tv Cavuto Coast to Coast FOX Business March 23, 2022 12:00pm-2:00pm EDT
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always wondered. stuart: 20 seconds left, anything you want to add -- >> another cup of coffee. i don't think you should buy, not going alone 40,000-dollar first class tickets to australia. stuart: who says the other person will get the same ticket? lauren: [laughter] stuart: killing myself here. neil, bail me out of this. it is 12 noon. it is yours. neil: i do feel your pain, stuart. when i heard it, i guess in your case, what complicates it you would be going to new zealand and australia? stuart: yes. is that the problem? stuart: yes. neil: you would need multiple stops. air new zealand started a non-stop flight to auckland? stuart: yes. neil: trying to help you out as a friend here. they have a new york to auckland flight, just in round-trip economy, it is $1498. they have one premium which is just above economy, premium
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economy, you know that better than i would, i don't know. $3,000. the business premier is about $6700. this is only going to new zealand. probably doesn'tdid you much good. throwing out as possibility. that is long flight. 1hour flight. stuart: i'm glad you tried to help out a friend, neil, very good the. neil: that is what i'm here for you, buddy. bus fares to the poconos, $49. $49. stuart: each way. neil: glad you have the option. good luck on the hunt, traveling alone in first class as the family is back in coach or luggage. stuart: leaf leave me alone. neil: you asked for it. we're down 250 points at corner of wall and broad confusion where the war, we enter the second month ukraine is actually going. we have very, very hostile language out of vladmir putin and foreign minister, threat against peacekeeping forces in
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or even near ukraine. that would be tantamount to expanding the war in russia's eyes. of course the president set to arrive in brussels later today, maybe a stop in poland after that. definitely a stop in poland after that. there is questions whether he likes leaders would visit ukraine. another whole another level when the president of the united states is involved. go to edward lawrence already there ahead of the president. what other nato leaders want to hear out of him. edward? reporter: neil, i am live in brussels here this is the majestic town hall behind me for brussels. president joe biden on his way to brussels to deliver a message. only the president won't say exactly what that message is. listen. president biden: i will say that to their face. i will say all i have to say. say it when i get there. reporter: national security advisor jake sullivan saying that they will provide more sanctions own russians. we understand that it is going
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to be 300 members of the russian parliament, their governing body there the leader of nato about two hours ago said that he confirming, he confirmed a substantial increase in nato troops just in case. listen. >> i expect there to be a substantial increase of our presence for the long term. we will do what is necessary to insure that we protect our allies and insure that nato provides for military and self-defense to all countries including estonia. reporter: so the president meeting nato but also g-7 and eu leaders. they will ask the president to export more oil and natural gas. that would mean reversing course on current energy policy which discourages investment in the u.s. senator pat toomey, the world, mostly europe is still buying billions of dollars a
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week in oil and natural gas from russia he says. it is time to change that. >> we're providing some support. we should be doing more but we could cut off the source of revenue for putin. how long can he continue to conduct this war if we shut off his biggest source of revenue? that is the step we need to take. reporter: so the biden administration so far reluctant to change course on energy policy. back to you, neil. neil: edward lawrence thank you very much, my friend. meantime here nato is obviously, we touched on this reinforcing its support for ukraine. now edward also touched on talking about building up ukraine's defenses even more, even against chemical and nuclear weapons which you know nato is not entirely ruling out on part of russia as things get more desperate for vladmir putin. we'll get into a little bit more detail later. the latest from lviv, ukraine, where you find our mike tobin now. how are things looking there?
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reporter: well, it looks, neil, ukrainian forces are gaining substantial ground particularly to the north, northwest sigh of the capital city of kyiv. yesterday we told you they reclaimed, retaken the sy of makriv and cluster of neighborhoods and towns near that city. sources like mayor vitali klitschko, that they're making substantial gains in the town of irpin, northeast of macari and this would draw the line of ukraine brand forces to the north side of the city. here is the mayor. >> official sources with information right now, they are, small city, mackriv, already in
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the control of ukrainian soldiers. pete: the siege of mariupol is not letting up. civilian casualties in the thousands. eight convoys have been shot. ukrainian prime minister says buses filled with aid were stopped five miles out of town. the drivers, aid workers were detained by russians. another town shaping up as a humanitarian disaster was cherihiv. that bridge was blown up. the people in ch. riniv are isolated. neil: thank you mike. 400,000 are in process of exiting the country. poland seems to be a local. dealing with those drying to get out of you a crain. you find our aishah hasnie with how they're handling it all.
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reporter: neil, good afternoon to you. a lot of folks here in poland, across europe are talking a lot about the nuclear threats. we've seen panic buying of iodide, potassium iodide pills and potassium iodide drops. kind of anti-radiation therapy. you have to remember people here are, a lot of folks suffered through the chernobyl disaster of the '80s and are still suffering through thyroid issues so it's a real concern here on the ground. in fact we went to a pharmacy today and asked them about it. they told us they sold out of the stuff in about two days. a lot of reports about panic buying across the continent. so much so that the european commission is reportedly telling eu member stocks to stock up amid fears there could be a nuclear disaster. people in europe have been worried since russia put the nukes on high alert just days after invading ukraine.
