tv The Claman Countdown FOX Business March 25, 2022 3:00pm-4:00pm EDT
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raising their price, but here's the thing. by the same token, almost all of them admit that they're making less margin, their margins are decreasing. and the reason i bring this up is we shouldn't be at war with these companies, right? they're paying a lot more to make the product that serve us. as an investor, you want to find the stocks that can pass those prices along, and i pray that politicians don't get in the way. you've got one hour of trading left, liz claman is out, but lauren simonetti is in. lauren: charles, thank you very much. well, the bulls and bears locked in this tug-of-war. happy friday. it is, for the most part, a happy friday with the exception of the nasdaq, down 35 point -- 30 points. dow's up 91, the s&p adding 15 points. another seesaw session as oil firmly above $110 a barrel, in fact, topping $113. well, president joe biden wrapping up day two of his
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overseas trip, now in poland, earlier inking a deal to help europe week itself off reliance on russian natural gas, getting an update on the humanitarian efforts to help millions of refugees and meeting members of the u.s. army's 82nd airborne division. we've got team coverage live in poland and belgium. but the president's comments yesterday putting a new focus on what we call the x factor, whether china's president, xi jinping, will help russia's vlad pair putin in his invasion of ukraine with. the former top analyst for the cia is here to tell us how he sees china reacting to all of this. and we're going to introduce you to one company hoping to fix the supply chain one container at a time. the ceo is here to show us how his foldable shipping containers work. they're huge, they're hard, i don't think they can fold that easily. we'll find out.
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i'm lauren simonetti in for liz claman. president biden marking his first day on the eastern flank of nato stationed just 60 miles from the border of ukraine. the president met with u.s. troops earlier to get a firsthand look at the growing humanitarian response to russia's invasion of ukraine. the meet and greet with the u.s. army's 82nd airborne division comes after the u.s. and european union sealed the deal to reduce europe's reliance on russian energy. the u.s. signing an agreement to increase our natural gas delaylies to europe by at least 15 billion cubic meet pers this year with more promise in the future. and as the refugee crisis grows, president biden is set to meet polish president later. the e.u. estimates some 3.7 million refugees have fled ukraine with more than 2.2 million of them currently in to poland. we have fox business team coverage on the ground covering every moment of this historic visit. ed edward lawrence is in
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brussels with the latest on europe's energy crunch, and ashley webster live in poland where the president is expected to pledge additional humanitarian aid. we begin with edward lawrence live in brussels. edward, what is the latest and the feasibility of this major commitment by the u.s. to supply europe with energy sneads -- needs? >> reporter: it's interesting, so the president started this morning here in brussels, he made his announcement of a joint task force where the u.s. will step up and help the european union end its reliance on russian oil and natural gas. the catch is he's going to do it in moving faster off of fossil fuels and not increase production in the united states. listen to this. >> that goal, while accelerating our progress toward a secure, clean energy future. this initiative focuses on two core issues. one, helping europe reduce its dependency on russian gas as
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quickly as possible. secondly, reducing europe's demand for gas overall. >> reporter: so the national security adviser, jake sullivan, says the u.s. identified three ways to increase more natural gas to europe. first, expanding the number of ports allowed to receive current exports from the u.s. second, diverting current liquid natural gas shipments from other countries to europe with. third, getting qatar to fill in the gaps there for the loss of the natural gas to those other countries. nothing about expanding the u.s. natural gas industry. the european commission president on the same climate change page. >> this can only be achieved through, of course, first of all investment in renewables, but also through additional gas supplies including lng delivery. so we want, as europeans, to diversify away from russia towards suppliers that that we trust, that are our friends and
