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tv   Kennedy  FOX Business  February 17, 2022 7:00pm-8:00pm EST

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how day there how dare they release him into public. how many more? liz: thanks for your service to our country, you will come back on again soon and thank you for watching from i'm elizabeth mcdonagh, you have been watching the evening at it, jackie leonidas will pick up, we hope you have a good evening. stay with us. ♪♪ 's. ♪♪ kennedy: canada, the fight for freedom still being crushed by authoritarian government and breaking tonight, police arrested one of them main key organizers of the freedom convoy while canvas prime minister justin felt dull, racist and extremist. yesterday upped by accusing a jewish conservative lawmaker supporting swastikas. her family survived the holocaust. >> mr. speaker, when did the prime minister lose his way and
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went that happen? up next. >> conservative party members can stand for people who wear swastikas, they can stand with people -- we will accused to stand with canadians who deserve to get their job be able to get their lives back your hair now makes me part. canadian truckers want their lines back, too, that's the whole thing for the protest. liberal media convoy taking a dangerous turn. washington post and other publications plaintiff the names of donors and protests after their identities were exposed by hackers and a data breach. now the donors say they are getting threatened, even fired from their jobs. congresswoman omar came to their defense and she was talking about defending the people who donated, i fail to see why any journalist need to import, shop
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owner making such an insignificant donation rather than get them harassed. it's unconscionable and journalist need to do better and she's right, no one should be smeared for supporting a cause no matter where they stand politically and here, you may not know where a donor stands so other media trudeau when the fight or where the canadian truckers keep on trucking? let's get into it with tonight man panel, he served as senior editor, chris bedford. we got the host of the richard fowler show, fox news printer but, richard fowler and look here, alleluia, host of the part of the problem podcast, one and only, dave smith. kennedy: chris -- welcome to you as well. [laughter] let's start with justin trudeau coming jewish conservative lawmakers they are supporting swastikas, it's a bit too far. [laughter] >> i think it worth saying the
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transfer of getting the words he's used to describe trudeau every day. this morning was prime minister cinnamon mate. to see them just trying to work, i think we lost track or simply not reported intentionally what they are trying to protest work which is whether or not they have to submit to absurd mandates in order to earn a living and feed their families and have a job. they are being pushed out and justin trudeau said they don't -- they are not allowed to be here. i understand there causing them distracting life and they are doing it because the life of the entire country is destructive. when he just wants to dismiss, he doesn't try to understand where they are coming from and i can understand disagreeing with protests and there are plenty of protests but to not even try to understand where they are coming from and write them off as nazis when that's absurd, it's failing
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him and we might see the end of the trudeau government. kennedy: fair a lot of people who feel strongly about the vaccine and people don't want to be forced to take the vaccine and maybe they've already been sick or maybe some of them fit in the cab of a truck for hours and days by themselves and don't want to be told what to do. the prime minister sat down and said what will it take? we obviously have to take trucking lanes open to have a free flow of international commerce but he did not do that. he made it worse and worse by turning ottawa into an actual police state. officers are everywhere arresting people, freezing bank accounts, publishing names so people will lose their licenses and get fired so they won't have a livelihood at all. it's curious omar is one of the few rational outspoken people defending donors.
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does that make you mad? >> i think is a couple of things, one is we always want people to come to the table difficult how we find common ground in the second bank is what we know from the reporting in canada, 80% of truckers are in the 20% who aren't, they are protesting and they have the right to do that, this is what it's about democracy, expressing discontent against the government. a speedy resolution because of this, we know the line they are holding about the protest line or interrupting the flow of trade in the united states and canada and mexico edits disrupting all of north american trade especially in their park manufacturing . kennedy: if they said we are going to back off on the vaccine mandate, if they said that, the truckers go right, let's move, why not do that?