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there is fears there could be a nuclear disaster at power plants under putin control. putin's spokesman told cnn russia would use its nuclear capabilities if there is a quote, existential threat for our country. doctors and pharmacists here in poland are trying to calm the public by educating them about the drug. that if it is not taken properly, it could be more harmful than good. >> protect you from radioactive iodine, not radioactive other substances. they do not protect your entire body. they protect the thyroid gland. your thyroid gland is, needs iodine. if you give one of your tablets it is filled with iodine, and reduces absorption of radioactive iodine. reporter: now this morning president biden said russia's
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use of chemical weapons is a real threat but previously he said that he didn't think americans should be concerned about nuclear warfare. even in the u.s. though, neil, new york based company amvex is apparently sold out of these pills. the defense intelligence agency director few days ago recent which wrote that putin could lean on the nuke cheer threat as the war drags on in ukraine. nuclear is talked about quite a bit here in eastern europe. neil? neil: just crazy, ashiah. no other way to describe it. reporter: isn't it crazy? wild. neil: beyond, beyond, people up close are scared out of their wits and every reason to be. aishah hasnie in poland, thank you as always. reporter: absolutely. neil: let's go to bret
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velokivch. bret, looking at this when anyone talks about the feasibility of nuclear weapons and it is going up as high as the foreign minister of russia taking cues from the president of russia, we're in uncharted territory here. >> you're absolutely right and putin continues to say that he will win this war no matter what the cost. that is an important statement to remember, what exactly does that mean in terms of weapons used? are we talking about nukes? i don't know but it is only going to exacerbate with the humanitarian crisis we're dealing with. now he is threatening poland if they continue to support bringing in additional military. only escalating on number of fronts. putin seems to get more and more desperate by the hour and indiscrime manly attacking civilians around the country. their weapon of choice is attacking civilians to demoralize them. russians are not taking as much ground as they thought. more russian troops are dying
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more than ukraines. 10 russian troops dying per ukrainian. 16,000 russian troops were killed during this war. from a tactical military perspective that is great for the ukrainians but very, very dangerous from a future humanitarian operation perspective what we're doing out here because i think putin will get more and more polled. he will up the stakes. they are using less accurate weapons which is major problem. 4,000 residential buildings, 500 educational institutions, over 130 medical institutions across the country have been completely destroyed. and it is just going to continue with these barrages of russian artillery fire. neil: many of the ukrainians i've been chatting over the course of this one-month long war, what they told me to a man or woman, bret, if vladmir putin loses support at home. we got maybe the first hint of that today. "bloomberg news" is reporting that a key putin advisor going
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back actually decades, has quit and is leaving russia over the war. he with as climate advisor to be more specific but he has had enough of it. i could surprise he could quit and still leave the country. he has, if these reports are accurate. there could be others that feel the same way but doesn't it take that kind of thing to lose support at home, especially among key players who have been supporting him throughout to change this and to change the trajectory we're on? >> yeah. i mean right now we're in the business of information warfare. it is an information war right now. so getting real truthful information into the hands of the russian population about what is actually going on in ukraine will be important going forward. brings up, one thing people are not highlighting, neil, famine and food shortages that will impact the rest of the world soon for instance if ukrainian farmers are stopped from growing crops as a result of russian advances. while the government here is
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prioritizing the agriculture, the farmers themselves are facing fuel shortages. we need to start talking about global economic losses. ukraine produces almost 15% of the world's wheat. so my understanding exports will less than previous years. think of how many percentages of farmers staved and planted given russian maneuvering around the area. think about the russian economic losses. there are lines at the store throughout moscow. they can't get enough food like they need to. they're fighting each other for goods. they're finally starting to understand something is happening in their normal lives. they sort of boasted that they really didn't care about these sanctions and the ruble is so strong. they're saying they didn't have to worry about this exchange rate but now i think they're starting to feel this at home. war crimes taking place, and unless the people of russia go against their own government, that is one of the main reasons this war will stop. neil: great perception on your
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part, bret. it is one thing not to know exactly what is going on in ukraine. it is quite another to feel the economic fallout of what is going on in ukraine. that is something the average russian citizen is experiencing every single day. so we'll watch it very close. bret velokivich. there are a lot of worries coming off our own economy we're off the highs. still a very strong economy. new home sales slid again if february. second month we've seen that. some of the housing hit, hit might be too strong a term here, first-time buyers even with the slight dip in yields on 10-year treasury note today, up markedly over the last few weeks. indications are it will continue to go up. how potential homebuyers feeling that pinch as we speak.
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airlines offering flight attendants double pay to take shifts. we don't know how many takers they have. that is where the industry stands. they don't have enough help. flight attendants. couple others are dealing with pilot shortages. they're paying up big, in this case doubling compensation to help out. we'll see how many takers alaska air gets. meanwhile not too many takers for mortgage applications now. home sales tend to be drifting down a little bit. obviously not a big surprise with backup in rates and skiddishness about the economy and inflation in general. gerri willis has been looking into that, particularly the impact for first-time home buyers. she is in hearts dale, new york. gerri. reporter: neil, i'm standing in front of a 599,000-dollar home. this is considered a starter home in westchester. far from discouraging people,
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the higher interest rates, people are still coming out. there were 60 people at the open house for this house. listen to the listing agent for this property. listen. >> interest rates historically have softened some markets. we have not seen that happen in this market and we don't expect it to. in fact interest is, has spurred buyers into the market. reporter: now interest rates, neil, as you know are up more than 1% year-over-year, highest level in three years. this is just adding insult to injury to folks out there who want to buy a house. they say their number one concern right now is affordability. some 50% say that. 27% say it is availability. and i know as you're aware, inventorys are still down 15% year-over-year. so you can't find a house. you can't afford a house. it is very frustrating for people out there.
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this number, which i found telling, according to a new study from zillow, home prices in 28 of 37 markets are higher, they have risen more than people actually earn. so in silicon valley the increase in housing prices $229,000 and that is 136,000 more than people earn on a annual basis. so the price hikes really tough for people to absorb. of course the interest rates, we're expecting another six interest rate hikes this year. goldman sachs saying today, we could get two 50 point hikes in may and june. a lot these first-time homebuyers are dealing with. neil, back to you. neil: wild. gerri, thank you very much. meanwhile on the situation where interest rates will back up more, at least a lot more, federal reserve will have anything to do about it, already created over the course of
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roughly a month 1/2 ago, global bond market rout to a tune of 2 1/2 trillion dollars. we have not seen that sort of sinking and swooning since the global financial crisis. in fact this is bigger than that was in 2008, remember carried into 2009. it is not necessarily a fair comparison but it does show you how the effect of higher rates, lower bond prices reverberates throughout the economy. what does it have martin do to advise clients with this phenomenon. they have been pulling money into stocks of late which is their hedge, which is weird, but what do you make of that? >> first thing, neil, we stop freaking out, it is scary to your point. my goodness. go back in recent history my friend, august of last year, august of 2021, the 10-year interest rate is benchmark what gerri talked about mortgage rates, lending rate, that has
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doubled since august. now that is a funny way to say statistics. it wasn't that high again. it was 1.2%, now roach approaching 2.4. you made a key point of wealth management what we do at kingsview, asset allocation for clients is challenging, stocks and bonds first quarter this year have been correlating, moo friend. they are both going down. instead of one thing doing the other, they're both doing the same thing which is negative. you have to do interesting things with portfolio strategy which includes structured notes, secured loans, gold, things like that, maybe a little crypto or appetite or stomach for it and pepto bismol handy. things are going on in the bond market scaring people to your point, traditional asset class behavior is not holding true say the last several years. neil: i guess it depends on the treasury instrument or note or bond but the yield curve has been flattening, if not reversing when it comes to
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shorter term rates that are eclipsing rates on longer term assets. now that depends on the rate, i get it, but at the very least it seems to be you know, telegraphing a slowdown in the economy. some say a recession. where are you on this? >> it is telegraphing some bumpy times ahead for sure. definitely a slow down in economic growth which could be simple as growth maybe 0.5% or 2% versus the six plus we've had recently. you're right about the inverted yield curve. basically means there is a risk off mode on wall street which means that folks don't want to own much of anything right now. we've seen that in the performance in q-1 so far. the only thing i would caution folks out there on, is that the inverted yield curve or the flattening yield curve as you put it has predicted about 10 of the last five recessions if you know what i mean. it tends to scare folks a lot. that is fun with kind of numbers, but shows there is slowdown coming forward.