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that are reliable. >> reporter: so, in fact, the joint statement on this lists specific examples of how to do this, and one of them is purchasing or creating more demand for smart thermostats. you know, you could go back and look at the first week in office the president signed an executive order saying climate change above all else for all departments within the government. this sort of follows that. you could follow after that, ban new leases of federal land for drilling of oil and natural gas and then increase the royalty fee ifs to do that drilling on federal lands and then canceling pipelines. lauren: oh, edward, we got the picture, but can't we walk and chew gum at the same time here? can't you commit to renewables and also drill more especially when you need it? >> reporter: you know, it's interesting, he's not committing to drill more. what they're doing is the shuffle game. they're taking the extra supply that we would have given to, say, brazil or argentina or another country and then moving it to europe and backfilling that with the oil -- natural gas
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from qatar. so deal is about getting europe off of the fossil fuels by the end of the decade. they're still talking about eight more years. it's not a long-term -- it's not a short-term plan, it's a long-term plan. lauren: we got it. edward lawrence, thank you very much. and president biden planning to meet with ukrainian refugees in warsaw, poland, tomorrow before he returns to washington. earlier today he met with humanitarian aid workers, thanked them for their work. ashley webster in to rand with a firsthand look at this continuing and growing humanitarian crisis. ashley? >> reporter: it is, indeed, lauren. good afternoon to you. the president spent about three and a half hours here, it's a town of about 200,000 60 miles from the border. so, no, it's not a border town, but i think the president of the united states being that close to the ukrainian border does send a message, and the
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president spent some time talking to the troops in the 82nd airborne division. and, listen, he told them their presence here -- which continues to grow -- is very important. take a listen. >> it's not only what you're doing to help ukrainian people, it's not only what you're doing to help europe regain its confidence, we've got 100,000 american forces here if many europe. we haven't add that in a long, long time. because we are the organizing principle for the rest of the world. >> reporter: the president also reemphasizing that the united states will take up to 100,000 ukrainian refugees that certainly those that may have relatives mt. u.s., the president says that they can fast track them so they can move there. but he he also knows it's true that most of the refugees don't want to go, they didn't want to leave in the first place. they'd rather stay in to rand with the hopes of being able to go back sooner rather than later. the president also pledging $1
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billion to both poland and other countries right on the ukrainian border that have been. handling these refugees. and as you say, lauren, he will meet with refugees tomorrow in warsaw, and i'm sure he'll get a firsthand look of the impact of russia's invasion on ukraine. but again, i think it was important today for both the military support and also for recognizing poland's efforts in taking the lion's share, if you like, of the refugee crisis. lauren: they really have. and it is a story that has stolen and captured the world's hearts and minds. ash ashley webster, thank you. back to the markets here because we're seeing increased volatility swinging between gains and losses, and pretty steep ones at that. the nasdaq had been down 181 points at one point. higher by 26. that's a swing, if i could say so. and hen also take a look here at oil prices. they were down, they were up, right now they are higher by
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$1.02 at $113.36 a barrel for wti. aramco storage facility was attacked and exploded in saudi arabia. a missile was fired by the iran-backed yemeni houthi group. it hit saudis' domestic stockpile, but there is worry especially with the war many ukraine that crude exports could be targeted next, and that's even less oil for the global market. and as the fire at alarm ram coe has been brought under control now, black gold gushing supporting goldman if saks' prediction that it is possible oil could nearly double to $200 this year, and with that ultimately, potentially sending the u.s. economy into recession. and as those recession fears escalate, the so 10-year treasury yield hitting three-year highs, more and more convinced the federal reserve will hike more than first thought to tackle higher prices. the yield on the 10-year sitting just under 3.5 president if.
