tv The Evening Edit FOX Business March 29, 2022 6:00pm-7:00pm EDT
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♪. elizabeth: happening now, president biden's mistakes. are they overshadowing cease-fire talks between russia and ukraine. any off-the-cuff remarks or miscalculation during a hot war can ruin it all. is this about white house disarray or problems with biden himself? biden is making it worse. he refusing to walk it back. the white house effectively saying don't listen to the president. joining us tonight congressman pete meyer, craig murphy, jody air ring son and kt mcfarland.
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economist david bahnsen, brent bozell, former utah congressman jason chaffetz and gop strategist ford o'connell. we have a jam-packed show for you tonight. media is running interference for biden. we've got it. national security proses comparing biden's botched comments to botched comments on the chaotic exit from afghanistan. hunter biden scandal, facebook, big tech, twitter should they be broken up under monopoly laws, because their censorship could a changed an election. when america saw what happened at the oscars, hollywood hypocrisy, celebrities upset at every little thing not at a guy slapping a guy in the face on camera. disney stepping in for florida's new parental rights and education bill. disney is opening up this attack from governor desantis. they make movies in communist
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china accused of human rights abuses and again owe side. we have shocking video. overwhelmed border patrol mass releasing hundreds of illegal aliens into the u.s. i'm elizabeth macdonald. "the evening edit starts right now. ♪. elizabeth: welcome to the show. we'll start with your money. stocks are up today. oil is down on hopes for russia-ukraine peace talks in turkey. that is happening. this is inconclusive. we'll get to that in a second. the s&p though now is out of correction territory. here is what is going on. russia is still brutally bombing ukraine. it did pledge to cut military operation around kyiv and chernihv. russia has been fighting over the eastern section since 2014. we have reports ukraine is pushing back russia in several
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cities including kyiv. the fighting is harrowing and brutal and still going on. steve harrigan has the update. steve? reporter: liz, at least seven russian generals so far have been killed in just whatever one month of fighting. a number of commanders and colonels are killed. in part targeted by ukrainian forces. these senior commanders are forced to come down to the very front lines to make sure orders are being carried out. despite the situation many military analysts say it is simply too early to say that russia is losing this war. >> i would argue that the military is too capable despite all their poor performance that we have observed, it is still capable of several cycles of confrontation. reporter: some changes we are already seeing on the ground. russia said it is scaling back operations around kyiv. they are also increasing the use of artillery, long-range weapons to reduce the astronomical rate
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of russian casualties so far in this conflict. also a third potential change in russia's arsenal. they could escalate, using either a chemical weapons attack or even a tactical nuclear weapon. >> if russia is pushed to the point where its campaign becomes extremely disasterous and it is unable to achieve its folks of fully demilitarizing ukraine, the probability of that use of tactical nuclear weapons becomes greater. reporter: military analysts say russia could signal its intention to use a tactical nuclear weapon. they could do that by carrying out a weapons test or even by moving the transportation infrastructure to launch a tactical nuclear weapon closer to ukraine's border. liz, back to you. elizabeth: steve harrigan, thanks for the report there. joining us now, congressman pete meyer from house foreign affairs and former deputy national security advisor kt mcfarland. congressman, we have reports, national security pros are
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comparing president biden's multiple incautious gaffs about russia-ukraine with his botched comments about his botched exit from afghanistan. do you see any relation here? >> i think this is a president who is scrambling to keep up with a very rapidly changing scenario that he frankly doesn't have a solid grasp on. when the president says something as commander-in-chief that is indicative of what u.s. policy is and we are open in congress to having discussions about any changes to our current footing but for the president to be risking that escalation, to be creating the conditions for a misinterpretation because of some glib off-the-cuff remark is incredibly dangerous. we should be worried that this administration doesn't have the discipline to be navigating very complex and very dangerous foreign waters. elizabeth: to the congressman's point, kt, it is about discipline, right? the problem when afghanistan fell apart biden either blamed trump or the military. biden also said it was quote, about afghanistan, highly unlike
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i the taliban would take over, not quickly collapse, no one is being killed. he made comment within weeks of all that happening. >> yeah but i think this is much worse for a bunch, for every reasons. one, russians an ukrainians are sitting down. there is sort of an outline of a possible, kind of inching towards maybe getting an agreement. and what does president biden do? he jumps in the middle of it and makes the ukrainian's job much more difficult. think what he called putin in the last few days. he is a war criminal. he is a butch ir. he has got to be removed from office. we'll respond with chemical attacks in kind. telling the 82nd airborne division in poland when you guys get to poland, when you guys get to ukraine. huh? we're sending troops to ukraine now. maybe they're all gaffs. that is not how moscow reads it. putin is paranoid. he heard in the last two weeks everything to reinforce his paranoia. what does that put him in the position of saying?
