearly doubled and going forward they said look, travel, it will still be disrupted, but disrupted less because we're learning to live with covid, so they are saying it's going to become endemic this is the new world order, it's not going to impact people 's desire to travel. stuart: just think how wonder fill it will be if they got rid of the mandates, mask and then the cruise lines and the travel people would start to go places. lauren: yeah well there is always the fear of another
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variant i think that's the problem and fear of many people who say we can't admit we're wrong. stuart: we've got yelp on the screen up nearly 7% the review people, what's the story? lauren: record advertising sales particularly from restaurants and retail, home services, ad revenue up 40% from pre-pandemic overall revenue surpassing pre-pandemic sales too, so yelp certainly a winner that means the business community is coming back in because they are buying ads. stuart: when i say godaddy put it on the screen i bet it's up. yes, you know why? because godaddy, they are the cloud people. that's the magic word, say cloud , and you go up. lauren: you're right, stuart. i always think of that super bowl ad a few years ago the real or the biggest reason that godaddy is up 11% is that $3 billion buyback announced and strong earnings, and forgo daddy this is a big deal because it is the first timeshares are up in five days. stuart: i heard about them when they advertised on the super bowl some years ago as i recall. i'll bet you this year cryptos
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will be all over the super bowl. lauren: has an ad, yes, some of the exchanges do, yup, they are all about cryptocurrencies, and there's $7 million for 30 seconds of tv that's a record. for 30 seconds. stuart: i see under armour down 7%. lauren: okay, but this is weird. it's weird because we're all wearing workout clothes, became the more casual society, well no one can see our bottoms. stuart: that's right. i have jeans on. lauren: they are impacted by the supply chain like everybody else their margins were squeeze particularly by the cost of moving their goods, freight, and they say revenue for this quarter will take a hit because of it going forward, looking into spring, and summer, they actually had to reduce their orders because the factories don't have enough staff, because of covid, to make all the stuff. stuart: okay, good stuff, lauren let's wrap it all up for the moment. we've got the dow winners headed by visa, interesting. not much of a gain, but it's the top of the winners list for that dow, the s&p 500 i've
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got monolithic power system, don't know them but they are at the top of the list, and the nasdaq winners, i'm dying to see a big tech get on the nasdaq winners list. i don't see it. lauren: did you know that the nasdaq is actually higher this week? stuart: yes. lauren: isn't that crazy? it felt like it be lower but it's up two-thirds of 1% on the week. stuart: and verizon, yeah that's the leading stock amongst the s&p. there you go. now sorry, check that big board, we're down 16 points in the last five minutes, that's it. now, the 10 year treasury yield, 2%. 2.008% to be precise. gold, 18.30 per ounce, bitcoin is it still at 43,000 yes it is, 43, 500 to be precise, oil $90 a barrel, nat gas 3.93 not doing much actually, the average price for a gallon of regular gasoline is now 3.48 and look at california again, $4.68. ready for some real talk?
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that's in quotes, "real talk" from hillary clinton? roll tape. >> i think that it is a time for some careful thinking about what wins elections and not just in deep blue districts where a democrat and a liberal democrat or so-called progressive democrat is going to win. stuart: may i suggest that if you want to win an election don't call voters deplorables. new york democrats want her to speak at their convention, yes, we have the story. the oscars are not going to require proof of the jab to actually attend the ceremony. so the hollywood elite can go in , but california school children still need to be masked up, how about that? steve hilton has it, mattress ma c, known for his big super bowl bets putting $4.5 million on the line this year through a sports betting app. the man himself is here to explain what he's up to.
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♪ we will, we will rock you ♪ stuart: i like queen, not a bad song. yes, it was actually. i really like that one. okay. that sofi stadium, that's where the super bowl is going to be played sunday, today it's going to reach 85 degrees. the american gaming association says we're going to slap down close to $8 billion in betting on the big game. texas furniture salesman jim mattress mack placed a record bet on the game put down $4.5 million on one of the teams and jim johns me now. jim, i know you're driving and you have to leave texas to place the bet in louisiana.
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you're just driving back from having placed the bet. who did you bet on? >> yeah, stuart i bet 4.5 million on the bengals last week and i decided to bet and i went back to louisiana today which is legal sports wagering state bet 5 million more so i bet 9.5 million on the cincinnati bengals to win it at plus 170. stuart: that's a very large bet. is this some kind of pr ortizing for your business, or what? >> well, we have a promotion that says we buy $3,000 tempurpe dic mattress or $3,000 worth of living room furniture and the bengals win the big game you get your money back so the promotion is driving lots of great customers beings and this is my way of hedging off the risk. stuart: you've been doing this for some years, i think. i know we had you on the show last year when you did it. was it a successful promotion for your business? >> it's very successful, because it brings in new
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customers, but it's over-the-top successful when the team wins, hopefully cincinnati will win, all these customers get their money back and the word of mouth advertising goes on for literally years and years. stuart: what's your tax situation, if you win? >> you know, the tax system is a wash. stuart: a wash, completely? >> yeah. stuart: okay, what are you going to do this year if you win? how many mattresses are you giving away? >> if i win this year, we'll probably give back about 15 to $16 million worth of mattresses and sofas and we'll have lots of happy customers, so i've got my fingers tightly crossed, game face on, hoping for a cincinnati win and the big game sunday night in california. stuart: do you only bet on the super bowl? >> do i what? stuart: only bet on the super bowl. >> no, i bet on lots of things. i bet on the national championship game, alabama, i bet on the world series, astros,
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i bet on a lot of big things, we do promotions on. stuart: well jim, i wish you the very best of luck, mattress mack to his friends i hope you turn out all right good luck to you sir. >> have a good day. stuart: yes, sir. all right, let's get to lauren who has some other numbers surrounding the big game. lauren: let's start with zero. that's how much the half time performers will make, snoop dog, eminem and even their stage performers aren't making anything. stuart: not getting paid? lauren: not getting paid because they have the privilege of performing in front of all those people, and having 100 million eyeballs watching them. is that shocking? stuart: well i'm told that 117 million people will watch this year. lauren: exactly. stuart: that's a big audience. lauren: but i think they should get paid, right? all right let's look at other numbers. $160 that's the profit that a veteran could win on the under dog, which are the bengals, $3,400 the cheapest seats in the house but the
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average is not that more than double that in fact over 7,000 dollars. look at the number in the middle $4.8 billion, that's the value of the la rams and their stadium costs about the same. stuart: okay. the nfl just named its most- valuable player. i know who it is. lauren: aaron rogers, mvp for him, he stands only behind peyton manning in this achievement and it came as a shock to rogers himself because he questioned whether his vaccination controversy, remember he lied about being vaccinated, he questioned whether it would hurt him, but i think the league was forgiving right? one more thing, is he returning to the green bay packers? he's currently under contract but he does have an out, so we'll see. stuart: i just saw that graphic again. the net worth of the rams owner is $10.7 billion? is that right? lauren: yup, 10.7 billion. the owner, that's his net worth. stuart: my god there's money in this business. lauren: where have you been the past i don't know, how many years?