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something gerri mentioned you and i before, neil. i don't think the fed will raise interest rates as much as people think. i think we'll only get a handful of rate hikes this year. they will see what it does to the economy. they will see how inflation materializes here. then decide how they want to proceed forward and not do six interest rate hikes seems everybody is betting on. neil: curious what you also make of the comeback in a lot of popular issues, particularly technology stocks. they're not all the way back by any means. we're still selling off today. but it is noteworthy technology stocks as a sector and a group are up 14% from their lows. now there is still not where they were but they have clawed their way back immeasurably. is that opportunity for investors now to cash out or to assume this rally, whatever you want to call it, what is clearly had been a bear market for technology stocks is over? what do you think? >> depends on your goals
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obviously on the time horizon. i particularly think for a lot of our clients see this as major opportunity. i think tech stocks got thrown out with the bath water, the baby, bathtub. nobody wanted to own them. everyone afraid of interest rates going up. techland guided down, future earnings reports we're receiving in next couple quarters are not robust as last couple years. face it, last couple years, neil, 2021 were were in a word, goodness, awesome. tech stocks got to a level they very attractive if you have one, two, three-year time horizon. neil: got it. scott, great catching up. thanks, scott martin, my friend. technology as a group holding up despite the general downdraft in the face of higher interest rates, higher oil prices. oil back over 110 bucks a barrel. talk right now rate it is going could easily get back to 130 or
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more. again not a panic time at the corner of wall and broad. we're on a lot of other developments including what is happening to other investments, crypto and where money goes there, interesting enough we are still monitoring how people are handling the new psyche where you can't ignore what is going on in ukraine but there is an undercurrent of optimism it will sort out there. the hope is just that. the ukrainian people need that more than anything else, after this
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♪. neil: well if it isn't bad enough worried about someone trying to steal your car, the fuel in your car. it is that expensive, that valuable. with average prices rocketing over four bucks a gallon, and california likely to go 6 bucks a gallon despite week over week dip, the big question how are they stealing that gasoline?
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casey stegall with more from dallas. reporter: neil, a couple of different ways. remember back in the day you could stick a hose right into someone's gas can and literally siphon the gas out. safety features are installed. a lot of locks prevent people from doing that. so now crooks are straight up drilling a hole right into the side of the people's car where the tank is, getting gas out that way. some of them are other sophisticated crimes that we have seen involved special vehicles that get this, actually have a trap door built into the bottom, and then there are sophisticated pumping systems inside. this is surveillance video from a houston gas station. the minivan from the right-hand side of the your screen pulls up to the pump where happens to be the storage tank inlet in for the entire station's underground supply.
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thieves open up the backdoor, stick a pump in the gallon and inconspicuously pump hundreds of gallons into their van and drive off. believe it or not they are happening more than you think. >> these thefts are committed by people, their business is crime. and so these trucks have been retrofitted a long time ago. they have been used on isolated incidents but that, that prevalence has picked up as gas prices have increased. reporter: but here is the very most common way thieves are ripping off gas all across the country. it is by using this device which is called a pulser. it basically tinkers with the fuel pump's price, changing it from dollars to cents per gallon. so they're fairly cheap. they're easy to obtain. it allows someone to pump hundreds of gallons of gaspo tensionally, wind up paying a tab of about six bucks. so gas station owners are
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finally wising up. the one in dallas today, they have put in alarms on the pumps. they also added additional security cameras, things like that, trying to be extra vigilant to protect from this theft. neil? neil: that is wild. crazy times, crazy crimes. casey stegall in dallas, texas, thank you very much. i wonder what a u.s. congressman thinks of this? buddy carter, gop congressman from the beautiful state of georgia. a lot to talk to you about, congressman but man, desperate times call for innovative thieves, and they're finding clever ways to steal gasoline. how widespread do you think this is? >> with all the crimes in our major metropolitan areas now, i don't doubt this is a problem. it will be a serious problem, i can remember, i'm old enough to remember back to the late '70s, when we had the whole crisis at that time, people were, like you alluded to
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earlier siphoning gas out of tanks. now they're drilling holes to get the gas. when you have a expensive commodity like this essential commodity like this this is behavior you will see this. neil: avoid all of this by reopening oil exploration in this country, even revisiting the keystone pipeline essentially the president shut down on the first day in office. can you explain what you're doing here? >> i have a bill. it is ending dependency on russian energy and what we need to do, what this bill will do is start the keystone xl pipeline immediately. that needs to be done. look this administration since day one has had a war on fossil fuels, a war on energy independence. if we realize anything from ukraine, we realize how important energy independence is to our national security. this administration has, has had a war on this. not only have they stopped to cancel the keystone xl pipeline,
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they stopped drilling on federal lands. they increased epa regulations so energy producers are not able to get the permits they need. this is all an attack on our energy independence. as you well know the energy sector works in a futures market. they need to know that we are committed to fossil fuels. they need to know that we mr. committed to having the energy infrastructure in our country that is necessary in order for us to have energy independence. neil: you know, you can go back and forth with democrats on this issue. they don't see supply and demand the way you do, the way basic economics 101 works. you're right, it's a supply and demand issue. that includes future supply the markets before shutting down keystone had factored up into their plans. when that supply was taken off down the road they responded to that. be that as it may, we're focusing on these measures to punish russia and to whom it can eventually sell oil. forget about china though.
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it is interesting, congressman, india has been a very strong customer, plans to be, a continued strong customer for that oil but we're not laying a glove on india. maybe because it's a poor country and they're wrestling with problems of their own but should we be? >> well, that is a good question. i actually had the consulate for the southeast in my office last week and you know, the reason they were giving was that we have a history with russia. well, we got a history with russia too but that doesn't mean that you should be complicit in approving what they're doing in ukraine by continuing to do business with them. so, yeah, i think india has gotten off a little bit too easy here. i get it. i understand they don't want to disrupt this, shake the cart so to speak but at the same time this is serious business and if we don't do something and stop this un unprovoked invasion of
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ukraine and we're just allowing this to happen and india will be complicit in that. neil: would you want to punish india with this? >> well i really have to debate that and really ponder that in my mind and what kind of punishment we're talking about. i have to say i'm disappointed, and disappointed thus far in the response that india has had and that is shared by many members of congress. neil: congressman buddy carter, very good seeing you again, sir. thank you very much. >> always, thank you. neil: the peak of the dow we're down 300 points in and out of session lows. a growing concern that oil prices are likely to head up a lot higher even with the week over week reprieve we've seen in gasoline. most traders are not buying that. the worse things get in ukraine, and they're getting pretty bad right now the worse it looks for the price of oil. we're on top of that, also the wrath of mother nature particularly with these tornadoes and the latest in new
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orleans. have you ever met a transgender kid? there is no atmosphere that is the same as playing a sport with your team. when you're playing a sport, it's not just about you. it's about what you can do as a team or as a group. most of what i coach are team sports, and it's not about being perfect. it's about growing as an individual and growing as a team member. and where in that does gender identity come in? i want to even be a coach someday just to help other kids get to where they want to be. we're a team. it's a thirteen-hour flight, that's not a weekend trip. fifteen minutes until we board. oh yeah, we gotta take off. you downloaded the td ameritrade mobile app so you can quickly check the markets? yeah, actually i'm taking one last look at my dashboard before we board. excellent. and you have thinkorswim mobile-
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>> oh, my god! oh, my goodness. neil: all right, you don't often see tornadoes over busy metropolitan areas, that is just what they saw in new orleans yesterday. in laramie, louisiana, on something that could be a lot worse. how are things looking there now? reporter: good afternoon, neil. i will tell you, i've been walking these streets here in st. bernard parish and i've been talking to people, i've been talking to residents, i've been talking to pastors, i've been talking to small business owners, if i can be honest, heartbreaking doesn't even convey what people are feeling her this afternoon as cleanup efforts are underway. i will have aaron pan over what we see. this kind of devastation behind me. this garage was completely
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destroyed last night. to the left of it there was a car that flipped over. there is one of two cars we see flipped over here in the community. we know the person in this house was in the hospital. no word yet on his injuries. we also know that storm killed at least one person and several people are injured. just to give you some perspective, neil, we're still recovering from hurricane ida. that was seven months ago. the neighbors are telling us, this is a hard pill to swallow. at least you have time to prepare for a hurricane but not much for a tornado. we had a chance to speak with the st. bernard sheriff. he said this community is resilient. listen. >> along with the surrounding communities in the area been through a lot. they are very resilient. they bounced back. i spent time in the impacted areas last night. they are out in the streets, look like, no worries we can fix it, rebuild it.