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look, i've got nothing left to lose. why should i have some kind of an agreement that may not really be in my best interests long term? if everybody is going to come after me i'm going to be accused of being a war criminal, maybe go on trial, maybe assassinated or kicked out of office, he is a cornered rat as he likes to talk about cornered rats in leningrad. i think made the ukrainian position much more difficult. elizabeth: to what kt is saying, russia, putin could say, ha, i was right all along, the president does want to remove me from office, nato does want to take over but, congressman, to what kt is saying well, this wasn't my policy, this is my personal opinion that putin has to go. what else is just his opinion? you know, chemical weapons, sanctions never deter? you know what i mean? it feels slipshod and all over the map. germany and france are saying wait a second, you're making cease-fire negotiations much
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more difficult. >> frankly playing into putin's hands. one of the thing vladmir putin wants wants conflict between russia and u.s., between russia and nato. that is a dynamic they're used to, that plays into cold war strategy for russia when they were strong. this country has a smaller gdp than spain right now. president biden is walking us into that same dynamic. putin can't defend attacking a sovereign country, attacking ukraine without provocation. he wants to frankly shift the narrative. president biden gave him the opportunity to. elizabeth: let's show, kt, watch what happened. the president has been caught out using a cheat sheet. the question why do you need to script the words moral outrage? shouldn't you feel it? why do do you need to follow wo. watch what happen? reporter: last couple days sounded like you told u.s. troops they were going to ukraine it sounded like you said it was possible the u.s. would use a chemical weapon and it
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sounded like you were calling for regime change in russia and we know -- president biden: none of the three occurred. reporter: none of the three occurred? >> none of the three. number one, i'm not walking anything back. the fact of the matter i was expressing moral outrage i felt toward the way putin is dealing, the actions of this man. i wasn't then or am i now articulating a policy change. i was expressing moral outrage. i make no apologies for it. elizabeth: show the cheat sheet. using prepared answers for reporter questions. congressman, kt, when does anyone script the words moral outrage? we know presidents use cheat sheets. this is about message discipline too, right? >> yeah. look, the problem with this is it has given putin an opportunity to go to his own people saying see, i was right. putin may be in trouble at home. we don't know. he has everybody rallying around the flag of vladmir putin. but the other thing, it makes
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the president of the united states look incompetent. not only incoherent, but in cognitive decline. if that is your adversary looking at you, wow, the boss is in cognitive decline, the white house didn't agree with hymn, disarray in the white house, we're kind of headless over there. at the same time our allies look at this and say who can you trust. elizabeth: watch out media pick up what is going on with the president. they're running interference for him, watch this. >> he did not in that speech say that vladmir putin should be removed or we're going take him out of power. he said this man should not remain in power. what person in their right mine thinks that someone who bombs innocent people, children, a country that is, unprovoked war should remain in power? now if he had said on the other side of that, so i think we should do something to take him out of office that would be a different thing. >> biden is couple steps ahead
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on this whole situation. if we remember about a month ago or so, there was question about swift banking and whether or not swift would be used to sanction russia and there was the question, why are we not doing it. president biden said well europe is not there yet. within 24 hours europe fell in line, the swift banking system was closed off to russia. a significant penalty. elizabeth: all right. i'm sorry this is incompetent, okay? i will flat-out say it, congressman this is such incompetent analysis from don lemon, cnn it is on camera. the president said said we can't live with putin anymore. now he is saying it is his personal opinion. you know what i mean, congressman? everyone knows hideousness, brutality what putin is doing. it is about the president and how he is handling it. by the way to cheer the president on if it is great now that he is moving on swift when, k. it has been on the show, others have been on the show, congressman, saying get russia out of swift now that was a month before they decided to
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move with swift. so why are they being cheerleaders for him now? >> it was incredibly frustrating. i was talking with ukrainian members of parliament last night and other partners from nato countries in the region. administration is saying they're leading from behind. eu, nato should be the ones really driving this conversation and the u.s. is there to support it. but reality we're following in those footsteps. we're not actually focusing on delivering, on making sure putin is being pushed back effectively. we're being guilted after the fact rather than being real leaders in this moment. frankly stepping up as a superpower needs to. elizabeth: congressman meijer, kt, come back real soon. we'll do a reality check on biden's budget agenda, how it will affect you and your family. we have the report ahead. hunter biden scandal, should big tech, should facebook, twitter be broken up under anti-monopoly laws? they censored a story that could
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have changed an entire election. we're digging in next on "the evening edit." >> but the mainstream press along with big tech and democrats all colluded to keep this important information from the american people just days before our most important election. the presidential election. i mean the laptop was real. before nexium 24hr, anna could only imagine a comfortable night's sleep without frequent heartburn waking her up. now, that dream... . her reality. nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts, for all-day, all-night protection. can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn?