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-- 2.5%. straight to the floor show, john gagly carty and tom hayes, gentlemen, happy friday. >> thanks for having us. lauren: tom the, the backdrop that we're in right now, citi, they predict four 50 basis point hikes this year, may, june, july, again in september. goldman sachs, as many as season year, as many as five next year. how come this isn't scaring the market more, tom? >> yeah. our base case is that we're not headed for a recession, lauren. i'll take the under on those estimates. however, we do not have to predict it, i can leave crystal ball in the closet because the market will signal when we're going to have a recession based on the 2-year yield and the 10-year yield inversion which we don't have yet. we're 18 basis points wide. if you look back to 1994, we got as narrow as 9 basis points wide and expanded the cycle by another five years. i think we're going to see a
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similar situation, but it's up to the fed. they go aggressive on those 50 basis point hikes, they're going to invert the curve, we're going to have a recession. however, i think they're going to shift to the balance sheet rolloff quicker in may and go with more rate hikes, that would potentially extend the cycle for another few years. in the meantime, the economy is hitting on all cylinders. unemployment is still at 3.3%. you have got 11 million can be 3.8%. 11 million job openings. in the last four weeks estimates for 2022 for the s&p 500 have gone up from 225 to 22732 on the bottoms-up analysis, and you have can -- lauren: yeah, go figure, tom, because you're talking about -- you're a bull. i love it. but you're talking about these great times on the economy, but companies face if inflation too. and bank of america today, john, they called inflation epic and said commodity prices are on
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track for their biggest increase in over a century, since 199 15. can -- 199 15. can we avoid recession in a fed-tightening cycle with inflation at these historic highs? john? >> you know, i only like my parties to be epic. [laughter] i don't like my inflation to be epic. but recession is part of the cycle. it's a normal, natural part of the cycle. like winter, spring, summer and fall. i can tell you that our chief global strategist believes that we're going to 3800 on the s&p. that'd be about another 10% down from where we are. a normal, natural selloff. the average is about 18.8 for the last 50 years, and we're halfway there. however, long term i'm with tom. long term it's a whole different ball game. the demographics still look great for the long term it's run by millennials. millennials are going to be 75% of the work force by 2026. they're now nesting. they're buying houses and cars.
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everything that worked in the last run of the market is not working, but everything's shifting. sufficient that hasn't work -- stuff that hasn't worked since 2007, materials, housing, real estate, even financials are breaking out to new highs, and i don't see that changing. lauren: my only pushback would be that millennials haven't been through a rate hike cycle. i mean, they really haven't. so this is the new to them and also investing through it. okay, john, you were saying dow to 3800 potentially on the s&p 500 which is at 4530 now. it can't seem to crack that 4600 level. why are we so range bound right now, tomsome. >> well, i think what you're seeing, lauren, even if the yoold curve were to invert today, the 2s and to 10s, what you find historically is that not a sell signal, it's actually a buy signal. some of the steepest returns come in the 6-18 months after the inversion, before the recession. so, you know, speaking to what
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john was talking about with the millennials, he's spot on. one of the companies that we like here is a ao smith. they make residential and commercial water heaters. you've got 72 millennials that are starting housing formation, family formation, this is trading at 25% off of its recent highs, and it's trading at a discounted multiple, 17 and a half times versus its average of 20 times. so i'm with john with being the millennial demand that's normal and you're going to have an increased cost of capital when there's a demand for capital with 72 million of these millennials at age 31. we remain optimistic. if the yield curve inaccelerates, it doesn't mean run for the exits. you usually have a lead time, and there are continuing gains for the following 6-18 months -- lauren: i send my best wishes to those millennials, because the house down the street for me was on the market for 10 days, and it got 31 offers. that's the market that they're competing many right now as rates push back up to 4.4%.
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john gagly carty, tom hayes, i love that you guys agree, and i love the sentiment. have a good weekend. >> thanks, lauren. appreciate it. lauren: -- after chinese ev maker raised guidance for the first quarter. wall street expectations also reported a wider than expected loss, and the stock is getting punished. it's down 10.5% at 19.68 a share. while the world watches the invasion of ukraine, president joe biden has one eye on china's xi jinping. one of the nation's top china experts is here to tell us if the u.s. is doing enough to keep. china from providing military support to russia. we'll have that next. a check on your money right now with about 45 minutes to the closing bell for the day and the weekend with -- week, the dow is up 6 the or -- 62 points. "the claman countdown" coming right back. ♪
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i pointed out the number of american and foreign corporations that have left russia as a consequence of their barbaric behavior. china understands that its economic pupil's much more closely tied to the west than it is to russia. lauren: that was president biden in brussels yesterday warning he will bring down the sanction hammer if china provided any aid to russia, and his warning is being taken seriously by, well, at least one chinese energy company, the largest refiner if asia. reportedly pulling its ventures in russia on fear it might face sanctions because of it. the stock is down 1.6% on that news x. then treasury secretary janet yellen says she's against sanctioning china unless beijing helps moscow evade western sanctions or if it supplies weapons. she says right now, no indication china will do that.