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stuart: 48 years in america there you go, lauren thanks a lot. what's behind the democrats magic mask reversal? that's not me asking that question that's the title of tammy bruce's latest op-ed she's here with an answer at the top of the next hour. forget the faang stocks my next guest says that it's, well, i'll explain. my next guest is ray wong, he's going to explain all the high-tech stuff to us after this. ♪ i'm mark and i live in vero beach, florida.
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my wife and i have three children. ruthann and i like to hike. we eat healthy. we exercise. i noticed i wasn't as sharp as i used to be. my wife introduced me to prevagen and so i said "yeah, i'll try it out." i noticed that i felt sharper, i felt like i was able to respond to things quicker. and i thought, yeah, it works for me. prevagen. healthier brain. better life.
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municipal bonds don't usually get the media coverage the stock market does. in fact, most people don't find them all that exciting. but, if you're looking for the potential for consistent income that's federally tax-free, now is an excellent time to consider municipal bonds from hennion & walsh. if you have at least 10,000 dollars to invest, call and talk with one of our bond specialists at 1-800-217-3217. we'll send you our exclusive bond guide, free. with details about how bonds can be an important part of your portfolio. hennion & walsh has specialized in fixed income and growth solutions for 30 years,
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and offers high-quality municipal bonds from across the country. they provide the potential for regular income...are federally tax-free... and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217 stuart: start by taking a look at big tech you know what that means let's bring in ray wong, that's what he talks about all the time. ray is with us this morning. now as i understand it, ray, you are now promoting nvidia and tesla, i'm putting them into your list of big tech stocks that you like. what's so good, why are you adding nvidia and tesla to your list of big tech stocks? >> hey, happy friday. the reason we're adding those is those are growth stocks, and if you're looking at the year-over-year growth, i mean we're talking plus 30%, and we're looking at a whole category which we call matana,
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which includes microsoft, apple, tesla, amazon, nvidia, when you think about what's going on with alphabet and that brings that together that's about $10.3 trillion in market cap, these are companies what we call digital giants, they are basically growing 30% year-over-year over the last three years, and they've got great revenues, they've got great growth prospects adding subscribers and also adding user s and as you know in hebrews , matana means gift. stuart: but what i'm getting at is you've added tesla and nvidia to your list. you're putting them in the same bracket as microsoft and as what is it? google and the rest of them, now i wonder why you bumped them up so much. >> oh, they are now fifth and sixth in terms of market cap for the digital giants, and they're on their way in terms of nvidia's close getting to $1 trillion they've beaten out facebook and netflix and if you
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look at facebook and netflix they're no longer growing, they are out of the growth category and the reason we add tesla is because they've got production, their production online, they've succeeded not only in winning the luxury market and the ev market, expansion into europe, expansion into china, and so they're definitely growth nvidia on the ai side in terms of like chips, the metaverse that they are building out and of course what they are doing in cloud computing and computing centers so these are growth stocks even despite the inflation and 2% we're hitting on the 10 year treasury. stuart: and meta hads is no longer a growth stock? >> meta is no longer a growth stock. they are basically declining in terms of subscriber growth, they've got a lot of headwinds in terms of what's going on the regulatory front, and i mean , they will still do well. advertisers will still find them a place to go, but you see companies like amazon starting to gain ground in advertising on the digital ad side, giving meta a run for the money
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for advertising going forward. stuart: one last one, when the yield on the 10 year treasury goes to 2%, that generally hurts big tech stocks. how can big tech stocks stay at their current levels when the 10 year treasury yield is now 2% and rising? >> that's a great point, but if we look at where they are in their 52-week highs most of these big tech companies have not come close, they are sitting somewhere between 80% of their 52-week highs and there's still room to grow so take amazon for example, they are much lower than their 52 dayton week high but still growth prospects, in their investment cycle, take apple they are almost close to getting to that $3 trillion market cap number but there's still a super cycle of upgrades that are happening, and so these are the companies that are still going to continue to grow, despite the fact interest rates are high, despite the fact inflation is there, they are going to rise with that inflation, so where you going to put your money and get 20 to 30% year-over-year growth? you're still going to have to go somewhere and that's where the big tech stocks are going to
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be. stuart: okay but not meta. ray wong, thanks very much seer. i want to focus on apple for a second 172 right now making changes, those bill luttrell ons that go around, they track things, what are they called? lauren: air tags. stuart: that's right. lauren: they are small bigger than a quarter, you can buy four of them for $99 they are useful, if you keep them in your pocket book and can't find it, it'll alert you to where your bag is but convenience comes with a price, and apple now knows that and one price is stocking so what apple has done is introduced privacy features you can setup an alert system to see if an unwanted air tag has been on you or your car, and you can find it. stuart: okay. lauren: technology has dire consequences and this is one. stuart: it's like elections they have consequences all right thanks lauren. check those markets please. i'm looking in particular at the dow industrials down 500 yesterday, i'd call that a modest bounce back you're up 163 as of right now. look what we have for you, on this friday. still ahead, troy aikman and joe
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namath, steve hilton and arizona common andy biggs, yes the 10:00 hour of "varney" & company is next. ♪ baby give it up, give it up ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪
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♪♪ money money money ♪♪ money money ♪♪ stuart: how many times do we play that song? that is my generation. good morning, everyone. we have people in the studio again. an image on my screen for two years. the dow is up 60, nasdaq down 41. not much relationship to yesterday's big selling. you are at 2.1%.
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big tech doesn't normally respond well when interest rates are rising. apple is down, microsoft, google, meta platforms, all of them down. bitcoin is at 43,$500 a coin, not much change and now this. the president in the white house, jay powell at the fed, janet yellen at the treasury, bernie sanders and the socialist, aoc and the squad, they were all dead wrong on inflation and we are paying the price. the administration spent trillions, the fed printed trillions of dollars, the treasury okayed it all and the socialist introduced us to the harebrained idea that printing unlimited amounts of money would not produce inflation. so now what? inflation has to be dealt with. if not it gets worse. the president has no clue what to do. he's blaming meet conglomerates and oil companies, talking
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about cutting the gas tax. he think build back better will bring prices down. jay powell knows what he's got to do, raise interest rates and turn off the printing presses. that will be painful and we will pay the price. any yellen supported the printing and is still on board with more spending even though we have a 40 year high for inflation. according to the socialist spending and spending don't produce inflation. they think it is all about corporate greed. if there's anybody with any sanity in a democrat party they should step forward and point out inflation is destroying the people they claim to be helping. if you make 100,$000 year inflation doesn't hurt you. if you make 50,$000 it does hurt and that is the group that will desert the democrats in november. second hour of varney just
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getting warmed up. a lot to say about this but first, the markets, dow was up 100, nasdaq down 25. david barneson is with us. you always come to us with dividends. i want a big picture question. we have a rising interest rate situation. why should i invest in stocks? >> you have to compare it to something else. the price level across all investment assets, not just stocks. we need to stop thinking of 10 year treasury below 2% is a good thing. people saying we won't get any growth for 10 years is not good. economic stagnation is as big a problem as inflation. ultimately to get to the 2% range is the average, the reason we've had a low rate is
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people have not have confidence since the financial crisis. we try to get hiring 2017-18, covid comes and here we are, low expectations. stocks give the ability to outgrow what people are concerned about with stagnation, low bond yields. that's why want good companies to go cash flows. stuart: you brought us glaxosmithkline. >> you have big fridge -- hedge funders, higher than most big pharma companies, you have hiv group, a lot of r&d in the pharmaceutical and spending off of the consumer business creating a lot of value. stuart: that 5% is safe and will grow. >> it's not growing right now. stuart: it looks pretty good. how about you and i, you talked about this, the pipeline company, what is it paying? >> they are actively managed and paying 6.5%. that is growing.