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>> we hope that is the case, i think what happened unfortunately if the message has become money. kennedy: i think their message has been consistent all along. tell me what's really going on here structurally because you've got a group of working-class people now on the wrong side of left wing government so what is happening? >> i think it's hard to focus on exactly what's happening especially the last couple of years where there's so much going on but objectively this is no laughing matter, what's happening is there was a working class mask protest squashed by an authoritarian government that invoked unprecedented emergency powers, that is a fact, not an opinion, that's what's going on and of course they are largely on the side of the authoritarian government doing it. they've also invoked financial
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powers to steal property in the form of money from the people who protested with no due process, forget the thousands of years of british common law, any type of seizing for money and i suppose it's on you to prove you want blocking a road or whether you're in the protest at all. the idea that anyone would not be terrified that a government would invoke this power -- talk about learning no lessons from history to think about how many times donald trump was compared to adolf hitler, you see this happening right in front of you, this is not a game and the idea but anybody -- i've said this before on your show i'm going to say it one more time, i know the word is overused for anyone who
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supports this is a fascist, your fascist if you support this and i'm not using and the popular white progressives like to use it for anyone they disagree with. i mean literally by definition, that's what we are dealing with, these are scary times. kennedy: this is what fascism looks like, advising on golden wings with soft manageable hands. speaking of giant blowhards, hillary clinton pointing fingers in her first remarks in the latest durham profiling. remember the filing alleges her campaign paid a computer tech who access president trump service and failed to link him to russia and present the evidence to federal agencies but hillary said social media -- [inaudible] watch. >> lead the charge with accusation against touting on their audience to fall for it again. they are getting awfully close to actual malice in their attacks but as i said, don't get distracted, don't let the extremes of any or either side
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run. kennedy: no, spy on them pay russians to do it for you. do you believe hillary or are you falling for fox news live? malice. >> i guess i'm falling for fox news because i think this is the biggest scandal you've seen since lbj hoover on the goldwater's campaign, this is wild, another level. we've known from the beginning this is entrapment, there's been or at least some of us have known from the beginning it seems like there's intelligence agencies in on this, feeling depressed trying to go after the trump campaign. we know they hobbled for four years but this is another level to have technology company working for president trump at that time, taking information completely basic interactions with different russian entities
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in the incoming president leaking information to the press and according to durham allegations to place vips and this same firm was hired by joe biden's campaign for president so i think durham is a serious man, i've been waiting a long time and i hope her publicans have the guts. kennedy: is interesting because obviously hillary clinton is obsessed with donald trump and she's accusing john durham of being a political operative and in the tank for trump which is coming out with this report to distract from the fact that donald trump's accounting firm cut ties with him, you realize these things could be true? donald trump could have questionable accounting and hillary clinton and her campaign could have paid people to infiltrate servers, create a narrative and present it to the
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fbi. that could be true at the same time. >> it could be in here is what we know, we know the investigation is still going on, based on what we see, if hillary clinton did engage, i'm sure you would see indictment of hillary clinton let me make this criticism because i think it could be on both sides, i think there's a lot in the mainstream media currently obsessed with donald trump and i would also argue their conservative media more in love with hillary clinton the many of the folks in the democratic party and they want to suggest hillary clinton is running for president next election, all of these things are valid, she wants to continue being a fiction writer. kennedy: unfortunately but true for her looks like it pretty damning. >> she is a fantastic fiction writer, i love the book what happened? it's wonderful.
