tv The Claman Countdown FOX Business February 14, 2022 3:00pm-4:00pm EST
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the nasdaq peaked into the green you sense this market would love to go up and there's a reason it'll go up but for some reason acts like it wants to. i'm headed over to liz claman who i have exceeded a couple days. i am buckled up it's gonna be another great hour in your hour. liz: i am reading that ukraine's chief political leader volodymyr zelenskyy has heard the invasion by ukraine could be on wednesday and he's declaring a day of unity, don't you think this is what is managed to break the market at least the gains that we saw today. charles: it seems like the market believe 100% we would be down a lot more than this. we would be gone two or 3%. liz: we still have 59 minutes.
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breaking news the russian incursion on the outskirts of ukraine's border sending markets lower as abide in the administration reacts, the pentagon seen moments ago it does not believe vladimir putin has made a final decision to invade ukraine but it's entirely possible he could do it with little to no warning. destroying computers and papers at this hour as the market sinks on the geopolitical headline and mixed messages from the fed on soaring inflation and investors battling for clouds of uncertainty and questioning whether to buy or sell but right now they are selling, the dow is down to 69 were about to get the crucial guidance from one of the most respected economic mines on wall street the chief economic advisor mohammed al arian is here live to tell us which could be a bigger market mover and is getting cut through both of these areas of headlines. in the inflation confusion.
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follow the bouncing qr code coinbase super bowl ad stop decryptor exchange dead in its tracks as the on-screen code. grayscale's global head of etf is here to tell us why all the crypto ads that ran last night could build the future of finance. in elon musk electrifies the auto industry his sister is putting a spark in the streaming world of softcore romance were about to introduce you she's here on the valentine's day why romance is an underserved market and why her company is stepping up to the heart shaped plate. first breaking news the fox market alerts we begin with the morning lights on the market dashboard are flashing read the intraday charts give you the best picture on the timing of
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the turnaround, as you can see one point today the dow was up six points but it was higher around 1:50 p.m. eastern time when word hit the tape that the u.s. embassy in kiev ukraine were shutting documented relocating diplomatic operations to western ukraine investors turn tail and you can see that on the screen the s&p upset but not down 26. we always went to the dow, it is down to 59. the nasdaq at one point was up 130 points is now lower by 14 all gains gone. reports have indicated a russian attack on ukraine could happen wednesday and because of that you started to see the ten year yield which had breached the 2% sailing showing a lot of confidence and started to hack off session gains as investors race to u.s. government bonds they are now below the 2% but not as low as we were. 1.991. let's look at oil prices they are showing momentum to a
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session high of $95.9473 the aftermarket in the u.s. dollar immediately strengthen of the currency. the greenback is seen as a safe haven as well. the geopolitical tensions come at a time when investors are already steeling themselves for a series of aggressive rate hikes. possibly as many as seven starting in march the st. louis james mueller on cnn bc for 100 basis point rate hike by june what's take precedence? in your portfolio should you want to be a political havoc, the fed or both? joining us live wall street closely followed economist economic advisor mohamed el-erian. literally the last 11 minutes we are starting to see a lot of headlines coming out of ukraine with the embassy relocating we could see the market is nervous about this should they be and tell us what you are assessing at this moment. >> the market should be, if
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there were to be innovation we would see spike up in commodity prices not just energy. that is not good for the global economy and not good for companies or households. the markets are right to keep a wary eye on this. the fact that the speckle be temporary but nevertheless we barely got a lot of inflation in the system, we are to have a lot of concerns about the federal reserve making a make major mistake. all of these things coming together and keeping us with the unsettling volatility. liz: i do think, will get to rate hikes in a minute these are two separate buckets both of them are filled to the top with all kinds of drama if you look at natural gas which is a proxy for the height of the tension with ukraine and russia. up 5.7% to $4.17 because we know
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putin has tried to weaponize natural gas which a lot of europe needs. talk to me how you feel when it comes to the global advents, the very worrisome we do not want to see were anywhere in the world, when we see this we know from past experiences. it is a very temporary drop in the market. investors should not be too hairtrigger. >> correct, if you were holding on and having companies hold onto them. i'm more worried to tell you the truth about inflation in the federal reserve making a mistake that combination and a much longer on the market in the well-being of investors in the economy than what's happening in ukraine when can you define a mistake. right now the market is pressing and were talking at the fed funds feature they bet on these
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things, seven rate hikes, not just bank of america analyst, seven with a 56% chance know of 75 basis point hike in. where do you stand on this, is it going to be seven which would be a mistake. i feel like the center of the gravity would be 3 - 4. >> i am with you, however, that's not where the market is for good reason. the fed is in the midst of a mistake, number one in november was humorous and is continuing to call inflation transitory when it was clear to many people and companies seem particular that inflation will be consistent that was mistake number one pre-mistake number two when they finally admitted inflation was not transitory on november 30 they did not move on policy they put a stop there and then and a signal into the
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marketplace. the market got carried away. as you said now 6 - 7, 50 basis point increase in march some calling for an emergency hike and some are on top of it saying 2 billion in production. the third mistake the fed panics, slams on the brakes and the next thing that we know we have a recession on her hand that is the pre-element of the mistake that the markets are closing in market realized this is happening and is higher than we would like it to be. liz: we are down 2070 points, admitted to go we were down 300 plus. can i add another mistake the fed has made. that is confusion, we just got the news from the new york fed today saying inflation is actually moderating.