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it's a mix of actively managed oil and gas pipelines. the russia ukraine story, basically if we put tensions on vladimir putin has to threaten to cut off oil and gas, they are calling saudi arabia and qatar with oklahoma and texas can do the job just fine. these pipelines are needed to get oil and gas around our country and natural gas delivered to europe. stuart: glaxosmithkline 5%, umi 6.5%. we just got the latest read on consumer sentiment. what do we have? lauren: down 8%, 61.7. since october of 2011, university michigan, this is all about rising inflation and less confidence in economic policies.
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that was an ugly report. sign of the times. stuart: you are looking at stock market movers. i see playboy. lauren: they are moving into the meta-verse. stuart: inevitable. it is tailor-made for the meta-verse. lauren: they have digital coins. stuart: i'm going to move on. bank of america calling a by that seems to be going up 3%. lauren: they initiated it at a $17 price target, upside from here, not just another neo-bank. it is student loans and double banking and newer banking stocks. stuart: that is the market. i want to get back to politics and mask and vaccine mandates. that is where i live, what i do.
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a growing list of democrat governors lifting their mask mandate. watch this please. okay. i've not been able to hear that but a series of democrat governors saying the masks are coming off. why are the democrats removing masks now? >> a couple reasons. my column on this is is about that, at a new location from the washington times to amac, the conservative alternative to aarp. in this case this is about two things, they are doing internal polls because yes, we have the november election but there are primaries prior to the november election starting as early as march, the majority in may and june and the democrats are seeing a catastrophe, volcanoes into which they are being thrown and they don't like that
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and they are realizing contractors in canada and what is happening with the economy. americans are unhappy but there's the state of the union address on march 1st and i think president biden because of this disaster that will get worse, russia, ukraine, the economy, i think he wants to say i cured covid, everything is fine like when he said they saved christmas, because of the supply chain crisis but everyone bought locally so nothing was changed but they were able to say joe biden is saving the world and that is what you will hear a march 1st. the one that will be a sensation. >> it will be an unbelievable sensation like everything else they are saying, trying to win the news cycle, trying to guess light you, don't believe your lying eyes but this is the pattern.
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it is like magic. it's not magic, it is phone calls and what the president wants, this is proven once again this has been politics from the start. it isn't about our health, we've known from the beginning this is about family choices, individual decisions and americans knowing how to take care of themselves. in the beginning was an emergency and emergencies need to be illuminated including the federal one. stuart: this is an eye-opener. you opened my eyes to the state of the union message, you think he will declare victory. >> that is the drive through february to do it. stuart: media will say yes. >> maybe the vaccine mandates will be pulled back, they will wait a couple weeks. stuart: you pull off the vaccination mandates, that's a real change. >> in january he reasserted 90
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days of a state of emergency, that might be lifted just before march 1st. it will be that kind of dynamic, a fun thing to watch. stuart: thank you very much weighing in on a great subject. i want to go back to ottawa. jeff flock is in the middle of a workers -- truckers protest. what have you got? >> reporter: these guys have been commending us on fox business and fox news, you are the only guy selling the real story, all we are doing is telling what is happening and what i wanted to show you is i'm 5 or 6 blocks from where i was last hour. this is the location of truckers, all over the city, not just on parliament hill but multiple locations have not just truckers.
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the fellow bringing in, doesn't want to be seen because this is not allowed, bringing in gasoline and diesel. >> this has to be the cleanest protest, people picking up trash, making sure no one is getting out of line. >> proud to support these truckers who have given up
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their livelihood to get our freedoms back, so praise these truckers for their stand and thank you for your support in giving these donations to feed these guys. >> reporter: some of the donations are coming online but you are doing what you are doing anyway. stuart: lost the audio right in the middle of it. jeff flock is there. he was showing us line after line of trucks, looks like they are there to stay for some time to come and who knows what happens if there is a truck convoy that starts in the united states. let's go back. >> an officer of the law
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donating $600, give us food, another 3 quarters of an hour north of us. tim horton supported us to give -- >> reporter: that's an indication of the kind of support these folks are getting. it started out with truckers, the support of the truckers and people here saying we support the end to the mandate. that where we are. stuart: jeff flock in the middle of it, see you again soon. another case of hollywood hypocrisy. los angeles moviegoers must show proof they got the jab but stars of the oscars are getting a pass. cartels using social media to recruit american teens to help smuggle drugs and illegals into the united states. president biden warns americans to get out of ukraine after saying he will not send us troops to help evacuate them.
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>> president biden: american citizens should leave. >> what scenarios would you put american troops? >> president biden: they are not. mike: arizona congressman says president biden is to blame for russia's aggression against ukraine. i don't know what andy biggs will say about putting troops in ukraine. we will be back. ♪♪ ited. so i got cards for birthdays, holidays, graduations, i'm covered for everything. which reminds me, thank you for driving me to the drugstore. earn big time with chase freedom unlimited with no annual fee. how do you cashback? chase. make more of what's yours.