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just thank god more people were not injured or killed. reporter: i want to end with a quote from one of the small business owners we talked to. he said as long as we have our lives we can rebuild. neil, that is the sentiment we're seeing right now, take part right now with all these community organizers coming through. we saw law enforcement coming through as well, giving out sandwiches, giving out water to people as we rebuild in this community. back to you. neil: thank you very much for that update. we'll keep looking what is going on in the new orleans area. still more threats of adverse weather in the hours and days ahead. meantime latest on confirmation hearings for judge jackson. they're getting a bit more heated but she is handling that heat. shannon bream with the latest after this. ♪ i promise - as an independent advisor - to put the financial well-being of you
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save up to $750 on a new samsung device with eligible trade-in. neil: all right. she doesn't appear shaken. she doesn't appear stirred. she is holding her own in washington as the third day continues now in confirmation hearings for ketanji brown jackson. republicans have a little less time to grill her, 20 minutes per senator today.
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but still means it will be late and doesn't our own shannon bream know it. our legal correspondent, the author of a book due out six days from now, "the mothers and daughters of the bible." after the women of the bible. i know this supreme court nominee very religious in her own right. often quotes the bible. shannon, good to have you here. that's been my knee-jerk, and i'm not a lawyer, read how she is comporting herself here. i don't see anything that can get in the way of her making it to the court. do you? reporter: as of not yet. she seems unflappable, very well-prepared, intelligent, ready to spar with these senators on both sides of the aisle and it is interesting because so much has made as her position of a judge and federal prosecutor, excuse me as a public defender, her positions on crime, sentencing, all these kind of things. she is in a very deep dive senator cornyn, who was by the way a texas supreme court
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justice. talking about roe v. wade, jurisprudence. we're awaiting ruling on abortion limitations. they're doing a deep dive. the conversation about her position on crime today, senator dick durbin, the top democrat, he chairs this committee. said it is not working. here is what he said. >> but for many senators yesterday was an opportunity to showcase talking points for the november election. for example, all democrats are soft on crime therefore this nominee must be soft on crime. well you have made a mess of their stereotype. reporter: so he says she has been able to disprove and rebut those. he talks about, she has very, very winningly talked about her family's connection to law enforcement. her brother who served as a police officer. also in the military, now a lawyer himself. her two uncles were police officers. one became the police chief in miami. she talks how she respects law
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but that has not stopped republicans continuing to press her on this issue how she sentenced convicted criminals as a judge, specifically case of child porn possession. here is a back and forth with her and senator lindsey graham on that point. >> senator, with respect to the computer, one of the most effective deterrents is one that i'm posed in every case in that judges across the country impose in every case which is substantial, substantial supervision. >> i think the best way to deter people from getting on a computer and viewing thousands and hundreds and over time maybe millions, population as a whole of children being exploited and abused every time somebody clicks on is to put their ass in jail, not supervise their computer usage. >> senator, i wasn't talking about versus. reporter: so those digs into her
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record as a judge, how she handled sentencing issues will continue today. you can be certain senator graham will not be the last one to talk about that, neil. neil: shannon, dumb question on my part, but you are always patient with my questions. has to do with her role as a public defender, that you take up the cases that are presented to you if she had no choice. this has come up before when others are before the court and in their public defenders roles, is that true, if you are in that position and you really object to, in this case, representing gitmo prisoners as she did, that you don't want to take it on you don't have to or do you? >> yeah. i mean essentially when you signed up for that job, when those assignments come, you take them, carry them out. she talked about that, that got a lot of attention that she represented a number of guantanamo bay detainees. she said listen, that was a job i was doing as federal public defender. i was happy to do it because i think it is important for our
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constitutional and judicial system, people know everyone will have a good representation and a fair shot defending themselves. she embraced it. not apologized it for all, both sides of the senators praised the idea that we need public defenders when it comes to gitmo it is obviously a very sore spot for a lot of folks. neil: it is. i learned not to argue with you on these matters, especially when you appear to have higher connections. looking forward to the book next week, "the mothers and daughters of the bible, women of the bible." i am peakable stuff. thank you, shannon. let's go to richard fowler, host of richard fowler show. i will mention to you, richard, what i said to shannon i'm not saying republicans have laid a glove on her and trying to dislodge her but judge jackson holding up. i don't see anything in this stage would get in the way of even picking up a couple of republican votes. what do you think? >> listen, i learned not to get
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in the way of shannon bream either, neil. but yes, i don't think there is, doesn't seem to be any signs that she will not be confirmed at this particular point, especially given the fact democrats have to only get 50 votes to get over the threshold. i think she will pick up with a republican votes. we she issues with republicans how she handled couple cases around kiddie porn and handled gitmo detainees, and some talking points you will see emerge in the midterm elections for republicans. ted cruz yesterday bring up critical race theory. couple minutes ago, senator cornyn from texas, senior senator from texas, abortion and transgender children. this is road map for the elections, understanding there is no possibility at this point ketanji brown jackson will not be the next associate justice on the united states supreme court. neil: so your answer is, i think she got three republican votes
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last time for the appellate court. she might lose lindsey graham but she might keep lisa murkowski, susan collins? >> i think that sounds about right. i think there is some other votes you could look to. i would look to ben sasse. i would also look to mitt romney. neil: okay. >> as potential pickups here for, for the judge. listen, i think she has done a really remarkable job. she is in hour 15 or hour 16 of her testimony. she seemed to hold up pretty well. she has taken on some tough questions. she has been really good at bobbing, weaving, a lot of sort of republican ambiguous questions, like how do you define a woman? what do you say to the people in your church who are pro-life? she has been able to move around those, very artfully. i think which proves to her skill. let me say this. i think it is really important, that shannon brought this up, to have somebody on the supreme court who actually sat at the defense table. currently nobody on the court
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sat at the defense table. neil: we'll see you, my friend. i'm jumping on you we're going to a break. ustomize your insurance at so you only pay for what you need. isn't that right limu? limu? limu? sorry, one sec. doug blows several different whistles. doug blows several different whistles. [a vulture squawks.] there he is. only pay for what you need. ♪liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty♪ ♪ cool ♪ ♪ breeze from the air ♪ ♪ wind ♪ ♪ blows through my hair ♪ ♪ don't care ♪ ♪ if people see my dancing in my car ♪ ♪ and if it shines or rains oh ♪ ♪ i can't complain ♪ ♪ it's still a beautiful day ♪ ♪ because i ♪
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better hearing leads to a better life. let's partner for all of it. and that better life... ...starts at miracle-ear. it all begins with the most innovative technology... the new miracle-earmini™. available exclusively at miracle-ear. so small, no one will see it. but you'll notice the difference. and now, miracle-ear is offering a 30-day risk-free trial. you can experience better hearing with no obligation. call 1-800-miracle right now and experience a better life. neil:ing all right, well, would have, should have, could have. a little footnote on energy stocks, they've essentially doubled this year. in fact, some of them more than that, drillers as well which is a bit of an oxymoron. having said all of that, they are kind of like the new fang