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we just got the cpi can simmer price index of 7.5%. here tew york fed more like 3%, we have to look now and how behind the fed is. you just pointed out it is still ejecting liquidity with this market what shall investors do especially if it is true that it moderates a lot of people may decision to inflation proof their portfolio, should they backtrack, inflation will moderate. it's not what inflation will come down next year, it will. it is how it comes down. does it come that an
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troops, take a look at the volatility or fear index. as we mentioned natural gas prices the volatility are up 8.5%, net gas at 5.5%. vladimir putin russia's leader has used the dependence on natural gas and attempt to control support of 130,000 russian troops all that surround ukraine let's get to edward lawrence in the white house in d.c. where joe biden has spoken by phone monday uk about the fast changing situation. >> that happened two hours ago both were leaders saying should russia into ukraine, it'll be a protracted crisis for russia. this is the chancellor met with ukrainian president and is on his way to meet with russian president vladimir putin tomorrow. all in the mindset and the
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backdrop the ukrainian president going to facebook posting a message on facebook saying he was told an attack will come on wednesday. this is his message adding they will raise their flags, their national flags and fight. the news from ukraine has played a yo-yo the premarket comments as you were alluding to buy russian foreign minister, there could be a diplomatic path out of this and that turned the markets around but they did open down. barely came across the positive market and now continues to be down but trading again, the price of oil is where this is going to be a big impact, the price of oil could be affected is inching closer to $100 a barrel, that means gas prices go up some republicans think that aggression is likely. listen. >> if you look at the past week where he moves his personal out
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of germany and had he engaged in any type of aggression against ukraine that is an indicator that he is leaning more and more towards aggression with ukraine instead of away from it. >> part of the reason the price of oil is rising because russia supplies oil around the globe including to the u.s. we have imported the most russian oil and 2020 in the past nine years that is only growing according to the energy information administration. in may of 2021 we saw the most imported oil in the one month in the history of oil coming from russia into the united states. if the supply of oil stops because of an invasion or an incursion into the ukraine. in supply and demand will widen gas prices and oil prices will go up. liz: were looking obviously all kinds of military action surrounding ukraine at the
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moment. folks it's important to know history, people are talking extensively, why should we care about ukraine. they said that about the czechoslovakia during world war ii why do we care, let them have it. they bit off crimea, a huge chunk of ukraine during the olympics and here we are seeing this repeated were in the middle of the olympics, you think he's going to annoy the chinese into the stringed olympics. >> it is interesting, that is a good question but it seems that relationship with china is growing i have seen data today in a research group, the trade between china and russia increased 36% over the past 12 months. you could see the relationship between the two getting closer, maybe there is some coordination between the two are the russian president has told them what the plans are. right now the state department is still saying that they
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believe the russian president has not made the final decision, yet the president of ukraine coming on facebook saying he has heard coming on wednesday a lot of information, will have to see what happens. liz: we will be watching at moment by moment. 210 points, thank you. elon musk the global auto industry. now his sister is trying to disrupt the world of romance. you are about to meet passionflix ceo tosca musk. it's valentine's day with "the claman countdown". we are on the markets, the s&p still down in the nasdaq down seven points, russell 2000 down for an "the claman countdown" is coming right back. don't go away. ♪
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>> tragedy. >> don't stop loving me. i will take you forever. liz: not just love, toe curling the meanness. that is an actual rating on passionflix. passionflix is a romance streaming service founded by tosca musk, elon sister is working to revolutionize what she says it in underserved market on the video industry. it turned romance novels which is a 1 billion-dollar industry into cohesive series and also offers a large library of romance films to subpoena and roman holiday but with streaming competition raising will the ratio passionflix love. let's begin founder and ceo