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elizabeth: democrats derailed. we have nancy pelosi's frustrated. democrats hoped to shine a spotlight right at this point before the midterms on biden's handling of infrastructure, the pandemic, russia ukraine but we two new polls, both gallup and harvard "harris poll" saying inflation is the number one issue voters are worried about heading into the midterms. what is the president answer? more government spending, 5.8 trillion budget and biggest tax hike in u.s. history. edward lawrence in washington with more. edward. reporter: well, liz, president joe biden cleaning up his message for the american people say he did not mean regime change, just expressing his outrage. now the french president emannuel macron would not use that language talking about the invasion of ukraine. macron as well as other leaders from germany, italy and the united kingdom spoke to
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president biden on a call today, world leaders getting on the same page, they want to see actions, not just words from the russians. president biden: there seems to be consensus let's see what they have to offer. we'll find out what they do but meantime we'll continue to keep strong the sanctions. we're going to continue to provide the ukrainian military with the capacity to defend themselves and we're going to continue to keep a close eye on what's going on. reporter: still representative mike gallagher from the armed services committee says the president needs to stop extending confusing messages. >> it is time for the president to exert leadership over his own team and over his own message discipline in order to put the ukrainians in the strongest possible position to force putin to remove himself from the donbas and allow ukraine to exist as a free country going forward. reporter: at the moment status quo, military aid to the ukrainians, sanctions on the russians with, a carveout for oil and natural gas for much of
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the world, liz? elizabeth: a lot in washington. edward lawrence, thank you so much for wrapping everything going on in washington. we have the budget, president dealing with ukraine and much more. welcome back to the show, founder of the bahnsen group, a great economist, david bahnsen. you authored the book, there is no free lunch, author of 250 truths, great to see you. five trillion dollar budget. the biggest tax hike ever. that is biden's fix what is going on in america? >> keep in mind it is a $5.8 trillion spending budget but 1.8 trillion is planned deficit spending and this isn't covid emergency deficit spending. we can talk about the problems we have with the deficits of 2020, 2021. at least some people justify it around covid. he is planning to codify regular deficits after trillion 1/2 dollars on top of the trillions of dollars that was spent over the last several years excessively. it is really absolutely surreal.
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elizabeth: we've got also that, right, but david, you and i have talked about this, how money flies out the door unchecked, unmonitored, no oversight. it is being called the largest fraud in u.s. history. theft of hundreds of billions of dollars in covid relief. buying lamborghinis, ferraris, teslas, fancy vacations. head of justice department speaking to lester holt about this. >> are you surprised how quickly fraudsters moved in on the money. >> unfortunately not really. small business administration sent the money out, basically said apply, sign us, you're entitled to the money. of course for fraudsters that is an invitation. what didn't happen even minimal checks to make sure that the money was getting to the right people at the right time.