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stocks. let's see how long that holds here. hillary vaughn watching it where lawmakers are saying, well, we don't want it to hold on too tight, which is what they're going to do. hillary. >> reporter: hey, neil. well, democrats on capitol hill are kind of looking to use the crisis of high gas prices to their political advantage heading into the midterms. a memo from a democratic polling group advising democrats ahead of 2022 to use spiking prices at the pump to push people to go green saying this: it's essential for democrats and clean energy advocates to be on the offensive in addressing voters' concerns about gas prices both by fixing blame where it belongs and offering a clear path forward to voters. the memo telling democrats to accuse oil end companies of price gouging and make the case for expanding clean energy alternatives and, apparently, some democratic senators got the memo. >> meanwhile, big oil ceos are
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on track to spend $88 billion this year not to produce more oil, not to address the crisis of climate, but to buy back their own stock and hand out dividends the enrich their wealthy stock hold ors. >> reporter: oil and gas ceos this week told the white house they need help to ramp up production, they need the administration to clear the backlog of drill permits waiting for approval and if also account cut the environmental red tape that that can i delay projects for years before companies can break bound. but the white house is reportedly looking at another way to dull the pain, possibly sending stimulus are checks to americans to pay for gas. i asked republican senators about that moments ago, and senator barrasso told me that that would just make the problem worse. >> gas cards, any of those things doesn't contribute to the solution of having more
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available energy for americans to buy when they go shopping. >> reporter: and, neil, senator barrasso also told me today he thinks that the white house should move forward to clear out these environmental -- or the environmental red tape that is slowing a lot of projects down and clear the drill permit backlog, but if they don't act, he says congress can. of course, democrats right now control the senate and the house, so democrats would have to be onboard stood that as well. neil. neil: hillary vaughn are on capitol hill with that. meantime, even with this new virus variant, this ba-2, and it's spiking certainly here in the united states as it has in places like china and europe, so far we're told nothing bad, hopefully if the travel industry has its way, nothing that would get them to reimpose restrictions in this country if it gets worse, that's -- at least that's what it's hoping. jeff flock with more on that.
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>> reporter: even more than that, neil, they'd like to get rid of the thing you with see on my face, because if i stand inside a u.s. airport, i've still got to have a mask on as well as being on a flight. if they have their way, that'll end. a letter just sent by the u.s. travel association to the incoming head of the biden administration's coronavirus response team with four major points that they would like to see addressed. number one, to end the testing of people coming into the u.s. from overseas a that's chilling international travel, they say, and it's not needed. get rid of the mask mandate by the 18th of april, don't do any more travel bans because they say they can still work, and send a message maybe even from the president's own lips that it is safe to travel by air, again, both in and out of the u.s. regardless whether we've got masks on or what distinctions there are, if you're going to fly these days, it's going to cost you. take a look at these numbers from hopper. they say that in march the
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domestic flight on average would be $313. that's up almost 30% there from this time last year. international flights, $779, that's up too, not quite as much, not as many people going to europe with that chaos. individual examples of this, hopper gave us this one, jfk to lax, last march $241 on average, now $326. why is this? well, in addition to more people travel thing, there's the issue of jet fuel. as you might guess, the runup in oil prices, jet fuel up too. $3.33, the average gallon of jet fuel world wide right now. that's lessen than gasoline this in our cars, you know. i didn't realize this, but it's more viscosity -- lower viscosity, so it's easier to refine, so it's not as high as regular gasoline prices. but up 5% in the last week, 31% in the last month and more than double what it was the time last
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year. everything's going up, as the brooks and dunn song goes, cost of living's high and going up. neil? neil: you're right about that, hi friend. you've been working very harold, jeff, that's very, very clear. good to see you, my friend. thank you very is, very much. uh-oh, uh-oh. call the police. jeff flock on all of that. well, the energy industry is certainly being targeted right now by a number of progressives on capitol hill, bernie sanders who recognizes and thinks there's a cabal going on and that they're captainizing off of all of this. -- capitalizing. enter ron ness, also the gas association president. they're working with a group of ten oil and gas trade groups to effectively say, look, you know, the administration, congress, we want to work with you, but let's get past the name walling -- calling. i think i've got that right. gentlemen, welcome you both. tim, let me, i want to begin with you on this argument that's out there, and i worry that it
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gets traction if people don't challenge it, this popular notion that you guys -- or the industry itself -- is responsible for the high prices we are seeing. i mean, that's just not the case. but it's very hard to fight that especially when you have powers that be that don't want to take any of the blame themselves. what do you do to challenge it? >> well, neil, that's a great question, great point. you know, i was listening to hillary's comments a few minutes ago. in my 30 minutes -- years of working in washington, congress is only good at two things which is do nothing until it's time to completely overreact. the reality is the biden administration and the allies in congress did nothing to address this crisis as it was unfolding while we were warning them of that. until it comes to a complete head and, in fact, actually decelerating the crisis, and so when it all comes to a head, they trot out some moldy old
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ideas from the '70s, and i tell senator sanders those, enriching those investors, those are pension funds, and those are the small investors that have invested through mutual funds in the oil and gas industry. he needs to be careful about who he's worried about being enriching. neil: you raise a very good point. i mean, a lot of people who invest in energy stocks, oil stocks in general, of course, love added appeal of the oil companies that pay dividends, you know, income that you can get from investing in a company, in a stock, and those are not that -- taking advantage of that, this is paying for retirement. leaving that aside, ron, i'm curious as to how you work with an administration though that has already said we're not for opening up keystone or even to expanding domestic oil production, points the finger back at you guys to say there are a lot of unused contracts and leases on land, and if you were so hot to trotta take
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advantage of that dub trot to take reaction of that, you would. >> well, thanks, neil, for having me today. you know, oil and natural gas is the backbone of our economy, and president trump recognized that early on in his run for the presidency, and he made our country, america, the world's largest producer of oil and natural gas. this president could change the price of gas tomorrow if he would come to the podium and announce that his administration if is changing direction, he's directing his federal agencies to work with industry-a-- industry, approve permits, urge the energy sector to invest in oil and gas. that is a huge problem we're having in north dakota, trying to get wall street and investors who are being told every day not to invest in fossil fuels, that is limiting our ability to grow. and this is a big -- it's taken a long time to get here. we're about 15 months for this administration to watch u.s.' oil and gas production decline. we're not going to turn around
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overnight, but they can have an impact tomorrow if they change the direction of this country. the it's fixable. we can make the cleanest barrel of oil in the world in north dakota in the bakken, and we can grow our in america. there's a constant almost wanting oil prices to be high with the talking points you saw earlier from the democratic party. neil: i just don't see that attitude in washington going. and to prove the point, you can see that they're very interested, the administration, talking about getting oil, for example, from venezuela among the dirtiest oil on the planet. so if environmental concerns were a paramount problem, that would never, never be an issue. but it is, and desperate taoisms call for desperate measures -- times call for desperate measures. i'll pick up this point with you, tim, the strategy seems to be just not to focus on fossil