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tosca musk read happy valentine's day. >> happy valentine's day to you, very nice to be here. liz: romances in the air but how his passion flicks making its market, very crowded market. >> we are very laser focused on adapting romance novels into these movies and series and nobody else has a focus on that as we are. we are basically bringing the audience in those readers directly to our platform. liz: we showed a clip from one of your shows it is production and snacks. that's good. and we were looking at gabriel's rapture. these are original shows that you guys have put together you pick the romance novels and adapted them to streaming tell me about the market you have seen since you launched a couple of years ago.
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>> we launched with our founding members, we actually brought on 5000 subscribers before we launched an astounding membership, people paid $100 to join passion flicks for we even launched. that is a taste of what it's like to come into the romance market. people are so ravaged for content and so excited to have romance novels turned into the series that they are clamoring for this content is a really lavish audience ever-growing exceptionally over the last two years. liz: your created with your raiders yells oh so vanilla those of the ones that anybody can watch, mildly percolating, toe curling your meanness and not safe for work.
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and as fw. membership fatigue you are charging $5.99. once you are on it you can use it on any device and as much as you want. when you look at the other prices you're not as expensive of netflix $13.99 or hulu $6.99 but peacock prime is $4.99 do we not face membership fatigue and how do you get people to get over that part. >> are offering is unique you can only get these adaptations on passionflix. while we have license content on studios that you mentioned earlier. the original content that we make the original adaptation are not available anywhere else those original that these fans want to watch. we are not suffering too much from the fatigue at this point and with us releasing an original movie every six weeks
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or so those fans keep coming back and compounding its exceptional and rabid audience that wants more and more of this particular content. liz: romance novel readers, it's a huge industry. as we look at what were doing your brother elon completely disrupting the auto world and successful so, i've covered him for 17 years. i finally bought a tesla he's quite a character. your other brother kimball is disrupting the food industry and here you're working on streaming. what's in the water in the musk house. quite an interesting family. >> thank you at the end of the day we have incredible mother who was always supportive of what we did and encouraged us to follow our dreams, do things that we are really passionate about. it is not very often that you
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find families that are that excited about a kid who wants to going to the arts teacher that was my upbringing but we were encouraged to find meaning behind what we were doing and solve the problem that's what we did. liz: we want to follow passionflix, please don't be a stranger. thank you so much we are coming right back. and goes out of its way to help. ♪♪ when you start with care, you get a different kind of bank. truist. born to care.
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truist. born to care. since i left for college, my dad has gotten back into some of his old hobbies. and now he's taking trulicity, and it looks like he's gotten into some new healthier habits, too. what changes are you making for your type 2 diabetes? maybe it's time to try trulicity. it's proven to help lower a1c. it can help you lose up to 10 pounds. and it's only taken once a week, so it can fit into your busy life. trulicity is for type 2 diabetes. it isn't for people with type 1 diabetes. it's not approved for use in children. don't take trulicity if you're allergic to it, you or your family have medullary thyroid cancer, or have multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome type 2. stop trulicity and call your doctor right away if you have an allergic reaction, a lump or swelling in your neck, severe stomach pain, changes in vision, or diabetic retinopathy. serious side effects may include pancreatitis. taking trulicity with sulfonylurea or insulin raises low blood sugar risk.