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[laughter] i think there is nothing. kennedy: the most recent publications -- but hillary clinton is correct and she screams right wing conspiracy when she's caught but what's interesting is it reminds us what really happened and for the record disclaimer, i am not a trump supporter and never thought of for him, i think donald trump should be prosecuted for war crimes for what he did in the war of genocide against the people of yemen, i think you should share a cell with barack obama and cheney and spend the rest of their lives that. that being said, follow trump was framed for treason by the intelligence agencies of this country in large part of the corporate press went along with it and it started from hillary clinton's campaign opposition research. the idea but he was saying he was spied upon and they were
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calling him a liar, we know this and it's nothing to do with the recent findings, we know they spied on carter page, even though the cia told the fbi he was not a russian agent lala law and they spied on him, three warrants and oh yeah, he hasn't been charged with being a russian agent, the fact is every single day for three years the corporate press talked about how the sitting president of the united states was involved in a conspiracy with russia it was one 100% bs, a million things you could accuse donald trump of, being a russian spy is not one. kennedy: once, he was fired, delete information to his professor friend in fact started the mueller investigation. fun times. presidential politics, corrupt and shameful. meanwhile l.a. rams quarterback matthew stafford having the time of his life celebrating at a
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super bowl parade but he's getting a little heat online over reacting to a woman falling off the stage right in front of him. you can see him turning away, there she goes, he acknowledges that event turns away after she falls backward offstage, thankfully his wife stepan to try to see if she was okay. the poor woman suffered a fracture spine, she said she's feeling okay. stafford and his wife have been shamed into covering the woman's medical bills and replacing her three broken cameras but even as he was completely wasted, why wouldn't he help her to begin with? chris, i'll be honest, i am a hugging drunk and if that woman fell off in front of me, i would have dropped off hugged her back. >> i voice been surprised eskimo stars and nfl stars seem so capable of barreling over people on the sidelines getting up and
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going right back to the game so maybe that's where this was but there's no way in my life where i could see a man or woman or anybody fall off the stage like that and not show concern, i understand he was distracted he's taking care of her right now but at the end of the day, it's human decency. kennedy: what a jerk. >> it's his job to her people at the end of the day. kennedy: not like that, just look like you have some compassion. fake it until you make it. >> at least pretend. >> i think we all need compassion, we spent so much time in politics especially being so divided if you see somebody fall, pick them up, that is common decency. kennedy: she didn't even have a life alert. >> okay look, let me make an attempt to defend the indefensible but i will concede, it doesn't look good, it not a great look but it almost looked to me, i don't know, like he was
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just -- it was just so crazy what happened that he seemed almost like he was like whoa, what did i just see? i want to get out of here like he was worried, am i going to get in trouble? not defending hit, you should have helped her up split second, things happen fast, it's easy to say how you would react, i agree, i think i would react to different but -- i've got kids, that's why i would be like i've got to check on my kids -- no. [laughter] kennedy: give the money to my kids to make sure they are okay. [laughter] i like it. i just saw scott horton over my shoulder, i'm getting excited what is the best tequila? >> i don't, they say which one? i say work your way down the
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line. kennedy: very impressive. richard? >> i am a whiskey drinker. >> i never saw i would say it, i am on team richard, bourbon. kennedy: will have bourbon night next week. i should ask about the man's liquor. it is game night, coming up president biden moscow invade ukraine in the next several days. that's what he said several days ago. his sleepy joe just dreaming? scott horton, there he is. he has the mother load on mother russia, he is next. ♪♪
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president biden so trying to wish the world into war for some reason despite the president of ukraine and russia both marking his apocalyptic predictions from major conflicts between the two countries is about to break out. >> reason to believe they are engaged in operations, every indication we have is they are prepared to go in and attack
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ukraine. it will happen in the next several days. kennedy: but what would vladimir putin have to gain from a big invasion and why has he wasted a week? to discuss, libertarian institute editorial director of scott horton is back. you look very diplomatic tonight, welcome back. you said it first, a lovely podcast talking about this, that and all the other things and you said putin is not going to invade ukraine and laid out reasons and i said that makes a lot more sense, putin and baby ukraine and starting a work. >> he certainly would pay heavy cost in a lot of ways if he did so and you could say fairly the russians are engaging in coercive diplomacy as they call it that i don't believe his