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municipal bonds don't usually get the media coverage the stock market does. in fact, most people don't find them all that exciting. but, if you're looking for the potential for consistent income that's federally tax-free, now is an excellent time to consider municipal bonds from hennion & walsh. if you have at least 10,000 dollars to invest,
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call and talk with one of our bond specialists at 1-800-217-3217. we'll send you our exclusive bond guide, free. with details about how bonds can be an important part of your portfolio. hennion & walsh has specialized in fixed income and growth solutions for 30 years, and offers high-quality municipal bonds from across the country. they provide the potential for regular income...are federally tax-free... and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217 stuart: we don't have much of a trend, a mixed picture, dow up 70, nasdaq down 60. a great deal of discussion
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about how many interest rate hikes we will get this year. that's why stocks are all over the place. the price of crude oil $91 a barrel and because of that energy stocks moving higher. we are looking at energy price inflation. let's go to kyiv, the capital of ukraine. lucas tomlinson is there with the latest on the crisis. >> reporter: we just learned president biden will speak to nato and other european leaders in the next few minutes after boris johnson traveled to poland to issue the following morning. >> were russia to be so foolish, to invade any part of ukraine, the ukrainian army, 200,000, 150,000 and reserve they will fight and everybody
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in russia us understand that. >> russian warships made a port call in crimea following their trances the mediterranean. money ships are from the northern fleet and traveled thousands, they contain russian marines recommend that can storm the beach in ukraine or city, some military experts think it is more likely from there than the northeast. u.s. air force announced it is sending a 16 fighter jets from a base in germany to romania. another example of nato bolstering its defenses. i asked general hodges what is putin's motivation behind us build upon ukraine's border? >> the idea of ukraine looking like poland or estonia in terms of freedom or prosperity on his border. that is a real danger for him because the russian people will
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say why don't we have that? compared to how it is in ukraine. that is the danger he's concerned about. >> reporter: president biden is one americans, 30,000 people to evacuate immediately. he says the military will not come to rescue them. stuart: president biden urging americans in ukraine to leave. watch this. >> what scenarios would you put american troops to rescuing americans are? >> president biden: they are not. when americans and russians start shooting we are in a different world than we've ever been in. >> not even on behalf of evacuating americans? >> president biden: know. stuart: congressman andy biggs joins me. the president is saying us troops will not be in ukraine to get our people out. i don't believe you want american troops in ukraine facing against the russians. >> i don't and i believe him. i don't think he will send
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troops to bring americans out. stuart: how would you get americans out? >> you have to do what i would say what he is doing. tell everybody you got to get out. if you are going to stay you are going to stay but if you want to leave, you have to leave now because this thing is heating up fast. stuart: the shadow of afghanistan hangs over everything. >> it does. that is one reason we have different reasons for saying what we are saying but he doesn't want to see a replay of afghanistan. stuart: nobody does. what about the trekkers protesting the possibility of a truckers convoy across america to dc in time for the state of the union message. what do you make of it? >> i support it.
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civil disobedience perhaps but they have the right to protest. where they are protesting is they want freedom to do their job and it is a huge problem because we are missing out on so much import export business from the north because of the vaccination mandates imposed by trudeau. stuart: it is possible on march 1st the state of the union message the president will declare victory over covid. what would you say to that? >> just in time for the midterms. it is a political move. anybody saying that but he has to stop the lockdowns, encourage states, governors and some of these places lockdown people, impose vaccination mandates or passwords, that antithetical to who we are as the american people. it wouldn't surprise me at all.
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stuart: sorry this is so short but i have a busy news day. thank you for being here. customs and border protection sounding the alarm on criminal gangs using social media, we had that the other day. lauren: those teenagers paid $3,000 a rider. they were recruited on social media, pick up the drugs are illegal immigrants. if picking up people they take them to a shopping center, a big parking lot. someone else comes and takes them to this stash house. this is a warning about transnational criminal organizations about teenagers were told you are not an adult so consequences will be less severe. stuart: facebook doing the advertising for the cartels. one more. we know california is facing a mass exodus. a growing number of californians are heading south of the border.
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lauren: tijuana is growing at a big way. the industry they bring as they buy houses. real estate is getting more expensive but nothing compared to san diego. if you want to rent a 1-bedroom, 2400, the median price of a home, inflation price people out, they are moving to mexico. stuart: the american gaming association says we will slap down bets on the super bowl. we talked to troy aikman. where is he putting his money on this one? i will ask him. he is next. ♪♪ ♪♪ i like to move it move it ♪♪ i like to move it ♪♪ i like to move it move it ♪♪
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stuart: markets are mixed although the dow is up 100. show me the 10 year treasury. that is probably hurting the nasdaq,, investors don't like it.
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bitcoin placed at 43,600. we are two days in the super bowl, bangles against the rams, super bowl lvi. mike gunselman is with me. you can put your money on anything. take us through them. >> sports betting has taken over, $1.6 billion wage alone in new york state in one month, $1.6 billion. everyone is doing it. we have fox bet, besides the actual game, let's have some fun on friday. my three favorite things for you. i want to know your pick. the national anthem, the last nine super bowl's, 97.5 seconds
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is where it is. are you going over or under? stuart: probably over. >> the next one. the all-important gatorade going on at the end of the game to the coast. orange followed by blue, yellow, red or clear. stuart: orange. >> i will go with the blue. and i say you can bet on anything you can bet on anything, snoop dogg will do the halftime show. there is a bet to see if he's going to do what he loves to do which is smoke during the halftime show. will he smoke marijuana during the halftime show? stuart: that is a tough one. i believe recreational marijuana is legal. but does he -- >> it is plus 130.
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you win 230 total so is he going to do it or not? stuart: i will say yes. >> c monday how you did. it is very popular and so is sports betting. to the casual fan if you are not a rams or bangles fan you can bet on so much. sports betting is only getting bigger. people might care about the game they might not have in the past. stuart: i might go to a bar at kickoff time, hang out and see if other bar flies are gambling on the game. >> i go out a lot. you go out friday or saturday, so many people betting on sports. stuart: great to see you.