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fuels at all. the push right now, because of these high prices, to electric vehicles which, of course, is good news for environmentalists because they want us off the stuff that you're touting. so how do you change minds, or can you? >> well, that's, you know, that is a challenge that we have in trying to help scope this narrative, and the reality is what they're proposing just isn't grounded in reality. look, we want to meet them on common ground. that was the purpose of our message to the administration last week, is there there's common ground which we can meet on, but the first thing you haved to do is top streeting the u.s. oil and gas -- stop treating the oil and gas industry as if it is an enemy to the american people. that is just a false narrative that we are struggling to change. to ron's point though, neil, we've got 4600 permits that can be approved today. we're waiting on additional approval from the administration to get our infrastructure built
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or for an administration that emphasizes structure so heavily, pipeline infrastructure is as important as any other road or bridge. the other thing they could do though is send a clear message to wall street which is it is okay to invest in the oil and gas industry in the united states. they have got to stop sending nominees to congress who are openly has file to the -- hostile to the industry, pull back some of those rules that have coming out of labor and others. and in doing so, we'll be automobiling to bridge that transition. look, we all want to get there eventually, but it isn't going to happen tomorrow despite their best wishes. neil: so, ron, timed had mentioned that you guy -- tim had mentioned that you guys have communicated with the white house. i don't know if that correctly includes -- directly includes the president. what have you heard back? because their actions seem to be speaking fairly loudly on this. they're not open to domestic production at all. there's nothing that seems to
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hit at that. hint at that. so is this all a waste of time or what? enter well, we sent a letter to the president last week, ten oil and gas trade associations across this country. it's very insulting to us tata we look at venezuela to increase oil production. the country of venezuelaed today produces 800,000 barrels a day, the state of north dakota produces 1.1 million. we were at 15 million about 15 months ago -- 1.5 million. with the right regulatory policies and investment climate, we can increase jobs and wealth to our economy. but more importantly maybe in the geopolitical world, it truly helps our friends and allies across the world in the situation we're in with the ukraine. it doesn't take a rocket scientist to understand demand was going to go up after we got out of covid. supply was going down because of all of the pressures on american oil production. so we're in the situation america's oil and gas industry stands ready to help, but every
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day you wake up and the federal government is going after you, targeting you, discouraging investment, discouraging workers, those things diminish the willingness of the industry to be able to ramp up. and it doesn't happen overnight. it's a big industry, it takes a long time to get these permits, these processes if place to increase production, but we can do it in america. neil: no, i think you're right. i'm always wondering, you know, those who advocate one energy over the oh other, why can't you just be in on everything? have at it, but don't lose sight of the stuff that we have plentyty -- plenty of here. but what do i know? ron and tim, i want to thank you both for coming here, stating your case. people need to hear it. all right, in the meantime, a fascinating little blurb coming from the "wall street journal" right now, at least fascinating to me, concerning roman abramowitz, the chelsea soccer team owner, wanted to sell it because, obviously, sanctions have gotten to the point that he couldn't do so.
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they're still not allowing him to profit off that sale, but "the wall street journal" is reporting the u.s. has not sanctioned abramowitz because ukrainian prime minister zelenskyy is -- president zelenskyy, he's acting as a go between in talks. vladimir putin hates him because he feels that he's turned on him. could much progress be made with that? it could explain why there's been no sweeping action taking against him, because he could be playing a vital link in ending this whole thing. we shall see. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ neil: all right, we are in and out of session is lows on the dow, down about 353 points, oil prices rocketing 5% today, a similar amount with texas intermediate, but all of this comes at a time when the president, i think a couple of hours away, from meeting with his counterparts in brussels and also going on to poland while he
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is there. the latest talk is he might if add u.s. troops in some of these nato countries. mark meredith has more at the pentagon. >> reporter: good afternoon to you with. even before russia's invasion into ukraine, we saw president biden order additional u.s. troops throughout eastern europe, and as you mentioned, as the president and other nato leaders get ready to meet in brussels, we're going to hear a rot more talk about -- a lot more talk about more troops. right now secretary of defense lloyd austin is making his way to europe, he's flying separate, but he was just at nato headquarters less than a week ago, and and while pentagon officials are not detailing how many additional troops may need to go, it's clear from speaking with officials that those discussions are already underway. >> the security situation, the framework here on the european continent, has changed, and i think everybody's going to have to deal with that going forward. >> u.s. troops are already embedded with nato forces in
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countries like estonia, latvia, poland, a lot of countries, and now they're up to 100,000 troops stationed across europeing some of the highest numbers we've seen in recent years. but foreign policy experts we spoke with saying the u.s. should be sending more troops to other nato countries to seven a direct message to russian president vladimir putin. >> alliance will certainly be stronger and more secure with more nato forces. and russia has no reason to be worried about it, because they know that these forces are not something that can be used, you know, in an offensive way against them. >> reporter: now remember, neil, there are no combat troops from the u.s. on the ground in ukraine, but we did hear from russia's foreign minister today who threatened nay though toe not -- nato not to send a peacekeepers into ukraine, saying they would be directly targeted by russian forces. we also herald from the nato secretary general ahead of this
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big summit tomorrow in which he said there are no plans to send peacekeepers into ukraine, but there's a lot of people closely watching troop movements throughout europe and, of course, around russia. neil? neil: to lieutenant general david on this. general, it's interesting because peace keeping forces have already been rejected by vladimir putin and that they would be targeted and even ignite a chemical response. i can't believe that, but what do you make of that? >> well, neil, first, thanks for having me on. i think need to get out of the position of having putin deterring u.s. actions and nato actions and reverse the situation such that the united states is deterring putin from further aggression. now, the recent news report indicates that they, that may,
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in fact, be a very smart move to make, and that is to increase u.s. force presence many nato countries that are close to russia as a means to send a signal to putin that we mean what we say in the context of he he needs to limit his adventurism, if you will, to ukraine. that's one part. and, obviously, there are other things a that we can do. but we've got to get out of this mode of letting him have the upper hand when it comes to deterrence. neil: you know, it's interesting too because if you with read the remarks of the russian foreign minister on this, he was cagey as to whether sending peacekeepers and how russia would respond, had to do with sending them into ukraine or, to your point, beefing up
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neighboring nato countries. either one would seem to trigger a response from russia. what would that response be? >> well, that's hard to tell. i mean, putin has acted i was going to sayer rationally -- irrationally, but perhaps in his mind rationally, so it's difficult to understand what he might do. but we sure as heck should not pay any attention with respect to his aggressive language or at least coming out of the russian foreign ministry with respect to what we do or not do regarding force additions to nato countries. i mean, that's, that's clearly should be not an issue whatsoever that we should consider. so what we do and what nato does shouldn't be influenced in any way, shape or form by what comes
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out of the russian foreign ministry. neil: all right. general, always great catching up with you, david deptula, served this country very honorably. by the way, another trend from vladimir putin wanting hostile statements to pay for russia's gas in rubles, that would include the united states, pretty much all of the european union. obviously, a complex thing to do and administer. he's giving financial authorities in russia about a week to come up with a way you could do that. the problem with the ruble, worth pennies on the dollar -- in fact, now less than worth a penny on the dollar -- how do you do that without hurting yourself, and what countries would be takers to that. after this. ♪ thinkorswim® by td ameritrade is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience.