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intention truly is to invade the country. primarily because i think his two biggest interests here in his demands if you read between the lines, he wants further assurances, he says he wants a tree but knows he can't get back, he wants firm assurance that we are not going to bring ukraine into nato and firm assurances we won't put missiles into ukraine and we will verify somehow we are not putting tomahawk missiles into dual use missile launchers obama installed in romania and poland antiballistic missile defense missile and those launchers putin said repeatedly our serious concern. biden already climbed down on both of those and in his counter offer to the russians demand, he said specifically but set up a regime of verification for those sites in romania and poland so you can inspect them and make sure yourself we are not
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installing tomahawk's. for all of their bluster, where the rubber meets the road it looks like biden is climbing down and certainly i believe that should be good enough for vladimir putin and the news came today putin has responded to biden's response to the demands and we don't know the full extent of it yet but we should find out soon but diplomacy is ongoing and i don't think there's going to be surprised pearl harbor attack in the next few days. of course that's the future and i can't predict for sure. kennedy: you said that last friday, we saw press reports and a lot of urgency here in the u.s. and international communities like this is it, they are ready to roll, any second now, any hour, any day like maybe tomorrow and it didn't happen. we heard the escalation, i don't trust putin when he talks about the escalation but it's unnerving when it feels like the president and his secretary of defense among wherever he is right now, when they seemed like
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they are gearing up for war, almost like they want a work. is it continuation of the fallout from 2014? a situation you say the obama administration created by trying to insert opposition leaders into power in ukraine? >> absolutely. on the first part, i think maybe they do want at least limited war some kind try to use that to prevent the germans from following through on the establishment of this pipeline. why the germans need us to protect them from russia, if their friends with russia all the time, this is the saying about nato, you keep the americans in, the germans down and russians out. how do we keep the germans down if they are just shutting our influence and going their own way? breaking up the economic relationship with russia seems to be a priority, it shows how cynical they are when
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interdependent relationship between germany and russia could be the most important thing in the world. the last two times the nations fought, it was the worst thing that ever happened, something like 30 to 40 million people were killed on the eastern front of world war ii, all of mankind should support that and the americans are trying to obstruct it. absolutely this is the aftermath of 2014 which we know president biden was in on, named by victoria newland in the famous phone call -- that's right, with jeffrey piatt, they are picking the new government newland said i just got off the phone with jake sullivan and he says vice president biden is willing, he'll do a conference call with the participants to give it at a boy and make it stick. so than his son, the reason they hired his son for a million a
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year was he was in with the government joe biden overthrew so they were afraid they would be persecuted by the new regime so they hired biden's son as insurance policy. kennedy: because of hunter's story, the history and the energy sector and his nba. scott horton, always good to talk to you, thank you for bringing this in. i'm wearing a fancy dress because it's game night. we got a great one for you. lifestyle of the rich and famous. the panel asked him match the wealthy wacko with something crazy they've bought or done. something extensive crack your bourbon, play next. ♪♪
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the only cable news show that loves money as much as freedom. time for lifestyles of the rich and shameless, where we learn how stars have stage and big business waste their fortune and their lives. i believe stories from lives of the rich and famous and panelists were guess i'm talking about and whoever gets the most right went a solid gold private jet. sadly, chris had to leave by entering the game it's hurricane night all-star, kat timpf. >> and i'm not here to lose. kennedy: now she's not, be scared. are you all ready to play? >> this doesn't smell fair. let's do it. kennedy: you didn't give any answers because watching her lose is worth just as much as watching her win. [laughter] okay, question number one, which of these rich and shameless paid
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to have it transformed into a custom batmobile, was it justin bieber, chris brown or queen elizabeth? >> this is hard because the obvious answer would be justin bieber because many people such as myself still see him as a child except that's too easy. sorry -- chris brown? kennedy: i'm sorry, it's incorrect. you should have gone with the got. >> no, i knew it. kennedy: it's only round one, where codefendants are going to try to get on the stand. kennedy: which of these rich and shameless brought up private island for his then 8-year-old daughter? ludacris, ty reese gibson or keanu reeves? >> keanu reeves. kennedy: incorrect. he bought an island from no one, no man.