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you stay up late on sunday night. look who is here now. troy aikman joining us now. welcome to the show. good to see you again. >> big fan. stuart: flattery gets you everywhere in this business. who have you got? bangles/rams? >> i hope for a big game. i would say the rams but cincinnati was overlooked in the postseason. i would not be surprised if cincinnati pulled it off. stuart: do you bet on games? >> it is really what i have over the years occasionally bet on. i don't anticipate betting on this game. i will do some events, i don't think i will bet. stuart: i will get your music
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promotion. brady is retiring. who is the next goat? >> i don't know there will be anyone better than tom brady. records are made to be broken but i don't see him doing it. and rogers picked up his fourth mvp, pretty good place to start after tom a 's retirement. stuart: i think you have a music festival in your hometown called highway to henrietta. you are a music promoter. >> for the time being, the event is june 11th in henrietta, oklahoma. it is a lot of small towns due
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to the pandemic in general. headlining the event. all-star lineup there and excited and grateful. on june 11th. stuart: wish you the best of luck. before we leave you i will play the under on the under over thing. the line is 48.5. as a brilliant quarterback, am i making a mistake? >> i don't think you are. i like that pic. i would take the under as well. stuart: if i make that better we the first i ever placed on a sporting event. you are great guy. thanks for watching the show. best of luck with the festival. this is intriguing. super bowl parking spots are
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selling for more money than the cheapest seats in the stadium. how much to park your car during the game? ashley: $6,200 is the highest asking price for a parking spot. that space next to the stadium being advertised for $5,000.20 of entrepreneurs offering their driveways for a pretty penny. ones as you can park their plus food and booze thrown in. another who lives in norwalk says you can park in his driveway for $600, to and from the stadium. the cheapest verified resale ticket for the game is sold for
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$3,400 on ticketmaster and that is the cheapest. stuart: that's almost to the level of great seats in soccer games. ashley: it is up there for sure. stuart: senators, united states senate introduced a resolution to honor tom brady's career. lauren: why not? he's the greatest of all time. championship rings, 20 seasons with the patriots. in this resolution, his leadership, hard work defined a generation. when tom brady gave his retirement announcement he didn't mention it. they might like him more than he likes him. stuart: this is for everyone. hillary clinton will stir
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speculation about a potential run in 2024. you want to know why food prices are so high, we will break it all down. grady trimble joins us after this. ♪♪ life is getting worse ♪♪ always ♪♪ having dirt ♪♪ to play ♪♪
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stuart: now some green on the left-hand side of your screen, the dow is up 152 points. food prices overall up 7% in the past year but with meat and poultry prices that was up 12%. grady trimble is at a hog farm. are they going up as well? >> reporter: they are. they are trying to lock in
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cost, i am with brian duncan. we are surrounded by the pigpen's but our photographer, patrick, is braver than i am, to give us a look at your hogs. you are dealing with a heckuva time in terms of rising costs. the further the meat gets processed the more expensive it gets. we've covered this a lot. people know the problem but you are dealing with it firsthand. >> the share the farmer received as a percentage of the retail dollar and how processed it is is a small percentage. labor is a big contributor to rising costs. as we see meat products that refer -- require processing or deboning they will get more expensive because the workers are in there. >> reporter: pork is up 14%,
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ham is up 10%. when you look at the cpi data ham prices increase month over month 2.5%. >> ham is a processed product. there is a worker shortage. those products are in short supply. >> reporter: how long will this last? >> i wish i knew. i don't know what the new normal is. what does the world look like? a lot of this issue has its roots in coronavirus. >> reporter: in terms of fertilizer farmers tell us they are paying 30% more, 300% more. that is a huge factor. stuart: my goodness. 300. thanks very much. even the mainstream media sounding the alarm on inflation. what are they saying?
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ashley: multiple news outlets including those that are left-leaning talk about runaway inflation. there is a big problem for americans. labor costs won't decline anytime soon. high wages not keeping up with higher cost of living even cnn pointed out biden claimed in december inflation had peaked. while interviewing jared bernstein. listen to this. >> inflation being transitory. it was not. are you clear eyed about what is going on? >> our team at the insistence of the president is focused not just on month-to-month ups and downs but underlying trends. some come in better and some worst. omicron was not in the picture yet. ashley: bernstein going on to defend the administration's
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response to rising prices. you know it is bad when the mainstream media acknowledges the problem under biden administration's watch. stuart: something else. hillary clinton. expected to speak at the democrat convention in new york. there speculation about her running in 2024. ashley: it is stoking speculation about a new clinton did for elected office. two allies had an op-ed in the wall street journal suggesting clinton could run for president in 2024 as biden's approval ratings are tanking. clinton said she's not going to run for president after a loss to donald trump in 2016. when she will speak at the democratic convention and on what topic is not known but the former secretary of state is still popular in the ranks,
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maybe more so than joe biden. clinton took aim at progressive democrats saying party leaders need to concentrate on what wins elections. i'm not so sure she knows what that is but that's what she says. stuart: you don't call voters deplorables. ashley: i don't know that she has learned that. stuart: only time will tell. the governor of michigan calling on canadian leaders to end the blockade. the freedom convoy blocks four bridges between the us and canada. here is something i'm outraged about. go fund me taking money off the truckers. be attorney general of missouri is on the show shortly and he will do something about it. and that is good. ♪♪
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call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217 stuart: interesting news. the freedom convoy in canada. it shut down a fourth border
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crossing between the united states and canada, four crossings blockaded. we are talking to jeff flock in ottawa. garrett tenney is in detroit, michigan. the protest is hitting the supply chain. >> automakers say these protests are having a direct impact on the supply chains which were already struggling. it is the busiest land crossing in north america. it handles a quarter of all trade between the us and canada with 7000 trucks a day, delivering car parts to plants on both sides of the border. there forcing to travel in our north to the blue water bridging here on which is partially blocked by demonstrators.
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they are forcing gm to cancel shifts or shutdown operations at a growing number of plants across the country but now michigan is feeling the brunt of it and michigan governor gretchen witmer stated an economic crisis. >> every minute this goes on his lost wages, damage to our businesses. michiganders who are hard-working wanting to show up to their job. having a huge impact and we are pushing on the canadian government to resolve this swiftly. >> reporter: the white house is demanding canadian officials take action to limit the economic damage which is what the protesters are trying to inflict to get canadian officials to come to the table. stuart: the attorneys general of missouri and texas have
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opened an investigation into go fund me, the site the shutdown funding for the freedom truckers in canada and tried to diver the money to other causes that they approved of. eric schmidt is attorney general of the great state of missouri and he joined me now. i'm glad you are smiling about that. your one of the states leading investigations into go fund me. i say go after them. what they did is outrageous. take them to pieces. >> we opened a formal investigation, the equivalent of a subpoena to get to the bottom of this. it is important to put it in context. these big tech giants are not above the law. missouri and other states have taken them to court and go fund
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me should be no different. when you hold yourself out as a company that goes to cause people are choosing you don't change the rules in the middle of the game. working people are tired of being told what to do. they are tired of being told they are not smart enough to make decisions. we dodged a bullet, to take the vaccine mandate to the supreme court. we are talking about the supply chain issues. it is important for people to know it will not be diverted to a cause they don't believe in or terms of service being unequally utilized, picking and choosing which ones are okay, companies are not above the law and we will look under the hood.
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stuart: i offer congratulations, you won in your state against mask mandates going into schools. last 30 seconds to you. >> the forced masking of 5-year-olds is illegal, it is wrong, it is ineffective, we know the dangers, loss of learning and emotional psychological issues, as attorney general, i will make sure there are no mask mandates, this is an important cause to take on this covid tyranny. we are going to keep doing that. stuart: attorney general from missouri, we appreciate it. you know that guy. joe namath. summer comparing him to joe burroughs.