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neil: >> welcome back to "cavuto coast to coast," i'm lydia huh. residents of iowa are outraged after apple takes $200 million in subsidies from the state and then lobbies against a bill that a are limit female high school sports to biological girls. a local lawmaker tells fox news digital apple crossed a line in pushing a social agenda that a went against the will of iowa's voters. >> that becomes a concerning issue when we have a major industry who attempts to come in and force public policy based on an agenda they may have in the boardroom out of state. >> reporter: that bill was signed into law earlier this month. apple received the incentives in exchange for construction of a data center that was supposed to be open in 2020 but is now delayed until 2027, according to reports. not only are residents outraged that apple is pushing a public policy, they say the deal is unfair calling it welfare for
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apple and pointing out that small and existing businesses don't get hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks. >> i know that iowans across the state are frustrated with the fact that they are sub city dazing such a huge -- subsidizing such a huge company that advocates against their belief. >> reporter: now, the apple data center will create 50 permanent jobs, but apple declined to comment to fox news about how it will benefit the residents. the tech giant says it has contributed more than $3.5 million -- 5.5 million to new projects in iowa like a new park, but that totalsless than 3% of the subsidy it received. iowa has also provided incentives in the past for google, microsoft and facebook owner meta to build data centers in the stateful all three of those sign a public letter in february condemning the women sports sports bill. neil. neil: lydia, thank you for that
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very much. of course, this has been the week and the weeks that we've seen a great interest in electric vehicles with gas prices rocketing, supposed interest on the part of americans at least contemplating buying an electric vehicle of their own. but, you know, there are problems there. of first of all, electric vehicles are expensive and, secondly, finding a means to charge them, and they all have various standards. that that's pretty difficult as well. madison alworth looking at owl -- all of that right now. >> reporter: hi, neil. as you said, the push for electric vehicles is on, but the vast majority of americans say they don't have charging access at home. you see how that could be a problem. according to a new survey by morning consult, 78% of adults say they don't have ev charging access where their vehicles are parked. if you don't have a personal garage or dedicated parking spot, you are currently being left behind in this big electric car push, and and it could stunt the tbroapt of the ev industry as well. people in this survey were not
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asked if they had an ordinary electric outlet in their garage which is all that is technically needed for most of these cars. the author of the survey said that was done intentionally to also show that there's a lack of education around electric vehicles. moving on to another headline, you've got a friend at deutsche bank the next time you go out to dinner, maybe you should let them pay the bill. workers at the retail unit are see a pay increase of 5.2% after months of talks. this will help thousands of workers at that bank as german inflation hovers around 5%. so the overall raise exceeds inflation. what a nice thought. wish we could see some of that kind of of stuff here in the u.s. where inflation currently sits at 7.9%. so if you're a kid in high school and you just looked at report and you had no idea what i was talking about, you're not alone and i'm sorry, but there are -- there is good news for students in florida. it is the latest state to require financial literacy. a bill signed by governor ron
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ron desantis on tuesday will now require all florida kids to take and pass -- [laughter] very important point, a basic financial literacy course to graduate from high school. this is going to start for kids who enter high school in 2023. the court will also cover money management, so it's not just with about balancing a which canbook. students -- checkbook. students are going to learn about credit scores, investing and loan applications. as much as i enjoyed home ec and cooking in high school, it would have been really nice to understand more about student loans, investing all before going to college. neil? neil: yeah. you know, everyone could benefit from that. it's all about money in, money out and it's an ageless problem in this country, western know more about that. madison, thank you. interesting stuff. if i think my next two guests are proponents of getting that word out to help people understand money. everyone gibbs, mitch roschelle. erin, to you first. florida is, obviously, going to require this, there are others taffe toyed with the idea of --
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there are others that have toyed with the9 idea, offering kids something to learn from. i don't think it's a bad idea, but i guess it's a problem and a tough sell is for kids who think it's boring. what do you do? >> yeah. i mean, personally i think it's wonderful. i think that we forget the young people are faced with loan applications and increasing debt very early on. in fact, one-third of all college students end up with student loans. the average is $40,000 by the time you graduate. so i think it should be taught in high school and stressed that you are going whether it's balancing the checkbook or more specifically loan applications, whether it's your auto, your c -- credit cards, student loans or eventually your mortgage can, this is something you have to understand at an increasingly early age. neil: you know, mitch, i tell my
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kids right off the bat, your mother and i are keeping everything. there will be nothing for you. [laughter] that gets a quiet response, and then they kind of move on. all kidding aside, there is very little knowledge about a basic concepts like you can't spend more money than you're taking in and all of that. but where does this go? it's always well intended. these ideas have cropped up before, but it often times fizzles out. why? >> well, neil, and i think you may be aware i've spent the better part of by career in my previous firm, pwc, leading an effort to teach financial literacy across the united states. so i'm well versed in the topic. here's the biggest challenge, the teachers themselves are, a, uncomfortable with their own financial lit literacy, so they don't feel comfortable teaching the subject matter, and the tools just aren't there. you know, there are no textbooks, there are no tools for teachers to teach financial literacy. but the one thing i learned after thousands of hours of
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volunteering myself in new york city public schools is that the most basic concept of financial literacy is understanding the different between -- difference between need and want. and at the end of the day, a program in my home state of florida here accomplishes anything and kids graduate from high school understanding the notion that my kids probably don't understand themselves, the difference between need and want, then i think they're set up with a life skill that'll do them well throughout their career and their life ahead. neil: erin, i'm just wondering why this isn't a requirement in congress. [laughter] i left you speechless. all right -- [laughter] thank you both very, very much. it's not a bad idea. we're exploring this. i do think it's important basic math be appreciated and understood, so for you kids who really like math and all, there's nothing wrong with just
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pursuing that and understanding the money that a comes in, the money that goes out in small ways, in your own lives, in your parents' lives and all the way up to congress and our whole country's lives. trillions upon trillions of dollars that have been added to our debt because people either fail to grasp that concept or knew and ignored it just the same. stay with us. ♪ ♪ if you invest in the s&p 500 your portfolio may be too concentrated in big companies. this can leave it imbalanced and exposed when performance varies. invesco's s&p 500 equal weight etf, rsp, is spread equally across the s&p 500, which reduces potential concentration risk and helps keep your portfolio in balance. stay in balance with invesco's rsp. ♪ ♪