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and all this as covid spreads locking down shipping ports and creating even more trouble for the global supply chain. joining me now, a fox business exclusive is the former senior china analyst, christopher johnson. glad to have you with us on this important day. >> pleasure to be here. lauren: do you think china and president she jinping got the message sent yesterday? >> oh, they definitely did, nown, my if understanding is president xi jinping was focused on two things vis-a-vis the current situation, and very little of it had anything to do with what was happening on the ground. what he was looking at was would the united states with able to back up its rhetorical chest thumping with regards to the economic sanctions and technical restrictions that they threatened before the invasion, and the second was will the u.s. be able to hold dog together this complex, multilateral coalition with the europeans to be able to push back on the
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biggest security threat in europe since world war ii, and he cannot be liking the answers to east of those two questions at this point. lauren: so we passed with flying colors, i suppose, but does he need to pick a side here? he hasn't condemned putin or this invasion. >> yeah. lauren: duds he need to pick a side? >> no, he does, or at least he's going to try hard not to, and it'll be to our great frustration, but i think his view is the best approach for china is to try to have something that looks like neutrality. saving the benefits they believe they're getting from their close cooperation with russia while not openly alienating the west and primarily europe. to a large degree, the chinese leadership sees washington as hostile, they see very little change in the biden administration approach from the trump administration approach, but they're very keen to keep the europeans on side in this process, and they're hoping this fence-sitting they've been doing will allow themed to do that.
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obviously, if russia escalates to the use of weapons of mass destruction, chemical, biological, nuclear, than's going to make that very difficult for china. lauren: do you think china's going to invade taiwan anytime soon? >> not at this point. and i think what they've been seeing on the ground probably gives them pause, although it's important to note that really for taiwan as leadership in china sees it, it's on its own cay tense and call calendar. what happens with russia and and -yard line has very little -- ukraine has very little impact. but they obviously are looking closely at the sanctions deployed by the u.s. and the allies and at the unity that we've had. one thing i obviously would be going through beijing's mind is for europe, of course, russia and things that happen matter a lot more to them than what happens with taiwan, so they may see that unity that we've been seeing with ourselves and the europeans in the atlanta-atlantic -- trans-atlantic con text -- lauren: and aligning with putin makes no sense because russia is
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less than 2% of china's export market where the u.s. and europe is a third: christopher johnson, thank you for the time. we do appreciate. >> my pleasure. lauren: stocks on fire for a second straight day, that was a rough transition. we're going to tell you why pot stocks are today's pop stocks. and later, one company hoping to solve the supply chain crisis. they might be able to help it with its new foldable shipping containers. how does that happen in the ceo is here to explain how it all works. and the big board, well, gains, we're losing them. dow's up -- well, not even a point. if i stretch this -- we might dip negative again. "countdown" coming right back. ♪ ♪ is more than a trading platform. it's an entire trading experience. with innovation that lets you customize interfaces, charts and orders to your style of trading. personalized education to expand your perspective.