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steve hilton is on the show and so is tom homan. what is happening in canada is not a fringe operation but a demand for freedom of choice, time to stop the mask and vaccination mandates. that's "my take" and it is next. ♪♪ freedom ♪♪ freedom ♪♪ freedom ♪♪ freedom ♪♪ freedom ♪♪ freedom ♪♪ freedom ♪♪
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>> masks in schools make no sense anymore. children of the lowest risk population. the draconian rules at the beginning of this pandemic, we will try to get this going. they did nothing. >> i think democrats are seeing a catastrophe. it isn't about our health. the beginning, it was an emergency and now state of emergency need to be eliminating. >> this is the working man. the average canadian and perhaps since the american saying my life has been disrupted in an unacceptable way and justin trudeau cannot hear me can hear our protest. >> rising interest rate environment, it becomes chaotic which is what it feels like it is becoming. >> we need to stop thinking a
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10 year treasury below 2% is a good thing. of people say we won't get any growth for 10 years that's not good. economic stagnation is as big a problem as inflation. ♪♪ stuart: 11:00 eastern time, friday february 11th. let's see the markets, some green for the dow industrials, down 500 points. nasdaq down one%, down 40 points. the 10 year treasury yield back 2.02%. bitcoin at 43. still 437 right now. now this. the truckers are melting a serious challenge. what is happening in canada and is about to happen here is not
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a fly-by-night fringe operation but a demand for freedom of choice. don't bully me if i don't get a vaccine that doesn't work to stop infections was the biden team is taking notice. they told the canadians end the blockade. the terms of homeland security is warning about a truck convoy from la to dc arriving march 1st. the president delivers his state of the union message. the president doesn't get it. he doesn't understand what his vaccination mandate did, barely communicated with confusing and sometimes contradictory information, made a lot of people mad. the elites in the media, the bankers in a towering offices and techie billionaires jumped on the mandate bandwagon. the hollywood elites can attend the oscars without being vaccinated. the people out there actually working, police officers, firefighters, trekkers get their hands dirty. they didn't like being pushed around.
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what they are doing now and protesting is very american, standing up for their rights. individuals have rights in this country and the government has no right to force anyone to put something in their bodies they don't want. we are not guinea pigs. stop vaccination mandates, get off our backs. i am fired up. i wonder if steve hilton is. i know you are fired up too. i know what you think of the truckers convoy that would go from la to dc. >> this is another example of people saying we had enough. i agree with you. the message shouldn't be end the blockade, end the mandates, the madness, the corona madness. that is what it is. there is no scientific basis for any of it. no scientific basis for vaccine mandates. as we said many times they offer personal protection but no public protection.
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they don't stop you transmitting the virus, just getting seriously ill but no argument for mandate or other mandates. california where i am based, we have children being masked at school even though they are barely at risk and outdoors and hardly a single case of outdoor transmission in two years of the pandemic and these masks as we have been saying don't stop the virus being transmitted anyway. there is no justification. stuart: you can go to the oscars, don't have to show a vaccine pass but kids might soon be forced to be vaccinated. as california considering mandatory jabs for kids? >> you can't go to school, that the plan for the governor for
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the next school year and another example how the pandemic has been hijacked by power crazed bureaucrats who believe they are all-knowing and make the right decisions and we can't trust people to make the right decisions. now you see gavin newsom publishing and endemic plan, he has to plan for that. what do you mean and endemic plan? having a plan for the cold or the flu, just an excuse to extend micromanagement of our lives. stuart: the oakland school district is closing twee 7 public schools, they have declining enrollment, people seem to be fed up with public schools. oakland, 16,000 kids in charge of schools, people walking with their feet. >> people who can barely afford
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to make these choices. gavin newsom wanted to shut them down. the big thing to watch for was a ballot measure gathering signatures, a voucher system taking money spent on public schools putting it in the hands of parents to choose the best school for their family. the fact that that has a chance of getting on the ballot is encouraging. up and down the state parents have had enough of this. there's an episode of my podcast people won't believe, bullying and harassment of a 9-year-old boy by school bureaucrats. the masks were ruining his -- making his symptoms worse. the school, teachers and bureaucrats were physically pulling it over his nose to make them where it properly, kicking him out of school, putting them at risk, on the sidewalk, arresting and
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bullying the parents for two years. the way these tyrants in the public sector bureaucracy behave these past two years is disgusting. that is why we have to stand with protests against it. stuart: i've got to get one more thing in. that high-speed rail line, the california bullet train, the cost has gone up. it is $105 billion. is it ever going to get bills? >> not so much the bullet train, the snail train. it is misconceived. in any case it won't do what they say they want which is to connect parts of california that aren't served with transportation to the others. what the experience of other countries where this happened like spain which has one of the highest proportions of high-speed rail of any country is it causes a brain drain not helping disadvantaged regions
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but hurting them because it is easier for people to escape. what we should spend the money on his dealing with the commuter traffic that snarled up every day. the roads and all those things that should be helping people, not fantasy schemes that help no one. stuart: i am going to be watching you at 9:00 eastern time with the next revolution. i don't care about the super bowl. i want to see what steve hilton has to say about the trucker conflict. there will be news on the truckers. >> one of them joining us live. stuart: staying on california that state is suing tesla accusing the company of racial discrimination at their fremont factory. has to the responded? ashley: tesla preemptively posted a statement lasting out at what he called an unfair and
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counterproductive lawsuit. california's department in the past 5 years investigating 50 cases of alleged discrimination and harassment and closed investigations without finding evidence of misconduct. the electric carmaker has been discriminating against black employees according to the suit to monkeys and slaves, bay area comedy, they asked for back pay who were bypassed for promotion or raises. reinstatement of workers who lost for discriminatory reasons. last october the jury awarded $137 million in damages to a former black employee, tesla is appealing that verdict as well. stuart: over the comment required. checking the markets.
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it is not a volatile day today. the dow is up 100 after being down 500 yesterday. continued losses down 35. jonathan koenig with us. where are you putting your money in this crazy market? >> businessman and investors are accused of being short-term oriented and business men think, inflation prompts people to think short-term. it's very different. how can you plan long-term costs for interest rates or profits when all these factors are changing because of government spending. you have to avoid growth because inflation hurts growth in terms of higher prices. it means higher inflationary times. back in the 1970s, stocks
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including inflation lost 16%. that is my fear in 2022. stuart: what other assets outside stocks for significant inflation hedge. >> bonds in the 1970s lost 38%. i'm looking at master limited partnerships, owning a basket of these things. you own a commodity index. this is almost like owning the dow jones industrial commodity. psi x, security betting against bonds, bond prices and interest rates go down and up. if interest rates go up these are places you can look for safety and this inflation. stuart: i will check that out.
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have a great weekend. the super bowl two days away. don't need to call him a football legend, joe namath will be here. the dell rio border section has seen 2000 migrant apprehensions in 48 hours. dozens of democrats calling on homeland security secretary alejandra mayorkas to resign, saying he has been a failure on the border crisis. ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ everybody just follow me ♪♪ a little controversy
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stuart: the del rio sector at
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the border saw 2000 migrant apprehensions in the last 48 hours. how is the border patrol handling this? >> we are in the rio grande valley sector. they have been busy just on monday alone. they arrested three ms 13 gang members and the salvadoran man with a conviction for aggravated sexual assault of a child. on tuesday they arrested a gang member in a two day span and they were busy out here this morning as well. check this out as border patrol agents in texas national guard were hunting down migrant runners, single adult men who dress up in camouflage were dark clothing and sneak further into the united states.