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[kid plays drums] life is for living. let's partner for all of it. i'm so glad we did this. edward jones liz: we are getting breaking news early ratings for super bowl lvi in the l.a. rams dramatic final minute 23 - 20 victory over the cincinnati bengals drawing 36 million households in linear and streaming according to advertising tv. that means more than one in four u.s. homes that is up 12% over
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last year. the halftime show featuring snoop dogg, dr. dre, 50 cents, eminem and mary j. blige 29 million households that to 19% jump over the halftime show super bowl broadcaster comcast right now on the move it's down just a quarter of 8% had been higher. it was 4839 except 4739 at the moment. fox business alert merger monday is in full swing today let's look at shares they are jumping on report cisco system made a $20 billion acquisition offer up 10% right now the wall street journal reports while the companies are not in active talks at the moment ideal of that size would be the biggest ever for the networking giant cisco dad wouldn't have%. a regulatory setback has covid vaccine makers shares of moderna, biontech and novavax
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are getting hammered moderna on the worst 12% per the fda delayed a meeting discussing the possibility of authorizing a shot for children ages six months to five years. the fda is seeking more data on the covid vaccine for the young kids weber getting burned at this hour after posting a wider than expected fiscal fourth-quarter loss in their guidance for fiscal 2022. weber is off the lows of the session down 8% had been much worse shares are at $10.34 well below the ipo price of $14 weber is blaming supply-chain challenges in inflationary headwinds on the problem. trigger down 4.9%. could you call it the big day, squarespace jumping 7% after the company teamed up with euphoria for super bowl ad. the campaign shows sally who
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sells sea shells by the seashore. it continues as the all the one platform that allows customers to sell anything it in this case her seashell stuff. were getting the breaking news. a u.s. judge moments ago he will dismiss sarah palin's defamation lawsuit against the new york times. it came at a hearing in your court hearing district judge says he will issue an order dismissing the complaint after the jury returned its own verdict. the new york times shares up 1.7%. regarding squarespace it wasn't the only one super bowl ad buzz coinbase crashed its own app with the qr code add the etf grayscale is here to react as his company rolls out the finance etf's with coin as one of the top holdings.
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what is he think about all of this in the future a bitcoin in a big queen etf. the closing bell ringing 28 minutes. look at the nasdaq is back in the green of 21-point read the s&p done 15 the dow more than 400 points now lower by 174. we're coming right back. with access to financial advice, tools and a personalized plan that helps you build a future for those you love. vanguard. become an owner. who's on it with jardiance? vanguard. we're 25 million prescriptions strong. we're managing type 2 diabetes... ...and heart risk. we're working up a sweat before coffee. and saying, “no thanks...” a boston cream. jardiance is a once-daily pill that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular death for adults who also have known heart disease. so, it could help save your life from a heart attack or stroke. and jardiance lowers a1c.
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liz: super bowl commercials have a lot of car companies. but last night just about every car company was an electric vehicle including general motors. the 2024 silverado ev met the sopranos with jamie lynn sigler who plays meadow in the original series meeting with her sopranos brother a.j. after driving the car to new jersey.
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so pretty. bmw got a lot of attention arnold schwarzenegger driving an all electric suv, the former california governor plays the part along with his wife salma hayek, the only non-ev ad was toyota which showcased 2022 tundra keeping up with the joneses starting 20 lead jones, reseda jones and jonas, the super bowl ad toyota shares dipping down about 2% after the automaker announced it has not resume production at three manufacturing lines in ontario after a u.s. canadian bridge has finally reopened after being blocked by truckers. toyota said it expects the disruptions to continue this week in ontario and the trucker protest continued to take a toll let's get to grady trimble taking a closer look at how the auto copies are dealing with.