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elizabeth: they couldn't even get the money back, what do you say? >> i agree with the inspector general the entire system was basically begging for fraud and what pap apparently people didn't take seriously the government lacks competence and incentive, what i write in the book about economics, the government will never have the incentives we have in the private sector to defend against fraud, defend against the financial shenanigans. elizabeth: looks likes 400 billion, 500 billion. congress and government, david, they can't get a handle how much was stolen. it could be as much as going to be spent over 10 years on infrastructure. let's watch senator ted cruz on this, watch this. >> you know this budget proposes taking the national debt all the way up to $45 trillion. that is a staggering amount and one of the amazing thing about biden's budget is it is based on
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old outdated numbers so it assumes inflation is still down at 2%. we're seeing record high inflation of 8%. biden is proposing taxing you on inflation because unrealized gains, one of the major things that causes that is inflation and biden's out of control spending and debt is producing crushing inflation on the american people. elizabeth: do you hear what he just said? i mean senator elizabeth warren, david, they want to tax our paper gains, on our assets. i have covered the irs for a generation in my prior career. i testified twice before congress about irs reform. i spoke with irs officials. you know what is the nightmare for them? taxing paper gains. you know why? you would have to double the size of the, excuse me the irs bureaucracy to do it, to figure out what is the right paper gain on assets that move up or down on a daily basis that is what they're talking about. europe did a wealth tax, it fell apart.
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they collect less money in terms of what they had to pay out for government bureaucrats to do it. >> yeah. 15 out of 17 countries that have tried it have gotten rid of it. i had a whole chapter about the wealth tax idea. liz, you're right. not only would have to double the manpower at the irs, you have covered that agency for many years but i will say something else, they don't have the ability whether they double or triple the force to come up with the competence to actually assess paper gains, closely-held business value, all the complexity of people that would now have incentives to drive down asset prices and the valuation of their companies. it is anti-american, it is unconstitutional. elizabeth: david bahnsen, great interview, thanks for joining us. come back soon. okay, the federal grand jury probe into hunter biden, it is gaining momentum. that is ahead on "the evening edit". >> we need to have hunter biden under oath. if he won't testify he needs to
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be subpoenaed to answer those questions for the american people because the stakes could not be higher and the calvary is coming. centrum multigummies aren't just great tasting... they're power-packed vitamins... that help unleash your energy. loaded with b vitamins... ...and other key essential nutrients...'s a tasty way to conquer your day. try centrum multi gummies. now with a new look. (vo) verizon business unlimited is going ultra! get more. like manny. event planning with our best plan ever. (manny) yeah, that's what i do. (vo) with 5g ultra wideband in many more cities, you get up to 10 times the speed at no extra cost. verizon is going ultra, so your business can get more. new projects means new project managers. you need to hire.
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federal grand jury probe into hunter biden. it is gaining momentum. they're hearing evidence about foreign income, drug use, spending habits. 142,000-dollar plug-in fiskar sports car. your take on what is going on with the grand jury? >> it is interesting, liz because our media, big tech have been silent have been v. quiet during entire travesty of the hunter biden laptop. there is a reckoning day coming. as elise stefanik said there is time coming we find out about all the material. if i was hunter biden and president biden i would be very scared about the truth coming out. it will come out. the grand jury will find out things, truth, reality hidden by the mainstream media and actually suppressed by big tech. the day is coming, a day of reckoning coming. elizabeth: brent, how is the media doing covering this story? it could have affected the
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election. >> we documented it, liz. if you looked at the coverage of hunter biden scandal, 9.4% in a national survey we took, 9.4% of biden voters would not have voted for joe biden if they had known. 50% of biden voters never heard about the censorship. this is something, the congressman will enjoy this one. we all know trump was censored and his campaign was censored on twitter but what people don't realize how many times he was censored before he was officially knocked off twitter? 625 different times. how many times was joe biden censored by big media. not once. this is the difference between how they treat democrats and republicans. >> that is an interesting story. congressman, is this suppression here, is that reason enough to break up the big tech companies under anti-monopoly laws? >> liz, this is orwellian. think about this is written many, many years ago.