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these agents grab a handful of them. the huge gun smuggling bus happened out here on monday. hsi working with border patrol, the it had trampoline boxes. they find 44 rifles, handgun. a decision machine gun and 2900 rounds of ammunition. a citizen has been arrested on federal charges. another section to show you this mug shot from border patrol's tucson, arizona sector after crossing illegally. has a basket as ramirez had a conviction for unlawful sexual intercourse with a child under 16. john kennedy says border security has to be a priority
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for the administration. >> we don't have the slightest idea who is coming to the country. they could be looking to work but they are also terrorists, gangbangers, drug dealers, convicted felons and coming from all over the world and president biden and his people are welcoming them. >> reporter: as you mentioned very busy in other sectors. dell rio had more than 2000 migrant apprehensions and year-over-year their numbers are up 215%. stuart: thank you very much. tom homan, former acting ice director. before we get to the border and the wall i want to know what happened to border agents accused of whipping migrants was the president said they would pay the price before he
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knew what happened. what happened to those border patrol guys? >> reporter: they did nothing wrong. i know the rules of engagement. they did their job. the investigation is over. it is held up because they are trying to find something, he used inappropriate language or something, to save the embarrassment. they did nothing wrong and they are not going to release the report. congress needs to demand the release of the report. these men were destroyed by the media and the president and their own secretary. they have the right to show their innocence. stuart: another disgrace. i understand gangs are using social media to recruit teams to smuggle migrants and drugs
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through america. social media is being used as an advertising device by the cartels. >> it is a new thing. back in my day when you had computers and social media, the cartels are making more money than they ever made because of open borders. that is why we have 100,000 overdose deaths and record number of sentinel -- fentanyl. they are making more money than ever and need to find employees and social media is easy to do it. what concerns me is the biden administration created the immigration crisis which -- many give two examples. when 15 facing haitians ran a region del rio they left 224 miles of border unguarded for weeks.
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in yuma they came through yuma last month, pulled every agent, hundreds of people crossing the border, walking into the city and taking cabs and buses. taking advantage of the open border policies and making a lot of money. stuart: the ones who come across, don't know if it is private homes with an ankle bracelet, coming in and going to homes with an ankle bracelet, that's accurate? >> very few. the border patrol is caught with their pants down. they expect illegal aliens to surrender to ice when he gets to his final destination. he lost track of 50% of not reporter. not only that, they had the most number of deportations in history of the agency, 2 million, record at the border,
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the most deportations. this administration has not shutdown border enforcement. they shut down interior enforcement which is driving people into the united states. you can't arrest somebody for being here illegally. you can't go to a worksite to look for illegal aliens. ice has been decapitated. stuart: thanks for being on the show so consistently and pointing out the truth. see you later. 46 house republicans calling on secretary mayorkas to resign. give me the story. ashley: those house republicans pointing to recent tensions with border patrol and the relentless crisis at the southern border. the letter has been signed by 46 republicans, it says in
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part, quote, in light of recent reports displaying your failure to execute the primary mission of the department to secure our nation from its many threats, your inability and refusal to enforce immigration laws we call on you to resign as secretary of homeland security. he acknowledges the policies of the administrative are not popular with customs and border protection but added that is the reality agents have to work with. republican lawmakers accused him of making the jobs of border patrol agents more difficult but doing nothing to fix the problem. stuart: i want to check the markets, dow is up 67 nasdaq down 70, have a look at uber. don't we have a headline from
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lauren? fox is reporting there may be a development with the canadian tracker story. the premier of ontario. >> he declared a state of emergency. the ambassador bridge has been closed for 5 days. up to one year in jail, license revoked if you do not clear out but on track to soon remove all restrictions and working on a plan to end the vaccine passport system. if you leave we give you what you want. stuart: a working on a deal. good news. thank you very much. bengals quarterback joe burrow trying comparisons to broadway joe who is here to respond. the super bowl, $8 billion worth of legal bets we hear from the ceo of draft kings, jason robbins, after this.
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throughout history you can experience better hearing with no obligation. i've observed markets shaped by the intentional and unforeseeable. for investors who can navigate this landscape, leveraging gold, a strategic and sustainable asset... the path is gilded with the potential for rich returns.
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stuart: you like this song? lauren: for my cheerleading days. i was a cheerleader. through college. stuart: monday morning. that is where the super bowl is on sunday night. the association of gaming says we will slap down $8 billion worth of bets on super bowl lvi. 36 states allow sports betting that the home of the big-game california does not allow sports betting. cheryl casone he has jason robbins with us. cheryl: let's ask about that issue. a big fight on the november ballot to get sports gambling legalized. here we are with the super bowl
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and no avenue for draft kings. >> i hope we get qualified with signatures to be on the ballot and turnout of voters to vote for it so not in time for next super bowl but next nfl season. cheryl: i'm sure this is something you want to see in the golden state. there is a lot of competition, a lot of buzz about caesar's. you are the pioneer. >> two years ago, products and technologies are important to win and acquiring customers in a 2 to 3 year payback or profitability. that's very consistent and despite increased competition that hasn't changed and we gained market share. we are doing a good job.
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cheryl: 100 million americans live in states they can but on the super bowl and will likely go to draft kings but they can but what color gatorade will be dumped on the head coach's head. what is the most popular bet you are seeing? >> the coin flip and on the player proper side, to score a touchdown, on sunday. cheryl: we will see. a lot of people will began building. i will say this, they will be doing it on their phone. stuart: it is. thanks very much indeed. look who is here now. i have known that face from 40 years ago when i served him as a waiter in connecticut.
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do you remember that? >> i do. and his wife too. stuart: ellison boozer and his wife sitting at a separate table and i served a you both. are you placing a bet on the super bowl this year? >> i learned over the years about draft kings, more people in this. it always pained me more than the good time i had. accept on the golf course. i made the wager. stuart: you don't bet on the game but who do you think will win? >> either one of them can win.
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stuart: who is going to win? >> the one that makes the fewest mistakes. as a freshman colleague we had a coach, he told my freshman class i will teach you how to keep from beating your selves. lining up on the side, making mistakes, teams beat themselves a lot but play their best game. cincinnati overcame kansas city, tennessee is pretty good. i wouldn't put it past cincinnati. stuart: you are a diplomat, that is brilliant.