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no woman, no cry. no was on the board. you could hop into the lead -- >> you didn't tell us the answer. kennedy: tyree's, obviously. gosh, yes. stop talking. [laughter] >> i'm just installing. kennedy: i kr. which of these rich and shameless but a 500 year old castle in germany, spent 4 million to renovate it and still at a loss by spending just one night to cover tax that to the irs? was it nicholas cage? >> i know he had tax problems so wesley snipes? kennedy: no. we made it all too easy, nicholas cage. we reset the whole game, here you go which of these rich and shameless by a building in manhattan and turned it into a luxury garage for his personal
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car collection? kanye, jay leno or jerry "seinfeld"? >> i feel like i see jay leno around cars, jay leno? kennedy: no. jerry "seinfeld" is a car guy. >> everybody has a car. kennedy: but he lives in new york. which of these rich and shameless paid million-dollar for an leonardo da vinci painting? claims mohammed, prince charles or my name is printz? and i am funky. 450 million. >> this is hard. i think it's the saudi prince. kennedy: the first one on the board with one. the commanding lead, congrats. >> that hurt me. kennedy: which of these rich and
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shameless $11000 down for an empty be show as a 4-year-old? carver, willow smith or angela pickel? >> i haven't been able to stop thinking about it for the record but the government did to wesley was evil and we should abolish taxation. i'm sorry, what was the question? kennedy: $11000 down mtv awards show 4-year-old with a 4-year-old child, carver, angelica pickel? >> will smith of course. kennedy: no, blue iv carter, her own strain of reefer. round number three. which of these rich and shameless owns his own tank? arnold schwarzenegger, clint eastwood or paul rudd? >> i don't know, i don't know
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anything about any of these people. kennedy: once grabbed my boots at a party when i was 18. >> i'm glad to hear you are 18. i don't know. arnold schwarzenegger? kennedy: were on the board. with who. >> my will to live is back. kennedy: rehabilitated. one 30,000 dollars to rent out the entire first class cabin of a flight from new york to france so she could be alone for the eight hour trip? mariah carey or kamala harris? >> mariah carey. kennedy: yes, she had a vision of love. i love to poop in my old bathroom. dave, which of these rich and shameless head of 24 million dollars diamond implanted in his forehead? will wayne or little richard?
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>> for the record, i think what paul rudd did was wrong and i'm sorry that happened. was a question? just kidding. kennedy: i asked him if he wanted to touch my breast and he said sure. [laughter] >> i think it was wrong and i'm sorry that happened. we are big on that. i'm going little richard. kennedy: little richard fowler, it was little burke you when the show. >> everybody knows that. we are in cahoots, that's why smith tried to stall and fala got one. i am onto your. i am on your little game. >> open up an investigation. >> hang on, i'll launch an investigation.
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kennedy: i need your investigation pronto. >> richard -- >> where can i get one and where can i park it? are you going to pay for parking? kennedy: jerry "seinfeld" and joyner must -- >> america, you are witnessing injustice. kennedy: we need justin trudeau to arrest these gentlemen right now. party panel, well done. coming up, california cooling on president biden, a new poll says mcgrath are spoofed. california king, hilton, he's here are the answers and he's next. ♪♪
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california commies resisting against their leadership, a new poll shows the biden administration steadily losing support from the democrat
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stronghold since april of last year. the vice president, kamala harris, she has a 38% approval rating in her own state where she was a u.s. senator and attorney general. the two buffoons have done nothing but an act liberal policies since taking office so i can't they get california love? here with me now, most of the california podcast, host of the next revolution sunday nights on the fox news channel, steve hilton is back. i think this is great news, maybe they can finally bust up the model party in california it's been ruling for decades. is it shocking to your 46% of californians have a negative view of kamala harris and 38% approval x crazy numbers. >> who are these 38%? even in the presidential primary, i think i'm right in
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saying she didn't get to the california, she pulled up before the but it was pulled just before when she was still in the race, i think she was like six in california, her home state. they can't stand her here and fast not just the public. i speak to democrat who know her personally who have worked with her, they can't stand her either. not surprised about that. what's revolting from the revolt is startling, that's the whole idea of what i'm trying to do, focus for the people who want change, it's not just republicans. look at the scoreboard recall election in san francisco this week really kicked up three members of the scoreboard. look at the way the district attorney d8 in san francisco, he's facing a recall election in june, that wasn't republican the recall on the ballot, the scoreboard recalled them. the democrats. one of the most liberal cities
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in the country, they are kicking out democrats, they've had enough. kennedy: by san francisco's mayor pushing these policies as long as she's been in office and arguably before that she's think these criminals are the worst, let's get those horrible scoreboard people booted off the council because they are awful but meanwhile this is the basis of her public philosophy i hope they kick out the d8 in san francisco and help they boot the d8 in los angeles, he's just as bad but here are two things people don't like, they don't like crime or having their stuff taken, they don't like being held up at gunpoint and they don't like when they don't have a say in their kids education. those are things that note no party. >> that's exactly right, this is what happening. after years, you said it right, it's a one-party rule, no one else to blame. the state level, the city and
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county's, democrats pretty much all the way and the reality is catching up with them, the real world impact of their policy, particularly in those three areas of crime and homelessness creates total collapse disorder on the street as people going about their business and it's not just san francisco and los angeles, we see those pictures all the time, coast to island down south of san francisco, a small suburban town homelessness on the streets, that's the consequence so what you're saying is virgil singling you had these democrats for years now where they talk about crime and justice and equity, in the end even democrat voters when they see decay and decline on the streets in their schools and fear of crime and their communities, they are saying that had enough.