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>> there trying to get goods over the bridge which fortunately is back open. this road wellington is not back open. in just the last few hours we've seen more trucks moving trucker struck a deal with the mayor at potential areas in here to parliament hill that means more trucks and more truckers like these guys, you guys were here right from the beginning. >> we had the pleasure and honor of being part of the route the cayman i was the captain my wife was with me we signed up at the beginning and we cayman without don't know how many trucks and cars. it was uncountable. >> declared the ambassador bridge which is essential for 25% of trade between the u.s. and canada. this is not essential for this business. there are a lot of businesses in
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the area. they said were under siege from the truckers. what do you say to that and where do we go from here in terms of how long will you guys be here or how does this end. >> what i would like to say the parliament had a vote and they voted down the proposal broaden. the members of parliament should get out on the street and see all the support that we get from all across canada there are thousands of people on saturday. i don't know how many are here today not as many a saturday. we get a lot of support and there's a lot of love and there's only love that we can overcome. the problems that we have at this country, the biggest problem god has been left out of the picture and that's what happened when god is left out then everything falls apart we have a beautiful parliament building under construction and we don't know what is happening but the major problem they wanted take all the tech that is
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on their out of their. >> we will see what happens, thank you for your time. what they did on the ambassador bridge police gave notice to people that they would make arrest and they could be fined $100,000 if they did not move. they have not done that here. it's a bit? as to whether those stay in the area there is talk about justin trudeau the prime minister invoking an emergency act which gives the federal government broader power to keep people out of certain areas and people from traveling into certain areas. that to protect the border areas where trade is going on between the united states and canada. also could move here on parliament hill. as you said for the automakers, fortunately they are able to get goods back over to the ambassador bridge and hopefully as a result of that the factories and assembly plants that were experiencing downtimes in shifts cut short they will be
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able to resume. liz: commerce has been interrupted and a lot of people without jobs it's a very difficult situation. thank you very much. grady trimble live from ottawa. the super bowl turning into the corruptible as digital assets capitalize on the super bowl audience. does that mean full acceptance is just around the corner? it could be good news for the company trying to develop an etf based on the future of finance it just launched and they want to do a bitcoin etf were to talk to grayscale coming up the closing bell in 18 minutes the dell off the close losing 176 points but the nasdaq up 12.
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>> nobody go to the moon ever. >> well. it's ftx safe and easy way to get into crypto. it is. i don't think so, i'm never wrong about this stuff, never. liz: there showing the wheel. it was this ad starring larry with three other crypto company commercials during the super bowl they had viewers calling it the corruptible and queen base bought spots from six and a half million dollars to $13 billion. there is a one with the young lebron talking to an
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older lebron. this basically beyond pushing awareness is also asking the question, could they move the sec goalpost when it comes to proving a spot big queen etf. grayscale crypto asset manager is awaiting the sec stamp of approval with the bitcoin etf's successfully launched the future of finance etf earlier this month. the biggest holdings queen base, paypal, robinhood and bit farm. here on a fox business exclusive, global head of etf, dave, do me a favor, distilled the civil happened last night and what attention did the digital currency world get and what it may mean to the future of bitcoin's acceptance. >> thank you for having me is excited to be here. obviously there was crypto native firms that were trying to gain the attention of the consumer. i think what's most interesting the most traditional brands
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trying to figure out how they fit into the metaphors and the other aspects of the digital economy and we launch the grayscale future undertaker. liz: the future finance, an indirect way to invest in the future of finance when it comes to block chain to native crypto et cetera et cetera. but right now you guys aren't quite there when it comes to getting a spot bitcoin etf. what do you think has to happen the sec put off another meeting and now they would like public comment which they're inclined to do. talk to me about their biggest concern which is simply they want to make sure that investor is safe and there is liquidity and takes hot egg type of investment that is crypto currency. >> this is exactly what we seem
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almost two decades in the etf industry is what we seen every time with innovation and new assets being put into the etf wrapper. were in a 240 day comment. as you mentioned. that expires on july 6. we've had great conversations with the sec with chair chancellor and his staff were excited. liz: you're not the only ones there is a big brace is not just you we know anthony's skybridge is wants to do one. a whole bunch of others trying to push forward. does it matter if you are first, i know you guys want to be. what would make you think you're in the lead for this race. >> everyone else has concepts at this point, we have a product in market, 600,000 investors and our flagship product bitcoin trust. absolutely does matter and we certainly do want to be first.