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>> i believe you were there, we were underdogs and they cast a loss. stuart: i might place my first sports bet ever. i will bet the under/over thing, the line is 48.5. what would you say? >> good luck. they have explosive players on both sides. we have playmakers. i say good luck, hope you win. stuart: i will put some pictures on screen, one of you and one of joe burroughs. there you are in your for code and on the right-hand side of
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the screen do you think he's trying to imitate you? >> don't think he tries to imitate me. i'm checking out the man standing next to the manager. joe is cool. i watched him at lsu. is a great leader and cincinnati hasn't won a super bowl championship in all the years they have been in the league. i would like to see cincinnati when. stuart: who is the next go, greatest of all time? >> i know for a fact that guy named tom brady is and has been but nobody will argue with that. patrick mahomes, lady luck
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plays a role. he's one of the best athletes we have seen and one of the best quarterbacks but the goat label even in basketball, who would have thought, bill russell, jordan, you've got to include the guys who have won championships. i can only hope jack wilson. stuart: who? >> quarterback for the new york jets. stuart: you got me with that one was i don't know anything about football. you said that because you know i don't know what i'm talking about. >> all over the world. stuart: i want to offer a complement to you. you wrote one of the best life story books. not that one on the screen, joe
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namath all the way, my life in four quarters. you wrote that book. i read it. you gave it to me for free. i thought it was good. i'm approaching the final quarter of my life. good luck, good to see you. >> good luck to you. i always enjoy seeing you. stuart: see you later. this is a complete change of subject. lawmakers want to stop people from getting addicted to social media. we told you about criminals using air tags to stock people. apple is making changes. kelly oh grady will have the report. ♪♪
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stuart: another development in the canada truck story. the health minister says changes to covid related border measures will be announced next week. there may be a deal in the offing. we reported the premier of ontario is suggesting they would remove vaccination passports soon if the truckers leave. they are trying to organize a deal. they need to because this is a crisis. next story apple's air tags under scrutiny after criminals were using them, placing buttons on people's cars. what changes is apple making? >> reporter: a number of privacy updates and working with law enforcement. they don't cooperate and share data but this increase in
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unwanted tracking is a pr nightmare especially when attack joint is a privacy focused company. katie byrne users, tracking people without consent is a crime in many regions and they will produce precision finding was they will receive an alert that an unknown air tag is nearby and get rid of the tracker by giving distance cues. they will share serial numbers and apple id information. and if they want apple said, quote, we are working with law enforcement on all requests based on knowledge and discussions with law enforcement, these incidents are rare but one is one too many. i want to emphasize how small this device is. it is easy for someone to slip under your car. i spoke with police departments who are seeing air tags used in a number of cases of theft and
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stocking. >> this is something crooks are using to follow people to take him down to rob them. they will be following you and they could follow you on a device. >> reporter: this is a high-tech low-cost way for criminals to be more sophisticated when it was supposed to help you find your keys. stuart: lawmakers taking aim at facebook and tiktok. this is about social media addiction. ashley: democrat senator amy klobuchar and republican senator cynthia loomis introduced a bill aimed at addressing addiction to social media platforms like facebook, twitter, tiktok, instagram. it calls for a study into interventions of facebook and others could use to address problems with that social media addiction and the federal trade
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commission will create rules based on the findings and hold them accountable. klobuchar claims social media platforms put profits over people with algorithms pushing dangerous content that hooks users and spreads misinformation. facebook says it implemented new tools on its instagram platform. this issue is not going away. stuart: thanks. a programming note. season 2 of my new fox business prime show called american built premieres soon. i have a preview for you. 4 million people ride it every day but building it is another story. >> a hugely ambitious project. >> napoleon of invention. >> made it possible. >> people thought it was impossible.
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>> it united the country. >> a lot of crime. >> the deepest foundation of anything in the united states. stuart: i will never be as good as david at borough. it is monday night at 9:00 pm eastern. get a sense of the market. we've not gone that far. half the dow stocks are up and half of them are down, the dow is down 53 points. friday feedback is next. ♪♪
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they provide the potential for regular income...are federally tax-free... and have historically low risk. call today to request your free bond guide. 1-800-217-3217. that's 1-800-217-3217 >> good morning. this is michael in anchorage, alaska. i get up every morning at 5 am just to watch you every weekend. >> live from newport beach. this is varney country. is good as it gets. we love you. >> high, varney. i watch you as much as possible. hopefully every day of the week with your opinions and the news. i enjoy it so much. you remind be a little bit of
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walter cronkite. stuart: walter cronkite, i remember him very well. i met him once. i asked him to move out of the anchor seat to make room for me. thank you to all the viewers. let's get to friday feedback. here we go. this comes from todd. can you please let us see the queen better? a close-up? he is referring, we had that on the set yesterday or the day before. brian brandenberg knocked her off the set, almost broke her. ashley: rim berg to the tower. stuart: the queen is back in my office and may or may not return to the set. mark writes you are the johnny carson of business news shows, irreplaceable, you had an interesting life. when can we see the
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autobiography? would anybody read it? ashley: yes. but you have to include your exploits at the london school of economics and don't forget your days of protests on the streets of paris. i would expect a signed copy. stuart: in paris in 1968. if i ever did right the book it would be published posthumously. dan says this. i'm constantly surprised that the megahit songs you don't know. tune into the "varney and company" station on spotify and get up to speed. all the songs we play our modern stuff. i only know music from the 1960s. neil: i don't use spotify. i know every song in my head but couldn't tell you who saying or the name of it.
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stuart: you go back to the 80s. ashley: i am a music buff. 70s and 80s. i have no idea who performs it. stuart: favorite band? ashley: favorite band? favorite band? you've got me. favorite artist of all time. david bowie. ashley: i love the rolling stones. stuart: let's move on. jim says you would be a great guest on gutfeld. i know you retire early so it would not work. perhaps you are right. not sure i could sit there and make jokes for an hour. would you do it? ashley: i would in a heartbeat. lauren: i would. i've not been invited. find out the day he tapes it. lauren: he tapes it at 2:00 in
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the afternoon. stuart: let's move on before i get in real trouble. eric on twitter. favorite vacation destination. you first. ashley: italy. lauren: i was going to say the same thing. stuart: naples, florida. lauren: the bureau there. stuart: let's go to naples. thanks to everyone who sent their feedback. here is the friday trivia question. how many greeting cards will be purchased in the united states this year? four choices. the answer when we come back. wealth plan across your full financial picture. a plan with tax-smart investing strategies designed to help you keep more of what you earn. this is the planning effect.
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stuart: okay. we asked you how many valentines greeting cards or will be purchased in the united states this year. now, i think the valentine's day card, this is my opinion, i think they've gone the way of the christmas card. not many people send christmas cards these days, so i'm going to go with the low number. 120 million. how about you, lauren? lauren: 175, but kids have to give them to their classmates. stuart: do they buy them or make their own? lauren: buy them. stuart: they do? ashley are, what's your number? ashley: i will go with 145 just to be different. stuart: when i was young -- it's 145 million, there's the answer. [laughter] you sent a valentine's day anonymously. you would never say who it was
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from. is that right? same with you? hallmark if says valentine's day is the second biggest day for greeting cards behind christmas. now you know. you sending a valentine, lauren? lauren: yes. stuart: you have to now. [laughter] ashley, are you serving a valentine? ashley: yes. and i'll sign my if name on it. stuart: no question about it. jackie deangelis in for neil. it's your withs, jackie. jackie: i will be waiting waiting for my valentine, stuart. now it's on you. welcome to "coast to coast," i'm jackie deang lis in for neil cavuto. inflation in america and protests in canada, major u.s. automakers now saying the canadian trucker protest is hurting production. we heard from truckers and hear how one automake per is taking to the skies to get parts there. then, inflation running hog wild with farmers, farmers telling fox business that they are paying more for things like


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