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the government is controlling things. now you have the media. now you have big tech. so you really have the triple threat as it is because they're literally becoming the enemy of the state if they are suppressing things that the people need to know. yes, the big tech folks as been mentioned before, they better not be deleting their emails, they better not be deleting their information because they will have to come before congress to explain a few things. elizabeth: yeah. >> if they are complicit with lying, with hiding the truth, then yeah, they need to be taken down. elizabeth: the watchdog group to the congressman's point, brent, pointer group, they report that they are censoring, that big tech is censoring on their own without waiting for fact-checkers or news outlets to report into them. by the way twitter has been silent now on just how they sensor the "new york post" story. they're silent whether the biden campaign reached out to them and talked to them about blocking the story. the biden campaign, brent, you know this, was bullying journalists saying you're committing journalistic
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malpractice if you step in and cover stuff we don't want you to cover. twitter and facebook have been silent. the media has been silent by "the new york times" saying it authenticated hunter biden's laptop emails. by the way let's get to congressman darrell issa. brent, sorry i took a lot of time there. congressman darrell issa is the guy, yeah, he wants twitter, facebook, intelligence officials called on the carpet. watch this. >> there is a second russian collusion charge which is the one done by brennan and clapper in concert with facebook and others and "the new york times," that made the election, election about false information rather than the real information which was that hunter biden, flying on air force two, had been doing business with some pretty unseemly people and making a fortune doing it and giving 10% to the big guy. elizabeth: brent, what do you say? >> look, we say it over and over again and it needs to be said again and again, what would have been the media's reaction had
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don, jr. been on air force one traveling with his dad, cutting deals with the chinese government when he left the country? what would be the media reaction if they found eric trump's laptop and on it he had a deal with 10% going to the quote, unquote, big man? the media wouldn't sleep until they got to the bottom of this. this is a deliberate attempt to keep the truth from the american people. no easy way of saying that. >> but the media had covered vang can ivanka trump going into china making deals. >> they covered everything about donald trump. they have hard evidence on joe biden. not once have bidens disputed laptop. elizabeth: craig murphy, brent bozell, come back soon. the big business of hollywood has a ugly side.
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will smith slapping chris rock at the oscars, celebrities getting upset about every little thing but not this? this story is taking a political turn. the political turn is absurd. that is next on "the evening edit." >> will smith and trump are the same guy. he decided he will take matters into his own hands. ♪. at ameriprise financial, our advice is personalized. based on your goals, whatever they may be. all that planning has paid off. looks like you can make this work. we can make this work. and the feeling of confidence that comes from our advice? i can make this work. that seems to be universal. i can make this work. i can make this work. no wonder more than 9 out of 10 clients are likely to recommend us.
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♪. elizabeth: joining us now fox news contributor jason chaffetz. it's great to have you on. okay, the business business of hollywood, will smith smacking chris rock, what should they have mike tyson host the oscars next year? you know what i mean? the oscars, by the way, the second lowest in oscar history, the ratings. tickets to chris rock's comedy tour sales taking off. the thing is, hollywood celebrities that get upset about every little thing but not a guy smacking another guy in the face? that is dangerous stuff. smacking somebody in the face is dangerous.
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what if he fell and hit his head and got injured? should they have again, mike tyson hosting it? >> that would be interesting it. i was not watching the oscars but i watched the replay several times. i think it is clear it actually did happen. it wasn't some bit. i think chris rock showed he had discipline and poise, hats off for him to deal with the spontaneity of what happened. shame on will smith. i mean, iconic person, a lot of kids look up to him. no consequence for what he did. i mean gets up there, slaps and then an hour later after given a shot to the host he accepts an award? how did they not escort him out, all right, you need a cooling-off period, have some sort of consequence along the way? i happen to think that perhaps he has a substance abuse issue. i don't know that but ther rattic behavior that he display ed on television like that, it was an absolute
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shameful moment. elizabeth: we're not psych he psychiatrists, psychologists, but hitting someone in the head is assault. self-righteousness of media. blaming trump. jamele cites judge jackson. forbes columnist talks about white supremacy. roman polanski, they gave an award. hollywood turned a blind eye to harvey weinstein for decades. >> there are so many stories, that is disgusting. kathy griffin holds up a chopped off head of donald trump, they think they have the higher moral ground? donald trump didn't assault anybody. he didn't slap anybody, didn't do anything nearly like that. he was merely elected the president of the united states and instituted some conservative principles and for that he is just berated.
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don't compare anybody to donald trump. you cannot justify by any means getting up there and going after and assaulting the host of the show chris rock for making a joke. that is such the wrong message and apology is not sincere enough. elizabeth: it was not a good joke, it was offensive. you get cracked in the head. hollywood is reacting negatively to will smith. to your point, it was supposed to be a night about the magic of movies in a year where many americans haven't even seen or heard of the films nominated. >> "coda," that won best picture. it is exceptional movie, it is amazing. nobody is talking about "coda," this absolutely inspirational film put out by apple tv. nobody talked about the award will smith, he is just selfish. absolutely totally selfish.