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♪ limu emu ♪ and doug. we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! thirty-four miles per hour! new personal record, limu! [limu emu squawks] he'll be back. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ lauren: well, all three major averages here in the u.s. went from green to red. dow is down 17 points. it had been down 76, but it also
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had been higher by 234 crossing that unchanged line 93 times today. the s&p and the nasdaq also trading in a choppy fashion not just today, but honestly, for the past six sessions. the search for direction really hugging the flatline, the nas a tack down by 111 points as yields shoot higher. highest levels since a may of 2019 for the 2 and the 10-year. well, in pop stocks today electric air taxi maker is taking flight after it produced a profit in the fourth quarter even though it doesn't have any sale sales yet. it's working on aircraft certification and has createed completed its first faa compliance review. actress jessica alba's honest company is sinking down 21% after the eco-friendly household products maker said it expects its first quarter revenue to fall 15% from a year ago. it also missed fourth quarter
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revenue forecasts as can covid demand for its sanitizing and disinfecting everything, well, that dropped. kind of think that might be the -- a good thing. moderna shares, wall street so ho-hum on their vaccine program and the update they're give given, the stock is down 9. novavax is down 99 % as well. here's the deal were 9% as well. moderna is working on 31 different vaccines, not just covid. but there's a congressional stalemate in washington over more covid funding, and that can push the covid-19 vaccine into the private commercial markets if this funding doesn't come through, then moderna would be entering private market competition. for them, it would be the first time in history, and i guess you can say investors have unease about that. pot stocks, they're getting high today as the cannabis decriminalization bill heads for a vote in the house of representatives as soon as is next week. the act seeks to remove cannabis from the list of
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centrally-controlled sub -- federally-controlled substances which makes marijuana illegal at the federal level. till ray up 20% and the pandemic sent boat sales flying, but now inflation is adding a new big cost. we're headed live to the palm beach international boat show for the details and those boats look really nice and expensive. but first, let's check the markets. still in the red, the dow down 18 points, s&p down not even a point, nasdaq down 111. "claman countdown" coming right back. measure but a bigger nest egg. a goal to work toward, or the freedom to walk away. with 200 years of experience, personalized advice, and commission free trades on an award-winning app, we are working for you.
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check out today. angi... and done. if you invest in the s&p 500 your portfolio may be too concentrated in big companies. this can leave it imbalanced and exposed when performance varies. invesco's s&p 500 equal weight etf, rsp, is spread equally across the s&p 500, which reduces potential concentration risk and helps keep your portfolio in balance. stay in balance with invesco's rsp. lauren: a pain in the gas. recent spike in gas price that is we've all been seeing and feeling and paying could cost american families $2,000 more this year, but i just want to remind you this is just fuel, it's not food. it doesn't include anything else
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that's been inflationary. crude oil is up 24% just since russia's invasion of ukraine which was a month and a day ago, february 24th. oil prices aren't just impacting americans with cars, but boat owners are also feeling the squeeze, and madison alworth joins us from west palm beach. you know what, madison? that costs even more, doesn't it? >> reporter: diesel does cost a lot more. it's a huge expense for to impat what they're going to do, because obviously owning a boat in general is expensivement an added thousands of dollars each time you take the boat out. we're over $5, that is around a $2 increase from just a year ago. so really that's a significant impact. but like i mentioned, boat owners already have the equipment and the boats, not making a big difference for them. who it is making a difference for is those that are looking to charter. you book it a month or two in
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advance, and families are concerned about not knowing how much it's going to be, it's making an impact as to whether or not they make that decision. take a listen. >> i think the demand is still there for the smaller turner boats, but i think people are uneasy about chartering a boat of any size without knowing for sure how much the fuel is actually going to cost and that not being included could impact their decision to want to charter a boat. >> you know, chartered yachts are now in the same situation. they are actually separating out their fuel. previously, that would have just been included in the cost, but now they're flagging customers to let them know that the fuel cost is going to probably be more than they're expecting. that is why companies like international yacht sales has been seeing a big bump within even just the last three weeks as gas prices have gone way up. the hybrid boat dealer says you pay about one-third in gas compared to the traditional model. i wanted to give you an example, lauren. the boat i'm standing on now, if