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we have hundreds of thousands of investors who have said that they desire the etf and we will certainly advocate on their behalf. liz: we have chairman chancellor on the show tomorrow on this very hour if you could ask him or show him look what happened with the super bowl and all these commercials. it's almost like electric vehicles, they were all over the airwaves, one could go back to 1999 or 2000 when all bot of the commercial space in the super bowl and a lot of those failed. i'm not saying that's going to happen but you understand read coming from, correct what would you say to him. >> first of all tier 1999 example precisely the grayscale is an infrastructure were excited about the opportunity for investors to not have to pick winners and losers and grow with the digital economy. but specifically to answer your
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question what i would like you to ask chair chancellor. if there's acceptance by the sec for a bitcoin future base product inextricably inherently related to and reliant on in the bitcoin market, should there be a case of the bitcoin spot product should also be approved. liz: it takes a long time some of the leveraged etf's to years to get accepted by the sec, they might be a little exotic we got to follow the story and you guys as well. >> thank you for having me, we appreciate it. working to get to the bottom of the future of crypto regulation, tomorrow the securities and exchange commission gary gensler joins us right here live on "the claman countdown". at billionaire investor dropping
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google to invest in peloton as it reorganizes. who is the billionaire investor the countdown closer says george soros who could be trading on danger. find out why in a moment. the called about eight minutes away the dow 149, the s&p in the russell and the red and the nasdaq has turned south and down eight points. ♪ you're a one-man stitchwork master. but your staffing plan needs to go up a size. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit - hello. my name is angela roberts, ceo of us money reserve. on behalf of our entire company i'd like to thank you for your continued support
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♪. liz: it is kind of a very tentative situation right now. you're looking at the nasdaq which popped its head up into the green up four points dow down 132, s&p down 14. a lot of tension regarding the situation and hostilities between russia and ukraine as we follow that story. we're talking a little bit about earlier gains in the nasdaq propelled by the chip-makers. let's check the philadelphia semiconductor index. we call it the soxx. it is up just a fraction at the
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moment. it too managed to poke its head up back into positive territory. it is 13f season. that is where billionaire fund managers have to reveal trades through sec filings. this one caught our eye. billionaire george soros is buying peloton in the middle of it is dramatic nightmare after selling shares of e-commerce giant amazon and google parent alphabet. our "countdown" closer says hold on, don't throw out one of the two names soros sold. let's bring in cornerstone cio cliff hodge. you say it is a mistake to throw out alphabet google. what do you love about it? >> so alphabet could be the "faang" name to own in 2022. it is in all the right places to see continued growth. a.i., machine learning, all online advertising doing well last quarter and should continue. search continues to be a
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juggernaut. we actually liked that the company has done the reverse split. that is likely to get attention of the reddit crowd. we think there is room for buybacks to accelerate. "faang" could be be name to hann to. i'm sorry, google. liz: google, one of the "faangs." google has had a great 52 weeks. it is up nearly 30% as this chart shows. the question becomes, are there better things out there. i know you have two other picks. tell me what is the common thread among all three of these? inn this environment investors should remain patient. that is the first thing. we'll go into a period of what looks like high volatility but really the kind of things you want to look for are companies with pricing power, that have high current returns on on capital and are able to pass along price increases to consumers. a couple other names we like,
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that we think share characteristics, unh, united healthcare. the nation's largest private health insurance provider, over 48 million members. they have massive careful. we i this the stock will be a steady grower, compounder over foreseeable future, regardless whether or not putin invades the ukraine. visa is another one i'm pounding table on your show. that would be one i would be happy to talk about as well. liz: visa of course, might be a little more sensitive to anything the federal reserve does. we have about 30 seconds here. when the fed sides to raise interest rates, do you suggest any tweaks to people's portfolios? >> just kind of thing we mentioned. lower volatility, lower the overall risk profile and focus on current cash flows. things that are producing money now and off into the future. liz: it is great to see you, craig. i'm keeping my eye closely on the nasdaq which is barely
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higher by about seven points. s&p down 15. the dow lower by 154. the markets are wrapping up a choppy session as russia ukraine hostilities come to a boil. [closing bell rings] with the white house saying a russian invasion could begin as soon as wednesday. we're watching the situation very closely. that is going to do it for us. gary gensler live on "the claman countdown." ♪. larry: hello, everyone, welcome to "kudlow." i'm larry kudlow. so we begin, save america kill inflation. why? because the 7 1/2% inflation tax is destroying working folks pocketbooks and devaluing the wages they earn. the root cause of the inflation is way too much government spending, too many social programs without workfare and vastly too much money creation by the federal reserve. this isn't hard.
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