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past week involving gunshots and people getting hurt has led the city to now declare a state of emergency, and that begins with a curfew in effect starting tonight at midnight, and this will go every single night all the way through the weekend. local businesses are just curious to see what will happen to the next weekend because they will be losing hundreds of thousands of dollars. spring break in miami beach lasts six weeks a year thanks to different schools around the country having different weeks off. it is huge business and very big crowds. two shootings on two nights wounded five people this past week, causing chaos on ocean drive, and everybody was scampering for cover. city leaders started -- cited this as a clear and present danger of a riot or general public disorder. similar scenes of chaos happened last year, you may remember, with people jumping onto police cars and taking over the streets that led to an even heavier hand, imposing an 8:00 curfew
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that led to crowds basically moving into nearby residential streets. creatics say city leaders are overreacting to a crowd of mostly young black men and women coming to the beach to party. >> i reject that totally. we've had spring break for a month, and we talked about a curfew only after five people were shot on a saturday and night night. so -- sunday night. that has nothing to do with race, it has only to do with behavior. >> reporter: the city beefed up its police force this year adding another hundred cops from other jurisdictions. but despite them being up and down the street, shots still rang out two nights in a row. five people have been arrested. another big part of the city's spring break new rules are no bottle sales at liquor stores now after 8 p.m. and so that is aimed at curbing
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people getting all liquored up and, ultimately, causing a whole lot of ruckus down here. everybody wants a safe and sound spring break, and that's what they aim to do9 with the new rules. neil? neil: all right. thank you, phil, for that. phil keating in miami beach. in the meantime, focusing on the dow, a lot of selling going done, down about 415 points. concern about a number offed fed governors who seem to be echoing a call by jerome powell earlier in the week that maybe we could be seeing more than just your quarter point hike in rates, that a half point may be warranted not just for one meeting, but for a couple meetings. that and continued confusion over what happens next as we see, certainly, the backup if oil prices. still high on the 10 is-year note at about 2.32%. down a little bit but still awfully high. crude oil now up about 4.5%, $114 a barrel. stay with us. ♪ ♪
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what's going on there. seems a little weird, but i think i can understand why. [laughter] >> reporter: yeah, i think you can. let's face it, europe is not exactly known for gun ownership, and that's certainly the case here in poland, but there's no surprise that close to the border, of course, we have an invasion of ukraine going on, and that's reverberating along the eastern side of poland that runs down that ukrainian border. we've spoken to a number of gun shop owners who say, yeah, sales are up two, three times and, well, no big surprise what the reason is. take a listen to this local gun store owner we spoke with earlier. >> we are very close, they look for the transmission, and they feel better when they've got something in the house. >> reporter: feel better when they've got something, some kind of defense. the most popular item, he says, on the handgun side would be a glock .9 mm, but he says what the really big selling item is,
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is the ar-15 assault rifle that's currently used by most of the military, certainly nato uses the same gun. and, apparently, it's very popular here in poland right now. how much does that cost? take a listen. how much does that cost? if. >> it costs about $1,000. >> reporter: about $1,000. and it takes a while to get the permit, correct? >> yeah. >> reporter: to get the license. >> yeah. to get the license, it takes- 3-6 months and costs about $500. >> reporter: and it takes some time to get that permit, neil. you have to take a psychological test, a physical test, an exam at the police department, an exam at the gun range. of course, you have to be over 21 and a clean criminal record. so there's all sorts of hoops you jump through. just one final stat for you, about one gun per 100 people is the average ownership for
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poland, 125 guns per 100 people in the united states -- [laughter] so there's a huge difference between poland and the united states. but when it comes to what we're witnessing now, it's no surprise that more people here are buying guns. neil: yeah, i can see why. be safe, my friend. ashley webster in poland. my next guest is trying to get basic medical supplies, food, all of that sort of stuff that gets to be increasingly difficult dug these humanitarian passageway, times when the russians make it very difficult for aid to come in. the president and coo of wicks joins us near teleavive. could you explain how you're helping folks out? >> yeah. so wicks has almost a thousand employees in ukraine, almost a sixth of our work force is based in ukraine, and ever since this crisis started even slightly before that we were working very hard trying to evacuate as many
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as we can outside of ukraine. happy to say that today out of those thousand or so about 400 are already outside of the country, and 90% are out of the danger zone. those still in ukraine, we managed to evacuate to the western part of ukraine where it's less dangerous. neil: have russians made things more difficult trying to get, you know, these supplies in? reports that they've cordoned off so-called humanitarian zones that were supposed to allow this kind of stuff to get in and, for ma matter -- that matter, ukrainians to get out, but that's gotten complicated. has it? >> it definitely has. i can say the western parts of the country, obviously, is easier because it's further away from where most of the attacks are happening, which is the northern and eastern parts of ukraine. for us the key, i would say the
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key challenge is for our teams who are still in dnipro or in kyiv to get out, and since the humanitarian corridors are not very sable and not trusted by -- stable and not trusted by the ukrainians, it's extreme wily hard to actually try to move if people out. even if you get ahold of a transport, a bus, a van, a mini bus, which is a very big challenge, people are just afraid to be on the road. neil: what do people there need the most? i mean, we get these reports of russian soldiers, you know, loosing grocery stores, convenience stores, denying ukrainians, i guess, the same materials. what do you need? >> so again, i think, you know, for people in western ukraine i hear that it's relatively, it's
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more of simple access to food. if you talk about people who are in the more dangerous areas towards the east, it gets down to the real necessities of, again, food but even clean water in some cases, medicine, etc. neil: listen, i wish you well, you know? that's a tough task and, clearly, you're up to it. each us posted -- keep us posted. very, very heart warming. nir zohar, trying to help ukrainians with the stuff they need. dow down 358 points, and i know a lot of you are wincing at how the markets have been this year, but i want to bring you back about two years, two years to the sr. week. what do you think was going on -- to the very week. we take a look back, you take a look forward. ♪ ♪
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meet jessica moore. jessica was born to care. she always had your back... like the time she spotted the neighbor kid, . . ♪ ms. hogan's class? yeah, it's atlantis. nice. i don't think they had camels in atlantis. really? today she's a teammate at truist, the bank that starts with care when you start with care, you get a different kind of bank.
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♪. neil: i know the markets have been volatile and scary to put it mildly this year with a war going on. no one knows how it might end up but two years ago as we were just going into the covid lockdowns across the country, across the world, people were asking similar questions. we were hitting new lows. talk after global depression. look at the major averages performed since of beginning of that, again two weeks ago this
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very week. you've seen the dow jones industrials sprint ahead 85%. almost 100% for the s&p 500. better than that for the nasdaq. so some perspective is in order here. we worry. we wince, get a little bit anxious to put it mildly but we always come through. we did then. i suspect we will now. here is charles payne. hey, charles. charles: great words as always, neil, thank you very much. appreciate it. absolutely right. good afternoon, i'm charles payne and this is "making money." breaking right now the market is on pause, the last five sessions, folks, these have been record breaking sessions absolutely amazing. the question is this a bear market bounce or start of a major leg higher? why are investors ignoring powell's hawkish rhetoric, powell 3.0? as the war intensifies are these sanctions working? i'm going to ask are we
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