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kennedy: and they may change party affiliation and interesting ways in the upcoming election, who are watching sunday night, thank you so much. >> reduce the ups. kennedy: topical storm is next. ♪♪ ♪♪ care. it has the power to change the way we see things. ♪♪ it inspires us to go further. ♪♪ it has our back. and goes out of its way to help. ♪♪ when you start with care, you get a different kind of bank. truist. born to care.
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new york city gang busted for stealing over $4 million in covid relief funds and bragging about it on social media in fact gang is known as democrats. this is topical storm, topic number one. scientists in new zealand found a baby ghost shark and they know it's a baby ghost shark because instead of do do do, his eyes boo-boo boo-boo boo-boo baby go shark from the ocean floor. pelosi without makeup. it's called a ghost shark because of its translucent form, also because it never holds anyone back. they are no as rat fish, scrub
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fish, elephant fish and rabbit fish. they got more nicknames and crazier eyes than kanye west. extremely deep water, this was found 4000 feet below sea level so if you think it's ugly, it's because you are much more shallow than ar. they are. jail time for shutting down an entire internet to stop his get from spending too much time on social media. the best way to get your kids off social media maybe stick around. it happened in the beach now, it's called massage when unnamed character block the internet access but ironically he gave the rest of the time, the device works to wealth jamming internet access for thousands of people nearby. he never should have bought parenting tools from starbucks. investigation by national
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agency, it traced the problem back to his house in six months in jail but his kids are pleading with the judge to keep him locked up until they finish vampire diaries. topic number three. here's a video to ruffle your feathers from emily and virginia. watch what happened when she gave her pet chicken some time to reflect. this is donald kwak, a 7-year-old adopted hand packing mercilessly at her own reflection where as humans call it, being a woman. am so mad at your and your fat bottom. this is how pete davidson reacts when he looks in the mirror and sees the ice. she's no spring chicken anymore, she hasn't freaked out like this since the last time she thought the sky was falling. her owner said this hen is brand-new to the farm instilling has become the favor of all the roosters. yeah. something in the way she shakes
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her tail feather, brings all the boys to the yard. we brought her inside to get a break from the roosters attention, also known as gamecock block. [laughter] topic number four. not everyone is a critic, just everyone in my twitter feed. this is viewer mail. john kicks off with at kennedy nation has no talent. as an original take. ray ray tweet no no no, girl. okay, ray ray. loser chimes in with at kennedy nation is beyond they are not yawning, they're just opening your mouth to gargle your mom's balls. kennedy, you don't have to yell, you have a microphone, you are actually yelling when you're just talking normally. lies. i am not yelling, stop telling me things about myself, i know
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myself. i'll be right back. ♪♪
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>> there is no animation, just me, i'm here, classy as ever. classy lady. you can follow me on twitter and instagram. don't like what you see,
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tell me there. and subscribe to my podcast. kennedy saves the world. spotify, apple podcast, fox news pod, you never know what we're going to do and and how i'll save the world. good night. ♪ ♪ electricity, nervous system of our nation, withouts charged particles. let's say, you have more to worry about than your phone dying.e. bridging this power to the americanr] public is a new constant struggle. filled with complicated systems. huge machines. unseen dangers, and a small army of men and


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