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his son stands up, that is the way we do it? come on, hollywood got to get a grip. in has to be a consequence. >> jason chaffetz. come back soon. >> thank you. elizabeth: this hot controversy, disney is saying it will fight a florida parental rights and education bill but governor desantis firing back. we have the latest next on "the evening edit". my name is douglas. i'm a writer/director and i'm still working. in the kind of work that i do, you are surrounded by people who are all younger than you. i had to get help somewhere along the line to stay competitive. i discovered prevagen. i started taking it and after a period of time, my memory improved. it was a game-changer for me. new poligrip power healthier brain. better life. hold and seal.
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elizabeth: welcome back to the show gop strategist ford o'connell. your take on this, disney says it will fight to repeal florida's parental rights and education bill after the governor signed it into law yesterday. the company is facing backlash. look at florida senator marco rubio's tweet on this. your reaction what is going on, ford? >> disney is way out of its element. anyone who read the florida
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parental rights bill it is common sense. it bans teaching of gender and sexual ident identity for those under age of five to seven. disney is becoming a pawn of the woke progressive politics democrats push nationwide. elizabeth: coverage of it, stick to the fact what is it says. it doesn't say don't say gay. the question why any adult should be talking about their spouse's or relationships to five-year-olds without the consent of parents. watch hbo's bill maher on this. watch. >> i think only talking about kindergarten through third grade. talking about very young kids, always with this stuff you know, not like there is no kernel of truth in maybe kids that young shouldn't be thinking about sex at all. i don't think it is -- [applause] i think, it is not like you're not allowed literally not say
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gay. they don't want teachers talking about it. they think it is the province of parents. elizabeth: that's it. ford, that's it. msnbc has a teacher on saying i'm scared. i can't talk about paddling, paddle boating with my significant other, to my kindergarteners. can you imagine a five-year-old hearing about someone's relationship with their partner or their spouse? it is pressure on the children. what do you say? >> liz, i think you're absolutely right, i absolutely think bill maher is right. we have to look what is age appropriate here. talking about kindergartens and third-graders should be focused on abcs, and 1, 2, 3s, not about the birds and bees. there will be a time for that later in life. we have to recognize the parents freedoms here. i totally honest i'm a floridian, i have to tip my hat for governor ron desantis standing up for freedoms of
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florida parents, frankly right now, i can't believe a lot of other governors around this nation have not pushed the same type of bill. it had fortitude and spine governor desantis stand up to in the wake of absolutely atrocious gaslighting, particularly by the corporate media. elizabeth: the thing is, there is a legitimate arguments about criticisms of the bill that allow more lawsuits, to bring more lawsuits in the system. everybody gets that. everybody gets it, that you know, gay teenagers should have be protected. people understand that. we're talking about five-year-olds, first-graders, second graders, third-graders. everybody grow up think of them first and not themselves, right and what is best for the students and not them. you know disney is not responding to fox business. we reached out asking why are you so vocal about speaking about this bill in florida than the literal genocide of muslim uyghurs in china? because disney makes a lot of movies in china. it has ethnic cleansing going on
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in china. watch governor desantis on this. watch. >> these leftists politicians, corporate media outlets, some of these activists groups, they actually have read the bill and they're sloganeering they don't want to admit they support a lot of things we're providing protections against. for example, they support sexualizing kids in kindergarten. they support injecting woke ideology into second grade classrooms. they support enabling schools to quote, transition students to a quote different gender without the knowledge of the parent, much less without the parents consent. elizabeth: so that is what he is saying what is going on with the far left. governor desantis is also saying in a press releases, that listen, disney, you're censoring what china tells you to censor. you're working with china, and china is doing genocide of muslim uyghurs. go ahead. >> that's exactly right here.
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ron desantis is correct. disney, we call it in florida, the mouse house is a bunch of hypocrites. they inserted themselves squarely into florida politics when they shouldn't have. i believe there was a daily wire poll said 60% of disney worldgoers believe disney should stay out of this situation but at the same time they go out of their way to stay mum about the atrocities committed by the chinese communist party when it becomes to the uyghurs and shinzhen. they recently filled the movie "mulan" in the middle of shinzhen where it takes place. they understand that the chinese communist party will hold their feet to the fire if they speak out. time for florida, the rest of the nation to stand up against woke corporatism. unfortunately they have become pawns of the democratic party. if you don't vote with your pocketbooks against them, they will continue to shove this progressive nonsense down your throat.