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this were a traditional a gas boat and we took it to annapolis, maryland, you'd be paying around $40,000 in fuel. but if you took this hybrid model, about a third of that in fuel. another thing they figured out that evs, the cars have suffered from, they're about 40% more expensive for a electric vehicle versus a normal car. when it comes to electric boats, this model compared to if it were all fuel, it's only about 10% more expensive. so you're not paying that much more, and you're saving throughout. so they figured something out that the electric vehicle space is suffering from p. lauren? lauren: it's a great point. madison alworth, have a beautiful weekend. fox business promotion to tell you about, a programming note. we're going to be hosting the energy independence summit live from staten island, new york, at noon eastern time march 29th featuring fox business talent, other guests. it's going to stream live on fox
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nation. well, high fuel costs have add had a rippling effect through many sectors. we just did boats, what about the shipping industry. >> fedex stock, it is dead flat right now, but the company did announce it will add a fuel sur surcharge to all of its services starting april 4th to offset the cost of fuel. and shipping times and rates to containers across the ocean continue to climb, one company's hoping to disrupt the shipping world with their new container concept. joining me now is the staxxon founder and ceo, george, thanks for coming on. what a cool concept. how did you think about it? >> i was driving home -- thank you for having me on. i was striving up from fort lauderdale to villanova where my daughter was going to college, and i saw these containers on the side, and i was wondering why they can't be folded up. so of after doing a little bit of ip research, i realized that all the previous technology
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wouldn't be effective and came up with our own. lauren: how can they -- i'm just thinking the steel and -- they're huge, and it's so heavy. how do you fold that? >> well, it folds like an accordion which gives it unique features. we have 38 patents in the united states and the e.u. and in china, so we've got global certification. we also have global certification for the international standards organization. so it folds by popping the floor up and the roof down. the doors get hidden inside so nothing gets dislocated. it's all self-contained. and the really unique feature is that you don't have to wait until if you have an exact number. if you only have two, you can fold them in half, join them together and cut your transportation cost in half. you only store one instead of two. instead of two lifts to put on a ship, you only need one. ship gets loaded faster,
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unloaded faster, the ship doesn't have to go as fast on the ocean, and that means it doesn't is have to burn as much fuel, so it's green. lauren: are these actually being use -- go ahead. >> go ahead. lauren: i was just asking if these were actually being used right now? >> we went from our prototype stage to get international certification, which wasn't trivial, and now we're in preproduction prototyping, and and starting next week we will be doing demos to ocean carriers, to leasing companies and beneficial cargo owners. in the united states, four out of five containers leaving our shores are empty. the cost is huge. lauren: oh, wow. so, so we're wasting time and money shipping empty containers to return them to companies so they can fill them. >> by the way, you just said it perfectly. we ship nothing. we are the premier shippers of
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nothing to the world. and so the current congestion issue that we saw in los angeles, they needed to take all those empties and put them on the ships before they could unload the ships. and they needed extra warehousing, extra this and extra that. you put two, three, four, five together, you can then move if everything that much faster. lauren: well, this isn't nothing. we had one of our reporters at fox business, ya hu, at the -- ya hu, and she said the cost is 11 times higher now than it was two years with ago. $16,000. are you getting a beige that when you start your demos next week that companies are really going to bite? >> well, i think they're going to have to because that number of 16,000 is actually a little on low end. we've talked to many, many people or who are in the 20 and $30,000 to ship something all the way to chicago which used to
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cost $3-4,000. lauren: inflation just seeps into everything. jeez, $20,000. enter well, in this case, it's a compounded problem because we also didn't have enough containers to ship our exports because they were all being huddled back to the ports to be shipped back to china, and so there was no space to put our export goods on there. so i used this very simple example. a ship comes in with 12 containers. by contract they have to return with 10 empties which only leaves 2 positions on that ship. using staxxon technology, you with talk ten of those contrarier -- containers, turn them into two bundles of five, you've just made five slots available. so you're reshaping the -- lauren: george, you saw a problem, you found a solution. we wish you the best of luck. >> by the way, you're invited to
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come down and watch. i watched yesterday, and it'd be great to have you guys come down and take a look at the process. lauren: thank you, george. and the european union cracking down on big tech. we go live to capitol hill as reaction comes in to the event u.'s latest antitrust salvo. big board coming back a little wit, now up 40. 6 -- 16 minutes until the close. coming right back. ♪ dad, we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. we got this. yay! we got this. we got this! life is for living. we got this! let's partner for all of it. edward jones
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payments, but the european bruin onmoving forward with its crackdown on the overwhelming power that big tech companies do have. regulators agreeing to new antitrust rules to protect the privacy of users of companies like apple but also facebook, google and amazon that operate in the european union. hillary vaughn live on capitol hill with the latest. >> reporter: hi, lauren. that's exactly what tech companies are worried about, that these regulations put in place in europe do not ultimately stay there and would be put in place across the world for their users. the digital regulators of the european commission are not being shy about the potential global impact of this new law saying this, quote: nationed with big -- faced with big online platforms, europe has put its food foot -- foot down. the digital markets act would single out some of the biggest tech companies with some of the biggest market value, above $83
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billion. so that would hit companies like alphabet, amazon, apple, meta and microsoft. the new law would essentially handcuff tech companies' ability to handicap a user's ability to use rival services on their platform or products. for example, under this law apple will have to allow users to use a different app store to download products on iphones. amazon will be banned from using data to develop dupes that compete with their independent sellers. what's app could be forced to let users talk with other encreated messaging apps like signal or telegram, and also a cracktown on advertising no -- crackdown on advertising, no longer letting tech giants track users' data as today hop between google and youtube and instagram and facebook and use that day too to target -- data to target ads. saying it's unfairly singling out companies saying this runs
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the risk of significant unintended consequences and threatens to undermine innovation and investment in europe's digital economy. lauren? lauren: hillary vaughn, thank you. just looking at so many of these big tech names, and they're all over the place. not making big moves. hillary, good to see you. thank you very much. making moves at gamestop and bed bath and beyond, but today's countdown closer thinks the original company is ready to run with the big dogs. get it? todd horowitz on why he thinks chewy a true underdog. closing well ringing in about 8 minutes. ♪ ♪ pendent advisor - to put the financial well-being of you and your family first. i promise to serve, not sell. i promise our relationship will be one of partnership and trust. i am a fiduciary, not just some of the time, but all of the time.
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is up 88. just to give you an idea how seesaw this session has been. you can see the dow,ed the nasdaq and the s & p firmly in the green for the week. intel is the biggest winner this week. let's take a look at tesla. the 8-day winning streak that took the stock up 11 plus percent. tesla is the biggest gainer on the nasdaq. their market cap, back above a trillion dollars, and that's $1,007 a share.
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this week's hack scared off investors. police in the u.k. arresting 16 people between the ages of 18 and 21. bed, bath and beyond. game stock chairman ryan cohen stock up 40%. and the potential sale of its bye-bye baby. speak of ryan cohen, another company he ran is one of the picks today of our closer. todd, good to see you. >> hi, lauren. chewy is a great company that takes care of their members. i'm a ice and owner.
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i think they have been beaten up pretty well. the 43-44, it looks like a solid buyer. no matter what the economy is doing, people will take care of their pets and go where they are treated best, and i think chewy is one of the best companies for treating their customers. >> why is the stock down 40% in the past year. >> we managed to create some gain. we got declining volume. high inflationary spirals. i think there are a lot of issues in the general economy, and we could pick almost any stock at random in a more expensed state and see it's down 40-50 percent. i think chewy is finding a bottom versus going out of
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business. lauren: this is a hard sector to be in because of covid and relationships to china. you like wi. -- you like wynne. why do you like wynne? >> laughs is passed. i think you will see a return. we have seen a spark in the chinese companies the last couple weeks. so i think we are starting to see some more action. then you add in the online gambling feature, and wynn is in more states than just las vegas. when you look at the business model and what's going on in las vegas, i think this is a
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great value play as well base think they are one of the best run companies in the industry. >> what do you make of this choppy trading you have been seeing. >> i think the markets are in a lot of trouble. when you look at the inflation and the cost of gas, you look at the administration's energy policy, you can only see problems coming from any place in the world. we'll have a problem putin next year. russia supplies one-third of the world's wheat. you already have empty shelves at the grocery store and i don't think you have seen the hoarders show up yet to start stocking away goods. lauren, ukraine supplies a lot
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of the fertilizer we need. higher on the week as is the nasdaq and s & p 500. that will do it for the claman countdown *. "kudlow" is next. larry: hello, welcome to "kudlow." i'm larry kudlow. the question about what is president biden's policy aims regarding the russian-ukraine war is still unanswered. nothing in these nato meetings suggests a reaganesque, we win, you lose. it's bewildering and incoherent, it probably left vladimir putin
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