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elizabeth: ford o'connell. come back soon. we have shocking video showing overwhelmed border patrol having no choice but to mass release hundreds of illegal immigrants into the u.s. footage from bill melugin from fox news. that is next on "the evening edit". nager left to “find themself.” leaving you lost. you need to hire. i need indeed. indeed you do. indeed instant match instantly delivers quality candidates matching your job description. visit we gotta tell people that liberty mutual customizes car insurance so you only pay for what you need, and we gotta do it fast. [limu emu squawks] woo! new personal record, limu! only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty, liberty, liberty, liberty. ♪ this is koli. my foster fail (laughs). when i first started fostering koli i had been giving him kibble. it never looked or felt like real food. but with the farmer's dog you can see the pieces of turkey. it smells like actual food.
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we've got breaking news, joining us now, jodi arrington, great to have you on. senator joe manchin, he's bucking and rebutting and pushing back against the white house saying to the cdc, you have to extend title 42. trump pandemic border policy. we are seeing nearly 2 million basically encounters of illegal immigrants of the border when we have 400,000 in fiscal year 2019. we are at record numbers so that's what senator joe manchin is saying. what is your reaction? >> we finally have a democrat speaking the truth to power. good for joe manchin. i welcome the president to actually visit the border to see how overwhelmed and overrun his law enforcement officers are in our communities and it an
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atrocity on so many levels not the least of which is the humanitarian crisis. the drug cartel are in complete control of our nations sovereign border, the greatest country in the world and while we are paying attention to the invasion of ukraine by vladimir putin, there's a more direct security threat to the united states and our citizens at our southern border and this president is totally checked out. elizabeth: congressman, you're with the house border security caucus. your reaction? we got shocking new video, border patrol having no choice but release hundreds of illegal immigrants into the u.s. that what's going on as well and we have the biden budget coming in, border security and technology, he's spending less on the border than the border in ukraine. >> is also repurchasing monies for the wall to actually landscaping around the border on
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the banks of the rio grande. it an insult. the president has offered up a budget that cuts border security and defense spending, he effectively reduces it by 4% while expand by 10% nondefense discretionary i.e. bureaucracy so he's not taking seriously his first and most important mission which is to protect americans and his policies have created a free-for-all. it's total chaos and they are releasing people we have no knowledge of their criminal background. we know many are covid positive's and get he seems to posture if covid is serious, you can't be serious if you are not enforcing title 42, the only way to protect from resurgence of covid and border states especially like texas. elizabeth: border states
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fighting like the dickens and washington state and seattle they have in king county, new legislation, doubling down on the sanctuary status training mandate to help criminal illegal immigrants escape law enforcement. they may not agree to most requests to transfer the custody, they just illegal immigrant, that's what they are saying to the officials. they are accused of crimes like rape or kidnapping so you have that and clear investigations reported at the white house, more than 11 fault increase in the number of illegal immigrant offenders without reason into the u.s. population. >> well, we have been putting pressure on torment security to release their and of the numbers from last year. it never taken this long. when you look at them, you see exponential increase in criminals crossing our border. folks convicted of manslaughter
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and murder, which is up over 15% year over year end other criminal elements in our neighborhood but remember from a leading cause of death for people aged 18 to 45 is drug overdose. one 100% of the drugs are coming across the southern border so again, the biggest safety and security threat to our country is the southern border in our president proposed a budget that cut spending and increases spending for things like electric vehicles for all of his federal bureaucracies and climate justice programs and other things that clearly are a slap in the face to the border communities and frankly, every community in this country that's become a poor community because of us dereliction and his policies . elizabeth: but democrat don't
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see every state as a border state. >> well, because too few democrat respect the rule of law and lawlessness is now pervasive and it's going to corrode our society, civil society. elizabeth: congressman arrington, thanks for joining us. i'm elizabeth macdonald, you have been watching the evening edit on foxbusiness, thank you for watching. we hope you have a good evening. ♪♪ kennedy: damage control continues with united states sliding toward work with russia, our nation's top military commanders in europe today forced to clean up another major biden cap. not major biden the dog. joe biden. does the president even realized the results? it's entire diplomatic fiasco began writing when the president said a bunch of stuff angry russia and allies are modified. he seemed to call for
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